n tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 (Bài 12 - 16)

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  • 7/27/2019 n tp ting Anh lp 8 (Bi 12 - 16)



    TEST 1

    Complete the following sentences with the words given below

    plane delayed time sailing flew

    flight take off local time land

    1. Last week, he..........................................to New York.

    2. It was an early morning..................................................3. The ........................................ was to...................................at 7 a.m.4. The plane was...............................................by fog.

    5. Trains always run on.................................................here.

    6. We are............................................... on the QE2.

    Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.

    About four weeks ago, I (1. arrive)..........................home at my usual time after lunch. My next-doo

    neighbor (2. paint)the wall outside his house so I (3. stop)..for a quicchat. Then I (4. go) .inside toread the paper for a few minutes before I (5. star

    work. One of the cats (6. sit)on a cushion on a radiator whil

    the other (7.chase)..a f ly round the lounge. I (8. go

    .into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and - the back door (9. bwide open. Oh.no! I (10. rush).upstairs into th

    front bedroom and then Irealized...

    Read the textand choose the best answer.

    Sunday is a family day forthe Lee family. They often go out together. Last Sunday, Mr. Lee decided to take his

    family up to Victoria Peak."We are taking a ride on the PeakTram today. It is the oldest form of public transport in Hong Kong," Mr. Lee


    The family first went to tea at Maxim's. They then crossed the harbor by the Mass transit Railway and got out a

    Central MTR station.

    "Oh. Daddy, look how beautiful that bus is!" Sally exclaimed.She was pointing at an open-top double-decker. There were brightly-painted figures on both sides of it. The bu

    tookthem to the Garden Road terminal.Mr. Lee took many photographs of his family. They had dinner at the Peak Restaurant. Then they returned hom

    with happy me Tories of the day

    1. What does "family day" mean for the Lee family?

    A. Crossing the harbor by the MTR on Sundays. B. Taking the Peak tram every Sunday.

    C. Going out together on Sundays. D. Going up to Victoria Peak every Sunday.

    2. Which is the oldest form of public transport in Hong Kong?A. The Peak Tram. B. The bus.

    C. The tram and the bus. D. The tram and the taxi.3. How did the family cross the harbor?

    A. By taking the ferry. B. By getting out at the MTR station.

    C. By taking the Mass transit Railway. D. By taking the Peak tram.

    4. What did Sally think ofthe double-decker?A. That it was open-top. B. That it was beautiful.

    C. That it was brightly-painted. D.That it was big.

    5. How did the Lee family feel at the end of the day?A. Happy. B. Tired.

    C. Happy because they took many pictures. D. Happy because they returned home.

    Complete the following sentences.

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    1.They often listen to the radio while...................................................................

    2.It was raining when............................................................................

    3. .................................................................when the lights went out.4. The door bell rang while........................................................................................

    5. .while I'm waiting for thebus.

    6.She was doing her shopping when..........................................................................

    TEST 2

    I. Choose the correct word in brackets.

    Lucy: Hey, Mom. I want to backpack(around / during) Europe this summer. What do you think?Mom: Backpack around Europe? That sounds dangerous! You shouldnt go (with / by) yourself. You

    ought to go (along / with) someone.

    Lucy: Yes, I've thought of that.

    Mom: And you'd (should / better) talk to your father first. Lucy: I (already / ready) did. He thinks it's

    great idea. He wants to go with me.

    III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.

    We (1. walk) .along the path and (2. put) u

    our tent by the side of the lake. By this time, the sun (3. go) ..down and it (4

    begin). to get cold. While we (5. cook) .. our dinner, we suddenl(6. hear) a terrible noise at the farend of the valley. We both (7. look)

    up and to our horror we (8. see).about 20 cows that(9. run)in ourdirection. "Let's get out ofhere!" I (10. Shout)


    IV. Match a line in A with a line in B, using when or while.

    A B

    1.I was riding to school a. she was getting dressed

    2. Her legs got burnt b. I dropped aplate.

    3. The zip broke c. I made a mistake.

    4.I was drying the dishes WHEN d. she was boiling some water.

    5.I was adding up the figures e. I was cleaning my teeth.WHILE

    6. The filling came out f. I fell off my bike.

    . 7. He was driving to work g. she was sunbathing.

    8. The kettle exploded h. the windscreen scattered.

    V. Complete the following passage with the given prepositions.

    in on at of to by during with

    An English friend (1) ......................mine, Ian, was staying (2)friends (3)

    America. One night, while he was having a drink (4) a bar, he met an Englis

    woman called Jane. They spent a lot (5)..time together (6) Lan's holiday and got on very well, but when he left he didn't write down Jane's address (7

    ..England. Two months later, (8).. .......................... August, when Ian wa

    relaxing (9)holiday (10).Corfu, he met an Irish woman calleElizabeth. They had a great time together and (11)..the end (12).the holida

    they exchanged addresses.

    VI. Complete the following conversation with the words given below.

    maybe away both good don't

    Jane: We need to take a vacation.

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    Peter: Well, we (1).................................have two weeks ofvacation time. Why

    (2).............we drive north to Canada9

    Jane: I'd like to go camping, (3)............................................in the mountains.

    Peter: That sounds (4)..........................................to me. 1 inso tired of city living.New York is so congested

    and full of traffic all the time. Weneed to get (5) from that.

    Jane: Ah, just us and the mountains. Do you want to leave tomorrow?Peter: Sure.

    VII. Complete the sentences below with correct form of the verbs in brackets.Last night 1(1 . have) ............................. a very strange dream. In this dream. Iwas in a restaurant. I (2

    sit)alone and (3. read)a book. Suddenly I (4. look)..up and (5. see) a man (6. stare).at me. I (7. look)

    ..around and (8. see) a lot of other people (9. sit)

    ..at tables near him. They (10. laugh) and (11. smile)about something. The waiter (12. come) over to me. He (13. begin)

    to smile. I (14. ask) .him why he (15. smile)

    .................................................................The other people (16. begin)

    to laugh even louder. The waiter (17. point).. to my face. Then I(18.

    understand).................................................why everybody (19. laugh)..............................

    Unit 13: Festivals

    I. Match the following words in column A, B and C to make compound nouns

    A B C

    1. rice2. fire

    3. bull

    4. car5. flower

    6. clothes

    7. computer8. bike

    9. English

    10. oil

    a. exportingb. cooking

    c . fighting

    d. washinge. making

    f. arranging

    g. importingh. producing

    i. speaking

    j. repairing

    I. contestII. festival

    III. machine

    IV. countryV. contest

    VI. contest

    VII. countryVIII. factory

    IX. contest

    X. shop

    III. Put the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE:

    1. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work..

    2. They taught him French and gave him a dictionary.


    3. A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting..

    4. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation..

    5. Who wrote it?


    6. Why didnt they mend the roof before it fell in?.

    7. The burglars had cut a huge hole in the steel door.


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    8. When did they ring the church bells?


    9. You should water this plant daily.


    10. Our neighbor ought to paint the garage..

    11.I have to return these books to the library.


    12. Someone will pay you in ten days.

    13. They chose him as the best actor of the year.

    .14. A pickpocket robbed me.


    15. My friend sent me an invitation..

    16. The farmer is building a new barn.

    .17. The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters.

    .III. Change the following sentences from DIRECT to INDIRECT SPEECH:

    1. He said, I will be here at noon..

    2. Mary said, The train will probably arrive on time.

    .3. He said, I have to finish this report by five oclock.


    4. The doctor said, Mr. Smith will improve quickly..

    5. William said to me, I am leaving in the morning.

    .6. The teacher said, Everyone has to write a composition..

    7. John said, I saw that movie on Wednesday.

    .8. Helen said, I have read that book.


    9. Mary said to John, I cannot go to the movie with you..

    10. John said, I have finished studying my lesson.


    11. Mary remarked, John speaks English well..

    12. William said to me, I will not see Mr. Jones until Tuesday.

    .13. Mr. Smith said, I will refuse their offer.


    14. John said, I certainly hope it wont rain tomorrow..

    15. Henry said, I can meet them later..

    .16. The boy said, I am only eight years old.

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    VI. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

    1. They asked me such difficult questions at the interview.

    ,->I............................'...........................................................................................2. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.


    3. Nobody told me that George was ill.> I wasn't............................................................................................................

    4. How much will they pay you?

    - How much will you..........................................................................................

    5.1 think they should have offered Tom the job.-> I think Tom.....................................................................................................

    6. Has anybody shown you what to do?

    -> Have you............................................................................................

    VII. Make complete sentences from the words given.

    1. The Robinson family/ making/ preparation/ Tet.

    ..2. In / rice-cooking festival/ fire/ made / traditional way.


    3. Santa Claus/ based/ description/ Saint Nicolas...

    4. Viet Nam / be/ country/ export/ a lot/ rice...

    5*. This bridge / finished / by / end / 2005...

    6.. weather / too bad / us / go / picnic.

    ..7. They/often give/each other/best wishes/New year's Days.


    8. I / also fond / folk music...

    I. Choose the most suitable word in brackets to fill in the blank1. How long (ago / for / in).......................................... did you stay in the US?2. The first prize (give / gives / is given).............................................. to the best team.

    3. Who wrote that (poet / poem /poetry)..............................................?

    4. How many people took part (at / in / on)...............................................the contest?5. He urged me (to learn / learning / learn)............................................... French better.

    6. He'll visit us at (Christmas / Christmas day / Christmas morning)

    7. I use these pieces of wood to (do / make / have)..................................................the fire.

    II. Read the passage and answer the questions below.

    Two popular traditions at Christmas are decorating the home and singing Christmas carols.

    The home is the center of the Christmas celebration. Inside, an evergreen tree is usually placed in a corner of th

    living room. Children and theirparents wrap strings of colorful lights around the tree. They hang ornaments on thbranches. A star or angel often crowns the top. Carefully-wrapped gifts are placed beneath. Outside, familie

    often string lights around windows and wind lights around trees and shrubs in the front yard. As

    families decorate their homes, they often put on a Christmas record. Almost every family has at least onfavorite Christmas album or compact disc. Schoolchildren of all ages perform Christmas concerts for the

    parents and communities. On Christmas' Eve, family members gather around the Christmas tree to sin

    traditional songs such asJingle bells and Silent Nightand then give presents to each ether.* Questions:

    1. What arc the popular Traditions at Christmas?

    2. Where is the evergreen tree put?

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    3. How do they decorate the Christmas tree?

    4. What do family members often do on Christmas' Eve?

    IV. Choose the correct form: active or passive.

    1. Walt Disney created /was createdthe cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

    2. This problem discussed/ was discussedatthe last meeting.

    3. In 1964 Martin Luther King won/was wonthe Nobel Peace Prize.4. The president arrived / was arrivedin Rome yesterday afternoon.

    5. Later he interviewed/was interviewedon Italian TV.

    6. The Mona Lisa (La Giaconda)painted / was paintedby Leonardo daVinci.7. The first pyramids of Egypt built /were builtaround 3000 BC.

    V. Complete the sentences with say or tell (in the correct form).

    1. Annsaidgoodbye to me and left.2..........................us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?

    3. Don't just stand there!..................................something.

    4.1 wonder where Sue is. She.................................... she would be here at 8 o'clock.5. Jack..........................me that he was fed up with his job.

    6. The doctor.............................that I should rest forat least a week.7. Don't...........................anybody what I..................................It's a secret just

    between us.8. George couldn't help me. He....................................me to ask Kate.

    VI*. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses and voices (active or passive).

    An Englishman................1............(arrest) by police in a fishing village not far from Dieppe in Francyesterday ... and..............2............(find) to be sufferingfrom a loss memory. The police 3(call)

    .when the man .......4 (speak) no French, refused to pay a bill of 82 F for a larg

    meal which he ..................5............ (eat). When the police 6 (search)him, they 7 (find) nmoney on him at all. When an interpreter 8 (arrive), it became clear that the man couldn

    remember either

    his name or how he .................9............(get) to the fishing village. His loss of me mory ...........1..................................................... (be) probably due to a head injury. At the police station the police 1..................................................... ( find) identity papers on him.

    Apparently he................12.............(leave) his home almost a week ago. Theynow 13... (try) t

    discover how he got to France ... and where hiswallet 14 (be).

    VII. Rewrite the sentences, putting the verbs in the passive.

    1. My car / damage / last night.My car was damaged last night.

    2. The machines / make/ in Scotland.

    3. The money / change into dollars/ at thebank.

    4. Cheese / make / from milk.

    5. The children / give/ some food.

    6. The house / paint/ every year.

    7. Several people / hurt / in an accident last night

    VIII. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as show/, so that the meaning stays the same.

    1. Janet said, "I am living in London now."

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    - Janet said that she was living in London then.

    2. He said to her, "I'll take you home."

    -> He told................................................................................................3. He said to me: "Please ring me at 5 o'clock."

    ->He asked..............................?;.............................................................

    4. He said to me, "I'll come back late tonight."->He told..................................................................................................

    5. People are going to build a bridge over my house.

    - A bridge...............................................................................................

    6. They must observe the rules of the games carefully.- The rules...................................................................................................

    7. He climbed trees so that she could pick some fruits.

    In order to..............................................................................................

    IX. Complete the dialogue using the information given.

    A. What sort of flowers?

    B. What do I have tobuy?C. What was that, Mom?

    D. No, do you need something?

    E. Anything else?F. Okay. What are you going to do?

    F. Okay. What are you going to do?Mrs.Robinson: John, I want you to go to the flower market for meplease.

    Mr. Robinson: ...............1............................................/:...................................

    Mrs. Robinson: Some peach blossoms and a bunch of flowers.

    Mr. Robinson: ................................,........2........................................................

    Mrs. Robinson: Marigolds, because they are traditional at Tet.

    Mr. Robinson:.....................................................3.......................................................

    Mrs. Robinson: No, but I need Liz to do a few things.

    Liz: .......................................4.......................................................

    Mrs. Robinson: Are you busy?

    Liz: .........................................5......................................................

    Mrs. Robinson: Yes. Go to the market and pick up some packets ofdried watermelon seeds, please..


    Mrs. Robinson: I'm going to Mrs. Nga's. She's going to show me how

    to make sticky rice balls.

    Unit 14: Wonders of the world

    I. Match the names of the countries with their wonders.

    Countries Wonders

    1. Iraq2. Egypt

    3. Malaysia

    4. France5. India

    6. China

    7. Cambodia

    8. Greece9. England

    10. USA

    a. The Statue of Liberty.b. The Great Wall.

    c. The Eiffel Tower.

    d. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.e. The Statue of Zeus.

    f. Petronas Twin Towers.

    g. Angkor Wat.

    h. The Pyramid of Cheops.i. Big Ben.

    j. The Taj Mahal.

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    II. Change the following sentences into passive form

    1. He cant repair my bike.2. Our teacher used to bid us talk in class.

    3. Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom.

    4. My mother used to make us clean the house.5. They will have to build a new bridge here.

    6. She can sew three shirts a day. ( sewn- pp).

    7. We have to pick fruit every morning.

    8. You must wash your hands before meal.9. I couldnt catch any fish.

    10. The computer can do the account.

    11. Children should treat old men with respect.12. How many ways can you solve this problem?

    13. He might phone me tonight.

    14. Students ought to prepare their lessons before class.15. Lan would cook meals.

    16. Mary has to cook lunch every day.

    17. Hoan had to clean the classroom yesterday.18. He can speak 4 languages.

    19. You cant wear this shirt because it is too small.20. Can you speak English ?

    21. They are going to rebuild our school next month.22. People say that he sings as well as a singer.

    23. We have to solve this problem at once.

    24. I used to help her when she was a child.25. She had to prepare her lesson before the test.

    26. Lan got used to clean the windows last year.

    III. Reported speech with questions.

    1. Why do you want the job?She asked us ........................

    2. How did you hear about it?She asked him .........................

    3. Are you fit?She asked them ...........................4. Can you work on Saturdays?She asked me .........................

    5. How will you travel to work?I asked her.....................................

    6. Have you got a bicycle?They asked me..................................

    7. How much do you expect to earn?Lan asked Ba..............................

    8. When can you start? I asked them...................................

    IV: Wh -questions reported speech.

    1. He asked, How long does it take you to have lunch?.

    2. He asked me, What are you doing at the weekend?

    .3. She asked, Why are you late, Tom?.

    4. My mother asked me, Where is your umbrella?

    .5. The secretary asked the man, Who do you want to see, sir?


    6. The students asked, What time does the bell ring?.

    7. He asked Tom, What kind of films do you like watching?


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    13. They managed (pass) their exams.

    14. He refused (see) me again.

    15. Remember . (post) the letters.16. She seems (be) happy.

    17. He waited . (get) his salary.

    18. Hell hire a man (kill) them.19. He advised . (study) hard.

    20. Im sorry for .. (keep) you late.

    21. Im interested in (play) tennis.

    22. Instead of (study) Alice watched TV.23. He apologized for (come) late.

    24. He succeeded in (pass) his exam.

    25. Im looking forward to . (go) to London.26. Were thinking of (travel) by train.

    27. Do you feel like . (go) for a swim?

    28. Do you have any good reason for . (not / call) me?29. Thank you for .. (help) me carry the goods.

    30. The little boys mother warned him .. (not / eat) so many apples.

    31. They reminded me .. (do) my assignment.32. The children are excited about (go) to the movies.

    33. She always puts off . (do) the laundry.34. Bob refused . (talk) about his problems.

    35. Cindy told him .. (not / wait) for her.36. He suggested (go) home when he got sick.

    37. Who is responsible for (tidy) the room?

    38. Henry is quite good at (make up) stories.39. Were planning on . (go / swim) this weekend.

    40. I couldnt persuade him .. (come) with me.

    41. Can you touch your toes without (bend) your knees?42. I cant help (look) at her.

    43. Do you have any difficulty in .. (speak) English?

    44. Please remind me (take) my photo.45. I persuaded my mother (give) me permission to go out.46. He will arrange .. (meet) me at the airport.

    47. He waited . (get) his salary.

    48. I regret . (say) you that he is ill.49. Jim cant stand (be) interrupted.

    50. When Sam got tired, he stopped .. (work).

    51. I remember . (play) with dolls when I was a child.52. I regret (not / listen) to my fathers advice. He was right.

    53. The thief was accused of . (steal) a woman purse.

    Choose the correct word in each bracket.Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New YorkHarbor

    (in /since) 1886.

    Andrew: Wow! Look at it.

    James: Incredible, isn't it?

    Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the(France

    /French) sculptorBartholdi.

    Andrew: It's really huge. Do we get to go inside?

    James: Of course. We can climb the stairs all the way (on / up) to the crown.

    Andrew: Stairs? There's (no/a) elevator?

    James: Not to the top. But it's (just/more) 142 steps! Yesterday Hong asked her father some questio


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    Report Hong's questions.

    E.g.: Is Hanoi beautiful?

    Hong asked her father if Hanoi was beautiful.

    1. Is Hanoi farther from Hue than Ho Chi Minh City?2. Does Hanoi have many beauty spots?

    3. Are there more tourists visiting Hanoi in summerthan in win

    IV. Yesterday Hong asked her father some questions about Hanoi. Report Hong's questions.E.g.: Is Hanoi beautiful?

    Hong asked her fatherif Hanoi was beautiful. 1. Is Hanoi farther from Hue than Ho

    Chi Minh City?X. Does Hanoi have many beauty spots?3. Are there more tourists visiting Hanoi in summerthan in winter?

    4. Are Hanoi people friendly and open?

    5. Is the food in Hanoi delicious?6. Does it take a long time to go from Hue to Hanoiby train?

    7. Can I visit Hanoi in the summer?

    V.*Complete the following sentences, using passive constructions. Theverbs you need are all in the box at the


    1. She................................. to hospital last week. She ........................................ blood when she arrived, andthen they kept her in hospital for two days.

    .2. The book....................................... by Ruth Rendell. It.......................................... by Penguin Books in 199and next year it.................................. into French and German.

    3. The toys ................................. in Taiwan. Then they............................................ to a number of European

    countries where they ................... in large department stores.4. The film.....................................in China and it.....................................by Bernardo Bertolucci last year. Nex

    month it........................................... at the Cannes Film Festival.

    5. St Paul's Cathedral.......................................... by Sir Christopher Wren and it................................at the end of the 17th century.

    VI. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using to-infinitive, bare infinitive or V-ing.1. My father told me (not stay)..................................... up too late.2. Would you mind (look)........................................ after the house while I'm

    away? .

    3. They decided (move).....................,..............to a new house last week.4. Jane hopes (become)...................................a lawyer.

    5. I can't (finish)....................................my work before noon.

    6. My mother advises me (learn).............................../;...... these new words byheart.

    7. I want (visit).....................................my grandmother.

    8. Would you like (go)...................................... to the cinema with me tonight?

    9. How about (go)......................,............. to Dong Ba Market?10. They told me how (make) .......cV................................the cake.

    VII. Complete the following sentences.

    E.g. I'm going away for a few days, would you mind..........................................?

    I'm going away for a few days, would you mind looking after the children?

    1. It rained hard so she decided.......................................................2. I advise you not..........................................because it's very dangerous.

    3. I never make biscuits. She told me how...........................................

    4. Huong's going to Hanoi to visit her friend. She asked me how5. This is the first time I have come to Hoi An. I asked Mai where


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    I. Give the noun form ofthe following verbs.

    Verb Noun

    1. complete2. construct

    3. discover

    4. develop

    5. describe

    II. Rearrange the words to create meaningful sentences.1. played / over / world / Football / all / is / the

    2. be / The / will / given / team / prize / to / best / the

    3. mother / letter / to / is / She / a / her / writing

    4. house / near / two / The / years / built / ago / was / bridge / my

    5. They / the / get / told / how / me / to / airport / to

    IV. Change the sentences from the active into the passive.

    1. They gave Linda aprize for one of her books.

    2. Will they find an easierway to learn English one day?

    3. Someone has told me about her success.

    4. People speak English all over the world.

    5. They sell English books in that shop.

    6. Someone is repairing my car at the moment.

    V. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    I was four when I started (1. learn; ............................................... (2. write My fatherstarted (3.

    teach) ........................................................................................................... me before I went to school. I doremember that I always found the capital letters much easier (4. write) ......than the small ones. And I rememb

    that once we started (5. write)....................................................................... in school we weren't allowed (6.

    use)............................................................................................................... pens, we had to (7. use)

    pencilsuntil we became really good at writing. This may (8. be) ........................................................

    one of the best memories in my study.

    VI. Rewrite each sentence as directed so that the second sentence has

    the same meaning as the first one.

    1. "Do you want to visit the Statue of Liberty one day?" An asked Long. (IF)

    2.3. Mary has studied English for three years. (STARTED)


    5. They repaired this road in 2002. (PASSIVE VOICE)

    6.7. "What should I do during the three days off?" Lan asked her friends.


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    (WHAT + TO)

    5. Huong asked her father what means of transport was suitable to go from Hue to Da Nang. (HOW +


    6. They built these two pagodas under the Nguyen dynasty.

    (PASSIVE VOICE)7. "Do you like reading when you have free time?"

    Trang asked Minh (WHETHER)

    VII. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

    Seven Wonders of the World, works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as tmost extraordinary structures of antiquity.

    (1) The Pyramids of Egypt, built at Giza during the 4th Dynasty, are the oldest of the seven wonders. (2) T

    Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by King Nebuchadnezzar II about 600 BC. (3) The 12-m (40-ft) StatueZeus was the central feature of the temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece. (4) The temple of Artemis at Ephes

    in Greece (356 BC) was combined grea t size with elaborate ornamentation. (5)The Mausoleum

    Halicarnassus was a monumental marble tomb. (6) The Colossus of Rhodes was a 30m (100 ft) bronze statof the Greek sun god Helios. (7) The Pharos of Alexandria (280 BC) was a famous ancient lighthou

    standing more than 134m (440 ft) tall.

    1. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are older than The Pyramids ofEgypt.

    2. The Temple of Artemis was big.3. The Colossus of Rhodes is still existing.

    4. The Colossus of Rhodes was made of bronze.5. The Pharos of Alexandria was 134 feet tall.

    unit 15: COMPUTERSI. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence. Use the correct form of the word.

    1. Robots are used toperform (make /performIstudy) many dangerous


    2. CD-ROM is used for .......................................... (connect / perform / store)information on many subjects.

    3. Police use DNA fingerprinting to .............................................. (identify / read /

    transmit) criminals.4. Computers are used to..........................................(access / do / send) the Internet.

    5. Satellites are used for..........................................(make / transmit / write) radio

    programs.6. Home computers are used to ., ........................................... (do / make / have)


    II. Complete the conversation. Use the words and expressions in the box.

    am neither will can't stand them

    can so would favorite kind offood

    do too like it a lot

    Sherry: I feel tired tonight. I really don't want to cook.

    Whitney:Neitherdo I. Say, do you like Thai food?

    Sherry: It's delicious. I.......................1......................

    Whitney: I do, ......................2.................... It's my ...................3................. Let's call

    Chiang Mai Restaurant forhome delivery.

    Sherry: Great idea! Their food is always good. I eal there a lot.

    Whitney: .................4................... do I. Well, what ........................5.............you like


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    Sherry: I'm in the mood for some soup.

    Whitney: So .....................6.................. I. And I think I ...................7...........have spicychicken and special Thai rice. Sherry: OK, let's order. Oh, wait a minute, I don't have any


    Whitney: Neither.....................8.....................I. What should we do?

    Sherry: Well, let's look in the refrigerator. Hmm. Do you like boiled eggs?

    Whitney: I.....................9.....................

    Sherry: Actually, neither........................10...................I.

    III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect orpast simple.1. "Where 's your key?" "I don't know.I've lost(lose) it"

    2. Mary.................................(go) to Australia for a while but she's back againnow.

    3. "Where 's Ken?" "He...................................... (go) out. He'll be back in about

    an hour."4. Look! There's an ambulance over there. There...........................................(be) an


    5. They're still building the new road. They ..................................................(not/finish) it.

    6. The police...................................(arrest) three people but laterthey let themgo.

    7. "Is Helen still here?" "No, she..............................................(just/go) out."8. What do you think of my English? Do you thinkI ..................................(improve)?

    IV. Put since orfor.

    1.1 haven't seen Tomsince Monday.2. Sarah has lived in London................................................1985.

    3 The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it.......................................................ages.

    4.1 haven't had a good meal................................................ last Tuesday.5. Kevin has been looking for a job....................................................he left school.

    6................................Christmas, the weather has been quite good.

    7. We've known each other.............................................ages.8. She's been in France...........................................the last three weeks.

    V. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use present perfect orpast simple.1. It / not / rain / this week.

    2. The weather / be / cold / recently.3. It / cold / last week.

    4 . 1 / not / read / a newspaper yesterday.

    5 . 1 / not / read / a newspaper today.6. Ann / earn / a lot of money / this year.

    7. She / not / earn / so much / last year.

    8. you / ever /be /to / Hanoi?

    VI. Fill in each gap in the passage with a suitable word from the box.socket joystick monitor printer function

    program mouse keyboard screen disk

    A computer has a......................................(1) similar to that of a typewriter. It ispossible to give the computercommands by means of the..................................................

    (2) keys above the letterkeys. The machine has a...............................................(3) at the

    back so that you can connect it to a ............................................. (4), which has....................... (5 ) like a television. We often use a ............................................

    which someone has written. All the information is stored on

    ................................ (7) , and at the side of the computer there is i................................(8). A......................................(9) is used to copy the information


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    on to paper. The object like a car gear is useful for playing games on i

    computer and is called a......................................(10)

    V I I * . R e a d t h i s n o t e f r o m G i s e l a t o H e l m u t . F i n d a n d c o r r e c t s i x mistakes in the use of

    present perfect with already and yet.

    Helmut - I 'm in a hurry. I haven't went shopping a l ready, but I ' ll do i t on the way home. Rita havalready had dinner and she's already had her bath. Have you call Mr. Jacobson yet? He's called already thre

    times today. Hi* daughter has gotten he r flu shot yet. Is it too late? See you later.

    I. Read the passage and fill in each gap with one suitable word chosen from the list below.about than expert stores few

    in time and almost work

    Computers are helpful (1)....................................many ways. First, they are fast.They wor k with informa tion much more q uickly (2) ..................................

    person. Second, computers can work with lots of information at the same

    time. Third, they can keep information for a long (3)..............................................Theydo not forget things the way people do. Also, computers are (4)

    ........................... always correct. They are not perfect, of course, but they

    usually do not make mistakes.These days, it is important to know something (5) .........................................

    computers. There are a number of ways to learn. Some companies havecomputer classes at (6) ................................... Moreover, most universities offer

    day (7)............................... night courses in computer science. Another way tolearn is from a book. There are many books about computers in book (8)

    ........................... and libraries. Or, you can learn from a friend. After a (9)

    ........................... hours of practice, you too can work with computers. Youmay not be an (10).................................. but you can have fun.

    II. Choose the correct responses.

    1. A: I enjoy working in sales.B:..................................................................................................................................

    a. Well, I can. b. neither do I. c. So do I.

    2. A: I like working at night shifts.B:........................................................................................................................... ;...a. I do, too. b. So I do. c. So am I.

    3. A: I can't stand getting to work late.

    B:..............................................................................a. I can't, either. b. Neither I can. c. So can I.

    4. A: I'm interested in reading picture books.

    B:..............................................................................................................a. So am I. b. Oh, I don't mind. c. I do, too.

    5. A: Today's weather isn't very nice.


    a. So was yesterday's, b. It is, too. c. Neither was yesterday'sIII. Fill in each blank with " already" or "yet".1. It's 1:00 o'clock. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten..........................................

    2. I*don't have to study tonight. I've ....................................'.. finished all myhomework.

    3. It's late but he hasn't arrived...................................

    4. Has John found a new job................................,..................?5. How did you do on your calculus exam?

    I haven't taken it.............................................The exam is tomorrow.

    6. Would you like to go to the movie at Bijou with us tonight?No, thanks. I've............................................ seen it. I saw it last week.


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    7.1 have......................................told him several times that I can't come.

    8. Have you finished................................................? It's time to go.

    IV. Put the verbs into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

    1. I don't know where Amy is.Have you seen (you/see) her?

    2. When I............................(get) home last night, I....................................(be) verytired and I..............................(go) straight to bed.

    3. Your car looks very clean......................................(you/wash) it?

    4. George............................(not/be) very well last week.

    5. Mr. Clark.............................. (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.6. I don't know Carol's sister. I .............................. (never/meet) her.

    V. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the words in the brackets.

    1. Some parents worry about their children's........................................... to computer

    games. (ADDICT)2. They believe that playing games for too long can be ............................................. to

    their children's health. (HARM)

    3. A computer is very................................. (POWER)4. We have three new....................->..........in our computer center.

    (TRAIN)5. Both...........................and data have to be changed to machine code before

    the computer can work on them. % (INSTRUCT)6. A well- ...................'......... person will have to have a good knowledge of

    computer science. (EDUCATE)

    VI. Put since orfor.


    2.........................twenty years

    3..........................Monday4.................................. three hours

    5.................................. last year

    6. .. .. ............................ my birthday7.................................. ten o'clock8.................................. I was born

    9.................................. a few days


    VII. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

    1. I've never tasted such a good cake before.-This is the first time................................................................................

    2. I haven't seen him for two weeks.

    -> I last.......................................................................................................3. I started learning English seven years ago.

    > I have......................................................................................................4. Nam is elected the monitor of our class.->We elect..................................................................................................

    5. I've never seen such a wonderful computer before.

    6. "You must see this computerexhibition."-> The teacher said........................................................................................

    7. "You have to check for computer viruses before you install any new


    > He said.......................................................................................................8. Tom is the best programmer in his company.

    No one in Tom's company is.................................................................


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    Fill in the blanks with ALREADY or YET:

    1. He hasnt called us .

    2. They have sent the letter.

    3. John has bought the tickets for the football match.4. We have .. been to Mexico three times.

    5. You havent visited Tokyo .

    6. Has John bought a new car .. ?

    7. The plane has left.8. Has she done it .. ? No, not . .

    9. A: Havent they arrived . ?

    B: Oh, yes. They have arrived.10. Hurry up! The class has started.

    11. Be careful! They have painted the door.

    12. Havent you read the book . ?

    Follow the example and do the same using JUST:

    1. She / leave the room

    2. they / watch the news

    3. I / finish homework

    4. he / put on the jacket

    5. she / catch a fish

    6. he / call a taxi

    7. you / write a letter

    8. the girl / burn the cake

    9. the teacher / walk out

    10. the dog / see the cat

    11. Jane / turn the TV off

    12. the boys / eat dinner

    Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PRESENT PERFECT:

    1. .. Tim . (finish) his work yet?2. .. he (finish) it yesterday?

    3. They . (just / go) out.

    4. They (go) out a minute ago.5. Ann . (study) yesterday afternoon?

    6. you . (send) the letters yet?

    7. she .. (call) him a week ago?8. They . (not / see) the film yet.


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    9. The train (just / arrive).

    10. . you . (ever / be) in a TV studio?

    11. you and Tom (enjoy) the party last night?12. you . (not / finish) school last year?

    13. I . (lose) my dictionary. I cant find it anywhere.

    14. His hair looks short. He .. (have) a haircut.15. When . (he / give up) smoking?

    16. Jane .. (buy) her car two weeks ago.

    17. My bicycle isnt here. Somebody . (take) it.

    18. Why (Jim / not want) to play tennis last Friday?19. The car looks clean. .. you .. (wash) it?

    20. When we were on holiday, the weather (be) terrible.

    unit 16: INVENTIONSI. Which word in each line does not belong to the group?

    1. microphone television paper sewing machine

    2. pulp wash weigh cook 3. sugar cocoa taste butter

    4. inventor typewriter writer architect

    II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1. Some people think ...................................... suddenly have an idea which

    results in a revolutionary invention. (INVENT)

    2. Nowadays, a lot of important ......................................... are carried out by

    scientists working for large industrial films. (INVENT)3. Methods of........................................ have developed the newspaper industry-

    over the past hundred years (PRINT)

    4. The facsimile was .........................................by Alexander Bain in 1843.(INVENT)

    5. New ideas can be.......................................by private inventors. (DEVELOP)

    6. The..................................... learned how to make paper in the seventh

    century. (JAPAN)7. My friend is very fat so she wants to lose............................................. (WEIGH)

    8. Is Quang Trung School your first...............................................position? (TEACH)

    III. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense of the active or passive form.

    1. It's a huge company. Two thousand people (employ) ..................................................


    2. The explosion (happen)..........................................just after9 p.m. Fortunatelyno one (hurt)....................................

    3. All the children (send)........................................home when the school's central

    heating system (break)........................................down last winter.4. I wonder why Mary (not invite)..................................................to Lee'sparty last

    Saturday.5. When Michelle lived in Italy, she always (have)............................................dinner at9 p.m.

    6. The watch isn't worth muchbut it has sentimental value. It (give)

    ................................ to me on my 21st birthday.

    7. The hotel we stayed at was quite good. The rooms (clean)............................ everyday and the towels (change) ............................................

    every other day.

    8. While Alan (drive) ......................................... home late last night, he (run)............................out of petrol.


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    IV. Use sequence markersfirst, then, next, etc. to describe the whole process of cooking rice.

    (1)..........................., the amount of rice required is- measured.

    (2)........................... , the rice is washed in cold water. When it is clean, the rice

    is put in a pan. (3).................................., the rice is mixed with water. The rice is

    cooked slowly for twenty minutes. (4).........................................., the pan is taken off thestove.

    V. Make complete sentences, using the given cues.

    1. Telephone / invent / AlexanderGraham Bell /1876.

    2. Watching / television / consider/ most /popular / kind / entertainment

    /nowadays.3. After / many / experiments / finally / first / successful / flight / make /

    by / Wright brothers.

    4. Computers / use / more / popular / next century.5. Advanced technological / achievements / should / apply / all / fields /

    our life.(L My Son / recognize / world heritage /1999.

    VI.* Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.

    1. Computers are kept records of our aches and pains, analyze them and

    are helped doctors diagnose and prescribe medicine for us.

    1. The mail sortby computers before delivery.2. Children educate in part by television directed by computers.

    4. Your study .will improve when you know how use computers more

    effectively.5. Computers use in directing flights of planes and controlling their


    VII. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Yesterday evening three people (1. kill).............................................. and forty others (2.

    injure)........................................in the explosion at Hepelworth's Department Store

    in London. People (3. believe).................................................. that the explosion (4.

    cause)..................................... by a b(W> and a young man (5. arrest)............................in connection with the incident.

    I. Give the noun form of the following words.



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    1............the class has finished, go straight to the library.

    2............you enter the library, make sure you have a pen and some paper.

    3............look at the subject catalogue.4.............doing this, go to the shelf and look for your books.

    1...........the class has finished, go straight to the library.

    2............you enter the library, make sure you have a pen and some paper.3............look at the subject catalogue.

    4............doing this, go to the shelf and look foryourbooks.

    5............you cannot find the book you want, see the librarian.

    6. Ask for help only ....... you have looked very thoroughly for thebook.1. A. Because B. When C. Or D. But

    2. A. Until B. But C. Because D. Before

    3. A. Then B. Before C. When D. If 4. A. If B. But C. Because D. After

    5. A. Then B. Or C. If D. Until

    6. A. before B. and C. but D. after