NEWS 409 National Starch debuts line of fat replacers N ational Starch and Chemical Company. a Unilever sub- sidiary, has unveiled a line of products which il hopes will provide the company entry into the fat replacer market Six fat replacers will be marketed under the company's N-Lite brand. Each is made of material classified as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), therefore no FDA approval is needed. the firm said. The products will be labeled 3S "food grade mal- todextrin' or "food starch-modified," The products are formulated for different applications. including salad dressings. baked goods. frostings. frozen foods, and sausages. Some can replace up to 100% of the fat in a given food. "What food scientists realize is that no one product works for all the diversified applications. There is no 'magic bullet: What can and does work is an application-spe- cific approach:' Gary Zwiercan. vice- president and manager of the Food Products Division, said. The products are designed to with- stand freezer storage as well as bak- ing. National has filed for patents on Europa Crown'. executive team Inclu<ies (from lell to righi) Sieve Fisher, financial controller; Lloyd Walker, office manager; Clive Musson, export sates manager; Ken Bell. export lalel mlnlger; Graham Goforth, managing director; Ailen Forater, contract. manager; and Richard Young, procell engineering manall8t Europa Crown builds plant in Nigeria Europa Crown Ltd. is building a 120-ton-per-day prepress and solvent extraction plant in Nigeria for Ledgroup Ltd. Based in Cottingham, United Kingdom, Europa Crown was formed a year ago to provide worldwide engineering services to the vegetable oil extraction and refining industries. It has a joint venture agreement with Crown Iron Works Co. and its Wurster and Sanger Division based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. U.S.A. The Crown family of companies has separate commercial offices in Guatemala and Malaysia which Europa Crown can tap to provide technical support. Europa Crown officials noted that in its first year of opemtion, the new company has conducted over $6.'3 million in business, including delivering. erecting and commissioning installations in the Far East. the Caribbean and West Africa. Graham Goforth is managing director of the company. the processes used to manipulate the starches. The Bridgewater. New Jersey. company is a division of the Anglo- Dutch company Unilever Group: annual sales at National Starch and Chemical total $1.67 billion. National has sold starch-based fat replacers to the food industry in the past. New guidelines are needed for test- ing the safety of fat replacers and other macroadditives in foods. accord- ing to Marshall Spearman. Frito-Lay Company's group manager of the technical service and food safety divi- sion. Current safety tests are designed for additives used in small quantities. whereas the fat substitutes are added in much larger amounts-c-as much as 50-60 grams per serving. Spearman was quoted as saying in the Dec. 2. 1991. issue of Food Chemical News. P&G responds to FDA on caprenin Procter & Gamble Co. has told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that increased kidney weight and other changes seen in rats fed its reduced-calorie fat caprenin were due to diet rather than toxicological reac- tions to the fat. The company is seeking GRAS status for the substance and was responding to FDA comments on a 28-day reeding study. FDA has not yet approved the petition. P&G said that physiological changes in caprenin-fed rats were due 10 increased levels of digestible protein-derived energy in the diets of those rats compared with control diets. Caprenin has five calories per gram, compared with nine calories per gram in other fats. It is made with caprylic. capric, and behenic acids. all fany acids occurring in other foods. and so may be marketed without FDA approval. Caprerun is the first reduced-calorie fat that P&G has brought to market: the company's fat (comirUled OIl "ex'I)('8eJ INFORM. Vol. 3. no. 4 (April 1992)

National Starch debuts line offat replacers Naocs.files.cms-plus.com/inform/1992/04/409.pdf · NEWS 409 National Starch debuts line offat replacers National Starch and Chemical Company

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National Starch debuts line of fat replacers

National Starch and ChemicalCompany. a Unilever sub-sidiary, has unveiled a line of

products which il hopes will providethe company entry into the fat replacermarket

Six fat replacers will be marketedunder the company's N-Lite brand.Each is made of material classified asGRAS (Generally Recognized AsSafe), therefore no FDA approval isneeded. the firm said. The productswill be labeled 3S "food grade mal-todextrin' or "food starch-modified,"

The products are formulated for

different applications. including saladdressings. baked goods. frostings.frozen foods, and sausages. Some canreplace up to 100% of the fat in agiven food. "What food scientistsrealize is that no one product worksfor all the diversified applications.There is no 'magic bullet: What canand does work is an application-spe-cific approach:' Gary Zwiercan. vice-president and manager of the FoodProducts Division, said.

The products are designed to with-stand freezer storage as well as bak-ing. National has filed for patents on

Europa Crown'. executive team Inclu<ies (from lell to righi) Sieve Fisher, financialcontroller; Lloyd Walker, office manager; Clive Musson, export sates manager;Ken Bell. export lalel mlnlger; Graham Goforth, managing director; AilenForater, contract. manager; and Richard Young, procell engineering manall8t

Europa Crown builds plant in NigeriaEuropa Crown Ltd. is building a 120-ton-per-day prepress and solventextraction plant in Nigeria for Ledgroup Ltd.

Based in Cottingham, United Kingdom, Europa Crown was formed ayear ago to provide worldwide engineering services to the vegetable oilextraction and refining industries. It has a joint venture agreement withCrown Iron Works Co. and its Wurster and Sanger Division based inMinneapolis, Minnesota. U.S.A. The Crown family of companies hasseparate commercial offices in Guatemala and Malaysia which EuropaCrown can tap to provide technical support.

Europa Crown officials noted that in its first year of opemtion, thenew company has conducted over $6.'3 million in business, includingdelivering. erecting and commissioning installations in the Far East. theCaribbean and West Africa. Graham Goforth is managing director ofthe company.

the processes used to manipulate thestarches.

The Bridgewater. New Jersey.company is a division of the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever Group:annual sales at National Starch andChemical total $1.67 billion. Nationalhas sold starch-based fat replacers tothe food industry in the past.

New guidelines are needed for test-ing the safety of fat replacers andother macroadditives in foods. accord-ing to Marshall Spearman. Frito-LayCompany's group manager of thetechnical service and food safety divi-sion. Current safety tests are designedfor additives used in small quantities.whereas the fat substitutes are addedin much larger amounts-c-as much as50-60 grams per serving. Spearmanwas quoted as saying in the Dec. 2.1991. issue of Food Chemical News.

P&G respondsto FDA on capreninProcter & Gamble Co. has told theU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) that increased kidney weightand other changes seen in rats fed itsreduced-calorie fat caprenin were dueto diet rather than toxicological reac-tions to the fat.

The company is seeking GRASstatus for the substance and wasresponding to FDA comments on a28-day reeding study. FDA has not yetapproved the petition. P&G said thatphysiological changes in caprenin-fedrats were due 10 increased levels ofdigestible protein-derived energy inthe diets of those rats compared withcontrol diets.

Caprenin has five calories pergram, compared with nine calories pergram in other fats. It is made withcaprylic. capric, and behenic acids. allfany acids occurring in other foods.and so may be marketed without FDAapproval. Caprerun is the firstreduced-calorie fat that P&G hasbrought to market: the company's fat

(comirUled OIl "ex'I)('8eJ

INFORM. Vol. 3. no. 4 (April 1992)

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[continuedfrom previous pugd

substitute olesuu is awaiting FDAapproval.

Mars Inc. will use the cocoa buttersubstitute in us new Milky Way IIcandy bar. The candy will have 25%fewer calories than the original MilkyWay bar. Milky Way 11is expected tobe sold on the U.S. West Coast inApril.

The Milky Way bar also contains al-calorie-per-gram polydextrose bulk-ing agent from Pfizer. Pfizer's U.S.applications patent for that polydex-(rose expires in April. the same monththai Mars. Inc. will begin selling thereduced-calorie candy bar. Pfizer didnOI reveal whether the pclydextroscbulking agent is "Litesse,' which Pfiz-er introduced in early 1991.

Liposome may bevehicle for antioxidantBy encapsulating dissolved ascorbate(vitamin C) in liposomcs, food tech-nologists may be able to improve theshelf life of certain food products.

Chris Kirby led a group ofresearchers at the AgriculiuraJ andFood Research Council's Institute ofFood Research in Reading, England.The group found that when dissolvedascorbate was encapsulated in lipo-somes. the shelf life of the ascorbatewas increased. Liposcrnes are small.membrane-enclosed vesicles com-posed of lipid molecules. The foodadditive ascorbate is somewhat unsta-ble in solution, which often results inhigh processing losses.

Using tiposomes. processors couldprotect the ascorbate from degradationand thereby reduce the amount addedduring processing. The researcherssuggested thai ttposornes could bepanicularly useful in protecting infantfood formulas, because these usuallycontain metal ions that would rapidlybreak down the ascorbate.

Llposome-prorected ascorbate alsocould allow the antioxidant to be usedin lipid-based environments. Ascor-bate acts synergistically with alpha-tocopherol. or vitamin E. which is alsoused as an antioxidant in lipid-eon-

raining foods and solutions. The Read-ing learn hus produced llposornes con-raining both ascorbate and afpha-toco-pherol. Such an antioxidant systemwould allow vitamin E in the lipo-some membrane to be the primaryantioxidant protecting polyunsaturatedfats in the food: when the alpha-toco-pherol is depleted, the ascorbatewould slowly be released from theliposomes and continue to protect thefats from oxidation.

Bonon Inc. of Hutchinson. Kansas.has been selected as general contrac-tor for the project. Johnson & LoftEngineers Inc. based in California willprovide process engineering and acontrol system.

C &T/Quincy Foods already mar-kets vegetable oil products producedat Quincy Soybean's refinery in Hele-na. Arkansas. and at C & 'Ts refineryin Charlotte. North Carolina. Whenthe third refinery is completed. thepartnership will produce a full army ofindustrial and food-service vegetableoil products. with capabilities to shipthroughout the U.S.

The new facility is expected to cre-ate 55 jobs.

EC considering'spread' categoriesThe European Commission's Councilof Ministers is expected to act some-time during the second half of 1992on a proposal to establish standardsfor spread-type products containing20-95% fat in the Common Market.

The proposal divides the "yellowfat products" into three classes withseven or eight subcategories in each:(a) milk-fat products, with eight sub-categories: (b) nonmilk fats withseven subcategories. and (c) plant andanimal fat blends with seven subcate-gories.

The proposal was prepared afterextensive discussion between repre-sentatives of the EC dairy (ASSILEC)and margarine (IMACE) federations.

The milk fat product categories are:(a) "concentrated butter' containing90-95% fat and made by extractingwater from milk. cream or butter: (b)"butter," containing 80-90% fat lind IImaximum water content of 16%: (c)"whey butter:' containing 80-90% fat(maximum water content of 16%) andmade from whey cream or mixtures ofwhey cream and milk. or cream IromIImilk rat; (d) "dairy spread," contain-ing 62-80% butter and made frommilk. cream butter. anhydrous milkfat. buueroil or concentrated butter;(e) "reduced fat butter' (or "three-

INFORM. Vol. 3. no. 4 (April 1992)

[continued 011 page 414)

C &T/Quincy Foodsbuilds Illinois refineryC & T/Quincy Foods. a joint ventureformed in 1991 by Quincy SoybeanCo. of Quincy. Illinois. and C & TRefinery Inc. of Richmond, Virginia.has broken ground for a vegetable oilrefinery in Quincy, Illinois.

The partnership is building therefinery adjacent to a soybean crush-ing facility owned by Quincy SoybeanCo. Ground was broken at the end ofFebruary. The refinery is expected tobe in operation by the last quarter of1993. Included will be a product pack-aging plant.

The facility will be designed torefine soybean, com. peanut, cotton-seed. sunflowerseed. canota. palm andcoconut oils. according 10 Mike Fos-ler. president of Quincy Soybean. Fos-ter said that Quincy Soybean wilt beresponsible for the operation of therefinery once it is on line.

Company officials declined toreveal the capacity of the plannedfacility but said it will be compatiblewith the capacity of the adjacent soy-bean crushing facility plus have addi-tional capacity to process other oilsbrought to the refinery. According toinformation provided by Quincy Soy-bean, its current Quincy soybean plantoperation is the largest oilseed pro-cessing plant in the U.S.

The partnership has begun a searchfor a facilities manager to oversee thenew refinery (see the ClassifiedAdvertising section at the back of thisissue). Company officials said theywill be seeking possible candidates atthe 1992 AOCS Annual Meeting andExposition in Toronto.

c __

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containing 41--60% fat; (f) "low-fatblend" (or "half-fat blend"). containing39-41% fat: and (g) "low-fat blendedspread," containing 20-39% far.

Ivan Hodac. secretary-general forthe (MACE (International Federationof Margarine Associations) said theproposal is expected 10 be acted uponby the EC Council of Ministers bymid-year or perhaps during the latterpun of the third-quarter. The purposein standardizing nomenclature for suchproducts was to help consumers decidewhich product they want among whatwas becoming an increasingly confus-ing array of products.

160,1JIX) tons of sunffowerseed a year,Berkow said.

NSJ has ordered a new H.L.S.stainless steel T.O.M. (tum over malt-rial) tray-type solvent extraction unitfor Enderlin. This will increase effi-ciency at Enderlin, which processesmainly sunrtowerseed but also pro-cesses rapeseed. safflowerseed.crambc and soybeans, Berkow said.Thc ncw extractor will be constructedin Israel and then installed in Enderlinduring June, according to H.L.S.

[continued from pagt 4/O)

quarter fat butter"), containing60-62% fat and made from milk.cream butler, anhydrous milk fat, but-teroi l or concentrated butter: (0"reduced fat dairy spread," containing41-60% fat. and made from milk,cream butler, anhydrous milk fat. but-rercil or concentrated buller; and (g)"low-fat buuer'vor "half-fat buuer").containing 39-41 % fat and made frommilk, cream buller. anhydrous milkfat. buttercil or concentrated buller.

Nonmilk fal spreads may notderive more than 3% of its fat frommilk fat and may be made from ani-mal or plant fats or both. The sevencategories arc: (a) "concentrated mar-garine," containing 90--95% fat: (b)"margarine," containing 80% fat; (c)"fat spread," containing 62-80% fat;(d) "reduced fat margarine" (or "three-quarter margarine"), containing60-62% fat; (e) "reduced fat spread,"containing 41-60% fat: (0 "low-Jarmargarine" (or "half-fat margarine"),containing 39-41% fat: and (g) "low-fat spread," containing 20-39% fat.

The categories for the blendedproducts. which must have a milk fatcontent of 15-80% of the total fat con-tent. are: (a) "blended concentratedFar." containing 90-95% fat: (b)"blend," containing 80% fat: (c)"blended spread," containing 62-80%fat: (d) "reduced fBI blend" (or "three-quarter spread"), containing 60-62%fat: (e) "reduced fat blended spread,"

Novamont to build"Diesel-Bi" plantNovamont. a subsidiary of the Fer-ruzzt-Moruedison Group, hasannounced it will construct a 6O.()QO..metric-ton-a-year "Diesel-Bi" plant atLivorno in Tuscany. Italy. pendinggovernmental approval.

"Diesel-Hi.' a vegetable oil-basedfuel developed by Novamont , isderived from rapeseed. soybean andsunflowerseed oil. The fuel has beentested in engines and heating boilersthat normally run on diesel fuel.Novarnonr has said thai because thefuel does not contain sulfur, it doesnot release sulfur compounds whenburned.

".L-S. to supplynew processing plantNational Sun Industries (NSI) hascontracted with H.L.S. Ltd. of Israelto supply its new multi-seed process-ing plant in Goodland, Kansas.

H.L.S. will provide solvent cxtrac-lion equipment and general engineer-ing for the project, which will incor-porate equipment from Buhler. DeSmet-Rosedowns and Crown IronWorks.

NSI has instructed H.L.S. 10remove the H.L.S. basket extractorcurrently at NSl's Enderlin, NorthDakota. processing facility for instal-lution at Goodland, according to NSIPresident Jeff Berkow. The Goodlandplant will be designed to hundlc

Unilever to buyice cream firmUnilever has agreed to purchase astale-owned Hungarian ice cream ven-ture. VMTV. according 10 a report inthe Jan. 15. 1991. W(l1I Street 101/1'11(1/.

Unilever had been importing someof its ice cream products into Hungaryin cooperation with VMTV. the reportsaid, but now plans 10 manufacturesuch products in Hungary. Unileverdid not disclose terms of the acquisi-tion. but said it plans to spend about$10 million on new technology anddistribution systems, the article said.

Another Hungarion ice cream finnwas acquired during 1991 by WestGermany's Scholler Group, the reportsaid.

..... technk:al centerAmerican Colloid Company opened its new technical center during Jan-uary in Arlington Heights. Illinois, just outside Chicago. The 16,000-square-toot laboratory/conference center is adjacent to the corporateheadquarters. where R&D and testing facilities previously were located.The finn is a leading producer or bentonite clay and related products. aswell as other specialty chemicals and polymer.

INFORM, \obl 3, no. 4 (ApIi 1992)

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Alta-Laval now ownsJohnson-Loft EngineersAlfu-Lavul of Sweden has acquiredthe remaining 49% ownership ofJohnson-Loft Engineers Inc" a Cali-fornia finn specializing in supplyingequipment and processes 10 the edibleoil industry.

Arnold Johnson. one of thefounders of Johnson-Loft Engineers.wilt retire as president to becomevice-chairman of the board. He will beinvolved in strategic planning andspecial projects for the company.Stanley C. Loft. another founder. hasbeen elected president and chief exec-unve officer. Blake Hendrix has beennamed vice-president. responsible forengineering and design.

Alfa-Laval acquired a comrolllnginterest in Johnson-Loft in 1986.

Two European lecithinbusinesses mergeCentral Soya Co. Inc .. a leading pro-ducer of specialty lecithins. and theStem- wywiol Group. a leading Euro-pean marketer of lecithin products,have agreed to merge their Europeanlecithin operations.

The new company. Stern Lecithinand Soja GmbH & Co. KG, will beequally owned and have its headquar-ters in Hamburg, Gennany. The newfinn is projected to have annual rev-enues exceeding $25 million.

The agreement is to become effec-tive once German regulators havegiven their approval.

Liposome CO.buyslicense on clot-busterThe liposome Company has acquiredlicensing rights to a liposome-encap-sulated drug that dissolves clots asso-ciated with heart attacks.

Animal studies have shown that theliposome-encapsulated drug (a) dis-solved clots more quickly than conven-tional drugs and (b) was better targeted10 the clot site, thereby reducing theamount of fibrinolytic agent needed.

cholesterol in humans. monkeys. andhamsters.

The studies were presented byRobert Sayre of the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture's Western RegionalResearch Center and Robert J.Nicolosi of the Department of ClinicalSciences at the University of Lowell.Massachusens.

Rice bran oil has 20-30% moresaturated fatty acids than vegetableoils such as corn, olive or canola. andso might not be expected to have acholesterol-lowering effect. Nicolosireported that in monkeys. rice bran oillowered LDL cholesterol levels aswell <IS com and canota oils; unlikecanota oil, the rice bran oil did notlower HDL cholesterol.

Nicolosi also reported that ham-sters fed either rice bran oil or soy-helm oil had less fatty streak develop-

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For Information circle 1160

INFORM, Vol. 3, no . ./I (April 1992)

Fibrinolytic agents break up theblood dots that cause heart attacks. Toeffectively restore blood now to thehean following a clot. the drugs mustbe given within a few hours afteronset. Such agents can cause exces-sive and life-thremening bleeding insome patients and are only used forabout 20% of heart attack victims.

A patent for the technology wasfiled by researchers at the Universityof Oklahoma. The Liposome Compa-ny, based in Princeton. New Jersey.holds exclusive license to that pendingpatent and corresponding foreignpatent applications. It recentlyappointed Karl E. Arfors to the newlycreated position of executive directorof biological sciences.

Efamol expandingR&D facilitiesEfamol Research. Inc. of Canada willmove into a new research and devel-opment laboratory in the spring of1993.

The research institute's new labora-tory is a former industrial facility inKentville, Nova Scotia. Canada.Efamol conducts research on healthproducts derived from evening prim-rose oil. The products are marketed bythe British company Efamol Ltd.

The facility will have 35.000square feet of space, 80% of whichwill be laboratory space. Staff sizewill double to 80 employees.

Research conducted by Efarnol hasresulted in the development of threedrugs, which have been approved foruse in several countries. Oil from theevening primrose plant appears to beeffective in treating several disordersranging from eczema to high choles-terol levels to nerve damage fromarthritis.

AACC hears reportson rice bran oilTwo studies presented at the annualmeeting of the American Associationof Cereal Chemists indicate thaI ricebran and rice bran oil may reduce

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men! in the aortic arch. which is unearly step in ancriosclcrosis. (Relatedarticle: INFORM I :831.)

Peanut oil tested forbreast implantsA professor :11Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine is conductingresearch on breast implants filled withpeanut oil. which he says may providean alternative to the silicone gelimplants recently pluced under amoratorium by the U.S. Food andDrug Administration.

"Peanut oil-filled implants are non-toxic. biodegradable and absorbable.If for some reason they would leak.the oil would simply be absorbed byIhe body." according \0 V. LeroyYoung. professor of plastic andreconstructive surgery at WashingtonUniversity. He noted that unlike sili-cone and saline-filled irnplarus .implants filled with peanut oil wouldnot block X-rays during a mammo-gram.

"We are hoping to receive approvalto conduct clinical trials with this typeof implant in the near future." Youngsaid.

What's ill a neem?The ncem may be the next "wonder"plant.

A National Research Council reportsays that seed kernels from the neemtree. native to India and Burrnu. couldbecome a valuable economic resourcefor the Third World countries.

Components in the trees can beused to produce potent insecticides.and ncem oil appears to be an effec-tive spermicide. Other componentsseem to fight tooth decay. bacteria.and viruses.

Villagers crush the seeds. soakthem in water overnight. and thenthrow the resulting emulsion ontocrops, the report said.

The first indexed reference to neemoil in The Journal of the AmericanOil Chemists: Sociery is from theAugust 1953 issue.

Names in the newsHoward G. Buffett has succeeded thelaic Richard Burket as corporate vice-president and company spokesman forArcher Daniels Midland Co. Buffett.president of Buffett Farms Inc. ofOmaha. Nebraska. was elected toADM's board last year 10 replaceRoben Strauss. who became the U.S.ambassador to the Soviet Union.

technical consultant 10 the AarhusOils Group and a director for AarhusInc. USA. Cook was operations direc-tor for Anglia Oils in Hull. England.from 1982-1986. Anglia is now awholly owned Aarhus subsidiary.Since 1988. Cook has been involvedin Aarhus Group projects internation-ally. including the building and estab-lishment of a specialty oils refinery inNew Jersey. He also was involved inacquisition and development byAarhus of its new subsidiary in Mexi-co. Negociacion Industrial SantaLucia.

Business briefsCherry Burrell Process EquipmentDivision of Louisville. Kentucky, andExtraction De Smet in Antwerp. Bel-gium. have •mnounced an agreementregarding sales and marketing ofCherry-Burrell's Voratcr fats and oilsequipment and technology through DeSrner's intcmnrionat offices.

International Bto-Svnthctlcs hasnamed Jim Reed as president andchief executive officer. Reed joinedthe firm in 1988 as vice-president forbusiness development. lBS providesindustrial enzymes to the detergentindustry and other industries.

ErratumThe description of the spouses' pro-gram for the World Conference andExhibition on Oilseed Technologyand Utilization published in theMarch 1992 issue of INFORM wasincorrect. The program listed forThursday. Sept. 17. will not beincluded as pun of the spouses' pro-gram. The program listed for Friday.Sept. 18. will be held on Thursday.Sept. 17. There will not be ltny orga-nized activities on Friday. Sept. 18. aspart of the spouses' program. Theconference is to be held Sept. 13-18.1992. in Budapest. Hungary. •

AOCS member LynnA. Jones has beenelected executive vice-president of theNational CottonseedProducts AssociationInc. (NCPA). effective

M:LY I, 1992. Jones holds degreesfrom Cornell. the University of NewHampshire and received his doctoratein nutritional biochemistry from NorthCarolina State University. He willreplace Allen Ater. who will remainas a staff consultant until his retire-ment on June 30. The executive vice-president is the chief staff position atNCPA. Jones had been on the NCPAstaff since 1976 and its director ofresearch and education since 1980. Hehas been an AOCS member since1977.

Don A. Franco hasbeen named Directorof Scientific Servicesfor the National Ren-derers Association(NRA). Previous 10 hisappointment with the

NRA. Franco was director of theSlaughter Operations Staff at the U.S.Department of Agriculture's FoodSafety and Inspection Service. Francowill represent the rendering industryand NRA before governmental agen-cies and other industries. and will pro-vide technical assistance to NRAmembers. Franco also will assist withNRA's market development programs.

A• .&...•.J

, .J

AOCS member Ray Cook has formedan independent consulting business,Erbortec Ltd. The finn will providespecialist advisory service in the oilsand fats industry. aiming 10 advisefirms considering major projects oracquisitions. Cook previously was a

INFORM. Vol. 3. no. 4 (April 1992)