National Finance Commission.dockjljk

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  • 8/8/2019 National Finance Commission.dockjljk



    The NFC Award orNational Finance Commission Award is the distribution of financial

    resources among the provinces of Pakistan by the federal government on annual basis.

    Certain types of taxes collected in each province are pooled, and then redistributedaccording to the NFC formula. NFC is constituted under Article 160(1) of the 1973

    constitution (Annex I) and proposed to be held at the intervals of five years.


    Its members are Federal Finance Minister (Chairman), Provincial Finance Ministers and

    other concerning experts which the President may appoint after consultation with

    provincial Governors [Constitution of Pakistan (1973)].

    Background and History of NFC

    In 1971, Pakistan was cut into two by our enemies with the indirect support of our fellow

    Pakistanis and hence we lost East Pakistan to Bangladesh. There are many reasons that can

    be attributed to the 1971 incident but one of the major one is the Distribution of

    Resources among the provinces i.e. East Pakistan and West Pakistan.

    Since East Pakistan was responsible for majority of our output, it was its right to get the

    major portion of it as well, however, it was not allowed to take when it actually owned and

    most of it was used in West Pakistan. This infuriated the Bangladeshi people and

    contributed towards their final revolt against the Government owned by West Pakistan.

    It is worth mentioning here for the ready reference of our readers that Bangladesh i.e. East

    Pakistan before 1971, was more populous then West Pakistan but it was still discriminated

    by the West Pakistan i.e. current day Pakistan. At that time, the distribution of resources

    based on population was never raised by anyone since it would have resulted in greater

    share of East Pakistan from the Federal Divisible Pool or in Federal Budget for East and

    West Pakistan.


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    Taxes are pooled and distributed: Certain types of taxes collected in each province are

    pooled, and then redistributed according to the NFC formula.









    Federal excise duties excludingthe excise duty on gas charged at


    Any other tax which may be levied

    by the Federal Government.

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    (Article 160(1) of 1973 Constitution) NFC is constituted under Article 160(1) of the 1973

    constitution (Annex I) and proposed to be held at the intervals of five years. Its members

    are Federal Finance Minister (Chairman), Provincial Finance Ministers and other

    concerning experts which the President may appoint after consultation with provincial

    Governors [Constitution of Pakistan (1973)]. The main charter of NFC is to recommend on

    the following [Pakistan (2006b)]:



    disbursement of

    grants toprovincial


    The distribution of

    specified taxes,duties between


    Any other

    financial matter

    referred to


    The borrowing

    powers exercised

    by federal and






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    7th NFC Awards:

    Location: Lahore Chairperson: Finance Minister Shaukat Train Duration of arguments: 3


    The federal government has agreed to cut tax collection charges from 5.0 per cent to 1.0

    per cent and this amount would also be added to the divisible pool. About the thorny issue

    of sales tax on services, he said the NFC recognized sales tax on services as a provincial

    subject and it might be collected by the respective provinces.




    Population 82.0%




    Revenue Collection/

    Generation 5.0%

    Inverse Population

    Density 2.7%


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    Provincial share of the divisible pool would increase from the present 47.5 per cent to 56

    per cent in the first year of NFC (2010-2011) and 57.5 per cent in the remaining years of

    the award under the vertical distribution of resources. He claimed that this share would

    virtually be over 60 per cent. During Musharraf regime, provinces were demanding for a

    50% provincial share in the divisible pool.

    Issues Related To National FinanceCommission


    Punjab 51.74%

    NWFP 14.62%

    Sindh 24.55%



    56 %


    Share of Total

    Divisible Pool

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    ISSUE NO 1



    Friday, June 04, 2010

    By Imtiaz Ali. THE NEWS.

    KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly on Thursday unanimously passed a bill to establish the

    Sindh Revenue Board (SRB) to collect sales tax on services. It would be a robust and

    autonomous organization on the pattern of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to collect

    the benefits which weve got through the National Finance Commission (NFC) award,

    said Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on the occasion. Today is a historic day as

    after 30 years of struggle we have achieved what we had lost, he added.

    The federal government has been arguing that the FBR should collect ST on services as


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    Sindh had no collection agency, added Qaim while explaining the aims and objectives of

    the Sindh Revenue Board Act. But Sindh has now created a board and would collect sales

    tax on services. When the bill was unanimously passed into law, PPP legislators chanted

    the slogan of Long Live Bhutto. The SRB Bill was not included in Thursdays agenda

    and it was introduced by the law minister by preparing the supplementary order of the day.

    The minister introduced the SRB Bill after withdrawing the earlier Sindh Revenue Services

    Board Bill.

    Table no 1

    Actors Political power to resolve

    the issue

    Position of the





    The rating will be 3

    because unanimously they

    have made a decision toestablish a board and they

    have a power to take a

    decision following the laws

    for their province.

    3 because


    assembly has takena decision and has

    developed a

    consensus in the


    Provincial assembly

    has played an

    important role in thismatter.

    PPP legislators The rating will be 3because PPP legislators are

    the members of the ruling

    party and have affected theprocess of making bill of

    their particular province.

    The rating is 3because in they


    assembly they havestrong hold in

    decision making.

    PPP legislators arethe people who have

    played an important

    role in the billmaking with

    unanimous decision


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    Social Actors The social demand of

    people for more funds andrevenues have caused thebill to passed so the rating

    will 2

    The position of

    actor has the ratingof 2 because theyinfluenced the

    assembly to

    circulate the billbut the ultimate

    decision is in the

    hand of thelegislators.

    The social actors

    have played the roleof telling theprovincial

    government about

    Their needs throughtheir representatives.

    Table No 2

    Related department

    to deal with

    Current project on

    the issue

    Suggestion strategy Analysis

    FBR Federal Board Of


    According to me the tax

    should be collected by thefederal government

    because if it will be

    collected by the provincial

    government then it willresult into deficit fiscal


    Overall the decision

    seems to beeffective but

    according to me the

    federal government

    should be handlingall the resources

    and revenue



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    Issue no 2

    Punjab planning to collect taxes itself

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    Daily Times

    Provincial finance minister says move to be in accordance with former federal finance

    ministers promise in NFC Award

    Staff Report

    LAHORE: Punjab is developing a mechanism for collection of tax on a provincial basis in

    accordance with former federal finance minister Shaukat Tareens promise to shift the tax

    collection rights to provinces in the National Finance Commission Award meeting, Punjab


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    Finance Minister Tanveer Ahmed Kaira said on Tuesday.

    Addressing a post-budget press conference at the CMs Secretariat, he said that Sindh was

    pressing the federal government to shift the rights to collect tax to the province, adding that

    if this demand was accepted by the Center then Punjab would also collect its own taxes. He

    said that 90 percent of the countrys sales tax revenue was generated from the telecom

    sector, out of which over 60 percent was being collected from Punjab. Tax collection will

    be easy for Punjab and under the agreed NFC Award formulae, this year instead of five

    percent, we will pay only one percent charges to the Center for tax collection, he said.

    Punjab Finance Secretary Tariq Mehmood, Planning and Development Chairman Javed

    Aslam and Adviser to the CM Sardar Zulfiqar Khan Khosa were also present at the press


    Table no 1


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    Table no 2

    Actors Political power to resolve the


    Position of the




    The rating for this actor is 3Because in the end due to

    consensus of all the provinces

    on this matter it is the federalgovernment which takes a final


    The position of thisactor is quite strong

    so the rating will be


    We have analyzed that thefollowing decision of

    federal government to shift

    the right of tax collectionwas made by the federal

    government in order to

    revise the NFC formulae

    and to give provinces moreshare.

    2. Provincial


    The rating for this actor is 3because in this particular issue

    the main pressure was built bythe provincial government

    which resulted into the

    proposal made by the NFC tothe government.

    The position of this

    actor is strong so

    the rating will be 3.

    The role of provincial

    government in the particular

    issue is significant that ithad raised this issue to

    collect taxes by itself to

    reduce the tax collectioncharges.

    3. Societal


    The pressure built up by the

    people of Punjab which made

    the provincial government to

    think on this matter to take adecision according to the needs

    of the most populated provinceof Pakistan.

    The rating related

    to the position of

    this actor will be 2.

    Societal and particular

    demographic aspect has

    played a part here to press

    the government to take thisparticular decision.


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    Related department

    to deal with

    Current project on

    the issue

    Suggestion strategy Analysis

    FBR Federal Board Of


    According to me the tax

    should be collected by thefederal government

    because if it will be

    collected by the provincialgovernment then it will

    result into deficit fiscal


    Overall the decision

    seems to beeffective but

    according to me the

    federal governmentshould be handling

    all the resources

    and revenuecollection.

    ISSUE NO 3


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    Decisive Meeting to Settle Issue Today

    Friday, May 07, 2010 NEWS FROM DAILY TIMES

    Staff report.

    ISLAMABAD: A decisive meeting to settle the value-added tax (VAT) dispute betweenthe federal government and Sindh would be held today (Friday), where the future of VAT

    would be determined. President of Pakistan Janaab Asif Ali Zardari has called Sindh Chief

    Minister Qaim Ali Shah for discussion over the matter and a political decision is expected

    on VAT. It is expected that the revised Presidential Order on 7th National Finance

    Commission (NFC) Award would be issued with inclusion of revenue distribution criteria

    between provinces and general sales tax (GST) on services as provincial right to remove

    the concerns of Sindh. Sindh has expressed its firm resolve to implement by itself VAT on

    services and collect itself from the next fiscal year.

    Pechuho said that Sindh has established a department Sindh Revenue Services (SRS) for

    collection of VAT on services.. Pechuho said Sindh wanted to collect VAT on services as

    the province was the major contributor of the total GST collected from the services sector,

    but the FBR distributions to the provinces is based on previous NFC distribution that was

    on population basis.

    The contributions made by Sindh in the overall services sector accounts to over 40 percent

    in the national collection but under the existing distributions formula Sindh would only get

    around 20 percent based on the population of the province.

    Table no 1

    Actors Political power to

    resolve the issue

    Position of the





    Rating:3 Federal Govt.

    has maximum powers to

    Position of this

    Actor is strong.

    Federal Govt. is going to

    implement Value Added


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    formulate, govern and

    implement any type of

    tax in the nation.

    Tax which will increase

    the current prices of

    many products. Theimplementation is

    dependent on the

    consent of Province.



    Rating: 3 Ultimate

    decision regarding ValueAdded Tax depends upon

    the consent of the


    Position of this

    actor is strong butafter Federal

    Province wants to

    implement and monitorValue Added Tax itself

    through a well

    established andorganized


    Revenue Services

    Social Actors The recommendations

    forwarded by the provinceSindh seems to be fruit

    full as it will help the

    Province to help its population and different

    departments in the future.

    The bases of the decisionmay be considered good

    and its outcome may be

    spread over coming

    future. The motive ofSindh should not be


    The rating related

    to the position ofthis actor will be


    Social and particular

    demographic aspect hasplayed a part here to

    press the government to

    take this particulardecision.


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    Table no 2


    department to

    deal with

    Current project

    on the issue

    Suggestion strategy Analysis

    FBR Federal Board Of


    VAT should be collected

    by the Province itself

    through well organizeddepartment to assist the

    Province to tackle many

    monetary issues. Theremust be controls over

    collection and timely

    reconciliations must be


    In nutshell the decision

    of self collection seems

    to be effective. So itshould be initiated.

    Federal Govt.should

    delegate special powersto the Province in this


    Issue no 4


  • 8/8/2019 National Finance Commission.dockjljk


    Federal budget did not reflect the NFC decisions: Sindh

    By Kalb Ali

    Sunday, 13 Jun, 2010

    Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah briefs media during a Post Budget press conference atthe Chief Minister House, June 12, 2010. Photo by APP.

    A letter written to the prime minister by Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah, who is also

    finance minister of the province, said the federal finance ministry did not produce actual

    contents of the NFC award signed between the provinces and the federation in December

    last year. The province said that although the gazette relating to the NFC award issued in

    March this year had been repealed by the gazette issued on May 10, allocations for the

    provinces in the budget had been determined on the basis of the March gazette.

    Adviser to the Sindh chief minister Dr Kaiser Bengali told Dawn that the federal finance

    ministry had been making the same mistake again and again.

    This is strange to see that main contents of the NFC award have been ignored by the

    authorities in the finance ministry, he added.

    Distribution criteria for allocations for the provinces have been ignored and only

    distributions on the basis of population have been written in the federal budget document.

    Sindh has also raised a technical objection to the document -- inclusion of GST on services

    recovered from the provinces. The province said the document had mentioned zero

    allocation for the provinces in GST (central excise mode) for 2010-11, but collections from

    the telecom sector had been shifted to GST (provincial mode).

    This transfer from one head to another will cause financial losses to the province, Sindh

    finance secretary Dr Fazal Pechuho told Dawn, adding that collections from the telecom

    sector had to be in the divisible pool, instead of straight transfers.


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    Table No. 1

    Actor Political power to

    resolve the issue

    Position of actor Analysis

    Federal government:

    Yousaf Raza Gillani

    The rating for this actor

    is 3 because the power of

    the prime minister is

    higher in this issue to

    solve the problem.

    The position of

    the actor is strong

    thats why his

    rating is 3.

    Chief Minister of Sindh brings

    the problem into the notice of

    Prime Minister to take action

    against the problem.


    Qaim Ali Shah

    Provincial government:The rating for this actor

    is 3 because he is the

    Chief Minister and also

    the finance minister of

    Sindh and he raises the

    problem and also have

    the enough power to

    solve the problem.

    The position ofthe actor is strong

    thats why his

    rating is 3.

    Qaim Ali shah as Chief

    Minister and also as FinanceMinister of Sindh raises the

    issue that deliberate attempts

    have been made to causefinancial losses to the province.


    Dr Kaiser Bengali

    Dr. Qaiser Bengali is an

    economist and his rating

    is 1 because he acts as an

    advisor in this issue.

    The position of

    the actor is weak

    thats why his

    rating is 1.

    Dr. Kaiser Bengali advises that

    the federal finance ministry

    had been making the same

    mistake again and again and he

    has the weak power as he actsas an advisor.


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    Table No. 2

    Related department

    to deal with issue

    Current project

    on issue

    Suggested strategy Analysis

    Federal budget didnot reflect the NFCdecisions: Sindh.

    Federal governmentshould follow thecontents of the NFC and

    the distribution criteria

    for allocations for the provinces should not be

    based on population bases

    and also there should be

    allocation for theprovinces in GST (central

    excise mode).

    It is the right of the Sindhgovernment to complain forthe losses incurred by it and

    federal government is

    responsible for that. If thecontents of the NFC are

    properly followed, there will

    be equal distribution of

    recourses among the provincesand no province can occur



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    Issue no 5

    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    Sincere implementation of Balochistan package stressed


    ISLAMABAD: The federation and its dominant civil-military policymakers will have to

    face serious consequences if they hindered the genuine implementation of the Balochistan

    package, the National Finance Commission (NFC) and the 18th Amendment, Senator Raza

    Rabbani said on Friday. Addressing the inaugural session of a two-day conference on the

    Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package and 18th Amendment, Rabbani said there was a

    need to resolve the worsening Balochistan conflict and to address the genuine grievances of people through dialogue and political process.

    Rabbani said the country was facing a critical situation, as a large trust deficit existed

    between the federation and the provinces. He said although the county was created as a

    welfare state, its dominant civil-military ruling elite had turned it into a national security

    or a garrison state while hampering the political process and democracy.

    He said the absence of a political process in the country had worsened the conflict and the

    recent confidence-building policy measures were meant to correct the deep-rooted political

    and economic imbalance and to empower the provinces by giving them their political,

    economic and administrative rights through political consensus and process. Balochistan

    Governor Zulfiqar Magsi highlighted the development, political and law and order situation

    in the province. He said although the NFC, the Balochistan package and the 18th

    Amendment had been announced by the federal government, the province


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    Table no 1

    Table no 2

    Actors Politics power to

    resolve the issue

    Position of actor Analysis

    Federal government

    Senator RazaRabbani

    Senator Mir

    MuhammadKhan Marri

    The rating for these actor

    is 3

    Because through theirdecisions the federal

    government take decision

    to resolve the issue. So

    he has power to resolvethe issue.

    The position of this

    actor is very strong

    so its rating will be3

    We have analysis that the

    decision to resolve this

    issue through politicalprocess.



    Governor Zulfiqar


    The rating for this actor

    is 3Because he has strong

    power to resolve this


    The position of this

    actor is strong sothe rating will be 3

    According my analysis,

    the development,political and law and

    order situation in the

    province announced bythe federal government

    should be also

    implementing. So that the

    province conflict can beremove.

    Societal Actors

    Participants andstudents

    They emphasize on

    government to resolve

    this issue

    They have rating of


    Through student and

    participant emphasize on

    the government the issuehas resolve

    Related department

    to deal with the issue

    Current project on


    Suggested strategy Analysis

    Sincere implementationof Balochistan package


    According to mydecision the

    announcement given

    by federalgovernment should

    be implementing so

    that the issue have

    been resolve.

    I have analyzedthat we can

    remove the

    conflict throughpolitical process.
