1 Presbyterian ‘Connection’ October 2017 Volume 24 Issue 10 NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH Before getting into the chosen topic for this month, I would like to mention that October 29th is Reformation Sunday, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation that led from Luther in Germany to John Calvin in Switzerland. Calvin was the developer of the theological school of practice that led to what we know as Presbyterianism today. Now to the topic for the month. National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. I’m sure that there has been a time in the life of each of us that we have felt like someone was bulling or trying to bully us. Bullying is a disgraceful action that too often is put into action by people who don’t know how to accept others who are different than they are. Somehow the bully feels like he or she is superior or better than the person or group chosen to be bullied. I personally think that it is reflective of in inward insecurity about one’s own personhood and covers it up by putting down, making fun of others, or even doing physical harm to someone. There are a number of verses in the Bible that can be useful in our defense against a bully or reminding us not to be a bully. Let’s take them to heart and practice their message for us. “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. ---Leviticus 19:18 “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life.”---1 John 3:15 “Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads to evildoing.”---Psalm 37:8 “Never pay back evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.”--- Prov. 17:14. “The beginning of strife is like letting out water. So abandon the quarrel before it breaks out.”---Proverbs 15:1. “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGENCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. “BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN DOING SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD.”---Romans 12:19-20 God bless! Fred

NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH€¦ · National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. ... “While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely

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Presbyterian ‘Connection’ October 2017 Volume 24 Issue 10

NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH Before getting into the chosen topic for this month, I would like to mention that October 29th is Reformation Sunday, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation that led from Luther in Germany to John Calvin in Switzerland. Calvin was the developer of the theological school of practice that led to what we know as Presbyterianism today. Now to the topic for the month. National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. I’m sure that there has been a time in the life of each of us that we have felt like someone was bulling or trying to bully us. Bullying is a disgraceful action that too often is put into action by people who don’t know how to accept others who are different than they are. Somehow the bully feels like he or she is superior or better than the person or group chosen to be bullied. I personally think that it is reflective of in inward insecurity about one’s own personhood and covers it up by putting down, making fun of others, or even doing physical harm to someone.

There are a number of verses in the Bible that can be useful in our defense against a bully or reminding us not to be a bully. Let’s take them to heart and practice their message for us.

“You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. ---Leviticus 19:18 “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life.”---1 John 3:15 “Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads to evildoing.”---Psalm 37:8 “Never pay back evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.”--- Prov. 17:14.

“The beginning of strife is like letting out water. So abandon the quarrel before it breaks out.”---Proverbs 15:1.

“Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGENCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. “BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN DOING SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD.”---Romans 12:19-20

God bless! Fred

Page 2: NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH€¦ · National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. ... “While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely


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Page 3: NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH€¦ · National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. ... “While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely





Ecclesiastes 3:1-14



“Fame or Flame?”




“Who’s in the Saddle?”

Ecclesiastes 10:1-20



“The Bottom Line”

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14


“Vindicate, Test, Redeem”

Psalm 26:1-12


Page 4: NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH€¦ · National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. ... “While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely



October 1 - Irene Bere & Dr. Simons Ed & Peni Lloyd

October 8 - Sandy Erickson & Ken Hobart

October 15 - Celia & Roger Millard

October 22 - Amy Johnson & Elaine Miller

October 29 - Faye Brackett & Elaine Miller


October 1 - Cane Hill Church, Cane Hill Active & Retired Christian Educators & Youth Dir’tors

October 8 - First, Van Buren First, Batesville

October 15 - First, Eureka Springs Central, Russellville

October 22 - First, Helena West End, Arkadelphia

October 29 - Pres. Church of Bull Shoals First, Arkadelphia



October November October 12 - Elaine Miller November 11 - Sandy Erickson

October 17 - Nancy Soares November 16 - Roger Millard


October 22 - Bruce & Lee Powell November - No Anniversaries

Page 5: NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH€¦ · National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006. ... “While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely



"Finally back in the Old Order Amish world she loves; Will Ariana’s new perspectives draw her family closer together—or completely rip them apart?”

“After months away in the Englisch world, Ariana Brenneman is overjoyed to be in the Old Order Amish home where she was raised. Yet her excitement is mixed with an unexpected apprehension as she reconciles all she’s learned from her biological parents with the uncompromising teachings of her Plain community. Although her childhood friend, ex-Amish Quill Schlabach, hopes to help her navigate her new role amongst her people, Ariana’s Daed doesn’t understand why his sweet daughter is suddenly questioning his authority. What will happen if she sows seeds of unrest and rebellion in the entire family?”

“Meanwhile, Skylar Nash has finally found her place among the large Brenneman family, but Ariana’s arrival threatens to unravel Skylar’s new identity—and her sobriety. Both Ariana and Skylar must discover the true cords that bind a family and community together and grasp tight the One who holds their authentic identities close to His heart."

Gathering the Threads is the third and final novel in The Amish of Summer Grove series by Cindy Woodsmall.

Three fiction books by Debbie Macomber have been donated: A TURN IN THE ROAD, SUSANNAH'S GARDEN, and THE SHOP ON BLOSSOM STREET.


Faye Brackett, Librarian

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OCTOBER - 2017

While Hurricane Harvey was still on the ground in Texas, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance was preparing for the next big storm, Hurricane Irma. PDA has been busy with back-to-back catastrophic storms in the past two weeks.

On Wednesday, the Category 5 Irma, packing winds of 185 mph, tore through the northern Lesser Antilles and Virgin Islands, as well as Puerto Rico. PDA has been in constant communication with communities in its path.

“While the water was rising in Houston we were tracking Irma and its likely trajectory and size,” said the Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus, PDA director. “We were in touch with the church leadership of Puerto Rico as Irma was closing in. We also have a National Response Team (NRT) member who is in Puerto Rico. She is a social worker and part of our spiritual care team.”

Kraus says PDA has strong relationships in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, also in Irma’s path, where relief work has been underway for some time for previous storms. “Our standard practice on international hits is to confer with our international staff, area coordinator and anyone in World Mission who might have awareness or need to be alerted.”

Jim Kirk, PDA’s associate for national disaster response, says PDA has reached out and offered support in the Synod of Puerto Rico and is already looking at an initial emergency grant request.

The exact path Irma will take through Florida is still to be determined, and Kirk says preparation has been key in the state.

“Florida is ground central for so many hurricanes and we have an organization called FLAPDAN (Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network),” Kirk said. “Its director has been very active in preparing the six Florida presbyteries as well as the Synod of South Atlantic.”

As with all disasters, Kirk says PDA is ready to respond as needed.

“We will certainly be engaged with boots on the ground in Puerto Rico as well as Florida should we be requested,” he said. “Long-term recovery committees are up and running in Florida because of Hurricane Matthew. “PDA has already offered financial support for those long-term recovery organizations and is partnering with host sites in North and South Carolina while looking to identify host sites in Florida.”

“There were periods of time without catastrophic storms in Florida and people began to question whether FLAPDAN should continue,” Kraus said. “Some have even questioned the need to invest the time in preparation, but when disaster hits, and it always does, the prep work is invaluable.”

Kirk says PDA support for those impacted by Irma will not affect the ministry’s commitment to other working disasters.

“In addition to the recent hurricanes, there are seven to eight fires in Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, as well as refugee deportation issues around the country,” said Kirk. “We are still very engaged in Matthew response in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. There is relief work taking place in Georgia following tornadoes there as well as refugee deportation in New Hampshire.”

“It doesn’t always happen that you get two large catastrophic storms back to back. The closest we’ve come to that would have been in the 2004-05 season where Florida alone had eight hurricanes make landfall in the state, while the Gulf Coast got hit with Katrina and Rita,” said Kraus. “In addition to staff, we have 120 NRT members who work with ecumenical and interfaith partners in the U.S. On the international front, we work with Church World Service and ACT Alliance. We are used to working several disasters simultaneously because that’s how life is.”

Submitted by the Mission Committee

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General Meeting of PW&M Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Eight members were in attendance for our first fall meeting. Moderator, Elaine Miller brought the meeting to order at 10 AM after a 30 minute fellowship time with a light breakfast provided by today's hosts, Linda Allensworth and Amy Johnson. Pastor Fred Taylor blessed the food and opened the meeting with prayer. Steve Broskovak gave the devotion from his testimony , referring to two Scriptures, Joshua 1:9 and Psalm 23.

Reports: Secretary, Amy Johnson said the previous meeting's minutes of June had been approved as read during the Team Meeting so those are on file and have been on the PW&M bulletin Board. She passed the sign-up sheet for hosts/devotions for the monthly meetings through the end of the year. And she read several thank-yous from ministries that have received our donations.

Treasurer, Mary Kerr presented her reports from June, July and August. All were approved as read and will be placed on file. The beginning balance in June was $1293.90 and the ending balance August 31 was 1209.90. Mary paid out to our supported ministries in August: $100 to Meals on Wheels, Our Kids of Marion Co., and Vera Lloyd, and $200 to Flippin Lunch Program. She reports that of our $1400 in commitments to ministries for the year, $700 has been paid out with $700 still to pay out after we receive proceeds from our last fundraiser of the year, the Baked Potato Bash in October. Also, money will possibly have to be spent on our Christmas project after incoming donations from our general church membership donations is tallied.

Announcements: From Pastor Fred, he will be away from church from Sept. 14 through 24 and Rev. Cindy Saul will fill the pulpit both Sundays.

Linda Allensworth has sent another 1000 Best Choice labels out for a $30 credit. That will be sent to the church, and to our treasurer specifically.

NEW BUSINESS: We received a notification and poster for a Chonda Pierce On Tour show at The Sheid in Mtn Home on October 27. Amy will post this in the narthex to encourage interest.

OLD BUSINESS: Peni Lloyd, chairperson for the Baked Potato Bash fundraiser, wasn't present but gave details to Elaine that the date is set for October 21 and she will begin to get sign-up sheets out for donations of foods and duties by Oct. 1. It was agreed at the team meeting that 1) ticket prices will remain the same ($6 and $3), and 2) we would not serve taco meat this year, only chili, and 3) that Peni would provide card stock for Faye to print the new tickets. Norma Taylor and Amy suggested that all jobs be opened for sign-ups so new faces could take part in serving and greeting, etc.

The Christmas Project was brought up. Vicky, chairperson, was not present for input, but at the team meeting she suggested ways of simplifying the purchasing and expense this year. She'd like to get personal items (toothbrushes and paste) for the school children, but not necessarily shampoo and conditioner. Cost-wise, we might need to cut back from last year. Mary suggested toys or books. Vicky will consult with the school personnel to see what they recommend. Peni has some free toy items that we might be able to incorporate into the gift bags as well. Further discussion will take place in October. Amy offered to talk with Bull Shoals Family Dentistry about us ordering individually wrapped small toothbrushes and paste from them or possibly them donating those for the children.

OTHER BUSINESS: Irene Bere made the suggestion that we return to the practice of drawing up a yearly budget for PW&M to keep a check on expenditures as well as receipts and pay-outs. This should be implemented for 2018.

Next general meeting: October 10, 2017, 9:30 am. Hosts: Norma Taylor and Mary Kerr. Devotion: Peni Lloyd. Next team meeting: September 28 at 9 AM.

Elaine adjourned the meeting at 10:45 am and Pastor Fred closed us in prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Amy Johnson

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OCTOBER RECIPE Carrot Apple Zucchini Bread

Serves: 24 servings


1 cup unsalted butter, melted 2 cups granulated sugar 3 eggs, room temperature ¼ cup fresh orange juice 1 tbsp vanilla extract

3¼ cups all-purpose flour ½ tsp salt 2½ tsp baking powder ¾ tsp baking soda 1 tbsp cinnamon pinch of ground cloves

pinch of ground nutmeg

2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup shredded zucchini 1 cup diced, peeled apple (Granny Smith, Fuji, whatever you have on hand) ½ cup pecans, chopped Cream Cheese Glaze/Frosting

½ cup cream cheese, softened ¼ cup butter, softened 2 - 3 cups powdered sugar

1-3 tbsp orange juice as needed


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two 8x4 inch loaf pans. Line with parchment paper and set aside. (I use the baking

spray with flour in it.) Place zucchini in a large kitchen towel. Bring up the four corners and twist. Squeeze the towel to extract

all the liquid from the zucchini, or as much as you can. Set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg together. Set aside.

In a separate large bowl, whisk together the butter and sugar. Add eggs, orange juice, and vanilla and whisk until combined. Fold dry ingredients into wet ingredients along with the shredded carrots, shredded zucchini, apples, and

pecans. Pour into prepared pans.

Bake until golden brown, 55 to 60 minutes, or until loaves spring back when gently pressed with fingers. Let cool completely before icing.

Cream Cheese Glaze/Frosting

Cream together cream cheese and butter with a hand mixer. Add in 2 cups of powdered sugar and continue mixing. Drizzle in orange juice until desired consistency is

achieved. Frost bread and enjoy!


The carrots and zucchini in this recipe are interchangeable. Feel free to use less or more of each. You just

want three cups total.

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Till We Speak Again OCTOBER 2017

Millie is on vacation this month….

Amy's Melt-away Blueberry Coffeecake 9x13” or 10x14” pan, 16-20 servings

2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries (thawed and patted dry) 1 ½ cups granulate sugar, divided ½ c chopped pecans

2 sticks of butter, room temp 1 tsp vanilla 2 jumbo eggs (= ½ cup of eggs) 2 ½ c white flour 1 ¼ tsp salt 2 ½ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp. Cinnamon 1 cup sour cream

1 cup sifted powdered sugar 1-2 T milk ¼ tsp vanilla

Oven 350*, either a 9x13 or a 10x14 baking pan, buttered. In a small bowl combine the pecans with ¼ cup of the granulated sugar and the blueberries. Set aside.

In a large bowl with a mixer, cream the room temp. butter with 1 ¼ c. sugar and 1 tsp vanilla for at least 4-5 minutes. Add eggs and beat well. Combine all the dry ingredients, sift, then add to the creamed mix with the sour cream. Beat on low till blended well.

In the prepared dish, spread out about 2 ½ cups of the batter evenly. Sprinkle the blueberry mixture over this then top with dollops of remaining batter. Surface does not have to be completely covered. Bake at 350* for 45 to 55 minutes, depending on the size of your pan till top is lightly browned and test with a toothpick. Cool slightly.

In a small measuring cup make a glaze of the powdered sugar, ¼ tsp. vanilla and enough milk to make a drizzling consistency. With a spoon or spout, drizzle a light pattern over the warm coffeecake. Serve warm.

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Eight motorists drove to church one morning. Their respective

houses and churches, together with the only roads available (the dotted lines), are shown. One went from his house A to his church A, another from his house B to his church B, another from C to C, and so on, but it was afterwards found that no driver ever crossed the track of another car. Take your pencil and try to trace out their various routes.

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“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” “Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

“Romans 12:2”

“We will be scripture-based to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ

and spiritually led to guide all people to be active doers of the Word”

Approved by Session on November 16, 2007


Pastor: Fred Taylor, Clerk of Session: Vicky Bair, Church Treasurer: Ken Hobart,

Secretary: Christi Partee, Financial Secretary: Elaine Miller


Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Ed Lloyd Pam Hobart Sandy Erickson

Amy Johnson Vacancy Pat Erlewine


Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Meg Simons Ken Hobart Vicky Bair

Peni Lloyd Steve Broskovak Vacancy

Presbyterian Church of Bull Shoals

P.O. Box 305

Bull Shoals, AR. 72619