THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES THE “KINTYRE” FILES - 02b - 1768 to 1995 http://www.nas.gov.uk/onl ineCatalogue/ An online sear ch of the files rela ted to Kintyre , the steamers and services on the Clyde and West High lands and the files related to Kna pdale and Kilber ry produced nearl y 7,000 results, the main proble m being that these fi les, presented onlin e in tabled batches of ten , need to be ‘re-tabled’ so tha t they can be presented in chr onological orde r, a long and time-co nsuming process.  Tho ugh the results of the ‘re-ta bling proc ess are not ‘pleas ing to the eye’, the successive addition of ‘re-edited’ tables distorting the widths of individual columns and Microsoft Word programs steadfastly refusing to correct the columns widths to uniform widt hs, it remains t hat the work(s) are at least ‘serviceable’ in that, probably for the first time, the user can gai n any proper historic al view of ‘Kintyre On Rec ord’, from the 1300’s onwards to at least the 1990’s. Not helping i n these mateers o f ‘uniformity’ is t he fact that, any additiona l detail found on the f iles, that seen if one cli cks on the file ref erences, has been added to the file entries, rather than require users t o do this fo r themselve s and the det ail, at a glance, often suggests to the user tha t it is worthwhile actua lly going to Edinburgh to further explore part icular files.  The original idea had been to list all 7,000 ‘Kintyre-rela ted’ files in a single document but, in view of the results of processing the first ‘Kintyre-rela ted’ file, a single such document might run well in ex cess of 1,500-pages and, because of its size, be unli kely no t only to uploa d to the internet but too be impo ssibl e for those with slo w, ‘dia l-up’ int ernet connections, be impossible to download too. Only by sp litting the v arious files i nto, at least in itially, geographical groupings can t hese files be pu t online and, given that they could be uploaded and downloaded in Microsoft Word forma t, anyone so inclined could then merge all the various tables and, selecting t he first column of the then completed ‘composite’ table, the column with all the uniformly listed dates, by using the ‘Table/A-Z Sort’ on the Microsoft Word program’s toolbar, it MIGHT be possible to chronologically list all the file entries, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES THAT PROCESS THIS MIGHT WORK and the end product would undoubtably look ‘messy’, even though ‘serviceable’ enough to use using ‘’Edit/Find’ facility on the Microsoft Word program’s toolbar to look for entries of particular interest. 1

National Archives - 02b - Kintyre - 1768 to 1995

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An online search of the files related to Kintyre, the steamers and services on the Clyde and West Highlands and the filesrelated to Knapdale and Kilberry produced nearly 7,000 results, the main problem being that these files, presented online intabled batches of ten, need to be ‘re-tabled’ so that they can be presented in chronological order, a long and time-consumingprocess.

 Though the results of the ‘re-tabling’ process are not ‘pleasing to the eye’, the successive addition of ‘re-edited’ tablesdistorting the widths of individual columns and Microsoft Word programs steadfastly refusing to correct the columns widths touniform widths, it remains that the work(s) are at least ‘serviceable’ in that, probably for the first time, the user can gain anyproper historical view of ‘Kintyre On Record’, from the 1300’s onwards to at least the 1990’s.

Not helping in these mateers of ‘uniformity’ is the fact that, any additional detail found on the files, that seen if one clicks onthe file references, has been added to the file entries, rather than require users to do this for themselves and the detail, at aglance, often suggests to the user that it is worthwhile actually going to Edinburgh to further explore particular files.

 The original idea had been to list all 7,000 ‘Kintyre-related’ files in a single document but, in view of the results of processingthe first ‘Kintyre-related’ file, a single such document might run well in excess of 1,500-pages and, because of its size, be

unlikely not only to upload to the internet but too be impossible for those with slow, ‘dial-up’ internet connections, beimpossible to download too.

Only by splitting the various files into, at least initially, geographical groupings can these files be put online and, given thatthey could be uploaded and downloaded in Microsoft Word format, anyone so inclined could then merge all the various tablesand, selecting the first column of the then completed ‘composite’ table, the column with all the uniformly listed dates, byusing the ‘Table/A-Z Sort’ on the Microsoft Word program’s toolbar, it MIGHT be possible to chronologically list all the fileentries, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES THAT PROCESS THIS MIGHT WORK and the end product would undoubtably look ‘messy’,even though ‘serviceable’ enough to use using ‘’Edit/Find’ facility on the Microsoft Word program’s toolbar to look for entries of particular interest.


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1768 CH1/2/110 General AssemblyPapers, Main SeriesPart 2Description - Boundff.1-29. Shottssettlement case.

ff.30-52. Glendevonsettlement case.

ff.53-65. Case of  James Frazer,younger, of UpperBarr, accused bySarah McClellan inparish of KirkpatrickDurham, as father of her child.

ff.66-76. Excambionof glebe of Dalton inpresbytery of Lochmaben.

ff.77-84. St Ninian'ssettlement case -David Thomson,minister atGargargunnock,

presented by Sir JohnStewart of Allanbankbt., as patron.

ff.85-111. Papersrelating to refusal of presbytery of Paisleyto admit William Turner, elder fromGreenock, as memberof said presbytery.


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Dickson, formerlyminister of Newlands.

ff.132-3. Petition of   Joseph Williamson, John Dalrymple andAlexander Bruce,

advocates, toAssembly. Suggestingthat a roll of privatecauses should bemade up as in othercourts which wouldtend greatly to thedespatch of businessbefore the Assemblyand convenience of allconcerned.

ff.134-5. Referencefrom synod of Aberdeen anentmarriage between John Yule in parish of Kincardine andChristian Berrie inparish of Leochel, hisformer wife's half niece.

f.136. Certificate infavour of Mrs MaryDuncanson, relict of Mr Walter Stuart,minister of Ashkirk,residing in parish of Old Grayfriars,Edinburgh.

ff.137-65. New


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(ff.147-8) Memorialfor presbytery of Garioch anentbuilding kirk and

manse in a centricalposition for parishesof Keithhall andKinkell.

ff.166-89. Overtures,returns and reports.

ff.190-305. RoyalBounty papers.Including:

(ff.195-8) Report of the sub committee toconsider the schemeand new applications,11 July 1768.(ff.199-202) Schemeof missionaries, 1Nov. 1768 - 1 Nov.1769.(f.205) Letter from

Donald Macleod,Lochcarron, to themoderator of theCommission formanaging the RoyalBounty. 16 April 1768.Difficulties of Mr James Robertson,minister atLochbroom; his needfor a catechist;


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progress of popery inthe braes of, parishesof Kintail and Lochalshowing to proximity of Strathglass, where apopish priest resides;the people are

intermixed in thesummer time at theirgrazings, but theministers of Lochalshand Kintail are old andinfirm and cannotfollow their people tothe hills in thesummer or tocounteract the effortsof the trafficking

priests of Strathglass;the parish of Gairlochcontains above 2,800souls, of which about1,008 only reap theadvantage of catechists, while thereare four places of worship within theparish.(ff.214-18) Report of 

sub committee, andscheme of missionaries, 1767-8.(ff.245) Minutes of committee, 27 July1768 anent positionsof catechists andschools.(ff.247-56) Papersrelating to state of health of Mr


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Woodrow,schoolmaster at Tarbert, and schoolunder his charge.(f.263) State of thecharge annexed tothe mission of 

Amulrie, 1768, givingdetails of farms inparish and of numbersof occupants,communicants andcatechisable persons,and their distancefrom Amulrie and theparish church.(ff.266-7) State of theunited parishes of 

Bramar and Crathiefor the year 1768,giving details of protestant and papistin both parishes.(ff.273-4) State of themission of Arasaig inparish of Ardnamurchanpresented topresbytery of the

Mull, 3 May 1768 ...by Angus Macaulay,missionary.(ff.276-86) States of Uist, Rannoch andRoss, Laggan, Glencoand Glenek, andAross, with list of scholars at school atAross, 24 March 1768(f.284).


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(ff.295-6) State of themission in the heightsof the parishes of Kincardine and Creichby Mr George Rainy,missionary.(ff.298-9) Petition of 

Alexander Macintosh,schoolmaster atKenlocharkaig inparish of Kilmaly,county of Inverness,for financialassistance to enablehim to continuecatechising part of parish adjacent toroman catholics of 

Knoydart, Arrisaig andMoydart. With anotherpetition in his favouraddressed topresbytery of Abertarph by variousinhabitants of Locharkaig(specified), (ff.300-1).(ff.302-4) More papersrelating to John

Woodrow,schoolmaster at Tarbert in presbyteryof Kintyre.(f.305) Petition of Mr John Mill, minister atDunrossness, for asuccessor to Mr JohnShephard, missionaryminister for Fairisle,Foula and Skerries


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who died at Aberdeenin April last.

f.306. Overture frompresbytery of Dunkeld.

1768 E727/35

Commissioners for the Annexed

Estates: Road and Bridges Letters1768 – 1783Description - Letters relating to theconstruction of roads from:Marquis of Lorne (labour of soldiers onroad from head of River Tay to LochRannoch);Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster (Caithnessroads);Henry Home, Lord Kames, theoverseers, and George Drummond,

younger of Blair (road between Stirlingand bridge of Drip);Duke of Argyll (Kintyre and Knapdaleroads).

1768 - 02- 16


Minutes in process at the instance of Mr. AlexanderHossack, minister of Jura and Colonsay, againstArchibald Campbell of Jura concerning new glebe atKillearnadale 16 Feb 1768Description - In dorso: Interlocutor, dated 27 Feb.1768, of the Lord Ordinary remitting to Mr. JohnWodrow, minister, and Mr. Duncan Shaw, tacksman

in Islay, to mark out a glebe upon any of the farms of Crackaig, Feoline or Knocknafeoliman equally good inquality to glebe designed by the Presbyteryof Kintyre on farm of Kilarnadale.

1769 CH1/2/111 General AssemblyPapers, Main SeriesDescription - Boundff.1-50. Process beforepresbytery of Perthagainst David Moncrief,minister at Redgorton,


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session clerk andelders thereof, relatingto complaint by GeorgeFraser, minister atMoneydie, that sessionof Redgorton had beenslack in discipline,

giving as an examplethe case of MrMckewan, whose wifecomplained of illtreatment, left him andresided at the manse of Moneydie.

ff.51-60. St Ninian'ssettlement case - David Thomson, minister at

Gargunnock, presentedby Sir John Stuart of Allanbank, bt., to whichobjection is made bypresbytery of Stirlingwhich claimspresentation juredevoluto.

ff.61-72. St Monancesettlement case -

Alexander Small,minister at Kirkmichael,presented byAlexander, earl of Balcarres, as patron, orArchibald Gillies,presented by thecrown.

ff.73-142. Case of parish of Crieff -


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minister's neglect of his duties andaccusation of drunkenness, includingpetition by ThomasStewart, the minister,(ff.75-6).

ff.143-6. Referencefrom presbytery of StAndrews relating tocase of James Smithand Robert Ferrier,ministers at Newburnand Largo, anent theirsignatures to theformula.

ff.147-52. Petition of inhabitants of parish of Ettrick anent irregularmarriage of Mr JohnAdams, their minister.

ff.153-4. Petition of MrNorman Mackenzie,student of divinity inthe Lewis, preventedby non meeting of 

synod of Glenelg fromproceeding to his trials.

ff.155-6. Petition of David Dickson,formerly minister atNewlands.

ff.157-8. Petition of George Haldane of Gleneagles, advocate,


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and others, concurrersto presentation infavour of PatrickCrichton, probationer,to church of Glendevon.

ff.159-60. Reasons of dissent by Dr Dick andothers against judgment pronouncedby Assembly uponoverture anent therigorous use of the lawof patronage.

f.161. Reasons of dissent relating to

election of an elderfrom presbytery of Ayrthough the presbyteryhad not attested thathe had signed theConfession of Faith andFormula.

ff.162-3. Petition of heritors of parish of Denny anent call to Mr

 Thomas Fergus,preacher of the gospel,to be minister atDenny.

ff.164-6. ColinCampbell, now ministerat Renfrew inpresbytery of Paisley,and dispute over hisclaim to be elected to


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General Assembly asrepresentative frompresbytery of Dumbarton.

ff.167-72. Royal lettersuperscribed by

George III to Assembly,26 April 1766, withcopy of the letter andcopy of the Assembly'sanswer.

ff.173-4. Copy royalwarrant addressed tothe chief baron and theother barons of theCourt of Exchequer in

Scotland, for £1000 asthe royal bounty foritinerant preachers inScotland, 16 May 1766.

ff.175-6. Letter fromH.S. Conway toModerator,acknowledgingAssembly's answer toroyal letter. 3 June


ff.177-8. Letter fromthe Rev. GeorgeWishart to Moderator.31 May 1766. Regretshe cannot act as clerkowing to death of hiscolleague; suggeststhat his brother wouldact instead of writer.


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ff.179-206. Accountsand related papers inprocess George Traill of Hobbister v. ThomasLyell, minister at Ladyparish, and accounts of 

contributions fordefraying charge of intended application toparliament for relief from taxes uponhouses and windowlights; with report of committee appointedto revise the publicaccounts.

f.207. List of papers tobe taken into therecord of Assembly1769.

ff.208-27. Newapplications. Including:

(ff.214-15) Petition of presbytery of Chirnsideon behalf of the rev.

 John Buchanan,minister at Foulden,anent his right topasturage for two cowsand twenty sheep uponrunrig lands of Fouldenand Nunlands.(ff.222-3) Petition of presbyteryof Kintyre anent repairof lowland church


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of Kintyre, which isruinous to the extentthat people refuse toattend as ̀ they cannotthink themselves safe'.

ff.228-43. Overtures

and related papers.

ff.244-89. Royal bountypapers. Including:

(ff.251-2) Letter fromRobert Macpherson,Laggan, to GeorgeCairncross, clerk tocommittee formanaging HM royal

bounty. 25 Oct. 1769.Difficulties with MrWilliam Grant who feltthat writer was wrongin preaching nearLaggan, part of thelatter's parish, thougha district full of romancatholics, andsuggested that writershould preach in

Glenroy instead: thisdistrict ̀ is onecontinued bog ormorass except (where)it is interrupted byragged rocks and rapidrivers'.(ff.255-6) Letter from John McIntyre, Amalrie,to moderator of thecommittee for


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managing the royalbounty. 12 May 1769.Difficulties inadministeringcommunion at Amalrieowing to size of communion table;

impossibility of accommodating all theministers whoattended; need for anadditional allowance.(f.261) Petition of presbytery of Mull foraddition to salary of mission at Strontian,which is particularly inneed of this owing to

`the great numbers of miners, woodcutters,cordwoodmakers andsoldiers who are nowemployed in andaround that place, acircumstance whichhas greatly raised theprice of vivers'.With related papers,ff.262-4.

(ff.279-85) Minutes of committee andsubcommittee formanaging the royalbounty, 29 Dec. 1769,10 July.(ff.286-7) Letter fromRobert Thomson,presbytery clerk.Rosshill, 29 July 1769.Relating to school at


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 Tarbert taught by Mr John Wodrow.

f.290. List of debts dueby the church in May1769.

1769 GD1/580

Stewart of Coll 1769 – 1873

Description - Records of the Duke of Argyll's chamberlains in Kintyre, DuncanStewart of Glenbuckie and his son, JohnLorn Stewart, and others. John Lorn Stewartpurchased Breachacha Castle and otherestates in Coll in 1856.

1769 GD1/580/5Accounts between the chamberlainof  Kintyre and the Duke of Argyll forintromissions with rents of  Kintyre. (arrears)

1769 GD427/200

Correspondence of George Gillanders about rents and feus; credit and debts; themanse at Barvas; the school; cattle at tyrsts being 'but trifling creatures unfit for

butcher or driving'. 1769Description – Includes 17) Archibald Campbell, Stonefield, Tarbet, Kintyre,concerning goods wrecked on coast of Lewis and Harris. Suggests Gillanders willobtain best price for mahogany at Leith; other wood would be best sold locally.Requests account of all returns and expenses incurred, so allowances can bemade 'in conformity to the trouble and expense' of those who assisted salvageand to encourage inhabitants 'to take care of effects, that are thrown upon thesea coasts, or floating at sea'. 30 Sept 1769.

1769 RHP34645 Photocopy of plan of Campbletown. 1769

1773 - 09 – 21 SC54/7/4/9/4Service of Elizabeth, Giles and Lillias Campbell to their father, Archibald Campbell,Chamberlain of  Kintyre. 21 September 1773

Description - As nearest heirs portioners and of line.1774 E728/33 Petitions and Memorials: Harbours

and Canals 1774 – 1779Description - Petitions andmemorials mainly to theCommissioners for the AnnexedEstates relating to the improvementof harbours from: Dugald Campbellof Glencarradale, with a plan, and areport and estimate by James Watt(Carradale Bay, Kintyre);


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merchants, shipmasters andprincipal inhabitants of Peterhead,with a plan (now RHP37947-37949)and estimate, a forwarding letterfrom the Treasury, and a report byGeorge Clerk-Maxwell (Peterhead);George Ross, proprietor of Cromarty

(only forwarding letter from Treasury, petition wanting);Magistrates and Town Council of Rothesay, with a plan and estimate,and report by Lord Stonefield andRobert Oliphant of Rossie(Rothesay).

1776 E728/30

Petitions and Memorials: Roads andBridges 1776 – 1784Description - Petitions andmemorials mainly to the

Commissioners for the AnnexedEstates relating to the constructionof roads, from: Hugh Seton of TouchGlencoe; Freeholders and otherinhabitants of Caithness; Duke of Argyll and other heritors andinhabitants of the parishes of SouthKnapdale and Kilberry (Kintyre andKnapdale); Elizabeth Countess of Sutherland, with a forwarding letterfrom the Treasury (Sutherland);

Major John Campbell of Airds andothers (Glencoe); Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster, with a forwarding letterfrom the Treasury (Caithness);Alexander MacLeod of Harris (Islandof Harris).

1776 GD1/580/6Accounts between the chamberlainof  Kintyre and the Duke of Argyll forintromissions with rents of  Kintyre

1783 - 03 -15 GD92/166 HERITABLE BOND by Archibald Macdonald of Sanda toColonel Donald Campbell of Glensaddell for £162.10s.


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10d., and in security he dispones to said Colonel an annualrent of £81. 3s. 6d. furth of the six merklands of Macrireoch [Machrireoch] and Carniecapog, 20s. land of Knockmoriel, 20s. land of Kilmasheuchan, 5 merkland of Blaisdall [Blasthill] and Edon, 20s. land of Penlochna, 20s.land of the Island of Sanda, 2 merkland of Drumvore, 20s.land of Penysirach, 20s. land of Achray parts of the lands

called St. Ninian's lands and 6s. 8d. land of Culraichan,lying in Kintyre and County of Argyll. 15 March 1783

1784 E704/8

Forfeited Estates: Letters toBarons of Exchequer 1784-1824Description - Letters to theBarons of Exchequer relating topublic works and other projectsundertaken by theCommissioners for theAnnexed Estates, from: John

Duke of Argyll (Kintyre roads);Professor John Hope (botanicalsearches); Alexander Christy(Southesk Bridge); ColinCampbell, Collector of Customsat Fort William (victual suppliedduring the famine of 1782-83); J Hunter Blair, president of theConvention of Royal Burghs(Inverness prison); DonaldMacPherson, Donald

MacNaughtan, innkeeper, PeterRobertson (Dalwhinnie inn);Robert Menzies of Farleyer(bridge over the River Lyon).

1786 NLC Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Description - Contents

Headquarters recordsUnless otherwise indicated, items in sections NLC1-19 are closed for 30 yearsfrom the date of the last entry.


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Board Records

1 Annual Reports2/1 Board Records: Minute Books2/2 Board Records: Schedules of Meetings

Secretary's Department

3/1 Correspondence and reports3/2 Indexes to correspondence and reports4/1 Staff Records: Registers and Lists of Lightkeepers4/2 Staff Records: Establishment Books and other lists5/1 Orders and Circulars: General Orders6/2 Returns: Shipwreck Returns

Engineer's Department

11/1 Letterbooks11/2 Harbour lights letterbooks11/3 Bound file11/4 Bound files: first sequence

Records of individual lighthousesUnless otherwise indicated, items in sections NLC20-NLC111 are open toinspection.

20 Ailsa Craig Lighthouse21 Ardnamurchan Lighthouse

23 Barns Ness Lighthouse24 Barra Head Lighthouse28 Buchan Ness Lighthouse36 Copinsay Lighthouse38 Corsewall Lighthouse40 Cromarty Lighthouse42 Davaar Lighthouse44 Dubh Artach Lighthouse47 Eilean Glas Lighthouse48 Esha Ness Lighthouse51 Fidra Lighthouse


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53 Flannan Isles Lighthouse57 Holy Island (Inner) Lighthouse58 Holy Island (Outer) Lighthouse62 Inchkeith Lighthouse63 Isle of May Lighthouse70 Loch Indaal Lighthouse72 Maughold Head Lighthouse (Isle of Man)

73 McArthur's Head Lighthouse75 Muckle Flugga Lighthouse78 Neist Point Lighthouse80 Noss Head Lighthouse83 Out Skerries Lighthouse85 Pentland Skerries Lighthouse86 Pladda Lighthouse87 Point of Ayre Lighthouse (Isle of Man)91 Rona Lighthouse92 Rubh' Re Lighthouse94 Ruvaal Lighthouse

95 Sanda Lighthouse96 Scurdie Ness Lighthouse97 Skerryvore Lighthouse99 St Abbs Head Lighthouse107 Tarbat Ness Lighthouse108 Tiumpan Head Lighthouse110 Turnberry Lighthouse111 Ushenish Lighthouse


 The Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses are vested with thesuperintendence and management of all lighthouses, buoys and beaconsthroughout Scotland and the adjacent seas and islands and the Isle of Manunder Section 195 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. They are a corporatebody, known as the Northern Lighthouse Board (the Board), constituted bySection 193 of that Act. The Commissioners presently consist of: the LordAdvocate and the Solicitor General for Scotland; the Lords Provost of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen and the convenors of the Councils forHighland, and Argyll and Bute; the Sheriffs Principal of all the sheriffdoms inScotland; a person nominated by the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Manand appointed by the Secretary of State; and up to 5 co-opted


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In 1782 a number of severe storms highlighted the lack of lighthouses aroundthe Scottish coasts. This prompted George Dempster of Dunnichen, MP,provost of Forfar, to raise the matter of lighthouse provision at the Convention

of Royal Burghs in 1784 and subsequently in the House of Commons. Theresulting Commons committee recommended legislation, and the Act of Parliament of 1786 (26 Geo III c.101), which founded the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, followed. The act appointed 19 commissioners:

 The Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland The lords provost of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, and the provosts of Inverness and Campbeltown The eldest bailies of Edinburgh and Glasgow The sheriffs of Edinburgh, Lanark, Renfrew, Bute, Argyll, Inverness, Ross,Orkney, Caithness and Aberdeen.

 The act gave them powers to borrow money, purchase land, and to levy duesfrom ships to finance their activities. It authorised them to construct fourlighthouses:

Kinnaird HeadNorth RonaldsayScalpay (Eilean Glas)Mull of Kintyre

Kinnaird Head lighthouse (near Fraserburgh) was the earliest to be built, with a

light first exhibited on 1 December 1787 (this building is now open to thepublic, in conjunction with Scotland's Lighthouse Museum). The other lightswere completed within three years.

Extension of Powers

 The powers of the Commissioners were extended by Acts of Parliament in1788 and 1789 (28 Geo III c.2 and 29 Geo III c.52). The latter gave them thegeneral power to construct new lighthouses as they deemed necessary out of surplus dues collected. All the Commissioners' lighthouses in Scotland (apartfrom the four named above) were constructed under this provision, which was


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confirmed in subsequent acts. The 1789 Act also gave them the power toenlarge the number of Commissioners by electing the provost of the nearestburgh, or sheriff depute of the county in which a new light was built. A localand personal Act of 1798 (38 Geo III c.57) constituted the Commissioners acorporate body as the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses.

Purchase of the Isle of May light

 The earliest lighthouse in Scotland was constructed on the Isle of May by James Maxwell of Innerwick and John Cunninghame of Barnes, under a patentfrom Charles I of 1635 (Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, V, pp. 494-5). An1814 Act (54 Geo III c. 136) empowered the Commissioners to purchase theMay light from the Duke and Duchess of Portland, its then owners, and thepresent lighthouse was then built and illuminated from 1816.

 Jurisdiction extended to the Isle of Man

Until 1815, the Isle of Man lay outwith the jurisdiction of any of the lighthouse

authorities. To ensure lighthouse coverage there, a Local Act of 55 Geo III c.67gave the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses powers to erect twolighthouses on Man, and subsequently the Calf of Man and Point Of Ayre lightswere illuminated from 1818. The Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, ss. 389, 404gave the Commissioners general powers to construct lighthouses on Man.

Supervision by Trinity House

 The Commissioners retained unfettered control over the construction of newlights and seamarks until 1836, when, by the Act of 6&7 Wm IV c.79, ss. 42 3,their proposals for new lighthouses were made subject to the approval of 

 Trinity House. The aim of this was 'the attainment of uniformity of system inthe management of lighthouses'. As the funding arrangements of theCommissioners and of Trinity House remained separate at this date, thelatter's oversight referred to the character, rather than the cost of the work.

Supervision of local lights and seamarks

Local lights and seamarks were generally erected and maintained underspecial local Acts of Parliament or burgh charters. The earliest light on the Tay,at Buddonness, was constructed under an Act of the Privy Council of 24February 1687 (Register of the Privy Council, XVI, p. 616; SRO ref: PC2/23) by


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the Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (later Trinity House of Dundee). On the Clyde, trustees were first authorised by the Act of 29 Geo II c20 to build a light on Little Cumbrae (records of the Clyde Lighthouses Trustare held at Glasgow City Archives, Ref.: T-CN40-44,T-CN).

Section 38 of the Act of 6&7 Wm IV c.79, s. 38 made lights and seamarksestablished by these and other harbour and local authorities subject to the

inspection and supervision of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses.

Board of Trade's powers

Section 7 of the Merchant Shipping Law Amendment Act, 1853 provided thatdues collected by all the lighthouse authorities (ie Trinity House,Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses and Port of Dublin Corporation) shouldbe aggregated into the Mercantile Marine Fund, administered by thePaymaster General, and payments to the authorities from the fund were madesubject to the approval of the Board of Trade. In addition to this financialoversight, section 21 of the Act increased Trinity House's powers over the

other authorities. This meant that they could direct the Commissioners tobuild, maintain, alter or remove any lighthouse within their jurisdiction. TrinityHouse's directions could, however, only take effect with Board of Tradesanction, and after giving the Commissioners the opportunity to makerepresentations to the Board.

 The Merchant Shipping Act of 1894 confirmed the Commissioners of NorthernLighthouses as a corporate body and as the general lighthouse authority forthe lighthouse area defined as 'Scotland and the adjacent seas and islands,and the Isle of Man'. The other general lighthouse authorities were TrinityHouse for England and Wales, and the Commissioners of Irish Lights. It also

consolidated the relative powers of the Commissioners, the Board of Trade and Trinity House.

Funding arrangements for the Highlands and Islands

From 1891, the Western Highlands and Islands Commission recommended theconstruction by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses of a number of lights which did not fit the usual criteria for new lights, in that they were toolocal in their benefits to be financed from the Mercantile Marine Fund (from1898, the General Lighthouse Fund). The costs of erecting and maintaining 17lights, two beacons and one buoy were therefore met by the Treasury from the


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Congested Districts Fund, under the management of the Congested Districts(Scotland) Commissioners.

Removal of Trinity House's powers

Section 33 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1979 removed Trinity House's powersof control and inspection over the Commissioners. It also empowered them to

elect up to five members, but specified that they or existing Commissionersshould have special knowledge of nautical matters (amending the power givenby Section 18 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1974).

 The Records The records divide into two main groups:

1. NLC1-20 Headquarters Records. These comprise the annual reports,minutes etc. of the Board of Commissioners itself (NLC1-2 - the only extensiveseries of records to survive from the 19th century), and the records created by

the board's central departments, principally those overseen by the Secretaryand by the Engineer, as follows:

 The Secretary to the Commissioners was responsible for services to the Boardof Commissioners, personnel matters, finance and general administration (seeNLC3-10). The Secretary's department recorded its business in the extensiveseries of Correspondence and Report volumes (NLC3/1-2), and various files. Itkept the records of the Board's personnel (NLC4). It also issued various seriesof orders and circulars to shore stations and lighthouses (NLC5), and issued'Notices to Mariners' to the seafaring public.

In 1893 the Secretary had under him an Accountant and Cashier, an Examinerof Accounts, three Clerks, and the Superintendent and his staff.

From 1956, the Secretary's title changed to 'Secretary & General Manager'. Aseparate General Manager was appointed from 1964.

 The Superintendent was responsible for the routine activities of thelightkeepers and other outdoor staff, routine maintenance of lighthouses,stores, ships and shore stations and boat attendance. He had under him anAssistant Superintendent, a number of District Superintendents. By 1972, hewas reporting to the Engineer-in-Chief. A Marine Superintendent, in charge of 


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the Commissioners' ships, was appointed in 1970.

 The Engineer had overall responsibility for the construction and maintenanceof lighthouses seamarks and buoys, for radio and radar installations, and forinspections of NLC and other lights. His department generated various seriesof bound files (see NLC11). His title was changed to 'Engineer-in-Chief' in1972.

It is worth noting that members of the Stevenson family served as Engineersto the Board from 1808-1938. Many of the family's records, including materialrelevant to their work for the Commissioners, are held by the National Libraryof Scotland (see under associated material).

2. NLC20-111 Lighthouse Records. This group comprises records originating inor provided for the manned major lighthouses themselves. These include theorders to the keepers from the Board, returns (monthly, wreck andmeteorological) which they were required to make to the Board, visitorsalbums, and records of the routine running of the lighthouse. All NLC

lighthouses have now been automated.

Genealogical information

 The main sources of genealogical information within these records are theRegisters and Lists of Lightkeepers and Establishment Books (NLC4/1-2).However, the Board Minutes (NLC2/1) often note the employment, dismissal,retirements of, and accidents to, individual employees, especially in the 19thcentury. The General Orders (NLC5/1) detail disciplinary offences of individualkeepers, and the Secretary's Correspondence and Reports (NLC3/1) alsocontain material on individual employees (see especially under subject

numbers 93).1789 - 08 -25

GD64/1/153Extract Minute of the Presbyteryof  Kintyre concerning the Glebe and Manse of  Jura 25 Aug 1789

1790 GD1/580/7Accounts between the chamberlainof  Kintyre and the Duke of Argyll forintromissions with rents of  Kintyre



Heritors of Campbeltown(Charles Campbell &others) v Robert Maxwell(Presbytery of Kintyre)


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CS271/28973 John Argyll Duke of vRobert Maxwell(Presbytery of Kintyre)



Col. Charles Campbell &others (Heritors of Campbeltown) v RobertMaxwell (Presbytery of 


CS271/60736Duke of Argyll v RobertMaxwell (Collector for thePresbytery of Kintyre)

1791 GD1/580/1Kintyre Rental Books - Ledgers forcollection of rents, etc for the Duke of Argyll's property in Kintyre 1791 - 1799

1793 - 08 – 17 SC54/6/3/10/3Claim: by Donald Campbell Chamberlain of Tyree, to be served as tutor in law to AlexanderCampbell at Duntroon, son of the deceased Lieut Alexander Campbell, Chamberlainof  Kintyre, and Elizabeth Campbell. 17 August 1793

1797 CS228/B/10/39 Accounts connected

with Colonel CharlesCampbell of Barbreck,and his factor DavidCampbell of CombyDescription - Processsplit into 3 bundles dueto its size. Included inprocess:

Bundle 1,List of arrears of rents

due on the estate of thelate Colonel CharlesCampbell of Barbreckfor crops etc, Martinmas1791 to Martinmas1795.Act and warrant,Lieutenant-ColonelRobert Stewart v DavidCampbell, former factoron Barbreck, 1799.


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Inventory of thevouchers of Comby'sintromissions as factorupon the estate of Barbreck, 1797.Rental of the estatein Kintyre which

belonged to the lateColonel CharlesCampbell of Barbreck,1792.State of David Campbellof Comby'sintromissions with therents of the estate of Barbreck fromMartinmas 1793 toWhitsunday 1795.

Rental of houses of thelate Colonel CharlesCampbell of Barbreck,Martinmas 1793.Decreet, Captain JohnCampbell v DavidCampbell, 1797.Bond, Godfrey MacNeillof Ardnacroish toColonel CharlesCampbell, dated 13 Jun

1775.Registered bond, Hectorand Godfrey MacNeill toColonel Campbell, 1773.Horning and poinding,Campbell v MacNeill,1773.Inhibition, Campbell vMacNeill, 1773.Inhibition, Campbell vMacNeill, 1774.


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Bundle 2,Inventory of thevouchers of Comby'saccounts as factor uponthe estate of Barbreck,from Martinmas 1793 to

Whitsunday 1795.Rental of the estate of Barbreck of farms heldin tack by the lateColonel CharlesCampbell of Barbreckfrom the Duke of Argyll,Martinmas 1793.Arrears of rent on theestate of Barbreck andhouses at Campbeltown

for Martinmas 1792 and1793.Receipts, 1792-1797.Oath by ThomasGreenlies, miller, StranMiln, May 1793.

Bundle 3,List of sales of blackcattle which belonged tothe deceased Colonel

Charles Campbell, May1793.Articles and conditionsof sale of horses, soldby roup 18 Sep 1792.Account of butter andcheese sold from thefarm of Barr, Nov 1792.Account of charge anddischarge betweenColonel Charles


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Campbell of Barbreckand Daniel Clark, hisfactory, from 1 Jan 1792to 14 Apr 1792 (whenthe Colonel died).Stated account between John McPhaill and David

Campbell of Comby, Jan1794.Copy account of sales of the silver plate etcwhich belonged to thedeceased ColonelCharles Campbell, Jun1795.Inventory of cash,papers and effectsfound at Campbeltown

and Barr, 1793

1799 GD1/580/2Kintyre Rental Books - Ledgers forcollection of rents, etc for the Duke of Argyll's property in Kintyre 1799 - 1815

1800 GD1/370/5

Plan of the North Moor of Kirriemuir by James Abercrombie, sen. 1800Description - 'North Moor of Kirriemuir'. By James Abercrombie[1:3600] 1 in = 4 Scottish chains 76 x 53cmPlan of the commonty of North Moor of 

Kirriemuir showing the moor 'with houses,yards and spots of arable, Intersoersed'.Nine houses numbered to correspond witha table of contents whichgives the namesof the tenants. Total acreages given.Roads, streams, 'vestages of Riggs', andadjacent plantations and enclosuresbelonging to Mr Ogilvy of Kintyre noted,Note of explanation.

1800 GD112/51/154 Miscellaneous papers 1800 – 1816Description - Including


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1. 1800 September 22. Jura Manse.Copy letter from Mr Donald McNicol to John Campbell, WS.Visitation of Jura is to take place on 17 October next; also need for a churchon Colonsay where there are 800 souls; expects Breadalbane will pay hisproportion.

2. 1800 October 9. Glenorchy manse.

Copy letter, Mr Joseph McIntyre to John Campbell WS.Visitation on repairs to manse and erection of offices; heritors unhelpful;details of offices elsewhere in Kintyre; architects' opinion is for a newmanse and to turn the present one into offices.

3. 1804 June 29. Ardtradnaig.Letter from John Farquharson, John McKay, John Crerar, John Kippen and John McEwen to Breadalbane in London. Postmarks. They have formed a church under Mr Farquharson; they defend themselvesfrom charge of sedition; they ask for enough ground to build a small placeof worship.

4. 1804 February 8. Achmore.Plan by Mary Gavin, countess of Breadalbane, for establishing charityschools in districts on Lochtayside.

5-6. 1805 December 10. Fort William.Letter from Duncan MacIntyre, missionary minister, Fort William, toBreadalbane. Separate postmarked cover.Interest for vacancy in parish of Inveraray.

7. 1805 December 24. Ippolletts near Hitchin, Herts.

Letter from John Proctor to Breadalbane.Has learned from Sir John Sinclair that he has sent writer's thoughts uponeducation of youth, to Lord Caithness, and suggesting that substance of these should be sent to Breadalbane; gives a summary.

8. 1807 April 22. Amulree.Letter from Patrick Dewar to Breadalbane at London. Postmark.Financial arrangements for repairs to Amulree schoolhouse.

9. 1807 June 15. Fowlis by Crieff.Letter from Samuel Cameron to Breadalbane at London. Postmark.


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Mr Haldane, presentee to parish of Tippermuir, in gift of Lord Kinnoul, hasaccepted mathematical chair at St Andrews; writer wishes interest for Tippermuir.

10. 1809 July 28Copy report by Catherine McDiarmid, sewing mistress, on number of scholars attending sewing school of Ciltirie for 1809, and clothing issued to

them by Lady Breadalbane.

11. 1811 December 26. Killchrenanan manse.Letter from William Fraser to Breadalbane. Postmark. Thanks for assistance in putting the school on a proper footing as regardsaccommodation.

12-13. 1815 April 5, 17. Inveraray. Two letters from James McGibbon, synod clerk, to John Campbell, WS.Asks for payment of teind duties due by Breadalbane to the synod.

14. 1815 October.Inventory of papers connected with the teinds of the Earl of Breadalbane inPerthshire and Argyleshire, with remarks on the situation thereof.

1800 + RHP11691Sketch plan of Islay, Jura, Kintyre and Knapdale, with roads marked. Early 19thcentury

1800 + RHP140885

Plan of southern Argyllshire 19th centuryDescription - 'Southern part of Argyllshire.' Drawn by W Johnson, Edinburgh. Engravedby J & G Menzies, Edinburgh.3 3/4 inches = 10 British miles. 557 x 730 mm. Handcoloured. Engraving.Islands of Colonsay, Islay, Scarba, Jura, Gigha, Arran, Bute, Meikle Cumbrae and LittleCumbrae shown. Insets of Campbeltown and Kintyre.

1801 GD1/580/8Accounts between the chamberlainof  Kintyre and the Duke of Argyll forintromissions with rents of  Kintyre

1801 - 07 - 17  JC4/2

Book of Adjournal 17 Jul 1801 - 21 Feb 1804Description - Cases in this volume which do not have separate entries in the NAScatalogue are listed under 'Accused' fields. All other cases in this volume can be foundunder their individual JC26, AD14 or AD15 references

1801 -07 - 27

GD64/1/167 Memorial and Queries for Archibald Campbell of Jura,concerning the building of a church on the island of Colonsay, a Decreet by the Presbytery of  Kintyre, dated 30 Jan. 1767, and repairs to the church and manse of Jura; and


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Opinion thereon 27 Jul 1801

1801 -11 - 25

GD64/1/168Extract Minutes of the proceedings of the Presbyteryof  Kintyre relative to the churches in Jura and Colonsay 25Nov 1801

1805 - 05 - 07  JC13/34

Minute Book 7 May 1805 - 2 Oct 1806Description - Cases in this volume which do not have separate entries in the NAScatalogue are listed under 'Accused' fields. All other cases in this volume can be found

under their individual JC26, AD14 or AD15 references1811 GD1/580/9

Accounts between the chamberlain of  Kintyre and theDuke of Argyll for intromissions with rents of  Kintyre

1813 GD1/580/4

Ledger for remittances to the ReceiverGeneral and sundry payments made by thechamberlain of  Kintyre, 1813 - 1839.Includes list of pensions and gratuitousallowances granted by the Duke of Argyll1813 - 1839

1813 GD1/580/10Accounts between the chamberlain of  Kintyre and theDuke of Argyll for intromissions with rents of  Kintyre

1814 GD113/5/467

Correspondence of Gilbert Innes of Stow, mostly business and financial, and on estate of Stow, with begging letters and petitions for interest. 1814Description – Including 45. 15 Sep 1814, Campbeltown, Kintyre: David Littlejohn.Enquires why his previous letter was not answered; regrets that interdicted himself whenwhat he should have done was interdict his refractory wife, whose indiscretions have beenthe chief cause of his inquietude and pecuniary embarrasment since 1786, when hedivested himself of everything to secure a maintenance for his family; offers religiouscounsel.

1814- 03 -26


Campbeltown. From John Campbell, discussing familyaffairs at length; including character and education of Robert and Colin; and some observations about the

country and people of  Kintyre. 26/3/18141815 CS96/3381  Thomas Harkness of Ballimore,wool and timber merchant,Garrachoran in Cowal. Sederuntbook: 1815 - 1820Description - Trustee: DuncanSmith, merchant, Greenock.Former partners in wooltransactions: Walter Buchanan,merchant, Belfast; JamesMcAlpin, merchant, Corpach;


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Dugald Sinclair at Kilcomaig.Wool purchased in Kintyre andconsigned to Liverpool;statement of profit and loss inwool, 1815-9. Evidence of bankrupt's dealings in tacks andstocks of farms. Also dealing in

herring. Debtor in Ireland.Creditors in Liverpool.

1816 AD14/16/62

Precognition against John Blair, John Kelly, John Kelly, Peter Kellyfor the crime of stealing from awrecked vesselAccused - John Blair,weaver, Address:Ucheanleine [sic?]

Killarie, Kilchenzie,Argyll John Kelly, alias Senior,Address: Tenant inDarlochan [Kintyre],Argyll John Kelly, alias Junior,son of John K., farmer(q.v) Darlochan, ArgyllPeter Kelly, son of JohnK., farmer (q.v.)

Darlochan, Argyll

1816 CS96/4116

Duncan McCallum, merchant anddealer, Tarbert and Glasgow.Sederunt book 1816 – 1819Description - Trustee: WilliamAnderson, merchant, Glasgow.Bankrupt had concern in woollenmanufactory in Kintyre.Inventory of general merchandiseand household furniture andvaluation of crop, all at Tarbert.


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High Ballivulline,Campbeltown, Kintyre,Argyll

Victim - Catherine Sharp,Laigh Drumore, Kintyre;native of IrelandAgnes McMillan,daughter of late DuncanMcMillan, weaver,Southend, LaighDrumore, KintyreCatherine Sharp, LaighDrumore; native of IrelandAgnes McMillan,daughter of late DuncanMcMillan, weaver,

Southend, LaighDrumore1820 AD14/20/38 Precognition against

 John Campbell, JamesMcPherson, MrsMcWilliams, JamesDollans, James Coyle forthe crime of theft,forgery, using anduttering false documentsAccused - John

Campbell, alias PatrickMcConnelly; McConnal,Age: 28, packman,Address: Prisoner inGlasgow, formerly Tarbet, Kintyre James McPherson,Address: PrisonerMrs McWilliams,changekeeper, Address:McFarlane Street,


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Glasgow James Dollans, aliasDolin, Age: 22, tailor,Address: Glasgow James Coyle, soldier,Address: Glasgow,formerly in Rutherglen

1820 AD14/20/112

Precognition against John Campbell, NeilMcKinven for the crimeof sheep-stealingAccused - JohnCampbell, herd,Common Muir of Largie,Kintrye, Argyll, Address:[Argyll]Neil McKinven, ferryman,Address: Tayinloan,

Killean, Kintyre1820 AD14/20/173 Precognition against Janet Culbertson, JamesCulbertson, JanetCulbertson, SamuelCulbertson for the crimeof theft and wilful fire-raisingAccused - JanetCulbertson, wife of KasCulbertson, late tenant

in Bulloch, now inCheskan,Campbeltown, Kintyre,Argyll, m.s. White,Address: [Argyll] James Culbertson, junior.Son of Jas Culbertson,late tenant in Bulloch,now inCheskan,Kintyre, Argyll,Age: 20, Address:


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[Argyll] Janet Culbertson,daughter of JasCulbertson, late tenantin Bulloch, Kintyre,Argyll, Address: [Argyll]Samuel Culbertson, sonof Jas Culbertson, latetenant inBulloch, Kintyre, Argyll,Age: 15, Address:[Argyll]

1821 AD14/21/170

Precognition against John MacKay, DonaldMacKay, ArchibaldMacKay for the crime of assault and hamesuckenAccused - John MacKay,

Age: 47, farmer and jointtacksman, Address:Kerranashee, Kintyre,ArgyllDonald MacKay, Age: 30,fisherman, Address:Carradell, Kintyre,ArgyllArchibald MacKay, Age:27, farmer and jointtacksman, Address:

Kerranashee, Kintyre,Agryll1821 AD14/21/189 Precognition against

 John Brown, HughBannister for the crimeof theft byhousebreakingAccused - John Brown,alias Daniel Brown,weaver and fisherman,Address: Prisoner in


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Glasgow,formerly Kintyre, ArgyllHugh Bannister, aliasBenniston, m.s. Hugh,Age: 17, packman

1821 CH2/1423

Kilcalmonell and Kilberry KirkSession 1821 – 1977Description - The two ancientparishes of Kilcalmonell and of Kilberry were united prior tothe year 1560, with eachparish retaining its own churchafter the union. The churchesof both Kilcalmonell and of Kilberry formerly existed as aprebend of Lismore. In 1965the united charge was divided,and on the same date the

parish of Kilcalmonell waslinked with Skipness, andKilberry established a link with Tarbert. Both kirk sessions,which remain active today, satwithin the Presbyteryof Kintyre, until therestructuring of thePresbyteries in 1976, whenthey became part of thePresbytery of South Argyll.

1821 CS228/B/15/51 Barbreck: Ranking and sale, anddivision of Description - Productions in process-

1 - Instrument of sasine in favour of Lieutenant Colonel DugaldCampbell, late in the service of theEast India Company on heritablebond dated 11th September 1790,granted by Colonel Charles


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Campbell of Barbreck in his favourfor £6500 over his two merk land of Glenamuchlaich and others in theparishes of Kilcolmkeel andKilblaan, Lordship of Kintyreandsherrifdom of Argyll, dated saidsasine 27th November 1790 andrecorded in the General Register of Sasines 28th December thereafter.

2 - Decreet of adjudication at theinstance of Colonel DugaldCampbell in the service of the EastIndia Company and ElizabethCampbell his spouse, againstCaptain Donald Campbell , eldestson and heir of the deceasedColonel Charles Campbell of 

Barbreck, adjudging from the threemerk land of old extent of Knockriochbeg and others lyingwithin the parishes of Kilcheran andKilkevan, Lordship of Kintyre andsheriffdom of Argyll in payment of the sums mentioned dated 8thFebruary 1797 and abbreviaterecorded 8th April thereafter.

Also included in process:

Petition of Colonel James Campbell,1819.1822 AD14/22/29 Precognition against John

Campbell for the crime of falsehood, fraud and wilfulimposition at Various placesin the county of Ross andCromartyAccused - John Campbell,alias Alexander Campbell,unmarried, Age: 35,


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teacher, formerly licensedto preachby Kintyre presbytery,formerly examiner of SSPCK schools, Address: Clachan,Kilcalmonell, Argyll

1822 AD14/22/147

Precognition against DuncanCurrie, Neil Currie for thecrime of assault with intentto rape at Laigh Drumore,Parish of Campbell,ArgyleshireAccused - Duncan Currie,Age: 30, sailor, Address:Prisoner in tolbooth of Campbelltown, formerlyHigh Ballevuline,Campbelltown, Kintyre,

ArgyllNeil Currie

1822 AD14/22/207

Precognition againstMathew Kelly for the crimeof assaultAccused - Mathew Kelly,cottar, Address: Taynatmoil, Kintyre, Argyll,(Tagnailnoil? Taganioil?)Killian and Kilchenzie

1822 AD14/22/248

Precognition against John

Dillon for the crime of uttering threatsAccused - John Dillon,Address: Tenant, Ferryhouse(croft), Moneroy,Southend, Kintyre

1824 AD14/24/313

Precognition against RobertColville for the crime of threatening violenceAccused - Robert Colville,Address: Kintyre


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1824 RHP141503/31

Map of southern part of Argyllshire 1824Description - 'Southern part of Argyllshire. No 17 part 2nd.' Drawn by W Johnson, Edinburgh.Engraved by J & G Menzies, Edinburgh. Published by John Thomson & Co, Edinburgh.1/4 inch = 1 British mile. 535 x 740 mm. Coloured. Engraving.County map coloured to show county and parish boundaries. Inset plans of southern partof Kintyre and of Campbeltown.

1826 GD1/580/3Kintyre Rental Books - Ledgers for collection of rents, etc forthe Duke of Argyll's property in Kintyre 1826 - 1839

1827 AD14/27/146

Precognition against MaryCampbell for the crime of uttering forged noteAccused - Mary Campbell,Age: 40, Address: No fixedabode, Origin: Nativeof Kintyre

1830 AD14/30/102

Precognition against JohnMcQueen for the crime of assault with intent to rape

on the road leading fromCampbeltown to Leewardside of Kintyre Accused - John McQueen,alias McQuin, Age: 17, farmservant between Antrim,Islay and Kintyre,Address: Big-kiln of Campbeltown, Origin: Bornin AntrimVictim - Agnes Langlands,

daughter of MathewLanglands, Ballinatunie,Arygleshire

1830 AD14/30/103 Precognition against JohnMacpherson, AlexanderCumming for the crime of assault on the road leadingfrom Taginloan toBallochroyAccused - JohnMacpherson, alias


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Cumming, son of AngusMacPherson, farmer, Age:22, Address:Kilcalmonell, KintyreAlexander Cumming, son of  John Cumming, cottar, Age:23, Address:Gleckandunan,Kilcalmonell, KintyreVictim - on the roadleading from Taginloan toBallochroyArchibald on the roadleading from Taginloan toBallochroy, Killean &Kilckenzie

1830 AD14/30/106 Precognition againstArchibald McLachlan,

Malcolm Milloy, JohnMcGeachy, Gilbert Reid forthe crime of deforcement,assault and theft near to The Manse, KilleanAccused - ArchibaldMcLachlan, senior, Age: 57,labourer, Address: Caigain,Killean andKilkenzie,Kintyre, ArgyllMalcolm Milloy, junior,

labourer, Address: Caigain,Killean andKilkenzie, Kintyre, Argyll John McGeachy, labourer,Address: Crubastle, Killeanand Kilkenzie, Kintyre,ArgyllGilbert Reid, labourer,Address: High Clachaig,Killean andKilkenzie, Kintyre, Argyll


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Victim - AlexanderAnderson, Killean andKilkenzie, Kintyre, ArgyllHugh McBride, HangingShaw, Cathcart,Renfrewshire

1830 AD14/30/107

Precognition againstWilliam Stewart, HughStewart for the crime of theft at Cathadal,Southend, ArgyleshireAccused - William Stewart,weaver, Address: Bracklet,Southend, Kintyre, ArgyllHugh Stewart, weaver,Address: Bracklet,Southend, Kintyre, ArgyllVictim - John MacBoag,

Cathadal, Southend,Argyleshire

1830 AD14/30/197

Precognition againstAndrew Hill, George Reidfor the crime of assault anddeforcement at Hillheadfield, Palace Craig,MonklandAccused - Andrew Hill,collier, Address: Faskine,Old Monkland, Lanarkshire

George Reid, collier,Address: Faskine, OldMonkland, LanarkshireVictim - Hugh McBride,Hanging Shaw, Cathcart,RenfrewshireAlexander Anderson,Killean andKilkenzie, Kintyre, Argyll

1830 - 09 - 03  JC26/1830/201  Trial papers relating to John McGeachy, Malcolm Milloy, Archibald McLachlan for thecrime of deforcement, assault and theft near to The Manse, Killean. Tried at High


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Court, Inveraray 3 Sep 1830

1830 - 09 - 03  JC26/1830/212 Trial papers relating to John McQueen for the crime of assault with intent to rape onthe road leading from Campbeltown to Leeward side of  Kintyre. Tried at High Court,Inveraray 3 Sep 1830

1831 -08 - 26


Letter by Lewis McIver, Stornoway, to J A Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth, agreeing to let a house to friends of Seaforth, requestinginformation as to the terms on which Seaforth would let him have afarm, giving news on the condition of stock and crops and reportingthe loss of the "Ben Nevis" off the Mull of  Kintyre. 26 Aug 1831

1832 AD14/32/159

Precognition against James Douglas, GeorgePatten for the crime of theft by opening lockfastplaces at Lochkiaran,HelcalmonellAccused - James Douglas,alias Douglass; Doudgles,tailor, formerly apprenticeto George Thomson, WestNicolson Street,Edinburgh,Address: Kintyre,ormerly Edinburgh,Glasgow, Origin: Native of EdinburghGeorge Patten, Address:GlasgowVictim - ArchibaldHamilton, Lochkiaran,


AD14/33/160 Precognition againstDuncan McCallum, John McCallum forthe crime of theft bycattle stealing atKintyre, Saddell andSkipness, ArgyllAccused - DuncanMcCallum, porter orlabourer, Address:


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Greenock,Renfrewshire John McCallum, millknoll [sic?], Address:Campbeltown, Argyll

1833 RHP140022Plan of part of  Kintyre, showing route from Arinanuan to Laggan Muir 1833Description - Locus of crime plan in precognition against Duncan McCallum, porter orlabourer, for theft.

1833 - 04 - 19  JC26/1833/279 Trial papers relating to John McCallum, Duncan McCallum for the crime of theft bycattle stealing at Kintyre, Saddell and Skipness, Argyll. Tried at High Court,Inveraray 19 Apr 1833



Precognition againstDuncan McCallum forthe crime of sheep-stealing at Greenock;DumbartonAccused - DuncanMcCallum, Age: 32,labourer or jobber,Address: TannerieClose, Greenock,Origin: Nativeof KintyreVictim - James Hair,Garvock, Innerkip,Greenock,RenfrewshireColin Campbell,Colgrain

Archibald Campbell,sir, Succoth, Baronet

1838 NLC11/3/1

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern Lighthouse Board)1786 – 1995Engineer's departmentBound file: construction of Mull of  Kintyre, Oronsay, Start Point, Butt of Lewis, Oxcarsand St Abbs Head lighthouses1838 – 1881Description - This volume appears to be the only survivor from a sequence of 19thcentury bound files equivalent to the series in NLC11/4-6. It contains letters fromoutside bodies to the Engineers


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Precognition against John McNeill for thecrime of sheep-stealingAccused - John McNeill,labourer, Address:Achnafad,Kilcalmonell, Kintyre,Argyll

1842 CS275/4/20Donald Brown: Suspension &Interdict.: Respondent: Rev. JohnMacArthur & Presbytery of Kintyre 

1842 CS275/4/57Rev. Donald Campbell: Suspension &Interdict.: Respondent: Presbytery of Kintyre & Others

1842 GD1/580/11Accounts between the chamberlain of  Kintyre and the Dukeof Argyll for intromissions with rents of  Kintyre. (withrental)

1843 SC50/5/1843/34

Duke of Argyll and the Heritors of Southend v Donald Campbell 1843Description - ction for delivery of the keys of the parish church of Southend and, failingdelivery, to grant warrant to the pursuer to force open the doors of the said church.Defender had been deposed by the Presbytery of Kintyre but, in advance of hisreplacement being presented to preach to the congregation of the said parish, defenderhad obtained the keys to the said church and did withhold them

1844 - 04 GD112/74/825Letters Accompanying Petitions to Parliament etc Apr 1844Description – Including 16. 15 April. KIllean, Kintyre. Duncan Clarke,minister, Killean Free church.

1845 CS275/7/251Alexander Ross: Note &c. inSuspension & Interdict.: Respondent:Presbytery of  Kintyre & Others

1845 - 04 - 16 GD112/51/176 Letters with Petitions to Ormelie and Others 16 Apr 1845Description – Including 13. Donald McRae, moderator of Freepresbytery of Kintyre, Tarbert, Kintyre. (Maynooth).

1846 GD1/580/12Accounts between the chamberlain of  Kintyre and theDuke of Argyll for intromissions with rents of  Kintyre.(with rental)

1846 - 05 - 08 GD112/51/208Letters with Petitions to Ormelie and Others 8 - 9 May 1846Description – Including 14. 9 May. Duncan Clarke, in name of Freepresbytery of Kintyre. Killean by Tarbert, Argyllshire. (Sites.)

1848 SC50/5/1848/20 Alexander MacKeich, dealer, residing at Dalnacarnan v John MacVannell, PeterMacVannell, and Archibald MacVannell, all farmers in Lemnamuick 1848


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Description - Petition for delivery and for damages: relates to sale of 50 Kintyre bolls of potatoes and the doubling of the price of potatoes.

1848 SC50/5/1848/25

Duke of Argyll v Peter MacCallum, sometime tenant of Crosshill, now tenant of Dunskeig1848Description - Action for debt. Includes: Tack for 19 years of the Farm of Crosshill to Peter MacCallum, 1826[Print] Articles, Conditions and Regulations to be observed by the Tacksmen of FarmsinKintyre, nd..

1848 SC50/5/1848/43

Duke of Argyll v John Muir, mason in Campbeltown 1848Description - Process for ploughing and sowing a park at Whitehill in 1847.Report by Hugh Goold, His Grace's Land Steward in Kintyre on the management of thepark at Whitehill, with payments to farmers, ploughmen etc. 1847 Time state of shearing and working John Muir's crop, 1847, names of men and women,with wages specified.

1849 AD14/49/406

Precognition against BarbaraFraser for the crime of theftand previous convictionAccused - Barbara Fraser,alias Ferguson, Jean; Bell,Barbara; Ferguson, Mary,Age: 35, house cleaner,Address: No fixed abode,Origin: Native of Mullof Kintyre (Cantyre)

1849 – 08 GD112/74/87 Letters from J F Wyllie to Barcaldine, many relating to sale of wool Aug -Dec 1849Description - With enclosures.Including4. 1849 August 27. Bolfracks.

Wyllie to Barcaldine.Has a pony from Kintyre which may be bought; another pony also ̀ here';does not think it will do for the queen, but it may be very useful for themoors.

8. 1849 September 10. Bolfracks.Wyllie to Barcaldine.Difficulties with water of Auch, which is most unmanageable; road on southside of Lochetive.

10. 1849 September 19. Bolfracks.


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Wyllie to Barcaldine.More about the Auch water; Aberfeldy school.

14-15. 1849 September 26. Bolfracks.Wyllie to Barcaldine.Dispute with the Caledonian inn, Aberfeldy; some innkeepers aboutDunkeld have done everything they can to punish the tenant of theBreadalbane Arms by driving to the other house during the whole season,and sending the Callander and Perth evening coach to Kenmore; onlyreason known is that Menzies, the landlord, took a spirited part in gettingup the Perth and Aberfeldy coach which ran all the previous winter, andproved a great boon to all in the district.With petition from Ronald Brown, Easdale, 8 September 1849, forassistance with proposed emigration to Australia.

29-30. 1849 December 11. Bolfracks.Wyllie to Barcaldine.Proposal to start an eel fishery at the Isse of Loch Tay near Taymouth, byMr Buist, superintendant of the Tay salmon fisheries.

43. n.d. Friday night. Bolfracks.Robert Elder to [Breadalbane].Parish of Salen; asks for interest with the Duke of Argyll and Mr Campbellof Islay, the heritors; also refers to parish of Dull.

1850 CS279/259 James Bogle. Uigle Kintyre, Argyllshire:Sequestration &c. Petition

1851 CH2/1153/19Pursuer's proof in causa thepresbytery of Kintyre v. RevGeorge Maclean, Duplicate

1851 GD112/52/622 Argyll Militia and Lieutenancy of Argyll 1851Description - 1. 1851 January 3. Lochgilphead.Hugh McEwan to Barcaldine. Thanks for Breadalbane's interest.

2-4. 1851 January 9-18. Lochfyne.? H Forlong to Breadalbane.Wishes place on list of JPs of Argyll.

5. 1851 April 17. Inveraray.William Wilson to Breadalbane.


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Interest to succeed Donald McIntyre, late clerk to general meeting of lieutenancy of Argyll.

6. 1851 April 28. New Club Edinburgh.Sir James Milles Riddell to Breadalbane.Interest for appointment of Thomas M Riddell, his son, as deputylieutenant.

7. 1851 May 2. Inveraray.Alexander Mitchell, clerk, to Breadalbane.List of additions to JPs of Argyllshire [wanting].

8. 1851 May 2. Edinburgh New Club.R or P MacLachlan to Breadalbane.List of JPs.

9. 1851 May 2. 13 Royal Crescent Glasgow. John MacEwan to Breadalbane.Meeting to commissioners of supply at Inveraray on 30 April.

10. 1851 June 30. Glen Nevis.A Campbell of Monzie to Barcaldine. Particular.Interest for MacLachlan of McLachlan as JP.

11. 1851 July 17. 31 Melville St Edinburgh.E F Maitland to Breadalbane.Is appointed sheriff of county of Argyll.

12. 1851 July 19. Inveraray.

William Wilson to Barcaldine.Is glad to have been appointed general clerk of lieutenancy for countyof Argyll.

13. 1851 August 4. 29 Golden Sq.David Caldwell to Breadalbane.New commission awaits the Lord Chancellor's authority for additions.

14. 1851 August 9. 126 Queen St Glasgow. James Fraser Galbraith to Barcaldine.Wishes vacancy in Argyll militia.


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15-16. 1851 September 29. Killean Kintyre.? Thomas Hall, lt col unattached, to Breadalbane.Interest for appointment as deputy lieutenant, vacant by death of hisbrother, James Hall of Killean.With letter in his favour, same date, from William Wilson, to Barcaldine.

17. 1851 October 10. Inveraray.

Alexander Mitchell, clerk of supply, to Barcaldine.Note of stamps paid for by late Donald McIntyre, writer's late uncle;asks for repayment.

1851 - 11 - 25 CH2/1153/18

Pursuer's proof incausa the presbyteryof Kintyre v. RevGeorge Maclean

1852 CH2/1153/20

Pursuer's proof in causa thepresbytery of Kintyre v.Rev George Maclean,Defender's proof 

1852 CS275/14/79Rev. George McLean: Suspension &Interdict.: Respondent: Rev. Colin F.Campbell & Others (Presbytery of  Kintyre)

1852 - 11 - 24 CH2/190/12/259Minute of Pres.Kintyre re Missionat Tarbert

1853 SC50/5/1853/7

 The Moil Grazing Company, sheep and cattle graziers in Kintyre v Hector Beith, residingat Lossit, manager of the Company 1853Description - Petition for warrant to take back to Balligroggan eleven head of black cattlewhich the respondent has dispatched to the Kilmichael Market. The company is in

process of winding up its affairs with a public roup advertised to be held at Balligroggan.1858  JP36/3/4

Register of Applications for Publicans' Certificates. Kintyre District 1858 -1901

1862 GD492/36Pocket book with archaeological notes and sketches, a photograph of acinerary urn in Banff Museum and a photograph of SaddellCastle, Kintyre. 1862

1862 RHP4334 Plan of proposed quoad sacra parish to be disjoined from the parish of Kilbride,Buteshire 1862Description - 'Sketch of proposed Quoad Sacra parish in Arran'.No scale 75 x 156 cmSketch of a proposed quoad sacra parish with boundary coloured. Brodick Castle,


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Brodick Kirk, Springbank New Hotel, Corrie Harbour, farms, rivers and coastlinenoted. Relief shown by rough brush wash and hachures. Endorsed 'Map of proposed Quoad Sacra Parish in the Island of Arran to be disjoined from theparish of Kilbride, in terms of Act 7 and 8 Vict Chap: 44 - referred to in theMinutes of the Presbytery of Kintyre of date April 16th 1862. Dougald Campbell,Moderator and James W Russell, Clerk of Presbytery of Kintyre'.

1866 SC50/5/1866/2

Cattle plague - copy minutes of a meeting of the justices of the peace forthe Kintyre District with recommendations for the prevention of cattle plague.

1866Description - Cattle Plague - copy minutes of a meeting of the justices of thepeace for the Kintyre District with recommendations for the prevention of cattle plague. Includes:

[Printed booklet] Instructions to Argyllshire Constabulary regarding the CattlePlague, by Colin MacKay, Chief Constable, 15 March 1866

[Printed notice] Cattle Plague - recommendations of the Central Committee forthe Prevention of Cattle Plague in the County of Argyll, 6 January 1866

1870 HH37/38 Kintyre Presbytery – Closed until 1870

1870 HH37/98

MS minute books of evidence of presbyterian congregations and otherdenominations of certain parishes in the following presbyteries(overlapping in some cases as noted) Closed until 1870Description - Dunoon Presbytery (including parishes of Kilcalmonil inpresbytery of Kintyre, Lochgilphead, North and South Knapdale andKilmichael-Glassary in presbytery of Inveraray). See also Greenock.

1870 HH37/115MS minute books of evidence of presbyterian congregations and otherdenominations of certain parishes in the following presbyteries(overlapping in some cases as noted) Closed until 1870

1870 SC50/5/1870/21  John Sommerville, residing at Garryhorn, Ayrshire v Alexander Greenlees,

distiller, Campbeltown 1870Description - Action for debt, for four black-face tups - relates to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Evidence of:Alexander Greenlees, defenderDavid MacEachran, farmer, veterinary surgeon, and Inspector for the Burghunder the Contagious Diseases of Animals Act 1869Dugald MacKechnie, Sergeant of Police, and Inspector for Kintyre under theabove Act James Fraser. Sergeant of Police, and also an Inspector under the above Act James Muir, residing in Kirk Street, CampbeltownArchibald Henderson, grocer, Longrow, Campbeltown


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 John Hyndman, defender?s shepherd John Sommerville, pursuerAlexander Campbell, shoemaker, LongrowAlexander [ ], pursuer?s shepherd at High Lossit

1872 CS318/15/56 James RobertsonCampbell, Kintyre, Argyllshire,Clergyman

1872 RHP40677

Admiralty Chart of West Coast from Mull of  Kintyre to Ardnamurchan, with

addition completing Tiree. 1872

1878 RHP6915Admirantly chart of north coast of Ireland from Larne to Bloody Forelandand of parts of Islay and Kintyre, with inset charts of Culdaff Bay, PortEllen and the Maidens 1878

1878 SC50/37/1

Returns of business - Ordinary Court 1878 – 1883Description - These returns give summary information about ordinary court actionsfor the Kintyre district of the county of Argyll, and include returns of miscellaneousand administrative business also transacted.

1878 SC50/37/2

Returns of business - Debt Recovery Court 1878 – 1883Description - These returns give summary information about debt recovery actionsunder the Debts Recovery (Scotland) Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c.96) forthe Kintyre district of the county of Argyll.

1878 SC50/37/3

Returns of business - Small Debt Court 1878 – 1883Description - These returns give summary information about small debt courtactions under the Small Debt Court (Scotland) Act 1825 (6 Geo 4 c.24) forthe Kintyre district of the county of Argyll.

1879 SC50/37/4

Returns of business - Criminal Court 1879 – 1883Description - These returns give summary information about criminal court actionsfor the Kintyre district of the county of Argyll as required by the Criminal Law(Scotland) Act 1830 (11 Geo IV and 1 Gul IV c.37)

1882 SC51/57/1

Provisional & Special Orders/Private Legislation Procedural Papers 1882 – 1944

Description - Campbeltown Water - Provisional Order (1944)Dunoon Electricity (Extension) - Special Orders. (1882 - 1933)Grampian Electricity - Special Orders. (1931, 1934 & 1940)Argyllshire (Mid-Argyll & Kintyre) Electricity - Special Orders: (1934 & 1935)North British Railway - Provisional Orders (1912 & 1913)

1884 SC50/5/1884/6 Neil MacNish, shepherd, residing at Lonlea, Whitehouse v Mrs Elizabeth HumeCampbell or Moreton MacDonald, residing at Largie Castle1884Description - Action for payment of £30 which is the loss claimed by thepursuer on account of his illegal dismissal as shepherd at Dramavow. Lists thewages and conditions of his service as a shepherd, including 'six Kintyre bolls


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or seventy two stones of oatmeal'. Productions include two certificates of character. Depositions of: John Mitchell, distiller and farmer, CampbeltownWilliam Maxwell, farmer, BaraskomillArchibald Mitchell, cattle dealer, CampbeltownMrs. Margaret Chalmers or Mitchell, wife of last witnessNeil MacNish, pursuerElizabeth Robertson or MacNish, pursuer?s wife [can?t write 'owing to short

sight']Mrs Moreton MacDonald, defender John Robertson, factor, Largie CastleArchibald MacPhail, shepherd, TayinloanMalcolm MacNicol, shepherd, Largie

1884 SC50/5/1884/12

Kintyre District Road Trustees v Andrew Hamilton, builder, residing inCampbeltown, and Thomas Hamilton, farmer, Flush 1884Description - Action relating to a dispute over a contract to build a sea wall onthe public road at Glenramskill and Kildalloig. Process includes measurementsand reports. Depositions of:David MacGibbon, chamberlain of KintyreDavid Laidlaw, county road surveyor for Linlithgowshire Thomas Miller, builder in Saltcoats John Paterson, builder in CampbeltownAndrew Hamilton, defender John MacCallum, assistant master of worksDonald MacCallum, district road surveyor James Lothian, clerk to the district road trusteesMartin Wallace, builder in Campbeltown James Rennie, builder in CampbeltownAlexander Ferguson, builder in Campbeltown

Archibald Girvan, builder in CampbeltownPeter Spence, mason in CampbeltownDaniel MacCallum, mason in Campbeltown John Martin, mason in CampbeltownAlexander MacIntyre, mason in Campbeltown Thomas Hamilton, defender

1884 SC50/5/1884/14 William Reid, merchant, Southend v Andrew Hamilton, builder in Campbeltown1884Description - Petition for warrant to authorise Daniel Hamilton, mason inCampbeltown, to complete a tenement of houses in Southend upon which thedefender had been working, at the site of Alexander MacSporran, builder in


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Campbeltown. Related to the action against the defender bythe Kintyre District Road Trustees (see SC50/5/1884/12).

1884 SC50/5/1884/23 John Cunningham, physician and surgeon in Campbeltown v Andrew Hamiltonbuilder in Campbeltown, and the Kintyre District Road Trustees for theirinterest

1889 AD14/89/101

Precognition against John Glen, ArchibaldMcLachlan for the

crime of culpablehomicide at Firth of ClydeAccused - John Glen,Age: 47, pilot of steamer 'Adell',Address: 12 WestPrinces Street,Rothesay, Origin:Native of Kintyre,ArgyllArchibald McLachlan,Age: 33, steamboatmaster, Address: 6Ferguson Place,Rothesay, Origin:Native of Kilmodenparish, ArgyllVictim - AlexanderMarmaduke Hutton,New Cathcart

1889 SC50/5/1889/1  Trustees of John Ross, distiller in Campbeltown v John MacKenzie and others1889Description - Action for multiplepoinding. Eighteen claimants from the UnitedKingdom and overseas. Process includes:

Extract registered trust disposition and settlement of John Ross, distiller,Campbeltown, 1886

Contract of co-partnery of John Ross & Company, distillers in Campbeltown, of the Kintyreand Longrow Distilleries, 1877


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Balance sheet of John Ross & Company as at 1 September 1885

Genealogical tree of the Ross family

1890 SC50/5/1890/2Bratby & Hinchliffe Ltd, aerated water engineers, Manchester v JohnCrawford, Kintyre Mineral Water Works, Campbeltown 1890

1890 SC50/5/1890/3

 John Crawford, Kintyre Mineral Water Works, Campbeltown v Bratby &Hinchliffe Ltd, aerated water engineers, Manchester 1890Description - Action for payment of £60 claimed to have been lost through late

delivery of bottles.

1892 E872/76

Memorial of the Kintyre ScientificAssociation for transfer of Kilkerran coinhoard into their custody for local exhibitionApril 11, 1892

1896 SC50/5/1896/10District Sanitary Inspector v Peter Nicolson, grocer, Kintyre Street, Tarbert 1896Description - Complaint of a Nuisance caused by dungheap next to a dwelling houseoccupied by Widow Mary Law

19 March 1680 GD92/55

 TACK by Anna Stewart, relict of deceased RonaldMcDonald of Sanday [Macdonald of Sanda], havingcommission from Mr. Robert Stewart, uncle to thesheriff of Bute and tutor to the laird of Sanday[Sanda], to Angus Campbell late bailie of Campbeltown, now in Druimlemill of the 2 merklandof Ballnabrad, in parish of Killecheran [Kilchiaran],lordship of  Kintyre, and sheriffdom of Argyll foryearly payment of £100. 19 March 1680

19 March 1680 GD92/56

 TACK by Anna Stewart, relict of deceased RanallMcDonald of Sany [Macdonald of Sanda], havingcommission from Mr. Robert Stewart, uncle to thesheriff of Bute and tutor to the laird of Sanay, toAngus Campbell late bailie of Campbeltown now inDrumletan, of the 2 merkland of Ballinbrayde inparish of Kilcheran [Kilchiaran], Lordshipof  Kintyre and Sheriffdom of Argyll for yearly silverrent of £100. 19 March 1680

1900 CH3/1483Kintyre, United FreePresbytery of 1900 -1929

1900 RHP38334Ordnance Survey 1 inch map marked to show proposed railways inKintyre from Southend to Cour Bay via Glenbarr, with branch fromDrumlemble to Campbeltown, and from Ronachan Bay to Skipness. 1900


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1901 RHP34106 Admiralty chart of west coast from Mull of  Kintyre to Ardnamurchan. 19011901 - 01 - 01 NLC3/1/1 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern

Lighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Jan 1901 - 31 Mar 1902Description - Section I. Nos. 1-91

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to

individual lighthouses and also to the different types of businessconducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

1. Inchkeith Lighthouse. 2. Fidra Lighthouse. 3. Isle of MayLighthouse. 4. Bass Rock Lighthouse. 5. Barns Ness Lighthouse. 6.St Abbs Head Lighthouse. 7. Bell Rock Lighthouse. 8. Scurdieness(Montroseness) Lighthouse. 9. Tod Head Lighthouse.10. Girdle Ness Lighthouse. 11. Buchan Ness Lighthouse. 12.Rattray Head Lighthouse. 13. Kinnaird Head Lighthouse. 14.Covesea Skerries Lighthouse. 15. Chanonry Point Lighthouse. 16.Cromarty Lighthouse. 17. Tarbatness Lighthouse. 18. Noss HeadLighthouse. 19. Stroma Lighthouse. 20. Pentland SkerriesLighthouse. 21. Cantick Head Lighthouse. 22. Hoy Sound (High)Lighthouse. 23. Hoy Sound (Low) Lighthouse.24. Noup Head Lighthouse. 25. Hellyer Holm Lighthouse. 26.Auskerry Lighthouse. 27. Start Point Lighthouse. 28. NorthRonaldsay Lighthouse. 29. Fair Isle (North) Lighthouse. 30. Fair Isle(South) Lighthouse. 31. Sumburgh Head Lighthouse. 32. BressayLighthouse. 33. Out Skerries (Whalsay Skerries) Lighthouse. 34.Muckle Flugga (North Unst) Lighthouse. 35. Dunnet HeadLighthouse. 36. Holburn Head Lighthouse. 37. Sule SkerryLighthouse. 38. Cape Wrath Lighthouse. 39. Stoer HeadLighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41. Butt of LewisLighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. UshenishLighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse.48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach)Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52.Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56.Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)


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Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of IslayLighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse.65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island(Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. AilsaCraig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. CorsewallLighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of GallowayLighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre

Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. LangnessLighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79. North CarrLighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse. 82.Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83. Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84.Copinsay Lighthouse. 85. Clythness Lighthouse. 86. DuncansbyHead Lighthouse. 87. Eshaness Lighthouse. 88. Strathy PointLighthouse. 89. Calf of Man Lighthouse. 90. Telephones. 91. OilRigs.

1902 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/5 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1902 - 31 Mar 1903Description - Section II, nos 61-98

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate toindividual lighthouses and also to the different types of businessconducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. DavaarLighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer andInner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa CraigLighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse.72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74.Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. DouglasHead Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken RockLighthouse. 79. North Carr Lighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81.Neist Point Lighthouse. 82. Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83. MaugholdHead Lighthouse. 84. Copinsay Lighthouse. 85. ClythnessLighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87. EshanessLighthouse. 88. Strathy Point Lighthouse. 89. Calf of Man


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Lighthouse. 90. Telephones. 91. Oil Rigs. 92. Annuitants (I-XV),Superannuation (from III), Superannuation (from XVI). 93.Lightkeepers. 94. Lighthouses (General). 95. Fog Signals. 96.Meteorological reporting stations. 97. Minor Lights 98. UnmannedLightships (VIII onwards), Major Automatic Lights.

1902 - 08 CS46/1902/8/59

Decree in petition of His Grace The Duke of Argyll for order tocharge entailed estate with

improvement expenditure(Inverary and Kintyre entail)Date of decree: 29 Apr 1902,23 Jul 1902

1903 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/9

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1903 - 31 Mar 1906Description - Section III, nos. 40-79

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. Stornoway Lighthouse. 44. EileanGlas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46. MonachLighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse.49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51.Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55.Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse.58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. SandaLighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. HolyIsland (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69.Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. CorsewallLighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of GallowayLighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse.76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. ChickenRock Lighthouse. 79. North Carr Lighthouse.


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Foreshore files 1904 –1914Description -ARGYLL: Kintyre.Questions as to title toforeshore - claim by Dukeof Argyll.

1906 BT2/6223

 The Kintyre Motor

Company LimitedDescription - CompanyName: The Kintyre MotorCompany Limited.Nature of Business:Company Number: 6223.Date of Incorporation:1906.Date Dissolved:

1906 SC50/5/1906/6Peter Jeffrey Mackie v Donald Campbell 1906Description - Action concerning heritable property: irritation of lease over subjects atWhite House, Kintyre, Argyllshire.

1906 - 04 -01

NLC3/1/23 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1906 - 31 Mar 1909Description - Section IV, nos. 61-90

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthousesand also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch RyanLighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73.Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of AyreLighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78.Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79. North Carr Lighthouse. 80. HyskeirLighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse. 82. Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83.Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84. Copinsay Lighthouse. 85. Clythness


Li h h 86 D b H d Li h h 87 E h Li h h 88

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Lighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87. Eshaness Lighthouse. 88.Strathy Point Lighthouse. 89. Calf of Man Lighthouse. 90. Telephones.

1907 ED23/1066

Educational Trusts 1907 – 1953Description - Argyll Educational Trust Scheme, 1960 Reviewof endowments: governing instruments (except those forfunds administered by Kintyre Club) No closure period.

1907 - 10 CS46/1907/10/30

Decree for payment, TheWestern Motor Company Limited

v The Kintyre Motor CompanyLimitedDate of decree: 21 August 1907and 2 October 1907

1909 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/36

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1909 - 31 Mar 1912Description - Section V, nos. 41-70

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and

also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

41. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse.46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse.49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. KyleakinLighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Soundof Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. LismoreLighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59.McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch IndaalLighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64.Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. HolyIsland (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa CraigLighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse.

1910 ED13/507Educational Trusts 1910 – 1919Description - Argyll: Kintyre Hall of Killean.

1912 - 04 -01

NLC3/1/52 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1912 - 31 Mar 1915Description - Section VI, nos. 41-71


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 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and alsoto the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondencerelating to the following subjects:

41. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46.

Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49.Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. KyleakinLighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse.57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's HeadLighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65.Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner)Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch RyanLighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse.

1914 BT2/9126

 The Kintyre and Galloway

Shipping Company LimitedDescription - CompanyName: The Kintyre andGalloway ShippingCompany Limited.Nature of Business:Company Number: 9126.Date of Incorporation:1914.Date Dissolved:

1914 - 03 - 19 GD501/83Certificate of membership of The Kintyre Club in the name of John ColvilleLusk 19 Mar 1914

1915 ED17/338Higher Inspection of Schools and 1915 – 1917Description - Leaving Certificate ExaminationArgyll: Kintyre Technical.

1915 - 02 CS46/1915/2/7

Decree in petition of His Grace NiallDiarmid Campbell Duke of Argyllapproving of instrument of disentailand granting warrant to record thesame (Inveraray and Kintyre)Date of decree: 22 Jan 1915


R d f th C i i f N th Li hth (N th Li hth

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1915 - 04 -01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1915 - 31 Mar 1918Description - Section VII, nos. 51-84

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses andalso to the different types of business conducted. This file includes

correspondence relating to the following subjects:

51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. CorranLighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal(Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63.Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse.71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway

Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76.Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken RockLighthouse. 79. North Carr Lighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81. Neist PointLighthouse. 82. Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83. Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84.Copinsay Lighthouse.

1918 CS253/1124

George R. Watson v Kintyre &Galloway Shipping Co. Ltd. andLiquidator: Damages Year of Calling 1916: Reference No.of Transmission: Office 260A (Cairns)

1918 - 04 -01

NLC3/1/86 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1918 - 31 Mar 1921Description - Section VIII, nos. 51-78

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each groupof correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. Thisfile includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:


51 Kyleakin Lighthouse 52 Oronsay Lighthouse 53 Ardnamurchan

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51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. CorranLighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal(Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse.63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. DavaarLighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner)Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70.

Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. KillantringanLighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse.75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. LangnessLighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse.

1921 - 04 -01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1921 - 31 Mar 1924Description - Section IX, nos. 51-78

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each groupof correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual

lighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. Thisfile includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. CorranLighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal(Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse.63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. DavaarLighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner)Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70.Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. KillantringanLighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse.75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. LangnessLighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse.

1923 NLC11/4/41

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern Lighthouse Board)1786 – 1995Engineers's department Bound File: Mull of  Kintyre and Isle of May fog signals and radio beacons (41)1923 – 1941

1924 BT2/13013 The Kintyre Steamship


Company Limited

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Company LimitedDescription - CompanyName:The Kintyre SteamshipCompany Limited.Nature of Business:Company Number: 13013Date of Incorporation: 1924.Date Dissolved:

1924 CS252/1431

Edinburgh Argyll Bute & Western IslesAssociation: Petition to transfer fundsto Kintyre Technical SchoolDescription - Year of calling 1923:Reference No. of Transmission 33:Office 2nd Divn.

1924 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/119 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1924 - 31 Mar 1927Description - Section X, nos. 47-87

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthousesand also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach(Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse.52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull(Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. LismoreLighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59.McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch IndaalLighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse.64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67.Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69.Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. CorsewallLighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse.74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas HeadLighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79.North Carr Lighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse.82. Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83. Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84. CopinsayLighthouse. 85. Clythness Lighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87.


Eshaness Lighthouse

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Eshaness Lighthouse.

1926 SC50/5/1926/1 The Presbytery of  Kintyre 1926Description - Petition to have special method of calculation of part of the stipend of theparish of Kilcalmonell and Kilberry determined

1927 ED23/2180Educational Trusts 1927 – 1981Description - Argyll Kintyre Club Bursaries TrustScheme, 1957 No closure period.

1927 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/130

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern

Lighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1927 - 31 Mar 1930Description - Section XI, nos. 44-87 (excluding 51, 56, 62, 65, 68, 70, 72,82)

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses andalso to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46.

Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse.49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 52.Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull(Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse.58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60.Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67.Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 71.Corsewall Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little RossLighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77.Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79. North CarrLighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse. 83.Maughold Head Lighthouse 84. Copinsay Lighthouse. 85. ClythnessLighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87. Eshaness Lighthouse.

1928 ED23/2181

Educational Trusts 1928 – 1982Description - Argyll Educational Trust(Amendment) Scheme, 1982: Kintyre ClubBursaries Trust (Kintyre) No closure period.

1929 DD4/163 Roads: Highlands 1929 – 1930Description - Proposed construction of aroad from Carradale to


Tayinloan Kintyre Argyll-shire:

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 Tayinloan, Kintyre, Argyll-shire:correspondence.

1929 ED23/891

Educational Trusts 1929 – 1954Description - Argyll Kintyre Club Bursaries TrustScheme, 1957: James Greenless Bursary Fund(Kintyre) No closure period.

1930 ED23/215Educational Endowments (S) Commission (1928)1930 – 1932

1930 ED23/2253/2

Educational Endowments (S) Commission (1928) 1930– 1936Description - Schemes approved by Commissioners andordered to be submitted to Scottish EducationDepartment (Volume) (continued from ED23/2253/1)Schemes Nos: 23 Berwickshire Educational TrustScheme, 1931 24 Selkirkshire Educational TrustScheme, 1932 25 Wigtownshire Educational TrustScheme, 1931 26 Dean Orphanage and Cauvin's TrustScheme, 1931 27 Nicholson Endowment Trust Scheme,1931 28 Peeblesshire Educational Trust Scheme, 1931

29 Edinburgh University (Fellowships, Scholarships andBursaries) Scheme, 1931 30 Marr Trust Scheme, 193431 Ferguson Mortification (Irvine) Scheme, 1931 32Simson Bursary Trust Scheme, 1931 33 StewartryEducational Trust Scheme, 1933 34 Bute Educational Trust Scheme, 1932 35 Dumfries AcademyEndowments Trust Scheme, 1933 36 Wallace HallAcademy Trust Scheme, 1933 37 Hannahfield TrustScheme, 1932 38 Dumfries Boys' Home Trust Scheme,1933 39 Dumfries and Galloway Girls' Home TrustScheme, 1933 40 Dawson Bursary Trust Scheme, 193241 Kintyre Club Bursaries Trust Scheme, 1932Contents of Volume continued at ED23/2253/3 Noclosure period.

1930 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/143 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1930 - 31 Mar 1933Description - Section XII, nos. 38-77

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and also


to the different types of business conducted This file includes correspondence

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to the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondencerelating to the following subjects:

38. Cape Wrath Lighthouse. 39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan IslesLighthouse. 41. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43.Stornoway Lighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. UshenishLighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. SkerryvoreLighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51.

Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54.Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. LismoreLighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59.McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse.62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. SandaLighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outerand Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70.Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73.Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of AyreLighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse.



 John MacGrory Limited

1931 – 1979Description - Company No.16558. Date of Incorporation: 1931. Dateof Dissolution: 30 Jul 1979.Nature of Business:seedsmen, florists,nurserymen, etc.RegisteredOffice: Kintyre Nurseries,Campbeltown.

1931 ED23/358Educational Endowments (S) Commission(1928) 1931 - 1932

1932 DD27/335Upright Cross Slab, St Ninian,Sanda, Kintyre, Argyll 1932 - 1958

1932 ED23/893Educational Trusts 1932 – 1954Description - Angus Kintyre Club Bursaries Trust Scheme,1932 Review of endowments: forms EE7 No closure period.

1932 MW1/462Saddell Abbey, near Campbeltown, Kintyre, Argyllshire 1932 – 1939Description - Offer of guardianship refused. Includes report on condition andphotographs.


Educational Endowments (S) Commission (1928) 1933

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1933 ED23/606

Educational Endowments (S) Commission (1928) 1933Description - Signed and Sealed Orders in Councilapproving Schemes: Hannahfield Trust (1932);Selkirkshire Educational Trust (1932); MidlothianEducational Trust (1932); Kintyre Club Bursaries Trust(1932); Coldstream Memorial Medical Missionary Bursary Trust (1932); Skye School Children's Mid-day Meals Trust(1932); Newton Stewart and District Educational Trust

(1932); Paton Educational Trust (1932); EdinburghAngus Club Educational Trust (1932); Dawson Bursary Trust (1932); Dollar Academy Trust (1932); ArgyllEducational Trust (1932); Catherine McCaig's Trust(1932); Inverness-shire Educational Trust (1932);Inverness Royal Academy Endowments Trust (1932);Wallace Hall Academy Trust (1933); StewartryEducational Trust (1933); Clackmannan Educational Trust (1933); Bute, Byers, Guild and Thow Trusts (1933);McCrie Mortification (1933); Buccleuch MemorialInstitute (1932) No closure period.

1933 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/161

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1933 - 31 Mar 1936Description - Section XIII, nos. 45-65

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and alsoto the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondencerelating to the following subjects:

45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48.Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. RonaLighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. CorranLighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. LochIndaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of KintyreLighthouse.64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse.

1934 CS318/77/155 Robert Millar, Carradale, Kintyre

1934 DD27/1863 Three Standing Stones and Cist,Ballochroy, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1977


1934 DD27/1866Standing Stones and Remains of Cairn,

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1934 DD27/1866Standing Stones and Remains of Cairn,Barlea, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1971

1934 DD27/1880Standing Stone and Chambered Cairn,Beacharr, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1978

1934 DD27/1882'Bruces' or 'Ugadale' Stone, nearSaddel, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1971

1934 DD27/1887Standing Stone, Carragh Muasdale, Kintyre,Argyll 1934-1971

1934 DD27/1902 Standing Stones, Clochkeil, nearKilchenzie, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1972

1934 DD27/1903Cairn, Cnocan Sithein, Machrihanish, Kintyre,Argyll 1934-1980

1934 DD27/1906Standing Stone, Crois Mhic Aoidh, Doire Na H-Earbaige, Kintyre, Argyll 1934-1972

1934 RHP22215

1. Bound Ordnance Survey 1 inch maps marked to show proposed area of supply of Argyllshire (Mid Argyll & Kintyre) Electricity 2. Duplicate thereof 1934Description - Engineers: W. C. C. Hawtayne G. A. Bruce

1934 SC50/5/1934/3

 Trustees of late David Colville 1934Description - Action concerning heritable property: irritation of Kintyre Distillery Feus inBroad Street and Lady Mary Row, Campbletown by failure to pay feu duty for two years;reversion of subjects feued to superior.

1935 CR16/835

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores- Kintyre. Claim of the Dukeof Argyll to ownership of certain foreshore betweenBallochantuy and Killacraw,Port Crom, Kintyre.Notification of theconstruction of a factory forthe purpose of utilisingseaweed, and enquiringwhether the foreshorebetween Ballochantuy andKillawcraw is uncontested bythe Board.

1935 CR16/856 Board of Trade - Mercantile


Marine Department

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Marine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Argyll. His Grace The Dukeof Argyll, as Proprietor andSuperior of the Lordshipclaims all the foreshore exadverso of his Kintyre Estateand hopes

the Board will not insist onplans to claim atPutican, Kintyre.

1935 CR16/864

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Argyll. Claim of the Duke of Argyll to Machrihanish Bayand Bellochantuy Bayforeshores in the Baronyof Kintyre.

1936 CR16/907

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -South Uist and Mullof Kintyre. Application byCefoil Ltd for a licence to cutweed below low water markand also to cut and gatherseaweed from the foreshore.

1936 CR16/909

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine Department

Description - Foreshores.Proposal to obtain seaweedfrom the seabed below lowwater mark of ordinary springtides around Mull of Kintyre,the Isle of Arran, SandaIsland, Ghigha Island andCara Island for the kelpindustry (for a product called"Manducol").


Board of Trade - Mercantile

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1936 CR16/915

Marine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores.Correspondence regardingthe proposal by Cefoil Ltd tocut and collect largequantities of seaweed fromthe seabed below low water

mark of ordinary spring tidesaround Mull of Kintyre, theIsle of Arran, Sanda Island,Ghigha Island and CaraIsland.

1936 CR16/919

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores.Proof of advertisementregarding the proposal byCefoil Ltd to cut and collect

large quantities of seaweedfrom the seabed below lowwater mark of ordinary springtides around Mull of Kintyre,the Isle of Arran, SandaIsland, Ghigha Island andCara Island.

1936 CR16/924

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Objections against proposal

by Cefoil Ltd to to cut andcollect large quantities of seaweed from the seabedbelow low water mark of ordinary spring tides aroundMull of Kintyre, the Isle of Arran, Sanda Island, GhighaIsland and Cara Island.

1936 CR16/926 Board of Trade - MercantileMarine Department


Description - Foreshores -

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pArgyll. Claim of the Duke of Argyll to Machrihanish Bayand Bellochantuy Bayforeshores in the Baronyof Kintyre.

1936 DD27/488

Standing Stone and Remains of Cairn, Macharioch, near

Southend,Kintyre, Argyll 1936 -1959

1936 DD27/1216Standing Stone and ChamberedCairn, Carragh an Talaidh,Brackley,Kintyre 1936 - 1972

1936 DD27/1976Cup Marked Stone,Killocran, Kintyre, Argyll 1936-1972

1936 DD27/2051Standing Stone, Mid Craigs, Kintyre, Argyll 1936-1972

1936 DD27/4281Standing Stone, Low Margmonagach, nearGlenbarr, Kintyre, Argyll 1936-1982

1936 DD27/4615 Standing Stone, near High Kilkivan,Machrihanish, Kintyre, Argyll 1936-1972

1936 - 04 -01

NLC3/1/177 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern Lighthouse Board) 1786– 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1936 - 31 Mar 1939Description - Section XIV, nos. 38-68

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and also to thedifferent types of business conducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

38. Cape Wrath Lighthouse. 39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41.Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. Stornoway Lighthouse. 44.Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47.Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach)Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. CorranLighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch IndaalLighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda


Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and

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g g g yInner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse.

1937 BT2/20028

Kintyre Coal CompanyLimitedDescription - CompanyName: Kintyre CoalCompany Limited.Nature of Business:

Company Number:20028.Date of Incorporation:1937.Date Dissolved:

1937 CR16/950

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -South Uist and Mullof Kintyre. Forwarding copyof plan referred to in the

lease between Cefoil Ltd andthe Duke of Argyll regardingthe proposal to collectseaweed on the foreshore atSouth Uist and Mullof Kintyre and Sanda Island.

1937 DD15/3/9 Highland Development Files: Development

1937 ED23/2182

Educational Trusts 1937 – 1957Description - Argyll Educational Trust (Amendment) Scheme,1982: Dr Robert Fullerton Bursary Fund (Kintyre Club) Noclosure period.

1938 CR16/1057 Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Orkney. Licence in respectof the rights and interestsof the Crown in certain bedof the sea around the Mullof Kintyre, Isle of Arran,Gigha Island and CaraIsland in favour of Cefoil



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1939 DD27/1273Saddell Castle, Kintyre, Argyll 1939 -1978

1939 - 04- 01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1939 - 31 Mar 1942Description - Section XV, nos. 42-87

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and alsoto the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondencerelating to the following subjects:

42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. Stornoway Lighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (IslandGlas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. BarraHead Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach)Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. OronsayLighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall)Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda

Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60.Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse.63. Mull of KintyreLighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. TurnberryLighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. CorsewallLighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74.Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas HeadLighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79. NorthCarr Lighthouse. 80. Hyskeir Lighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse. 82. Rudbh'Re Lighthouse. 83. Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84. Copinsay Lighthouse. 85.Clythness Lighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87. Eshaness Lighthouse.

1940 CR16/1316

Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Argyllshire. Annual paymentdue by Major E H T Parson,CBE, in respect of the rightsand interests of the Crownin certain tidal lands belowhigh water mark atSouthend,Kintyre.


Fatal Accident Inquiry: Hugh MacMichael, pilot, Kintyre Cottage, 26 Bonnington

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1941 - 02 - 10 SC23/21/1941/1 Grove, Edinburgh, died 2 Jan 194110 Feb 1941

1942 - 04 -01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1942 - 31 Mar 1945Description - Section XVI, nos. 39-87

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthousesand also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41. Butt of LewisLighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. Stornoway Lighthouse. 44.Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. Ushenish Lighthouse. 46. MonachLighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49.Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. KyleakinLighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54.

Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56.Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61.Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof KintyreLighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch RyanLighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mullof Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of AyreLighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse. 77. Langness Lighthouse. 78.Chicken Rock Lighthouse. 79. North Carr Lighthouse. 80. Hyskeir

Lighthouse. 81. Neist Point Lighthouse. 82. Rudbh' Re Lighthouse. 83.Maughold Head Lighthouse. 84. Copinsay Lighthouse. 85. ClythnessLighthouse. 86. Duncansby Head Lighthouse. 87. Eshaness Lighthouse.

1943 CR16/1463 Board of Trade - MercantileMarine DepartmentDescription - Foreshores -Argyllshire. The Ministry of Works has informed theMinister of War Transportthat they are considering


the question of dismantlingh i

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the pier atSkipness, Kintyre which isthe property of Mr C MOakes, Skipness Castle.

1944 GD403/96

Correspondence and notes of H H Mackenzie relating to his book 'TheMacleans of Boreray', including letters about modern descendants of the family and congratulations on publication of the book. 1944 –

1947Description - ncluding:15-17. 26 Feb 1947. The Rev. Angus Macvicar, Southend [Kintyre],with news of his family including his son Angus who 'expects 2 novelsto be published soon'.

1945 GD281/54/164 Argyll County, Kintyre District Music Committee 1945 – 1952

1945 - 04 -01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1945 - 31 Mar 1948Description - Section XVII, nos. 48-69

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses andalso to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50.Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse.55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58.Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63.

Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse.

1946 DD4/2256

North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board1946 – 1951Description - Construction Scheme No 8Campbeltown-Kintyre

1946 SEP14/174Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1946 – 1949Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): general.

1947 CB204 Records of Argyll


Colliery 1947 – 1967Ad i Hi t C l

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Admin History - Coalmining is said to havetaken place in theMachrihanish area of Mull of Kintyre areasince the 16th century. The Glasgow Iron and

Steel Company Ltd.sunk pits there in 1946and the industry wasnationalised in 1947. The steam coal fromArgyll Colliery suppliedpower stations inNorthern Ireland andproduction peaked at500 tons a day in 1953.Problems with

spontaneouscombustion led to itsclosure in 1967Arrangement - Recordsare arranged1. Planning andProgress meetings5. Policy records14. Closure of Collieryrecords24. Chairman's,

Secretariat andManagers' records26. Potential Plans of closure of colliery27. New Collieryprojects33. Major Projects,Developments andAction Projects

1947 CR11/621 Foreshore files


Description -A ll Ki t

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Argyll: Kintyre:Application for SubmarineCable from Gigha Islandto Kintyre.

1947 CR11/624

Foreshore filesDescription - Inverness:Raasay: Proposal for a

Submarine Cable fromRaasay to Kintyre.

1947 SEP14/175Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1947Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): observations by government departments.

1947 SEP14/176Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1947 – 1952Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): publicity.

1947 SEP14/177Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1947Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): representations.

1947 SEP14/1164North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board (NSHEB): Construction Schemes 1947Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre).

1948 SEP14/178

Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1948 – 1952

Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): DR56A authorisation.

1948 - 04 -01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1948 - 31 Mar 1951Description - Section XVIII, nos. 56-68

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses andalso to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61.Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66.Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse.

1949 CR11/772 Foreshore files 1949 –1959Description - EastLothian, Bute, Argyll:


Dunbar: Firth of Clyde:West Kintyre

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West Kintyre:Application to removeSeaweed from Foreshoreand Seabed

1949 SEP14/179Hydro-Electricity: Construction Schemes 1949 – 1951Description - Scheme no.8 (Kintyre/Glen Lussa): submission of plans.

1949 - 11 CS46/1949/11/45

Decree appointing Sir George

Ilay Campbell, Baronet andothers to be trustees underthe trust settlement andcodicils and trust dispositionand settlement and codicil of the deceased the Most NobleNiall Diarmid Campbell, TenthDuke of Argyll, Marquis of Kintyre and Lorne, etc



Illegal FishingDescription - 'TOM

MOORE' D 216 (IRISHREPUBLIC) betweenCorsewall Point andMull of Kintyre

1950 MW1/1376Standing Stone and Long Cist, Beacharr, near Killean, Kintyre, Argyll 1950Description - Wayleave for North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board

1950 SEP4/345Individual Areas: Campbeltown, Argyllshire 1950 – 1957Description - Kintyre Local Employment Committee: industrial development andunemployment in Rothesay and Campbeltown.

1951 -04 - 01

NLC3/1/260 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995

Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1951 - 31 Mar 1954Description - Section XIX, nos. 56-74

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. Thisfile includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse.


61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse 64 Sanda Lighthouse 65 Davaar Lighthouse

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of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse.66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse.68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch RyanLighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73.Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse.

1952 DD27/1217Standing Stone and ChamberedCairn, Carragh an Talaidh,

Brackley,Kintyre 1952 - 1958

1952 ED23/892

Educational Trusts 1952 – 1954Description - Argyll Kintyre Club Bursaries Trust Scheme, 1957: Duncan MacCallumBursary Fund (Campbeltown) No closureperiod.

1953 ED23/1069

Educational Trusts 1953Description - Argyll Educational TrustScheme, 1960 Review of endowments:forms EE7 (except those administeredby Kintyre Club) No closure period.

1954 CS258/37832Benjamin Mundell v KintyreElectrical & EngineeringServices: Reduction

1954 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/287

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1954 - 31 Mar 1957Description - Section XX, nos. 53-67

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each groupof correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This

file includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall)Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. FladdaLighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's HeadLighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62.Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. SandaLighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. HolyIsland (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse.

1956 DD4/1161  Traffic Regulation and


Restriction Orders - ClassifiedRoads: Argyll 1956 1958

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Roads: Argyll 1956 - 1958

1957 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/313

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1957 - 31 Mar 1960Description - Section XXI, nos. 49-75

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each

group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51.Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. ArdnamurchanLighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55.Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse.58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60.Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of IslayLighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse.

65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outerand Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa CraigLighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72.Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. LittleRoss Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse.

1958 DD27/433Keil Chapel, Southend, Kintyre, Argyll1958 - 1960

1958 GD281/108/88Kintyre Antiquarian and Natural History SocietyDescription – Field Archaeology Grants

1959 DD27/1881Standing Stone and ChamberedCairn, Beacharr, Kintyre, Argyll


1959 DD27/1991

Eilean Mor, South Knapsdale, Kintyre,Argyll 1959-1979Description - Proposed erection of replica crosshead and removal of screens from chapel.

1960 SEP4/1601Location of Industry 1960 – 1967Description - Argyll: industry and employment in Kintyre.

1960 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/341 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995


Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1960 - 31 Mar 1963Description Section XXII nos 39 67

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Description - Section XXII, nos. 39-67

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate toindividual lighthouses and also to the different types of businessconducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41. Buttof Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. UshenishLighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48.Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse.50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. OronsayLighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull(Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. LismoreLighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile

Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of IslayLighthouse. 63. Mull of KintyreLighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse.65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island(Outer and Inner) Lighthouse.

1963 DD17/386Highland Transport BoardDescription - Roadtransport: Kintyre area

1963 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/371 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1963 - 31 Mar 1966Description - Section XXIII, nos. 59-75

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate toindividual lighthouses and also to the different types of businessconducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. LochIndaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar


Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer andInner) Lighthouse 68 Turnberry Lighthouse 69 Ailsa Craig

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Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa CraigLighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse.72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74.Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse.

1964 SOE26/1964/1749  The Argyll County Council (Tayinloan Burn, Kintyre) Water Order 1964

1965 SC50/5/1965/1

 James Daniels and Others v Lachlan Clark 1965Description - Action for payment in respect of salvage services rendered to

M.F.V. ''May'' by M.F.V. "Nobles Again"; vessel in trouble 3/4 miles north of SheepIsland, off Mull of Kintyre

1966 SC50/5/1966/2Board of Trade inquiry into loss of the M.V. Quesada 1966Description - Board of Trade inquiry into the circumstances attending the loss of the British M.V. Quesada off the east coast of Kintyre, Argyllshire.

1966 - 04 – 01 NLC3/1/408

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1966 - 31 Mar 1969Description - Section XXIV, nos. 50-78A

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group

of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This fileincludes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

50. Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse.53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall)Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. FladdaLighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's HeadLighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62.Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. SandaLighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island

(Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa CraigLighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72.Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little RossLighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse.77. Langness Lighthouse. 78. Chicken Rock Lighthouse.

1967 DD17/1499 Shipping Services 1967 – 1977Description - Establishment of ferry servicebetween Kintyre and Arranoperated by Caledonian Steam


Packet Company (laterCaledonian MacBrayne Ltd):

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Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd):general, including discussion of Clyde shipping services.

1967 DD27/4454Dunaverty Castle, Southend, Kintyre,Argyllshire 1967-1976

1968 - 06 –12

SC51/14/1Register of clubs for Argyll 12 Jun 1968 - 2 Jul 1979Description - This register covers clubs in Bute, Cowal, Islay, Kintyre and Oban. The

register was first maintained at Oban Sheriff Court and later Dunoon Sheriff Court.

1969 RCC7/8/1Proposed withdrawal of shipping service from Gourock, Tarbert andArdrishaig. Correspondence, including TUCC report and STG proposals forshipping services to the Kintyre Peninsula 1969 – 1975

1969 - 04 –01


Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern LighthouseBoard) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1969 - 31 Mar 1972Description - Section XXV, nos. 55-75

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthouses and

also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58.Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. SkervuileLighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63.Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse.66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse.71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of GallowayLighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse. 75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse.

1970 RCC7/8/2 List of objectors and letters of objection, including TUCC report and STGproposals for shipping services to the Kintyre Peninsula 1970

1972 DD7/7/128Argyllshire: Ardnamurchan;Cowal; Islay; 1972 - 1973

1972 SEP5/53

Withdrawal of Ferry Services 1972Description - Proposed Withdrawal of ferry service between Fairlie, Arran (Brodick)and Kintyre (East Tarbert), including Scottish Transport Users Consultative Committeereport (main file not kept, enclosure only).

1972 - 04 – 01 NLC3/1/465 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995


Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1972 - 31 Mar 1975Description - Section XXVI, nos. 63-73

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Description Section XXVI, nos. 63 73

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This file includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

63. Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. DavaarLighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner)Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse.70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72.Killantringan Lighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse.

1973 DD7/7/159District Councils' Accounts1973 - 1974

1973 GD325/2/239 Proposals for oil refinery at Kintyre 1973 – 1974

1974 COM1/393Kintyre DistrictCouncil 1974 - 1977]

1974 DD7/7/190District Councils' Accounts 1974 -


1974 DD27/5733Ardnacross Chambered Cairns,Campbelltown, Strathclyde Region, ArgyllDistrict 1974-1988

1975 BT2/1984/56923/1Kintyre MarineServices Limited1975 - 1984

1975 - 04 – 01 NLC3/1/506 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1975 - 31 Mar 1978Description - Section XXVII, nos. 39-67

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. Thisfile includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. UshenishLighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48.


Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50.Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.

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Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall)Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. FladdaLighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's HeadLighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62.Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mull of KintyreLighthouse. 64. SandaLighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy

Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse.1976 VR131/1/25 Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 03 - North Kintyre 19761976 VR131/1/26 Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 04 - Mid Kintyre 19761976 VR131/1/27 Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 05 - South Kintyre 1976

1977 VR131/1/49Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 01-05: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre 1977

1978 CS258/1978/3119Kintyre Farms Ltd v ColinCaldwell Chrystie:Reparation

1978 CS258/1978/6134Kintyre Farmers Ltd. vWilliam Lorimer etc.:

Reparation1978 VR131/1/54

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 01-05: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre 1978

1978 - 04 – 01 NLC3/1/546 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1978 - 31 Mar 1981 Access ClosedDescription - Section XXVIII, nos. 47-71

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate to individuallighthouses and also to the different types of business conducted. This

file includes correspondence relating to the following subjects:

47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48. Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. DubhArtach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse 51. KyleakinLighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse.54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse.56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal)Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse.61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. Davaar Lighthouse.


66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and Inner) Lighthouse.68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse. 70. Loch Ryan

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y g g g yLighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse.

1979 SC36/9/1979/214Kintyre Securities Limited v Robert Paterson McGregor and Mrs RosemaryMcGregor 1979

1979 SC36/10A/1979/66

Abbey National Building Society v Russell Brooks, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Kintyre Securities Limited, Clydesdale Bank Limited, George G KirkLimited, Scottish Universal Newspapers, Brownlee and Co Limited, Lombard

North Central Limited, Elderslie Service Station, W Lang (Paisley) Limited,Forward Trust Limited and Strathclyde Regional Council 1979

1979 VR131/1/59Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 01-05: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre 1979

1980 VR131/1/64Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 01-05: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre 1980

1981 SC36/10A/1981/33

 The Halifax Building Society v Robert Paterson McGregor and Mrs RosemaryMcGregor, Kintyre Securities Limited, The Governor and Company of TheBank of Scotland, John Lindsay (Dumbruck) Limited, Gordon Foxley and CHBell MPS 1981

1981 - 04 - 01 NLC3/1/598

Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (Northern

Lighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1981 - 31 Mar 1984 AccessClosedDescription - Section XXIX, nos. 49-65

 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to eachgroup of correspondence that it dealt with. These relate toindividual lighthouses and also to the different types of businessconducted. This file includes correspondence relating to thefollowing subjects:

49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50. Rona Lighthouse51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall)Lighthouse. 55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57.Fladda Lighthouse. 58. Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59.McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60. Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. LochIndaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of Islay Lighthouse. 63. Mullof Kintyre Lighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65. DavaarLighthouse.

1982 VR131/1/74 Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Ward 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,


Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &

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( ), y ( ), J y , ,Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Harbour Undertakings Ward 99 1982

1983 CS258/1983/AD118Lord Advocate v KintyreMarine

1983 - 04 VR131/1/76

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1983


BT2/1984/73096Kintyre Sea FarmsLimited

1984 SEP10/401

Research: Impact of Rural Development Policy in Highlands and Islands 1984 – 1985Description - Research on impact of rural development policy in Highlands and Islands

Development Board Area: Departmental response to PEIDA Report on Argylland Kintyre, with memoranda regarding the cost over run of the project and itsimplications for the rest of the survey.

NOTE - This file was opened with the agreement of Scottish Ministers in June 2009.From that date, Scottish Government files were released after 15 years. Previouspractice had been to close such files for 30 years if they had been transferred to NASbefore the implementation of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

1984 SOE26/1984/989 The Strathclyde Regional Council (Carradale Water, Kintyre) And (Allt Deucheran AndAllt Buidhe) (Amendment) Water Order 1984

1984 – 04 VR131/1/78

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,

Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1984

1984 - 04 -01

NLC3/1/654 Records of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (NorthernLighthouse Board) 1786 – 1995Correspondence and Reports 1 Apr 1984 - 31 Mar 1987 Access ClosedDescription - Section XXX, nos. 36-76


 The Secretary's Department allocated a separate number to each group of 

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y p p g pcorrespondence that it dealt with. These relate to individual lighthousesand also to the different types of business conducted. This file includescorrespondence relating to the following subjects:

36. Holburn Head Lighthouse. 37. Sule Skerry Lighthouse. 38. Cape WrathLighthouse. 39. Stoer Head Lighthouse. 40. Flannan Isles Lighthouse. 41.

Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. 42. Tiumpan Head Lighthouse. 43. StornowayLighthouse. 44. Eilean Glas (Island Glas) Lighthouse. 45. UshenishLighthouse. 46. Monach Lighthouse. 47. Barra Head Lighthouse. 48.Skerryvore Lighthouse. 49. Dubh Artach (Dhuheartach) Lighthouse. 50.Rona Lighthouse 51. Kyleakin Lighthouse. 52. Oronsay Lighthouse. 53.Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 54. Sound of Mull (Rubha nan Gall) Lighthouse.55. Corran Lighthouse. 56. Lismore Lighthouse. 57. Fladda Lighthouse. 58.Ruvaal (Rhuvaal) Lighthouse. 59. McArthur's Head Lighthouse 60.Skervuile Lighthouse. 61. Loch Indaal Lighthouse. 62. Rhinns of IslayLighthouse. 63. Mull of KintyreLighthouse. 64. Sanda Lighthouse. 65.Davaar Lighthouse. 66. Pladda Lighthouse. 67. Holy Island (Outer and

Inner) Lighthouse. 68. Turnberry Lighthouse. 69. Ailsa Craig Lighthouse.70. Loch Ryan Lighthouse. 71. Corsewall Lighthouse. 72. KillantringanLighthouse. 73. Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 74. Little Ross Lighthouse.75. Point of Ayre Lighthouse. 76. Douglas Head Lighthouse.


BT2/1985/56923Kintyre MarineServices Limited

1985 BT2/1985/57774Gael Maritime(Kintyre) Limited

1985 CS46/1985/982

McTavish's Kitchens (Oban) Ltd. &another (Pursuer) v Lorn, MidArgyll, Kintyre & Islay Divisional

Licensing Board (Defender):DeclaratorOpen - 8 May 1985

1985 CS258/1985/4424McTavishes Kitchens (Oban) Ltd etc. vLorn Mid Argyll Kintyre & IslayDivisional Licensing Board

1985 - 04 VR131/1/80 Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,


Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch 

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Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1985

1986 CS258/1986/363 Tobermory Distiller Ltd v Mill ArgyllKintyre Lorn & Islay Licensing Board

1986 - 04 VR131/1/82

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &

Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1986

1987 - 04 VR131/1/84

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1987

1988 BT2/1988/44466

Kintyre Knitwear LimitedDescription - Company No.44466.Date of Incorporation:unknown.Date of Dissolution: 1988.Nature of Business:unknown.Registered Office: unknown.

1988 BT2/1988/90486

Bellochantuy Hotel(Kintyre) Limited

Description - Company No.90486.Date of Incorporation:unknown.Date of Dissolution: 1988.Nature of Business:unknown.Registered Office: unknown.Previous Name: BarnoLimited.


 The Mull Of KintyreSportsmans Lodge and

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1988 BT2/1988/95981

Distillery LimitedDescription - Company No.95981.Date of Incorporation:unknown.Date of Dissolution: 1988.

Nature of Business:unknown.Registered Office: unknown.Previous Name: DunikaLimited.

1988 CS46/1988/1598

Kintyre Farmers Ltd. (JointAdministrators Paul H Finn andanother): Authority to SellDate - 29 Sep 1988

1988 - 04 VR131/1/86

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay

(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1988

1989 - 04 VR131/1/88

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell &Kilmore, North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay,Kyles & Bute, East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore &Innellan, Holy Loch 

Public Undertakings Ward 99 Mar 1989

1989 - 04 VR131/1/89

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre,Mid Kintyre, South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay(Kilchoman & Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore,North Lorn, Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute,East Lochfyne Kirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1989

1990 CS258/1990/1436Ballantyne & Copland v Mull of KintyreDistillery Ltd: (Action Code 1)

1990 CS258/1990/P1005 Kintyre Farmers Ltd: Petition for


Administration OrderArgyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre, Mid Kintyre,

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1990 - 04 VR131/1/91

South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay (Kilchoman &Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore, North Lorn,Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute, East LochfyneKirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1990

1991 - 04 VR131/1/93

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre, Mid Kintyre,

South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay (Kilchoman &Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore, North Lorn,Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute, East LochfyneKirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1991

1992 - 04 VR131/1/95

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre, Mid Kintyre,South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay (Kilchoman &Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore, North Lorn,Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute, East LochfyneKirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1992

1993 CS258/1993/4339

Mario Di Ciacca v 1. Lorn. mid Argyll, Kintyre &Islay Divisional Licensing Board2. Sheena M. Dixon3. Donald J.F. Macdonald4. Albert Mitchell5. Violet Mitchell: (Action Code 17)

1993 - 04 VR131/1/97

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre, Mid Kintyre,South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay (Kilchoman &Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore, North Lorn,Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute, East LochfyneKirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch 

Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1993

1994 - 04 VR131/1/99

Argyll & Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 01-26: Kinloch, Kilkerran, North Kintyre, Mid Kintyre,South Kintyre, Knapdale & Lochgilphead, Craignish & Glenaray, Awe, Islay (Kilchoman &Kildalton), Islay (Kilarrow), Jura &Colonsay Dunollie, Soroba, Ardconnell & Kilmore, North Lorn,Mull, Tiree & Coll, West Rothesay; Central Rothesay, East Rothesay, Kyles & Bute, East LochfyneKirn, & Hunter's Quay, Ardenslate, Milton, Auchamore & Innellan, Holy Loch Public Undertakings Ward 99 Apr 1994

1995 - 04VR131/1/101/1

Argyll and Bute District Valuation Roll: Wards 1-13 Apr 1995

nd. RH16/205 Genealogical tables of related families of Marshalls in Methven, Barclays in


Mauchline, Cochrans in Kintyre, Taylors in Lanark, and Carters in Stanton by Dale(Abbey), Derbyshire and relationship between Reid, Keith, Leslie and Gilchristf ili i h i d d

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families, with associated notes nd.

nd. SC54/27/6Kintyre nd.Description - 18 items
