My Library Trevor Peterson February 16, 2013 Call Author/Editor Title Location lang.sig.wws The World’s Writing Systems cl-1 lang.sem.lambdin ”Working with No Data”: Semitic and Egyptian Studies Presented to Thomas O. Lambdin 1a lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos 1

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Trevor Peterson

February 16, 2013

Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sig.wws The World’s Writing Systems cl-1lang.sem.lambdin ”Working with No Data”: Semitic and

Egyptian Studies Presented to Thomas O.Lambdin


lang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.120.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.121.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.122.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.123.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaos


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sem.jrnl.jaos.124.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.125.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.125.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.125.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.125.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.126.1 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.126.2 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.126.3 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.jrnl.jaos.126.4 Journal of the American Oriental Society jaoslang.sem.gram.bergstrasser Bergstrasser, Gotthelf,

and Peter T. DanielsIntroduction to the Semitic Languages: TextSpecimens and Grammatical Sketches


lang.sem.gram.brockelmann.1 Brockelmann, Carl Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik dersemitischen Sprachen


lang.sem.gram.brockelmann.2 Brockelmann, Carl Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik dersemitischen Sprachen


lang.sem.akk.lex.black Black, Jeremy, et al. A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian 1alang.sem.akk.gram.huehnergard Huehnergard, John A Grammar of Akkadian 1alang.sem.akk.gram.vonsoden von Soden, Wolfram Grundriss der Akkadischen Grammatik 1elang.sem.eth.lex.leslau Leslau, Wolf Concise Dictionary of Ge’ez (Classical


lang.sem.eth.gram.lambdin Lambdin, Thomas O. Introduction to Classical Ethiopic (Ge’ez) cl-1lang.sem.arb.lex.hava Hava, J. G. Arabic English Dictionary for Advanced


lang.sem.arb.lex.wehr Wehr, Hans, and J.Milton Cowan

A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic(Arabic-English)


lang.sem.arb.gram.thackston Thackston, Wheeler M. An Introduction to Koranic and ClassicalArabic


lang.sem.arb.gram.wright Wright, W., W.Robertson Smith, andM. J. de Goeje

A Grammar of the Arabic LanguageTranslated from the German of Caspari


lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.9 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures


lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.10 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.11.1 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of the

Northwest Semitic Languages and Literaturesjaos

lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.11.2 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures


lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.12 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures


lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.13.1 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures


lang.sem.nw.jrnl.maarav.13.2 Maarav: A Journal for the Study of theNorthwest Semitic Languages and Literatures


lang.sem.nw.lex.ho1.21.1 Hoftijzer, J., and K.Jongeling

Dictionary of the North-West SemiticInscriptions


lang.sem.nw.lex.ho1.21.2 Hoftijzer, J., and K.Jongeling

Dictionary of the North-West SemiticInscriptions


lang.sem.nw.gram.garr Garr, W. Randall Dialect Geography of Syria-Palestine:1000-586 B.C.E.


lang.sem.nw.gram.ho1.25.1 Rainey, Anson F. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets: ALinguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect usedby Scribes from Canaan


lang.sem.nw.gram.ho1.25.2 Rainey, Anson F. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets: ALinguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect usedby Scribes from Canaan


lang.sem.nw.gram.ho1.25.3 Rainey, Anson F. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets: ALinguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect usedby Scribes from Canaan


lang.sem.nw.gram.ho1.25.4 Rainey, Anson F. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets: ALinguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect usedby Scribes from Canaan


lang.sem.nw.ug.lex.aos.7 del Olmo Lete, G., andJ. Sanmartin

Diccionario de la Lengua Ugaritica 1e

lang.sem.nw.ug.lex.aos.8 del Olmo Lete, G., andJ. Sanmartin

Diccionario de la Lengua Ugaritica 1e

lang.sem.nw.ug.gram.grammar Huehnergard, John, etal.

Ugaritic Grammar and Texts 1e


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sem.nw.aram.jrnl.jab.1-2 Journal for the Aramaic Bible jaoslang.sem.nw.aram.bib.gram.bauer

Bauer, Hans, andPontus Leander

Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramaischen cl-1


Johns, Alger F. A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic 1a


Jastrow, Marcus Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli,Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature



Gropp, Douglas M. Dictionary to Targums Onqelos andJonathan



Gropp, Douglas M. 1e


Sokoloff, Michael A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic(second edition)



Sokoloff, Michael A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic cl-1

lang.sem.nw.aram.syr.lex.costaz Costaz, Louis DictionnaireSyriaque-Francais/Syriac-English Dictionary


lang.sem.nw.aram.syr.lex.payne Payne Smith, J. A Compendious Syriac Dictionary cl-1

lang.sem.nw.aram.syr.lex.sokoloffSokoloff, Michael A Syriac Lexicon: A Translation from the

Latin, Correction, Expansion, and Update ofC. Brockelmann’s Lexicon Syriacum



Noldeke, Theodor, andJames A. Crichton

Compendious Syriac Grammar cl-1


Palacios, L. Grammatica Syriaca (excerpt) cl-1


Thackston, Wheeler M. Introduction to Syriac cl-1

lang.sem.nw.heb.saenz-badillos Saenz-Badillos, Angel,and John Elwolde

A History of the Hebrew Language 1a

lang.sem.nw.heb.bib.lex.bdb Brown, Francis, S. R.Driver, and Charles A.Briggs

The New Brown–Driver–Briggs–GeseniusHebrew and English Lexicon


lang.sem.nw.heb.bib.lex.dillard Dillard, Raymond B. Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Cards


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sem.nw.heb.bib.lex.halot.1 Koehler, Ludwig, et al. The Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon of the Old

Testament: Study Editioncl-1

lang.sem.nw.heb.bib.lex.halot.2 Koehler, Ludwig, et al. The Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon of the OldTestament: Study Edition



Mankowski, Paul V. Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew 1a


Ben Zvi, Ehud, et al. Readings in Biblical Hebrew: AnIntermediate Textbook



Bauer, H., and P.Leander

Historische Grammatik der hebraischenSprache



Kautzsch, E., and A. E.Cowley

Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar 1b


Jouon, Paul, and T.Muraoka

A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew cl-1


Jouon, Paul, and T.Muraoka

A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew cl-1


Meyer, Rudolf Hebraische Grammatik 1b


van der Merwe, ChristoH. J., et al.

A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar work


Waltke, Bruce K., andM. O’Connor

An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax cl-1


Putnam, Frederic Clarke A Cumulative Index to the Grammar andSyntax of Biblical Hebrew



Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics 1b


Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature:What it is and What it Offers



Miller, Cynthia L. The Representation of Speech in BiblicalHebrew Narrative: A Linguistic Analysis



O’Connor, M. Hebrew Verse Structure 1b


The Verbless Clause in Biblical Hebrew:Linguistic Approaches



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.sem.nw.heb.rab.gram.perezfernandez

Perez Fernandez, Miguel An Introductory Grammar of RabbinicHebrew


lang.sem.nw.heb.rab.gram.segal Segal, M. H. A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew 1blang.indeur.gk.lex.lsj Liddell, Henry George,

Robert Scott, and SirHenry Stuart Jones

A Greek-English Lexicon: With a RevisedSupplement


lang.indeur.gk.at.gram.smyth Smyth, Herbert Weir A Greek Grammar for Colleges 1blang.indeur.gk.at.gram.zuntz.2 Zuntz, Gunther Greek: A Course in Classical and

Post-Classical Greek Grammar from OriginalTexts



Buth, Randall Living Koine Greek for Everyone Kim


Conybeare, F. C., andGeorge Stock

Grammar of Septuagint Greek cl-1

lang.indeur.gk.kn.nt Deissmann, Adolf Light from the Ancient East: The NewTestament Illustrated by Recently DiscoveredTexts of the Graeco-Roman World


lang.indeur.gk.kn.nt.lex.bagd Bauer, Walter, WilliamF. Arndt, and F. WilburGingrich

A Greek-English Lexicon of the NewTestament and Other Early ChristianLiterature



Gromacki, Robert Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards

lang.indeur.gk.kn.nt.lex.mm Moulton, James Hope,and George Milligan

The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament 1e


Carson, D. A. Greek Accents: A Student’s Manual 1b


Gignac, Francis T. An Introductory New Testament GreekCourse



Blass, F., A. Debrunner,and Robert W. Funk

A Greek Grammar of the New Testamentand Other Early Christian Literature



Robertson, A. T. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament inthe Light of Historical Research



Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: AnExegetical Syntax of the New Testament



Page 7: My Library

Call Author/Editor Title Locationlang.indeur.sp.lex.random Random House Spanish-English

English-Spanish Dictionary1c

lang.indeur.fr.lex.harper Harper Collins French UnabridgedDictionary


lang.indeur.fr.gram.stack Stack, Edward M. Reading French in the Arts and Sciences 1clang.indeur.ger.lex.oxford The Oxford-Duden German Dictionary 1clang.indeur.ger.lex.random The Random House German Dictionary 1clang.indeur.ger.gram.wilson Wilson, April German Quickly: A Grammar for Reading


lang.indeur.yid.gram.weinrich Weinrich, Uriel College Yiddish: An Introduction to theYiddish Language and to Jewish Life andCulture


lang.indeur.eng.lex.american The American Heritage Dictionary of theEnglish Language


lang.indeur.eng.lex.rogets Lewis, Norman The New Roget’s Thesaurus in DictionaryForm


lang.indeur.eng.gram.miller Miller, Joan I., andBruce J. Taylor

The Punctuation Handbook 1c

lang.indeur.eng.style.sbl The SBL Handbook of Style: For AncientNear Eastern, Biblical, and Early ChristianStudies


lang.indeur.eng.style.sheffield Clines, David J. A. The Sheffield Manual for Authors & Editorsin Biblical Studies


lang.indeur.asl.lex.random Random House Webster’s American SignLanguage Dictionary


lit.ne.pritchard Pritchard, James B. The Ancient Near East 1clit.ne.mes.list.sumerian.jacobsen Jacobsen, Thorkild The Sumerian King List jaoslit.ne.mes.let.michalowski Michalowski, Piotr Letters from Early Mesopotamia 1clit.ne.mes.law.roth Roth, Martha T. Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia


lit.ne.mes.law.babylonian.driver Driver, G. R., and JohnC. Miles

The Babylonian Laws: Edited withTranslation and Commentary


lit.ne.mes.wis.lambert Lambert, W. G. Babylonian Wisdom Literature 1e


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.ne.mes.rel.jacobsen Jacobsen, Thorkild The Treasures of Darkness: A History of

Mesopotamian Religion1c

lit.ne.mes.autob.longman Longman, Tremper III Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: AGeneric and Comparative Study


lit.ne.mes.epic.atra-hasis.lambert Lambert, W. G., and A.R. Millard

Atra-hasis: The Babylonian Story of theFlood


lit.ne.mes.epic.gilgamesh.george George, Andrew The Epic of Gilgamesh: The BabylonianEpic Poem and other Texts in Akkadian andSumerian


lit.ne.mes.epic.gilgamesh.heidel Heidel, Alexander The Gilgamesh Epic and Old TestamentParallels


lit.ne.mes.epic.gilgamesh.parpola Parpola, Simo The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh 1dlit.ne.hitt.myths.hoffner Hoffner, Harry A. Hittite Myths (revised edition) 1dlit.ne.osa.insc.jamme Jamme, A. Pieces epigraphiques de heid bin ’aqil la

necropole de timna’ (hagr kohlan)jaos

lit.ne.can.cross Cross, Frank Moore Leaves from an Epigrapher’s Notebook:Collected Papers in Hebrew and WestSemitic Palaeography and Epigraphy


lit.ne.can.smelik Smelik, Klaas A. D. Writings from Ancient Israel: A Handbook ofHistorical and Religious Documents


lit.ne.can.let.letters Moran, William L. The Amarna Letters 1dlit.ne.can.let.studies Moran, William L. Amarna Studies: Collected Writings 1dlit.ne.can.rit.olmo Olmo Lete, G. del Canaanite Religion: According to the

Liturgical Texts of Ugarit1d

lit.ne.can.rit.pardee Pardee, Dennis Ritual and Cult at Ugarit 1dlit.ne.can.narr.parker Parker, Simon B. Ugaritic Narrative Poetry 1dlit.ne.jew.jrnl.huca.58 Hebrew Union College Annual jaoslit.ne.jew.apoc.collins Collins, John J. The Apocalyptic Imagination: An

Introduction to Jewish ApocalypticLiterature


lit.ne.jew.prayer Prayers that Cite Scripture 1dlit.ne.jew.bib.bhl Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia cl-1lit.ne.jew.bib.bhs Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia cl-1lit.ne.jew.bib.bhs.data Vasholz, R. I. Data for the Sigla of the BHS cl-1


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.ne.jew.bib.bhs.scott Scott, William R. A Simplified Guide to BHS cl-1lit.ne.jew.bib.torah.butin Butin, Romain The Ten Nequdoth of the Torah or the

Meaning and Purpose of the ExtraordinaryPoints of the Pentateuch: A Contribution tothe History of Textual Criticism among theAncient Jews


lit.ne.jew.bib.torah.pentateuch The Pentateuch and Haftorahs 1dlit.ne.jew.bib.psalms.ginsburg Ginsburg, C. D. Liber Psalmorum jaoslit.ne.jew.bib.crit.text.barr Barr, James Comparative Philology and the Text of the

Old Testament1d

lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.text.beit-arie Beit-Arie, Malachi Hebrew Codicology jaoslit.ne.jew.bib.crit.text.tov Tov, Emanuel Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible 1dlit.ne.jew.bib.crit.text.wurthwein Wurthwein, Ernst The Text of the Old Testament 1dlit.ne.jew.bib.crit.lit.house House, Paul R. Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old

Testament Literary Criticismjaos

lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.lit.new The New Literary Criticism and the HebrewBible



Rendtorff, Rolf Canon and Theology: Overtures to an OldTestament Theology


lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.lit.ide.clines Clines, David J. A. Interested Parties: The Ideology of Writersand Readers of the Hebrew Bible



Brueggemann, Walter Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony,Dispute, Advocacy


lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.theo.eichrodt Eichrodt, Walther;trans. by J. A. Baker

Theology of the Old Testament 1d

lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.theo.kaiser Kaiser, Walter C. Toward an Old Testament Theology 2alit.ne.jew.bib.crit.theo.ollenburger

Ollenburger, Ben C., etal.

The Flowering of Old Testament Theology 2a


Crenshaw, James L. A Whirlpool of Torment: Israelite Traditionsof God as an Oppressive Presence



Fretheim, Terence E. The Suffering of God: An Old TestamentPerspective



Levenson, Jon D. The Death and Resurrection of the BelovedSon



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.ne.jew.bib.crit.theo.issues.wolff

Wolff, Hans Walter Anthropology of the Old Testament 2a


Hess, Richard S., andDavid Toshio Tsumura

I studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood:Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, andLinguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11


lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.proph.gordon Gordon, Robert P. The Place is Too Small for Us: The IsraeliteProphets in Recent Scholarship


lit.ne.jew.bib.crit.proph.heschel Heschel, Abraham J. The Prophets 2alit.ne.jew.dss.burrows Burrows, Millar The Dead Sea Scrolls 2alit.ne.jew.dss.djd.28 Gropp, Douglas M. Wadi Daliyeh II and Qumran Cave 4 1elit.ne.jew.dss.encyclopedia.1 Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1elit.ne.jew.dss.encyclopedia.2 Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1elit.ne.jew.dss.fitzmyer Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Semitic Background of the New


lit.ne.jew.dss.garciamartinez.1 Garcia Martinez,Florentino, and EibertJ. C. Tigchelaar

The Dead Sea Scrolls: Study Edition 2a

lit.ne.jew.dss.garciamartinez.2 Garcia Martinez,Florentino, and EibertJ. C. Tigchelaar

The Dead Sea Scrolls: Study Edition 2a

lit.ne.jew.dss.manual Fitzmyer, Joseph A.,and Daniel J.Harrington

A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts 2a

lit.ne.jew.dss.enoch.milik Milik, J. T. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments ofQumran Cave 4


lit.ne.jew.dss.genap.fitzmyer Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I:A Commentary


lit.ne.jew.josephus Whiston, William The Works of Josephus: Antiquities of theJews and a History of the Jewish Wars, Etc.


lit.ne.jew.targ.forestell Forestell, J. T. Targumic Traditions and the New Testament 2alit.ne.jew.targ.jon.samuel Martinez Borobio,

EmilianoTargum Jonatan de los Profetas Primeros enTradicion Babilonica (2): I-II Samuel


lit.ne.jew.targ.jon.ezekiel Ribera Florit, Josep Targum Jonatan de los Profetas Posterioresen Tradicion Babilonica: Ezequiel



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.ne.jew.tal.jerusalem The Talmud of Jerusalem 2alit.ne.jew.tal.mishnah Danby, Herbert The Mishnah 2blit.ne.chr.ot.gk.rahlfs Rahlfs, Alfred Septuaginta cl-1lit.ne.chr.ot.gk.crit.text.swete Swete, Henry Barclay,

rev. by Richard RusdenOttley

An Introduction to the Old Testament inGreek


lit.ne.chr.ot.arm.4ezra Stone, Michael E. The Armenian Version of IV Ezra jaoslit.ne.chr.nt.gk.na.27 Novum Testamentum Graece cl-1lit.ne.chr.nt.gk.ubs.4 The Greek New Testament (4th ed.) 2blit.ne.chr.nt.gk.crit.text Aland, Kurt, and

Barbara AlandThe Text of the New Testament 2b

lit.ne.chr.nt.gk.crit.ot.doctrine The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts?Essays on the Use of the Old Testament inthe New


lit.ne.chr.nt.gk.crit.syn.farmer Farmer, William R. New Synoptic Studies: The CambridgeGospel Conference and Beyond


lit.ne.chr.nt.gk.crit.syn.thomas Thomas, Robert L., andStanley N. Gundry

A Harmony of the Gospels (New AmericanStandard Version)


lit.ne.chr.nt.gk.crit.syn.two Bellinzoni, Arthur J. The Two-Source Hypothesis: A CriticalAppraisal


lit.ne.chr.nt.syriac Syriac New Testament and Psalms cl-1lit.ne.isl.qur The Koran 2blit.af.eth.martyrum Acta Martyrum cl-1lit.gk.nt.na.25 Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine 2blit.gk.mod.papadiamandis.1 Papadiamandis,

AlexandrosThe Boundless Garden: Selected ShortStories


lit.wes.eng.ren.renaissance Rollins, Hyder E., andHerschel Baker

The Renaissance in England: Non-dramaticProse and Verse of the Sixteenth Century


lit.wes.eng.ren.later Baker, Herschel The Later Renaissance in England:Nondramatic Verse and Prose, 1600-1660


lit.wes.eng.ren.philosophy Cassirer, Ernst, et al. The Renaissance Philosophy of Man misc-1lit.wes.eng.ren.haydn Haydn, Hiram The Counter-Renaissance misc-1lit.wes.eng.ren.milt.paradise Leonard, John John Milton: Paradise Lost 2b


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.wes.eng.ren.shkspr.norton Greenblatt, Stephen The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the

Oxford Edition2b

lit.wes.eng.ren.shkspr.az Boyce, Charles Shakespeare A to Z: The Essential Referenceto His Plays, His Poems, His Life and Times,and More


lit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.divorce Lewis, C. S. The Great Divorce 2blit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.1 Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A

Story for Children2c

lit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.2 Lewis, C. S. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.3 Lewis, C. S. The Voyage of the ”Dawn Treader” 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.4 Lewis, C. S. The Silver Chair 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.5 Lewis, C. S. The Horse and His Boy 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.6 Lewis, C. S. The Magician’s Nephew 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.narnia.7 Lewis, C. S. The Last Battle 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.pilgrims Lewis, C. S. The Pilgrim’s Regress: An Allegorical

Apology for Christianity Reason andRomanticism


lit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.screwtape Lewis, C. S. The Screwtape Letters 2blit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.space.1 Lewis, C. S. Out of the Silent Planet 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.space.2 Lewis, C. S. Perelandra 2clit.wes.eng.mod.lewis.space.3 Lewis, C. S. That Hideous Strength 2clit.wes.eng.mod.tolkien.hobbit Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit 2clit.wes.eng.mod.tolkien.rings.1 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship of the Ring 2clit.wes.eng.mod.tolkien.rings.2 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Two Towers 2clit.wes.eng.mod.tolkien.rings.3 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Return of the King 2clit.wes.eng.mod.tolkien.silmarillion

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Silmarillion 2c

lit.wes.amer.barth Barth, John The Sot-Weed Factor 2clit.wes.amer.potok.chosen Potok, Chaim The Chosen 2clit.wes.amer.potok.promise Potok, Chaim The Promise 2clit.wes.amer.potok.asher Potok, Chaim My Name is Asher Lev 2clit.wes.amer.potok.davitas Potok, Chaim Davita’s Harp 2clit.wes.amer.potok.lights Potok, Chaim The Book of Lights 2c


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationlit.wes.amer.lds.smith Smith, Joseph The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of

Jesus Christmisc-1


Groening, Matt The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to OurFavorite Family


lit.wes.amer.com.crit.pinsky Pinsky, Mark I. The Gospel According to the Simpsons: TheSpiritual Life of the World’s Most AnimatedFamily


soc.arch.ne.bib.hoerth Hoerth, Alfred J. Archaeology & the Old Testament 2csoc.hist.ne.civilizations.1-2 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East 2csoc.hist.ne.civilizations.3-4 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East 2dsoc.hist.ne.snell Snell, Daniel C. Life in the Ancient Near East 2dsoc.hist.ne.mes.bottero Bottero, Jean Mesopotamia: Writing, Reasoning, and the


soc.hist.ne.mes.briant Briant, Pierre From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of thePersian Empire


soc.hist.ne.mes.vandemieroop Van De Mieroop, Marc Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History 2dsoc.hist.ne.mes.yamauchi Yamauchi, Edwin M. Persia and the Bible 2dsoc.hist.ne.negev.glueck Glueck, Nelson Rivers in the Desert: A History of the Negev misc-1soc.hist.ne.israel.bright Bright, John A History of Israel 2dsoc.hist.ne.israel.davies Davies, Philip R. In Search of ’Ancient Israel’ 2dsoc.hist.ne.israel.finkelstein Finkelstein, Israel, and

Neil Asher SilbermanThe Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s NewVision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of ItsSacred Texts


soc.hist.ne.israel.past Long, V. Philips Israel’s Past in Present Research: Essays onAncient Israelite Historiography


soc.hist.ne.israel.windows Windows into Old Testament History 2dsoc.hist.ne.bib.carter Carter, Charles E., and

Carol L. MeyersCommunity, Identity, and Ideology: SocialScience Approaches to the Hebrew Bible


soc.hist.ne.bib.gottwald Gottwald, Norman K. The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of theReligion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 BCE


soc.hist.ne.bib.mendenhall.tenth Mendenhall, George E. The Tenth Generation: The Origins of theBiblical Tradition


soc.hist.ne.bib.mendenhall.quest The Quest for the Kingdom of God: Studiesin Honor of George E. Mendenhall



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationsoc.hist.ne.bib.merrill Merrill, Eugene H. Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old

Testament Israel2d

soc.hist.ne.bib.meyers Meyers, Carol x 2dsoc.hist.ne.jew.potok Potok, Chaim Wanderings: Chaim Potok’s History of the


soc.hist.ne.jew.sanhedrin.mantel Mantel, Hugo Studies in the History of the Sanhedrin misc-1soc.hist.rus.solzhenitsyn Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

I.The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: AnExperiment in Literary Investigation


soc.hist.eur.schaeffer Schaeffer, Francis A. How Should We Then Live? The Rise andDecline of Western Thought and Culture


soc.hist.eur.chr.cairns Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through the Centuries: AHistory of the Christian Church


soc.hist.eur.chr.early Encyclopedia of Early Christianity cl-1soc.hist.eur.chr.latourette Latourette, Kenneth

ScottA History of Christianity 2e

soc.hist.amer.martin Kauffman, Bill Forgotten Founder, Drunken Prophet: TheLife of Luther Martin


soc.hist.amer.zinn Zinn, Howard A People’s History of the United States 2dsoc.hist.amer.zinn.voices Zinn, Howard, and

Anthony ArnoveVoices of a People’s History of the UnitedStates


soc.hist.amer.chr.noll Noll, Mark A., NathanO. Hatch, and GeorgeM. Marsden

The Search for Christian America 2e

soc.hist.amer.secess.kauffman Kauffman, Bill Bye Bye Miss American Empire:Neighborhood Patriots, Backcountry Rebels,and their Underdog Crusades to RedrawAmerica’s Political Map


soc.rel.mcdowell McDowell, Josh, andDon Stewart

Handbook of Today’s Religions 2e

soc.rel.orth.emmaus.8.4 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.9.1 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationsoc.rel.orth.emmaus.9.2 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of Orthodox

Faith and Culture2e

soc.rel.orth.emmaus.10.1 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.10.2 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.10.3 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.10.4 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.11.1 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.11.2 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.rel.orth.emmaus.11.3 Road to Emmaus: A Journal of OrthodoxFaith and Culture


soc.issues.crapanzano Crapanzano, Vincent Serving the Word: Literalism in Americafrom the Pulpit to the Bench


soc.issues.grant Grant, George Grand Illusions: The Legacy of PlannedParenthood


soc.issues.lewis Lewis, C. S. The Abolition of Man 2esoc.issues.pearse Pearse, Meic Why the Rest Hates the West:

Understanding the Roots of Global RageNee

soc.issues.said Said, Edward W. Orientalism 2esoc.issues.worst Piven, Joshua, and

David BorgenichtThe Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook 2e

sci.bio.evol.johnson Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial misc-1sci.bio.shit.meyer Meyer, Kathleen How to Shit in the Woods 2esci.geo.adk.high Guide to Adirondack Trails: High Peaks


sci.geo.hist.classical Ginn & Company’s Classical Atlas misc-1sci.geo.hist.ne.helsinki Parpola, Simo, and

Michael PorterThe Helsinki Atlas of the Near East in theNeo-Assyrian Period


sci.geo.hist.ne.lev.atlas Atlas of the Bible Lands 2e


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationsci.geo.hist.ne.lev.carta The Carta Bible Atlas cl-1sci.geo.hist.ne.lev.elitzur Elitzur, Yoel Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land:

Preservation and History2e

sci.geo.hist.ne.lev.frank Frank, H. T., and J.Monson

Student Map Manual: Historical Geographyof the Bible Lands


sci.geo.hist.ne.lev.holy.1 The Holy Land Satellite Atlas 2esci.geo.hist.ne.lev.holy.2 The Holy Land Satellite Atlas 2esci.geo.hist.ne.lev.monson Monson, James M. The Land Between: A Regional Study Guide

to the Land of the Bible2e

sci.geo.issues.flood.whitcomb Whitcomb, John C., andHenry M. Morris

The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record andIts Scientific Implications


sci.geo.issues.flood.young Young, Davis A. The Biblical Flood: A Case Study of theChurch’s Response to Extrabiblical Evidence


sci.phys.repair.gladstone Gladstone, Bernard The New York Times New Complete Guideto Home Repair


bib.nkjv The New Scofield Study Bible: New KingJames Version


bib.nrsv The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With theApocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books


bib.nwt New World Translation of the HolyScriptures


bib.freedman Fortunate the Eyes that See: Essays inHonor of David Noel Freedman inCelebration of His Seventieth Birthday


bib.jrnl.cbq.63.3 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.63.4 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.64.1 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.64.2 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.64.3 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.64.4 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.65.1 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.65.2 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.65.3 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbqbib.jrnl.cbq.65.4 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly cbq


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Survey of Contemporary Approaches3a

bib.ot.iwry Biblical and Related Studies Presented toSamuel Iwry


bib.ot.intro.archer Archer, Gleason L. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction 3abib.ot.intro.eissfeldt Eissfeldt, Otto The Old Testament: An Introduction 3abib.ot.intro.harrison Harrison, R. K. Introduction to the Old Testament 3abib.ot.pent.num.comm.harrison Harrison, R. K. Numbers: An Exegetical Commentary 3b


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationbib.ot.pent.deut.comm.driver Driver, S. R. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on


bib.ot.hist.eznh.williamson Williamson, H. G. M. Word Biblical Commentary (v. 16): Ezra,Nehemiah


bib.ot.wis.crenshaw Crenshaw, James L. Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction(Revised and Enlarged)


bib.ot.wis.murphy Murphy, Roland E. The Tree of Life: An Exploration of BiblicalWisdom Literature


bib.ot.wis.job.comm.clines.1 Clines, David J. A. Word Biblical Commentary (v. 17): Job 1-20 3bbib.ot.wis.prov.interp.perry Perry, T. A. Wisdom Literature and the Structure of


bib.ot.wis.prov.interp.schneider Schneider, Theo R. The Sharpening of Wisdom: Old TestamentProverbs in Translation


bib.ot.wis.prov.interp.snell Snell, Daniel C. Twice-Told Proverbs and the Composition ofthe Book of Proverbs


bib.ot.wis.prov.comm.murphy Murphy, Roland E. Word Biblical Commentary (v. 22): Proverbs 3bbib.ot.wis.eccl.interp.peterson Peterson, Trevor The Anticipation of Death as an Incentive

for Productive Life in Eccl 9:10jaos

bib.ot.wis.eccl.interp.wright Wright, Addison G. The Riddle of the Sphinx: The Structure ofthe Book of Qoheleth


bib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.crenshaw Crenshaw, James L. Ecclesiastes: A Commentary 3bbib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.fox Fox, Michael V. A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build

Up: A Rereading of Ecclesiastes3b

bib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.longman Longman, Tremper The Book of Ecclesiastes (NICOT) 3bbib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.murphy Murphy, Roland Word Biblical Commentary (v. 23a):


bib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.perry Perry, T. A. Dialogues with Kohelet: The Book ofEcclesiastes


bib.ot.wis.eccl.comm.seow Seow, Choon-Leong Ecclesiastes: A New Translation withIntroduction and Commentary


bib.ot.proph.comm.keil Keil, C. F. Minor Prophets 3bbib.ot.proph.isa.comm.oswalt.2 Oswalt, John N. The Book of Isaiah (NICOT) 3bbib.ot.proph.dan.comm.collins Collins, John J. Daniel: A Commentary on the Book of



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationbib.ot.proph.dan.comm.driver Driver, S. R. The Book of Daniel With Introduction and



Montgomery, James A. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary onthe Book of Daniel


bib.ot.proph.dan.comm.walvoord Walvoord, John F. Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation 3cbib.nt.interp.fee Fee, Gordon D. New Testament Exegesis jaosbib.nt.interp.grassmick Grassmick, John D. Principles and Practice of Greek Exegesis: A

Classroom Manualjaos

bib.nt.intro.carson Carson, D. A., DouglasJ. Moo, and Leon Morris

An Introduction to the New Testament 3c

bib.nt.gosp.comm.bede.1 Bede the Venerable,trans. by Lawrence T.Martin and David Hurst

Homilies on the Gospels: Advent to Lent 3c

bib.nt.gosp.comm.bede.2 Bede the Venerable,trans. by Lawrence T.Martin and David Hurst

Homilies on the Gospels: Lent to theDedication of the Church


bib.nt.gosp.comm.gregory Hurst, David Forty Gospel Homilies: Gregory the Great 3cbib.nt.gosp.luke.comm.ambrose Ambrose of Milan,

trans. by TheodosiaTomkinson

Exposition of the Holy Gospel According toSaint Luke


bib.nt.acts.comm.accs Martin, Francis Acts (ACCS) 3cbib.nt.acts.comm.bruce Bruce, F. F. Commentary on the Book of Acts (NICNT) 3cbib.nt.paul.interp.hegg Hegg, Tim The Letter Writer: Paul’s Background and

Torah Perspective3c

bib.nt.paul.dict.hawthorne Hawthorne, Gerald F.,Ralph P. Martin, andDaniel G. Reid

Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: ACompendium of Contemporary BiblicalScholarship


bib.nt.paul.rom.comm.fitzmyer Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Romans: A New Translation withIntroduction and Commentary (AB)


bib.nt.paul.rom.comm.moo Moo, Douglas The Epistle to the Romans (NICNT) 3cbib.nt.paul.1cor.comm.fee Fee, Gordon D. The First Epistle to the Corinthians


bib.nt.rev.comm.beale Beale, G. K. The Book of Revelation (NIGTC) 3cbib.nt.rev.comm.thomas.1 Thomas, Robert L. Revelation: An Exegetical Commentary 3d


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for the Priest and Deaconcl-2

liturg.nassar Nassar, Seraphim Divine Prayers and Services of the CatholicOrthodox Church of Christ


liturg.bib.gospel The Orthodox New Testament:Evangelistarion


liturg.bib.psalter A Psalter for Prayer cl-2liturg.pray.daily Orthodox Daily Prayers (OCA) cl-2liturg.dl.chrysostom.aoa Rahal, Joseph The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom


liturg.lent.akathist Papadeas, George The Akathist Hymn cl-2liturg.lent.canon Mathewes-Green,

FredericaFirst Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journeythrough the Canon of St. Andrew


liturg.lent.triodion Mother Mary andKallistos Ware

The Lenten Triodion cl-2

liturg.lent.festal Mother Mary andKallistos Ware

The Festal Menaion cl-2

liturg.nativ.season.1 The Season of Christmas (OCA) cl-2liturg.nativ.season.2 The Season of Christmas: Supplement


liturg.sacr.bapt.schmemann Schmemann, Alexander Of Water & the Spirit: A Liturgical Study ofBaptism


liturg.sacr.euch.schmemann Schmemann, Alexander The Eucharist cl-2pat.npnf.2.9 St. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus cl-2pat.npnf2.11 Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John


pat.damascene.images John of Damascus,trans. by DavidAnderson

On the Divine Images: Three Apologiesagainst Those Who Attack the Divine Images


pat.comm.ot.chrysostom.1 Hill, Robert Charles St. John Chrysostom Old TestamentHomilies: Homilies on Hannah, David andSaul



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationpat.comm.ps.chrysostom.1 Hill, Robert Charles St. John Chrysostom Commentary on the


pat.comm.ps.chrysostom.2 Hill, Robert Charles St. John Chrysostom Commentary on thePsalms


pat.comm.gosp.theophylact.1 Stade, Christopher The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact ofthe Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew


pat.comm.gosp.theophylact.2 Stade, Christopher The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact ofthe Holy Gospel According to St. Mark


pat.comm.gosp.theophylact.3 Stade, Christopher The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact ofthe Holy Gospel According to St. Luke


pat.comm.gosp.theophylact.4 Stade, Christopher The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact ofthe Holy Gospel According to St. John


pat.comm.acts.bede Martin, Lawrence T. The Venerable Bede Commentary on theActs of the Apostles


pat.comm.acts.chrysostom Chrysostom, John Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and theEpistle to the Romans (NPNF)


pat.comm.cath.bede Hurst, David The Commentary on the Seven CatholicEpistles of Bede the Venerable


pat.comm.apoc.averky Taushev, Averky, trans.by Seraphim Rose

The Apocalypse in the Teachings of AncientChristianity


asc.arena Brianchaninov, Ignatius The Arena: An Offering to ContemporaryMonasticism


asc.art Chariton of Valamo The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology cl-2asc.desert.lives Russell, Norman, and

Benedicta WardThe Lives of the Desert Fathers: The historiamonachorum in Aegypto


asc.desert.sayings Ward, Benedicta The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: TheAlphabetical Collection


asc.ephraim Ephraim, Elder Counsels from the Holy Mountain: Selectedfrom the Letters and Homilies of ElderEphraim


asc.exomologetarion Nikodemos the Hagiorite Exomologetarion: A Manual of Confession cl-2asc.holy Postnikov, Gregory A Day of Holy Life, or the Answer to the

Question, How Can I Live a Holy Life?cl-2


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Joseph the Hesychastcl-2

asc.ladder John Climacus The Ladder of Divine Ascent cl-2asc.lausiac Meyer, Robert T. Palladius: The Lausiac History cl-2asc.life.62.2 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.62.4 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.62.5 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.62.6 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.1 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.2 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.3 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.4 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.5 Orthodox Life cl-2asc.life.63.6 Orthodox LIfe cl-2asc.meadow Moschos, John The Spiritual Meadow cl-2asc.optina.1 Sederholm, Clement Elder Leonid of Optina cl-2asc.optina.4 Chetverikov, Sergius Elder Ambrose of Optina cl-2asc.optina.7 Afanasiev, Victor Elder Barsanuphius of Optina cl-2asc.philokalia.1 Nikodimos of the Holy

Mountain and Makariosof Corinth

The Philokalia: The Complete Text 1d

asc.philokalia.2 Nikodimos of the HolyMountain and Makariosof Corinth

The Philokalia: The Complete Text 1d

asc.philokalia.3 Nikodimos of the HolyMountain and Makariosof Corinth

The Philokalia: The Complete Text 1d

asc.philokalia.4 Nikodimos of the HolyMountain and Makariosof Corinth

The Philokalia: The Complete Text 1d

asc.philokalia.writings Theophan the Recluse Writings from the Philokalia: On Prayer ofthe Heart


asc.philokalia.rus.2 Rose, Seraphim Little Russian Philokalia: Abbot Nazarius ofValaam



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Call Author/Editor Title Locationasc.philokalia.rus.4 Rose, Seraphim Little Russian Philokalia: St. Paisius


asc.philokalia.rus.5 Rose, Seraphim Little Russian Philokalia: Saint Theodore ofSanaxar


asc.pilgrim trans. by HelenBacovcin

The Way of a Pilgrim and the PilgrimContinues His Way


asc.seraphim Lazarus, Archimandrite An Extraordinary Peace: St. Seraphim,Flame of Sarov


asc.silouan Sophrony,Archimandrite

Saint Silouan the Athonite cl-2

asc.symeon.2 Symeon the NewTheologian

On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses cl-2

asc.theophan.path Theophan the Recluse The Path to Salvation: A Manual ofSpiritual Transformation


asc.theophan.spiritual Theophan the Recluse The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned toIt


asc.tikhon Tikhon of Zadonsk Journey to Heaven: Counsels on theParticular Duties of Every Christian


asc.transfigured.40.3 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.41.1 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.41.2 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.42.1 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.42.2 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.42.3 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.43.1 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.43.2 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns



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asc.transfigured.44.1 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.44.2 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.transfigured.44.3 Life Transfigured: A Journal of OrthodoxNuns


asc.vessels Middleton, Herman A. Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit: TheLives & Counsels of Contemporary Elders ofGreece


asc.word.246 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.254 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.255 The Orthodox Word Noraasc.word.256 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.257 The Orthodox Word Noraasc.word.258-59 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.260 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.261 The Orthodox Word Noraasc.word.262 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.263 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.264-65 The Orthodox Word Russasc.word.266 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.267 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.268 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.269 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.270-71 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.272 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.273 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.274 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.275 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.276-77 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.278 The Orthodox Word cl-2


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationasc.word.279 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.280 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.281 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.282-83 The Orthodox Word cl-2asc.word.284 The Orthodox Word cl-2theo.hist.berkhof Berkhof, Louis The History of Christian Doctrines 3dtheo.hist.gonzalez.1 Gonzalez, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought 3dtheo.hist.gonzalez.2 Gonzalez, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought 3dtheo.hist.gonzalez.3 Gonzalez, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought 3dtheo.hist.20c.grenz Grenz, Stanley J., and

Roger E. Olson20th Century Theology: God & The Worldin a Transitional Age


theo.orth.azkoul.1 Azkoul, Michael The Teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church cl-2theo.orth.lossky.mystical Lossky, Vladimir The Mystical Theology of the Eastern


theo.orth.lossky.vision Lossky, Vladimir The Vision of God cl-2theo.orth.payton Payton, James R. Light from the Christian East: An

Introduction to the Orthodox TraditionJulie

theo.orth.pomazansky Pomazansky, Michael Orthodox Dogmatic Theology cl-2theo.orth.popovich Popovich, Justin Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ cl-2theo.orth.romanides Romanides, John S. Patristic Theology: The University Lectures cl-2theo.orth.slavophile Khomiakov, Aleksei,

and Ivan KireevskyOn Spiritual Unity: A Slavophile Reader cl-2

theo.orth.staniloae.1 Staniloae, Dumitru The Experience of God cl-2theo.orth.staniloae.2 Staniloae, Dumitru The Experience of God cl-2theo.orth.truth.2 Cleopa of Romania On the Christian Mysteries Noratheo.orth.yevtich Yevtich, Athanasius Christ, the Alpha and Omega cl-2theo.rcc.sungenis Sungenis, Robert A. Not by Faith Alone: The Biblical Evidence

for the Catholic Doctrine of Justification3d

theo.prot.berkhof Berkhof, Louis Systematic Theology: New CombinedEdition


theo.prot.buswell Buswell, James Oliver A Systematic Theology of the ChristianReligion


theo.prot.erickson Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology (First Ed.) 3d


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationtheo.prot.phil.schaeffer Schaeffer, Francis A. Trilogy: The God Who Is There, Escape

from Reason, He is There and He is NotSilent


theo.prot.phil.apol.lewis Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity 3dtheo.prot.the.crenshaw Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do

What is Right? Studies on the Nature ofGod in Tribute to James L. Crenshaw


theo.prot.chr.bloesch Bloesch, Donald G. Jesus Christ: Savior & Lord misc-1theo.prot.chr.mcdowell McDowell, Josh He Walked Among Us: Evidence for the

Historical Jesus3d

theo.prot.chr.moltmann Moltmann, Jurgen The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ asthe Foundation and Criticism of ChrsitianTheology


theo.prot.chr.ot.briggs Briggs, Charles A. Messianic Prophecy: The Prediction of theFulfillment of Redemption through theMessiah


theo.prot.chr.ot.kaiser Kaiser, Walter C. The Messiah in the Old Testament 3etheo.prot.chr.nt.cullmann Cullmann, Oscar The Christology of the New Testament

(revised ed.)3e

theo.prot.chr.nt.dunn Dunn, James D. G. Christology in the Making: A NewTestament Inquiry into the Origins of theDoctrine of the Incarnation


theo.prot.chr.nt.harris Harris, Murray J. Jesus as God: The New Testament Use ofTheos in Reference to Jesus


theo.prot.pneu.edgar Edgar, Thomas R. Satisfied by the Promise of the Spirit:Affirming the Fullness of God’s Provision forSpiritual Living


theo.prot.pneu.fee Fee, Gordon D. God’s Empowering Presence: The HolySpirit in the Letters of Paul


theo.prot.bib.carson Carson, D. A. The Gagging of God: Christianity ConfrontsPluralism


theo.prot.bib.hermeneutics Carson, D. A., and JohnD. Woodbridge

Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon 3e

theo.prot.bib.inerrancy Geisler, Norman L. Inerrancy 3e


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Call Author/Editor Title Locationtheo.prot.bib.lindsell Lindsell, Harold The Battle for the Bible 3etheo.prot.bib.nash Nash, Ronald H. The Word of God and the Mind of Man 3etheo.prot.bib.osborne Osborne, Grant R. The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation3e

theo.prot.bib.pentecost Bartholomew, Craig,Colin Greene, and KarlMoller

After Pentecost: Language & BiblicalInterpretation


theo.prot.bib.scripture Carson, D. A., and JohnD. Woodbridge

Scripture and Truth 3e

theo.prot.bib.thiselton Thiselton, Anthony C. New Horizons in Hermeneutics: The Theoryand Practice of Transforming BiblicalReading


theo.prot.sot.dillow Dillow, Joseph C. The Reign of the Servant Kings: A Study ofEternal Security and the Final Significance ofMan


theo.prot.sot.needham Needham, David C. Birthright: Christian, Do You Know WhoYou Are?


theo.prot.sot.olson Olson, C. Gordon An Inductive Mediate Theology of Salvation:Progressing Beyond Polarized Traditions


theo.prot.sot.shank Shank, Robert Elect in the Son: A Study of the Doctrine ofElection


theo.prot.esch.blaising Blaising, Craig A., andDarrell L . Bock

Progressive Dispensationalism 3e

theo.prot.esch.habermas Habermas, Gary R., andJ. P. Moreland

Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence forImmortality


theo.prot.esch.larkin Larkin, Clarence Dispensational Truth 3etheo.prot.esch.walvoord Walvoord, John F. The Millennial Kingdom: A Basic Text in

Pre-millennial Theologymisc-1

chr.lead.past.spurgeon Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to My Students misc-1chr.lead.past.preach.stott Stott, John R. W. Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching

in the Twentieth Centurymisc-1


Crenshaw, James L. Trembling at the Threshold of a Biblical Text misc-1


Page 28: My Library

Call Author/Editor Title Locationchr.lead.past.couns.collins Collins, Gary R. Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive


chr.lead.past.couns.issues.friesen Friesen, Garry, and J.Robin Maxson

Decision Making & the Will of God: ABiblical Alternative to the Traditional View


chr.lead.past.couns.issues.sande Sande, Ken The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide toResolving Personal Conflict


chr.disc.soc.murray Murray, John Principles of Conduct: Aspects of BiblicalEthics
