1 2. 2 01 15HAM 6. HARRIS, 1 r thfi State ol Tennessee STUof 'toreL IshamV Harris, Governor as aforesaid, by TlSSrif thfr-an- d authority in me Tested,, hereby offer a reward of tie hundred and fifty dollart, to any person er per-m- who may apprehend raid Baxter, and delrter bin to the (Sheriff or Jailor of ourceunty oT Bedford, In order that Justice, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand f and earned tbe en at al of the State, ti be Affixed at JL.8 Nashville, tneiauiaay ol Zlaicn, itKl. S By the Govern-- : ISlIAMa HARMS - J. IS B.Xay, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION . Said Barter ti about ID yeara of age, Tery ilia, tlx. feet high. ligai nair aua iigui complexion. mar20-lr- a ACKICULTCHAL AND SEED STORE . , NO MARKET street. Nas livi lie, Tennessee. ... i WE hare approved on hand and' are constantly (applied with the AGRICtJL,TUItAL IMPLEMEKTS AND MACHINES AND ALBO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PURE AND SELECTED SEEDS, MACHINES AND imPLEILIEXTS. Portable Steam Engines, SI Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Straw Cutters, ' ' ' Corn Sbellen. . ' " - I Fitld Rollers, Circular 8awMJll, Seed Powers Wheat Grift Mills, Cider Mills, Hay Pre i set. Sugar Mills, Horse Hay Bates, iit. Cultivators, Harrows, Churns, Olorer Hullers, etc i OloverSeed. Timothy Seed' Clean Bine Grass Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, , Stripped Bine Grass Seed, ' ' Herds Grass Seed, Millet Seed, Hungarian 8eed, Buckwheat 8ed, a. . Lucerne Beyl, Osage Orange Seed. Springand Fall Buley, Oats; Bye, Potatoes. I, T .Perennial Bye Orasi ca . SUNDRIES. Flitter Paris, Land Plaster, Guano, ' Hydraulic Cement.) .ARMSTRONG A: DR. J. II. McLEAN'S THE GREATEST BEMEDY in The "World, AM) THE Most Delicious Delightful Cordial IYER TAKEN The thousands npon thous- ands who are daily using Mc- Leans Strengthening Ceidial, cert fy that it is absolutely an infallible remedy for rsnon- - : vaUngand Invlrroratl tic More taking. the Biood restoring the side, suffering invalid' to HEAL'sH AND STRENGTH There is no mistake About It. It will rare T.!ver rjomnlainls. Dysnensia. Dlarrhcea. Drsen tery, ndache, De jeuion of Spirits, Ferer and Ague, Inward Ferer, Bad Breath, o r any disease 01 me urer, Btomacfi or jct els. O" GENTLEMEN, do yen wish to be Healthy, Strong and Vigorous J ft"? LADIES do you want the Bloom of nealth to mount to your uneeas again i taen go i u uu gci Cordial and Illood Purifier. IVlay not a moment: it is warranted to glre satisfietion. It will sure any disease of theKidoeys.Womb.or Bladder; Faint- ing, Obstructed Menstruation, Failles; of the Wormb, Barren ness, or any dtseti s arising from Chronic or Nervous Debility, it is an Infallible Remedy. FOR CHILDREN. So you wactyour-delicat- sienlr.pnny Children, to be nealthy Etront aai Robust 7 then give them McLKAN'S STRENGTH-ENI5- CORDIAL, (see the direeUons on each bottle) it is de lido us to take JO Ooe taken every nomine fasting, is a sure . 'preventive sgslnst Crllls and Fever, Yellow Fever, Cholera or any preralling dltease. JJj.CAOIIoN J Beware of Druccists or Dealers who may .'' , try to palm uppn you a botUe of BIttrrs or Sarrarilla, C bich they can buy cheap.) ky nylsn it is Juit as good There are even men BASE enough tc stea partofmy name to dab thei TILE decoctions Avoid sueV In'amous PIRATES and their Tilliano s compounds ! Ask for Dr i. II. .MeLean'sMiength-enin- g Cordial and BIoi Puriner Take nothing else. It is the ' fenly remedy thatwll Purity your Blood thorouihly. and, at jXlhe same time. STREN'JTHKN and INVIGORATE the whole organization. It is put up in large Bottles SI rer bottle, or six botltles for 5. DR J. II McLE N. Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine streets. It. Louis, Mo. DICITIcLEAN'S UNIVERSAL 1'Jl.LS, For Elver Complaints Ililiousncn Head- ache, Ac, nnnEBE has nevrr been a CATHARTIC medicine offered to I the public, that has given such entire satisfaction as MC- LEAN'S UNIVERSAL PILLS. Eel n if entirely vegetable, they are perfectly innocent and can be talca by the mot tender infant; yet prompt and power'ul in removing all Bilious secretions. Acid or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. In fact they are tbe only Pills that should be used in malarious iVjtricla They produce no Griping. Sickressor Palo in the Etemach or Bowels, though very active aDd search ng in their operatloa, promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliotsneii, Headachtt and Foul Stomach, when ao cbeip a remedy can be obtained ! Keep them constantly on hand; a single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days, nd months of lick ten. Ask for Dr. J-- McLean's Univer- sal Pills. Take no other Being coated they ar taste'ess. Price only S3 cents per box, and can be sent by mail to any part of the United Elates. J. n. MeLEAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Louis, Mo. DItJ.U. MCLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LIN1 3IEXT. Tlie best ExtcrnnI in the "World for Irian or Ileuot. if human beings have been saved a life of misery, by lbeuecf thu invHluabl. Lini- ment. It will relie PAIN alcost inst.ntateoutly, and it will cleanse, purifr anJ hesl the foulest SORK in sn incredible short time McLEAN'f VOLl'ANIC OIL LINIMENT will most invetera't caea of Rheumatism, Oofft or Neu- ralgia, for Paralysis, Co.tracted Moscles, StlCnets orWesk seism the Joints. MujcI s, or Ligaments, it will nevei fail. Two applications will cure S. re Throat, Headache or Earache, For Burns or Scalds, or any Tais, it Is an Infallible Remedy. Try it. and you will find it an indi pensible remedy. Keep it always on hand. PLANTER8, FARMERS, or any one having charge of torses, will save money by using Mclean's Volcaric Oil Liniment. It Is a speedy and infallible cure for Galls, Sprains, Chafes, Bwelliag, Lameness, Sweeny, Sores, Wounis, Scratches, or any external disease. Try it, au.l you wlUbe conviuced. DR. J. U. McLXAN, Sole Proprijtor, SalLt Lonis, Mo. Torsale at Proprietor! prices by Berry & Denoville andG. W Henderahott mar-- M twiwly -- NEW ALLISON, ANDERSON & CO., jk Importer mid Jobfccru ol STAPLE: A FANCY DRY GOODS, & CLOTHING ' No. 41 Square, NASHVILLE,,, ,t : TENNESSEE. are now prepared to offer to cash and prompt time WE our u.ual assortment of biuing ani Bummer Dry Goocrand Clothing, and will make it to the interest cf all to exam lue goodmen 'ti;tLISON, ANDERSON t CO m Xatlivillo, Tenneaoce. Hotel If sif ated 01 Broad street, near th, Nashville THIS Decatur Railroad deot, convenient also to the Steamboat landing, and Is now conducted by w. K.IIacewt, (late of Giles county.) where he will use fc bsrf endeavors to make the house a home to the Travel" and the Boarder, prices to suit the times. Come and, try U I le't'' bis meats as to make sure connestca with any of tin 1 Trains leaving the city IIA7TKPiUKC AND REPAIRING. W. U I B D E K will henceforth mate nasavuie nisperD nent rcsi wnr,. an win tun,. I'ianofe. OrtianBi La JiiAel"uV"k tj tbe year or single itning, anucan muu cftti as since he will spend at least one week in every muauiinine c.ty and vicinity. He will visit regularly tbe townslsMidile, Weit.and East Tennessee, and North Alabama and Idississipj OrdersleftatBenson JtCo.'s Music Store,o Seed's Plata P.Toms. on Churca strest. CsmmrjiVcatioci by mail viU ha promptly attsniedto. prll d4wiw,tf H7T1 xxvi. TENN., MAY 1861. NUMBER PROCLAJJCATION lnttattIf.oayberandecuted. JIAKUFACTUKED. Cordial BLOOD PURIFIER taiiln&tilmuri THOUSANDS GOODS! BROADWAY HOUSE, O in ii inn. of 1861 PUBLIC SQVABf! Nashville,; Tens, rWhite StoneWare ! E ' ARTIOLBJ MADE. TAINTED STONE WARE, every article made PRINTED AND COMMON STONE WARE, Every Articie;niade. BISTO-XilS- xv car aKTicu Midi. French China, Gold Band, White and Glass Finest cut and cheap! est press. SILVER PLATED WARE, best goods made. TABLE CUTLERY, finest quality. Japan Tin Ware, GREAT TA LOOKIISTG- - GLASSES Every Sliei Coal Oii JLampSsj from SO cents to $15 each. BEST .COAL OIL CHILDREN'S Cabs and Carriages, SOME VERY FINE. FaEFKIGIRATORS & ICE CHESTS; Most approved make, WATER COOLERS. AND ZOO Bronze and Parian Figures. SOVE VERY FIXE Fruit Cans, Class and Tin, most approved. ItlUD CAGES, good assortment. BRITANIA AND BLOCK TIN "WARE, WOOD &, WILLOW WARE? House Furni&lilnc; Good Generally T0Y8 AND FANCY ARTICLES OF USE AND ORNAMENT In great variety. All of which will be sold 25 per cent, less than usual, For 0&,2Slx2 eratrtguUrprlcea&ai usual tin to PROM5T PAVING buyers; This stock is yery Is rge and complet e la Variety and Style, and c examination is solicited from the Wholesile and Retail trade by II. A. HICKS & CO. marlO JAMES M'LAUGHIiIN & CO., (S7CC5S0IU1 TO A. JSTXtESO C mmlsslrm. Feed t Produce .Slercbaataf siaucM u HAT, O.ITS.COEN, BRAN AND FEES BTUJP, iro. s so via uasksi stsesi, NASHVILLE, ...... TENNESSEE. Jan3-- tf Huinffariau iirass Seeds, SACKS HungariaaGra'S Seeds, for tale by JAMES M'LAUQHLIN A CO tf Potatoes. Potatoex. JUST received per steamer Nashville, 100 barrels ext a Ne PotatciS. for sale by JAMES McLAUGHLAH tt CO., JnW-t- f No. 8 Market street. Lard, Lard, Lard, JreirecelTtd per steamer Nashville, a choice lot of Per family use, for sale by JAMES McL VUGHLIN & CO., Jan27-- tf Ma. P Market street Flour, Flour, Flour. JUST received per steamer Nashville, SOO hags Extra Family forsale by jamxs Mclaughlin & CO., jaaS--tf No.8Marketstreet., i'LOUR. I'LOtlt. Q f f B 1GS Double Extra Family Flour, a aaperisr Whit ii J Jf J ust received, and for sale by james Mclaughlin co.. marl7--tf No. 8 Market st reet. ILVMS, HAias. ff T LBS Hires. Inst received sad for sale by' OvMfvr JAMES M'LAUGHLI & CO., marl7--U No. 8 Market street. SI UES AND SHOULDERS. V rfh 4 Ok LBS Sides and Shoulders, Just received 1 J.JJJ and for sals by ' JAMESM'LAUGLIN&CO:, mar!7--tf No. 8 Market street. BOLTED MEAL. 1 Vkk'BiHS Bolted Meal, in bushel bags, for family use, L-- r V J aft received and for asle by marl7--tf No- - 8 Market street. BRAN AND SIIIPSTIJFFS. BAGS Erin and Shlpstsffs, just received and for UUU sale, by JAMES il'LAUQI'LIN t CO., msrI7--tf No. 8 Market reet-t- s CORN, CORN. BAGS prime yellow and Mixed Corn, Just received and for sale by JAMES M'LAUQHLIN & CO., marI7-- tf Ko. 8 Market stree LARD, LARD. O lf lf KEGS prime leaf Lard, put up for family UK in rW V 39 tbs ltegs. Just received and (or sale by JAMES M'LAUQHLIN & CO., mar!7-t- f No. 8 Market street Hams, Hams. lnnn CHOICE HAMS, Just received and for sale by OUUU JASMcLAUQHLIN&OO. febl4-- tf Seed Corn. 8A0K8 Seed Com in the Ear, for sala by 500 JAMSS M'XiAUOHLIN & CO., eb5-- tf FRESIX MEAL. rereived and for sale 100 sacks Fresh Corn Meal by JUST - JAS McLACGHLIN & CO. janG-t- f No. 8 South Market streeti HAY, HAY. BALE3 Timothy and Hungarian Hay, Jut releived 300 and fcr sale by J AMi3 Sl'LAUUULlN & CO., marl7-- tf No. B Market atreeU OATS. ?f BUSHELS prime Bed Oats, just received and for JUU tale by JAMES M'LAUGHLINfc CO., FLOOR. A frf BBLS Superfine, Extra, Family, and Extra Family, Oll in store and to arrive per Rsilrotd and River, for sale on commission by W. WATT8 h. CO., febSO tf Nc. SBr.adway XTRA fine White and Blue Neshanock Potatoes, just receiv E ed per Uen Andeison, for sale by marH-t- f BENJ F SHIELD3 & CO. DIVIDEND. Tennesiei Marine and Fire Insurance Compon THE day declared a l dividend of six ddl per share, payable to the stockholders on demand. A. W. BUTLE R apl3-l- w Secret THE STAR GALLERY X Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes. MELAINOTYPES, 8PHEREOTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS. No ii, Union Street next door to Wess' A Thompson's. T. F. SALTZMAN, (lati orxiUTOK at Bronxs' aauxar.) fitted op rooms as above, exclusively for that HAVING cf business. Is prepared to receive the ladles and gentlemen of Nashville and make foe liaiUt of their faces, is he highest style cf the Art. Noexpensehas been spared either n furnishing his apartments cr procuring the latest and most xnproved apparat as ud materials, and the subscriber conftdent-initve- s all who may want pictures ts give him a call, pledging tlsfaction in evny case. TT? Entraneenevt doorfWestlto Weuel & Thompson. 5C3 T V. RALTZMAN Notice. copartnership heretofore existing under the style of THE GiutzxsoH & Co. was this day dissolved by mu tu&l consent. J K GoxutsoN retiring from the firm. JO EDWARDS, J. E. GILEERSON, Jury 14, 1600. K. P. EDWARDS. jo. Edwards, r. a. harms, i. r. xdwarss EDWARDS, IB A KRIS & CO., (SCCCXiSORJ TO EDWARDS GILZZRSOH & CO.) sfSTTTLL continue the Wholesale Grocery. 7orwardig and VV Commission business at the old lUnd, corner College, and Church streets July 15-- tf L A 1KE KINGSTON Ice Ooia3.i5a,33.3r- - undersigned have now on hand 4 COO tens a THE KAKE KINGSTON ICE, nd with such a supply they are ready to fill all orders. The depots uied lait 1 eason are re opened, and any orders left at them will receive prompt attention. CONRAD, 0HANDLER & CO., No 43 South College street. N. B Particular attention given to filling country orden.i msn2C-d2- m AM now receiving a fine assortment of I GAITERS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE They are ofeicellent quality and from the best manufacta rers.and will be offered low for cash JUUi A. 11A.UAUC, apI17-- tf No. 42 College street. 1861 SECOND IMPORTATION OF SPRIIG AND SUMMER GOODS! Tl IIPSDI i CO Are now receiving their Second Importation I OF THE SEASON. Figured Grenadines, Embroidered Poplins. Embroidered English Bareges Organdie Itluslius, Figured Llticn Cambric, Black Mantles, new styles; ITIonrning Goods, L Embroideries. Heavy Plantation Goods, Linons, Domestics, Ac., Ac. THOMPSON & CO,, ap!12- -tf war No. 59 College street. Plilladolph'rt Made Clotliinr;, aije roic Tsaxt Davs ohlt.) E are in receipt of an invoice of Coats. Fants and Vests, of anDorior styles, which are deeidrdly Oniir. apU-- tf BKNJ FSniEDStCO REU AND WHITE IRISH POTATOES AT AUCTION. ILL be sdded to our sale thismorning elphty barrels Fine Nehaaoek Potatoes, now landing from steamer. Nash Tille BENJ V SUIKLI'S&CU, aplG-- lt Central Rooms. Corn, ilay and ais. A SUPERIOR lot of Corn, Hay .and Oats, Just received l and foraiJeatlow Cjiresby COMBS It MARTIN. anl-- m Ii AD SEW C HOP i.'..,. Garden Seeds JUST RECEIVED BT STRETCH & FORBES, Druggists, cotsna coluux akd dkios tir.zrrs s7JON81STINa 1 all of.ha popular kinds, such as Silver Skin Onion Setts, Red Weathcrficld, do do, Extra Early Peas, Large HE arrowlat do, Valentine Beans! Sugar Parsnip Seed by the pound. Cabbage Seed " " Radish seed " " " Together with a large variety in Papers to which we invite tbe aiienuon 01 uarcseri apu otners. . s CHEAP CASH DRUG HOUSE! 3TRETCH & FORBES, Corner College & UnAoii Streets, HASUVILLE, TENNESSEE. Country Merchants, Physicians, Planters and close cashhuy will find it Terr much to their Interest to call and purchase their goods at the CUeap Cash Drue House of STRETCH & FORBES, They have row In store and are constantly receiving direc from first hand Importers and Manufacturers, everything per- taining to the Drug business, such a- s- Alcohol, Pure White lead, LlnstedOil, Castile Soap, Turpentine, Alum and Glue, Tarnishes, Cloves and Nutmegs, Window Glass Garrett's nus, Pntty, Tube Paints, Ind'go and Madder, Artists Brushes, Cuchineal, Fine Teas, Bird, feed, Sweedish Leeches. Wines and Brandies, Springs, Fnrs WW kies. STRETCH & FORBES, Are also Extensive Dealers in Ambrotrpe, Mclninotypo, PbotosrapU and Daguerreotype Goods, And Artists' Apparatus and Chemicals of every description n use. New Tork Bills duplicated In every instance, at Cost and Car- riage. ' STRETCH & FORBES Also keep on hand the largest and best stock of Trutscs and Supporters ever offered in this city. Whatever may be the site of the pa- tient, or the kind of hernia, he cm certainly be suited by calling at the Corxir or Cotxxox 1x0 Union Struts wtere can be found atoodassortmeat of Surgical and Dental Instruments, Lace Stockings, Enee Caps, Anklets,ic-feba.t- f BEFORE TARING THE AFTER TARING THE Elixir Elixir! DOCTOR RIGHT'S CELEBRATED REJUVENATING ELIXIR! Prepared on the strictest Pharmaceutical principles by one of the ablest Chemists ef the age. is altogether a new medicine, the result of mcdern THIS in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirely new and abstract method or cure, irrespective of all the eld and worn out systems published by accomplished quacks to the suffer- ing. Dr. Wright, wll knowing the deception practised upon the uninitiated, felt It his duty at once to have this Elixir tested by the whole Medical Facult i who, without even one dissenting voice, have given In their adherence to its perfect and undivided control over the whole physical man when his frame has been reduced, and when all other medicines known to the Fharmaco pceia have been tried in vain. t years of patient investigation, and a nil desporandum determination have crowned the Doctor's efforts, and be now offers the Elixir to suf- fering humanity as tbe only thing that can cure the following diseases namely: General Debility, Mental and Physical Degression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetits, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization of the Org&as of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitated state of tbe system. As a Stimulant, It is quite different from alcoholic preparations. It if not sub ectto reactions in any shape ; it continues ts exert Its influence gradually and efficiently, as long as the least necessity exists for Its presence. As a Female Medicine, It Is equally powerful and effective, and restores the equilibrium sooner and safer than all the other medicines which for years have flooded the market, and which are only Injurious, id place of assisting or renovating the constitution . for a very good rea son, too, that tbey are only made from the effusions of minds gnorant of the Medicat profession altogetlier. No Minerals 1 Dr. Wright thinks it well to stake bis professional character on the fact, that no minerals whatever form the least component parts of the ingredients of his Rejuvenating Elixir well know lng what ruin has been entailed on the community by opium and mercury. Generally, to the debilitated. Dr. Wrlgnt would say, Never despair. No matter how worn down jou may be, no matter how weak you are no matter what the cause may have been forsake at once whatever has led you to depart from Hygienic principles take his Rejuvenating- Elixir, And you will soon fid yourself a new man a pride instead o tbe reveise, to your friends, and a healthy, S9ind, and worthy La ember of the human family. Bj Price S- - per bottle, or three bottles for 85, and forward-e- d by mall to all par's or the United States. Sold by all respectable druggists throughout the United States and Canadas. Tbe trade supplied at a liberal discount. For sale by the proprietors. J. AVRIGHT 6c CO., 31 and 151 Chartres street, New Orleans, Lai Sold in Nashville by G. W. Hendershott, Berry b. Demoville, wing Pendleton, and all responsible dinggists oc2S OLD SACHEtfl BITTERS, AND WIGWAM TONIC. delicious and d Bitters are recommended by THESE Fhysidans of the country, on account of their PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. They are pleasant as nectar to tt'etsste, and are pronounced the best Tonic and Stimulant ever offered to the public. Their curative powers In esses of General Debility, Loss ot Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a guaran- tee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave to stats that our assertions are ecdo'sed by Prof SILIMAN, of Vale College. Prof. UAYSlS.of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. For sale by Grocers, wine Mero f , and Druggist generally. Principal Depot, 43 Walter 'HivrYork. decMy. SENT BY EXPRESS Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measura at $18 per doz. J or srsirortariNS dollars, ' Without Collars on,,with Collars on $2 pec dor. extra. MADE OF NETV-Y0E- MILLS MUSLEI, With fine, Linen Bosoms, and warranted as good a Shirt as sold la the retail storej'at J2.S0 each. ALSO, THE VERT BEST SHIRTS THAT CAN Be' . MADE AT 2 EACIL P. S. Those who think I cannot make a good Shirt for $1S per dosen are mistaken. Here's the cost of one j dozen $1S fine ehirts. 1 80 yards of muslin atl4)fe. per yd. $4 35 J yards of fine Linen, at 50c per yard, 3 SO Makingand catting, , 6 00 Laundry, $1; buttons and cotton, tOc 1 M Profit .2 b Total x. ?1S 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so easy to understand, that any one can take their own measure for shirts. I Warrant a good fit. The cash to be paid to the Express Company on receipt of goods. The Express charges on on dozen SKrts from New. Tork to New Orleans is $1. . P. S. -P- ARTIES WIsniNO tnHRTS IN HASTE, not having time to send for Rules of Measurement, should send per mail, prepaid, one of the best Dttlngthirts they have got, slating any alterations that may bo required. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White & Walker Streets, NEW-YOR- October 16, ly HORACE II. HARRISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Noi 42 Ocdar (Street, Opposite tin Catholic Ch,urci.,XatKvUU, lennetSM,) LL practice in the several Courts held In Nuhvili in the Chancery and CircultOccrts atMeMinnviilt. mhl9-dt- f. PORTEK, JOHNSON & CO. Tlie only Exclusively Wliolcialo DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Straw Goods in the crrr, No. 51 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN. imTE are now receiving aid opening an ent;rely new stock v of Snrlntr and Summer Goods, which we are offering with superior INDUCEMENTS to Fill for CASH or to frompt foyers on our usual lime, ana we assure inem vvis WILL mtke it to thus i.vrmtsT to call ana examine our iiocx before purchasing eleiewhere marl7-t- f B s B. S. WELLEIS, SR., woarjot u COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON X5D Ptll.VH III Agricultural Implements, FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS, ALSO BULBOUS ROOTS OF ALL VARIETIES, JTo. SO South road Street, KathxHie. P. 8. Roofiing and Guttering in Copper and Tin in the most superior styles, In town and country. Peck, Smith & Co. s Tin ners Machines and Hand Toouror sale. mh24 tf. NASHVILLE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL 8100,000 1 ALL PAID IN. Orncx at Ao. 3G, corner of Cedar ttrect and Public Sgvare, YKTILL take risks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build- - wv ings, Goods. Wares and Merchandize generally. Alsa, on Shipments against loss or damage by Seas and rivers to and (rom all points. AJjSU uiis on negroes againn we uangers oi me luveri DIRECTORS. Autx. Fall, W. T.Bzrrt, Airrnoxr W.TairLuat, Joed H. Ewiit, Jon EtRiKin, Hcsh McCrza, Jahxs Woods, Josxra Edwaiiss, R C.McNakt, Irbt Moasan, W, H. Evaks: ALEXANDER FALL, President; Jama Walxsx. See etary. aug!7. Jilliiil 40 Public Square, Nnsltvllle, IMPORTERS ASP pr.AI.KRS IX FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DKY GOODS Are now receiving and opening their stock of Spring Goo mating their aisortmaat full and complete. mar9-dl- stoves ! G-rate- s 2 TINPLATE I TINWARE ! &c. &ct arenow In receipt of a very large and choice selection WE Coal and Wood Cook and Heating Stoves, Parlor, Chamber and Office Grates. Tinplate, Block Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron, Zinc. Wire, Pressed, Japaned and common Tinware, all of the very best quality We are also still making that Justly Celebrated Wrought Iron Coofe Stove, tbe OLD HICKOEY which we offer at a reduced price. Call and see for yourselves at No. 46 North Market Street. aug28- -tf P. W. MAXEY CO Change or Location. compslled togo South, on account of the health BEINO I will be located for the winter at the Slav deDOt of Poindexter, Little it Co., No. 48 Barene street, Ne Orleans, where I will be pleased to see my friends, and will give prompt attectioa to me saie oi an property consignee me. aiy Agents, W Pate and Jas A Scruggs, will attend to my depot in Nashville, and negroes that cannot be so' in. Nashville, by them, will be forwarded me to Nt O cans. HoDing. by strict attent'on to business oa the part 01 my 'f and agents j to merit a continuance oi ui noerai patron .e - reioiore ex- tended me, I respectfully solicit the favors ot ill ving line, either for Nashville or New OrK s. novll-- tf WILL. L. Jr. NOTICE. have sold our entire Stock of Groceries, Liquors &c, WEto Messrs. Joynt it Treanor, and take pleasure In re commending them to eur Friends, and the Customers of the late firm of Griaham it Haffaker, as merchants who are in every way worthy of their confidence and support. ilAJ. JTAlU.il HilUiUiUJ. Nashville, Dec. 17, 1SG0. JOYNT V TREANOR, WHOLESALE GROCERS A!tt DEALXK9 IN LIQUORS, PRODUCE, AND TOBACCO, No. 53, Market Street, Nashville, - - - Tennessee. decl9-t- f LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE R. R. Notice to Shippers of Freights from the At-lan- tic Cities to Nashville and Points South. OF LADING or contiacts signed by any authorized BILLS of tbe Railroads mimed below, wilt be recognized by the agentof the L. & N.R. B. at Nashville, and settlements made accordingly. Fkox Bon on Fitchburg RiilRoad, Boston, Worcestor and Western R R., New York Central R R., New York and Erie R R., Pennsylvania Central Kit., Baltimore and Ohio RR. From. Nxw York Hudscn River RR , New York Central R R.. New York and Erie R R., Pennsylvania Central It R., Bal- timore and Chio R K. Frojc ran Pennsylvania Central RR., Philadel- phia, Wllmingtin and Baltimore R R-- , Baltimore and Ohio R R. Frox BaLimoRz Pennsylvania Central R R-- , Baltimore and Ohio R R. Mark packages via L. & Ni R. R. J. B. ANDERSON, Super't. J. F. Botd, Freight Ag't. fsbirt dim Scientific lliscovery .fjlcctria "Water. 1 T is well known to the profession that Electricity is the great B mtitar lit llf. Y.Trrr reraedr wh'eh reallv cures diie&a. 'does ao because of Its electrical adaptation to the wants of tbe invalid. By the use of such remedies and warm Elxctmc Watxr, in which patients are bathed in currents or electricity, Ladlrsbeing attended by a Lady. I am curingall kinds of old and obstinate complalnta which have reflated all other mean) of cure: "Consumptives receive new life,' but In such cases, where patients are too weak to visitme, I treat them by th Eromjion Uotpltal uAalafions, which are breathed into the diseased lung, rlhtat the teat of the disease. (Sead two stamps for a pamphlet ) Other patients who cannot come to tte'HiiUK9 Watirs,'' can, by tending a fee their nje sex and full description of symptoms, have medicines tent to them. (Send for a circular.) The Electric Waters extract all mineral substance taken as medicine or otherwise absorbed. The ex perience'f over twentv years In the treatment ot many theus-an- d chronic cases and Woman's diseases and "weaknesses, cay be regarded as a reasonable guarantee of rncceu. Jy Rooms and Boarding- Furnished to Patients. QI PnYSIOIANHwho may wlsht. avail themselves of thlsval-sabl- e discovery in Electric Baths are invited to call at my office atN. 14S, South Summer street. Hours from 8 A M to 3P M. every day exnept the Sabth. Address DR. WOMBAUGH, mar2'Gl-d&tw- ly Nashville, Tenn. REMOVAL. Wl 11 Bve removed cur Froiuce and Commission business totbehotssNo.5jeIlege street, between Union and Church, foimerly occupied by Nicol, Green & Co, where we shall keep constantly on hand a large sleek of all articles In the Produce line, which we are prepared to sell at the very lowest cash prices. B. B. CONNOR tVlBO., BarSl-t- f No, S College street, txtwsen Union it Cturci. 4MERICAN, x . LMiL'MJ roL NASHVMiLE, THURSDAY, Strengthening ItlcLcun'sStrcnctticMlnc SPRING Spring Fancy Ware, JPCtTOL&ll?& 1861 Dally IS? Trl-Wec- SJ Weekly 82. Rates of Adyertlslnff. TSIT LUTES OR LIS CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. 121 HB DAILY. One insertion, 11 00 Each additional Insertion, 30 1 Week 3 00 Each additional square, s 150 8 450 2 00 1 Month," 600 00 2 .. 9 00 SO 3 12 00 00 0 13 00 00 12 - 25 00 10 00 RSaiWABLS AT PLXASTTRl. One Square, oc year. J30 Each addltioEal Square, J10. tlvortiscrs cxccedlnartho space contracted for, will he charged for the excess. IB THE WEEKLY. On Dollar per Equare for the first, and jTittt Corn for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements published in both the Daily and Weekly, wil e charged the full dally rates with one-ha- the weekly rat added. . IrantUntAd-cerlilevient- t nvitle paid for at tie timeo butrtion. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Uxioi axo Amaicax cowl uct id ilrictty upon tie Cash tyttem. All pa pert are dtteonti. ved at the expiration of the time for which they hate been paid. Sitiicrlieri will le notified when their tulttriptlon Is about to expire, by a crocshark on Ihelrpapere; andun-leetth- e lubeeription it renewed the paper triif be dltconttn. ued. ThUU a rule from vhich there tsOl be no departure. Watch for the cross mark, and renew your eubtoriptlon. Weekly Union sjid AstZRtcaif tl per annum in advance. Uhiox axo Axxricax as per annum in ad- vance. II T Subscribers desiringtheir papers changed must mention the Post Office from, as well aathe one to. which tkpv deilr tha change to be made. DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT. OFFICIAL. Decisions of tbe Supremo Court or the Mate of Tennessee at Nashville, De cumber Term, 18RO. Oinnawsy and wire and others vs. Jas. A. Tarpley and others. This is a contest between the complainants and tneir latner, James A. Tarpley, wno died alter the niing ot me bill, as to the title ot a negro slave Amy and her ten children. The father claims the slaves as his absolute and several property, and his children insist-tha-t tbey are entitled as joint owners under the will of their grandfather. Uader Dement. The case must be determined by the construction of the will. Cader Dement made his will in 1818, and died the next year. He directs that all his property, both real and personal, be sold and divided into fourteen shares, and designates tho persons by name, who are to take each. His daughter Charlotte, who bed married James A. Tarpley, was then dead, leaving the complainants as her children. About that time Tarpley married a second wife, by whom he after wards had children, but Lad none by her at the date ol the will. The clauses of the will upon which a construction is now to he placed, are the lollowmg : 1. " Une share to James A. Uarpley and his cuid- - ren. 2. " Be it understood, that each leratee has re ceived heretofore, it is to be reduced out of their part," He then proceeds to specify what each had received in dollars and cents, whether m property or money, and in relation to this case, says : o. "James A. larpieyand his wile Charlotte hare received six hundred and fifty dollars, including one negro woman and her children, by tfie name of Amy, thai inev received at ten years old, or their part." jnow the question u, whether under these pro visions the title to Amy ana her children vested soiely in the Jatuer, Jas. A. Tarpley, as an advance ment to his wile, or to him jointly with his child ren. The rule that the intention of tbe testator must be collected from the will itself, and not elsewhere. or by parol evidence, except in case of latent am biguity, does not iorbid a reference to the statute of tacts under which the will was made, but an in vestigation of tbe surrounding circumstances often tends to illnstrato the true intention and meaning of the testator, "lo this end, it is obviously essen tial that the judicial expositor should place himself as tuny as possible in tho situation of the person whose language ne has to interpret; and guided by the liett thus thrown on the testamentary scheme he may find himself justified in departing from the strict construction ot the testator s language.-- 7 1 Jar. on W. 3C3 and notes. Thu?, facts may be proved to show the state ot the testator s property, or such tacts as were Known to him, that may have intlu enced the detention of his property in a particular way. s ricK. J13,;4UU. According to these rules and authorities, we may iu this case look to the fact that the daughter of the testator was dead: that complainants were the grand-childre- n, and that the woman Amy and her children had been claimed by him up to the time of making his will; that this claim had always been admitted by his Tarpley, in executing his notes for nominal hire and permitting him to pay taxes, doctor's bills &c for them. We may also take into consideration the speakin" fact that these slaves were of three or four times the value of the part of the estate given to larpiey and.tns children. in view ot these lacu, it could iiardly be sup posed that it was the intention of the testator to cive all these slaves to the son-in-la- and still make him equal with his children in the one-fo-ur teenth. Yet, if this has been explicitly done, or if the language used will admit ol no other fair con struction, it must be so, as we cannot make a will for the testator by conjectural interpretation upon our notions ot wnat he mignt.or should have done Our duty is to expound, and not to create or alter. This cannot be done by parol evidence ot intention or declaration. So, the question is, what is the fair interpretation of what we ana written, considered in the light ol all the surrounding circumstances. Tarpley cannot controvert the perfect right of the testator to theve slaves at the time of making his will. lie la e8toped in every lorm from doing so. He gave his note lor the hire the very year the will was made, as he had done lor many years before. It is not material whether tlie hire was nominal or not. It was a written recognition of tlie right. He cannot then claim them as an advancement to his wife to which his marital right attached. If that ever could have been done, it was waived or sur rendered. Tho right ol property then was in the testator, and the question is, was it disposed of bv the win; ana it so, to whom, me language is am: t- - i : t. : m... C- - jr, uiguuus aim Jiie.iiiuii. ih is ujaiiuegv iieuiu not in- tend to die intestate as to them or anything else he owned. This the law never presumes. And tie reference made to them in the third clause show that they were not intended to be permitted. But to whom did the title pas3 by the will ? To no one by express words, but only by implication. He saw fit to make his w equal with his grard children in the general legacy ot 1 1 his whole estate. Hut as between them and hb other children, there was to be dedncted Irom that $G50, which their mother and father had previously received from him. In this sum was expressly in cluded the slaves in question, at a valuation he arbitrarily nxed upon tnem. They were re quired to be accounted for as a part of the $050, and not at tneir real value at that time lie had an unquestionable right to set any price upon them he saw proper, as the sum to be accounted for by these legatees. He could as well reler to the value of the girl Amy at two years old, as to the present value of her and her increase. E e could do what he pleased with his own, and no one had the power to question it. It would seem most unreasonable and unnatural to suppose that he in- tended to give to this branch of the family five or six thousand dollars worth of slaves at 3650; and that without including his grandchildren in its bene fits. He surely eould not have intended to give all this to the father who was a stranger to his blood, nd then let htm in to an equal participation with his grandchildren in tbe legacy of and that even to be reduced to the extent of ths value he fixed upon the slaves. It would be a most extrordinary case if such was the purpose. To adopt that as the scheme of the will and the inten- tion of the testator, would require language so clear and explicit as to admit of no other construction. It is contended that the third clause cited shows clearly that tho slave Amy was an advancement, because he says they received her at two years of see. and tlie law in relation to advanced property is carried out by fixing her value at that time as the sum to be accounted for. Ihe word used is not "advanced" or given, but "received." This would apply as well to a loan as a gift. It affords no aid in .arriving at the character of the transaction. But the S650 is intended expressly to include Amy and "her children." But the antiquity on this point is entirely removed by the fact that the right and title of the letter was claimed and admitted up to the time of his death. An advancement passes the right. This, then, was not an advancement as the title was retained. But it is recited in the will that the S050 for vhich they are to account Amy and "her children," not the woman alone. As, then, the amount for which he saw proper to make this share account was to oper- ate as a reduction of the joint bequest to the father ot and children, the slaves which it expressly " includ- ed" mu3t have been intended to pass to the same persons. We think tho will is susceptible of no other sensible construction. This comports with the natural feelings of the testator, and the oppo- site construct-'on'woul- d be in palpable conflict with thenr. The conclusion to which we are brought, therefore, is, that the title to these slaves was vested by implication in the father and his children, as did the one fourteenth minus the SCjO. This being so, the father could not resist their right even if the slaves had belonged to him as he has received under the will his part of the fourteenth. And this upon ed the rule that one cannot take a benefit under a will, and set up any claim against it. Having elected to claim under it, he cannot claim against it, But the application of this principle would of course de- pend upon the conclusion that the slaves were dis- posed of in the wilL And that, wo have seen, is the proper exposition. Yet there is nc necessity to resort to that rule, a3 Tarpley had no title at the death of the testator, and consequently nothing of his is bequeathed to raise the question of election to claim under or against tho will. As to the plea of the statute of limitations it is only necessary to bay, that as Tarpley was a tenant in common or joict owner with high cildren, and for most of whom he was guardian, his hold must be regarded to have been under the joint title. The facts proved do not make out a case of adverse to holding under such circumstances as to avoid this presumption and give him the benefit of the statute of limitations. To make this defence available, he must show clearly that he held solely for himself, adversely to the rights of complainants, and that they had knowledge of such claim find holding. This is not made out by him. Indeed the prorf seems not to have been directed to. that defence, but the contest was waged upon th 'construction of the will, and the supposed adrancepsent, Oa this branch of the case tie Court properly decreed that Amy and her ch'tldren, aswell aa the of Cader Dcment'a estate, should be equally divided between the complainants, and their lauier, he accounting for those he had sold, culty! r brancIlofthecase presents lessdiffi- - At the aalr-n- f t,o t.j ,. a t, ofiar lfV the- - purchaser iich ha executed his note?. Af- - T guardian Tor sir of and took up hi, notes for the land from " ""wuy executing his guardian for the amount due to his W self perhaps, under the will a thr,Xi estate.. In effect.this was purchase of itia lnri with the money ot the wards. He was. aoij their guardian at the time oi his purchase, but wasiat the time of payment, and as guardian tested their funds in the land. What difference can it make In princi- ple, whether this was done at or after the contract of purchase? It was in the one case, as well as the other, the conversion of the trust fund into land. It is every where laid down that in such a case the owners of the fund m3y elect to take the land in- stead of the money, whenever the fact comes to their knowledge. It is not two late to do this after thev have received the fund if they were, not aware of the investment at the time. To preclude them oa this ground it must appear that they knew their rights and made 'their election understandingly, or that they have delayed too long to assert them. Their right to the land is not a resulting trust properly so called, as stated in the decree. That is well established by the authorities cited in the ar gument, iiut it is an equitable right of the owners of a trust fund to pursue it. into any property in wnich the trustee may have invested it- - 2 Kent, 22D and notes. The case of Turner vs. Pctigrew and others, C Hump., is conclusive, without refer ence w other authorities. There is no distinction in principle between that case and this. It is. however, not clear from the nroof thai: the whole consideration for the land was paid out of the trust fund. If that were not so, tho decree is wrong in vesting tho title to the whole of the land in- - tha warus. lhey would only be entitled to an interest to the extent that their funds were applied to the payment ui me consideration. This must be refer- red to the Master to ascertain and renort. In all other respects we think the decree is right and it will be affirmed. The cause will be remanded for the aerea, ine sate oi tne land and such further orders and decrees as the rights of the parties may re quire. The costs of this Court will be paid out of the common fund. Caectiiee3. Since writing the above opinion, the counsel of defendants have directed our attention to the ques! tion made in the argument, as to the right of the widow of James A. Tarpley to a dower in the 157 acres of land in controversy. There is nothing in tne pieaaings to Dring up that question, but as the case is remanded it may be presented by the nrocer amend, or a distinct application on the part of the widow. We think it very clear that she has no right to aower out or the insterest of the complainants who were the wards of her husband, for as to that, ne never was seized arowner, but only as trustee for them. So far as he paid for the laud out of oth er means, the trust does not attach, and to that ex: tent she would have a right to dower, and no fur- ther. Her husband died testate, and she did not dissect from his will. Butthat provides that she shall have legal dower, and gives her the same in terest as in case of intestacy ordusent. But the question as to any right to dower as against the deed of trust to McCullough will be leit open for the Chancellor, after taking the account ordered. Caecteeks. HUNTSYILIE HOTEL, HUN TSYILLE, ALA. House Is now open for the accomodation of the Public TniB rooms are aU large, well ventilated and furnished la the best style with new and beautiful furniture and carpets. Tbe Public Rooms and Halls are lighted by Gas. Tbe Ladies and Geatleman'a Parlors art furnished in a spies-di- d and luxurious style, comfortable and inviting. THE TABLE shall at all times be supplied with everything a good home and foreign market can afford, and having in my employ good and experienced cooks and tabl. servants, everything shall be pre- pared and scried in the best manner. THE BAR Is furnished with old and excellent Liquors and Wines, com- prising all the most popular brands, both native and foreign growth Connnected with this house Is a splendid BILLIARD SALOON 1 containing three fine tables, affording a pleasant and health, recreation (or a leisure hour. Everything inmypoaer shall be done to make the guests cf the House comfortable. feblS dim. JOHN P. LEE, Superintendent. Hawthorn" for Lease to a Good Tenant. I Desire to place my late residence Iff miles west of the Pub lie Square in the hands of a good Tenant for a series of year upon very easy terms. The premises contain about 13 acres superior soU, about half la cultivation the balance tn shade aa blue grass. Tbe bouse, with 8 rooms, porches, excel lant cellar ervants houses, (table, well, &c. are all new and coofortabl To the Gardener, ths Dairyman, er Gebtleman, seeking aco quiet ana reiirea spot tor nis lamny, iree rrom tne neat ana an of the town, I can say no place for rent in the vicinity of Nash vilie offers supericr attractions. To tneaignt man i will make tne terms acceptable. No. i . Cherry street EUGENE UN DEBWOOB decU-- tf NEW HOOKS T71 HAGAN it CO. have just received the following new Books; Secession, Coercion and Civil AVnr; Theater 01 J30I. A rtlcssago from the Sea. Cloth, 1 voU 1.2S. The 'Crossed Path t A Novel by Wllkie Collins, Aumor n oman in nmie, etc., etc Father, Son and the Pope; pp. 25 cents. For sale V. HAQAN & CO. SOUTHERN MADE STOVES ! J. W. WILSON, 17 COLLEGE STEKIT, NASHVILLE. manufacturer of Stoves, Tin Ware Ax. M AEES four sites of the Tcnnessean, A W ron uli t Iron Cooking Stove, made In all its parts In this eity, and out of the best Tennessee routnt Iron, and will last with care 10 to Is years. This Stove combines convenience, economy to fuel, ease of management and durability, and Its arrangement Is peculiarly tdapted for tne use of large families. Hotels and riantationa, as the largest size will cook for one hundred persons. It has twenty vessels, beside a permaneat Copper hot water Boiler. They have been tested some ten years; and have continued to held intavorby all who hare them in use. Tbe Stoves and vessels can ready for use, to any part of He country. Orders for them filled without delay, and tatisracuoD guaranteed in every case. Pilces3,S0,sj90,and3125Ch. J. 'W. WILSON, mar?7-I-ra 17 College street. Chronicle. Auauita, Gt.: Telegraph, Vaeon. Ga.r Sun. Co lumbus, Q a. : aliaiisif pplan, Jackson, Miss. ; , Holly Springs alias., True uemccrat, ucue atet. Ark.; aau, Montgomery, Ala.: copy to amount or 17 and send bill to this office, and send oiiO copy of paper containing It to the advertiser. NOTICE Hunting and ir'ishintr; Forbidden. T71R0M and after th's date, HUNTING and FISHING art S' positively forbidden on our Isnds. As eur places are post-- we will hereafter enforce the law against all pertont found trespassing upon tnem. 1'ilAill.AS HUflbfcl, WM.R.XLLI3T0N, JA8. T. ELUSION, WILLO WILLIAMS. PBANE MrGATuCE. VM.U SMITH, ARCHER CHEATHAM, JOHN H. McOAVOCK, WJI. 0. UABDINQ, DANL. GRAHAM. Richland Tnrnplke. asllS dim Gazette copy one month and charge this office. F UK HI Ai & VO ., WHOLXSALZ OIALXU IX AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRV UOODS, HAVE recelvedor the Springand Susemx Trade ot 1W1 usual stock of cheap Goods, consistlRg in part of British, American and French Cloths, Caasiraeres and Testings, Ermines. Cottonades, Hosiery and Linen Dusters, Ducks ice. A very choice assortment of Ladies Dress Goods. Bxrfee. An. glaise, Lsvetlas, Faullards, Organdies Lawns, Ginghams, fancy soiia uartges, inujaiuii, etc., nc. a superb lot or Lbe best brands oM 9Bro. Domestics extra heavy Cotton Tarns; allot wblch will be sold at prices in keeping with the times for vain or .snaaiup paper. PUBHAN it CO., aplj-gmd- w near the Suspension Bridge. WAR NOTICE. "OBOM and after this date, we will not fill orders for any de-- ' scrlptlon ot Usodj, unless accompanied with the Cash. Being obliged now to pay caah for ererr article we purchase. our rrinds and the public generally will at once see the necessity this coursa on our part. Our stock cf Groceries and Confee- - tionaries is now run an4 well assorted, and Csah Dealers will uuu unr uouj too piace lo purcnase THOMPSON, 8fiUtx atu., apRO-- tf No. SI Market street. HIACACLAY'S ENGLAND, fp HE Attn volume la Cloth and Paper, received and for sale br ;T. HAUAIt c w. apll&-t- f 41 College strest. DR. S. J. COBB a the Cherry street. No. W, opposite Theatre, ??J?l J- - to receive and wait upon any person he will hard and warlike, atlon perfermed. and ai times ,re thatwiffi call at my effice and have " don' ,iT,,rmtU a0UUD' ,M , ""r S. j; COBB. PROCLAJrIATION. Governor of the State of .TcsiHessce counties cr Warren, Camwn. Coffee, 45! SZ. Iranklin Lincoln. Giles, Bedford. Marshall, TLTf ri Williamson, lliexmaa .itaroin, vrayne, Maury. You are hereby commanded "L'ii:;; Election, at alltn. places cf toidlng elee ."S t?Mtf TV eounties.onthe 8ih day of June next. la.I,ZV. .S, notice required by law, f the election ol of the JHlltUof said State, l55S2bffito aai .return thereof aai. "0 whereof, I have hereunto set ay hand I and' caused we w w uc auiacu l-- ( at Nashvule, tne aia uay oi April, ico i By tha Governor: I3HAM 0. HARRIS. J. E. BAY, Secretary ot Btaie. apStWtwiwtde BXEAL AND K KAN Si pf f BAGS extra Family (bonea j Meal, illJ 5 barrels White Brant, very fine. jteeeiveaiaisuaj, " ;TT 4p120-- tf C0HB3 MARH- N- B B CM NO BR., No. 5 College Street. (ifiaeral ProeiHce and GoHiilssliB 0RES23.7rLLZD AT TSS 10 WIST KA2S2Z ISICS Personal Attention arlToa to CONSIGNMENTS. PRODUCE. WE ABE DAILY RECXIYI3Q AND WILL SILL 70Z lowest Cash Price, Hay. Oats, Bran, . . Shorts, . Flour, " ."" Irieni, Fetatees, Onl9BS, Apples, BaceH, iLard, And all other kinds of Produce and Fteda? mar2t-- tr B. B CONNOBfcfBBO. DOEEISS & KITCfl. Iron Tousders and Manufacturers sf COOKINU AND HEATING STOVE HOLLOW-WAR- E AND CASTINGS, or all anise Noi 49 aiaurltet Street, (Gorsor's Buck.) apr!2 HAY, CORN, OATS &c. GEO. K. ZPJTTOlSr, CemmlssioH merchant, Feed and Produce Healer, No. 24 Fourth Sreef, between Ilain and the River, LOUIS VILLI, ST. , KZP3 constantly on hand targe supplies of Hay, Cora, fX Oats, Brao, Shorts and Shlpttuffs, ready to fill orders on the shortest notice. Personal attention girea to ths sal of Dried Traits. Eggs, Onions, Apples, Potatoes, 71oar,2aeon, Lard, feathers, etc Orders for Groceries. Liquors and Manufactured srUclei soils ted and filled on the mest favorable terms. L icral cash ad vances made cm consignments. JacO-- U (Successor to Barge & Swann,) WH OLESALE GBOCES , ass nsnri is FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIU Colts, Corner College and Church Street- -, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. now In store a large and well selectm ttrcx of HAS Liquors, &.c sad will continue- torscctrola large quantities during the season. His stock now in ators oca fists in part as follows, viat Sugars. SOO hhds Louisiana Sugar, 100 bbls Lo Taring's D. B., 1UU bls LoTirtzg 1 D K, rowaerea. Crushed. S3 ooxes DELoif, 330 do Small Loaf. Coffee. 300 bags prims Bio, 60 bags prims Lagoyra, iuu ao u.u.jara. Jxolassest 303 bbls Choice P laatation, 25 bam is N 0 Synrt,1 600 H do da 35 packages St. Losis. Sundries. 500 bxsS'-a- r Candles, - 500 Jhxi Star Candles, 300 X do 300 da bar Soap, SO bxs Tallow Candles, 75 hags Spice. 100 bags Pepper, TSbxigroaci Pepper, 500 bbls New Yerk and Roaen-30- 0 exiki Soda. dale Cement, 100 bxs do la paper, 30 sacks Baca Ginger, 30 dolndigo, extra 2m, 2 cases Dutch Madder, SU tes fresh BJce, SOU dozen Painted Buckets, 130 nests Painted Tubs, LIQUORS. 500 bbls Tena. White Whisky, 300 bbls Deaa'i extra Whisky, I0U do Bourbon do luida ward at carys do 30 do Robertson co do 125 do Old By da 3 casta Jean Louis Brandy, 40 da do Newsua'i do 3 do Louis La Berton do 50 da Julius H. Smith's 014 SO bbls Cherry Brandy, Reserve Whisky, S3 do Blackberry do 5 casks Catawba Brandy, 10 do Peach do 40 bbls Grape da 40 1 lScaaks Selgnette do S3 do Ginger da IS bbls Bum Gin, SO do Apple it 10 casks Sherry Wiae, S5 f esks SeignatU do 25 bbls Malaga do 10 bbls Holland ain, 35 kegs Lemon Cardial, 35 da Swan do 10 cases Champagne, K pints, 15 casks Madeira Wine, S3 bxs White Wine, SO do Old Port do 130 bbls Vresa Ale, various 10 bbls do Ginger da brands, 25 baskets Chsmpagne, pt's S3 bxs Claret Wine, and quarts. 20 do London Porter. Tobacco. 200 bxs Ta., assorted brands, 300xsTena assarted brands, 10O do Sy., da do ISO do Mo , da o 75,000 Imported Cigars, 100,001) Domes tie Cigar. febZ-- tf J. M. SWANN A Good Farm for Sale. offer for sale the place on which G K Coleman has live WE 1S33, and known as the Sogers land, lying oa Tellow Creek. Dickson county. Tenn, partly on the- - stars road, within one mile of Wllllamsville, and three miles of tha Nuh-- "villxnd Northwestern Railroad; a healthy, plea -- ant and beau tiful part of Tennessee. Said land oonta-n- s abvut two asadred And ninety acres eighty acres cleared, and about fifty acres good land to clear; it Is la a good stateaf cultivation, with' dwelling-house- Also, two good orchards, and several never-fallin- springs of excellent water : well timbered, and can certainly Ix made ore ef the moat desi- rable atKk-fum- s in this section of country. We promise s bargain In this land, and will sell lor cftah, cr on time with Inter- est For farther- - information call on Jamts McNsilly, who lives near said place, or tha undersigned at Fowler's Landing, Tennessee river. BTRNfc BROTHER. Vhion and American copy, and charge J&aocate. sepSS tf CAIN 3c CORNELIUS, FUNERAL UNDERTAKERS, 49 CATCH STSIZT, Nashville, Tennessee, Marchl7-3- m PROCTER &6A2 21 West Second Street, C I M 0.1 It NA T I . Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la STAR AND TAIXOW CAHDX.ES, Olelne, German and Palm Soap, Lard OH Pearl Starch, Fancy Soap, 4c. CANDLES SOLD Br ACTUAL WEIGHT. it la well known that many Star Candle! that art really n.u,i.ii,bnmial and sId aa "sixes " Tber is a disadvantage and a loss la this practice to bo ta retailers and .r. ir th Candles are bouaht at s redactieo of two cents per lb. frcza the price f the reglsr article. Thus t A box of "Sixea"anoiTwna!rr, contains zi'J candies, ..ji.MMf.,unnit nr 13 ets ...87 SO A box of Sevens contalnleg ths sama number of Candles, tame size Is sold lor as lot, acis-i- . , -- v cls a ew bnvlnr by weight - i And thUdifferencs beeotnet greater as tha pries advance. It Iaobviouathathe.reiailerean-gttn- more for hit 240 Caa dies In one esse than In th Other, consequently on every boa dred boxes of "short weigh- t- he tells, he loses roATT bollasj) mar3U m JE3L cfc J" . ILVTo-tss- , CLOTHING, AT WBOLXSALX ARB RRTAU, Ne. 44 South market Street, NASVUILLE, - - - - - TENNESSEE, RZEP constantly en hands large assortment of Kesssty Clothing, orthmrowo Manufacture. And variety of Gent's Furnishing Goods, etc, which wUI bt sold ai lowest market price for cash. Ni B. Oansenta itad is order in tbe latest stylet, at tho shorUst notice. mart yaij une AFHICSU lot of Sliver Onion BetUaadfuapkinSeed, and for sale try ITESW BACHELOR; By Jno. T. Irving, nepfce - of "iTh Ingtoa Irving. THE ATTORNEY, or the Correspondence of John Quod. By the same author. HISTORY OF THE UNITIO' maxuMXtewua, from the death of WUliamth Silent lathe Synod .fDert, with s foil vtow of the English-Dutc-h struggle against Spain, andthaoriglaanddestrsruosof th Spanish Armada. By John Lothmass Motley, LL.B,3L Caud author t ta. "Dutch Republic" Just received and for salt by Tl HA9A3 It CO. 3strJ-- ' 41 Collate stmt. xoaux Ben's Uiansttait AslatltHi. B H MeAlUamr, P; B 3 BrlghtwtU, O S; PL Nicho!, X WH Mcrroc.Troa. MMttngj every loaadat; xifH a47C cloak. -

Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1861-05-02 [p ]. · 1 2. 2 01 15HAM 6. HARRIS, 1 r thfi State ol Tennessee STUof 'toreLIshamV Harris, Governor as aforesaid, by TlSSrif

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Page 1: Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1861-05-02 [p ]. · 1 2. 2 01 15HAM 6. HARRIS, 1 r thfi State ol Tennessee STUof 'toreLIshamV Harris, Governor as aforesaid, by TlSSrif


2. 2




r thfi State ol Tennessee

STUof'toreL IshamV Harris, Governor as aforesaid, byTlSSrif thfr-an- d authority in me Tested,, hereby offer

a reward of tie hundred and fifty dollart, to any person er per-m-

who may apprehend raid Baxter, and delrter bin to the(Sheriff or Jailor of ourceunty oT Bedford, In order that Justice,

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my handf and earned tbe enat al of the State, ti be Affixed atJL.8 Nashville, tneiauiaay ol Zlaicn, itKl.

S By the Govern-- : ISlIAMa HARMS- J. IS B.Xay, Secretary of State.

DESCRIPTION .Said Barter ti about ID yeara of age, Tery ilia, tlx. feet high.

ligai nair aua iigui complexion.mar20-lr- a


. , NO MARKET street.Nas livi lie, Tennessee.... i

WE hareapprovedon hand and' are constantly (applied with the




MACHINES AND imPLEILIEXTS.Portable Steam Engines, SIThreshing Machines,

Reapers and Mowers,Straw Cutters,

' ' ' Corn Sbellen. .' " - IFitld Rollers,

Circular 8awMJll,Seed Powers

WheatGrift Mills,

Cider Mills,Hay Pre iset.

Sugar Mills,Horse Hay Bates,

iit. Cultivators,Harrows,

Churns,Olorer Hullers, etc i

OloverSeed.Timothy Seed'

Clean Bine Grass Seed,Orchard Grass Seed, ,

Stripped Bine Grass Seed, ' '

Herds Grass Seed,Millet Seed,

Hungarian 8eed,Buckwheat 8ed, a. .

Lucerne Beyl,Osage Orange Seed.

Springand Fall Buley,Oats;


I, T .Perennial Bye Orasi ca .

SUNDRIES.Flitter Paris,

Land Plaster,Guano,' Hydraulic Cement.)




in The "World,AM) THE

Most Delicious

Delightful CordialIYER TAKEN

The thousands npon thous-ands who are daily using Mc-

Leans Strengthening Ceidial,cert fy that it is absolutely aninfallible remedy for rsnon- -

: vaUngand Invlrroratl ticMore taking.the Biood restoring the side, suffering invalid' to

HEAL'sH AND STRENGTHThere is no mistake About It.It will rare T.!ver rjomnlainls. Dysnensia. Dlarrhcea. Drsen

tery, ndache, De jeuion of Spirits, Ferer and Ague, InwardFerer, Bad Breath, o r any disease 01 me urer, Btomacfi or jctels.

O" GENTLEMEN, do yen wish to be Healthy, Strong andVigorous J

ft"? LADIES do you want the Bloom of nealth to mount toyour uneeas again i taen go i u uu gci

Cordial and IlloodPurifier.

IVlay not a moment: it is warranted to glre satisfietion. Itwill sure any disease of theKidoeys.Womb.or Bladder; Faint-ing, Obstructed Menstruation, Failles; of the Wormb, Barrenness, or any dtseti s arising from Chronic or Nervous Debility,it is an Infallible Remedy.

FOR CHILDREN.So you wactyour-delicat- sienlr.pnny Children, to be nealthy

Etront aai Robust 7 then give them McLKAN'S STRENGTH-ENI5-

CORDIAL, (see the direeUons on each bottle) it is delido us to takeJO Ooe taken every nomine fasting, is a sure

. 'preventive sgslnst Crllls and Fever, Yellow Fever, Cholera orany preralling dltease.

JJj.CAOIIoN J Beware of Druccists or Dealers who may.'' , try to palm uppn you a botUe of BIttrrs or Sarrarilla, C bich

they can buy cheap.) ky nylsn it is Juit as good There areeven men BASE enough tc stea partofmy name to dab theiTILE decoctions Avoid sueV In'amous PIRATES and theirTilliano s compounds ! Ask for Dr i. II. .MeLean'sMiength-enin- g

Cordial and BIoi Puriner Take nothing else. It is the' fenly remedy thatwll Purity your Blood thorouihly. and, atjXlhe same time. STREN'JTHKN and INVIGORATE the whole

organization. It is put up in large Bottles SI rer bottle, orsix botltles for 5.

DR J. II McLE N. Sole Proprietor,Corner of Third and Pine streets. It. Louis, Mo.

DICITIcLEAN'S UNIVERSAL 1'Jl.LS,For Elver Complaints Ililiousncn Head-

ache, Ac,nnnEBE has nevrr been a CATHARTIC medicine offered toI the public, that has given such entire satisfaction as MC-

LEAN'S UNIVERSAL PILLS.Eel n if entirely vegetable, they are perfectly innocent and can

be talca by the mot tender infant; yet prompt and power'ul inremoving all Bilious secretions. Acid or Impure, Feted Matterfrom the Stomach. In fact they are tbe only Pills that shouldbe used in malarious iVjtricla

They produce no Griping. Sickressor Palo in the Etemach orBowels, though very active aDd search ng in their operatloa,promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Whowill suffer from Biliotsneii, Headachtt and Foul Stomach, whenao cbeip a remedy can be obtained ! Keep them constantly onhand; a single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days,

nd months of lick ten. Ask for Dr. J-- McLean's Univer-sal Pills. Take no other Being coated they ar taste'ess. Priceonly S3 cents per box, and can be sent by mail to any part ofthe United Elates.

J. n. MeLEAN, Sole Proprietor,Corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Louis, Mo.


Tlie best ExtcrnnI in the "World for Irian orIleuot.

if human beings have been saved a life ofmisery, by lbeuecf thu invHluabl. Lini-

ment. It will relie PAIN alcost inst.ntateoutly, and itwill cleanse, purifr anJ hesl the foulest SORK in sn incredibleshort time McLEAN'f VOLl'ANIC OIL LINIMENT will

most invetera't caea of Rheumatism, Oofft or Neu-

ralgia, for Paralysis, Co.tracted Moscles, StlCnets orWeskseism the Joints. MujcI s, or Ligaments, it will nevei fail.Two applications will cure S. re Throat, Headache or Earache,For Burns or Scalds, or any Tais, it Is an Infallible Remedy.Try it. and you will find it an indi pensible remedy. Keep italways on hand.

PLANTER8, FARMERS, or any one having charge of torses,will save money by using Mclean's Volcaric Oil Liniment. ItIs a speedy and infallible cure for Galls, Sprains, Chafes,Bwelliag, Lameness, Sweeny, Sores, Wounis, Scratches, or anyexternal disease. Try it, au.l you wlUbe conviuced.

DR. J. U. McLXAN, Sole Proprijtor,SalLt Lonis, Mo.

Torsale at Proprietor! prices by Berry & Denoville andG.W Henderahott mar-- M twiwly


jk Importer mid Jobfccru ol


' No. 41 Square,


are now prepared to offer to cash and prompt timeWE our u.ual assortment of biuing ani BummerDry Goocrand Clothing, and will make it to the interest cf all

to exam luegoodmen 'ti;tLISON, ANDERSON t CO


Xatlivillo, Tenneaoce.Hotel If sif ated 01 Broad street, near th, Nashville

THIS Decatur Railroad deot, convenient also to theSteamboat landing, and Is now conducted by w. K.IIacewt,(late of Giles county.) where he will use fc bsrf endeavors tomake the house a home to the Travel" and the Boarder,prices to suit the times. Come and, try U I le't''bis meats as to make sure connestca with any of tin 1

Trains leaving the city

IIA7TKPiUKC AND REPAIRING.W. U I B D E K will henceforth mate nasavuie nisperDnent rcsi wnr,. an win tun,. I'ianofe. OrtianBi

La JiiAel"uV"k tj tbe year or single itning, anucan muucftti as since he will spend at least one week in everymuauiinine c.ty and vicinity. He will visit regularly tbetownslsMidile, Weit.and East Tennessee, and North Alabamaand Idississipj OrdersleftatBenson JtCo.'s Music Store,oSeed's Plata P.Toms. on Churca strest. CsmmrjiVcatioci by

mail viU ha promptly attsniedto. prll d4wiw,tf


xxvi. TENN., MAY 1861. NUMBER











in ii inn.



Nashville,; Tens,

rWhite StoneWare !


TAINTED STONE WARE, every article made



Every Articie;niade.


xv car aKTicu Midi.

French China, Gold

Band, White and

GlassFinest cut and cheap! est press.


best goods made.

TABLE CUTLERY, finest quality.

Japan Tin Ware,



Every Sliei

Coal Oii JLampSsj

from SO cents to $15 each.



Cabs and Carriages,



Most approved make,




Bronze and Parian Figures.


Fruit Cans, Class and Tin, most


ItlUD CAGES, good assortment.



House Furni&lilnc; Good Generally


In great variety.

All of which will be sold

25 per cent, less

than usual,

For 0&,2Slx2eratrtguUrprlcea&ai usual tin to


This stock is yery Is rge and complet e la Variety and Style, andc examination is solicited from the Wholesile and Retail trade


II. A. HICKS & CO.marlO


C mmlsslrm. Feed t Produce .SlercbaatafsiaucM u


iro. s so via uasksi stsesi,NASHVILLE, ...... TENNESSEE.

Jan3-- tf

Huinffariau iirass Seeds,SACKS HungariaaGra'S Seeds, for tale by


Potatoes. Potatoex.JUST received per steamer Nashville, 100 barrels ext a Ne

PotatciS. for sale byJAMES McLAUGHLAH tt CO.,

JnW-t- f No. 8 Market street.

Lard, Lard, Lard,JreirecelTtd per steamer Nashville, a choice lot of

Per family use, for sale byJAMES McL VUGHLIN & CO.,

Jan27-- tf Ma. P Market street

Flour, Flour, Flour.JUST received per steamer Nashville, SOO hags Extra Family

forsale byjamxs Mclaughlin & CO.,

jaaS--tf No.8Marketstreet.,

i'LOUR. I'LOtlt.Qf f B 1GS Double Extra Family Flour, a aaperisr Whitii J Jf J ust received, and for sale by

james Mclaughlin co..marl7--tf No. 8 Market st reet.

ILVMS, HAias.ff T LBS Hires. Inst received sad for sale by'

OvMfvr JAMES M'LAUGHLI & CO.,marl7--U No. 8 Market street.

SI UES AND SHOULDERS.V rfh 4 Ok LBS Sides and Shoulders, Just received1 J.JJJ and for sals by' JAMESM'LAUGLIN&CO:,

mar!7--tf No. 8 Market street.

BOLTED MEAL.1 Vkk'BiHS Bolted Meal, in bushel bags, for family use,

L-- r V J aft received and for asle by

marl7--tf No- - 8 Market street.

BRAN AND SIIIPSTIJFFS.BAGS Erin and Shlpstsffs, just received and for

UUU sale, byJAMES il'LAUQI'LIN t CO.,

msrI7--tf No. 8 Market reet-t- s

CORN, CORN.BAGS prime yellow and Mixed Corn, Just received

and for sale byJAMES M'LAUQHLIN & CO.,

marI7-- tf Ko. 8 Market stree

LARD, LARD.O lf lf KEGS prime leaf Lard, put up for family UK inrW V 39 tbs ltegs. Just received and (or sale by

JAMES M'LAUQHLIN & CO.,mar!7-t- f No. 8 Market street

Hams, Hams.lnnn CHOICE HAMS, Just received and for sale byOUUU JASMcLAUQHLIN&OO.

febl4-- tf

Seed Corn.8A0K8 Seed Com in the Ear, for sala by500 JAMSS M'XiAUOHLIN & CO.,

eb5-- tf

FRESIX MEAL.rereived and for sale 100 sacks Fresh Corn Meal byJUST - JAS McLACGHLIN & CO.

janG-t- f No. 8 South Market streeti

HAY, HAY.BALE3 Timothy and Hungarian Hay, Jut releived300 and fcr sale by

J AMi3 Sl'LAUUULlN & CO.,marl7-- tf No. B Market atreeU

OATS.?f BUSHELS prime Bed Oats, just received and for


FLOOR.A frf BBLS Superfine, Extra, Family, and Extra Family,

Oll in store and to arrive per Rsilrotd and River, forsale on commission by W. WATT8 h. CO.,

febSO tf Nc. SBr.adway

XTRA fine White and Blue Neshanock Potatoes, just receivE ed per Uen Andeison, for sale bymarH-t- f BENJ F SHIELD3 & CO.

DIVIDEND.Tennesiei Marine and Fire Insurance ComponTHE day declared a l dividend of six ddl

per share, payable to the stockholders on demand.A. W. BUTLE R

apl3-l- w Secret


Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes.MELAINOTYPES,

8PHEREOTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS.No ii, Union Street next door to Wess' A Thompson's.

T. F. SALTZMAN,(lati orxiUTOK at Bronxs' aauxar.)

fitted op rooms as above, exclusively for thatHAVING cf business. Is prepared to receive the ladles andgentlemen of Nashville and make foe liaiUt of their faces, ishe highest style cf the Art. Noexpensehas been spared eithern furnishing his apartments cr procuring the latest and mostxnproved apparat as ud materials, and the subscriber conftdent-initve- s

all who may want pictures ts give him a call, pledgingtlsfaction in evny case.TT? Entraneenevt doorfWestlto Weuel & Thompson.5C3 T V. RALTZMAN

Notice.copartnership heretofore existing under the style ofTHE GiutzxsoH & Co. was this day dissolved by mu

tu&l consent. J K GoxutsoN retiring from the firm.JO EDWARDS,J. E. GILEERSON,

Jury 14, 1600. K. P. EDWARDS.

jo. Edwards, r. a. harms, i. r. xdwarssEDWARDS, IB A KRIS & CO.,


sfSTTTLL continue the Wholesale Grocery. 7orwardig andVV Commission business at the old lUnd, corner College, and

Church streets July 15-- tf


Ice Ooia3.i5a,33.3r- -

undersigned have now on hand 4 COO tens aTHE

KAKE KINGSTON ICE,nd with such a supply they are ready to fill all orders. The

depots uied lait 1 eason are re opened, and any orders left at themwill receive prompt attention.

CONRAD, 0HANDLER & CO.,No 43 South College street.

N. B Particular attention given to filling country orden.imsn2C-d2- m

AM now receiving a fine assortment ofI GAITERS, BOOTS AND SHOES,FOR


They are ofeicellent quality and from the best manufactarers.and will be offered low for cash

JUUi A. 11A.UAUC,apI17-- tf No. 42 College street.







Are now receiving their

Second ImportationI OF THE


Figured Grenadines,Embroidered Poplins.

Embroidered English BaregesOrgandie Itluslius,

Figured Llticn Cambric,Black Mantles, new styles;

ITIonrning Goods,L

Embroideries.Heavy Plantation Goods,

Linons,Domestics, Ac., Ac.

THOMPSON & CO,,ap!12--tf war No. 59 College street.

Plilladolph'rt Made Clotliinr;,aije roic Tsaxt Davs ohlt.)

E are in receipt of an invoice of Coats. Fants and Vests,of anDorior styles, which are deeidrdly Oniir.

apU-- tf BKNJ FSniEDStCO


ILL be sdded to our sale thismorning elphty barrels FineNehaaoek Potatoes, now landing from steamer. Nash

Tille BENJ V SUIKLI'S&CU,aplG-- lt Central Rooms.

Corn, ilay and ais.A SUPERIOR lot of Corn, Hay .and Oats, Just received

l and foraiJeatlow Cjiresby COMBS It MARTIN.anl-- m



Garden Seeds


STRETCH & FORBES, Druggists,

cotsna coluux akd dkios tir.zrrs

s7JON81STINa1 all of.ha popular kinds, such as

Silver Skin Onion Setts,

Red Weathcrficld, do do,

Extra Early Peas,Large HEarrowlat do,

Valentine Beans!Sugar Parsnip Seed by the pound.

Cabbage Seed " "

Radish seed " " "

Together with a large variety in Papers to which we invite tbeaiienuon 01 uarcseri apu otners. .




Corner College & UnAoii Streets,


Country Merchants, Physicians, Planters and close cashhuywill find it Terr much to their Interest to call and purchase theirgoods at the CUeap Cash Drue House of


They have row In store and are constantly receiving direcfrom first hand Importers and Manufacturers, everything per-taining to the Drug business, such a-s-Alcohol, Pure White lead,LlnstedOil, Castile Soap,Turpentine, Alum and Glue,Tarnishes, Cloves and Nutmegs,Window Glass Garrett's nus,Pntty, Tube Paints,Ind'go and Madder, Artists Brushes,Cuchineal, Fine Teas,Bird, feed, Sweedish Leeches.Wines and Brandies, Springs,Fnrs WW kies.

STRETCH & FORBES,Are also Extensive Dealers in

Ambrotrpe, Mclninotypo, PbotosrapU and

Daguerreotype Goods,

And Artists' Apparatus and Chemicals of every description nuse.

New Tork Bills duplicated In every instance, at Cost and Car-

riage. '


Also keep on hand the largest and best stock of

Trutscs and Supporters

ever offered in this city. Whatever may be the site of the pa-

tient, or the kind of hernia, he cm certainly be suited by callingat the Corxir or Cotxxox 1x0 Union Struts wtere can befound atoodassortmeat of Surgical and Dental Instruments,Lace Stockings, Enee Caps, Anklets,ic-feba.t- f


Elixir Elixir!DOCTOR RIGHT'S


REJUVENATING ELIXIR!Prepared on the strictest Pharmaceutical principles by one of the

ablest Chemists ef the age.

is altogether a new medicine, the result of mcdernTHIS in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirelynew and abstract method or cure, irrespective of all the eld andworn out systems published by accomplished quacks to the suffer-ing. Dr. Wright, wll knowing the deception practised upon theuninitiated, felt It his duty at once to have this Elixir tested bythe whole Medical Facult i who, without even one dissentingvoice, have given In their adherence to its perfect and undividedcontrol over the whole physical man when his frame has beenreduced, and when all other medicines known to the Fharmacopceia have been tried in vain. t years of patientinvestigation, and a nil desporandum determination havecrowned the Doctor's efforts, and be now offers the Elixir to suf-

fering humanity as tbe only thing that can cure the followingdiseases namely:General Debility,

Mental and Physical Degression,Imbecility,

Determination of Blood to the Head,Confused Ideas,

Hysteria,General Irritability,

Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night,Absence of Muscular Efficiency,

Loss of Appetits,Dyspepsia,

Emaciation,Low Spirits,

Disorganization of the Org&as ofGeneration,

Palpitation of the Heart,And, in fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitatedstate of tbe system.

As a Stimulant,It is quite different from alcoholic preparations. It if not subectto reactions in any shape ; it continues ts exert Its influence

gradually and efficiently, as long as the least necessity exists forIts presence.

As a Female Medicine,It Is equally powerful and effective, and restores the equilibriumsooner and safer than all the other medicines which for yearshave flooded the market, and which are only Injurious, id placeof assisting or renovating the constitution . for a very good reason, too, that tbey are only made from the effusions of mindsgnorant of the Medicat profession altogetlier.

No Minerals 1

Dr. Wright thinks it well to stake bis professional characteron the fact, that no minerals whatever form the least componentparts of the ingredients of his Rejuvenating Elixir well knowlng what ruin has been entailed on the community by opium andmercury.

Generally, to the debilitated. Dr. Wrlgnt would say, Neverdespair. No matter how worn down jou may be, no matter howweak you are no matter what the cause may have been forsakeat once whatever has led you to depart from Hygienic principles

take hisRejuvenating- Elixir,

And you will soon fid yourself a new man a pride instead otbe reveise, to your friends, and a healthy, S9ind, and worthyLa ember of the human family.

Bj Price S- - per bottle, or three bottles for 85, and forward-e- d

by mall to all par's or the United States.Sold by all respectable druggists throughout the United States

and Canadas. Tbe trade supplied at a liberal discount.For sale by the proprietors.

J. AVRIGHT 6c CO.,31 and 151 Chartres street,

New Orleans, LaiSold in Nashville by G. W. Hendershott, Berry b. Demoville,

wing Pendleton, and all responsible dinggists oc2S


WIGWAM TONIC.delicious and d Bitters are recommended by

THESE Fhysidans of the country, on account of their

PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE.They are pleasant as nectar to tt'etsste, and are pronounced

the best Tonic and Stimulant ever offered to the public.Their curative powers In esses of General Debility, Loss ot

Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a guaran-tee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leaveto stats that our assertions are ecdo'sed by

Prof SILIMAN, of Vale College.Prof. UAYSlS.of Massachusetts,

and hundreds of others.For sale by Grocers, wine Mero f, and Druggist generally.Principal Depot, 43 Walter 'HivrYork. decMy.


Retailed at Wholesale Prices,Made to Measura at $18 per doz. J

or srsirortariNS dollars, '

Without Collars on,,with Collars on $2 pec dor. extra.MADE OF NETV-Y0E- MILLS MUSLEI,

With fine, Linen Bosoms, and warranted as good a Shirtas sold la the retail storej'at J2.S0 each.


P. S. Those who think I cannot make a good Shirt for$1S per dosen are mistaken. Here's the cost of one jdozen $1S fine ehirts. 1

80 yards of muslin atl4)fe. per yd. $4 35J yards of fine Linen, at 50c per yard, 3 SOMakingand catting, , 6 00Laundry, $1; buttons and cotton, tOc 1 MProfit .2 b

Total x. ?1S 00

Self Measurement for Shirts.Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so easy

to understand, that any one can take their own measurefor shirts. I Warrant a good fit. The cash to be paid tothe Express Company on receipt of goods.

The Express charges on on dozen SKrts from New.Tork to New Orleans is $1.. P. S. -P-ARTIES WIsniNO tnHRTS IN HASTE, nothaving time to send for Rules of Measurement, shouldsend per mail, prepaid, one of the best Dttlngthirts theyhave got, slating any alterations that may bo required.

S. W. H. WARD, from London,

387 Broadway, up stairs,Between White & Walker Streets, NEW-YOR-

October 16, ly


Noi 42 Ocdar (Street,Opposite tin Catholic Ch,urci.,XatKvUU, lennetSM,)

LL practice in the several Courts held In Nuhviliin the Chancery and CircultOccrts atMeMinnviilt.

mhl9-dt- f.


Tlie only Exclusively Wliolcialo


Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Straw Goods

in the crrr,

No. 51 Public Square,NASHVILLE, TENN.

imTE are now receiving aid opening an ent;rely new stockv of Snrlntr and Summer Goods, which we

are offering with superior INDUCEMENTS to Fill for CASHor to frompt foyers on our usual lime, ana we assure inem vvisWILL mtke it to thus i.vrmtsT to call ana examine our iiocxbefore purchasing eleiewhere

marl7-t- f B s

B. S. WELLEIS, SR.,woarjot u


Agricultural Implements,FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS,



P. 8. Roofiing and Guttering in Copper and Tin in the mostsuperior styles, In town and country. Peck, Smith & Co. s Tinners Machines and Hand Toouror sale.

mh24 tf.


CAPITAL 8100,000 1 ALL PAID IN.Orncx at Ao. 3G, corner of Cedar ttrect and Public Sgvare,YKTILL take risks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build- -wv ings, Goods. Wares and Merchandize generally. Alsa,

on Shipments against loss or damage by Seas and rivers to and(rom all points.

AJjSU uiis on negroes againn we uangers oi me luveriDIRECTORS.

Autx. Fall, W. T.Bzrrt,Airrnoxr W.TairLuat, Joed H. Ewiit,Jon EtRiKin, Hcsh McCrza,Jahxs Woods, Josxra Edwaiiss,R C.McNakt, Irbt Moasan,

W, H. Evaks:ALEXANDER FALL, President;

Jama Walxsx. See etary. aug!7.


40 Public Square, Nnsltvllle,IMPORTERS ASP pr.AI.KRS IX


Are now receiving and opening their stock of Spring Goomating their aisortmaat full and complete.


stoves ! G-rate- s 2

TINPLATE I TINWARE ! &c. &ctarenow In receipt of a very large and choice selectionWE Coal and Wood Cook and Heating Stoves, Parlor,

Chamber and Office Grates. Tinplate, Block Tin, Copper, SheetIron, Zinc. Wire, Pressed, Japaned and common Tinware, all ofthe very best quality

We are also still making thatJustly Celebrated Wrought Iron Coofe


which we offer at a reduced price. Call and see for yourselves atNo. 46 North Market Street.

aug28--tf P. W. MAXEY CO

Change or Location.compslled togo South, on account of the healthBEINO I will be located for the winter at the Slav

deDOt of Poindexter, Little it Co., No. 48 Barene street, NeOrleans, where I will be pleased to see my friends, and will giveprompt attectioa to me saie oi an property consignee me. aiyAgents, W Pate and Jas A Scruggs, will attend to my depot inNashville, and negroes that cannot be so' in. Nashville, by

them, will be forwarded me to Nt O cans. HoDing.by strict attent'on to business oa the part 01 my 'f and agents jto merit a continuance oi ui noerai patron .e - reioiore ex-

tended me, I respectfully solicit the favors ot ill vingline, either for Nashville or New OrK s.

novll-- tf WILL. L. Jr.NOTICE.

have sold our entire Stock of Groceries, Liquors &c,WEto Messrs. Joynt it Treanor, and take pleasure In recommending them to eur Friends, and the Customers of the latefirm of Griaham it Haffaker, as merchants who are in every wayworthy of their confidence and support.

ilAJ. JTAlU.il HilUiUiUJ.Nashville, Dec. 17, 1SG0.




Nashville, - - - Tennessee.decl9-t- f

LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE R. R.Notice to Shippers of Freights from the At-lan- tic

Cities to Nashville and PointsSouth.

OF LADING or contiacts signed by any authorizedBILLS of tbe Railroads mimed below, wilt be recognized bythe agentof the L. & N.R. B. at Nashville, and settlementsmade accordingly.

Fkox Bon on Fitchburg RiilRoad, Boston, Worcestor andWestern R R., New York Central R R., New York and Erie RR., Pennsylvania Central Kit., Baltimore and Ohio RR.

From. Nxw York Hudscn River RR , New York Central RR.. New York and Erie R R., Pennsylvania Central It R., Bal-timore and Chio R K.

Frojc ran Pennsylvania Central RR., Philadel-phia, Wllmingtin and Baltimore R R-- , Baltimore and Ohio R R.

Frox BaLimoRz Pennsylvania Central R R-- , Baltimoreand Ohio R R.

Mark packages via L. & Ni R. R.J. B. ANDERSON, Super't.

J. F. Botd, Freight Ag't.fsbirt dim

Scientific lliscovery .fjlcctria"Water.

1 T is well known to the profession that Electricity is the greatB mtitar lit llf. Y.Trrr reraedr wh'eh reallv cures diie&a.

'does ao because of Its electrical adaptation to the wants of tbeinvalid. By the use of such remedies and warm ElxctmcWatxr, in which patients are bathed in currents or electricity,Ladlrsbeing attended by a Lady. I am curingall kinds of oldand obstinate complalnta which have reflated all other mean)of cure: "Consumptives receive new life,' but In such cases,where patients are too weak to visitme, I treat them by thEromjion Uotpltal uAalafions, which are breathed into thediseased lung, rlhtat the teat of the disease. (Sead twostamps for a pamphlet ) Other patients who cannot come totte'HiiUK9 Watirs,'' can, by tending a fee their nje sexand full description of symptoms, have medicines tent to them.(Send for a circular.) The Electric Waters extract all mineralsubstance taken as medicine or otherwise absorbed. The experience'f over twentv years In the treatment ot many theus-an- d

chronic cases and Woman's diseases and "weaknesses, caybe regarded as a reasonable guarantee of rncceu.Jy Rooms and Boarding- Furnished to

Patients. QIPnYSIOIANHwho may wlsht. avail themselves of thlsval-sabl- e

discovery in Electric Baths are invited to call at my officeatN. 14S, South Summer street.

Hours from 8 A M to 3P M. every day exnept the Sabth.Address DR. WOMBAUGH,

mar2'Gl-d&tw- ly Nashville, Tenn.

REMOVAL.Wl 11 Bve removed cur Froiuce and Commission business

totbehotssNo.5jeIlege street, between Union andChurch, foimerly occupied by Nicol, Green & Co, where weshall keep constantly on hand a large sleek of all articles Inthe Produce line, which we are prepared to sell at the verylowest cash prices.

B. B. CONNOR tVlBO.,BarSl-t- f No, S College street, txtwsen Union it Cturci.










Dally IS? Trl-Wec- SJ Weekly 82.


121 HB DAILY.One insertion, 11 00 Each additional Insertion, 30

1 Week 3 00 Each additional square, s 1508 450 2 001 Month," 600 002 .. 9 00 SO3 12 00 000 13 00 00

12 - 25 00 10 00


One Square, oc year. J30 Each addltioEal Square, J10.tlvortiscrs cxccedlnartho space contracted

for, will he charged for the excess.IB THE WEEKLY.

On Dollar per Equare for the first, and jTittt Corn for eachsubsequent insertion.

Advertisements published in both the Daily and Weekly, wile charged the full dally rates with one-ha- the weekly rat

added. .IrantUntAd-cerlilevient- t nvitle paid for at tie timeo


SPECIAL NOTICE. The Uxioi axo Amaicax cowl uctid ilrictty upon tie Cash tyttem. All papert are dtteonti.ved at the expiration of the time for which they hate beenpaid. Sitiicrlieri will le notified when their tulttriptlonIs about to expire, by a crocshark on Ihelrpapere; andun-leetth- e

lubeeription it renewed the paper triif be dltconttn.ued. ThUU a rule from vhich there tsOl be no departure.Watch for the cross mark, and renew your eubtoriptlon.

Weekly Union sjid AstZRtcaif tl per annum in advance.Uhiox axo Axxricax as per annum in ad-

vance.II T Subscribers desiringtheir papers changed must mention

the Post Office from, as well aathe one to. which tkpv deilr thachange to be made.



Decisions of tbe Supremo Court or theMate of Tennessee at Nashville, Decumber Term, 18RO.

Oinnawsy and wire and others vs. Jas. A. Tarpley and others.This is a contest between the complainants and

tneir latner, James A. Tarpley, wno died alter theniing ot me bill, as to the title ot a negro slaveAmy and her ten children. The father claims theslaves as his absolute and several property, and hischildren insist-tha-t tbey are entitled as joint ownersunder the will of their grandfather. Uader Dement.The case must be determined by the construction ofthe will.

Cader Dement made his will in 1818, and died thenext year. He directs that all his property, bothreal and personal, be sold and divided into fourteenshares, and designates tho persons by name, whoare to take each. His daughter Charlotte, who bedmarried James A. Tarpley, was then dead, leavingthe complainants as her children. About that timeTarpley married a second wife, by whom he afterwards had children, but Lad none by her at thedate ol the will.

The clauses of the will upon which a constructionis now to he placed, are the lollowmg :

1. " Une share to James A. Uarpley and his cuid- -ren.

2. " Be it understood, that each leratee has received heretofore, it is to be reduced out of theirpart," He then proceeds to specify what each hadreceived in dollars and cents, whether m propertyor money, and in relation to this case, says :

o. "James A. larpieyand his wile Charlotte harereceived six hundred and fifty dollars, including onenegro woman and her children, by tfie name of Amy,thai inev received at ten years old, or their part."

jnow the question u, whether under these provisions the title to Amy ana her children vestedsoiely in the Jatuer, Jas. A. Tarpley, as an advancement to his wile, or to him jointly with his children.

The rule that the intention of tbe testator mustbe collected from the will itself, and not elsewhere.or by parol evidence, except in case of latent ambiguity, does not iorbid a reference to the statuteof tacts under which the will was made, but an investigation of tbe surrounding circumstances oftentends to illnstrato the true intention and meaningof the testator, "lo this end, it is obviously essential that the judicial expositor should place himselfas tuny as possible in tho situation of the personwhose language ne has to interpret; and guided bythe liett thus thrown on the testamentary schemehe may find himself justified in departing from thestrict construction ot the testator s language.-- 7 1 Jar.on W. 3C3 and notes. Thu?, facts may be proved toshow the state ot the testator s property, or suchtacts as were Known to him, that may have intluenced the detention of his property in a particularway. s ricK. J13,;4UU. According to these rulesand authorities, we may iu this case look to thefact that the daughter of the testator was dead: thatcomplainants were the grand-childre- n, and that thewoman Amy and her children had been claimed byhim up to the time of making his will; that thisclaim had always been admitted by hisTarpley, in executing his notes for nominal hireand permitting him to pay taxes, doctor's bills &cfor them. We may also take into consideration thespeakin" fact that these slaves were of three orfour times the value of the part ofthe estate given to larpiey and.tns children.

in view ot these lacu, it could iiardly be supposed that it was the intention of the testator tocive all these slaves to the son-in-la- and stillmake him equal with his children in the one-fo-ur

teenth. Yet, if this has been explicitly done, or ifthe language used will admit ol no other fair construction, it must be so, as we cannot make a willfor the testator by conjectural interpretation uponour notions ot wnat he mignt.or should have doneOur duty is to expound, and not to create or alter.This cannot be done by parol evidence ot intentionor declaration.

So, the question is, what is the fair interpretationof what we ana written, considered in the light olall the surrounding circumstances.

Tarpley cannot controvert the perfect right of thetestator to theve slaves at the time of making hiswill. lie la e8toped in every lorm from doing so.He gave his note lor the hire the very year the willwas made, as he had done lor many years before.It is not material whether tlie hire was nominal ornot. It was a written recognition of tlie right. Hecannot then claim them as an advancement to hiswife to which his marital right attached. If thatever could have been done, it was waived or surrendered. Tho right ol property then was in thetestator, and the question is, was it disposed of bvthe win; ana it so, to whom, me language is am:t- - i : t. : m... C- - jr,uiguuus aim Jiie.iiiuii. ih is ujaiiuegv iieuiu not in-tend to die intestate as to them or anything else heowned. This the law never presumes. And tiereference made to them in the third clause showthat they were not intended to be permitted. Butto whom did the title pas3 by the will ? To no oneby express words, but only by implication. He sawfit to make his w equal with his grardchildren in the general legacy ot 1 1his whole estate. Hut as between them and hbother children, there was to be dedncted Irom that$G50, which their mother and father had previouslyreceived from him. In this sum was expressly included the slaves in question, at a valuationhe arbitrarily nxed upon tnem. They were required to be accounted for as a part of the $050,and not at tneir real value at that timelie had an unquestionable right to set anyprice upon them he saw proper, as the sum to beaccounted for by these legatees. He could as wellreler to the value of the girl Amy at two years old,as to the present value of her and her increase. E ecould do what he pleased with his own, and no onehad the power to question it. It would seem mostunreasonable and unnatural to suppose that he in-

tended to give to this branch of the family five orsix thousand dollars worth of slaves at 3650; andthat without including his grandchildren in its benefits. He surely eould not have intended to give allthis to the father who was a stranger to his blood,

nd then let htm in to an equal participation withhis grandchildren in tbe legacy ofand that even to be reduced to the extent of thsvalue he fixed upon the slaves. It would be a mostextrordinary case if such was the purpose. Toadopt that as the scheme of the will and the inten-tion of the testator, would require language so clearand explicit as to admit of no other construction.

It is contended that the third clause cited showsclearly that tho slave Amy was an advancement,because he says they received her at two years ofsee. and tlie law in relation to advanced property iscarried out by fixing her value at that time as thesum to be accounted for. Ihe word used is not"advanced" or given, but "received." This wouldapply as well to a loan as a gift. It affords no aidin .arriving at the character of the transaction. Butthe S650 is intended expressly to include Amy and"her children." But the antiquity on this point isentirely removed by the fact that the right andtitle of the letter was claimed and admitted up tothe time of his death. An advancement passes theright. This, then, was not an advancementas the title was retained. But it is recitedin the will that the S050 for vhich theyare to account Amy and "her children," not thewoman alone. As, then, the amount for which hesaw proper to make this share account was to oper-ate as a reduction of the joint bequest to the father ot

and children, the slaves which it expressly " includ-ed" mu3t have been intended to pass to the samepersons. We think tho will is susceptible of noother sensible construction. This comports withthe natural feelings of the testator, and the oppo-site construct-'on'woul- d be in palpable conflict withthenr. The conclusion to which we are brought,therefore, is, that the title to these slaves was vestedby implication in the father and his children, as didthe one fourteenth minus the SCjO. This being so,the father could not resist their right even if theslaves had belonged to him as he has received underthe will his part of the fourteenth. And this upon ed

the rule that one cannot take a benefit under a will,and set up any claim against it. Having elected toclaim under it, he cannot claim against it, But theapplication of this principle would of course de-

pend upon the conclusion that the slaves were dis-

posed of in the wilL And that, wo have seen, isthe proper exposition. Yet there is nc necessity toresort to that rule, a3 Tarpley had no title at thedeath of the testator, and consequently nothing ofhis is bequeathed to raise the question of electionto claim under or against tho will.

As to the plea of the statute of limitations it isonly necessary to bay, that as Tarpley was a tenantin common or joict owner with high cildren, and formost of whom he was guardian, his hold must beregarded to have been under the joint title. Thefacts proved do not make out a case of adverse toholding under such circumstances as to avoid thispresumption and give him the benefit of the statuteof limitations. To make this defence available, hemust show clearly that he held solely for himself,adversely to the rights of complainants, and thatthey had knowledge of such claim find holding.This is not made out by him. Indeed the prorfseems not to have been directed to. that defence,but the contest was waged upon th 'construction ofthe will, and the supposed adrancepsent,

Oa this branch of the case tie Court properlydecreed that Amy and her ch'tldren, aswell aa the

of Cader Dcment'a estate, should beequally divided between the complainants, and theirlauier, he accounting for those he had sold,culty! r brancIlofthecase presents lessdiffi- -

At the aalr-n- f t,o t.j ,. a t,

ofiarlfV the- - purchaseriich ha executed his note?. Af--

T guardian Tor sir ofand took up hi, notes for the land from" ""wuy executing hisguardian for the amount due to his Wself perhaps, under the will a thr,Xiestate.. In effect.this was purchase of itia lnriwith the money ot the wards. He was. aoij theirguardian at the time oi his purchase, but wasiat thetime of payment, and as guardian tested their fundsin the land. What difference can it make In princi-ple, whether this was done at or after the contractof purchase? It was in the one case, as well as theother, the conversion of the trust fund into land. Itis every where laid down that in such a case theowners of the fund m3y elect to take the land in-

stead of the money, whenever the fact comes to theirknowledge. It is not two late to do this after thevhave received the fund if they were, not aware ofthe investment at the time. To preclude them oathis ground it must appear that they knew theirrights and made 'their election understandingly, orthat they have delayed too long to assert them.

Their right to the land is not a resulting trustproperly so called, as stated in the decree. That iswell established by the authorities cited in the argument, iiut it is an equitable right of the ownersof a trust fund to pursue it. into any property inwnich the trustee may have invested it-- 2 Kent,22D and notes. The case of Turner vs. Pctigrewand others, C Hump., is conclusive, without reference w other authorities. There is no distinctionin principle between that case and this.

It is. however, not clear from the nroof thai: thewhole consideration for the land was paid out of thetrust fund. If that were not so, tho decree is wrongin vesting tho title to the whole of the land in- - thawarus. lhey would only be entitled to an interestto the extent that their funds were applied to thepayment ui me consideration. This must be refer-red to the Master to ascertain and renort.

In all other respects we think the decree is rightand it will be affirmed.

The cause will be remanded for theaerea, ine sate oi tne land and such further ordersand decrees as the rights of the parties may require.

The costs of this Court will be paid out of thecommon fund. Caectiiee3.

Since writing the above opinion, the counsel ofdefendants have directed our attention to the ques!tion made in the argument, as to the right of thewidow of James A. Tarpley to a dower in the 157acres of land in controversy. There is nothing intne pieaaings to Dring up that question, but as thecase is remanded it may be presented by the nroceramend, or a distinct application on the part of thewidow. We think it very clear that she has no rightto aower out or the insterest of the complainantswho were the wards of her husband, for as to that,ne never was seized arowner, but only as trusteefor them. So far as he paid for the laud out of other means, the trust does not attach, and to that ex:tent she would have a right to dower, and no fur-ther. Her husband died testate, and she did notdissect from his will. Butthat provides that sheshall have legal dower, and gives her the same interest as in case of intestacy ordusent.

But the question as to any right to dower asagainst the deed of trust to McCullough will be leitopen for the Chancellor, after taking the accountordered. Caecteeks.


House Is now open for the accomodation of the PublicTniB rooms are aU large, well ventilated and furnished lathe best style with new and beautiful furniture and carpets.Tbe Public Rooms and Halls are lighted by Gas.

Tbe Ladies and Geatleman'a Parlors art furnished in a spies-di- d

and luxurious style, comfortable and inviting.THE TABLE

shall at all times be supplied with everything a good home andforeign market can afford, and having in my employ good andexperienced cooks and tabl. servants, everything shall be pre-pared and scried in the best manner.

THE BARIs furnished with old and excellent Liquors and Wines, com-prising all the most popular brands, both native and foreigngrowth Connnected with this house Is a splendid


containing three fine tables, affording a pleasant and health,recreation (or a leisure hour.

Everything inmypoaer shall be done to make the guests cfthe House comfortable.

feblS dim. JOHN P. LEE, Superintendent.

Hawthorn" for Lease to a GoodTenant.

IDesire to place my late residence Iff miles west of the Publie Square in the hands of a good Tenant for a series of year

upon very easy terms. The premises contain about 13 acressuperior soU, about half la cultivation the balance tn shade aablue grass. Tbe bouse, with 8 rooms, porches, excel lant cellarervants houses, (table, well, &c. are all new and coofortabl

To the Gardener, ths Dairyman, er Gebtleman, seeking acoquiet ana reiirea spot tor nis lamny, iree rrom tne neat ana anof the town, I can say no place for rent in the vicinity of Nashvilie offers supericr attractions.

To tneaignt man i will make tne terms acceptable.No. i . Cherry street EUGENE UN DEBWOOB

decU-- tf

NEW HOOKST71 HAGAN it CO. have just received the following new


Secession, Coercion and Civil AVnr; Theater01 J30I.

A rtlcssago from the Sea. Cloth, 1 voU 1.2S.

The 'Crossed Path t A Novel by Wllkie Collins,Aumor n oman in nmie, etc., etc

Father, Son and the Pope; pp. 25 cents.For sale V. HAQAN & CO.



manufacturer of Stoves, Tin Ware Ax.

MAEES four sites of the Tcnnessean,A W ron uli t Iron Cooking Stove,made In all its parts In this eity, and out of the best Tennessee

routnt Iron, and will last with care 10 to Is years.This Stove combines convenience, economy to fuel, ease of

management and durability, and Its arrangement Is peculiarlytdapted for tne use of large families. Hotels and riantationa, asthe largest size will cook for one hundred persons. Ithas twenty vessels, beside a permaneat Copper hot water Boiler.

They have been tested some ten years; and have continued toheld intavorby all who hare them in use.

Tbe Stoves and vessels can ready for use, to anypart of He country. Orders for them filled without delay, andtatisracuoD guaranteed in every case.

Pilces3,S0,sj90,and3125Ch. J. 'W. WILSON,mar?7-I-ra 17 College street.

Chronicle. Auauita, Gt.: Telegraph, Vaeon. Ga.r Sun. Columbus, Q a. : aliaiisif pplan, Jackson, Miss. ; , Holly Springsalias., True uemccrat, ucue atet. Ark.; aau, Montgomery,Ala.: copy to amount or 17 and send bill to this office, and sendoiiO copy of paper containing It to the advertiser.

NOTICEHunting and ir'ishintr; Forbidden.T71R0M and after th's date, HUNTING and FISHING artS' positively forbidden on our Isnds. As eur places are post--

we will hereafter enforce the law against all pertont foundtrespassing upon tnem.

1'ilAill.AS HUflbfcl,WM.R.XLLI3T0N,JA8. T. ELUSION,


Richland Tnrnplke. asllS dimGazette copy one month and charge this office.



HAVE recelvedor the Springand Susemx Trade ot 1W1usual stock of cheap Goods, consistlRg in part of

British, American and French Cloths,Caasiraeres and Testings, Ermines.

Cottonades, Hosiery and LinenDusters, Ducks ice.

A very choice assortment of Ladies Dress Goods. Bxrfee. An.glaise, Lsvetlas, Faullards, Organdies Lawns, Ginghams, fancy

soiia uartges, inujaiuii, etc., nc. a superb lot or Lbebest brands oM 9Bro. Domestics extra heavy Cotton Tarns;allot wblch will be sold at prices in keeping with the times forvain or .snaaiup paper.

PUBHAN it CO.,aplj-gmd- w near the Suspension Bridge.

WAR NOTICE."OBOM and after this date, we will not fill orders for any de--

' scrlptlon ot Usodj, unless accompanied with the Cash.Being obliged now to pay caah for ererr article we purchase.our rrinds and the public generally will at once see the necessity

this coursa on our part. Our stock cf Groceries and Confee--tionaries is now run an4 well assorted, and Csah Dealers willuuu unr uouj too piace lo purcnase

THOMPSON, 8fiUtx atu.,apRO-- tf No. SI Market street.

HIACACLAY'S ENGLAND,fpHE Attn volume la Cloth and Paper, received and for sale

br ;T. HAUAIt c w.apll&-t- f 41 College strest.

DR. S. J. COBB athe

Cherry street. No. W, opposite Theatre, ??J?l J- -to receive and wait upon any person

he willhard and warlike,atlon perfermed. and ai times ,re

thatwifficall at my effice and have " don' ,iT,,rmtU a0UUD'

,M , ""r S. j; COBB.


Governor of the State of .TcsiHesscecounties cr Warren, Camwn. Coffee,

45! SZ. Iranklin Lincoln. Giles, Bedford. Marshall,

TLTf ri Williamson, lliexmaa .itaroin, vrayne,Maury. You are hereby commanded"L'ii:;;Election, at alltn. places cf toidlng elee."S t?MtfTV eounties.onthe 8ih day of June next.

la.I,ZV. .S, notice required by law, f the election olof the JHlltUof said State,l55S2bffito aai .return thereof aai.

"0 whereof, I have hereunto set ay handI and' caused we w w uc auiacu

l-- ( at Nashvule, tne aia uay oi April, ico iBy tha Governor: I3HAM 0. HARRIS.

J. E. BAY, Secretary ot Btaie.apStWtwiwtde


pf f BAGS extra Family (bonea j Meal,illJ 5 barrels White Brant, very fine.

jteeeiveaiaisuaj, " ;TT4p120-- tf C0HB3 MARH- N-


No. 5 College Street.

(ifiaeral ProeiHce and GoHiilssliB


Personal Attention arlToa to







.. Shorts,

. Flour," ."" Irieni,





And all other kinds of Produce and Fteda?mar2t-- tr B. B CONNOBfcfBBO.

DOEEISS & KITCfl.Iron Tousders and Manufacturers sf



or all anise

Noi 49 aiaurltet Street, (Gorsor's Buck.)apr!2


GEO. K. ZPJTTOlSr,CemmlssioH merchant, Feed and

Produce Healer,No. 24 Fourth Sreef, between Ilain and the River,

LOUIS VILLI, ST. ,KZP3 constantly on hand targe supplies of Hay, Cora,

fX Oats, Brao, Shorts and Shlpttuffs, ready to fill orders onthe shortest notice. Personal attention girea to ths sal ofDried Traits. Eggs, Onions, Apples, Potatoes, 71oar,2aeon,Lard, feathers, etc

Orders for Groceries. Liquors and Manufactured srUclei soilsted and filled on the mest favorable terms. L icral cash advances made cm consignments. JacO-- U

(Successor to Barge & Swann,)

WH OLESALE GBOCES ,ass nsnri is

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIU Colts,Corner College and Church Street- -,

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.now In store a large and well selectm ttrcx ofHAS Liquors, &.c sad will continue- torscctrola

large quantities during the season. His stock now in ators ocafists in part as follows, viat

Sugars.SOO hhds Louisiana Sugar, 100 bbls Lo Taring's D. B.,1UU bls LoTirtzg 1 D K, rowaerea.

Crushed. S3 ooxes DELoif,330 do Small Loaf.

Coffee.300 bags prims Bio, 60 bags prims Lagoyra,iuu ao u.u.jara.

Jxolassest303 bbls Choice P laatation, 25 bam is N 0 Synrt,1600 H do da 35 packages St. Losis.

Sundries.500 bxsS'-a-r Candles, - 500 Jhxi Star Candles,300 X do 300 da bar Soap,

SO bxs Tallow Candles, 75 hags Spice.100 bags Pepper, TSbxigroaci Pepper,500 bbls New Yerk and Roaen-30- 0 exiki Soda.

dale Cement, 100 bxs do la paper,30 sacks Baca Ginger, 30 dolndigo, extra 2m,2 cases Dutch Madder, SU tes fresh BJce,

SOU dozen Painted Buckets, 130 nests Painted Tubs,LIQUORS.

500 bbls Tena. White Whisky, 300 bbls Deaa'i extra Whisky,I0U do Bourbon do luida ward at carys do30 do Robertson co do 125 do Old By da

3 casta Jean Louis Brandy, 40 da do Newsua'i do3 do Louis La Berton do 50 da Julius H. Smith's 014

SO bbls Cherry Brandy, Reserve Whisky,S3 do Blackberry do 5 casks Catawba Brandy,10 do Peach do 40 bbls Grape da40 1 lScaaks Selgnette do S3 do Ginger daIS bbls Bum Gin, SO do Apple it10 casks Sherry Wiae, S5 f esks SeignatU do25 bbls Malaga do 10 bbls Holland ain,35 kegs Lemon Cardial, 35 da Swan do10 cases Champagne, K pints, 15 casks Madeira Wine,S3 bxs White Wine, SO do Old Port do

130 bbls Vresa Ale, various 10 bbls do Ginger dabrands, 25 baskets Chsmpagne, pt's

S3 bxs Claret Wine, and quarts.20 do London Porter.

Tobacco.200 bxs Ta., assorted brands, 300xsTena assarted brands,10O do Sy., da do ISO do Mo , da o75,000 Imported Cigars, 100,001) Domes tie Cigar.

febZ-- tf J. M. SWANN

A Good Farm for Sale.offer for sale the place on which G K Coleman has liveWE 1S33, and known as the Sogers land, lying oa

Tellow Creek. Dickson county. Tenn, partly on the- - stars road,within one mile of Wllllamsville, and three miles of tha Nuh--"villxnd Northwestern Railroad; a healthy, plea --ant and beautiful part of Tennessee. Said land oonta-n- s abvut two asadredAnd ninety acres eighty acres cleared, and about fifty acresgood land to clear; it Is la a good stateaf cultivation, with'

dwelling-house- Also, two goodorchards, and several never-fallin- springs of excellent water :well timbered, and can certainly Ix made ore ef the moat desi-

rable atKk-fum- s in this section of country. We promise sbargainIn this land, and will sell lor cftah, cr on time with Inter-est For farther- - information call on Jamts McNsilly, wholives near said place, or tha undersigned at Fowler's Landing,Tennessee river. BTRNfc BROTHER.

Vhion and American copy, and charge J&aocate.sepSS tf



Nashville, Tennessee,Marchl7-3- m

PROCTER &6A221 West Second Street,

C I M 0.1 It N A T I .Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la


Olelne, German and Palm Soap, Lard OH

Pearl Starch, Fancy Soap, 4c.CANDLES SOLD Br ACTUAL WEIGHT.

it la well known that many Star Candle! that art reallyn.u,i.ii,bnmial and sId aa "sixes " Tber

is a disadvantage and a loss la this practice to bo ta retailers and.r. ir th Candles are bouaht at s redactieo of twocents per lb. frcza the price f the reglsr article. Thus tA box of "Sixea"anoiTwna!rr, contains zi'J candies,

..ji.MMf.,unnit nr 13 ets ...87 SO

A box of Sevens contalnleg ths sama number of Candles,tame size Is sold lor as lot, acis-i- . , --v cls a ew

bnvlnr by weight - iAnd thUdifferencs beeotnet greater as tha pries advance. ItIaobviouathathe.reiailerean-gttn- more for hit 240 Caadies In one esse than In th Other, consequently on every boadred boxes of "short weigh- t- he tells, he loses roATT bollasj)

mar3U m

JE3L cfc J". ILVTo-tss- ,


Ne. 44 South market Street,NASVUILLE, - - - - - TENNESSEE,

RZEP constantly en hands large assortment of KessstyClothing, orthmrowo Manufacture. And

variety of Gent's Furnishing Goods, etc, which wUI bt sold ailowest market price for cash. Ni B. Oansenta itad is

order in tbe latest stylet, at tho shorUst notice.mart yaij une

AFHICSU lot of Sliver Onion BetUaadfuapkinSeed,and for sale try

ITESWBACHELOR; By Jno. T. Irving, nepfce - of "iTh

Ingtoa Irving.

THE ATTORNEY, or the Correspondence of John

Quod. By the same author.

HISTORY OF THE UNITIO' maxuMXtewua,from the death of WUliamth Silent lathe Synod .fDert,with s foil vtow of the English-Dutc-h struggle against Spain,

andthaoriglaanddestrsruosof th Spanish Armada. By

John Lothmass Motley, LL.B,3L Caud author t ta.

"Dutch Republic"

Just received and for salt byTl HA9A3 It CO.

3strJ--' 41 Collate stmt.

xoaux Ben's Uiansttait AslatltHi.B H MeAlUamr, P; B 3 BrlghtwtU, O S; PL Nicho!, X

W H Mcrroc.Troa. MMttngj every loaadat; xifH a47Ccloak. -