M My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen. Phil 4:19-20 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Augustine Parish 43 Essex St., Andover, MA www.staugustineparish.org 978-475-0050

My God will fully supply glorious riches in

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Page 1: My God will fully supply glorious riches in

MMy God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in

Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever and ever.

Amen. Phil 4:19-20

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Augustine Parish

43 Essex St., Andover, MA www.staugustineparish.org 978-475-0050

Page 2: My God will fully supply glorious riches in


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

O S ' G …

"In ancient times, when a wedding was announced the actual day and hour were not immediately disclosed. Guests were alerted that they would be invited to a wedding, and that they should stay ready. Likewise, Christ’s first coming announced the wedding feast of the Kingdom, but we do not know the actual day and hour when we will be summoned to it. By continually living in a vital and personal friendship with Christ we stay ready. In ancient times, the host provided his guests with wedding garments as part of the celebration; the man who is at the banquet without one must have refused the host’s gesture of welcome. Likewise, if we neglect our friendship with Christ – if we continue to put our whims and preferences ahead of God’s will, believing without putting our faith into action, we may end up excluded from the banquet. The reality of human freedom, the awful possibility that you or I may reject God’s gracious invitation, should be always in our minds, motivating us to take care of our own life of grace, and spurring us on to summon others to the feast."

Fr John Bartunek, LLC, The Better Part: A Christ-Centered Resource for Personal Prayer

C S The Sacrament of Baptism is being conferred at individual ceremonies where families can gather safely as witnesses to the event. We joyfully welcome into our faith community Charlotte Jean Calabro and Rowan Patrick O'Brien who received the Sacrament of Baptism last weekend. Congratulations to them and their families!

We mourn the passing of and pray for the repose of the souls of Tom Garvey and Mary Barry who have recently passed away.

On Saturday, October 3rd, 100 of our religious education students received the Sacrament of Confirmation. My thanks go to the Most Reverend Robert Hennessey, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, Fr. Peter, Fr. Art, Deacon Lou, Deacon Mike, Joanne Heim, Cheryl Germino, Sr. Madonna, Cynthia Arsenault, Danette Morris, Derek Duquette, catechists, sponsors, parents, families and especially to the students who have worked so hard for two years to be ready for this very special day.

Bridget Rao DRE

Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul continues to serve our neighbors who are in dire need of food by collecting and distributing non-perishable food items including: cereal, peanut butter, white-chunk tuna in water, canned ham, rice in 5 lb. bags, uncooked black beans, low-sugar/low-sodium soup, coffee (in cans), fruit cups. Please leave donations in the designated blue bins in the vestibule/entryway in the back of the church. We thank you for your donations which allow us to serve those in need in our community. Additionally, there are three poor boxes in our church available for any size financial donation all year long. For questions or assistance, we can be reached by mail at: 35 Essex St., Andover or at 978-475-0050, x49.

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Sunday, October 11th, 2020

On October 21, 7-7:30pm

please join us for in-person Eucharistic Adoration as we celebrate

The Year of the Eucharist

Strict Mass protocols will be followed - windows will be open and masks must be worn throughout

the service. This time of prayer will also be filmed and made available on the parish website.

2020 Tootsie Roll (Charity) Drive is ONLINE The Andover Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll drive will be conducted online this year for the safety of all. Nationally, since 1970, the KoC's Annual Campaign has distributed millions of dollars to support people with physical and intellectual disabilities in our community. Locally, the funds collected last year purchased prosthetic and other adaptive equipment required by area children. We ask you to consider making a personal donation at andoverkoc1078.square.site or send a check to Andover 1078 Knights of Columbus with a note “Tootsie” to 10 Brook Street; Andover MA 01810. We thank you for past generosity as the St. Augustine Parish' donations have averaged 20% of our annual $5000+ collection.

Lazarus House in Lawrence has transformed their annual HIKE for HOPE into a 2020 Challenge, a community-focused and virtual event, that allows participants to be physically engaged and socially responsible! This Year’s Virtual Challenge support renovations to the Soup Kitchen, to help meet the needs of the increasing number of guests who find themselves without meals to eat and food to put on the table for their families.

There are 4 different activities in which one can participate during the weekend of October 23-25. Pick challenges that match your experience level

- 5K, Jump, Food or Fund. Do one or all of them and Complete the Challenge! For complete info and to register visit hikeforhope.org.

O C C ...

October 15th, Memorial of St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church - Born in 1515, Teresa of Avila (Spain) entered the Carmelite convent at the age of 16 because her father was convinced that she was an out-of-control teen. Several years later she made the decision to stay permanently. At the time, the Carmelite convent was more of a haven for privileged and rich women than for women truly called to live a holy way of life. For many years, Teresa struggled with obedience and a lack of humility. In her early forties she forced herself to learn to pray and God blessed her with many spiritual delights as a result. She set out to reform the Carmelite Order, founding the Discalced Carmelites. Her books Interior Castle, The Way of Perfection, and her autobiography are spiritual classics.

October 17th, Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr - Ignatius of Antioch became the second Bishop of Antioch around the year 69. In 107, during the persecutions under the brutal Emperor Trajan, Ignatius was sentenced to death for refusing to renounce the Christian faith. He was taken under guard to Rome where he was brutally devoured by wild beasts in a public spectacle. On the way to Rome, while travelling through Asia Minor and Greece, he wrote seven letters of encouragement, instruction, and inspiration to the Christians in those communities. He is credited with being the first to use the term "catholic" to describe the Church.

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St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Monday, October 12th, Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Lk 11:29-32 9am Marty DeFrancisco Tuesday, October 13th, Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 8am Commemoration of deceased benefactors of the Augustinian Order Wednesday, October 14th, Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 8am Bill Gemmell Thursday, October 15th, Memorial of St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 8am Mary Gallagher Verselli and John Gallagher Friday, October 16th, Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 8am Thomas Hoyt Saturday, October 17th, Memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 1:15-23; Lk 12:8-12 Vigil 4pm Charles and Julia Salach Sunday, October 18th, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5; Mt 22:15-21 8am Joyce Internicola 9:30am Donald Hevehan 11:30am Olive Rajaratnam 5:30pm St. Augustine Parish Community

V L - lit for one week for personal devotion Sanctuary Lamp Maria Pazmanyi St. Rita Lamp Souls in Purgatory Blessed Mother Lamp Claude Gallant St. Augustine Lamp Augustinian Vocations Sanctuary Lamp - Friary Chapel Andrew Akakura Altar Bread and Wine

S R M W ...

The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, October 12th.

Mass that day will be at 9 AM.

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Sunday, October 11th, 2020

P rayer for Our Troops Around the World “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the

name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.” We especially remember John Andon, Adam Devine, Joshua Devine, James Gaffney, John Gaffney, Trevor Powers, and Sara Wulff.

We pray for those who are ill and pained in body, heart and mind, especially remembering Lynda Stamboni, Mary Morrissey, Patricia Hurley, Mark Libby, Geraldine D'Amico, Hilda Damiani, Katherine Connolly, Michele Duda, Joan Donohue, William Owens, Tricia Legere, Natalie Aude, Edna Dankens, Jim Stamboni, Betty Andon, Rob Martelluci, Tyler Donahue, Lillian Gallagher, Christian Parker, Matt Stroika, and Jack Gerard. We commend to our Divine

Lord all of our aged people and those residing in nursing homes. If you wish to have the name of a family member added to the prayers for healing, call the parish office at 978-475-0050. If you wish for a family member to be included in the prayers of our Prayer Line, call Patsy Gurry at 978-475-1508.

S M I You may honor a loved one who is deceased, in need of healing, or celebrating a special occasion by scheduling Mass intentions or a Vigil lamp. There are several options by which you may remember a loved one intentionally at St. Augustine:

via a Mass intention an announced Mass Intentions is one that is said at one of our regular weekly Masses at St. Augustine an unannounced Mass Intention may be said at any time by one of our or another priests at a Mass being said anywhere a Spiritual Bouquet through which the individual will be remembered in perpetuity in the prayers and Masses of an Augustinian Friar

through one of the vigil lamps which remain lit for the intention of that individual for one week:

in front of the Tabernacle in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin in front of the statue of St. Rita in front of the statue of St. Augustine in the sanctuary of the Friary Roses for Rita in front of the statue of St. Rita

the Altar Bread and Wine for a week in the General petitions during our weekend Masses

Mass intentions may be scheduled up to one year in advance. Our regular Mass schedule is Monday-Friday at 8 AM, Saturday - 4 PM Vigil and Sunday at 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 5:30 PM. A modest donation is requested at the time the intention is scheduled. Please call the parish office at 978.475.0050 or visit us in the parish office at 35 Essex St. to schedule any of the above. We also have a nice selection of Mass cards.

Page 6: My God will fully supply glorious riches in


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

A Guide to Catholic Voting This article appeared in the news feed of Our Sunday Visitor on May 29, 2016. It is reprinted here with

permission – this is the first of two parts. <OSVNews.com/2016/05/29/a-guide-to-catholic-voting>

“An authentic faith … always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it … . If indeed ‘the just ordering of society and of the state is a central responsibility of politics,’ the Church, ‘cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.'”

— Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, No. 183

For many [faithful] trying to live out their Catholic faith, discerning for whom to vote can be challenging. To help Catholics better form their consciences during this election year, Our Sunday Visitor walks readers through what the Church teaches — and why — regarding our civic responsibility.

Why should I vote? Voting: It is one of our most important responsibilities as citizens. Indeed, the Church teaches (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2240) that there are three primary responsibilities of all citizens:

to pay taxes

to defend their country

to vote

Each of these responsibilities asks us to put the good of society and our fellow citizens above our individual desires and needs. Thus, a primary question we must answer as Catholic voters is whether the needs of the weakest and most defenseless among us are being addressed. In the voting booth, we have a privileged opportunity to contribute to our nation and promote the common good by bringing the values and teachings of our faith to bear on the issues facing our society.

Does the Church tell me whom I should vote for? No. The Church does not tell us whom to vote for when we enter the voting booth. It does not endorse an official list of candidates or tell us which party Catholics should join.

Instead, Catholics are to use their judgment and follow their consciences as they apply the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and the core faith values to the choices they make in the voting booth.

As Catholics, following the challenging path of discipleship, we need to evaluate the issues and candidates in the light of our Catholic faith. Then, we are challenged to live out our faith by getting actively involved — by voting and engaging in other civic activities.

How does my Catholic faith help me to make these choices? We are taught from an early age to form our consciences in the light of our Catholic teaching. “To follow one’s conscience” is often misunderstood as something that allows us to do whatever we want, or as following the “feeling” we have that something is right or wrong.

But our faith teaches us that “conscience is the voice of God resounding in the human heart, revealing the truth to us and calling us to do what is good while shunning what is evil” (from the U.S. bishops’ 2015 document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 17, hereafter referred to as FC).

It is our responsibility as Catholics to form our consciences by developing the virtue of prudence to

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Sunday, October 11th, 2020

discern true good in circumstances and to choose the right means of achieving it by maintaining a willingness and openness to seek what is right through studying Scripture and Church teaching by using our reason to study key issues in light of this teaching, and by prayerfully seeking to understand the will of God.

What about the separation of church and state? Can the Church ask me to vote according to my Catholic principles?

Our nation’s founders sought to “separate church and state” in the sense of prohibiting the establishment of any particular denomination as the official religious body of the nation — not in the sense of forbidding religious organizations to address matters of grave importance to human welfare.

Building upon Scripture and the teachings of Church leaders and saints for centuries, our faith has clear principles for how best to achieve justice, peace and human dignity for all men and women. Moreover, the Catholic moral tradition rests firmly on the natural law binding upon everyone, not just Catholics.

Four key principles

Four principles of Catholic social doctrine are key to making practical judgments to do good and avoid evil in voting:

1. Promoting and defending the dignity of the human person

2. Supporting the family and subsidiarity in local, state and national institutions

3. Working for the common good where human rights are protected and basic responsibilities are met.

4. Acting in solidarity with concern for all as our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and most vulnerable (Faithful Citizenship, Nos. 40-52).

The Divorced and Separated Support Group continues to meet virtually every Thursday at 7 PM. If you are interested in joining, please contact Bob Whirty at [email protected] or 978-360-5222, or Klara P. Vajda at [email protected] or 508-265-3883.

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St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Next week is World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church through material aid. This year, Pope Francis asks us to respond to that call, saying, “Here I Am, Send Me!” To “send” ourselves, we can:

1. PRAY for the Church’s worldwide missionary work

2. OFFER financial HELP and CHARITY through the World Mission Sunday collection for The Society for the Propagation of the Faith for vulnerable communities throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands.

Please make your checks payable to The Propagation of the Faith and drop them in the parish collection containers at Mass or visit: www.propfaithboston.org and click on "Donate Now".

This weekend's special collection supports three causes:

1. the Pope's "Peter's Pence" collection which provides fund for emergency and disaster relief

2. the Catholic University of America which educates priest and lay people for ministry

3. the Inner City Parishes of the Archdiocese of Boston

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

The 35th annual Pregnancy Care Center Banquet is Thursday, October 15th online at 7 PM! Please join us from the comfort of your home to hear about all God is doing in this exciting, new chapter of our ministry! There is no limit for our seating capacity this year, so please spread the word! Thank you for supporting the lives of moms and their families! Register at: pccfriends.org/2020.

Thank you for your generous support of our parish. With many participating in Mass virtually, please remember the offertory. The upkeep of our facilities, the support of our many ministries and the salaries paid to our staff are dependent upon your generous donations to the regular offertory. For your convenience, there are three different ways to donate electronically - please visit our stewardship page for info. Your offertory can also be sent in by mail to St. Augustine Parish, 35 Essex St., Andover, MA 01810 Attn:Offertory.

Offertory 9/27/2020 $11,182

Special Collections Church Video Equipment $100 Church Property Maintenance Fund $101 Offertory and donations via Pay Pal $574 Arch of Boston Clergy Trust $1,102 Pilot $220 SVDP $3,500

Evening of Healing and Intercessory Prayer Tuesday, October 20th, 6 PM at St. Theresa Churc, 63 Winter St., North Reading. Celebrant: Fr. Thomas Reilly. Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass and Sacrament of the Sick.

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Sunday, October 11th, 2020

St. Augustine Parish Community https://staugustineparish.org [email protected] 978-475-0050

Church and Friary at 43 Essex St., Offices at 35 Essex St., Andover, MA 01810 Staff working remotely, please contact us by phone or email

Sacraments Reconciliation - suspended

Baptism - staugustineparish.org/baptisms preparation class - Dan & Jacqueline Fague, 978-

623-0944 Eucharist, Marriage, Sacrament of the Sick,

Funerals - Call the parish office - 978-475-0050 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Adult

Confirmation - staugustineparish.org/rcia, Mark & Mary DeFrancisco, [email protected]

Masses Saturday 4 PM Vigil Mass

Sunday 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:30 PM

Weekdays 8 AM (Monday-Friday) Civil Holidays 9 AM Holy Days TBD Rosary prayed daily at 7:30 AM (except Sundays); Divine Mercy chaplet prayed after daily 8 AM Mass

Bulletin submissions should be sent to [email protected] by Monday at noon.

"One in Mind and Heart, Intent Upon God" ~St. Augustine

St. Augustine Parish in Andover, MA is a welcoming Roman Catholic faith community. United by our Baptismal commitments, and led by the Augustinian Friars, we aspire to embody Christ's continued presence on earth. We strive to enrich ourselves, the parish, and the greater community through worship, evangelization, education, and service. In addition to the sacramental ministry of the church, we are blessed to have a dedicated parish community involved in more than 25 ministries serving the Church and local community in a variety of capacities including faith education for children and adults, spiritual support, social justice, liturgical ministries, and social activities. For a complete list and description of each ministry, including the contact information of the coordinator, please visit our website at https://StAugustineParish.org.

Clergy and Religious Fr. Peter G. Gori, OSA, Pastor, x35

Fr. Arthur D. Johnson, OSA, x32 Fr. Edward J. Enright, OSA, In Residence, x18 Fr. Kevin Dwyer, OSA, Retired, In Residence

Dcn. Michael Curren, Deacon, x46 Dcn. Louis Piazza, Deacon, x43

Sr. Madonna Kling, CDP, Pastoral Associate, x36

Parish Staff Cynthia Arsenault, Director of Music, x34 Patty Ehlbeck, Administrative Assistant,

Cemetery, x10 Karen Miller, Business Manager, 978 474-4201

Danette Morris, Communications Associate, x26 Debbie Street, Wedding Planner

Derek Duquette, Property Manager, x24

To receive our regular parish e-newsletter, visit www.staugustineparish.org and click on the link at the

bottom of the page.

Like us on facebook:facebook.com/staugustineparish Follow us on Instagram @staugustineparish

Religious Education Bridget Rao, DRE, Confirmation & grades 1-2, 7-8,

x28 Cheryl Germino, grades 3-6, x31

Joanne Heim, Administrative Assistant, x38

St Augustine School www.staugustineandover.org

26 Central St, Andover, 978 475-2414 Mark Daley, Principal, x11

Page 10: My God will fully supply glorious riches in

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Augustine, Andover, MA 892

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