Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation

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  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation




    Napoleon I (1769-1821), is a general and emperor ofFrance (1804-1814). Napoleon onapar!e "as #orn in$orsicca in 1769, "en! !o mili!ar% sc&ools in France, and#ecame a lie'!enan! in !&e ar!iller% in 178 . e associa!ed"i!& *aco#ins on !&e o'!#rea+ of !&e Frenc& e ol'!ion,dro e !&e ri!is& form o'lon in 178/, and dispersed aro%alis! re#ellion I aris on c!o#er 179 . e defea!ed !&e

    's!ro-3ardinian armies in I!al% on 1796-1797 and signed!&e !rea!% of $ampo Formio, e !ending !&e Frenc& !erri!or%.

    e !&en campaigned in 5g%p! and !&e iddle 5as!,!&rea!ening rea! ri!ain s posi!ion in India. l!&o'g& &e "onland #a!!les, !&e Frenc& ee! "as des!ro%ed in !&e a!!le of!&e Nile in 1798. e!'rning !o aris Napoleon engineered !&eco'p d e!a! of No em#er 9, 1799, es!a#lis&ing a $ons'la!e"i!& &imself as !&e :rs! cons'l and dic!a!or. e recogni;ed!&e go ernmen! and es!a#lis&ed !&e an+ of France and !&e$ode of Napoleon, s!ill !&e #asis of !&e Frenc&

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    'ssia. ne" alliance of 5'ropean na!ions defea!ed !&eFrenc& a! irec!or%, es!a#lis&ing !&e Frenc& $ons'la!e and ends a!Napoleon s defea! a! !&e a!!le of =a!erloo.


    Temporary peace in Europe

    n c!o#er 1801 and arc& 1802 France signed a!rea!% "i!& rea! ri!ain !&a! ca'sed a s&or! li ed peace in5'rope and France, !&e rea!% of miens. &e reason "&% !&epeace in 5'rope and France "as s&or! li ed #eca'se ri!aindid no! e ac'a!e al!a as promised and !&e% pro!es!edagains! onapar!e s anne a!ion of iedmon! and &is c! of

    edia!ion, "&ic& es!a#lis&ed a ne" 3"iss $onfedera!ion.

    Re orm!

    onapar!e ins!i!'!ed las!ing reforms, incl'ding cen!ralisedadminis!ra!ion of !&e depar!men!s , &ig&er ed'ca!ion , a !a

    code , road and se"er s%s!ems and !&e an?'e de France @!&e co'n!r%As cen!ral #an+ . e nego!ia!ed !&e $oncorda! of1801 "i!& !&e $a!&olic $&'rc&, "&ic& so'g&! !o reconcile !&emos!l% $a!&olic pop'la!ion !o &is regime. I! "as presen!edalongside !&e rganic r!icles , "&ic& reg'la!ed p'#lic"ors&ip in France. In a% 1802, &e ins!i!'!ed !&e

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    orders of c&i alr% , !o enco'rage ci ilian and mili!ar%ac&ie emen!s. is po"ers "ere increased #% !&e$ons!i!'!ion of !&e Cear D incl'dingE Article 1. The French

    people name, and the Senate proclaims Napoleon-Bonaparte

    First Consul for Life f!er !&is &e "as generall% referred !o asNapoleon ra!&er !&an onapar!e. 16G

    NapoleonAs se! of ci il la"s , !&e Code Civil @no" of!en +no"nas !&e Napoleonic code @"as prepared #% commi!!ees oflegal e per!s 'nder !&e s'per ision of *ean *ac?'es Bgis de$am#acBrHs , !&e Second Consul . Napoleon par!icipa!edac!i el% in !&e sessions of !&e $o'ncil of 3!a!e !&a! re ised!&e draf!s. &e de elopmen! of !&e $ode "as a f'ndamen!alc&ange in !&e na!'re of !&e ci il la" legal s%s!em "i!& i!ss!ress on clearl% "ri!!en and accessi#le la". !&er codes"ere commissioned #% Napoleon !o codif% criminal andcommerce la" a $ode of $riminal Ins!r'c!ion "as p'#lis&ed,"&ic& enac!ed r'les of d'e process .

    Frenc" Empire

    Napoleon faced ro%alis! and *aco#in plo!s as FranceAs r'ler,incl'ding !&e Conspiration des poignards >aggersconspirac%G in c!o#er 1800 and !&e lo! of !&e 'e 3ain!-Nicaise !"o mon!&s la!er. In *an'ar% 1804, &is police'nco ered an assassina!ion plo! agains! &im "&ic& in ol ed

    orea' and "&ic& "as os!ensi#l% sponsored #% !&e o'r#on former r'lers of France. n !&e ad ice of alle%rand,Napoleon ordered !&e +idnapping of !&e >'+e of 5ng&ien , in

    iola!ion of neigo'ring aden As so ereign!%. f!er a secre!!rial !&e >'+e "as e ec'!ed, e en !&o'g& &e &ad no! #eenin ol ed in !&e plo!.

    Napoleon 'sed !&e plo! !o J's!if% !&e re-crea!ion of a&eredi!ar% monarc&% in France, "i!& &imself as 5mperor , as ao'r#on res!ora!ion "o'ld #e more diKc'l! if !&e onapar!is!

    s'ccession "as en!renc&ed in !&e cons!i!'!ion. Napoleoncro"ned &imself 5mperor Napoleon I on 2 >ecem#er 1804 a!No!re >ame de aris and !&en cro"ned *osBp&ine 5mpress.$laims !&a! &e sei;ed !&e cro"n o'! of !&e &ands of ope
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    i's LII d'ring !&e ceremon%@!o a oid &is s'#J'ga!ion !o !&ea'!&ori!% of !&e pon!iM@are apocr%p&al !&e corona!ionproced're &ad #een agreed in ad ance. ! ilan $a!&edral on 26 a% 180 , Napoleon "as cro"ned ing of I!al% "i!&

    !&e Iron $ro"n of

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    Francis II of erman% "as !&e las! ol% oman

    5mperor. e r'led in erman% from 1792 P 'g's! 6,1806. &en &e dissol ed !&e 5mpire af!er !&e disas!ro'sdefea! in !&e =ar o f !&e &ird $oali!ion #% Napoleon a!!&e a!!le of 's!erli!;. In 1804 &e fo'nd !&e 's!rian5mpire "&ile &e "as s!ill !&e 5mperor of erman% !&en&e #ecame Francis I of 's!ria from 1804 P 18/ . e#ecame !&e one and onl% > 5< I35 (do'#leemperor) in &is!or%.

    !&er !&an #eing !&e emperor of #o!& erman%and 's!ria &e also #ecame !&e pos!olic ing of

    'ngar% as Ferenc. e #ecame !&e ing of $roa!ia P3la onia as FranJo II. e also #ecame !&e ing of

    o&emia as Francis I. nd las!l% &e #ecame !&e Firs!residen! of !&e erman $onfedera!ion in 181 .

    e &as #een a s!rong opponen! of Frenc& 5mperor,Napoleon onapar!e d'ring !&e Napoleonic =ars. '!&is mos! se ere defea! e er "as !&e pro % marriage of

    s!a!e of &is da'g&!er I5 < QI35 F Q3 I !oNapoleon I on arc& 10, 1810.


    Friedric& I "as no!ed for &is si;e 6 f!. 11 inc&esand &is "eig&! of 200 +g.

    e "as appoin!ed #% $a!&erine II of 'ssia as o ernor

    P eneral of eas!ern Finland.=&en &is fa!&er died &e #ecame !&e >'+e of

    ='r!!em#erg as Friedric& III on >ecem#er 22, 1797.o"e er &is reign "as s&or!l% ended in 1800 "&en !&e

    Frenc& arm% occ'pied ='r!!em#erg. >'+e Friedric&:led a pri a!e !rea!% ceding on!#eliard, an encla e

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    "i!&in !&e #o'ndaries of France, !o !&e Frenc& ep'#lic,and recei ed 5ll"angen in e c&ange !"o %ears la!er.

    ccording !o !&e

    5I$ >5 Q I N3 Q 3$ 'ring !&e =ar of

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    !&e medi'm si;ed erman s!a!es li+e =Rr!!em#erg !&an"i!& asser!ing i!s !radi!ional role as pro!ec!or of !&esmaller so ereigns of !&e old 5mpire, and Friedric& "asallo"ed !o re!ain &is d'#io'sl% ac?'ired lands. Friedric&,

    along "i!& !&e o!&er erman princes, Joined !&e ne"ermanic $onfedera!ion in 181 . e died in c!o#er of!&e ne ! %ear.


    e s'cceeded !&e !&rone on 16 No em#er 1797and a! once ga e earnes! of &is good in!en!ions #%c'!!ing do"n !&e e penses of !&e ro%al es!a#lis&men!,dismissing &is fa!&erAs minis!ers, and reforming !&emos! oppressi e a#'ses of !&e la!e reign. Qnfor!'na!el%,&o"e er, &e &ad all !&e o&en;ollern !enaci!% ofpersonal po"er "i!&o'! !&e o&en;ollern geni's for'sing i!. oo dis!r's!f'l !o delega!e &is responsi#ili!% !o&is minis!ers, &e "as !oo in:rm of "ill !o s!ri+e o'! andfollo" a consis!en! co'rse for &imself. ! :rs! &e and &isad isors a!!emp!ed !o p'rs'e a polic% of ne'!rali!% in

    !&e Napoleonic =ars . l!&o'g& !&e% s'cceeded in+eeping o'! of !&e &ird $oali!ion in 180 , e en!'all%Frederic+ =illiam "as s"a%ed #% !&e #elligeren!a!!i!'de of !&e ?'een, "&o led r'ssiaAs pro-"ar par!%,and en!ered in!o "ar in c!o#er 1806. n 14 c!o#er1806, a! !&e a!!le of *ena- 'ers!Sd! , !&e Frenc&defea!ed !&e r'ssian arm% led #% Frederic+ =illiam,and !&e r'ssian arm% collapsed. &e ro%al famil% ed!o emel , 5as! r'ssia , "&ere !&e% fell on !&e merc% of5mperor le ander I of 'ssia ("&o, r'mo'r &as i!, &adfallen in lo e "i!& T'een

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    in!er ie" "i!& !&e Frenc& emperor. r'ssia los! man% ofi!s olis& !erri!ories, as "ell as all !erri!or% "es! of !&e5l#e , and &ad !o :nance a large indemni!% and !o pa%for Frenc& !roops !o occ'p% +e% s!rong poin!s "i!&in !&e

    ingdom.l!&o'g& !&e ineMec!'al ing &imself seemed

    resigned !o r'ssiaAs fa!e, ario's reforming minis!ers,s'c& as aron om 3!ein , rince on arden#erg ,3c&arn&ors! , and $o'n! neisena' , se! a#o'! reforming

    r'ssiaAs adminis!ra!ion and mili!ar%, "i!& !&eenco'ragemen! of !&e T'een ("&o died, grea!l%mo'rned, in 1810).

    In 181/, follo"ing NapoleonAs defea! in 'ssia ,Frederic+ =illiam !'rned agains! France and signed analliance "i!& 'ssia a! alis; , al!&o'g& &e &ad !o ee

    erlin , s!ill 'nder Frenc& occ'pa!ion. r'ssian !roopspla%ed a +e% par! in !&e ic!ories of !&e allies in 181/and 1814, and !&e ing &imself !ra elled "i!& !&e mainarm% of rince 3c&"ar;en#erg , along "i!& le ander of

    'ssia and Francis of 's!ria .

    ! !&e $ongress of Lienna , Frederic+ =illiamAsminis!ers s'cceeded in sec'ring impor!an! !erri!orialincreases for r'ssia, al!&o'g& !&e% failed !o o#!ain !&eanne a!ion of all of 3a on% , as !&e% &ad "is&ed.Follo"ing !&e "ar, Frederic+ =illiam !'rned !o"ardspoli!ical reac!ion, a#andoning !&e promises &e &admade in 181/ !o s'ppl% r'ssia "i!& a cons!i!'!ion.

    e died on 7 *'ne 1840. is eldes! son, Frederic+=illiam IL , s'cceeded &im.

    CHARLES I7 +NO7EMBER --/ -082 3 #ANUAR* .9/-2-:,

    e "as !&e ing of 3pain from >ecem#er 14 1788'n!il &is a#dica!ion on

    arc& 19, 1808.,_baron_von_und_zum_Stein,_baron_von_und_zum_Stein
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    In 1788, $&arles III died and $&arles IL s'cceeded!o !&e !&rone. 5 en !&o'g& &e &ad a profo'nd #elief in!&e sanc!i!% of &is oKce and +ep! 'p !&e appearance ofan a#sol'!e, po"erf'l monarc&, &e ne er !oo+ more

    !&an a passi e par! in !&e direc!ion of &is o"ngo ernmen!, occ'p%ing &imself "i!& &'n!ing . &eaMairs of go ernmen! &e lef! !o &is "ife and &is primeminis!er. In 1792, aria

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    Ne'!rali!% (*'l% 1782) and !&e 1781 cession of >elagoaa% from 's!ria !o or!'gal.

    T'een aria s'Mered from religio's mania andmelanc&olia . &is ac'!e men!al illness (per&aps d'e !oporp&%ria , "&ic& also ma% &a e !ain!ed eorge III of !&eQni!ed ingdom ) made &er incapa#le of &andling s!a!eaMairs af!er 1792.

    er madness "as :rs! oKciall% no!iced in 1786"&en aria &ad !o #e carried #ac+ !o &er apar!men!s ina s!a!e of deliri'm. &e ?'eenAs men!al s!a!e #ecameincreasingl% "orse. &e %ear of 1786 sa" &er &'s#andlose &is life in a%. aria "as de as!a!ed and for#ade

    an% co'r! en!er!ainmen!s and according !o acon!emporar%, !&e s!a!e fes!i i!ies resem#led religio'sceremonies. er s!a!e "orsened af!er !&e dea!& of !&e

    rince eir *osep&, aged 27 %ears old, from smallpo ,and of &er confessor, in 1791. f!er !&e end of 1791,&er men!al s!a!e seemed !o #e !'rning !o e en "ors!. InFe#r'ar% 1792, s&e "as deemed as men!all% insaneand "as !rea!ed #% *o&n =illis , !&e same p&%sician !&a!a!!ended eorge III of 5ngland. e "an!ed !o !a+e &er!o 5ngland, #'! !&a! "as ref'sed #% !&e or!'g'eseco'r!. &e %o'ng prince rince *o&n !oo+ o er !&ego ernmen! in &er name, e en if &e onl% !oo+ !&e !i!leof rince egen! in 1799. =&en !&e J'da palace #'rn!do"n in 179 , !&e co'r! "as forced !o mo e !o T'el';"&ere !&e ill ?'een "o'ld lie in &er apar!men!s all da%and isi!ors "o'ld complain of !erri#le screams !&a!"o'ld ec&o !&ro'g&o'! !&e palace.

    In 1801 !&e 3panis& dic!a!or an'el de odo%

    in aded or!'gal "i!& #ac+ing from Napoleon , #'! "asforced !o a#andon !&e campaign in !&e same %ear.

    o"e er !&e rea!% of adaJo; on *'ne 6, 1801 forcedor!'gal !o cede li en;a and par! of '%ana !o 3pain.

    &e ref'sal of !&e or!'g'ese go ernmen! !o Join!&e $on!inen!al loc+ade of ri!ain c'lmina!ed in !&e
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    1807 Franco-3panis& in asion led #% eneral *'no! . !!&e 'rging of !&e ri!is& go ernmen!, !&e en!ire

    ragan;a d%nas!% ed !o ra;il on No em#er 29, 1807and es!a#lis&ed a co'r! in e ile in io de *aneiro. *'no!

    "as appoin!ed go ernor of or!'gal pending NapoleonAsdecision on i!s 'l!ima!e fa!e.

    In *an'ar% 1808, rince *oUo and &is co'r! arri edin 3al ador, "&ere &e signed a commercial reg'la!ion!&a! opened commerce #e!"een ra;il and friendl%na!ions, "&ic& in !&is case represen!ed 5ngland. &isimpor!an! la" #ro+e !&e colonial pac! !&a!, 'n!il !&en,onl% allo"ed ra;il !o main!ain direc! commercialrela!ions "i!& or!'gal.

    n 'g's! 1, 1808, !&e ri!is& eneral r!&'r=ellesle% (la!er >'+e of =elling!on ) landed a ri!is&arm% in

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    minis!er. l!&o'g& no! a mere grasping ad en!'rer, &e"as largel% responsi#le for red'cing !&e in!ernaladminis!ra!ion of !&e co'n!r% !o a s%s!em of espionage,corr'p!ion and cr'el!%.

    n !&e o'!#rea+ of !&e Frenc& e ol'!ion in 1789!&e Neapoli!an co'r! "as no! &os!ile !o !&e mo emen!,and !&e ?'een e en s%mpa!&ised "i!& !&e re ol'!ionar%ideas of !&e da%. '! "&en !&e Frenc& monarc&% "asa#olis&ed and !&e +ing and ?'een ( aria $arolinaAssis!er) "ere e ec'!ed, Ferdinand and aria $arolina"ere sei;ed "i!& a feeling of fear and &orror and Joined!&e :rs! coali!ion agains! France in 179/.

    Ferdinand died in Naples in *an'ar% 182 . CHARLES EMMANUEL I7 OF PIEDMONT 3 SARDINA

    +MA* .8/ -05- 3 OCTOBER 1/ -2-:,

    In 177 $&arles 5mman'el married arie $lo!ildeof France , !&e da'g&!er of

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    !&e island of 3ardinia, "&ic& s!a%ed o'! of !&e reac& of!&e Frenc& arm%. &e follo"ing %ear &e !ried'ns'ccessf'll% !o regain iedmon! . e and &is "ife li edin ome and in Naples as g'es!s of !&e "eal!&% $olonna

    famil%.n arc& 7, 1802 $&arles 5mman'elAs "ife arie

    $lo!&ilde died. e "as so mo ed #% &er dea!& !&a! &edecided !o a#dica!e, *'ne 4, 1802 in fa o'r of &is#ro!&er Lic!or 5mman'el . $&arles 5mman'el re!ained!&e personal !i!le of ing. e li ed in ome and in !&enear#% !o"n of Frasca!i .

    In Frasca!i &e "as a fre?'en! g'es! enr% enedic!

    3!'ar! , $ardinal >'+e of Cor+, las! mem#er of !&e o%alo'se of 3!'ar! , "&o "as &is co'sin. e "as descendedfrom enrie!!a nne 3!'ar! , !&e %o'nges! da'g&!er of$&arles I , "&ereas enr% enedic! 3!'ar! "asdescended from *ames II "&o "as !&e second son of$&arles I .

    =&en enr% died in 1807, $&arles 5mman'el#ecame !&e senior &eir-general of ing $&arles I of5ngland and 3co!land , and "as !&'s regarded #%

    *aco#i!es as ing $&arles IL of 5ngland, 3co!land,France and Ireland. &ere is no doc'men!ar% e idence!&a! $&arles 5mman'el e er a!!emp!ed !o ma+e ap'#lic claim !o !&e !i!le of ing of 5ngland or 3co!land.

    Indeed, in 181 a! !&e age of si !%-fo'r $&arles5mman'el !oo+ simple o"s in !&e 3ocie!% of *es's (!&e

    *es'i!s). e "as ne er ordained !o !&e pries!&ood, #'!li ed !&e res! of &is life a! !&e *es'i! no i!ia!e in ome.

    $&arles 5mman'el died a! ome, c!o#er 6, 1819.e is #'ried in !&e $&'rc& of 3an!A ndrea al T'irinale .

    WILLIAM 7 OF ORAN(E'Andrea_al_Quirinale'Andrea_al_Quirinale
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    o =il&elmina and &er #ro!&er, Frederic+ =illiam IIof r'ssia , !&is "as an ins'l!. Frederic+ sen! in an arm%!o a!!ac+ !&e dissiden!s. an% pa!rio!s ed !o !&e Nor!&of France, aro'nd 3ain!- mer , in an area "&ere >'!c&

    "as spo+en. Qn!il &is o er!&ro" !&e% "ere s'ppor!ed #%ing '!c& s!ad!&olders, &e died in e ilea! r'ns"ic+ , no" in erman% . is #od% "as mo ed !o!&e >'!c& o%al Famil% cr%p! in !&e Nie'"e er+ in >elf!on pril 29, 19 8.

    In 181/, &is son, ing =illiam I re!'rned !o !&eNe!&erlands and #ecame !&e :rs! >'!c& monarc& from!&e o'se of range.


    le ander I of !&e 'ssian 5mpire is o!&er"ise+no"n as le ander !&e lessed. e ser ed as 5mperorof 'ssia from arc& 2/, 1801 P >ecem#er 1, 182 , and

    'ler of oland from 181 P 182 , as "ell as !&e :rs!'ssian rand >'+e of Finland and '+e a'l e!ro ic&, la!er 5mperor a'l I , and ariaFeodoro na , da'g&!er of !&e >'+e of =Rr!!em#erg .

    le ander "as !&e eldes! of fo'r #ro!&ers. es'cceeded !o !&e !&rone af!er &is fa!&er "as m'rdered,and r'led 'ssia d'ring !&e c&ao!ic period of !&eNapoleonic =ars . In !&e :rs! &alf of &is reign le ander,_Duke_of_W%C3%BCrttemberg,_Duke_of_W%C3%BCrttemberg
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    !ried !o in!rod'ce li#eral reforms, "&ile in !&e second&alf &e !'rned !o a m'c& more ar#i!rar% manner ofcond'c!, "&ic& led !o !&e re o+ing of man% earl%reforms. In foreign polic% le ander gained cer!ain

    s'ccesses, mainl% #% "inning se eral mili!ar%campaigns. In par!ic'lar 'nder &is r'le 'ssia ac?'iredFinland and par! of oland. &e s!range con!radic!ionsof &is c&arac!er ma+e le ander one of !&e mos!in!eres!ing sars. dding !o !&is, &is dea!& "ass&ro'ded in m%s!er%, and !&e loca!ion of &is #od%remains 'n+no"n.

    In 'ssia, !oo, cer!ain reforms "ere carried o'!,#'! !&e% co'ld no! s'r i e !&e s'spicio's in!erferenceof !&e a'!ocra! and &is oKcials. &e 3!a!e $o'ncil and!&e o erning 3ena!e , ne" #odies endo"ed for !&e :rs!!ime "i!& cer!ain (!&eore!ical) po"ers, #ecame sla is&ins!r'men!s of !&e sar and &is fa o'ri!es of !&emomen!.

    &e ela#ora!e s%s!em of ed'ca!ion, c'lmina!ing in!&e recons!i!'!ed, or ne"l% fo'nded, 'ni ersi!ies of>orpa! ( ar!'), Lilna (Lilni's), a;an and &ar+i , "ass!rangled in !&e s'pposed in!eres!s of OorderO and of!&e 'ssian r!&odo $&'rc& "&ile !&e mili!ar%se!!lemen!s "&ic& le ander proclaimed as a #lessing!o #o!& soldiers and s!a!e "ere forced on !&e 'n"illingpeasan!r% and arm% "i!& pi!iless cr'el!%. &o'g& !&e%"ere s'pposed !o impro e li ing condi!ions of soldiers,!&e economic eMec! in fac! "as poor and &ars& mili!ar%discipline ca'sed fre?'en! 'nres!.

    5 en !&e i#le 3ocie!%, !&ro'g& "&ic& !&e emperor

    in &is la!er mood of e angelical ;eal proposed !o #less&is people, "as cond'c!ed on !&e same r'!&less lines.

    &e oman $a!&olic arcis&op and !&e r!&odome!ropoli!ans "ere forced !o ser e on i!s commi!!eeside #% side "i!& ro!es!an! pas!ors and illage pries!s,!rained !o regard an% !ampering "i!& !&e le!!er of !&e!radi!ional doc'men!s of !&e c&'rc& as a mor!al sin,
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    #ecame !&e 'n"illing ins!r'men!s for !&e propaga!ionof "&a! !&e% regarded as "or+s of !&e de il.

    CHRISTIAN 7II +#ANUUAR* .:/ -08: 3 MARCH -./

    -292,$&ris!ian LII "as ing of >enmar+ and Nor"a%,

    and >'+e of 3c&les"ig and ols!ein from 1766 'n!il &isdea!&.

    e #ecame +ing on &is fa!&er s dea!& on 14 *an'ar% 1766, "ee+s #efore &is 17!& #ir!&da%. ll !&eearlier acco'n!s agree !&a! &e &ad a "inningpersonali!% and considera#le !alen!, #'! &e "as #adl%

    ed'ca!ed, s%s!ema!icall% !errori;ed #% a #r'!algo ernor, >e!le re e ;' e en!lo", and &opelessl%de#a'c&ed #% corr'p! pages, and "&ile &e seems !o&a e #een in!elligen! and cer!ainl% &ad periods ofclari!%, $&ris!ian s'Mered from se ere men!al pro#lems,possi#l% sc&i;op&renia .

    f!er &is marriage a! $&ris!ians#org alace on 8No em#er 1766 !o &is co'sin rincess $aroline a!ilda (+no"n in >enmar+ as T'een $aroline a!&ilde), &ea#andoned &imself !o !&e "ors! e cesses, especiall%de#a'c&er% . In 1767, &e en!ered in !o a rela!ions&ip"i!& !&e co'r!isan 3!V le!-$a!&rine . e p'#licl%declared !&a! &e co'ld no! lo e $aroline a!&ilde,#eca'se i! "as O'nfas&iona#le !o lo e oneAs "ifeO. e'l!ima!el% san+ in!o a condi!ion of men!al s!'por.3%mp!oms d'ring !&is !ime incl'ded paranoia , self-m'!ila!ion and &all'cina!ions . e #ecame s'#missi e !o'ps!ar! *o&ann Friedric& 3!r'ensee , "&o rose s!eadil% in

    po"er in !&e la!e 1760s. &e neglec!ed and lonel%$aroline a!&ilde drif!ed in!o an aMair "i!& 3!r'ensee.

    In 1772, !&e +ing s marriage "i!& $aroline a!&ilde"as dissol ed #% di orce. 3!r'ensee "as arres!ed ande ec'!ed in !&a! same %ear. $&ris!ian signed3!r'enseeAs arres! "arran! "i!& indiMerence, and 'nder
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    press're from &is s!epmo!&er, *'liana aria ofr'ns"ic+-=olfen#R!!el , "&o &ad led !&e mo emen! !o

    &a e !&e marriage dissol ed. $aroline a!&ilde,re!aining &er !i!le #'! no! &er c&ildren, e en!'all% lef!

    >enmar+ in e ile and passed &er remaining da%s in a!$elle $as!le in &er #ro!&erAs erman !erri!or%, !&e5lec!ora!e of ano er . 3&e died of scarle! fe er !&ereon 11 a% 177 , a! !&e age of 2/.

    $&ris!ian "as onl% nominall% +ing from 1772on"ards. From 1772 !o 1784, >enmar+ "as r'led #%$&ris!ianAs s!epmo!&er *'liana aria of r'ns"ic+-=olfen#R!!el , &is p&%sicall% disa#led &alf-#ro!&erFrederic+ and !&e >anis& poli!ician e Veg&-

    'ld#erg . From 1784 on"ards, &is son Frederic+ LI r'led permanen!l% as a prince regen!. &is regenc% "asmar+ed #% li#eral and agric'l!'ral reforms #'! also #%!&e #eginning disas!ers of !&e Napoleonic =ars .

    $&ris!ian died in 1808 a! ends#'rg , 3c&les"ig ,no! of frig&! as some &a e s'gges!ed, #'! from a #rainane'r%sm . e "as 9.

    (USTA7 I7 6IN( OF SWEDEN +NO7EMBER -/ -0023 FEBRUAR* -240,

    's!a dolfAs promp! dismissal of !&e generall%de!es!ed 's!af dolf e'!er&olm , !&e d'+e-regen!Asleading ad isor, added s!ill f'r!&er !o &is pop'lari!%. n/1 c!o#er 1797 's!a married Friederi+e >oro!&ea ,grandda'g&!er of arl Friedric& , argra e of aden , amarriage "&ic& seemed !o !&rea!en "ar "i!& 'ssia #'!for !&e fana!ical &a!red of !&e Frenc& rep'#lic s&ared #%

    !&e 5mperor a'l of 'ssia and 's!a IL dolf, "&ic&ser ed as a #ond of 'nion #e!"een !&em. Indeed !&e+ingAs &orror of *aco#inism "as mor#id in i!s in!ensi!%,and dro e &im !o #ecome increasingl% reac!ionar% and!o pos!pone &is corona!ion for some %ears, so as !oa oid calling !oge!&er a die!. None!&eless, !&e disorderof !&e s!a!e :nances, largel% in&eri!ed from 's!a IIIAs,_Grand_Duke_of_Baden,_Grand_Duke_of_Baden
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    'ssian "ar of 1788-90, as "ell as "idespread cropfail'res in 1798 and 1799, compelled &im !o s'mmon!&e es!a!es !o Norr+Wping in arc& 1800 and on / pril!&e same %ear. =&en !&e +ing enco'n!ered serio's

    opposi!ion a! !&e ri+sdag, &e resol ed ne er !o callano!&er.

    is reign "as ill-fa!ed and "as !o end a#r'p!l%. In180 , &e Joined !&e &ird $oali!ion agains! Napoleon.

    is campaign "en! poorl% and !&e Frenc& occ'pied3"edis& omerania . =&en &is all%, 'ssia, made peaceand concl'ded an alliance "i!& France a! ilsi! in 1807,3"eden and or!'gal "ere lef! as rea! ri!ainAs5'ropean allies. n 21 Fe#r'ar% 1808, 'ssia in adedFinland , "&ic& consis!ed of pro inces of 3"eden, on !&epre!e ! of compelling 3"eden !o Join NapoleonAs$on!inen!al 3%s!em. >enmar+ li+e"ise declared "ar on3"eden. In J's! fe" mon!&s af!er, almos! all of Finland"as los! !o 'ssia. s a res'l! of !&e "ar, on 173ep!em#er 1809, in !&e rea!% of amina , 3"edens'rrendered !&e eas!ern !&ird of 3"eden !o 'ssia. &ea'!onomo's rand >'c&% of Finland "i!&in Imperial

    'ssia "as es!a#lis&ed.

    's!a dolfAs inep! and erra!ic leaders&ip indiplomac% and "ar precipi!a!ed &is deposi!ion !&ro'g&a conspirac% of arm% oKcers.

    n 7 arc& 1809, lie'!enan!-colonel eorgdlersparre , commander of a par! of !&e so-called

    "es!ern arm%, !riggered !&e re ol'!ion #% raising !&eag of re#ellion and s!ar!ing !o marc& 'pon 3!oc+&olm.

    o pre en! !&e ing from Joining lo%al !roops in 3cania,

    on 1/ arc& 1809 se en of !&e conspira!ors led #% $arl *o&an dlercre'!; #ro+e in!o !&e ro%al apar!men!s in !&epalace, sei;ed !&e +ing, and imprisoned &im and &isfamil% in rips&olm cas!le !&e +ingAs 'ncle, >'+e$&arles ( arl), "as !&ere'pon pers'aded !o accep! !&eleaders&ip of a pro isional go ernmen!, "&ic& "as
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    proclaimed !&e same da% and a die!, &as!il%s'mmoned, solemnl% appro ed of !&e re ol'!ion .

    n 29 arc& 's!a IL dolf, !o sa e !&e cro"n for&is son, ol'n!aril% a#dica!ed #'! on 19 a% !&e

    i+sdag of !&e 5s!a!es , domina!ed #% !&e arm% ,declared !&a! no! merel% 's!a #'! &is "&ole famil%&ad forfei!ed !&e !&rone, per&aps an e c'se !o e cl'de&is famil% from s'ccession #ased on !&e r'mo'rs of &isillegi!imac%. more li+el% ca'se, &o"e er, is !&a! !&ere ol'!ionaries feared !&a! 's!a As son, if &e in&eri!ed!&e !&rone, "o'ld a enge &is fa!&erAs deposi!ion "&en&e came of age. n *'ne >'+e $&arles ( 's!a As'ncle) "as proclaimed +ing 'nder !&e !i!le of $&arlesDIII, af!er accep!ing a ne" li#eral cons!i!'!ion , "&ic&"as ra!i:ed #% !&e die! !&e ne ! da%. In >ecem#er

    's!a and &is famil% "ere !ranspor!ed !o erman% . In1812 &e di orced from &is "ife.

    In e ile 's!a 'sed se eral !i!les, $o'n! o!!orp ,>'+e of ols!ein-5'!in , and :nall% se!!led a! 3!. allen in 3"i!;erland "&ere &e li ed in a small &o!el in grea!loneliness and indigence, 'nder !&e name of $olonel

    's!afsson. I! "as !&ere !&a! &e s'Mered a s!ro+e anddied. ! !&e s'gges!ion of ing scar II of 3"eden &is#od% "as :nall% #ro'g&! !o 3"eden and in!erred in !&e

    iddar&olms+%r+an .


    3elim III "as !&e 3'l!an of !&e !!oman 5mpirefrom 1789 P 1807. grea! lo er of m'sic, 3'l!an 3elim

    III "as a composer and performer of signi:can! !alen!.e crea!ed fo'r!een ma#am s, melodic !%pes, !&ree of

    "&ic& are in c'rren! 'se !oda%. 3i !%-fo'r composi!ions#elonging !o 3elim III are +no"n, some of "&ic& are par!of !&e reg'lar reper!or% of 'r+is& classical m'sic performers. side from composing m'sic, 3elim III alsoperformed on !&e ne% and !an#'r .
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    &e !alen!s and energ% "i!& "&ic& 3elim III "asendo"ed &ad endeared &im !o !&e people, and grea!&opes "ere fo'nded on &is accession. e &adassocia!ed m'c& "i!& foreigners, and "as !&oro'g&l%

    pers'aded of !&e necessi!% of reforming &is s!a!e. '!'s!ria and 'ssia ga e &im no !ime for an%!&ing #'!defense, and i! "as no! 'n!il !&e peace of IaXi (1792)!&a! a #rea!&ing space "as allo"ed &im in 5'rope,"&ile Napoleon Asin asion of 5g%p! and 3%ria sooncalled for 'r+e%As s!ronges! eMor!s and for !&e !imes&a!!ered !&e old-s!anding Franco- !!oman alliance .

    3elim III pro:!ed #% !&e respi!e !o a#olis& !&emili!ar% !en're of :efs &e in!rod'ced sal'!ar% reformsin!o !&e adminis!ra!ion, especiall% in !&e :scaldepar!men!, so'g&! #% "ell-considered plans !o e !end!&e spread of ed'ca!ion, and engaged foreign oKcersas ins!r'c!ors, #% "&om a small corps of ne" !roopscalled ni$am-i-%edid "ere collec!ed and drilled. 3o "ell"ere !&ese !roops organi;ed !&a! !&e% "ere a#le !o &old!&eir o"n agains! re#ellio's *anissaries in !&e 5'ropeanpro inces, "&ere disaMec!ed go ernors made noscr'ple of a!!emp!ing !o ma+e 'se of !&em agains! !&e

    reforming s'l!an.5m#oldened #% !&is s'ccess, 3elim III iss'ed an

    order !&a! in f'!'re pic+ed men s&o'ld #e !a+enann'all% from !&e *anissaries !o ser e in !&eir ran+s.

    3elim III "as, &o"e er, !&oro'g&l% 'nder !&ein 'ence of 3e#as!iani, and !&e ee! "as compelled !ore!ire "i!&o'! eMec!ing i!s p'rpose. '! !&e anarc&%,manifes! or la!en!, e is!ing !&ro'g&o'! !&e pro inces

    pro ed !oo grea! for 3elim III !o cope "i!&. &e *anissaries rose once more in re ol!, ind'ced !&e3&ei+&-'l-Islam !o gran! a fe! a agains! !&e reforms,de!&roned and imprisoned 3elim III, and placed &isco'sin 's!afa on !&e !&rone, as 's!afa IL (1807P08).
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    &e pas&a of 's!c&'+ , 's!afa a%ra+dar , as!rong par!isan of !&e reforms, collec!ed an arm% of40,000 men and marc&ed on Is!an#'l "i!& !&e p'rposeof reins!a!ing 3elim III, #'! &e came !oo la!e. &e ill-

    fa!ed reforming 3'l!an &ad #een s!a##ed in !&e seraglio#% !&e $&ief lac+ 5'n'c& and &is men, and aira+darAsonl% reso'rce "as !o "rea+ &is engeance on 's!afaIL and !o place on !&e !&rone a&m'd II (1808P/9), !&esole s'r i ing mem#er of !&e &o'se of sman.

    no!&er ersion of &is m'rder s!a!es !&a! af!er &isdeposi!ion, 3elim "as s!a%ing a! !&e arem. &e nig&!of &'rsda%, *'l% 28, 1808, &e "as "i!& &is fa o'ri!elad%, efe! adYn, and a sla e girl or per&aps ano!&erfa o'ri!e a+i;e adYn in a!!endance. lemdar as&a , alo%alis! of 3elim, "as approac&ing !&e ci!% "i!& &is arm%!o reins!a!e 3elim. &erefore 's!afa IL ga e orders !om'rder &im and &is #ro!&er rince a&m'd. &eassassins "ere apparen!l% a gro'p of men, incl'ding!&e as!er of !&e =ardro#e called Fe!!a& !&e eorgian,!&e reas'r% s!e"ard 5#e 3elim, and #lac+ e'n'c&named Ne;ir Za. 3elim apparen!l% +ne" &is end "ascoming "&en &e sa" !&eir s"ords dra"n. a+i;e adYn

    !&re" &erself #e!"een !&em and &er lord, s&e "as c'!in &er &and. efe! adYn s!ar!ed screaming in !error,ano!&er sla e girl "&o r's&ed in fain!ed "&en s&e sa""&a! "as a#o'! !o &appen. s!r'ggle ens'ed and !&eformer s'l!an "as c'! do"n and m'rdered, &is las!"ords apparen!l% #eing O Allahu A#&ar O (O od is grea!O).

    efe! adYn !&re" &erself on !&e #od% #'! "as draggeda"a%. &e #od% "as ?'ic+l% "rapped in a ?'il!. &eassassins mo ed on !o :nd rince a&m'd and a!!emp!!o m'rder &im !oo, &e "as more for!'na!e !&o'g& and&ad !&e assassins e ec'!ed la!er. 3elim III "o'ld #e !&eonl% !!oman s'l!an !o #e +illed #% !&e s"ord. e diedin Is!an#'l.

    MAHMUD II OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE +#UL* .9/-025 3 #UL* -/ -24:,
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    &e i;ier !oo+ !&e ini!ia!i e in res'ming reforms!&a! &ad #een !ermina!ed #% !&e conser a!i e co'p of1807 !&a! &ad #ro'g&! 's!afa IL !o po"er. o"e er,soon !&e i;ier "as +illed #% I#ra&imAs arm%, and

    a&m'd II !emporaril% a#andoned !&e reforms.a&m'd IIAs la!er reforma!ion eMor!s "ere mores'ccessf'l.

    >'ring !&e earl% %ears of a&m'd IIAs reign, &is5g%p!ian icero% e&me! li aXa s'ccessf'll%recon?'ered !&e &ol% ci!ies of edina (1812) and ecca(181/) from !&e NeJdi re#els .

    is reign also mar+ed !&e :rs! #rea+a"a% from !&e

    !!oman 5mpire, "i!& reece gaining i!s independence follo"ing a re#ellion !&a! s!ar!ed in 1821. In 1827 !&ecom#ined ri!is&, Frenc& and 'ssian na ies defea!ed!&e !!oman Na % a! !&e a!!le of Na arino in !&eaf!erma!&, !&e !!oman 5mpire "as forced !o recogni;e

    reece "i!& !&e rea!% of $ons!an!inople in *'l% 18/2. &is e en!, !oge!&er "i!& !&e occ'pa!ion of !&e

    !!oman pro ince of lgeria #% France in 18/0, mar+ed!&e #eginning of !&e grad'al #rea+-'p of !&e !!oman5mpire. Non- 'r+is& e!&nic gro'ps li ing in !&e empireAs!erri!ories, especiall% in 5'rope, s!ar!ed !&eir o"nindependence mo emen!s.

    mong a&m'd IIAs mos! no!a#le ac!s d'ring &isreign "as, !&e *anissar% corps "as a#olis&ed in 1826,permi!!ing !&e es!a#lis&men! of a 'r+is& domina!ed

    !!oman rm% a&m'd "as also responsi#le for !&es'#J'ga!ion of !&e Ira?i aml'+s in 18/1 and !&eprepara!ion of !&e an;ima! reforms in 18/9. &e

    an;ima! mar+ed !&e #eginning of moderni;a!ion in 'r+e% , and &ad immedia!e eMec!s on social and legalaspec!s of life in !&e 5mpire, s'c& as 5'ropean s!%leclo!&ing, arc&i!ec!'re, legisla!ion, ins!i!'!ionalorgani;a!ion and land reform. e is responsi#le for !&edes!r'c!ion of 5li!e 'slim ili!ar% rders.'%C3%A9tat'%C3%A9tat
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    e "as concerned also for aspec!s of !radi!ion. emade grea! eMor!s !o re i e !&e spor! of arc&er%. ealso ordered &is arc&er% s!'den!, 's!afa ani , !o "ri!ea #oo+ a#o'! !&e &is!or%, cons!r'c!ion, and 'se of

    'r+is& #o"s , from "&ic& comes mos! of "&a! is no"+no"n of 'r+is& #o"%er%.

    a&m'd II died of !'#erc'losis - some sa%m'rdered - a! !&e 5sma 3'l!ana alace , [amlYca , in18/9. is f'neral "as a!!ended #% cro"ds of people"&o came !o #id !&e 3'l!an fare"ell. is son

    #dRlmecid s'cceeded &im.

    (EOR(E III OF (REAT BRITAIN +#UNE 8/ -042 3

    #ANUAR* .:/ -2.9,

    eorge III "as ing of rea! ri!ain and ing ofIreland from 2 c!o#er 1760 'n!il !&e 'nion of !&ese!"o co'n!ries on 1 *an'ar% 1801, af!er "&ic& &e "as

    ing of !&e Qni!ed ingdom of rea! ri!ain and Ireland 'n!il &is dea!&. e "as conc'rren!l% >'+e of r'ns"ic+-

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    o er a 20-%ear period, :nall% concl'ded in !&e defea! ofNapoleon in 181 .

    In !&e la!er par! of &is life, eorge III s'Mered fromrec'rren! and, e en!'all%, permanen! men!al illness .

    edical prac!i!ioners "ere #a\ed #% !&is a! !&e !ime,al!&o'g& i! &as since #een s'gges!ed !&a! &e s'Meredfrom !&e #lood disease porp&%ria . f!er a :nal relapsein 1810, a regenc% "as es!a#lis&ed, and eorge IIIAseldes! son, eorge, rince of =ales , r'led as rince

    egen! . n eorge IIIAs dea!&, !&e rince egen!s'cceeded &is fa!&er as eorge IL. is!orical anal%sis of

    eorge IIIAs life &as gone !&ro'g& a O+aleidoscope ofc&anging ie"sO "&ic& &ad depended &ea il% on !&epreJ'dices of &is #iograp&ers and !&e so'rces a aila#le!o !&em.


    a%s in 181 .

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    r'led as ing for slig&!l% less !&an a decade, d'ring !&eso-called o'r#on es!ora!ion period. &e o'r#on

    es!ora!ion "as a cons!i!'!ional monarc&% ('nli+e !&e Ancien '"gime , "&ic& "as a#sol'!e ). s a cons!i!'!ional


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    cold "ea!&er. &eir re!rea! from osco" and 'ssia "as&orrif%ing onl% a#o'! /0,000 of Napoleon s soldiers re!'rned.

    &e Frenc&, #% no" drained of manpo"er and s'pplies, "eredecisi el% #ea!en a!

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    f'r!&er g'aran!eed ri!is& con!rol of !&e $&annel ra!&erpre en!ing !&e in asion.

    oda%, !&e o'logne campAs si!e is mar+ed #% a /me!re-&ig& $ol'mn of !&e rande rmBe (FranceAs !alles!s'c& col'mn), #'il! in !&e 1840s, "i!& a s!a!'e ofNapoleon on !op, panels on !&e #ase s&o"ing &impresen!ing medals of !&e

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    C= WAR OF THE FOURTH COALITION +-291 < -290,

    &e Fo'r!& $oali!ion "as assem#led in 1806, andNapoleon defea!ed r'ssia a! !&e a!!le of *ena- 'ers!ed! in c!o#er. e marc&ed agains! ad ancing 'ssian armies!&ro'g& oland, and "as in ol ed in !&e #lood% s!alema!eof !&e a!!le of 5%la' on 6 Fe#r'ar% 1807.

    f!er a decisi e ic!or% a! Friedland , &e signed !&e rea!ies of ilsi! one "i!& sar le ander I of 'ssia "&ic&di ided !&e con!inen! #e!"een !&e !"o po"ers !&e o!&er"i!& r'ssia "&ic& s!ripped !&a! co'n!r% of &alf i!s!erri!or%. Napoleon placed p'ppe! r'lers on !&e !&rones of

    erman s!a!es , incl'ding &is #ro!&er *Br]me as +ing of !&e

    ne" ingdom of =es!p&alia . In !&e Frenc&-con!rolled par!of oland, &e es!a#lis&ed !&e >'c&% of =arsa" "i!& ingFrederic+ 'g's!'s I of 3a on% as r'ler.

    =i!& &is ilan and erlin >ecrees , Napoleona!!emp!ed !o enforce a 5'rope-"ide commercial #o%co!!of ri!ain called !&e Continental S*stem . &is ac! ofeconomic "arfare did no! s'cceed, as i! enco'raged

    ri!is& merc&an!s !o sm'ggle in!o con!inen!al 5'rope andNapoleonAs e cl'si el% land-#ased c's!oms enforcersco'ld no! s!op !&em.

    D=(UNBOAT WAR+-290 < -2-8,

    &e 'n#oa! =ar ( 1807 P1814 ) "as !&e na al con ic!#e!"een >enmar+PNor"a% and !&e ri!is& Na % d'ring!&e Napoleonic =ars . &e "arAs name is deri ed from !&e>anis& !ac!ic of emplo%ing small g'n#oa!s agains! !&econ en!ional o%al Na %. In 3candina ia i! is seen as !&e

    la!!er s!age of !&e 5nglis& =ars , "&ose commencemen! isacco'n!ed as !&e Firs! a!!le of $open&agen in 1801.

    In !&e :rs! !&ree %ears of !&e 'n#oa! =ar, !&ese#oa!s "ere on se eral occasions a#le !o cap!'re cargos&ips from !&e con o%s and !o defea! ri!is& na al #rigs,!&o'g& !&e% "ere no! s!rong eno'g& !o o ercome larger
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    friga!es and s&ips of !&e line . &e ri!is& &ad con!rol of>anis& "a!ers d'ring !&e "&ole of !&e 1807 P1814 "ar,and "&en !&e season "as s'i!ed !o na iga!ion !&e% "erereg'larl% a#le !o escor! large merc&an! con o%s o'!

    !&ro'g& !&e 3o'nd and !&e rea! el! . n arc& 22, 1808,!&e las! >anis& s&ip of !&e line )rins Christian Frederi# ,commanded #% $ap!ain $.=. *essen , "as des!ro%ed #%!"o ri!is& s&ips of !&e line in !&e #a!!le of ^ealand oin! .

    n 27 Fe#r'ar% 1811, >anis& g'n#oa!s, manned #%nearl% 1,000 men incl'ding infan!r% forces, a!!emp!ed !orecap!'re !&e island of n&ol! in !&e a!!le of n&ol! , #'!&ad !o "i!&dra" !o *'!land "i!& &ea % losses. &e las!maJor :g&! #e!"een >anis& and ri!is& men of "ar !oo+place on *'l% 6, 1812, "&en ri!is& "ars&ips des!ro%ed !&e>anis& friga!e Na%aden a! !&e a!!le of

  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation



    In pril 1809, 's!ria a#r'p!l% #ro+e i!s alliance "i!&France and Napoleon "as forced !o ass'me command offorces on !&e >an'#e and erman fron!s. f!er earl%s'ccesses, !&e Frenc& faced diKc'l!ies in crossing !&e>an'#e and s'Mered a defea! in a% a! !&e a!!le of

    spern-5ssling near Lienna . &e 's!rians failed !ocapi!alise on !&e si!'a!ion and allo"ed NapoleonAs forces!o regro'p. e defea!ed !&e 's!rians again a! =agram and a ne" peace, !&e rea!% of 3c&Wn#r'nn , "as signed#e!"een 's!ria and France.

    ri!ain "as !&e o!&er mem#er of !&e coali!ion. In

    addi!ion !o !&e I#erian enins'la, !&e ri!is& planned !oopen ano!&er fron! in mainland 5'rope. o"e er,Napoleon "as a#le !o r's& reinforcemen!s !o n!"erp,o"ing !o ri!ainAs inade?'a!el% organi;ed =alc&eren$ampaign . e conc'rren!l% anne ed !&e apal 3!a!es#eca'se of !&e $&'rc&As ref'sal !o s'ppor! !&e $on!inen!al3%s!em, ope i's LII responded #% e comm'nica!ing !&eemperor. &e ope "as !&en a#d'c!ed #% NapoleonAsoKcers, and !&o'g& Napoleon &ad no! ordered &isa#d'c!ion, &e did no! order i'sA release. &e ope "asmo ed !&ro'g&o'! NapoleonAs !erri!ories, some!imes "&ileill, and Napoleon sen! delega!ions !o press're &im oniss'es incl'ding agreemen! !o a ne" concorda! "i!&France, "&ic& i's ref'sed.


    &e $ongress of 5rf'r! so'g&! !o preser e !&e 'sso-Frenc& alliance and !&e leaders &ad a friendl% personal

    rela!ions&ip af!er !&eir :rs! mee!ing a! ilsi! in 1807. %1811, &o"e er, !ensions #e!"een !&e !"o na!ions &adincreased and le ander "as 'nder press're from !&e

    'ssian no#ili!% !o #rea+ oM !&e alliance. &e :rs! clearsign !&e alliance &ad de!eriora!ed "as !&e rela a!ion of!&e $on!inen!al 3%s!em in 'ssia, "&ic& angeredNapoleon. % 1812, ad isers !o le ander s'gges!ed !&e
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    possi#ili!% of an in asion of !&e Frenc& 5mpire and !&erecap!'re of oland. n receip! of in!elligence repor!s on

    'ssiaAs "ar prepara!ions, Napoleon e panded &is (rande Arm"e !o more !&an 4 0,000 men. e ignored repea!ed

    ad ice agains! an in asion of !&e as! 'ssian &ear!landand prepared for an oMensi e campaign on 2/ *'ne 1812,&is in asion of 'ssia commenced.

    In an a!!emp! !o gain increased s'ppor! from olis&na!ionalis!s and pa!rio!s, Napoleon !ermed !&e "ar !&eSecond )olish +ar @!&e First )olish +ar &ad #een !&e ar$onfedera!ion 'prising #% olis& no#les agains! 'ssia in1768. olis& pa!rio!s "an!ed !&e 'ssian par! of oland !o#e Joined "i!& !&e >'c&% of =arsa" and an independen!

    oland crea!ed. &is "as reJec!ed #% Napoleon, "&os!a!ed &e &ad promised &is all% 's!ria !&is "o'ld no!&appen. Napoleon ref'sed !o man'mi! !&e 'ssian serfs ,#eca'se of concerns !&is mig&! pro o+e a reac!ion in &isarm%As rear. &e serfs "o'ld la!er commi! a!roci!iesagains! Frenc& soldiers d'ring FranceAs re!rea!.

    &e 'ssians a oided NapoleonAs o#Jec!i e of adecisi e engagemen! and ins!ead re!rea!ed deeper in!o

    'ssia. #rief a!!emp! a! resis!ance "as made a!3molens+ in 'g's! !&e 'ssians "ere defea!ed in aseries of #a!!les and Napoleon res'med &is ad ance. &e

    'ssians again a oided #a!!le, al!&o'g& in a fe" cases!&is "as onl% ac&ie ed #eca'se Napoleon'nc&arac!eris!icall% &esi!a!ed !o a!!ac+ "&en !&eoppor!'ni!% arose. "ing !o !&e 'ssian arm%As scorc&edear!& !ac!ics, !&e Frenc& fo'nd i! increasingl% diKc'l! !oforage food for !&emsel es and !&eir &orses.

    &e 'ssians e en!'all% oMered #a!!le o'!sideosco" on 7 3ep!em#erE !&e a!!le of orodino res'l!ed

    in appro ima!el% 44,000 'ssian and / ,000 Frenc&, dead,"o'nded or cap!'red, and ma% &a e #een !&e #loodies!da% of #a!!le in &is!or% 'p !o !&a! poin!. l!&o'g& !&eFrenc& &ad "on, !&e 'ssian arm% &ad accep!ed, and"i!&s!ood, !&e maJor #a!!le Napoleon &ad &oped "o'ld #e
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    decisi e. NapoleonAs o"n acco'n! "asE O &e mos! !erri#leof all m% #a!!les "as !&e one #efore osco". &e Frenc&s&o"ed !&emsel es !o #e "or!&% of ic!or%, #'! !&e

    'ssians s&o"ed !&emsel es "or!&% of #eing in inci#le.O

    &e 'ssian arm% "i!&dre" and re!rea!ed pas!osco". Napoleon en!ered !&e ci!%, ass'ming i!s fall

    "o'ld end !&e "ar and le ander "o'ld nego!ia!e peace.o"e er, on orders of !&e ci!%As go ernor F%odoros!opc&in , ra!&er !&an capi!'la!ion, osco" "as ordered

    #'rned. f!er a mon!&, concerned a#o'! loss of con!rol#ac+ in France, Napoleon and &is arm% lef!.

    &e Frenc& s'Mered grea!l% in !&e co'rse of a r'ino's

    re!rea!, incl'ding from !&e &ars&ness of !&e 'ssian=in!er . &e rmBe &ad #eg'n as o er 400,000 fron!line!roops, #'! in !&e end fe"er !&an 40,000 crossed !&e

    ere;ina i er in No em#er 1812, !o escape. &e 'ssians&ad los! 1 0,000 in #a!!le and &'ndreds of !&o'sands ofci ilians.

    H=WAR OF THE SI;TH COALITION+-2-. < -2-8,

    ear!ened #% FranceAs loss in 'ssia, r'ssia Joined"i!& 's!ria, 3"eden, 'ssia, rea! ri!ain, 3pain, and

    or!'gal in a ne" coali!ion. Napoleon ass'med commandin erman% and in ic!ed a series of defea!s on !&e$oali!ion c'lmina!ing in !&e a!!le of >resden in 'g's!181/. >espi!e !&ese s'ccesses, !&e n'm#ers con!in'ed !omo'n! agains! Napoleon and !&e Frenc& arm% "as pinneddo"n #% a force !"ice i!s si;e and los! a! !&e a!!le of

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    !&e erman s!a!es. Napoleon "on a series of ic!ories in!&e 3i >a%s $ampaign , !&o'g& !&ese "ere no! signi:can!eno'g& !o !'rn !&e !ide and aris "as cap!'red #% !&e$oali!ion in arc& 1814.

    =&en Napoleon proposed !&e arm% marc& on !&ecapi!al, &is mars&als decided !o m'!in% . n 4 pril, led #%Ne%, !&e% confron!ed Napoleon. Napoleon asser!ed !&earm% "o'ld follo" &im and Ne% replied !&e arm% "o'ldfollo" i!s generals. Napoleon &ad no c&oice #'! !oa#dica!e. e did so in fa o'r of &is son &o"e er, !&e

    llies ref'sed !o accep! !&is and Napoleon "as forced !oa#dica!e 'ncondi!ionall% on 11 pril.

    &e llied o"ers &a ing declared !&a! 5mperorNapoleon "as !&e sole o#s!acle !o !&e res!ora!ion of peacein 5'rope, 5mperor Napoleon, fai!&f'l !o &is oa!&, declares!&a! &e reno'nces, for &imself and &is &eirs, !&e !&rones of France and I!al%, and !&a! !&ere is no personal sacri:ce,e en !&a! of &is life, "&ic& &e is no! read% !o do in !&ein!eres!s of France.

    In !&e rea!% of Fon!aine#lea' !&e ic!ors e iled &im!o 5l#a , an island of 12,000 in&a#i!an!s in !&e

    edi!erranean, 20 +m oM !&e 'scan coas!. &e% ga e &imso ereign!% o er !&e island and allo"ed &im !o re!ain &is!i!le of 5mperor. Napoleon a!!emp!ed s'icide "i!& a pill &e&ad carried since a near-cap!'re #% 'ssians on !&ere!rea! from osco". I!s po!enc% &ad "ea+ened "i!& ageand &e s'r i ed !o #e e iled, "&ile &is "ife and son !oo+ref'ge in Lienna. In !&e :rs! fe" mon!&s on 5l#a &ecrea!ed a small na % and arm%, de eloped !&e iron mines,

    and iss'ed decrees on modern agric'l!'ral me!&ods.

    I= HUNDRED DA*S +-2-5,

    n 1/ arc&, !&e po"ers a! !&e $ongress of Lienna declared Napoleon an o'!la" and fo'r da%s la!er rea!

    ri!ain, !&e Ne!&erlands, 'ssia, 's!ria and r'ssia #o'nd
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  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation


    'nprepared for s'c& a con ic!, and i!s a!!emp!ed in asion in1812 of $anada in ri!ain s main Nor!& merican possession"as a fail're. 5arl% Q.3. na al s'ccesses, "&ic& led !o are!alia!or% ri!is& #loc+ade, incl'de $ap!ain li er err% s

    ic!or% in 181/ a! !&e #a!!le on

  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation


    $as'al!ies on #o!& sides "ere as!o'ndingl% &ig&es!ima!es range from 80,000 !o 110,000 !o!al +illed or"o'nded. Napoleon los! a#o'! /8,000 +illed and"o'nded. &e llies cap!'red 1 ,000 a#le-#odied

    Frenc&men, 21,000 "o'nded or sic+, /2 cannon and28 eagles, s!andards or colo'rs, and &ad recei ed !&emen of !&e deser!ing 3a on% di isions. mong !&e dead"as ars&al *_;ef n!oni onia!o"s+i , a nep&e" !o !&elas! +ing of oland , 3!anis`a" 'g's! onia!o"s+i . &e

    ole, "&o &ad onl% recei ed &is mars&alAs #a!on !&epre io's da%, dro"ned !r%ing !o g'ard !&e Frenc&re!rea!. $orps commanders

  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation


    &ills aro'nd rapiles so'!& of 3alamanca , 3pain on *'l%22, 1812 d'ring !&e enins'lar =ar .

    &e #a!!le "as a s'ccession of s!ro+es in o#li?'eorder , ini!ia!ed #% !&e or!'g'ese ca alr% #rigade and

    a+en&am As /rd di ision, and con!in'ed #% !&e ri!is&&ea % ca alr% and !&e 4!&, !& and 6!& di isions. &eFrenc& lef! "ing "as ro'!ed.

    &e losses "ere /,129 ri!is&, 6 3panis& and 2,0/8or!'g'ese agains! a#o'! 1/,000 Frenc&. s a

    conse?'ence of =elling!onAs ic!or%, &is arm% "as a#le!o ad ance !o and li#era!e adrid for !"o mon!&s, #'!!&en re!rea!ed #ac+ !o or!'gal. &e Frenc& "ere forced

    !o a#andon ndal'sia permanen!l%, and !&e loss ofadrid irrepara#l% damaged ing *osep&As pro-Frenc&go ernmen! .

    &e #a!!le es!a#lis&ed =elling!on as an oMensi egeneral. I! "as said !&a! =elling!on Odefea!ed an arm%of 40,000 men in 40 min'!es.O 3i da%s af!er !&e #a!!le,Fo% "ro!e in &is diar%,

    &is #a!!le is !&e mos! cle erl% fo'g&!, !&e larges! inscale, !&e mos! impor!an! in res'l!s, of an% !&a! !&e5nglis& &a e "on in recen! !imes. I! #rings 'p

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    Ne er!&eless, !&e s!ra!egic ad an!age la% "i!& !&eFrenc& ala era remo ed all !&rea! !o !&e capi!al and#o'g&! precio's !ime for !&e arri al of Frenc&reinforcemen!s !o !&e !&ea!re.

    &e main Frenc& a!!ac+ &a ing #een defea!ed,Lic!or p's&ed 'KnAs men in!o !&e alle% #e!"een !&e

    edellin and !&e 3eg'rilla. nsonAs ca alr% #rigade "asordered !o dri e !&em #ac+. =&ile !&e 1s! < ragoons ad anced a! a con!rolled pace, !&e 2/rd ragoons soon #ro+e in!o a "ild gallop. &eindisciplined 'ni! ran in!o a &idden ra ine, &o##lingman% &orses. &ose &orsemen "&o cleared !&eo#s!acle "ere easil% fended oM #% !&e Frenc& infan!r%,formed in!o s?'ares. &e 2/rd ragoons c&argedpas! !&e s?'ares and plo'g&ed in!o ea'mon!Asca alr%, dra"n 'p #e&ind 'Kn. &e ri!is& dragoonslos! 102 +illed and "o'nded and ano!&er 10 cap!'red#efore !&e% c'! !&eir "a% o'!. f!er !&e #a!!le, !&ema'led regimen! &ad !o #e sen! #ac+ !o 5ngland !ore:!. o"e er, !&is ended !&e Frenc& a!!ac+s for !&eda%. *osep& and *o'rdan failed !o emplo% !&eir reser e,for "&ic& !&e% "ere #i!!erl% cri!ici;ed #% Napoleon.

    &e Frenc& #ore mos! of !&e "eig&! of !&is &ard-fo'g&! se!-piece #a!!le, losing 7,/90 +illed or "o'nded.

    &e 3paniards los! a#o'! 1,200 and !&e ri!is& los!, 00 men. &is "as appro ima!el% 2 of !&e ri!is&

    force, compared !o onl% 18 of !&e Frenc&, reinforcing!&e s!ra!egic ic!or% of !&e Frenc&. an% of !&e"o'nded on #o!& sides "ere #'rn! !o dea!& "&en !&edr% grass of !&e #a!!le:eld ca'g&! :re. &e ne ! da%,!&e /,000 infan!r% of !&e i ision reinforced !&e

    ri!is& arm% af!er comple!ing a famo's marc& of42 miles (68 +m) in 26 &o'rs.

    ean"&ile, ars&al 3o'l! ad anced so'!&,!&rea!ening !o c'! =ellesle% oM from or!'gal. &in+ing!&a! !&e Frenc& force "as onl% 1 ,000 s!rong, =ellesle%mo ed eas! on 'g's! / !o #loc+ i!, lea ing 1, 00

  • 8/11/2019 Napoleonic Era - Written Compilation


    "o'nded in !&e care of !&e 3panis&. 3'ddenl% :nding!&a! 3o'l! &ad /0,000 men, !&e ri!is& commander sen!!&e '+e of =elling!on and !&e o!&er a

    r'ssian arm% 'nder !&e command of e#&ard onlRc&er . I! "as !&e decisi e #a!!le of !&e =a!erloo

    $ampaign and Napoleon onapar!eAs las!. &e defea! a!=a!erloo p'! an end !o NapoleonAs am#i!ions !o r'le as5mperor of !&e Frenc&, and mar+ed !&e end of &is

    'ndred >a%s of re!'rn from e ile.

    Qpon NapoleonAs re!'rn !o po"er in 181 , man%s!a!es !&a! &ad opposed &im formed !&e 3e en!&$oali!ion and #egan !o mo#ilise armies. "o large,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_Belgium,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_Belgium,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington
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    forces 'nder =elling!on and on lRc&er assem#ledclose !o !&e nor!&eas!ern #order of France. Napoleonc&ose !o a!!ac+ in !&e &ope of des!ro%ing !&em #efore!&e% co'ld Join in a coordina!ed in asion of France "i!&

    o!&er mem#ers of !&e $oali!ion. &e decisi eengagemen! of !&is !&ree-da% =a!erloo $ampaign (16 *'ne P 19 *'ne 181 ) occ'rred a! !&e a!!le of =a!erloo.

    Napoleon dela%ed gi ing #a!!le 'n!il noon on 18 *'ne !o allo" !&e gro'nd !o dr%. =elling!onAs arm%,posi!ioned across !&e r'ssels road on !&e on! 3! *ean escarpmen! , "i!&s!ood repea!ed a!!ac+s #% !&e Frenc&,'n!il, in !&e e ening, !&e r'ssians arri ed in force and#ro+e !&ro'g& NapoleonAs rig&! an+. ! !&a! momen!,=elling!onAs nglo-allied arm% co'n!er-a!!ac+ed anddro e !&e Frenc& arm% in disorder from !&e :eld.

    'rs'ing $oali!ion forces en!ered France and res!ored