NaFFAA Constitution and Preamble

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  • 7/31/2019 NaFFAA Constitution and Preamble


    We, Members of the fast-growing Filipino American Community in the United States, aware of our civic and social

    responsibilities as residents and citizens of America, inspired to become more active participants in the political life of our

    Nation, firm in our resolve to muster the vast human resources of our community in order to protect and promote oursocietal and ethnic interests as well as to contribute to the national well-being of the United States of America and, at the

    same time, determined to preserve our Filipino American heritage, do hereby organize ourselves into the NATIONAL



    Section 1. NaFFAA is a federation of Members of Filipino American associations throughout the United Statesthat were organized and operating independently and have been pursuing separate organization goals. The Filipino

    American community is rich in terms of the number of national, regional, local, professional and provincial organizations

    currently existing. Therefore, NaFFAA respects the autonomy of existing organizations.

    Section 2. There are a number of Filipino American coalitions at the national, regional, and local levels. NaFFAA

    shall not duplicate the functions of these organizations except where it is necessary to assist in the creation of alliances forthose types of organizations where none exist.

    Section 3. Filipino American organizations undertake a wide range of activities and services. NaFFAA shall build

    on the energies of the existing organizations by promoting harmonious relationships among them and encouraging

    collaboration along issues and/or geographic boundaries.

    Section 4. NaFFAA is aware that are many Filipinos in America who do not belong to any type of Filipino-oriented association. Nevertheless, NaFFAA shall ensure that their concerns are heard and solutions to the issues affecting

    them are equally addressed

    Section 5. NaFFAA shall promote laudable goals and champion issues so that is shall deserve recognition by

    Washington D.C. policy-makers, government officials at all levels, private industry leaders and other advocacy groups as

    the official representative - The Voice - of Filipinos and Filipino Americans in the United States. It's about time, "Panahon

    Na!" that the Filipino American community translates its fast-growing population into economic and political clout.

    Section 6. NaFFAA must endeavor to empower all its Members in all facets of American life. To achieve this

    goal, NaFFAA members shall share in the vision that Filipino Americans become full participants in mainstream Americaas leaders in government, arts and media , business and industry, education and social services and other such activities

    through active voting and political participation while maintaining and strengthening our Filipino ties and cultural


    Section 7. Finally, NaFFAA must recognize the strength and talents of our youth, our future leaders. NaFFAA

    must provide them with an equal share of the opportunity and the responsibility to meet the challenges that our

    community faces.

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