National National Association Association of Child Contact of Child Contact Centres Centres Can contact work Can contact work after domestic after domestic violence? violence? Yvonne Kee Chief Executive

National Association of Child Contact Centres Can contact work after domestic violence? Yvonne Kee Chief Executive

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NationalNational AssociationAssociation of Child Contact of Child Contact


Can contact work Can contact work after domestic after domestic


Yvonne KeeChief Executive


The role of Child Contact Centres in re-establishing contact

Barriers & problems for fathers post separation, where history of domestic abuse

Child Contact CentresChild Contact Centres

Safe, friendly and neutral places

350 Supported & Supervised

20,000 children, 13,000 families

Disparate spread

Supervised Child Contact Supervised Child Contact CentresCentres

Where risk of harm identified Focus on physical safety & emotional

well-being of child(ren) Individual supervision, observation &

recording Continuum redefined & developing:

indirect; escorted; life story/identity contact; DV related, contact activities

Promoting safe child contact within a Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact national framework of Child Contact



Ensuring safety

Independent and impartial

Respecting individuals, preserving confidentiality

Promoting equality, celebrating diversity

Valuing and supporting voluntary service

BUT… the barriersBUT… the barriers

Too few supervised centres Inappropriate referrals Cost for parents Sustainability Unwillingness on part of non

resident parent to use CCC Perceived risk by resident parent

where DV and other factors

How real How real isis the risk? the risk?

‘Inappropriate & potentially dangerous to give the message… that it is beneficial to maintain contact. This is not true. In many cases… highly dangerous’ (DVIP)

‘In a number of … families there had been violent incidents in the past, precipitating or surrounding the separation, but there was no current perception of risk.’

Diametrically opposed?Diametrically opposed?

Fathers’ groupsWomen’s groups

Other perspectivesOther perspectives


InitiativesResearchOther organisationsJudiciary

Lord Justice WallLord Justice Wall ‘It is not possible at one & the same time

to be guilty of serious violence to your partner & to hold yourself out as a good parent – this will no longer wash’

Call for cultural change of approach from Contact is always the best way forward to CONTACT THAT IS SAFE & POSITIVE IS


Nothing stands stillNothing stands still

While a few fathers, like a few mothers, are best kept away from their offspring, most can be assets… in some ways. Fatherhood is often seen as ‘fixed’, with fathers categorized as goodies or baddies, & little recognition given to the fact that fathering, like mothering, can be good or bad in parts & can change over time… Another reason for engaging with fathers, including those who are seriously problematic, is that simply removing themfrom their families does not wipe them off the face of the earth.’

Accreditation & re-accreditationNational StandardsEnhanced standards Training & support

CCCs & Quality- CCCs & Quality- for the best chancefor the best chance

The visionAvailability & sustainabilityAccessibilityAppropriate referralsQualityInfrastructure support

The idealThe ideal


AffirmationAffirmation ‘Dad must have missed me too because he went to

a solicitor who arranged for us to meet at a CCC. We have been meeting there for 6 months & I always look forward to Saturday afternoons’

‘Your service has made a difference in both Megan’s life & mine. We are at present undertaking contact at my home. We have a wonderful, loving relationship. You have enabled that to happen’

‘He has now had the opportunity to receive the love he deserves from my family… the CCC is wholly valuable’

Places of meeting & reconnecting for badly broken families

Places for the renewing of trust & the healing of hurt

Places of hope, and places of love

We don’t experience these things all of the We don’t experience these things all of the time…time…

… a longing that there should be, in a longing that there should be, in

our fractured communities:our fractured communities:

Can contact work after Can contact work after domestic violence?domestic violence?