SAN FRANCISCO MARKETREVIEW. (RSFORTID FOR THS BACRAMRKTO HICOHD-t'MON".] Sax Frascisco, October 27, 1881 V; OESEKAL MEECHANDISE. Bags and Ba.joi-so Th,.' leading holders of Wheat Bigs are encouraged by the advanced prices at Calcutta, which precludes ary importation! being landed ..real curtent rates in this market :. Busi- ness, however, ii ilow, and it is evident that a large at.H.*K willbe carried ever untilnext season Oakland and Dundee are ,4Uotej at Bi(t*3' c; Calcutta, 8' 'Vie ; Wool B a, 4*i-..4.,c for 3J Its, and 474'<*50c for 4 lbs; Potato G'iuui.B, W/nl'Jc ; Burlaps, 7Jc, 7"c and l-'Jc for4o, 45 nd SO inch respec iveiy lii-.K-.ii- Strip Bread, 3|c ; Pilot Bread. 41'4'c : Soda Crackers, 5-<_*tJc; o her Crackers, Cakes and B scult, tj'c to l'c, according to variety BSJCS— English . Bath, :jm7sc V dozen ; English Fire. - .-' SO from first hands; California building descriptions, -\u25a0'. .. "In V t our nd Case Goons—Eastern Oysters, 81 25 for standard brands in 1-11. and *pl IStgJ 60 V dozen for 2-tb ti. a ; Clams, i~*2*K*«r3; Lobsters. .--.-; \u25a0:, 25 ; Turkey and Chicken, |3@3 23; Intern Green Corn, *i130.<r2; Eastern Green Peas, 81 Slxg-l 75. There is no change In California Canned Goods. Cc E-tT—Eastern (1 75-o*2: Portland (foreign), $3 75-0-4 Santa Cruz Lime, SI 25ftfl 50 Vbbl. Cuicoky—California, 45i«6c; German, 6{(<<7o ¥ lb. Coffee—Central American, 13@14c; Java, lS<«2.c; Groun ' Coffee, l;-£2~.ic. Cordaoe—We q ote : Sisal, lj-inch and up- ward, 12c; 12-hread, 12{c; 6 ana S-thread, 13c; f-inal hale rope, 3 and 4-thread, 12c; San Francisco laid Manila; lj-iiichand ward. 16c ; 12-thread, liilc; 6 and il-thread, 17c; Bale Hope. If* ; Tarred, 16c; Lathy;, n, ilia A discount a ie "*3 11. on invoices of lli.liuo lbs is allowed. Dm B American Bi-Carb Soda, 4c; Englishdo, 4@ 4|c; Caustic S. da, 60 per cct. strength, 4J«r4}c ; do, 7U per cent,s<aslc; Soda Ash, 2f<i2|c; Sal Soda, $1 50 @1 55 forPacific and 81 CO for Erulish. Dry Goons Drills, 30-inch goods, are job- bing at B!@9}c; Brown Sheetings, 36-inch. S'(*tloc; Brown Shirtings, 30-inch, 6'/r7*c ; Apron and Furni- ture Check, 14(n20c; bleached an* colored Cambrics, E@7e: heavy D-jnims, 28-Inch, 16@2Sc; Cotton Flan- nel. 8£"-?12'c for light, and 14';t25c tor heavy; Hickory Stripes. 12m 13J.C ; Prints, t"i'<**7c: Kentucky Jeans, 13 letssc » yard , Plan—Oregon Canned Salmon. $1 3C*«-1 325 : ?acra- mento river do, tail pack. .->. '-tiftfi25 9 dozen l-'l. t us ; Pacific Codfish, 5c %* Hi in 50-llt bundles, s'c in 100-It. cases an.l (lie for boneless; Eastern Cod- fish, 7(fi*7'o ¥ It,: Sm ked Herring, ?K"t7Cc for Eastern and 4Stirjuc f.-r Paget Sound; uwh Herring, 81 •\u25a0'-\u25a0" 1 75 "(il keg; M.i.-..re'. si 65@1 80 for No. 1 in 15-lb lata and -"J 25..14 for MeS- in 15-lb kits. - - LEATUKr-—California Sole, 23yi25c: Harness. 38.-S S7lc; Skirting, 3tXit37ic; Calf Skins, 70«a81 10 9 lb- Wax Leather. 17(«2 c foot; Bridle. $*j*r7 *-) sid.-; Kip Skins, iOtgSI @ dozen. ... , Lumber— rates are as follows: Pine, 817 for rough ; clear, 824 ; Pine Flooring and .Stepping, B*6 50 ; Redwood, 817 for rough and fr6 for surlaced. Retail grit-en are as follow,: Pine, rough state. $21 ; Pine Fl.xiriiieand .Stepping, $32 50; Redwood. 821 fix rough and 832 50 for suraced; Rustic, $32 5- ; Flooring, 830: Tongue and Grooved Beaded 832 50; Pickets, 825 for fancy, 818 for rough pointed, and 815 for square. bhingies, 82 25; Lath, 8J 50; Posts, laic. Malt Liquors—Lea. ira.ds of English Ale and Porter are sellingat 82 75<»3 75 for qua ta and S3 (£4 for 2 dozen l inta. -- 11l i ms 1r.,.. S2SQ3OS ton; Tin Plate, 85 75 06 25 tor Coke and fIW 2313 box for Charcoal; Pig Tin, 24(524"tc for Sydmy and2i'»3ijc for Banca; Bar It a 31(*3|c; Cast Steel, 14_"li)C ;Pig Lead, 4|-jsc ; Yellow Metal, -^K^Jt-c .-' 11. Nails—Boonton Fall Kiver anil Oxford are in good demand at J 25 V Leg in 100-keg on. t>iL—CaUfomia Castor, $1 20 tor No. 2 and $1 40 for No. 1 ; California Lin eed. 57J0 for law and COc for boiled from the fctory; pure, winter-strained Lard, $1 25 hi bbls and \u25a0A3O in case i ; Cocoanut, 5.c; China Nut. 63ijS6ic; Petroleum, lit,degrees, l;(«2.c ; 15J degrees, 28i**5c. --\u25a0--. \u25a0 -*_ ;,--.-'•\u25a0' Paints—Pioneer White Lead, file 3"" lb. Pafer—Gultoraia Straw Wrapping. 80c, 90c, $1 and $1 10 V ream for the four styles. Powder-California Blasting, 83 25 9 keg; Giant, 50c for No. 2 and 750 tor No. 1; Vulcan Blasting, 75c tor No. 1, 50c lor No. 2 and 35c "at lb forNo. 3. with the usual discount as to quantity. Quicksilver— held al 42c i) lb. The London rat is £1 *"* bottle. hiCE—Market well supplied with China, and quota- tlonafo'mlxedare4S@tle; Hawaiian !sfirm at sJ@6c \u25a0ft It,, with free shipments East by rail. ' - BALT—Liverpool8 ALT— Liverpool line is n w quoted at 81"'220; Car- men Island 814 for coarse and $20{rr22 for fine; California, 8*" 50v!JH for coarse and $14(5r22 "fe* ton for tine. t-uAr-Caetilt! is firm at OwlOc ; White Castile, 11@ 11' c; local makes of Palo ami Chemical Olive, 4i'tf6c: fancy kin s. V ft,; Washing Powders, 8l2(o*Ia per gross. Spirits— California pure, $1 22 for No. 2, and $1 25 for No. 1. STAUti -Various brands of Eastern are i.voted at 6<3loc#ib. , - . SUOAB— im*.' Septmber 2Sth the price list for iota in barrels to th trado has been qu table as t»l ows: C rele A On-died. Fine Crushed, Loav s and Cube, 12* c; Powdered 13c; extra fine da 13' c; Granulated 12Jo for dry and 12c for Confectioners': Golden C and Et Dorado C, lie; extra Golden C, Il'o; Mariposa 0, lOJc; Nonpareil, 1 tie; ha. bbls and 100-lb bxa, Jo more; small bxa, ie more. No orders ivceived forleas than 25 V.l.is. - Stbuf—Prices rem in the aims as for August 3Cth, as follows: Bds, OT'c ; hf bbls, 60c; 5-jallon kegs, 65c ; 1-gallon tins, 7:c & gallon. Tea—We quilt., good n-elium grades of Japan at 35(c'3;j3*3)Ib. Whisky—We quote high proof, SI 3:(i'l 50; low proof, 81 78@2 50 ; Tarious brands of Bourbon; $2 25(cr 5 50 "*) galL according to age. * " . . Waa— French Claret, 85=1^60 8 cask; C am- pagne, 816@.>3 "^baskist; California bulk descriptions are quoted follows : Angelica, 81 05(31 25; Claret, stKiJ7sc ; Port, 81«3 50; Sherry, $1 15i»l 25; White. 45«rf8l 50 * gal! \u25a0\u25a0 - . .- **\u25a0 |.'|..i:.i.iiT- tuart. 831 tons. Wheat to Liverpool direct fifteen lay days, 7is; Ori ntil, 1,683 tons, Wheat to Liverpool or Havre, irate. Tho followir- wereclnrteted prior to load Wheat: America. 1,280 tons, Cork, 7..-..1. f.i.vi Forest, l,t6Btons,Cork, i-s; Prince Charlie, 1,315 tons. Cork. .V.s ; Th Inis Bell. 818 tons. Cork. 655. Ths market holds up «>\u25a0'!. because so many vessels mn chartered prior 1 1 arrival Bud be- cause so many of trie disengagrd ships wi 1 not be r, ady to take cargo for several week«. The rialstrain on the in-iket wiil con c next month. Ve*consider 70s .for a small iron vessel a fall rate to-day. A.'arse wooden ship could not be placed at over 7-s. There willbe no more 80s charter.* effected the season. There is now a superabundance of tonnage in pert tut comp- aratively little of itis available for immediate load- ing. : '" ""* •-\u25a0".•-* V." . Mothers Don't Know How many children are punished for being TU*.c<.'u:h, willful, and indifferent to instruc- tions or rewards, (.imply because they are oat of health '. An intelligent lady said of a child of thi. kind: ,'.'Mothers should know- that it they would give the littleones moder-. ate doses of I Hop Bittern for two or three weeks, the children would.be all a parent could desire." .- * *V 7 V THMI)AiLY>RTOM^uS T fetere-d at tiie Post OR: at Sacramento as second class matte* PUBLISHED BY-THB ; v : Sacramento MMing Company. .m. H.MtLU, General ax-wager. '.: X Publication Office, Third st-, bet. J and Z. TUX BAIXY OEW-r 110-I Ispa Wished every day of the week. Sundays *-Tsr-*rtsi for eae year. ;..,^:V.;-.-iT.'. , t*r....,..;..T....'.. .110 00 or six months. ....... y \u0084.. , 09 or three months .* - \u25a0 ..3 00 San copies one year, to one addreas 80 00 ' Subscribers served by Carriers at 5-r""""***"*""-yiv« : * Cent* per week. In all Interior cities and tow»* the japor can he had of the principal Periodical Dealers, Vcwsmen and Agents. - AdTertlslng Kales to Dally Beeord-rnioiu One Square, 1 Ume...;....^... .......il 00 Bne Suitue, 1 time*-. J£* nt. Square. J times. <«• "™ Sach additional time. w 1 Week.: »Weeks. 1 Month Square, lrtps«e V » »3 50 \u25a0« 00 I. ..• Square, &i page 3 SO 6 00 6 00 IIV* Square. 3d page 3 00 J 60 6 00 Half Square, 4th rape 100 J 00 4 00 One Square, Ist pate. 3 30, JOO TOO Oue Square, 2.ipa«e {00 TOO IOW One Square, 3d page 400 .... 600 800 One are,4tbp«M .3 00 400 600 Star Notices, to follow reading matter, twenty-nve a line for each Il_-~alt_— . -_ \u25a0•« .' * "* _ ." AdTertisements of Sitaatioos Wanted, Houses V. .Let, Bodety Meeiinps, etc., of rii'r.-.ISE3 OR less, willbe luti-'-Xl inthe Daily K*tcojti>-UKioKas follows : --= One- time S cents Th- times » cents - One week... 7Bcent« brum words to constitute a lone. •• ..-•. \u0084vv \u25a0 THF- WEEKI.T FNIOJI iv V (Ptibli in Bcmi-wee'-lj partsl ,J \ Ie l«ra»l on Wednesday and Saturday of etch week, I eomp-UtiW Eif bt Va.se* In each issue, nr Sixtcon Paxes each we k and ie the cheapest -.an most .iesii.liie < Home, News «id Literary Journal published on the r»oi2.--»a t . .. yy-'y: „,; Xenns, Ona Y5ar....... $2 50 Seml-Weckly Union Advertlslns Kates. ; . Hal' Square. 1time...... ...... ......... :'.":.'..'...fr 00 -it additional time .' M On Square. 1 time.. ..'....... " X*. additional -Vine 100 RAILBOADS, STEAMERS, ETO. . CENTRAL Pacific Railroad- OTERLAXO . TICKET 7 OFFICE t OAKLAND FERRY, FOOT OF MARKETSTREET . \u25a0y .ryy-yyy -yyyr yy -y- .- ; : Commencing Siunr-lny, Jnne 4, 1881. ;\u25a0- ••ro uxtil ruRTBSK K«nc» •:*.-;-:_• .'' \u25a0:}.\u25a0 THM» - ' AMD COATS WIU LEAVk - SACRAMENTO' \u25a0j--.:.- . . \u25a0\u25a0-y.-. IS FOLLOWS t ,-,\u25a0>-.-. - r *..- yyyy.XX i«^ft i A.M.— (Sun la*. - e-tcepteitv- Ac- moda. tltUlf:--. dation Train io MarvsviPe. Red Blulf an •J*:S:v Redding. V*-.y--y -•* ;:.-.:..\u25a0\u25a0-. ( i Ai A. M.— (Daily)— C. P. Emigrant TraiD to VtyVM Ogden.'*».>««sfi«Ss¥i!St«^^4B<^gjaagg!i»»@ \u25a0J ..>-}%A. (Dally)—C. P. Pacific Express, via *•*->-»». -Benicia, for ban Francisco. - : 1 (t'Ofl •*• *'* , "~t > '' as 9 °' J i, ItMmatter as prae- a V«W (Sunajjs eiceptcdV— iteacoi r lor 5; San Praia toucldmf at all -way port* ~'.- yoa th.* Sacrum*-- . -o -\u25a0i£®-ri>i 11 »•">A A. M-— (Sundays excepted)— Passenger ; : r . *«>w Train for Woodland, Williams and WD. J* -i :•-\u25a0'- vv lowa. ..\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:-'v : --.-.-.:-^--. \u25a0-\u25a0... v- ..-\u25a0.\u25a0 n.fJA A. M.—(Daily)—San Francisco Paw eni;eiB .t?V conuwts at Oalt with Faswnger Train lor M lone and at L^thn witn the si. P. AtlanU .Express for Madera, Newhall -ban Buena. v^ntu.*!" ann*s,u)u h«-h.%.Tii, .ofi Anreie*", Yuma, Maricopa (Prescott), Tucson, Ben- son (Tombstone), Dcnnnn, '.. M., (for A.*,"?"} yyV-y T. &S.F.- R. It.), end Koirera (El Paso), 1,286 mil-si from san '\u25a0r-ujri&tt). '. Connec : . \u25a0 •.-'. also a t Niles for Sao Jo«,. .-\u25a0 -.' -; . - -yi •*''?£s ,- P. M.— (iMnyr- - "., Express ' for /•i W v MarysviUe, Chico, lird Bluff ana Redding V (Portland. \u25a0,ivi...n>. -. v ".I A " P. M.—(Daily)—Passenger Train for Col- , '••tW f ax and way stations. ~.-v '^•"I«i : P.'M. (Daily)—tau FranclMo'l-aseenger °w». Train, vis BeuicU. A..MX P."< .«.—i Dail.- . i Loc-1 Train to L.»throp v "*"**' connecting withS. P. Emigrant Train for -> V- : --Deming. - ,:, •\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0' -'._ \u25a0 ;.-.-\u25a0 G«|K : P. .J].—(Sundays axoepiod)— Passenger » A " Train for Woodland una Rain 1-- Laud. . ins. ' -v..- Tf. KR P. -«.—(Dally)-C. P. Atactic i.iv.-i.s for •>W uUbx, Reno (Cartiun and Vir-tuila),Battle Mountain I (Austin), , Palisade (Eureka), Ogden, Om.-ihi end Eut. ' ;A. N. T0WNE. ........... .0eitei-i! hTipfl-inieudent ; T. H. GOODMAN™. .Gen'I Paart cud Tfcta-I Agent i ja9-4ptf -- ; * y-y \u0084iiSsj*f« —"t T~~~~~y ~~ . ...... . : i^y* Sacramento' & Placeryiile Railroad. v--Sro_j_^^gags..' On and Alter V«e<lncm(;ij, Marcb 3, IKS» - \u25a0 ' . CNTIL rCRTHHH SOTtCT, : , Trains will run between Sacramento and Folaom,' - as follows : Hf ,: -v...v--'-?\u25a0*.-*' -' -.*_. . : . -, *'*-*** V - Lcave Sacramento lor F0150m.....,....." 8:30 A.M.V Leave Sacramento for F0150m. .......... 4*oo P. M. Leave Folsom for Sacramento.."....*,..'.; 6:15 A. M. Leave Folsom for Sacramento....;...:.. 130 P. M. \u0084 mr2-tf * .-.. \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0-\u25a0 J. B. WRIGHT, Supt. FOE PORTLAND ASD^STOfiIA, '770Jfcfc33«__5-033C. '\u25a0 ' - jm^*r^_ THE ORECON RAILWAY AND P --'-** %^AVIGATIoN COMPANY . AJ.D '*>i£'T*l'jtTT*?* Pacific Coast Steamship Comp.nj *es***i,e*S&"wi'l dispatch every live days, to tha above ports, one of th, ir New Al Iron Steamships, viz.:.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*.- OREGON GEORGE W. ELDER STATE OF CALIF OR X I A y \u25a0 --'"-\u25a0,' SAILING DAYS: 0e101»er...... ...... :.:..&. 8. 13. 18. 23. 28- N0vember..*.. ..:,;... ....... I. 12, VI, I*, 27 •\u25a0 \u25a0AT 10 O'CIOCK A. M.. Connecting at Portland, Oregon, with Steamers Railroads and their connecting Stage Lines, for all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territoriee, British Columbia and Alaska. * v - K. TAN C TERENDORP, Agent O. R. and N. Co., No. 210 Battery street, S->n Francisco, Cal. , GOODALL, PERKINI & CO., Agents P. C. S. S. Co., No. 10 Market street, San- , Francisco. *\u25a0* ;, \v ' V myS-tl *-; . IMFORTAKT TO OSGHABDISTS. PARTIES DESIRING. TO PLANT FRUITJJJ**-. V. Trees the coming season can obtain them *(£»)' from the leading Eastern Nurseries in lots of -. » \u25a0 . .-. 100 and over by sendin r their orders before the sth' of November to C. W. REED, Sacramento, CaL ppy prices :' Apple (standard), 6to 7 ft , ft) V10 0; $175 *> 1,000 Pear (standard), sto 8 ft. ... 30 100 ; 250 ¥ 1.000 Plum (standard). sto 6 ft. .. 30»100; 2.*-0$ 1,000 Peach (first size).... 15 100; IS ¥ 1,000 Apricoi(first 5ize)..:...... 2ft V 10' i: 830* 1,000 Cherries (first size). . ."-.::*.". . 30 V ICO; 1 250 V 1.000 ; ! Inaddition to the above prices a small charge will be made to cover cost of packing and freight per car - load rates from Eastern nurseries to California. , " From an experience of 2.i years in pUnting trees propagated in the East and inCalifornia, I can affirm ; that all kinds of trees grown in the East and trans- : planted to California are much more hardy and vig- orous in their growth, and are more free from dis- - eases of all kinds, especially the scale insect, than California grown trees. 1will tend pi rsonally to - the selection, packing and shipping of all orders, and . insure tSelr safe arrival in good order. Address, C. . W. REED, P. O.box 101, Sacramento, Cal. 06-4plm» Nationals Mutual Aid Association IT'- \u25a0'"'\u25a0\u25a0 •:•>". - '.:•'\u25a0"-\u25a0-' ; *. - . ' -. : OF CALIFORNIA, FOR UNMARRIED PERSONS. INCoRFO- rated under the laws of the btate of California^ July 28, A. D. 1881. - Office opened Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday evenings, from 7to 9. **• •*-.-\u25a0 :.'-". \u25a0* GEORGE D. IRVINE, Agent, 04-lplm 1415 F street, hetween I and J. Postoffice Boxes For Sale. . j y--.: -\u25a0.:\u25a0;;..-\u25a0-• -•. \u25a0. ....... ... .-.-'. \u0084,,-:* THE CASES WITH BOXES ALL COMPLETER with Yale Locks, duplicate keys, all in order- .o set up in a Postoffice, which have been used try *he Sacramento office, wilt be sold cheap, either »U ogethtr or in parts to suit purchasers. Apply to SWEETSER «V ALSIP. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, No. 1015 Forr Car \u25a0 street, between J and K. nlStl PIONEER LIVERY STABLE. "\ 1. : D. 5CR1TER..,.;.:.';.....; "...Proprietoi V". HACKS iON CALL AT ANT HOUB,«V_ day or night. Coupes, Phaetons, SS'fl Rociaways, Barouches, Buggies, with the M* \u25a0>?\u25a0 best roadsters to be found in any livery stable on the coast, for hire. : Horses kept in livery at reason- - able rates. Livery Stables on Fourth street, b»- . tween I and J. -..-.. 07-4ptf "^^^^l^^fii r^^^^^^^' ;^^^^l^^te -^ - .\u25a0\u25a0T^ll^tlifjff^ *\u25a0 :^S^ft ,v; ip~-~™"— -"— li."1 i ."" 1 """ : " = ,I ; : .^^ffi^f, :^E I I L : L LEWIS & CO., I i^OTl^^ '^P'pyy Ncs. 502 and; so4; J st; Sacramento, Cal., x^y^^^.'? \u25a0X,yr^yyyy'--" AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. 'SffiSfS®- S* GarlancTßang-e. ?^S •\u25a03tfvl^T|fTJ l jfe- 7. 77 .-... " - \u25a0 '--- T \u25a0-'-'*' \u25a0 -v. >.;-,; .-. .1 .; \u25a0\u25a0,'.'. >:ij yWSft^M^*^^ \u25a0y^XXI?:" : .s^S^^SSss^^^B^^^^SHHiR 1 * ''''^^-^^SJ^^^V \u25a0y<i^y^ SINGLE ..; OVEN. SQUARE, FANCY BASE. _**^'*f^? ;^^S»^S_i_i_<_fe?"- ' ' or Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or Wood. : -^^i^^^fe'-* * "39tR*HaW*K*"M**W; - J *",wiu**t'Wj * 't^l^ -vjx vVi^^^/lH^^SisV" -> -.«r THE FINEST MEDICM i PRICE RANGF EVER-MADE. 7 FULL < NICKEL j '*'X*^oTs?^'^sSX?- \u25a0 _.• v. »-,».,- V.. \u25a0- TRIMMED.- Mo-.lern in dstirn, and nil Latest I-nprovrment*. Has Large, Well- \u25a0.''•"\u25a0-,'\u25a0*•**••*•;. : y-yy-.-yyy--' -\u25a0 'v venti Oven. BROILING ATTACHMENT. At TjMATIC OVEN SHELF. . EVERY : :. ..\u25a0 y-PyyiyPPZy^XX '^Si^ffft^f^ w '* V ri - liabl **'- - vr?siffiik-irf jf" 'P&MmS&^W* ' ''\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 7 w «_T Best stock of HOCSEKEEPIXC HARDWARE, CEOCKERt. ' ypXP^f^^^^^^X. ypp^yy^-y'yy ,-.--- ! GLASSWARE. CLTLERY and PLATEDWARE to be found. ..v.- '''V''J'''''-''-'i' ; ' < '^^^S y^sl!fati&p' '\u25a0\u25a0 , > SEND FOR PRICE LIST OF ' 1881. \u25a0ti&MJ&&^P v T r^ , *i> ----- ';7'V7 ' .'."*'> :: ''*:V ; -.7. \u25a0\u25a0; -VV; 'PX''y'yy' : ' .^___________mt^~^~ i'^^^^pyy. "'.•\u25a0\u25a0"-. y /; - Vv-v ;Vv:.'-V -'^- : - 77.-77 . / ~7 \u25a0\u25a0". .V-^v-S*^^^ - THE RED HOUSE yTEADEVUNIONv THE GREAT TEST OF TELE DAY ! pi; -x-; \u25a0-\u25a0;• \u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0; Issued by J. TGRIFFITrS, appointed by the Superior Court as Receiver in the ?Gilma 117 Estate. . ' ..- \u25a0 . \u25a0 PRICE LIST: lyMtlMflh'^JijilO-i.-i" ." :'. : .-"7."- "... . ' '\u25a0\u25a0' - .-i.v- . •\u25a0 •-. y HACK ALL- LCASHMERE .................... .. .;.^^^t^.Bo CEYTS PER YARD I't-'MV-IMII COL-IRED CiIMIMERE ;......... .......30 CENTS PER YARD i'\«'ll»II COBIRVS (ALL C0L0R5)................. ....:......; ...7lu CE.VTS A YA«I» lILACK IRIMMIXC51LK5... ......... ;.. :.....:.:............. ...33 CE.NTSA YARD BLACK SILK BR'ICADES :......"...:..:....*..... :........ 61 CEXTS ''A YARD LADIES' HEAVY DIAGONAL CL0AK5................. ........... v.... .....:.*.. 9 1 50 EACII LADIES' STRIPED AXD FAXIY SHAWLS ........ 7... :.................... ..:.4S IS"NTS rift X- »XCH HEAVY WATERPROOF .. .. ...... :. 7.45 CEA l"S heavy family 8LAXKEi5.vvv;*.. ;;:;::.::.^...:::7... ::...:....;....;.....:. 7:.. V.;;;: SI .'.lt HEAVYLI RUE-SIZE COMFORTERS. .. '..*.... . ; .. .95 I'£XTS HEAVY LARCE SIZE lIOXEVCOMR 5PREAD5....::: ............................ .50 CEXTS lIEAVYLARCE-pIZE I* I.R.MAX CROCHET. SPRE 1D5. . .... ....... X....9t> CEXTS HOOD LXRLEACHEDMC5L1X.:...:.......:...................................... ::..3J CEXTS coiid Will MrsLix.7:7.... 7;. .....:.......:......;:..'.::.... .7... V.v....:.:... IJ CEXTS table lixex (I'l Iti: ri.AX).:X~:...:. .y. :.i:X.....:....X. ...... X..X..::.....:..J.ia CEXTS TABLE XAPKIXS<l*M:i" FLAX). PER D0ZEV..V ;:...... ....;..!. .7:..;. ..:..:.... 25 CEXTS TARLE .XAPKIXS 'TURKEY RED/ PER DOZEX .................... ..7.... .35 CEXTS TOWELS (FI'KE LIXEX), PER DOZEX. : ... . ... ."..7.7. .. ... J 75 CEXTS HEAVY CHEVIOT SII'RTIXU ..:..........:....................:.. V.. .7 CEXTS A YARD HEIVY PI AID CIXI.IIAMS ..:.................:..;..........:..;...... 8 CEXTS A YARD LADIES' HEAVY MI.RIXO VE5T5................: :......:.»0 CEXTS EACH CHILDREN'S HEAVY MERIXO VESTS .:....:. ...v....:.:..... ......... V;. 20 I'EXTS EACH LADIES' MCSLIX CHEMISE 7. . i.v .X..X.... ....... ... *": . .20 CEXTS EACH l Aims' MERixo^HO!iE.':::vv.7Vv;.'.^...7.::V.7:vV.:.'^f:".'.*7..'.V.7^:7io'cE«iTS each CHILDKt X S MERIXO HOSE ......: ...*..'."'".. 7.5 CEXTS EACH L» DIES', FANCY BOKUEK lIIXDKEKI HIEFSV... . .... .1 CEXT EACH IHILDREX'S FANCY KURDEIC lI AXDKERCUIEFS ................ .1 CENT EACH LADIES' COLORED KUH3-1i1TTt>X)..:......iy ......................... So CEXTS A PAIR LINEN TORCHON LACF5..7.....::;.:."............:.......:......... ........*; CENTS A YARD lI A.11 111 EM8R01DER1E5....:...::........:.... ...,..:...... 1 CEXT A YARD LADIES' PFBKLE I'OAT. 5H0E5.......... ...7..... ... ; ... .......:.... 7.......$1 85 A PAIR LADIES' UOOII KID, BUTTON SHOES .:....:....:..................:.....::.'i»l st A PAIR I CHILDREX'S GOOD KIR, RI'TTOX 5H0E5........:... ..V.A.. *5 CEXTS A PAIK . MEX'S lIEAVY SHOES ::.......:............. ;...:7:T.......::.7..*..v::.8i A PAIR ' MEVS 10M.1t1.-S C.V1TEK5.. .."..:....... .J... ..'.;....... .7.. 75 CENTS A PATK J HOIS'. nEAYV 5H»E5.:.7v.:...:..:..7...... ...:.........::..:. 7....::... :;.55 LEXIS A PAR : MENS' WINTER 5fit5.:.7..v.....v. ...77..:.77..;7.7..........7...7.:..7....:v.f-i3 EACH 7 MEN'S IRONCLAD PANTS ........760 CENTS A PAIK ! ROYS' IRONCLAD PANTS ...v.. 7.7.75 CISTS A PAIR ) Mt-'N'S WINTER 0verc0at5. ::7.7V7. ;.:;:. :. ...... .^7.. ..:.......... :7..:........v.i»s EACH I EN'S MIRIN It INDKRSHIRTS AXD OVERS ....... ..77:7 '....80 CENTS \u25a0 MEN'S FANCY COTTON 50CK5... ............ V. 7. ........4 CENTS A PAIR ' Bl< VS' FELT hats.. r ..77..::7... .:..::....;:.....;:.. ....„.:.:....:.. 7... 7. ...10 CEXTS EACH KBITS felt: HATS ;......... -....7..... 7............. 7.......;.. 7........... 7. 35 Ct XIS EICII j ON** DOZEN' CAKES OF' -"0A1'F0R............. .............. .....:.....7...;7.....10 CENTS j REAL JAPANESE MATTINU 7. .....7...:.. .........».-, CENTS A YARD ' DO IDLE BEDSPREAHS (HEAY»).......7 .................... .V............ .77... «1 50 EACH LADIES' WASHING SKIRTS FOR... ......7.77.25 CENTS EACH lIEAVYLIXEXTOWELS (EXTRA SIZE) F0R......................... ....12J CENTS EACH ALL -370 sis : SOLD AW -ocaacEi 3EB » '' -E-COT_TS_E., THIS AND THE FOLLOWING. DAYS. ' Nos. 706, 714 and 1 716 *' J street, between Seventh and; Eighth, 7 Sacramento. \u25a0''^'\u25a0''^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Djn««-*K-t-|«Ti-«_PM_Kn-«-_Hl^HMuaHMll'^^ vo_3_-^:^^s^V-3^;:;^^^2asx^r^ IN TLRERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Agricultural Inipleinenis and Machines, Hardware, Etc. 7 I No. 26 Two Horse Plow. - 1 AGENTS FOE THE GALE CHILLED IRON PLOWS, sa k.es:a. "\u25a0"*; *s--_a.i«"«a- y 3E»3E.0"»O I BrS, 7- . GORHAM SEEDERS, TRIUMPn DRILLS, 1 . HARROWS, CULTIVATOR**, CIDER MIL' 9, MOLINE Vi Steel Plows, Cast Iron Plo**-, BAIN WAGO.NS, Cutlery, Rope, Wire, Beltiivjr,Powdtr, Shot, Fas*, Wade, Nails, Axes, etc. * \u25a0\u25a0-.: \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 .-.:). . . \u0084-. . ... SACRAMENTO AND SAN FRANCISCO. MAXC-*ACT0RY7.7:.:.7;.7.......7......:.:.777THEi8Exic^:7Ai:8 LT! R AL WORKS. \u25a0* * HOTELR7M)?£ SSTAUfiAI-iTKj MISSISSIPPI KITCHEN. OYSTER AND CHOP HOCSE, .;'." Third Street. Between J and K. VJ'EXT BOOR TO RECORD J j*****^ ' A* /"office. '.! Open day and night. > .> ' %7isX 7 A.* J. SENA*ra,'ftopietorV\_J .-%&' ' - \u25a0'.".'\u25a0-. -"'/--i*. y.-l'if 019 4 plm -•' 7 \u25a0-.-'\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0:':'\u25a0': Xy STATE | HOUSE, V Corner Tenth aud X streets, Sacramento. My ELDRED, PROPRIETOR— and lod?- Xi**£ at the most reasonable rates. 1 Bar ans billiard rooms attached." Street cars pass the door every five minutes. ri. : - --"- \u25a0-yy..y- -. ...-^r :.ry ? . Free omnibus to and from the House, oil Iplrr GOLDEN ;* EAGLE HOTEL, CORNER SEVENTH AND X STREETS," SAC- V First-class in every respect, i. The Lar-re-t, Finest and Best-Ventilated Hotel inthe city. RATES— S3, $2 50 and 3*2 per day, according to room. : Free Bus to and from the Hotel. 1 . %' .-- .-. -; - J. McNASSER (late of Denver),',! V ' '\u25a0 04-4plm ". - * * Proprietor. -•- HOTEL LANG-.AM, /-CORNER FOURTH AND L STREET?, SACRA- mento— Strictly first-class, on the European plan.' Free coach from Railroad Depot. Fine sample rooms.' ollplm "TEBRY & CO., Managers. TREMONT HOTEL, JSTREET, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND. House is newly furnished throughout. Large, airy rooms ; eood board ; clear water. \u25a0 Prices m'd- erate. L. KUMLE. . ;~ \u25a0:. - -\u25a0.- \u25a0:. \u25a0 -01-4plm: : UNION HOTEL. " SECOND AND - X STREETS,' VSACRAMENTO. CaL'v Rooms, 50 cents and $1 per day. W Special rates by the month. -v Billiards, choice liquors and cigars. - Hat lunch daily from 11 A. m. till ** T. M. -'-..-;-- W. O. ("JOE") BOWERS,?, rj . 01-4plm v .„; \u0084 -; . . V v Proprietor. 7 BUSINESS oaedSv r H. F. HOOT. V / ALY.X. SRILSO"! .;,.. J. lIHISCOL. ROOT, Nt Jl.-int A ID., 7] LJNION FOUNDRY—IRON AND BRASS j . Founders and Machinists, Front street, be- tween N snd O. Castings and Machinery of every description made to order. "\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 *\u0084."\u25a0• 024-4plm REKOYED. CHARLES T. JONES AND ED. M. MARTIN, . Attorneys-at-Law and Notaries Public, bars removed their office to No 007 I street, between Sixth and Seventh. . . \u25a0 of4-4plm :t -. J AMI MrCTIRE, MANUFACTURER - OF ROAD : SCRAPERS. »t| * Iron Doors, Jail Cells, Shutters, Railings, Gratings. Housework and Blicksmithing in general, No. s*2u Xstreet, between Fifth aid Sixth, } Second- hand Doors lor sale. * \u25a0.•\u25a0*'\u25a0 . \u25a0" o"!2-4ptf *.. 1856.V7v7v-7''F. . FOSTER.../ \u25a0-.;: -,>. ISSI. ". BOOKBINDER, PAPER-RULER AND BLANK- Book Manufacturer, No. Sl9 Jstreet, between Third and Fourth, Sacramento. - *\u25a0* 020-4ptf - KiII* CALLER'S SAMPLE ROOKS. y 4^i> X STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND && Fifth, south side, are now in running order as formerly. ' The best Wines, \u25a0 Liquors and Cic-ars. Hot Lunch from 11 to 1. - - v oIS 4plm .. ; FRANK RUHSTALLER. . LOI IS SLOSS A CO.. DEALERS, CORNER OF j FRONT AND L /itreets. Highest price fori Hides, Sheep Pelts and Tallow Butchers supplied with - Salt, Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stuffers, Lard Presses, etc. .Prompt cash returns made for all consignments. ' ' - ;. 018-4ptf LNION BAKERY. 6rt J STREET, BETWEEN EIGHTH AND 0/4»>'N"nth— All kinds of Cakes. Pies, Rolls, etc., delivered to order to all parts of the city at the lowest rates. GOTILEIB REEBER, froprietor. _. \u25a0\u25a0;. .*. :.-\u25a0:. 014-4plm '\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0'- ----- JL'LII'S \u25a0 STRLTZ, '\u25a0' 'iAiV - - SUCCE.SSOR TO FOX A STRUTZ, IMPORTER i^ and Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors, etc., No. 420 J street, between Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento. - Allorders promptly attended to. : - '\u25a0•"''•\u25a0• \u25a0 o!4-4plm >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--. REMOVAL. /- DR. NIXON HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO '\u25a0: the new building Joining his residence on M street, between Ninth and Tenth, No. 918. -Will visit the Railroad Hospital daily at 9:30 A. M. Office hours— B to 9 a.m.; 1 to 3 P.K., and evenings 011-lm i CAPITAL ALE YAI'LTS, NO. 302 J, '' AND 1005 THIRD STREETS j Hot Lunch daily from 11 A. «. to 1 o'clock p. m. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigarß. 013-lnlm. JOHN LONGABAUGH. Prop'r. ; -._.. y.r. F. de DERKY, M. D.,' / SURGEON "\u25a0'- AND 'HOMEOPATHIC 8 PHYSl- cian. Office and residence, Eighth . street, between H and I. Office hours— B to 10 A. m., Ito3 and 7. to 8 T. M. £3T Sjiecl-il attention given to Diseases of Eye and Ear. ::---'.' - 013-4plm * ° DR. WALLACE A. BUIGUS HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE AND RESI- \u25a0 dence to Dr. G. L. Simmons' Building, J street, between Second and Third. Office hours : 8 to 9A. M.. II A. M. to 2T. M.. and 6 to Bp. M. ot2-tl T. R. MeFARLAND. ATTORNEY-AY-LAW -OFFICE, SOUTHWEST corner of J and Fourth streets. - Residence, 11 street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. 09-4plm V--"?S^CROYE^IVjeHN9bN,'fs. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW— OFFICE, FIFTH ST i between I and J. I Residence, No. 207 I street, between Seventh and Eighth. -i ' * 010-4plm : 7, : J. A. CIINNINI-HAM. Sacramento boiler and IRON WORKS, J^ 1I street, between Front and Second, S-*cra- mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet lion Work, etc. Also, all kinds of Repairing. - Chang cc Portable Boilers from Wood to Straw Burners a Specialty. . *\u25a0\u25a0 od-4ptf -.\u25a0- -DR. lame. -yyy OFFICE CORNER THIRD ANT)'-I STREETS, over Boston Drug Store. Office hours : 10 to 11 a. M , 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M. I Residence S. E. cor- ner Tenth and I street*. \u25a0'>. - :--;•\u25a0* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 4plm * JOHN EITEL. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST, No. 317 J STREET, :Sacramento, Cal. All Assays and Chemical Analysis accurately carried out at short notice and moderate rates. Mining Property Sold aud Gold Purchased. ' Instructions given in Blow- Assay- ing. (Sbsd por Cmccm*.) \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 " \u25a0 \u25a0 02-4plm E. ; L. KILLINGS «£ CO., , IMPORTERS .'AND WHOLESALE DEALERS '. in Fine Brandies,' Wines and Liquors. '\u25a0 Agents for Dr. Jafle's Celebrated Cinchona Bitters; also, agents for Litton Springs Seltzer Water, Sonoma county, California. No.11l Kstreet, between Fourth and Fifth. \u25a0,*'\u25a0- ": . *'-' "\u25a0*"*'''\u25a0 825-lplm V W. a. HECHSON, M. D„\u0084 '..,/ HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANAND SURGEON. Office, southwest corner of Seventh j and J streets, in Bryte's new building, up stairs.** Resi- dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N streets, Sacramento. Office hours : Ito 3 and 6toB P. It. "- ;.*•* yyy y. -.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0-''\u25a0\u25a0' 625-4plm v v •-:\u25a0-*\u25a0 .-.-'\u25a0\u25a0 W.H. ELLEKYKRIGLiS. SI. D., : OCULIST, AURIST 'AND : PHYSICIAN i FOB Diseases of the Thi oat. Office, 4291 J street, corner of Fifth, over Sacramento Bank, Sacratnet.to, Cal. Hours— to 12 A. li.; 1 to 4 P. It ' Sundays— 9:30 to 11 A. *«\u25a0; Ito4P. M. "V * : -v 01-tf * C. K. KREBS !A | CO., : IMPORTERS AND DEALERS INPAINTS, OILS, .. Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, Wax Flower Goods and Picture Moldings, Painters' and Artists' Materials. - Sole l Agents for Averill's Mixed Paints, Building Paper. \u25a0' No. 626 J street, : Sacra- mento. Cal. t- \u25a0'- •\u25a0\u25a0:--•-.--\u25a0 \u25a0 "* \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0 : 01-4ptt 7. yy W.K. srrTESßEßtiiia, ; ." IRON "'AND v BRASS 7 FOUNDER - AND MA- I chinist, front and N streets.* ; Manufacturer cf outtenberger's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Roller and Clog Crasher and Barley Mills. All kinds of Hydraulic Pipes. j For gale, Three MillerPatent Hay Presses. \u0084•.--•* au3o-4plm •~v 8. CAU 1.8. - It. J. CROLT. ". } : / CARLE A CROLY. CONTRACTORS AND ' BUILDERS, ARE PRE- :- pared to do all kinds of work in their line, in city or country. I Principal place of business, Sacra- mento."* Shop, No. 1114 Second street," between X and L. -*' Postoffice Box, No. 410, Sacramento." ... - -.'..:: \u25a0:\u25a0 "aul6-4ptf .--\u25a0-.:. :\u25a0\u25a0:.. CAPITAL BOX FACTORY, - Corner Second and II streets. 7 \u0084 7 OLDEST BOXFACTORY ON PACIFIC CO> ST. 'All kinds of BOXES on hand and made to order." Latest ' Improved Machinery for Pox Print ing. "Depot: J street,' between Front and Second, next door to W. R. Strong &Co. y-rrrr '.-\u25a0%\u25a0 --.:•• \u25a0-:.• 02-4 pt( -: - . . ..-.:- y . . NICHOLS & CO. - : .. Sacramento Planing Mil), SASH ) AND BUND FACTORY, CORNER OF ;. Front and Q streets, Sacramento. **-.*-.-,•-.*;.';• X>-:.l. yyy /Doors, Wlntlows, BUndi. *ir .".-*'/-; f Finish of all kinds, Window Frames, Moldings of -.;--•--" every description, and Turning. '•-">.«. j - HARTWELL, HOTCHKISS A STALKER" r -'.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-..-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 --..:*; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 022-4plro \u25a0--.'\u25a0\u25a0*.;.--.. '.v. Tee Pioneer Box Factoi y 81111 Ahead of All 'onipallors. '- O O'l'-O! 3EC'B y **y » 'O ») ootumt OP Front and M streets ...... Sacrament -.. -..y,'--- -..-.-.:-:..~;;vo*Hiil|--.. ! .: - -:,. J-:,-- y^trejss 7 MADAM SOLEMA, yyy THE CELEBRATED^ASTROLbGER, HAS '^JU". H returned 'to this city, after two years .\J. absence, and can be found at No. 511 Lstreet, >.*y y between Filth and Sixth. : 'i§_££&££!£?R2 ' vBMmGIHOIJSES:' NATIONAL GOLD BAN j"J,F D. O. MILLS A CO., SACRAMENTO: UNITED *TA'.'ir> - DKPOaITAK* . V tXBEIXB* oa : ?-\u25a0*. >ew York. London, liublia. Berlin, Part* , Andall the prit-cipai cities of Europe. . \u25a0\u25a0-: Under our extensive airange-tents we can make payment* in any town or village in Germany, Aus- : tria, Hungary, " France, Switzerland, Italy, Po'ish Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, sending the money into the very house of the party who is to receive it "jS '.: \u25a0. -\u25a0 * " - \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0' - •"-\u25a0-\u25a0-''\u25a0 011-tf vV JAMES LAWRENCE ENGLISH. V BA.lH___V. ' SOUTHWEST " CORNER 7 J AND FOURTH c . ,-.:.-* streets, Sacramento. : \u25a0 Commercial and Savings Depisits received, and a general banking business done. \u25a0 Exchange on San Francisco and the East. - > .' Interest was paid on| Savings Deposits in this ! Bank, for the Semi-Annual Term ending JUNE 30th at the rate of 6}per cent, per annum. ,---<* 01-4plm $50,000 TO XjO-A-BS". 'In Sums to Knit, at Loweit Bales. . APPLY TO PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. : y 01-4ptf . \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 X WM. F. HUNTOON, Cashie'rl V yp p MAEKSTS. V BALTIMORE j MARKET. C WEISEL &CO., WHOLESALE AND^PfTE****!. m retail Butchers and Pork Packe^f,^j£J^| , "' Nos. 726 and 72t5j L street, between Sev-^^Jfas enth and Eighth. Hams, Bacon, Shouldero, L^rd, Clear Pork and Fresh Meats, etc. Also, Hides, Tal- low and Pelts bought and sold on commission, and money advanced on the same. ofHighest market price paid for Fat Hogs, v^.. - 019-4plm :\u25a0 GEORGE P. HARTMANN. VV OF THE ORIENTAL MARKET AND gff>yA. SAUSAGE FACTORY, No. 41» K>Ei^' street, will supply' the public with the find!""**" CHIOCEST SAUSAGES of all descriptions, such as Liver Sausage, Vienna , Sausage, etc. - Particular pains is taken in the manufacture of LIVER- WURST, and I defy any Siuage Manufacturer to excel me. * Also,Meats cf all kiudi, delivered to any part of the city. •'.-.* >"•;'.:**•:""'. : ,015-4p-lm . \u25a0:\u25a0•' 7LEGAL NOTICES. ~^ PROBATE ;\u25a0 NOTICE. ~ IN HE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALl- fornia. county of Sacramento." In the matter of the estate of JEROME C. DAVIS, deceased. Notice is hereby giv.n that MONDAY, the 7th day of NOVEMBER,ISSI, a*. 10 o'clock A. M. of said dat , and the Courtroom of said . Court, at the Court- house, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacra- mento, and Slate of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said JEROME <..'. DAVIS, deceased, and for bearing the aonlication of MARYA DAVIS, for the issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon. I Witness my hand, and the seal of said Court, this 24th day of OCTOBER, ISSI.-' " - ' .1* i IsiALl r-.'-'i THOS. H. BERKEY, Clerk. : •'-* By Chas. M. Cooi,».x, Deputy Clerk. •-•. Catlin &Hav.i-i'k.oe*', Attorneys for Petitioner. * \u25a0 - .. -. ..-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 023-llt ..-\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0,- SUMMONS. '.V7> STATE OF CALIFORNLV, COUNTY OF SACRA- !T"> to—ss. In the Superior Court, in and for said county. The People of the State of California, to NELSON CH-.MPLIN, SiKAII J. CHAMPLIN and PHI. IP oYEII, greeting: You are hereby no- tified that an action was commenced in the Superior Court of the County of Sacramento, State aforesaid, by the filingof a comDlaint in the Clerk's office of said Court, on the 21st day of September, ISSI, in which action MICHAEL DWYKR is plaintiff, and you are defendants. That the general nature of the action as appears from said complaint is as fol- lows : To obtain Judgment for the sum of $3,398 05, alleged to be due on a certain promissory note given by defendants, NELSON and SARAH J. CHAMP- LIN, to plaintiff, and for an attorney's fee of $200, and for costs of suit, all of which is fully stated in complaint on file herein, to which reference" is hereby made. Also to obtain a decree of this Court for tho foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by the said NELSON anl SARAH J. CHAMPLIN on the 30th day of September, 1874, to secure the payment of said promissory note. And that the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to wit : The east 10 feet of lot 7, and the wet 15 feet of lot 0, in the block bounded by H and I, Ninth and Tenth streets, city of Sacramento, county and State afore- said, be sold, and the proceeds applied to the pay- ment of the expenses of sale, the costs of this action, and the amount found due. And in case such pro- ceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, that lodg- ment be docketed against NELSOm CHAMPLIN and SARAH J. CHAMPLINtor the balance remain- ing due ; and also, that the said defendants, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, may be barred iand foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption.': and interest in and to said mortgaged premises, . and for other and further :. relief. . . And you - are hereby directed to appear and answer said complaint within ten days from the service of this writ,exclusive of the day of service, if served on you in said county of Sacramento * and within thirty days, exclusive of the day of sen-ice, if served elsewhere; | and you are further notified that uniess you so appear and answer within the time above specified," the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. . In testimony whereof, I, Thos. 11. Berkey, Clerk of the Court aforesaid, do hereunto set mv hand and affix the seal of said Court, this 21st day of SEPTEMBER.A. D. 1881. "seal.] - THOS. H. BERKEY, Clerk. By Ciias. M. Coglai*, Deputy Clerk. Duslap & Vax Flket, Attorneys for Plaintiff. v 524-law2mS . .-\u25a0 : .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.,--"\u25a0 *'--: TRUSTEES' SALE. WHEREAS, JOSEPH SHAPEE MADE A certain Dee.l of Tru"tto ED. R. HAMILTON , and W. P. COLEMAN, dated the 6th day of Decern- I ber, 1576, and recorded in Book Number 81 of Trust Deeds, at page 465 and following, records of the i county of Sacramento, state cl California, said deed \u25a0 conveying the real property hereinafter described," for the purpose of securing a certain promissory note of same date ; and whereas, default ha* been made in the payment of said note. Now, therefore, , under the authority vested in them by said Trust Deed, and upon the application of the Sacramento Bank, holder of said note, the undersigned, as such Trustees, will, on the 2d day of NOVEMBER, 1881, between the hoars of 10 and 11 o'clock A. M., in front of the Court-house door in the city of Sacra- i mento. State of California, sell at public auction, to . the highest bidder, for cash in United Slates gold i coin, all that certain real property situate inthe city i of Sacramento, county of Sacramento, State ifCali- fornia, and described as follows, to wit : j The east half of lot number six (6), in the block b unded by J O and P and Sixth (6th)and Seventh (7th) streets, together with si ' the improvements and appurte- . nances thereto belonging. \u25a0'*' '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 ED. R. HAMILTON, '; Ky W. P. COLEMAN, eh 08-3wsTTlf \u25a0 : . .". -- Trustees. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, TRUSTEE*! UNDER i the land mortgage of the Central Pacific Rail- j road Company, made to - tbem as Tru-tees for the bondholders, and dated the first (Ist) day, of :Oc- i tober, IS7O, hereby give notice that they hold j three hundred ttousand dolla-B ($300,000) in gold )- coin, with wh'ch, in I accordance with the tents of , said mortgage, they propose to redeem so many of said bonds as shall be offered at the lowest price. \u25a0 All bids over or.o hundred and five (105) flat may be - rejected at the option of the Trustees. -- . ' : j Sealed bids for the surrender of bonds will be re- ceived at the office of the Trustees, corner of Fourth v and Townsend streets, in the city of San Francisco, California, until twelve (12) o'clock, noon, Novem- ber third (3d), 1881. * J- <*'B. CUNN, - .-.-:, . S. W. SANDERSON. : San Francisco, Cal., October 1, ISSI. - v, :•'•; 03-lm . R. H. BYERS, ; \u25a0 tJ"XST a_» _c: xc 3-C £3 it 1017 Eighth si., •bet-ween J and K. \u25a0\u25a0 SHROUDS AND BURIAL CLOTHES,^~w^-, Coffins and Trimmings, Metallic Bu- , <"U»*"»"\u25a0 rial Cases and Caskets. I Interments ms.de in all the cemeteries. Bodies embalmed for shipment. 01-4plm z»„ ja.. SB3rz*tsj£s STEAM CARPET BEATING MACHINE, . ' O 'street, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. CARPETS TAKEN : UP, ' CLEANED AND RE- / laid or refitted promptly. Lace Curtains done up good as new. House renovating a specia'ty Buy and sell second-hand carpets ; also, will store and take care of carpet-*.. ". Leave erders at the Carpet Stores. 4pl*nj P. A. BYRN'E, Proprietor. -. Terra Cotta Chimney Pipe ARE FIRE-PROOF. A.RE ; : EASILY PUT UP—ARE LIGHT IN ARE EASILY is perfect. V Soot LIGHT IN weight ; draft is perfect. Soot does not stick to them ; hence do not burn out. » Can be placed anywhere in the house. Cost less than any other. -yoa sale bt— 7 -ti ' ; \u25a0«o_3__s's_-f^l7sa_c3C , xr2a, No. 317 J street, bet. Third and Fourth, Sacrament^. ':•„;... ..'.'.-•\u25a0-:-.-.""*:ol-4plm», \u25a0 -y : -_, ... -. -\u25a0: - \u25a0\u25a0-.-. V:vVV<v7<V*klixk,*V. \u25a0:'-\u25a0. CHEMIST AND apotbecary, no. 1C47 xp Fourth street, St. George Building, Sacra- £BU mento. Physicians'pre-criitionscarefullyc.m- Eff\u25a0\u25a0; pounded, day or night. * 1 Dei-tchb AroTu-n-.i-.i_-. '; ..-K--^ -*Vr* *-\u25a0' v. ->vV' : vv I- 07-4plm :».'.*'-*•.-'.*! --'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. -y : :' . ,*» f RS. HYDE (FORMERLY OF NEW ~ * y . j]f X"*"* Orleans), natural gifted Fortune \u2666^""-? I Teller ' and : Clairvjvant. Reveals { Past, - %rfj9 Present and the Future in a manner that »~# ; is wonderful. ''? Also parties wishing to get 'iii * -V I communications from friends in spirit life willdo well to consult MRS. HYDE, as she is a medium of j hich merit, aid in this parti. ular has no equal- I Call and see, and be convinced for yourself. Nos. 2 - and 4,*Brown House, corner Fourth an 1X sts.oS6 tf i7 v SOYAL BASIS : POWDEB. k win - POWDER Absolutely Pure. . . Made from Grape Cream Tartar.— other pre- paration makes such light, flaky hot Oreads, or luxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by Dyspeptics without fear of the ills resulting from heavy in- digestible food. Sold only in cans, by all Grocers. Koyal Hal. Ing Powder Co., New York. :. dlB-lv -- . : I ln, t >-st^*>- v -l I \B-- om ' *-* ana SerT " lllliSr^KScVd.l -* , ' ,< is the *- in - SBf" . > Jv'y Jt U ; m -*'- e result of over '** \i-.- E&ifytfky 1 ' ,J— -Hyears' of practical ex- •i^bMi vIMS-ifflS'S perience, and CURES K.gßi?A yW^gg'-:* -vrni unfailing nHHri^-fl&W&lri CERTAIXTY Nervoat fIKV : -''ff%2r%*/%fll\ l Phv-t'ca'. Dehilitv. B'vßv^tli- '^HKlßfi- : " KTAi: ''"'" ,r Nen-oat Xv \u25a0. t&e?->'Ml\i\l' wi Ph->ca. Dehilitv L \&Hw!WA\ I K I Seminal Weakness.Sper SI iinWir-riAllHl 1 -..attorrhtßa, Emissions .lILUUVEHAIUHImpotency, Exhausted •« ,,, iii:-ggwct»w-sr-—-i--e--**n Vitality,Premature De- cline ana LOSS OF Jl4>II(IOD, from whatevc- cause produced. It enriches and purifies the Blood strengthens the Nerves, Brain, -Muscles, Digtstion, Reproductive Organs, and Physical and Mental Faculties. It stops any unnatural debilitatln- drain upon the syste **-, preventing Involuntarj losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with tbt urine, etc, so destructive to mind and body. Itis i sure eliminator of all KIDNEY AND BLADDEf COMPLAINTS. It contains nothing injurious To those suffering. from. the evil effect* of yoatbTul Indiscretions or excesses, * speedy, thorough and permanent CEKF IS 4.iAKA>rt:El>. Price, $"> 50 per bottle, or five bottles in case, with full directions ard advice, $10. Sent secure from observation to ary address upon receipt of price, or C. 0. D. To be had only of Dr. Salfleld. 216 Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cal. Consultations strictly confl deitial, letter or at office, FREE. For the con- venience of patients, and in order to Insure perfect secrecy, I have adopted a private address, under which all packages are forwarded. -:\u25a0 . *- M.l'll>. will send a trial bottle ol Ihe KEJlVK.VATOB— sufficient to show Its merit— tree of charge, to any one afflicted, applying by letter, statins his symptoms and age. Communications strictly confi- dential^ tn4-4ptf THE BB.EAT EHSLISH IIBMKDI Es??sCfe*V^**-SSEiF ! SS ' 3 a never-failing Curt U\W&St-li^S!Q)?faS 'or Nervous Debiiity.Ej . P^^-^V~^* ! ?s_S!W hiltlsted Vitality, \u25a0 Sen.. vrm' PP I**1** 1 * We - ,tne ss, Sper- tUXa yXz- ,».>-*JA vejWmatorrhc-ia, lost Man- X? *Mt^^iv7i'j3'C'iTi>l»ood, Impotency, aftl Pr Xr*/sjM' n Paralysis, and -* 11 th« l3_l 'ie '''' ' Jag, terrible effects of Bed- La* - C I *f^*>B_4«. 'S'j abuse, youthful folliei ii&Pjr^i(&r!Za<Xs~tJt- and excesses In maturt |gi_^_tfSlß_a!^-^Wfei years— such M Loss 0l m¥iW?T^-Trr^SXX!S% Memory, Lassitude, Noc E____>S^-*liii__ffi__B tum£! Emission, Aver sion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in tht Head; the vital fluid pulling unobserved in thi urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanit} and death. Dli. 3IINTIE, who Is a regular physician (graduate of the University 'of Pennsylvania), will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dol- lars for a case of this kind the VITA! KESTOKATIVi* (under his special advice anc treatment) will not cure, or for anything Impure oi Injurious found in it. DX. .lIIVTfG treats al Private Diseases successfully without mercury, Consultation free. Thorough examination . ic advice, including analysis of urine, $5.' Prie to! Vital Kestoratlvc, US a bottle, or four time, the quantity, \u25a0"HO * sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D., secured from observation, and in private name ifdesired, by *. K. "HINT IK, "I. D., No. j 11 . Kearny i Street, ''an Fran. Cisco, Cal, \u25a0*\u25a0 "'y I»K. .TIBSTIE'S KIOSKF RKn*s«»F, 311, PIIKETI<T.*t|, cures all kinds of Kidney an Bladder Complaints, Gonorr'nma, Gleet, LeucorrhcEa For sale by all Druggists ; I**] a bottle, six bottle- for 65. - .'•\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0"- - : \u25a0•"---\u25a0« *Ssr?y Dlt. t:*t*» LtAM.I'Llt-X PILL-, .ire best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and BILIOrfI cure in the market. For sale by all Drugtrists. H. C. KIRK & CO., Sacramento, Wholeftal. Agents mr9*2-401v.*7.->D-Bwlv'W""' . TO THE UNFORTUNATE 1 DK-GIBBPNWPSNBARI, tilS Kearnr street. San Francisco, . . =-w Established in 1354 lor' jff y^<. "*" c treatment of Sexual ft /^r^Z^y.PgyK '•n'T Seminal disease*, ail . yX—yzy : -7|k™ - such as Gonorrhea, Gleet, Ji_lS**r***^tNl_^SSH. Strictures, Syphilis in all / s*^^.J*^*Sl *** forms, Semina. Weak - wLWf^y f-^- ' v?j2»^M ness, Impoteucy, Skin hyk i- 1 '- -^M-til Diseases, etc., perma. £*rf-nL JsMth- 7ii,*&iS nen^ cured ornocharxe. *-^^J(^V*!^^ LSs Seminal ITeafcness. " Seminal Emissions, the V^lj^^M •'\u25a0 WsyJy- i.'&i consequence ofself-abuse. j?^^awgs^g*g»js?*: This solitary vice ft de- .V\Sii^SOT«_S.*^ " prayed sexual Indulgence, Is practiocd by the youth of both sexes to an almt st unlimited extent, producing withunerring certainty the following train or morbid symptoms, unless combated by scientific medical measures, viz.: Sallcw countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted Intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching strangers, a dislike to form new ac- quaintances, disposition to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushed, pimp'es and various erup- tions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, oougbs, consumption, night sweats, monomania and frequent insanity. v . .; * CURED AT HOKE. Persons at a distance may be cured at home by ad dressing a letter toDR. GIBBON, stating case, symp- toms, length of time the disease has continued, and bave medicines promptl ' forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part ifthe country, with full and plain directions. By inclosing ten dollars in registered letter, through the »to*fice or through Wells, Fargo A Co., a package of medicine will be forwarded to any part of the Union. Please »iv you saw this advertisement la the RKOiID. Uiioß. Address,., DR. J. F. GIBBON, i "i24-4otf ; -\u25a0 Box 1.9&7. San Francisco OR. SPINNEY & CO., OF NO. II KEARHY STREET. SAM FRAKCISCO, Trent all Chronic and Special Diseases. YOUSe MEN •TWTHO r MAY BE SUFFERING FROM j THE W V effects <•( youthful follies or Indiscretioi, Kill do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest soon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. OIL SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit 1500 for \u25a0rvery case of Seminal Weakness or Private Disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and falls to cure .* . -\u25a0-„-;, .„. MIDDLE-AGED EN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of th* bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting oi burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a man** ar the patient cannot account for. I On exam- ining tne urinary deposits a ropysediment willoften be found, and sometimes small particles of aitiumei. will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, igno- rant of the cause, which is tne second stage ef sem- inal weakness. : Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the j-snito-urtn-UT organs. *- " - -*'*«^ , -- 5 -3i. 4 C«fBR Office hours— lO to 4 and 6toB. . Sunday from 10 to II A. J*. Consultation free. Thorough exam luatlon and advice, $5. Call or address DR. SPINNEY A CO., No. 11 Kearny street, San Francisco. ' :, p. S.—For private diseases of short standing, a full course of medianes, sufficient fora cure, with all Instructions will be sent to any address for 910. >';-: .:--\u25a0\u25a0>- , fe7-4oStJ»wMTWTbFtf i :- , :- X \u25a0 Vi*': A. J- VERMILYA 7 V ; COUNTY CORONER AND j UNDER-f'LUi- . taker, No. ItS J street, between'*«uS-«>» Fourth and = Fifth. Always on band a large assort- ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets, Burial Cases and Coffins. Shrouds '\u25a0 furnished •: and Funera Wreaths Preserved. .:* Coffin orders will receive promot attention] on short notice and at the lowest rates. w* -;. \u25a0\u25a0 -- --'"V'-v- - '•--:-« o!4-4nlm \u25a0%: iiii im \u25a0fiiaiMi lU. FRANK CLARK, 8 *cxwri»2Esit-xr^_.__c__3aEc, j | No. 1017 Fourth st., bet.' J and K. I 7 Always a complete stock in store. ,;Country R orders receive prompt attention. ->. 02-4plm 9 UNION 7 TNSURANCE COMPANY, SAN '. FRANCISCO Fire and Marine. CAPITAL, fully paid...... .'.'*.. 9:M,0C0 ITLosses pronptlv adjusted and paid in cold coin. WALAI ER & PARSONS.. General AzentsSaeramcrto Division, No. Cl J street. -.-. --.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 . \u0084 . - *— 013-4ptf -- ' -\u25a0 -\u25a0 - BLACK DIAMOND COAL AND SCREENINGS. THE ABOVE " WELL KNOWN SUPERIOR L MONTE DIABLO CO \L, the most economical that can lie used tor steam, is for sale in lots to suit at Black Diamond Landing, Contra Costa couaty, and at the office of the Company, wiutheast corner of Folsom aad Spear streets, San Francisco. .:,. v . P. B. CORNWALL, -\u25a0,-" 7 tf President B. P. C. M-CO. SWEETSER & ALSIP, REAL ESTATE AKD ISSUANCE AGENTS notary Public and Commissioner of Deed*. Real Estate Boupht and Sold on Commission. trHouses rented and rente collected. "W / X Ajn-nts for the followta**Insurance Companies: -y Q1PER1AL.....7.V... .......... :•••••\u25a0••--' London LONDON ;.:.."".. ..:.....::..:."."•—• of London N0RTHERN.:..............:.:.. ..of London j QUEEN...::....*.:.::.....:::...V"-- Lo^S^d NORTHBRITISH Alto MERCANTILE -j Edil JSinrh ( JHNA... .':................ .....0l Hartford, Conn. j -" Aeereitnte Capital. S*i4.sl«,'*«. -,\u25a0_\u25a0:- -,-. IT Ko. ,7 Fourth street, between J \u25a0**\u25a0 X, Sac- ramento, comer of the *33erj__m^{ 023 iptf

My THE GREAT TEST win - Library of Congress

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Page 1: My THE GREAT TEST win - Library of Congress


Sax Frascisco, October 27, 1881V;OESEKAL MEECHANDISE.

Bags and Ba.joi-so— Th,.' leading holders of

Wheat Bigs are encouraged by the advanced pricesat Calcutta, which precludes ary importation! beinglanded ..real curtent rates in this market :. Busi-ness, however, iiilow,and itis evident that a largeat.H.*K willbe carried ever untilnext season Oaklandand Dundee are ,4Uotej at Bi(t*3'c; Calcutta, 8' 'Vie ;Wool B a, 4*i-..4.,c for 3J Its, and 474'<*50c for4 lbs;Potato G'iuui.B, W/nl'Jc ;Burlaps, 7Jc, 7"c and l-'Jcfor4o, 45 nd SO inch respec iveiy

lii-.K-.ii-Strip Bread, 3|c; Pilot Bread. 41'4'c :Soda Crackers, 5-<_*tJc; o her Crackers, Cakes andB scult, tj'cto l'c, according to variety

BSJCS— English . Bath, :jm7sc V dozen ;EnglishFire.

-.-' SO from first hands; California building

descriptions, -\u25a0'... "InV t our ndCase Goons—Eastern Oysters, 81 25 forstandard

brands in 1-11. and *pl IStgJ 60 Vdozen for2-tb ti.a ;Clams, i~*2*K*«r3; Lobsters. .--.-; \u25a0:, 25 ; Turkey andChicken, |3@3 23; Intern Green Corn, *i130.<r2;Eastern Green Peas, 81 Slxg-l 75. There is no changeInCalifornia Canned Goods.

Cc • E-tT—Eastern (175-o*2: Portland (foreign),$3 75-0-4 Santa Cruz Lime, SI 25ftfl 50 Vbbl.

Cuicoky—California, 45i«6c; German, 6{(<<7o ¥ lb.Coffee—Central American, 13@14c; Java, lS<«2.c;

Groun' Coffee, l;-£2~.ic.

Cordaoe—We q ote : Sisal, lj-inch and up-ward, 12c; 12-hread, 12{c; 6 ana S-thread, 13c;f-inal hale rope, 3and 4-thread, 12c; San Francisco laidManila; lj-iiichand ward. 16c;12-thread, liilc;6and il-thread, 17c; Bale Hope. If*;Tarred, 16c;Lathy;, n, ilia A discount a ie "*3 11. on invoices oflli.liuolbs is allowed.

Dm B American Bi-Carb Soda, 4c; Englishdo, 4@4|c; Caustic S. da, 60 per cct. strength, 4J«r4}c ;do,7U per cent,s<aslc; Soda Ash, 2f<i2|c; Sal Soda, $1 50@1 55 forPacific and 81 CO for Erulish.

DryGoons— Drills,30-inch goods, are job-

bing at B!@9}c; Brown Sheetings, 36-inch. S'(*tloc;Brown Shirtings, 30-inch, 6'/r7*c ; Apron and Furni-ture Check, 14(n20c; bleached an* colored Cambrics,E@7e: heavy D-jnims, 28-Inch, 16@2Sc; Cotton Flan-nel. 8£"-?12'c forlight,and 14';t25c tor heavy; HickoryStripes. 12m 13J.C ;Prints, t"i'<**7c: Kentucky Jeans, 13letssc » yard ,

Plan—Oregon Canned Salmon. $1 3C*«-1 325 :?acra-mento riverdo, tailpack. .->. '-tiftfi25 9 dozen l-'l.t us ;Pacific Codfish, 5c %* Hi in 50-llt bundles, s'c in100-It. cases an.l (lie for boneless; Eastern Cod-fish, 7(fi*7'o¥ It,: Sm ked Herring,?K"t7Cc for Easternand 4Stirjuc f.-r Paget Sound; uwh Herring, 81 •\u25a0'-\u25a0"175 "(il keg; M.i.-..re'. si 65@1 80 for No.1in 15-lblata and -"J 25..14 forMeS- in15-lb kits. - -

LEATUKr-—California Sole, 23yi25c: Harness. 38.-SS7lc; Skirting, 3tXit37ic; Calf Skins, 70«a81 10 9 lb-Wax Leather. 17(«2 c foot; Bridle. $*j*r7 *-) sid.-;Kip Skins, iOtgSI @ dozen. ... ,

Lumber— rates are as follows: Pine, 817 forrough ;clear, 824 ;Pine Flooring and .Stepping, B*6 50;Redwood, 817 for rough and fr6 for surlaced. Retailgrit-en are as follow,: Pine, rough state. $21;PineFl.xiriiieand .Stepping, $32 50;Redwood. 821 fixroughand 832 50 for suraced; Rustic, $32 5-;Flooring,830: Tongue and Grooved Beaded 832 50; Pickets,825 for fancy, 818 forrough pointed, and 815 forsquare.bhingies, 82 25; Lath, 8J 50; Posts, laic.

Malt Liquors—Lea. ira.ds of English Aleand Porter are sellingat 82 75<»3 75 for qua ta and S3(£4 for2 dozen linta. • --

11l ims 1r.,.. S2SQ3OS ton; Tin Plate, 85 7506 25 tor Coke and fIW 2313 box forCharcoal; PigTin, 24(524"tc for Sydmy and2i'»3ijc for Banca; BarIt a31(*3|c; Cast Steel, 14_"li)C;Pig Lead, 4|-jsc ;Yellow Metal, -^K^Jt-c .-' 11.Nails—Boonton Fall Kiveranil Oxfordare in good

demand at J 25 VLeg in100-keg on.t>iL—CaUfomia Castor, $1 20 tor No. 2 and $1 40 for

No. 1 ;California Lin eed. 57J0 for law and COc forboiled from the fctory; pure, winter-strained Lard,$1 25 hi bbls and \u25a0A3O in case i; Cocoanut, 5.c;

China Nut. 63ijS6ic; Petroleum, lit,degrees, l;(«2.c;

15J degrees, 28i**5c. --\u25a0--. \u25a0 -*_ ;,--.-'•\u25a0'Paints—Pioneer White Lead, file 3"" lb.Pafer—Gultoraia Straw Wrapping. 80c, 90c, $1 and

$1 10 V ream for the four styles.Powder-California Blasting, 83 25 9 keg; Giant,

50c for No. 2 and 750 tor No. 1;Vulcan Blasting, 75ctor No. 1, 50c lor No. 2and 35c "at lb forNo. 3. with theusual discount as to quantity.

Quicksilver— held al 42c i) lb. The Londonrat is £1


hiCE—Market well supplied with China, and quota-tlonafo'mlxedare4S@tle; Hawaiian !sfirmat sJ@6c\u25a0ft It,, with free shipments East by rail. ' -

BALT—Liverpool8 ALT—Liverpool lineis n w quoted at 81"'220; Car-men Island 814 for coarse and $20{rr22 for fine;California, 8*" 50v!JH forcoarse and $14(5r22 "fe* ton fortine.

t-uAr-Caetilt! is firm at OwlOc ;White Castile, 11@11'c;local makes of Palo ami Chemical Olive,4i'tf6c:fancy kin s. 7« Vft,; Washing Powders, 8l2(o*Iapergross.

Spirits— California pure, $1 22 for No.2, and $1 25for No. 1.

STAUti -Various brands of Eastern are i.voted at6<3loc#ib. , - .

SUOAB— im*.' Septmber 2Sth the price list foriota in barrels to th trado has been qu tableas t»l ows: C rele A On-died. Fine Crushed,Loav s and Cube, 12*c; Powdered • 13c; extra

fineda 13' c; Granulated 12Jo for dry and 12c forConfectioners': Golden C and Et Dorado C, lie;extra Golden C, Il'o; Mariposa 0, lOJc; Nonpareil,1tie; ha. bbls and 100-lb bxa, Jo more; small bxa, iemore. Noorders ivceived forleas than 25 V.l.is.

-Stbuf—Prices rem in the aims as for August 3Cth,

as follows: Bds, OT'c ;hf bbls, 60c; 5-jallon kegs,65c;1-gallon tins, 7:c &gallon.

Tea—We quilt., good n-elium grades of Japan at35(c'3;j3*3)Ib.

Whisky—We quote high proof, SI 3:(i'l 50; lowproof, 81 78@2 50 ;Tarious brands ofBourbon; $2 25(cr

5 50 "*) galL according to age.* " . .

Waa— French Claret, 85=1^60 8 cask; C am-pagne, 816@.>3 "^baskist; California bulk descriptionsare quoted follows :Angelica, 81 05(31 25; Claret,stKiJ7sc ;Port, 81«3 50; Sherry, $1 15i»l 25; White.45«rf8l 50 *gal! \u25a0\u25a0

- . .- **\u25a0|.'|..i:.i.iiT- tuart. 831 tons. Wheat to Liverpool

direct fifteen lay days, 7is; Ori ntil, 1,683 tons,

Wheat to Liverpool or Havre, irate. Tho followir-wereclnrteted prior to load Wheat: America. 1,280tons, Cork,7..-..1. f.i.viForest, l,t6Btons,Cork, i-s;

Prince Charlie, 1,315 tons. Cork. .V.s ;Th Inis Bell.818tons. Cork. 655. Ths market holds up «>\u25a0'!. because somany vessels mnchartered prior 11arrival Bud be-cause so many of trie disengagrd ships wi1not ber,ady to take cargo for several week«. The rialstrainon the in-iket wiilcon cnext month. Ve*consider 70s.for a small iron vessel a fall rate to-day. A.'arsewooden ship could not be placed at over 7-s. Therewillbe nomore 80s charter.* effected the season. Thereis now a superabundance of tonnage in pert tut comp-aratively little of itis available for immediate load-ing. :

'" ""*•-\u25a0".•-* V."

.Mothers Don't Know

How many children are punished for beingTU*.c<.'u:h, willful, and indifferent to instruc-tions or rewards, (.imply because they are oatof health '. An intelligent lady said of achild of thi. kind: ,'.'Mothers should know-that it they wouldgive the littleones moder-.ate doses ofIHop Bittern for twoor threeweeks, the children would.be all a parentcould desire." .-

* *V7V

THMI)AiLY>RTOM^uSTfetere-d at tiiePost OR: at Sacramento as second class matte*


Sacramento MMing Company..m.H.MtLU,General ax-wager. '.:X

Publication Office, Third st-, bet. J and Z.

TUX BAIXY OEW-r110-IIspa Wished every day of the week. Sundays *-Tsr-*rtsi

for eae year.;..,^:V.;-.-iT.'.,t*r....,..;..T....'.. .110 00or sixmonths. ....... y „

\u0084.., 09

or three months .*-

\u25a0 ..3 00San copies oneyear, toone addreas 80 00' Subscribers served by Carriers at „5-r""""***"*""-yiv« :

*Cent* per week. Inall Interior cities and tow»* thejapor can he had of the principal Periodical Dealers,Vcwsmen and Agents. -AdTertlslng Kales toDallyBeeord-rnioiuOne Square, 1Ume...;....^... .......il 00

Bne Suitue, 1time*-. • J£*nt.Square. Jtimes. <«•

"™Sach additional time. • w

1Week.: »Weeks. 1MonthSquare, lrtps«e V» »3 50 \u25a0« 00

I...• Square, &ipage 3 SO 6 00 6 00IIV*Square. 3dpage 3 00 J 60 600Half Square, 4th rape 100 J 00 4 00One Square, Ist pate. 3 30, JOO TOOOue Square, 2.ipa«e {00 TOO IOWOne Square, 3dpage 400 .... 600 800One are,4tbp«M .3 00 400 600

Star Notices, to follow reading matter, twenty-nvea line foreach Il_-~alt_—.-_\u25a0•« .'

* "* .»_

."AdTertisements of Sitaatioos Wanted, Houses V. .Let,

Bodety Meeiinps,etc., of rii'r.-.ISE3 OR less, willbeluti-'-Xlinthe Daily K*tcojti>-UKioKas follows:--=One- time S centsTh- times » cents -One week... 7Bcent«

brum words to constitute a lone.•• ..-•. \u0084vv \u25a0

THF- WEEKI.T FNIOJI ivV(Ptibli in Bcmi-wee'-lj partsl ,J \

Ie l«ra»l on Wednesday and Saturday of etch week, Ieomp-UtiW Eifbt Va.se* Ineach issue, nrSixtconPaxeseach we k and ie the cheapest -.an most .iesii.liie <

Home, News «id Literary Journal published on ther»oi2.--»a t. .. yy-'y: „,;Xenns, Ona Y5ar....... $2 50

Seml-Weckly Union Advertlslns Kates. ;.Hal' Square. 1time...... ...... ......... :'.":.'..'...fr00E» -it additional time .' MOn Square. 1time.. ..'.......


X*. additional -Vine 100



OAKLANDFERRY, FOOT OF MARKETSTREET .\u25a0y .ryy-yyy -yyyryy -y-.- ;:

Commencing Siunr-lny, Jnne 4, 1881.;\u25a0- ••ro uxtilruRTBSK K«nc» •:*.-;-:_• .'' \u25a0:}.\u25a0

THM» -' AMD COATS WIU LEAVk - SACRAMENTO'\u25a0j--.:.- . .\u25a0\u25a0-y.-. IS FOLLOWS t ,-,\u25a0>-.-.

-r *..-yyyy.XX

i«^ftiA.M.—(Sun la*.-

e-tcepteitv- Ac- moda.tltUlf:--. dation Train io MarvsviPe. Red Blulf an•J*:S:v Redding. V*-.y--y-•* ;:.-.:..\u25a0\u25a0-.

0«(iAiA.M.—(Daily)—C. P. Emigrant TraiD toVtyVMOgden.'*».>««sfi«Ss¥i!St«^^4B<^gjaagg!i»»@\u25a0J ..>-}%A. (Dally)—C. P. Pacific Express, via*•*->-»». -Benicia, forban Francisco.


1(t'Ofl•*• *'*,"~t>'' as 9

°'J i, ItMmatter as prae-a V«W (Sunajjs eiceptcdV— iteacoi r lor 5;

San Praia toucldmf at all -way port*~'.- yoa th.* Sacrum*--. -o -\u25a0i£®-ri>i

11»•">AA. M-—(Sundays excepted)— Passenger ;:r. *«>w Train for Woodland, Williams and WD. J*-i :•-\u25a0'- vv lowa. ..\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:-'v :--.-.-.:-^--. \u25a0-\u25a0... v- ..-\u25a0.\u25a0

n.fJA A.M.—(Daily)—San Francisco Paw eni;eiB.t?V conuwts at Oalt withFaswnger Train lorM

lone and at L^thn witnthe si. P. AtlanU.Express for Madera, Newhall -ban Buena.

v^ntu.*!" ann*s,u)u h«-h.%.Tii, .ofi Anreie*",Yuma, Maricopa (Prescott), Tucson, Ben-son (Tombstone), Dcnnnn, '.. M.,(for A.*,"?"}

yyV-yT. &S.F.- R. It.), end Koirera (ElPaso),1,286 mil-si from san '\u25a0r-ujri&tt). '. Connec

:. \u25a0 •.-'. also a tNiles for Sao Jo«,. .-\u25a0 -.' -; .-


•*''?£s ,-P. M.—(iMnyr- -"., Express


/•iW v MarysviUe, Chico, lird Bluffana ReddingV (Portland. \u25a0,ivi...n>. -. v• ".IA " P. M.—(Daily)—Passenger Train forCol- ,

'••tW fax and way stations. ~.-v'^•"I«i :P.'M.

—(Daily)—tau FranclMo'l-aseenger

°w». Train, vis BeuicU. •

A..MX P."< .«.—iDail.-. iLoc-1 Train to L.»throp v"*"**'connecting withS. P. Emigrant Train for ->

V- : --Deming. - ,:,•\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0' -'._ \u25a0 ;.-.-\u25a0

G«|K : P. .J].—(Sundays axoepiod)— Passenger»A" Train for Woodland una Rain 1--Laud.. ins.

' -v..-Tf.KR P. -«.—(Dally)-C. P. Atactic i.iv.-i.s for•>W uUbx, Reno (Cartiun and Vir-tuila),Battle

Mountain I(Austin), ,Palisade (Eureka),Ogden, Om.-ihi end Eut. '

;A.N. T0WNE............ .0eitei-i! hTipfl-inieudent;T. H. GOODMAN™..Gen'I Paart cud Tfcta-I Agenti ja9-4ptf


* y-y \u0084iiSsj*f«—"t T~~~~~y

—~~—....... .—: i^y*

Sacramento' & Placeryiile Railroad.v--Sro_j_^^gags..'

On and Alter V«e<lncm(;ij, Marcb 3, IKS»-\u25a0'. CNTIL rCRTHHH SOTtCT, :

, Trains willrun between Sacramento and Folaom,' -as follows :Hf ,:-v...v--'-?\u25a0*.-*' -' -.*_. . :.-, *'*-***V

-Lcave Sacramento lor F0150m.....,....." 8:30 A.M.VLeave Sacramento for F0150m. .......... 4*oo P. M.Leave Folsom for Sacramento.."....*,..'.; 6:15 A.M.Leave Folsom for Sacramento....;...:.. 130 P. M.

\u0084 mr2-tf * .-.. \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0-\u25a0 J. B. WRIGHT, Supt.

FOE PORTLAND ASD^STOfiIA,'770Jfcfc33«__5-033C. '\u25a0


'*>i£'T*l'jtTT*?*Pacific Coast Steamship Comp.nj*es***i,e*S&"wi'ldispatch every live days, to thaabove ports, one of th, irNew Al Iron Steamships,viz.:.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*.-


y \u25a0


SAILING DAYS:0e101»er...... ...... :.:..&. 8. 13. 18. 23. 28-N0vember..*.. ..:,;.......... I.12, VI,I*,27 •\u25a0

\u25a0AT 10 O'CIOCK A. M..Connecting at Portland, Oregon, with SteamersRailroads and their connecting Stage Lines, for allpoints in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territoriee,BritishColumbia and Alaska. *

v -K.TAN C TERENDORP, Agent O. R. and N. Co.,

No. 210 Battery street, S->n Francisco, Cal., GOODALL, PERKINI & CO.,

Agents P. C. S. S. Co., No. 10 Market street, San-, Francisco. *\u25a0* ;, \v

'V myS-tl *-;.


Trees the coming season can obtain them *(£»)'from the leading Eastern Nurseries in lots of -. » \u25a0 ..-.100 and over bysendin r their orders before the sth'of November toC. W. REED, Sacramento, CaL

ppy prices :'•Apple (standard), 6to 7 ft,ft)V10 0; $175 *> 1,000Pear (standard), sto 8 ft.... 30 100; 250 ¥ 1.000Plum (standard). sto 6 ft... 30»100; 2.*-0$ 1,000Peach (first size).... 15 100; IS ¥ 1,000Apricoi(first 5ize)..:...... 2ft V 10' i: 830* 1,000Cherries (firstsize)..."-.::*.".. 30 VICO;1250 V 1.000;! Inaddition to the above prices a small charge willbe made to cover cost of packing and freight per car

-load rates from Eastern nurseries to California. ,

• "From an experience of 2.i years in pUnting trees

propagated in the East and inCalifornia, Ican affirm;that all kinds of trees grown in the East and trans-:planted toCalifornia are much more hardy and vig-orous in their growth, and are more free from dis-

-eases of all kinds, especially the scale insect, thanCalifornia grown trees. 1will tend pi rsonally to -the selection, packing and shipping of all orders, and .insure tSelr safe arrival in good order. Address, C. .W. REED, P. O.box101, Sacramento, Cal. 06-4plm»

Nationals Mutual Aid AssociationIT'- \u25a0'"'\u25a0\u25a0 •:•>".

-'.:•'\u25a0"-\u25a0-' ; *.

- . ' • -. :OF CALIFORNIA,

FOR UNMARRIED PERSONS. INCoRFO-rated under the laws of the btate of California^

July 28, A. D. 1881. - Office opened Monday, Tues-day and Wednesday evenings, from 7to 9. **•

•*-.-\u25a0 :.'-". \u25a0*

GEORGE D. IRVINE, Agent,04-lplm 1415 Fstreet, hetween Iand J.

Postoffice Boxes For Sale. .jy--.: -\u25a0.:\u25a0;;..-\u25a0-• -•. \u25a0. ....... ... .-.-'. \u0084,,-:*

THE CASES WITH BOXES ALL COMPLETERwith Yale Locks, duplicate keys, all in order-

.o set up inaPostoffice, which have been used try

*he Sacramento office, wiltbe sold cheap, either »Uogethtr or inparts tosuit purchasers. Apply to

SWEETSER «V ALSIP.Real Estate and Insurance Agents, No. 1015 Forr Car \u25a0

street, between J and K. nlStl

PIONEER LIVERY STABLE. "\1.:D. 5CR1TER..,.;.:.';.....; "...Proprietoi V".

HACKS iON CALL AT ANT HOUB,«V_day or night. Coupes, Phaetons, SS'fl

Rociaways, Barouches, Buggies, with the M* \u25a0>?\u25a0 •best roadsters to be found in any livery stable onthe coast, forhire. :Horses kept in livery at reason- -able rates. Livery Stables on Fourth street, b»- .tween Iand J. -..-.. 07-4ptf

"^^^^l^^fiir^^^^^^^';^^^^l^^te- -̂.\u25a0\u25a0T^ll^tlifjff^ *\u25a0



li."1 i.""1""" : " = —,I;:.^^ffi^f,:^E II L:L LEWIS &CO.,Ii^OTl^^

'^P'pyy Ncs. 502 and; so4; J st; Sacramento, Cal., x^y^^^.'?\u25a0X,yr^yyyy'--" AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST.

'SffiSfS®-S* GarlancTßang-e. ?^S•\u25a03tfvl^T|fTJljfe-7.77 .-... " -\u25a0 '--- T \u25a0-'-'*' \u25a0 -v.>.;-,; .-. .1.; \u25a0\u25a0,'.'. >:ij yWSft^M^*^^

\u25a0y^XXI?:" : .s^S^^SSss^^^B^^^^SHHiR 1* ''''^^-^^SJ^^^V\u25a0y<i^y^ SINGLE ..; OVEN. SQUARE, FANCY BASE. _**^'*f^?;^^S»^S_i_i_<_fe?"-

' 'or Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or Wood.

: -^^i^^^fe'-**"39tR*HaW*K*"M**W;- • J*",wiu**t'Wj


vVi^^^/lH^^SisV" -> -.«r THE FINEST MEDICMiPRICE RANGF EVER-MADE.7 FULL <NICKEL j '*'X*^oTs?^'^sSX?- \u25a0

_.• v. »-,».,- V.. \u25a0- TRIMMED.- Mo-.lern in dstirn, and nil Latest I-nprovrment*. Has Large, Well- \u25a0.''•"\u25a0-,'\u25a0*•**••*•;.:y-yy-.-yyy--' -\u25a0 'v venti Oven. BROILING ATTACHMENT. AtTjMATIC OVEN SHELF. . EVERY : :. ..\u25a0 y-PyyiyPPZy^XX'^Si^ffft^f^ w'*V ri

-liabl**'- -vr?siffiik-irfjf"

'P&MmS&^W* '''\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 7 w «_T Best stock of HOCSEKEEPIXC HARDWARE, CEOCKERt.'ypXP^f^^^^^^X.

ypp^yy^-y'yy,-.--- ! GLASSWARE. CLTLERY and PLATEDWARE to be found. ..v.- '''V''J'''''-''-'i' ;'<'^^^Sy^sl!fati&p' '\u25a0\u25a0 , > SEND FOR PRICE LIST OF

'1881. \u25a0ti&MJ&&^P

v Tr^,*i>


'.'."*'>::''*:V;-.7. \u25a0\u25a0;-VV; 'PX''y'yy':


i'^^^^pyy."'.•\u25a0\u25a0"-. y /; - Vv-v ;Vv:.'-V -'^-: - 77.-77 . / ~7 \u25a0\u25a0". .V-^v-S*^^^


THE GREAT TESTOF TELE DAY!pi; -x-; \u25a0-\u25a0;• \u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0;

Issued by J. TGRIFFITrS, appointed by the SuperiorCourt as Receiver in the ?Gilma 117 Estate.


..- \u25a0 . \u25a0

PRICE LIST:lyMtlMflh'^JijilO-i.-i"." :'. : .-"7."- "... . • ' '\u25a0\u25a0' - .-i.v- . •\u25a0 •-. yHACK ALL- LCASHMERE .................... ...;.^^^t^.Bo CEYTS PER YARDI't-'MV-IMIICOL-IRED CiIMIMERE ;......... .......30 CENTS PER YARDi'\«'ll»IICOBIRVS (ALLC0L0R5)................. ....:......; ...7lu CE.VTS A YA«I»lILACKIRIMMIXC51LK5............ ;.. :.....:.:............. ...33 CE.NTSA YARDBLACK SILK BR'ICADES :......"...:..:....*.....:........ 61 CEXTS''A YARDLADIES' HEAVY DIAGONALCL0AK5................. ........... v.........:.*..91 50 EACIILADIES' STRIPED AXD FAXIY SHAWLS ........ 7...:.................... ..:.4S IS"NTSrift X-»XCH HEAVY WATERPROOF .. ........ :.7.45 CEA l"Sheavy family 8LAXKEi5.vvv;*..;;:;::.::.^...:::7... ::...:....;....;.....:. 7:.. V.;;;:SI .'.ltHEAVYLIRUE-SIZE COMFORTERS. .. '..*.... .;...95 I'£XTSHEAVY LARCE SIZE lIOXEVCOMR 5PREAD5....::: ............................ .50 CEXTSlIEAVYLARCE-pIZE I*I.R.MAXCROCHET. SPRE 1D5...... ....... X....9t> CEXTSHOOD LXRLEACHEDMC5L1X.:...:.......:...................................... ::..3J CEXTScoiid Will MrsLix.7:7....7;......:.......:......;:..'.::.... .7...V.v....:.:...IJ CEXTStable lixex(I'lIti: ri.AX).:X~:...:..y.:.i:X.....:....X....... X..X..::.....:..J.ia CEXTSTABLE XAPKIXS<l*M:i"FLAX). PER D0ZEV..V;:..........;..!. .7:..;...:..:.... 25 CEXTSTARLE .XAPKIXS 'TURKEY RED/ PER DOZEX .................... ..7.... .35 CEXTSTOWELS (FI'KE LIXEX),PER DOZEX.:.... ... ."..7.7. . .... J 75 CEXTSHEAVY CHEVIOT SII'RTIXU ..:..........:....................:.. V.. .7 CEXTS A YARDHEIVYPIAIDCIXI.IIAMS ..:.................:..;..........:..;...... 8 CEXTS A YARDLADIES' HEAVY MI.RIXO VE5T5................: :......:.»0 CEXTS EACHCHILDREN'S HEAVY MERIXO VESTS .:....:....v....:.:..... ......... V;.20 I'EXTS EACHLADIES' MCSLIX CHEMISE 7.. i.v.X..X........... ... *":..20 CEXTS EACHlAims' MERixo^HO!iE.':::vv.7Vv;.'.^...7.::V.7:vV.:.'^f:".'.*7..'.V.7^:7io'cE«iTS eachCHILDKtX S MERIXO HOSE ......: ...*..'."'"..7.5 CEXTS EACHL»DIES', FANCY BOKUEK lIIXDKEKIHIEFSV... ..... .1CEXT EACHIHILDREX'S FANCY KURDEIC lIAXDKERCUIEFS ................ .1 CENT EACHLADIES' COLORED KUH3-1i1TTt>X)..:......iy ......................... So CEXTS A PAIRLINEN TORCHON LACF5..7.....::;.:."............:.......:......... ........*; CENTS A YARDlIA.11 111 EM8R01DER1E5....:...::........:.... ...,..:...... 1CEXT A YARDLADIES' PFBKLE I'OAT.5H0E5.......... ...7..... ...;... .......:.... 7.......$1 85 A PAIR •

LADIES' UOOIIKID,BUTTON SHOES .:....:....:..................:.....::.'i»l st A PAIR ICHILDREX'S GOOD KIR,RI'TTOX 5H0E5........:... ..V.A.. *5CEXTS A PAIK.MEX'S lIEAVYSHOES ::.......:............. ;...:7:T.......::.7..*..v::.8i A PAIR

'MEVS 10M.1t1.-S C.V1TEK5.. .."..:....... .J... ..'.;....... .7..75 CENTS A PATK JHOIS'. nEAYV 5H»E5.:.7v.:...:..:..7...... ...:.........::..:. 7....::... :;.55 LEXIS A PAR :MENS' WINTER 5fit5.:.7..v.....v. ...77..:.77..;7.7..........7...7.:..7....:v.f-i3 EACH 7MEN'S IRONCLAD PANTS ........760 CENTS A PAIK !ROYS' IRONCLAD PANTS ...v..7.7.75 CISTS A PAIR )

Mt-'N'S WINTER 0verc0at5. ::7.7V7.;.:;:.:....... .^7....:.......... :7..:........v.i»s EACHIEN'S MIRINItINDKRSHIRTS AXD OVERS ....... ..77:7 '....80 CENTS \u25a0

MEN'S FANCY COTTON 50CK5... ............ V.7. ........4 CENTS A PAIR'

Bl<VS' FELT hats.. r..77..::7... .:..::....;:.....;:.. ....„.:.:....:.. 7... 7....10 CEXTS EACHKBITS felt:HATS ;.........-....7..... 7............. 7.......;.. 7........... 7.35 Ct XIS EICII jON** DOZEN' CAKES OF' -"0A1'F0R............. .............. .....:.....7...;7.....10 CENTS jREAL JAPANESE MATTINU 7. .....7...:.. .........».-, CENTS A YARD

'DOIDLEBEDSPREAHS (HEAY»).......7 .................... .V............ .77... «1 50 EACHLADIES' WASHING SKIRTS FOR... ......7.77.25 CENTS EACH

lIEAVYLIXEXTOWELS (EXTRA SIZE) F0R......................... ....12J CENTS EACH

ALL-370 sis :SOLD AW -ocaacEi



Nos. 706, 714•and



J street, between Seventh and;Eighth, 7 Sacramento.\u25a0''^'\u25a0''^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Djn««-*K-t-|«Ti-«_PM_Kn-«-_Hl^HMuaHMll'^^

vo_3_-^:^^s^V-3^;:;^^^2asx^r^IN TLRERS ANDWHOLESALE DEALERS IX

Agricultural Inipleinenis and Machines, Hardware, Etc.

7 INo.26 Two Horse Plow.-1

AGENTS FOE THE GALE CHILLED IRON PLOWS,sa k.es:a. "\u25a0"*; *s--_a.i«"«a- y 3E»3E.0"»O IBrS,7- .

GORHAM SEEDERS, TRIUMPn DRILLS,1.HARROWS, CULTIVATOR**,CIDER MIL'9, MOLINEVi Steel Plows, Cast Iron Plo**-, BAIN WAGO.NS, Cutlery, Rope, Wire, Beltiivjr,Powdtr, Shot, Fas*,Wade, Nails, Axes, etc.


\u25a0\u25a0-.: \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 .-.:). . . \u0084-. ....SACRAMENTO AND SAN FRANCISCO.

MAXC-*ACT0RY7.7:.:.7;.7.......7......:.:.777THEi8Exic^:7Ai:8 LT!R AL WORKS.\u25a0* *



.;'." Third Street. Between J and K.


A*/"office.'.!Open day and night. > .>'S£ %7isX7 A.*J. SENA*ra,'ftopietorV\_J.-%&''-

\u25a0'.".'\u25a0-. -"'/--i*.y.-l'if019 4plm -•' 7 \u25a0-.-'\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0:':'\u25a0':XySTATE|HOUSE, V

Corner Tenth aud X streets, Sacramento.

MyELDRED, PROPRIETOR— and lod?--« Xi**£at the most reasonable rates. 1Bar ans

billiard rooms attached." Street cars pass the doorevery fiveminutes. ri.:

- --"- \u25a0-yy..y- -....-^r :.ry?.Free omnibus to and from the House, oilIplrr



—First-class in every respect, i.The

Lar-re-t,Finest and Best-Ventilated Hotel inthe city.RATES— S3, $2 50 and 3*2 per day, according to

room. :Free Bus toand from the Hotel.1.%' .--.-. -;-

J. McNASSER (late of Denver),',! V''\u25a0 04-4plm ". - * * Proprietor. -•-



mento— Strictly first-class, on the European plan.'

Free coach fromRailroad Depot. Fine sample rooms.'

ollplm "TEBRY & CO., Managers.


JSTREET, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND.House is newly furnished throughout. Large,

airy rooms ;eood board ;clear water. \u25a0 Prices m'd-erate. L.KUMLE. .;~ \u25a0:.

--\u25a0.- \u25a0:. \u25a0 -01-4plm: :




CaL'v Rooms, 50 cents and $1 per day. W Specialrates by the month. -v Billiards, choice liquors andcigars. -

Hat lunch daily from 11 A.m. till**

T. M.-'-..-;-- W. O. ("JOE") BOWERS,?, rj

. 01-4plm v.„; \u0084 -; . . Vv Proprietor.

7 BUSINESS oaedSvr

H. F. HOOT. V / ALY.X. SRILSO"! .;,.. J. lIHISCOL.ROOT, Nt Jl.-int A ID., 7]

LJNION FOUNDRY—IRON AND BRASSj. Founders and Machinists, Front street, be-

tween N snd O. Castings and Machinery of everydescription made to order. "\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 *\u0084."\u25a0• 024-4plm


CHARLES T. JONES AND ED. M. MARTIN,. Attorneys-at-Law and Notaries Public, barsremoved their office to No 007 Istreet, betweenSixth and Seventh. . .\u25a0 of4-4plm :t



OF ROAD:SCRAPERS.»t| * Iron Doors, Jail Cells, Shutters, Railings,

Gratings. Housework and Blicksmithing in general,No. s*2u Xstreet, between Fifth aid Sixth, } Second-hand Doors lorsale. * \u25a0.•\u25a0*'\u25a0 . \u25a0" o"!2-4ptf

*.. 1856.V7v7v-7''F. . FOSTER.../ \u25a0-.;: -,>.ISSI. ".BOOKBINDER, PAPER-RULER AND BLANK-

Book Manufacturer, No. Sl9 Jstreet, betweenThird and Fourth, Sacramento.

-*\u25a0* 020-4ptf


4^i> X STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND&& Fifth, south side, are now in running

order as formerly.' The best Wines, \u25a0 Liquors andCic-ars. Hot Lunch from 11 to 1. • - -v oIS 4plm .. ; FRANK RUHSTALLER. .


DEALERS, CORNER OF jFRONT AND L/itreets. Highest price foriHides, Sheep

Pelts and Tallow Butchers supplied with-

Salt,Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stuffers,Lard Presses, etc. .Prompt cash returns made forall consignments.

' ' - • ;. 018-4ptf

LNION BAKERY.6rt J STREET, BETWEEN EIGHTH AND0/4»>'N"nth— Allkinds of Cakes. Pies, Rolls,etc., delivered to order to allparts of the cityat thelowest rates. GOTILEIB REEBER, froprietor.

_.\u25a0\u25a0;. .*.:.-\u25a0:. 014-4plm '\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0'------JL'LII'S \u25a0 STRLTZ, '\u25a0' 'iAiV - -

SUCCE.SSOR TO FOX A STRUTZ, IMPORTERi^ and Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors,etc., No. 420 J street, between Fourth and Fifth,Sacramento.

-Allorders promptly attended to. :-

'\u25a0•"''•\u25a0• \u25a0 o!4-4plm >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--.


'\u25a0: the new building Joining his residence on Mstreet, between Ninth and Tenth, No. 918. -Willvisit the Railroad Hospital daily at 9:30 A. M. Officehours— B to 9 a.m.; 1 to 3 P.K., and evenings 011-lm


NO. 302 J,''

AND 1005 THIRD STREETSjHot Lunch daily from 11 A. «. to 1o'clock

p. m. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigarß.013-lnlm. JOHN LONGABAUGH. Prop'r. ;

-._.. y.r. F. de DERKY, M. D.,' /

SURGEON "\u25a0'- AND 'HOMEOPATHIC 8PHYSl-cian. Office and residence, Eighth . street,

between Hand I. Office hours— Bto 10 A. m., Ito3and 7. to 8 T.M. £3T Sjiecl-il attention given toDiseases of Eye and Ear. ::---'.'



HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE AND RESI-\u25a0 dence to Dr. G. L. Simmons' Building, J

street, between Second and Third. Office hours :8to 9A. M.. IIA. M. to 2T. M.. and 6 toBp. M. ot2-tl


ATTORNEY-AY-LAW-OFFICE, SOUTHWESTcorner of J and Fourth streets. - Residence, 11

street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. 09-4plm


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW—OFFICE, FIFTH ST ibetween Iand J. IResidence, No. 207 Istreet,

between Seventh and Eighth. -i'* 010-4plm


Sacramento boiler and IRON WORKS,

J^ 1Istreet, between Front and Second, S-*cra-mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet lionWork, etc. • Also, all kinds of Repairing. - Chang ccPortable Boilers from Wood to Straw Burners aSpecialty. . *\u25a0\u25a0 od-4ptf -.\u25a0-

-DR. lame. -yyy

OFFICE CORNER THIRD ANT)'-I STREETS,over Boston DrugStore. Office hours :10 to

11 a. M,1to3and 7 to 8 P. M.IResidence S. E. cor-ner Tenth and Istreet*. \u25a0'>.

-:--;•\u25a0* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 4plm *


ASSAYER AND CHEMIST,No. 317 J STREET,:Sacramento, Cal. All Assays and Chemical

Analysis accurately carried out at short notice andmoderate rates. Mining Property Sold aud GoldPurchased.

'Instructions given inBlow- Assay-ing. (Sbsd por Cmccm*.) \u25a0. \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"

\u25a0 \u25a0 02-4plm

E. ;L. KILLINGS «£ CO., ,

IMPORTERS .'AND WHOLESALE DEALERS'.in Fine Brandies,' Wines and Liquors. '\u25a0 Agents

for Dr. Jafle's Celebrated Cinchona Bitters; also,agents for Litton Springs Seltzer Water, Sonomacounty, California. No.11lKstreet, between Fourthand Fifth. \u25a0,*'\u25a0- ":.*'-' "\u25a0*"*'''\u25a0 825-lplm V

W. a. HECHSON, M. D„\u0084 '..,/

HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANAND SURGEON.Office, southwest corner of Seventh jand J

streets, in Bryte's new building, up stairs.** Resi-dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N streets,Sacramento. Office hours :Ito3 and 6toB P. It."-

;.*•* yyyy. -.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0-''\u25a0\u25a0' 625-4plm v v •-:\u25a0-*\u25a0 .-.-'\u25a0\u25a0



•Office, 4291 J street,corner of Fifth, over Sacramento Bank, Sacratnet.to,Cal. Hours— to 12 A. li.;1to4 P. It

'Sundays—9:30 to 11 A. *«\u25a0; Ito4P. M. "V

*: -v 01-tf


C. K. KREBS !A|CO., :

IMPORTERS ANDDEALERS INPAINTS, OILS,.. Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, WaxFlower Goods and Picture Moldings, Painters' andArtists' Materials. - Sole lAgents for Averill's MixedPaints, BuildingPaper. \u25a0' No. 626 J street, :Sacra-mento. Cal. t- \u25a0'- •\u25a0\u25a0:--•-.--\u25a0 \u25a0

"*\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0 :01-4ptt

7. yy W.K. srrTESßEßtiiia, ;."


AND MA-Ichinist, front and Nstreets.* ;Manufacturer cf

outtenberger's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Rollerand Clog Crasher and Barley Mills. All kinds ofHydraulic Pipes. jFor gale, Three MillerPatent HayPresses. \u0084•.--•* au3o-4plm

•~v 8. CAU1.8.-

It. J. CROLT.". } : / CARLE A CROLY.


:- pared to do all kinds of workin their line, incity or country. IPrincipal place of business, Sacra-mento."* Shop, No. 1114 Second street," between Xand L.-*'

Postoffice Box,No. 410, Sacramento."... --.'..:: \u25a0:\u25a0 "aul6-4ptf .--\u25a0-.:. :\u25a0\u25a0:..

CAPITAL BOX FACTORY,-Corner Second and IIstreets. 7 \u0084 7

OLDEST BOXFACTORY ON PACIFIC CO> ST.'All kinds of BOXES on hand and made to

order." Latest'Improved Machinery for Pox Print

ing. "Depot: J street,' between Front and Second,next door to W.R. Strong &Co.y-rrrr'.-\u25a0%\u25a0 --.:•• \u25a0-:.•

02-4pt( -: -. . ..-.:- y. . NICHOLS & CO.-:..

Sacramento Planing Mil),


;.Front and Q streets, Sacramento. **-.*-.-,•-.*;.';•X>-:.l.yyy/Doors, Wlntlows, BUndi.*ir.".-*'/-; fFinish of all kinds, Window Frames, Moldings of

-.;--•--" every description, and Turning. '•-">.«. j-

HARTWELL, HOTCHKISS A STALKER"r-'.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-..-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 --..:*; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 022-4plro \u25a0--.'\u25a0\u25a0*.;.--.. '.v.

Tee Pioneer Box Factoi y81111 Ahead of All 'onipallors. '-

OO'l'-O!3EC'B y**y»'O »)ootumt OP

Front and M streets ...... Sacrament-.. -..y,'--- -..-.-.:-:..~;;vo*Hiil|--..!.:--:,. J-:,-- y^trejss


THECELEBRATED^ASTROLbGER, HAS'^JU".Hreturned 'to this city,after two years .\J.

absence, and can be found at No. 511 Lstreet, >.*yybetween Filth and Sixth. :'i§_££&££!£?R2



UNITED *TA'.'ir> - DKPOaITAK*.VtXBEIXB* oa :?-\u25a0*.

>ew York. London, liublia.Berlin, Part* ,Andall the prit-cipai cities of Europe. .

\u25a0\u25a0-: Under our extensive airange-tents we can makepayment* inany town or village in Germany, Aus-

: tria, Hungary,"France, Switzerland, Italy, Po'ish

Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, sending themoney into the very house of the party who is toreceive it"jS '.:\u25a0. -\u25a0

* " -\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0'

-•"-\u25a0-\u25a0-''\u25a0 011-tf vV




CORNER 7 J AND FOURTHc.,-.:.-* • streets, Sacramento. :

\u25a0 Commercial and Savings Depisits received,and a general banking business done.\u25a0 Exchange on San Francisco and the East. ->.' Interest was paid on|Savings Deposits in this

! Bank, for the Semi-Annual Term ending JUNE 30that the rate of 6}per cent, per annum. ,---<* 01-4plm

$50,000 TO XjO-A-BS".

'In Sums to Knit, at Loweit Bales. .APPLY TO

PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK.: y 01-4ptf . \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 X WM. F. HUNTOON, Cashie'rl V


C WEISEL &CO., WHOLESALE AND^PfTE****!.m retail Butchers and Pork Packe^f,^j£J^|,

"'Nos. 726 and 72t5j L street, between Sev-^^Jfasenth and Eighth. • Hams, Bacon, Shouldero, L^rd,Clear Pork and Fresh Meats, etc. Also, Hides, Tal-low and Pelts bought and sold on commission, andmoney advanced on the same. ofHighest marketprice paid for Fat Hogs, v^..

-019-4plm :\u25a0


SAUSAGE FACTORY, No. 41» K>Ei^'street, will supply' the public with the find!""**"CHIOCEST SAUSAGES of alldescriptions, such asLiver Sausage, Vienna ,Sausage, etc.


pains is taken in the manufacture of LIVER-WURST, and Idefy any Siuage Manufacturer toexcel me.

* Also,Meats cf all kiudi, delivered to anypart of the city. •'.-.* >"•;'.:**•:""'. : ,015-4p-lm .

\u25a0:\u25a0•' 7LEGAL NOTICES.~^


IN HE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALl-fornia. county of Sacramento." In the matter of

the estate of JEROME C. DAVIS, deceased.Notice is hereby giv.nthat MONDAY, the 7th dayof NOVEMBER,ISSI, a*. 10 o'clock A. M.of said dat ,and the Courtroom of said .Court, at the Court-house, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacra-mento, and Slate ofCalifornia, have been appointedas the time and place for proving the will of saidJEROME <..'. DAVIS,deceased, and for bearing theaonlication of MARYA DAVIS, for the issuanceto her of letters testamentary thereon.IWitness my hand, and the seal of said Court,this 24th day of OCTOBER, ISSI.-'

" - '.1*

• iIsiALl r-.'-'i THOS. H. BERKEY, Clerk. :• •'-* By Chas. M. Cooi,».x, Deputy Clerk.•-•.

Catlin &Hav.i-i'k.oe*', Attorneys for Petitioner. *\u25a0

- .. -. ..-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 023-llt ..-\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0,-


STATE OF CALIFORNLV, COUNTY OF SACRA-!T"> to—ss. Inthe Superior Court, in and forsaid county. The People of the State of California,to NELSON CH-.MPLIN, SiKAII J. CHAMPLINand PHI. IP oYEII,greeting: You are hereby no-tified that an action was commenced in the SuperiorCourt of the County of Sacramento, State aforesaid,by the filingof a comDlaint in the Clerk's office ofsaid Court, on the 21st day of September, ISSI, inwhich action MICHAEL DWYKR is plaintiff,andyou are defendants. That the general nature ofthe action as appears from said complaint is as fol-lows :To obtain Judgment for the sum of $3,398 05,alleged to be due ona certain promissory note givenby defendants, NELSON and SARAH J. CHAMP-LIN,to plaintiff, and foran attorney's fee of $200,and forcosts of suit, all of which is fullystated incomplaint on file herein, to which reference" ishereby made. Also to obtain a decree of this Courtfor tho foreclosure of a certain mortgage executedby the said NELSON anl SARAH J. CHAMPLINon the 30th day of September, 1874, to secure thepayment of said promissory note. And that thepremises conveyed by said mortgage, to wit:Theeast 10 feet of lot 7, and the wet 15 feet of lot 0, inthe block bounded by H and I,Ninth and Tenthstreets, cityof Sacramento, county and State afore-said, be sold, and the proceeds applied to the pay-ment of the expenses of sale, the costs of this action,and the amount found due. And in case such pro-ceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, that lodg-ment be docketed against NELSOm CHAMPLINand SARAHJ. CHAMPLINtor the balance remain-ing due ;and also, that the said defendants, and allpersons claiming by, through or under them, maybe barred iand foreclosed of all right, title,claim,lien, equity of redemption.': and interest in andto said mortgaged premises, .and for otherand • further :.relief. . . And you

-are hereby

directed to appear and answer said complaint withinten days from the service of this writ,exclusive ofthe day of service, if served on youin said countyof Sacramento * and within thirtydays, exclusive ofthe day of sen-ice, ifserved elsewhere; |and youare further notified that uniess you so appear andanswer within the time above specified," the plaintiffwill apply to the Court for the relief demandedinsaid complaint. .

Intestimony whereof, I,Thos. 11. Berkey, Clerkof the Court aforesaid, do hereunto set mv handand affix the seal of said Court, this 21st day ofSEPTEMBER.A. D. 1881.


THOS. H. BERKEY, Clerk.By Ciias. M.Coglai*, Deputy Clerk.

• Duslap & Vax Flket, Attorneys forPlaintiff.v 524-law2mS . .-\u25a0 :.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.,--"\u25a0 *'--:


certain Dee.l of Tru"tto ED.R. HAMILTON, and W. P. COLEMAN, dated the 6th day of Decern-I ber, 1576, and recorded in Book Number 81 of Trust

Deeds, at page 465 and following,records of thei county of Sacramento, state cl California, said deed

\u25a0 conveying the real property hereinafter described,"for the purpose of securing a certain promissorynote of same date ;and whereas, default ha* beenmade in the payment ofsaid note. Now, therefore,, under the authority vested in them by said TrustDeed, and upon the application of the SacramentoBank, holder of said note, the undersigned, as suchTrustees, will,on the 2d day of NOVEMBER, 1881,between the hoars of 10 and 11 o'clock A. M.,infront of the Court-house door in the city of Sacra-

i mento. State of California, sell at public auction, to. the highest bidder, for cash in United Slates goldi

coin, all that certain real property situate inthe cityi of Sacramento, county of Sacramento, State ifCali-

fornia, and described as follows, to wit :jThe easthalf of lotnumber six (6), inthe block b unded by

J O and P and Sixth (6th)and Seventh (7th) streets,together with si

'the improvements and appurte-. nances thereto belonging. \u25a0'*' '\u25a0'-'\u25a0


08-3wsTTlf \u25a0 : . .".



THE UNDERSIGNED, TRUSTEE*! UNDERithe land mortgage of the Central Pacific Rail-

j road Company, made to-tbem as Tru-tees for the

bondholders, and dated the first (Ist) day, of :Oc-i tober, IS7O, hereby give notice that they holdj three hundred ttousand dolla-B ($300,000) in gold)- coin, with wh'ch, inIaccordance with the tents of, said mortgage, they propose to redeem so many of

said bonds as shall be offered at the lowest price.\u25a0 Allbids over or.o hundred and five (105) flat may be-

rejected at the option of the Trustees. -- . ':

jSealed bids for the surrender of bonds willbe re-ceived at the office of the Trustees, corner of Fourth

v and Townsend streets, in the city of San Francisco,California, until twelve (12) o'clock, noon, Novem-ber third (3d), 1881. * J- <*'B. CUNN, -

.-.-:, . S. W. SANDERSON.: San Francisco, Cal., October 1,ISSI.

-v,:•'•; 03-lm .

R. H. BYERS, ;\u25a0 tJ"XST a_» _c: xc 3-C £3 it

1017 Eighth si., •bet-ween J and K. \u25a0\u25a0

SHROUDS ANDBURIAL CLOTHES,^~w^-,Coffins and Trimmings, Metallic Bu-


rial Cases and Caskets. IInterments ms.de inall thecemeteries. Bodies embalmed forshipment. 01-4plm


O'street, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth.

CARPETS TAKEN:UP, 'CLEANED AND RE-/ laid orrefitted promptly. Lace Curtains done

up good as new. House renovating a specia'tyBuy and sell second-hand carpets ;also, willstoreand take care ofcarpet-*.. ". Leave erders at the CarpetStores. 4pl*nj P. A. BYRN'E, Proprietor. -.

Terra Cotta Chimney Pipe•ARE FIRE-PROOF.


LIGHT INweight;draft is perfect. Soot does not stick

to them ;hence do not burn out.» Can be placedanywhere in the house. Cost less than any other.—

-yoa sale bt——

7 -ti'

; \u25a0«o_3__s's_-f^l7sa_c3C,xr2a,

No. 317 J street, bet. Third and Fourth, Sacrament^.':•„;... ..'.'.-•\u25a0-:-.-.""*:ol-4plm», \u25a0 -y: -_, ... -. -\u25a0:-

\u25a0\u25a0-.-. V:vVV<v7<V*klixk,*V.\u25a0:'-\u25a0.

CHEMIST ANDapotbecary, no. 1C47 xpFourth street, St. George Building, Sacra- £BU

mento. Physicians'pre-criitionscarefullyc.m- Eff\u25a0\u25a0;pounded, day ornight.

*1Dei-tchb AroTu-n-.i-.i_-. ';

..-K--^ -*Vr**-\u25a0' v. ->vV':vv I-07-4plm :».'.*'-*•.-'.*! --'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. -y ::'.,*» fRS. HYDE (FORMERLY OF NEW

~ *y.j]fX"*"*Orleans), natural gifted Fortune \u2666^""-?ITeller

'and :Clairvjvant. Reveals {Past,


Present and the Future in a manner that»~#;is wonderful. ''? Also parties wishing toget 'iii


Icommunications from friends in spirit life willdowell toconsult MRS. HYDE,as she is amedium of

j hich merit, aid in this parti.ular has no equal-ICall and see, and be convinced for yourself. Nos. 2-

and 4,*Brown House, corner Fourth an1Xsts.oS6 tf


k win -

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

..Made from Grape Cream Tartar.— other pre-paration makes such light, flaky hot Oreads, orluxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by Dyspepticswithout fear of the ills resulting from heavy in-digestible food. Sold onlyin cans, by all Grocers.

Koyal Hal.Ing Powder Co., New York.:. dlB-lv

-- . :

Iln,t>-st^*>-v-lI\B--om'*-*ana SerT "lllliSr^KScVd.l -*

,',< is the *-in-

SBf" .>Jv'yJt U;m-*'-e result of over'**

\i-.-E&ifytfky1',J—-Hyears' of practical ex-•i^bMi vIMS-ifflS'S perience, and CURESK.gßi?A yW^gg'-:* -vrni unfailing

nHHri^-fl&W&lri CERTAIXTY NervoatfIKV:-''ff%2r%*/%fll\ "«lPhv-t'ca'. Dehilitv.B'vßv^tli- '^HKlßfi-:"KTAi:

''"'",r Nen-oatXv \u25a0. t&e?->'Ml\i\l'wi Ph->ca. DehilitvL\&Hw!WA\IKISeminal Weakness.Sper

SI iinWir-riAllHl1-..attorrhtßa, Emissions.lILUUVEHAIUHImpotency, Exhausted•«,,,iii:-ggwct»w-sr-—-i--e--**nVitality,Premature De-cline ana LOSS OF Jl4>II(IOD, from whatevc-cause produced. Itenriches and purifies the Bloodstrengthens the Nerves, Brain, -Muscles, Digtstion,Reproductive Organs, and Physical and MentalFaculties. It stops any unnatural debilitatln-drain upon the syste **-, preventing Involuntarjlosses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with tbturine, etc, so destructive tomind andbody. Itis isure eliminator of all KIDNEY ANDBLADDEfCOMPLAINTS. It contains nothing injuriousTo those suffering.from. the evil effect*of yoatbTul Indiscretions or excesses, *speedy, thorough and permanent CEKFIS 4.iAKA>rt:El>. Price, $"> 50 per bottle,or five bottles in case, with full directions ardadvice, $10. Sent secure from observation to aryaddress upon receipt of price, or C. 0. D. To behad only of

Dr. Salfleld. 216 Kearny Street,San Francisco, Cal. Consultations strictly confldeitial, letter or at office, FREE. For the con-venience of patients, and in order to Insure perfectsecrecy, Ihave adopted a private address, underwhich all packages are forwarded. -:\u25a0 . *-


willsend a trial bottle olIhe KEJlVK.VATOB—sufficient to show Itsmerit— tree ofcharge, to any one afflicted,applying by letter, statins his symptomsand age. Communications strictly confi-dential^ tn4-4ptf


'3 a never-failing Curt

U\W&St-li^S!Q)?faS 'or Nervous Debiiity.Ej.•P^^-^V~^*!?s_S!W hiltlsted Vitality, \u25a0 Sen..vrm'PP I**1**1* We

-,tne ss, Sper-tUXa yXz- ,».>-*JA vejWmatorrhc-ia, lost Man-X? *Mt^^iv7i'j3'C'iTi>l»ood, Impotency,aftl Pr Xr*/sjM' nParalysis, and -*11 th«l3_l 'ie '''' '

Jag, terrible effects of Bed-La* -

CI*f^*>B_4«. 'S'jabuse, youthful follieiii&Pjr^i(&r!Za<Xs~tJt-and excesses Inmaturt

|gi_^_tfSlß_a!^-^Wfei years— such M Loss 0lm¥iW?T^-Trr^SXX!S% Memory, Lassitude, Noc

E____>S^-*liii__ffi__B tum£! Emission, Aversion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in thtHead; the vital fluid pulling unobserved in thiurine, and many other diseases that lead to insanit}and death.

Dli. 3IINTIE, who Is a regular physician(graduate of the University 'of Pennsylvania),will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dol-lars for a case of this kind the VITA!KESTOKATIVi* (under his special advice anctreatment) willnot cure, or for anything Impure oiInjurious found in it. DX..lIIVTfG treats alPrivate Diseases successfully without mercury,Consultation free. Thorough examination . icadvice, including analysis of urine, $5.' Prie to!Vital Kestoratlvc, US a bottle, or four time,the quantity, \u25a0"HO * sent to any address upon receipt of price,or C. O. D., secured fromobservation,and inprivate name ifdesired, by *.K. "HINTIK,"I.D., No. j11.Kearny iStreet, ''an Fran.Cisco, Cal, \u25a0*\u25a0 "'y

I»K. .TIBSTIE'S KIOSKF RKn*s«»F, 311,PIIKETI<T.*t|, cures all kinds of Kidney anBladder Complaints, Gonorr'nma, Gleet, LeucorrhcEaFor sale by all Druggists ;I**] a bottle, sixbottle-for 65.

-.'•\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0"-

- : \u25a0•"---\u25a0« *Ssr?yDlt. t:*t*» LtAM.I'Llt-XPILL-,.ire

best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and BILIOrfIcure in the market. For sale by all Drugtrists.

H. C. KIRK & CO., Sacramento, Wholeftal.Agents mr9*2-401v.*7.->D-Bwlv'W""' .


DK-GIBBPNWPSNBARI,tilS Kearnr street. San Francisco,

. . =-w Established in 1354 lor'jff y^<. "*"c treatment of Sexualft /^r^Z^y.PgyK '•n'T Seminal disease*,

ail.yX—yzy :-7|k™ -such as Gonorrhea, Gleet,Ji_lS**r***^tNl_^SSH. Strictures, Syphilis in all

/ s*^^.J*^*Sl ***forms, Semina. Weak-

wLWf^y f-^-'

v?j2»^M ness, Impoteucy, Skinhyk i-1'- -^M-tilDiseases, etc., perma.£*rf-nL JsMth- 7ii,*&iSnen^ cured ornocharxe.

*-^^J(^V*!^^ LSs Seminal ITeafcness."Seminal Emissions, the

V^lj^^M•'\u25a0 WsyJy- i.'&iconsequence ofself-abuse.j?^^awgs^g*g»js?*: This solitary vice ft de-.V\Sii^SOT«_S.*^ "

prayed sexual Indulgence,Ispractiocd by the youth of both sexes to an almt stunlimited extent, producing withunerring certaintythe following train or morbid symptoms, unlesscombated by scientific medical measures, viz.: Sallcwcountenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in thehead, ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling ofleaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness aboutthe loins, weakness of the limbs, confused vision,

blunted Intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence inapproaching strangers, a dislike to form new ac-quaintances, disposition to shun society, loss ofmemory, hectic flushed, pimp'es and various erup-tions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath,oougbs, consumption, night sweats, monomania andfrequent insanity. v . .;


CURED AT HOKE.Persons at a distance may be cured at home by ad

dressing a letter toDR.GIBBON, stating case, symp-toms, length of time the disease has continued, andbave medicines promptl ' forwarded, free fromdamage and curiosity, to any part ifthe country,

with full and plain directions. By inclosing tendollars inregistered letter, through the »to*ficeor through Wells, Fargo A Co., a package ofmedicinewillbe forwarded to any part of the Union. Please»iv you saw this advertisement la the RKOiID.Uiioß. Address,., DR. J. F. GIBBON,

i"i24-4otf ;-\u25a0 Box 1.9&7. San Francisco


Trent all Chronic and Special Diseases.


W V effects <•( youthful follies or Indiscretioi,Killdo wellto avail themselves of this, the greatestsoon ever laidat the altar of suffering humanity.OIL SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit 1500 for\u25a0rvery case of Seminal Weakness orPrivate Diseaseof any kindor character which be undertakes andfalls to cure .*.-\u25a0-„-;, .„.MIDDLE-AGED EN.

There are many at the age of thirty tosixty whoare troubled with too frequent evacuation of th*bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting oi

burningsensation, and a weakening of the system ina man**ar the patient cannot account for.IOn exam-ining tne urinary deposits a ropysediment willoftenbe found, and sometimes small particles of aitiumei.will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkishhue, again changing toa dark and torpid appearance.There are many men who die of this difficulty,igno-rant of the cause, whichis tne second stage ef sem-inal weakness. :Dr. S. willguarantee a perfect curein all such cases, and a healthy restoration of thej-snito-urtn-UT organs. *-" -


5-3i.4C«fBROffice hours— lO to 4 and 6toB. .Sunday from

10 toIIA. J*. Consultation free. Thorough examluatlon and advice, $5. Call or address

DR. SPINNEY A CO.,No.11Kearny street, San Francisco.


:,p. S.—For private diseases ofshort standing, a fullcourse of medianes, sufficient fora cure, with allInstructions willbe sent to any address for 910.>';-: .:--\u25a0\u25a0>-

,fe7-4oStJ»wMTWTbFtf i :-, :- X \u25a0

Vi*':A. J- VERMILYA7 V ;

COUNTY CORONER ANDjUNDER-f'LUi-.taker, No. ItS J street, between'*«uS-«>»

Fourth and = Fifth. Always on band a large assort-ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets, BurialCasesand Coffins. Shrouds '\u25a0 furnished •: and

• FuneraWreaths Preserved. .:* Coffin orders • will receivepromot attention] on short notice and at the lowestrates. w* -;. \u25a0\u25a0


- '•--:-«o!4-4nlm \u25a0%:

iiiiim \u25a0fiiaiMi

lU. FRANK CLARK, 8*cxwri»2Esit-xr^_.__c__3aEc, j|No. 1017 Fourth st., bet.' J and K. I

7 Always a complete stock in store. ,;Country Rorders receive prompt attention. ->. 02-4plm 9


Fire and Marine.

CAPITAL,fully paid...... .'.'*..9:M,0C0

ITLosses pronptlv adjusted and paid in cold coin.WALAIER & PARSONS..

General AzentsSaeramcrto Division,No.Cl J street.-.-. --.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 . \u0084 .-—

*— 013-4ptf - - '-\u25a0 -\u25a0





that can lie used tor steam, is for sale in lots to suitat Black Diamond Landing, Contra Costa couaty,

and at the office of the Company, wiutheast cornerof Folsom aad Spear streets, San Francisco. .:,. v.P. B. CORNWALL, -\u25a0,-"

7 tf President B. P. C. M-CO.


REAL ESTATE AKDISSUANCE AGENTSnotary Public and Commissioner of Deed*.

Real Estate Boupht and Sold on Commission.trHouses rented and rente collected. "W /

X Ajn-ntsfor the followta**Insurance Companies: -y

Q1PER1AL.....7.V............. :•••••\u25a0••--' London

LONDON ;.:..""....:.....::..:."."•—• of LondonN0RTHERN.:..............:.:.. ..of London jQUEEN...::....*.:.::.....:::...V"-- Lo^S^dNORTHBRITISHAltoMERCANTILE -j EdilJSinrh(JHNA... .':................ .....0l Hartford, Conn. j

-" Aeereitnte Capital. S*i4.sl«,'*«. -,\u25a0_\u25a0:- -,-.ITKo. ,7 Fourth street, between J \u25a0**\u25a0 X, Sac-

ramento, comer of the *33erj__m^{ 023 iptf