Surf Life Saving Club Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2011-2012

Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club...National Real Estate Narrabeen. The Board of Management is also to be thanked for ensuring responsible fiscal practices have been maintained,

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Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club

Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Report 2011 ‐ 2012 

Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club

Annual Report 2011-2012

Nipper Presentation Day

2011 – 2012


Annual Report 2011 2012 1

Welcome to Members and Guests 2

The Year in a Snapshot 3

Presidents Report 4

Finance and Administration 6

Lifesaving and Education 8

Awards Gained 12

Patrol Hours 13

Surf Sports 14

Youth and Membership Development 16

Tuff Club 23

Social Highlights 24

Financial Report Year 2011 – 2012 25

Board of Management 2011 – 2012 32

Major Sponsors

Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2011 2012

is published by Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club, Incorporated

ABN 98 899 009 259

Address: Narrabeen Lions Park

Ocean Street Narrabeen NSW 2101

Tel: (02) 9913 7616 Fax: (02) 9970 8838

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.narrabeach.org.au

Compilation by: Wayne Schwebel

Photographs: Stephen Price, Gordon Coburn, Tony Fitzgibbon

The Board of Management of Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. would like to welcome all members and guests to the 47th Annual General Meeting to be held at Narrabeen Beach Clubhouse on Sunday 12th August 2012. The Board of Management now submits to members the annual report and financial statement within this publication. This report provides statements from each board reflecting the activities for the previous year and significant achievements worthy of note.

Presented on behalf of the Board of Management by Wayne Schwebel, Director of Finance & Administration, Narrabeen Beach SLSC Inc.


AgendaPresidents Welcome

Apologies & Proxies

Adoption of Minutes of the 2010 – 2011 Annual General Meeting

Business arising from those minutes

Presentation and adoption of the 2011 – 2012 Annual Report

Election of Board of Management for 2012 – 2013

Notice of motions: 2

Special Resolutions: 1

Presentation of Proposed Board of Management Structure

Urgent General Business

Close Light Refreshments will follow.

2 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Welcome to Members & Guests

Nipper March Past – Manly Bronze Exam – Narrabeen Beach

SNB Training Officer of the Year Gordon Coburn

SNB Volunteer of the Year Kaz Marks

Bronze Training

2011 2012 2010 2011

Membership 437 424

Patrol Statistics

Patrol Hours 4,449 3,858

Rescues 72 12

Preventative Actions 1,176 505

First Aid 81 326

SLSA Awards 67 72

Branch Awards

Most Outstanding Club 7thPlace 5


Patrol Assessment 7thPlace 10


SNB Training Officer of

the YearGordon Coburn

SNB Volunteer of the

YearKaz Marks

Branch Board of Education and


Paul O’Keefe

Richard Whipp

Gordon Coburn

Rob Cook

Kaz Marks

Branch Board of Surf Sports Stephen Price

Ross Tester

Gary Foster

Grahame Cook

Matt Price

Karen Marks

Branch Trauma Incident Peer

Support Panel

Skye Holt

Branch Board of Lifesaving Joshua Buckton

Branch Duty Officer Graham Cook

Branch Radio Operations Peter Hill

John Faul

The Year in Snapshot

Annual Report 2011 2012 3

President’s Report

In 2011 – 2012, Narrabeen Beach SLSC continued to focus on the four essential pillars: membership, community, financial sustainability and the core business of life saving.

Membership generally was strong and consistent, with Junior membership once again growing year on year. Significantly, Nippers participation remained steady and patrols were at full strength for the full season.

Our members continued their commitment to community activities by once again supporting the annual Pub2Pub Charity Fun Run and by providing qualified water safety crews for ManlyWarringah Kayak Club events. The Club's facilities continued to host community classes such as Pilates and Zumba, promoting health and wellness to the community at large.

The Club once again hosted Round 4 of the successful OceanSeries, the Narrabeen Downwind Challenge, open to multiple non SLS-spec craft, as well as two annual community sporting events; the multi-disciplined Narrathonand the NarraFun Ocean Swim, which solidified our standing as a club that hosts respected and professional events.

January 2012 once again saw the Club put on a professionally run Junior carnival, with a record number of Nipper participants from Narrabeen Beach. In February the Club hosted the 2011-2012 Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships for all age groups across two weekends.

The Club continued to fund its operations and meet its fiduciary obligations according to plan, deriving income through fundraising efforts such as hall-hire, grants and sponsorships, and a number of sporting events.

My personal thanks go to all of our sponsors and supporters for their ongoing assistance, and in particular to Bakers Delight Centro Warriewood,Bennett Surfboards, BPM Trading Company,Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Dee Why RSL Club, Henderson Logistics, and Rod Jones First National Real Estate Narrabeen.

The Board of Management is also to be thankedfor ensuring responsible fiscal practices have been maintained, and despite the risk of a downturn in general economic conditions and the challenge of attracting sponsorship and donations, the Club has a multi-year plan in place to ensure its continued financial viability.

I must recognise the continued passion, professionalism and enthusiasm brought by our members to the business of keeping the public safe. Our patrolling members gave up 4,449 hours of their time on the beach – a significant 15% increase over last season – and performed 72 rescues, 81 first aid treatments, and 1,176 preventative actions.

This commitment was reflected in the Club gaining 7th place in the SLSSNB Patrol Assessment Competition.

Our dedicated trainers and assessors helped members attain 67 new lifesaving awards – including 27 new Bronze Medallions – building a platform for future service. Congratulations and thanks are owed to Gordon Coburn (SLSSNB Trainer of the Year) and to Kaz Marks (SLSSNB Volunteer of the Year) for their passion and recognition.

Once again no lives were lost at Narrabeen Beach during the patrolling season – although 6 rescues were performed outside of rostered patrol hours.

Our sincere thanks go to the elected Councillors and staff of Warringah Council, Federal Member for Mackellar the Hon. Bronwyn Bishop and State MP for Pittwater Rob Stokes, who have supported our work during this and past seasons, and to the entire staff and organisation of Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches.

Jason Oakes President

4 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Carnivals & Events

Annual Report 2011 2012 5

Branch Championships 2011 - 12

12 to 18 March 2012

Narrabeen Beach had the honour of hosting the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships for Juniors, Seniors and Masters competition in 2011 – 12. To host such an event with around 20 clubs competing over many disciplines from surf boats, boards, skis plus water and beach events requires the support of many volunteers. Narrabeen Beach is blessed with a tireless group of members, family and friends who did an outstanding job to assist with the many jobs from water safety to the never ending BBQ. The Championship’s were conducted over two weekends with all members of the club contributing to Junior and Senior carnivals over both weekends.

The Board of Management and the organisers noted the many comments from Branch officials and carnival participants who heaped praise on the work effort by our members and were congratulated on a job well done. Congratulations to all who participated.

A Big Thank You to The Volunteers

& to the Competitors.

Finance and Administration Report

The Finance and Administration (F & A) Board are pleased to present to the members the accounts and auditor’s report for the financial year 2011 – 2012 for Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. The club has continued to grow in membership and complexity with increased regulatory requirements and other factors making the job of administration and finance now almost a full time job.

Over the last season the club has achieved some significant milestones. These include the kiosk being fully operational during the patrolling months, increased community group usage for the function room and hosting of the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships.

The function room continues to be central to the financial stability of the club, with weddings and other functions generating a good source of income that will support the bank loans as well as other club needs. We had a change in function coordinator, with Michelle Mackenzie leaving us to go to University and she will be missed. Michelle had received many letters of thanks from brides who had their special day made even more special by her dedication and professionalism. We thank Michelle sincerely for all her hard work and effort.

The function coordinator role was taken over by Samanta Vaglio who assisted for around three months. Unfortunately, Sam was not able to continue and we are pleased to expand the role of our administration assistant Alison Annett to incorporate functions. This is a role I am sure Alison will enjoy and do a top job for the club.

All of these factors increased our administration and I would sincerely like to thank Alison Annett for her hard work throughout the year and also Fiona Russell for the support given to Alison and her continued work with the accounts.

The Finance & Administration Board has a number of members including David Cook as Vice President and Tracey Lake as Function Manager and licensee. These members are always working hard behind the scenes and get little thanks for their efforts. I would like to sincerely thank each one for their dedication, as I know how much work has to be put in just to keep the club functioning. Our President, Jason Oakes has also contributed many thankless hours in assisting with accounts, members bar and other functions. Jason is a tireless worker for the club and I sincerely thank him for all his hard work and assistance.


The accounts and balance sheet for the financial year have been audited and are included in the annual report for presentation to the Annual General Meeting and members. The financial position of the club continues to be sound with income from the function room, kiosk, members bar, club functions, such as comedy night, and carnivals all contributing to the operating surplus. This income allows us to service operating costs plus loan repayments. The challenge for the finance team is to balance the cash flow especially during the lean winter months.

In summary the club has had an operating surplus of $ 76,200 after interest on an income of $338,000. This has allowed us to commence write down of the building with amortisation of $86,500 against capital building cost. This process will continue over the next few years as the income from our activities will eventually write off the total cost of the building works.


Over the last season, we received significant support through sponsorship from many companies, club members, families and others. This has been in cash and in kind and it all helps to keep the club functioning.

Our major sponsors are Dee Why RSL Club, through the Club Housie program, Warringah Council and Branch sponsors such as Unilever Streets and Coca Cola. Patrol side advertising has been supported by Henderson Logistics and Rod Jones First National Real Estate North Narrabeen. Carnivals and events were sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank, Integrated Coms Pty Ltd (Optus Shops, Warriewood and Warringah Mall) and Lawrence Chartres. Our comedy night is sponsored by Roger Osborne of Icon Catering which is a big help. Significant support also comes from BPM Trading, Bakers Delight, Cromer Exhausts, Harry’s Butchery Cromer and other family members.

6 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

I would like to remind all members that any support is most welcome and any increase in sponsorship will allow us to purchase much needed equipment. If you know any company who would like to support your club then pass on the details to us and we can do the rest. Even a small donation will greatly assist your club and it is fully tax deductable.


Income from the kiosk this year has increased by 36% to $37,800 in 2011 – 12 and this has only been achieved through the hard work of a few dedicated people. I would like to thank Claire McManaway for her tireless efforts and volunteer hours. She has been ably supported by many Mums and Dads on Sundays and we thank you all for your hard work especially during carnivals.

Other members have helped with the kiosk on Saturdays and public holidays during summer with Liam Blood and Will McInnes doing most of the hard yards. The kiosk is there to provide additional support for the club, so if you can give an hour or two behind the counter please let us know and we would be very appreciative of your help.

Function Room

The demand for the function room for weddings and other events continues to fulfil the needs for income for the club. Summer weddings are popular with ceremonies often held on the lawn facing the beach with guests then proceeding upstairs to the function room.

Over this last year we have seen the full transition to a licensed venue with bar service now replacing BYO events. This has led to an increase in function room bar sales to around $55,000 for the year to April 2012.

Annual Report 2011 2012 7

All our staff are fully RSA trained and functions are catered with two drinks packages including wines, beers and soft drinks. It is club policy not to supply spirits as this can lead to increased difficulty with patrons and for our staff. Catering is still organised by hirers to select their own requirements from self catering to event catering through companies such as Icon Event Catering and others.

During the week, the room is made available at very reasonable rent to community groups for activities such as Pilates, Zumba and Yoga. This provides a modest but ongoing income. Plans are being prepared to expand mid week functions for business groups and other community use. Opportunity exists to promote these events that will make use of our beautiful facility during the quieter periods.

Members Bar

The members bar could increase income through use by members for functions such as birthdays plus the usual Friday and Sunday night trading. We still get a keen group on State of Origin nights and on other occasions that really enjoy the experience. Come on down and have a quiet drink with a few friends or organise a family party at one of the best venues on the Northern Beaches.

In closing, I would sincerely like to thank all those who helped with the Finance & Administration Board this season, especially Fiona Russell, David Cook, Tracey Lake and Jason Oakes. I now look forward to an even more exciting year ahead.

Wayne Schwebel

Director – Finance & Administration

Board Meeting Attendance

As required by the Department of Fair Trading for Incorporated Bodies, the attendance at Board of Management meetings is as follows;

Name Position Meetings AttendanceJ. Oakes President 12 11 J. Buckton Director, Lifesaving & Education 12 11 R. Buckton Director, Surf Sports 12 12 T. Cook Director, Membership & Youth Development. 12 7 W. Schwebel Director, Finance & Administration 12 11 I. Harper Vice President Surf Sports 12 12 S. Price Vice President Membership & Youth Dev 12 11 D. Cook Vice President Finance & Administration 6 6 R. Whipp Vice President Lifesaving & Education 12 8

8 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Lifesaving and Education Report

The 2011 season was packed full of action for the lifesaving and education team, with an extra-ordinary number of bronze medallion candidates gaining awards, in Gordon’s first season as Education Supervisor. Undertaking 4,449.5 hours of patrol service with several large carnivals thrown in to keep it interesting.

On reviewing last year’s patrol statistics, we have 591 extra hours than the previous season, which is a phenomenal increase in commitment. Along with the increase in patrol hours, there was also a large increase in beach attendance, totalling 104,580 people. This is a record at the beach and it was a great effort from patrolling members to take this in their stride. This season there was over double the number of preventative actions taken and a huge leap from 12 rescues to 72 (this reflects the increase in beach attendance) which draws a very clear picture of the 2011-2012 season. We were busy!

We should give a huge thank you to all the dedicated and proficient patrolling members and the great team leaders “the patrol captains”. You all have done a superb and professional job in keeping our beach safe and enjoyable for the surfing public.

Patrolling members have to be proficient in a wide range of skill sets to undertake the task at the beach of maintaining public safety. I would like to thank and praise all trainers, assessors and members of the Board of Lifesaving and Education for the countless hours of proficiencies, instruction and paperwork. A big thanks to all others who assisted throughout the season with training and water safety.

Our core group of trainers being Richard Whipp, Gordon Coburn, Kaz Marks, Rob Cook, Paul O`Keefe, Matt Murphy, Sarah Coburn, Bekky Sinni, Belinda McCann, Skye Holt and Ian Harper deserve our thanks for the big job completed..

A notably huge contribution from Gordon on a unbelievable first season as education supervisor. My words cannot do justice to your actions over the past season, from recruiting new members, organising training and instructing new courses. A hard job, done extremely well.

I would also like to mention how great the changes to proficiencies were thanks to Kaz and her love for spreadsheets. It made life a whole lot easier for us all and finally to Paul for a great effort in the IRB’s. A well needed boost in training for both proficiencies and new awards.

This season, my mentor and good friend Richard Whipp is stepping down from his position of Vice President, Lifesaving & Education. Richard had nine seasons on the Board of Management and took the club from being the sole assessor to a highly skilled team. Richard has assisted, managed and guided the continual evolution of our lifesaving and education team into our current form with a large group of dedicated trainers and assessors.

Richard has been a great mentor for me from my earlier days of maintaining lifesaving equipment through to succeeding him as the Director of Lifesaving and Education. He has been an exceptional role model, who has supported and guided me the whole time. Thank you for all your time, knowledge and commitment over the years and I look forward to your continued involvement on the Board of Lifesaving and Education.

Congratulations also go to Gordon Coburn on his Patrol Person of the Year award. Gordon had exceptional hours and great patrol involvement, a well and hard earned award.

A massive congratulation goes to Gordon Coburn and Kaz Marks who took out Trainer of the Year and Volunteer of the Year respectively at the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Most Outstanding Club night. This shows your true commitment to lifesaving.

After reviewing the seasons statistics and activities, the Board of Lifesaving and Education has had one of the best seasons I have seen. We have gone from strength to strength and it looks like nothing can stop us, so thank you everybody for an awesome season and a tremendous effort from patrolling the beach to water safety at the branch championships. Catch you at the Beach.


Lifesaving and Education Report

Annual Report 2011 2012 9

IRB Report

The introduction of the new IRB guidelines this season, saw harder proficiencies and more checks for drivers and crewmen. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Paul OK̀eefe, drivers skills were tested and if needed were brought up to standard. This is no easy job but we got there in the end.

Paul OK̀eefe also led IRB training along with 3 willing assistants being Rob Cook, Ian Harper and myself. This team trained 6 new IRB crew awards for the season.This is tremendous, as training is hard and relies on good weather and surf as the majority of the award is water based. My appreciation goes to Paul and those who helped with IRB training. We desperately need more crew and drivers for this important piece of rescue equipment and without crews it would be useless.

Joshua Buckton Director – Lifesaving and Education

Thanks for a great year, Joshua

Another day in paradise. Ho Hum.

Ready for action

The things you see on Patrol!

Season 2011 – 12 Statistics.

Rescue by Type Total First Aid Total

No gear 8 Fractures / dislocations 1

Rescue tube 31 Minor cuts/abrasions 27

Rescue board 18 Minor marine stings 36

IRB 11 Other 14

Other 4 Spinal 3

Total Rescues 72 Total First Aid 81

Lifesaving and Education Report

Education Report

Education and training for the 2011-2012 season, was a “cracker” with one of the most successful results for Narrabeen Beach. We had a total of 67 new awards gained by our patrolling members, including 27 new bronze medallions plus 1 SRC. This will boost our patrol strength for next season and increase our skill base.


We managed to get all our proficiencies completed for patrolling members so that all 12 patrols were up to a high standard. Changes to resuscitation techniques were introduced and each patrol was coached in the new methods. I would like to thank Kaz Marks, Paul O’Keefe, Rob Cook, Joshua Buckton and Richard Whipp for a great effort at the start of the season.

Spring Bronze Course

Having lost one of our trainers from last year, as Tony Cook had moved to the Central Coast, we needed some help with the bronze squads. I am pleased to say that Matt Murphy “stepped up to the plate” and did a terrific job in his first season of training. Good on you Matty.

The spring group of 10 new bronze holders did a great job with a solid effort in often cold water conditions.

Bronze Medallion and SRC Squad

The main summer bronze squad of 17 trainees, including one SRC, passed with flying colours. The squads were trained with help from a number of senior members and competitors including Skye Holt, Sarah Coburn plus the usual team of Matt Murphy and Kaz Marks. Thanks as well to Billy Daniels for his help with ocean swimming for the bronze squads

ARTC Squad

Not content with just having their Bronze medallion, a number of members went on to complete the more difficult Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate (ARTC). This is a critical award, as it is a requirement for each patrol to have at least one ARTC holder. More importantly it provides the training to enable a member to confidently perform resuscitation with the Oxy-Viva.

This award will help you save someone’s life.

Awards Gained

As well as our patrolling awards, we also trained big groups of Nippers to complete their surf Awareness and Surf Education awards. This was primarily managed by Rob Cook and a large thank you to Rob for training our up-coming patrol members.

With our excellent education team, we were able to check and assess the proficiency of the entire patrolling strength of the club in bronze, IRB and ARTC. We completed 2 bronze squads, run an ARTC squad, plus IRB training and first aid courses. An excellent result for the club and all this hard work could not be completed without the dedication and enthusiasm of our training team. I would like to especially thank Kaz Marks for her efforts and congratulate her on winning the Sydney Northern Beaches Volunteer of the Year award for 2011 – 12.

The awards gained are summarised in the table below:



Bronze Medallion 27

Surf Rescue Certificate 1


Assessor Awards 2

Apply First Aid 4

Training Officer Bronze Medallion 1

Silver Medallion Basic Beach

Management 6

IRB Crew Certificate 8

Spinal Management 13

Total: 67

10 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Gordon Coburn

(Education Supervisor

Lifesaving & Education Report

Annual Report 2011 2012 11

IRB Training

Our newest IRB Assessor award was achieved by Paul O’Keefe, who with the assistance of Ian Harper, Josh Buckton and Jason Oakes completed a large squad of IRB Crewman certificates for the club.

Paul also completed the necessary IRB driver proficiencies at the start of the season which included changes to operating procedures to assist with crew safety.

Our new IRB crewmen include Brooke Boyle, Sam Black, Liam Blood, Belinda McCann, Will McInnes, Rachael Turner, Nathan Cosford and Matt Murphy. That will strengthen the patrols throughout the club.

First Aid Courses

The first aid courses run at the club are a fabulous and realistic experience for any members attending the course. These were run as part of our bronze award plus four members achieved Apply First Aid awards. The courses included some terrific make up of injuries prepared by Tiffy and Kaz Marks that brought the scenarios to life.

We also teamed up with First Aid Plus through Gary Beauchamp and Marianne Troop, to complete refresher courses for around 22 members.

Looking Forward

The training and education team has done a terrific job this year and next season we hope to combine with our neighbouring clubs at North Narrabeen and South Narrabeen to complete training with a more professional emphasis. This will lift the standards right along the beach at Narrabeen.

Gordon Coburn

Education Supervisor0’s (and up!)

Name Award

Cosford Nathan ARTC

Hall Mary Louise ARTC

McAlinden Deidre ARTC

McCann Belinda ARTC

Robinson Julie ARTC

Cooper Nicole Apply First Aid

McKay Miho Apply First Aid

Quinlan Kaitlin Apply First Aid

Turner Rachel Apply First Aid

Coburn Gordon Assess competence

O`Keefe Paul Assessor IRB

Andren Ross Bronze Medallion

Broadfield Anteo Bronze Medallion

Day Cherie Bronze Medallion

Foster Gary Bronze Medallion

Kacerovsky Jan Bronze Medallion

Lloyd David Bronze Medallion

Peltriaux Pascal Bronze Medallion

Robinson Julie Bronze Medallion

Ryan Colleen Bronze Medallion

Smith Timothy Bronze Medallion

Barrow Simon Bronze Medallion

Casey Kylie Bronze Medallion

Dahawi Ahmed Bronze Medallion

Day Hilton Bronze Medallion

Eagles Daniel Bronze Medallion

Giles Nathan Bronze Medallion

Jones Harrison Bronze Medallion

Lucas Mark Bronze Medallion


Christopher Bronze Medallion

Mansell Peter Bronze Medallion

McKay Miho Bronze Medallion

Plard Arnaud Bronze Medallion

Preston Troy Bronze Medallion

Roberts Susie Bronze Medallion

Sabelnikova Elena Bronze Medallion

Thwaites Mathew Bronze Medallion


Isobella Bronze Medallion

Name Award

Boyle Brooke IRB Crew Certificate

Black Sam IRB Crew Certificate

Blood Liam IRB Crew Certificate

McCann Belinda IRB Crew Certificate

McInnes Will IRB Crew Certificate

Turner Rachel IRB Crew Certificate

Cosford Nathan IRB Crew Certificate

Murphy Matthew IRB Crew Certificate

Fitzgibbon Tony

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

McCann Belinda

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

Coburn John

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

Mayne Brian

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

Murphy Jodie

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

Murphy Matthew

Silver Medallion Basic

Beach Mment

Fitzgibbon Tony Spinal Management

Murphy Jodie Spinal Management

Murphy Matthew Spinal Management

Townsend Sean Spinal Management

Wells Peter Spinal Management

Willis John Spinal Management

Day Cherie Spinal Management

Peltriaux Pascal Spinal Management

Robinson Julie Spinal Management

McCann Belinda Spinal Management

Turner Rachel Spinal Management

Lee Kevin Spinal Management

McAlinden Deidre Spinal Management

Fay Nicholas

Surf Rescue

Certificate (CPR


Murphy Matthew

Training Officer

Bronze Medallion

2011 2012 Awards Gained

12 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Patrolling Members

A mighty effort by all patrolling members at Narrabeen Beach, with a total of 4,449.5 hours of vigilant

service to the community at Narrabeen Beach and in the Warringah Council region.

No Lives Lost

Adam Price 16.00 Ilona Reitsma 37.50 Rachel Turner 62.00

Alex Gold 27.75 Isobella Tremauville 5.00 Rebekka Sinni 45.50

Alex McInnes 32.25 Jan Kacerovsky 32.50 Richard Whipp 49.50

Alexander Buckton 98.75 Jason Oakes 75.00 Robert Buckton 66.25

Ana Manzanas Martin 18.75 Jill Brooks 47.75 Robert Cook 74.75

Anteo Broadfield 11.75 Jodie Murphy 72.75 Robyn Quin 66.25

Belinda McCann 137.50 John Coburn 40.25 Ross Andrew 15.00

Brendan Buckton 46.25 John Willis 50.00 Rubee McManus 27.75

Brett Worne 60.50 Josef Cesca 49.00 Ryleigh Bevan 26.75

Bronte Townsend 7.50 Joshua Buckton 149.00 Sam Hart 28.50

Brooke Boyle 51.50 Julie Robinson 35.00 Sarah Cook 16.00

Cherie Day 24.50 Karen Marks 55.00 Sarah Grace Coburn 36.25

Colleen Ryan 16.00 Kevin Lee 110.75 Sean Townsend 51.50

Craig Furness 50.25 Liam Blood 20.00 Sebastien Amielh 48.50

Dave Lawler 15.00 Lucas Byrne 32.00 Sharen Pataki 41.50

David Coburn 21.00 Luiz Segundo 47.50 Simon Barrow 4.25

David Cook 63.25 Luke Johnston 24.50 Stephen Larizza 44.00

David Lloyd 35.00 Mark Lucas 4.25 Stephen Patten 50.00

David Price 41.50 Martin Kudlik 23.50 Steve Brookes 35.75

David Schwebel 27.00 Mary Louise Hall 47.50 Susie Roberts 4.25

David Tudor Jones 20.50 Matthew Griffiths 41.25 Tim O`Malley 37.50

Deidre McAlinden 40.25 Matthew Murphy 117.50 Timothy Smith 25.00

Douglas Lucas 19.50 Matthew Price 54.00 Toby Atkinson 43.50

Eli Ball 23.25 Michael Moran 17.25 Tony Fitzgibbon 71.00

Emma Radcliff 23.50 Michael Pamplin 36.25 Tracey Lake 51.00

Fabian Byrne 40.50 Miho McKay 5.00 Warren Rautenbach 35.50

Gary Foster 43.00 Nathan Cosford 47.75 Warwick Lynch 33.00

Gary Morris 40.25 Nicholas Sullivan 13.50 Wayne Schwebel 37.75

Gary Whittaker 9.50 Pascal Peltriaux 60.75 Will McInnes 67.75

Gavin James 25.25 Paul O`Keefe 85.00 Zach Workman Brown 28.75

Gordon Coburn 348.00 Paul Oudhof 46.75

Graham Cook 37.50 Peter Grimes 10.00 Total 4,449.5

Greg Gillespie 62.75 Peter Wells 32.50

Ian Harper 142.25 Rachel Pamplin 20.25

Patrol Hours 2011 2012

Annual Report 2011 2012 13

2011 – 2012 Results

Club Champion Pete Wells

Competitor of the Year David Tudor Jones

Clubman of the Year Gordon Coburn

Patrolman of the Year Gordon Coburn

Rookie of the YearRachael Turner

Will McInnes

Surf Sports ReportThis season has been extremely busy with five major events hosted. The board of surf sports has worked overtime this year with my thanks to Ian Harper, Graham Cook, Ross Tester, Claire McManaway, Sean Townsend, Alex Buckton and Fiona Russell.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their support including Bennett Boards, Pro Kayaks Commonwealth Bank, Vajda Canoes & Kayaks, Pittwater Marine, Baker’s Delight. We are very fortunate and appreciate their sponsorship.

This season we had a full programme of events and hosted the Narafun Ocean Swim, Narrabeen Downwind Challenge, Narrabeen Beach Junior Carnival, Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships and the Narrathon. Our thanks and appreciation goes to all those that made it possible, spending endless hours of water safety, running BBQ’s, setting up and of course cleaning up after events plus sourcing sponsorship.

The list is endless and our appreciation abundant. My thanks to Joshua, Richard and the Lifesaving and Education board, Tammy, Steve and the Youth and Membership Board, Wayne and David from the Finance and Admin Board and Jason for working overtime to complete a record season.

The Narrafun Ocean swim was well attended with 132 competitors completing the 1.8km circuit this is the second year running and the sport is growing at a rapid rate with swimmers coming from far and wide to participate.

The next event was the Vajda Ocean Series Narrabeen Downwind Challenge. Once again the gods shone on us with 165 craft completing the 18km race from Station Beach to Narrabeen Beach in OC1s, Sups, Surfboats, Spec Skis and Ocean Racing Skis .

Narrabeen Beach Junior Carnival was once again a well organised day although the surf started to pick up making the water areas a challenge for the younger age groups. It was a tough, long day for the Junior mums and dads, patrolling members and work crews.

We stepped up to run the Branch titles for Juniors, Masters and Open over two weekends and the weather was challenging with the Masters and Opens getting the better deal. The junior carnival was more of a challenge as the ocean just wouldn't play nice. With a lot of shuffling around we got through all the events with officials commending us on our hosting and water safety commitment.

14 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

We then had our own Club championship day for seniors, as we normally have three rounds this year we had only one. Narrabeen beach put on a fair size wave just to keep the day competitive from the start.

Lastly the Narrathon which consisted of an 8km Ski leg, commencing on Narrabeen Lake at Berry Reserve, then a 3km Beach run around the sand spit at the mouth of the lake down to South Narrabeen. A 1km Ocean swim began back to Narrabeen with a short run to the final leg of a 2.5km Board paddle around the buoys and back to the finish. This was the 3rd year of the event and numbers increased with 25 individuals and 19 teams and the race was well contested.

Thank you on behalf of all our competitors to the officials who represent Narrabeen Beach at the numerous carnivals throughout the season. Without you officiating, they would not have been able to compete. Ross Tester, Steve Price, Matt Price, Kaz Marks, Graham Cook and Gary Foster get well deserved thanks. To all who turned up at 5.30am each morning of the five events, we couldn't have run such successful days without you.

We concluded the year with our Annual Presentation Night “Jungle Fever”. Pete Wells, once again was our MC and kept us all entertained. We had a DJ providing great music and lighting. The life size Zebra, with Easter Island heads and jungle animals was a hit. Thank you, Bekky for heading up the team to make the night a roaring success.


Congratulation to our members competing for Narrabeen Beach in Masters and Opens at Carnivals from Palm Beach to the Branch held here at Narrabeen Beach. We collected gold, silver and bronze medals across the spectrum in events: Surf Swim, Ironman, Skis, Double Ski, Ski Relay, Taplin Relay, Board Relay and Beach Sprint.

Competitors 2011 - 12

David Tudor Jones

Pete Wells

Tim Smith

Doug Lucas

Jill Brookes

Jules Robinson

Sean Townsend

Matt Price

Ian Harper

Paul Oudhof

Peter Grimes

Alex Buckton

Belinda McCann

Keep up the good work.

Robert Buckton Director Surf Sports

Annual Report 2011 2012 15

Club Championship Results

Open Over 35 Over 50 Girls Under 19


Pete Wells Rob Cook Wayne. Schwebel Belinda McCann Alex Gold


Alex Buckton Paul Oudhof Joesph Cesca M. Louise Hall


Doug Lucas Jason Oakes B. McCann

Surf Sports Report


Youth and Membership Development ReportIt is with great pleasure that I share with you the highlights of a very successful Nippers Season for 2011-2012. I will start with a very special acknowledgement to the Junior Board who worked extraordinarily hard to make things happen this season.

Thanks go to Stephen Price, Jodie Murphy, Matt Price, Robert Cook, Brad Hunter, Stephen Patten, Paul Oudhof, Deidre McAlinden, Fabian Byrne, Jules Robinson and Craig Furness. Apart from all of the usual Sunday morning tasks, these members participated in planning meetings, and volunteered a lot of additional hours and paperwork to keep Nippers running from week to week.

We have continued with our “Give it a Go and You’re a Hero” approach to our up and coming future lifesavers, and we saw a huge number of “hero’s” throughout this season. We also managed to have a lot of fun, along the way.

Youth Membership

We welcomed 205 registered Junior members for Season 2011-2012, which was a 15% increase on our previous year. 25% of these were in the Educational groups (Under 6-7’s) and 75% in the competitive age groups (Under 8-14’s). We also had around 23 active patrolling members aged 15-18 years, most of whom have come through from our Junior ranks. We had many new families join us, and this season we enjoyed the largest base of returning members for this season from the previous season.

Junior Activities

Our season started off with a few rainy Sundays however, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of all of our Juniors.

Early in the season we enjoyed our joint day with South Narrabeen, we attended two carnivals before Christmas, and we held our newly trialled Twilight Nippers Christmas Party.

During the 2nd half of the season we attended two more carnivals, both of these being hosted at our own beach! We further developed our swimming skill-sets among the competition age categories with most Under 9’s swimming around the cans fully in the last few weeks of Nippers (They gave it a Go and they are Hero’s).

Finally, we introduced board training for beginners and advanced paddlers among all age groups. This was probably the major highlight and positive feedback all round on this training initiative. (More on these things later)

The major reason for our growing number of Nippers and the success of our Junior programs over the past few years is largely due to the quality of our Age Managers. You can never have enough Age Managers and this is especially true of our larger groups.

We had 20 Age Managers for the season, 60% of these are Bronze Medallion holders and the remainder are on the list to complete their Bronze Medallion (some of which is unknown to them as yet!). A Bronze Medallion is not a requirement to be an Age Manager, and we welcome anyone interested in the role. Without Age Managers for each age group, Nippers quite simply would not function. So a very special thanks to the following Age Managers and their assistants and helpers.

Under 6 - (21 Nippers): Ana Manzanas, Tim Smith,

Jodie Murphy, Siena Byrne

Under 7 - (34 Nippers): Scott Carmichael, Ian

Telfer, Greg Duce

Under 8 –(32 Nippers) – Deidre McAlinden, Paul

Oudhof, Stefan Schaeren

Under 9 – (24 Nippers) – Mhairi Holway, Greg

Sullivan, Mike Clempson

Under 10 – (43 Nippers): Brad Hunter, Kit

Routledge, Brett Worne

Under 11- (21 Nippers): Graeme Walsh, Darren


Under 12 – (10 Nippers): Craig Furness

Under 13/14’s (16 Rookies): Fabian Byrne, Steve


Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club16

Education & Training

This season we introduced a more formal approach to education for our Junior members, and the feedback was very positive. We had a total of 187 Nippers receive their Surf Ed awards this season.

Robert Cook conducted some formal education sessions with some of the Junior age groups, which saw the Under 10 /11 and 12’s group participate in basic first aid instruction and DRABC.

The Under 13’s group participated in basic CPR instruction, and were shown some Surf Rescue techniques in preparation for their upcoming status as Rookies for the new season.

The support of the top class training team at Narrabeen Beach has been a very welcome addition for our Age Managers and we are looking to develop this further for the upcoming season 2012-13. Thanks to Robert Cook, under the guidance and support of Gordon Coburn- Education supervisor.

For the first time in many, many years we have 15 Under 13’s whom we are looking forward to welcoming back for Season 2012-13 as our Under 14 Rookies. Our focus will be on helping our Rookies achieve their SRC award early in the new season, deploying them to patrols and developing them to also assist with the ongoing training of the more Junior members each week. I know they will rise to the task, and represent the highest of standards at Narrabeen Beach as they have already shown themselves to be a mature, responsible and high achieving group.

Board Training was introduced during the 2nd

half of the season, with 30 kids signed up! The budding ironmen and women among us trained on Friday evenings and some Saturday afternoons. The feedback I had from all participating parents was the most positive I have received through the whole season.

This would not have been possible without the Trainers and Coaches: Robert Cook, Matt Price and Sean Townsend, and also the water safety provided by those qualified parents and friends : Steve Patten , Jodie Murphy, Matt Murphy, Jules Robinson , Tony Fitzgibbon, Tim O’Malley, Deidre McAlinden, Paul Oudhof, Frenchie, Tim Smith, Darren Pivetta, Mike Clempson, Cassie Hummelstead.

We will definitely be looking to further develop our Board Training in the new season, so look out for announcements in the near future.

Annual Report 2011 2012 17



Carnival attendance by Narrabeen Beach was at an all time high. All competitors represented us in a manner to make us proud, and whilst we may not be the most competitive club, our heart is as big as the rest of them when it comes to giving it a go. They were all hero’s.

Carnival Information:

Nov 2011: Manly Carnival : 20 Narrabeen


Dec 2011: Queenscliff Carnival : 24 Narrabeen

competitors – water events cancelled

Jan 2012: Narrabeen Carnival: 40 Narrabeen

competitors, water events cancelled

Feb 2012: Branch Champs – Narrabeen: 35

Narrabeen competitors

Carnival Result Highlights:

Zoe Mills – through to finals for Under 10

flags (Manly carnival)

Ella Cook/ Ciara Kennedy – through to finals

Under 10 swim (Manly carnival)

Maddie Owen – through to finals for Under

10 flags (Narrabeen Carnival)

Nathalie Oakes, Mali Tauro-Cesca,

Prudence Watts and Rei Fujinami: Under 13

girls relay – 6th

in finals Narrabeen Carnival

Tylah Price, Monique Hore, Olivia Gillespie

and Sophia Killgallon- Under 8 girls relay

team – finalists Narrabeen Carnival

Monique Hore – GOLD MEDAL Under 8

Beach Sprint - Northern Beaches Branch

Champs – Narrabeen Beach Monique Hore,

Olivia Gillespie, Tylah Price and Samantha

Menzies – BRONZE MEDAL Under 8 Beach

Relay Team Northern Beaches Branch

Champs – Narrabeen Beach

Club Perpetual Trophy Winners Season 2011-2012:

Tracey Lake Club Overall Champ trophy –

Prudence Watts

Wayne Schwebel Trophy Beach Events –

Tianna Andrews

Ross Tester Water Events Champ-

Thomas Walsh

Girls Overall Point Score Champ –

Tianna Andrews

Stephen Price Boys Point Score Champion-

Thomas Walsh

Bruce Warman Clubbie of the Year –

Siena Byrne

Under 8’sA big Congratulations to all of our Club

medal winners we hope that you come back

next year to contest your title.

18 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club


Annual Report 2011 2012 19

Water Safety

A huge thanks to our Water Safety Team headed up by Stephen Patten and Matt Price. Narrabeen Beach is well known for the quality of our water safety standards and we continue to ensure that we meet and exceed all requirements regarding water safety.

Thanks to all of our patrolling members and qualified parents who pulled on the orange rashie for us each Sunday. You are a key contributor to the development of any water skills for our Juniors. Without our water safety team we would simply be running around on the sand each week.

My apologies for not naming you all here, but you know who you are, and we really look forward to you coming back and helping us for the upcoming season.

Social Events

This season we thoroughly enjoyed some social gatherings, starting with our Twilight Christmas Party. Santa came in the form of Dave, one of our new bronze holders and unbeknown to me, Santa’s suit may have required some darning in key areas. We will ensure that Santa has a new suit for this season, and we will switch back to a Sunday morning party time based on feedback from all.

Bingo Day was a smashing success, despite getting off to a very slow start. Good times were had by all, and a few of us went away as winners of prizes in the form of vouchers from our local businesses and donated toys and books.

Prizes included a beautiful canvas donated by Complete Framing at North Manly. This now sits on my wall at home after successfully bidding for this great prize. Kobi Mills won the 100 club ($100) and overall a great fun day. Thanks to the organisation from Jen Hunter and Jane Routledge.

We are looking to do a few more social events, such as outdoor cinema night, along with the Bingo Day, so keep your eyes posted for those dates.

Finally I would like to make special mention of Claire McManaway and Jules Robinson who gave a huge amount of their time to make coffees for us on a Sunday morning. Thanks also to Jack and Fiona who were happy to run our BBQ for us, which alleviates the pressure of trying to gather volunteers each week.

BBQ’s and kiosk are a key contributor to our funds, that enables us to run Nippers and buy much needed equipment.

Finally a huge thank you to all parents, grandparents and family members who come down each week and give us a hand , without your help we simply would not exist. After my 2nd year as Director, I am really looking forward to this upcoming season in 2012-13 which will benefit from all that we have learned over the past few seasons.

Tammy CookDirector Youth and Membership

Development. (and up!)


20 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club


Annual Report 2011 2012 21

Manly Daily Article: 5th Jan 2012

NARRABEEN Beach Surf Life Saving Club has a record number of nippers signed up this season, which bodes well for the club’s forthcoming nippers’ carnival.

The club’s director of youth and membership Tammy Cook said it had more than 200 nippers signed up this season - the most in the nearly 45 years the club has run a nipper program.

The good news for the club comes as they prepare for their junior carnival next weekend. “We’ve definitely seen an increased number of (the club’s) competitors at the carnivals,” Mrs Cook said.

“We’re not heavily focused on ‘you must be the best and must win’ ... it’s more about giving it a go.”

Last year Mrs Cook brought into the club the slogan “If you give it a go, you’re a hero”, for the nippers to be guided by.

It seems to have had a positive effect.


This has been the first full season of operation for our Kiosk and you will notice in the annual report a significant increase in income. This has been a great success and the income is used to support all the club activities and running costs. We have been supported in the running of the kiosk by suppliers and sponsors such as Unilever Streets and Coca Cola. Both are Sydney Northern Beaches Branch sponsors and provide direct delivery to our clubhouse for only modest quantities that we sell. Another company that has assisted to get the Kiosk running is Belaroma Coffee, who donated an espresso coffee machine, provided training for our baristas and also supply coffee beans, cups and accessories.

The plan is to increase the range of goods on offer including some merchandise such as Narrabeen Beach clothing and other items. We have provided extended opening hours with Saturday trading and some public holidays to assist patrons on the beach to further enjoy their swim at Narrabeen Beach. This has been possible with the hard work from two dedicated members Liam Blood and Will McInnes. Thanks for your help.

The weather had been a little unkind over some weekends and we hope this year will see an improvement with consequent sales pick up.

Two of our wonderful volunteers

The manning of the kiosk on Sundays has been by volunteers and we would like to thank all the parents, friends and members who helped out with the kiosk. We would especially like to give a big thank you to Claire McManaway and Jules Robinson for the extraordinary effort in making the kiosk a successful venture for the club.

Remember all the profits go to support our club and are used for all activities of the club plus

running costs.

Distinguished Service Award

At the Annual General Meeting, members will be asked to vote on the appointment of Richard Whipp to be awarded distinguished service of Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club.

Richard has achieved a long and dedicated period of service to Narrabeen Beach SLSC and the Honours Committee, along with the Board of Management, recommend the award to members for consideration.

Richard Whipp

Richard joined Narrabeen Beach back in 2002 - 03 and already had his Bronze medallion. He quickly became an enthusiastic member and took on the role of Chief Instructor and was awarded Clubman of the Year in 2003 – 04 season. Richard then took on additional responsibility serving in many positions on the Board at Narrabeen including Director of Lifesaving and Education until 2007. He continued assisting with training and other duties including Branch Health & Safety officer until now.

22 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Annual Report 2011 2012 23

Tuff Club

All too often members will hibernate during winter with nary a peep as they huddle beneath the doona and grizzle about the cold. Stuck at home on a Sunday waiting for the weather to warm up is one option.


How about a light jog along the beach and then a quick dip in the Pacific Ocean, followed by some hot soup and then bask in the sunshine. That can all be yours at the Tuff Club.

Over the winter months, members of the club from Nippers to Seniors get down to the “sundeck” on a Sunday morning at around 10:30 and go for a swim. This is not as crazy as it sounds, as the water temperature will often be 18 to 19 o C and the air temperature can be much colder. Once you have tried it you will wonder why you had never done it before.Scientific evidence has also shown that the saltwater swim will improve your resistance to colds and flu. No Tuff Club member will be seen coughing and spluttering this winter.

Each member pays a $2 fee for the privilege and will have a turn at preparing the soup for the day. At the start of spring, we then count up your swims and if you have reached the minimum standard you will receive a new Tuff Club hoodie or other valuable collector’s item at the presentation night. You may even keep a few kilograms off by exercising rather than sitting in front of the TV.

The winter swim season commences in May, straight after patrols finish, with the Narrabeen Shield swim held by North Narrabeen Shivering Sharks. This is a timed relay swim of 50 m with any club with Narrabeen in its name entering a team of ten swimmers.

The closest to their designated time is the winner and fierce competition is in evidence. Teams can win by 0.1 of a second plus great honour and a free coffee mug go to the winners. After the race, there is a good feed including soup and a few laughs back at the Sharks club. In 2011 we had a top team but missed the top prize by only 3 seconds.

It has been great to see a few Nippers getting into the spirit this year with Georgia and Olivia Larizza, Will & Ella Cook, Callum & Lochie Fitzgibbon and Olly Oudhof heading the group.

Last winter in 2011 we had a number of brave souls who would attend as often as possible. These swimmers would take anything that the weather would dish out and results for the year are as follows

Tuff Club Swimmers Total Swims

Tracey Lake 15

Gordon Coburn 14

Jason Oakes 13

Skye Holt 13

Jodie Murphy 13

Fiona Russell 13

Belinda McCann 13

Wayne Schwebel 12

Matt Murphy 12

Paul Oudhof 12

Deidre McAlinden 12

Ian Harper 10

Rob Cook 10

Ross Tester 9

Jules Robinson 9

Georgia Larizza 9

Olivia Larizza 9

Steve Larizza 8

Tammy, Will & Ella


Tony, Callum &

Lochie FitzgibbonEncouragement

Wayne Schwebel

Social Events

24 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Our various social nights continue to be a big part of the glue that holds our club together. These functions are arranged to provide members with an opportunity to enjoy being part of a surf life saving club quite apart from patrolling or competing.

All of our regular functions were held again this season and we would like to thank the organisers who arranged catering, decorations, guest performers and hosts, ticket sales and many other things so our nights could be a lot of fun.

NRL Grand Final & State of Origin

Always a good night down at the members bar is the State of Origin series. Although a few of us cheer for the wrong team. This year we had a Pass the Ball competition with great prizes thanks to the Manly Sea Eagles. They donated some Manly gear plus 4 tickets to a game. Brad Hunter tried his best to cheat, but Mick Pamplin had the skills to get it through the hole.

Held in the Member’s Bar, the packed room enjoyed the conclusion of the Rugby League season with the help of a few light refreshments from the bar.

Presentation Night

This is usually the last night of the social calendar and was a great success thanks to Bekky, Roxanne and Rob plus all the other helpers. The African theme was brilliant and everyone wanted to get a photo with the zebra. Don’t miss next year.

Comedy Night

One of the big social nights of the season is the final event being the comedy night. Sean Townsend and Wayne did a fantastic job in organising what was a thoroughly enjoyable evening with a full house watching a number of acts. The highlight of this year’s evening was undoubtedly the appearance of professional funny man Gary Eck, who had everyone doubled over and holding their sides from all the laughing. There was a bit of excitement as one patron had such as good time we had to get an ambulance to assist. All was well after a check up at Mona Vale hospital.

Things settled down with all the excitement when the paddle pops were passed around. Thanks also to Roger from Icon Catering who once more provided delicious finger food to accompany the good laughs.

MOC Night

Every year we have at least two tables at the Most Outstanding Club Awards night and with luck we take home a few trophies. Once again Narrabeen shone out with two major awards and 7th in the patrol competition.

Excitement at Kaz’s Award

In addition to the regular events, we have begun hosting members looking for a venue for private celebrations such as birthday parties. These can be held on Friday nights or Sunday or for that big occasion we have the main function room available at patrolling members’ rates. We encourage all of our members to come along to the Members Bar to mingle, catch up or just relax on a Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Annual Report 2011 2012 25

Financial Report

Year Ended 30 April 2012

Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club Inc.

Auditors: P. J. Jones & Associates Chartered Accountants

Level 11, 75 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060


26 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Annual Report 2011 2012 27

28 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Annual Report 2011 2012 29

30 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Annual Report 2011 2012 31

Board of ManagementPresident Jason Oakes

PO Box 861, Narrabeen 21010421 822 721

Vice Presidents Stephen Price (Youth & M/ship Dev)

69 Cleveland Street, Cromer 2099

0418 166 606

Ian Harper (Surf Sports)

35 Booralie Road, Terry Hills 2084

0414 736 299

Richard Whipp (Lifesaving & Education)

1 Forest Glen Cres, Belrose 2085

0402 445 841

David Cook (Finance & Admin)

4 Philip Road, Mona Vale 2074

0416 149 809

Director Finance Wayne Schwebel

& Administration 1 Stonecrop Road, Turramurra 2074

0402 011 204

Director Lifesaving Joshua Buckton

& Education 16 Burringbar St, Nth Balgowlah 2093

0450 920 224

Director Surf Sports Robert Buckton

16 Burringbar St, Nth Balgowlah 2093

0419 822 721

Director Youth & Tammy Cook

& Membership Dev 2 Paruna Place, Cromer 2099

0423 783 925

32 Narrabeen Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Life Members

Fred Bertram BEM*

Harold Lumley*

Ken Leonard

Graeme Smith

Warren Slater

Wayne Schwebel

Ross Tester

John Gooley

Craig Schweikert

Robert Chidgey

Graham Cook

Stephen Price

Bruce Warman

Tracey Lake

Robert Buckton



Bronwyn Bishop M.P.

Terry Childs

Ken Leonard



Tracey Lake

Gloria Cook*

Andrew Beveridge

Ian Harper

Keiron Dobbin

Stuart Brown

Neil McInnes

Robert Buckton

Rebekka Buckton

David Cook

Claire McManaway

*DeceasedClubman of the Year,

Gordon Coburn

President’s Award, Kaz Marks

Presentation Night2011 – 2012

Safari Night


16 June 2012
