Native American Tribes

Native American Tribes. Inuit Arctic Inuit Food Seals, whales, walrus, caribou, polar bear, muskoxen, birds, and artic fox Website :) Website :)

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Native American Tribes

Inuit FoodSeals, whales, walrus, caribou, polar bear, muskoxen, birds, and artic foxWebsite :)

Inuit ClothingAnimal Skins sewn together made from needles made of animal bones

Inuit ShelterIgloos – Houses made of ice and snow

KwakiutlPacific Northwest

Kwakiutl - Food

• The Kwakiutl Indians were fishing people. • Men caught fish

and sea mammals from their canoes. They also hunted deer, birds, and small game.

• Women gathered clams and shellfish, seaweed, berries, and roots

Kwakiutl - Clothing

Men typically did not wear anything

Women wore cedar bark

Both wore moccasins made from deer hide

Kwakiutl - Shelter

Made from large redwood trees called LONGHOUSES Also built from

sod, animal skins, and bark

Nez PercePlateau

“Pierced Nose”

Nez Perce - FOOD

•Hunted by horseback due to the terrain•Found food in forests

•Fished in small rivers, hunted small game, and picked vegetation

Nez Perce - CLOTHING

•Nez Perce women wore long deerskin dresses. •Nez Perce men wore breechcloths with leather leggings and buckskin shirts.

Nez Perce - SHELTER

•Earth houses.

•They made these homes by digging an underground room, then building a wooden frame over it and covering the frame with earth, cedar bark, and tule mats.

Hopi – Food

The Hopis were expert farming people. They planted

crops of corn, beans, and squash, as well as cotton and tobacco, and raised turkeys for their meat.

Hopi - ClothingHopi men didn't

wear much clothing-- only breechcloths or short kilts (men's skirts).

Hopi women wore knee-length cotton dresses called mantas. A manta fastened at a

woman's right shoulder, leaving her left shoulder bare.

Hopi - Shelter

PueblosAdobe pueblos are

modular, multi-story houses made of adobe (clay and straw baked into hard bricks) or of large stones cemented together with adobe.

First “apartments”

Pawnee - FoodBuffalo & other easily farmed foods

Pawnee - ClothingBuffalo hides

Pawnee - ShelterA tepee is made of a cone-shaped wooden frame with a covering of buffalo hide.



Seminole - Food

•The Seminoles were farming people.

•Seminole women harvested crops of corn, beans, and squash. •Seminole men did most of the hunting and fishing, catching game such as deer, wild turkeys, rabbits, turtles, and alligators.

Seminole - Clothing

•Seminole men wore breechcloths. •Seminole women wore wraparound skirts, usually woven from palmetto. Shirts were not necessary

Seminole - Shelter

Chickee houses consisted of thick posts

supporting a thatched roof

and a flat wooden platform

raised several feet off the
