MYSTICSIM OF YESHUA HANDOUTS AND AUDIO LINKS Session 2, October 2017 Links to Audio Recordings: Friday Evening: https://s3.amazonaws.com/c7d-ooow/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/27215203/mysticism-oct-17-sess- 1-.mp3 (110 min) Saturday: https://s3.amazonaws.com/c7d-ooow/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/27224539/mysticism-oct-17-sess- 2.mp3 (120 min) https://s3.amazonaws.com/c7d-ooow/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/27230744/mysticism-oct-17-sess- 3.mp3 (43 min) https://s3.amazonaws.com/c7d-ooow/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/27233347/mysticism-oct-17-sess- 4.mp3 (65 min) https://s3.amazonaws.com/c7d-ooow/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/27234239/mysticism-oc-17-sess- 5.mp3 (55 min) Recommended Articles: Where Shall Wisdom be Found? (Job 28.12) Margaret Barker, 2001. Restoring Solomons Temple, Margaret Barker, 2012 Wisdom and the Stewardship of Knowledge, Margaret Barker: Bishops Lecture Lincoln Cathedral, March 2004

MYSTICSIM OF YESHUA HANDOUTS AND AUDIO LINKS Session … · Yeshua’s teachings are a form of Interiorized Judaism that centers on the Kardial dimension. The various previous streams

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Page 1: MYSTICSIM OF YESHUA HANDOUTS AND AUDIO LINKS Session … · Yeshua’s teachings are a form of Interiorized Judaism that centers on the Kardial dimension. The various previous streams



Session 2, October 2017

Links to Audio Recordings:

Friday Evening:


1-.mp3 (110 min)



2.mp3 (120 min)


3.mp3 (43 min)


4.mp3 (65 min)


5.mp3 (55 min)

Recommended Articles:

“Where Shall Wisdom be Found? (Job 28.12”) Margaret Barker, 2001.

“Restoring Solomon’s Temple”, Margaret Barker, 2012

“Wisdom and the Stewardship of Knowledge”, Margaret Barker: Bishop’s Lecture Lincoln

Cathedral, March 2004

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Views of Israel, north to south and south to north.

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Jordan River

Judean Wilderness

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Mount Tabor

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Prof Margaret Barker

Galillee at the Time of Jesus

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Yeshua’s First Temple Mysticism

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HISTORICAL TIMELINE of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Jewish People

in the Context of World History

A & B (Black Arrow and large purple oval)

Kurgan Culture and Warrior Society

14,000 BCE - The Rise of Warrior Societies and Culture against Egalitarian and

Agrarian societies. A theory proposed by Marija Gimbutas and described in The

Chalice and the Blade by Raine Eisler.

10,000 to 5,500 BCE -- Warrior and Tribal Societies

Rise of Early Civilizations -- Egyptian, Sumerian, Mohenjo--daro in India, and many

others around the world.

4000-3000 BCE the beginnings of ancient civilizations that we know of today.

Neolithic Period (4500-3200 BCE)

3500 BCE - First Settlement of Jerusalem

C (First green oval)

Early Bronze Age (3200-2220 BCE)

2500 BCE - First Houses Built in Area

2000 BCE - Abraham and Sarah and the line of the later Patriarchs and Matriarchs:

Beginning of the children and tribes of Abraham and Sarah and their remembered

early history and ancestors.

D (Red Arrow)

Middle Bronze Age (2220-1550 BCE)

1800 BCE - Construction of First City Wall around Jerusalem

1700 BCE – The Hebrews (children of Abraham and Sarah) enter slavery in Egypt

Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 BCE)

1400 BCE - First Mention of Jerusalem in Cuneiform Amarna Letters

1300 BCE - Moses and the Exodus -- Tabernacle in the wilderness and giving of the


Iron Age I (1200-1000 BCE)

1250 - Joshua and the Conquest of Palestine

1150-1025 BCE - The Era of the Judges in Palestine

1200 BCE - Jerusalem is conquered by Canaanites (Jebusites)

1080-1012 BCE - The first King of the Nation – Saul (1050-1012)

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Iron Age II (1000-529 BCE)

1000-586 BCE - Israel a Nation on the International Stage

1000 BCE - King David Conquers Jerusalem; Declares City Capital of Jewish State

E (Blue diamond)

960 BCE - David's Son, King Solomon, Builds First Jewish Temple Deut. 12:2-27

930 BCE - Shoshenq of Egypt sacks Jerusalem

835 BCE - King Jehoshapat restores the Temple and Jerusalem

721 BCE - Assyrians Conquer Samaria; Refugees Flee to Jerusalem and City

Expands onto Western Hill

701 BCE - Assyrian ruler Sennacherib lays siege to Jerusalem

F (Red Arrow)

King Josiah Repairs and Renovates the Temple (641 BCE)

II Kings 22-23 and II Chronicles 34-35 describes the changes

Destroys all other altars, high places, and graves desecrated

Expels and removes all other priests

Centralizes worship in Jerusalem

Removal of ancient objects from the Temple

War against visionary seeing

Scribes begin changes to the biblical text

Full implementation of the Law.

586 BCE - Babylonian Forces Destroy Jerusalem and Demolish First Temple

The Hebrew People are in Exile

G (Yellow Arrow)

THE AXIAL AGE -- A major shift in religious viewpoint that change conventional

religion to Enlightenment Religion appearing in different cultures from the 8th to the 3rd

Century before the Common Era.

The Rise of the Prophetic and Sapiential Traditions within Hebrew Tradition

790-586 BCE - Pre-exilic Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah

550-530 BCE - Exilic Prophets: Joel, Ezekiel,

520-160 BCE - Post exiled Prophets:

The Wisdom Tradition of Israel

The inspiration and source of Wisdom is said to be Solomon

Multiple streams from ancient wisdom traditions are a part of early Hebrew culture:

Egyptian, Babylonian, Phoenician, and Persian.

Later the Greek streams of wisdom are added to these within later Jewish culture,

influencing its literature.

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H, I and J (Red arrow, the larger green oval and the large blue diamond)

Persian Period (539-322 BCE)

539 BCE - Persian Ruler Cyrus the Great Conquers Babylonian Empire, including

Jerusalem. He also extracts many of the Jewish people from Babylon, taking them

into Persia.

516 BCE - Cyrus Permits Jews in Babylonian Exile to Return to Jerusalem and the

Second Temple is built.

They return from Exile with new ideas and forms that have been created through their

many experiences in Babylon and Persia, for example synagogue worship, a theology

of angels, and the beginnings of commentary on the Torah called the Talmud.

445-425 BCE - Nehemiah the Prophet Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem; City is

confined to Eastern Hill

The Hebrew people are restored back into a Nation State

The Second Temple was said to lack the following holy articles:

1. The Ark of the Covenant: containing the Tablets of Stone, before which were

placed the pot of manna and Aaron's rod

2. The Urim and Thummim: (divination objects contained in the Hoshen)

3. The holy oil

4. The sacred fire

5. In the Second Temple, the Kodesh Hakodashim (Holy of Holies) was separated

by curtains rather than a wall as in the First Temple.

Still, as in the Tabernacle, the Second Temple included:

1. The Menorah (golden lamp) for the Hekhal

2. The Table of Showbread

3. The golden altar of incense, with golden censers

4. According to the Mishnah (Middot iii. 6), the "Foundation Stone" stood where the

Ark used to be, and the High Priest put his censer on it on Yom Kippur

K (Red Arrow)

Hellenistic Period (332-141 BCE)

332 BCE - Alexander the Great conquers Judea and Jerusalem and desecrates the


332-141 BCE - Ptolemaic and Seleucid Rule in Jerusalem

L (Yellow oval)

Early Jewish Mystical Traditions

Scholars sometimes distinguish four periods in early Jewish mysticism, developing

from Isaiah's and Ezekiel's visions of the Throne/Chariot, to later extant merkabah

mysticism texts:

800–500 BCE, mystical elements in Prophetic Judaism such as Ezekiel's chariot

Beginning c. 530s BCE.

Merkavah/Merkabah mysticism (or Chariot mysticism) as a school of Jewish

spirituality, beginning 100 BCE and centered on visions of mystical ascent such as

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those found in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1, or the hekhalot ("palaces") literature to

the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God by great seers.

Early Rabbinic merkabah mysticism referred to briefly in exoteric Rabbinic literature

such as the Pardesh ascent which appears also to be related to early Christian

mysticism c. 0–200 CE.

Apocalyptic and Enochian Literature and Tradition: Apocalyptic literature and

mysticism beginning perhaps in the Exile with the Mazdean (Zoroastrian contact) but

intensifying c. 100 BCE, especially 0-130s CE and after the fall of Jerusalem.

Hasmonean Period (141-37 BCE)

141 BCE - Hasmonean Dynasty Begins; Jerusalem Again Expands Limits to Western


63 BCE - Roman General Pompey captures Jerusalem

M (The red heart and the blue diamond)

Herodian Period (37 BCE - 70 CE)

37 BCE - King Herod Restructures Second Temple, Adds Retaining Walls

6 BCE – 33 CE - Jesus of Nazareth

Yeshua’s teachings are a form of Interiorized Judaism that centers on the Kardial


The various previous streams are personally integrated into his sapiential and mystery

teachings based in what seems to be his mystical impluse based on the first Temple.

33 CE - Jesus Crucified by Romans in Jerusalem

20 BCE - 50 CE - Philo of Alexandria

N (Red arrow)

Roman Period (70 - 324 CE)

70 CE - Roman Forces Destroy Jerusalem and Demolish Second Temple

The final diaspora of the Jewish peoples.

92 CE - Jamnia and the formation of the new Hebrew Bible

135 CE - Jerusalem Rebuilt as a Roman City

383 CE - Canon of Christian Scriptures in the West

Islamic Period (600 - 1900 CE)

691 CE - Dome of the Rock Mosque

--Compiled by L. Bauman 2017

Many dates are approximate

or perhaps even unknown

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Timeline of the Hebrew people in the context of history and temple chronology

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Temples and pyramids of the ancient world

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Solomon’s Temple

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Solomon’s temple overlaid on human body

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Solomon’s Temple

Herod’s Temple

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Remains of the Temple (The Wailing Wall)

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The Golden Cube “series”

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