Nafisi Lecture

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  • 8/15/2019 Nafisi Lecture


    ENG5304 Bibliography and Research Jandy Stone

    Dr. James Barcus November 1, 2006

    The Republic of the Imagination

    A Lecture given by Azar Nafisi

    Professor Azar Nafisi is the author of the best-selling bookReading Lolita in Tehran, a

    captivating mixture of memoir, social history, and literary criticism set against the

    backdrop of Irans 1979 Islamic Revolution and the fundamentalist ideology that has

    governed Iran since then. Nafisi earned her advanced academic degrees in the United

    States, but returned to her home country teach English literature in Tehran, until the

    radical Islamic government forced her out of her university position for her refusal to

    wear the veil. Undeterred, she gathered seven of her brightest female students to study

    forbidden books like NabokovsLolita, Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, JamessDaisy

    Miller, and AustensPride and Prejudice in her home. She eventually decided to leave

    Iran and now teaches at Johns Hopkins University.

    In her lecture, Dr. Nafisi spoke of the importance of the imagination as a place of

    freedom and equality, especially in the politicized modern world. Her vision of a

    republic of the imagination is a space where people of all countries, religions, and

    political stances could gather and find that they really do have something in common,

    their humanity as revealed in the great literature of all cultures. Literature, paradoxically,

    is universal because it is particularby focusing on the individual, literature highlights

    characteristics of human beings that allow the reader to empathize with the character, to

    walk in their shoes, and to form a connection with a situation or culture that they would

    not otherwise have been able to experience. The extreme forms of politics, on the other

    hand, generalize and dehumanize, emphasizing not what is universal among all humanity


  • 8/15/2019 Nafisi Lecture


    ENG5304 Bibliography and Research Jandy Stone

    Dr. James Barcus November 1, 2006

    but the differences that separate one entire culture from anotherhence misleading terms

    such as The Muslim World or Christian Europe.

    Dr. Nafisi speaks exactly like she writes inReading Lolita in Tehran, which is to say,

    with a marvelous sense of her audience. She held a group of 200 professors, students,

    and laypeople for an hour, garnering both laughs and tears through her very witty, very

    human sensibility. References to recent events and media frenzies which often seemed

    off-the-cuff (I do not know whether they were or not) made the lecture current and

    relatable. She barely used any notes, and came across very conversationally. She even

    included points and references from the luncheon she had had earlier that day with some

    teachers and students. When she referred to her book, it was in a way that increased the

    saliency of her point for those who had read it, but did not leave those who had not read it

    in the dark. Her style of speaking really reinforced the points she was making, as well, as

    she made it very easy to empathize with her, and through her, with the horrors she saw

    before she left Iran.

    At this point in my life, there are few people I would desire to emulate more than Dr.

    Nafisi. She is able to clearly indicate the importance of literature and the humanities in a

    world that no longer values them as highly as other disciplines, and she is able to do so in

    a way that appeals not only to academics and aspiring academics, but to anyone willing to

    listen to her.
