Nano Structured Fe

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  • 8/4/2019 Nano Structured Fe


    In: Severe Plastic Deformation ISBN 1-59454-508-1

    Editor: Altan, Burhanettin, pp. 95-112 2005 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    Chapter 1.6



    Bing Q. Hana, Farghalli A. Mohamed

    band Enrique J. Lavernia


    Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceaUniversity of California, Davis, CA

    bUniversity of California, Irvine, CA


    In the present study, the evolution of microstructure in pure iron during equal-

    channel-angular pressing (ECAP) is investigated. The present work shows that a grain

    size of approximately 200 nm was obtained after 8 passes. Because of the presence of

    near-nanostructured microstructure and non-equilibrium grain boundaries after severe

    plastic deformation, the material displays a distinct mechanical behavior as compared tothat of coarse-grained iron. During tensile deformation of the ECAP Fe, plastic

    deformation with geometrical softening was observed, which differs from the behavior of

    significant work hardening in the annealed Fe. In compression, a brief work-hardening

    region followed by a long elastic-perfectly plastic deformation was observed. Asymmetry

    of yield strength between tension and compression was observed, which was attributed to

    the residual tensile internal stress after equal channel angular pressing, resulting in the

    Bauschinger effect. The mobile dislocations in high-density dislocation regions are

    believed to interact with dislocation cell blocks, triggering a local fast dynamic recovery,

    which causes the material loss of strain hardening ability locally and necking starts

    immediately. The elastic-perfectly plastic deformation in compressive deformation of

    ultrafine-grained iron is attributed to strain instability or localization by shear banding.

    Key words: equal-channel angular pressing, iron, microstructure, mechanical properties.

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia96


    Nanostructured (

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 97


    A commercial grade of 99.95% iron having a composition, in ppm, of Ni100, O86, Si75,

    Co34, Al27, N11, P4.8, Ge4.6, Cr4.3, Cu3.9, B2.8, Ti1.3, C

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia98


    The evolution of microhardness with pressing sequence is shown in Figure 1. The value

    of the microhardness increases significantly after the first pass, modestly after the second

    pass, and slightly during subsequent pressing. There is no significant difference of

    microhardness in different orientations.








    0 2 4 6 8

    99.95% Fe




    Number of passes

    Figure 1. Evolution of microhardness of Fe with the number of pressing.

    The intensity of peak (110) of X-ray diffraction patterns of annealed Fe and ECAP-8 Fe

    is shown in Figure 2. The figure indicates that the intensity of peak (110) in ECAP-8 Fe

    decreases and that the half-maximum intensity of diffraction peak is broadened as a result of

    the ECAP processing. The peak broadening is attributed to both the small size of the

    diffracting grains and the high internal strain introduced during ECAP. From five strong Fe

    peaks (110), (200), (211), (220) and (310), the volume-averaged grain sizes (d) and the lattice

    microstrain (e) can be estimated using the following equation (Klug and Alexander 1974):










    s (1)

    wheres is the reciprocal space variable s=2sin/, and (s)o is the measured peak width. Byperforming a least-squares fit to 1/(s)o plotted against [s/(s)o]

    2for all the measured peaks of

    ECAP-8 Fe, dand e are determined to be about 235 nm and 0.046%, respectively.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 99








    44.2 44.4 44.6 44.8 45

    99.95% Fe Annealed

    8 passes



    Peak (110)

    Figure 2. X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe.

    The microstructure of ECAP Fe was examined by TEM. After the first pass, well-defined

    banded dislocation cell-blocks (CBs) are formed in the microstructure, with the length and

    width of 0.5 1 m and 0.15 - 0.4 m, respectively, as shown in Figure 3 (a). In thefollowing passes, dislocation CBs in microstructure are further refined, as the evidence of

    shorter length banded blocks. The length of the dislocation CBs decreases to approximately

    0.5 m after 4 passes in the transverse direction although the width of the blocks has

    insignificant change, and is 0.13 0.34 m, as shown in Figure 3 (b). A high density array ofdislocations in blocks is observed. Moreover, reasonably high proportions of GBs with high-

    angle misorientations are observed since discontinuous circular rings in the selected area

    electron diffraction (SAED) patterns. The grain sizes are approximately 0.2 m and 0.4 mon the transverse and longitudinal cross sections, respectively.

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia100




    Figure 3. Microstructure (a) after 1 pass, (b) after 4 passes, and (c) after 8 passes viewing from the

    direction transverse to the pressing direction; (d) microstructure and (e) selected area electron

    diffraction patterns viewing from the direction parallel to the pressing direction after 8 passes.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 101



    Figure 3. Microstructure (a) after 1 pass, (b) after 4 passes, and (c) after 8 passes viewing from the

    direction transverse to the pressing direction; (d) microstructure and (e) selected area electron

    diffraction patterns viewing from the direction parallel to the pressing direction after 8 passes


    The microstructure of the ECAP Fe after 8 passes, as viewed from a cross section normal

    to and parallel to the pressing direction, is shown in Figures 3 (c) and (d), respectively. Thereare some finer grains with dimensions less than 200 nm and some larger grains with

    dimensions exceeding 500 nm in the microstructure of the ECAP-8 Fe. Although there were

    not enough grains analyzed for a statistically significant average grain size determination, the

    average grain size is estimated to be in the range of 200 - 300 nm. Inspection of the

    microstructure reveals that some grains contain uniformly distributed dislocations with

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia102

    slightly lighter diffraction contrast and lattice distortions near the grain boundaries (GBs).

    The approximate integrity of circular rings in SAED patterns (Figure 3 (e)), suggests that

    there are high proportions of the GBs with high-angle misorientations. Nevertheless, short

    arcs and spots, which indicate the existence of preferred orientations (a fiber texture of

    direction parallel to the pressing direction), were also observed from the SAED patterns. The

    observation is in an agreement with the preferred orientation of an ultrafine-grained low-carbon steel after equal-channel-angular pressing (Shin et al. 2001).

    The tensile behavior of the annealed Fe, ECAP-4 Fe and the ECAP-8 Fe is shown in

    Figure 4 in terms of engineering stress as a function of engineering strain. The yield strength

    of the annealed Fe at a strain of 0.2 pct is 79 MPa. There is an extensive region of work

    hardening after yielding and a large elongation to failure for the annealed Fe. The ECAP Fe

    exhibits a much higher tensile strength than that of the annealed Fe. The yield strength of the

    ECAP-8 Fe, more than ten times stronger than annealed pure Fe, is almost identical to the

    ultimate tensile strength with a value of 840 MPa. The plastic behavior of the ECAP Fe is

    noticeably different from that of the annealed Fe. The ECAP-8 Fe exhibits a very brief low

    work hardening region, for a strain of ~ 0.25%, then shows a continuous drop in the stress-

    strain curve, indicating the occurrence of necking immediately after yielding. Moreover, theelongation to failure is much shorter than that of the annealed Fe.







    0 10 20 30 40 50 6

    99.95% Fe


    8 passes4 passes

    Annealedat 1203 Kbefore ECAP


    Engineering strain (%)

    = 1.0 x 10-3


    T = 298 K


    Figure 4. Tensile behavior of annealed Fe, ECAP-4 Fe and ECAP-8 Fe in the engineering stress-strain


    The morphology of necking area and the fracture surface of the ECAP-8 Fe is shown in

    Figures 5 (a) and (b), respectively. They are remarkably different from those of the annealedFe. The plastic deformation of in the ECAP Fe was concentrated in the necking area. The

    vein-like patterns, resembling fracture via cleavage but different from the dimpled ductile

    fracture, were observed on the fracture surface of the ECAP-8 Fe. Inspection of the

    cleavage surface (see insert with a higher magnification) reveals that there is a subtle

    banding structure with a width of ~ 0.3 m.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 103



    Figure 5. (a) The morphology of necking area after failure and (b) fracture surface of ECAP-8 Fe.

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia104



    Figure 6. (a) Microstructure and (b) selected area electron diffraction pattern taken within the shear

    bands after tensile failure of ECAP-8 Fe.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 105

    The microstructure at the position of necking after tensile failure is shown in Figure 6 (a).

    A typical picture taken within the shear band displays elongated grains with a width of ~ 200

    nm, which contain high dislocation densities. The elongated structure in shear bands is similar

    to the columnar structure in rolling. The presence of circular rings in SAED patterns (Figure 6

    (b)) suggests that the high proportions of the GBs with high-angle misorientations still exist.

    The variation of microhardness measured from the failed tensile specimen of the ECAP-8Fe was plotted in Figure 7 as a function of distance along tensile direction starting from the

    fracture surface. It is observed that the value of microhardness in the necking area is slightly

    higher than that in the other areas. This observation suggests that there is slight work

    hardening, instead of work softening, in the neck region. Therefore, the stress drop in the

    tensile stress-strain curve is attributed to geometrical softening, i.e., the rapid decrease of the

    cross-sectional area in the neck region.








    0 2 4 6 8

    99.95% Fe



    Distance from fracture surface (mm)

    8 passes

    Gage section Shoulder section

    Figure 7. Variation of microhardness along tensile direction.

    Compressive testing results of the ECAP-8 Fe were plotted in Figure 8 in the form of the

    true stress-strain curve, which was constructed by using the concept of volume constancy. An

    elastic-perfectly plastic deformation was observed in compression of the ECAP Fe, whereas

    the work-hardening behavior was observed in compression of the annealed Fe. Neither

    bucking nor barreling was observed on specimens after compression. Nevertheless, shear

    banding after compression, which is inclined at an angle of approximately 57.5 deg to the

    compression axis was observed in the ECAP Fe.

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia106







    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

    99.95% Fe




    True strain

    = 1.0 x 10-3



    8 passes



    Figure 8. Tensile and compressive behavior of ECAP-8 Fe in the true stress-strain curve. M: point of

    maximum tensile load; I: point of interrupted tensile test; F: point of tensile failure.

    For comparison, tensile results in the form of the true stress-strain curve of the ECAP-8

    Fe were also plotted in Figure 8. A close examination of compression and tension curves

    indicates that they are similar with respect to the following aspect: a continuous increase of

    the true stress in plastic deformation occurs. This finding again indicates that the engineering

    stress drop in Figure 4 reflects geometrical softening due to a neck formation.The true tensile stress-true strain curve was constructed by using: (a) the concept of

    volume constancy up to the point of maximum load (M on the tensile curve), and (b) the

    actual cross sectional area beyond the point of the maximum load (onset of necking). There is

    only one datum for true stress and true strain at the failure point (F on the tensile curve)

    after the point of maximum load from a failed specimen. In order to reveal whether the

    necking deformation is attributed to the formation of Lders bands, an additional tensile

    testing was performed, which was interrupted at an engineering strain of 2.5%, a Lders band

    was formed in the gage section, as shown in Figure 9. The additional value of true stress and

    true strain at the position of Lders band was also plotted in Figure 9 (I on the tensile

    curve). An inspection of the neck formed during deformation shows the presence of two

    primary characteristics: (a) the neck assumes the shape of a narrow band with width nearly

    equal to the thickness of the sample, and (b) the neck is inclined at angle of approximately58 deg to the testing axis. These characteristics are consistent with those reported for the local

    necking in a sheet specimen. Also, there is a very small, narrow diffusive neck extending to

    the two sides of the local neck.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 107

    Figure 9. The morphology of Lders bands right after yielding of ECAP-8 Fe.


    Microstructural Evolution

    From the significant increases in microhardness with increasing number of passes, it is

    indicated that equal-channel angular pressing is an effective approach to strengthen materials.

    After the initial several passes, significant shear deformation occurs in coarse grains along the

    pressing direction, resulting in the significant increase in microhardness and strength. The

    increment of strength in the first and second passes is due to the development of intensive

    dislocation cell-blocks. The density of dislocations introduced by shear deformation increases

    dramatically in the initial several pressings and rapidly to a high level after 4 passes. With

    increasing strain, some dislocations around block walls may have been rearranged to form the

    dislocation boundaries with high-angle misorientations, leading dislocation CBs to a granular-

    type structure. It is plausible that the deformation structures are in thermodynamic

    equilibrium (i.e., in low-energy dislocation structures (LEDS)) (Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf 2002).

    During the subsequent pressing deformation from 4 to 8 passes, the dislocation density

    gradually approaches saturation in the deformation structures. After 8 passes, the dislocation

    structures may be far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and are generally referred to as the

    high-energy dislocation structures (HEDS), since dislocations in excess of those required to

    accommodate the misorientations between walls of dislocation CBs may be accumulated in

    the vicinity of GBs. The excess dislocations at boundaries are not arranged in LEDS, which

    renders the grain boundary unstable.

    It is well accepted that the strength increase due to work hardening is expressed by =

    MGb1/2, where M = 2.75 is Taylor orientation factor for bcc structure, = 0.4 for bccmetals (Courtney 2000). In the present study, between annealed Fe and ECAP-8 Fe isabout 761 MPa. If G = 64000 MPa and b = 2.4810-10 s-1 for-Fe (Frost and Ashby 1982), theincrement of actual dislocation densities could be estimated to be about 1.91015 m-2 forECAP-8 Fe, which is slight lower than that of pure Fe processed by torsion at 293 K which

    was measured to be about 31015 m-2 at a shear strain of 8 (Schafleret al. 1997).

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia108

    Plastic Deformation

    The tensile localized deformation of ECAP-Fe is strikingly different from typical plastic

    deformation of the annealed pure Fe. While the annealed Fe shows a large work hardening

    region where the load increases with increasing strain, the ECAP-Fe is plastically unstable, as

    indicated by a continuous drop of load and a lack of any work hardening, i.e., the yield stressexceeds the rate of work hardening (y > d/d). According to Considres criterion(Courtney 2000), necking starts at the maximum stress when the increase in strength of the

    materials due to work hardening is less than the decrease in the load-bearing ability due to the

    decrease in cross-sectional area. For the annealed Fe, after an extended work hardening

    region, the ultimate tensile strength is obtained when the necking deformation starts. The

    tensile plastic deformation of ECAP-Fe is very localized and is restricted to a narrow area

    where the first shear band formed (Figure 9). Out of the localized deformed zone, the

    measurable uniform deformation is very low. Even though the rate of geometrical softening in

    the annealed Fe after necking is slightly faster than that in the ECAP Fe, geometrical

    softening in the ECAP Fe seems to be attributed to the necking deformation. Inspection of

    TEM results (Figure 6) reveals that grains have been substantially elongated inside the shearbands. The grain morphology was changed from spherical to an elongated shape which was

    parallel to the shear band. The phenomenon indicates the tremendous dislocation activity is

    involved in the formation of shear banding. The mobile dislocations in dense dislocation

    regions will interact with dislocation cell blocks, triggering a local fast dynamic recovery,

    which causes the material loss of strain hardening ability and necking starts right away.

    It is worth noting that accurate acquisition of displacement of gage section is very

    important for plotting the correct stress-strain curves, since recently there are two reports on

    the occurrence of unusual stress-strain curves in ECAP Fe (Fukuda et al. 2002, Sus-

    Ryszkowska et al. 2004), in which there is a very long work-hardening region before the

    ultimate tensile strength in the ECAP Fe. In the present study, the displacement of the gage

    section was accurately acquired by a non-contact video extensometer. The present authors

    also observed the similar unusual stress-strain curves (not reported in the present study), if thedisplacement of the gage section was not measured exactly by the video extensometer, but

    replaced by the displacement of cross sections of the tensile machine. Therefore, the unusual

    stress-strain curves of ECAP Fe as reported in above two references may be attributed to the

    following reasons: the elastic deformation of the machine cross-sections and fixtures

    (machine compliance) and/or the slippery distance of clips at the sample-shoulder sections

    when applied under higher stresses were included in plotting the stress-strain curves.

    The compressive deformation with a flow stress plateau after yield strength was observed

    in the ECAP Fe. Shear bands were prevalently observed to exist in the compressive

    deformation of high-strength nanocrystalline and submicron-grained Fe (Jia et al. 2003, Wei

    et al. 2002). The intense, localized inhomogeneous plastic flow resulted from the deformation

    of grains in these narrow bands.In related studies, the low work-hardening region in the tensile deformation of a

    cryomilled ultrafine-gained Al-Mg alloy was attributed to dynamic recovery (Han et al.

    2003c), since the high stacking fault energy of the Al alloy may facilitate dislocation slip and

    thus dynamic recovery. In addition, the low activation energy for dynamic recovery may exist

    in cryomilled Al alloys because of the presence of residual stress and an abundance of

    structural defects in the cryomilled microstructure (Zhou et al. 2003).

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 109

    Although the occurrence of dislocation slip as well as dynamic recovery might be

    difficult in overall compressive deformation in Fe because of the low stacking fault energy in

    Fe, severe localized inhomogeneous plastic deformation in shear banding may accelerate

    dynamic recovery. In addition, because of the saturation of dislocations and the existence of

    non-equilibrium grain boundaries in the ECAP Fe (Han et al. 2004), the significant

    contribution of dislocation accumulation to work hardening might be impeded. Therefore, theelastic-perfectly plastic deformation in the compression deformation of UFG Fe might be

    attributed to strain instability or strain localization by shear banding.


    It is noteworthy that the yield strength of ECAP Fe in compression is lower than that in

    tension, while, in several other nanostructured or ultrafine-grained materials, the compressive

    yield strength is observed to be higher than that in tension (Carsley et al. 1998, Carsley et al.

    1997, Han et al. 2003b, Hayes et al. 2001, Jain and Christman 1994, Jia et al. 2000a) or

    equivalent to that in tension (Han et al. 2003c). In fact, the phenomenon of higher yieldstrength in tension than compression was also revealed in an earlier report on pure Fe

    deformed under severe plastic deformation, e.g., via wire drawing (Langford and Cohen


    In related studies, the presence of residual processing defects was considered to be

    responsible for the asymmetry of low tensile strength than compressive strength in other

    nanostructured materials (Berbon et al. 2001, Carsley et al. 1998, Han et al. 2003b, Jain and

    Christman 1994, Rittner et al. 1997). It is well established that plastic anisotropy, the

    dependence of properties on orientation, is primarily attributed to texture (Dieter 1986). The

    effect of a mechanical fibering, the alignment of a second phase parallel to the direction of

    extrusion, on the plastic anisotropy and the asymmetry of yield strength was analyzed in an

    as-extruded two-phase Al-10Ti-2Cu alloy (Han et al. 2003b). The existence of the mechanical

    fibering in the as-extruded two-phase Al-10Ti-2Cu alloy results in not only the plastic

    anisotropy, stronger strength and better ductility in the longitudinal direction than in the

    direction perpendicular to the extrusion direction, but also the asymmetry of yield strength,

    stronger yield strength in compression than in tension.

    Inspection of the SAD patterns in the microstructure parallel to the pressing direction

    (Figure 3 (e)) reveals that a preferred orientation (texture) of grains was produced after severe

    plastic deformation. Although it is difficult to understand the inverse asymmetry of yield

    strength in ECAP Fe (stronger yield strength in tension than in compression) on the basis of

    the existence of texture, the possible role of texture strengthening on the asymmetry of yield

    strength in ECAP Fe cannot be completed ruled out.

    Another aspect that should be considered for the occurrence of the asymmetry of yield

    strength is the effect associated with the presence of internal microstrain in the ECAP Fe. Onthe basis of analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns, it is found that there is a microstrain

    with the magnitude of 0.046 pct in the ECAP Fe. The presence of high internal strain was

    already reported in several other ultrafine-grained materials processed via severe plastic

    deformation (Nazarov et al. 1994, Schafleret al. 1997), which can be described well in terms

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    Bing Q. Han, Farghalli A. Mohamed and Enrique J. Lavernia110

    of nonequilibrium grain boundaries containing disordered extrinsic grain boundary

    dislocations of high density.

    Under equal-channel angular pressing, a large shear strain of 1.15 per pass is introduced

    into the materials through two channels with 90 deg via dislocation slip (Segal 1995). The

    morphology of a unit cell before and after pure shear deformation during ECAP is illustrated

    in Figure 10. A square unit cell (abcd) in the vertical channel is sheared into a rhombohedralshape (abcd) within the exit channel after pure shear deformation. The unit cell is

    elongated along the longitudinal direction having an angle of approximately 26.6 deg with the

    exit direction (Iwahashi et al. 1998, Segal 1995, Zhu and Lowe 2000). The deformation of the

    unit cell is in an excellent agreement with the experimental observation on the grain

    deformation after one pass (Han et al. 2003a). Therefore, the pure shear deformation during

    equal channel angular pressing results in the elongation of grains, analogous to the

    circumstances of a tensile deformation employed on grains after each pass. Although most of

    energy loss results from dislocation annihilation and rearrangement to form granular ultrafine

    structures from dislocation cell blocks after severe plastic deformation for 8 passes (Han et al.

    2004), the ECAP Fe should store a small fraction of the energy of deformation, which in turn

    have a significant effect on diffusion and plastic deformation (Nazarov et al. 1993, Valiev etal. 2000). In summary, the residual tensile internal stress after equal channel angular pressing

    results in the so-called Bauschinger effect (Dieter 1986), which leads to the lower strength in

    compression than in tension during subsequent deformation.

    a b








    Figure 10. Schematic of the shape change of a unit cell before and after one pass.

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    Structure and Properties of Near-nanostructured Iron 111


    Pure Fe was processed by means of equal-channel-angular pressing. The value of

    microhardness increases with increasing number of pressing, with a saturation of the eighth

    pass. Dislocation cell-blocks were obtained after pressing and gradually evolved into grains

    with high-angle misorientations. A grain size of approximately 200 nm was obtained after 8

    passes. In tension, plastic deformation with geometrical softening was observed in the ECAP

    Fe, which is different from strain hardening in the annealed Fe. In compression of the ECAP

    Fe, a strain-hardening region followed by an elastic-perfectly plastic deformation was

    observed. The residual tensile internal stress after equal channel angular pressing might result

    in the Bauschinger effect, which leads to the lower strength in compression than in tension

    during the subsequent deformation. The mobile dislocations in dense dislocation regions

    might interact with dislocation cell blocks, triggering a local fast dynamic recovery, which

    causes the material loss of strain hardening ability and necking starts right away. The elastic-

    perfectly plastic deformation in the compression deformation of UFG Fe might be attributed

    to strain instability or strain localization by shear banding.


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    Support from the Army Research Office under Grant No. DAAD19-03-1-0020 is

    gratefully acknowledged.