CANCER 2019 edition: My Musings on Horary Astrology - Kris Svendsen (SA) Jacinta Adern - An Esoteric Astrology Personality Profile - Leoni Hodgson (Qld) From the President or the Vice President in her absence this month! Now we’re into June and the cold is settling in with a vengeance. Neptune is stationing on my Sun and hopefully bringing a heightened spiritual awareness rather than a deluded one! This month’s meeting was ran in tutorial mode by Joy Usher looking at the past and coming (Jan 2020) Saturn Pluto conjunctions, squares and oppositions in our own charts. Attendees were given the opportunity to share their experience that correlated the last three hits of this heavy and often gut wrenching planetary combo. The session turned out for some to be a cathartic purge, as is the nature of this aspect generally, whilst others relayed more positive changes. Apparently the Saturn Pluto square that previously that came in 1940s describes particularly the beginning of the Holocaust! The recordings of

My Musings on Horary Astrology - FAASA · My Musings on Horary Astrology By Kris Svendsen Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,

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Page 1: My Musings on Horary Astrology - FAASA · My Musings on Horary Astrology By Kris Svendsen Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,

CANCER 2019 edition:

My Musings on Horary


- Kris Svendsen (SA)

Jacinta Adern - An Esoteric

Astrology Personality Profile

- Leoni Hodgson (Qld)

From the President

…or the Vice President in her absence this month!

Now we’re into June and the cold is settling in with a vengeance. Neptune is stationing on my Sun and

hopefully bringing a heightened spiritual awareness rather than a deluded one!

This month’s meeting was ran in tutorial mode by Joy Usher looking at the past and coming (Jan 2020)

Saturn Pluto conjunctions, squares and oppositions in our own charts. Attendees were given the

opportunity to share their experience that correlated the last three hits of this heavy and often gut

wrenching planetary combo. The session turned out for some to be a cathartic purge, as is the nature of

this aspect generally, whilst others relayed more positive changes. Apparently the Saturn Pluto square that

previously that came in 1940s describes particularly the beginning of the Holocaust! The recordings of

Page 2: My Musings on Horary Astrology - FAASA · My Musings on Horary Astrology By Kris Svendsen Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,

Joy’s talk are now available via pre-payment to our treasurer Judy Best.

Vickie Powell wanted to share her news of the receipt of another substantial cheque of her winnings

employing her methods that she described at the March meeting.

Next month (July) we’ll look at the same natal chart through four perspectives from four astrologers:

Vivien Lowe, Jill Amery, Adrienne Barkla and myself.


FAASA 2019 Events

July 13, 2 pm. One Chart 4 Ways - Kris Svendsen,

Jill Amery, Adrienne Barkla & Vivienne Lowe

August 10, 2 pm. Horary Chartfest - Anne Fryer,

Kris Svendsen & Joel Valentine

September 14, 2 pm. The Australian Political

Scene- Mark Smith

October 2, 2 pm. Ascendant, Sun & Moon: Your

Life Path Signature - Adrienne Barkla

November 9, 10 am - 4 pm. WORKSHOP

Pre-Natal Eclipses - Christine Thomas

November 30, 2 pm. Christmas Party!

Page 3: My Musings on Horary Astrology - FAASA · My Musings on Horary Astrology By Kris Svendsen Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,
Page 4: My Musings on Horary Astrology - FAASA · My Musings on Horary Astrology By Kris Svendsen Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,

My Musings on Horary


By Kris Svendsen

Some years ago, after some serious dabbling in a number of Astrological approaches - Modern,

Cosmobiology, Uranian and the Siderially based Vedic astrology, I came back to the Tropically based

Western Astrology via the Medieval and Hellenistic systems broadly referred to today as Traditional or


I guess what underpinned all this was a desire to convince myself that Astrology actually “works.” That

whether spiritually based or part of the natural world, it had some objective application that revealed the

everyday world we are all left with at the bottom end of our soul’s journey. I found great treasures in all of

the above schools of thought. I kept what “worked” for me and jettisoned a great deal as well. I came to

believe that if the objective events in one’s life were only found by adding more and more to the chart, eg.

additional planets, asteroids, transneptunians etc., then anything and everything worked! If the chart did

not speak the essence of the planetary principles simply, then what were we doing – were we doing


So many books have been published in the late 20th century. There has been an explosion of techniques,

often unique to one author, that have appeared “whole cloth” and untried by others and with no apparent

history or foundation. I have been tempted to try these by way of novelty but that often proved a

distraction in providing a coherent and consistent practice helping clients gain insightful clarity on the

message that the natal chart could reveal. The KISS principle drove me on.

Then along came Horary Astrology about fifteen years ago.

Here we had a very rule driven delineation technique. Here we had a “black and white” type of Astrology.

A scary Astrology that was more deterministic and anti-free will, that could be tested via the fact that it

predicted outcomes generally in the near future. One could tell, via close attention to the clearly defined

rules, if one’s predictions were fulfilled (assuming feedback from the client or querent). Sure the proof was

only in the pudding dependent on the skills of the chef, but I liked the way that Horary was contained and

had borders and often gave incredibly detailed in-your-face descriptions of the means, motives and

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opportunities of the querent or the quesited and didn’t pull punches in its message. This was not Astrology

for the faint hearted and appealed to my utilitarian Aries ascendant.

Sure, there are other predictive techniques: Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc directions, Solar Returns,

Firdaria, Dasas and Bhuktis, that are extensions of what is “promised” in the natal chart. But they are

based on what is essentially an open ended book of your life. They are based on a single natal chart that

is static and does not reflect the fact that in some ways we change over time. Paul Westran’s research into

(Secondary) Progressed Synastry has revealed the importance of progressions to progressions, not just

progressions to natal positions. We could also consider transits to progressed positions. Do we really do

justice to the volume of information inherent in a birth chart delineation for a client in, say, a two hour

consultation? I get mild anxiety when someone says “Can you do my chart?” and they have no idea of

what is possible from the “book” of their life.

Horary was the bread and butter of pre 17th century astrologers. It is quick and straight to the point. It is

not dependent on an accurate birth time and only requires some degree of sincere emotional investment

to work best and provide an answer when one is, to all intents and purposes, asking the divine to reveal

the path ahead. Equally, it can describe the past objectively and / or ascertain the querent’s or others’

motives. It stands alone from the natal chart although often shows amazing congruencies with it. It is to

Astrology what surgery is to medicine! No wonder Lee Lehman describes it as the “martial art” of


I’m hooked, I’m addicted, yet at the same time frustrated by the fact that Horary relies on a question that

comes from a “real” person based on a sincere wish to know in real time. Thus one may not get a lot of

practice waiting for an informed public to avail themselves of this predictive tool among other tools in our

armoury. Perhaps this is due to a misunderstanding of what we Astrologers actually can do over the Sun

sign based popular perception?

Yes it is divination and it is all about describing dispassionately what’s going on. Your Astrology may not

include prediction and thus Horary may not appeal. It may appear too low brow, too mundane, but I ask

to you to consider, for the sake of your clients, that establishing an objective description of facts on this

earthly plane forms a better basis for effective counselling ensuring a client’s well-being, if that is your

objective in your Astrology practice.

Kris Svendsen

Kris (FAASA Vice President, consulting astrologer and tarot reader) has been practising and studying Astrology for over 40

years. In his early teens he was introduced to Cosmobiology as the first astrology he encountered and moved progressively

through Uranian, Modern western to end up with eclectic interests that straddle Traditional western astrology. His greatest

interest is Horary, and it is this that is his main bread and butter, along with conducting workshops, teaching and readings.

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He has also studied Vedic astrology for years due to its commonality with traditional western’s predictive focus. Kris likes to

focus on predictive astrology and leave the psychological aspects to other tools in his armoury, used in tandem as a

qualified Myers-Briggs assessor and supplemented by a strong knowledge of the Enneagram.

Jacinta Adern - An Esoteric

Astrology Personality


By Leoni Hodgson (Qld)

Esoteric Astrology maps the spiritual purpose of the soul in the current incarnation. In this paper, I have

presented this esoteric analysis of Ardern’s chart, as a guide for astrologers who would like to practice

Esoteric Astrology. Generally, an esoteric personality profile is founded primarily on an analysis of the

Moon, Sun and Ascendant signs. It includes the esoteric ruling planets for the signs. Esoteric Astrology

divides the signs into 3 levels, for the three levels of conscious – Spirit, Soul and Body. The following chart

for Ardern has been rectified by New Zealand astrologer, Graham Bell.

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1.) Jacinda Ardern’s SUN SIGN – the Sun is in Leo, 9H.

Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Leo.

Defined: The Sun Sign indicates the PRESENT, our personality-life expression and integration. It also

represents our responsiveness or lack of responsiveness to the Soul. The life success we can potentially

achieve in the world in material terms is generally indicated by the Sun. Our task via the Sun, is to

cultivate the positive qualities of the Sun Sign and to balance the negatives.

Ardern’s Personality is coloured by rays of the regal sign Leo. It is easy for her to assume a mantle of

power and to magnetise support and accolades for what she does. These are gifts Leo gives to its people.

Ardern has developed leadership skills in past lives and quite likely has been a leader in religion (Sun in

9H). These previous-life skills and high-idealism she has brought through with her into this incarnation

(Neptune on the ascendant in Sagittarius). Life success has come to her through the demonstration of

these talents. She has a natural ability to lead people, who will follow her because of her Leo charisma

and the inspiring messages she gives out.

Ardern was raised in the Mormon Faith, which she left. As she approached adulthood, there were aspects

of Mormonism that as an intelligent woman she could not reconcile with her changing views of the world

and of life (Venus in Gemini opposite Neptune) – gay-rights was a stumbling block. She identified as an

agnostic and re-directed her focus into politics (Neptune square Saturn). Ideologically (Neptune), Ardern

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describes herself as a Social-Democrat (for the people, by the people), through Democratic means

(Saturn-Uranus), and a progressive (Uranus).

With Sagittarius rising and the Sun in the travelling 9th house, knowledge gained by traveling the world

exploring different systems and people was important for her development and for success in her

profession (Leo on 10H). She spent time as a volunteer in a New York soup kitchen, in London was a

senior policy adviser for Tony Blair, and in 2008 was elected as the President of the International Union of

Socialist Youth, a role that caused her to visit several countries. What she saw and learnt prepared her for

her soul work. (Neptune, esoteric ruler of Leo, on the ascendant).


Defined: The ascendant sign and the esoteric ruler of this sign, represents the spiritual goal and purpose

of the SOUL, in this incarnation and in FUTURE lives. The ascendant sign qualities are those we should

cultivate and build into our character so that we continue growing in consciousness and understanding.

The ascendant is in Sagittarius.

Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius and the Earth is the esoteric ruler.

Ardern is a prodigy in world politics and can just squeeze in as being the first of the Millennials (using the

1980-2000 time-span given in a Time magazine article); to rise to such a position. Very early into her

tenure as PM of New Zealand, she has become famous on the world stage for her managing of the

massacre in Christchurch New Zealand, on 15 March 2019.

The important point in being born in this time-frame, is that she is part of the Pluto in Libra

generation, which she shares with Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau. Libra rules the

legal system, justice and balance and they have been born to radically transform unfair laws

and to help bring in new ones that will bring balance to world affairs. Importantly for

Americans, candidate for the 2020 Presidential Election – Beto O’Rourke, also has Pluto in


She is definitely a disciple (influential for the higher good in the community), and may also be an initiate

(influential for the higher good on the world stage). Only time will tell if the latter could be possible, by

observing her achievements over time.

With Sagittarius governing the ascendant, Ardern’s soul-purpose is to be one-pointed in her

attempts to inspire people and direct them to a higher path in life. She is a “Director of men”.

EA 333.

With Neptune sitting on the ascendant, we can surmise she feels a spiritual calling to bring about greater

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fairness and justice in the world (Neptune sextile Pluto in Libra, in the 11H of politics). Her task is one of


With Jupiter in the 10H, she is drawn to government as a means to help improve the living standards and

wages/ income of the people she serves (Jupiter trine Moon in the 2H, and ruler of the 8H of other

people’s money).

The esoteric ruler of the ascendant, of Sagittarius, is the Earth. The esoteric ruler of the chart

is the most meaningful symbol of the soul-work we are born to do. Ardern has it in the

political and reforming sign of Aquarius, in the 3H of communication.

On a local level, Ardern was born to reform conditions in New Zealand – apart what has already been

covered – to improve public discourse, the way people talk to each other (3H). Words carry energy and

have consequences. Hate-speech has hateful consequences. It has become a real issue around the world

– especially on the internet. People now can be bullied relentlessly by people who hide their identities.

With the arising of ISIL and their broadcasting of hate-speech and horrific videos of beheadings, law

enforcement agencies acted to shut them down, and were very successful. But there are still nests of

White Supremacist groups on internet and the Christchurch murderer was an active member and

participant in such groups. They need to be dealt with similarly. That is, shut down. New Zealand has no

specific hate-speech laws. It is possible Ardern will act to change that (Earth trine Mars in Libra, 11H). A

few days after the tragedy, laws were passed to ban assault rifles.

In general, there will be obstacles to overcome – entrenched conservatism, patriarchal criticisms

(ascendant/ Neptune square Saturn in Virgo, 10H). But she has higher support (ascendant trine MC); and

the idealism she radiates, her inclusive wisdom and ability to walk in the shoes of others (Venus in Gemini

in the 7H), her humility and generosity (Jupiter in Virgo); this will win her the support of the public

(Jupiter in 10H trine the Moon). She has the ears of the people, who will trust her (Jupiter sextile Mercury

in Cancer); Ardern has the power to make her countrymen feel they are members of a family.

An interesting point about Neptune, is that it is a symbol of sacrifice, of one’s personal life for the greater

good. It is likely that at some stage, this will take its toll on her family-life (Pisces shares rulership of the

4th house of home and family), and her primary partnerships (Venus in 7H, inconjunct Uranus). But, even

if separation should occur, she will remain friends or remain in a flexible and unorthodox type of

relationship (Mercury, ruler of the 7H trine Uranus).

If Ardern is an initiate, then her task is global. This means her work extends beyond the

borders of New Zealand, and based on what we have seen this March and the world’s positive

reaction to Ardern’s handling of the crisis in New Zealand; this is a real possibility.

3). The MOON SIGN.

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Defined. The Moon Sign represents our PAST, summarises limitations and handicaps from the past – our

unfinished emotional baggage or negative core beliefs that constitute the “prison of the soul.” Our task via

the Moon, is to clearly identify automatic Moon Sign patterns and habits, regressive ways of engaging with

the world, that keep us bound to the past, keep us living amidst the ghosts of long dead loves, hates,

hurts and disappointments. The cleansing of the Moon sign traits is vital if we are to progress forwards.

The Moon in the personal chart of a spiritually advanced person, can be read as representing

a particular problem in the nation that the leader has to contend with. Ardern’s Moon will be

read from this angle.

The Moon is in Capricorn in the 2nd house (2H) of values.

Saturn is both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn.

Capricorn is the sign representing conservatism. With the Moon in Capricorn, we can interpret New

Zealand’s prison-of-the-soul pattern as being too bound by Western conservatism – the preservation of

traditional beliefs, institutions and practices – that go too far so that soul-progress is impeded.

We gain a clearer sense what going too far means if we look at what is happening in the world at large –

the far-right Nationalism that has arisen and their racist policies directed at black or coloured migrants and


Racism is not something we generally apply to New Zealand, thinking instead of overt racism in the USA

and in some European states or political parties. Or to the more subtle version in Australia, which,

although it rescinded its “Whites-only” immigration policy a few decades ago, politicians continually stoke

the public’s anxiety about Muslims for political advantage. But it also exists in NZ, – albeit at a lower level.

For instance, the Deputy PM of New Zealand, Winston Peters, he is leader of the “NZ First” party which

tries to restrict immigration. In 2002, he claimed that New Zealand was “letting in” Muslims banned from

“Muslim Arab countries” for their security risk and “political baggage” and “giving them housing, health

and governmental blessing.”

The massacre in Christchurch on 15 March 2019 was karmic. But whose karma? Here is Ardern’s chart,

with transits and progressions on that day.

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The planet representing karma is Saturn.

On the day, Saturn was conjunct Pluto (terrorism and transformation), and together they straddled

Ardern’s ascendant.

1). This was personal karma for Ardern, because she – as PM, has had the responsibility of managing the

crisis for New Zealand. There may also be personal seeds she is addressing from her personal life or even

a previous life that we do not know about. She may also simply be a disciple who has stepped up to carry

this responsibility, as part of her service work.

2). It was also national karma – the people as a whole were affected. In the New Zealand chart (1907),

the terrorist attack is clearly highlighted. Saturn and Pluto were moving over the progressed Sun (the

nation as an identity and also, the heart of the people), which had not long ago moved into the 8th house

of death. The tragedy will have a positive, transformative effect on the psyche of the nation. We have

seen the seeds of this already – a call for unity, oneness, kindness. We hope this seed will grow into a

strong and hearty, kauri-like tree in the years ahead.

3). It appears also to be religious group-karma, for Muslims. Those killed may be innocent of any direct

involvement, the karma is probably not theirs directly. But at some time, all extremist groups of any faith

or ideology that commit atrocities; the family-group they belong to will have to pay retributive karma.

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4). Hypothetically, the karma also belongs to the human race as a whole, because the entire world was

impacted and affected by what happened and the aftermath. Remember, that Ardern’s ruling planet is the

earth as a whole.

In Summary –

New Zealand is a “messenger of love” country. It has a Gemini-ruled soul (Bailey, Destiny of the Nations,

p68). The 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom flows through Gemini and the soul-ruling planet of Gemini is Venus,

the planet that epitomises the qualities of “intelligent love”.

New Zealand’s role in the world is to be a standard bearer for inclusive love and unity, an

example of how to respond to crises intelligently, but also with inclusivity and understanding.

Jacinda Ardern – because she was PM when the massacre occurred, has been directly responsible for

sending this message out to the world, in its highest, most altruistic form. More than this, she has shaped

that message because of her personal performance. (Venus in Gemini, conjunct New Zealand’s ascendant

and natal Pluto).

Her speech at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2018, set the tone for her service-work.

She called for, among other things, kindness and collectivism as an alternative to isolationism,

protectionism, and racism. The previous PM of New Zealand, Helen Clark, calls Ardern the world’s anti-

Trump, which brings into sharper focus, what Ardern’s role may be on the world stage at this time.

Ardern has the sacrificial planet – Neptune, rising; and this gives a clue to the role that New Zealand was

called upon to play in this tragedy. Perhaps this tiny peace-loving country on the edge of the world was

strategically selected by the Hierarchy to play this role, because it would invoke the attention and

sympathies of all peace-loving people in the world and prove to be a global healing catalyst.

Ardern’s transformative, unifying and healing effect is not only working out through her own

country, but is a healing balm rippling out to the world.

Leoni Hodgson

Leoni Hodgson (PMAFA, Ph.De Esoteric Philosophy, MSE Esoteric Psychology) has worked professionally in astrology for

40 years - writing, teaching and counselling. She has studied widely in the field of esotericism - in the Theosophical Society,

in Freemasonry, Esoteric Healing, and has degrees from the University of the Seven Rays in Esoteric Psychology and

Esoteric Philosophy. She practises ongoing Raja Yoga meditations and facilitates the Brisbane Goodwill Centre.

For further information contact: leoni @bigpond.net.au or www.brisbanegoodwill.com

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Southern Star Editor: Adrienne Barkla Email: [email protected] Phone: 0408 241 250 Internet: www.faasa.com.au Submissions: All articles and advertisements are to be submitted in word format (preferred) to the Editor via email by the 12th day of each month. Disclaimer: The Editor reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions to the newsletter. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Federation of Australian Astrologers or the Southern Star Editor © Southern Star, FAA SA Inc 2017. All rights reserved. FAASA Membership Fees (per calendar year) Full - $80 Concession* - $60 Joint Full - $115 Joint Concession* - $85 Newsletter Only - $40 *Concession cards need to be sighted by the Treasurer when paying membership subs. Only pension cards and healthcare cards issued by Centrelink are deemed Concession. FAASA Committee President Cate Whelan 08 8557 7417 [email protected]

Vice President Kris Svendsen 0424 682302 [email protected] Treasurer Judy Best 0415 781 280 [email protected] Secretary Anna Kadow [email protected] National Councillors Cate Whelan 08 8557 7417 [email protected] Kris Svendsen 0424 682302 [email protected] Members Anne Hamilton 08 7524 2726 [email protected] Adrienne Barkla 0408 241 250 [email protected] Darren Koch 0437 934 766 [email protected] Lijan Tran [email protected]