T h e Rol e of E th i cal L e ade r s h i p i n Organizations   Dr. O.C. Ferrell olorado State University  General Session  NAII Executive Round T able Seminar February 3, 2003 Las V egas, Nevada

NAII MainPresentation

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The Role of Ethical Leadership in


Dr. O.C. Ferrell

olorado State University 

General Session NAII Executive Round Table Seminar

February 3, 2003

Las Vegas, Nevada

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Corporate Responsibility Crisis...

“Opinion polls now place business people

in lower esteem than politicians.”  -Jennifer Merritt (2002) “For MBAs, Soul Searching 101,”

Business Week, Sept. 16, p. 64.

“A W.S.J./NBC poll found that 57% of

 general public believed that standards &values of corporate leaders & executives

had dropped in the last 20 years.”  -Eric Hellweg (2002) www.business2.0.com, Sept. 10

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“An ABC News/Washington Post survey

indicated 63% of the public felt that

regulation of corporations is necessary to protect the public.” 

“Seventy-five percent of those surveyed by

ABC, expressed limited confidence in largecorporations.” 

-Gary Langer (2002) “Confidence in Business: Was Low and Still Is,”

www.abcnews.com, Sept. 10.

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Corporate Confidence Crisis

Bernard Ebbers-Worldcom; Kenneth Lay-Enron

 –  financial reporting, personal loans, general oversight

Dennis Koslowski-Tyco; Andrew Fastow-Enron;

John Rigas-Adelphia –  conflicts of interest, financial fraud & improper loans 

Jack Grubman-Salomon Smith Barney

 –   provided IPOs to Ebbers & other CEOs based on investment

 banking relationship  Henry Blodgett-Merrill Lynch

 –  urged small investors to put money in stocks that he privately

down rated

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Developing Trust & Confidence

in Businessindividuals alone did not cause our current


the following stakeholders were all involved

in supporting a culture of deception &

manipulation –  board members -regulators

 –  top management -politicians

 –  attorneys -mass media

 –  accounting firms -investors

 –  securities analysts -colleges of business

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Corporate Reform...

The 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act was the most

sweeping change in corporate governance

and the regulation of accounting practicessince the Securities and Exchange Act of


 – Supported by Republicans & Democrats

 – Provides oversight to restore stakeholder


 – Requires business ethics infrastructure

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Sarbanes Oxley Reform

Independent Accounting Oversight Board

CEOs and CFOs certify financial statements

Board Audit Committee to consist of independent

members (no material interests) No consulting & auditing by the same firm

 No loans to officers & board members

Code of ethics for senior financial officers

 –  register with the SEC

Whistle-blower protection

10 year penalty for mail/wire fraud

Analysts certify objective reports

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Sarbanes Oxley Reform

Company attorney must report fraud to top management &

if necessary to the board of directors

 –  if nothing is done, attorney must withdraw from representation

Mutual fund managers must disclose how shareholder proxies are voted-providing investors information about

how their shares influence decisions

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Corporate Governance

Formal systems of accountability & control

for organizational decisions & resources

Major Issues:

 – shareholder rights

 – executive compensation

 – mergers & acquisitions

 –  board compensation & structure

 – auditing & control

 – risk management

 – CEO selection & executive succession plans

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Models of Corporate Governance

Shareholder Model –  maximization of wealth for investors & owners

 –  developing and improving the formal system of

 performance accountability between management & thefirms stakeholders

 –  making decisions based on what is in the best interest

for investors

Stakeholder Model –  considers the interests of employees, suppliers,

government agencies, communities, & groups with

which it interacts

 –  assumes collaborative & relational approach

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Joann Lublin (2003) "Panel Officers

Governance Rules." Wall StreetJournal, Jan. 10, p.1.

Corporate Governance Best

Practices Support to split roles of CEO and Chairman 

 –  Chubb Corp. (& others) named a board member as non-executive


Outside directors meet alone as often as necessary Independent internal ombudsman to encourage

internal reporting of misconduct

 –  often called ethics officer

Formation of an internal audit function of every publiccompany

Support for codes of ethics to improve shareholder

relations & auditing practice

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Predicted Trend in Corporate

GovernanceBoard responsibility for developing company

 purpose statements that cover stakeholder interests

Annual reports will include more non-financial


Boards will be required to self-assess

Board member selection processes will become

increasingly formalized

Boards will need to work more as teams

Board membership will require more time

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Internal Control & Risk

ManagementControls are used to safeguard corporate assets &

resources, protect the reliability of organizational

information & ensure compliance with regulations,

laws & contracts

 –  limit employee or management opportunism

 –  ensure that board members have access to timely &

quality information

 –  the ability to anticipate & remedy organizational risks

• minimize negative situations

• uncertainties need to be hedged

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Future of Corporate Governance

Moving from a shareholder model to a

stakeholder model

Greater organizational-level accountabilityGreater general support for corporate


Governments are playing a more significantrole

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How does ethical decision

making occur in organizations?#1 influencer of ethical/unethical behavior is

the influence of top management & the

corporate culture

 business ethics in an organization relates to a

corporate culture of values, programs,

enforcement & leadership

stakeholders must support organizational

ethics initiatives-it’s good business 

 – stop focusing on the short term!!!

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Recommendations for Business

Leaders...Take responsibility for educating your

managers about corporate responsibility

& business ethicsTop management needs to make sure

there are visible & supported programs

 – do not rely upon individual ethics & thecharacter of employees alone

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Are business ethics & social

responsibility directly related to

financial performance?

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Business Ethics Initiatives Have

Been Tied To...Greater efficiency in daily operations

Greater employee commitment

Improved financial performance

Higher product quality

Improved decision making

Increased customer loyalty

Improved reputation

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Trust in Corporate Citizenship

Trust is the “glue” that holds organizational

relationships together

Stephen Covey contends, low trust results inorganizational decay & relationship


 –  political problems & inefficiencyMost workers feel they can be trusted more

than they can trust others

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Employees & Trust

All organizational members should share a

sense of trust

Trust should exist between departmentswithin a firm

Ethics Resource Center study shows that

93% of employees who say trust isfrequently evident in their organization

report satisfaction with their employer

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Companies Convicted of

Misconduct...Provide significantly lower returns on assets

& lower returns on sales than firms that

have not been convictedOrganizational misconduct can result in:

 – loss of reputation

 – supplier concerns – investor concerns

 – greater government scrutiny

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Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell,

 Business Ethics (2002),

Houghton Mifflin Co.

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