NAMES: Francisca Torrejón - Niklas Schwarz – Nicolás Pérez Miss María Teresa Venegas CLASS: 6C DAY: 13/08/2012

My Planet

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description of my planet.

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Page 1: My Planet

NAMES: Francisca Torrejón - Niklas Schwarz – Nicolás Pérez

Miss María Teresa Venegas


DAY: 13/08/2012

Page 2: My Planet

Name of the planet: Chalvania


Area of landing:

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Description of climate: The color of the sky is purple, but it depends of what part of the day is because if we are at night time, the color of the sky it will be a dark purple, but if we are in the morning, it will be a lighter purple. This planet has seven sun’s but all of them give a poor light and they are not so much hot as our sun; but this poor light and the heat of this sun’s accumulate so is a normal temperature for humans. The weather; is always sunny and with a lot of clouds, in the clouds are waterfalls that fall over the rivers and lagoon’s, except sometimes. There are strange sort of trees that floats by a system human’s don’t know. Is also another tree that is very big and straight, so some animals of this planet can live in those trees.

. Inhabitant’s description: It has the shape of an egg, with two short arms, and two short feet’s, it doesn’t have legs. It has two tiny eyes and a mouth that is between cheeks (their cheeks are very big if we compare with the mouth). It has two big wings, the same size of their body. They are very advance, if we compare them with humans, they have robots, they have very simple houses and buildings (except for some), but their constructions can resist the avalanches of rocks that fall into their houses, they live in the underground. They always were a cap of different colors and nothing else (they are very natural). They have a very similar humor with the humans, but they don’t laugh about the problems of the others, instead they solve it together.

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City: The city it was underground and full of useful technology, and strange buildings and houses. Some buildings were round and we didn’t know how they built it, the houses were round to resist the avalanches of rocks. All the buildings and houses had a yellow phosphorescent color. All the cities have a tall building that it seems to get to the sky, it have important information of the city and the scientist made the most important experiments there. But the most important building that all the cities have it was the mayor’s building, it was so important that it have a different color of the other buildings, it was a green phosphorescent color, and it was like fifty meters tall. The city in general it was very safe and all the cities had at least two important buildings, and all the cities had something special

Strange animal:

Is a strange animal that the inhabitant’s of this planet call it Splashy. It very hard to find one because they can camouflage. The jump like idiots and they are very friendly. The color of their skin is yellow and their body is like an star.

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Food: they have many strange food made by mixes of animal and plant and soil parts put together so they form very strange flavors but some were delicious like one named glars, we asked how they made it and they told us it was the most rare and strange food in the planet, it was made by a bob’s tail, bobs are very fierce and powerful so it’s very hard to find, they can kill you immediately if it’s in a bad mood, more if you try to cut off its tail. The cream that covers the tail is made by splashies blood, splashies are very hard to find because they can camouflage and become almost invisible, the spices are from the top of the tallest tree in the planet, and some decorations are made by a precious stone and it is very hard to pulverize so we could eat it. Also cooking it and mixing the ingredients correctly without making those exploding made it very expensive. Anyways they gave it to us free because they would not receive visitors from other planets by a long time.


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Money system: They use colored metals (red, turquoise, and pink, white, brown). They have different valves in different cities, so in the frontiers there are many guards to avoid contrabandist. To obtain effective, people have to activate teletransporters that are in some streets so metal comes out; it recognizes AND when they put the hand so they know how much money that person has. Everyone has an account when they born so they can deposit money in any teleporters when they want.

Schools: They have schools, but they are different to human’s school, they go almost every day to school in a whole year (their system of years), but they use a special helmet, and they learn in one minute all the things we learn in a day. But they go some full days to school, to learn how to live in the society.

How they obtain food: They are very weak, so they use specials technology to get it, like some robots that get the fruits from the highest trees. They have a kind of a giant car that has a drill to go underground and get roots, some plants that are underground and some fruits. They were a kind of suit to go underwater or to go inside the waterfalls and get strange animals that live there.


Houses: Are round with a back part used to support the house. In the support there is the entrance to their houses. The entrance is a ray that detects people. It registers people allowed to enter the houses, if not; the person is pulverized so there is no stealing. Also there is another fake entrance that leads to the top so burglars fall off and die. But also detects people so if someone is wrong it would save their selves. The windows are cross shaped for more people to see outside. The houses are from the most abundant and resistant metal in the planet so they are made for resisting rock falls. They also have some rocket pods for flying off if the planet had problems

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. Reaction: When they first saw us they laughed because we were so funny looking, but they already knew we existed but they love laughing so they made us any favor us alive. They thought we were idiots because we were so primitive for them but they didn’t want to come, to us because all the reporters and nuclear weapons. We didn’t say anything for defending ourselves because we wanted to get back alive. They were very kind but we felt a bit ashamed when they started laughing at us and a bit scared because we thought they will do something to us.

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Diary :

23 of November, 2018 (26/07/12) Day 1:

We arrived at the planet. We apparently are alive but our spaceship is destroyed and we need to repair it. We’re very scared and our provisions are almost gone. Minutes later, we notice that the clock from my IPod says we’re in the 25 of November of the year 2018. After a long discussion we thought we went through a nick of time. Francisca set on the chronometer of my iPod and it goes very slowly. Nicolás and I thought time goes more slowly at that spot. After that we’re really confuse. We started having a discussion of what we will do, Francisca says we should spend the night inside the destroyed spaceship and Nicolás says we should go and search for living forms. We thought the floor is sand and our instrument says we’re in New Mexico, obviously not. And also the temperature is 40 C hot. We realize that it was the desert of the planet; we decided to stay in the place us where because we can’t be out at daytime or we’ll die because of the heat. We’re confused; we didn’t know what to do. We decided to see for a last time my iPod, incredibly WI-FI works so we can communicate to our planet but the iPod’s battery almost runs out. Suddenly we saw a light, there are living forms there Nicolás shouted, we went running to the light and suddenly we fell in a hole, we didn’t know how we’re alive. Minutes later we decided to sleep.

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25 of December, 2015 (27/07/12) Day 2:

We found ourselves inside a sort of sofa or something. We think we’re in a hospital. Minutes later we had enough energy to get out of the bed, something strange happen and we’re so confuse we decided to explore, we got out of the bed and opened the door and almost fainted because of what we saw. We saw a type of potatoes with wings and small arms, we fell nervous being all watched by a strange living form. When they saw us they laughed like idiots at how we looked. After that they were trying to communicate with us but we couldn’t understand them. Minutes later an old looking one gave us a type of helmet so when we put it on they seemed to speak English. Then we started talking and we knew a lot about them. They gave us a magical fruit that made us regain health immediately. They showed us how they lived, how they obtained food and how dangerous was being outside. They were repairing our spaceship and they showed us a type of building where we’re going to spend the night. We’re so tired we fell asleep on the floor.

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17 of July, 2013(28/07/12)Day 3:

Each one of us woke up inside a bed made of moving plants. Francisca woke up first and woke up the rest of the potatoes that jumped out of the bed and scream like crazies. After that crazy scene, we asked them what happened. They tell us it was a massage; we tell them that it hurt our backs a lot. They didn’t that we had a spinal cord. Minutes later they started talking with us, again about their planet. We’re fascinating, their speech about the peaceful that it was their planet it was excellent, they had a lot of weapons, just in case, because they knew that there were some planets with very fight full people. The potatoes (we call them potatoes) were very kind, so later that day, they made us a tour across the planet (underground) and they will describe us the most important facts about their planet. The first place we visited was the most important city called Chalvos. The city was enormous; we’re surprised about their technology. The city has round buildings of every colour. They used a very peculiar sight system. Some potatoes walked very clumsy and slowly and some were rolling and the rest was doing something strange that humans can’t do, we laugh about them. After that they told us the name of the planet (Chalvania). We stopped in a small house to rest. After the entrance it was full of beds. We asked the potato at the entrance for a bed without moving plants. The potato laugh so we slept on the floor.

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7 of May, 2024 (29/07/12) Day 4:

We woke up and felt excited because we will continue the tour. We visited a lagoon made of acid full of colorful strange animals that looked like moles called Glettdi, Nicolás and me thought it was a pokemon. They told us their colour depended where they lived but acid made them change colour. Potatoes made us get on a bat that looked like a flying car; they gave us a jacket for protecting ourselves from the acid. We crossed the lagoon and saw all the Glettdi until we reached like a building that looked like ours and that looked infinite, we’re scare, it looks like it get to the sky. The guides told us to enter the building. The building inside was very alike to ours, with plants, elevators and strange round furniture. We entered the elevator. It was bigger as we thought, like the size of a house. It took us fifteen minutes to get to the top, even though it went very fast. When we arrived at the top, we seemed to be in outer space, it was amazing. We could see the planet very well and Nicolás almost vomited. We spent a time there and we came down very slowly. While we’re twenty meters from the hole we saw a lot of animals; Glettdi in their earth form, BOB’s (biologically organic beasts) and splashies running like idiots, at the same time we laugh with the potatoes. When we came down they took us to a place and they told us they had repaired our spaceship and they improved it so we could get it the next day. We fell asleep very easily in the same place where it was the spaceship.

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8 of March, 2021(30/07/2012) Day 5: We woke up in the same laboratory we’re when we meet with potatoes; they suddenly appear and told us to follow them. We went outside the laboratory and it was our spaceship, it was great, it was painted by colors we didn’t know, and the inside of the spaceship it was better, it had special technology so we could go with speed of light to the Earth, and also it have an special machine that it cooks all the things we want. We’re so happy that the potatoes start dancing, we laugh about them. Minutes later we thought it was time to go to our planet, we say goodbye to the potatoes and they ask if we could go again to their planet, Nicolás said we didn’t and the entrance of the spaceship close automatically, then we heard a voice that it say where we want to go, we say the Earth and a second later we’re there, in the Earth. We’re a bit confused, in the Earth people insult us and it was full of trash, but in Chalvania it was different; no one insult us and it was a clean planet.