Naming the Unknown

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  • 8/8/2019 Naming the Unknown


    The Source

    Nicholas Klacsanzky

  • 8/8/2019 Naming the Unknown


    For humanity

    to use for humanity

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    What is the Source?

    Knowing the Source

    Procedure to Reach the Source

    After the Procedure


    Knowing Nothing

    Poetic Explanation of the Source

    Further Reading about the Source

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    What is the Source? (work)

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

    It is the source of all true art and science.

    - Albert Einstein

    In the beginning we have heard this story many times, whether it be from science or

    religion. One point that we can agree on is that life is eternal. From a scientific perspective,

    energy and matter has been around forever and it will continue to be that way, as both

    energy and matter can neither be created or destroyed. From a religious perspective, even

    in most polytheistic faiths, there is a causeless and eternal primordial force that

    supersedes all others.

    Both science and religion can point to an indescribable entity that was present

    before the existence we know of. In science, we used to call it the singularity, where

    timespace is broken down due to being at Planck length or maybe smaller, which lends to

    the laws of physics as we know it to be either obsolete or unobservable at this scale.

    Though the concept of existence expanding only from the singularity is now seen as

    outdated through our understanding of inflation, we still think that before the Universe we

    know of (with its particular laws), the Universe was expanding from infinitesimal states

    when density was so condensed that we cannot understand it by our laws of physics. In

    religion, we call it by many names: Allah, Yahweh, Parabrahma, God Almighty and many

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    more that refer to a presence before the Universe was created.

    Both science and religion commonly posit that the Universe as we experience it was

    not truly created, but rather expanded from an initial source that has always

    existed--despite creation stories from religion and the confusion of what actually happened

    during the Big Bang. The Big Bang is now seen as an increase in entropy from existence

    (which is in fact eternal) at the scale of Planck, not as an explosion of chaotic proportions.

    Primarily, religions demonstrate that life stems from God, and therefore nothing is in reality

    created, but only transformed from the matter and energy of God.

    Whether one holds fast to religion or science (or both), we can agree that there is a

    source to our Universe that was never created and will never be destroyed.

    Knowing the Source (work)

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    The Tao that can be told

    is not the eternal Tao.

    - Tao Te Ching

    The source, known either by science or religion, cannot be understood by our limited

    intellect. Not only is it beyond our laws of physics, it is also beyond our imagination. Can we

    fathom something that does not abide by what we know of as living or non-living? Like

    virtual particles, that pop in and out of existence, the source cannot be said to be living or

    dead. The source defies all definitions, as it is absolute possibility. Whatever you say about

    it is both correct and incorrect: a complete paradox.

    Though to call it a complete paradox and hold it at that is both correct and incorrect.

    A zen master once said, which in itself is a bit hypocritical, By speaking, you already make

    a mistake. Just by saying something, we have committed an error, because the truth

    cannot be expressed in words. No matter how much we write or talk about any subject, its

    full truth cannot be revealed--which is a sign that everything in existence and nonexistence

    is the source.

    The only way we can know the source is by experiencing it. To religious people, this

    might sound familiar, but to the scientific community, it may seem far-fetched. Either way,

    know that experiencing the source is not some mystic trip someone hasit is actually quite

    a normal happening. Knowing the source by direct experience is like getting a taste of what

    it is like to be the source, at least at first.

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    To become like the source, we have to go beyond our thoughts. Remember, the

    source cannot be understood intellectually. By surpassing our thoughts, we enter a state of

    awareness that some call mental silence. The state of mental silence is reflecting the way

    of life of the source, as silence can contain all possibilities within it. It is the blank sheet

    that all compositions are written on: the blank sheet is not nothing, but rather a presence

    that is not defined.

    Why the word become was in quotation marks in the last paragraph was that in a

    sense, there is nothing but the source. If it contains absolutely all possibilities, how can

    there be anything else? And in fact, as shown by string theory, there can be other sources

    that have absolute possibility, but then again, all those sources share a source: the

    absolute possibilities contained within all the sources of absolute possibilities.

    Yet someone can ask: if there is nothing but the source, then why dont we already

    act like the source and have to learn how to experience it? The answer: we already act like

    the source and we are the source, but we dont know it fully.

    If we keep in mind that the source is absolute possibility, understanding it is much

    easier. We are just possibilities that have forgotten our absolute possibility.

    Experiencing the Source (work)

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    I shall learn from myself,

    be a pupil of myself.

    - Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

    We are already the source, so when we are experiencing it, we are in fact getting in contact

    with ourselves. Since this is the case, we will use of our own selves to enact this


    If we are the source, we have the entirety of existence within us. Understanding this

    as a physical experience is realizing this fact, so we can name this experience as


    To understand yourself, you can use self-inquiry and affirmations. Using your own

    body as a means of comprehension, you can employ nerve clusters along your spine while

    you perform a process of self-inquiry and say affirmations. These affirmations can be said

    silently within to have a greater effect.

    You can sit or standwhatever is more comfortable. Rest your left hand on your lap

    if you are sitting, or extend your left hand out in front of your body at the level of your

    waistline if you are standing. Keep the left hand palm open to signify openness to receiving

    knowledge about yourself.

    Place your right hand on your heart. Ask yourself: Am I this body, these thoughts,

    and these emotions?

    Place your right hand on your stomach. Ask yourself: Am I my own teacher?

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    Now you are done with the self-inquiry portion. Before you begin with the

    affirmations, you can place your right hand on your waistline and ask: Please give me the

    pure knowledge.

    Now you can continue with affirmations. Place your right hand on your stomach and

    say to yourself: I am my own teacher.

    Place your right hand on your heart and say to yourself: I am not this body, I am not

    these thoughts, and I am not these emotions. I am the source.

    Place your right hand on your throat, softly. Say to yourself: I am not guilty at all. I am

    only the source.

    Place your right hand on your forehead and say to yourself: I forgive everyone,

    including myself. Whatever anyone has done wrong, they did so without truly knowing what

    they were doing.

    Finally, place your right hand palm on top of your headstretch out your fingers to

    apply a small amount of pressure. Ask: Please, may I receive my self-realization.

    You can complete this procedure several times if you like. Since people have

    varying results, it is a sound idea to perform this procedure more than once to fully benefit

    from it.

    After the Procedure (work)

    This is love: to fly toward a secret sky,

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    to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment.

    First to let go of life.

    Finally, to take a step without feet.

    - Rumi

    What do we do after we have completed this procedure? How does being connected with

    the source affect our day-to-day life?

    The procedure that was done was an introduction to our true self. In order to be fully

    integrated with this reality, a daily letting go should occur.

    Being attached to ideas, people (ourselves as well), and objects, creates suffering.

    Attachment requires the investment of expectations. When our expectations are not

    reciprocated, we feel let down.

    Whoever we think we are is inconsequential to who we really are: the source itself.

    The more we let go of what we hold, the more we transition to being our true self. We do

    not have to worry about letting go of the source, as it is our essential nature.

    When we integrate with the source, we can see our obstacles as trivial. Our

    problems are nothing more than passing games of the ego. Without adhering to the ego,

    which is the consciousness within us that tells us about the I or my part of our lives, we

    can recognize our true self.

    When we let go of what we hold, we start to notice with more degree that our

    desires are not important. By distancing ourselves from desires, and allowing ourselves to
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    be more connected to the source, we can be truly satisfied, as the source is complete

    fulfillment itself.

    To truly do, do nothing. Watch the ego of ourselves and others. Be a receiver that

    does not react. Understand that it is only the ego, and nothing else.

    Assume the position of being the source. The salvation of humanity relies on our

    knowing of this.

    Thoughts (work)

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation

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    but your thoughts about it.

    - Eckhart Tolle

    Believing in our thoughts could be our greatest mistake. Our thoughts form our identity and

    what we identify our environment with. The ideas we hold onto about ourselves and what is

    around us make us limitednot open to the conceptionless source.

    That is why the procedure of self-realization is essential to undertake: it allows us to

    detach ourselves from our thoughts. Instead of engaging in our thoughts, it is better to

    watch them as we would guests in our housepermitting them to come, but having a

    limited time to stay. Being at war with our thoughts does not helpneither does

    sympathizing with them.

    Thoughts are often difficult to be detached about, as they usually are illogical and

    sometimes outright strange, when it seems natural to have an inner dialog along the lines

    of, How can I think of something like that! But that is the egos game: trying to see if it can

    make us react. This reminds of the famous motto, Attitude is everything. Some people

    see going on public transportation to be a nuisance, while others view it as a way to get to

    know people and be productive creatively. Our ego wants us to feel either proud and

    powerful, or depressed and alone. That is why extremes exist. The source has no

    extremes, as it has no measure.

    If we believe in our thoughts, we create an artificial reality of who we are and how

    our surroundings operate. When we watch our thoughts from a distance, we are at peace. It

    is akin to being in a chair in the sky, watching ourselves and the interactions of our

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    environment: within us is complete stillness, because we do nothing but witness. This is the

    peace that we have been seeking through the gain of profit, the gain of a relationship, the

    gain of material possessions, and the gain of knowledgethough there is never a need for

    gain. Within us is everythingthe immortality, the power to encompass the Universe.

    But this can be only realized when we do not indulge in our egos. We are not our

    mind, emotions, or body, no matter how much the ego tries to persuade us otherwise. We

    are all onea silhouette that harbors the reflection of the source. Humanitys main defect is

    that it identifies with the silhouette as itself, forgetting that it has a source.

    The esoteric view on the source is that there is nothing else and it has always has

    been this way. All manifestations of the source only seem to exist as individual parts, when

    in fact it is all the source. Existence as we know it may merely be a play, so that the source

    can be a witness to itself.

    In essence, the source harbors no identifications, and therefore is limitless in

    potential. By thinking, we cannot explain it, as each thought takes a stance, and ultimately

    the source has no position. Perhaps the only thought that is important is that existence is in

    essence the infinite primordial sourcethe manifestations are simply phantoms.

    Knowing Nothing (work)

    I know only of my own ignorance.

    - Socrates

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    Though in books, sharing ideas is usually the premise, concepts are not entirely important

    in this particular book. Mental understanding can only go so far: even a truth that we have

    accepted in our mind can be shown as false through logical conclusions. The ultimate

    comprehension we can garner is achieved by not involving our mental capabilities, but by

    experiencing the truth instead of thinking about it.

    Though the procedure in the third chapter is a start into this experience of

    comprehending truth on a physical and deeply personal level, there is a need to go further

    into the awareness of truth.

    Every moment is crucialeven a second of inattentiveness, believing in thoughts or

    the illusion that comprises our reality, can draw us away from who we are. In truth, most

    people live vicariously through their ego and place their faith in a reality that is built by

    individual perception. Increasing ones awareness of how the ego acts and learning how to

    lift the veil of supposed existence is what comes after self-realization.

    The ego is a destructive force that wants more for itselfeven at the cost of

    someones life. Though this force sounds menacing, the majority of people adhere to its

    wishes and commands. This is due to the egos nature being subtle enough that a person

    believes without doubt that their actions and thoughts are their own, and were not induced

    by the ego.

    An exercise one can do to recognize the ego and to quiet it, even if momentarily, is

    to watch ones thoughts when being spoken to. On the whole, people are prodded to

    interject the individual they are speaking with to express their own ideas, or when the

    speaker ends their speech, people have prepared their own speech to follow up the ideas

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    that have been spoken about. Instead of preparing material to speak about after a speaker

    ends their bit, or interjecting someones speech, it is better to watch ones mind as a

    witness and only listen to the person speaking, soaking in the ideas of the person that is

    speaking. Surprisingly, this act can bring both the listener and the speaker into a state of

    thoughtless awareness.

    This exercise points out the nature of the ego and how we can deal with it. The ego

    is not to be fought, or to be challenged, as it relishes in that kind of provocation. The best

    way to cope with the ego is to simply be aware of it. When we witness someone or

    something, we are creating a distance from it and us. If we witness the ego, we can create

    a distance between it and who we really are.

    Reality and ourselves are not different, as we are reality. There is only one life, which

    is the source. Though we are the source, we have forgotten who we are.

    Sure, we have to be realistic and live a normal life that does not act as a destructive

    force in its freedom, but being aware of our truth is essential to living a balanced existence.

    Many seekers of truth would like to live in far-off places or in temples to attain

    enlightenment. These are wonderful places to meditate for certain, yet the true test of a

    seeker of truth is to live among the chaos of modern thinking, culture, and behavior and

    remain at peace. It is easy to be feel peaceful being surrounded by glorious mountaintops

    or a sanctuary where monks meditate from morning to evening. But what peace has one

    attained truly if one cannot face the modern world and live in it with personal tranquility?

    Serene places do not hold the secret to enlightenmentbeing in spiritual

    environments only allows us to feel the glimpses of what we could become. Yet, we dont

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    have to become anything. If there is only the source, what possibly can we become?

    Life is a returningwe devise methods of living to eventually know that there is no

    method to living. Existence is itself and will always remain so. Identifications, the grabbing

    nature of the ego, our belief in fabricated realityit is a part of existence that created the

    opportunity for itself to be unknowing so that it could witness the journey of knowing.

    The source knows nothing, and even after witnessing the journey of knowing, it

    continues to harbor no conceptions. As the character Jacques de Boys said in

    ShakespearesAs You Like It:

    All the world's a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players:

    They have their exits and their entrances

    And one man in his time plays many parts,

    His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,

    Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.

    And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel

    And shining morning face, creeping like snail

    Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,

    Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

    Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,

    Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,

    Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,

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    Seeking the bubble reputation

    Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,

    In fair round belly with good capon lined,

    With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,

    Full of wise saws and modern instances

    And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

    Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon,

    With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,

    His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide

    For his shrunk shank and his big manly voice,

    Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

    And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

    That ends this strange eventful history,

    Is second childishness and mere oblivion,

    Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

    Ultimately, existence is that innocence and lack of qualities that is displayed at the end of a

    long life. To witness our journey with a detached mind is the noblest of actions.

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    Poetic Explanation of the Source

    I am and am not.

    I have been and have not been.

    I will be and will not be.

    I am all and nothing.

    I am more than all

    and less than nothing.

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    Whatever is said about me

    is true and false.

    Whatever is not said about me

    is true and false.

    I can be comprehended

    and cannot be comprehended.

    Leave your thoughts behind.

    They are of no use.

    Further Reading about the Source (check)

    Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of

    philosophy, but goes straight to the Source from which they all rise.

    - Sri Ramana Maharshi


    Tao Te Ching - by Lao Tzu

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    This famous treatise on the Tao, or that which cannot be described, is surprisingly

    described in detail in this book. The translation by Stephen Mitchell is perhaps the greatest

    attempt at converting this volume into English:

    Meta Modern Era - by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    A concentrated look at what our modern failings are, and how we need and can return to

    the balance that being connected to source can give us.

    Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi - by Sri Ramana Maharshi

    A convincing book on the importance of self-realization.

    Songs of Kabir - by Saint Kabir

    Poems that make us evaluate where we stand as individuals and urges us to connect to the



    Free Meditation

    A resource for people who want to learn how to meditate, offering free classes and

    literature on meditation. The procedure that we went through in this book is featured here.

    Zen Koans in English
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    These riddles of zen masters are read not to be understood, but to bring the reader into a

    state of thoughtless awareness.

    Researching Meditation

    A collection of medical research on mental silence and its benefits.


    An engaging website that does its best to lead people to witness reality as it is.

    Dartmouth Math and Cantor

    A mathematical look at the source: logical and sequential contentions for the existence of

    the source. It is about renowned mathematician Georg Cantors theory of Absolute Infinity.

    Philosophy of the Incompleteness Theorem

    Shows the paradox of what we consider to be reality.

    About Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi: the Inspiration for this Book (work)

    From the year 1970 until her passing in 2011, Shri Mataji dedicated her life to giving the

    experience of self-realization without cost to her students. The founder of Sahaja Yoga

    Meditation, she spread her teachings to almost country. The procedure that was used in

    this book is based on Shri Matajis method of giving self-realization. To learn more, visit: .

    About the Author

    Nicholas Klacsanzky specializes in writing and editing, being the content coordinator of a
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    free Web resource that aids writers in becoming more proficient in their craft: The author of 10 books ranging from poetry, fiction, and essays, he has

    been commissioned by the Kyiv Modern Ballet to write 30 poems for a cultural project and

    published in such publications as Frogpond, the journal for the Haiku Society of America.

    Born in Seattle, Washington, he now lives in Kiev, Ukraine with his wife Anna and his pug,


    Kiev, Ukraine.

    Copyright Nicholas Klacsanzky, 2014.

    All rights reserved.

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    Andrey Zagorodniy

    Cover photo credit:

    Lisa Kimberly, 2009.

    This book cannot be sold.