Narrative theory

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Page 1: Narrative theory


Beth Oliver

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Propp developed a theory that within each narrative there are a set of stock

characters, which reappear in every storyline, these roles are:

Hero – Person on the quest

Princess – Prize for hero

Helper – Helps hero

False Hero – Somebody who believes they are the hero

Dispatcher – Sends the hero on their quest

Father – Rewards the hero

Villain – Attempts to stop the hero on his/her quest

Donor – Provides objects to help the hero on their quest

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Levi-Strauss’ theory dictated that in every media text there are binary opposistions, or

a conflict between two opposites. The audience subsequently are aware of who they

should side with, and this technique can also help create a political theme within a

text. For example:

Good & Bad

Rich & Poor

Eastern & Western World

Love & Hate

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Barthes was a French semiologist who identified 5 different codes by which a narrative

engages the attention of the audience.

In order of importance:

The enigma code – the audience is intrigued by the need to solve a problem

The action code – the audience is excited by the need to resolve a problem

The semantic code – the audience is directed towards an additional meaning by way

of connotation

The symbolic code – the audience assumes that a character dressed in black as evil

or menacing and forms expectations of his/her behaviour on this basis

The cultural code – the audience derives meaning in a text from shared cultural

knowledge about the way the world works

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Todorov’s theory states that in a media text there are five stages.



RECOGNITION (of disruption)

ATTEMPT TO RESTORE (original equilibrium)


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The Killers

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In this video there are 3 main characters that we see throughout the video;

The Hero – Lead singer

The Princess

The Villain

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We can tell that the lead singer is the hero, due to all the close up shots and facial

expressions which the match the lyrics of the song

The other older male we see if clearly the villain due to the presence he has around

the women in the video as well as his facial expressions looking evil.

The women fits the general stereotype of the ‘Princess’ character. She is beautiful

and loving towards the main character. She is also a bit of a damsel in distress

which would again fit the stereotype of the ‘Princess’.

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The main binary opposition in this video is GOOD & BAD. This is shown through the

men both fighting for the main girl; however one guy wants to hurt her, while the

other wants to protect her. This could also link into the theme of LOVE & HATE.

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The codes that are used in this video are the ENIGMA AND SYMBOLIC/CULTURAL


Enigma is shown throughout the video as it does not fully make sense, there is no

clear storyline or moral to the video.

Symbolic/Cultural is shown through the girls flashing their underwear at several

occasions; which is what we associate with prostitutes (which is what I think the

girls in the video are suppose to be).

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Fall Out Boy

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There are three main stereotypes we see in the video:

The Hero – The guitarist

The Princess

The Villain – The monkeys (mainly the monkey posing as the director)

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We know that the guitarist is the hero because (from about half way through when

the narrative story becomes much clearer), he is shown through lots of close up shots.

Also, the Princess choses him over the Villain towards the end of the video, which is

another clear indication that he is the Hero, as normally good triumphs evil.

We know that the woman in the video is the Princess, because she is very beautiful

and comes across as kind. However, you could say that she is also the Villain, as she

seems to flirt with both the guitarist and the monkey, which is something you’d expect

a desperate, nasty, stuck-up teenager to do.

We know that the monkey is the Villain, because he is very bossy, rude and nasty,

especially towards the band members (in particular; the guitarist for obvious reasons).

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The main theme throughout this video is GOOD & BAD. This is shown through the

guitarist and the monkey battling over the Princess. Also, the fact the band are

fighting against the monkeys throughout the whole video, eventually resulting in the

guitarist destroying the stage, is quite entropic. You would not expect to see man

and primate fighting against each other – especially not while filming a music video.

The winner at the end of the video is unclear. In my opinion I think it is the guitarist

because he takes control and destroys the stage, but you could say that the bad side

has won; as they have managed to get to the guitarist and upset him.

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In this video I think that the codes that are used are; ENIGMA, SEMANTIC AND ACTION


The enigma code is clear because it is not completely understandable what is going on in the

video, especially to start off with (the monkeys telling the band what to do).

The action code comes mainly at the end; when things start heating up within the love

triangle (the guitarist, the woman and the monkey). When the guitarist destroys the stage, the

audience get a bit excited because it is out of the blue and the special effects (exploding

lights) add to the tension.

The semantic code is making us look deeper into the narrative. For example; I think that the

reason that all of the music video crew are being show as monkeys is because the band are

comparing them to under-developed primates who haven’t got much knowledge as humans.

Which could also tell us that the band don’t think their crew are as intelligent as they are, and

that they like to make their own decisions.

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I think that this music video does follow Todorov’s theory, because when we first see

the band they are rehearsing normally, then we find out that their crew are

monkeys. The band then realise that the monkeys are taking over and rebel. Things

seem to be getting back on track (the guitarist seems to be getting close to the

woman), then the Villain tries once again to steal the girl, resulting in the new

equilibrium; the guitarists losing his temper and destroying the stage.

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Ellie Goulding

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In this video it is unclear what general characters are used. I personally think that

Ellie Goulding is the Princess singing about how wonderful her Hero is, and how happy

he makes her. However, some people may think that she is singing this about her

Prince and she is actually the Hero; as it could work both ways. There are no other

characters in the video (apart from a kitten and occasionally getting a glimpse of

another girl). Ellie (the artist) is clearly the main character and focus, as she is rarely

out of shot, this means that that artist is being promoted incredibly well; which is a

common convention of a music video.

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The code used in this video is the ENIGMA CODE.

We know this is used because, although she is talking about wonderful the man she

loves is, we never see him or have any idea who he might be. This makes us want to

know more or keeps us guessing.

Throughout the video, Ellie looks into the camera or aside to the camera as if she is

looking at him, but again we never see him. It just makes us think that he is around.

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The SYMBOLIC CODE is also used; she is portrayed as an everyday girl, you would

expect to see walking down the street. Which is a massive contrast to who she actually

is! She wears normal everyday clothes, plays with a kitten, goes for walks and spends

time with friends; this is quite different to how you would imagine a successful

recording artist to be like.