1 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF S TATE C ONTRACTORS LICENSING A GENCIES newsletter Volume 10, Issue 3 July 2014 It doesn’t seem possible that the fiscal year 2014 is rapidly coming to a close. It’s been quite a year! e numerous projects our staff and leaders have undertaken are quite impressive. Some of the major accomplishments: Our Strategic Plan for NASCLA has been completed thanks to many of our members who participated and the efforts of Michael Barrett, our facilitator. Many of the initiatives are already being worked on and the goals and objectives set forth in the plan will certainly guide NASCLA’s direction for the years to come. e company merger was also a major accomplishment. At one time NERP, NPI and NASCLA were all part of NASCLA. By the time we get to Newport, Rhode Island, we will officially be known as NASCLA, a non-profit company. e space next to our office in Phoenix has been purchased for future expansion and has been leased until the end of this year. e Examination Committee continues to make strides promoting our accreditation program, and is considering a new venture: the electrical contractors’ accreditation. A meeting has recently, in Washington, DC, with NECA to discuss this issue; hopefully, the Board of Directors will support and embark on this new venture. e Education Committee, which developed and promoted a state education program module and platform for pre-licensure, continuing education and remedial education. South Carolina has recently adopted the program for remedial education. Work is currently being customized to support this program which hopefully other states will take advantage of because of the value and savings NASCLA can provide managing a state’s education programs. e Model Legislation and Special Projects Committee and the Resource Committee continue to work on a variety of projects. Meetings have already been scheduled for next fiscal year! e Membership Committee continues to make strides in adding new states, agencies and contractors to our Association. Efforts continue to promote NASCLA and how it can help support and build better relationships in the industry and provide more effective and efficient registration and licensing. A new Contractor’s Committee was recently established and will hold its first meeting in Newport this August. e Publication Committee members and staff have recently reviewed bids from the RFP recently released for a new publishing company and interviewed potential vendors with hopes of having a signed contract before the end of this month. Two new code book publications were added this year! e Residential Committee continues to upgrade our Disciplinary Database and assure members that our website provides adequate information on natural disasters. e Program Committee has been diligently working putting the finishing touches on our conference in Newport, Rhode Island. e agenda is outstanding! e Nomination Committee has reviewed applicants and will be making recommendations to the Board of Directors for selection of new officers. It is great that many willing leaders are ready to advance the objectives of this Association.

NASCLA July 2014 Newsletter

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NASCLA July 2014 Newsletter

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Page 1: NASCLA July 2014 Newsletter



newsletterVolume 10, Issue 3 July 2014

It doesn’t seem possible that the fi scal year 2014 is rapidly coming to a close. It’s been quite a year! Th e numerous projects our staff and leaders have undertaken are quite impressive. Some of the major accomplishments:

• Our Strategic Plan for NASCLA has been completed thanks to many of our members who participated and the eff orts of Michael Barrett, our facilitator. Many of the initiatives are already being worked on and the goals and objectives set forth in the plan will certainly guide NASCLA’s direction for the years to come.• Th e company merger was also a major accomplishment. At one time NERP, NPI and

NASCLA were all part of NASCLA. By the time we get to Newport, Rhode Island, we will offi cially be known as NASCLA, a non-profi t company.• Th e space next to our offi ce in Phoenix has been purchased for future expansion and has been leased until the end of this year.• Th e Examination Committee continues to make strides promoting our accreditation program, and is considering a new venture: the electrical contractors’ accreditation. A meeting has recently, in Washington, DC, with NECA to discuss this issue; hopefully, the Board of Directors will support and embark on this new venture.• Th e Education Committee, which developed and promoted a state education program module and platform for pre-licensure, continuing education and remedial education. South Carolina has recently adopted the program for remedial education. Work is currently being customized to support this program which hopefully other states will take advantage of because of the value and savings NASCLA can provide managing a state’s education programs.• Th e Model Legislation and Special Projects Committee and the Resource Committee continue to work on a variety of projects. Meetings have already been scheduled for next fi scal year!• Th e Membership Committee continues to make strides in adding new states, agencies and contractors to our Association. Eff orts continue to promote NASCLA and how it can help support and build better relationships in the industry and provide more eff ective and effi cient registration and licensing.• A new Contractor’s Committee was recently established and will hold its fi rst meeting in Newport this August.• Th e Publication Committee members and staff have recently reviewed bids from the RFP recently released for a new publishing company and interviewed potential vendors with hopes of having a signed contract before the end of this month. Two new code book publications were added this year!• Th e Residential Committee continues to upgrade our Disciplinary Database and assure members that our website provides adequate information on natural disasters.• Th e Program Committee has been diligently working putting the fi nishing touches on our conference in Newport, Rhode Island. Th e agenda is outstanding!• Th e Nomination Committee has reviewed applicants and will be making recommendations to the Board of Directors for selection of new offi cers. It is great that many willing leaders are ready to advance the objectives of this Association.

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• Th e Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Fiscal Committee, held a very productive budget meeting on the west coast. Th ese committees have done an outstanding job keeping the organization so functional and eff ective as well as fi scally sound. As part of the merger of the companies, the Executive Committee will be consolidated as well. I cannot even fathom where this Association would be if not for all the time, eff ort and energy these members have exerted to make NASCLA what it is today! I greatly appreciate the support they have shown as well as the dedicated service they have contributed during their tenure. Executive Committee members leaving include Steve Pinther, Craig Smith, Kathy LeCroix, Greg Crow and John Curl. Robbie Brooks from our Fiscal Committee has also retired.None of these accomplishments would ever be possible without the leadership from committee chairs and co-chairs and the committee members who put their hearts and souls into being active participants in the Association. Teamwork is the key to the success of NASCLA. Members from all parts of our country have worked to make NASCLA the outstanding organization it is today. Our dedicated staff , as well as our consultants are vital components to NASCLA’s success. I would like to thank all of them for doing an outstanding job everyday!Th ank you for putting your faith and trust in me to be your President once again. I hope the expectations of NASCLA were realized under my leadership. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and their families, as well as board members and staff members in Newport, Rhode Island in just a few more weeks! Safe travels to the Ocean State!


George WhalenNASCLA President

Inside Th is Issue:

NASCLA President’sMessage.................................1-2

NASCLA State Member Spotlight...................................3

NASCLA 2014 Budget Meeting....................................4

NASCLA Committee Reports...............................5-11

NASCLA News.....................11

CSLB Registrar of Contractors Announces Upcoming Retirement.............................12

NASCLA Past Board Member, Senator Tommy Morrison, Files for Re-Election in the Guam ElectionCommission..........................13

April Showers to April Storms -CLEAR Recognizes MSBOC..................................14

Two New Bills Passed for the Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board....................15

Mississippi Lien Law Changes Signed Into Eff ect.................15

Signifi cant Changes to License Classifi cations and Examination Requirements in Arizona..................................16

NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference......................17-20

NASCLA FeaturedResource................................21

Meet New NASCLA Members...............................22

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Th e Idaho Division of Building SafetyTh e Idaho Division of Building Safety (DBS) is a dedicated fund agency within the Executive Offi ce of Th e Governor. It derives its authority from the Idaho State Constitution and has evolved over time to performfunctions previously assigned to state agencies as diverse as Labor and Industrial Services and Law Enforcement.

DBS is Idaho’s licensing authority for journeymen, apprentices and contractors in the plumbing, electrical and HVAC trades and issues licenses to all contractors engaging in public works. DBS has developed testing programs for each discipline and provides 3 locations around the state open fi ve days a week to ensure convenience for license applicants.

DBS is host to seven (7) regulatory boards which set policy and establish operating procedures for a number of trade groups and members of the manufacturing sector. Th ese boards are:

• Idaho Building Code Board• Idaho Plumbing Board• Idaho Electrical Board• Idaho HVAC Board• Idaho Modular Building Advisory Board• Idaho Manufactured Housing Board• Idaho Public Works Contractor Licensing Board

Th e Division is charged with monitoring and ensuring the safety of Idaho public school buildings as well as buildings owned or leased by the state of Idaho and carries out this responsibility through annual inspections of buildings statewide. DBS also operates Idaho’s elevator safety and inspection program and administers the Idaho Logging Safety Program in cooperation with the Idaho Industrial Commission.

DBS is a self-funded agency, its approximately 135 full-time staff members performing their assigned duties through spending authority granted annually by the Legislature in an amount averaging $11-15 million.

C. Kelly Pierce, Administrator, Th e Idaho Division of Building Safety

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NASCLA 2014 BUDGET MEETINGTh e NASCLA 2014 Annual Budgeting Meeting was held in Santa Barbara, California on June 10-11 at Th e Fess Parker Doubletree Hotel. Th e NASCLA Executive Committee and Fiscal Policy and Procedures Committee Members were in attendance to review the interim fi nancials for the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies and NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications.Th e annual meeting was conducted to review fi nancials and prepare the consolidated forecasted budgets for Fiscal Year 2014/2015. Th e information from this meeting will be presented to the NASCLA Board of Directors on the board conference call in July 2014. Th e committee members also worked on other business related items for the association during their meeting time. Th e committee reviewed the new NASCLA Strategic Plan that was developed by the NASCLA Board of Directors at the NASCLA 2014 Mid Year Meeting. During this discussion, Steve Sands, NASCLA Board of Director and Registrar of the California Contractor State License Board (CSLB), was able to join the committee members for an in-depth discussion on how to implement the strategic plan successfully. Mr. Sands discussed the CSLB Strategic Plan and their board accomplishments. Mr. Sands will be retiring from the CSLB at the end of December 2014. Overall, the meeting was very successful and productive thanks to the committee members’ eff orts and dedication during the course of the two-day meeting.


NASCLA Fiscal Policy & Procedures Committee Meeting. Left to Right: Robbie Brooks, Joseph Rogers, Michael McDuff , Greg Crow, Keith Warren, Kathy LeCroix, John Curl, George Whalen and Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director.

Michael McDuff , Executive Director, Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors; Margi Grein, Executive Offi cer, Nevada State Contractors Board; Steve Sands, Registrar, California Contractors State License Board and Greg Crow, Administrator, Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board.

NASCLA Fiscal Policy & Procedures Committee and their guests enjoyed a Pre-Conference Dinner at Lucky’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant on Monday, June 9, 2014.

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NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee; Doug Traylor, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Survey

• Target Residential/General and Electrical Licensing. • Follow-up calls and correspondence to targeted state agencies that have this

classifi cation. Outreach to NASCLA State Member Electrical Boards. • Work with targeted trade associations.

Committee UpdateTh e committee is targeting the electrical examination as the next accredited examination program. NASCLA had a meeting with the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) in April 2014 to discuss the national acceptance of a NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Electrical Contractors. Th e committee will continue working with NASCLA Member states and non-member states that provide electrical examinations to get their commitment to the program as well. Th e committee will have a physical committee meeting during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference.

NASCLA Education Committee; John Curl, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Education Program Launch with States• Develop a Marketing Presentation and Plan for NASCLA State Members

Committee UpdateNASCLA has received notifi cation that the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission will be accepting the NASCLA Education Program and Platform for their remedial training and potential pre-licensure. Additional state members are currently reviewing the education program for acceptance. John Curl, George Whalen, and Angie Whitaker are currently working with our Education Provider and the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission to launch their program in July/August 2014.

NNASCLAA Educattion Commmmittee; ;JJohn Cuurl, ChaiirJJ ,

FFY 2013//2014 Commmittee PPProjectss3 4 j• NASCLLA Educatioon Program LLLaunch witthh States• Develoop a Marketiing Presentatttion and Plaaan for NASCCLA State MMMembers

CCommitttee UpdaateNNASCLA hhas receivedd notifi catiooon that the SSouth Caroolina Resideeential BuildersCCommissiion will be aaccepting thhhe NASCLAAA Educationn Program aaand Platformmm for theirr rremedial ttraining andd potential pppre-licensuurre. Additioonal state mmmembers areee currently rreviewing the educatiion programmm for acceppttance. JJohn Curl,, George WWhalen, and AAAngie Whiittaker are cuurrently worrrking with ooourEEducationn Provider aand the Souttth Carolinaaa Residentiaal Builders CCCommission to llaunch theeir pprogrgg amm in Julyy/Auggggggust 2014.

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NASCLA Membership Committee; Melissa McBride, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Membership Plan Promotion for State Members/Local Jurisdiction, new fi rst

time state members will have a complimentary free membership for the fi rst year only, ongoing.

• NASCLA Membership discount to new fi rst time business, contractors associate and affi liate members; they will receive a 50% membership discount off the regular membership dues rate. Eff ective September 1, 2013.

• NASCLA Membership Committee to continue state outreach eff orts to non-members and members.

• Th e committee will look into applying special publication discounts for NASCLA Members.

Committee UpdateMelissa McBride and staff have worked on updating the NASCLA Membership Plan for 2014 and the non-state member targeted list. Outreach calls have already been made by Melissa McBride, George Whalen and Angie Whitaker to a few potential new state members and existing states for membership renewals. Th e committee held a conference call on May 29, 2014, in which the committee updated the current membership plan. Th e committee will be targeting the New England states for membership and inviting them to the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference in Newport, Rhode Island. Th e committee will have a physical committee meeting during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference.

NASCLA Marketing Committee; Greg Crow, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Marketing Committee Plan – Target States that are Interested in

Administering/Accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors.

Committee UpdateOne of the NASCLA Marketing Committee responsibilities is to target states that are interested in the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee. As of December 2013, the Nevada State Contractors Board is now accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors. On June 13th, Greg Crow, George Whalen and Angie Whitaker had a meeting with a Western State Member to discuss their interest in accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors.

NNAASSCCLLAA MMarketing CCommittee; ;Greg Crow, Chair,

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects3 4 j• NASCLA Marketing Committee Plan – Target States that are Interested in

Administering/Accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors.

Committee UpdateOne of the NASCLA Marketing Committee responsibilities is to target states that are interested in the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee. As of December 2013, the Nevada State Contractors Board is now accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors. On June 13th, Greg Crow, George Whalen and Angie Whitaker had a meeting with a Western State Member to discuss their interest in accepting the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors.

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NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee; Jamie Durham, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Physical Committee Meeting in FY

2013/2014, in early spring.• NASCLA Investigator Training Program, Completed

• Develop NASCLA Education Provider Application • Develop Time Requirements for each Training Module• Training Courses launched at the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference

• Laws for the NASCLA Resources Committee Toolkit for Contractor Regulators on Elderly Abuse Prevention and Natural Disasters.

• Code of Ethics for Contractors• Rules and Regulations Committee UpdateTh e committee is continuing their work on the NASCLA Investigator Training Program. Th e NASCLA Staff has updated the NASCLA Elder Justice Module with state specifi c statutory language. Th e committee is now scheduled to meet during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference to continue their research and discussion.

NASCLA Nomination Committee; Steve Pinther, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Offi cers & Board of Director Nominations for FY 2014/2015 (Elected at the

NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference)Committee UpdateTh e committee held a conference call on May 28, 2014. During the conference call, they reviewed the NASCLA Secretary Position nominations and have formulated a nomination committee plan to present to the NASCLA Board of Directors during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference.

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NASCLA Program Committee; Keith Warren, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA 2014 Mid Year Meeting

• Formulate Meeting Agenda• 1-Day Strategic Planning Meeting with Michael Barrett, Facilitator, and NASCLA

Board of Directors • NAHB Design and Construction Week, NASCLA Supporting Member

• NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference • NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference Identify Speakers• Formulate Conference Agenda and Conference Sessions• Target Sponsorships

Committee UpdateTh e NASCLA Program Committee held a conference call on February 14, 2014 to continue the planning preparations for the upcoming NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference in Newport, Rhode Island. During the conference call the committee members fi nalized the program agenda and speakers. Th ey are continuing sponsorship recruitment eff orts at this time. Th ey also confi rmed the NASCLA 2015 Mid Year Meeting will be held at the Westin Hotel in Huntsville, Alabama on March 11-13. NASCLA Staff conducted a site visit for the NASCLA 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, California in June 2014. A future conference call to discuss the hotel location will be held in July 2014.

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NASCLA Publications Committee; Greg Crow, Co-ChairGeorge Whalen, Co-Chair

Fy 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Consumer Guide for Home Improvement Projects Publication, Completed.

1. Target Insurance Companies and Trade Associations2. Publishing Licensing Agreement

• NASCLA Online Training Program on the NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management, Basic Edition.

• NASCLA Publications Brochure Update.• NERP Website Navigation Updates.• Expand NASCLA Code Publications. • HVAC Publication.

Committee UpdateTh e committee held a conference call on May 14, 2014 to determine the top fi nalists for the NASCLA Publisher & Desktop Publisher RFP that was released on March 11, 2014. Th e Committee Co-Chairs interviewed the top Publishing RFP fi nalists at the NASCLA offi ce on June 13, 2014. Th e committee will be making a fi nal recommendation on the NASCLA Board of Directors conference call in July 2014. Th e committee will have a physical committee meeting during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference.

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NASCLA Residential Committee; Janet Baumberger, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• NASCLA Consumer Guide for Home Improvement Projects, Ongoing.

• Develop Marketing Plan and Materials• Target Insurance Companies and Trade Associations (NAHB)• Publishing Licensing Agreement

• NASCLA Online Training Program on the NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management, Basic Edition.

• NASCLA Code Publications with the State of Kentucky and ICC, fi nalize the Kentucky Building and Residential Code Publications. Continue to market to other states. States that have expressed interest: Alabama, Arkansas and Idaho.

• Review legal comments regarding deadline dates and penalties from Reese Anderson, NASCLA Legal Counsel, on JF Publishing Contract.

• NASCLA In-house publishing option towards to end of JF Publishing Contract. • NASCLA State Publishing Production Schedule and Agreements.

Committee UpdateTh e committee held a conference call on January 30, 2014 to review the NASCLA Contractors Disciplinary Database IT updates on the new features and upgrades to the system. Th e committee would like to promote the NASCLA Contractors Disciplinary Database upgrades at the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference.



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NASCLA Resources Committee; Margi Grein, Chair

FY 2013/2014 Committee Projects• Finalize Government Aff airs/Legislator Partnering Plan for NASCLA State Members. • Social Media Plan & Continue Presentations at NASCLA Meetings/Conferences.• Business Assistance Program.• NASCLA Resources Physical Committee Meeting in FY 2013/2014.

Committee UpdateOn May 8, 2014, the committee held a conference call to discuss their current tasks on 1) Social Media 2) Understanding the Board’s Role in a Legislative Environment and 3) Business Assistance Program. Th e committee focused on Social Media, developing a sub-committee that will be looking into the pros/cons of the mobile contractor app which is becoming more popular throughout the states. Th e committee also worked on a sub-committee plan to continue their eff orts on Understanding the Board’s Role in Legislative Environment. Th e committee agreed that fi nalizing these two projects will be their fi rst priority and will schedule separate smaller conference calls within the sub-committees to discuss the projects further. Th e committee will have a physical meeting during the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference and also have another physical committee meeting scheduled for October 10-11, 2014 in Henderson, Nevada.



NASCLA NEWSNASCLA Staff Welcomes New Administrative

Assistant, Kristy Trebilcock Kristy Trebilcock currently serves as NASCLA’s Administrative Assistant. Kristy joined the NASCLA Staff in May of 2014. Her primary responsibilities are with NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications, providing knowledge on the NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project ManagementEditions and NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors to state contractors licensing candidates. Kristy also works closely with NASCLA’s Executive Director, Program Manager and Publications Coordinator to carry out association projects and maintain the day to day offi ce duties. In December of 2006, Kristy graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication. She also has a strong background in the Hospitality Industry, previously working as a Sales Administrative Assistant at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel.

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Steve Sands to step down at year’s end aft er leading Board since 2001SACRAMENTO — Steve Sands, who’s been at the helm of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) since January 1, 2001, has announced his plan to retire at the end of the year. Mr. Sands made the announcement at CSLB’s quarterly Board meeting, held on April 24, in San Diego.As Registrar of Contractors, Mr. Sands serves as the CSLB executive offi cer and oversees a $60 million budget and more than 400 employees at CSLB headquarters in Sacramento and 10 other offi ces around the state.Under Mr. Sands’ leadership, CSLB has been recognized as a leader in proactive enforcement programs and partnerships with state and local agencies that help curb the underground economy. CSLB’s Licensing, Examination, Enforcement, and Public

Aff airs programs have been used as models for the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) and other agencies within the Department of Consumer Aff airs.“Steve has done a remarkable job, expertly guiding the Board through tumultuous budget times, including deep staff cuts,” said Board Chair Joan Hancock. “He’s always made consumer protection his top priority, while also working to protect the integrity of the state’s construction industry. He’s going to leave some very big shoes to fi ll.”Prior to coming to CSLB, Mr. Sands was Executive Offi cer of the California Architects Board from 1986-2000. From 1978-1986, he worked in the Department of Consumer Aff airs Executive and Legislative Offi ces.Mr. Sands has served on the NASCLA Board of Directors since 2001. Steve is also a NASCLA Honorary Member for his tenure on the NASCLA Board of Directors. Th e NASCLA family congratulates Mr. Sands on his commitment and service to the Board and citizens of California. NASCLA wishes Mr. Sands much happiness in his well-deserved retirement.

CSLB Registrar of Contractor Announces Upcoming Retirement

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Senator refl ects on accomplishments, looks forward to progress.June 6, 2014Hagatna, Guam. Senator Tommy Morrison fi led his bid for re-election with the GuamElection Commission this aft ernoon at 3pm with his wife Stephanie and children Gage and Jewel.“Th e past year-and-a-half in elected offi ce have been a privilege and I’m pleased with the accomplishments of my offi ce. We have fulfi lled our commitment to the youth as well as our commitment to improve government customer service using technology,” Morrison said.In 2012, Senator Tommy Morrison committed to a platform dedicated to the youth as well as improving customer service through e-government initiatives. “Working with Senator Chris Duenas, my offi ce worked on landmark legislation that has created approximately $1.5 million per year in funding for our village and school sports facilities,” Morrison said. Senator Morrison also worked with the Vice-Speaker in authoring legislation that created the Offi ce of Technology and the position of Chief Technology Offi cer. “Th is offi ce is responsible for coordinating e-government initiatives throughout the Government of Guam, and bring more services online for our community,” Morrison said. Th e Vice-Speaker has called this legislation the most signifi cant legislation passed by the 32nd Guam Legislature.In an eff ort to place a greater importance and focus on Guam’s history and Chamorro heritage, Morrison authored public law that sets aside “Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day.”

“If I am given the privilege of a second term, I want to ensure that the laws I have worked on are fully executed, and I want to continue my focus on youth, e-government, and heritage.” *****For more information contact Tommy Morrison at 671-482-5346Visit the link below for video: Filing Dayhttp://youtu.be/UmiXofJoUn4

NASCLA Past Board Member, Senator Tommy Morrison, Files For Re-Election In

The Guam Election Commission


Tommy Morrison, NASCLA Past Board Member, Guam

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Storms - CLEAR Recognizes MSBOC


In the month of April, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes wreaked havoc on homes and businesses across Mississippi. Multiple supercell thunderstorms produced many instances of damaging wind and large hail along with multiple tornadoes. Th e most devastating tornado was an EF-4 which tore a path across NE Leake County, the corners of Attala and Neshoba counties, and through the heart of Winston County, Mississippi where the city of Louisville was especially hard hit. Th is tornado was on the ground for over 34 miles and resulted in 10 fatalities and many injuries. Other hard hit areas included Lee County, Lowndes County, Rankin County, Hinds County, Scott County, Newton County, Montgomery County, Warren County and Jones

County. Each of these counties experienced at least one tornado, some multiple tornadoes. Overall, 21 tornadoes were confi rmed across the forecast area. Of these tornadoes, 3 were rated EF-3, 3 rated EF-2, 12 rated EF1 and 2 rated EF-0. Following the deadly tornado outbreak, members of the Mississippi State Board of Contractors Disaster Response Team were dispatched to the aff ected areas to warn property owners about common scams and fraudulent contractors who take advantage of individuals, especially in disaster situations. MSBOC staff worked with local, state and federal offi cials to urge property owners to be vigilant when contracting for storm damage clean up and repairs. Th e Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) recognized MSBOC’s proactive response to public need in the wake of the spring storms describing the agency’s eff orts as “regulatory excellence.”

MSBOC Enforcement Offi cer Joe Hawkins assists contractors with licensing requirements and warns consumers about common scams that occur aft er a disaster.

MSBOC Disaster Response Team trailer.

An individual documents damage to a business in Richland, MS.

A storm chaser captures this image of one of the tornadoes that hit Louisville, MS.

A resident sift s through rubble at her residence.

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NASCLA STATE MEMBER NEWS Two New Bills Passed for the Ohio

Construction Industry Licensing BoardArticle by Carol Ross, Executive Secretary, OCILB


On June 4, 2014 S.B. 78 passed. Th is was a cleanup bill for the Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board (OCILB). Th e new law now states that the license holder (contractor) shall “employ” the trades people performing the work. It goes on to say the trades people must be “employed” by the contractor. S.B. 78 also states that a contractor “shall” assign a contracting company name to his license. Th ese changes have been proposed for about three years and have fi nally become law. Th e changes are an attempt to stop selling of licenses by licensed contractors to unlicensed contractors. On that same day, June 4, 2014 H.B. 486 passed. Th is bill reduces continuing education hours from 10 hours a year to 8 hours. Th e bill also allows contractors to renew every year, every two years or every three years. Th is is an incentive program for those contractors who always complete their renewal requirements on time. If a contractor renews late in the future, he must take the 10 hours continuing education and he must renew on a yearly basis. He will not be eligible for the incentive program.

Mississippi Lien Law Changes Signed Into Effect

Article by Jamin Wroten

Mississippi was once one of the only states in the country that off ered subcontractors no lien rights on a construction project. Instead, subcontractors could assert a stop payment notice and make a claim on monies in the hands of the owner.

Last year the U.S. Fift h Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the stop payment notice provision as unconstitutional leaving subcontractors with no statutory payment protections on un-bonded jobs. Th is year, the Mississippi State Legislature rewrote the lien law for commercial and residential construction projects. Governor Phil Bryant signed Senate Bill 2622 into law which requires those seeking to fi le a lien to comply carefully with strict notice and fi ling requirements. Failure to comply with the new requirements could lead to a lien being ineff ective or unenforceable. Th e new law also requires contractors to be properly licensed in order to assert lien rights. Th e Mississippi State Board of Contractors is partnering with the Mississippi Development Authority’s Minority and Small Business Development Division to help

educate contractors about the new lien law and how to become properly licensed. Seminars are being conducted throughout the state to help construction tradesman and others who want to learn the ins– and—outs of Mississippi’s new construction lien law.

MSBOC Enforcement Director Charles Sharman explains the licensing process.

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Significant Changes to License Classifications

and Examination Requirements in Arizona

Eff ective July 1, 2014 Arizona contractor rules will undergo some signifi cant changes. Th ese changes will (1) consolidate license classifi cations, (2) increase the dollar limitation of several license classifi cations, and (3) establish criteria for waiving trade exams for applicants with comparable licenses in other states.(1) License Classifi cationsLicense classifi cations and their scopes are established in rule (administrative code) in Arizona. Th e rules on these license classifi cations were last updated in 1998. Since that time, Arizona contractor licenses have been divided into 238 diff erent license classifi cations. Th is is far more than other states.Th e primary factor of this overwhelmingly high number is Arizona’s distinguishing between commercial, residential, and dual (commercial and residential) license classifi cations. Having diff erent licenses for these categories essentially results in a triplication of the licenses. For example, a contractor could have a residential fl ooring license, a commercial fl ooring license, or a dual fl ooring license.Eff ective July 1, 2014, Arizona will consolidate license classifi cations for many licenses. Aft er the consolidations, Arizona will be left with roughly 120 classifi cations. Th ese consolidations will make Arizona contractor license classifi cations much more consistent with other states.(2) Dollar LimitationsSeveral Arizona contractor licenses have a maximum dollar limitation. For some licenses these dollar limitations have not been adjusted for infl ation since before 1998.Eff ective July 1, 2014, Arizona will increase the dollar maximum for the following licenses:• B-2 General Small Commercial Contractor,• C-61 Limited Remodeling and Repair Contractor, and• C-62 Minor Home Improvements.

(3) Waiving Trade ExamsPassing a trade exam is one of the requirements necessary to be approved for an Arizona contractor’s license. A trade exam helps the ROC assess whether an applicant has the knowledge required to perform the type of work authorized by a license. Unfortunately, in situations where a qualifi ed licensed contractor from another state seeks to get a license in Arizona this required trade exam functions more like an unnecessary hurdle.Eff ective July 1, 2014, Arizona rules will authorize waiving the trade exam where:• Th e applicant/qualifi er has taken and passed a trade exam that led to the approval of a contractor’s license in another state;• Th e contractor’s license has been active and in good standing within the preceding fi ve years; and• Th e exam content and the license classifi cation are equivalent to the Arizona exam and license for which the exam waiver is being requested.Th ese rule changes will benefi t contractors by (1) making Arizona license classifi cations much more consistent with other states, (2) expanding the work allowed under some licenses; and (3) removing an unnecessary hurdle for qualifi ed applicants.

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NASCLA 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCETh e NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference marks the celebrating of 52 Years of Excellence in Regulation! NASCLA welcomes you to join us in Newport, Rhode Island on August 25 - 28, 2014 at the Hotel Viking.

United with colleagues from all jurisdictions, attendees will fi nd tailored sessions to both Regulators and Contractors. Featuring some of the industries top experts these general sessions will include presentations on a Consumer Protection, Construction in the Current Economy, Top Regulatory Cases, Construction Productivity and Executive Director/Board Chair Training. Share in the wealth of knowledge and experience all

that NASCLA has to off er by joining us at this year’s annual conference!

Agenda At-A-GlanceMonday, August 25th

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: NASCLA Fiscal Policy & Procedures Committee Meeting

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM: NASCLA Executive Committee Meeting

11:45 AM - 1:45 PM: NASCLA Board of Directors Luncheon Meeting

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: NASCLA Contractors Committee Meeting

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: NASCLA Resources Committee Meeting

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: NASCLA Membership Committee Meeting

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: NASCLA Publications Committee Meeting

3:30 PM - 4:15 PM: NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee Meeting

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Opening Reception

Tuesday, August 26th

8:30 AM - 8:50 AM: Welcome Message and Newport PresentationPresented by: George Whalen, NASCLA President and Anne Roberts, Newport CVB

8:30 AM - 9:15 AM: Special Guest Breakfast and Newport PresentationPresented by: Newport CVB

8:50 AM - 11:00 AM: Pursuing the Predators: How To Get A Felony Conviction Instead Of A Citation Against Th ose Who Target Elderly Victims of Contractor FraudPresented by: Paul Greenwood, San Diego, Deputy District Attorney, Head of Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Improving Construction Industry ProductivityPresented by: Mike Bellaman, President and Chief Executive Offi cer, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Energy Effi ciencyPresented by: To Be Determined

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Group Lunch

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Newport Area and Newport Vineyards Winery Tour

** Agenda is Tentative and Subject to Change

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Thursday, August 28th

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Eff ective and Effi cient Boards: What Does that Mean and How is it Measured? Presented by: Dale Atkinson, JD, Atkinson & Atkinson, Executive Director, Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB)

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Expanding Your Outreach and Assistance Th rough Social Media and ApplicationsPresented by: Tom O’Hair, Public Information Offi cer, California Contractors State License Board, Margi Grein, Executive Offi cer, Nevada State Contractors Board and Stephanie Lee, Executive Director, Mississippi State Board of Contractors

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM: Application Integrity – Th reats and ChallengesPresented by: Eric Olson, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Contractors

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: NASCLA Report of StatesPresented by: NASCLA State Members

12:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Group Luncheon | Clam Boil at Atlantic Beach Club

Wednesday, August 27th

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Will the Real Economy Please Stand Up! Presented by: Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., GraphsandLaughs, LLC

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Testifying at Administrative and Criminal Proceedings a NASCLA Investigator Training Module Presented by: Ellen Leonard, Assistant Attorney General, Alabama Board of Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Regulation of the Construction Industry: A Multi-Media SessionPresented by: Dale Atkinson, JD, Executive Director, Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB)

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM: NASCLA Board of Directors Luncheon Meeting

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: NASCLA Model Legislation Committee Meeting

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) CreditsContinuing Legal Education Credits will be off ered

to participants of the 2014 Annual Conference. Earn valuable CLE Credits while experiencing everything NASCLA has to off er! For more information, please

contact Kirsten Zacharias at [email protected].

** Agenda is Tentative and Subject to Change

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NASCLA 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCETh ank you 2014 Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsorsnn

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

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Registrants Name Title


Mailing Address

City State Zip

Phone Fax


Registration Type Registration Fee Includes: Meeting Materials, Breakfast, Luncheons, Reception and Closing Banquet

NASCLA Member | $495 Conference Silver or Bronze Sponsor | $495

Non-Member | $595 Conference Diamond, Platinum or Gold Sponsor | Waived Registration

Spouse / Guest Name: Relation:

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORMPlease complete and remit to NASCLA at the address, email or fax listed below

Deadline Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2014

23309 North 17th Drive, Suite 110, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 | Phone: (623) 587-9354 | Fax: (623) 587-9625 | Email: [email protected]/main-annual-conference-page

Method Of Payment | REGISTRANT

Enclosed Check Charge the Credit Card below $ Payment to Follow

Card Number Expiration Date

Name on Card

Cancellation Policy Full registration fees will be refunded if a written cancellation notice is received 25 days prior to the start of the Annual Conference. No refunds will be made after Thursday, July 31, 2014.

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NASCLA is pleased to announce that Th e NASCLA 2014 State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code will be released in July 2014.Th e NASCLA 2014 State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code is a model code that provides minimum requirements to safeguard the environment, public health, safety and general welfare through the establishment of requirements that are intended to reduce the negative impacts and increase the positive impacts of the built environment on the natural environment and building occupants.Th e NASCLA 2014 State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code addresses natural resource, material, water and energy conservation, as well as indoor environmental quality and comfort, building commissioning, operations and maintenance for new and existing buildings, building sites and building materials, components, equipment and systems. Th e code will be promulgated on a 3-year cycle to allow for new construction methods and technologies to be incorporated into the code. Innovative approaches and alternative materials, designs, and methods not specifi cally addressed in the code can be approved by the code offi cial where the proposed innovative approaches or materials, designs or methods comply with the intent of the provisions of the code (see Section 105.4).

Th e NASCLA 2014 State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code will be available for purchase in July 2014 by visiting: http://store.nascla.org/state-rhode-island-green-construction-code

ISBN 10: 1-934234-72-9 ISBN 13:1-978-1-934234-72-3Price: $107.00 plus shipping


State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code

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New Contractor Members

• KDL Homes Inc.

• Inline Restoration LLC

• Echo Pacifi c Construction, Inc.

• Arlington Construction, Inc.

• EnviroBuilt Systems LLC

• Midstate Inspections LLC

• FDC Construction & Investments, LLC

• NAES Corporation

• JESCO, Inc.

• Networking Opportunities with Industry Experts and Representatives

• Complimentary Copies of the Annual Membership Directory and Quarterly Newsletter

• Reduced Registration Fees for NASCLA Annual Conferences & Training Seminars

• Continuing Education Opportunities

• Opportunity for Committee Service

• Access to the NASCLA Members Only Website

To Apply for NASCLA Membership, please visit the following link: www.nascla.org/membership-signup






PHONE: 623.587.9354 FAX: [email protected]