Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

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Page 1: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Napoleonic empire

By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Page 2: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Events leading to the rise and fall

May,5 1796 Napoleon heads into Milan, Italy to free the people from their dictator. He became the leader of the provisional Italian government. He did not tolerate people resisting his rule. He stole fine Italian art and shipped it to Paris. The revolution had spread.

May, 19 1789 Napoleon takes his army to Egypt. It was all for propaganda because the conquest to Egypt was a military disaster.

Page 3: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Events leading to the rise and fall

November 1799 Napoleon had established a new government. He had rewritten the constitution and given himself the title of first consul(head of state)

March 1802 France and England signed a treaty that temporarily ended the war between the two countries.

Page 4: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Events leading to the rise and fall May 1802 Napoleon amended the constitution to included a piece that said he would be first consul for life. All the powers of a king without the title.

December, 2 1804 Napoleon becomes emperor Napoleon I. He grants his brothers kingdoms.

1808 Napoleon's former prime plots against him.

Page 5: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Events leading to the rise and fall

April, 12 1814 Prussia, Austria, and Russian forces made Napoleon give up his throne by occupying Paris. He was then exiled to Elba.

He returned the next year to challenge to bourbon king. He was exiled once again on June 22 1815.

Page 6: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Important people/positionsNapoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica. He first becomes an officer in the French army, then after the battle of Toulon in 1793, gets promoted to brigadier general.  In 1795 he crushes rebels opposed to the National Convention, and in 1796-1797 becomes the commander in chief of the army of Italy. He continues to win victories against Austria, but in 1798-1799 he loses to the British in Egypt and Syria. In 1799, Napoleon overthrows the Directory and becomes the First Consul of France. Then in 1804, he crowns himself as emperor of France at the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Page 7: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Important people/positions

Joseph Bonaparte is one of the three brothers of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon was fond of giving his family titles. He once said that "I am building a family of kings." So he began by placing his brother Joseph on Spain's throne after he unseated the king of Spain on June 4, 1808. Her ruled from 1808-1814. He was also one of Napoleon's most trusted confidantes.

Louis Bonaparte, another younger brother of Napoleon, was given the title of the King of Holland by Napoleon himself on June 5, 1806. He called himself King Lodewijk I, the Dutch adaptation of his name, and he took his duties seriously. Napoleon later accused him of putting the interests of the Dutch above that of France and forced him to abdicate on July 1, 1810.  In 1808 he was titled as the Constable of France, a very strict and honorary title.

Page 8: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Important people/positions

Jerome Bonaparte was the youngest brother of Napoleon and was given the position as King of Westphalia. He reined from 1807-1813.

-Caroline Bonaparte, one of Napoleon's sisters became the Grand Duchess of Berg and Cleves on March 15, 1806. She later became of Naples in August 1, 1808.


Page 9: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Important people/positions

-Elisa Bonaparte- On May 18, 1804, she was established as a member of the Imperial family of the First French Empire by her older brother Napoleon Bonaparte. On March 19, 1805, Napoleon named her Duchess of Lucca and Princess of Pimbino. Then on March 3, 1809 Napoleon named her Grand Duchess of Tuscany. She remained Duchess until February 1, 1814.

Letizia Bonaparte was the mother of the famous Napoleon Bonaparte I. Napoleon later decreed her as Her Imperial Highness Madame, Mère of the Emperor on March 23, 1805.

Page 10: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Important people/positionsJoséphine de Beauharnais was Napoleon's first wife, and they married in March 9, 1796. On December 2, 1804, she, along with Napoleon was crowned emperor and empress of France. Due to her lack to produce an heir for him they divorced on January 10, 1810.

Marie Louise of Austria was Napoleon's second wife. He married in the hopes of heirs shortly after separating from Josephine. They married on March 11, 1810. The purpose of this marriage was to strengthen links between the Austrian Empire and the France of the First French Empire. After Napoleon's abdication in April 1814. The Treaty of Paris of April 30, 1814 allowed her to retain her imperial rank and style as Her Imperial Majesty The Empress Marie Louise. She was then made Duchess of Parma for her life.

Page 11: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Military expansion

Siege of Toulon was Napoleon's first battle. At the age of 24, he first made his name during this fight as a young Captain of Artillery. He did so by spotting an ideal place for his guns to be set up in such a way that they dominated the city's harbor. When the British saw the threat, under Admiral Hood, they were forced to retreat. This took place in December 1793. He was able to drive out the British forces out of the French Port of Toulon. This led to Napoleon winning several victories against the Austrian's, capturing most of Northern Italy. This forced the Hapsburg emperor to make peace. The siege of Toulon really was a great stepping stone for Napoleon's rise to power and expansion.

Page 12: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Military expansion

Egyptian Campaign- In the hopes of disrupting British trade with India and extending French influence into the Mediterranean, Napoleon led an expedition into Egypt in 1798. The journey proved to be a disaster when Horatio Nelson destroyed the French fleet in Aboukir Bay, leaving the French army cut off from France. Napoleon then returned to Paris, hiding rumors of his death, and losses.

Page 13: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Military expansion

Battle of Trafalgar was fought on October 21, 1805. It was part of the War of the Third Coalition assembled by Britain against France. It was also the most significant naval engagement of the Napoleonic Wars and the pivotal naval battle of the 19th century. The British won this victory, proving themselves to be of naval supremacy. Napoleon later decided to abandon his plans to invade southern England and instead was successfully conducting military operations in Germany against Britain's continental allies.

Page 14: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Military expansionBattle of the Waterloo was Napoleon's last battle. After his exile to Elba, Napoleon had reinstalled himself on the throne of France for a total of 100 days, during in which time, the allies, the rest of Europe, joined forces to converge on Napoleon. They were led and commanded by the U. K.'s Duke of Wellington, and Prussia's Gebhard von Blücher.The battle was fought on June 18, 1815, near the town of Waterloo in Belgium. The British forces and Prussian army combined crushed the French in an agonizing day-long battle.  For the second time, Napoleon was forced to abdicate and to go into exile on a lonely island in the South Atlantic, St. Helena.

Page 15: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Cultural conflict and cooperation

When Napoleon became the provisional government in Italy he acted like a dictator by not tolerating any opposition and by stealing their fine works to be sent back to France. He was seen as a hero in France. 1797 The Treaty of Campo Formio was a peace agreement between France and Austria. The Austrians gave France the Austrian Netherlands(Belgium) and to recognize Ligurian (formerly Republic of Genoa) and Cisalpine Republics as independent states.

Page 16: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Cultural conflict and cooperation

In the treaty of campo formio Austria got control of the Italian lands east of the Adige River which included Venice, Friuli, Istria, and Dalmatia.A secret clause in the treaty stated that France had permission from the Austrians to stay on the left bank of the Rhine river.

Page 17: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao

Cultural conflict and cooperation

It also said Austria had to accept French possession of the Ionian Islands including Corfu and to cede Lombardy to the Cisalpine Republic.

Civil code- a set of laws Napoleon came up with to abolish feudal privileges and promote equality. He encouraged other countries to adopt these same laws.

Page 18: Napoleonic empire By Krystal Mendoza and Kimberly Yadao


SOURCES:Internet:1.  www.wikipedia.org2.  www.PBS.org3. /www.napoleon-series.orgBooks:3. Prentice Hall 3rd Edition     World History-"Connections to Today" by Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis, and Anthony Esler. Copyright 2001 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458