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My evidence week 4 (2)

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NEWS:Jessica and John Reunite in New YorkAngelina Jolie: I have nothing to hide

Eva Longaria puts housewives before honeymoon

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Jessica and John Reunite in New YorkMONDAY MAY 21, 2007 05:15 PM EDTMayer and Simpson Photo by: Kevin Mazur / WireImageJessica Simpson and John

Mayer have gotten together again.

The off-and-on couple reunited in New York City on Sunday night, sources close to the situation tell PEOPLE.

"They saw each other last night. I have no idea what will happen with them tomorrow," says one source. "I don't think they're sure. All I know is that they like each other and saw each other. Everyone's waiting to see what's going to happen."

A source close to Simpson chalks up the couple's recent break to the usual romantic ups and downs.

"They're in a normal relationship," says the source. "This happens with relationships sometimes."

Adds the source: "They went on a date last night. They had a great time. They had dinner."

On Friday, multiple people familiar with the couple confirmed that Mayer and Simpson had split up – but predicted that it would be a temporary break.

One friend said last week that the pair had "been emailing and talking to each other" since Simpson went to the Cannes Film Festival in France last Wednesday, adding: "I'm sure they'll get back together."

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Gotten: conseguir,obtener,adquirir

Chalks: escribir con tizaPredicted: pronosticar,predecirSure: por supuesto, claro

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Angelina Jolie: I have nothing to hideBy Stephen M. Silverman

Jolie in Cannes Photo by: Jean Baptiste Lacroix / WireImageWhen it comes to her life, Angelina Jolie is an open book.

"There's nothing I have to hide or defend," the actress, 31, tells Ann Curry for an interview scheduled to run Wednesday on both the Today show and Dateline NBC.

"I'm gonna live my life," Jolie continues. "There are gonna be times when people wanna try to attack me and I don't know why, but they will. And that's okay. ... There are other things I'm more concerned about. My kids are healthy. I have a lot I want to do in this world. ...I wanna do a lot of things as a woman, as a mom, and – and that's my focus."

When it comes to herself, "I have always been honest about who I am, and I've always been very outspoken to press," says Jolie. "I think people have heard a lot from me over the years. ...[If] people wanna believe negative things, they will. ... I can't help that.

"At the end of the day," she continues, "I'm gonna be dead one day. And what people say about me is gonna be what I accomplished and what I did in my life and how my children are."

This week, one of Jolie's accomplishments is her role in the new film A Mighty Heart, in which she plays Mariane Pearl, widow of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was killed by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002. The film was produced by Jolie's partner, Brad Pitt.

When Jolie first met Mariane, the actress was pregnant with her baby daughter Shiloh, who turns 1 on Sunday.

Recalling the meeting with Pearl, Jolie remembers wondering, "God, how ... is this woman physically dealing with trying to maintain her strength and take care of this baby that's inside of her, working so hard and ... having so much emotional stress?

Jolie says she thought it would be easy play someone she knows, but it "haunted" her. "The day before we started shooting, I hardly slept and I was in a panic," says Jolie. "I had gotten to know her, and I'd gotten to know their son. And the thought that he would see this one day. It was my responsibility to not just show the world but also show him how much his mother loved his father and how much they loved each other and how they handled this time."

Jolie and Pitt showed the film on Monday at the Cannes Film Festival in France.

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Actress: actrizOutspoken: franco, directoAccomplished: efectuar, realizar,lograr

Killed: acabar con, poner fin a Maintain: mantener, dar mantenimiento

Haunted: frecuentar, rondar, perseguir, obsesionar

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Eva Longoria Puts Housewives Before Honeymoon

• MONDAY MAY 21, 2007 01:25 PM EDT By Phil Boucher Paris may be the most romantic city in the world, but Eva Longoria will not be lingering in the

shadow of the Eiffel Tower after her wedding.

The Desperate Housewives star, 32, is due to wed fiance Tony Parker in the French capital on July 7. But she says, "I'm heading home right after the wedding."

Speaking to PEOPLE at the "Spike for Hope" Celebrity Volleyball Match in Hermosa Beach, Calif., Longoria says, "We start shooting July 9."

More than 200 guests are expected to attend the wedding, which is rumored to take place at the ancient St. Germain L'Auxerrois, known as the "Parish of Kings" because of its historic ties to French royalty.

Longoria visited the church earlier this month. In January, she spent four days in France working out other details of the nuptials with Parker's mother, Pamela Firestone.

It's also been a hectic lead-up to the big day with co-stars Felicity Huffman and Teri Hatcher throwing her two separate wedding showers.

But one thing Longoria does have time for is the PADRES Contra El Cancer (translated: Parents Against Cancer), for which Spike For Hope raised funds. Longoria is a national spokesperson for the charity – but is she a volleyball player?

"No, I'm not," Longoria confessed to PEOPLE. "Tony is, but that's because he's 6'3". He was like, 'Babe, you better not stink.' I like any sport. I'm not a volleyball player, per se, but I'm definitely a competitive person."

At the charity event she hit the court wearing a black muscle shirt with "Longoria" spelled out on the back and took the first serve on the aptly named "Team Gorgeous".

Alas, the results weren't so beautiful: 'Team Gorgeous" eventually lost to "The Dream Team," 16 to 21.

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Most: muchosLingering: quedarse, entretenerseShadow: ensombrecer, seguir de cerca

Stink: apestar, oler malCharity: caridad, limosna, benéfica

Aptly: acertadamente

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Katherine Heigl Forgives Isaiah

Washington MONDAY MAY 21, 2007 03:40 PM EDTBy Stephen M. Silverman.Katherine Heigl says that despite her differences with Grey's Anatomy costar Isaiah Washington, who used a homophobic slur to refer to fellow costar T.R Knight earlier this year, she has forgiven him.

"I know that he was very ashamed and that was a necessary emotion to move forward and not backward," the actress, 28, tells USA Today of Washington. "His attitude and behavior and thought process needed to change, and the only way to do that is to be self-aware and honest. And I think he was. I have forgiven."

Of the entire incident, she says, "I was ultimately grateful that it opened up a dialogue. To me, I wasn't making a political stand. I was making a stand about hurting people's feelings. It's very simple in my mind. You do not actively seek to hurt other people's feelings. I don't care what their sexual orientation, race or gender. You don't do that."

In the larger scheme of things, she says, "Enough with the Michael Richards. Enough with the Mel Gibson. Enough with this. It's disgusting. The world is still very bigoted. Go see Borat. I didn't laugh during that movie. I cried. I was horrified."

Such a perspective was formed during a maturation process, she says, explaining, "I grew up a lot in the last five years."

After a year of dating musician Josh Kelly, the two became engaged last June. "My engagement was a very altering moment, going from feeling footloose and fancy-free to 'This is huge. This isn't just dating. This is my future husband.' I'm ready for something like this now.

Despite that, when asked if her wedding is all planned (no date has been announced), she replies, "Not yet. Isn't that depressing? I think we're trying to get our acts together and try to do this sooner rather than later. But it requires so much planning and thought if you want to have the kind of wedding I want to have."

One thing that is on the calendar, however, are kids. "I've always planned to adopt anyway, but [becoming engaged] definitely reinforced my want to. I'm done with the whole idea of having my own children. [It] doesn't seem like any fun. I don't think it's necessary to go through all of that."

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• Despite: apesar de, aún con• Refer: remitir, enviar• Fellow: compañer@, soci@,tip@• Hurting: hacer daño a, herir, lastimar

• Scheme: intrigar, conspirar

• Bigoted: prejuiciado fanatico

• Maturating: moderar, tempera

• Footloose: libre y sin compromiso

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