My Way Home™ My Way Home™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy system’s attunements provide you access to the energy streams from your preferred home, the home you originally came from, and your Eternal Home of Divine Will. The energy of these homes are fantastic! My Way Home™ channeled and manual written by: Mariah Windsong Couture ~July 4 th , 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

My Way Home · My Way Home™ My Way Home ™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy

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Page 1: My Way Home · My Way Home™ My Way Home ™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy

My Way Home™

My Way Home™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy system’s attunements provide you access to the energy streams from your preferred home, the home you originally came from, and your Eternal Home of Divine Will. The energy of these homes are fantastic! My Way Home™ channeled and manual written by: Mariah Windsong Couture ~July 4th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

Page 2: My Way Home · My Way Home™ My Way Home ™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy


My Way Home™ connects a person to home. Home has very different meanings for each person. Many people feel that they had an existence somewhere before they arrived into this physicality. Some people believe that they lived here on Earth for one or more lifetimes. Those and other people often believe that whether they’ve lived on Earth before now or not, they originated somewhere else. They may have memories of life somewhere else or just a vague feeling of being from somewhere not of Earth. So many people over the years attribute some of their restlessness to the fact that they just don’t feel fully at home here on Earth. I think Earth is beautiful and fairly enjoyable. But I too know that I am from somewhere else. Gratefully the gut feeling that I’m from somewhere else has not kept me away from my life purpose nor kept me awake at night. Some people have such a longing for their original home that they look forward to when they will no longer be living in a human body here. I find that very sad because it was shown to me that all that is required, for most people who have a longing for their original home, is to have a current connection with it. It is the feeling of being completely cut off from where someone lived when their soul first knew embodiment, which makes them feel so lonely and long to leave Earth. So, a special and simple solution is to gain a connection with the energy of the place you originally lived. It is possible that could be somewhere here on Earth, or it might not be. A connection with Eternal Sacred Source conceivably has the energy of that place in it also, but it might not be so easy to isolate and immerse in it. To have access to a stream of energy that has the current energy frequencies of the place where you originally lived, gives a “shoring up” feeling. It provides you with the support energetically that tells you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that you are not alone. The current energies from “where you lived” will also have the beneficial familiar home feeling “when” you were to provide you with comfort.

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My Way Home™ energy system is the link to the energy stream that is your own personal energy stream for the aspects of your soul which are in physicality at this time. That might change some if you are consciously aware of other aspects of your soul. If that is so for you, then you’ll need to be more specific about what personality composition you are asking on behalf of when you activate your “original home” energy function. This energy system is overseen by your soul and your helping healing guardians in the light of eternal sacred source who are in charge of your soul lineage, soul contracts and incarnation archives.

They are the “My Way Home Team”. My job has been to co-create an attunement that will bridge you to them. They will, once you’ve received you My Way Home attunement, the My Way Home Team who create the links from each person to their original home and their preferred home. This energy system is very personal and individualized. If you do ask for a link on behalf of another person, while preparing or doing a healing session for them, you will not be allowed to fully enter into the energy stream from their original or preferred homes. You may indeed feel an energy flow begin or be on the outer edges of it, but it is not for you to immerse within because it is not yours! You are only to activate and send. “My” is a keyword of a series of energy systems designed to link you to your “My Team” and the individualized assistance granted to you. In this energy system the word “Way” is also a keyword. Keywords are infused with directions that give you access to energy streams and functions. “Way” is known as a path, a street, a route, a highway affording passage from one place to another, or a considerable distance away. The word “Way” is also known as an opening to a passage. “Way” can also mean a series of actions taken to achieve a goal or progress along a course. In My Way Home™ energy system “Way” is designed to afford passage of the energies you desire or need from your original or preferred homes. In this manner you are not utilizing My Way Home to return to either of those homes anytime soon, but instead to receive support and assistance from those homes for your life and purpose here on planet Earth.

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An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that ‘match’ the energy of this My Way Home™ energy system Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system. Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal Light. It is released to you when you ‘call it in’, like a prayer to receive it. Please spend a few minutes to invite the attunement your teacher sent you of My Way Home™, to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind: “I ask to fully receive my My Way Home™ level 1 attunement as

sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source,

NOW!” Think of a ball of light and energy above your head that opens up and streams down into the top of your head.

Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not limited by space or time. My Way Home™ energy flows to your body and energy fields, providing you with a meet and greet.

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My Way Home level 1 provides you with the ability to activate the general energy of this energy system or to further specify your choice to enter into an energy stream from your original or preferred homes. To begin, simply activate the general energy of “My Way Home”. Your attunement has brought you connection with your “My Way Home Team” and they have prepared access for you to these energy streams. Say, audibly or in your mind: “My Way Home, Activate!” Recline, allowing your muscles to relax and your mind to invite the optimal energies from anyplace you’ve lived previously in any incarnation or form, to arrive. This energy system is beneficial to everyone who is open to receive energies from places they have lived prior to now. You don’t have to feel subtle energies for this energy system to be useful for you. True, those people who do feel subtle energies may notice and dwell consciously within the energies faster than those who have to activate energies completely on faith. For all persons who are sincere seekers this energy system of My Way Home is a great answer to many prayers over the ages of time and space. The general energy stream of My Way Home is comprised of exactly the supportive energies you need at this time. It may be from several places you have lived in more than one form. When you are ready to further explore the energies streams of My Way Home, activate the next energy functions. If you do not feel subtle energies I suggest that you only activate “My Original Home” energy function for 8 minutes once a week until you gain a sense of how your body is integrating this flow of energy. You, your spirit and personality may find the energy to be a welcome support; your body may be less thrilled with this influx. Often a body’s consciousness can feel threatened when it feels energy from a place that is not here. It may worry that if you like the energy of that place too much, you may leave it and go there. Bodies know that without an incarnated spirit within them, they die. If you don’t feel subtle energies and are activating this system totally on faith, it is wise to consciously tell your body that you intend to stay here and that the incoming energies are just to help and that you are not leaving. Usually, after the third time that you’ve activated the energies of “My Original Home” the body will shut off the alerts and relax into the assistance that energy is bringing for you and it.

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If you are sensitive to subtle energies and can feel them, the experience of “My Original Home” can range from delightful bliss to cathartic. Your original home may not have been the one you liked the most. The energies may be those of a tonic rather than desert. Yet there are important energy frequencies and signatures within the energy stream that are useful. Your original home will have beneficial energies that are as an anchor for you in all realities. They are as key codes that will give you access to the places and spaces in the spiritual realms. Access to these places may be required in order to for you to proceed on purpose easier and faster. No one energy system or code is necessary for a person to gain enlightenment or further their awareness of spirituality. There are many ways to grow spiritually and live the purposes we came on planet to fulfill.

My Original Home™ energy function is like a star gate opening and energy streaming in to you. It is from another place and exactly what you need to jump from one level of awareness to another. Some people find it to be soothing and refreshing. Others say it is a heavy duty magnetic anchor. Still other people say they cry with the realization that “Home” really existed and wasn’t just in their imagination! They are so happy to know that they are not cut off from the energy of their original home! Most people felt that they would have to live in longing of their original home until death. Everyone who has accepted this energy system has gained a sense of relief or closure upon activating the “My Original Home” energy function. I do not know what it will do for you. I do know that it is to be entered into with a sense of reverence and with moderation for it is strong medicine. With any energy system that brings you in contact with primordial energies or those places and beings who created us, there will be change here in this reality within your body and energy fields. Therefore, it is likely that clearing symptoms may be experience.

Everyone experiences clearing symptoms differently. Some people experience congestion or diarrhea. Others have more intense dreams. Clearing happens when we are in the presence of an energy that automatically causes our body and energy fields to drop away dense energies or old patterns that no longer align to our purpose and beliefs.

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Say, audibly or in your mind with feeling: “My Original Home, Activate!”

Relax for about 8 minutes. If you do feel subtle energies and you like what you are feeling, you can stay in that energy for as long as you want to. If the inflow of energies are stronger than you or your body are comfortable with, you can slow the energy stream of “My Original Home” by saying or thinking as a command: “My Original Home, slow flow, Now!”

Or if you are ready to stop this experience for today, say: “My Original Home, Stop Flow, Now!”

Sometimes just a short exposure to the energies of your original home can have profound effects!

You are in a human body right now.

It doesn’t matter what physical or non physical form you existed in

previously, this current physical form must adapt to being immersed in the flow of energies from another time and place.

If you did not have a physical body in your original embodiment and existed

in a gaseous nebula type of world where you were light and sound, those energy vibrations are very different than the body you have now.

It may take awhile for your body to receive the energy flow from your

Original Home as welcome and desired.

Please understand that although you, your spirit may be totally happy and thrilled to be in the energy of your

Original Home you must take the energy in small doses until your physical body is also happy about this energy flow.

Remember that it only takes an instant,

a moment for a great amount of information and energy to be received.

Short experiences with My Original Home gives you all you,

your spirit needs while acclimating your body at a rate it can handle.

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My Preferred Home™ energy function is an energy stream that is altogether wonderful for everyone. It is still possible to remain longer within it than your body is ready for, so it is wise to limit your time to 80 to 20 minutes the first time. If you do feel subtle energies, you can remain within the energy longer if your body is giving you the “go ahead” signals. If you are unsure, it is better to receive a short immersion and activate the energy again soon.

My Preferred Home is the energy stream from the home you prefer most.

While it may still require some integration for your body to be completely comfortable with it, your spirit and complete being will be delighted!!! Usually a person’s body will adapt to this energy stream easily and actually want to linger in it for quite a long time!! The energy stream of My Preferred Home is a place of respite. It is a sanctuary that you can dwell within anytime you want to. Your My Preferred Home may be a place you visit in your night sleep and are not aware of it! It may be, that on those mornings when you awaken knowing you’ve been somewhere that you did not want to return from, that you were visiting your My Preferred Home. Many people felt that they had to go their entire lifetime cut off from the presence of their preferred home. This is the place you enjoy the most. It could be a place you lived during an incarnation or between incarnations. It is the place you feel most at home within. A place has its own energy. Much of that energy is comprised of the people and beings who dwell within it also. Your My Preferred Home may have love and the presence of others who you prefer to be near. My Preferred Home helps you make the most of your life here on Earth because you are not without your favorite home.

Say audibly or in your mind with strong feeling and invitation:

“My Preferred Home, Activate!”

It is as a star gate opens and the presence of your

My Preferred Home pours out to you.

You can say My Favorite Home if that feels better for you.

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Both My Preferred Home™ and My Original Home™ energy functions will bring you into contact with the energies you most need from those locations. You might not get a “name” intuitively of “where” these homes are. You might not get to “see” the place or its inhabitants. You will receive the energy. Depending on your skill of observing during a spiritual “journey” or meditation and what your higher self and soul allow you to be aware of, you may indeed catch a glimpse of the place! These kinds of observations and detailed information receipt is between you and your higher self and soul and is not the purpose of this energy system. In the “test” phase of this energy system, the people who I’ve sent the energies have been able to remember detailed accounts of their original home or fallen asleep and don’t remember anything. Others who can feel subtle energies liked the feeling of a familiar place and that was enough. Still others that don’t feel subtle energies reported in the days and weeks that followed their weekly activation of this energy system, a sense of peace. They were more settled and in acceptance of living here on Earth.

My Way Home™ Level 2

Level 2 attunement of this My Way Home™ energy system confers upon you the ability, if you are already a Reiki or Seichim Master Teach, to pass this energy system’s attunements onward to other people. Everyone will be taught how to activate these energies for other people and how to imbue your own metal objects with your my way home energies. You will be able to activate your “My Eternal Home of Divine Will”.

Please spend a few minutes to invite the 2nd level attunement your teacher sent you of My Way Home™, to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind: “I ask to fully receive my My Way Home™ level 2

attunement as sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred

Source, NOW!”

Think of a ball of light and energy above your head that opens up and streams down into the top of your head. Be seated or reclined and allow a few minutes to pass before you rise and continue onward in your day.

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Now, when you activate the general energies of My Way Home, the stronger energies of this 2nd level will be the energy flow you receive.

Say audibly or in your mind:

“My Way Home, Activate!”

Your body is likely ready for the stronger flow that this second level is comprised of because the 2nd attunement helped your body integrate the energies and be ready for these stronger energies. If they feel too strong, you can always ask that the flow to turned down. These energies will respond to your conscious request to turn up or down. Now you may activate your “My Eternal Home of Divine Will” by saying, audibly or in your mind: “My Eternal Home of Divine Will, Activate!”

Allow a few minutes to pass as you acquaint yourself with these energies.

If you don’t feel subtle energies this energy function will still work for you. You are receiving the energies of the home that is your eternal home. Your eternal home beckons you to accept ever higher and more refined spiritual energies. These energies increase enlightenment and help your body to be able to vibrate at its highest potential. Skills and abilities that the from your soul will open and manifest as reality faster and with more accuracy for you while you are here living on Earth in your body. My Way Home level 2 gives you the ability to imbue or infuse metal objects with the energies of your preferred home or your eternal home of divine will. You could imbue the metal objects with the energies of your original home, but that is not recommended. Your original home energies are more of a primordial anchor and strong medicine, not necessarily the energies you want permeating your physical home on a daily basis. It is much better to imbue energies of your preferred home or your eternal home of divine will into metal objects in your physical living space for emanation. You can choose what objects you want to imbue with which energy streams.

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Metal is the best medium for holding the exact vibration of your preferred home and emanating (sending out) those vibrational energies to you and your physical home. Think about a metal candle stick that you may have. Many crystals that are worn as necklaces are wrapped in metal and this metal can be imbued and infused with your preferred home energies. If you want to, you can imbue the metal in the mattress of your bed with your preferred home energies, IF you sleep alone. Otherwise only do your side of the bed not the entire bed for infusing! You don’t want your bed mate to be in energies that is not his or her preferred home! If you don’t live alone, please restrict yourself to only imbuing sacred objects that are yours or areas of your home that you alone, primarily dwell within. Such as your own sacred area, your office, reading room or garden. If all areas are shared, simply imbue your own metal jewelry with the energies of your Preferred Home so that they stay in your own aura. Imbuing Metal Objects with the energy of “My Way Home”:

Be sure that you have activated and visited with the energies of your “My Preferred Home” or your “My Eternal Home of Divine Will”

at least 3 times before you attempt to imbue metal. You may decide simply to activate “My Way Home” and allow the My Way Home Team choose what energy streams to send to your items of choice. Choose metal objects that you want to imbue today. Imbue: To permeate with a feeling, vibration, presence or quality. Infuse: Instill or fill a quality into something. Both words can work for this action, yet I prefer the word imbue for it is more often used when one speaks of a spiritual or magical quality or presence being sent into something. Then that objects vibrates with the same vibration of the energy that was sent into it. Often the object will emanate or send out from itself the energies or presence that it was imbued with. Your “My Way Home” energies that you can imbue into the metal objects of your choice usually emanate out about 3 feet from the object.

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You may, with practice increase the range of energy emanation from 3 feet to the entire room, if you are the only dweller of that room. Metal that is on your jewelry and imbued with your My Way Home will usually only emanate out within your immediate aura energy field. Some people are accustomed to extending their energies up to 55 feet around them and wider. If that is true for you, specify clearly when you are imbuing your jewelry, if you want the energy of your My Way Home to emanate out to the edge of your energy field, or not. Metal objects that already have a purpose, such as statues of Goddesses, Saints, birds, fish or animals may not be appropriate to imbue with the energies of your My Way Home, My Preferred Home or My Eternal Home of Divine Will. Always check with both the sentient energy that is already residing in such an object and your own inner guidance before proceeding to imbue it with other energies. People are asking me whether they will be able to infuse crystals with the energies of My Way Home. Crystals have both their own intelligence and general purpose. They often have a specific purpose when working with you. If your inner guidance says that a particular crystal would like to hold and emanate the energy of your My Way Home; then please infuse it.

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Maybe your Preferred Home has a binary sun system! Some people feel more comfortable with a horizon view that includes two suns. Not everyone feels that way, but if you do, I’ve included artwork here from Nasa artists. Think about what is around your home or office that is metal. Any type of metal will hold and emanate (send out) the energies you imbue it with.

Is your clothes rod in your closet metal? Is the hook you hang your hat upon metal?

Is your bicycle metal? Is there an exercise machine that only you use? Does the desk you use your computer on metal?

Do you use a metal cane? Do you have any jewelry whose chain is metal?

Are the frames to your eye glasses metal? Think about various areas of your home and the items you use regularly that contain metal. Identify the items that you want to imbue today.

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Instructions for imbuing an object or objects with this system’s energies:

1) Identify the objects you want to imbue. 2) With intention, activate the energy stream you want to imbue the

object with. Say: “My Way Home, Activate!”

Or: “My Preferred Home, Activate!” Or: “My Eternal Home of Divine Will, Activate!”

3) Say the activation sentence 3 times with feeling. 4) Then hold or grasp the metal object and say the activation sentence

3 more times.

5) Now say the name of the energy stream you are imbuing into the object or objects 3 times to seal it, adding “You Are!” to the beginning of the sentence. Such as: “You Are my Way Home!”

or “You Are My Preferred Home!” or “You Are My Eternal Home of Divine Will!”

The energies usually stay active, emanating out from the object for about 3 days. After 3 days they may not be as strong. Energies here on Earth are dense and it is not easy to keep higher vibrations emanating for weeks. When you are ready to imbue the same object again, it is a shorter process.

6) You simply touch or hold the object and with intention activate the energy stream you want to imbue the object with.

Say: “My Way Home, Activate!”

Or: “My Preferred Home, Activate!” Or: “My Eternal Home of Divine Will, Activate!”

Say or think the statement 3 times and the imbuing is complete.

If you have a very sacred space or are very dutiful to do your spiritual hygiene several times a day, you may find that the strength of the imbued

objects remains constant for up to a week or longer. Most people do not live in such a clean sacred space and so must

imbue their items again in a few days.

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Sending energies of this My Way Home energy system to others: This energy system is very personalized and as such, even when you activate My Way Home and any of its energy functions for other people, you will not be marinating, immersing or channeling the energies through your body. This is very important. As energy systems become more and more specialized for the individual client, it becomes imperative that you only activate the energy functions and consciously direct the energy to the person. Many practitioners have had the practice of channeling through their body every energy that is for the client. This practice can be confusing to the practitioner’s body. Yes, channeling by nature is simply being the pipeline for energies. However, we were taught with Reiki that the energies are also beneficial for us, the client. As you advance and bring through more specific energies for the client, this is not true anymore. It will not overtly harm you to run the energies that were composed for a client through your own body, but it will tax it. Think about this, you would be running currents of energy that are vibrating with a set of instructions or presence that is for someone else, not you! Your body has to encounter this energy and then dismiss it. Yes, it can be done. Yes, it takes some energy to do so. Other than the “wow” factor of having felt the intensity, there is no reason to run energy that is designed for someone else, through your own body. Clients, friends and loved one are wise to get accustomed to receiving their own energy and not rely on the previously acclaimed interpretation factor that their practitioners usually provide for them. Energies such as these are different than a “reading” session. You are not to seek information within these energies to answer such questions as “where am I from?” The energy contains within it all that the person needs to know, without your interpretation. You activate, with intention, “(name of person’s) Way Home” and then bounce it directly to the person if a real time session. If the session is being co-created to be called in later by the client, you intend that the energies go directly into the light sphere (chi-ball) that will hold the session energies.

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Please only provide “call in at your convenience” or long distance real time sessions if you are accustomed to doing so. These are strong energies and activating energies to send long distance requires practice. “Call in at your convenience session” means that you are sending a healing session or the energies of an energy system into a sphere of light similar to how you would send an attunement. The recipient can “call in” the energies to release to them anytime they are ready to receive them. If you are accustomed to sending energies long distance in “call in at your convenience sessions” please include all of the energy streams in the chi –ball or Light Sphere. Tell your client, friend or loved one that they can call in the energy streams by name anytime they are ready for them. They do not need to accept them all at one time. This is very important. If you are activating these energies in person you should direct the person to be seated or recline. Put your hands on their shoulders or near their head, just inside of their aura, and activate “My Way Home”. You have done your part now, step back and simply intend that the energies will continue to flow to completion (or set a certain number of minutes forth in your mind). When the person indicates to you that they are ready for the next energy stream, step near to them, and either put your hands on their shoulders again or just hold them near, and activate the next energy stream. As soon as you’ve started the flow of energy, move away and sit down to relax until they are ready for you to activate the next energy stream. Some people will only be able to comfortably handle one or two energy streams per session. When you activate these energies for a person, you are able to do so because you are attuned to both levels of this “My Way Home” energy system. You are simply the point here in physicality, who has gained the right to call upon the My Way Home Team, asking them to open and provide each individualized energy stream for (name of person). You do not find the energy streams yourself. You, because you’ve received the attunements and are in a physical body, have the right to ask that these energy streams be open and sent to (name of person).

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If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send My Way Home™ attunements levels 1 and 2. Advise your student on the best way to receive the attunement you have sent out. My Way Home™ manual must be included fully intact with no changes when its attunement is provided. Please ask your energy team, your helping healing guardians in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source, to bring you a Sphere of Light. It doesn’t matter if you can see it or not. It doesn’t matter if you can perceive it or not. Trust that the Sphere of Light is there and ready to hold a dose of the energy frequency of My Way Home™ and all of its energy functions. Activate My Way Home and pray, asking for all of your helping healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source to send the My Way Home™ attunement for (name of student) into the Sphere of Eternal Light. Activate My Original Home™, My Preferred Home™ and My Eternal

Home of Divine Will™, streaming the attunement for each of those into the Sphere of Light (chi ball). Ask that it be sealed and carried to (name of student). Ask that it be securely protected by that person’s guardians in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source until the person ‘calls in’ their My Way Home™ attunement. Intend that their attunements release perfectly to them at that time. And so it is complete! Now notify your student that their empowerment is ready to be ‘called in’ and tell them to relax and spend a few minutes receiving their meet and greet to their My Way Home energies! My Way Home™ is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any other or any system that may arrive in the future by anyone. July 4th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

Page 18: My Way Home · My Way Home™ My Way Home ™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy


If you are going to sell My Way Home™ energy system, you must charge a minimum of $36.00 USD each or the equivalent in your currency and do so after July 14th, 2011. Always provide this manual with any My Way Home™ attunement, fully intact, with no changes My Way Home™ is to be either sold by accepting at least the minimum $36.00 of monies in currency, included in a package that you are selling for at least that amount, included in buy one get one free or freely gifted, as your inner guidance directs, but never traded for another energy system of any kind. If you have a listing, please copy the picture from the first page and use it to advertise this energy system. Please always use this blurb in your listing to advertise this energy system: “My Way Home™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy system’s attunements provide you access to the energy streams from your preferred home, the home you originally lived and your eternal home of divine will. If you've ever felt a longing for a place that is not of this Earth, this energy system is the key to give you access to the presence and energy stream of that place. If you feel like you are not from here and want to immerse yourself in a place that is where you are from, this energy system is for you. If you like life, but just still feel like something is missing, like you are getting a tug from someplace off planet, this energy system can answer that call in a safe way. When a person receives an energy stream from the place they originated from or the place they like most, it fulfills something deep inside. When that type of longing is fulfilled, life becomes balanced and health is easier to maintain. My Way Home™ is beneficial both for people who feel subtle energies and those who don't. You don't have to feel the energy in order for it to go to exactly the right place within you. Two levels in this system. Anyone can accept this energy system's attunement and use the system. Only Reiki or Seichim Master Teachers can pass this energy system on to other people.”

Page 19: My Way Home · My Way Home™ My Way Home ™ energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sense of where they came from. This energy


You agree that if you pass an attunement of My Way Home™ it will either be sold by accepting at least $36 of monies in currency or you’ll gift it if you feel so guided. Uncertified self attunements of this My Way Home energy system may be used for personal self healing, but do not certify you as a Master or teacher of this system. Uncertified self attunements do not provide you with a certificate, lineage or confirmation. If you copy text or any portion of this manual, even in your advertising listings, please display my name prominently as author. Please contact Mariah at [email protected] for permission to translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send author a copy and manual must portray the meanings of the energy descriptions accurately.

Disclaimer: For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this My Way Home™

attunement/empowerments and the My Original Home™, My Preferred Home™ and My Eternal Home of Divine

Will™, energy functions is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of natural energy

healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or

to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice.

Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Windsong

Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made

and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this

manual you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Couture from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and

violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly caused.

Mariah Windsong Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment. You further

agree to indemnify Mariah Windsong Couture from all liabilities and expenses including lawyer’s fees arising from

such claims based on this manual. This manual may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Mariah Windsong

Couture does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the materials or the reliability of any advice, opinion,

statement or other information displayed or linked in this manual. By purchasing this manual or receiving this

empowerment or attunement, you acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy

streams or information shall be at your sole risk. Mariah Windsong Couture reserves the right, by her discretion to

correct any error or omission or change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. It is your duty to check and

see if updates and revisions to the manual have been made. July 4th, 2011

Some content falls under the “fair use” permission to copy.

All photos are courtesy of : NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC)