Fire and Fuels Management 2003 National Park Service - Pacific West Region Using Fire for Resource Benefits Reducing Hazardous Fuels Suppressing Unwanted Wildfire Monitoring Fire’s Effects Studying Fire History Assisting Communities with Wildland Fire Protection Educating Neighbors and Visitors Safety, Science, Stewardship ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PACIFIC WEST REGION FIRE AND FUELS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

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Page 1: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

Fire and Fuels Management 2003National Park Service - Pacific West Region

Using Fire for ResourceBenefits



MonitoringFire’s Effects

Studying Fire History

AssistingCommunitieswith WildlandFire Protection

EducatingNeighbors andVisitors


Page 2: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

When lightning starts a wildland fire, the questionarrises, “What is the appro-priate management action?”

Can the fire be used forresource benefit or are therevalues at risk that requiresuppression of the fire?

On the Cover TOP: Prescribed Fire in progress at YosemiteNational Park, RIGHT: Fire Information atYosemite. BOTTOM: Wildland Fire Use duringthe Kern Fire at Sequoia National Park.

This year, 75 lightning-causedfires were managed for

Wildland Fire Use on NPS landin the Pacific West Region,burning over 15,000 acres...Wildland Fire Use efforts included 39 fires atYosemite National Park, 27 at Sequoia andKings Canyon National Parks, and 9 at NorthCascades National Park Complex. By manag-ing these natural events, fire was allowed toreduce fuel, diversify vegetation structure,and preserve an ecological process integral tothese landscapes.

More than 100 wildland fireswere suppressed in parksthroughout the region. Many ofthese were human-caused andwere quickly extinguished...Wildfires in Hawaii, however, ignited by lavaflows, involved complex resource mangementissues and required an incident managmentteam. The region’s firefighters also providedsupport to interagency suppression efforts thisyear in Montana and Southern California.

LEFT: Crews at Sequoia andKings Canyon National Parksprepare a hoselay during asuppression action.

BELOW: During the Griff Fireat Olympic National Park, 5rapid assessment plots wereinstalled and successfullyburned over. These will allowvegetation conditions beforeand after the fire to be com-pared.

Luhi Fire 5/29/03

Old Wildfires 5/02- 3/03

Active surface flow


4,730 ac

250 ac

East RiftRainforest

Luhi Fire

PWR Fire and Fuels Management 2003 - PAGE 7

Ignited by lava, and threatening a rare-species-rich rainforest community, the Luhi Fire atHawaii Volcanoes National Park in May, 2003, and a series of similar fires the previous

winter, presented the region’s most unusual fire suppression challenges. Working along sideof active volcanoes, firefighters face the added hazard of sulfur dioxide exposure...

“If the fire breaks and runs, a uniquely Hawaiian ecosystem will be forevever lost -- thenative rainforest will turn into a weed patch.” - Tim Tunison, HAVO Chief of Resource Management

Wildland Fire Use and Suppression

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Page 3: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

This year, Fire Education Specialists from thePacific West Region participated in CampSmokey, a special interagency event at theCalifornia State Fair. SCA Fire Education internsand highschool students from “GenerationGreen” in Fresno also staffed the event. During18 days of the Fair, families learn about fire safety and minimum impact recreation.

Fuel Treatments

The Fuels Program aims to reduce hazardous fuels and restore vegetation to a safer,healthier, more historic condition. This is done with prescribed fire as well as with

mechanical, chemical, and biological treatments. Much of this work is done in the wildland-urban interface where park lands and developed areas meet. The goal is to prevent loss, both economic and ecological. Fuel treatments address several kinds of problems...

Values at Risk - Increased development near wildlands creates more potential for wildland fire to damage property. By reducingfuel near structures and communities, this threat is mitigated. Encroachment - Lack of fire has caused changes in vegetationwhich can make fire more difficult to control, and can lead to other kinds of ecological loss. Many fuel treatments involve theremoval of pinyon pine, juniper, Douglas fir and other shade tolerant conifers. Non-native Fuels - Numerous non-native specieshave altered vegetation types which can cause fire to spread more rapidly or create unhealthy competition for the native pioneerspecies that colonize recently burned areas. Missing Fire Cycles - Many areas need pre-treatment before fire can be reintroduced.


Removing fire prone eucalyptus to pro-tect homes near GOGA. Non-nativeeucalyptus removal is also being doneat other parks in California and Hawaii.

Mechanical treatment (cut, buck andscatter) at LAME to reduce encroach-ment of pinyon-juniper. Project in collaboration with JFS/USGS.

Thinning at NOCA to create a shadedfuel break near developed areas.Future fires in this area will be easier to control.

Using prescribed fire to reduce hazardous fuel and remove non-nativespecies at PORE.

It is challenging to integrate fire ecology and fireprevention messages. Traditional park interpretation is

aimed at resource protection whereas fire education isalso concerned with the protection of human life andprivate property. Prevention of negative impacts meansboth the resource and the public...

The Fire Education, Prevention, and Information Program continues to buildunderstanding through communication about fire and fuels management activi-ties. A partnership with the Student Conservation Association has allowedthousands of people to be contacted through community events, home defensi-ble space evaluations, and fire education programs. New Fire Managment webpages are now online for SEKI, GOGA, PORE and YOSE. New publicationsand exhbits have been developed including JOTR’s innovative mobile exhibitin an historic fire engine. Information Officer support was provided for numer-ous fire events including suppression efforts in Montana and SouthernCalifornia, Wildland fire Use at NOCA, SEKI, OLYM and YOSE, and otherincidents including space shuttle debris collection.

PWR Fire and Fuels Management 2003 - PAGE 3

Fire Education, Prevention, and Information

Page 4: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

Lava Beds NM* 40 acres of pile burning and100 acres of thinning andbrushing to protect bald eagleroosting habitat* 1409 acres burned to reducehazardous fuels * 50 acres research burns(Joint Fire Science) conductedto study seasonal fire effectson sagebrush ecosystems* fire ecology report complet-ed, focusing on fire regimes,vegetation history and juniperencroachment

Whiskeytown NRA* 319 acres fuel reduction,thinning* 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning* 170 acres of vegetationtreated by pile burning* 138 arces treated by thinningin shaded fuel break projects* engine crew responded to170 incidents incuding sup-pression fires inHawaiiVolcanoes National Park,Yellowstone National Park andSouthern California* Fire Use Module was com-mitted 172 unit support daysincluding 53 on prescribed fireand 69 on wildland fire use. *field assessments for 3 burnseverity maps completed* 25 rapid assessment moni-toring plots established* research conducted onimpacts of fuel treatments* fire history study on higherelevation forests completed*3,500 public contacts throughfire education programs* 31 shifts completed as aType 2 Information Officer

Mount Rainier NP*391 acres burned forresource benefit* 2 lightning storms produced6 wildland fires* 5 human-caused fires inundesignated camping siteswere quickly suppressed* over 2,000 fire educationcontacts * 4 incident managementteams managed fires at thepark* 136 hours safely flown* 58 fire assignments out ofpark* fire management plan andEA completed, undergoingpublic review

Great Basin NP* 30 acres mechanical treat-ment in shaded fuel breakproject restoring sage grass-land effected byPinyon/Juniper encroachment* Baker Creek Prescribed Firecancelled due to weather con-ditions* 1 lightning-caused fire sup-pressed in park* 5 mutual aid suppressionfires surrounding park* assisted BLM with everal ini-tial attack responses near Ely,NV* 1 SCA Fire Education Interncontacted 839 people, in 10campfire programs, 4 familyprograms, 4 talks, 7 specialevents, and 6 school pro-grams* continued work on GraniteFire BAER Project to deter-mine water quality effects onthe South Fork of Big Washwatershed in Bonneville cut-throat trout habitat

Park Highlights

Joshua Tree NP* Responded and assistedwith 7 major incidents includ-ing Hawaii, Black Mountain #2Fire, Angeles National Forest,San Bernadino NationalForest, Chimney Peak, YuccaValley, and Old Fire* New firefighter hired throughthe Apprentice Program* Converted a 1970International Fire Engine into amobile, educational exhibit

The devastating OldFire started in the SanBernadino NationalForest and was challenging due to the80 to 100 mph winds.

Lake Mead NRA* pre-burn preparation for1,900 acres of old growth pon-derosa pine * 2,021 acres completed in 3prescribed fire projects* 100 acres mechanicallytreated* 20 acres, WUI mechanicaltreatments at GRBA* assisted Arizona Strip with 1prescribed burn* suppressed 8 wildland firesin park* responded to 10 additionallocal fires* provided resources morethan 45 additional incidents

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Sequoia and KingsCanyon NPs* 2,955 acres treated in 3 pre-scribed burns* 269 acres mechanicallytreated for fuel reduction, pro-ducing 2,300 debris piles forburning* 48 lightning-caused fires, 21managed with suppression, 27managed for wildland fire use *1,142 aviation hours* 27 fire effects plots installedor re-read, including 6 plots inthinning projects* fieldwork initiated on anationwide Composite BurnIndex fire severity study* fire ecology presentations at5 professional meetings* significant research in Fireand Fire Surrogate andCheatgrass projects as part ofJoint Fire Science Initiative * 778 fire education opportuni-ties reaching 43,498 peopleincluding 2 firesafe workshops,2 Fire Management Plan pub-lic meetings, 2 cover stories inprint, 1 television news storyand the new “Current FireInformation” webpage* 1 SCA Fire Education interncompleted defensible spaceevaluations for 24 local homesand 130 park housing struc-tures* Arrowhead Hotshots worked19 interagency suppressionfires totalling 29,456 workhours and 3 wildland fire usefires for 3,128 work hours

Page 5: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

Fire Ecology

Implementation of FEAT willbegin in FY04, and willshape the future of the NPSFire Ecology Program...

FEAT, Fire Ecology Assessment Tools, isa software program being designedunder contract for the NPS to managethe vast and varied data collected within the Fire Ecology Program. FEATwill have statistical analysis capabilities,a critical feature which has been missinguntil now.

FEAT will strengthen our ability tointerpret fire effects data, improve burnprescriptions, and guide resource man-agement decisions to achieve desiredresults.

Two parks in the Pacific West Regionwill be prototypes for FEAT.

Left: Water quality is being monitored in the Big Washwatershed at Great Basin National Park as a result ofthe Granite Fire. Increaesed run off and erosion aftera fire removes surface vegetation and is often accom-panied by increased nutrients from ash.

Right: Occasional passive torching occurred on thePine Valley Springs prescribed burn at Lake MeadNRA. This was a desired effect to achieve stand den-sity reduction, one of the burn’s primary objectives.

PWR Fire and Fuels Management 2003 - PAGE 5

The Fire Ecology Program integrates multiple scien-tific and operational disciplines to inform fire man-

agement actions. University partnerships and the JointFire Science Initiative expand the program’s capacity...

Within the region, there are currently 7 fire ecologists supporting 23 parks, plus3 regional staff members, and 5 fire effects crews. A sixth fire effects crew,based at Zion National Park, also serves parks in the Pacific West Region. Thefire ecologists are key members of Fire Management Plan ID Teams, providingan ecological framework to formulate objectives and justify alternatives. TheFire Ecology Program also coordinates BAER (Burned Area EmergencyRehabilitation) activities and trains Resource Advisors in support of wildlandfire suppression. The majority of the program focuses on 3 main areas:

Long-term monitoring Treatments are monitored to detect change and determine whether resourcemanagement obejctives are being met. This includes FMH and CBI plots.FMH (Fire Monitoring Handbook) plots are used to measure the effects of pre-scribed burns. CBI (Composite Burn Index) plots measure the burn severity ofwildland fires.

ResearchFire science questions that are not adequately addressed through monitoring,are pursued through more rigorous investigation. Currently there are 16 major,ongoing research projects throughout the region. Topics include: Fire History atWHIS; Cheatgrass and Fire Effects at LABE and SEKI; Fire and Restoration atSAMO; Forest Structure Goals at SEKI and YOSE; Native American BurningRegimes at YOSE.

InventoryThe systematic collection of spatial data through fuels and vegetation mappingis necessary for informed decision-making. Mapping in four Cascade parks willbe initiated in FY04.

An enormous amount of data is being collected.In addition to fire effects plots in management-ignited prescribed burn units, the Fire Ecology Program hasbegun to establish plots to monitor alternative fuel treatments (such as thinning) and rapid assessment plotsto monitor the effects of wildland fire...

Page 6: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

Lake Roosevelt NRA* 148 acres lop and scatter* 30 acres machine piled* 16 acres chipped* 30 acres pile burned* 30 acres understory burned,(first time this type of burn)* progress made in streamlin-ing NEPA process throughmeetings between park andlocal tribes* 4,092 person hours in off-park fire assignments* 21 support actions* 4 fires suppressed on park (3 originating on park)

Olympic NP* 25 acres hazardous fuelreduction* 16 wildland fires, 823 acres(7 human-caused, 9 lightning-caused)* a 4-person SCA FireEducation Team conductingcommunity outreach madehundreds of contacts* 5 rapid assessment plotswere installed along the eastflank of the Griff Fire and weresuccessfully burned

San Juan IslandsNHS* 20 acres thinning and piling* 25 acres burned in the firstbroadcast burn ever conduct-ed at the park* Fire monitoring plots established in new burn unit

Golden Gate NRA* 24 acres eucalyptus removal* 3 emergency access /egress routes cleared * 1 fuel reduction projectremoved cypress and broom,restoring a windbreak to itshistoric condition * 2 RFA grants to two separatevolunteer fire departments* 1 SCA Fire Education internprovided community outreachand GIS support associatedwith fuels reduction projectsand fire management plan* 2 public public meetings, firemanagement plan

Santa Monica Mountains NRA* 271 acres of mechanial fueltreatment in the wildland-urban interface* 25 acres burned at MalibuCreek under contract * 100 acre Cheeseboroburned postponed* 15 fires, 923 acres burned* new fire effects plots estab-lished in Cheeseboro burn unit* field data collection for vege-tation map completed*SCA crew was hosted bypark, focusing on FireWisecommunity education * fire management brochurewas updated * Fire Management Plan andEIS completed, undergoingreview

Redwoods NP* 470 acres prescribed burning * 20 acres pile burning for fuelreduction* 18 wildland fires rangingfrom 0.1 acre to 315 acres,including 2 Type III incidents

The RedwoodsComplex included 13 fires and approxi-mately 60 acres. TheXowannutuk Fire was315 acres.

Lassen Volcanic NP* 36 acres mechanical thin,Flumetank Prep* 55 acres mechanical thin,Stonehenge Prep* 53 acres mechanical thin,Nobles Emigrant* 20 acres mechanical thin* 193 acres lop and scatter,Warner Valley* 20 acres mechanical thin,Mineral HQ* 560 acres prescribed burn,Hole* 3 burn plans completed* 1 powerpoint program developed* 1 SCA Fire Education Internconducted Junior Firefighterprograms and defensiblespace home evaluations* Fire Information plan completed* 6 special fire educationevents* 2 fire management exhibitsdeveloped* 3 Fire Information Officer off-park assignments

Hawaii Volcanoes NP* 1,000 acres chemically treat-ed in Fountain Grass Project* 8 acres, mechanically treated in fuel breaks* 13 acres mechanically treat-ed, Kipahulu Development* 5 acres biological treatment,Golf Course Vegetation* 7 wildfires suppressed inpark* 13 additional wildland fireincidents

John Day FossilBeds NM* Rock Creek Prescribed BurnPlan completed for 1470 acresin partnership with BLM and aprivate landowner. The projectwill include 535 acres of pre-burn mechanical treatment;burning is scheduled for 2004.* Planning also completed forForee Burn* Fire Mangement Plan updateand revisions completed,undergoing review

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For more information

on fire and fuels

management in

Pacific West parks,

please visit individual

park websites, or

visit NPS FIRENet at

www.nps.gov/fire ...

Park Highlights

Page 7: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

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Point Reyes NS* 315 acres were treated in 8prescribed burns* 6 burn plans were written * 245 acres of Scotch andFrench broom were treatedwith mowing and handremoval* 100 acres were treatedmechanically to remove fuelaround structures* 15 acres, were treated withthinning and brushing alongBayview Trail* 200 eucalyptus trees wereremoved to protect the BearValley Visitor Center* $485,000 was provided tocommunity-based fuel treat-ment projects* RFA grants were provided to3 rural fire departments forequipment and training* newspaper Special Sectionon Defensible Space reached36,000 subscribers and wasmailed to 4,000 residents* a community newsletter forprescribed fire notificationwas mailed to 4,500 residents,which led to a radio show on fire* 2 SCA Fire Education Interns completed 65 homedefensible space evalutaions* thousands of fire educationcontacts were made at 9 firesafety / fire prevention weekevents, and 2 fire ecologyworkshops* regional prescribed fire publication was produced,involving interdisciplinary staff from across the region * Fire Management Plan EIS completed, undergoingreview

North Cascades NPComplex* 3,542 acres burned forresource benefit in 9 wildlandfire use fires* 5.9 acres burned under sup-pression strategies in 17 fires* 300 acres mechanical thin-ning, WUI* 118 acres prescribed fire,WUI* Skagit Waterhshed RiskAssessment completed* plant inventory on 5,000acres for Stehekin Contoursproject * crews and single resourcesdispatched to 50 incidents* fire effects crew read 42plots (18 at NOCA, 9 at SAJU,

15 at JODA)

Channel Islands NP* 99 acres mechanical treat-ment*25 acres of vegetation debriswas burned in 12 piles* 2 vegetation / fuels surveyscompleted* work began on fuel reductionin historic olive groves* completed Interim ParkPrevention Plan* 4 human-caused fires extin-guished* personnel dispatched to 6incidents

Crater Lake NP* Co-hosted a fuels crew withLAVO serving NorthernCalifornia and SouthernOregon parks* 215 acres of thinning (PH-2)* 201 acres burned (PH-1)* 20 acres accomplished onthe 270 acre Mazama VillageHazar Fuel Reducion Project(work ceased due to snow)* Fire Management PlanFONSI approved, draft FMPnear completion* 12 wildland fires were sup-pressed in the park, of which11 were natural starts and 1was human-caused; one ofthese reached 10 acres insize, the rest were sup-poressed at less than 1 acre* supported suppressionefforts in CA, WA and OR

Portland State University usedthe PH-1 burn as a study sitefor a project entitled,“The role of dwarf mistletoe inbroom development, fire sus-ceptibiltiy and fire behavior inmature ponderosa pine.”

Post fire data was collected onthe PH-3 2002 burn which willbe incorporated into a JointFire Science project entitled,“Seasonal Effects ofPrescribed Fire at CraterLake.”

Crater Lake - Lassen Fuels Crew Time Log for 2003 Season

32% Rx Fire Prep

14% Hazard Fuel Mgt

12% Rx Fire Ignition

12% Empolyee Training

11% Suppresssion

5% Project Prep / Rehab

4% Administrative

4% Travel

3% Rx Fire Effects

3% Physical Training

Yosemite NP* 1,058 acres treated mechan-ically under 3 contracts for $700,000 which produced20,000 piles of small diameterfuel * 1,495 acres treated in 19prescribed fires* 8,799 acres treated in 39Wildland Fire Use fires* 2.,915 acres burned after awildland fire use fire was con-verted to a suppression fire

“Smoke concerns from the Kibbie andTuolumne WFU’s ledto a town meeting inSonora attended bylegislators and citizens. The meetingwas successful atbuilding public understanding andimproving joint planning efforts.”

Park Highlights

Page 8: National Park Service - Pacific West Region · Whiskeytown NRA * 319 acres fuel reduction, thinning * 1,205 acres treated with pre-scribed fire, broadcast burning * 170 acres of vegetation

During the summer,Edy Williams-Rhodes,

newly appointed Chief ofFire and Aviation, visitedthe Pacific West Region.She toured wilderness fire management projects atYosemite and wildland-urban interface projects atGolden Gate NRA.

Second International Wildland Fire Ecology and

Fire Management Congress& Fifth Symposium on Fire

and Forest MeteorologyNovember 16-20, 2003

Orlando, Florida

The Pacific West Region hosts oneInteragency Hot Shot Crew, theArrowheads, based at SEKI for the past 23seasons. This year, the Arrowheads wereassigned to 23 fires located in Gila NF,Yosemite NP, Inyo NF, Okanogan NF, LosPadres NF, Sequoia NF, Stanislaus NF,Modoc NF, Flathead NF, Lolo NF, Sequoia NP,Ventura County and San Bernadino NF. Theirtime was devoted 71% to suppression, 7% towildland fire use, and <1% to prescribed fire.

The Fire Use Module at WHIS also servesan interagency function. Of 69 days sup-porting Wildland Fire Use, 22 days were spentsupporting NPS units and 47 days were spentsupporting USFS units.

Presentations were made on work at SEKI,YOSE, WHIS, PORE, and GOGA. SOME EXAMPLES:Positive Effects of Prescribed Fire onUnderstory Vegetation in Mixed-Conifer Forestsof the Southern Sierra Nevada, CAWildland Fire Risk Hazard AnalysisFire Intensity in Natural and Manipulated FuelsDuring Spring Burning in Mixed ShrubWoodlandsDevelopment and Use of a Rapid AssessmentPlot to Monitor Thinning and Wildland Fire UseA Coupled Model Approach for Assessing FireHazard at Point Reyes National Seashore:FLAMMAP and GISSecond Entry Prescribed Fires in PonderosaPine and Bear Clover Forests


National Park ServiceU.S. Department of the Interior

Pacific West Region1111 Jackson Street, Suite 700Oakland, CA 94607

The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that

all may experience our heritage.

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