BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Containing Cards or Tlnt-Clan- a Xatafc Elitame nta in all BrnncMe or BdiIi ih In the District. aeKITOITCrWAMHOUSnj. H, A, Baker, 828, S2S, SSL-- - are,, 'AKOHIIXCTS. 71s at it, . opp. P. O. Dept, tnlas7T7Davis i Com easTth st., opp. Pat. Offlee, yf, ji. I'olndexter Vernon Bow. A.TTOBMTS.AT.IiA.'W. O, D. Barrett, J17 4 street. J, I. K. runt, ios K itw- - J. P.. Notary Com. BANKS AKD BANKERS. Biggs A Co.. Executive ave., cor. 15th St, BEl.IlIANGEKS,I,OCK8Mrrn8,c r. Xred. Fiacber, 61S Sth street, bet. F and O. BLEACHERS. ,ST.Wnltlng,strawh't and b't bleacher,824 Fa.ay, BOOKSTORES. golomons A Chapmans' Metropolitan Bookstore.Ul Pa. ave., bet. Sth and 10th ats. Constantly on hand the newest and most fashionable styles of plain and fancy stationery. Card plates, "at Come," and wedding invitations engraved In the blithest style of the art. All the new publi- cations received as soon as Issued. Warren Choate A Co., arst-cla- Book and Stationery Store, 941 lnna.avenue,cor. 10th st. 0. A7Brosnan. Cathollc)928 a su. bet. Ml 10th. BBASS WOBK8. Satlonal Brass Worts, 316, OS (and 320 uth rt. a. w.; Thos. Bomervtlle, manufacturer or all ax. tleiesnsed In the Plumbing and Gas and Steam nttm g Business; a complete stock ot numb- ers' Supplies, Ac. constantly on hand, CABINET SHOPS. wm. Walter. 9X3 streeu near 10th. CARRIAGE rACTORIES. Bobt.H. Graham, 410. 412, 414 sth street n. w. McDermottA Bros.. W Pa. a v., near !d ft. HARDWARE AND CUTXEBT. 1. W. Kennedy A Co., 612 Pa. av., bet. eth and Tta, HOBSE-SHOEB- J. T. Doras. K at., bet. sth and 10th, and 1382 pat. Horsesshod according to natural shape of foot. rNSTBUMENTMAKEKS. C. Fischer, Sure. Instruments Trusses, 623 7th it, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. S. c. Weaver, Justice of the Peace and Couvei aneer. Ol 7th st. N. W. irraooBAPUEBs. Horns Peters, 458 Pa. are., near IX street. Photo- - Lithography a specialty. IJTKBT ST ABXES. Keyea A Co., cor. lith and D su. close carriages for wedding calls and receptions. Boarding ana livery staotea. nunniiuuiwiwwe,. OPTICIANS H. H. Henusler. 453 Pa. ay., cor. 4,S it. OBNAMENTAI. IBON WORKS. John A. Hayward, Wrought and Cast Iron Ball" Ides 1414 Fourteenth street northwest. PAPER HANUEBS. C. Douglass Moore, 309 9th St., bet D and Pa. ar., Practical PaierHanger and Upholsterer. Wall papers, window shades, carpets, oil cloths, Ac. All orders for work In either branch of the trade executed with skill and dispatch at lowest rates. HAILllOADS. CENTRAL BAlLKOAD. OnandafterSOXOAY. May IS, 1S75, trains will leave Baltimore as follows. (Baltimore time;) 7:30 a. m. NIAGARA. KXlKE83 dally (except tsunday) north to Rochester, Buffalo and the Falls. 855 a. m. MAIL dally (exept "Snndayl far the West and Xurtb to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 1:15 p. m. F AST LIS F.dallv (except Sunday) for the West and North to Wllllanuport and Lock Haven. erii p. jn. CINCINNATI EXPBES3 dally for l'lt'sburgaud West. 10:15 tp. m. PACIFIC EXFKESS-Da- lly for Pitts- burg and West; dallr (except Saturday) North to Elmlra, Buffalo, the Falls, and Canada, Erie and the Oil lieglons of Penn- sylvania. TEAIKS Olt GETTYSBUKQ at 8r23 a. m. and I fix TEAINS FOB HANOVEB at 8.13 a. m., 1:15 and 3:25 p. m. TEAINS FOR CUMBERLAND VALLEY ROAD at8:25a. m anil 1:15p.m. TEAINS FOB GREEN SPEfNG BBANCII ata:23 a. m. and 1:25 p. m. ACCCMMOUATieN TRAINS. FOR YORK dally (eicent Sunday) at 335 p. m. rOK PARKTON dally (except Sunday) at 555 and FOR PARKTONJ 155 p. m. on Sunday only. FOB COCKEYSVILLfc, 6:95. 1155 a. m. daliy,ex. cept Sunday, and 1155 p. m. dally. TRAINS ARRIVE IN BALTIMORE. FEOM THE WEST AND KOBTH 3:00 and 7:30 a. m. and 6:10 and 6:30 p. xn. YORK ACCOMMODATION 10:15 a. m. JJALTIMOUE ACCOMMODATION 12:10 p. ra. COCKEYSVILLE ACCOMMODATION, from CockeysvUle-S:3- 5a. m. and 255 and 4:25 p. m., exrent Sunday. FEOM COCKEY8V1LLE at 10:15 a. m., Sunday rAEKTONACCOJIMODATION 8:15 a. ra. dally except bundary and 10:25 p. m. dally. FEOM GUEENbl'RlNG BBANCII at 8:15 a.m. and C:10 Tk m. Tor tickets to all points East, North and West, apply at Oalvert station, at northeast corner Bal- timore and Calvert streets, and at Charles street station. Baggage called for and checked at hotels and res- idences on orders left at office, northeast corner Baltimore and Calvert streets. GEORGE C. WILKIN S, Superintendent. D. M. BOYD, JE.. General PassengerAgcnt. -- T ALTIMOKE AND POTOMAC EAH.EOAD On and after WEDNESD AY, June 2, 1S75, train! will leave Baltimore as follows. Baltimore time: LEAVE CALVERT STATION. 7:80 a. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington. Jil5 a. m. Dally, for Washington. Dally (except Sunday) for Pope's Creek Line and Annap- olis. 10:05a. in. Dally (except Sunday) far Washing- ton. 1:00p.m. Dally for Washington, for Norfolk, via Washington and Norfolk steamersonMon-da- v and Thursday. 4:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington, Pope's Creek Line and Annapolis. 6:15 p. m. Dally for Washington. 955 p.m. Dally (except Sunday) for Blcnmoud and South. LEAVE CHARLES-STREE- T STATION. 4:40a. m Dally, South, vlx Richmond and Lynch- burg. p. m. For Washington dally, except Sunday. 345 p. m. For Washington dally, except Sunday. 9 55 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington. 9:35 a. m. Dally (t xcept Sunday) for Philadelphia and New nrk. 10:35a. m. For Philadelphia and New York dally, except Sunday. ;:50p m Dally ( xcept Sunday) for Philadelphia andNewlork. 6.S0p. m. For Philadelphia dally. 10.511) m. For Philadelphia and New Yoik LEAVtrENNSYLVANIA-AVENUESTATIO- 10.15 a. ra ,and 1.12.453. 6:31, 9:38 ani 10.01 p. m. For 7:t) a. m 1:1 ai-- c.31 p. m. dally. For Annapolis, 7:30 a. m. and 4r05 p. m. LEA F. WASHINGTON FOB BALTIMORE. 7.13.6:4.1, 9:73. 11:55 a. m. and 1:18, 4:50, 19:15 p. m : 7:45 a. m., 4:5), 7:10 and 9: 8 p. m., dall) ; c.oo a. m.. except Monday; 10.15p-m.- . except Saturday. ALL TRAINS STOP AT Clf ARLES-STREE- T STATION. GEOBUE C. WILKINS, Superintendent. D. M. BOYD, Jit., General Passenger Agent. PHILADELPHIA, AVD WILMINGTON BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Commencing MONDAY, May 31, 1874. Passenger Trains win leave Baltimore dally (except Sundays) as follow. FKOM PRESIDENT-STREE- T STATION. 6:55 a. m. For fblladrlphiaand Way Stations. 955 a. in. For Philadelphia. Express. 2:ooi m. For Port Deposit and Intermediate Stations. 2:) p. in. ForPk.ladelphla. Express. 5:00 p m. For Port Depo.lt and Intermediate 655 p in. For Philadelphia. STABT'NG FROM IIAELE3-STEEE- T 9:35 a m. Express for New York. 10:ii ni For wet'l'lladelphlaandNew York, Limited Parlor Car Train. 100 p. in. For We-- t Philadelphia and NewYork, Express. SUKDAY TRAINS. 655 p. m. For Philadelphia. From Prcsldent-tre- ct station. 10:50 p. ia. For New York. From Charles-stre- station. convections. 6:55 a. i. Train connects at Perryvlllc with train for Philadelphia and Baltimore Central railroad, and at Wllmlnnton Junction with trains for all Stations on Delaware railroad, i 955 a.m. Train for Port Deposit. 2. p. m. Train with stages lor Bela'r and other points: al'o at rerryyille with train for Philadel- phia and Baltimore Central railroad. 2:40 p.m. Train at Wilmington for Stations on DeUware railroad between Wilmington and Har- - luiKiun. ,. .. ...,,, General Agent. INFOSMATIOX FOR THE PEOPLE. CAMPAIGN PAMPHLETS, PrBLlBHED BY Tie Men CoigresaoaU EiecitiTS Comilta No. 1. Growth of the Nation Under Republican Bnle. Eight pages. No. 2. A atlcanlsm in Germany and in the United Statu, tight pages. No. 3 Can the Naticn Trust the Democratic Party Sixteen pages. No. 4. Record and Platforms of the Democratic Party. Srxech by Senator Morton, at Urbana, Ohio, August 7, 1975. Eight pages. No. llie National Mnancs and Cumncy, con- taining ataustlcal details in full to the i lose of the fisul year ending June 30, 7i, Kight pares. No.c-- H sb and Loo Tariffs ad Their Effects. i- onr page;. No 7 rCurrenr: Its Volume and Character; al-- Taxes: Who Paya Them? Four pagis. No. 8 atlcanlsm in Gcrmanyand in the United states. (In German.) Eight pages. No. 9. The People a Nation: The unloa Per- petual Eight pages. No lft, The Southern (Question: IThe Conspiracy to Rule or Destroy the Nation. Twelve pages. No. li. the Nation Under Republican Rule. (In German.) Eight pages. Other iix nments are being prepared, and will be published aslhecanvas proceeds. Campaign Pamphlets are furnished to Individ- uals, clnbe, committers, etc., at the following jates: rour.pagePamphlets.25eents re; hundred copies- - e'ght-pag- e, 50 cents; twelve-pag- 75 cents; Mxtetn-nag- e, &U Comuliteesand inulvlduals. In ordering politi- cal paipiihlets. wlU please designate the .papers re- quired m their numbers. Address "Union Iteonb-lca- n Ci ngresslonal Executive Committee, n, D o.,"and indicate whether packages ball be ent by mall or express. e28 ENGRAVING fJOir,HBUl RANK VOTE COHs PANT. BOS. OX PetuuTlranla AT6BB. WASHINGTON, D, C, We are prepared with every faculty, for Engraving tRd Printing ANh l"T, attiNDs KSU COMMERCIAL 'KK OF EVE KIND, AC. W. H. PHILIP, President. GEO. T. JONKS. Vice President. jliHKW, UTATKRS. Herretarr. JOnN H. VAN BUSEXRK. Treasurer. Js primw l)F tlKNTLUMEN'S OAST AS n b aold to the Terr beat dranuge byaddresstnger ealllngoa JU8TH, en u awveL, Between oixtai uu o,iwiiwiwmi 2?otes br mall promittrv atteaxid to Out palst. uu QBE DOLLAR fAVKD. CHEAP RAILROAD TICKET UFF1CK. Ballroad tickets bought or sold, to or from an a reduction upon any oBce or depot In thUelty. Apply to M. D. WHITESIDE, 613 Pennsylvania avenue. Metropolitan Hotel, Washington D. O Jais-l- v w ASH1NOTON AND OHIO BAILUOAD. BUMMER ABEANGKMENT, BEGINNING -- Bl IVJ. TWO TRAINS DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA AND BOUND HILL. Leave Washington at a. m. and 4 p. m., and Alexandria at 9:10 a. xn. and 4:10 p. m., pass Leeahurg, going westward, at 1150 a. m. and 630 p. m., and arrive at Round Hill at 11 m. and 7 p. xu. a.eave xtouuu mu at &:aj a. m. iz.su p. in., pass Leeahurg, going eastward, at 6 a. m. and 1:10 p. m., and arrive at Alexandria 8:15 a. m. and 3:15 p. m.. and at Washington at 8:30 a.m. and 3:30p.m. from Washington will take the Washington and Ohio can at the Baltimore and Potomac railroad station at 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., and go through to Bonnd UlU without change of cars. The 9:10 a. m. train from Alexandria and 12:30 p. B. train from Round UlU connect at Bound Hill with Harris' Dally Line of Coaches for Snlckers-TlU- e, BerryrUle and Winchester; also, with Beamer'a Line or Coaches, which leave Leeahurg daUyferAldleandMlddlebnrg. Both Trains westward make close connection at Vienna with Blsson's Line or Stages for Fairfax Court-Hous- e. uSe,f,Stt",,,UCk't,' ' CR!tH.PHrA,VK,NR,aUl1 apsffk General Ticket Agent. YORK AND WASHINGTON NEW THROUGH LINE TO BALT- - -- JBE. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK, BOSTON, ALL .01 B gTjfs.1' ZJJaLAM" THROUGH BETWEEN WABHTNaTON AND NIC V YORK WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. The equipment on this line la new and of the most elegant aad Improved finish. TEAIN LEAVING AT 933 A. M. 18 PULLafAN PARLOR CAB TRAIN EXCLUSIVELY. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS ON MIGHT TRAINS. On and alter MAY 23, 1875, trains by this line wlU leave Depot of Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, corner of Sixth and B streeu as follows: 7:45 a. m. Express for Philadelphia. New York and points East dally, except Sunday. 153 a.m. Limited Express Pnlunaa Car Train for Philadelphia, New York aad points Salt daUy, except Sunday. 108 p. m. Express for Philadelphia and New York daily, except Sunday. 4:50 p. m. Express for Philadelphia and way point) daily. 9:08 p. m. Express for Philadelphia, New York and points East dally. PULLMAN PARLOR CARS on all Day Trains. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEEP1NO CABS OH Night Trains. Tickets and Information can be procured at the offices of the company. Baggage called for and checked at hotels and pri- vate residences on orders left at the offices of the eomrany, northeast corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, and on the northeast corner or BlxthstreetandPennsylvanlaavenue. Depot BALTIMORE & POTOMAC RAILROAD, comer Sixth andB streets. fi General Passenger AgnwjlphlaP.. febI5 Superintendent, Baltimore, Ma. AND WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA AND ALEXANDRIA AND FBED&RICKSBUBG RAILWAY. OzrOT CoiontR or Burn axs B Stbxxts. Local trains lor Alexandria leave aa follows r 7:00, 8, -- 9, 10, 11 a. m.. 1, 1 -- 4, 5, 6:00. 7p.m. The T and9a.m., andlandsp. m. trains rnn daUy; all other trains dally, except Sunday. Local trains leave Alexandria aa follows: , 7, U 1,10,11 a.m.: 1, 3,4,5, 6:00 7 p.m. The 6,8 and 10 a. m., and 5 and 7 p. m. trains leave Alexandria dally: all other trains dally, except Sunday. Trains leaving Washington at 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m and Alexandria at 6:00 a.m. and 7 p.m., connect dally with trains on Virginia Midland road. Great Southern Exnress via Richmond leaves Washington 11:38 p. m., dally, (except Sunday.) Through tickets to all points South and South- west for sale at offices, corner or Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, and Sixth street and Pennsylvania avenue, where passengers can leave orders ror baggage, to be cheeked at all the hotels and residences through to destination. D. M. BOYD, JB., eavtf General Passenger Agent. OALT1MOBE AND OHIO EAILEOAD. NEW YOBK AND WASHINGTON AIR LINE. Stammer Scbednle. SXFTZUnEB30,187$. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. 5:00 a. m. Baltimore and Way Stations. 6:45 a. m. Baltimore, Annapolis, Frederick and Way Stations. 7:20 a. m. Baltimore. Breakfast at Belay. 7:40 a.m. Baltimore. eia,in.New l'ork. Cape May, Philadelpiila, Boston, Baltimore and Relay. S:0O a. ra. Chicago, Commons, Sandusky, Cincin- nati. Louisville. 84. Louis, Pitts- burgh Hagerstown, Frederick, Staun- ton, Winchester and Valley Branch. Parlor cars. Dinner at Cumberland. 8:10 a.m. Washington Junction and Way Sta- tions. (Metropolitan Branch.) 6:30 a. a. Baltimore and Way Stations. 950 a. m. Baltimore. Parlor cars. No stops. ll:oo.a.m. Baltimore and Way Stations. 1:00 p. m. New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Nor- folk, Baltimore and EUlcott City. Dinner at Belay, (1:30 p. ra. on Sun- days, Baltimore and Way Stations .oh'TO Parlor cars to New York. :J0 p. ra. Baltimore, Lanraland Relay, t 45 p. m. Frederick, Washington Junction and Way Stations. (Via Metropolitan Branch.) 1:45 p.m. Baltimore, Frederick and Way Sta- tions. 5:00 p.m. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Relay. C:CS p. in. Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta- tions. 6:30 p. m. Chicago. St. Louis, Louisville, Colum- bus, Sandusky. Cincinnati. Deer Park, Berkeley Springs. Pullman cars. Supper at Martlntburg. Break- fast at Parkersburg and Benwood. 8:40 p. m. Bagerstown. Winchester and Way S t.Uons, via Metropolitan Branch. 7:15 p. m. Baltimore and Way Stations. 7:45 p. m. Baltimore and Alexandria Jnsctlon. 8:40 p. m., Pittsburg and Cumberland. Fast Ex- press. Sleeping Cars. 9:00 p. m. Baltimore Fast Express. 9:15 p. m. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, Fast Express. Pullman palace sleeping cars. 1155 p, ra. Fast Express. Pullman cars to Chicago, and St. Louis without change. Break- fast at Grafton. Sandusky. Cincin- nati. Indianapolis. SUNDAY TRAINS. 9:15 p.m.. Baltlmore.PhUadelphla.New York and Boston, Fast Exnrrss. Baltimore ana Way Stations 3:00 a. m., 1:30, 8:05 and 7:30 p. ra. For Baltimore and Belay, 750 a. m., 6:00 and 9:00 p. m. West-S:- 00 a. ra.. 8:30,8:40 and 11:25 p. m., stop, ping as during the week. All trains slop at Viaduct Hotel, Belay Uoise Station. For further Information apply at the Baltimore and Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and 4b5 Pennsylvania avenue, where orders wUl be taken for baggage to be checked and received at any point la the city. THOS. B. SH ARP Master of Transportation. L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent: GEO. S. KUUNTZ. General Agent. je7-- tf BALTIMORE a. POTOMAC B. B. Sixth akd B stbxxts N. W On and afttx September 13. 1875, trains will leave Wash ngton aa follows, Washington time: 6:00 a. m, Limited mall dally ror the West. Dally, except Sunday, for the North, to Canan-datgu- a, Buaalo and Niagara Falls. 7:45 a.m., Express for Philadelphia and New York, dally, except Sunday. 8:40a. m.. Accommodation to Baltimore dally. 9:23a.m., Limited Express for NewYork aad last, daily, except Sunday. a, m.. Fast Line for the West and North: except Sunday. l:u p. m.. Express for Philadelphia and New Ycrk and Norfolk, vie Baltimore, dally, except fcundat. :4v i. n.. Accommodation for Baltimore, dally, except Suna 40 P.m., phllade'phla express, ror Philadel- phia, uaUy. 6:50 p.m.. CI nclnnatlExpres.daIIyror the West. Dally, excipt Saturday, ror the North. 9:08 o. m For Philadelphia, New York, anoDos- - Tralns fcrrOPE CREEK LINE leave at '43 a. m and 1:40 p. m.. dally except Sunday. Taalna for ANNAPOLIS leave at 6:(0 a. a. txA "puuSan Palace Bleeping Car to PltUborg l ran on the train leaving at 6:oo.D. m. Pullman Parlor car to Pittsburg la iu on the train leaving at 6:fO a m. dally. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car to Rochester la run OB the train leaving at 6:50 p.m. Pullman Palace bleeping Car to Chicago oa train leaving at 650 p. m. Tickets and information can be procured at the 0BaSrargVcSS?ir'and checked at hotel .and on orders left at theofleesof the liifrJSv corner Thirteenth street and fSySaSSfireiue, and on the northeast corTer StVfii ?eet and PennsylvanU avenue. 0 D8et BALTWOBE tOTOMAO BAILBOAD. oTS? Kxth and B rtreeu. B 6.BPeBgerAgen&FhJud?nhIjJjPa. ti Bnpertntendent, Baltimore. Md. 18T5. PENNSYLVANIA 1875. BOUTE TO THE HOBTHWEST, SOUTH AND SUMMER ABBANGEMENT. On andafter September 13,1375, trains wll. ranu fouows: Washington.... 6.00 a.m. I Baltimore. 7:80 a. a, " ...,11:55 a.m. I ' .... 853 a.m. . m.1 . 1:15 p.m. L " 8:10 d. m! THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE, with ELEGANT SCENEBY, Palace Bute-roo- dayand night cars, with modern Improvements. Two hundred mUea saved to Western and Central New York. 6:CO a. in. dally for the West, Da!ly,exceptSun. day, for the North, to Canandalgua, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 11:56 a. m. dally, except Bunday, West and Nona to WUlUmsport and Lock Haven. 6:50 p. m. dally, for Pittsburg and the West, and dally, except Saturday, for the North. Through from Washington to Pittsburg, Chicago, and Bocheiler without change. Tickets by this route can be procured at the of. floes, northeast corner or Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue and Statl. street and Penn- sylvania avenue, where reliable Information will be given at aU times. Passengers procuring tickets at these offices can secure accommodations In Palace cars for Pitta-to- g. Chicago, ndBoche.ter.M General Pais enger Agent, Phlladelphla,pa. tes-t- r BUILDING 1VLA.TERIALS ARTIFICIAL STONE COHPAST THE THE DISTRICT CF COLUMBIA Is prepared to supply, at shert notice. Tiling for Vestibules, Bldewalts, footways and Curbing, In different colors; Fountains, Lawn Ornaments. House and Lawn fcteps aad Platforms; bouses frosted; cellar walls and flooring cemented to ex- clude darepneis: kitchens and areas cemented and made perfectly dry. and a sure preventive against tbe Intrusion of rats. Insects, tcu and all other work executed lor which Portland Cement is adapted, our Portland Cemtst becomes in a lew days sup rlor to any of tbe marble or natural stone in common use, aid is an admliable Imitation of either marble or rtone; is more durable, ana In- creases its crushing resistance with age. Its beauty M VU1,IC,UU1UUJ1C C. M, ROBERTS, Manager, JaX--tf 436 Louisiana avenue. g P K U C E j ojtS T. .Je JStTJS'.'.J' about 1,500. 069 feet and a. JOIST, very best quality, from 4 inches to 12 inches wide, 10 24 eetlong. which we are authorized by the ewners to sell for CASH without regard to cost. In order to close It out as soon as possible, we have determined to tell It very much below cost, and very much less than it can be bought In this market. Purchasers will find it to their Interest to exam. Ine this lumber and learn our prices. Large f or AIX j,,. always on band, at lowest market prices. T. ID W. t'liaHU cc GO OBccDepot and llanlng-Ml- mhi2-t- f Foot of Fourth st. east. at seven cents per bushel.caxtare extra. Orders left OIII.IOHT 8FVICK. So. fUTentlistrectt.atlU Jflrststteet, O&thD toner Third and X streets, ee IN s"Tldate itMIl uuiaMrwB,wuiBepr(B3ru auw sausKss, THE NATIONAL KEPUBUCANV SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9. 1875. PROPOSALS. pBOFOSALS FOB MAIL BAQS. PosTOrric-r- , DzrABTant-vT- , I September a, 1875, I Sealed propoiali will be received at this De- partment nntll 12 o'clock noon, the EIGHT- EENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1S7S, for by contract, for roar years, from the flrit day or July, 1875, inch quantities of Leather Mall Pouches as may, from time to time, be re- - quirea ana oraerea; eucu poacnea to conform, in every respect, to the samples on exhibition In this Department, and in the post offices at Boston, Hartford, New York, Phlladalphla, Cincinnati, Lonlsvllle, St. Lonls and Chicago. Specifications ofthe construction and materials of these samples will be furnished, on application to the Second Assistant Postmaster General-Bidder- s, before mbmlttlng proposals, should tbereforo carefully examine such samples and compare them with the specifications referred to. The label cases, which are to be attached to s by the contractor, will be furnished to him ror that purpose by the Department. All the leather mall poaches contracted tor ate to be deliverable at the risk and expense or the con- tractor, and at times, and In such quantities, as may be required and ordered at the post offices In the following places, viz.: Boston, Massachu- setts; New York and New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, District of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis, Missouri, and Chi- cago, llUnols. They are to be r'.gtdly inspected before delivery at the place orthtlr manufacture; and none of them found to be Inferior to the sam- ple, In any respect, will be accepted or paid for. The average number or such pouches required will probably not exceed ten thousand annually. But the Postmaster General will reserve the right to order more or less than that number, as the wants and interests or the service mar seem to him to demand. The bids wUl be opened.verifled and announced In this Department on the EIGHTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBEB,J875, beginning at noon, and the Postmaster General will decide thereon with- in five days thereafter. The Postmaster General hereby reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received under this advertisement if, in bis judgment, the Inter- ests or the Department may thereby be promoted. The accepted bidder must, within twenty days after the receipt of the contract for his signature, duly execute the same, giving a bond, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with sureties satisfac- tory to the Postmaster General conditioned ror the faithful and proper performance of the eon-tra- ; and lor a ialinre on the part or the con- tractor to comply with the contract bo and bis sureties shall be liable ror the forfeiture of the lull rum ol twenty thousand dollars, as liquidated damages, to be sued for In the name of the United States In an action ol debt in any court baring; Jurisdiction thereof. Every proposal must be accompanied with a bond, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, exe- cuted by tbe bidder and two sureties, (certified to be sufficient by the postmaster of the place where they reside,) conditioned ror tbe bidders entering; Into contract, with bond and sureties, as hereinbe- fore specified, la case bis proposal shall be accept- ed by the Postmaster General. Blank forms or proposal, bond, &c, will be fur- nished on application to the Second Assistant Postmaster General, and all bidden are required to conform thereto In submitting; proposals under this advertisement. Every proposal should be inclosed In a sealed envelope, indorsed "Proposals for Mail Bags," andbeaddressedtotbe "Second Assistant Post- master General, Washington. D. O." MABSHALL JEWELL, sell Postmaster General. ALE OF SMALL-ASMS- . s Bureau of Ordnance, i XAYX f WAEnlNOTOX, D. C, Sept. 7, 1875. J Bids will be received at this office until noon of October 9, 1875, for tbe purchase era quantity or obsolete arms, accoutrements and ammunition at the several navy yards. Catalogues will be furnished on application to the bureau, or to the commandants of the nary yards. Terms casb : Twenty per cent, payable on ac- ceptance or bid, and all articles to be removed within twenty days from close or sale or forfeited. Tbe Government reserves tbe right to refuse any bid not deemed satisfactory. Packing-boxe- s to be paid for at a price to be de- termined on by tbe commandants of tbe respec- tive navy yards. WILLIAM N. JEFFEBS, Chief of Bureau. u N1TLD &TATE3 MAIL. VIBGINIA, Post Omcx Department, WASHiaOTOir, September 7,1S75. Proposals will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 o'clock p. m., or Octo- ber SO, is:5, (te be decided November 1,) ror the malls oi tbe United States from Janu- ary 1, 1870, to Jnne 30, 1877, on tbe following routes in tbe State of Virginia, and by the schedule or departures and arrivals herein specified, Tit: No. 11148 From York town to Warwick: O. U.,12 miles and back. Once a week. Leave Warwick O. H., Thursday, at 10 a.m. Arrive at Yorktown by H m. Leave Yorktown Thursday, at 1 p. m. Arrive at Warwick O. H. by 3 p. ra. Bond required wltb bid, 1C0. 112oi From Davis' Mills, by Fancy Grove, to miles and back, once a week. Leave Davis' Mills Friday, at 8 a. ra. Arrive at Kasey's by 11 a. m. Leave Kasey's Friday, at 1 p. m. Arrive at Davis' MU1 by 3 p. m. Bond required wltb bid, 1W. 11304 From Point Truth, by Locust Lane.Osborn's Ford, Fort Blackmore and Duncan's Mills, to Eye Cove, 27 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Point Truth Tuesday and Saturday, at s a. m. Arrive at Bye Cove by 7 p. m. Leave Eye Cove Tuesday and Siturday.at 0 a.xn. Arrive at Point Truth by 4 p. ra. Bond required wltb bid, $400. 11377 From Gordonsville, by Barboursrllle and Buckersvllle, to StanardsvlUe, 19 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Gordonsville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 2 p. m. Arrive at StanardsvlUe by 8 p. m. Leave StanardSTllleTuesday.Tbunday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. Arrive at Gordonsville by 11 a. m. Bond required wltb bid, 1300. 11111 From Areola, (Gum Spring,) to Loudoun, (Station,) miles aad back, three times a week. Leave Areola Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday, at 7 a. m. Arrive at Loudoun by 9 a. m. Leave Loudoun Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Areola by 12 m. Bond required with bid, 200. 11113 From Theological Seminary to Alexandria 3 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Theological Seminary dally, except Sunday, at 2 p. m. Arrive at Alexandria by 320 p. ra. Leave Alexandria dally, except Sunday, at 3:3) p. to. Arrive at Theological Seminary by 1:30 p.m. Bond required wltb bid, $200. 11487 From Mlddleburc to tbe Plains, 8 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Mlddleburg; dally, except Sunday, at 8 a.m. Arrive at tbe Plains by 10:30 a. m. Leave the Plains dally, excopt Sunday, at 11a.m. Arrive at Mlddleburg by 150 p. m. Bond required wltb bid, $300. 11469 From Cedar Creek to Newtown Stephens-- burg, six miles and back, twice a week. Leave Cedar Creek Wednesday and Satur- day, at 4 p. m. Arrive at Newtown Stepbensburs by 7 p. in. Leave Newtown Stephentburg Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.15 p. m. Arrive at Cedar Creek by 8 p. m. Bond required wltb bid, $120. 11470 From Yellow Bran:b to Lawyers, 8 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Yellow Branch Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Lawyers by 12 ra. Leave Lawyers Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p. ra. Arrive at Yellow Branch by 3 p. ra. Bond required with bid, $180. 11471 From Hill Grove to Hurt's Storo, s miles and back, three times a week. Leave Hill Grove Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Hurt's Store by 12 m. Leave Hurt's Store Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p. m. Arrive at Kill Grove by 3 p. m. Bond required with bid, $180. 11472 From Chalk Level to Ward's Springs, T miles and back, three times a week. Leave Chalk Level Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. ra. Arrive at Ward's Springs by 12 m. Leave Ward's Springs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 u. ra. Arrive at Chalk Level by 3 p. m. Bond required wltb bid, $20j. 11474 From Leesvllle to Lynch's Station, 8 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Leesvllle Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Linen's btatlon by 12 m. Leave Lynch's Station Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p. ra. Arrive at Leesvllle at 3 p. m. Bond required wltb bid, $150. 114'S From Ca-itl- Craig to Otter Elver, 7 miles and back, three times a we'jk. LeaTe Castle Craig Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Otter Elver by 12 m. Leave Otter Biver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1p.m. Arrive at Castle Craig by 3 p. m. Bond required wltb bond, $200. 11481 From Mount Sidney, by Stonewall Mills, (N. O.,) to Mllnesrllle, 8 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Mount Sidney Wednesday and Satur- day at 1 p. ra. Arrive at Mllnesville by 320 p. m. Leave Mllnesville Wednesday and Satur- day at 8a.m. Arrive at Mount Sidney by 1020 a. m. Bond required with bid, $150. 11(82 From Liberty, by Peterson's and Ewlng's Store, to Smyrna Church, 15 raUes and back, twice a week. Leave Liberty Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.m. Arrive at Smyrna Church by 12 m. Leave Smyrna Church Wednesday and Sa- turday aU p- - m. Arrive at Liberty by 6 p. m. Bend required with bid, $250. Fcr forms of proposal, bond and certificate, and also for Instructions as to tbe conditions to be em- braced In tbe contract, &C--, see advertisement of this date In pamphlet rorm, September 1, 1875, in- viting proposals tor mall service In Virginia, to be found at the terminal post offices or the above router, and to be bad on application to the Second Assistant Postmaster General. Bids should be sent in sealed envelopes, suit, tcribed "Mall Proposals, State jor Virginia," and addressed to the Second Assistant Pest-mast- General. MABSHALL JEWtLL, Postmaster GeneraL FEBN1HHXHO GOODS) ATLOWIST PBIOESI Wafer Filter Water murs, TJIe Cutlery. Kefrlsferatora, Plated Ware. Water Coolers. Wooden Ware Clotliea Wringer, Tin Ware. riming- - Jtacnlaea, sftt) QEO. WATTS etc CO., SBbB 14 Seventh it- - near Finn, JOB PBINTINGr. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN BOOK AND JOB PMNUNG DEPAETMENT, Cor. Fenmu Ate. anil Thirteenth St., TUSlHKeiOX, D. &, Has thevcry best, facilities for dolus: Book and Job 'i.XlSrTIlGr HT ALL ITS BBAH0HES. BOOK WORK. THE RATIONAL BEPUBUCAN xloofe Department Is nnsnrsassed In Its extent and facilities by any print. lntr houseln this or any other city lor tbo prompt and ex pedltlona execution or orders for all kinds or BOOK PHIHTIH8 AHD BINDING. ALSO PAMPHLETS of all kinds, LAW OASES, OOlTBTiTUTIOIIB, P, 0ATAL0GUIS, PB00EEDINGS OF 00NVENTI0NS, &C, &0, fix.! JOB PRINTING ! NATIONAL REPUBLICAN is unequaled, in Its extent and complete eeuip-den- t, by any printing establishment south of Keif York. We bare facilities for dolus all work is be PLUM AKD FaKCY BRANCHES OF EBDiTINe. OHSHBS FOR RECEIPTS, LETTEB-HEAD- S, SOXES, NOTE.J1EADS, CHECKS, BILL-HEAD- COUPOS BOSDS, DBAFTS, BCSIXESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, TUrXISG CARDS, IHTTTATIOS CARDS, DIPLOMAS, CXBTTPI CATES, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, JJAKD-BIIL- PBOGBA5CbT.es, CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, LAB ALL KOTOS, SEC. (Kc. alC PROMPTLY FILLED AJTO ON REASONABLT. TERMS. We nuke a Speelaltr of SHOW WORK. By the aid of our Improved Machinery we cat print tbe LAB6EST MAMMOTH POSTBB AND THE BHALIE8T DODGER, And at New York .and Phila- delphia Prices. Cor. Fenn. Avenue And Thirteenth St, Second Floor. SUM FINANCIAL. S10. INVEST laW. $1,000, ACCOBDIKH TO YOUR MEANS. 10, gis, ?100, tl.OM IV STOCK rBIYILEQES. Tbey oRen pay a pront from ten to fifteen times the sum invested every thirty days, without risk beyond the Investment as explained in osr book and Weekly Financial Beport, sent free, contain- ing the ilallyprlees and fluctuations that ocear at the NEW VOltK STUCK KXCBANUE; also the gtneral condition of the Mew York money market. ALEX. FROTIIING1IAM A CO, Bankers aad Brokers. OC3 12 iv ail street, K. l. H. M. r. V. BTAJir, O. W. BALLOCH, President. Cashier. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Le Droit Building, COBNEB EIGHTH AND F STREETS, Is now open for the reception of deposits and trans- action of business. Interest, five per cent, per annum, commences on first of every month and is compounded twice a year. Open dally from I a. ra. to 4p. "n. Saturdays, from to S p. m. V7A.TIOXAL SAFE DEPOSIT COST. JN PAST, Corner Fifteenth Street and New York Avenue. riEE AKD BDEQLAB PEOOF VAULTS. All kinds of valuables taken on deposit. Safes for rent, omeebonrsia. m. to 4 p.m. GEO. H. PLANT, President. GEO. W. RIGU8,Vlce President B. P. SNYDEB, Secretary. EHcB. TXMOHET BANKERS, St CO., Have removed their Banking Mosse toLeDrolct bulldlna;, corner of Eighth and F streets. Conduct a General Banking Bostnes!. Draw Drafts on Baltimore, Philadelphia and NewYork.. Make Collections on all accessible points. Bny and sell rereign Exchange, and deal In al kinds or District Securities. apa-t- f SHERMAH & GRANT No. 1425 X1 Stroot, dealers In all Issues of GoTerninent Bonds, WnsblnRton City sand District of Columbia Securmesi BPDQBT JJTD ffOEB-Ball- Stocks, Bonds! Gold. Silver and Land warrants. Deposits recelvedand collections made upon al points. myl3-l- r TRASK & STONE, Bankers and Brokers, NO. 1 NEW STREET TOW YORK TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. STOCKS, BONDS AND UOLD Bought and sold on Commission and CARRIED ON MARGINS. DETOSIT3 received and INTEREST allowed. ACCOUNTS OF COUNTRY BANKS and Bankers received on favorable terms. febis-- tr TEAMSHffLffiS; spiIANOE OF TIME. REGULAR LINE TO NORFOLK, NEW TOHli, BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. On and after MONDAY, Septembers), 13T5, tbe new and elegant steamer Lady of tbe Lake will make three regular trips between WASHING- TON and NORFOLK each week, touching at the principal River Landing's, as follows: Leave WASHINGTON every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 3 o'clock p. m., and NORFOLK every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Vare to Norfolk, t: round trip .iexets, $4. Veals and staterooms extra. Tickets good uttU used. For Tickets, Staterooms or Information apply at the office of the INLAND AND SEABOARD COASTING COMPANY, at the National Metto-pollt- Bank. Fifteenth street, opposite Treasury Department.M laM ttm ursep21-t- f ALLAN LINE STEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE. LIVERPOOL The splendid Screw Steamers of the above Line will run aa follows: -- t From Liverpool. FromBaltlmore. Nova Scotlan, August -- ', September 13. Caspian, 8eptember7, Septembers), Hibernian, September 21, October 13. And henceforth every fortnight, taking passen- gers and frtlsht to and from Liverpool PRICES OF PAS3AUE: Baltimore to Liverpool or Qneenstown Cabin KSOold. btcerage 23 Currency. Liverpool cr Qneenstown to Baltimore Cabin $9160 Gold. Intermediate MGold. Steerase Z3 00Cnrrcncy. At whleb prlc-- s parties desiring to send for their friends can obtain tickets. These steamers have very best accommodations lorpasf ge . he 10 pg ABen, A.SCnUMAOHEBACo. No. 9 South Charles St., Baltimore. ,WALTER.or,Oo3NAN se3-I- y I O St., bet. Ninth ai.d Tenth sts. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. BK6ULAR POST STEAMSHIP TRAVEL BITWSSX BREMEN AND BALTIMORE. VIA SOUTHAMPTON. The steamers of tbe North German Lloyd, or T, 500 tons, have been newly fumlihedwlth all the modern Improvements. BALTIMORE. Captain LUUenhaln. BERLIN...- .- . J ?"? OHIO.... ..- - t,ED?Z10.---- .. Hoflrnan. BRAUNSCHWEIG... " Undnetacn. v u run iwu tfOBJ u fouows: From Bremen. FromBaltlmore. H P A UNSCUW'G.Aug.M. September.18, 1S7S uHIO Septembers. October ....2, 1S7J LEIPZIG.. September J2. October....l, 1S7I Nl'RNBERO..Octobar 6. October....l8, 137 BKAUNSCUW'O. ct. M. November 13, 1S7J OUIO November . siovember 17, 1873 And thereafter fortnightly. Tbe steamer will take passengers to Bremea, Southampton, London andHavre and return. Price or Passaok. In gold, from Bremen to Baltlmore,Cahln,100 gold; steerage, JMcurrendy. FromBaltlmore to Bremen, Sonthampton, London andHavre: Cabin, $50; steerage, WOtncurrency. Return tickets, in steerage, 13.60 in currency: cabin, tlTOln gold. Children between one and ten years, ball price; children not over one year, n CAiloSer arrangements are tbe sans as the New TnrinerUifertnatlon can be ascertained by Agjgu , No. South Charles street, Baltimore, Md. ACtni tor n naonoaj, WALTER, VTj. aVVa., rtt AntWMltJI wiF.nw. Ema'or Xxehanze oa principal places (n Europe. myia-t- l ANCHOR LINE. ITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Bail every Saturday from EW YORKT AND GLASUOW. Favorite route for Tourists. Finest approach to Great Britain. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. "KATES Or PASSAGE: From NEW YORK to GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. BELFAST! or LONDONDERRY, CAMKS-tB- S, (73 and so Currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. as low as by any other "firsT-classalin- e. COMPANY'S OFFICES: 7 Bowling Green. New York: Miss Annie K. Humphrey, CO Tenth street, near Pennsylvania avenue; Cammack A Co., UQ r street- - AMERICAN LINE, KAIL STEAXSHIPS. our Line Carrylis tie Awlm ihl falling every Thursday from PHILADELPHIA For Qneexutown sutd Liverpool. Cabin, Intermediate and Btcerage ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Bates as low as by any other flrst-da- ss Line. PITER WEIGHT A SONS. General Agents, PHILADELPHIA. H. D. COOKE 4 CO.. aulJ-l- y 14a F street. Washington. D. 0' LINE OF STEAMSHIPS MEEOHANTS BtTWIXY WASHINGTON AND" NEW YORK. Hereafter the tine steamships E. C. KNIGHT and JOHN OIESON will make regular WEEKLY TRIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK, ALEXAN- DRIA, WASHINGTON and GEORGETOWN, as rollows: Leave NewYork from Vler 41, East river, every Saturday at 4 p. m. Leave Georgetown every Friday at 7 a. m. and Alexandria the same or. full Information apply to IsVP. A. DEN-HA- business office and wharf, (3 Water street, Georgetown, or at the office oftbepresldent, near bridge. J. W. THOMPSON, jall-t- f President. PBOPOSALS. pKUPOSALS FOB FORAGE, UEADQ'as Deft, or nit Platte, i Orrici: Cniar QuAitTxitMASTrn, i Ouaxm, Neb., Sept. 13, 1373. ) Sealed proposals, m triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., WEDNES- DAY, October so, KI5, at which place and time tbey will be opened in tbe presence of bidders, for tbe delivery la new gunny and burlap sacks, at Omaha Depot, Nebraska, In quantities as re- quired, during: second quarter or the fiscal year ending June SO, 1S7S, or two million (2,000.000) pounit of Corn, one million (1,000,000) pounds of Out i. Proptsals for a less quantity will be received. Each bid to be considered should be guaranteed by two responsible parties, not bidders, that tbey will become bondsmen on award of contract. Tke proposals must be la triplicate, and be made separately for Corn and lor Oats, and tnuif stale lie crop from uhlch it Upropoitt to deliver. Preference will be given to articles of domestic) production. Bids should bo Indorsed on envelope "Bids for Forage." Tbe contracts will be let with tbe proTtio that tbe quantities contracted ror may be Increased or reduced one-thi- by tbe Chief Quartermaster of the Department at any time pending full de- livery. Tbe right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Blank olds lurnlshed and fall conditions made known on application to this office. ALEX. J. PERRY. Deputy Quartermaster General. AUCTION SALES. To-Da-y. T3T THOMAS DOIYLINO, Jj Auctloneerand Real Estate Broker, - (8uccessorto Latimer A Cleary,) Southwest corner Penn. avenue and Eleventh street.' BLACK PONEY, YOUNG, GENTLE AND FAST: PIIAKTON. NEARLY NEW: NEW SET OF HARNESS; NEARLY NEW COVER, WITH HOOD, ROUES. &C, AT AUCTION. On SATURDAY MORNlNh, October 9, 1575, at l: o'clock. In front of my auction rooms, I shall sell the above complete ontflt. Parties desiring sneb a team should give this sale their attention. Can be seen prior to sale at 1913 Vermont avenue. Term., cash, ocs It TnOS. DOU LING. Auctioneer. BTB. n.WARNEK, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Federal Buildings, cor. Seventh and F sts. N.W. TRUSTEE- '- SALE Of A Y AND BASKMENT BRICK DWELLING ON THE KAST SIDE OF ElUIITEENTH STREET. BE- TWEEN r.EW YOBK AVENUE AND T STREET NOKinWEST. By virtue ora deed or trust, dated November IS, a. D. 1S74, duly recorded in Liber 763, folio 115, one of the land records for the District otColara-bl- a, and at the request ofthe party secured there- by, I shall sell, at public auction, In front of the premises, on SATURDAY, October 8. at 3 o'clock p. ra., all that certain piece or parcel of ground, iltuateln the city or Washington, Dbtrlet of Columbia, known and described as lot six (6) of Winder's subdivision or aqaare numbered one hundred and seventy, (W,)tozetherwltb the Im- provements, dc. Terms One fonrth In cash: balance In six. twelve and elahUen months, wltb lnterest,secnred by a deed or trust on tbe property sold. A deposit of tioo will be required at time or sale, and all conveyatelng at purchaser's cost. Terras to be complied with In seven days. PHILIP A. DARNEILLE, Trustee. sep23.TnTh3 J. T. COLDWELL. Salesman. rntnre Days. THOMAS BOWLING, BY Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, (Successor to Latimer & Cleary, ) Southwest corner Pennsylvania avenue an! Eleventh street. TBUSTEE'8 SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON NEW JERSEY AVENUE, NEAR BALTIMORE AND OHIO BAILROAD DEPOT. By virtue of two deeds of trust, dated May 23. 1S7C, and December 31, 1S70, and recorded in Liber S14, folios 431 and !, lolloSS), IwtllsellonTUE-DAY- , tbe 12th day of October, 1375, at 4 JO o'clock, in front of tho premises, Lots Nos. 2X 23 and 23, in Wilkes' subdivision, in Square No. C3L Lots Nos. 22 and 23 will be sold together. They front 43 feet on New Jersey avenue and extend back to an alley, and are improved wltb a fine brick dwelling and store. Lot No. 28 Is tbe first from the corner of C street, front 22 feet S inches en New J ersty avenu, and Is Improved wltb a store anl frame dwelling-bouse- . Sale will commence with Lot No. 26. Terms of sale: One third cash: residue In equal carmenta, at six and twelvemonths, with Interest, which la to be forfeited unless the terms are sale. i'rEU. W. JONES. Trustee. THOS. HOWLING. ocl-dt- (Star Auctioneer. BT WI1.LI AMS & KEli NEDT, Auctioneers and Real Estate Rrokers, Le Droit Building. CHANCERY SALE OFV ALU ABLE REAL SITUATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF B STREET NOR I II, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS EAST. ALSO A LOT AND JltAME DWELLING IN THE REAR OF SAID PROPERTY". THE ENTIRK PROPERTY IS IN ONK PIECE, AND COMMANDS A SPLEN- DID VIEW OF TUE EAST CAPITOL, PARK, BEINO SITUATED WITHIN SIXTY YARDS OF THE SAMR. AS A BUILULNO-3ITJ- S IT IS UNSURPASSED. By virtue of a decree or the Supreme Court of the District of Colombia, passed In stidcourt on tbe 7th day of September. A. D.,1875, Inequity cause No. 4,313, in which Rosetta Boston et al. are plaintiffs, vs. Richard 11. Boston et al.. defen- dants, I will offer for sale, at public auction. In front of tbe premise, on MONDAY, tbe 11th day of October, A.L.D., 1873, at 5 o'clock, p. m., all those certain pieces or parcels of land and premises sit- uate, lying, and being In tbe said City of Wash- ington. District of Columbia, and known and de- scribed upon tbe ground plat or plan of said city as lots lettered "A," "B,' and in Thomas H. Parsons recorded of original lot numbered six, (6,) In square numbered seven hun- dred and twenty-riv- e, (721,) together with all the Improvements thereon, consisting of two (I).framo dwellings. Terms ofssle: One thlr J cash: thebalance In equal rayments or six, twelve, and eighteen months, tor which the notes ol tbe purchi-er- , bearing eight per cent. Interest from day of sale, are to oe lren. A deed In tlmpli will be given, and a eed of trust taken to secure the payment of aald notes. All conveyancing at cost of purchaser. A deposit or J10O will be required at tlmeofsile. It the terms of sale are not compiled with In seven days from day or sale, the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers, upon aivln sr flri. dava notlee ofaneh resale in some news paper published in Washington. D. C. WILLIAMS JtKKNNEDY. ocl-ld- s Anstloneers. BT B. IT. WARNER, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer. Federal Buildings, corner of seventh and r streeu uuruincs.. forUale. washington city houses and lots. Ht virtue nf the la.t wilt anil testament of Marr Ann Keir, admitted to probate 27th July last, and ordered to be recorded by tho Supreme Court of lusifuiiict ua .wumui, idu ;p.u,c v wuisi- - lng Real Estate, which were devlsei to the sub- scriber to be sold, disposed of. and conreved bv blm In fee simple to the purchasers, and with tho proceeds tbertof to pay off her money legacies. me suuscriDcr ouers lor sale me iuuuw.uic uuu.es and lots, late the estate of the said Mary Ann Kerr, bis testatrix, viz: First and second. Tne brick dwellings, stores and premises on south side of Pennsylvania ave- nue and O street, between Ninth and Tenth streets. square 3:0. Lots E and r', formerly In the occupa- tion of Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe and afr. George W. Drew, each fronting 23 feet IX Inches on the Ave- nue, and a feet 7M Inches on C street. The first contains 2,473iquare feel, the latter 2,617 squire feet. By awilttcn agreement with A. R. Siep-her- d, esq., the purchaser ortot Fhas the right to use a division wall adjoining the side or this let. Thlid. Lot No. 2, Square No. 61, on the north side of New York avenue IU feet 11 Inches, and K feet 3 Inches on Twenty-thir- d street, containing 10.204 square feet. Fourth. Lot No. 4, of square 104, 27 fast 3 inches on the north side of street north, containing 4,534sqsarereet Ilfth. Lot No. 12, Siuaro 233, 50 feet fronton tbe cast side ofThlrtecnth street west, containing 7,756 square feet. Sixth. Lot 23, Squire 73, 40 feet on K street, nearTwcntlethstrcet,4,10squarefcet. Seventh. Lot 4, Square 805, 32 fee ton Seventh street east, 5,672 square feet. Elthth. Lot No. 5, Square 817, 40 feet on Fifth street easi.suaiH square ice. Ninth. Lot No. 5, Square 835, 74 feet S inches on tii ,.,,! (Mnnf at aasarhnsetta avenne anl 4 fest 8 Inches ob Seventh street, 10,0o2 square reel. 4 Tenth. Lot 4, Square 734, 64 reel 4 inches on North Carolina avenue, between First and Second streets east, 7,tt3 square feet. Eleventh? Lot , Square 065. 32 feet 8 Inches on Tenth street east,5,2tf sqnare feet; ot alley on south of this lot. . . -- ... Twelfth. Lot 7. aquare , "e "S """ street east, and 57 feet 11 Inches on North B street. The terms of the sale are: One third or the pur- chase money to be paid within thirty days from tbe day or sale, and the balance In six and twelve months from the day of sale, bearing nix per cent. Interest from that day, to be secured to the satls-factl- an of the subscriber. Adeposltortsjwlllbs required on the day or sale from each purchaser. On payment or the purchase money-an- d not subscriber will execute the deeds. Some of these lots may be sold In divisions lild off by the surveyor, er entire, to suit purchasers. Purchasers are requested to write to the sub- scriber, or to leave their offirs at theofflcepf Ran- dall Hagncr. esq., Attoraey-at-La- Yonng's Law liulldlng. Louisiana avenue, or with Henry K. Randall, so. ISO) F street.. Knot sold before, the lots will be offered at nub- ile sale on TUESDAY, the 2!th October Instant, at 10 o'clock a.m., as to Nos. land 2 of this adver- tisement, lots on Pennsylvania avenue, and on the premises, respectively. As to the other lots, at 4 o'clock p. m. on that day, fjllowtni the order of tbflr numbers herein, beginning at No. 3, and all to be sold oa the premises. If the sale be not fin- ished on ibat day tbe sale will be continued dally tbercafterat4o'dockphm.NDAi KiM Annapolis, Aid. J. T. COLDWaCLL, dalesman- - GOVERNMENT SALES. OB SALE. F 308.000 ACRES IN KANSAS. By direction of the Honorable Secretary or the Interior, the nnderslgnedwlll receive sealed bids for the purchase of any or all of tbe unsold lands west or the Neosho river, along the southern line or the State or Kansas, embraced within what la generally known as the "Cherokee strip." These lands are offered for sale in compliance wlththe provisions or an act of Congrcas approved May 11, la72. U. S. Statutes-at-Larg- e, vol. xvlU pp. asandS9.3 They will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. In quantities not exceeding one hundred aad sixty acres, at not less than two dollars per acre for all of said lauds ljlng east of the Arkansas river, and one dollar and fifty cents per acre for such lands as lie west of said river. Panted lists, describing the lands hereby offered for sale by thelrproper legal subdivisions, andin-dlcati- the minimum price at which each tract is beld. will be sent by mall to the address of any per- son making application therefor to the Commis- sioner or the General Land Office or to the register and receiver or tke local offl:es at Wichita and In- dependence, Kansas. Persons offering to purchase may bid ror as many tracts as they may desire, but each bid mu3t be sepiratelymade and sealed, and must be for not more than cne hundred and alxty acres, (and con- form to the legal subdivisions embraced In the Bids must be accompanied by ten per cent, of the amount bid as a guarantee of the good faith of the bidder, which sura, lncuethelxndlsawardedand tbe balance not paid, will be forfeited. SUonld any bid be rejected, the sum deposited will be returned Parties whose bid's are accepted will be notified of such acceptance as soon afterthe opening of the bids aa practicable, and It within forty days after such notice has been duly mailed payment in full be not made to the Commissioner of the General Land Office orthe amount bid. theland upouwhlch such bid was madewlirbe again subject to sale. The ten per cent, deposit required to accompany bids may be remitted la Post Ofilce orders, certifi- cates of deposit, certified checks on some Govern- ment depository, payable to the order to the Com- missioner or the General Land Office, or in cur-- ' The right to reject any and all b'ds Is expressly reserved. All bids most be scald and addressed to the 'Commlf sioeer or the General Land Ofilce, Wash- ington, D. C." and Indorsed "Bids for Cherokee lilSswiil'be received as above Invited until 12 o'clock noon orthe thirtieth day or November. 1675, aRir wblcb they will be duly opened and acted UBon. J1' s ByuDETT, Commissioner Of the General Ijnd Ofilce, WAOlirstlTOS, D. C, September 13, 1873. octeKWiw OP OHDNANOE AND OBDNANOE SALE STORES. ROCK ISLASD AnSKXAL, ILL., Aug. 23, 1873. Will be offered for sale at publlo auction, com- mencing at 10 o'clock a. ra., OCTOBER 28, 1873, at this Arsenal, a quantity of Cannon, Muskets and Hides, Carbines and Pistols, Swords, Accou- trements, small-an- a Ammunition, AC its. A catalogue of the articles to be sold will bs furn- ished on application at this Arsenal, at the Ord-nan- Agency, New York, or at the Ordnaneo. Office, Washington, D. C. . Terms cash: Ten per cent, on the dayofsale en acceptance ora bid and tbe remainder when tbo property is delivered. Incase oftbe failure of T Pareauer nnialta the rcaulred deposit the sale to blm will be and roW.and tbe stores maybe BA.?sPt?.Pw.llb.muiredtoberemovMTrttnia Vre.dmu,tP?r.m"vedwitbIn.h. and any purchaser lalllng-wltbln- tbat Ume- -to complete the payment for tbe stores purchased, by blm will fcrfelt the ten per cent, deposited on d The Government reserves the right to refuse any bid not deemed satisfactory. Packing; boxes to be paid for at a stated price, to be determined by the commanding; officer. D. W. FLAGLER, seSJ-t- t major of Ordnance, Commanding. AUCTTON SALES. Future Dny. BT EDWIN J. SWEET Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, No. 511 Seventh street, opposite U. S. Post Office. BALE OF A NEW DESIRABLE BRICK IIOUSKNO. US B STREET NORTHEAST; THREE (J) 8TOKIKS AND CELLAR: COOK- ING RANGE: HOT AND COLD WATER; EVERY ROOM HEATJCD Br I.AIIOE FUR- NACE IN CELLAR: SJELLAR DRT AND COKCRETED; EIGHT ROOMS BESIDES BATH-ROO- HOUSE 19 WITHIN TWO (2) SQUARES OF TUE EAST CAPITOL PARK. I will offer ror sale on TUESDAY, the 19th day of October, 1873, the east sixteen feet eight and one balflnchea front or orUtnal lot three, (I.) in square No. IH, wltb average depth of eighty (SO) feet, wltb the Improvements thereon, as above de- scribed. Terms of sale as fallows : Two thousand dollars (tx.0CO) on the sth day or April, 1890, five hundred and eighty-fiv- e dollars on February 27, 1S7S, both soma to bear ten per cent. Interest, payable semi- annually: tbe balance In cash; $200 down at time of sale It terms or sale are not complied with in seven days from day or sale tbe property wUl bs resold at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. E. jf SWEET. Auctioneer. B Y JAMES GUILD, Auctioneer, ion lrennsyivania avenne. TRUSTEE'S SAL'S OF HOUSEHOLD FUENI-TOR- E. By virtue of two deedsoftrust, dated respe:tlvely April 17. A. D. 1874, and May 11, A. D. 1374, duly recordedln Liber 741, folios Ji4and75I, folio 3, orthe land records lor Washington county. District or Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, 1 win sell at public auetlont on the premi- ses, at dwelling-hous- e N o. 512Tweirth street north- west, on WEDNESDAY. October 13, lflS, at 10 o'clock a. m all tnefumltureenumeratedand con- tained in schedules "A" and "U" attached to and secured by the d deed oftrust, either by the piece or as awbole, in tbe discretion or the undersigned at the hour or sale. Terms casb. JAMES GUILD, Trustee. octSMl JAMES GUILD. Auct. YOUNG MIDDIXTON, Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance Agtnta, Le Droit Building, corner Eighth and F streets. TRUSTEES' SALE OFVALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, SITUATED ON TENTH STREET EAST. TWO DOORS NORTH OF SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE, IMPROVED BY ATWO-&TOR- T FRAME DWELLING. By virtue or a decree or the Supreme Court of tbe District of Columbia, passed la equity cause No. 4.1SL, wherein Edwin L. Stanton, receiver, is complainant and John T.Johnson etaLare de- fendants, the undersigned, trustees, will tell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY, the21stdayof Octo- ber, 1875. at tbe hour of 1 JO p. m., all that place or parcel of 'ground lying and being in the city of ashlngton, in the District or Columbia, and known and described as part of lot numbered one, (l,)lnsquarenumberednlne hundred and fertv-fiv- e, (945,1 beginning ror the same on Tenth street cast sixty (SO) feet north from tbe southeast corner of said let, and tunning thence north thirty (90) feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-or- e (131) leet, thence south two (!) feet to tbe southeast cor- ner of lot numbered three, ii,) thence southerly with the south line of lot numbered two (2) twenty-eig- ht (2) feet ten and one half (10.1') Inches, thence east to the place of beginning, together with the Improvements, consisting or a two-stor-y frame dwelling containing five rooms and attic Terras of sale, as prescribed by said decree: One third or the purchase money in cash and the bal- ance thereof in equaltnstallments of six and twelve months; the deterred payments to bear interest at S ler cent, from the dar of sale and to be secured by the notes or the purchaser and to be a lien on the property sold. At the time of sale a deposit of tioo wilt be required of the purchaser. If the terms of sale be not compiled with In seven days rrom day of sale the property will be resold at the risk and cost of Ue defaulting purchaser. AU conveyancing at purchaser's expense. AUGUSTUS I. WORTHTNGTON, J.CREbSWELLHEALD, J YOUNO A MIDDLBfON, Auctioneers. B Y SABL. KEB, Auctioneer, Building. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON E STREET SOOTH, BE- TWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH STREETS EAST. By virtue of a deed of trust to me, dated April 27, 1873. and duly recorded In Ilhtr 713, folio 847. one of tbe land records for the District of Colum- bia, and at the request of tne party secured thereby, I will sell, at public auction. In front of the piemlses, on TUESDAY. Oct. IS), lt73, at S o'clock the following described real estate, situate ft.m., City or Washington, District or Columbia, to wit: Part or lot numbered two (2) In square numbered eight hundred and twenty-on- e, (811,) beginning ror the same six (6) feet rrom tbe south- west corner or said lot two (2) nd running north ninety (to) feet, thence east twenty-si- x (JS) feet seven (,J incucs, lucncs suma incaii iuj iccfc. thence west ten (10) reet seven (7) Inches, thence sontn seventy 1,0 xeet to ine line or b. street, thence with and by said E s'.reet west sixteen (16) feet to the plsce of beginning, together with the improvements. 2C. Terms: One third cashtbalance at six anl twelve monlbstwlth interest at 8 per cent, per annum, secured by deed of trnst. A deposit or one bnn-dr- dollars will be required at time or sale, and aU conveyancing at purchaser'a cost, QEO. W 8TICKNEY, Trustee. I ocs-dl- SAM'L EER. Auctioneer. B Y TV. YV. COX SON. Real Estate Brokers, 819 Seventh street northwest. VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON OURTENTH STBE1T, BETWEEN SAND T STREETS. We will offer for sale the prop- erty on MONDAY. October 11, 1873, at 5 o'clock p. m., at public auction, on the premises, being all or lotnlne, (9,)ln sqnare two hundred and thirty-eigh- t, (238, beginning for the same at a point one hundred (100) feet north from north S street, along the west line of said square, and running thence north sixty-tw- o feet six inches, (C.S,) thence east one hundred and twentr feet two inches. (120.2.) thence south forty-tw-o feet six inches, (12.6,) thence west thirty feettwo inches, (30.2.) thence south twenty (20) feet, thence west ninety (90) feet to the place or beginning. Terms or sale: One fourth casb ; balance In equal Installments or six, twelve and eighteen months respectively, fr which sum the purchaser's notes will be taken, bearing Interest at 7 per cent, per annum, to be secured by a deed of trust on tbe propertysoId;2COdownontbedavofsale. oc6-5- t THOS. DOWL1NO, Auct. BY THOMAS DOWLINU, Auctloneerand Heal Estate Broker, (Successor to Latimer & Cleary,) Southwest corner Pennsylvania avenue and Elev- enth street. CHANCERY SALE. By virtue of a decree of theSupreme Court of the District or Colombia, made In tlie cause or U vs. Flandran et al.. No. 4,457, Equity Docket Jo. 15. and dated September 14, 1873, 1 will offer at auction on MONDAY, t ha nth day or Oc- tober next, on tbe premlsea. at 4 o'clock p. m., a desirable brick dwelling In Georgetown, formerly the residence of Mrs. Jane Macomb, the property being bounded as follows: Beginning at the en 1 or 29 feet 7 Inches measured eat on the north line of First street from the east line of I'otomae street, and running thence on said Hue of First street east 47 feet to the property formerly owned by John T. ShaafT, thence with aald property north 107 feet to an alley, thence with said alley west 47 feet, and thence In a straight line to the beginning, with tbe improvements, consisting or a two-sto- ry brick dwelling, with basement and attic. The property Is most desirably situated, has convenient open greund, and is capable oMmprovement. Terms or sale: One third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the residue In two equal In- stallments at six and twelve months respectively, to be secured by approved notes, bearing Interest and a reserved lien on tbe property. The terms of sale must be complied with within one week after sale, or tbe property may be resold at the risk and cost or the purchaser. All conveyancing at the purchaser's cost. WALTER . COX, Trustee. THOS. DOWLING, Auct. E. J. SWEET, BY Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, IU Seventh street, opp. United States Post Office. TRU8TEE8' 8ALEOFA NEAT TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, 631 MARYLAND AVE- NUE, NORTH SIDE. BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS SOUTHWEST. By virtue ofa deed of trnt, dated August 23. A. D. 1S73, dulyiecordcd in Liber No. 723, folio 273, one or the land records for the District or Colum- bia, and at the request or the party secured there- by, we will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY. October 14, 1373. at i o'clock p. m., the following described real estate situate la tLe city of Washington, District of Co- lumbia, it : All that piece or parcel or ground known and designated as lot numbered twelve. (12,) In D. Carroll's subdivision or square num- bered four hundred and sixty-tw- (432.) Terms: 2.0tn, with interest at ten per cent., from August 23, 1173. to dar of sale, and expense orsalelnrasb, and the balance at six and twelve months, ror which the notes or the purchaser, bearing Interest from the day or sale, and secured by a deed of trust on she property sold will be taken. A deposit of tioo will be required of the purchaser at the time or sale, and all conveyancing at tbe expense of purchaser. I r termsof sale are not compiled wlth-l- n scvenMays from tbe day of sale, the trustees reserve tbe rliht te resell the prop- erly at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur- chaser after five days advertisement, BRAINARD H. WARNER Irrnit... UEOROE W. STICKNEY, Jrnssees. E. J. SWi-ET- , Auctioneer. SAUL. KEIl, BY Seal Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Le Droit Building. TRUSTEE'S 8ALE OF A THREE-STOR- AND BASEMENT BRICK HOUSE, BEING No. 114 C STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated March 2, A D. 1372., and duly recorded In Liber No. 673, folio 420, one of the land records of the District of Co- lumbia, and at tbe requestor the party secured thereby, I shall sell at public auction. In front of tbe premises, on THURSDAY. October 14, 1875, at 5:30 p.m., the following-describe- d real estate In the District of Columbia, being part of lot eight, (82,) in square seven hnndredand twenty-fou- r, (74,) beginning for tbe same at a point nineteen (19) feet two (2J Inches from the southwest corner of said lot numbered eight, (J,) running thence east along the line or O street twenty (20) feet; tbenee north one hundred and sixty-eig- (I6)t fcetthreeandone half (3,1) Inches to a thirty-foo- ) alley; thence west along said alley fourteen (11) feet eight (8) Inches; thence south seventy-elrh- t (78) feet three (3) Inches; thence west live (3) feet four(4) Inches: thence south ninety (90) feet one hairOi) Inch to place or beginning, together with improvements, 4c. lerms of sale as prescribed by the deed oftrust: Tour thousand dollars, with Interest from Febru- ary IS. 1374, and expenses of sa'.e In casb, and the balance in six and twelve months, with Interest from day of sale. A depositor 200wlil be required or tbe purchaser when the property is bid off. If terms of sale are not complied with in seven days, the trustee reserves the right to resell tbe prop- erty at the risk and cost of tun defaulting pur- chaser. GEO. W. STICKNEY, Trustee. SAMUEL KER, Auctioneer. seVTb&TuSds A HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOB SALE. By vlrtne ofa deed of trust from the late James I. Hnntonand hiawHe. the uuderslsned, trustee, will on the d day of NOVEMBER. 1973, at the court-hous- e In Warrenton, Virginia, sell at pub- lic auction the valuable residence called "Clear-mont- ," adjoining the town of Warrenton. The house and gronndssreexceedlnglvhandjoine. The bouse has eleven rooms, and Is built of brick, with thirty acrea or land attached. Terms or Sale By agreement, one fourth orpur-cbs- money cash; tho residue in three eqoaflu-itailmMlsl- Sf one, twqand threeyears, beirlngln-tm- st day ofsali.and t"ptttTttean3.l trom cnly saeb title as is vested In mi, IhlcnUbenwedto be unquestlonaMe. Forfnrtherpartleulars, apply to Epna Hnnton, w.ff "i?Si DAVID WALKER. Trustee. LEGAL. uuuki ur inti ui8. INTIlKSUi'Ktair. THE 23D DAY OF SICTTEMBER. 1S73. EdwlnL.. Stanton, 1 receiver, b . EimltvDor1ceti.t. v.. fa. riinstel. J On motion of the plaintiff, by Mr. A. 8. Worth-lngto- n. bis solicitor. It Is ordered teat tbe defend- ant, Charles O.Gage, eausc his appearance to be entered herein on or before tho first forty days after this day; otherwise the cause wlllbeproceededwith aslicaseorderaull. By the Court Teit: O. B. OLIN. Justice, At. True copy Test: K.J. M1EGS, tl:rk, Ac. se23-Si- KTZTm o. xa-srox- BOOKBINDEH AND PAPER-RULE- o, j71 PenuajlTsmlJi TJnje. Teat udEIeTeatBitsL, Boats Side. JVBooki elegantly or plainly brand. Period! lsend rewspapars carefully atta--U sa u, IJteMal fffifflft FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Honstary. Washihoto i, Friday evening, Oct. 8. In New York to-d- money was easy at 2QJ. Gold quiet at U6U6. Exchange firmer at 4S0. Governments dull and lower. Sherman A Grant anote the buying and selling rates for Governments, ic, as follows : . tl...:....VStf133i .117Jt5U7)5 'c...ii8uii3 lOoid. lioka '64....119Umi9 New fives... .lKUQUS 't....119ia Our'y,34J'1 . 65a 66J4 flliaVf Foreign exchange: 't57....120Jiei20 Three days ..431 '68.. ..121 va?A Sixty days MS State bonds steady, except Tennessees, which are lower. Tennessee 6's, old . 50 f Alabama 8's .. 32- - ao. ,.32 Virginia Cs 40 ' Georgia 6's ..93 do. new... 40 do. 7's do. eonsol 63 K. Carolina, old .17f do. defeT'd. ; uo. new.. 5 Loulslaiae's, old... 36'4 do. s. tax.. 3 do. new.. 3H S. Carolina, old 21 Leveeirs n do. new.. 231 Levee 8's n do. A.A0 23 TfiA fnllnwtnw ... .v.. ., i . . .... -- -- - -- "". -- " mio UU31QX rates ior too active stocks, telegraphed to Sherman A Uraat from the New York Stock Exchange : Northwestern 37 jLake Shore....... tnt WestemUnlon-..- .. uu Paellle Mall sjS Qold. 110JZ1 Rock Island 1023 sj-- 33kErIe iej? Wabash. 6jlUnIon Paellle Ktji .vMJ'.?- - Sherman A Grant's dispatch quotes the following; total sales or stocks: take Shore. 2.800,Northwest. x?.d.?.8iIvVi;;-"-lM5- S 52 island .V.V.:: twS Union Paeifle 7.600 Ohio and Miss.;..! 400 St, Paul 2,300;Wabash., .1,509 day: Gold, 137,295,685; curreney. 51,630,3W. The paid out $10,000 onaecount of Interest, and (10,000 for bends. Customs re- ceipts, $303,000. Oor London dispatches say the amount of bul- lion withdrawn .from the Bank of England on balance y was .X33o,00), principally for America. Consols, 9315-1- 5 lor both mosey and account. , Our Paris dispatches quote rentes at 65 francs 70 centimes. Commercial. The Georgetown grain market shows a decided Improvement over tho last week, the receipts being; over three times as great, and sales larger. The total receipts for the week ending; yesterday were 20,942 bushel,and the total sales 17,235 bushels, at prices ranging; from (LIS to 4L52. Suits are all running; on fall time. WASBTSaTOS WnoUSALZ ITABKrrS In ow wholesale markets there scarcely no change since yesterday's quotations but the markets remain steady and brlsit wt quste as before: Flour-Fam- ily, standard brands, 7J0aT.75; do. Ka??,?r?",,,7?aT-25- : extra super. $5a5.60: fine, $4.60a4.75; middling, 3.76aiJ25- - rve 4.75aA25; corn meal, bolted, isasoe.; do. unbolted! 76a, gc Qraln Wheat, prime to choice. do. fair to good, $L2oaL32; com, yellow. No. ll 75a, do.Ko. 74a76t; oats, new ?o. new Western bright, isaiiajdo. do. nuxtd. ui e.; do. damaged, 40c; ry e, 60a75c ..ryJS?'?..st?w-Ha- y' e'orer, jlSalS; do., da, mued, i7a20: straw ewt. wSaLML " 1"itiX' "' "' . P Butter-- N. Y.Jhair flrkln tubs, firsts, 31a36e.: do. do. do. seconds, 30a33a; do. dairies, firsts, 30 33c; do. do. seconds, 2Sa30a; selections. Western, gaspt: do. do. Virginia. 27a30c-- ; barrel, 24a25a; do do! do. seconds, 20s22e.; do. do. do. do. thirds. 17al8c-packe- d, Va, Pa. and aid. firsts, S3a25c.: do. do! do. do. seconds, 17a20c; do. do. do. do. thirds. 13a iiai?0,,re'ienlv9I5t' SSat; do. do. seconds, 18a20c.;do. do. thirds, I3al4c; roll do firsts. 2 a28; do. do. seconds, 20a22c.; do. da, thirdj, 17al8c: grease, 10c Eggs-N- ear by, 21c; Western, 23c.; keat, 15c. Cheese New York: State factory, fine, new,l3J4 al4e.; do. fair to good, SHaloe; Western !" ?.0":e ?ew lltiaoafc fair to good, 8a9c.; skimmed, ease.; half skimmed. SalOe. .pfl:,r7aS Game Ducks, live, 3 5.S0; hens, live, per dot, 3a4r chicken? pei dox large, 3a4; chickens, per dot, smalf, Irl51.FI?It" .and Nnt-Ap- ples, sliced, perlb..l0al2t; do. bright da'salot; do. fair do. 7a8c; do. bright i' da7a8c.; do. common JTs do. 6a6e.; Peaches, peeled, strictly choleo and fancy, per lb. lSaSOe.; da, fair to good, per lb, I2al4e.; daunpeeled 3 do. 7aSe.; do. .i0-'-" ia8t; ehew'e'. plued, new, per ft J0a22c--; blackberries, per Uv, 8a9i; peanuts, com- mon, slal.25; prime, $i.75a2j chestnuts, per bush.. Green Fruits Pears, common, per barrel. CU 3: Sickle and Dutchess pears, per box; taut apples. New York, per DDL, 3.50a4; do. Virginia, per bbL,4L50a3: peaches, common, per box, 50c; .iviuivua a.i.iJ, couubTT ASUIIS, per ID,. 13al3c.; do. da shoulders, da, lOalle.; do. do. sides, da, ISallc; pork, da, SWalOUc; lard, coua-trylo- ts, do, 13allc.; do, refined,T5al7e. Furs, Wool and Hides Wool, washed, 40a-45- do, unwashed, S0a34c; hides, green, 6i7c-- : do..dry, llal2e.; calfskins, each, 75e.Ml.10; pelts, each. ..ill 50c Mill Feed. Western bran,perton,t20a22; brown middlings, do, 23a25; white da, da, f25a27. Seeds-Tlmo- tby. per bushel, J313.50; do, do, Virginia, $2.50a3; flax, do, JL75S2. Fertllliers Peruvian guano,$80; bone dost,38j, 42; Turner's excelsior, J50; Turner's ammoniatecl phes, S40; Dunlop A Co-'- s max,50; Moore'shaltv and-balf- , $50; dissolved bone, $37; E. T. Coo's phosphate, $45; plaster In bags, $3.50. TJXX MAEEETS XL3E1VHEBE. New York, Oct. 8. Cotton firm; sals3 or 1,1(3 bales atl3l3c Hecelpts of the week-- net, 1,007; gross, 9,818 bales. Exports Great Britain, 11,601 bales; France, 284 bales; continent, 1,533 bales. Sales, 10,791 bales. Stock, 39,047 bales. Flour dull and heavy, and fully 10c lower: superfine Western and State, $5.15g5.10; common to good extra da, $5.:0SC; good to choice do, $8.05gtt. 65; common to cholee white wheat Western extra, $6.B57.50; fancy do, $7.653.60; common to good extra Ohio, $5.7037.50; common to choice) extra St. Louis, $5.9Og9.O0; patent Minnesota ex- tra good to prime, $3.7037.80: choice to double ex- tra, $75610.00. Southern flour dull and lower: common to fair extra, $5.8038.90; good to choice) de, $s.9S9.C0. Wheat receipts, 182,133 bushels: dull, heavy, unsettled and 23c lower; scarcely any export demand; nominal quotations ara eoa$i.05 for rejected spring; $loslos for No. 3 Chicago; $L10QL12 Tor Na 3 Mil- waukee; $L23QL21for new and old No. 2 Chicago; LS2L2t for do. No. 3 Northwest; $L230L2S tor old and newNa2 Milwaukee; $L33L35 for No.l spring: $L20Ltl for sound new and old winter red Western; $L211.42 for sound now and old amber Western; $L303L65 for do. whlta Western; $L05L10 for unsound new winter red Western. Corn opened Arm and closed active, & cent higher; 6S69a lor steam Western mixed : 70671c for sail do.; 71072c for high do. and yellow da; 7e89Mc for good to prime Western mixed In store; for damaged and heated Western mixed. Oats a cent better and rather more active; &55c for new mixed and white; 4:47kc for white da; 45655a for mixed State; 4765o. ror white da Corfee Bio quiet and nominally unchanged; cargoes, 19U2iaxc gold; job lots, lK2c, gold. Sugar steady and ia fair demand; TJiQSc for fair to good refining; 8a for prime; refined In Sood demand, partly export; 10a for standard for granulated; l0Kiia for powdered; llKe- - for crushed. Molasses dull and nominally unchanged. Bice unchanged and with fair de- mand to the trade. Petroleum quiet and mors steady; crude, Qieeic.t refined, 13c Tallow steady at 103104a itestn dull at $LT0L73 for strained. Turpentine excited at 37Jc for spirits. Pork firmer; new mess. Job lots, $22S tf22.60. Beet unchanged. Lard heavy; 13JJC ror prime steam. Whisky somewhat unsettled; $L1SHL19. Freights to Liverpool very firm; cotton, sail, steam, 7.1S! BALTiatoas, Oct. 8. Cotton fairly actiye and firm; middling, 13lSHe. Flour quiet, but firm and unchanged. Wheat quiet; Pennsylvania red, $L3SL40. Corn-Sout- hern doll; Western firm: Southern white, 68G78c: da yellow, T2QT3a: Western mixed, 88Ji Oats dull and weak; Southern,' 48g53a; Western, white, 48350c: Western mixed, 49343c Byes quiet at 75380c Hay dall and unchanged. Provisions Light stock and high prices restrict business. Pork, $23 60324. Bulk meats shoulders. :i0c; clear rib sides, lie, loose; aulet and active: Western extras, 30c; firsts, 2S2oe. Petroleum easier; crude, 6c; refined, 1ZKQ13C Coffee quiet, but Arm and unchanged. Whisky ami ana lower at aiai. CLOTHING. FALL AND WINTER STYLE3. 2STX7" Goods AT DEVIflN &r6o.'s. No. 1106 P Street. S-uULt- S From $25 to $8S. S-A-BsID- E O F BJELAJDSr -- M JSODB Fall Overcoats. seis-t- f

National Republican (Washington, D.C. : 1872). (Washington ......STABT'NG FROM IIAELE3-STEEE- T 9:35 a m. Express for New York. 10:ii ni For wet'l'lladelphlaandNew York, Limited Parlor

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Page 1: National Republican (Washington, D.C. : 1872). (Washington ......STABT'NG FROM IIAELE3-STEEE- T 9:35 a m. Express for New York. 10:ii ni For wet'l'lladelphlaandNew York, Limited Parlor

BUSINESS DIRECTORY.Containing Cards or Tlnt-Clan- a XatafcElitame nta in all BrnncMe or BdiIi

ih In the District.aeKITOITCrWAMHOUSnj.

H, A, Baker, 828, S2S, SSL-- - are,,'AKOHIIXCTS.

71s at it, . opp. P. O. Dept,tnlas7T7Davis i Com easTth st., opp. Pat. Offlee,yf, ji. I'olndexter Vernon Bow.

A.TTOBMTS.AT.IiA.'W.O, D. Barrett, J17 4 street.J, I. K. runt, ios K itw- - J. P.. Notary Com.

BANKS AKD BANKERS.Biggs A Co.. Executive ave., cor. 15th St,

BEl.IlIANGEKS,I,OCK8Mrrn8,cr. Xred. Fiacber, 61S Sth street, bet. F and O.

BLEACHERS.,ST.Wnltlng,strawh't and b't bleacher,824 Fa.ay,

BOOKSTORES.golomons A Chapmans' Metropolitan Bookstore.Ul

Pa. ave., bet. Sth and 10th ats. Constantly onhand the newest and most fashionable styles ofplain and fancy stationery. Card plates, "atCome," and wedding invitations engraved Inthe blithest style of the art. All the new publi-cations received as soon as Issued.

Warren Choate A Co., arst-cla- Book andStationery Store, 941 lnna.avenue,cor. 10th st.

0. A7Brosnan. Cathollc)928 a su. bet. Ml 10th.

BBASS WOBK8.Satlonal Brass Worts, 316, OS (and 320 uth rt. a.

w.; Thos. Bomervtlle, manufacturer or all ax.tleiesnsed In the Plumbing and Gas and Steamnttm g Business; a complete stock ot numb-ers' Supplies, Ac. constantly on hand,CABINET SHOPS.

wm. Walter. 9X3 streeu near 10th.

CARRIAGE rACTORIES.Bobt.H. Graham, 410. 412, 414 sth street n. w.

McDermottA Bros.. W Pa. av., near !d ft.HARDWARE AND CUTXEBT.

1. W. Kennedy A Co., 612 Pa. av., bet. eth and Tta,HOBSE-SHOEB-

J. T. Doras. K at., bet. sth and 10th, and 1382 pat.Horsesshod according to natural shape of foot.rNSTBUMENTMAKEKS.

C. Fischer, Sure. Instruments Trusses, 623 7th it,JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.

S. c. Weaver, Justice of the Peace and Couveianeer. Ol 7th st. N. W.irraooBAPUEBs.

Horns Peters, 458 Pa. are., near IX street. Photo- -Lithography a specialty.IJTKBT ST ABXES.

Keyea A Co., cor. lith and D su. close carriagesfor wedding calls and receptions. Boardingana livery staotea. nunniiuuiwiwwe,.OPTICIANS

H. H. Henusler. 453 Pa. ay., cor. 4,S it.OBNAMENTAI. IBON WORKS.

John A. Hayward, Wrought and Cast Iron Ball"Ides 1414 Fourteenth street northwest.PAPER HANUEBS. C.

Douglass Moore, 309 9th St., bet D and Pa. ar.,Practical PaierHanger and Upholsterer. Wallpapers, window shades, carpets, oil cloths, Ac.All orders for work In either branch of the tradeexecuted with skill and dispatch at lowest rates.


OnandafterSOXOAY. May IS, 1S75, trains willleave Baltimore as follows. (Baltimore time;)7:30 a. m. NIAGARA. KXlKE83 dally (except

tsunday) north to Rochester, Buffalo andthe Falls.

855 a. m. MAIL dally (exept "Snndayl far theWest and Xurtb to Buffalo and NiagaraFalls.

1:15 p. m. F AST LIS F.dallv (except Sunday) forthe West and North to Wllllanuport andLock Haven.

erii p. jn. CINCINNATI EXPBES3 dally forl'lt'sburgaud West.

10:15 tp. m. PACIFIC EXFKESS-Da- lly for Pitts-burg and West; dallr (except Saturday)North to Elmlra, Buffalo, the Falls, andCanada, Erie and the Oil lieglons of Penn-sylvania.

TEAIKS Olt GETTYSBUKQ at 8r23 a. m. andI fix

TEAINS FOB HANOVEB at 8.13 a. m., 1:15 and3:25 p. m.



FOR YORK dally (eicent Sunday) at 335 p. m.rOK PARKTON dally (except Sunday) at 555 and

FOR PARKTONJ 155 p. m. on Sunday only.FOB COCKEYSVILLfc, 6:95. 1155 a. m. daliy,ex.

cept Sunday, and 1155 p. m. dally.TRAINS ARRIVE IN BALTIMORE.

FEOM THE WEST AND KOBTH 3:00 and 7:30a. m. and 6:10 and 6:30 p. xn.


CockeysvUle-S:3- 5a. m. and 255 and 4:25 p.m., exrent Sunday.

FEOM COCKEY8V1LLE at 10:15 a. m., Sunday

rAEKTONACCOJIMODATION 8:15 a. ra. dallyexcept bundary and 10:25 p. m. dally.

FEOM GUEENbl'RlNG BBANCII at 8:15 a.m.and C:10 Tk m.

Tor tickets to all points East, North and West,apply at Oalvert station, at northeast corner Bal-timore and Calvert streets, and at Charles streetstation.

Baggage called for and checked at hotels and res-idences on orders left at office, northeast cornerBaltimore and Calvert streets.

GEORGE C. WILKIN S, Superintendent.D. M. BOYD, JE..


On and after WEDNESD AY, June 2, 1S75, train!will leave Baltimore as follows. Baltimore time:

LEAVE CALVERT STATION.7:80 a. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington.Jil5 a. m. Dally, for Washington. Dally (except

Sunday) for Pope's Creek Line and Annap-olis.

10:05a. in. Dally (except Sunday) far Washing-ton.

1:00p.m. Dally for Washington, for Norfolk,via Washington and Norfolk steam ersonMon-da- v

and Thursday.4:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington,

Pope's Creek Line and Annapolis.6:15 p. m. Dally for Washington.955 p.m. Dally (except Sunday) for Blcnmoud


4:40a. m Dally, South, vlx Richmond and Lynch-burg.

p. m. For Washington dally, except Sunday.345 p. m. For Washington dally, except Sunday.9 55 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) for Washington.9:35 a. m. Dally (t xcept Sunday) for Philadelphia

and New nrk.10:35a. m. For Philadelphia and New York dally,

except Sunday.;:50p m Dally ( xcept Sunday) for Philadelphia

andNewlork.6.S0p. m. For Philadelphia dally.10.511) m. For Philadelphia and New YoikLEAVtrENNSYLVANIA-AVENUESTATIO-

10.15 a. ra ,and 1.12.453. 6:31, 9:38 ani10.01 p. m. For 7:t) a. m 1:1ai-- c.31 p. m. dally. For Annapolis, 7:30 a. m.and 4r05 p. m.

LEA F. WASHINGTON FOB BALTIMORE.7.13.6:4.1, 9:73. 11:55 a. m. and 1:18, 4:50,

19:15 p. m : 7:45 a. m., 4:5), 7:10 and9: 8 p. m., dall) ; c.oo a. m.. except Monday;10.15p-m.- . except Saturday.



D. M. BOYD, Jit.,General Passenger Agent.


BALTIMORE RAILROAD.Commencing MONDAY, May 31, 1874. Passenger

Trains win leave Baltimore dally (except Sundays)as follow.

FKOM PRESIDENT-STREE- T STATION.6:55 a. m. For fblladrlphiaand Way Stations.955 a. in. For Philadelphia. Express.2:ooi m. For Port Deposit and Intermediate

Stations.2:) p. in. ForPk.ladelphla. Express.5:00 p m. For Port Depo.lt and Intermediate

655 p in. For Philadelphia.STABT'NG FROM IIAELE3-STEEE- T

9:35 a m. Express for New York.10:ii ni For wet'l'lladelphlaandNew York,

Limited Parlor Car Train.100 p. in. For We-- t Philadelphia and NewYork,


655 p. m. For Philadelphia. From Prcsldent-tre- ct

station.10:50 p. ia. For New York. From Charles-stre-

station. convections.6:55 a. i. Train connects at Perryvlllc with train

for Philadelphia and Baltimore Central railroad,and at Wllmlnnton Junction with trains for allStations on Delaware railroad,i 955 a.m. Train for Port Deposit.

2. p. m. Train with stages lor Bela'r and otherpoints: al'o at rerryyille with train for Philadel-phia and Baltimore Central railroad.

2:40 p.m. Train at Wilmington for Stations onDeUware railroad between Wilmington and Har--luiKiun. ,. .. ...,,,

General Agent.




Tie Men CoigresaoaU EiecitiTS Comilta

No. 1. Growth of the Nation Under RepublicanBnle. Eight pages.

No. 2. A atlcanlsm in Germany and in the UnitedStatu, tight pages.

No. 3 Can the Naticn Trust the DemocraticParty Sixteen pages.

No. 4. Record and Platforms of the DemocraticParty. Srxech by Senator Morton, atUrbana, Ohio, August 7, 1975. Eightpages.

No. llie National Mnancs and Cumncy, con-taining ataustlcal details in full to thei lose of the fisul year ending June 30,

7i, Kight pares.No.c-- H sb and Loo Tariffs ad Their Effects.

i- onr page;.No 7 rCurrenr: Its Volume and Character;

al-- Taxes: Who Paya Them? Fourpagis.

No. 8 atlcanlsm in Gcrmanyand in the Unitedstates. (In German.) Eight pages.

No. 9. The People a Nation: The unloa Per-petual Eight pages.

No lft, The Southern (Question: IThe Conspiracyto Rule or Destroy the Nation. Twelvepages.

No. li. the Nation Under RepublicanRule. (In German.) Eight pages.

Other iix nments are being prepared, and will bepublished aslhecanvas proceeds.

Campaign Pamphlets are furnished to Individ-uals, clnbe, committers, etc., at the followingjates: rour.pagePamphlets.25eents re; hundredcopies- - e'ght-pag- e, 50 cents; twelve-pag- 75 cents;Mxtetn-nag- e, &U

Comuliteesand inulvlduals. In ordering politi-cal paipiihlets. wlU please designate the .papers re-quired m their numbers. Address "Union Iteonb-lca- n

Ci ngresslonal Executive Committee, n,

D o.,"and indicate whether packagesball be ent by mall or express. e28


PANT.BOS. OX PetuuTlranla AT6BB.


We are prepared with every faculty, forEngraving tRd Printing


W. H. PHILIP, President.GEO. T. JONKS. Vice President.jliHKW, UTATKRS. Herretarr.JOnN H. VAN BUSEXRK. Treasurer.


primw l)F tlKNTLUMEN'S OASTAS n b aold to the Terr beatdranuge byaddresstnger ealllngoa JU8TH, en

u awveL, Between oixtai uu o,iwiiwiwmi2?otes br mall promittrv atteaxid to Out palst.uu


Ballroad tickets bought or sold, to or from ana reduction upon any oBce or depot InthUelty. Apply to M. D. WHITESIDE,

613 Pennsylvania avenue. Metropolitan Hotel,Washington D. O Jais-l- v




Alexandria at 9:10 a. xn. and 4:10 p. m., passLeeahurg, going westward, at 1150 a. m. and 630p. m., and arrive at Round Hill at 11 m. and 7 p.xu. a.eave xtouuu mu at &:aj a. m. iz.su p. in.,pass Leeahurg, going eastward, at 6 a. m. and 1:10p. m., and arrive at Alexandria 8:15 a. m. and 3:15p. m.. and at Washington at 8:30 a.m. and 3:30p.m.

from Washington will take theWashington and Ohio can at the Baltimore andPotomac railroad station at 9 a. m. and 4 p. m.,and go through to Bonnd UlU without change ofcars.

The 9:10 a. m. train from Alexandria and 12:30 p.B. train from Round UlU connect at Bound Hillwith Harris' Dally Line of Coaches for Snlckers-TlU- e,

BerryrUle and Winchester; also, withBeamer'a Line or Coaches, which leave LeeahurgdaUyferAldleandMlddlebnrg.

Both Trains westward make close connection atVienna with Blsson's Line or Stages for FairfaxCourt-Hous- e.

uSe,f,Stt",,,UCk't,' ' CR!tH.PHrA,VK,NR,aUl1apsffk General Ticket Agent.





The equipment on this line la new and of the mostelegant aad Improved finish.TEAIN LEAVING AT 933 A. M. 18 PULLafAN


MIGHT TRAINS.On and alter MAY 23, 1875, trains by this

line wlU leave Depot of Baltimore and PotomacRailroad, corner of Sixth and B streeu as follows:7:45 a. m. Express for Philadelphia. New York and

points East dally, except Sunday.153 a.m. Limited Express Pnlunaa Car Train

for Philadelphia, New York aad points SaltdaUy, except Sunday.

108 p. m. Express for Philadelphia and New Yorkdaily, except Sunday.

4:50 p. m. Express for Philadelphia and way point)daily.

9:08 p. m. Express for Philadelphia, New York andpoints East dally.


Night Trains.Tickets and Information can be procured at the

offices of the company.Baggage called for and checked at hotels and pri-

vate residences on orders left at the offices of theeomrany, northeast corner Thirteenth street andPennsylvania avenue, and on the northeast corneror BlxthstreetandPennsylvanlaavenue.

Depot BALTIMORE & POTOMAC RAILROAD,comer Sixth andB streets.

fiGeneral Passenger AgnwjlphlaP..

febI5 Superintendent, Baltimore, Ma.


OzrOT CoiontR or Burn axs B Stbxxts.Local trains lor Alexandria leave aa followsr 7:00, 8, --9, 10, 11 a. m.. 1, 1 --4, 5, 6:00. 7p.m. The T

and9a.m., andlandsp. m. trains rnn daUy; allother trains dally, except Sunday.

Local trains leave Alexandria aa follows: , 7, U1,10,11 a.m.: 1, 3,4,5, 6:00 7 p.m. The 6,8 and10 a. m., and 5 and 7 p. m. trains leave Alexandriadally: all other trains dally, except Sunday.

Trains leaving Washington at 7:00 a. m. and 6:00p. m and Alexandria at 6:00 a.m. and 7 p.m.,connect dally with trains on Virginia Midlandroad.

Great Southern Exnress via Richmond leavesWashington 11:38 p. m., dally, (except Sunday.)

Through tickets to all points South and South-west for sale at offices, corner or Thirteenth streetand Pennsylvania avenue, and Sixth street andPennsylvania avenue, where passengers can leaveorders ror baggage, to be cheeked at all the hotelsand residences through to destination.

D. M. BOYD, JB.,eavtf General Passenger Agent.



Stammer Scbednle.SXFTZUnEB30,187$.

FROM WASHINGTON CITY.5:00 a. m. Baltimore and Way Stations.6:45 a. m. Baltimore, Annapolis, Frederick andWay Stations.7:20 a. m. Baltimore. Breakfast at Belay.7:40 a.m. Baltimore.eia,in.New l'ork. Cape May, Philadelpiila,

Boston, Baltimore and Relay.S:0O a. ra. Chicago, Commons, Sandusky, Cincin-

nati. Louisville. 84. Louis, Pitts-burgh Hagerstown, Frederick, Staun-ton, Winchester and Valley Branch.Parlor cars. Dinner at Cumberland.

8:10 a.m. Washington Junction and Way Sta-tions. (Metropolitan Branch.)

6:30 a. a. Baltimore and Way Stations.950 a. m. Baltimore. Parlor cars. No stops.

ll:oo.a.m. Baltimore and Way Stations.1:00 p. m. New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Nor-

folk, Baltimore and EUlcott City.Dinner at Belay, (1:30 p. ra. on Sun-days, Baltimore and Way Stations

.oh'TO Parlor cars to New York.:J0 p. ra. Baltimore, Lanraland Relay,t 45 p. m. Frederick, Washington Junction and

Way Stations. (Via MetropolitanBranch.)

1:45 p.m. Baltimore, Frederick and Way Sta-tions.

5:00 p.m. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Relay.C:CS p. in. Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta-

tions.6:30 p. m. Chicago. St. Louis, Louisville, Colum-

bus, Sandusky. Cincinnati. DeerPark, Berkeley Springs. Pullmancars. Supper at Martlntburg. Break-fast at Parkersburg and Benwood.

8:40 p. m. Bagerstown. Winchester and WayS t.Uons, via Metropolitan Branch.

7:15 p. m. Baltimore and Way Stations.7:45 p. m. Baltimore and Alexandria Jnsctlon.8:40 p. m., Pittsburg and Cumberland. Fast Ex-

press. Sleeping Cars.9:00 p. m. Baltimore Fast Express.9:15 p. m. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and

Boston, Fast Express. Pullman palacesleeping cars.

1155 p, ra. Fast Express. Pullman cars to Chicago,and St. Louis without change. Break-fast at Grafton. Sandusky. Cincin-nati. Indianapolis.

SUNDAY TRAINS.9:15 p.m.. Baltlmore.PhUadelphla.New York and

Boston, Fast Exnrrss.Baltimore ana Way Stations 3:00 a. m., 1:30,

8:05 and 7:30 p. ra.For Baltimore and Belay, 750 a. m., 6:00 and 9:00p. m.

West-S:- 00 a. ra.. 8:30,8:40 and 11:25 p. m., stop,ping as during the week.

All trains slop at Viaduct Hotel, Belay UoiseStation.

For further Information apply at the Baltimoreand Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and4b5 Pennsylvania avenue, where orders wUl betaken for baggage to be checked and received atany point la the city. THOS. B. SH ARP

Master of Transportation.L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent:GEO. S. KUUNTZ. General Agent. je7-- tf

BALTIMORE a. POTOMAC B. B.Sixth akd B stbxxts N. W

On and afttx September 13. 1875, trains will leaveWash ngton aa follows, Washington time:

6:00 a. m , Limited mall dally ror the West.Dally, except Sunday, for the North, to Canan-datgu- a,

Buaalo and Niagara Falls.7:45 a.m., Express for Philadelphia and New

York, dally, except Sunday.8:40a. m.. Accommodation to Baltimore dally.9:23a.m., Limited Express for NewYork aad

last, daily, except Sunday.a, m.. Fast Line for the West and North:

except Sunday.l:u p. m.. Express for Philadelphia and New

Ycrk and Norfolk, vie Baltimore, dally, exceptfcundat.

:4v i. n.. Accommodation for Baltimore, dally,except Suna40 P.m., phllade'phla express, ror Philadel-phia, uaUy.

6:50 p.m.. CI nclnnatlExpres.daIIyror the West.Dally, excipt Saturday, ror the North.9:08 o. m For Philadelphia, New York, anoDos- -

Tralns fcrrOPE CREEK LINE leave at '43 a.m and 1:40 p. m.. dally except Sunday.

Taalna for ANNAPOLIS leave at 6:(0 a. a. txA"puuSan Palace Bleeping Car to PltUborg l ranon the train leaving at 6:oo.D. m.

Pullman Parlor car to Pittsburg la iu on thetrain leaving at 6:fO a m. dally.

Pullman Palace Sleeping Car to Rochester la runOB the train leaving at 6:50 p.m.

Pullman Palace bleeping Car to Chicago oa trainleaving at 650 p. m.

Tickets and information can be procured at the0BaSrargVcSS?ir'and checked at hotel .and

on orders left at theofleesof theliifrJSv corner Thirteenth street andfSySaSSfireiue, and on the northeast corTerStVfii ?eet and PennsylvanU avenue.

0 D8et BALTWOBE tOTOMAO BAILBOAD.oTS? Kxth and B rtreeu.


ti Bnpertntendent, Baltimore. Md.



SUMMER ABBANGEMENT.On andafter September 13,1375, trains wll. ranu

fouows:Washington.... 6.00 a.m. I Baltimore. 7:80 a. a," ...,11:55 a.m. I ' .... 853 a.m.

. m.1 . 1:15 p.m.L " 8:10 d. m!


dayand night cars, with modern Improvements.Two hundred mUea saved to Western and Central

New York.6:CO a. in. dally for the West, Da!ly,exceptSun.

day, for the North, to Canandalgua, Buffalo andNiagara Falls.11:56 a. m. dally, except Bunday, West and Nonato WUlUmsport and Lock Haven.

6:50 p. m. dally, for Pittsburg and the West, anddally, except Saturday, for the North.

Through from Washington to Pittsburg, Chicago,and Bocheiler without change.

Tickets by this route can be procured at the of.floes, northeast corner or Thirteenth street andPennsylvania avenue and Statl. street and Penn-sylvania avenue, where reliable Information willbe given at aU times.

Passengers procuring tickets at these offices cansecure accommodations In Palace cars for Pitta-to- g.

Chicago, ndBoche.ter.MGeneral Paisenger Agent, Phlladelphla,pa.

tes-t- r


ARTIFICIAL STONE COHPASTTHE THE DISTRICT CF COLUMBIAIs prepared to supply, at shert notice. Tiling forVestibules, Bldewalts, footways and Curbing, Indifferent colors; Fountains, Lawn Ornaments.House and Lawn fcteps aad Platforms; bousesfrosted; cellar walls and flooring cemented to ex-clude darepneis: kitchens and areas cemented andmade perfectly dry. and a sure preventive againsttbe Intrusion of rats. Insects, tcu and all otherwork executed lor which Portland Cement isadapted, our Portland Cemtst becomes in a lewdays sup rlor to any of tbe marble or natural stonein common use, aid is an admliable Imitation ofeither marble or rtone; is more durable, ana In-creases its crushing resistance with age. Its beautyM VU1,IC,UU1UUJ1C

C. M, ROBERTS, Manager,JaX--tf 436 Louisiana avenue.

g P K U C E j ojtS T..Je JStTJS'.'.J' about 1,500. 069 feet and a.

JOIST, very best quality, from 4inches to 12 inches wide, 10 24 eetlong. whichwe are authorized by the ewners to sell for CASHwithout regard to cost.

In order to close It out as soon as possible, wehave determined to tell It very much below cost,and very much less than it can be bought In thismarket.

Purchasers will find it to their Interest to exam.Ine this lumber and learn our prices.

Large f or AIX j,,.always on band, at lowest market prices.T. IDW. t'liaHU cc GO

OBccDepot and llanlng-Ml-

mhi2-t- f Foot of Fourth st. east.

at seven cents per bushel.caxtare extra. Orders leftOIII.IOHT 8FVICK.

So. fUTentlistrectt.atlU Jflrststteet, O&thDtoner Third and X streets, ee IN s"Tldate itMIluuiaMrwB,wuiBepr(B3ru auw sausKss,



PosTOrric-r-, DzrABTant-vT- , I

September a, 1875, ISealed propoiali will be received at this De-

partment nntll 12 o'clock noon, the EIGHT-EENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1S7S, for

by contract, for roar years, from the flritday or July, 1875, inch quantities of LeatherMall Pouches as may, from time to time, be re--quirea ana oraerea; eucu poacnea to conform, inevery respect, to the samples on exhibition In thisDepartment, and in the post offices at Boston,Hartford, New York, Phlladalphla, Cincinnati,Lonlsvllle, St. Lonls and Chicago.

Specifications ofthe construction and materialsof these samples will be furnished, on applicationto the Second Assistant Postmaster General-Bidder- s,

before mbmlttlng proposals, shouldtbereforo carefully examine such samples andcompare them with the specifications referred to.

The label cases, which are to be attached tos by the contractor, will be furnished

to him ror that purpose by the Department.All the leather mall poaches contracted tor ate

to be deliverable at the risk and expense or the con-tractor, and at times, and In such quantities,as may be required and ordered at the post officesIn the following places, viz.: Boston, Massachu-setts; New York and New York; Philadelphia,Pennsylvania; Washington, District of Columbia,Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis, Missouri, and Chi-cago, llUnols. They are to be r'.gtdly inspectedbefore delivery at the place orthtlr manufacture;and none of them found to be Inferior to the sam-ple, In any respect, will be accepted or paid for.

The average number or such pouches requiredwill probably not exceed ten thousand annually.But the Postmaster General will reserve theright to order more or less than that number, asthe wants and interests or the service mar seemto him to demand.

The bids wUl be opened.verifled and announcedIn this Department on the EIGHTEENTH DAYOF NOVEMBEB,J875, beginning at noon, andthe Postmaster General will decide thereon with-in five days thereafter.

The Postmaster General hereby reserves theright to reject any or all the bids received underthis advertisement if, in bis judgment, the Inter-ests or the Department may thereby be promoted.

The accepted bidder must, within twenty daysafter the receipt of the contract for his signature,duly execute the same, giving a bond, in the sumof twenty thousand dollars, with sureties satisfac-tory to the Postmaster General conditioned rorthe faithful and proper performance of the eon-tra-

; and lor a ialinre on the part or the con-tractor to comply with the contract bo and bissureties shall be liable ror the forfeiture of thelull rum ol twenty thousand dollars, as liquidateddamages, to be sued for In the name of the UnitedStates In an action ol debt in any court baring;Jurisdiction thereof.

Every proposal must be accompanied with abond, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, exe-cuted by tbe bidder and two sureties, (certified tobe sufficient by the postmaster of the place wherethey reside,) conditioned ror tbe bidders entering;Into contract, with bond and sureties, as hereinbe-fore specified, la case bis proposal shall be accept-ed by the Postmaster General.

Blank forms or proposal, bond, &c, will be fur-nished on application to the Second AssistantPostmaster General, and all bidden are requiredto conform thereto In submitting; proposals underthis advertisement.

Every proposal should be inclosed In a sealedenvelope, indorsed "Proposals for Mail Bags,"andbeaddressedtotbe "Second Assistant Post-master General, Washington. D. O."

MABSHALL JEWELL,sell Postmaster General.ALE OF SMALL-ASMS- .s

Bureau of Ordnance, iXAYX fWAEnlNOTOX, D. C, Sept. 7, 1875. J

Bids will be received at this office until noon ofOctober 9, 1875, for tbe purchase era quantity orobsolete arms, accoutrements and ammunition atthe several navy yards.

Catalogues will be furnished on application tothe bureau, or to the commandants of the naryyards.

Terms casb : Twenty per cent, payable on ac-ceptance or bid, and all articles to be removedwithin twenty days from close or sale or forfeited.

Tbe Government reserves tbe right to refuseany bid not deemed satisfactory.

Packing-boxe- s to be paid for at a price to be de-termined on by tbe commandants of tbe respec-tive navy yards.

WILLIAM N. JEFFEBS,Chief of Bureau.


VIBGINIA,Post Omcx Department,

WASHiaOTOir, September 7,1S75.Proposals will be received at the Contract Office

of this Department until 3 o'clock p. m., or Octo-ber SO, is:5, (te be decided November 1,) ror

the malls oi tbe United States from Janu-ary 1, 1870, to Jnne 30, 1877, on tbe following routesin tbe State of Virginia, and by the schedule ordepartures and arrivals herein specified, Tit:No.

11148 From York town to Warwick: O. U.,12 milesand back. Once a week.

Leave Warwick O. H., Thursday, at 10 a.m.Arrive at Yorktown by H m.Leave Yorktown Thursday, at 1 p. m.Arrive at Warwick O. H. by 3 p. ra.Bond required wltb bid, 1C0.

112oi From Davis' Mills, by Fancy Grove, tomiles and back, once a week.

Leave Davis' Mills Friday, at 8 a. ra.Arrive at Kasey's by 11 a. m.Leave Kasey's Friday, at 1 p. m.Arrive at Davis' MU1 by 3 p. m.Bond required wltb bid, 1W.

11304 From Point Truth, by Locust Lane.Osborn'sFord, Fort Blackmore and Duncan's Mills,to Eye Cove, 27 miles and back, twice aweek.

Leave Point Truth Tuesday and Saturday,at s a. m.

Arrive at Bye Cove by 7 p. m.Leave Eye Cove Tuesday and Siturday.at

0 a.xn.Arrive at Point Truth by 4 p. ra.Bond required wltb bid, $400.

11377 From Gordonsville, by Barboursrllle andBuckersvllle, to StanardsvlUe, 19 milesand back, three times a week.

Leave Gordonsville Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 2 p. m.

Arrive at StanardsvlUe by 8 p. m.Leave StanardSTllleTuesday.Tbunday and

Saturday, at 6 a.m.Arrive at Gordonsville by 11 a. m.Bond required wltb bid, 1300.

11111 From Areola, (Gum Spring,) to Loudoun,(Station,) miles aad back, three timesa week.

Leave Areola Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-urday, at 7 a. m.

Arrive at Loudoun by 9 a. m.Leave Loudoun Tuesday, Thursday and

Saturday, at 10 a. m.Arrive at Areola by 12 m.Bond required with bid, 200.

11113 From Theological Seminary to Alexandria3 miles and back, six times a week.

Leave Theological Seminary dally, exceptSunday, at 2 p. m.

Arrive at Alexandria by 320 p. ra.Leave Alexandria dally, except Sunday, at

3:3) p. to.Arrive at Theological Seminary by 1:30

p.m.Bond required wltb bid, $200.

11487 From Mlddleburc to tbe Plains, 8 miles andback, six times a week.

Leave Mlddleburg; dally, except Sunday, at8 a.m.

Arrive at tbe Plains by 10:30 a. m.Leave the Plains dally, excopt Sunday, at

11a.m.Arrive at Mlddleburg by 150 p. m.Bond required wltb bid, $300.

11469 From Cedar Creek to Newtown Stephens--burg, six miles and back, twice a week.

Leave Cedar Creek Wednesday and Satur-day, at 4 p. m.

Arrive at Newtown Stepbensburs by 7 p. in.Leave Newtown Stephentburg Wednesday

and Saturday, at 2.15 p. m.Arrive at Cedar Creek by 8 p. m.Bond required wltb bid, $120.

11470 From Yellow Bran:b to Lawyers, 8 milesand back, three times a week.

Leave Yellow Branch Tuesday, Thursdayand Saturday, at 10 a. m.

Arrive at Lawyers by 12 ra.Leave Lawyers Tuesday, Thursday and

Saturday, at 1 p. ra.Arrive at Yellow Branch by 3 p. ra.Bond required with bid, $180.

11471 From Hill Grove to Hurt's Storo, s milesand back, three times a week.

Leave Hill Grove Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 10 a. m.

Arrive at Hurt's Store by 12 m.Leave Hurt's Store Tuesday, Thursday and

Saturday, at 1 p. m.Arrive at Kill Grove by 3 p. m.Bond required with bid, $180.

11472 From Chalk Level to Ward's Springs, Tmiles and back, three times a week.

Leave Chalk Level Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 10 a. ra.

Arrive at Ward's Springs by 12 m.Leave Ward's Springs Tuesday, Thursday

and Saturday, at 1 u. ra.Arrive at Chalk Level by 3 p. m.Bond required wltb bid, $20j.

11474 From Leesvllle to Lynch's Station, 8 milesand back, three times a week.

Leave Leesvllle Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 10 a. m.

Arrive at Linen's btatlon by 12 m.Leave Lynch's Station Tuesday, Thursday

and Saturday, at 1 p. ra.Arrive at Leesvllle at 3 p. m.Bond required wltb bid, $150.

114'S From Ca-itl- Craig to Otter Elver, 7 milesand back, three times a we'jk.

LeaTe Castle Craig Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 10 a. m.

Arrive at Otter Elver by 12 m.Leave Otter Biver Tuesday, Thursday and

Saturday, at 1p.m.Arrive at Castle Craig by 3 p. m.Bond required wltb bond, $200.

11481 From Mount Sidney, by Stonewall Mills,(N. O.,) to Mllnesrllle, 8 miles and back,twice a week.

Leave Mount Sidney Wednesday and Satur-day at 1 p. ra.

Arrive at Mllnesville by 320 p. m.Leave Mllnesville Wednesday and Satur-

day at 8a.m.Arrive at Mount Sidney by 1020 a. m.Bond required with bid, $150.

11(82 From Liberty, by Peterson's and Ewlng'sStore, to Smyrna Church, 15 raUes andback, twice a week.

Leave Liberty Wednesday and Saturday at7 a.m.

Arrive at Smyrna Church by 12 m.Leave Smyrna Church Wednesday and Sa-

turday aU p-- m.Arrive at Liberty by 6 p. m.Bend required with bid, $250.

Fcr forms of proposal, bond and certificate, andalso for Instructions as to tbe conditions to be em-braced In tbe contract, &C--, see advertisement ofthis date In pamphlet rorm, September 1, 1875, in-viting proposals tor mall service In Virginia, to befound at the terminal post offices or the aboverouter, and to be bad on application to the SecondAssistant Postmaster General.

Bids should be sent in sealed envelopes, suit,tcribed "Mall Proposals, State jor Virginia,"and addressed to the Second Assistant Pest-mast-


Postmaster GeneraL


ATLOWIST PBIOESIWafer Filter Water murs,

TJIe Cutlery. Kefrlsferatora,Plated Ware. Water Coolers.

Wooden Ware Clotliea Wringer,Tin Ware. riming- - Jtacnlaea, sftt)

QEO. WATTS etc CO.,SBbB 14 Seventh it- - near Finn,





Cor. Fenmu Ate. anil Thirteenth St.,

TUSlHKeiOX, D. &,

Has thevcry best, facilities for dolus:

Book and Job




Department Is nnsnrsassed In Itsextent and facilities by any print.

lntr houseln this or any othercity lor tbo prompt and ex

pedltlona execution ororders for all kinds or



PAMPHLETS of all kinds,






&C, &0, fix.!



is unequaled, in Its extent and complete eeuip-den- t,

by any printing establishment south of Keif

York. We bare facilities for dolus all work isbe

















SEC. (Kc. alC



We nuke a Speelaltr of


By the aid of our Improved Machinery we catprint tbe




And at New York .and Phila-

delphia Prices.

Cor. Fenn. AvenueAnd Thirteenth St,

Second Floor.SUM

FINANCIAL.S10. INVEST laW. $1,000,

ACCOBDIKH TO YOUR MEANS.10, gis, ?100, tl.OM IV STOCK rBIYILEQES.Tbey oRen pay a pront from ten to fifteen times

the sum invested every thirty days, without riskbeyond the Investment as explained in osr bookand Weekly Financial Beport, sent free, contain-ing the ilallyprlees and fluctuations that ocear atthe NEW VOltK STUCK KXCBANUE; also thegtneral condition of the Mew York money market.

ALEX. FROTIIING1IAM A CO,Bankers aad Brokers.

OC3 12 iv ail street, K. l.H. M. r. V. BTAJir, O. W. BALLOCH,

President. Cashier.PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK,


Is now open for the reception of deposits and trans-action of business. Interest, five per cent, perannum, commences on first of every month and iscompounded twice a year. Open dally from Ia. ra. to 4p. "n. Saturdays, from to S p. m.


Corner Fifteenth Street and New York Avenue.


All kinds of valuables taken on deposit. Safesfor rent, omeebonrsia. m. to 4 p.m.

GEO. H. PLANT, President.GEO. W. RIGU8,Vlce PresidentB. P. SNYDEB, Secretary.


St CO.,

Have removed their Banking Mosse toLeDrolctbulldlna;, corner of Eighth and F streets.

Conduct a General Banking Bostnes!.Draw Drafts on Baltimore, Philadelphia and

NewYork..Make Collections on all accessible points.Bny and sell rereign Exchange, and deal In al

kinds or District Securities. apa-t-f


No. 1425 X1 Stroot,dealers In all Issues of

GoTerninent Bonds, WnsblnRton Citysand District of Columbia SecurmesiBPDQBT JJTD ffOEB-Ball- Stocks, Bonds!

Gold. Silver and Land warrants.Deposits recelvedand collections made upon al

points. myl3-l- r


Bankers and Brokers,




Bought and sold on Commission and


DETOSIT3 received and INTEREST allowed.

ACCOUNTS OF COUNTRY BANKSand Bankers received on favorable terms.

febis-- tr




On and after MONDAY, Septembers), 13T5, tbenew and elegant steamer

Lady of tbe Lakewill make three regular trips between WASHING-TON and NORFOLK each week, touching at theprincipal River Landing's, as follows: LeaveWASHINGTON every MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY at 3 o'clock p. m., and NORFOLKevery TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAYVare to Norfolk, t: round trip .iexets, $4.

Veals and staterooms extra.Tickets good uttU used.For Tickets, Staterooms or Information apply

at the office of the INLAND AND SEABOARDCOASTING COMPANY, at the National Metto-pollt-

Bank. Fifteenth street, opposite TreasuryDepartment.M laM ttm ursep21-t- f


The splendid Screw Steamers of the above Linewill run aa follows: --tFrom Liverpool. FromBaltlmore.Nova Scotlan, August -- ', September 13.Caspian, 8eptember7, Septembers),Hibernian, September 21, October 13.

And henceforth every fortnight, taking passen-gers and frtlsht to and from Liverpool

PRICES OF PAS3AUE:Baltimore to Liverpool or Qneenstown

Cabin KSOold.btcerage 23 Currency.

Liverpool cr Qneenstown to BaltimoreCabin $9160 Gold.Intermediate MGold.Steerase Z3 00Cnrrcncy.At whleb prlc-- s parties desiring to send for their

friends can obtain tickets.These steamers have very best accommodations

lorpasf ge .he10 pg ABen,

A.SCnUMAOHEBACo.No. 9 South Charles St., Baltimore.

,WALTER.or,Oo3NANse3-I- y I O St., bet. Ninth ai.d Tenth sts.




The steamers of tbe North German Lloyd, or T, 500

tons, have been newly fumlihedwlth all the modernImprovements.

BALTIMORE. Captain LUUenhaln.BERLIN...- .- . J ?"?OHIO.... ..- -t,ED?Z10.---- .. Hoflrnan.BRAUNSCHWEIG... " Undnetacn.

v u run iwu tfOBJ u fouows:From Bremen. FromBaltlmore.

H P A UNSCUW'G.Aug.M. September.18, 1S7S

uHIO Septembers. October ....2, 1S7JLEIPZIG.. September J2. October....l, 1S7INl'RNBERO..Octobar 6. October....l8, 137BKAUNSCUW'O. ct. M. November 13, 1S7J

OUIO November . siovember 17, 1873

And thereafter fortnightly.Tbe steamer will take passengers to Bremea,

Southampton, London andHavre and return.Price or Passaok. In gold, from Bremen to

Baltlmore,Cahln,100 gold; steerage, JMcurrendy.FromBaltlmore to Bremen, Sonthampton, LondonandHavre: Cabin, $50; steerage, WOtncurrency.

Return tickets, in steerage, 13.60 in currency:cabin, tlTOln gold. Children between one and tenyears, ball price; children not over one year, nCAiloSer arrangements are tbe sans as the NewTnrinerUifertnatlon can be ascertained by

Agjgu ,No. South Charles street, Baltimore, Md.

ACtni tor n naonoaj, WALTER,VTj. aVVa., rtt AntWMltJI wiF.nw.Ema'or Xxehanze oa principal places

(n Europe. myia-t- l


Bail every Saturday fromEW YORKT AND GLASUOW.

Favorite route for Tourists.Finest approach to Great Britain.

Passenger accommodations unsurpassed."KATES Or PASSAGE:


or LONDONDERRY,CAMKS-tB- S, (73 and so Currency.

Return tickets at reduced rates.as low as by any other

"firsT-classalin- e.

COMPANY'S OFFICES: 7 Bowling Green. NewYork: Miss Annie K. Humphrey, CO Tenth street,near Pennsylvania avenue; Cammack A Co., UQr street- -


our Line Carrylis tie Awlm ihlfalling every Thursday from PHILADELPHIA

For Qneexutown sutd Liverpool.Cabin, Intermediate and Btcerage

ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED.Bates as low as by any other flrst-da- ss Line.PITER WEIGHT A SONS. General Agents,


aulJ-l- y 14a F street. Washington. D. 0'LINE OF STEAMSHIPSMEEOHANTS BtTWIXY

WASHINGTON AND" NEW YORK.Hereafter the tine steamships E. C. KNIGHT and

JOHN OIESON will make regular WEEKLYTRIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK, ALEXAN-DRIA, WASHINGTON and GEORGETOWN, asrollows: Leave NewYork from Vler 41, East river,every Saturday at 4 p. m. Leave Georgetownevery Friday at 7 a. m. and Alexandria the same

or. full Information apply to IsVP. A. DEN-HA-

business office and wharf, (3 Water street,Georgetown, or at the office oftbepresldent, near

bridge. J. W. THOMPSON,jall-t- f President.



UEADQ'as Deft, or nit Platte, iOrrici: Cniar QuAitTxitMASTrn, i

Ouaxm, Neb., Sept. 13, 1373. )Sealed proposals, m triplicate, will be received

at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., WEDNES-DAY, October so, KI5, at which place and timetbey will be opened in tbe presence of bidders, fortbe delivery la new gunny and burlap sacks, atOmaha Depot, Nebraska, In quantities as re-quired, during: second quarter or the fiscal yearending June SO, 1S7S, or two million (2,000.000)pounit of Corn, one million (1,000,000) pounds ofOut i.

Proptsals for a less quantity will be received.Each bid to be considered should be guaranteed

by two responsible parties, not bidders, that tbeywill become bondsmen on award of contract.

Tke proposals must be la triplicate, and bemade separately for Corn and lor Oats, and tnuifstale lie crop from uhlch it Upropoitt to deliver.

Preference will be given to articles of domestic)production.

Bids should bo Indorsed on envelope "Bids forForage."

Tbe contracts will be let with tbe proTtio thattbe quantities contracted ror may be Increased orreduced one-thi- by tbe Chief Quartermaster ofthe Department at any time pending full de-livery.

Tbe right to reject any or all bids Is reserved.Blank olds lurnlshed and fall conditions made

known on application to this office.ALEX. J. PERRY.

Deputy Quartermaster General.


T3T THOMAS DOIYLINO,Jj Auctloneerand Real Estate Broker, -(8uccessorto Latimer A Cleary,)

Southwest corner Penn. avenue and Eleventh street.'


l: o'clock. In front of my auction rooms, I shallsell the above complete ontflt.

Parties desiring sneb a team should give this saletheir attention. Can be seen prior to sale at 1913Vermont avenue. Term., cash,

ocs It TnOS. DOU LING. Auctioneer.

BTB. n.WARNEK,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

Federal Buildings, cor. Seventh and F sts. N.W.TRUSTEE- '- SALE Of A Y AND


IS, a. D. 1S74, duly recorded in Liber 763, folio 115,one of the land records for the District otColara-bl- a,

and at the request ofthe party secured there-by, I shall sell, at public auction, In front of thepremises, on SATURDAY, October 8. at 3o'clock p. ra., all that certain piece or parcel ofground, iltuateln the city or Washington, Dbtrletof Columbia, known and described as lot six (6) ofWinder's subdivision or aqaare numbered onehundred and seventy, (W,)tozetherwltb the Im-provements, dc.

Terms One fonrth In cash: balance In six.twelve and elahUen months, wltb lnterest,secnredby a deed or trust on tbe property sold. A depositof tioo will be required at time or sale, and allconveyatelng at purchaser's cost. Terras to becomplied with In seven days.

PHILIP A. DARNEILLE, Trustee.sep23.TnTh3 J. T. COLDWELL. Salesman.

rntnre Days.

THOMAS BOWLING,BY Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker,(Successor to Latimer & Cleary, )

Southwest corner Pennsylvania avenue an!Eleventh street.


1S7C, and December 31, 1S70, and recorded in LiberS14, folios 431 and !, lolloSS), IwtllsellonTUE-DAY- ,

tbe 12th day of October, 1375, at 4 JO o'clock,in front of tho premises, Lots Nos. 2X 23 and 23, inWilkes' subdivision, in Square No. C3L

Lots Nos. 22 and 23 will be sold together. Theyfront 43 feet on New Jersey avenue and extendback to an alley, and are improved wltb a fine brickdwelling and store.

Lot No. 28 Is tbe first from the corner of C street,front 22 feet S inches en New J ersty avenu, and IsImproved wltb a store anl frame dwelling-bouse- .

Sale will commence with Lot No. 26.Terms of sale: One third cash: residue In equal

carmenta, at six and twelvemonths, with Interest,

which la to be forfeited unless the terms aresale.


ocl-dt- (Star Auctioneer.

BT WI1.LI AMS & KEli NEDT,Auctioneers and Real Estate Rrokers,



the District of Colombia, passed In stidcourt ontbe 7th day of September. A. D.,1875, Inequitycause No. 4,313, in which Rosetta Boston et al.are plaintiffs, vs. Richard 11. Boston et al.. defen-dants, I will offer for sale, at public auction. Infront of tbe premise, on MONDAY, tbe 11th dayof October, A.L.D., 1873, at 5 o'clock, p. m., all thosecertain pieces or parcels of land and premises sit-uate, lying, and being In tbe said City of Wash-ington. District of Columbia, and known and de-scribed upon tbe ground plat or plan of said cityas lots lettered "A," "B,' and in ThomasH. Parsons recorded of original lotnumbered six, (6,) In square numbered seven hun-dred and twenty-riv- e, (721,) together with all theImprovements thereon, consisting of two (I).framodwellings.

Terms ofssle: One thlrJ cash: thebalance In equalrayments or six, twelve, and eighteen months, torwhich the notes ol tbe purchi-er- , bearing eightper cent. Interest from day of sale, are to oelren. A deed In tlmpli will be given, and aeed of trust taken to secure the payment of aald

notes. All conveyancing at cost of purchaser. Adeposit or J10O will be required at tlmeofsile. Itthe terms of sale are not compiled with In sevendays from day or sale, the trustee reserves theright to resell the property at the risk and costof the defaulting purchaser or purchasers, uponaivln sr flri. dava notlee ofaneh resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C.

WILLIAMS JtKKNNEDY.ocl-ld- s Anstloneers.

BT B. IT. WARNER,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer.

Federal Buildings, corner of seventh and r streeuuuruincs..forUale.washington city houses and lots.Ht virtue nf the la.t wilt anil testament of Marr

Ann Keir, admitted to probate 27th July last, andordered to be recorded by tho Supreme Court oflusifuiiict ua .wumui, idu ;p.u,c v wuisi- -lng Real Estate, which were devlsei to the sub-scriber to be sold, disposed of. and conreved bvblm In fee simple to the purchasers, and with thoproceeds tbertof to pay off her money legacies.me suuscriDcr ouers lor sale me iuuuw.uic uuu.esand lots, late the estate of the said Mary AnnKerr, bis testatrix, viz:

First and second. Tne brick dwellings, storesand premises on south side of Pennsylvania ave-nue and O street, between Ninth and Tenth streets.square 3:0. Lots E and r', formerly In the occupa-tion of Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe and afr. George W.Drew, each fronting 23 feet IX Inches on the Ave-nue, and a feet 7M Inches on C street. The firstcontains 2,473iquare feel, the latter 2,617 squirefeet. By awilttcn agreement with A. R. Siep-her- d,

esq., the purchaser ortot Fhas the right touse a division wall adjoining the side or this let.

Thlid. Lot No. 2, Square No. 61, on the northside of New York avenue IU feet 11 Inches, and Kfeet 3 Inches on Twenty-thir- d street, containing10.204 square feet.

Fourth. Lot No. 4, of square 104, 27 fast 3 incheson the north side of street north, containing4,534sqsarereet

Ilfth. Lot No. 12, Siuaro 233, 50 feet frontontbe cast side ofThlrtecnth street west, containing7,756 square feet.

Sixth. Lot 23, Squire 73, 40 feet on K street,nearTwcntlethstrcet,4,10squarefcet.

Seventh. Lot 4, Square 805, 32 fee ton Seventhstreet east, 5,672 square feet.

Elthth. Lot No. 5, Square 817, 40 feet on Fifthstreet easi.suaiH square ice.

Ninth. Lot No. 5, Square 835, 74 feet S inches ontii ,.,,! (Mnnf at aasarhnsetta avenne anl 4 fest

8 Inches ob Seventh street, 10,0o2 square reel. 4Tenth. Lot 4, Square 734, 64 reel 4 inches on

North Carolina avenue, between First and Secondstreets east, 7,tt3 square feet.

Eleventh? Lot , Square 065. 32 feet 8 Inches onTenth street east,5,2tf sqnare feet; ot alleyon south of this lot. . . --...

Twelfth. Lot 7. aquare , "e "S """street east, and 57 feet 11 Inches on North B street.

The terms of the sale are: One third or the pur-chase money to be paid within thirty days fromtbe day or sale, and the balance In six and twelvemonths from the day of sale, bearing nix per cent.Interest from that day, to be secured to the satls-factl- an

of the subscriber. Adeposltortsjwlllbsrequired on the day or sale from each purchaser.On payment or the purchase money-an- d not

subscriber will execute the deeds.Some of these lots may be sold In divisions lild

off by the surveyor, er entire, to suit purchasers.Purchasers are requested to write to the sub-

scriber, or to leave their offirs at theofflcepf Ran-

dall Hagncr. esq., Attoraey-at-La- Yonng'sLaw liulldlng. Louisiana avenue, or with HenryK. Randall, so. ISO) F street..

Knot sold before, the lots will be offered at nub-ile sale on TUESDAY, the 2!th October Instant, at10 o'clock a.m., as to Nos. land 2 of this adver-tisement, lots on Pennsylvania avenue, and on thepremises, respectively. As to the other lots, at 4

o'clock p. m. on that day, fjllowtni the order oftbflr numbers herein, beginning at No. 3, and allto be sold oa the premises. If the sale be not fin-ished on ibat day tbe sale will be continued dallytbercafterat4o'dockphm.NDAi KiM

Annapolis, Aid.J. T. COLDWaCLL, dalesman- -


IN KANSAS.By direction of the Honorable Secretary or the

Interior, the nnderslgnedwlll receive sealed bidsfor the purchase of any or all of tbe unsold landswest or the Neosho river, along the southern lineor the State or Kansas, embraced within what lagenerally known as the "Cherokee strip."

These lands are offered for sale in compliancewlththe provisions or an act of Congrcas approvedMay 11, la72. U. S. Statutes-at-Larg- e, vol. xvlUpp. asandS9.3

They will be sold to the highest bidder for cash.In quantities not exceeding one hundred aad sixtyacres, at not less than two dollars per acre for all ofsaid lauds ljlng east of the Arkansas river, andone dollar and fifty cents per acre for such lands aslie west of said river.

Panted lists, describing the lands hereby offeredfor sale by thelrproper legal subdivisions, andin-dlcati-

the minimum price at which each tract isbeld. will be sent by mall to the address of any per-son making application therefor to the Commis-sioner or the General Land Office or to the registerand receiver or tke local offl:es at Wichita and In-dependence, Kansas.

Persons offering to purchase may bid ror as manytracts as they may desire, but each bid mu3t besepiratelymade and sealed, and must be for notmore than cne hundred and alxty acres, (and con-form to the legal subdivisions embraced In the

Bids must be accompanied by ten per cent, of theamount bid as a guarantee of the good faith of thebidder, which sura, lncuethelxndlsawardedandtbe balance not paid, will be forfeited. SUonld anybid be rejected, the sum deposited will be returned

Parties whose bid's are accepted will be notifiedof such acceptance as soon afterthe opening of thebids aa practicable, and It within forty days aftersuch notice has been duly mailed payment in fullbe not made to the Commissioner of the GeneralLand Office orthe amount bid. theland upouwhlchsuch bid was madewlirbe again subject to sale.

The ten per cent, deposit required to accompanybids may be remitted la Post Ofilce orders, certifi-cates of deposit, certified checks on some Govern-ment depository, payable to the order to the Com-missioner or the General Land Office, or in cur--' The right to reject any and all b'ds Is expresslyreserved.

All bids most be scald and addressed to the'Commlf sioeer or the General Land Ofilce, Wash-

ington, D. C." and Indorsed "Bids for CherokeelilSswiil'be received as above Invited until 12

o'clock noon orthe thirtieth day or November.1675, aRir wblcb they will be duly opened and actedUBon. J1' s ByuDETT,

Commissioner Of the General Ijnd Ofilce,WAOlirstlTOS, D. C, September 13, 1873.octeKWiw


Will be offered for sale at publlo auction, com-mencing at 10 o'clock a. ra., OCTOBER 28, 1873,at this Arsenal, a quantity of Cannon, Musketsand Hides, Carbines and Pistols, Swords, Accou-trements, small-an- a Ammunition, AC its. Acatalogue of the articles to be sold will bs furn-ished on application at this Arsenal, at the Ord-nan-

Agency, New York, or at the Ordnaneo.Office, Washington, D. C. .

Terms cash: Ten per cent, on the dayofsaleen acceptance ora bid and tbe remainder whentbo property is delivered.

Incase oftbe failure of T Pareauer nnialtathe rcaulred deposit the sale to blm will be

and roW.and tbe stores maybe


and any purchaser lalllng-wltbln- tbat Ume- -to

complete the payment for tbe stores purchased,by blm will fcrfelt the ten per cent, deposited ond

The Government reserves the right to refuseany bid not deemed satisfactory.

Packing; boxes to be paid for at a stated price,to be determined by the commanding; officer.

D. W. FLAGLER,seSJ-t- t major of Ordnance, Commanding.


BT EDWIN J. SWEETReal Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

No. 511 Seventh street, opposite U. S. Post Office.


of October, 1873, the east sixteen feet eight andone balflnchea front or orUtnal lot three, (I.) insquare No. IH, wltb average depth of eighty (SO)feet, wltb the Improvements thereon, as above de-scribed.

Terms of sale as fallows : Two thousand dollars(tx.0CO) on the sth day or April, 1890, five hundredand eighty-fiv- e dollars on February 27, 1S7S, bothsoma to bear ten per cent. Interest, payable semi-annually: tbe balance In cash; $200 down at time ofsale It terms or sale are not complied with inseven days from day or sale tbe property wUl bsresold at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser.

E. jf SWEET.Auctioneer.

BY JAMES GUILD, Auctioneer,ion lrennsyivania avenne.


By virtue of two deedsoftrust, dated respe:tlvelyApril 17. A. D. 1874, and May 11, A. D. 1374, dulyrecordedln Liber 741, folios Ji4and75I, folio 3, ortheland records lor Washington county. District orColumbia, and at the request of the party securedthereby, 1 win sell at public auetlont on the premi-ses, at dwelling-hous- e N o. 512Tweirth street north-west, on WEDNESDAY. October 13, lflS, at 10o'clock a. m all tnefumltureenumeratedand con-tained in schedules "A" and "U" attached to andsecured by the d deed oftrust, eitherby the piece or as awbole, in tbe discretion or theundersigned at the hour or sale.

Terms casb. JAMES GUILD, Trustee.octSMl JAMES GUILD. Auct.

YOUNG MIDDIXTON,Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance Agtnta,

Le Droit Building, corner Eighth and F streets.


tbe District of Columbia, passed la equity causeNo. 4.1SL, wherein Edwin L. Stanton, receiver, iscomplainant and John T.Johnson etaLare de-fendants, the undersigned, trustees, will tell, atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, in front ofthe premises, on THURSDAY, the21stdayof Octo-ber, 1875. at tbe hour of 1 JO p. m., all that place orparcel of 'ground lying and being in the city of

ashlngton, in the District or Columbia, andknown and described as part of lot numbered one,(l,)lnsquarenumberednlne hundred and fertv-fiv- e,

(945,1 beginning ror the same on Tenth streetcast sixty (SO) feet north from tbe southeast cornerof said let, and tunning thence north thirty (90)feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-or- e (131)leet, thence south two (!) feet to tbe southeast cor-ner of lot numbered three, ii,) thence southerlywith the south line of lot numbered two (2) twenty-eig- ht

(2) feet ten and one half (10.1') Inches, thenceeast to the place of beginning, together with theImprovements, consisting or a two-stor-y framedwelling containing five rooms and attic

Terras of sale, as prescribed by said decree: Onethird or the purchase money in cash and the bal-ance thereof in equaltnstallments of six and twelvemonths; the deterred payments to bear interest at S

ler cent, from the dar of sale and to be secured bythe notes or the purchaser and to be a lien on theproperty sold. At the time of sale a deposit of tioowilt be required of the purchaser. If the terms ofsale be not compiled with In seven days rrom day ofsale the property will be resold at the risk and costof Ue defaulting purchaser. AU conveyancing atpurchaser's expense.


YOUNO A MIDDLBfON,Auctioneers.

BY SABL. KEB, Auctioneer,Building.


27, 1873. and duly recorded In Ilhtr 713, folio 847.one of tbe land records for the District of Colum-bia, and at the request of tne party securedthereby, I will sell, at public auction. In front of thepiemlses, on TUESDAY. Oct. IS), lt73, at S o'clock

the following described real estate, situateft.m., City or Washington, District or Columbia,to wit: Part or lot numbered two (2) In squarenumbered eight hundred and twenty-on- e, (811,)beginning ror the same six (6) feet rrom tbe south-west corner or said lot two (2) nd running northninety (to) feet, thence east twenty-si- x (JS) feetseven (,J incucs, lucncs suma incaii iuj iccfc.thence west ten (10) reet seven (7) Inches, thencesontn seventy 1,0 xeet to ine line or b. street,thence with and by said E s'.reet west sixteen (16)feet to the plsce of beginning, together with theimprovements. 2C.

Terms: One third cashtbalance at six anl twelvemonlbstwlth interest at 8 per cent, per annum,secured by deed of trnst. A deposit or one bnn-dr-

dollars will be required at time or sale, andaU conveyancing at purchaser'a cost,

QEO. W 8TICKNEY, Trustee.I ocs-dl- SAM'L EER. Auctioneer.

BY TV. YV. COX SON.Real Estate Brokers,

819 Seventh street northwest.VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON

OURTENTH STBE1T, BETWEEN SANDT STREETS.We will offer for sale the prop-

erty on MONDAY. October 11, 1873, at 5 o'clock p.m., at public auction, on the premises, being allor lotnlne, (9,)ln sqnare two hundred and thirty-eigh- t,

(238, beginning for the same at a point onehundred (100) feet north from north S street, alongthe west line of said square, and running thencenorth sixty-tw-o feet six inches, (C.S,) thence eastone hundred and twentr feet two inches. (120.2.)thence south forty-tw-o feet six inches, (12.6,)thence west thirty feettwo inches, (30.2.) thencesouth twenty (20) feet, thence west ninety (90) feetto the place or beginning.

Terms or sale: One fourth casb ; balance In equalInstallments or six, twelve and eighteen monthsrespectively, fr which sum the purchaser's noteswill be taken, bearing Interest at 7 per cent, perannum, to be secured by a deed of trust on tbepropertysoId;2COdownontbedavofsale.

oc6-5- t THOS. DOWL1NO, Auct.

BY THOMAS DOWLINU,Auctloneerand Heal Estate Broker,

(Successor to Latimer & Cleary,)Southwest corner Pennsylvania avenue and Elev-

enth street.CHANCERY SALE.

By virtue of a decree of theSupreme Court of theDistrict or Colombia, made In tlie cause or U

vs. Flandran et al.. No. 4,457, EquityDocket Jo. 15. and dated September 14, 1873, 1 willoffer at auction on MONDAY, tha nth day or Oc-tober next, on tbe premlsea. at 4 o'clock p. m., adesirable brick dwelling In Georgetown, formerlythe residence of Mrs. Jane Macomb, the propertybeing bounded as follows: Beginning at the en 1 or29 feet 7 Inches measured eat on the north line ofFirst street from the east line of I'otomae street,and running thence on said Hue of First street east47 feet to the property formerly owned by John T.ShaafT, thence with aald property north 107 feet toan alley, thence with said alley west 47 feet, andthence In a straight line to the beginning, withtbe improvements, consisting or a two-sto- ry brickdwelling, with basement and attic. The propertyIs most desirably situated, has convenient opengreund, and is capable oMmprovement.

Terms or sale: One third of the purchase moneyto be paid in cash, and the residue In two equal In-stallments at six and twelve months respectively,to be secured by approved notes, bearing Interestand a reserved lien on tbe property. The terms ofsale must be complied with within one week aftersale, or tbe property may be resold at the risk andcost or the purchaser. All conveyancing at thepurchaser's cost. WALTER . COX, Trustee.


E. J. SWEET,BY Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer,IU Seventh street, opp. United States Post Office.


D. 1S73, dulyiecordcd in Liber No. 723, folio 273,one or the land records for the District or Colum-bia, and at the request or the party secured there-by, we will sell at public auction. In front of thepremises, on THURSDAY. October 14, 1373. at io'clock p. m., the following described real estatesituate la tLe city of Washington, District of Co-lumbia, it : All that piece or parcel or groundknown and designated as lot numbered twelve.(12,) In D. Carroll's subdivision or square num-bered four hundred and sixty-tw- (432.)

Terms: 2.0tn, with interest at ten per cent.,from August 23, 1173. to dar of sale, and expenseorsalelnrasb, and the balance at six and twelvemonths, ror which the notes or the purchaser,bearing Interest from the day or sale, and securedby a deed of trust on she property sold will betaken. A deposit of tioo will be required of thepurchaser at the time or sale, and all conveyancingat tbe expense of purchaser. I r termsof sale are notcompiled wlth-l- n scvenMays from tbe day of sale,the trustees reserve tbe rliht te resell the prop-erly at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur-chaser after five days advertisement,

BRAINARD H. WARNER Irrnit...UEOROE W. STICKNEY, Jrnssees.E. J. SWi-ET- , Auctioneer.

SAUL. KEIl,BY Seal Estate Broker and Auctioneer,Le Droit Building.


D. 1372., and duly recorded In Liber No. 673, folio420, one of the land records of the District of Co-lumbia, and at tbe requestor the party securedthereby, I shall sell at public auction. In front oftbe premises, on THURSDAY. October 14, 1875, at5:30 p.m., the following-describe- d real estate Inthe District of Columbia, being part of lot eight,(82,) in square seven hnndredand twenty-fou- r,

(74,) beginning for tbe same at a point nineteen(19) feet two (2J Inches from the southwest cornerof said lot numbered eight, (J,) running thenceeast along the line or O street twenty (20) feet;tbenee north one hundred and sixty-eig- (I6)tfcetthreeandone half (3,1) Inches to a thirty-foo- )alley; thence west along said alley fourteen (11)feet eight (8) Inches; thence south seventy-elrh- t(78) feet three (3) Inches; thence west live (3) feetfour(4) Inches: thence south ninety (90) feet onehairOi) Inch to place or beginning, together withimprovements, 4c.

lerms of sale as prescribed by the deed oftrust:Tour thousand dollars, with Interest from Febru-ary IS. 1374, and expenses of sa'.e In casb, and thebalance in six and twelve months, with Interestfrom day of sale. A depositor 200wlil be requiredor tbe purchaser when the property is bid off. Ifterms of sale are not complied with in seven days,the trustee reserves the right to resell tbe prop-erty at the risk and cost of tun defaulting pur-chaser. GEO. W. STICKNEY, Trustee.

SAMUEL KER, Auctioneer.seVTb&TuSds


By vlrtne ofa deed of trust from the late JamesI. Hnntonand hiawHe. the uuderslsned, trustee,will on the d day of NOVEMBER. 1973, at thecourt-hous- e In Warrenton, Virginia, sell at pub-lic auction the valuable residence called "Clear-mont- ,"

adjoining the town of Warrenton. Thehouse and gronndssreexceedlnglvhandjoine. Thebouse has eleven rooms, and Is built of brick, withthirty acrea or land attached.

Terms or Sale By agreement, one fourth orpur-cbs-

money cash; tho residue in three eqoaflu-itailmMlsl- Sf

one, twqand threeyears, beirlngln-tm- st

day ofsali.and t"ptttTttean3.ltrom cnly saeb title as is vested In mi,IhlcnUbenwedto be unquestlonaMe.

Forfnrtherpartleulars, apply to Epna Hnnton,

w.ff "i?Si DAVID WALKER. Trustee.

LEGAL.uuuki ur inti ui8.INTIlKSUi'Ktair. THE 23D DAY OF

SICTTEMBER. 1S73.EdwlnL.. Stanton, 1

receiver, b . EimltvDor1ceti.t.v.. fa. riinstel. JOn motion of the plaintiff, by Mr. A. 8. Worth-lngto- n.

bis solicitor. It Is ordered teat tbe defend-ant, Charles O.Gage, eausc his appearance to beentered herein on or before tho first

forty days after this day; otherwise the causewlllbeproceededwith aslicaseorderaull.

By the Court Teit: O. B. OLIN. Justice, At.True copy Test: K.J. M1EGS, tl:rk, Ac.se23-Si-

KTZTm o. xa-srox-


o, j71 PenuajlTsmlJi TJnje. TeatudEIeTeatBitsL, Boats Side.

JVBooki elegantly or plainly brand. Period!lsend rewspapars carefully atta--U sa u,


Honstary.Washihoto i, Friday evening, Oct. 8.

In New York to-d- money was easy at 2QJ.Gold quiet at U6U6. Exchange firmer at4S0. Governments dull and lower.

Sherman A Grant anote the buying and sellingrates for Governments, ic, as follows :

. tl...:....VStf133i .117Jt5U7)5'c...ii8uii3 lOoid. lioka'64....119Umi9 New fives... .lKUQUS't....119ia Our'y,34J'1 . 65a 66J4

flliaVf Foreign exchange:'t57....120Jiei20 Three days ..431'68.. ..121 va?A Sixty days MS

State bonds steady, except Tennessees, whichare lower.Tennessee 6's, old . 50 f Alabama 8's .. 32-


ao. ,.32Virginia Cs 40 ' Georgia 6's ..93do. new... 40 do. 7'sdo. eonsol 63 K. Carolina, old .17fdo. defeT'd. ; uo. new.. 5Loulslaiae's, old... 36'4 do. s. tax.. 3do. new.. 3H S. Carolina, old 21Leveeirs n do. new.. 231

Levee 8's n do. A.A0 23TfiA fnllnwtnw ... .v.. ., i . . ....-- -- - -- "". -- " mio UU31QX rates ior tooactive stocks, telegraphed to Sherman A Uraatfrom the New York Stock Exchange :

Northwestern 37 jLake Shore....... tntWestemUnlon-..- .. uu Paellle Mall sjSQold. 110JZ1 Rock Island 1023sj-- 33kErIe iej?Wabash. 6jlUnIon Paellle Ktji.vMJ'.?- - Sherman A Grant's dispatch quotesthe following; total sales or stocks:take Shore. 2.800,Northwest.x?.d.?.8iIvVi;;-"-lM5- S 52 island .V.V.:: twSUnion Paeifle 7.600 Ohio and Miss.;..! 400St, Paul 2,300;Wabash., .1,509day: Gold, 137,295,685; curreney. 51,630,3W.The paid out $10,000 onaecountof Interest, and (10,000 for bends. Customs re-ceipts, $303,000.

Oor London dispatches say the amount of bul-lion withdrawn .from the Bank of England onbalance y was .X33o,00), principally forAmerica. Consols, 9315-1-5 lor both mosey andaccount. ,

Our Paris dispatches quote rentes at 65 francs70 centimes.

Commercial.The Georgetown grain market shows a decided

Improvement over tho last week, the receiptsbeing; over three times as great, and sales larger.The total receipts for the week ending; yesterdaywere 20,942 bushel,and the total sales 17,235bushels, at prices ranging; from (LIS to 4L52.Suits are all running; on fall time.

WASBTSaTOS WnoUSALZ ITABKrrSIn ow wholesale markets therescarcely no change since yesterday's quotations

but the markets remain steady and brlsit wtquste as before:Flour-Fam- ily, standard brands, 7J0aT.75; do.

Ka??,?r?",,,7?aT-25- : extra super.$5a5.60: fine, $4.60a4.75; middling, 3.76aiJ25- - rve

4.75aA25; corn meal, bolted, isasoe.; do. unbolted!76a, gc

Qraln Wheat, prime to choice. do.fair to good, $L2oaL32; com, yellow. No. ll 75a,

do.Ko. 74a76t; oats, new?o. new Western bright, isaiiajdo. do. nuxtd. uie.; do. damaged, 40c; ry e, 60a75c..ryJS?'?..st?w-Ha- y' e'orer, jlSalS; do.,da, mued, i7a20: straw

ewt. wSaLML " 1"itiX' "' "' . PButter-- N. Y.Jhair flrkln tubs, firsts, 31a36e.:do. do. do. seconds, 30a33a; do. dairies, firsts, 3033c; do. do. seconds, 2Sa30a; selections. Western,gaspt: do. do. Virginia. 27a30c--; barrel, 24a25a;

do do!do. seconds, 20s22e.; do. do. do. do. thirds. 17al8c-packe- d,

Va, Pa. and aid. firsts, S3a25c.: do. do!do. do. seconds, 17a20c; do. do. do. do. thirds. 13aiiai?0,,re'ienlv9I5t' SSat; do. do. seconds,18a20c.;do. do. thirds, I3al4c; roll do firsts. 2a28; do. do. seconds, 20a22c.; do. da, thirdj, 17al8c:grease, 10c

Eggs-N- ear by, 21c; Western, 23c.; keat, 15c.Cheese New York: State factory, fine, new,l3J4al4e.; do. fair to good, SHaloe; Western!" ?.0":e ?ew lltiaoafc fair to good,8a9c.; skimmed, ease.; half skimmed. SalOe..pfl:,r7aS Game Ducks, live, 35.S0; hens, live, per dot, 3a4r chicken? peidox large, 3a4; chickens, per dot, smalf,

Irl51.FI?It" .and Nnt-Ap- ples, sliced,perlb..l0al2t; do. bright da'salot; do. fair do.7a8c; do. bright i' da7a8c.; do. common JTs do.6a6e.; Peaches, peeled, strictly choleo andfancy, per lb. lSaSOe.; da, fair to good,per lb, I2al4e.; daunpeeled 3 do. 7aSe.; do..i0-'-" ia8t; ehew'e'. plued, new, per ftJ0a22c--; blackberries, per Uv, 8a9i; peanuts, com-mon, slal.25; prime, $i.75a2j chestnuts, per bush..

Green Fruits Pears, common, per barrel. CU3: Sickle and Dutchess pears, per box; tautapples. New York, per DDL, 3.50a4; do. Virginia,per bbL,4L50a3: peaches, common, per box, 50c;

.iviuivua a.i.iJ, couubTT ASUIIS, per ID,.13al3c.; do. da shoulders, da, lOalle.; do. do.sides, da, ISallc; pork, da, SWalOUc; lard, coua-trylo- ts,

do, 13allc.; do, refined,T5al7e.Furs, Wool and Hides Wool, washed, 40a-45-

do, unwashed, S0a34c; hides, green, 6i7c--:do..dry, llal2e.; calfskins, each, 75e.Ml.10; pelts,each. ..ill 50c

Mill Feed. Western bran,perton,t20a22; brownmiddlings, do, 23a25; white da, da, f25a27.Seeds-Tlmo- tby. per bushel, J313.50; do, do,Virginia, $2.50a3; flax, do, JL75S2.Fertllliers Peruvian guano,$80; bone dost,38j,

42; Turner's excelsior, J50; Turner's ammoniateclphes, S40; Dunlop A Co-'- s max,50; Moore'shaltvand-balf- , $50; dissolved bone, $37; E. T. Coo'sphosphate, $45; plaster In bags, $3.50.

TJXX MAEEETS XL3E1VHEBE.New York, Oct. 8. Cotton firm; sals3 or

1,1(3 bales atl3l3c Hecelpts of the week-- net,1,007; gross, 9,818 bales. Exports GreatBritain, 11,601 bales; France, 284 bales; continent,

1,533 bales. Sales, 10,791 bales. Stock, 39,047bales.

Flour dull and heavy, and fully 10c lower:superfine Western and State, $5.15g5.10; commonto good extra da, $5.:0SC; good to choice do,$8.05gtt. 65; common to cholee white wheat Westernextra, $6.B57.50; fancy do, $7.653.60; commonto good extra Ohio, $5.7037.50; common to choice)extra St. Louis, $5.9Og9.O0; patent Minnesota ex-tra good to prime, $3.7037.80: choice to double ex-tra, $75610.00. Southern flour dull and lower:common to fair extra, $5.8038.90; good to choice)de, $s.9S9.C0. Wheat receipts, 182,133 bushels:dull, heavy, unsettled and 23c lower; scarcelyany export demand; nominal quotations araeoa$i.05 for rejected spring; $loslos forNo. 3 Chicago; $L10QL12 Tor Na 3 Mil-waukee; $L23QL21for new and old No. 2 Chicago;LS2L2t for do. No. 3 Northwest; $L230L2S

tor old and newNa2 Milwaukee; $L33L35 forNo.l spring: $L20Ltl for sound new and oldwinter red Western; $L211.42 for sound nowand old amber Western; $L303L65 for do. whltaWestern; $L05L10 for unsound new winter redWestern. Corn opened Arm and closed active, &cent higher; 6S69a lor steam Western mixed :70671c for sail do.; 71072c for high do. andyellow da; 7e89Mc for good to prime Westernmixed In store; for damaged and heatedWestern mixed. Oats a cent better and rathermore active; &55c for new mixed andwhite; 4:47kc for white da; 45655a for mixedState; 4765o. ror white da Corfee Bio quietand nominally unchanged; cargoes, 19U2iaxcgold; job lots, lK2c, gold. Sugarsteady and ia fair demand; TJiQSc forfair to good refining; 8a for prime; refined InSood demand, partly export; 10a for standard

for granulated; l0Kiia for powdered;llKe-- for crushed. Molasses dull and nominallyunchanged. Bice unchanged and with fair de-mand to the trade. Petroleum quiet and morssteady; crude, Qieeic.t refined, 13c Tallowsteady at 103104a itestn dull at $LT0L73for strained. Turpentine excited at 37Jc forspirits. Pork firmer; new mess. Job lots, $22Stf22.60. Beet unchanged. Lard heavy; 13JJC rorprime steam. Whisky somewhat unsettled;$L1SHL19. Freights to Liverpool very firm;cotton, sail, steam, 7.1S!

BALTiatoas, Oct. 8. Cotton fairly actiye andfirm; middling, 13lSHe.

Flour quiet, but firm and unchanged. Wheatquiet; Pennsylvania red, $L3SL40. Corn-Sout- hern

doll; Western firm: Southern white,68G78c: da yellow, T2QT3a: Western mixed, 88JiOats dull and weak; Southern,' 48g53a; Western,white, 48350c: Western mixed, 49343c Byesquiet at 75380c Hay dall and unchanged.Provisions Light stock and high pricesrestrict business. Pork, $23 60324. Bulk meats

shoulders. :i0c; clear rib sides, lie, loose;

auletand active: Western extras, 30c; firsts, 2S2oe.Petroleum easier; crude, 6c; refined, 1ZKQ13CCoffee quiet, but Arm and unchanged. Whiskyami ana lower at aiai.




2STX7" GoodsAT

DEVIflN &r6o.'s.No. 1106 P Street.


From $25 to $8S.




Fall Overcoats.seis-t- f