KUGlobalAid Bosnia “NAR” Project

Nar Project

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The presantation of the project NAR, preapered by KUGlobalAid.

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KUGlobalAid Bosnia

“NAR” Project

KU GlobalAid is a student group under the control of Koc University Office

of International Programs which has been initiated by Koc University

students for the mission of organizing international aid projects regularly every year. The group has organized various social responsibility projects

in domestic and international level since its establishment in all of which the members worked in order to build awareness and international solidarity

while improving social skills.

KU GlobalAid conducted its first social responsibility project in Bosnia-

Herzegovina in spring 2012 with the partnership of International Forum of

Solidarity-Emmaus. During the two weeks program, attendants, which were composed of students and academicians, stayed in local guesthouses and visited

suffering families along the route and contributed to supplying their

basic needs. In Doboj they helped to the treatment of the patients in the

rehabilitation center through joining various production activities.

The primary objective of this year’s project is to arrange a stand in Sarajevo which will be open three months long

between June 10th and September 10th for the sale of the goods produced by various poor families determined

by the project partners from Bosnia-Herzegovia. As a result, the goods produced by these poor families would

be able to be introduced to numerous tourists coming both from Turkey and rest of the world. As tourists

buy some embroidery, handmade materials and jam, they would have the chance to leave the country with

concrete and meaningful memories while at the same time contribute to the aid program of KUGlobalAid. It

is planned to organize a launching event in the night of June 9th in Sarajevo in order to present and promote the

stand sale.

The project will be held in partnership of IFS Emmaus-Bosnia, Student Council of Sarajevo University,

Municipality of Stari Grad and Turkish Embassy of Sarajevo. The goods that will be sold in the stand is supplied by IFS-Emmaus-Bosnia. Student Council of Sarajevo University is responsible for ensuring the continuation of the stand for 3 months through

cooperating with IFS-Emmaus-Bosnia. Municipality and Embassy basically supports the promotion of the project.



Utku EvciResponsible for the Project

[email protected]+90538 561 63 92

Lena BruceResponsible for the organization

[email protected]

Julianne PachecoResponsible for KUGlobalAid

[email protected]

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