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NARP Instructions and Worksheets: Table of contents

The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Instructions ............................................................................ 3

Contents of the Program ......................................................................................................... 11

eBook Information .................................................................................................................... 13

Audio Meditation Information .................................................................................................. 16

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings Module ............................................................... 16

About the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules.......................................................................... 17

Introduction to the Modules .................................................................................................... 19

Imagining and Feeling ............................................................................................................... 19

The Order and Frequency of the Modules ............................................................................... 22

Your Commitment to Yourself .................................................................................................. 25

The Modules and Their Content ............................................................................................... 26

The Goal Setting Module .......................................................................................................... 28

Module Instructions .................................................................................................................. 29

NARP Community Forum .......................................................................................................... 30

Module Worksheets .................................................................................................................. 32

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Disclaimer Policy

General Disclaimer

Melanie Tonia Evans is neither a qualified psychologist nor a qualified counsellor and offers her insights and advice for guidance only. Her knowledge of the human condition is based on intuition and life experience. The information that is shared on this website is for the purposes of providing a community resource.

The testimonies that have been used are intended to represent an accurate example of results for a large cross-section of clients, readers and program members. It is, however, not guaranteed that everyone who accesses these goods and services will experience these results; as every individual's results are also determined by his or her personal motivation and desire to heal.

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All content of this website is for informational purposes only and is for your own personal use and guidance. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or act as a substitute for professional medical advice. It does not replace the need for services by medical professionals and as such any changes to your current treatment should be discussed with your GP. Additionally, any questions concerning medical issues should also be directed towards your doctor.

If you choose to rely solely on the information and resources provided herein, please be advised that recovery from abuse and painful inner programs may be painful, difficult and confusing. Be advised that if undertaking this course of action, Melanie Tonia Evans or Meltonia Enterprises Pty. Ltd. cannot be held liable for any possible ramifications of undergoing this course of therapy, including, but not limited to depression, emotional epiphany, etc. or suicidal thoughts.

Never listen to healing or meditation MP3 whilst driving or operating machinery and always choose a safe and secure environment to listen to and work with the healings.

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The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program

Instructions and Worksheets


Hi I’m Melanie Tonia Evans, and I am thrilled to be able to hold your hand and support your recovery. Welcome to my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program. It’s wonderful that you have committed to your healing, liberation and freedom from narcissistic abuse. As we all know, recovery from narcissistic abuse can feel like an excruciatingly difficult task. It seems like we are never going to get out of the deep black fog that our torturous emotional pain and real-life agonies have become. I truly feel for you, as I know what you are going through. I want you to know I am standing with you and for you in every way I possibly can. Many contemporary narcissistic abuse recovery forums, as well as standard psychology, would have you believe that deprogramming the trauma of narcissistic abuse is a long and drawn out affair, which may take years, if ever, to achieve. There is also a belief that the symptoms of Complicated and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, agoraphobia, and other physical and nervous system disorders may be with you for life, and at the very best you may only be able to manage them, in order to be able to somehow function.

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I know what you are suffering is awful, and it is agonising, but please know I don’t subscribe to any of these limiting beliefs, and personally am not living them, and I have witnessed many, many individuals fully recover to a much greater ‘self’ than they ever were previously, way before narcissistic abuse occurred in their lives. The truth is: now we do have a model of healing that allows us to transcend becoming only a mere survivor of abuse. As a result of powerful tools that can work directly on your subconscious, you now have the ability to create a true Thriver Recovery. This is not discrediting the pain and extremities of your narcissistic abuse experience, not by a long shot. In fact it is because the pain is so extreme, and feels so much like a black ink

that has permeated all of your being and life, that deeper processes are required to truly help you heal. As I have written many times, I believe that recovery from narcissistic abuse is a ‘make or break’ deal. We either commit to meeting and releasing our inner wounds to evolve

ourselves through this, or we flounder around in agony hoping somehow to get through it. What is required for you to heal is to take a stand, knowing that you have an Inner Being within you who truly needs your love, dedication and help. This is about recognising that there are very ‘young’ wounded parts inside of you that are traumatised, insecure, fearful, abandoned, abused and highly distressed. Together we need to decide that you are committed to, without judgement, going to these wounded inner parts with the deepest love and loyalty you can muster, in order to heal them. As you work through the Modules you will realise that a large part of this subconscious healing journey is about connecting with your Inner Child. It is so important to understand that during our path of abuse we were not operating from a healed, adult, mature centre.

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Rather, we were highly triggered into insecure and powerless wounds which we may have been carrying for a long time – even way before being narcissistically abused. Many us, when we start our deep inner healing journey, may not have known how to be

with our Inner Being, and can feel terrified about doing so. Also, if we have been self-abandoning for some time, our Inner Self may have trouble connecting with us and trusting us also. The following suggestion has helped many people. Find a photo of yourself when you were very young. Hold this picture, connect as deeply as you can to this younger self, and then say “I am here to love, support and dedicate my energy to helping you heal with everything I have. I love you with all of my heart and I am never abandoning you again”. It can be very beneficial to sleep with this picture of yourself next to your chest, or under your pillow, and make some time daily to meditate with this picture in order to connect to him or her with love and acceptance. I found personally that this assisted my healing journey incredibly. These suggestions have helped many other people also, who either had trouble connecting with their emotions, or were extremely fearful of going to them. This healing journey is a complete 180 degree turnaround from what we may have used to believe healing from abuse entailed. The general consensus is healing can occur by working out as much as you can about the narcissist. I promise you I have never seen that theory create a recovery. In fact it produces the exact opposite. It complete curbs your ability to place your energy where it needs to be, which is on healing and evolving yourself.

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There is a distinct difference between putting your focus on yourself and creating yourself as your personal mission to heal, or just hoping that somehow by researching tons of information about narcissists and narcissism that you are going to get better. The first scenario is the path of the Empowered Thriver, and the second is the journey of the victimised survivor. The truth of the matter is: it is only when you take your focus off the narcissist and narcissism, and make it all about healing yourself that you will recover, and survive and then


The very fact that you have ordered this Program, I believe, suggests that you are serious about wanting to get better, break free and take charge of your life, and this is exactly what NARP facilitates. I am so happy you are here, and are serious about recovering – and I promise you with all of

my heart, that if this is your dedicated orientation that you will become more well than you have ever known yourself to be. But first things first – of course it’s not easy, especially in the early stages. In fact it is going to take everything you have especially at the beginning, before you gain some traction and momentum. From day one I want you to anchor into this commitment, “I am going to stop obsessing about my pain in my mind, and I am going to commit to Healing Modules as often as necessary instead.” This is the MOST powerful decision you can make in order to start recovering.

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Initially this will be incredibly difficult for you. You are in the intense throes of peptide addiction, and every cell in your body is screaming out for more of the negative emotions they are hooked on. The sooner you stand up to the peptide addiction, and start releasing the painful trapped emotions out of your body, that are the basis of this peptide addiction, the sooner you will start opening up to freedom, relief and your new life. But you are going to have to initially work hard for this relief. This means beginning Module 1 as soon as you can. Listen to the ‘How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings” Module first, and then even before reading your eBooks start working with Quanta Freedom Healing. The sooner you start accessing and releasing the pain, the sooner you will be on your path to freedom. This deep inner transformational journey is very spiritual, it is about realising that when you work on yourself at an inner level, not only do you have the ability to profoundly change your own ‘being’ at its core, you are also able to tap into and activate a much Higher Power than you have ever accessed or worked with through the use of your mind. This is the ‘Super Conscious’. You may call this Higher Power God, Source or even Lifeforce. This force is unconditional love, and unconditional acceptance, and this force is totally supportive of your wellbeing and highest flourishing – if you are working with this force, rather than against it. When you come home to yourself you come home to this Higher Power principle that generates your life as Oneness – the being at ‘one’ with yourself and at ‘one’ with Life. Initially your quest needs to be first and foremost about your Inner Being. You may be challenged incessantly by traumatised feelings of fear, pain, losses, and the narcissist’s

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behaviour. It is incredibly easy to be triggered to reacting outside of yourself by trying to combat your fear and pain by attempting ‘doing’. For a while you will just have to trust me regarding this truth: NO amount of ‘doing’ can compensate for your ‘off’ beingness (trapped painful emotions of fear and pain on that topic). You will learn through your recovery journey that everything outside of you is generated from your state within. Narcissistic abuse is the hugest mirror holding up the results of fear and pain. Originally you have to just believe (and you will quickly get confirming results) that when you attend to your inner wounding as your FIRST priority, you will start getting outer positive results with your situations, and not before. What this means is training yourself with every ounce of courage you can generate to DETACH, and take the pain and fear to a Healing Module instead of handing your power over by attempting and ‘doing’ (reacting) whilst in a state of fear and pain. If you take on the practice of Module work FIRST, then you will start to understand just how powerful you really are, and how, when you attend to your vibration (inner emotions), how all of life reflects back your true power. The truth of the matter is: by working on the deepest levels of your pain and trauma, you are able to shift it out of your body, and make room for the empowered you that you dearly want to become. This is what the process of Quanta Freedom Healing creates. It’s important that you keep an open mind. You don’t have to believe that the Modules will work, and in fact it is okay to be highly sceptical. Many people were at first, and have

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reported that they didn’t believe the recordings would work , but were at a point in their life where they resonated with the principles of my healing system and were willing to try. If you have an open mind, the results of the Modules are likely to exceed your greatest expectations. And of course you won’t really be able to understand what inner transformation is like until you start experiencing it. Please, please ,please realise it is the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules that grant NARP its power. You will not create a Thriver Recovery simply by reading the eBooks. The eBook information and processes will grant you awareness and strategies, but truly they are only a

support to the power of the Quanta Freedom MP3s, They are only supplementary to the Healings. Don’t be tempted to put the Modules off, or simply listen to them, or not use your worksheet diligently whilst doing any Module, or not treat them as a serious healing tool. So therefore make sure you honour yourself enough to take time for the Modules – time where you will not be disturbed. Make regular appointments in your diary to access the Modules as a regular self-healing procedure, and commit to making the space and time to do the appropriate Module you need each and every time emotional pain surfaces for you. Initially there is so much pain trapped in your body you will need to commit to Module 1 as often as you can. Many people starting NARP do healings daily. Some people do Modules even twice or three times a day when they can. Even when pain starts receding it is important to take note of any ‘triggers’. For this reason I suggest carrying around a notebook with you – so that when a painful emotional trigger occurs (either from ‘within’ or ‘without’) you write it down, and later (as soon as possible) you enter into your Healing Module, replay the trigger and clear the deep underlying trauma out of your body.

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Please know this: If you are triggered, there is an associated inner wound that is related to this. Triggers grant you the opportunity to understand: There is something here inside me

that I can access, release and up-level.

The sooner you can fully accept triggers as a blessing, knowing you are listening to and granting yourself the first step to tracking inwards and evolve a wound, the faster and more direct your Thriver Recovery will be. Painful charges are horrific when we resist them, try to turn them off and run away from them – this only causes them to intensify. If, however, we listen to them, accept them and bless them and embrace them for the purpose they were intended – the signal to release, heal, evolve and set ourselves free – the pain becomes an ‘observation’ rather than a ‘trauma’. If you make this commitment to yourself you will start to experience fast and powerful relief and results. Please note there is a Past Life component in the Modules. If for any reason you don’t align with Past Life or reincarnation beliefs that will not detract from the Modules in any shape or form. Use the Past Life level as simply the ‘Past’, and treat it within yourself as ‘anything as the past that you believe in’. Many Christians have asked the question “Can I use NARP if I don’t believe in past lives?”, and have participated in the Modules as I suggested above, and still experienced wonderful breakthrough results. Quanta Freedom Healing is unconditionally loving and supportive, non-denominational and available for anyone to use.

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Contents of the Program

As a result of ordering the NARP Gold Program you should have downloaded the following resources. The eBooks:

x How to Do ‘No Contact’

x Narcissistic Abuse The Truth

These two eBooks were eBooks you may have already downloaded if you subscribed to my

New Life newsletter.

x How To Identify and Recover From Narcissistic Abuse

x Self-Care When Narcissistically Abused

x How to Recognise and Heal Co-dependency

x How to Recognise and Implement Healthy Boundary Function

x How to Align Your Emotions With Your Logic

x How to Set Yourself Free with Forgiveness

The Self-Healing and Self-Empowerment audio CD, and

The Quanta Freedom Audio Healing Sessions:

x Quanta Freedom Healing Tips – How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings

(Please make sure you listen to this Module before proceeding to Module 1)

x Module 1: Release the immediate pain and feelings of loss (long and short version )

x Module 2: Release and heal the ‘illusion’ of the perfect partner

x Module 3: Forgive yourself and Life for what you’ve been through

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x Module 4: Release and heal the pain of the injustice and the betrayal

x Module 5: Let go of the fight to ‘win’ and create decency

x Module 6: Release and heal the need to take responsibility for the narcissist

x Module 7: Connect to the gift of your own personal and spiritual empowerment

x Module 8: Release and heal the fear of the narcissist and what may happen next

x Module 9: Release and heal the connection to the narcissist

x Module 10: Realise your liberation, freedom and truth, and

x Bonus Goal Setting Module

Please make sure that you save these eBooks, Audio Meditation, Healing Tips and Quanta Freedom Healing Modules in a specific folder to your PC for easy future access. The eBooks may be printed out, and your Meditation, Healing Tips and Quanta Freedom MP3s can be listened to directly from your computer, or downloaded to your iPod or MP3 player.

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eBook Information

Please note that it is important to read the eBook information in conjunction with doing the Modules. The eBooks can be read at any pace that you wish to; however I suggest that you read the eBooks in the following order:

This eBook is a must read, especially if you feel addicted to the narcissist. Keep this information on hand if you feel you’re struggling to disconnect from contact with the narcissist.

This eBook provides practical, emotional, physical and spiritual ways to learn how to care for yourself and make yourself the highest priority, which is essential after being narcissistically abused.

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This eBook is an explanation of how the dynamics of narcissistic abuse occur, how the narcissist operates, and what the effects of narcissistic abuse are.

This eBook grants you extensive information regarding the phenomena of narcissistic abuse, how you became abused and hooked and what is really going on in regard to your necessary journey of self, and why this experience happened to you.

This eBook supplies a wonderful understanding of how we all developed co-dependent traits and how they have made us susceptible to attracting and sustaining a relationship with a narcissist. The information in this eBook includes how to release our co-dependent tendencies.

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When overcoming narcissistic abuse it’s vital to learn what boundaries are and how to implement them. This eBook grants you the understanding of why you allowed narcissistic abuse, as well as how to set boundaries with the narcissist and with everyone in your life.

As a result of narcissistic abuse it can feel very hard to control the manic, unresolved, violated and confused thoughts and feelings. This eBook provides you with the knowledge of how to get your emotions and thoughts under control again.

This eBook contains liberating and empowering knowledge about what true forgiveness is and why it sets your free. There is a full process within this eBook which is a highly suggested formula to release and heal the pain of what happened to you. It also allows you, importantly to be able to forgive yourself for what you have been through.

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Audio Meditation Information

This is two bonus meditations – a full body relaxation track and empowerment track designed to provide you with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings


This Instructional Module provides you with the foundation of how to heal from narcissistic abuse.

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This Module explains exactly what you need to do and how to get the most out of the Healings so you can start recovering as quickly and effectively as possible.

Please ensure that you listen to the Healing Tips Audio before proceeding with the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules.

About the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules

Quanta Freedom Healing is a profound healing modality that greatly accelerates your ability to break free from pain and self-defeating patterns, and align with the life you do want to create.

x The Quanta Freedom Healing Modules are created energetically with the intention

of being ‘right here / right now’. Energy ‘just is’. Therefore the Modules are not restricted by space or time. Quanta Freedom Healing has proven to be as effective by remote as in person, and from a recording as a live event.

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x You may feel very tired and even struggle to stay awake when you first start doing


The Quanta Freedom Modules take you into a theta brain wave state, which is a slower brain wave rate than you are used to being ‘conscious’ in. Until you get used to this brain frequency you may have the urge to fall asleep. This will pass, but initially it is recommended that you ‘doodle’ whilst doing the Modules on a writing pad. Drawing visualisations of the ‘energy’ and ‘the shifts’, in whatever creative form you choose, is a powerful way to keep connected to the Module and stay awake.

x During the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules you may feel some distinct


Different people have different responses to Quanta Freedom Healing. Because of the higher than normal energetic frequency that the Modules produce, you may feel light headed and even ‘spacey’.

During the releases you may feel relief and a release of stress, and then greater warmth, comfort and serenity as the filling yourself with Source Energy takes place. Many people report body sensations whilst experiencing Quanta Freedom Healings.

x If your release a lot of ‘stuff’ in a particular session, you may feel quite tired.

Your body may require more sleep than normal for a day or two, because it can now relax after letting go. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy nutritious food. It can take a lot of energy to function when we’re out of alignment, and as such when we come back into alignment, our body is no longer in survival mode, and feels

the exhaustion that it can now safely process.

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x During the protocols don’t be dismayed and fear that the Module isn’t working if you lose your spot or concentration.

The Module is still having an effect on your Inner Identity, however the more present you are, the more powerful the healing is. Just come back, when you can, to my voice. Keep your body open, and relaxed. If you train yourself to visualise your heart being open (it will hurt initially, but is so worth the effort) this will edge your over-active mind out. The more open your heart, body and mind is, the more calm your mind is also, and the easier it is to put your attention inside your body. Practice will make it easier and easier. But do be aware, some days you will have more ‘present’ sessions than others.

Introduction to the Modules

I hope that you are really feeling into and understanding that it is vital to remove and shift pain in order to transform it. I go into this in more depth in the How To Get The Most Out Of

Your Healings Module – which I highly recommend you listen to before starting Module 1.

Imagining and Feeling

The Quanta Freedom Healing Modules are a very simple and powerful process. Anyone can do these Modules. All you need to have is an open mind, and an ability to imagine. Your imagination may be ‘feeling’, ‘seeing’ or just ‘knowing’ something. Imagining does not mean that you have to create and hold a perfect picture in your mind. When many people ’imagine’ they can’t ‘see’ anything, they ‘feel’ it instead.

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Simply your intention to imagine something is enough...even if your mind wanders off a little. Many people are fearful of feeling their feelings, especially their pain. The problem is if we have shut down from our feelings – because we are too afraid of them – we have shut off everything including the ability to feel, create and heal.

We need to go towards our pain, and NOT away from it.

The wonderful thing about Quanta Freedom Healing is that when you feel the pain, you will only be with it for a very short period of time, whilst it is being drawn out of your cells and into a holding position to be released. It is important after claiming (feeling) the pain that you just be with the sensation of it. Don’t go into your head and allow it to take over with traumatised analysis. This simply pulls you out of your body, out of the process and does not allow you to transform the inner wound. Feel inwards, be with the pain, keep your body open and simply breathe. If you need to cry – that is good – allow it. If you feel like wailing then that is great too. In really big shifts I have claimed intense pain rocked, wailed and breathed, and knew how important it was to NOT get into ‘the story’ and just be with the feeling. It is so worth claiming and being fearless and lovingly with the sensation of the pain, knowing we are assisting ourselves beyond measure by being with and freeing ourselves of these wounds.

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When the pain is released, the relief is wonderful. You have cleaned the junk out, and the liberated feeling, often, is indescribable. Not only have you just cleared pain, you have also released the DNA defunct internal programs that were generating the pain. This isn’t just like the relief you experience after having a big cry. It’s much more than that, because each time you do a Module, you are going through a ‘pasteurizing plant’. You are losing more and more ‘muck’, and becoming cleaner, and more whole and empowered each and every time. You are changing ‘who you were being’ into ‘Who You Really Are at your Inner Identity Level.

Just honour yourself knowing the pain is going to be released and relief is not far away. The Quanta Freedom Healing process is so much kinder than having to try to remove the pain non-vibrationally, which used to be hitting pillows, screaming, and other forms of releasing. The problem with these contemporary methods of pain releasing is, just like crying, they actually don’t address the programs and associations attached to the pain – they only release the pain itself. Then if the cause of the pain has not been released and transformed, inevitably the pain is only going to build up and return again. This is why individuals may have cried for years, yet no matter how much they ‘release’ it, the pain continues to return. Their Inner Identity hasn’t shifted. This is why when you work with the Module shifts you will feel something so much more

powerful going on – when what created the pain (as well as the pain) is released and transformed.

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The Order and Frequency of the Modules

It is essential to use the appropriate worksheet for each Module. (These worksheets are at the back of this Booklet). Start Module 1 as soon as possible to start releasing the pain you are feeling. Many people do this the first day they download the Program.

ALWAYS DO Module 1

as your first MP3 Healing. (The long version is the first Module 1 experience, and

the when you get adept at the healing - then progress to the short version.)

You will also find that Module 1 is invaluable to shift any miscellaneous pain and trauma that comes up for you that is not specific to the other nine Modules. You may find that you return to Module 1 often, as this is your most useful multi-purpose Module. After you have completed Module 1, (as many times you need to, to get relief from the immediate pain), then start working on Module 2 and so on and so forth. Every Module in this Program will relate to you. Even if you are not feeling the relevance before doing the Module, you will be amazed at how much stuff comes up for you to clear and let go of in every Module.

If you are not healing from a narcissistic intimate partner, you will find every Module can be applied and is relevant to any narcissist / abuser in your life.

If you are healing from a narcissistic intimate partner, you may find that earlier abusers or people who simply ‘hurt you’ may come up as well. When this happens you can use the Modules to release that pain as well.

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Some Modules will be more potent for you than others. You will be amazed when you find ‘stuff’ that you didn’t even realise you had. You will also tap into awarenesses within yourself regarding ‘stuff’, which has origins that began way before the narcissist showed up in your life. Please note, whilst working through the Modules sequentially, you may address again a Module back down your list. If, for example you are up to Module 6 and you were struck with some more feelings of pain regarding missing the narcissist and the life you thought you had with him or her, then you can address that pain directly by going back to Module 2: Release and Heal the ‘illusion’ of the Perfect Partner.

By healing with NARP, you will become much more emotionally aware, which means that by addressing and supporting yourself vibrationally, you will start to gain control and mastery over your emotions and your life. This emotional mastery will mean, when you feel the ‘signal’ of pain, rather than react, or try to avoid it, or spiral down into manufacturing more of it, you will be able to embrace it, knowing it grants you the opportunity to shift more stuff, and you will ask yourself ‘What is this about?’ Then you can look at the list of Modules, and use the appropriate one to clear yourself, in order to release and flow up into your next natural level of empowerment. If the topic of ‘pain’ does not apply to Module 2 – 9, then use Module 1. If an emotional charge is big enough and painful enough, you may find that you need to do a few sessions with a particular Module to clear the pain. Module 1 especially should be repeated many times at the beginning of your NARP journey. Many people also find Module

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4, 5 and 8 are used often, especially when undergoing court and custody battles with the narcissist. Don’t avoid your big emotional charges, and be tempted to try to thrash them out in your mind. That equals how to lose. It is the biggest ‘pain’ that holds the largest amount of defunct inner identity programs that are hurting your life. These are the ones you need to clear away and transform the most. In order to recover, get well and create a healthy life you need to shift them.

If a painful issue feels like 10 out of 10 for you, when you clear it, the evolution, expansion and acceleration towards empowerment, freedom and creating an entirely different reality will also be a 10 out of 10. Therefore your greatest emotional pain always leads to your greatest opportunity to evolve and break free. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in regard to how often you do the Modules. You can’t overdo Quanta Freedom Healing, and unlike other healing modalities you are not at risk of suffering a ‘healing crisis’. During Quanta Freedom Healing, your body, when letting go of ‘junk’, is receiving support, empowerment and True Self function as replacements. Please understand the success with your Modules will be greatly enhanced by your commitment to good self-care. For this reason I highly recommend reading your Self-Care

When Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse eBook – which has great tips on how to bolster your health and recovery work. I would suggest to you, if you are really serious about recovery, that regular healings are totally necessary. This time in your life means saying ‘No’ to distractions such as TV, Facebook, and many other activities especially initially. You can get back out into life with balance when you start feeling more expansive and healthy.

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There is no up-side in you being out in life feeling damaged, whilst simply trying to exist. This is the time to be like a car in the garage, having necessary work on it before it gets back out on the road. Maybe you have never know what it is to be alone with yourself, committed to loving yourself enough to work on yourself. Please understand, if this is the case, this new orientation is VITAL if you want to heal and create a healthy, loving and wonderful life from the inside out. Self-avoidance needs to end, today, if you are serious about getting well. When I work on myself, truly I dedicate time daily to do so. If you wish to fast-track your healing process, you may do the Modules as often as you wish to. Just remember though, it is important to be able to live and experience the results in real life as well, when you start opening up and expanding.

Balance is important. Listen to your body, and honour what you need.

Your Commitment to Yourself

To ensure your commitment to yourself, map out in your diary the nights or days which you make time to be alone and commit to your Modules. During these times make sure your electronic devices are switched off, and don’t answer the door. Tell important people in your life that you have appointments (you do, with yourself) and that you are not contactable at these times.

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If you are still living with, or in contact with the narcissist in your life, and have not yet reached the stage of No Contact and are still struggling with your boundaries, and know that he or she may disturb you, you may want to consider downloading the Modules on to a portable device and go to a friend or family member’s home where the narcissist will not disturb you when you are doing your Module work. One of the previous ladies doing this Program took her MP3 player and did her Modules in the forest with nature – and her healing results were spectacular. Other people have done Modules in their cars in order to gain the privacy necessary. There is always a way.

The Modules and Their Content

Session 1: Release the immediate pain and feelings of loss

This Module is the first step to quickly relieve the pain, and helps create space within yourself to promote relief (long and short version).

Session 2: Release and heal the ‘illusion’ of the perfect partner

By letting go of the fantasy and the illusion of the perfect love you thought you had, this Module will help you start to reclaim your life.

Session 3: Forgive yourself and Life for what you’ve been through

When we hang on to regret, pain and anguish about ‘what is’, we create more of what we can’t forgive. This Module is a profound step towards being set free in order to create the life you want.

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Session 4: Release and heal the pain of the injustice and the betrayal

Within this Module you will access the deeper trauma of what happened to you. By letting go of the pain of what seemed irreconcilable, you will experience a powerful release.

Session 5: Let go of the fight to ‘win’ and create decency

The trying to gain accountability from the narcissist is soul-destroying, and the urge to do so can feel like a manic obsession. Incredible relief is experienced in this Module when these urges are cleared.

Session 6: Release and heal the need to take responsibility for the narcissist

It’s usual to feel a deep and powerful responsibility to help the narcissist despite the narcissist not changing. You will experience incredible freedom when this hook is cleared within this Module.

Healing 7: Connect to the gift of your own personal and spiritual empowerment

This Module takes you to a profound awareness and liberation that connects you even more to your personal empowerment, solidness and healing.

Healing 8: Release and heal the fear of the narcissist and what may happen next

By releasing the fear of what the narcissist may do, in this Module you reclaim your boundaries and the right to create your own life powerfully. By doing so the narcissist can no longer use this power over you.

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Healing 9: Release and heal the connection to the narcissist

During this Module any of the remaining ties and hooks that are keeping you enmeshed mentally, physically and emotionally are released, allowing the space and freedom to be yourself.

Healing 10: Realise your liberation freedom and truth

This Module gives you back to and connects you to your True Self, which is the alignment with your desires, your truth and the aligning with the life you wish to live.

The Goal Setting Module

This Bonus Module is perfect for setting the intention and clearing any resistance that is blocking you from the life you want to live and what you want to achieve in your new abuse free life.

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Module Instructions

Please listen to Quanta Freedom Healing Tips – How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings

Module before proceeding.

x At the back of this Instruction Booklet are your Healing Worksheets for each Module.

x Do not fill out any worksheet prior to listening to the corresponding Module. The Worksheet is to be filled out during the Module. It’s recommended that you create copies of each Worksheet topic, so that if you wish to go back to, and repeat any particular Module at a later date, you’ll have a fresh Worksheet to write on.

x Make sure that when you do the Module, you have a quiet space for 1-2 hours, (depending on the length of the Module), when you won’t be disturbed and that all of your devices are switched off. If for any reason you’re disturbed and need to break away from the Module, you may recommence where the Module left off. If you have no other option, other than to do the Modules in sections, you may do so, even though this is not the preferred option.

x Have water with you, as the Module will work better if your body is hydrated.

x Have a journal with you, or extra paper. You may need more room than is on your Healing Sheet when you are recording the details of what you are accessing within your emotional body.

x During the process of the Module remember there’s no right or wrong. Your feelings / emotions will take you exactly where you need to go. Trust them, don’t judge them and know that feelings don’t have to be logical! In fact they often aren’t. By honouring your feelings, unconditionally – whatever they are – you’ll be amazed at how you will connect to yourself, and receive profound self-awareness. The more you learn to listen to, and honour your feelings, the more empowered, and able to align with and trust yourself you’ll become.

x When embracing and feeling your resistance and negative feelings, it’s important not to judge yourself, and allow these feelings to be felt without a self-condemning story.

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It’s important to embrace and own the feeling as it is without condemning yourself. By doing so you’ll be able to release it. Adopt fascination for what your subconscious reveals to you, such as: Wow that SO

explains WHY I keep doing that!, instead of judgement such as: I’m pathetic because I’m so powerless about this.

x If you feel that an emotion is too painful to bear, breathe into it, just as you would a

physical pain. Don’t tighten up your body around it, or go into resistance. Be aware of relaxing your body and deep breathing. If you feel that you want to cry, as part of the release, that’s perfectly okay. Be aware that when the emotion is released with the Quanta Freedom Healing clearing technique your emotional pain will usually be relieved significantly if not completely eliminated within a space of minutes.

x If you feel that your pain, panic or obsessional thoughts are too intense for you to participate in a Module, you may wish to ask for suggestions and support on the NARP Community Forum, regarding what you are struggling with – and myself or one of the many experienced Thrivers will assist you.

NARP Community Forum

As a result of ordering the NARP Gold Package you have received unlimited access to the NARP Community Forum.

One of the most important things for anyone going through a difficult time is a support network.

As a NARP member you have unlimited access to a Community of people who understand what you are going through, who are willing to listen, give encouragement and help you get better.

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Myself, and many experienced NARP Thrivers, are available daily in the NARP Community Forum to guide you, hold your hand and grant you specific insights to assist your recovery process.

This Community is your virtual recovery group that you can call upon for help at any time you need it.

I wish you the best of luck with the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program.

I know you are now on the journey to the New True You. The person who absolutely deserves

incredible love and a wonderful life, and if you put in the effort to heal yourself, and make

YOU your highest mission – you will achieve your Thriver goal.

Myself and the entire New Life Community stands with you and for you – and we are here to

grant you all the love, support, guidance and energy you need to help you heal.

Welcome to the beginning of your new abuse free life!

Much Love xo


P.S. Your Module worksheets are the following pages. You may wish to photocopy many of them, so that you can repeat specific Modules as often as you require.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 1: What my pain is about This is the time to unconditionally honour the pain, so that you may release it out of your body. Are the feelings of loss in regard to losing the dream you thought you had? Is the pain to do with the things that don’t add up? Is the pain to do with the abuse, betrayal and lies? Is the pain to do with feeling let down in regard to false promises and manipulative behaviour? There may of course be other reasons for the pain. Feel into and locate this pain.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 2: Accepting that the pain has given me an opportunity to heal and create a better way

When we’ve been hurt we feel like victims. However, to rise into empowerment and in order to create the life we do want to live, there is the necessity to release victimisation and accept and embrace the gift. Feel into your level of acceptance of the gift. Feel into your resistance in regard to this. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 3: The goal - My liberation from the pain Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 1: Letting go of the fantasy that he / she was the ‘perfect partner / person’ In relation to an intimate narcissistic relationship, initially meeting and connecting with a narcissist – it feels like ‘this is the one’. It seems that you’re connected on every level and that you’ve met the person of your dreams, who represents everything that you want in a relationship. This is a difficult ‘fantasy’ to get past. In relation to a family member, or another narcissist it can feel devastating that this person is not who they should be for you. Go into the feelings of the pain about losing the support, love and treatment you wish from this person, and the fears that you may not be able to have these feelings and level of connection, or receive what you should have had with this person with anyone else again. You may be hanging on to the possibility that the narcissistic person can change their ways, and go back to being the ‘perfect partner / loving person’. You may also have other charges of pain related to this topic.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 2: Establishing the ‘perfect partner’ is created from within me as my truth The Ultimate Reality is, ‘what you want’ from other people is between you and Source Energy. By being aligned with what you want, you will create that truth. We can have many beliefs getting in the way of this truth, such as: In regard to an intimate partner you may not believe the truth of that level of compatibility and connection exists for you again. In regard to any narcissist you may doubt your ability to create and manifest ‘what you want’ in love and life. You may have difficulty trusting that healthy and sound prospective partners / people can present. You may feel that you can’t receive from life and others what this person was supposed to provide to you. Feel into these fears.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 3: The goal - Knowing that I am the ‘perfect partner’ and I am creating this truth

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 1: Letting go of the resistance of self-judgement and regret Think of all of the aspects of what happened to you that you’ve not as yet been able to accept. Maybe you have been able to conceptualise in your mind why you need to accept what happened, but maybe your ‘body’ (emotions) haven’t yet. Are you angry with yourself? Are you upset with life? Do you feel that what happened was ‘wrong’? Do you feel like you’ve wasted years, failed, and that you and life are to blame? Do you feel that what happened was a cruel trick and twist of life? Feel into this resistance and emotional pain.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 2: The acceptance of my liberation as a result of what happened to me Can you accept that ‘what happened to you’ was a part of your unconscious co-creation to heal and liberate yourself from patterns that weren’t serving you? Can you accept that you were giving yourself everything that you needed in order to realise that these patterns weren’t working for you? Can you accept that you can now embrace the knowing of how vital it is to establish your own self-love, self-respect and healthy boundaries, so that your life is within your power and never susceptible to something or someone outside of you which isn’t healthy? Can you accept that part of the liberation of ‘what happened’ is to do with knowing the creation of your life is your responsibility and no-one else’s? Think about the liberation you’ve gained from ‘what happened to you’, and if you can’t fully feel it, identify all your emotional resistances that are in the way of knowing this liberation.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 3: The goal - The actual forgiveness Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

He parts of the SECTION 1: The details of the injustice and the betrayal

In regard to abusive and painful relationships, the emotional ‘charges’ of injustice and betrayal can be extreme. In regard to the injustice and betrayal write about what occurred from the person who hurt you, and any other circumstances surrounding the violations that still hurt in point form, and then focus into the painful feelings that evokes from you in detail.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 2: The non-closure In regard to injustice and betrayal, often we don’t receive accountability, apology, ‘taking responsibility’ or retribution in relation to the person who harmed us. Do you feel that your life is in limbo whilst you’re waiting for your ‘closure’? Do you feel that it’s unjust to not be able to receive closure (or force closure) from the person who harmed you, or maybe even other people involved? How does this lack of validation hurt? Go into the feelings regarding this.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 3: The goal - I am released and know myself as a Source to Myself Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 1: Identifying the need for accountability When dealing with a narcissist there are powerful hooks that keep you engaging in the madness. You feel like you’re trying to get a ‘five year old adult’ to see sense and start behaving decently. Are you trying to get him or her to be accountable? Are you trying to gain some level of your own safety by trying to ‘win’ and make the narcissist accountable? Are you finding yourself engaging in arguments covering the same ground over and over that would be simple discussions if you were talking to a ‘normal’ person? Access your emotions concerning your own struggles and ‘need to win’.

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 2: Letting go of the need to win If you imagine letting go of the need to win, what does that bring up for you? If you were to allow the narcissist to be whoever he or she needs to be, and take your focus off and put it on to yourself, how does this feel? Locate any fear and resistance in regard to ‘letting go’. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 3: The goal - Allowing others to be any reality, and focusing on my own reality

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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Copyright Melanie Tonia Evans www.melanietoniaevans.com

SECTION 1: Releasing the feeling of responsibility It’s extremely common to feel responsible and sorry for a person in your life, who is displaying bad behaviour, who you care about. Do you have an urge to change, fix or help this person for his or her ‘own good’? Do you feel, that for some reason, you’ve been connected to this person in order to help him or her get out of their dysfunctions? Would you feel guilty to let go and turn your back on this person? Access your feelings of ‘responsibility’ to this person.

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SECTION 2: Bringing the responsibility back to myself If you were to imagine taking full responsibility for yourself, and letting go – thus granting this other person the ‘freedom to be whoever they needed to be’, how would that feel for you? Your head may conceptually know why you need to take responsibility for yourself – yet your ‘body’ may still have fear and pain when you imagine doing this. Imagine doing that and take note of the emotions that you feel as resistance in your body that come up for you.

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SECTION 3: The goal - Knowing that I am fully responsible for myself and I am at peace with this

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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SECTION 1: Letting go of the resistance and judgement of what happened to me The narcissistic abuse experience absolutely challenged everything that you thought was REAL in the world, because the life that you thought you had with this person was completely ‘demolished’. Do you still ‘judge’ what happened to you? Feel into the judgement in your body that you still have regarding ‘what happened’.

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SECTION 2: The humility of accepting what it is that I needed to learn Do you still feel like a ‘victim’, and that the abuse just happened to you in a random way? Or have you been able to acknowledge that this was an experience your soul called forth in order to heal and create the essential connection back too yourself? How comfortable are you with your humility in ‘owning’ the creation of ‘abuse’ in your life in order to transform your life? Do you fully realise what it is that you’ve need to heal within yourself? Feel into the resistance that you may have in regard to your resistance to acceptance on this topic. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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SECTION 3: The goal - Feeling and knowing the gift of ‘coming home to myself’ Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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SECTION 1: The charge on the narcissist’s behaviour Go to the fear and the feelings about what the narcissist is capable of. Are the fears to do with the possibility of being contacted again? Is there fear about the possible ongoing manipulation or abuse? Are there fears related to legal situations or unfinished business with him or her? Is there still any fears remaining regarding the narcissist’s behaviour in the past? Go to these fears, record them in point form and drop inside to locate in detail what your emotional charges are in relation to this.

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SECTION 2: The ability to walk truth and being the Source to myself The Ultimate Reality is: your truth, focus and alignment with yourself create the manifested reality of your life. Write about what your truth is (which is the life you wish to live), and then check if you are being ‘pulled out’ of your alignment because of the fear you have about the narcissist. The fear relates to the ‘distractions’ that are getting in the way of your knowing, and being able to hold your own alignment – without the need to check up on, second-guess, and try to monitor the narcissist. Locate all of the fears that are pulling you out of your alignment with yourself.

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SECTION 3: The goal - Being the Source to myself regardless of what others are or aren’t doing

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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SECTION 1: The connections that make it difficult to let go Imagine completely letting go of your care or connection to the narcissist in order to be completely neutral in your feelings towards him or her. What emotions does this bring up for you? Does it feel like this person is a part of you that you can’t let go of? Feel into all the feelings of the connections and ties which you feel are still energetically, practically and spiritually connecting you to this person.

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SECTION 2: The ability to reclaim myself and know myself as my own truth Feel into the going alone without the narcissist, energetically and reclaiming yourself and establishing and aligning with your truth. What fears does this bring up? Does it feel really empty and lifeless? Does it feel like life can never be the same without the narcissist’s energy? Maybe there are a host of other ‘less than’ feelings that also surface. Feel into and locate these fears and pain.

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SECTION 3: The goal - Knowing that I can let go and be myself fully, happily and safely Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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SECTION 1: My less than feelings regarding loving myself Feel into yourself regarding how you feel about completely and unconditionally loving yourself. Do you struggle to anchor into those feelings of deep abiding love for yourself? Do you still find it hard to trust yourself to love and accept yourself? Locate the painful or uncomfortable feelings in regard to knowing yourself as worthy and deserving of your own love and acceptance.

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SECTION 2: My feelings of needing life or someone on the outside to give me love and myself

The Ultimate Reality is you have no need to receive love from the outside because you already are love. Feel into the concept of knowing that you are love and creation which then creates and attracts more of the same. When you feel into this concept how it does feel? Do you still doubt this? Do you have ‘less than’ feelings around it? Do you still feel emptiness, neediness or anxiety? Feel into and locate your fears in relation to knowing that you are love and creation.

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SECTION 3: The goal - Knowing my liberation, freedom and truth ‘I am Love and Creation’

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal.

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My Goal / Intention: ____________________________________________________________________

My current rating____________

My end of session rating_________

SECTION 1: Deciding The Goal Of My New Life Think of what it is that you would like to achieve for yourself. Write it above….What is your rating of alignment to this goal out of 10? Record that rating above. Feel into the resistance that you have regarding feeling and knowing this goal.

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SECTION 2: My deservedness in regard to creating myself and my new life In regard to the new direction you’d like to move towards, do you believe that you deserve this? Do you believe that you deserve to fill yourself up with your own sense of knowing and embodying the goal? Feel into any resistance that is in the way of your knowing that you do deserve this goal that you desire. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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SECTION 3: The goal – I have the power to generate this goal with all of Life

Feel the goal and locate any resistance that is getting in the way of fully feeling the goal. Shift Number 1 – Details:

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