TELUGU ASTROLOGY Written BY Chinta Gopi Sarma Siddhanthi Peddapuram 533437 A.P, India


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Stars in Astrology, Nakshatra Astrology, Nakshatra Horoscope, Astrology In Telugu

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    Written BY

    Chinta Gopi Sarma Siddhanthi

    Peddapuram 533437

    A.P, India


    The term nakshatra is used for LUNAR MANISON within the HINDU ASTROLOGY. As

    per the astrology we know that they are 12 RASI and they are sub-divided in to 27

    nakshatras. The 27 nakshatras are most famous asterisms in the individual subdivision. The

    27 nakshatras play a vital role in the astrology.

    The initial point in support to the nakshatras is the tip on the ecliptic directly opposite to the

    star SPICA and it is known as CHITRA in Sanskrit. From the eastwards, starting point the

    nakshatras is divided. In one day based upon the nakshatras the no of days in a sidereal month

    and the width of nakshatras are travelled by the moon. So the nakshatras are further divided

    into subdivisions in to four stations (quarters).

    They play an important key role in the HINDU ASTROLOGY. We called then as pada, they

    are represented by a special symbol. According to the moon present in the corresponding

    pada the name is given to the Child.

    The formation of nakshatras is credited to DAKSHA. They are nine graha; the nakshatras is

    governed as LORD.

    The nine graha are as follows:

    Ketu is known as South Lunar Node

    Shukra is known as Venus

    Ravi is known as sun or Surya

    Chandra is known as Moon

    Mangala is known as mars

    Rahu is known as north lunar node

    Brihaspati is known as Jupiter

    Shani is known as Saturn

    Budha is known as mercury

    According to their dasha the lord of nakshatra are determined. To forecast the individuals life

    path, at that case they play a major role in the Astrology. In the Vedic astrology the

    nakshatras are known as stars.

    Historical Story:

    According to our history, Daksha Prajapathi he has 27 daughters and all the 27 are married by

    Chandra (Moon). The 27 nakshatras are present in the sky. But the problem is occurred

    because of Chandra. He spends the time with only one wife she is queen Rohini. Other wives

    explain their problem to her father Daksha. He requested the moon and said that change your

  • nature otherwise you will face a problem. But the nature of the moon was not changed. So at

    that time Daksha got angry and ill fated the moon. So on that day onwards the moon

    decreases day by day in size. Every one thing that the sign of deceases the size of moon is not

    good sign. So all Devas reached to Daksha and request him to take back the curse. At that

    time Daksha replayed to them, if he visit all his wives at that case only the curse is removed

    otherwise there is no chance to remove the curse. So for that reason we can see the full moon

    and half moon days that are known as Poornami and Amavasya.

    According to Antharvaveda Nakshatras are:






    the Hindu Astrology list of nakshatras are:

    According to the VEDANGA JYOTHISHA the nakshatras are classified in to 27. In past

    years we are calculated as 28 nakshatras but when they divide the ecliptic, only 27 portions

    are found. So at that case there is no place for Abhijit. From that day the Surya Siddhantha

    sketchily specifies there are 27 nakshatras in our Hindu Astrology.


    In the Hindu Astrology Ashwini is the first one of the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Ashwini nakshatras is HORSES HEAD. Ashwini is the devata for Ashwini

    nakshatra. The duality is known as AHWINI KUMAR they are Twins and their names are

    sasra and satya. The twins Aswini kumars are God physician. The ruling planet is A MALE

    HORSE". The animal symbol representation is A Male Horse". The Astronomical Name is

    Beta Arietis. The colour is blood red. Their starting dasha of ruling planet is ketu. The Names

    belongs to ASHWINI nakshatra starts with the letters CHU, CHE, CHO, LA. The caste

    belongs to the Ashwini nakshatra are Vaishya. The quality (guna) of Ashwini is Tamasic. The

    nature (gana) of Ashwini nakshatra is Deva Gana. The stars are beta and gamma Aries.

    1st pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are:

    A person belongs to this nakshatra are very tall, intelligent, cunning and also courageous

    nature. People are having the power of commanding and controlling any situation and they

    are become managers. It is observed that such people become the hardest coaches and

    managers. A coin always has two sides heads and the tails, where always one sides wins over

    the others side, but it is a general notion that they forget others also may have ego. This is an

    area where the clashes can happen with the co-employees in the formal sectors.

    2nd pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to 2nd pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are interested towards learning and

    gaining knowledge from the other people. We can notice the angriness in this people. People

  • are always struggling for the power with qualified ones and colleagues. Individuals choose

    their career in the field of construction, artistic, mainly they show their interest related to

    fashion designing. People are very creative because the mars are moving in this pada.

    3rd pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are:

    Compare with the remaining Padas people born in 3rd pada are more Spiritual and religious

    in nature. People are attracted towards the knowledge related to religion, spiritual, and they

    are also having scientific knowledge. By explaining to the people they are attaining applauses

    from the surrounding people. They are tried to balance all the emotions like emotional,

    spiritual, physical and mental. People are always gaining the knowledge though out the


    4th pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to this nakshatra are quick learners. People under this nakshatra are

    showed their interest in fixing and separation of the body. So they choose their career in the

    field of doctors, Physicians. We can see the other side of the nakshatra that is related to

    pleasure search. A person likes to enjoy their life without thinking. We can also notice the

    following things like drinking, smoking etc. based up on the intelligence they earned the


    Positive character of the Ashwini Nakshatra is:

    Positives characters comes under the Ashwini nakshatra re people perform high in their jobs,

    they love their family members. People are with the qualities like natural healer, good

    finances, adventurous, playful nature, spiritually inclined, charming, moderate habits,

    attractive, idealistic, and strong, helps others, powerful, dresses well, independent nature.

    Negative character of the Ashwini Nakshatra is:

    If the plans are not done they are in the form of depression state, faintness in closing things,

    wish to practice new things in the life, violent, overzealous, stubborn, spontaneity, big-

    headed, unhappy, lack of emotional tranquillity

    Career options:

    People choose their fields related to the an entrepreneurs, criminal court, sports, physicians,

    salespeople, armed forces, athleticism, military, healers, jockey mystics, jockey military

    personnel, police, merchant, musician, horse trainer,.

    Character of a Male person belongs to Ashwini nakshatra:

    According to the appearance they are beautiful to looks, their eyes are large and bright,

    bigger nose, broad forehead. They are quiet and calm in nature. Their adamant attitude is

    cannot change by Yama.

  • Male person belongs to Ashwini nakshatra are love the people and they never hesitate to

    sacrifice anything for such persons. People maintain patience even at the time of perils.

    When people are suffering with problems at that time they give best advice to them.

    An individual takes some time to do work. If they work very slow but their thoughts are

    appreciated. They are not easily influenced. Whatever the work may be he will successfully

    completed it and submitted. They are very religious and believe in god. Even if he is

    somewhat intelligent, at times he makes peak for even small matters. So it leads to state of

    lack of mental peace and for all time they are in anxious mood. They are always involved in

    keeping the entire surrounds neat and clean.

    All type of arts is involved in them. They are naturally interested in music and study. For

    small matters also they face problems. They should their interest in the time of their middle

    age to study. He shows affection to their family members. Because their adamant behaviour,

    some people in their family are hated them. They never receive any care and they are

    neglected by their father. They get their help form their maternal uncle for survival. They are

    getting marriage at the age of twenty six years.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Ashwini nakshatra:

    In many of the cases they are also facing the same problems mentioned above. Comes to the

    appearance they are having small eyes and they are very attractive. They are having very

    attractive voice it brings very body near to them. She almost maintains a lot of patience. They

    pay very attention to the old people. They do not show any interest regards the job, so at early

    age she quit from the job. At the age of 50's she started to work for the society. The marriage

    should be takes place at the age of twenty three year. If she married before twenty three years

    it is not good to her so many bad things are happened. Their health condition should be good.

    A common problem faced by the people belongs to Ashwini nakshatra are head problems,

    head-aches, insomnia, brain congestion.

    They choose their profession in the field of police sector, courts, dealers, surgeon, caretakers,

    and riders.


    In the Hindu Astrology Bharani is the second one among all the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of bharani nakshatra is YONI. Yoni is known as the female reproductive

    organ. The deity of Bharani nakshatra is YAMA. Yama is known for the DEATH and

    DHARMA. The animal symbol representation is The Elephant". The Astronomical Name is

    35 Arietis. The colour is blood red. Their starting dasha of ruling planet is "Venus". The

    names belong to BHARANI nakshatra starts with the letters LEE, LU, LAY, LO. The caste

    belongs to the bharani nakshatra is MLECCHA. The quality (guna) of Bharani nakshatra is

    RAJASIC. The nature (gana) of bharani nakshatra is MANUSHYA. The stars are 35, 39 and

    41 Ariestis.

    1st pada of bharani nakshatra are:

  • An individual born under this nakshatra will show a doubtful nature. People are always tried

    to cover their nature and create trust towards other people. Due to their over acting people

    always miss their chances and opportunity. They never try to trust the people in case of

    business, money, career, investment. If other people show career about them at that time they

    move close towards the people.

    2nd pada of bharani nakshatra are:

    Person belongs to this nakshatra we observed they are having a little bit of luck in their life.

    People must be reward when they are taking care of other people or responsibilities of the

    people. Initially they are receiving wealth from the other people and after the death of senior

    people they receive the remaining wealth from them. They can also receive their luck in their

    career options also. People are very good as workers or employees and also in their career

    matters. They are not jealous nature.

    3rd pada of bharani nakshatra are:

    People comes under the 3rd pada of bharani nakshatra are well liked by others. They attain

    respect from their community. They need support from others in their life. With the help of

    other people they receive support and wealth from the outside. But they face difficulty when

    they try with their own efforts. Clearly every one suggests that if they are having any

    business at that case try to hand over to your spouses. So for that time only they attain profit.

    If anyone starts their own business under the names of 3rd pada bharani nakshatra that was

    also good idea. Under guidance they work well

    4th pada of bharani nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to this nakshatra they are take the advantage of the other people and

    they attain luxury and gain wealth. A person always thinks about short cut to receive success.

    They never thrust other people for their sake. Other people will take their responsibilities and

    through their actions they give rewards. So people must be careful and other will rule their

    life at that case they face poverty and also sufferings.

    Positive characters of the Bharani nakshatra are:

    People belongs to the bharani nakshatra are very clever. They are having the ability of doing

    the tasks fast, longevity, spontaneous, money-oriented, wishes new involvements, talented in

    occupation, dutiful, inspired, leader ship qualities, loyal to household and friends, brave

    attitude, good health, fulfilled, does well in unrestricted life and artistic

    Negatives characters of the Bharani nakshatra are:

    Individuals belongs to the bharani nakshatra are Overworked, fickle, impatient, amoral,

    critical nature, too clever, resists control, stubborn, sexually easy-going, childlike,

    vulnerable, restraint, needs punishment, short-tempered, irritated, possible to exhaustion and


    Career option:

  • People choses their career in the fields of astrologers, Producers, authors, film industry,

    music industry, occultist, media, hypnotists, business people, psychologists, lawyers,

    entrepreneurs, financial consultants, builders, nurses, hospitality industry.

    Character of a Male Person Belongs To Bharani Nakshatra Are:

    People belongs to the bharani nakshatra are medium in height, large forehead, less hair,

    beautiful teeth, bright eyes, thin chin, thick eye brows, long neck and beautiful face. If they

    are born in night time in that case they are tall in height.

    People are very helpful nature they never try to hurt anyone. Whatever he thick or feels that

    should be express to the opposite people without thing of others. They never hide their

    feelings and all the time tries to share to the right people. Until the end of time he maintains a

    straight forward nature, so at that time he faces many problems. He never breaks the

    relationship with the people for minor reasons. He gained the knowledge in and around the

    world and he shows a good capability to go bottomless in any matter.

    Individual belongs to the bharani nakshatra are try to avoid needless competition and

    arguments with others. His life is mixed up with ups and downs equally. In his surrounding

    we can see the positives signs at the age of thirty three years.

    Comes to the career he preferred to the jobs related to sports, business, music, administrative

    job, art advertisements, and cultivation of tobacco, restaurants and automobiles. He can also

    play a role as a judge and surgeon. At the age of twenty seven years marriage comes in to

    their life. He is very affection to their family members. We can see the health problems

    related to dental, body pains, diabetes, high fever, malaria, ring worms, apoplexy. While

    travelling in water, rivers, ponds and oceans you need to take care about yourself.

    Character of female individual belongs to Bharani nakshatra:

    Comes to an individual appearance they looks very beautiful. They are having white teeth

    with irregular arrangement. She maintains polite nature.

    Individuals belongs to bharani nakshatra they respect their parents and elders. According to

    their interest they will make their own rules and regulations. They are very bold in nature,

    optimistic and impulsive. They try to create their own opportunities and never wait for other

    people to help them. They choose their career related to sales woman, receptionist and also

    guide. At the age of twenty three years marriage comes to them. They act as commanders; in

    every matter they are having the upper hand. After marriage she will face troubles in their

    husband house because of her brother in law. Comes to the health problems she will face

    irregular menstrual problems, anaemia and uterus problems.


    In the Hindu Astrology Krittika is the third one in the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Krittika nakshatra is A Sharp Knife Edge. The meaning of the symbol is

    the cutting women. The deity of Krittika nakshatra is AGNI. Agni is known as GOD OF

  • FIRE. The animal symbolic representation is The Sheep". The Astronomical Name is Eta

    Tauri. The colour is White. The starting dasha of ruling planet is "SUN". The names belong

    to Krittika nakshatra starts with the letters Aa, Ee, Oo, Ay. The caste belongs to the Krittika

    nakshatra are BRAHMIN. The quality (guna) of Krittika nakshatra is RAJASIC. The nature

    (gana) of Krittika nakshatra is Rakshasa. The stars are Pleiades.

    1st pada of Krittika nakshatra are:

    An individual person belongs to Krittika nakshatra 1st pada are religious in nature. People

    have high grasping nature, illumination they are very deep thinkers. But they are not

    searching for the outside of religious issue they always go through the religious matters only.

    We can see the people are bold, egotistical and dominating nature. If they choose their career

    in the field of Detectives, politicians, crime departments, investigation departments they

    receive success.

    2nd pada of Krittika nakshatra are:

    An individual person belongs to Krittika nakshatra 2nd pada are known for card readers,

    astrologers, psychics. They are lovers of non-vegetarian like meat, fish etc. With help of their

    knowledge they learn the ancient transcripts. They show their interest in the fields of

    numerology, learning Vedas, spiritual words or texts. A person is going to read the feature of

    other people and guides them from all the issues.

    3rd pada of Krittika nakshatra are:

    An individual person belongs to Krittika nakshatra 3rd pada are normally suffers with

    different problems. They take the responsibilities of the family and in the work place they are

    not receiving any good salary. With their intelligence they receive lot of profits but they are

    not receives the profits other people takes those profits. All the results are not sweet but with

    that work they receive satisfaction and happiness. People are always troubles financially.

    4th pada of Krittika nakshatra are:

    A person comes under this Krittika nakshatra 4th pada are well educated, intelligent. A

    person shows interest in the field of religious and spirituals. They are giving guidance to the

    other people. People are became leaders, politicians, leaders, guider to sever for the people.

    In some cases they receives less when they expert high things. They put high efforts but

    receive fewer amounts for their work.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Krittika Nakshatra

    A person belongs to the Krittika nakshatra are. Individual with Saturns feature they have tall

    body. An individual should have thick neck, sympathetic eyes, eye catchy noise, solid body

    with huge shoulders, developed muscles. He is respectful to the other people and

    commanding appearance.

    He is very intelligent but there is no long time goal for them. Without knowing about the

    profits and losses there are jumping from one condition state to another state very easily. If

  • anyone is facing problems at that time he gives a good advice. So at that case they are free

    from the problems without any risks. If he faces any ego problems at that situation he stopped

    the friendship. His main motto is hard work. They attain name and fame in the public.

    A person belongs to this Krittika nakshatra are stay away from their hometown. From their

    childhood they are away from the city they born. If they started any business with partnership

    it is not good for them. They choose their career in the field of government sector,

    engineering, venereal diseases, draftsman and treasury department. If he choose his career in

    the field of exports, decorative industry, medicine, exports in that case they receive profits

    from their business.

    He works very slowly. He needs to increase the speed otherwise they are lagged from the

    other people. After completion of marriage he receives luck in his life. Throughout his family

    he likes her mother very much. He receives luck or happiness at the age of twenty-five years

    up to thirty-five years, and next fifty years and fifty-six years will be good. For marriage he

    chooses a girl in their relatives only.

    He suffer with the problems related to dental problems, tuberculosis, brain fever, malaria,

    wounds, brain fevers, accidents, wounds, weak eyesight and pile.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Krittika nakshatra:

    Comes to the appearance she is medium in height. She looks beautiful up to the age of

    twenty-seven years. After 27 years some changes are noticed in their faces belongs to the

    Krittika nakshatra. In the people we can see some type of pressure on the faces. She expresses

    egotism not only in her look but also in the surrounding where ever she moves.

    People belongs to the Krittika nakshatra are well educated. In small scale industries also she

    earns a lot for her survival. She chooses her career in the field of small industries, paddy and

    agriculture fields and some other scales. in other cases they choose their options in the field

    of teacher, administrative officer, doctor, chemical engineer, artist, musician, tailor etc. when

    she get married she is not feeling comfort in that place.

    In some cases she is divorced from husband or otherwise childless. In hard situations they are

    not married in the early age. Due to metal stress they face some problems like tuberculosis it

    happened because of lack of mental peace and excess work.

    In an individual's we can see the positive characters like self-motivated, good looking,

    famous personality, good grasping nature, receives high position, leadership qualities, aimed

    to a goal, dignified, straightforward and respect the elders.

    Some negative characters related to the individual Krittika nakshatra people are selfish

    minded, mental stress, high expectations, nervous state, aggressive nature, dissatisfied, health

    problems, and childish nature.

  • The people belongs to this Krittika nakshatra are chooses their career in the field of

    musician, fashion designers, discovers, advisors, teachers, government organizations,

    blacksmith, tailors, carpenters, astronomers, contractors and carpenters.


    In the Hindu Astrology Rohini is the fourth one in the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Rohini nakshatra is a chariot. The meaning of the symbol is Red Women.

    The deity of Rohini nakshatra is Brahmin or Prajapati. Prajapati is known as The Creator.

    The animal symbolic representation is The Serpent". The Astronomical Name is Aldebaran.

    The colour is White. The starting dasha of ruling planet is "Moon. The names belong to

    Rohini nakshatra starts with the letters O, Va, Vi, Vu. The caste belongs to the Rohini

    nakshatra are Shurda. The quality (guna) of Rohini nakshatra is RAJASIC. The nature (gana)

    of Rohini nakshatra is Manushya. The stars are Aldebaran.

    Rohini nakshatra 1st pada:

    An individual person belongs to 1st pada of rohini nakshatra they are very calm in nature,

    respect elders, they talk very smoothly. They maintain relationship with the opposite

    generation. Basically they are born in rich families and they also earn a lot.

    Rohini nakshatra 2st pada:

    Character of a person belongs to 2nd pada of rohini nakshatra they always take care about

    others, helping nature. They choose their career in the field of government works, business,

    nursing, art, hotels. So for those they never face any stress and they are comfort with those


    Rohini nakshatra 3rd pada:

    An individual belongs to the 3rd nakshatra of rohini they receive success in their middle age.

    They maintain a less relationship with their mother compare to the other Padas. They choose

    their career in the field of business and art. People balanced their life very easily.

    Rohini nakshatra 4th pada:

    A person belongs to this nakshatra they are believed in religion. They always speak truth

    only. They choose their career in the field of artistic and business, financial advisors,

    manufactured related to fashion, gold and germs business. They are straight forward people

    they never try to cheat others for their sake.

    Positive characters of the rohini individuals are:

    People are having attractive look, good writer charismatic, non-envious, auditor, good-

    looking, they follow gentle mode, answerable, inner strength, supports others, disturbs

    others, talented in the arts, in good physical shape, solid public life, heartening,

    straightforward, well-educated, moral orientation, smooth talker, high-pitched, fixed in

    determination, balanced mind, does well economically, devoted to the family.

  • Negative characters of the rohini individuals are:

    An individual are Easy-going nature, sensually kind, materialistic, takes benefit of others

    over and done with management and dishonesty, sexually, addictive, critical of others, selfish

    of those philosophy, green-eyed, excessively delicate, unsettled and faltering.

    An individual belongs to this Rohini nakshatra they choose their career in the fields of

    musicians , artists, fashion designers, manufactures, real estate, hotel and restaurants,

    agriculture, models. The nature of the people belongs to this nakshatra are sharp, intelligent,

    truthful, straight forward, balanced mind, attractive, positive strengths, talkative.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Rohini nakshatra:

    Comes to the appearance they are having slim physique, attractive eyes, big shoulders with

    developed muscles.

    The persons are also popular for the short temper, angry. It takes time to cool down. His aim

    was changing from time to time. In any mater no one can change his decision. He sacrifices

    the things towards loved ones. A person belongs to this Rohini nakshatra are truth accepted

    and remove the false. He spends comfort life without thing of tomorrow. He would show

    dedication to the work and also be honest.

    In between teenage and the middle age he will face a lot of problems related to health,

    financial. good days are started at the age of thirty eight from that he enjoy his life for 12

    years and later on 60+ again he live his life happily. While dealing with partners and

    employees in business at that situation they should maintain a lot of carefulness. Before trust

    the person they should know about them. Because people belongs to this nakshatra are

    believe the people without knowing anything.

    People belongs to this nakshatra are receive a profit from his father. They are very closely

    moving with his mother and mothers brother. They face the health problems related to sugar,

    blood pleasure, throat problems, urinary problems, blood cancer, related blood diseases,

    tuberculosis, and paralysis.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Rohini nakshatra:

    Comes to appearance she looks very beautiful with attractive face. In her face eyes are more

    attractive with medium height and normal complexion.

    In this nakshatra we can see some similarities in both the male and female behaviours like

    short temper, weak hearted. Her educational background she earns money from the field of

    fashion design, paddy filed, and agriculture. People are not preferred for higher education.

    After marriage she will felt comfort with her husband, if doubt him at that case it causes to

    divorce so try to avoid that one. Comes to her health they are facing problems related to feet,

    breast problems, legs, pimples, throat, and menses problem.


  • In the Hindu Astrology Mrigasira is the third of the nakshatras. The symbolic representation

    of Mrigasira nakshatra is Deers Head. The meaning of the symbol is Head of a deer. The

    deity of Mrigasira nakshatra is Chandra. Chandra is known as the moon god. The animal

    symbolic representation is The snake. The Astronomical Name is Lambda Orionis. The

    colour is Silver Grey. The starting dasha of ruling planet is Mars". The names belong to

    Mrigasira nakshatra starts with the letters Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee. The caste belongs to the

    Mrigasira nakshatra are Servant. The quality (guna) of Mrigasira nakshatra is Tamasic. The

    nature (gana) of Mrigasira nakshatra is Deva. The stars are Lambda & Phi Orion.

    Mrigasira nakshatra 1st pada:

    An individuals character belongs to the Mrigasira nakshatra 1st pada have political qualities

    and leadership skills. People belongs to this nakshatra are born with golden spoon. People

    receive name and fame around their surrounding and in their work place. They always

    maintain a stable financial constancy.

    Mrigasira nakshatra 2nd pada:

    Comes to looks they are thrust full, handsome, good nature, full of knowledge. People born in

    this combination are calculative, practical, humorous and social. If the Nakshatra is afflicted,

    it may make them faithless. A person of this nakshatra shows their interests in singing and

    music. They are good soldiers. We can observe minor disputes in the family.

    Mrigasira nakshatra 3rd pada:

    Individuals under this 3rd pada are loved by the people in their house. Compare to father

    they receive love and affection from her mother. The mother takes the role of father. They

    choose their career in the field of art and writing.

    Mrigasira nakshatra 4th pada:

    People belongs to this 4th pada are very active in their life. They actively participate in the

    sports. They are kind hearted people always try to helps others. In future they become

    therapists, doctors or authors. We can see them in much activated stage which happens

    because of mars. Basically they attain a huge amount and wealth. People are very talkative,

    i.e., they would love to talk. In some cases they become lawyers and speakers

    Positive signs of Mrigasira nakshatra:

    People belonging to this positive signs of the nakshatra are sharp, intelligent, curious nature,

    natural leader, learn new knowledge, individuality nature, action oriented, writers, and

    creators. They are youthful, curious, rapid learner, friendly nature, and hard workers.

    Negative signs of Mrigasira nakshatra:

    People belongs to this negative signs of the nakshatra are so many partners, helpless, not

    dedicated, sensitive to criticism, biting discussion, flirtatious, too much enthusiasm, erratic,

    rash and easily bored.

  • People choose their careers in the fields of teachers, writers, gemmologist, engineers,

    researchers, poets, mystics, animal trainers, pet shops, foresters, astrologers, poets, textiles,

    garments, administrators and veterinarians.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Mrigasira Nakshatra:

    Individual belongs to Mrigasira nakshatra are beautiful, tall and have healthy body (Fat) with

    thin legs and long arms. People are sincere towards others. We can see these people have

    always doubts about others. He maintains sincere dealing with the people and in the same

    case expert same sincerity from the other individuals also. But people belongs to this

    Mrigasira nakshatra are careful when they are dealing with friends, relatives and very careful

    at the partnership business.

    Blind trust towards the others people causes sorrow and frustration. Individuals belongs to

    this Mrigasira nakshatra naturally they are creative, brilliant of mind, activeness, eagerness

    all these result shown by the people to others. He is knocked by the people and situations.

    People always prefer they life very simple and with ethical values. So try to express fair and

    sincere attitude to the people surround by him. Even for small matters he gets irritated, never

    maintain peace of mind, he moves according to his wish and will. After the age of thirty two

    years he is observed to be happy, before that he may face many problems. In that process he

    attains a satisfaction of thirty two years of age.

    Comes to his education he will have good education and he can become good financial

    adviser. He never controls his expenditure and he faces economic conflicts. If he arranges his

    marriage after thirty two years then he receives many profits. He receives many profits in the

    middle age. He is observed to waste whatever he earns, that is his fault. He lacks in the

    support of his family members like brothers, sisters in any case. They become enemies to

    them at a point of time. We can see this case in the relatives also, as they never support him.

    In the child hood he is observed to face health problems such as injuries, stomach disorder

    and pains in joints.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Mrigasira nakshatra:

    A person belongs to this Mrigasira nakshatra is enjoy their life and are well educated. She

    also faced the same problems mentioned above in case of men.

    Comes to the appearance they are observed to be tall lean body with sharp looks. She looks

    very beautiful and also intelligent Beauty with Brains. A person shows interest in social

    activities. They are selfish, alert minded, quick witted. Other people maintain a careful

    relation when arguing with them. They spend their life very happily and luxuriously. People

    choose their career in the field of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and

    electronics and telephonic.

    They are observed to be busy with their own activities after marriage. She tries to put her

    husband in her control, which ultimately works-out. They fall in love easily. She is observed

    to be very emotionally attached to her husband. She is observed to face health related

    problems like venereal diseases, pimples, shoulder pains and menstrual problems.


    In the Hindu Astrology Ardra is the sixth one in the nakshatras. The symbolic representation

    of Ardra nakshatra is The Human head or a tear drop. The meaning of the symbol is the

    moist. The deity of ardra nakshatra is Rudra. Rudra is known as the god of destruction. The

    animal symbolic representation is The Dog". The Astronomical Name is Alpha Orionis. The

    colour is Green. The starting dasha of ruling planet is "Rahu". The names belong to ardra

    nakshatra starts with the letters Ku, Ghaa, Jna, and Cha. The caste belongs to the ardra

    nakshatra are Butcher. The quality (guna) of Krittika nakshatra is Tamasic. The nature (gana)

    of ardra nakshatra is Manushya. The stars are Betelgeuse.

    Ardra Nakshatra 1st Pada:

    Individual character of a person belongs to 1st pada are loves to spend their money. We can

    see rahu in their nature and they are cunning in nature to. They are very smart and very

    intelligent. They succeed in their business. Without losses they gain money.

    Ardra Nakshatra 2nd Pada:

    Individual belongs to 2nd pada are very handsome they are good to look. People are gaining

    their knowledge from every one. And also they are having good subject knowledge and they

    know programming. They spend their life normally without struggles. People become good

    job holders.

    Ardra Nakshatra 3rd Pada:

    Individual belongs to 3rd pada are good at academics, reading, learning new things, reading

    and educated themselves. Due to the presence of Rahu they behave like this. They choose

    their career in the field of lectures and guiders. They felt bore very easily. They are

    habituated for reading books.

    Ardra Nakshatra 4th Pada:

    Individuals belongs to 4th pada are easily breaker the rules. Simply they live luxurious life

    like parties, drinking, eating and many others. If they choose their career in the field of acting

    and mimicry in those cases it might be good.

    Positives sign Of the Individual Characters Are:

    We can see the characters like memory, hard workers, communicators, curious minds,

    straight forward in the people.

    Some negative signs of the character are:

    We can see the mischievous, violent in nature, complaining towards others, financial

    problems, untruthful, critical, impolite, recklessness.

    Individual belongs to this nakshatra are choose their career in the field of teachers,

    instructors, writers, sales, politics, dealers, athlete, kindly projects, social.

  • Character of a Male Individual belongs to ardra Nakshatra Are:

    Male people belongs to this nakshatra are very slim, different body structures, fat, prolonged

    structure. They are very attractive buy the other people. People are very spontaneous in

    nature and also act as psychologist.

    Individuals are moving very friendly with the other people, friends and relatives. They never

    maintain constant type of nature.

    He gains knowledge from the people but they not receive any fame for that. They are good

    workers. He also receives many profits if he is having any business. Many of selfish people

    are born in this nakshatra. People attain knowledge in any filed and he is having manageable

    skills. People work on many jobs in single time with perfection. People earns from their

    family and home. We can see foreign trip in their signs. They receive a golden chance at the

    age of thirty two up to ten years period.

    Late marriages are better for them. If they choose earlier in that situation they face problems.

    Separation of the family we can notice in the life. People face health problems like heat

    attacks, paralysis, asthma, dry cough, dental problems, and ear problems.

    Character of a Female Individual Belongs To Ardra Nakshatra:

    An individual belongs to Ardra nakshatra are having beautiful eyes, good looking body and

    prominent nose. They have peaceful mind, helping nature, intelligent minded. They choose

    their career in the field of construction, pharmaceutical and drug industry.

    We can see late marriage in their life. They are not happy with their family members and with

    her husband. In some cases we notice divorce or death of her husband. She also not satisfied

    with the children they never show any love and affection. Individuals belongs to the ardra

    nakshatra are suffering with asthma problems, less blood in the body, bilious, uterus

    problems, mumps, ear troubles, menstrual problems.


    In the Hindu Astrology Punarvasu stands seventh in the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Punarvasu nakshatra is A quiver of arrows. The meaning of the symbol is

    return of the light. The deity of Punarvasu nakshatra is Aditi. Aditi is known as the mother of

    the demigods. The animal symbolic representation is Female cat. The Astronomical Name

    is Beta Geminorium. The colour is Lead. The starting dasha of ruling planet is Jupiter ". The

    names belong to Punarvasu nakshatra starts with the letters Kay, Ko, Ha, Hee. The caste

    belongs to the Punarvasu nakshatra are Vaishya. The quality (guna) of Punarvasu nakshatra is

    Sattwic. The nature (gana) of Punarvasu nakshatra is Deva. The stars are Castor and Pollux.

    Punarvasu nakshatra 1st pada:

    Individual belongs to the 1st pada of punarvasu nakshatra are very talented, creative, skilled.

    People are very hard workers, initially they hate their jobs but after some days people love

    their profession and work sincerely. They are observed to make the friends easily. People are

  • very joyful and funny nature. They make their money in a legal manner without causing harm

    to anyone. People of this nakshatra are having lovely children and partner.

    Punarvasu nakshatra 2nd pada:

    Individuals born under the 2nd pada of punarvasu nakshatra are good collectors of wealth.

    Usually they are soft spoken people. A person communicates with the other individuals in a

    very excellent manner. Without any efforts mentally or physically they earn the money. They

    live very professionally in their surroundings. Every one recognized them with their soft

    talking and healthy appearance body (fat).

    Punarvasu nakshatra 3rd pada:

    Individuals belongs to the 3rd pada are mostly concentrated on education and they always

    focused to gain knowledge. They are good investors and people gain money and happily

    enjoy with the results. They face success with little of struggles.

    Punarvasu nakshatra 4th pada:

    People belongs to the 4th pada of punarvasu nakshatra are having greatest constructive

    attributes. Individuals under the 4th pada are charitable in nature and always try to help other

    people. They attain high knowledge from the other people basically they become writers in

    their life. They attain good fame name in the society but that is not a part of success compare

    it is negligible. Commonly they are very sensitive. Coming to the appearance they are

    observed to have pot belly.

    Positive character of an individual person belongs to this punarvasu nakshatra are:

    People coming under this nakshatra are friendly nature, loving towards others, they show

    high caring, people like to lives simple life, encourage everyone to attain success, spiritual

    nature, they show their interest related to writing so they are interested to write spiritual

    stories and possess high communication skills.

    Negatives character of an individual person belongs to this punarvasu nakshatra are:

    People do not maintain stable relation towards the other people, changes from one place to

    other, they focused on religious issues so we can see lack of forces, they fall ill health, they

    get bored every time on their live, flattering nature and they keep change their jobs.

    Career options:

    People choose their career in the field of delivered religious matters, entertainment, acting,

    acts, innovators, artisans, guiders, drama field, publishers, teachers, science, engineering,

    maintenance, construction and trade market.

    Character of male individual comes under punarvasu nakshatra:

    Initially comes to the appearance these people are very handsome, long face and long thighs.

    We can also notice a mark on the back side of the head or on the face.

  • He believes the god in any situation without blaming. His mind is religious, basically he is

    good person but some problems are arrived so his nature was changed according to situation.

    No one can guess his inner thoughts it's very difficult. So take care of other people while

    approaching them in any cause. He always tries to know the religious, tradition and he

    believes in them. He is also carries temper.

    He never creates any troubles to the other people and helps the other people who are facing

    problems. People try to live simple life with cool surroundings. If he starts his career in any

    partnership business in that case he receives profits. if he choose if career in the field of

    acting, physicians teaching, writer he receives name and fame. After completion of thirty two

    years if he chooses any business during that time he is observed to receive profits otherwise

    can also face troubles. Due to his straightforwardness he does not attain any wealth in his

    career but they receive respect from the public.

    Compare to bachelors life marriage life is observed to be in trouble. In some cases there is a

    change of second marriage or divorcee. His behaviours appear to be rash for his parents. But

    his wife has all good qualities. So all the situation causes to mental problems. Particularly

    there are no serious health problems that can come under his notice.

    Character of female individual comes under punarvasu nakshatra:

    Comes to appearance she is observed to have curly hair, red eyes, tall nose and cool speech.

    She maintains calm nature and she can argue with the other people. She loves to talk with

    relatives and neighbours. She gives respect to the other people and has high helping nature.

    An individual belongs to this nakshatra live comfortable life.

    She chooses her career related to music and dance. Compare to her husband she looks

    beautiful. She never cares her health so she faces problems frequently. She faces problems

    related to ear, stomach, tb, jaundice etc.


    In the Hindu Astrology Pushya is the eight one in the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Pushya nakshatra is The udder of a cow. The meaning of the symbol is

    Nourishing. The deity of Pushya nakshatra is Brihaspati. Brihaspati is known as the priest of

    the demigods. The animal symbolic representation is A ram. The Astronomical Name is

    Delta Cancri. The colour is Black mixed with red. The starting dasha of ruling planet is

    Saturn ". The names belong to Pushya nakshatra starts with the letters Hoo, He, Ho, Dah.

    The caste belongs to the Pushya nakshatra are Kshatriya. The quality (guna) of Pushya

    nakshatra is Tamasic. The nature (gana) of Pushya nakshatra is Deva. The stars are Gamma,

    Delta and Theta Cancri.

    Pushya nakshatra 1st pada:

    A person belongs to this Pushya nakshatra 1st pada are religious nature. People satisfy when

    they are in the field of religious. So they are turned in to high states like gurus, rushis, and

  • priests. They are trying to establish a religious foundation. They are turned in gurus. If they

    choose their career in the field of teaching then they receive fame.

    Pushya nakshatra 2nd pada:

    A person belongs to this Pushya nakshatra 2nd pada are observed to be professionals. They

    choose their career in the field of law like judges, lawyers. Otherwise the people become

    civil fighters, politicians, organizers. They are always fighting for other people rights.

    Pushya nakshatra 3rdpada:

    Individual belongs to the Pushya nakshatra 3rd pada are set their career in the field of real

    estate, builders, commercial builders. People choose their profession as engineers, architect

    and decorators. An individual knows the values of the people and their family. They attain

    higher status when they reach thirty years of age.

    Pushya nakshatra 4th pada:

    Individual belongs to the Pushya nakshatra 4th pada are seams to intellectual, gain knowledge

    and they improve they brain power. They choose their career in the field of professors,

    teachers, mainly they choose historical subjects for teaching. Saturn is known for antique and

    old things so some people are chose related to that profession.

    Positives of Pushya nakshatra are:

    The people are always tries to help other people, Hardworking natured, intelligent, make

    good advisors, learned new things from the other people, independent nature, public servants,

    creative nature, people like them easily, creative, spiritual nature, they show interested in

    education, tolerant of pain, , intuitive wisdom, caring people, selfless, respected, good

    finances, protective about they believe in, passionate.

    Negatives of Pushya nakshatra are:

    People are Selfish nature, over talkative, arrogant, dogmatic, sensitive nature, getting

    frustration by believe in wrong persons, insecurities, deviation, fundamentalist inhibit growth,

    trust other people and doubt them easily.

    People choose their career related to director, food merchants, military police, government

    field, politics, musicians, rulers, artisans, ministers, clergy, biologist, geologist, and priest of

    any religious houses.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Pushya nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the Pushya nakshatra they are having very attractive face and good

    body structure. He maintains good dressing sense. We can also see marks on different parts

    of their body .marks like scars, moles on their faces. People are weak hearted they never take

    their own decisions. They feel very difficult to take conclusion of any matter. According to

  • their interest they behave with the people. The behaviour must be totally depending upon

    their self interest.

    The way he express towards the other people are noticeable and they show always duplicate

    expression which was known by other in the surroundings. People try to express positive

    expression and actual they think negative in inner side of the heart. He never respect other

    people but he prospect respect from the other. He answers back quickly to appreciation and

    become quickly deflated by criticism. It gives love and affection along with sincerity and

    appreciation. He never continues strong relation with the other ones. He always needs

    freedom life but it never gives any success to him. He should maintain some carefulness with

    the people.

    In work, he always moves from one position to another position without thinking his

    capabilities, whether it is suitable to him are not. So it shows him failure in his life. People

    under this nakshatra are not good anticipators. He is suitable for particular works. Before

    starting any project people must be concentrated about their ability and capability and then

    choose such job for future success. So in that case only he received many wonders no one can

    stop him in any situation. If he faces many obstacles but he never thick about that one he tries

    to moves only upwards with thing any of them. Based on his knowledge he will win in any

    discussion. Within a small time he may think about many points, programs.

    The people thoughts are if anyone do wrong to him at correct time god will give punishment.

    In any case the people are their relatives, friends or enemies. He works dedicatedly and

    sincerely. Individuals are always spent their life single without mingle with other ones in

    their surroundings. His ability may faceted but his achievement is possible in the acting or the

    art in commerce. Person enjoys both positives as well as negatives in their sign. They enjoy

    their life up to thirty two years of age. After that he will spotted with development in the

    health, wealth, socially.

    His work must be involved with travelling. So they stay away from the home. He faces a

    critical problem after marriage for small requirements also he needs to ask the people who are

    leaving in our surroundings. From his childhood he will be independent so he moves single

    anywhere. Based up on his profession he will stay away from his family. He is very much

    interested to attach with them but it was not possible. In other case if he marries to

    unmatchable horoscope at that case he may lose all logical outlooks and he begins to doubt

    his partner. He very affected to his parents. His face problems related to health in his

    childhood that illness we can see up to fifteen years of age. They face problems with cancer,

    cough, jaundice, stones, and gastric ulcer.

    Character of a female individual belongs to this nakshatra are:

    People under this nakshatra are generally beautiful with short height, moderate skin texture,

    attractive face and body. She never enjoys her life but she moves friendly with other people

    and peace minded. She pays attention towards the elder persons but browbeaten by all of

    them. Depends up on his mood she shows his affection and sincerity to others.

  • She believes in god and religious. She receives her profits from her land and buildings. With

    a lot of trust only she can join in the job in private organizations. She is having own land

    from that also he receives money. In her cases we never see any love affairs she sticks to her

    husband only but her husband must be not like than he always mistaken her.

    If she leaves her shy and outward feeling to her husband at that time she never receive any

    problems and leaves happy life. But spends up on her thinking nature inside and outside does

    not match so she faces problems. She feels shy so never express the feeling towards her

    husband if she leave that nature and open with her husband is a good idea. Everyone knows

    that negative thoughts always show negative feelings so avoid them. She moves very free

    with her children. We can notice the diseases like respiratory problems, tb, breast cancer, and

    gastric ulcer, problems in breast, jaundice, ulcer, and eczema.


    In the Hindu Astrology Ashlesha stands ninth one amongst all the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Ashlesha nakshatra is A coiled serpent. The meaning of the symbol is

    indicated by Embracing. The deity of Ashlesha nakshatra is Sarpa. Sarpa is known as a divine

    snake. The animal symbolic representation is Cat. The Astronomical Name is Alpha

    Hydroe. The colour is Black mixed with red. The starting dasha of ruling planet is Mercury

    ". The alphabets that come under Ashlesha nakshatra starts with the letters Dee, Doo, Day,

    and Doh. The caste belongs to the Ashlesha nakshatra are Mleccha (it means outcast). The

    quality (guna) of Ashlesha nakshatra is Sattwic. The nature (gana) of Ashlesha nakshatra is

    Rakshasa. The stars are Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho, and Sigma Hydrae.

    1st pada of ashlesha nakshatra are:

    An individual who belongs to 1st pada of ashlesha nakshatra are very different from the other

    people. People are very emotional. They gain huge amount as income, but they serve the poor

    people instead of retaining the money. They always have a feeling to start up a charity house

    for the needful people. As they donate their wealth to the people they reduced their sins as a

    balance. They choose their business in the areas of medical, pharmaceutical and health

    related companies.

    2nd pada of ashlesha nakshatra are:

    Person belongs to this nakshatra are very cunning in nature, they always use harsh speech.

    People give importance to the people who are useful or helpful in the future. People show

    their attitude in their feelings, they move close to the people who can be of help to them in

    future. We can see this moment in movies. This is adopted by the people who have lot of

    wealth. In few cases the emotions are reversed.

    3rd pada of ashlesha nakshatra are:

  • We can notice that 3rd pada of ashlesha nakshatra is ruled by mercury, so people can face

    some problems related to their health. They tend to face some health problems like lungs

    infections, nervous system, and breakage of speech. People defect they own illness and in

    case they notice other problems. They choose their career option in the field of nurses or

    doctors. After completion of twenty six years they gain more money, they choose their

    profession related to medical field for their growth.

    4th pada of ashlesha nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to 4th pada of ashlesha nakshatra are lucky in life. Basically people are

    very rich and they gain money from their parents. People chose their career in the field as

    hotel owners, real estate business. In some rare case they also have writing skills. With their

    art of writing they attract the people.

    Positive character of an individual belongs to ashlesha nakshatra:

    People are basically intelligent in nature, capability of doing no of jobs, leadership qualities,

    idealistic, versatile, independent, and clever, earn good income, receive benefits from

    religious works, seductive nature, motivated nature, entertainment, mythical, learned new


    Negative character of an individual belongs to ashlesha nakshatra:

    People coming under the negative signs of ashlesha nakshatra are having mental wavering,

    depressed nature, impolite, lack of social skills, deceitful, depressed nature, worrisome, never

    follow the rules, talk active, tactless, hoarding state of mind,

    people maintain reckless towards other people, secretive, tackles, scattered and

    unproductive, possessive nature, deceitful, unpopular, non-caring attitude, disconnected,

    people lie to others once for they need, introspective, ungrateful, reclusive, blunt.

    Career option:

    They chose their career in the fields of zoo keeper, zoologists, politicians, writers, lawyers,

    snake charmer, pimp, druggist, chemical engineers, robbers, astrologer, reptile keeper,

    mystic, prostitute.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Ashlesha nakshatra:

    An individual or a person belongs to this ashlesha nakshatra are looks very rudely. It seems to

    be only for looks not from the inside of the heart for looks only they are rude features. He

    never shows any gratefulness to the people even who have given him birth. People belonging

    to this nakshatra are very talk active. But they attract the other people by their words. So

    people are suitable for any kind of job. They show eagerness and leadership qualities so

    people reach heights very easily. If they choose political field at that time they attain higher


  • People born under ashlesha nakshatra are sensitive hearted towards other people and also soft

    spoken. He chooses his career in an illegal path such as black market, murderers, and thefts.

    He never compares the people with richness and poor, good and bad he treats the people

    equality without any discrimination. He shows his dominating nature so people who accept

    his leadership qualities.

    If they approach positively he shows positiveness and if the people show any negative

    qualities then he also behaviours in the similar manner. If they mingle positively at that

    situation he sacrifices his thing at any cost. He never cheats other people for his happiness

    and he never takes others property for his happiness legally or illegally. Generally the people

    are lucky and hot tempered people. He never enjoys his results. He receives help from the

    unknown people. People who are nearer to them are never helped.

    People choose their career in the field of commerce, arts; he earned the money very quickly

    and also loses very quickly without knowing. His faces problems after marriage, he does not

    receive support from his wife. Wives of these individuals do not show any interest to share

    her husbands wealth. He come across few health related problems like leg pains, knee

    problems, flatulence, jaundice, stomach problem, for this he gets addicted to drugs.

    Character of a Female individual belongs to Ashlesha nakshatra:

    Female people born in this nakshatra are enjoying with the same results that we see in the

    male characters. Comes to looks they are not good looking. We can see the mars in this

    nakshatra. She is not looking but having beautiful figure. She will have non-caring approach.

    The intrinsic quality of nervousness in the females person is present in a higher degree. Her

    ethical values are very high order. She receives good respect and credit from her relations.

    She has the capacity to overcome her enemies mainly from beginning to end by using

    expression twisting.

    Coming to the education part she fits for official works. She has the capability related to

    administrative work. Coming to uneducated people they choose their career in agriculture.

    Women belonging to this nakshatra think twice and thrice, when she is talking to her family

    members. She faces health problems related to nervous problems, joint pains, jaundice,

    hysteria, indigestion, dropsy.


    In the Hindu Astrology Magha stands tenth one amongst all the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Magha nakshatra is A royal throne. The meaning of the symbol is Great

    one or the mighty. The deity of Magha nakshatra is The Pitras. The Pitras is known as one's

    family ancestors. The animal symbolic representation is Male Rat. The Astronomical Name

    is Regulus. The colour is Ivory or cream. The starting dasha of ruling planet is Ketu ". The

    alphabets that come under Magha nakshatra starts with the letters Ma, Mi, Mu, Me. The caste

    belongs to the Magha nakshatra are Shurda (it means labour caste). The quality (guna) of

    Magha nakshatra is Tamasic. The nature (gana) of Magha nakshatra is Rakshasa. The star is


  • 1st pada of magha nakshatra are:

    People belongs to 1st pada of magha nakshatra are very rich persons, they are always stand in

    high positions, royalist nature. In their personal and professional life people are well

    respected by the others in the society. Comes to their nature, people are hard workers and

    they love kids very much. They are having lot of children in their lives. We can see

    creativeness in all four Padas of magha nakshatra. They are become rulers, if people choose

    their career in the field of politics they are become centre of attraction. The stage of art and

    have good personality it comes very natural to them.

    2nd pada of magha nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to this nakshatra are late bloomers. Up to the age of 28 we can ketu in

    their life they are nomadic in remoteness. They struggle a lot and they dont know people

    they are. But after completion of 28 years they face happiness and shine in their profession.

    People face success in their field of education and also in their surroundings. They are settled

    at the age of thirty years they find their goals. Compare to their education they receive higher

    status in art. People are choose their career in the field of art otherwise it note use full.

    3rd pada of magha nakshatra are:

    People belongs to this 3rd pada of magha nakshatra are facing ear problems. The ear

    problems are occurred in late stage of their life. Individuals are becomes good addressers.

    They like music, art, performances, and dances. After completion of thirty years they are at

    good stage. The people are managing from first to last of the mahardasha. If mahardasha of

    any other planets meets the 3rd pada of magha nakshatra, at that case they again suffer from

    back pain, ear problems and throat problems. A person belongs to this nakshatra lost their

    wealth at the age of thirty to thirty five.

    4th pada of magha nakshatra are:

    People belongs to this 4th pada of magha nakshatra are highly educated. People choose their

    field in readings, but they convert their education into arts fields. People involves highly in

    the fields of education, politics, creativity and children. We can see all the signs in Leo and

    that to fifth house. They are settled in the field of local jobs that also related to government

    and also they become leaders. These people are having high knowledge and also they show

    the philosophy in front of other people, because of that they lost their respect.

    Positive character of magha nakshatra is:

    People are intelligent, balanced, positive nature, respectful towards the others, help full to the

    needy people, admired by the surrounding people, cleared natured, positive features, they

    respect the traditions, conservative, love their life, follow sequence of order,

    Negative character of magha nakshatra is:

    People are hot tempered, severe nature, arrogant, prejudiced, resentful, disordered when

    people are fails to reach their goals, arrogant, jealousy, resentful, severe nature, high

  • standards, people show their cruelness who does not respect them, sensuality can generate

    problems, they never like the people who hates them.

    Career options for male and female individuals:

    People choose their career options like Lawyers, actors, politicians, archaeologists,

    corporations, self-employed, musicians, managers, judges, government officials.

    Character of a male individual belongs to magha nakshatra:

    Comes to appearance they are having well known neck and their body covers with hair. We

    can see moles on their hands and under the shoulders and medium height. They look very


    People are very creative in nature. They show respect towards the elders and higher people.

    People are religious in nature and at the same time they enjoy their lives. We notice that

    people experts in spoken skills and also in sciences. He prefers noiseless surroundings and

    also without disturbances. People under this nakshatra are recognized their faults from

    professionals or otherwise from society, educated people. People are having knowledge about

    several arts.

    He involves in various cultural activities and spends most of the time in culture related once.

    He never wants to upsets the other people feelings, so his thoughts are very high and well

    planned which gives them befits. If the other people are hurts by his feelings at that case he

    make to show his apologies to them. In the same case he never likes the people who are

    troubling the others unnecessarily. So for that reason we can see the enemies in their life. He

    shows his temper, no one can tolerate their actions. His tempered nature leads to failures in


    Depends up on their selfishness questions are raised for him. He helps the people who are

    belongs to their community or society. For that help they never receive any benefits but they

    gain satisfaction and peacefulness. So for that purpose they are eye catcher in public. People

    are straight forwarded. They are having great wealth and also enjoy their life with servants.

    Comes to the professional life they are not attain high happiness or satisfaction due to their

    straight forwardness they never happy. He is hard worker and shows sincerity in work.

    Due to his sincerity he fails in professional life so he chooses his career in the field of

    business. He follows his decision very severely. He acts through the other persons who are

    chiefs and subordinates very heart fully and with some technical nature. He acted as a link

    between the higher and lower people. He enjoys his life very happily. After marriage also he

    enjoys his married life. People take-up other people responsibilities. He takes the

    responsibilities of his siblings. We can see the health problems related to cancer, night

    blindness, and asthma.

    Character of a female individual belongs to magha nakshatra:

  • An individual person belongs to the magha nakshatra are very beautiful and comes to looks

    they are having attractive feature. If the moon was accepted by the Saturn in that situation she

    is having long hair. We can see the temper nature in their nose. She always fears about the

    god. People belongs to this nakshatra are charitable in nature. They enjoy their life very

    royally. She became a master in inside and also outside of their surroundings.

    People belongs to this magha nakshatra are always helpful to the other people who are in

    need. They are not much selfishness they show their helpful towards other. People are self-

    motivated in their life. She is well educated and receives high position. She married to a

    wealthy person. She faces problems in between her partner and in laws. This mental

    inclination must be restricted for a joyful family life. She faces health problems in their eyes,

    uterine problems, jaundice, blood disorder and hysteria.


    In the Hindu Astrology Purva Phalguni stands eleventh one among all the nakshatras. The

    symbolic representation of Purva Phalguni nakshatra is Two Front Legs of a Bed. The

    meaning of the symbol is the former fig tree. The deity of Purva Phalguni nakshatra is Bhaga

    god of marital bliss and prosperity. The animal symbolic representation is Female rat. The

    Astronomical Name is Delta Leonis. The colour is Light brown. The starting dasha of ruling

    planet is Venus". The alphabets that come under Purva Phalguni nakshatra starts with the

    letters Mo, Ta, Tee, Too. The caste belongs to the Purva Phalguni nakshatra are Brahmin (it

    means Priest). The quality (guna) of Purva Phalguni nakshatra is Rajasic. The nature (gana)

    of Purva Phalguni nakshatra is Manushya. The stars are Delta and Theta Leonis.

    1st pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual person belongs to 1st pada of Purva Phalguni are selfish natured, immovable.

    They never like to be a slave to any other people. Individuals are thinks that they are their

    own supervisors. While coming out people are cover their feelings and behave like a simple

    people. They controlled their selfish and supervisor nature because they are doing their own

    work simply known as self employed. They take up the business well and control the ups and

    down occurred in the business. They show their confidence when it required. People in this

    nakshatra choose their career option in the field of medical, nurses and hotel management.

    2nd pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual comes under this nakshatra are creative minded, easy going nature, artistic.

    People are warm hearted of living being in the region of the creative minded. If other people

    used to push the button at that case their angriness can be abruptly burst. People can commit

    to some unbearable act. People in this pada choose their career in the fields of architects,

    home decorators, designers. With the help of their create thinking they earn lot of wealth for

    their livelihood

    3rd pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are:

  • A Person belongs to 3rd pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are shows their interest related to

    sports competitions. Their interest should be connected to the sports and they try to win and

    receive the championship. People are always mingling with their family members, children,

    relatives. People are tried to defeat the opposite people.

    4th pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are:

    A person belongs to this 4th pada of Purva Phalguni nakshatra are enjoys their name and

    fame in the public. Due to presence of creative nature they are known by other people in the

    surroundings. People are caught up themselves and they will hopelessness wealth upon their

    happiness and enjoyment. People belongs to this pada carefully spend their money otherwise

    they lost their wealth unknowingly, it happen because of the carelessness.

    Positives character of Purva Phalguni nakshatra:

    A person maintains good relationship towards the other people. They are gifted in the fine

    arts. We can see the good qualities like loving nature, pay attention towards the other

    individuals, care freeness, leadership qualities and skills, creative nature, sincere in the work,

    activeness, positive thinking, delivered the voice very sweetly, they show their believes in

    hard times, physical approach to cure, spokesperson, generous, cultured, youthful, charming,

    fame minded, aristocratic, enthusiastic.

    Negative character of Purva Phalguni nakshatra:

    People are having depressed minded due to that they face problems. Addictive to other

    things, lack of setting up, vindictive, unmotivated, vindictive, vanity, impulsive minded,

    indulgent, severe, narcissism, promiscuous nature, recklessness, hates being uncomfortable,

    spends waste.

    Individuals choose their career in the fields of contractors related marriages like wedding

    planning, etc, actors, business managers, musicians, retail sales, photography, radio, retail

    sales, television, cosmetics, jewellery, government services, professors, teachers, therapists,

    rest and relaxation, classical music, theatres, cinemas.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Purva Phalguni nakshatra

    Comes to the appearance he has very attractive personality. He is having a brave body with

    assorted colour, regular sweating and unnoticed nose.

    An individual comes under this nakshatra are like to live very free life without any

    restrictions and rules. He became famous in more than one field but the main issue is he is

    always thinks other matters during the work time. So it creates disturbances in the work.

    People are also having some essential power which works spontaneous and identify the

    problem of other people. He tries to help other people who are needy up to the most he give

    helps to the people.

    People under this nakshatra are like to travels from one place to other place in the journey

    they attract the people with their speech.

  • Now comes to the part of education and other thinks like job. An individual never like to

    work under other guidance that means they are thinking that they are not slaves to anyone. So

    this kind of behaviours was absorbed by the opposite people and they never give job to him.

    This is the main drawback we can see in this people. So he attains a good benefit from the

    superior people or from the organization.

    He understands all the works and also works sincerely. He never encourages the foolish

    activities done by the people in and around her surroundings. In that case he faces several

    problems and left his patience. His life must be ready with several complications and for that

    he must be ready. In his surroundings only he must having so many hidden enemies. But

    dont worry about them because they never touch you in any cause and you gain success in

    your life. Mainly he respects his job compare to the money and position. His thinking is quite

    different from the other people so it takes some time to reach his thoughts in any manner.

    But they definitely reach their goals in their life.

    He regularly changes his job we can see this occurs at the age of twenties, thirties and also at

    the age of forty four. After completion of the age forty five years he attains respect from the

    public. He faces problems in financial issues. He must borrow money from the other people

    for his need. Completion of forty five years he gains money, respect and other important

    things in his life. Marriage life is very happy to him. He maintains a good family and they

    leave very happily with his wife and children. In rare cases he marries a girl without his

    choice. He stays away from his family and other members or relatives. He faces health

    problems related to dental diseases, Diabetes and abdomen problems.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Purva Phalguna nakshatra are:

    Comes to the looks they are medium in height and also having round face with long nose. We

    can identify double chin but very attractive personality. People are very polite nature,

    enjoyable their temper nature. People behaviours good and they have the knowledge of arts.

    She always shows her interest to conduct charity programs for that she felt very happy.

    She does moral performances. But they are also one bad quality that is they are self imposed

    to show their name and fame. She always thinks that she is in the upper position there is no

    one above to her. For that reason her tendency is up to the limited mark only in their lives.

    Comes to the education she chooses her career in the field of scientific.

    She shows interest in learning the scientific subjects. She receives good educational degree

    and she chooses her profession as a teacher. She will encompass even-handed wealth. She has

    a caring husband and also good children. She sacrifices everything to other people to make

    them happy. And on the same way she never forgets the person who helps her in critical


    She is also known as daring devil. In their total family they are highly intellectual. Due to

    their attitude friction must be takes place in between their family members. She never moves

    or maintains friendly relation with her neighbours. It is mostly due to her egotism with

  • respect to money and situation of her spouse. She faces health problems related to menstrual

    trouble, jaundice, and asthma and breathing trouble.


    In the Hindu Astrology Uttara Phalguni stands 12th one amongst all the nakshatras. The

    symbolic representation of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is Two back legs of a cot. The

    meaning of the symbol is the latter fig tree. The deity of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is one of

    the Adityas. The animal symbolic representation is Male Cow. The Astronomical Name is

    Beta Leonis. The colour is Bright blue. The starting dasha of ruling planet is Sun ". The

    alphabets that come under Uttara Phalguni nakshatra starts with the letters Tay, To, Pa, Pee.

    The caste belongs to the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are Kshatriya (Known as Warriors). The

    quality (guna) of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is Rajasic. The nature (gana) of Uttara Phalguni

    nakshatra is Manushya. The star is Denebola.

    1st pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the 1st pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are very much leaned

    towards the law, education. They create something which is meaningful in their life. So the

    creativeness helps in the lives of local community people. People are always thinking that

    they need to take a charge over the people and try to change their conditions. Simply says

    that individual wants to bring good nature in the people. They need to receive the leadership

    responsibility. People are very much interested in education and they serve their life in the

    government field.

    2nd pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the 2nd pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are beautiful. 2nd pada of

    Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are takes place in the Virgo. Everyone knows that women come

    under the Virgo rasi are very beautiful. People are very intellectual and they take care about

    the other people. They show importance to their own work compare to the others.

    3rd pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the 3rd pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are very intelligent. They

    are having the nature of smartness. People use that one and take whatever he wants from the

    other people. We can see manipulating nature in them with that they take the advantage from

    the others and change according to their wish. They choose their career option like

    accountants, politicians, chief executive officer, mathematicians and marketing executives.

    Due to their cleverness they become very wealthy people and also live happy and healthy life


    4th pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the 4th pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra people are taking care

    about the other persons. Depends upon the action of the other people they take the

    responsibilities. People are very helpful to the others and very intellectual in the wealth and

  • health. Individuals are good caretakers. They choose their career in the field of medicine,

    dealers, and astrologers. People are very spiritual minded. They show interest to read books

    related to religion and culture.

    Positives character of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    People are good communicators, popular personalities, ambitious towards work, hard

    workers, successful, focused, loves luxury life, friendly nature, they felt comfort, capability

    of enjoying the life, kind hearted, mental advancements, spiritual nature, balanced leader,

    material requirements are fulfilled, liberal yet has fixed principles, compassionate, endurance,

    generous, balanced qualities. People receive benefits those are in power.

    Negative character of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    We can see the negative signs like over giving, restless, egotistical, promiscuous,

    inconsiderate of other feelings, disdainful, obstinate, stubborn, arrogant, vain, bossy,

    obstinate, lack of belief in their power, critical, sad, resentful, angry combined with smile.

    Individuals choose their career related to writings, social workers, astronomers, business

    minded people, state health employee, media personalities, actors, philanthropist, sales, art.

    Character of a male individual belongs to Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    Comes to the appearance people are tall and over weighted heavy stomach along with long

    nose. We can also notice a black mole appeared on the right side of his neck. Generally

    people comes under the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are enjoys a happy existing life. Somewhat

    he is lucky in many things. He maintains a neat behaviour. He undertakes his works very


    People also notice their religious nature. From the social networks he enjoys the profits. He

    maintain clean hearted to all the people but also having blistering tempered. In his case its

    quite difficult to maintain patience or broad-mindedness. It is very difficult to calm down

    when he is tempered. On the other hand he will not own up his mistake at any cost. If he is

    won over that he has dome a mistake he will not own up the fact. People are having good way

    of thinking and it is diplomatic.

    An individual should maintain independent nature. He taken up all the possible

    responsibilities and make them in a perfect manner without committing any mistake. He does

    not like to deceive by other people and in the same manner he never deceives other people.

    He always maintains a healthy relation in the public. He shines well in their professional and

    public surroundings.

    He receives this nature by birth and mixed with some behavioural technology. Based up on

    the dealings he receives high profits and commissions from the public. He never maintains a

    sincere relationship with the people. But he never makes the same type of nature in the work.

    No one can change his decision in any issues or matters. We can see with his own hard work

    he can reach the highest position, mainly with his efforts only he can reach that stage. He

  • chooses his professional career in the fields of writers, teachers, scientific research, and

    research followers. He also does his part time job and money from that one also and the

    works like tuitions.

    He faces problems up to an age of thirty two years. Totally he spends his life in darkness.

    After completion of 38 years he begin his career and he can face many achievements. His

    growth is also very high. According to his which he achieves higher wealth. At an age of 50

    he receives wealth and fame in the public. He chooses his career in the field of mathematics,

    astrology, astronomy; engineering and he can successfully achieved his business advertising.

    Marriage life should be dependable it will be high or low level. He struggles with his family

    life. No higher issues related to health minor problems like body ache, dental problems,

    intestine problems, gastric problems.

    Character of a female individual belongs to Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are:

    An individual belongs to the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra are enjoy the results which are

    mentioned in the male individuals. With that some more results are also seen they are:

    Comes to the appearance people are medium in height with soft body and medium

    complexion. Other people also notice a little big nose. We can also see moles which are very

    much bigger and identify easily on their faces.

    Comes to their nature she maintain very calm and simple nature. She never maintains bad

    feelings for long time. She always maintains a principle that always happy and joyful. She

    chooses her career in the field of scientific background and mathematical aptitude. She never

    adopts that part but from inherent she is having that feeling. In future she might be picking up

    the profession like lectures, teacher, professor or any other administrative works. In rare cases

    she is associated with the hospitals and sanitary departments.

    She receive money as a an actress or a model. After her marriage she lives very happy life

    with her husband along with their children. She can handle the house hold works easily and

    very cleverly. Because of her nature people around her surroundings are feeling jealous about

    her. So for that reason it creates nonsense in the family and with her in laws and created

    unexpected problems. A person does enjoy good health; they are suffering from menstrual

    problems, mild nature, asthma, severe headache.


    In the Hindu Astrology Hasta stands 13th one amongst all the nakshatras. The symbolic

    representation of Hasta nakshatra is a fist. The meaning of the symbol is A hand. The