MyFuture A Career Learning, Guidance & Management Programme MyFuture+ is an innovative career learning & development tool for clients, learners, and job seekers. MyFuture+ supports Adult Guidance Services, FET providers, Private Practice, and Public Employment Services nationwide. MyFuture+ is mobile compatible and easily accessible from any Wi-Fi enabled device. This supports the development of digital literacy skills.

MyFutureBrochureNew.pdf · 2020. 12. 2. · MyFuture ACareerLearning,Guidance &ManagementProgramme MyFuture+isaninnovativecareer learning&developmenttoolfor clients,learners,andjobseekers

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  • MyFutureA Career Learning, Guidance& Management Programme

    MyFuture+ isan innovativecareerlearning&development tool forclients, learners, and jobseekers.MyFuture+supportsAdultGuidanceServices, FETproviders,PrivatePractice, andPublicEmploymentServicesnationwide.

    MyFuture+ is mobile compatible and easily accessiblefrom anyWi-Fi enabled device. This supports thedevelopment of digital literacy skills.

  • This version is designed for use in colleges/centres of furthereducation where the learners are organised into groups andlinked to Guidance Counsellors and/or Tutors. Learners workunder the supervision and guidance of their Tutor and Staffassigned to career planning and development. The suite oftools and resources can include relevant QQI modules asdelivered by the provider. A FET+ feature is available wheremany Teachers in a FET provider can register and only see theirown groups of learners. Learners are assigned to theprogramme for a fixed period.

    This version is designed for use by self-employed careerguidance practitioners providing one-to-one careers educationand employment support. Clients are linked to an individualprivate practitioner, using the apps and tools to support theclients’ career planning and goal setting. The clients remain onthe programme for as long as is necessary to support them inthe pre-employment and career decision-making process.


    This version is designed for use in public employment servicesand organisations providing one-to-one careers education andemployment support. Clients are linked to an individual staffmember, using the apps and tools to support the clients’ careerplanning and goal setting. The clients remain on theprogramme for as long as is necessary to support them in thepre-employment and career decision-making process.

    MyFutureNext Steps

    MyFutureFurther Education

    MyFuture supportingyourpractice

    MyFuture+ community of practice services include: AdultEducation Guidance Services, Youthreach, CTCs, FET Centres,NLN, PLCs, Public Employment Services, Private Practice, andClient Services that support career learning and development.

  • Career Sectors Profiler – a careers assessmentdesigned to identify sectors and subsectors thatmatch the client’s preferences for work tasks.

    Career Sectors – allows clients to explore theirinterest in 33 Career Sectors that comprise theWorld of Work. Each sector is described in detailwith relevant up-to-date careers information, theirsub-sectors live news feeds, live jobs feeds, latestlabour market information, and career advice fromexperts on working in the sector.

    CareerPad – an online notepad that can be used torecord any research undertaken. For example livejob advertisements, online links to virtual events.Can store up to twenty documents at any one time.

    Career Docs – allows the uploading of all file types,accessible on any device at anytime. Includingcertificates, references, college assignments andCVs etc.

    QQI Work Experience – a template based tool tocomplete the portfolio / collection of work requiredfor assessment of work experiencemodules atLevels 4, 5 and 6. Work Experience Teachers canprovide online feedback on student portfolios forinternal and external verification.

    Career Research – a series of articles and resourcesproviding an overview of the process of researchingcareers that meets the clients/learners needs.

    Career Explorer – search the National Occupationaldatabase of approx. 1,000 occupations andApprenticeships. Users can save selectedoccupations to their Career Library for quick accessat any stage. Occupational data includescharacteristics of the job, skills required, typicalearnings, educational pathways and live jobsearches.

    Career Videos – engaging videos of peopleworking in Ireland telling the story of their careerpath so far and talking about their current job.Provides excellent insight into a wide range ofcareers and the diversity of workplaces in the Irishworld of work.

    Finding Jobs – a series of articles and resourcesproviding an overview of the process of finding jobsin Ireland. Includes live job searches, and links tomajor online job boards. This research can be savedif wished in the CareerPad.

    Courses – provides an overview of the different typesand levels of courses available in Ireland includingPLC, CAO and Fetchcourses. The client/learner cansave courses to their career file as a reminder, andthese are viewable by the linked staff member.

    Career Interests Profiler – self-assessment exercisedesigned to identify personal career interests, andmatch these to specific job roles from the NationalOccupational Database. The profiler produces aprintable report and can also be used tomatchFurther Ed and Higher Ed courses.

    Career Skills Profiler – self-assessment designed tointroduce and obtain ameasure of developmentacross 26 key employability skills. Clients areencouraged to describe where, when and how skillswere developed, and identify how skills that are lesswell developedmight be worked on.

    Personality Profiler – a simple self-assessmentexercise to introduce the idea of personality. Basedon the 4 temperament types, this should assist indiscerning personal differences and how theymayimpact on career choice.

    Multiple Intelligences – a practical self-assessmentquestionnaire that helps people develop a broaderunderstanding of intelligence and encouragespeople to look at their strengths in a different wayin relation to their career choice.

    Personal Action Plan – encourages the client/learnerto centralise information about existing education,experience and skills and set goals and identifysupports to progress. Central to the creation of anIndividual Progression Plan. Clients can add inreminders on their one-to-onemeetingswith theirguidance professional to encourage a collaborativeapproach to the career guidance process.

    CV Builder – includes a number of resources andtips for producing a top class CV along with anonline wordprocessor to create and store thedocument. A link is provided to access the‘Europass CV’ also, if preferred.


    Personal & Professional Development – atemplate based tool to complete the portfolio /collection of work required for assessment ofpersonal and professional development module.


  • MyFuture CareerDevelopmentSupportSystem

    ForFurther Information

    Contact us to book a place on ourMyFuture+Webinars

    Contact us with any questions or to discuss and see thepotential ofMyFuture+ in practice

    Contact us for aMyFuture+ service Quotation

    Realtime overview of client & learner assessments andcareer reports

    Overview of client engagement and progressin their Career File

    Capacity to remotely support clients & learners for jobapplication and CV preparation

    Ability to organise your client/learners into groups or classes

    Integrated messaging platform to communicate andcollaborate directly with individual clients and groups

    Client/Learners can make their career file available tomultiple service providers usingMyFuture+

    QQI Work Experience and Personal ProfessionalDevelopment modules for FET providers. Teachers providefeedback supporting internal and external verification

    View client/learner career and course matching to PLC,CAO, Apprenticeship & Employment opportunities

    Book appointments with clients and keep records

    Integrated updates on employment, live jobs, education,and training news & career events

    Ongoing training and support for your practice.

    Collaboration with services on newMyFuture+developments to respond to emerging needs

    Contact the MyFuture+ Guidance Team

    Bernadette Walsh - [email protected] Byrne - [email protected](01) 4402314 / (01) 2090797www.careersportal.ie