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    11. Giblet

    On the site of the Phoenician port of Byblos

    Extensively refortified during the twelfth century

     Ancient defenses were rebuilt as a new curtain wall with square towers and substantial

    two storey keep

    Byblos Castle is a castle in Byblos, Lebanon !t was built by the "rusaders in the #$th

    century fro% indigenous li%estone and the re%ains of &o%an structures 'he finished structure

    was surrounded by a %oat !t belonged to the genoese E%briaco fa%ily, whose %e%bers were

    the Lords of (ibelet )as Byblos was called during *iddle Ages+ aladin captured the town and

    castle in ##-- and dis%antled the walls in ##./ Later, the "rusaders recaptured Byblos and

    rebuilt the fortifications of the castle in ##.0 !n #12., the castle had to fend off an attack

    fro% "ypriot vessels fro% 3a%agusta




    Gubal  was a "anaanite city during the Bron6e Age, at which ti%e it also appears

    as Gubla in the A%arna letters 7uring the !ron Age the city is called Gebal  in Phoenician  and

    appears in the 4ebrew Bible under the na%e Geval  !t was %uch later referred to as Gibelet ,

    during the "rusades 'he city8s "anaanite9Phoenician na%e )GBL, ie Gubal , Gebal , etc+ can

    be derived fro% gb, %eaning :well: or :origin:, and El , the na%e of the supre%e god of Byblos8

    pantheon 'he present;day city is known by the Arabic na%e Jubayl  or Jbeil  , a direct

    descendant of the "anaanite na%e 4owever, the Arabic na%e is %ost likely derived fro% the

    Phoenician word GBL %eaning :boundary:, :district: or :%ountain peak:< in the =garitic

    language GBL can %ean :%ountain:, si%ilarly to Arabic jabal 

    'he Byblos "astle has distinguished historical buildings for neighbors >ear it stand a few

    Egyptian te%ples, Phoenician &oyal >ecropolis and the &o%an a%phitheatre 'hese are

    testa%ent to the varied and rich history of the town of Byblos

    12. Chastel Pelerin, Atlit (Pilgrim’s castle)

    ?as built by the 'e%plars with the help of the 'eutonic knights and of the %any pilgri%s

    to who% it deserves its na%e

    "astle now in ruins, but plan is clearly decernable

    tands upon a peninsula co%%anding the approach to one of the principle passes

    between the coast and the Palestinian interior




    Pèlerin )"astello Pelegrino

    in !talian+, also Atlit

    ortress and Castle

    Pilgrim, is a "rusaderfortress located near Atlit on

    the northern coast of !srael,

    about #1 kilo%etres )-# %i+

    south of 4aifa

    'he @nights 'e%plar  began

    building the fortress in #$#-

    during the 3ifth "rusade

    One of the %aor "rusader

    fortresses, it could support

    up to ,/// troops

    in siege conditions !t was

    conquered by the *a%luks in August #$.#, shortly after the 3all of Acre !t re%ained intact for

    several hundred years, until suffering da%age in the (alilee earthquake of #-10 !n %odern

    ti%es, the castle is part of a training 6one for !sraeli >aval co%%andos !t has been described

    as the 8crowning exa%ple of "rusader %ilitary architecture:

     !est"ar# $ie" o Atlit %ortres

    "onstruction began in early spring #$#- during the period of the %ith Crusa#e by the

    @nights 'e%plar, replacing the earlier castle of Le 7estroit which was situated slightly back fro%

    the coast 'he castle was built on a pro%ontory, with two %ain walls cutting the citadel off fro%

    the land 'he outer wall was approxi%ately #C %etres high and 2 %etres thick, with three square

    towers situated about %etres apart, proecting out by #$ %etres with a level platfor% on the



    roof probably for artillery !n front ran a shallow ditch dug at sea level cut into the bedrock 'he

    inner wall was approxi%ately 1/ %etres high by #$ %etres, with two square towers, the north

    and south each approxi%ately 1 %etres tall As the inner wall was taller than the outer wall,

    defenders were able to shoot at targets over the first wall allowing greater protection fro% return

    fire by the besiegers Part of the design of the castle included a protected harbour on the southside of the pro%ontory !t also had three fresh water wells within its enclosure 'he castle was

    capable of supporting up to /// troops during a siege, as it did in #$$/ 'he settle%ent

    of Atlit developed outside the castle8s outer wall and was later fortified 'he castle8s position

    do%inated the north;south coastal route, and surrounding countryside allowing it to draw

    revenue fro% tolls and rents, going so%e way to pay for the running costs of the castle< as well

    as providing protection for pilgri%s 'he castle probably got its na%e fro% pilgri%s who

    volunteered their labour during its construction

    1&. 'aone

     At the north of (ebel Alawi

    ?as built on a site previously fortified by the (reeks in By6antine fashion

    ?ith a thin outer curtain wall punctuated with shallow rectangular towers and a keep

    co%%anding the %ost valuable part of the curtain






    'he Cita#el o 'alah #*in ) ArabicD Qal'at  Salah al-Din+ is a castle in yria !t is alsoknown as 'a+ne or 'ala#in Castle !t is located 0 k% east of Al;4affah town and 1/ k% east of

    the city of Latakia, in high %ountainous terrain on a ridge between two deep ravines

    and surrounded by forest, the site has been fortified since at least the %id #/th century !n .0C

    the By6antine E%peror ohn ! '6i%iskes captured the site and it re%ained under By6antine

    control until around ##/- Early in the #$th century the 3ranks assu%ed control of the site and itwas part of the newly for%ed "rusader state of the Principality of Antioch 'he "rusaders

    undertook an extensive building progra%%e, giving the castle %uch of its current appearance

    !n ##-- it fell to the forces of aladin after a three;day siege 'he castle was again besieged in

    #$-0, this ti%e both defender and belligerent were *a%luks !n $//2, the castles of Fal8at

    alah El;7in and @rak des "hevaliers was recognised as a ?orld 4eritage ite by -'C 

    'he site is owned by the yrian govern%ent


    'a+ne was built on a ridge so%e 0// %etres )$,1// ft+ long between two deep gorges !t

    guarded the route between Latakia and the city of Antioch 'he spur on which the castle is builtis connected to a plateau in the east 'he By6antines defended the site by building a wall across

    the east side of the ridge 'he walls created an irregular enclosure and were studded with

    flanking towers Adacent to the fortification, at the eastern end of the ridge was a

    settle%ent One of the %ost %agnificent features of the fortress is the $- % deep ditch, which

    was cut into living rock 'he creation of the ditch has been attributed to the By6antines 'his

    ditch, which runs #C2 %eters along the east side, is # to $/ %eters wide and has a lonely $- %

    high needle to support the drawbridge

    'he entrance to the castle is through an entrance on the south side of the fortress On the right

    of the entrance is a tower, a bastion built by the "rusaders 'here is another a few %eters

    further 'here is a cistern for water storage and so%e stables ust next to a %assive keep that

    overlooks the ditch 'his keep has walls of C % thick and it covers an area of nearly $ %G

    3urther on to the north is the gate where the drawbridge used to be Also evident are the

    By6antine citadel, located at the center of the fortress, another large cistern, the "rusader tea

    house, and a "rusader church adoining one of two By6antine chapels

     As for the Arab additions to the fortress they include a %osque, which dates back to

    sultan Falawun, and a palace, which includes baths with courtyards and iwans 'his has been

    slightly restored



    1. 3ra4 o the 3nights

    7escribed by ' E Lawrence as the best preserved and wholly %ost ad%irable castle in

    the world

    !s the eastern a chain of five castles sited so as to secure the 4o%s (ap

    'he plan is co%pletely concentric, having two lines of defence, the inner raparts lying

    lose close to the outer and continuously do%inating the%


    Plan of @rak des "hevaliers fro% (uillau%e &ey Étude sur les monuments de l'architecture

    militaire des croiss en Syrie et dans l'!le de "hy#re )#-0#+ >orth is on the right

    'he inner court seen fro% the south



    4all of the knights, $//.

    ?riting in the early $/th century, 6. . 7a"rence, popularly known as Lawrence of

     Arabia, re%arked that @rak des "hevaliers was :perhaps the best preserved and %ost wholly

    ad%irable castle in the world, Ha castle whichI for%s a fitting co%%entary on any account of the

    "rusading buildings of yria: "astles in Europe provided lordly acco%%odation for their owners

    and were centers of ad%inistration< in the Levant the need for defence was para%ount and was

    reflected in castle design @ennedy suggests that :'he castle scientifically designed as a

    fighting %achine surely reached its apogee in great buildings like *argat and "rac des


    @rak des "hevaliers can be classified both as a spur castle, due to its site, and after the #1th;

    century expansion a fully developed concentric castle !t was si%ilar in si6e and layout to Jadu%

    acob, a "rusader castle built in the late ##0/s *argat has also been cited as @rak des

    "hevaliers8 sister castle'he %ain building %aterial at @rak des "hevaliers was li%estone<

    the ashlar  facing is so fine that the %ortar  is barely noticeable Outside the castle8s entrance

    was a :walled suburb: known as a burgus, no trace of which re%ains 'o the south of the outer

    ward was a triangular  outwork and the "rusaders %ay have intended to build stone walls and

    towers around it !t is unknown how it was defended at the ti%e of the #$0# siege, though it has

    been suggested it was surrounded by a ti%ber palisade outh of the castle the spur on which it

    stands is connected to the next hill, so that siege engines can approach on level ground 'he

    inner defences are strongest at this point, with a cluster of towers connected by a thick wall's_Ford's_Ford's_Ford's_Ford