National Democratic National Democratic Organization Organization (ORDEN) (ORDEN) By Jesus Alvarado By Jesus Alvarado Juan Gutierrez Juan Gutierrez Juan Castro Juan Castro

National Democratic Organization (ORDEN)

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National Democratic Organization (ORDEN). By Jesus Alvarado Juan Gutierrez Juan Castro. El Salvador. Location: Middle America, bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala and Honduras Geographical note: Smallest country in South America. Salvadorian History. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: National Democratic Organization  (ORDEN)

National Democratic National Democratic Organization Organization


By Jesus Alvarado By Jesus Alvarado Juan Gutierrez Juan Gutierrez

Juan CastroJuan Castro

Page 2: National Democratic Organization  (ORDEN)

El Salvador El Salvador Location:Location: Middle Middle

America, bordering America, bordering the North Pacific the North Pacific Ocean, between Ocean, between Guatemala and Guatemala and Honduras Honduras

Geographical note: Geographical note: Smallest country in Smallest country in South America.South America.

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Salvadorian History Salvadorian History El Salvador has always been a small El Salvador has always been a small

country who’s had a problem with country who’s had a problem with maintaining the issue of land distribution maintaining the issue of land distribution since the conquering from the Spanish. since the conquering from the Spanish.

The Spanish created a Land distribution The Spanish created a Land distribution system that continued through out the 19system that continued through out the 19thth century.century.

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History Cont’History Cont’

When El Salvador established independence, the When El Salvador established independence, the wealthy elite and military took control. wealthy elite and military took control.

The power was then distributed among the the The power was then distributed among the the fourteen elite families and only they decided who land fourteen elite families and only they decided who land would get distributed too.would get distributed too.

Problems over Land emerged. Since agriculture Problems over Land emerged. Since agriculture dominates the countries wealth, social structure and dominates the countries wealth, social structure and political dynamics.political dynamics.

An established oligarchy was formed.An established oligarchy was formed.

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Oligarchy Oligarchy An Oligarchy is a An Oligarchy is a small small

governing governing group of people group of people who together govern a nation who together govern a nation or control an organization, or control an organization, often for their own purposes (often for their own purposes (www.wncarta.msn.comwww.wncarta.msn.com, 2006)., 2006).

Due to the world prices on Due to the world prices on coffee that fluctuated and no coffee that fluctuated and no control over the government control over the government the peasants decided to revolt the peasants decided to revolt to the elites.to the elites.

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(1932) La Matanza (1932) La Matanza

Peasant revolt was lead by the Peasant revolt was lead by the father of Salvador’s revolutionary father of Salvador’s revolutionary movement, Farabundo Marti and movement, Farabundo Marti and was retaliated by Martinez’s Govt. was retaliated by Martinez’s Govt. Who was the current president. Who was the current president.

Martinez used the national guard, Martinez used the national guard, which was created in 1912, who which was created in 1912, who acted as a private security force acted as a private security force for the country's landowners, who for the country's landowners, who helped to pay the salaries; when helped to pay the salaries; when peasant uprisings got out of hand.peasant uprisings got out of hand.

In the end 30,000 indigenous In the end 30,000 indigenous people and political opponents people and political opponents were murdered, imprisoned or were murdered, imprisoned or exiled. exiled.

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Remaining YearsRemaining Years From 1930 -1970, authoritarian From 1930 -1970, authoritarian

governments employed political governments employed political repression and limited reform to repression and limited reform to maintain power.maintain power.

In 1969 El Salvador invaded In 1969 El Salvador invaded Honduras. Which was known as Honduras. Which was known as the ( Football War). This War was the ( Football War). This War was fought primarily over land. fought primarily over land.

In the 1972 presidential election, In the 1972 presidential election, the opponents of military rule the opponents of military rule united under Jose Napoleon united under Jose Napoleon Duarte Who was leader of the Duarte Who was leader of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC).Christian Democratic Party (PDC).

Duarte’s defeat promoted Duarte’s defeat promoted subsequent protests and an subsequent protests and an attempted coup were crushed and attempted coup were crushed and Duarte exiled. Duarte exiled.

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What lead to Orden (cont’)What lead to Orden (cont’) These events eroded hope of reform through democratic These events eroded hope of reform through democratic

means and persuaded those opposed to the government means and persuaded those opposed to the government that armed insurrection was the only way to achieve that armed insurrection was the only way to achieve change. change.

As a consequence, leftist groups capitalizing upon social As a consequence, leftist groups capitalizing upon social discontent gained strength. discontent gained strength.

Three major groups were backed by communist Three major groups were backed by communist countries such as Soviet Union and Cub; FSLN (Frente countries such as Soviet Union and Cub; FSLN (Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional, BPR(Bloque Popular Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional, BPR(Bloque Popular Revolucionario, FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Revolucionario, FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional)Liberación Nacional)..

By 1979, leftist guerrilla warfare had broken out in the By 1979, leftist guerrilla warfare had broken out in the cities and the countryside, launching what became a 12 cities and the countryside, launching what became a 12 year civil war.year civil war.

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CreationCreation During the civil war a new right wing During the civil war a new right wing

Paramilitary group emerged from Paramilitary group emerged from the Guardia Nacional. the Guardia Nacional.

Under Col. Jose Alberto MedranoUnder Col. Jose Alberto Medrano Orden was developed and Orden was developed and

expanded into a highly organized expanded into a highly organized militia force, with military officers in militia force, with military officers in command at the department level, command at the department level, non-commissioned officers non-commissioned officers coordinating actions from municipal coordinating actions from municipal centers, and many members drawn centers, and many members drawn from army reservists and retired from army reservists and retired National Guard and Treasury Police National Guard and Treasury Police officers. officers.

By the 1980’s Orden had between By the 1980’s Orden had between 50 thousand to 100 thousands 50 thousand to 100 thousands militia members.militia members.

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Orden’s GoalOrden’s GoalOrden’s purpose was to teach peasants Orden’s purpose was to teach peasants

about the evils of Communism and train about the evils of Communism and train them to watch out for subversives. them to watch out for subversives.

Eliminate leftist activist and sympathizers Eliminate leftist activist and sympathizers and to deter popular support through and to deter popular support through intimidation.intimidation.

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Some Incidents That Are KnownSome Incidents That Are Known On 14 May 1990, units of Military On 14 May 1990, units of Military

Detachment No. 1, the National Guard and Detachment No. 1, the National Guard and the paramilitary Organización Nacional the paramilitary Organización Nacional Democrática (ORDEN) deliberately killed at Democrática (ORDEN) deliberately killed at least 300 non-combatants, including women least 300 non-combatants, including women and children, who were trying to flee to and children, who were trying to flee to Honduras across the Sumpul river beside Honduras across the Sumpul river beside the hamlet of Las Aradas, Department of the hamlet of Las Aradas, Department of Chalatenango. The massacre was made Chalatenango. The massacre was made possible by the cooperation of the Honduran possible by the cooperation of the Honduran armed forces, who prevented the armed forces, who prevented the Salvadorian villagers from landing on the Salvadorian villagers from landing on the other side. other side.

The National Guard attacks a massive The National Guard attacks a massive demonstration, described by Archbishop demonstration, described by Archbishop Romero as peaceful. They killed Romero as peaceful. They killed somewhere between 22-50 people and somewhere between 22-50 people and wound 600-800 others.wound 600-800 others.

Archbishop Romero was assassinated Archbishop Romero was assassinated March 24, 1980 it is believed that Orden March 24, 1980 it is believed that Orden had to do with his assassination had to do with his assassination

Orden tortured and killed as many as 600 Orden tortured and killed as many as 600 Salvadorian peasants near the Sampul Salvadorian peasants near the Sampul River.River.

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Preferable Torture Techniques Preferable Torture Techniques Beatings Beatings Electric shock in back of Electric shock in back of

the earthe ear SuffocationSuffocation MutilationMutilation Such techniques asSuch techniques as

Tearing skin of from Tearing skin of from interrogating subjectsinterrogating subjects

Sticking needles in them Sticking needles in them Beating them in such a Beating them in such a

manner that the damage manner that the damage was internal and could not was internal and could not be seen. be seen.

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Affiliations Affiliations In 1963, the U.S. government In 1963, the U.S. government

sent 10 Special Forces sent 10 Special Forces personnel to El Salvador to personnel to El Salvador to help General Jose Alberto help General Jose Alberto Medrano set up the Medrano set up the Organizacion Democatica Organizacion Democatica Nacionalista (Orden) the first Nacionalista (Orden) the first paramilitary death squad in that paramilitary death squad in that country. These Green Berets country. These Green Berets assisted in the organization assisted in the organization and indoctrination or rural and indoctrination or rural “civic” squad which gathered “civic” squad which gathered intelligence and carried out intelligence and carried out political assassinations in political assassinations in coordination with the coordination with the Salvadoran military. Salvadoran military.

U.S. hoped to get rid of U.S. hoped to get rid of communism from El Salvador communism from El Salvador

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Cont. AffiliationsCont. Affiliations Now, there is compelling Now, there is compelling

evidence to show that for over evidence to show that for over 30 years, members of the U.S. 30 years, members of the U.S. military and the CIA have military and the CIA have helped organized, train, and helped organized, train, and fund death squad activity in El fund death squad activity in El Salvador.Salvador.

Orden supplied recruits for the Orden supplied recruits for the notorious White Hand (Mano notorious White Hand (Mano Blanca). Blanca).

Medrano’s protégé, Medrano’s protégé, D’Aubuisson, reportedly D’Aubuisson, reportedly helped organize the White helped organize the White Warrior Union. Warrior Union.


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Public OutcryPublic Outcry President Reagan publicly denounced the Death President Reagan publicly denounced the Death

Squads, yet CIA support, in the form of personnel Squads, yet CIA support, in the form of personnel training and intelligence gathering continued.training and intelligence gathering continued.

It was a violation of the Foreign Assistance Act of It was a violation of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, which prohibits spending U.S. funds to 1974, which prohibits spending U.S. funds to provide provide Training Training Financial support Financial support Information gathering to any foreign government .Information gathering to any foreign government .

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Presently Presently Human rights groups say right-wing death Human rights groups say right-wing death

squads murdered about 40 thousand of squads murdered about 40 thousand of the 70 thousand people killed during the the 70 thousand people killed during the 1980-1992 Civil War in El Salvador. 1980-1992 Civil War in El Salvador.

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ReferencesReferences http://www.usip.org/library/tc/doc/reports/el_salvador/tc_es_03151993_casehttp://www.usip.org/library/tc/doc/reports/el_salvador/tc_es_03151993_case

sD1_2.htmlsD1_2.html http://www.serendipity.li/cia/death_squads.htmhttp://www.serendipity.li/cia/death_squads.htm http://www.workmall.com/wfb2001/el_salvador/http://www.workmall.com/wfb2001/el_salvador/

el_salvador_history_the_1970s_the_road_to_revolt.htmlel_salvador_history_the_1970s_the_road_to_revolt.html http://www.ciponline.org/dethsqud.txthttp://www.ciponline.org/dethsqud.txt http://www.newsmakingnews.com/death_squads.htmhttp://www.newsmakingnews.com/death_squads.htm http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+sv0128http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+sv0128)) http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/US_ThirdWorld/deathsquads_ElSal.htmlhttp://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/US_ThirdWorld/deathsquads_ElSal.html http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,926505-4,00.htmlhttp://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,926505-4,00.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/elsalvador2.htmhttp://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/elsalvador2.htm http://www.unhcr.org/home/RSDCOI/3dee04524.htmlhttp://www.unhcr.org/home/RSDCOI/3dee04524.html http://www.usip.org/library/tc/doc/reports/el_salvador/http://www.usip.org/library/tc/doc/reports/el_salvador/
