MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: Good and inclusive jobs are a crucial component of Myanmar’s future development. The government has placed jobs at the core of its Myanmar Sustainable Development Program (MSDP), underscoring their recognition of this subject’s importance. More jobs will absorb the country’s growing working age population. Better jobs will reduce poverty, improve working conditions, and propel GDP growth. Inclusive jobs will contribute to social cohesion and reduced inequality. Myanmar’s challenge is to improve job quality to boost worker well-being and national competitiveness. More than 90 percent of Myanmar’s jobs are currently low-productivity, low-paid, and in the agriculture sector, household enterprises, or small firms. Recent economic reform has increased the contribution of the manufacturing and services sectors to GDP growth—at the expense of agriculture—although the share of workers employed in each sector has remained stagnant. Translating recent economic gains into better and more inclusive jobs will require a deliberate effort to adjust institutions, policies, and programs (see Figure) Much of the jobs impact will come from upgrading traditional sectors and increasing their productivity. Low labor productivity is particularly a problem in rural areas, where 73 percent of all jobs are found. Professionalizing and growing agro-vaue chains would expand the jobs opportunities in rural areas, and strengthen the quality of existing jobs. Job creation in Myanmar is stronger in sectors linked to the global economy. Only 4.1 percent of domestic firms export, whereas 83 percent of foreign owned firms do so. Yet, exporters provide higher quality jobs and are together responsible for close to one third of private sector job creation. Offering strategic support to the private sector would help create more good jobs. Net job creation in the private sector is accelerating, primarily from the entry of new, small firms. Household enterprises create significant employment, but need more support to integrate into formal markets. Firms need greater access to inputs (credit, land, and reliable power) and better information and legislation to facilitating linking to internal and exporting markets. Myanmar’s human capital development strategy needs to be more tailored to labor market demand. Firms have cited the “inadequate education of the workforce” as a major constraint to their operations. Educational attainment is increasing in Myanmar, but most of the labor force is out of school. Promoting employer-driven technical education is the best strategy to enhance the quality of the workforce. Myanmar’s mobile workforce can be more successful with clearer migration channels. Around 23 percent of Myanmar’s workforce are migrants, and job opportunities abroad may expand in neighboring countries as their workforces age. Domestic and international migrants in search of work would benefit from better information on job opportunities in remote locations and from lower legal barriers to dignified migration. EMBRACING MODERNITY Policy Focus Areas More Jobs Better Jobs Inclusive Jobs Global Value Chains Agro- Value Chains Migration Legal Environment Fiscal and Monetary Policy Household Enterprise Post- Conflict Zones Agricultural Productivity Labor Force Skills Job Matching Full Report and Sectoral Policy Notes of the Myanmar’s Future Jobs: Embracing Modernity Overview can be downloaded at and Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: EMBRACING · MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: Good and inclusive jobs are a crucial component of Myanmar’s future

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Page 1: MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: EMBRACING · MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: Good and inclusive jobs are a crucial component of Myanmar’s future


Good and inclusive jobs are a crucial component of Myanmar’s future development. The government has placed jobs at the core of its Myanmar Sustainable Development Program (MSDP), underscoring their recognition of this subject’s importance. More jobs will absorb the country’s growing working age population. Better jobs will reduce poverty, improve working conditions, and propel GDP growth. Inclusive jobs will contribute to social cohesion and reduced inequality.

Myanmar’s challenge is to improve job quality to boost worker well-being and national competitiveness. More than 90 percent of Myanmar’s jobs are currently low-productivity, low-paid, and in the agriculture sector, household enterprises, or small firms. Recent economic reform has increased the contribution of the manufacturing and services sectors to GDP growth—at the expense of agriculture—although the share of workers employed in each sector has remained stagnant.

Translating recent economic gains into better and more inclusive jobs will require a deliberate effort to adjust institutions, policies, and programs (see Figure)

Much of the jobs impact will come from upgrading traditional sectors and increasing their productivity. Low labor productivity is particularly a problem in rural areas, where 73 percent of all jobs are found. Professionalizing and growing agro-vaue chains would expand the jobs opportunities in rural areas, and strengthen the quality of existing jobs.

Job creation in Myanmar is stronger in sectors linked to the global economy. Only 4.1 percent of domestic firms export, whereas 83 percent of foreign owned firms do so. Yet, exporters provide higher quality jobs and are together responsible for close to one third of private sector job creation.

Offering strategic support to the private sector would help create more good jobs. Net job creation in the private sector is accelerating, primarily from the entry of new, small firms. Household enterprises create significant employment, but need more support to integrate into formal markets. Firms need greater access to inputs (credit, land, and reliable power) and better information and legislation to facilitating linking to internal and exporting markets.

Myanmar’s human capital development strategy needs to be more tailored to labor market demand. Firms have cited the “inadequate education of the workforce” as a major constraint to their operations. Educational attainment is increasing in Myanmar, but most of the labor force is out of school. Promoting employer-driven technical education is the best strategy to enhance the quality of the workforce.

Myanmar’s mobile workforce can be more successful with clearer migration channels. Around 23 percent of Myanmar’s workforce are migrants, and job opportunities abroad may expand in neighboring countries as their workforces age. Domestic and international migrants in search of work would benefit from better information on job opportunities in remote locations and from lower legal barriers to dignified migration.


Policy Focus Areas

More Jobs

Better Jobs

Inclusive Jobs

GlobalValue Chains

Agro-Value Chains



Fiscal andMonetary Policy


Post- ConflictZones


Labor ForceSkills


Full Report and Sectoral Policy Notes of the Myanmar’s Future Jobs:Embracing Modernity Overview can be downloaded at and


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Page 2: MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: EMBRACING · MYANMAR’S FUTURE JOBS: Good and inclusive jobs are a crucial component of Myanmar’s future

ျမနမာျပည၏ အနာဂတအလပအကငမား၊ ေခတသစဆသ႔

ေကာငးမြြနၿပး လအမားအတြက အကး၀ငသည အလပကငမားသည ျမနမာအနာဂတဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကမႈအတြက အလြနအေရးပါေသာ က႑မားျဖစသည။ ျမနမာႏငငအစးရသည အလပအကငက႑၏ ယငး၏ အေရးပါမႈက နား လညသေဘာေပါကသညအေလာက ယငးက ျမနမာႏငင၏ ေရရညတညတ ခငျမၿပး ဟနခကညေသာ ဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကမႈ စမကနး၏ အဓကက႑တစခ အျဖစ ေရးဆြထားသည။ အလပအကင ပမမားျပားလာေအာင ေဆာငရြက ျခငးျဖင ႏငင၏တးပြားလကရသည အလပလပကငႏငေသာ အသကအရြယ ရ လဥးေရအတြက အလပအကငမား ဖနတးေပးႏငမည ျဖစသည။ အရည အေသြး ပမေကာငးမြနေသာ အလပအကငမားက ဆငးရႏြမးပါးမႈက ေလာက ေစၿပး လပငနးခြငအေနအထားက တးတကေကာငးမြနေစ သကသ႔ ဂဒပ တးႏႈနးကလညး အရနျမႇငတငေပးႏငေပသည။ လအမားအကး၀ငသည အလပအကငမားကလညး မညမမႈမားက ေလာခႏငသညအတြက လမႈေပါငး စညး ညညြတမႈက အေထာကအကျဖစေစေပသည။

ျမနမာႏငင၏ အဓကစနေခၚမႈမာ လပသားမား၏ အဆငေျပသာယာ၀ေျပာမႈ ႏင တစမးသားလး၏ ယဥၿပငႏငစြမး ပမတးတကလာေရးအတြက အလပ အကင အရညအေသြးက ျမႇငတငေပးႏငရနပင ျဖစသည။ လကရတြင ျမနမာႏငငရ အလပအကငမား၏ ၉၀ ရာခငႏႈနးေကာမာ ကနထတစြမး အား နမပါးသကသ႔ လပခလစာနညးၿပး စကပးေရးလပငနး၊ မသားစပင လပငနးႏင လပငနးအေသးစားမားသာ ျဖစၾကသည။ မၾကာေသးခငက ေဖာေဆာငခသည စးပြားေရးျပျပငေျပာငးလမႈမားက စကပးေရးက႑က အေလးထားချခငးေၾကာင ကနထတလပမႈႏင ၀နေဆာငမႈ က႑မား၏ ဂဒပ တးႏႈနးတြင ထည၀ငမႈက တးျမငေပးႏငခေသာလညး က႑တစခခငးစ အလက အလပခန႔ထားႏငေသာ အလပသမားဥးေရမာမ မေျပာငးလေသးေပ။

ပမေကာငးမြနၿပး လအမားအကး၀ငသည အလပအကငမား ဖနတးေပးႏငျခငး အေပၚသကေရာကမႈရေသာ စးပြားေရးတးတကမႈက မၾကာေသးမက ေဖာေဆာင ရာတြင အဖြ႕အစညးမား၊ မ၀ါဒမားႏင စမခကမားက ေျပာငးလႏငေရး ႏႈငးႏႈငး ခနခနျဖင အားထတရန လအပသည။ (ပတြင ႐ႈ)

အလပအကငမား၏ အကးသကေရာကမႈအမားစက မ႐းဖလာလပငနး က႑ မားႏင ၎တ႔၏ ကနထတစြမးအားတ႔မ ရရေပလမမည။ အလပအကငမား၏ ၇၃ ရာခငႏႈနး တညရရာ ေကးလကေဒသမားတြင အလပသမားမား၏ ကန ထတလပမႈစြမးအား နမပါးမႈသည သးျခားအခကအခတစခအျဖစရေနေပသည။ ပညာသညပသေစျခငးႏင စကပးေရးတနဖး ကြငးဆကမား တးပြားေစျခငးတ႔ က ေကးလကေဒသမားတြင အလပအကင အခြငအလမး တးပြားလာေစၿပး ရၿပးသား အလပအကငမား၏ အရညအေသြးကလညး ပမေကာငးမြနလာေစ မည ျဖစသည။

ပဂၢလကက႑အတြက မဟာဗဟာကေသာအကအညမား ေပးအပျခငးျဖင ေကာငးမြနေသာအလပအကငမားက ဖနတးရာတြင အေထာကအကျပေပမည။ ပဂၢလက က႑တြင လပငနးအေသးစားမားႏင လပငနးသစမား ေပၚေပါက လာျခငးႏငအတ အလပအကငအခြငအလမးမား အသားတင ဖနတးႏငစြမးမာ အရနအဟနေကာငး လကရေနသည။

အမတြငးစးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည အလပအကင အခြငအလမးမားက သသာထငရားစြာ ဖနတးႏငေသာလညး တရား၀ငအလပအကင ေစးကြက ႏင ခတဆကရနအတြကမာမ အကအညမားစြာ လအပေနေသးသည။ လပငနးမား အေနျဖင (ေခးေငြ၊ ေျမယာႏင မခအားထားႏငေသာ စြမးအင ကသ႔ေသာ)သြငးအားစမား၊ သတငးအခကအလကမားႏင ေစးကြကႏင ခတဆကေပးမည ဥပေဒေရးဆြျခငးတ႔အား ပမလကလမးမရန လအပေနေပသည။

ျမနမာႏငင၏ အလပအကငဖနတးႏငမႈသည ကမာၻ႔စးပြားေရးႏင ခတဆက ေနသညက႑မားတြင ပမခငမာစြာျဖစထြနးေနသညက ေတြ႕ရသည။ ႏငငျခား သားပငလပငနးမား၏ ၈၃ ရာခငႏႈနးက ယငးသ႔ (ကမာၻ႔စးပြားေရးႏင) ခတ ဆကမေနခနတြင ျပညတြငးလပငနးမား၏ ၄ ဒသမ ၁ ရာခငႏႈနးကသာ ျပညပ သ႔ တငပ႔လကရေပသည။ ထ႔အျပင ျပညပတငပ႔သမားက ပမ အရညအေသြး ေကာငးမြနသညအလပအကငမားက ဖနတးေပးလကရရာ ပဂၢလက က႑၏ သးပတစပနးပါး ရေပသည။

ျမနမာႏငင၏ လသားအရငးအျမစ ဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကေရး မဟာဗဟာက လပသား ေစးကြက၏ လလားခကႏင ကကညရန ထပမ၍ ျပငဆငသငသည။ ‘လပသား အငအား၏ ပညာေရးအဆငမမမႈ’ က လပငနးမား လညပတရနအတြက အဓက အခကအချဖစသညဟ ဆၾကသည။ ျမနမာႏငငတြင ပညာသငယ ႏငမႈ ျမငတကလာေနေသာလညး လပသားအငအားအမားစမာမ စာသငေကာငး ျပငပတြငသာ ရသည။ အလပရငက ဥးေဆာငေသာ အတတပညာသငၾကားမႈ ျမႇငတငျခငးကသာ လပသားအငအားစ၏ အရညအေသြးက တးတကေစမည အေကာငးဆးေသာ မဟာဗဟာပင ျဖစသည။

ေရြ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာႏငရန ပမ ရငးလငး လြယကမရပါက ျမနမာႏငငရ ေရြ႕လား လပသားအငအားစသည ယခထကပ၍ ေအာငျမငႏငေပမည။ ျမနမာလပသား အငအားစ၏ ၂၃ ရာခငႏႈနးခန႔မာ ေရြ႕ေျပာငးလပသားမားျဖစၿပး ျပညပအလပအကငအခြငအလမးမာလညး အမနးခငးႏငငမားတြင ပမကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ ရေနႏငေပသည။ ေ၀းလသည ေနရာေဒသမားရ အလပအကင အခြငအလမး မားႏင ပတသကသည သတငးအခကအလကမားႏင ဂဏသကၡာရစြာ ေရြ႕ေျပာငး ေနထငႏငေရးအတြက ဥပေဒပငးဆငရာ အတားအဆးမား နညးပါး ျခငး တ႔၏ အကးေကးဇးက အလပရာေဖြေနသည ျပညတြငးျပညပ ေရြ႕ေျပာငး လပသားမား ခစားရမည ျဖစသည။

မ၀ါဒပငးဆငရာ အဓက က႑မား

ပမားျပားေသာ အလပအကငမား


လအမားအကး၀ငေသာ အလပအကငမား

ကမာၻ႔ တနဖး ကြငးဆက

စကပးေရး တနဖး ကြငးဆက


ဥပေဒပငးဆငရာ သေဘာသဘာ၀

ဘ႑ာေရးႏင ေငြေရးေၾကးေရး

ဆငရာ မ၀ါဒ

အမတြငး စးပြားေရး လပငနး


စကပးေရး ကနထတစြမးအား

လပသားထ အရညအခငး

သငေလာေသာ အလပရာေဖြျခငး