NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY GRADE:12 CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM AND HOMEOSTASIS. WORKSHEET:1 Modified True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true. ____ 1. Organs that work together form an organ system. _________________________ ____ 2. Ectothermy is the primary mechanism the human body uses to maintain homeostasis. _________________________ ____ 3. The smooth muscle that is found in the stomach walls is an example of voluntary muscle. _________________________ ____ 4. Skin, hair, and nails all contain a hard protein called actin . _________________________ ____ 5. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue. _________________________ ____ 6. Blood is a kind of connective tissue that contains cells embedded in a matrix of water. _________________________ ____ 7. The hip is attached to the pectoral girdle. _________________________ ____ 8. The appendicular skeleton forms the central axis of the body. _________________________ ____ 9. The bones of the knee are connected by a semimovable joint . _________________________ ____ 10. The hip joint is an example of a ball-and socket joint. _________________________ ____ 11. A muscle fiber is composed of filaments called sarcomeres . _________________________ ____ 12. When a muscle fiber contracts, the sarcomeres relax . _________________________ ____ 13. The binding of myosin heads to actin filaments during a muscle contraction causes the sarcomere to lengthen . _________________________ ____ 14. During vigorous exercise, muscles switch to aerobic respiration. _________________________

NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

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Page 1: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is







Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 1. Organs that work together form an organ system. _________________________

____ 2. Ectothermy is the primary mechanism the human body uses to maintain homeostasis.


____ 3. The smooth muscle that is found in the stomach walls is an example of voluntary muscle.


____ 4. Skin, hair, and nails all contain a hard protein called actin. _________________________

____ 5. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue. _________________________

____ 6. Blood is a kind of connective tissue that contains cells embedded in a matrix of water.


____ 7. The hip is attached to the pectoral girdle. _________________________

____ 8. The appendicular skeleton forms the central axis of the body. _________________________

____ 9. The bones of the knee are connected by a semimovable joint. _________________________

____ 10. The hip joint is an example of a ball-and socket joint. _________________________

____ 11. A muscle fiber is composed of filaments called sarcomeres. _________________________

____ 12. When a muscle fiber contracts, the sarcomeres relax. _________________________

____ 13. The binding of myosin heads to actin filaments during a muscle contraction causes the sarcomere to lengthen.


____ 14. During vigorous exercise, muscles switch to aerobic respiration. _________________________

Page 2: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _________________________

____ 16. Blood is carried through the body in blood vessels. _________________________

____ 17. Oxygen is distributed throughout the body by the respiratory system. _________________________

____ 18. The upper chambers of the heart are called the ventricles. _________________________

____ 19. Blood from the right ventricle flows into the aorta. _________________________

____ 20. Contraction of the heart is initiated by a cluster of cardiac muscle cells called the sinoatrial node.


____ 21. Pulmonary arteries return oxygen-rich blood to the heart from the lungs. _________________________

____ 22. The superior vena cava carries oxygen-poor blood from the upper body to the right atrium.


____ 23. Arteries contain valves that prevent the backward flow of blood. _________________________

____ 24. The walls of arteries contain a layer of cardiac muscle. _________________________

____ 25. Blood plasma is composed primarily of water. _________________________

____ 26. Plasmas are bits of cytoplasm pinched off from cells in bone marrow. _________________________

____ 27. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with any blood type.


____ 28. A antibodies react to B antigens. _________________________

____ 29. Type O blood contains neither A nor B antigens. _________________________

____ 30. People with type A blood have A antigens on their red blood cells. _________________________

____ 31. The lymphatic system returns fluids from around cells back to the blood vessels.


____ 32. The smallest bronchioles end in clusters of air sacs called alveoli, where gases are exchanged in the lungs.


____ 33. Hemoglobin carries carbon dioxide to the lungs. _________________________

____ 34. Carbohydrates are obtained mostly from oils, margarine, and butter. _________________________

____ 35. Proteins are the body’s main source of fuel. _________________________

____ 36. Adults who have a body mass index (BMI) between 25.1-29.9 are described as obese.


Page 3: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 37. Amylase breaks down proteins into disaccharides. _________________________

____ 38. Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids. _________________________

____ 39. The process of breaking down the chemical bonds in food is called mechanical digestion.


____ 40. Bile is produced in the pancreas. _________________________

____ 41. Bile is stored in the gall bladder. _________________________

____ 42. The liver converts extra sugar to glycogen for storage. _________________________

____ 43. The pancreas stores glycogen, iron, and fat-soluble vitamins. _________________________

____ 44. Most of the water taken into the body is absorbed in the stomach. _________________________

____ 45. The rectum is the final section of the digestive tract. _________________________

____ 46. The kidneys filter out toxins, urea, water, and mineral salts from the blood. ___________________

____ 47. Each kidney contains roughly 1 million blood-filtering units called nephrons. _________________________

____ 48. Urine exits the body through the ureter. _________________________

____ 49. The peripheral nervous system carries all the messages back and forth between the central nervous system and

the rest of the body. _________________________

____ 50. Sensory neurons carry information from the central nervous system to muscles and other organs.


____ 51. Most sensory and motor processing in the brain occurs in the medulla oblongata.


____ 52. The spinal cord is a dense cable of nervous tissue that runs through the vertebral column.


____ 53. The spinal cord links the brain to the central nervous system (CNS). ______________________________

____ 54. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing

rate. _________________________

____ 55. Some activity in the somatic nervous system, such as spinal reflexes, is involuntary.


____ 56. Spinal reflexes involve the peripheral nervous system. _________________________

Page 4: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 57. The cells of the nervous system that conduct electrical signals are called nerves.


____ 58. Bundles of axons are called nerves. _________________________

____ 59. The resting potential of a neuron is positive. _________________________

____ 60. Neurons communicate with each other and with other cells by passing electrical signals across synapses.


____ 61. Cones are receptor cells that respond to bright light. _________________________

____ 62. Semicircular canals in the ear are essential for hearing. _________________________

____ 63. Chemicals in the air stimulate olfactory receptors. _________________________

____ 64. Thermoreceptors are located in the skin and the thalamus. _________________________

____ 65. Most visual processing takes place in the temporal lobe. _________________________

____ 66. Narcotics mimic the action of enkephalins. _________________________

____ 67. Cocaine acts by causing dopamine reuptake. _________________________

____ 68. Exocrine glands deliver nonhormonal substances through ducts. _________________________

____ 69. The pancreas is both an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland.

____ 70. Endorphins and prostaglandins are examples of hormones. _________________________

____ 71. Amino acid-based hormones can pass directly through the cell membrane. _________________________

____ 72. Cholesterol-based hormones bind to receptors located in a target cell’s cytoplasm.


____ 73. Steroid hormones act from outside the cell by means of second messengers.


____ 74. The production of most hormones is regulated by positive feedback. _________________________

____ 75. Blood-sugar level is controlled by the antagonistic hormones insulin and glucagon.


____ 76. The pituitary gland regulates hunger and thirst. _________________________

____ 77. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is produced and released in response to low levels of iodine.


Page 5: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 78. In females, luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the release of an egg from an ovary.


____ 79. Antidiuretic hormone causes the muscles of the uterus to contract during childbirth.


Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Cells in the body that can divide repeatedly and become other types of cells are called

a. stem cells. c. connective cells.

b. embryo cells. d. reproductive cells.

____ 2. The layer of cells that protects the body from dehydration is called

a. epithelial tissue. c. muscle tissue.

b. connective tissue. d. nerve tissue.

____ 3. The heart and lungs are protected by the

a. pectoral girdle. c. rib cage.

b. pelvic girdle. d. periosteum.

____ 4. Of the following, the structure that is not part of the axial skeleton is the

a. backbone. c. rib cage.

b. pectoral girdle. d. skull.

____ 5. Refer to the illustration above. The material labeled D is known as

a. exocrine material. c. spongy bone.

b. cartilage. d. bone marrow.

____ 6. Refer to the illustration above. The structure labeled C is a

a. nerve. c. muscle.

b. blood vessel. d. ligament.

____ 7. Compact bone contains tightly packed

a. osteocytes. c. red marrow cells.

b. peritoneal cells. d. yellow marrow cells.

____ 8. compact bone : periosteum ::

a. periosteum : blood vessels c. blood vessels : Haversian canal

b. Haversian canal : spongy bone d. spongy bone : marrow

____ 9. Yellow marrow is a soft tissue within bones that

a. provides internal support to spongy bone.

b. produces red blood cells.

c. is found only in lower vertebrates.

d. consists mainly of fat and stores energy.

____ 10. Which of the following do not pass through Haversian canals?

a. blood vessels c. nutrients

b. nerves d. muscle fibers

Page 6: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 11. In an embryo, the skeleton is originally made of

a. red and yellow marrow. c. cartilage.

b. calcium phosphate. d. osteopores.

____ 12. The point where two or more bones meet is called a

a. sprain. c. point of intersection.

b. joint. d. growth region.

____ 13. Refer to the illustration above. The joint shown in A is an example of a

a. suture joint. c. pivot joint.

b. ball-and-socket joint. d. plant joint.

____ 14. Refer to the illustration above. The joint shown in D would most likely be found in the

a. shoulder. c. knee.

b. elbow. d. wrist.

____ 15. Refer to the illustration above. Which figure shows a joint that allows bones to “glide” over each other?

a. A c. C

b. B d. D

____ 16. Which of the following is not moved by muscle tissue?

a. blood c. bones

b. food in the digestive tract d. signals in the brain

____ 17. A muscle’s insertion

a. is located on a bone that remains stationary when the muscle contracts.

b. moves away from the origin during muscle contraction.

c. is attached to the bone by a ligament.

d. is on the opposite end from the origin.

____ 18. The origin of a muscle

a. is on the same end of the muscle as the insertion.

b. is located on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

c. does not move when the muscle contracts.

d. is attached to the bone by a ligament.

____ 19. flexors : bend ::

a. immovable joints : bend

b. slightly movable joints : be immovable

c. extensors : straighten

d. sutures : move a great deal

____ 20. Muscle cells get the energy needed to contract from

a. actin. c. ADP.

b. myosin. d. ATP.

____ 21. During light exercise, muscle cells produce ATP by a process that

a. is very inefficient.

b. requires a lot of oxygen.

c. uses up glycogen stores quickly.

d. prevents myosin and actin linkages in muscles.

Page 7: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 22. The functional unit of muscle contraction is called the

a. myofibril. c. muscle fiber.

b. sarcomere. d. myosin filament.

____ 23. Repeating units of myosin and actin filaments bound by two Z lines are

a. muscles. c. sarcomeres.

b. myofibrils. d. extensors.

____ 24. sarcomere contractions : ATP ::

a. Z lines : actin and myosin

b. actin and myosin : sarcomeres

c. muscle forces : number of Z lines

d. muscle movement : muscle fibers contracting

____ 25. It has been known for a long time that muscle contraction requires ATP. Scientists have discovered that ATP

is required to release the attachments between actin and myosin in the many cycles of attachment, release, and

reattachment that result in sliding of these filaments past each other. Which of the following phenomena can

be explained by this specific role of ATP?

a. muscle fatigue

b. the differences between the three kinds of muscle

c. opposing pairs of muscles functioning as flexors and extensors

d. muscle sprain

____ 26. If you want to increase your cardiovascular endurance, the best type of exercise is

a. anaerobic exercise. c. resistance exercise.

b. aerobic exercise. d. flexibility exercise.

____ 27. If you want to increase the size and strength of your muscles, the best type of exercise is

a. anaerobic exercise. c. continuous exercise.

b. aerobic exercise. d. flexibility exercise.

____ 28. lunula : nails ::

a. dermis : hair c. melanocytes : keratin

b. keratin : melanocytes d. hair follicles : hair

____ 29. Blood, bone, and cartilage are examples of

a. three different tissue types found in the body.

b. connective tissue.

c. epithelial tissue.

d. organs of the body.

____ 30. The skin is made up of

a. connective tissue. c. muscle tissue.

b. nervous tissue. d. epithelial tissue.

____ 31. From the smallest functional units to the largest, the body is organized as follows:

a. cells, systems, organs, tissues. c. cells, tissues, organs, systems.

b. organs, cells, tissues, systems. d. systems, organs, tissues, cells.

____ 32. Organs that work together form

a. connective tissues. c. organ systems.

b. tissue systems. d. tissues.

Page 8: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 33. The heart and the blood vessels are separate organs that form the

a. skeletal system. c. reproductive system.

b. circulatory system. d. digestive system.

____ 34. If homeostasis were disrupted, all of the following would occur except

a. body temperature would not be maintained.

b. strenuous physical activity would be difficult.

c. enzymes would be inactivated.

d. the heart would immediately stop pumping blood.

____ 35. A person with a broken pelvic bone would probably be unable to

a. walk or run. c. raise an arm.

b. turn his or her head. d. bend his or her wrist.

____ 36. Which of the following would not help prevent bone loss?

a. calcium c. a balanced diet

b. regular exercise d. avoiding UV radiation

____ 37. The loss of bone density that may occur in the later years of life is called

a. menopause. c. arthritis.

b. bone deterioration. d. osteoporosis.

____ 38. A muscle causes a bone to move by

a. pushing on the bone.

b. pulling on the bone.

c. both pushing and pulling on the bone simultaneously.

d. sometimes pushing and sometimes pulling on the bone.

____ 39. Flexors and extensors are examples of

a. smooth muscles. c. involuntary muscles.

b. cardiac muscles. d. voluntary muscles.

____ 40. Smooth muscles can be found

a. attached to the skeleton. c. at the knee joint.

b. in the wrist bones. d. in internal organs.

____ 41. Tendons are bands of tissue that connect

a. muscles to bones. c. muscles to other muscles.

b. bones to other bones. d. cartilage to bones.

____ 42. Muscles that function by bending joints, such as the biceps, are categorized as

a. flexors. c. extensors.

b. abductors. d. adductors.

____ 43. The thin outer layer of the skin is

a. the dermis. c. the fatty layer.

b. the epidermis. d. connective tissue.

____ 44. Sensitivity to heat and cold is a function of

a. the dermis. c. subcutaneous tissue.

b. the epidermis. d. melanin.

Page 9: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 45. Refer to the illustration above. Which of the structures are composed mainly of dead cells?

a. structures A and F

b. structures B and H

c. structures C and D

d. Skin is a living organ that does not have any dead cells.

____ 46. The skin performs all of the following except

a. protection. c. control of body temperature.

b. sensation of heat. d. production of gametes.

____ 47. Which of the following structures enables the skin to receive nutrients, eliminate wastes, and regulate body


a. dermis c. hair follicles

b. blood vessels d. sensory nerves

____ 48. Which of the following is the main function of sweat glands?

a. fighting disease c. storing excess blood cells

b. regulating body temperature d. preventing skin damage

____ 49. One characteristic of the dermis of the skin is that it is

a. composed of corneal and basal layers.

b. the innermost layer of the skin.

c. the location of melanocytes.

d. involved in temperature regulation.

____ 50. Which of the following best describes keratin?

a. a strong, fibrous protein c. a skin pigment

b. dead cells in the dermis d. essential for muscle contraction

____ 51. The hair bulbs in which cells are added to hair shafts are located in the

a. dermis. c. subcutaneous glands.

b. subcutaneous level. d. epidermis.

____ 52. The most effective way to reduce the risk of skin cancer is

a. using a moisturizing lotion.

b. increasing exposure to sunlight gradually.

c. minimizing exposure to sunlight.

d. moving to a higher latitude.

____ 53. The most dangerous skin cancers are called

a. malignant keratomas. c. third-degree sunburn.

b. malignant melanomas. d. acne.

____ 54. Which of the following is not a function of the human cardiovascular system?

a. helping the body maintain a constant body temperature

b. carrying wastes to the urinary system

c. distributing nutrients throughout the body

d. filtering wastes out of the blood

____ 55. The heart chamber that receives blood from the venae cavae is the

a. left atrium. c. left ventricle.

b. right atrium. d. right ventricle.

Page 10: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 56. The ventricles are

a. the upper chambers of the heart.

b. the chambers of the heart that pump blood to the lungs and to the rest of the body.

c. the chambers of the heart that receive blood from the lungs and the rest of the body.

d. lower chambers of the heart that beat independently of the atria.

____ 57. Refer to the illustration above. The vessels indicated by C carry deoxygenated blood. The vessels are

a. the pulmonary arteries. c. parts of the aorta.

b. the pulmonary veins. d. part of the atria.

____ 58. Refer to the illustration above. The chamber indicated by F is the

a. right atrium. c. right ventricle.

b. left atrium. d. left ventricle.

____ 59. Refer to the illustration above. In the diagram, blood in chamber A

a. is full of oxygen. c. is oxygen-poor.

b. is returning from the venae cavae. d. has very little plasma.

____ 60. Blood entering the right atrium

a. is full of oxygen. c. is deoxygenated.

b. is returning from the lungs. d. is low in plasma and platelets.

____ 61. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is received by the

a. left ventricle. c. left atrium.

b. right atrium. d. right ventricle.

____ 62. The pacemaker responsible for starting a heartbeat

a. is located in the brain.

b. squeezes the ventricles shut.

c. is a small bundle of cells at the entrance to the right atrium.

d. is in the aorta.

____ 63. Which type of blood vessel is both strong and elastic?

a. capillary c. vein

b. artery d. venule

____ 64. Which of the following has the thickest layer of muscle?

a. a vein c. a venule

b. a capillary d. an artery

____ 65. The smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the body are the

a. venules. c. arteries.

b. veins. d. capillaries.

____ 66. An artery

a. usually carries oxygen-rich blood.

b. has thin, slightly elastic walls.

c. has valves that prevent blood from flowing backward.

d. is smaller than an arteriole.

____ 67. If a blood vessel has valves, it probably is a(n)

a. vein. c. arteriole.

b. artery. d. capillary.

Page 11: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 68. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called

a. veins. c. arteries.

b. capillaries. d. venules.

____ 69. Mature red blood cells

a. can live for about a year. c. promote clotting.

b. are the largest cells in the blood. d. do not have a nucleus.

____ 70. Infections generally result in an increase in the number of

a. white blood cells. c. platelets.

b. red blood cells. d. alveoli.

____ 71. The iron-containing molecule in red blood cells is called

a. plasma. c. hemoglobin.

b. ferric oxide. d. carbonic acid.

____ 72. Red blood cells

a. transport respiratory gases. c. destroy viruses.

b. combat bacterial infection. d. transport cholesterol.

____ 73. Defending the body against bacterial infection and invasion by foreign substances is a function of

a. red blood cells. c. platelets.

b. plasma. d. white blood cells.

____ 74. An abnormality involving the platelets would probably affect the process of

a. breathing. c. fighting bacterial infections.

b. locomotion. d. blood clotting.

____ 75. Refer to the illustration above. The cells shown are

a. filled with plasma. c. red blood cells.

b. platelets. d. white blood cells.

____ 76. Refer to the illustration above. The cells shown

a. can live for at least a year.

b. are the largest cells in the circulatory system.

c. maintain osmotic balance.

d. contain hemoglobin.

____ 77. vitamins, salts, and proteins : plasma ::

a. arteries and veins : lymphatic vessels

b. red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets : blood

c. platelets and plasma : Rh factor

d. white blood cells and platelets : red blood cells

____ 78. People with antigen A on their red blood cells can give blood to someone with blood type(s)

a. A and AB. c. only AB.

b. B and AB. d. only O.

____ 79. The fluid between cells is transported to the bloodstream by the

a. renal circulation. c. respiratory system.

b. cardiovascular system. d. lymphatic system.

Page 12: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 80. Refer to the illustration above. The structure labeled X is the

a. diaphragm. c. trachea.

b. pharynx. d. larynx.

____ 81. Alveoli in the lungs are connected to the bronchi by a network of tiny tubes called

a. arterioles. c. capillaries.

b. venules. d. bronchioles.

____ 82. The actual exchange of gases occurs at the site of the

a. trachea. c. larynx.

b. nasal passageway. d. alveoli.

____ 83. Each alveolus

a. contains many air sacs. c. is surrounded by capillaries.

b. attaches directly to the larynx. d. is a large air sac.

____ 84. bronchiole : alveoli ::

a. alveoli : bronchi c. larynx : pharynx

b. bronchi : larynx d. bronchi : bronchioles

____ 85. When the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax,

a. the chest cavity enlarges. c. exhalation occurs.

b. inhalation occurs. d. it is impossible to breathe.

____ 86. The dome-shaped muscle below the chest cavity is called the

a. larynx. c. diaphragm.

b. trachea. d. pharynx.

____ 87. Which of the following occurs as air rushes into the lungs from the environment to equalize air pressure?

a. inhalation c. exhalation

b. contraction d. speech

____ 88. Gas exchange occurs when

a. oxygen diffuses out of the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

b. oxygen binds with hemoglobin in the white blood cells.

c. the red blood cells take up oxygen in the cells of the body tissues.

d. oxygen diffuses from the alveoli through the capillary walls to the blood.

____ 89. Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in all of the following ways except

a. dissolved in plasma. c. as bicarbonate ions.

b. combined with hemoglobin. d. by white blood cells.

____ 90. Which of the following is not considered a nutrient?

a. lipid c. energy

b. protein d. carbohydrate

____ 91. Excess calories and fat in the diet cause all of the following except

a. obesity.

b. heart disease.

c. increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

d. weight loss.

Page 13: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 92. Most of the body’s energy needs should be supplied by dietary

a. carbohydrates. c. vitamins.

b. fats. d. proteins.

____ 93. All essential amino acids

a. must be obtained from the foods we eat.

b. are made in our body.

c. are found in gelatin.

d. come from enzymes.

____ 94. carbohydrates : energy ::

a. proteins : insulation for nerve tissue

b. amino acids : enzymes

c. fats : protein

d. fats : muscle

____ 95. Excessive amounts of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K

a. lead to excellent health.

b. can be harmful.

c. present no problem since they are not stored in the body.

d. prevent beriberi.

____ 96. Vitamin K

a. is stored in muscle tissue. c. is found in citrus fruits.

b. assists with calcium uptake. d. is needed for normal blood clotting.

____ 97. Vitamins are organic compounds that

a. play important roles in metabolism.

b. provide energy for metabolism.

c. help form cell membranes.

d. are not obtained from food.

____ 98. vitamins : minute amounts ::

a. B vitamins : scurvy c. rickets : vitamin C deficiency

b. vitamin D deficiency : pellagra d. carbohydrates : large amounts

____ 99. The food guide pyramid was developed by the

a. USDA. c. FDA.

b. USAF. d. CDC.

____ 100. According to the MyPyramid food guidance system, a person should obtain the most servings per day from

a. fruits. c. fats, oils, and sweets.

b. breads, cereals, rice, and pasta. d. milk, yogurt, and cheese.

____ 101. The nutritional guide that lists the number of servings needed by your body daily from each food group is in

the shape of a

a. football. c. square.

b. circle. d. pyramid.

____ 102. Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?

a. chemically break down food c. absorb nutrient materials

b. mechanically break apart food d. excrete liquid wastes

Page 14: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 103. The last function of the digestive system is

a. absorption. c. elimination.

b. ingestion. d. peristalsis.

____ 104. The first portion of the small intestine is the

a. colon. c. duodenum.

b. esophagus. d. rectum.

____ 105. The wavelike contractions of muscle that move food through the digestive system are called

a. peristalsis. c. mechanical digestion.

b. voluntary contractions. d. involuntary digestion.

____ 106. The epiglottis

a. is located in the colon. c. is also called the voice box.

b. covers the trachea. d. produces digestive enzymes.

____ 107. Which of the following body parts comes in contact with both food and air?

a. esophagus c. throat

b. trachea d. duodenum

____ 108. Pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach begin the digestion of

a. protein. c. fats.

b. starch. d. carbohydrates.

____ 109. Enzymes in saliva begin the chemical digestion of

a. fat. c. carbohydrates.

b. protein. d. vitamins.

____ 110. Which statement is not true about bile?

a. It breaks down globules of fat into tiny droplets.

b. It is stored in the gall bladder.

c. It is produced by the liver.

d. It is produced in the gall bladder.

____ 111. Refer to the illustration above. What is the name of structure 5?

a. liver c. duodenum

b. stomach d. epiglottis

____ 112. Refer to the illustration above. Most of the end products of digestion are absorbed into the circulatory system

from which structure?

a. structure 1 c. structure 3

b. structure 2 d. structure 4

____ 113. Fat molecules are broken down into fatty acids by

a. emulsifiers. c. maltases.

b. amylases. d. lipases.

____ 114. small intestine : large intestine ::

a. large intestine : small intestine c. esophagus : stomach

b. stomach : large intestine d. small intestine : esophagus

____ 115. pancreas : enzymes for small intestine ::

a. stomach : saliva c. liver : bile

b. stomach : proteins from amino acids d. liver : hydrochloric acid

Page 15: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 116. Most of the enzymes and chemicals secreted by the upper end of the small intestine come from

a. villi. c. the liver and pancreas.

b. saliva. d. the large intestine.

____ 117. Bile, which emulsifies fat globules, is produced by the

a. pancreas. c. liver.

b. gallbladder. d. duodenum.

____ 118. Refer to the illustration above. This structure is found in the

a. kidney. c. small intestine.

b. esophagus. d. tongue.

____ 119. Refer to the illustration above. This structure allows for an increase in

a. nutrient absorption area. c. acid production.

b. mechanical digestion. d. bile production.

____ 120. Refer to the illustration above. Structure A in the above diagram is a

a. villus. c. lymphatic vessel.

b. nephron. d. urethra.

____ 121. Refer to the illustration above. Structure B is

a. a passageway for bile to flow into the stomach.

b. a capillary.

c. found only in the duodenum.

d. a nephron.

____ 122. The villi of the small intestine allow for an increase in the rate of

a. nutrient absorption. c. acid production.

b. cellulose digestion. d. bile production.

____ 123. The kidneys play a major role in maintaining

a. the proper breathing rate.

b. the proper glucose levels in the blood.

c. homeostasis by removing urea, water, and other wastes from the blood.

d. the concentration of digestive enzymes in the blood.

____ 124. Urea must be eliminated from the body because it

a. is toxic.

b. absorbs water.

c. decreases the amount of glucose in the blood.

d. can be converted to nitrogen waste.

____ 125. The filtrate removed from the blood by the kidneys might contain

a. water, salts, amino acids, glucose, and urea.

b. ammonia, red blood cells, and minerals.

c. fat, urea, and water.

d. salts, urea, and plasma.

____ 126. The basic functional unit of the kidney is the

a. villus. c. ureter.

b. nephron. d. urethra.

Page 16: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 127. Refer to the illustration above. The structure is the basic filtering unit of the

a. esophagus. c. kidney.

b. pancreas. d. liver.

____ 128. Refer to the illustration above. The structure is known as a

a. villus. c. ureter.

b. nephron. d. urethra.

____ 129. Refer to the illustration above. At the location labeled B,

a. filtration is taking place.

b. water and solutes are moving back into the blood.

c. red blood cells are moving out of the blood.

d. red blood cells are forced back into the blood.

____ 130. Which of the following materials in the filtrate is not reabsorbed back into the bloodstream by the nephrons?

a. glucose c. urea

b. ions d. water

____ 131. Urine, when compared with the initial filtrate, contains

a. more glucose.

b. less water, fewer minerals, and more urea.

c. decomposed red blood cells.

d. concentrated amino acids.

____ 132. The first stage of urine formation is called

a. filtration. c. reabsorption.

b. bladder inflation. d. nephrosis.

____ 133. Urine leaves the body through the

a. ureter. c. bladder.

b. urethra. d. intestine.

____ 134. ureter : urinary bladder ::

a. urinary bladder : ureter c. urinary bladder : urethra

b. urethra : urinary bladder d. urethra : ureter

____ 135. Kidney dialysis simulates the filtering action of the

a. urethra. c. liver.

b. pancreas. d. nephrons.

____ 136. A kidney dialysis machine

a. reduces blood volume.

b. increases the volume of the blood.

c. removes wastes from the blood.

d. oxygenates the patient’s blood.

____ 137. The central nervous system consists of

a. the brain and spinal cord. c. the spinal cord only.

b. spinal nerves only. d. the brain only.

____ 138. Gray matter consists of

a. cell bodies of neurons. c. myelin.

b. only synapses. d. axons.

Page 17: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 139. Information is carried from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland by

a. sensory neurons. c. motor neurons.

b. sensory receptors. d. hormones.

____ 140. Refer to the illustration above. Structure B in the diagram is the

a. spinal cord. c. cerebellum.

b. brain stem. d. cerebrum.

____ 141. The peripheral nervous system

a. is not linked to the central nervous system.

b. provides pathways to and from the central nervous system.

c. consists of the cerebellum and spinal cord.

d. is composed of only motor neurons.

____ 142. Sensory neurons transmit messages

a. from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland.

b. from the brain to the spinal cord.

c. to the spinal cord or brain.

d. within the brain.

____ 143. The spinal cord is linked to the peripheral nervous system through

a. spinal nerves. c. interneurons.

b. the thalamus. d. sensory neurons.

____ 144. The autonomic nervous system controls

a. reflexes.

b. voluntary movement.

c. involuntary functions of the internal organs.

d. locomotion.

____ 145. The division of the autonomic nervous system that keeps you breathing when you fall asleep is the _____


a. somatic c. sympathetic

b. central d. parasympathetic

____ 146. A reflex is all of the following except

a. a sudden, involuntary movement.

b. not under conscious control.

c. not learned in response to a stimulus.

d. under the control of the brain.

____ 147. When the ligament below the patella is tapped, the quadriceps contracts, the hamstring relaxes, and the leg


a. contracts. c. extends.

b. relaxes. d. remains stationary.

____ 148. “Antennae” that extend from a neuron and receive information from other cells are called

a. axons. c. synapses.

b. cell bodies. d. dendrites.

____ 149. Nodes of Ranvier

a. strengthen axons. c. occur in malfunctioning axons.

b. slow nerve impulses. d. are gaps in the myelin sheath.

Page 18: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 150. The myelin sheath

a. transmits impulses from one neuron to another.

b. insulates synapses.

c. nourishes neurons.

d. insulates axons.

____ 151. unmyelinated axon : slow nerve impulses ::

a. neuron : being composed of many axons

b. nerve impulse : not traveling through axons

c. myelinated axon : fast nerve impulses

d. dendrite : sending information

____ 152. Which of the following statements is true of a neuron at its resting potential?

a. There are many times more sodium ions outside the neuron than inside.

b. Sodium ions are in balance inside and outside the neuron.

c. There are fewer potassium ions inside the neuron than outside.

d. There are equal amounts of potassium and sodium ions inside and outside the neuron.

____ 153. After an action potential, the sodium-potassium pump helps

a. rebuild axon fibers. c. cause a stimulus.

b. restore the resting potential. d. overcome the threshold.

____ 154. When a neuron is at rest,

a. sodium ions are most concentrated inside the cell.

b. potassium ions are most concentrated inside the cell.

c. the outside of the cell is negatively charged.

d. the neuron cannot receive a signal.

____ 155. A nerve impulse

a. moves from the inside to the outside of an axon.

b. moves from the outside to the inside of an axon.

c. is the movement of an action potential along an axon.

d. moves slowly.

____ 156. When an impulse moves down the axon,

a. sodium ions first rush out of the cell.

b. a small part of the axon momentarily reverses its polarity.

c. the resting potential of the cell does not change.

d. potassium ions are pumped into the axon.

____ 157. Neurotransmitters are

a. electrical impulses.

b. found only in neurons with myelin sheaths.

c. released at synapses.

d. produced by muscles.

____ 158. synapse : two neurons ::

a. neuron : two cell bodies c. synapse : cell body and axon

b. cell body : two axons d. axon : cell body and synapse

____ 159. When a neurotransmitter is released from a presynaptic neuron, the neurotransmitter may

a. become an enzyme in the space between the neurons.

b. bind to membrane receptor proteins on the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron.

Page 19: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

c. cover the membrane of the axon.

d. cause the cell body of the postsynaptic neuron to enlarge.

____ 160. Refer to the illustration above. Label B indicates a

a. neurotransmitter molecule. c. receptor protein.

b. neuromodulator molecule. d. drug molecule.

____ 161. Refer to the illustration above. Which labeled object in the diagram would be responsible for removing

neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft?

a. B c. E

b. C d. F

____ 162. Refer to the illustration above. If neurotransmitters could not be cleared out of a synapse after transmitting a


a. a postsynaptic neuron would continue to be stimulated for an indefinite period of time.

b. the presynaptic neuron could not pass on its impulse.

c. the postsynaptic neuron would not be stimulated.

d. the signal would be sent back along the presynaptic neuron.

____ 163. The layer of photoreceptors and neurons at the back of the eye is called the

a. retina. c. iris.

b. cochlea. d. optic nerve.

____ 164. Dim-light vision is detected by the

a. cones. c. cornea.

b. lens. d. rods.

____ 165. Sensory receptors essential for balance are located in the

a. eyes. c. cochlea of the inner ear.

b. eardrum. d. semicircular canals.

Page 20: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is







Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 1. The peripheral nervous system carries all the messages back and forth between the central nervous system and

the rest of the body. _________________________

____ 2. Sensory neurons carry information from the central nervous system to muscles and other organs.


____ 3. Most sensory and motor processing in the brain occurs in the medulla oblongata.


____ 4. The spinal cord is a dense cable of nervous tissue that runs through the vertebral column.


____ 5. The spinal cord links the brain to the central nervous system (CNS). ______________________________

____ 6. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing

rate. _________________________

____ 7. Some activity in the somatic nervous system, such as spinal reflexes, is involuntary.


____ 8. Spinal reflexes involve the peripheral nervous system. _________________________

____ 9. The cells of the nervous system that conduct electrical signals are called nerves.


____ 10. Bundles of axons are called nerves. _________________________

____ 11. The resting potential of a neuron is positive. _________________________

____ 12. Neurons communicate with each other and with other cells by passing electrical signals across synapses.


____ 13. Cones are receptor cells that respond to bright light. _________________________

Page 21: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 14. Semicircular canals in the ear are essential for hearing. _________________________

____ 15. Chemicals in the air stimulate olfactory receptors. _________________________

____ 16. Thermoreceptors are located in the skin and the thalamus. _________________________

____ 17. Most visual processing takes place in the temporal lobe. _________________________

____ 18. Narcotics mimic the action of enkephalins. _________________________

____ 19. Cocaine acts by causing dopamine reuptake. _________________________

____ 20. Exocrine glands deliver nonhormonal substances through ducts. _________________________

____ 21. The pancreas is both an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland. _________________________

____ 22. Endorphins and prostaglandins are examples of hormones. _________________________

____ 23. Amino acid-based hormones can pass directly through the cell membrane. _________________________

____ 24. Cholesterol-based hormones bind to receptors located in a target cell’s cytoplasm.


____ 25. Steroid hormones act from outside the cell by means of second messengers.


____ 26. The production of most hormones is regulated by positive feedback. _________________________

____ 27. Blood-sugar level is controlled by the antagonistic hormones insulin and glucagon.


____ 28. The pituitary gland regulates hunger and thirst. _________________________

____ 29. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is produced and released in response to low levels of iodine.


____ 30. In females, luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the release of an egg from an ovary.


____ 31. Antidiuretic hormone causes the muscles of the uterus to contract during childbirth.


Page 22: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The central nervous system consists of

a. the brain and spinal cord. c. the spinal cord only.

b. spinal nerves only. d. the brain only.

____ 2. Gray matter consists of

a. cell bodies of neurons. c. myelin.

b. only synapses. d. axons.

____ 3. Information is carried from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland by

a. sensory neurons. c. motor neurons.

b. sensory receptors. d. hormones.

____ 4. Refer to the illustration above. Structure B in the diagram is the

a. spinal cord. c. cerebellum.

b. brain stem. d. cerebrum.

____ 5. Refer to the illustration above. Hunger and thirst are regulated by structure

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 6. Refer to the illustration above. The cerebrum is structure

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 7. The peripheral nervous system

a. is not linked to the central nervous system.

b. provides pathways to and from the central nervous system.

c. consists of the cerebellum and spinal cord.

d. is composed of only motor neurons.

____ 8. Sensory neurons transmit messages

a. from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland.

b. from the brain to the spinal cord.

Page 23: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

c. to the spinal cord or brain.

d. within the brain.

____ 9. The spinal cord is linked to the peripheral nervous system through

a. spinal nerves. c. interneurons.

b. the thalamus. d. sensory neurons.

____ 10. The autonomic nervous system controls

a. reflexes.

b. voluntary movement.

c. involuntary functions of the internal organs.

d. locomotion.

____ 11. The division of the autonomic nervous system that keeps you breathing when you fall asleep is the _____


a. somatic c. sympathetic

b. central d. parasympathetic

____ 12. A reflex is all of the following except

a. a sudden, involuntary movement. c. not learned in response to a stimulus.

b. not under conscious control. d. under the control of the brain.

____ 13. When the ligament below the patella is tapped, the quadriceps contracts, the hamstring relaxes, and the leg


a. contracts. c. extends.

b. relaxes. d. remains stationary.

____ 14. “Antennae” that extend from a neuron and receive information from other cells are called

a. axons. c. synapses.

b. cell bodies. d. dendrites.

____ 15. Nodes of Ranvier

a. strengthen axons. c. occur in malfunctioning axons.

b. slow nerve impulses. d. are gaps in the myelin sheath.

____ 16. The myelin sheath

a. transmits impulses from one neuron to another.

b. insulates synapses.

c. nourishes neurons.

d. insulates axons.

____ 17. unmyelinated axon : slow nerve impulses ::

a. neuron : being composed of many axons

b. nerve impulse : not traveling through axons

c. myelinated axon : fast nerve impulses

d. dendrite : sending information

____ 18. Which of the following statements is true of a neuron at its resting potential?

a. There are many times more sodium ions outside the neuron than inside.

b. Sodium ions are in balance inside and outside the neuron.

c. There are fewer potassium ions inside the neuron than outside.

d. There are equal amounts of potassium and sodium ions inside and outside the neuron.

Page 24: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 19. After an action potential, the sodium-potassium pump helps

a. rebuild axon fibers. c. cause a stimulus.

b. restore the resting potential. d. overcome the threshold.

____ 20. When a neuron is at rest,

a. sodium ions are most concentrated inside the cell.

b. potassium ions are most concentrated inside the cell.

c. the outside of the cell is negatively charged.

d. the neuron cannot receive a signal.

____ 21. A nerve impulse

a. moves from the inside to the outside of an axon.

b. moves from the outside to the inside of an axon.

c. is the movement of an action potential along an axon.

d. moves slowly.

____ 22. When an impulse moves down the axon,

a. sodium ions first rush out of the cell.

b. a small part of the axon momentarily reverses its polarity.

c. the resting potential of the cell does not change.

d. potassium ions are pumped into the axon.

____ 23. Neurotransmitters are

a. electrical impulses.

b. found only in neurons with myelin sheaths.

c. released at synapses.

d. produced by muscles.

____ 24. synapse : two neurons ::

a. neuron : two cell bodies c. synapse : cell body and axon

b. cell body : two axons d. axon : cell body and synapse

____ 25. When a neurotransmitter is released from a presynaptic neuron, the neurotransmitter may

a. become an enzyme in the space between the neurons.

b. bind to membrane receptor proteins on the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron.

c. cover the membrane of the axon.

d. cause the cell body of the postsynaptic neuron to enlarge.

Page 25: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 26. Refer to the illustration above. Label B indicates a

a. neurotransmitter molecule. c. receptor protein.

b. neuromodulator molecule. d. drug molecule.

____ 27. Refer to the illustration above. Which labeled object in the diagram would be responsible for removing

neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft?

a. B c. E

b. C d. F

____ 28. Refer to the illustration above. The effect of the neurotransmitter might be prolonged by the presence of


a. B. c. E.

b. D. d. F.

____ 29. Refer to the illustration above. If neurotransmitters could not be cleared out of a synapse after transmitting a


a. a postsynaptic neuron would continue to be stimulated for an indefinite period of time.

b. the presynaptic neuron could not pass on its impulse.

c. the postsynaptic neuron would not be stimulated.

d. the signal would be sent back along the presynaptic neuron.

____ 30. The layer of photoreceptors and neurons at the back of the eye is called the

a. retina. c. iris.

b. cochlea. d. optic nerve.

____ 31. Dim-light vision is detected by the

a. cones. c. cornea.

b. lens. d. rods.

____ 32. Sensory receptors essential for balance are located in the

a. eyes. c. cochlea of the inner ear.

b. eardrum. d. semicircular canals.

____ 33. Hair cells in the semicircular canals detect

a. motion of the head. c. light.

b. loudness. d. sounds.

____ 34. Specialized receptors that enable hearing are found in the

a. cornea. c. cochlea.

b. semicircular canals. d. cerebellum.

____ 35. Chemoreceptors that detect odors are called _____ receptors.

a. auditory c. cone

b. olfactory d. cochlea

____ 36. Which of the following does not play a fundamental role in hearing?

a. the hammer, anvil, and stirrup c. the semicircular canals

b. hair cells in the cochlea d. the temporal lobe

____ 37. How many lobes are there in the brain?

a. 2 c. 6

b. 4 d. 8

Page 26: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 38. Which of these is not a lobe of the brain?

a. occipital c. auditory

b. parietal d. temporal

____ 39. Psychoactive drugs, such as nicotine,

a. affect the central nervous system by changing the activity of synapses.

b. are usually not addictive.

c. include only illegal drugs.

d. always produce hallucinations.

____ 40. Nicotine in tobacco causes pleasurable feelings by

a. changing neurotransmitters.

b. mimicking the action of a neurotransmitter.

c. suppressing signals from pain receptors.

d. blocking the reabsorption of dopamine.

____ 41. Which of the following is not an effect of drinking alcohol?

a. changes to the cell membrane of nerve cells

b. altered transmission of nerve signals

c. impaired coordination

d. increased activity of the central nervous system

____ 42. Narcotics affect the nervous system’s control of pain perception by

a. blocking dopamine reabsorption. c. inhibiting dopamine production.

b. mimicking cocaine. d. mimicking enkephalins.

____ 43. Which of the following involves an inflammation of the membranes around the brain or spinal cord caused by


a. multiple sclerosis c. meningococcal meningitis

b. viral meningitis d. addiction to narcotic pain killers

____ 44. What part of a neuron is destroyed in multiple sclerosis?

a. dendrites c. myelin sheath

b. cell body d. axon

____ 45. Which of the following is true of hormones?

a. They are chemicals that stimulate nerve cells during times of stress.

b. They are the same as electrical nerve impulses.

c. They are released into the bloodstream or the fluid around cells.

d. They are neurons along which messages travel.

____ 46. Hormones function so well to maintain homeostasis mainly because

a. the chemical reactions they cause occur in brain cells.

b. the body requires them for digesting food.

c. they cause specific responses in specific cells.

d. they act faster than nerve impulses.

____ 47. Which of the following is not a function of hormones?

a. control the body’s response to stress

b. trigger rapid, short-term responses

c. regulate metabolism

d. control growth and development

Page 27: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 48. In order for a hormone to work, it must do all of the following except

a. reach its target cells.

b. travel through a duct.

c. be produced and released.

d. enter the bloodstream or fluids around cells.

____ 49. Nearly instantaneous responses to changes in the environment

a. are impossible.

b. result from activation of the endocrine system.

c. involve the activity of the nervous system.

d. require messages from the pituitary gland.

____ 50. A disadvantage of nervous signals, which is not true of hormonal messages, is that

a. nerve transmissions reach many cells at once.

b. nerve cells send messages at a much slower rate than hormones do.

c. the effects of nervous signals last for only a short time.

d. nervous signals take a long time to reach their target cells.

____ 51. endocrine glands : hormones ::

a. neurons : neurotransmitters c. all cells : neurotransmitters

b. neurons : hormones d. all cells : hormones

____ 52. All endocrine glands secrete hormones

a. directly into the bloodstream or the fluid around cells.

b. directly into ducts that lead to certain cells.

c. that affect every cell near the gland.

d. that are lipid molecules.

____ 53. Which of the following organs does not contain cells that have an endocrine function?

a. brain c. small intestine

b. stomach d. lungs

____ 54. The hormonelike substances that tend to accumulate in areas of tissue disturbance or injury are

a. endorphins. c. prolactins.

b. insulin. d. prostaglandins.

____ 55. When a hormone binds to a receptor, all of the following occur except the

a. receptor protein changes shape.

b. activity of the cell eventually changes.

c. chemical reactions inside the cell eventually change.

d. hormone enters the cell by endocytosis.

____ 56. When an amino-acid-based hormone acts on a target cell, the hormone

a. binds to a receptor in the cytoplasm of the cell.

b. passes through the cell membrane.

c. eventually results in the activation of a second messenger.

d. is ultimately converted to a steroid.

____ 57. If cyclic AMP acts as a “second messenger,” then which of these molecules acts as a “first messenger”?

a. a steroid hormone c. a receptor protein

b. an amino-acid-based hormone d. a DNA molecule

Page 28: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 58. Which of the following is an example of an amino-acid-based hormone?

a. receptor protein c. glycogen

b. estrogen d. glucagon

____ 59. Which of the following is true of amino-acid-based hormones?

a. They send messages from outside the cell.

b. They are carried into the cell by channel proteins.

c. They combine with steroid hormones in order to activate cells.

d. They cannot dissolve in polar molecules.

____ 60. Because steroid hormones are fat soluble, they

a. attach only to fat receptor molecules.

b. cannot enter the target cell.

c. activate only fat cells.

d. pass through the cell membranes of their target cells.

____ 61. A substance that functions by affecting the activities of genes in a target cell is a(n)

a. carbohydrate. c. amino-acid-based hormone

b. steroid hormone. d. second messenger.

____ 62. A hormone receptor protein found inside the cytoplasm of a cell may

a. attach to cyclic AMP. c. synthesize DNA.

b. combine with a steroid hormone. d. act as a second messenger.

____ 63. amino-acid-based hormones : cell-membrane receptors ::

a. DNA : receptor proteins c. steroid hormones : DNA

b. cyclic AMP : steroid hormones d. amino-acid-based hormones : RNA

____ 64. The organ that plays a role in feedback by removing hormones from the blood and breaking them down is the

a. pancreas. c. liver.

b. kidney. d. small intestine.

____ 65. All of the following are tropins produced by the anterior lobe of pituitary gland except

a. antidiuretic hormone (ADH). c. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

b. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). d. luteinizing hormone (LH).

____ 66. Which of the following is not true of hormones produced by the pituitary gland?

a. They are regulated by secretions from the hypothalamus.

b. They control the activity of other endocrine glands.

c. They affect many different organs and tissues in the body.

d. They are the primary regulators of metabolic rate.

____ 67. Until recently, the pituitary gland was called the “master gland.” Which of the following is most likely the

reason that this name is no longer used?

a. It was recently discovered that the pituitary gland does not actually do anything.

b. The hypothalamus is responsible for controlling the activity of the pituitary gland.

c. The pituitary gland controls the hypothalamus, which in turn controls the other glands.

d. Hormones of the other endocrine glands of the body activate the pituitary gland.

____ 68. Scientists once thought that the pituitary gland was the regulatory center of the endocrine system. They now

think that a structure in the brain, the hypothalamus, acts as this regulatory center. Which of the following

statements does not support this new conclusion?

a. The hypothalamus produces and secretes hormones.

Page 29: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

b. The hypothalamus is a very small area of the brain.

c. Hormones produced by the hypothalamus stimulate or inhibit the release of other

hormones by the pituitary gland.

d. Blood vessels have been found that connect the hypothalamus with the pituitary gland.

____ 69. All of the following are produced by the pituitary gland except

a. prolactin. c. luteinizing hormone.

b. growth hormone. d. parathyroid hormone.

____ 70. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

a. oxytocin—uterus c. parathyroid hormone—bones

b. antidiuretic hormone—kidneys d. insulin—hypothalamus

____ 71. The body’s normal metabolic rate is regulated by

a. thyroid hormones. c. metaboloxin.

b. epinephrine. d. prolactin.

____ 72. Which of the following is a characteristic of thyroid hormones?

a. stimulate cell metabolism and growth

b. slow the growth of their target cells

c. stimulate the synthesis of DNA

d. bind to receptor molecules on the target cell’s surface

____ 73. When the level of calcium in the blood drops, the

a. person should immediately drink at least two eight-ounce glasses of milk.

b. parathyroid glands secrete a hormone that causes bone to release calcium into the blood.

c. thyroid gland releases calcium into the blood.

d. pancreas releases insulin, which causes the cells to absorb glucose from the blood.

____ 74. Excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland is the cause of the disease called

a. hypothyroidism. c. hyperthyroidism.

b. seasonal affective disorder. d. gigantism.

____ 75. Low levels of thyroid hormones cause the disease known as

a. hypothyroidism. c. hyperthyroidism.

b. seasonal affective disorder. d. gigantism.

____ 76. In adults, hypothyroidism can cause

a. nervousness. c. increased blood sugar.

b. weight loss. d. lack of energy.

____ 77. parathyroid gland : PTH ::

a. thyroid gland : thyroid hormones c. pituitary gland : insulin

b. pancreas : estrogen d. adrenal gland : FSH

____ 78. An enlarged thyroid can result from a lack of

a. iodine. c. vasopressin.

b. insulin. d. sodium ions.

____ 79. Parathyroid hormone is important for survival because it

a. stimulates the body’s metabolic rate.

b. regulates the amount of calcium in the blood.

c. causes the heart to contract and pump blood.

d. increases the excretion of calcium by the kidneys.

Page 30: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 80. increase in blood-glucose level : glucagon release ::

a. insulin production : low blood-calcium level

b. PTH production : high blood-calcium level

c. hyperthyroidism : overproduction of thyroid hormones

d. acromegaly : overproduction of thyroid hormones

____ 81. The pancreas is responsible for

a. production of epinephrine and norepinephrine.

b. making hormones that regulate blood sugar levels.

c. regulating calcium levels in the blood and in the bones.

d. controlling the amount of iodine that reaches the thyroid gland.

____ 82. An increase in which hormone raises the blood sugar level?

a. glucagon c. oxytocin

b. insulin d. vasopressin

____ 83. The body’s daily sleep cycle is regulated by

a. melatonin. c. oxytocin.

b. parathyroid hormone. d. glucagon.

____ 84. The hormone that seems to be released as a response to darkness is

a. melatonin. c. oxytocin.

b. calcitonin. d. testosterone.

____ 85. epinephrine : fight-or-flight response ::

a. norepinephrine : milk production

b. aldosterone : readiness to “fight”

c. aldosterone : readiness for “flight”

d. PTH : increase in blood-calcium level

____ 86. PTH : falling calcium levels ::

a. cortisol : loss of sodium and potassium

b. insulin : loss of potassium

c. aldosterone : increasing blood pressure

d. norepinephrine : decreasing blood pressure

____ 87. All of the following are steroid hormones except

a. progesterone. c. epinephrine.

b. estrogen. d. testosterone.

____ 88. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

a. oxytocin—hypothalamus c. glucagon—pancreas

b. insulin—pancreas d. cortisol—pituitary gland

Page 31: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

____ 89. Refer to the diagram above. The pituitary gland is indicated by gland

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 90. Refer to the diagram above. Growth hormone is produced by gland

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 91. Refer to the diagram above. The gland that produces the hormone insulin is gland

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 92. Refer to the diagram above. The gland that is stimulated during emergency situations, causing the “fight-or-

flight” response, is gland

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 93. Refer to the diagram above. Development and maintenance of female sexual characteristics are mainly

stimulated by secretions of gland

a. A. c. C.

b. B. d. D.

____ 94. Refer to the diagram above. Testosterone is produced by gland

a. A. c. D.

b. B. d. E.


Complete each statement.

1. The midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata make up the ____________________, which helps the

body maintain homeostasis.

2. Nerves that control breathing, swallowing, heartbeat, and the diameter of the blood vessels are found in the


Page 32: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

3. The part of the nervous system that does not include the spinal cord and brain is known as the

____________________ nervous system.

4. The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the parasympathetic division and the

____________________ division.

5. The ____________________ division of the autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary functions

during routine conditions.

6. A sudden, involuntary movement in response to a stimulus is called a(n) ____________________.

7. A(n) ____________________ is a cell that conducts electrical signals.

8. ____________________ are extensions from the cell body that allow a neuron to receive information

simultaneously from many different sources.

9. Some axons are surrounded by an insulating structure called a(n) ____________________


10. wire : insulation :: axon : ____________________

11. The electrical charge across the membrane of a neuron is caused primarily by different concentrations of

____________________ and ____________________ ions inside and outside the cell.

12. Messages are carried across synapses by ____________________.

13. The junction of a neuron with another cell is called a(n) ____________________.

14. Specialized neurons that detect sensory stimuli are called ____________________ receptors.

15. The ____________________ is the light-sensing portion of the eye.

16. When light enters the eye, it activates photoreceptors called ____________________ and


17. When light enters the eye, it first passes through the ____________________.

18. The ____________________ is a small, snail-shaped structure of the inner ear lined with hair cells.

19. The specialized sensory receptors found in the cochlea are called ____________________ cells.

20. Olfactory receptors are located in the roof of the ____________________ passage.

21. A(n) ____________________ is a globular cluster of cells specialized to detect the basic types of chemicals

found in foods.

22. Sensory receptors that respond to tissue damage are called ____________________ receptors.

Page 33: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

23. Sensory neurons leading from each sense organ to the brain come together at a common region in the


24. Auditory processing takes place in the ____________________ lobe of the brain.

25. Psychoactive drugs that decrease the activity of the central nervous system are called


26. Neurotransmitters released by the human body in response to pain are called ____________________.

27. Exposure to large amounts of a psychoactive drug over a prolonged period of time may cause a change in the

functioning of synapses. The result of such exposure is called ____________________.

28. Hormones regulate growth, development, behavior, and ____________________.

29. Glands that deliver substances through ducts are ____________________ glands.

30. Nonendocrine molecules such as endorphins and prostaglandins, which affect cells near the cells that produce

them, are called _________________________.

31. A group of hormonelike substances that are thought to regulate emotions and influence pain are


32. Hormones affect only the appropriate ____________________ cells.

33. Cyclic AMP is a molecule that amplifies the effect of a hormone by acting as a(n) ____________________ in

cells that are activated by amino-acid-based hormones.

34. Hormones that activate specific genes within a target cell are ____________________ hormones.

35. Cholesterol-based hormones that pass easily through the cell membrane are also called

____________________ hormones.

36. Hormones that remain outside their target cells are ____________________, while ____________________

hormones carry out their function from within their target cells.

37. A steroid hormone can combine with a receptor protein in the cytoplasm to form a(n)

____________________ complex, which enters the nucleus of a cell and binds to DNA.

38. In ____________________ feedback, high levels of a hormone stimulate the output of even more hormone.

39. In ____________________ feedback, high levels of a hormone in the bloodstream stop the production of

more hormone.

40. The ____________________, a portion of the brain, controls much of the endocrine activity of the body by

regulating the secretions of the pituitary gland.

41. The gland that stores oxytocin is the _________________________.

Page 34: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

42. The glands responsible for regulating the blood-calcium level are the ____________________ glands.

43. A hormone that increases the body’s metabolic rate is produced by the ____________________ gland.

44. A hormone that enables the cells of certain tissues to take in glucose molecules is ____________________.

45. Melatonin is secreted by the ____________________.

46. Secretion of cortisol during stressful times causes an increase of ____________________ in the bloodstream.

47. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by the ____________________.

48. Long-term use of cortisol can result in chronic high blood sugar called ____________________.

49. Ovaries and testes secrete hormones that regulate ____________________.

50. The hormones that stimulate the development of male secondary sex characteristics are produced in the


Short Answer

1. The central nervous system is made up of which two parts of the body?

2. Moving your hand away from a hot baking pan is an example of what type of self-protective motor response?

3. What part of a neuron conducts nerve impulses?

4. What part of a neuron contains the nucleus?

5. What is a myelin sheath?

6. What part of a neuron receives electrical signals?

7. What does it mean to say that a neuron is at rest?

8. What is a synapse?

9. What part of a neuron communicates with other cells?

10. What kinds of chemicals transmit signals across synapses?

11. Where are neurotransmitters produced?

12. What two different effects can a neurotransmitter have on a postsynaptic cell?

13. What are the five major types of sensory receptors?

14. What two kinds of photoreceptors are found in the retina?

Page 35: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is

15. What two senses depend primarily on chemoreceptors?

16. In what disease does the immune system destroy the myelin sheath around axons?

17. What is an inflammation of the fluid-filled membranes around the spinal cord called?

18. What part of the nervous system is most likely damaged in an injury that causes a loss of feeling in the legs?

19. List two ways to prevent the majority of traumatic injuries to the head and central nervous system.

20. What is a hormone?

21. Differentiate between the response times of the nervous system and the endocrine system.

22. How do hormones reach the cells on which they act?

23. What is a target cell?

24. Why does a hormone affect only a target cell?

25. What are the two major types of hormones?

26. What condition can result if an adult produces too much growth hormone (GH)?

27. Explain why pituitary gigantism must be detected early in childhood to be treated successfully.

28. What four tropic hormones are produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland?

29. What two hormones that control blood-glucose level are produced by the pancreas?

30. Where and when are corticosteroids produced?

31. What tissues does luteinizing hormone (LH) target?

Page 36: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is


1. Refer to the illustration above. At the locations labeled 1, 3, and 4, the inside of the neuron is negatively

charged compared to the outside. At the location labeled 2, the inside of the neuron is positively charged.

a. Which numbered location(s) on the neuron is (are) at the resting potential?

b. Which numbered location(s) on the neuron is (are) showing an action potential?

c. At which numbered locations on the neuron is the cell membrane permeable to sodium


d. At which numbered locations on the neuron are sodium-potassium pumps actively

pumping these ions?

e. What happens when an action potential reaches location labeled 4 on the neuron?


1. What part of the peripheral nervous system prevents you from holding your breath indefinitely? Explain.

2. How is a signal from one neuron transmitted to another neuron?

3. Explain how addiction to psychoactive drugs has a physiological basis.

4. Describe the action of cocaine at the synapse and the effects of long-term use on receptors.

5. Describe the advantages that hormonal messages have over messages of the nervous system.

6. What is the difference between hormonelike substances, such as endorphins and prostaglandins, and true


7. Glucagon, a hormone produced by the pancreas, cannot enter its target cells, but it causes an increase in

glucose in the bloodstream. Explain how this hormone works.

8. Compare the action mechanisms of amino-acid-based and steroid hormones.

9. Differentiate between negative and positive feedback with respect to control of hormones

Page 37: NAME: TERM: FIRST DATE: SUB: BIOLOGY CH 28: HUMAN SYSTEM WORKSHEET… · ____ 15. Anaerobic exercise is primarily done to increase muscle size and strength. _____ ____ 16. Blood is