www.davinderojalla.com My Superfood Green Juice Recipe

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Superfood Green

Juice Recipe

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Contents Chapter Page

Disclaimer 3

Hi, I’m Davinder Ojalla 4

My Superfood Green Juice Recipe 5

What You Should Know… 7

My Complete Blend Contains… 8

Higher Self Code 11

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The advice contained in this material might not be suitable for


The author designed the information to present her opinion about the

subject matter.

The reader must carefully investigate all aspects of any business, life,

health, decision before committing her or himself.

The author obtained the information contained herein from sources she

believes to be reliable and from her own personal experience, but she

neither implies nor intends any guarantee of accuracy.

The author is not in the business of giving legal, accounting, health or

any other type of professional advice.

Should the reader need such advice, he or she, must seek services from

a competent professional/GP.

The author particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk taken by

individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained


The author believes the advice presented here is sound, but readers

cannot hold her responsible for either the actions they take or the result

of those actions.

Copyright © 2017 Davinder Ojalla

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I’m Davinder Ojalla

Welcome To My Superfood Green Juice Recipe.

I hope you love it too!

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My Superfood Green Juice...

More Nutrients, Vitamins & Minerals in this one

drink than many get in an entire week’s worth of


All ingredients are Raw, Natural, Organic & Soil

Association Certified. Makes 1 pint: drink


I have been drinking this 3-6 days a week for


Green = Heart Chakra

Green Juice Recipe:

3 x Sticks of Celery/Cucumber

2 x Carrots

1 x Apple/Pear

1 x Banana (optional)

1 x Kale/Spinach (small handful)

Small Piece of Ginger or more!!!!

1 x tsp Coconut Oil

Juice all of the above & blend with Davinder’s

Green Juice Blend.

(Contains: Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Chlorella, Maca , Baobab Powder, MSM,

Camu Camu, Hemp Protein, Turmeric & Spirulina (optional) )

This for sure will set you on the fast track road to self Love!!!!.

This is my personal daily favourite.

We advise doing an allergy test before using. Start with taking half a teaspoon a day for 5 days. Build up to recommend dose with care. Please ensure you have approval from your doctor should you have any doubt about allergies, have a medical condition or are pregnant.

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My Superfood

Green Juice...

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What You Should Know...

What we put in our bodies has a direct affect on how we feel, and your food choices are SO important to consider when it comes to your physical, emotional & mental health. In a very real sense, you have THREE brains—one in your head, one in your heart and one in your gut—all of which are created from the same tissue during fetal development. It’s now well established that the vagus nerve is the primary route your gut bacteria use to transmit information to your brain.

Nourishing your gut health is essential to maintaining a positive mood, health & energy.

So where do you start when it comes to making better food choices that nourish you?

Order A Free Sample Of My Superfood Green Juice Blend

Purchase here


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Baobab Powder

This is one of my favourite Superfood Powders ever, and it’s so powerful, with 2 x

more antioxidants than goji berries, 6 x more antioxidants than blueberries, 6 x

more vitamin C than oranges, 6 x more potassium than bananas and 2 x more

calcium than milk. It’s also high in digestive enzymes & prebiotics, and high in iron

(even more so than red meat.)


Barleygrass is rich in Chlorophyll which is reported to have detoxing effects and the

ability to remove poisonous toxins from the body. A good source of calcium and

potassium, barley grass is often referred to as an ‘alkaline food’. Alkaline foods are

thought to correct excess acidity in the body which is associated with many

degenerative diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Camu Camu

Camu Camu is the highest source of Vitamin C on the planet. It is great for

rebuilding tissue, purifying blood, and enhancing immunity, and energy. Camu

berry is one of the best anti-depressants, immune building, and eye-nourishing

superfoods in the world.


Detoxification. Chlorella is a source of Chlorophyll, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, and

amino acids, but it is primarily known as a detoxifying supplement. Its tiny size and

unique properties make it able to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals in

the body. Chlorella is key in helping our nervous system, skin, heart and immune

systems function correctly. Chlorella has also been known to help regulate balanced

energy expenditure, keeping fatigue at bay.

Hemp Protein

Organic Hemp Protein Powder is obtained from seeds that contain all of the

essential amino acids in a ratio much closer to meat and eggs than other seeds, and

in more nutritionally significant amounts. In addition to its incredible protein

content, Hemp is a great source of beneficial minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium,

Iron, Phosphorus and Potassium.


Maca Root Powder contains a wide range of amino acids in its protein, plus

carbohydrates and fibre. A complete protein, Maca provides 19 amino acids, 4

different alkaloids, 20 different fatty acids, an abundance of Calcium and an

assortment of vitamins including C, E, B1 and B2. In addition to Maca’s antioxidant

My Complete Blend Contains…

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content, keeping the body’s cells free from oxidative stress damage, the Root

Powder also has been known to keep our skin, nervous and immune systems, and

psychological function healthy.


Commonly used topically on the skin and also taken by mouth, MSM is especially

popular as part of an arthritis diet and supplementation plan to treat arthritis or

osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease since it helps form connective tissue and

repair joints, tendons and ligaments. MSM is commonly used for osteoarthritis, but

may also benefit in alleviating GI upset, musculoskeletal pain, and allergies;

boosting the immune system; and fighting antimicrobial infection.

Spirulina - Optional

Organic spirulina powder is really high in protein (60%) and can be mixed into a

glass of water and consumed as a pure supplement, or blended with fresh fruit into

nutritious smoothies. The powder can also be sprinkled over salads and soups to

add a powerful dose of vitamins and essential minerals to your daily diet.


Abundant in chlorophyll which is good for blood building, as well as all minerals

known to man and many vitamins too, wheatgrass is a superb, broad-spectrum

superfood. It is popular with anyone undergoing a detox regime, and a great basic

support for an ongoing healthy diet. Recent research suggests that Wheatgrass can

also help mop up effects of chemotherapy.


According to the Journal of the American Chemical Society, turmeric contains a

wide range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic,

antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also loaded with many

healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,

Vitamin K, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Due to

all these factors, turmeric is often used to treat a wide variety of health problems.

I also love to add in...

Sesame/Pumpkin/Sunflower Seeds (Soaked Overnight)

These seeds are very rich in Essential Fatty Acids, Antioxidants and various major

minerals. Each seed has the potential energy of an entire plant which is activated

when the seeds are soaked in water. This initiates the germination process which

means that the food is then alive and therefore very easy to digest.

Goji Berries

Perhaps the most nutritionally dense fruit on the planet, goji berries contain 18 kinds of amino acids, and up to 21 trace minerals (including zinc, iron, copper, calcium, geranium, selenium and phosphorous). Other benefits include the ability to help you fight disease and encourage better digestion.

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Chia Seeds

Unlike other grain crops such as rice, oats, wheat and corn, chia seeds are relatively low in carbohydrates – only 7% of their dry weight. Containing over 20% protein -which suppresses release of the hunger hormone ghrelin- they are ideal for weight loss as the complex carbohydrates present in chia are only broken down very gradually into sugar energy, preventing spikes in blood sugar which can cause hunger pangs. (This is why chia seeds are so great as part of your breakfast - sprinkle on yoghurt or mix with a juice or smoothie.)

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats, and these not only increase the healthy

cholesterol (known as HDL) in your body, but also help to convert the LDL “bad”

cholesterol into good cholesterols. By Increasing the HDL's in the body, it helps

promote heart health, and lower the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil has also been

used as a topical antibiotic for thousands of years, and when rubbed on wounds can

aid the speed of healing as well as potentially helping combat skin infections and

conditions such as acne. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil may also help

alleviate the symptoms of heartburn, or acid reflux caused by the bacteria H.pylori.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is the most complete food found in nature containing nearly all B

vitamins especially vitamin B-9 (folate) and all 21 essential amino acids, making it a

complete protein. Honey, in its organic/wild, raw, unfiltered states is rich in

minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes, and is one of the highest vibration

foods on the planet.

Aloe Vera Juice

This juice helps maintain a healthy stomach and digestive system. Also great for

skin & hair. I add a tsp into my juice every day.

Order Your Green Juice Blend Today!


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Higher Self Code...

7 Essential Habits To Maximise Your Potential For Success

A Powerful System To Unlock Your Greatest Potential &

Create The Lifestyle & Business You Really Want Through A

Journey Of Self Discovery, Mind Mastery & The Emergence Of

The Higher Self”

1. Correct Breath & Relaxation

2. Deliberate Presence & Mindfulness

3. Unique Vision & Purpose

4. Mental & Emotional Mastery

5. Body Awareness & Physical Exercise

6. Natural Superfoods & Hydration

7. Greater Mission & Contribution

The Milestones To Higher Self Mastery...

• Get Honest About Where You Are Now & Who You Are Now.

• Get Clear About What Is It You Truly Want & Who You Need To Become.

• De-clutter & Create Space Emotionally, Mentally & Physically.

• Ditch The Limiting Mindset & Harness Your Growth Mindset.

• Resolve The Distance From Where You Are Now To The Next Step.

• Create Step By Step Soulful Goals & Milestones For The Greater Vision.

• Build Up Your Support Network With Like Minded Uplifters/ Lightworkers.

• Master The Higher Self Code To Keep You Lit Up, Inspired & Thriving.

• Hire A High Level Mentor & Coach To Keep You Accountable & On Track.

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“It’s not how much you do, but the

power of your PRESENCE that

determines your success in life”



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