Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Standard Form For Members of the Name of _________ (·t_ ..... t;J & . . J .ff':'j r .J: .-· 2. Marriage (s) date place lf t5 I 't J.r) t- 1 3. Significant events for example: A. Business ___________________________________________________ B. Civic c. Profession Jiir a",.) 4. Ch B. State __________________________________________________ __ C. National ___________________________________________________

Name of .ff':'j J & . . t;J GA/11... · 2012. 11. 21. · !\Ira Cltll.rl'•s H. Wnr· spfrat:on tons who liv£J on, nnd whose fu- be thFmked thut it Is 110-thnt nn our llve11 which

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Standard Form For Members of the Le~1slature

    Name of Representative~~~~r-~~~~~~~~senator ________ _

    ~· (·t_ ..... t;J & . . J .ff':'j r ~)· ·t~> .J: .-·

    2. Marriage (s) date place

    l f t5 I 't .J. 1~ ~· J.r) t- 1

    3. Significant events for example:

    A. Business ________________________________________________ ___

    B. Civic responsibilities~~~~~.A~. ~~o~· ----------------------------

    c. Profession Jiira",.) 4./~-?·

    4. Ch

    B. State __________________________________________________ __

    C. National __________________________________________________ _

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    ( \

    11. Degrees ______________________________________________________ __

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    . .

    ( Sources Log For Legislation Entries


  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    -. JRSDAY, MAltCII 14. l!JOt.::!!~~~==~~..:!~:=:· -Wt' no tiN, nn tt4' tn t~~~;;;;·r~·~!Tt7ARY. ~:~~~~ t:~ ;~~~~~!:u~ltr ~~~ u~:~~~b~::e~ ~~ ~~·:{'~~;/;:~~r'~~-.:: ~ ""'Cortl lo .~t" n. ::cctmt ro"~vnt of I Azon H. , 1 u .. ~. thllt It waA I! bout fblrty-fivo yOilfH, Then t rue mt•rlt d•.;.ervr .. I nt Hin. w n tho , .r.._ttn f!HFl, tJrrr. 0 ; 1\t hfillWtl:ll' In ,ff'fTnrROTI n1, '[nt>Ndlly M i!rtid •(Thill Ia the llll!t time wo wUltJvE't MtH' . ~ ~I.r.fl: 11 · l nee . xo. • "' •

    1 f , .

    1 M 1 snt1le Mll!l once more, ru;tl the non o a J.n old 11 ge ln~ hl fl fltRt Jr . : wife •o wl th no !~Ji('elul Hiner- on the vrlndple~t of ecln('atl\ln, nne! he cflrno (Thursday ) afternoon nt 2:1!0 !ron the M. ciay. Tm~ Br:P: wl~ · d ~ t 1 t , 1 1 , to ACO ll.A forth to devote llirnself fC>r ~?~ne_ y~ar:~._t~ 1 r; , church, Hev. Bili!o~slcy ofllelrtt!ng. 1 ney nnd n. happy !i!(' mn 0 ou • Ht "'.rl lJ ·; . · , • tiJiJ i•i'C>o!it•gif>fl M. teneitlng. 11t: curne we!a. -------- - -r W(\8 tern-hom < ~h flR they can of tlw l nctflc co? st .. wher: r1 young- mA.n, tnH! taught in Wfscon - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. thN3 ahont .Juno 1, y w ill tlrl'lt go to Southern Cllll· sin, and after a brief resirleneo there, carne the fir~t thio,g Mr~ . .l dn, then to Snn Frm~tl;,eo, nnrw County low rnto or Iut er Hllnf.!:.

    ' !fade it Unanimous

    x.t\ .< votcH were enf.lt nt. tlw •ol election M on clay, IHH1 rver,Y or thmn WllH for JJnvicl Ml lll~fW .tcececl hlrmwl! HA f~t:hool cl!rcctor. M!lllgun could cert.nlnly hnve no cr or wore fluttcr·lnv, r~ndot·Fe· tor his work on tho hPHrd, nne! UP:E IH very glnd tllft t. uur iJOIJt'

    CRRNl lw-!1; week ! bat. it might l>t· o "unanimous'' WIIH fulllllt•d. nh~H!rJI: I>. of nn.v fll!ht lH tho be~:d ·ation thn.t the f>e!JrJtd'- lll'C llH>V · nlong· :;ntiflfactor!l.v, n !:uucll -whic!: !~ certl!lnly 1£l'Htlfylnu: HR •cts th e fJJOHt CXpt•nt-t!Ve fL!IC! ltn-1 1wt IJrnnch of public pfforL

    Report on Library MaHer.

    ~A Dororh v Head, :::Jtcrettt r·.v of :Jint meetl;lg of tire Fr!du,v ('Jub, ;re Clnl.i n.ncl ~ormdH Club, llli'TI· cJ In l11st week'H B1·: 1·:, llllndH t!A JJIOWiUg~OfliCil.ll l'l'fJO l't of the ing: v reqneet of ., the Culture Uluh , 'ricl a\· ClnlJ, Huro~'< t wn!< up from Pllf.HII\1 g!>l rrwn rr l.

    -:\ gotH} IH>!1f'C' I


    prla tp on nil o: t 'H N!o' J\11

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    II. !l'tll i ll [lt HHII'fl>dll l\ pf fitf' /d!l!'l 'llll !d

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    in hand, parents of nine daughter~, six of l\Ins. EvA HEAD delivered her lecture wbo nrc livin g n~·. : were present at their on ·•IIinwl'.tba" with readings from the father's beclsitlc f. ., ~ il veral dr.ys before !Ji~ text , before the Twentieth Century I.Vo-tleath. They are Mr~. Atla newell Rny way of refreshment.

    li o n :\gen · ter'R Rtorl'

    ;I I

    Pnr~nRnt 1 thl' city of Jl'· to th(' f]llnlil : f'OU , lown. t h A.D.I!t(ll,il A. D. l!H.tl, w! ollict' r " o[ "'t l·

    1'11F: of1icial family of theM. E. church- tlmt t h" quP" llbr.tn· in t h·· preachers. stewards , trn ~tcc~, League ollie- ~nbm (u,., 11 .,

    ers, :S. :S. officer~, choir, an ti all oflieialdom clet'l ion. nnd. its \\'ife -\verc trent.c

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    I f tiJ'

    t ion, ·Yidr

    I·' ! >l~ .\ ~~E~i' U H ,

    Tlwn~:rs l'oHt, e '' I mayor wlth u nt oppoH!tion at till' l!H , I'('Jllltll!Citll city CIUll'lll:WA Oil TUCI:Hllly.

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    mnrri ctl 1\limnrln. Dyle Ancl ersou, of .Telfer- fornia, where ll e haR Ppent th e paRt three wure at : son, tho wife who Rlli'VIVes him, nnd whoRl' months as a ,!.!nest o[ Ill s brother II . U . .YfJ'l cl!rt 1 devotion to her husbHtHl an1! frunily lHI H Henderaon. Uncle Web r ~ evcral dnys bdore !IIH t'~xt, before th e Twentieth Century Wo- - -Tukomc o( the l> ririe's Ol. One·bnndre1i splrntlill new Aong schools in (;recne conn1y for two terms, parent s , Mr. n.ud ~lr~. Wm. ;o.; e l~ou, .) e1Te ~ -

    hnukA hn ve llron pnrchaRed by tll!.' and later engagr1l in the bN>t. and shoe son, iowa, March ti, 1\HJl at s o'clock p. :,·, ., )r- Sundn.y Rcho'.•:. an

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Past and Present


    G reene County~ I owa

    By E. B. Stillman Assisted by an Advisory Board Consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver.

    Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey

    Together -with

    Biographical Sketches of many of its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead


    C > 1 } r/ / Chicago

    The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1907

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



    this family, William Kloss, was killed while serving as a defender of the Union cause in the Civil war. There have been two children born of the last marriage of Mr. Hunt: Mrs. Annie Burgess, the wife of Albert Burgess, who operates her father's farm, he and his wife liv-ing at the old homestead; and Mrs. Mabel Brown, of Dawson township.

    In politics Mr. Hunt has always been a stal-wart republican but without aspiration for of-fice. He is a member of the Friends church, while his wife holds membership in the Me-thodist Episcopal church and both are ear-nest Christian people, neglecting no duty or obligation to thei!j fellowmen. Throughout his life Mr. Hunt has exemplified the truth of the Ernersonian philosophy that "the way to win a friend is to be one'' and there is no more popu-lar or highly respected resident in Dawson township or in all Greene county than John P. Hunt.


    Azor R. Mills, whose name appears on the roll of Greene county's respected dead, left be-hind him a record of usefulness and activity such as renders it imperative that mention should be made of him in this volume. At the time of his demise he was the oldest inhabitant of Jefferson in years of continuous connection with the city. His birth occurred on the 11th of February, 1827, in Wadsworth, Ohio, his father being Colonel Harry A. Mills. His education was acquired in the village schools of Wads worth and in a boys' school called Twinsburg Academy. Coming west when a young man, he taught school in Wisconsin !or a brief period an~en came to Iowa, settling in Jefferson in the year 1855. Here he again engaged in teaching and no student of the his-tory of Jefferson in its pioneer times will fail to recognize the important part which he played and the influence which he exerted in all that

    made for the good of the pioneer community. He was a strong minded man, of clear insight into situations and of excellent character at all times.

    In 1862, following the outbreak of the Civil war, Azor R. Mills offered his services to the government, becoming a member of Company E, Thirty-ninth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Going to the front, he participated in all the engage-ments of his command up to and including the battle of Altoona on the 5th of October, 1864, at which time he was wounded. A ball shuck him in the left arm that deprived him of the use of that member up to the time of his de-mise. He remained in the army, however, after being wounded, until honorably discharged at the close of the war in July, 1865. He made an excellent record as a soldier by his unfalter-ing loyalty to duty and his allegiance to the cause which he espoused. He afterward main-tained pleasant relations with his old army comrades through his membership in Thomas post, G. A. R., and took great delight in its campfires.

    Following his return from the war, in 1865, Mr. Mills was married to Miss Miranda Dyle Anderson of Jefferson, who was born in Ohio and came to Iowa with her father, J. Y. An-derson. They journeyed westward at an early period in the development of the Hawkeye state and became pioneer residents of Carroll county, but were living in Jefferson at the time Miss Anderson gave her hand in mar-riage to Mr. Mills. Mr. Anderson gave his time and energies to general agricultural pur-suits for some years and afterward turned his attention to the boot and shoe business, be-coming a well known merchant of Jefferson in an early day. He died here in the year 1866. His wife bore the maiden name of Mahala Ring, and was a native of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Mills became the parents of nine children, of whom five are yet living, namely: Mrs. Ada Dewell; Mrs. Grace Hogelberg; Mrs. Lillian Hurst; and Marcella and Vera, at home. Mr: Mills' one great ambition was to educate his children that

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


    he might make of them useful men and women and see them fill honorable places in society.

    His financial resources having increased, he built a fine home in Jefferson and put forth every effort in his power to enhance the happi-ness and promote the welfare of his wife and children. When he reached Greene county in 1855 Jefferson hardly deserved to be called a hamlet, for upon the site of the present city there was but one house--owned by Ueorge S. Walton. He liyed to see Jefferson grow into a thriving town with modern advantages and con-veniences, and in all the work of public prog-ress bore his full share. Alive to the political issues and questions of the day, he assisted in the organization of the republican party in Greene county in 1856 and in the same year assisted in organizing the Jefferson Methodist Epi1>copal church, of which he was a charter member~ remaining one of its faithful follow-ers up to the time of his demise. His worth as a citizen and his loyalty to the public good won him the recognition of election in 1865, when he was chosen by popular suffrage to rep-resent Greene, Ca.rroll, Audu!Jon and Calhoun counties in the state legislature. He proved an able member of that body and afterward served as county superintendent of schools for two terms, the cause of education finding in him a stalwart champion, whose labors were practical and whose efforts were effective. After his re-tirement from public office he became connected with Joseph Manning in the boot and shoe business and erected one of the first store 'buildings in the town. At an early day he purchased a fine half section of land adjacent to the northern city limits of Jefferson which will always be known as the Mills farm. He brought it under a high state of cultivation, making it a valuable property by the improve-ments he placed upon it.

    The death of Mr. Mills occurred on the 12th of March 1901. He will ever be remembered ' . by those who knew him as an earnest. Christian man of upright life and lofty purposes. He ever endeavored to shape his course by the

    Golden Hule, doing unto others as he would. have them do unto him. He was respected wherever known and most of all where best known. The circle of his friends was very ex-tensive and in Jefferson and Greene county he was esteemed as one who was ever just and upright in business, considerate and kindly in friendship, while in his home life he was de-voted to the welfare and happiness of his wife and children.


    William Grivey is now living retired in the village of Dana and for many years was closely associated with agricultural interests in Greene county, and his careful management of his busi-ness affairs, his enterprise and keen discern-ment brought him a competence that now en-ables him to rest from further labor. A native of Illinois, he was born in La Salle county, on the 20th of May, 1853.

    His father, William Grivey, was a native of Prussia, and emigrating to America he worked in Pennsylvania for fifty cents per day in order to earn money which would enable him to pay the passage of his wife and five children to the new world. After seven years spent in this country he went to La Salle county, Illinois, and engaged in farming near Lostant. He w-as among the early settlers there and experienced many hardships incident to founding a home on the frontier. Although he was in very lim-ited financial circumstances when he arrived in La Salle county he lived to an old age and became very successful through the careful man-agement of his business affairs. He was a good Christian man, holding membership in the Evangelical association and his life was at all times in harmony with his professions, for he endeavored to closely follow the Golden Rule and. do to others as he would have them do to him. His wife, Mrs. Wilhelmina Grivey, was also a native of Prussia, and both died in La

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Iowa Marriages, 1851-1900 - Ancestry .com

    ancestry You searched for Azor R. Mills in Iowa

    Name: Azor R. Mills

    Spouse: Miranda D. Anderson

    Marriage Date: 25 Jul 1865

    County: Greene

    State: IA

    Source Information: Dodd, Jordan, Llahona Research, camp .. Iowa Marriages, 1851·1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000. Onginal data: See extended descnption for ong1nal data sources listed by county.

    Description: Th1s database contains marriage information from various counties in the U.S. state of Iowa from 1851-1900. Information that may be found 1n th1s database for each individual includes their name, spouse's name, marnage date, and marriage county. Learn more ..

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


    U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles- Ancestry.com

    ancestry You searched for Azor R. Mills in Iowa

    ~>:,:~-· ~ • -,.. "' ~~.· ' ~-~· • •••r"'~'> •" • r~• o -~~~· .-~,.

    Name: Azor R Mills

    Residence: Greene County, Iowa

    Age at 35 enlistment:

    Enlistment 19 Aug 1862 Date:

    Rank at 5th Sergt enlistment :

    State Served: Iowa

    Was Wounded?: Yes

    Survived the Yes War?:

    Service Record: Enlisted in Company E. Iowa 39th Infantry Regiment on 03 Sep 1862. Promoted to Full 2nd Sergeant. Promoted to Full 1st Sergeant on 01 Nov 1864. Mustered out on 06 Jul 1865 at Keokuk, !A.

    Birth Date: abt 1827

    Sources: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of Rebellion The Medical and Surgical History of the Civil War

    Source Information: Historical Data Systems, comp .. U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2009. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA from the following list of works .

    Copynght !997-2009 Historical Data Systems, Inc. PO Box 35 Duxbury, MA 02331.

    Description: This database is a compilation of m1litary records (including state rosters, pension records, and regtmental histories) of mdivtdual soldiers who served in the Untted States Civil War. Learn more ..

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    . i I

    ·r-· -::. f- . Veteran's pa:me Mil

    '. ! ReSiden~


    . Occupatibn

    ' ' ' ) ' Azor 'Rtigg~es . ' 1: !

    i ' . · · . I '.I · ' Ia. · , .~ i . . ;Battles,etc.

    • . J

    ' r,_,, ' · ]?ass 'ae.. qc-t;. !l 5. Tee.cher,Soldie ;~-- gis-· la.L_ .. · ]'Near_ est relatives ' tor . . I , . . . ~ . . ' . II I 7 Place . I. Oh1 o . · . I : .·. . . I . •

    'i I

    Date birth Jtathe

    · Date death 11 1 PlaCe 1 • j· . ', i •' I ~v . canae! I 'Placeburlru Jefferson '{M · War record · ~1st E 39 Ia

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


    Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934- Ancestry.com

    ~ ancestry You searched for Azor R. Mills in Iowa

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    @ 1997·2011 Ancestry.com

    Provided in Association with

    ' 1> l , l 1

    ' • ' I' , 1 1

    , • •, I ,...•~ ' }. '• 11 f' ·~ .-- ' , , t I - , -.! ~r), ~

    Name: Azor R. Mills

    State Filed : Iowa

    Widow: Miranda D. Mills

    Source Information: National Archives and Records Administratton. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000 . Ongtnal data: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 . Washington, D.C.: Nattonal Archives and Records Administration . T288, 546 rolls .

    Description: Thts database IS an index to and images of pension cards of Civil War veterans m the United States . Each record includes the veteran's name and state in which he, or his dependents, ftled the application. The digitized 1mage of the index card itself, conta1ns addit1onal Information on the mdividual, such as unit of service, date of filing, and application and certificate numbers for the pension case file housed at the Nat1onal Arch1ves and Records Administration 1n Washington D.C. Learn more ..

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925- Ancestry.com

    !ancestry You searched for Azor R. Mills in Iowa

    Contact Us: 1-800-ANCESTRY

    $: 1997~2011 Ancestry.com

    Name: Agor R Mills [Azor Mills]

    Birth Year: abt 1828

    Birth Place: Greene, OH

    Gender: Male

    Marital Status: Married

    Census Date: 1885

    Residence state: Iowa

    Residence Greene County:

    Locality: Jefferson

    Roll: IA1885_ 189

    Line: 29

    Family Number: 78

    Neighbors: View others on gage

    Household Name Age Members: Agor R Mills 57

    Maranda Mills 39 Ada Mills 17

    Source Infonnation: Ancestry.com. Iowa State Census CoJiection, 1836-1925 [database on-lme]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operattons Inc, 2007. Origmal data: Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest.

    Description: This database contains Iowa state censuses for the following years: 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, and 1925. It also mc/udes some head of household censuses and other speCial censuses from 1836-1897. Information available for an indiVIdual will vary according to the census year and the information requested on the census form. Some of the information contained in this database though includes: name, age, gender, race, birthplace, marital status, and place of enumeration. Learn more .. .

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    http:/ /search. ancestry .com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv= 1 &db=IAstatecen%2c&rank=O&gsfn=Azor... 9/4/2011

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    1900 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

    ancestry You searched for Azor R. Mills in Iowa

    Contact Us: 1-801}-ANCESTRY

    ~ 1997-2011 Ancestry.com

    Name: Azor R Mills

    Home in 1900: Jefferson, Greene, Iowa [Greene, Iowa]

    Age: 71

    Birth Date: Feb 1829

    Birthplace: Ohio

    Race: White

    Gender: Male

    Relationship to Head head -of-house:

    Father's Ohio Birthplace:

    Mother's Ohio Birthplace:

    Spouse's Name: Maranda D Mills

    Marriage year: 1865

    Marital Status: Married

    Years married: 35

    Occupation: View on Image

    Neighbors: View others on gage

    Household Name Members: Azor R Mills

    Maranda D Mills Grace Mills L-Bira Mills E-Ray Mills Marcy G Mills Vera Ena Mills

    Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Jefferson, Greene, Iowa; Roll: T623_ 433; Page: 78; Enumeration District: 91.


    71 52 27 25 23 22 16

    Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.

    Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Admmistrat1on, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.

    Description: This database is an index to 1nd1viduals enumerated m the 1900 United States Federal Census, the Twelfth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, relationship to the head of household, color or race, sex, month and year of birth, age at last birthday, manta! status, number of years married, the total number of ch1ldren born of the mother, the number of those children I1V1ng, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, 1f the 1nd1vidual was fore1gn born, the year of 1m migration and the number of years in the United States, the otizenship status of fore1gn-born individuals over age twenty-one, occupation, and more. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1900 Federal Census. Learn more ..

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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    AzorRMills Birth 11 FEB 1827 in Ohio USA Death 1 2 MAR 1901 in Jefferwn Iowa

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    Timeline (View details)

    1827 11 F'eb


    Age: 23

    Residence Twinsburg Summit Ohio

    1865 25,Jul

    Marriage to Miranda Dyle Anderson Jefferson Iowa

    Age: 38

    18 80 Residence Jefferson Greene Iowa, United States

    Age: 53

    Residence 190 0

    Jefferson Citv Greene Iowa Age: 73

    1901 12 Mar

    Age: 74

    Death Jefferson Iowa


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    Family Members


    Henry Augustus Mills 179S -1867

    :-- --- Harriet Ruggles : 1799- 1844

    Spouse & Chil dren

    Miranda Dyle Anderson [ 1844- 1917

    , i Emma Mills

    ~- _j 1866 - 1866 -··-~ Ada Mills ! 1868-1930 ---' ,-- --~ Ella Mills

    \ __ ] 1869-

    [ I Grace Ruggles Mills

    L_l 1871 -1952

    ~-l Lillian Bird Mills 1 1 1873- 1933 I I

    ~ Flora Mills

    L_J 187s- 1876 ·---~~~

    l _ _j 1877- 1903 ;----l Marcella Octavia Mills '·-- _) 1879-

    1 Vera Elizabeth Mills I 1884-

    : _____ j

    Source Information

    Family group sheet

    1850 United States Federal Census

    D 1 citation prov1des eVldence for Name, Residence, Birth 1880 United States Federal Census

    D 1 citation prov1des evidence for Name, Residence, Birth 1900 United States Federal Census

    D 1 Citation prDVJdes evidence for Name, Residence, Maniaqe, Birth Ancestry Family Trees This citat1on provides evidence for Azor R M1lls

    Web Links

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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    Searching for A R MILLS in Greene County Iowa? Others have found this page by searching for A R MILLS genealogy, MILLS burials in Iowa, A R MILLS vital records in Greene County Iowa, MILLS surname in Greene County Iowa, A R MILLS census records, MILLS family history, and MILLS family tree.

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    http://iowawpagraves.org/view.php?id=388190 9/4/2011

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.




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    ( IOWA COUNTIES and COUNTY SEATS -) Lnr . Gltl!OI~ (li(• ,ncu frnm~ · ~· Y.Gssu!h ._Wir.nctGgp ;vo~lh Milthcil HOI'Idfd \VinMshiek Al:amakc~ ·.£51hcr

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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