My Body of Knowledge 1

My Body Of Knowledge · Introduction Your Health in the Balance Welcome to My Body of Knowledge. This book is design to provide you with key insights as to how YOUR body is working

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My Body of Knowledge1


Acting in Accordance with Senate Bill 577, let this statement lawfully acknowledge that all content, services, products, interactions & communications presented here and exchanged our listed practitioners in no way involves any of the following

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Further, all advertisement of services  are lawful under Section 2051, 2052, or 2053 and we hereby disclose in our advertisement that no practitioner is practicing under licensed permission by the state as a healing arts practitioner.  Certifications obtained by our practitioners and possessed state licenses possessed by our practitioners are officially outside the scope of the alternative methods advertised here.

Further, in accordance with SECTION 3. Section 2053.6, added to the Business and Professions Code:We hereby disclose to all clients:A) That we are not licensed physicians.(B) That the treatment we provide is alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state.(C) That our services to be provided are not licensed by the state.(D) The nature of the services to be provided are detailed throughout this site (see homepage and description of Bioterrain Auditing) and must be read prior to your usage of our services.(E) The theory of treatment upon which the services are also detailed on this site and will be further detailed via your registration with The Coalition for Health Education prior to receiving our services.(F) Our educational, training, experience, and other qualifications regarding the services are provided on the Staff/Contact page of this site: www.biofitpro.com(2) Obtain a written acknowledgement from the client stating that he or she has been provided with the information described in paragraph (1). The client shall be provided with a copy of the written acknowledgement, which shall be maintained by the person providing the service for three years.(b) The information required by subdivision (a) shall be provided in plain language that the client can understand.  If any client seeks further clarification of our services provided the can request more information by contacting us and will receive adequate clarification in a response. (c) Nothing in this section is in any way aimed at: (1) Affecting the scope of practice of licensed physicians and surgeons.Or(2) Limiting the right of any person to seek relief for negligence or any other civil remedy against a person providing services subject to the requirements of this section.



Introduction 4Your Health in the Balance

Chapter 1 7Digestion

Chapter 2 14Electrolyte Balance

Chapter 3 21Anabolic / Catabolic Balance

Chapter 4 28Energy Production

Chapter 5 36Autonomic Nervous System Function

Chapter 6 40Dynamic pH Balance

Chapter 7 46Blood Type Factors & Allergies/Sensitivities

Chapter 8 47Water

Chapter 9 54Body Alignment


Self Tests 58Recommended Food Charts (Fast & Slow Oxidizers) 60Terrain Specific Supplements 61HCL Protocol 63Beet Flow Flush 65Bio-Terrain Assessment Overview 66Zeta-Dietary Laws 67Ideal Zones for Self Test Chemistry 68Self Test Tracking Data Sheet 69pH Balancing Chart 70The Coalition For Health Education 71Recommended Resources 72Recommended Reading 73



Your Health in the Balance

Welcome to My Body of Knowledge. This book is design to provide you with key insights as to how YOUR body is working and what it needs nutritionally and from an exercise program to be balanced, energetic, fit and healthy for a lifetime.

You will discover the following:* Why there will never be a perfect diet for Everybody, but there is a perfect diet for Each body.* How to assess your body’s personal needs and make changes in your lifestyle and diet to

create perfect balance and optimal health.* Key points of balance in the body, their significance and effective strategies to support your

body’s physiology.

You will be provided with the following:*Insightful charts to understand your body’s ideal ranges within key points of balance*Useful progress charts to record your body’s chemistry and track your progress as you implement changes.*Action plans, meal plans, recipes, nutritional supplement recommendations & even workouts you can use to effectively apply all the insights you’ll gain as you read through My Body Of Knowledge. *Links to even more dynamic support systems online, including: access to our super fancy client support platform (The Coalition for Health Education), workout videos, holistic nutritional supplements, superfood resources & more.

Most importantly... We hope to provide you with a holistic approach to health: one that seeks to work intelligently with the body’s natural design. As such, we advocate taking less of a dictator’s approach to health (less of trying to force it behave through harsh, drug based commands) and more of an organic farmer’s approach to health (one that tends to “bio-terrain” and provides ideal circumstances and nourishment for the cells and systems of your body to thrive naturally.)

In some unfortunate ways modern medicine parallels modern agriculture. Modern agriculture makes heavy use of harsh chemicals and lab engineered genetic modifications to force crops to produce high yields despite poor soil conditions like pollution and demineralization of the soil itself. Similarly, modern “healthcare” often opts to infuse people with all sorts of synthetic concoctions in order to keep us ticking, but blatantly neglects to address the crumbling foundation of health - our food, water & air supply.

While that can be a bleak sob story that bums most people out and hastens others to anger and/or apathy, I invite you instead to be excited by the discoveries made by the greatest minds in health science who saw these modern perils coming and have empowered us with many gems of insight and opportunity to regain our health through intelligent, natural means of sound nutrition and deep understanding of our nature as living organisms. Thanks to the contribution of such great minds, whom we will discuss at some length in this text, we have great opportunity to rediscover balance and restore health within our bodies. And once you do restore health and balance for and within your own body, you may find yourself inspired to go further and be an advocate for greater self care for our species and planet as a whole. Certain benevolent movements, such as bio-dynamic farming, permaculture and the Green Movement all have much to offer and the more we delve into the rich rewards they provide, the greater health, and consequent higher quality of life, we will all get to enjoy.


Content Overview

To give you an idea of what we’ll be presenting in this guidebook, i’d like to go over a few main things here. You’re about to learn about very important, often overlooked, points of balance in the body. These points of balance are essential points of “homeostasis” - that is, set points in the body where your body is constantly regulating itself to stay within healthy range. A set point most of us are very familiar with is body temperature. The normal, average temperature of the human body is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The body is constantly responding to the environments temperature to regulate itself and stay close to that average temperature. If it lets itself get too hot or too cold big problems ensue.

Of important note is that points of homeostasis, such as body temperature, are not absolute “constants”. They are “averages” - meaning that, ideally, each individual’s body keeps itself around 98.6 degrees - but not constantly exactly at 98.6 degrees. There is an ideal fluctuation in body temperature where our bodies naturally run warmer at certain parts of the day and night, while they ideally run cooler at other parts of the day and night. It turns out that many, many health problems arise when we our bodies get stuck on one side or the other of these points of balance.

And we’re not talking just about body temperature here. There are multiple points of homeostasis, some lesser known than others, that our body really needs to ebb and flow around, within ideal ranges. For example, our bodies are designed to run a bit more acidic overall in the a.m. and should shift to being, overall, more alkaline in the p.m. - not way, way acidic in the morning and super alkaline in the evening - but within a healthy range, this natural ebb and flow should occur. It has been discovered that, when the flow is lacking - for example, if a person stays too alkaline all day and night, or stays too acidic all day and night - then all sorts of problems arise: metabolic dysfunction, accelerated cellular breakdown, fungal, bacterial and or viral problems, different pain patterns, insomnia, etc. - a multitude of potential health problems arise.

So, in this guidebook, we’re going to learn about some of these most important points of balance, or stasis, and we’ll learn how to use nutrition to support our bodies natural ebb and flow within ideal ranges of these points of stasis. You will learn the significance of each of these points of stasis, what the ideal ranges are, how to monitor your own body’s chemistry in respect to these points and how to use different foods, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nutritional supplements, exercise and other holistic means to restore and maintain balance within yourself. Ultimately, we hope this information provides you with a profoundly personal health education as you learn to monitor your own physiology and watch the lifestyle and dietary choices you make have a positive, intelligent impact on your body. Our hope is that this book helps you to greatly improve your health in the here and now, but further, that it gives you the knowledge and tools you need to know how to keep yourself healthy for a lifetime.

This approach to health is not a simple, one-size-fits-all-quick-fix -it-so-you-can-get-on-things pop culture medication approach. Nope. Sorry. Its going to take some effort to learn all these important things about your body, and at first it may seem like a lot and not all make sense. Additionally, it may take some time and effort to get your body’s systems working effectively; but, like most worthwhile ventures, the effort you will put in will pay off with great reward and make it all worthwhile. Think of it like learning to drive a car or fly a plane - its more complicated than walking for sure, but oh, the places you can go once you figure it out are well worth the time, effort and expense of going through the learning curve.

Welcome to your Body Of Knowledge...


Foreshadow of Most Significant Content:

In what’s to come we will be discussing the primary points of stasis within the body and will often mention ways that you can monitor these points with self tests you can do at home. We will also be mentioning further testing that requires the assistance of a qualified bio-terrain technician, a.k.a. Flow Systems Auditor. Bio-terrain Assessment (B.T.A.), a.k.a. Flow Systems Auditing,   is a comprehensive assessment of one's personal physiological state.   Diverse, dynamic measurements of various body fluids (urine, blood & saliva) are used to create data that point toward instances of balance and imbalance in the individual being assessed.  This  data provides the practitioner (Bioterrain Technician) with precise information and profound insight as to what exactly the client needs, from a biochemical standpoint, to improve their health. Practically, Bioterrain Auditing is a comprehensive system that utilizes various tests on urine, saliva & blood to determine an individual's biological individualization. Biological Individualization is essentially an assessment of where a client's personal physiology sits in relation to ideal ranges of critically important homeostatic control set points of the body.   (See www.biofitpro.com for more information about Bio-terrain Assessment.)

These primary points of homeostasis that we will concern ourselves with in this text will be elaborated upon in greater detail throughout the following chapters, each being highlighted in due turn. There is a hierarchy to the points of balance as far as which points are most important to less important, but they all influence each other in dynamic and complex ways. To introduce them in sequence of most significant to least, they are as follows:

Point 1: Electrolyte Balance - Imbalances: Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte Deficient

Point 2: Cell Membrane PhysiologyImbalances: Anabolic / Catabolic

Point 3: Energy ProductionImbalances: Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast Oxidizer

Point 4: Autonomic Nervous System OrientationImbalances: Sympathetic Nervous System hyperactivity / Parasympathetic Nervous System hyperactivity

Point 5: pH BalanceImbalances: Alkaline / Acid

Additionally, all of these points of stasis can only be maintained sustainably when digestion is working correctly. Digestion is literally the root system of the body and the foundation of health. When an individual encounters a chronic health issue, it is usually the case that digestion went wrong long, long before other disease systems every started to manifest. As such, correcting digestion is usually the most significant and essential work that needs to be done if an individual is ever going to truly regain their health & vitality. For this reason, we will begin our work here by addressing digestion; specifically, we will talk about how digestion is suppose to work and what to do to assess your own digestion, then troubleshoot the process in case anything in your digestive system needs a little help.


Chapter 1


Ideally, the stages of digestion work like this: 1. Food is chewed in the mouth where enzymes from saliva begin breaking down carbohydrates

and food is masticated into very small pieces. 2. You swallow and stomach acid and other enzymes begin to breakdown proteins into amino

acids and kill the mass majority of germs (bacteria, fungus, parasites, viral forms and other mycotoxic microorganisms that were present in the food).

3. This acidic food sludge then passes through the stomach into the duodenum, where bile is secreted through the biliary pathway (from the liver & gall bladder). Bile is literally an alkaline soap that emulsifies (breaks down) fats and neutralizes the acidic food sludge.Pancreatic Enzymes then penetrate the emulsified fats and break them down into bio-available lipids. Since bile is strongly alkaline and the food coming from the stomach has (ideally) been made strongly acidic, when the two meet there is a powerful chemical reaction, a literal “sizzle”, where the real energy of the food, in the form of anions (negatively charged ions & electrons) are released from the food matter. This is the electric energy your body runs on. Without this chemical reaction, you don’t receive much energy from food, which explains why, if your digestion is off, you may feel tired most of the time.

4. As the food then passes through the intestinal track bile, enzymes, digestive flora and the cells of the intestinal wall continue to work on the food matter, extracting minerals and absorbing further nutrition from the food till it has been, ideally, fully utilized. through smooth muscle contraction (called peristalsis) this food matter is then passed through intestinal track, into the colon and then excreted through the rectum.

Within this complex, dynamic process there are many places where things can go wrong. We will now review the most common problems, explain how to detect them, and suggest holistic means that may come in handy to correct specific digestive problems. We will recount the path of food as it goes through the above described process and note all the different things that need to come into place to complete the process. Where these contingencies sometimes fall short, we will note the usual culprit causes and generally recommended solutions to problem solve that part of the process.


Digestive Review with Troubleshooting Notes

Stage 1: (Mouth) Food is chewed in the mouth where enzymes from saliva begin breaking down carbohydrates and food is masticated into very small pieces...

Potential breakdowns:

Digestive Enzyme Insufficiency: All living foods are intended to contain enzymes that actually help you digest food better. But with today's despicable farming methods, even many raw foods do not contain the needed enzymes to correctly digest those foods. On top of that, anytime food is processed or heated over 118 degrees (pretty much anytime you cook food), the enzymes are killed and you will not get the full benefit from that food. In order to fully break down the food you eat, you can supplement enzymes with your food. As we age, the body’s stockpile of usable enzymes diminishes. Anyone over 30 should be supplementing enzymes with their food. If we don’t supply our body with the enzymes it needs, our body steals enzymes intended for repair processes and turns them into digestive enzymes, leaving less repair-enzymes for their intended use. With some imbalances, TOO MANY enzymes can facilitate deterioration. So, we want to take just enough to help us digest our food. Some enzyme companies promote taking unlimited enzymes but that is not recommended for some imbalances.

Recommendation: 2-5 caps. Omnizyme or 2-5 caps. Digesti-zyme with each meal. (See appendix for supplement description.)

Oral Bacterial Infection: Our mouth can really be a breeding ground for bacteria if we have dental issues because there really isn't much in our mouth that can kill bacteria. The acid in our stomach usually takes care of that for us. Many people that are really not healthy for long periods of time can often have bad dental work that allows bacteria to grow in the holes and pockets in the gums that aren't intended to be there. Then, the toxins (waste) that come from this bacteria end up being swallowed by the person and put into the body.

In the process of Bio-terrain Testing, we use chemical reagents to detect levels of ammonia and nitrate in body fluids, including saliva. The saliva no3 (saliva nitrate level) (a measurement used to determine protein utilization) test results for you showed to be very high, which can often indicate a high level of bacteria waste. This is common if bacteria are living in pockets created by bad dental work. A good biological dentist can often help in these situations. In general tooth decay, gum disease and pain will be blazingly clear sign of oral infection, but having a bio-terrain test identify early signs of infection can provide insight that can be used to prevent these problems from ever manifesting in the first place.

Detecting Oral Infection: Spit Test: Before going to bed, place a clear glass full of water on your bathroom counter or wherever you go first thing in the morning when you wake up. This will help remind you to do this test when you see the glass so you don’t brush your teeth first. Make sure the glass is see-through so you can see what’s going on inside. Immediately upon waking, swallow the saliva in your mouth and bring up some new saliva. Let it drop gently into the glass on top of the water. Now watch what happens. You’re looking to see if the saliva floats on top of the water or if it starts to string down into the water. Watch for 30 seconds or so. If it strings down, notice how quickly it happened. If it strings down a lot than can be sign of infection.

Saliva pH test: Use pH test strip paper to monitor your saliva pH. Check what your saliva pH is 2-3 hours after meals. Don’t drink or eat anything anytime near the pH test and be sure to


look at the test paper color quickly because the saliva pH will keep going up the longer it is exposed to open air. Note the first color shade the paper turns to the first 2-3 seconds after wetting it with your spit. Ideally, your saliva pH is at or near 6.8. (You can purchase pH test paper at Whole Foods Market or online at www.naturalreference.com) If your saliva pH is too much lower or much higher than this, please refer to the pH Balancing Chart in the Appendix and use the foods or supplements recommended there to push your saliva pH in the right direction.

Significance of Saliva pH: If your saliva pH is too high, it may be an indication of excess alkalinity in your system and could tend your digestion towards constipation. Acid speeds food through your digestive system, while alkalinity slows it. We want, as in most things, a healthy balance of acid/alkalinity. The generally healthy saliva pH range is 6.5-7.0. Too low of a saliva pH may indicate insufficient alkaline buffers which could prevent your body from manufacturing enough bile, which is a problem later down the line in digestion, as well as a systemic chemical imbalance which can greatly throw off body chemistry in general.____________________________________________________________________________

Stage 2: (Stomach) You swallow and stomach acid and other enzymes begin to breakdown proteins into amino acids and kill the mass majority of germs (bacteria, fungus, parasites, viral forms and other mycotoxic microorganisms that were present in the food).

Potential Breakdowns:

Insufficient Hydrochloric Acid ProductionYou may detect this imbalance if you observe that you often feel bloated soon after eating, if you burp often, or if you experience acid reflux. Bacteria in your stomach create the gas that makes you burp or bloat (carbonation can also cause an individual to burp). If bacteria are alive in your stomach that means that the pH of your stomach is not acidic enough. (Below a pH of 4.5, most bacteria stop replicating.)

The real trouble with this is that you don’t really break down amino acids and truly assimilate the food you’re eating until your stomach acid is below 3. If you can’t break down amino acids and pull the minerals out of your food, you will have a low mineral identity - often low blood pressure and this can affect your energy and even cause depression and other symptoms. Beyond that, much of the food (or junk) that we put in our mouth that doesn’t get properly digested becomes a problem that your body now has to deal with. When it has too much to deal with, it will store junk in fat cells until it can get back to clear it out.1

Acid Reflux“The marketing surrounding this issue may be more misleading than just about any other current health issue at hand. Heartburn and reflux medications are literally a billion dollar industry on their own, so it’s understandable. First of all, there are a few different causes of reflux, but very few, if any, are actually caused by too much acid like advertisers explain when marketing their products. At the bottom of your esophagus, there is a little valve called an LES, or lower esophageal sphincter. This valve opens to let food enter the stomach and then it closes, so that the food doesn’t go back up our esophagus and burn us. Sometimes, people will have a small hiatal hernia where part of the stomach is pulled up into the diaphragm; this


1 This paragraph’s text and many other snippets in this guidebook are excerpts from the Coalition for Health Education and the author’s thereof. As such, I would like to credit author Tony Hale and Biomedx with honorary co-author titles of this text. That is not to make them responsible or liable for any of the information herein, nor to link any potential errors in this text to them, but rather, to give them due credit for their insightful observations and literary contributions to the field of health science.

can keep that valve from closing and can result in an acid reflux problem. The most common cause is this: the LES is actually HCL (stomach acid) sensitive, meaning that when the stomach makes enough HCL, it activates that valve to close, so digesting food doesn’t reflux back up. The problem is that a body that doesn’t have all the mineral that it requires can’t produce enough HCL in the stomach to trigger the valve, so we get reflux. We’re not having reflux because of too much acid; we’re having reflux because of not enough acid.

Pharmaceutical companies sell us drugs that turn the acid off, so that when we experience reflux, we can't feel the burning and we assume the symptom is gone. The problem with that is two fold: first, the stomach also contains digestive enzymes that can come back up with our reflux. These digestive enzymes are made to break down protein. What is our esophagus made of? Yes, protein. Therefore, using these drugs stops the burning sensation, but it doesn’t stop the damage the reflux can cause. Another thing these drugs stop is digestion. There’s a reason your stomach makes acid but they still tell you it’s a good idea to turn that process off. Remember, bile is one half of the critical digestive process, but acid is the other half; you have to have both parts working correctly to pull the mineral out of the food. Without it, issues like depression, insomnia, low energy and more, are often experienced. Not only are the proton-pump, inhibitor-type drugs another punch in the mouth to your liver, they also turn off your digestion, so that any food you eat not only doesn’t nourish your body, but also creates another problem that your body has to either try to remove, or store it in fat cells. Pretty good little pill, huh? To reduce reflux, 9 out of 10 reflux sufferers can actually increase the amount of stomach acid they have and that will trigger the LES to close so they no longer experience reflux. This also allows the body to fully break down its food, pull out the minerals and then use those minerals to make the proper amount of stomach acid.”

Low Nitrogen Leading to Low PotassiumThis is a serious problem that greatly impacts the body’s ability to self regulate. Your body cannot create bile without the use of potassium. It can’t use potassium without available nitrogen. It doesn’t have sufficient available nitrogen if stomach acid is not effectively breaking down protein into amino acids. So, as a chain reaction, if your stomach acid isn’t strong enough, you will eventually stop being able to manufacture bile due to an inability to use the potassium in your system. This means that you will not be digesting proteins OR fats well and that your body’s energy production and waste elimination are really going to suffer.

Self MonitoringAsk yourself: Do you often experience burping or bloating after meals? Do you see undigested food in your stool? Do you experience acid reflux? Do you have low blood pressure?

Further TestingIn a full bio-terrain assessment, we run further testing that requires special equipment and solid understanding of the significance of esoteric bio-chemistry markers, such as rH2, ORP, NO3 and NH4 levels, in addition to noting urine & saliva pH, blood pressure and reported symptoms.

RecommendationsIt would be great if we could just say solving this problem was a simple as supplementing with more hydrochloric acid (HCL) but there are a couple issues with that strategy - the most dangerous issue being that HCL is a very strong acid and it can really damage your insides if you don’t have sufficient bile (strong alkaline/base) to neutralize that acid after it has done its job in the stomach. Also, there are other holistic concerns to look at that go further than just supplementing with HCL. We want to ask “why is there insufficient HCL?” There are multiple potential reasons for low HCL. Medications such at proton pump inhibitors and bacterial flora


infections such as H.pylori could all rob your body of the hydrogen it needs to make HCL. If you are taking a PPI consider asking your healthcare provider how to empower your digestion amidst your medication, and if you are aware of an H.pylori infection, consider seeking professional help to rebalance your digestive flora or email [email protected] for direct help solving this problem.__________________________________________________________________________

Stage 3: Bile Flow & Pancreatic Enzymes - The acidic food sludge passes through the stomach into the duodenum, where bile is secreted through the biliary pathway (from the liver & gall bladder). Bile is literally an alkaline soap that emulsifies (breaks down) fats and neutralizes the acidic food sludge. Pancreatic Enzymes then penetrate the emulsified fats and break them down into bio-available lipids.

Potential Breakdowns:

Insufficient bile production: This problem can begin due to poor nutrition - e.g. foods with low mineral content, especially deficient in calcium. If there is insufficient calcium in the diet for long enough, this will impact the body’s ability to produce bile

Poor bile consistency / gall bladder removed: For the bile to work effectively, it must be produced in adequate amounts, requiring sufficient bio-available mineral content in the diet, but the anatomy of the individual must also be intact. Unfortunately, many people have had their gall bladder removed. “Doctors are taught that the gall bladder really doesn’t do anything anyway, so if there are stones or blockages, why not just take it out? The problem is that your gall bladder is where your body stored bile and without the proper amount of bile you can’t digest your food completely. The gall bladder also concentrates the bile and makes it stronger, so that when it's alkalinity reaches the acid product from the stomach, we see a good sizzle in our digestion. If you can’t digest your food completely, you can’t pull the mineral and the needed nutrients out of your food and they just can pass through your system without being properly utilized. A lot of what we eat that doesn't properly digest gets stored as fat or creates other problems if the body is too overwhelmed to deal with it. Eventually, all the mineral and nutrient deficiencies will cause imbalances and even problems. The majority of health issues lead back to digestion. You can only digest food correctly if you have enough acid in your stomach and enough bile from the gallbladder and bicarb and enzymes from the pancreas dropping down into your duodenum. Without a gallbladder, there is no bile storage, so you rarely have enough bile. Supplementing with bile salts, such as ox bile, an hour and a half to two hours after a meal can serve as a viable solution for such individuals to compensate for their compromised physiology.

Biliary pathway obstruction - Sometimes bile flow has been shutdown for reduced for a long time due to autonomic nervous system stress and/or nutrient deficiencies. In some cases bile flow needs a bit of a kick start to get it going again. There are some techniques that can simulate bile production and provide the necessary stimulation to dilate the biliary pathway to get bile to flow well again. The usage of a product called Beet Flow (see Appendix), the performance of the Beet Flow Flush (see Appendix) and the performance of Coffee Enemas (see Appendix) are all useful tools to get bile flowing well again.

Pancreatic Enzyme Function - Your pancreas gets the trigger to produce and release enzymes when your liver and gall bladder release bile. If your bile flow is impaired or bile production is compromised, then your pancreas will not get the clue it needs to do its job. So usually,


addressing bile flow will restore pancreatic function, but if necessary, pancreatic enzyme supplements are available as well. (see Appendix)___________________________________________________________________________

Stage 4: (Intestinal Movement) - As the food then passes through the intestinal track bile, enzymes, digestive flora and the cells of the intestinal wall continue to work on the food matter, extracting minerals and absorbing further nutrition from the food till it has been, ideally, fully utilized. If the stomach acid and bile have done their job, then the rest of digestion usually goes well. If there was too little stomach acid but plenty of bile, then the movement of food through the intestinal track may be too slow (constipation) as the alkaline bile slows bowel movements. Vice versa, if there was sufficient stomach acid, but insufficient bile flow, then the acidic food sludge could cause disruption, damage and discomfort as it makes its way through the intestinal track. This can cause mineral depletion in the body as a whole as the body borrows alkaline minerals from body stores (e.g. bone) to neutralize the acidic food sludge, a job that should have been accomplished by the bile. We’ve already discussed to some degree how to monitor and improve stomach acid and bile function, so let’s look to specific issues that may arise in this section of the digestive anatomy.

Potential Breakdowns:

Unhealthy Flora: Lack of a healthy digestive flora population can cause lots of problems. Science continually discovers more and more roles that digestive flora play - to the point now where digestive flora have been deemed “the forgotten organ”. Bacteria in the gut fulfill a host of useful functions for humans, including digestion of unutilized energy substrates,[26] stimulating cell growth, repressing the growth of harmful microorganisms, training the immune system to respond only to pathogens, and defending against some diseases.

It is known from experiments on mice that obese mice lacking leptin, a lipid metabolism regulator (ob/ob mice), have a distinct gut flora compared to (normal) lean mice, reflected in a change in the ratio between bacteria from the divisions Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, which is shifted towards fewer Bacteroidetes and more Firmicutes in obese mice.

The microbes occupying the human gut are also in direct relation to obesity. A shift in the ratio between bacterial divisions Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes can be observed in lean and obese individuals—in the latter, a shift towards Firmicutes can be observed. The ratio between Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes dynamically reflects the overall weight condition of an individual, shifting towards Bacteroidetes if an obese individual loses weight.

Recommendations: Supplement with pro-biotics and monitor your urine & saliva pH ranges, as well as your experience of digestion and well being. Note the ideal ranges of urine & saliva pH in the Appendix and earlier sections of this chapter to ensure the food coming into the intestinal track has been properly treated by the preceding digestive organs.

Lack of Peristalsis: While peristalsis is partially the work of involuntary muscle, there is much you can do to facilitate timely movement of food waste through your intestines so that it gets out of you before things start to ferment and rot. Regular movement, especially of the torso, and excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, can really help move your bowels. Ideally, you have one bowel movement per day for every major meal you eat in a day. If you have less than that many bowel movements daily, then you may benefit from physical exercise such as yoga, weight lifting, playing a sport, jumping on a trampoline, hiking or anything where your body gets a lot of diverse, moderately intense physical movement. If you sit in an office chair


all day and never make it out for any exercise, your would be healthy meals may end up siting in you too long and causing problems of toxicity.

Further, inadequate intake of water and/or fiber and excessively large meals can cause problems with food waste elimination, as can lack of water flow through the bowel, which may result from the anabolic imbalance which we will discuss later.

Recommendations: If you are experiencing digestive discomfort, gas or bloating long after a meal, or other symptoms associated with unhealthy/deficient digestive flora, then consider supplementing with probiotics, make sure you are getting enough pure water and fiber rich foods.


Chapter 2

Electrolyte Balance

Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte DeficiencyAnabolic / Catabolic

Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast OxidizerSympathetic / Parasympathetic

Alkaline / Acid

Electrolyte Balance comes in at the top of the hierarchy of all the points of stasis that we are looking to bring into balance. Certain issues with digestion may take priority from a point of view of processes that need to be corrected before anything else can get better, but as far as those ideal ranges of things to watch, our electrolyte balance is the most critical. Why is it so important? Well, if our electrolyte balance falls too far out of range, either towards electrolyte excess or electrolyte deficiency, then the delicate electromagnetic suspension that holds our blood cells apart (a state of dispersion, or colloidal suspension maintained by an electromagnetic force known as Zeta Potential) could fail and our blood could clot together, resulting in widespread clotting of the blood known as disseminated intravascular coagulation. This is pretty much what happens in nearly 30% of deaths in America. 29.4% of Americans die of cardiovascular disease - the end stage being congestive heart failure. What often fails to be mentioned is that in the mass majority of cases, its not a problem with the heart itself so much as the state of the blood that it has to pump.

Revolutionary insight into the national epidemic that is cardiovascular disease has been made by an osteopathic physician, Dr. T.C. McDaniels. He was the first, or one of the first, to note that blood is a “colloidal suspension maintained by zeta potential”. What exactly that means is that our blood cells maintain proper spacing and circulation so long as there is sufficient anionic energy to keep the cells dispersed. If we eat and drink in such a way as to support healthy electrolyte balance, then our blood will have the ionic energy to maintain healthy circulation.

Definition of terms• Zeta Potential- Zeta potential indicates the degree of repulsion between adjacent, similarly charged

particles in a dispersion.• Anionic (-) negative charged. Anionic substances in the blood repel each other and keep the blood

dispersed.• Cationic (+) positive charged. Cationic substances in the blood causes the blood to aggregate or clump



Blood demonstrating low Zeta potential below...

Either too many or too few electrolytes, or electrolytes with the wrong electromagnetic charges, can result in a collapse of the colloidal suspension with severe disease consequences.

If you or someone you care about has a history or risk of heart failure, heart disease, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease, we highly recommend you take an active role in preventative health care by monitoring your electrolyte balance and reading the work of Dr. T.C. McDaniel, whose insights have contributed greatly to the information presented in this chapter.

A Brief History on T.C. McDaniel, D.O.

Dr. T.C. McDaniel was a mere 56 years old when he was having severe cardiovascular problems. His heart was constantly skipping beats. He went to the best heart experts in the field, and they could not help him. He searched for answers and discovered the concept of zeta potential. It was a revelation. Blood, which is a suspension, begins to sludge "clot" unwantingly as zeta potential falls. Zeta Potential is the measured ratio of an-ions to non-ions and cations in the body's circulatory terrain.  Armed with this information, he compounded and took his own "anionic surfactant solution". He drank more pure water, eliminated the bad cations from his diet, and his PVCs disappeared. 


Dr.  McDaniel practiced medicine in Cincinnati, OH for more than  55 years.  He taught many  medical practitioners and patients the principles of  Zestful Wellness. Currently,  he resides in Arizona and is doing very well at the age of 98.

Dr. McDaniel wrote the book, Disease Reprieve - Living Into the Golden Years, that illustrates the knowledge he uncovered and how he has put it into practice. Today, Dr. McDaniel is 97 years old and is still active. He shows people how to eliminate many health problems in their life.  This is knowledge which is not taught in medical schools and is unlikely to be taught there anytime soon. This is why Dr. TC McDaniel dedicated his life and resources   to instruct physicians and inform the public in order to put us On the Path to Zestful Wellness.

Dr. McDaniel is noted as the father of  Zeta Protocol to Zestful Wellness.Dr. McDaniel's approach to correcting illness starts at the cellular level by achieving balance between Cationic (Positive Charged) and Anionic (Negative Charged) particles with sufficient quantities of Distilled or Reverse Osmosis Water. Drinking water that is high in mineral content (spring water)  may be contributing to the deposits accumulating in your blood stream and kidneys. Together with the information attained in this program about diet and our body's function at the chemical level, anyone can achieve Zestful Wellness. This relatively simple program of DILUTION through generous daily consumption of good pure water, anionic mineral supplementation and attention to diet can restore health and prevent future disease .   In summation, to achieve and maintain Zestful Wellness, we must support the internal terrain of the human body by sustaining Electrophoresis (life force). For general recommendations in alignment with Dr. McDaniel’s insights please see “Zeta Dietary Laws” in the Appendix.

Dr. McDaniel has many fantastic insights into maintaining health and preventing cardiovascular (& cardio-renal / i.e. heart-kidney) disease, but even here in the case of the “Zeta Dietary Laws”, we find hesitation in following any specific diet or supplement protocol to “fix” heart disease. Why? Because the point is achieving balance, or in this case, maintaining healthy electrolyte levels and, pending on where you are at now, you may need the exact opposite of the next person to bring yourself into balance.


Assessing Yourself - (Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte Deficient)

To clarify, when we look at electrolyte levels, we can assess a state of balance or imbalance in relation to the following factors:

PulseResting and standing systolic & diastolic blood pressure Pulse DifferentialUrine and Saliva Conductivity (measured in millisiemens)

We find that when our resting or standing blood pressure is within the healthy range and the difference between our resting and standing pulse is less than 12, then we do not have an electrolyte imbalance. Healthy Electrolyte Ranges

Blood Pressure: 120 systolic / 80 diastolic

Resting blood pressure should be a little lower, standing blood pressure a little higher, but both should be generally close to 120 / 80.

Pulse Differential: less than 12

That is to say that, with balanced electrolyte levels, the difference between your resting pulse and your standing pulse should be less than 12. Imbalance here could also point towards an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, which we will look at later.

Urine & Saliva Conductivity: Urine: 5-15 mS, Saliva 4.5-5.5 mS

While you obviously need special equipment to measure urine & saliva conductivity, (which is used in bio-terrain assessment), you may find it less difficulty to get your hands on a blood pressure cuff - available at most pharmacies like Rite-Aid and CVS. Its easy to measure your blood pressure with these electronic / automatic blood pressure cuffs, and its a very important measurement to monitor when your dealing with an electrolyte excess or deficiency. These cuffs usually also automatically measure your pulse too.


When monitoring your blood pressure & pulse, you can record your self test data on the “Self Test Data Sheet” available in the Appendix, or even better, you can upload your self test data online on the progress charts available on the Coalition for Health Education (see appendix). The advantage of using the progress charts on the Coalition is that you can then ask a qualified health coach to review your progress charts and use that information to help coach you.

Now, let’s look at the specific imbalances of electrolyte excess and electrolyte deficiency...

Electrolyte Excess

The electrolyte state is defined by blood pressure. (Though other portions of the test determine the electrolyte state as well, like conductivity/MS measurements for urine and saliva) . When blood pressure is high, it's an indication of high amounts of minerals in the system. (Sugars and proteins are also in the mix.) High blood pressure is usually caused by high electrolytes (mineral/ salts), sugars, or protein or any combination of those three.Basically, high blood pressure can be an expression of insufficient, or lousy, kidney function, meaning that when excessive electrolytes become concentrated in the body fluids, it’s usually a result of a lack of hydration (not drinking enough pure water), or impaired excretion of mineral salts. High blood pressure can also result from a constricted vascular system. Most commonly, drinking more pure water is a priority for someone with high blood pressure, but if a catabolic imbalance also showed up on your test, you may need to work to improve that imbalance as well so the body will send more water through the kidneys.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:- high blood pressure - hardening of the arteries - heart attack - stroke - poor circulation-inability to properly transport oxygen, nutrients, waste products, antibodies and more, throughout your system.

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Not using an unrefined sea salt with your food. - Not properly digesting your food. Many adults do not have their digestion functioning

optimally and they have no idea that there is even a problem. I will lay out some simple steps you can take to improve your digestion so you can pull more minerals out of your food.

- Drinking too little water - Drinking tap water that is loaded with chlorine and/or fluoride - Eating too many sugars or starchy carbohydrates - Taking antacids - Not eating enough green vegetables - Eating polyunsaturated oils ( such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, margarine and foods fried

or cooked with vegetable oils -- olive oil is okay)


Step 2: Most individuals that show an Electrolyte Excess Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. These products used need to target the imbalances that are indicated on your test. Many supplements available today are basically a "shotgun" approach in that they try to use such a wide spectrum of nutrients in hopes that something will help instead of trying to hit a specific target. We are going to use products that are more targeted, therefore they do not offer the negative effects of wide-spectrum products. Usually, a product called Electro X is appropriate when this imbalance is present. (See Electro X in the Terrain Specific Supplement section of the Appendix)

If you can adapt a new base understanding that there is no diet that is right for every person and there is no supplement that is right for every person, by using the foods and supplements that can bring your specific body chemistry into a healthy state of balance, you will have the tools to greatly improve your health and well-being. You can even learn how to monitor your own chemistry with simple tests you can do at home (see My Self Tests in the Appendix). By monitoring your self test data and uploading it online at The Coalition for Health Education, you can make adjustments to your program with the guidance of a qualified health coach.

Electrolyte Deficiency

If your tests gave some indications that you have an Electrolyte Deficiency Imbalance this means you appear to have a deficiency of certain mineral salts in your body fluids. Your low level of electrolytes may be due to either an inadequate intake of needed minerals, an inability to properly digest your food and assimilate the minerals found in your food, or some individuals may have a hormonal issue in which they don't make enough anti-diuretic hormone from the post-pituitary gland and they will pee out most of their salts. In any case, you may be losing minerals faster than you are taking them in.The minerals, or salts, in the system represent the conductivity, or ability for electricity to flow through the system. When the mineral content is low, there's no spark and energy can be low. Without this energy, the brain can't function at it's full potential due to the lack of minerals required for signals to travel through.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:- chronic fatigue - low blood pressure - menstrual cramps - poor circulation - decreased libido - depression or anxiety - vertigo or dizziness when standing - cravings - insomnia

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include: - Not using an unrefined sea salt with your food.- Not properly digesting your food. Many adults do not have their digestion functioning optimally and they have no idea that there is even a problem. I will lay out some simple steps you can take to improve your digestion so you can pull more minerals out of your food.- Drinking too much water.


- Drinking distilled water that can strip your body of minerals or tap water that is loaded with chlorine and/or fluoride.

- Eating too many sugars or starchy carbohydrates.

Step 2: Most individuals that show an Electrolyte Deficiency Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. These products used need to target the imbalances that are indicated on your test. Many supplements available today are basically a "shotgun" approach in that they try to use such a wide spectrum of nutrients in hopes that something will help instead of trying to hit a specific target. We are going to use products that are more targeted, therefore they do not offer the negative effects of wide-spectrum products. Usually, a product called Electro D is appropriate when this imbalance is present. See the product called Electro D in the List of Terrain Specific Supplements in the Appendix.

In working to correct this imbalance, as with any imbalance describe in this book, it’s really important to monitor changes in your body using the Self Tests (see Appendix). Don’t just check yourself once or go to a doctor or specialist and hear them tell you “you’re electrolyte deficient” and assume that you’ll always be that way. Using the self test data sheets, or the progress charts on the Coalition for Health Education, will help you know how the dietary changes and nutritional supplements you are using are working for you.

Monitoring changes in your physiology will help you refine your dosages, water intake, and dietary choices to bring your body’s chemistry back into balance. Don’t just go by a set protocol, even if we present a set protocol in this book! The most important and essential aspect of this approach to self care and personal health is that you learn how to know what’s right for YOU! If you don’t assess or monitor your body, there is no way to know how you’re body is responding to your choices or its environment. The Self Tests and bio-terrain assessments will help you keep a hawk eye on your health and refine your program to find the perfect diet and fitting solutions for your personal bio-chemistry. Remember the tag line of this book: “There is no perfect diet for everybody, but there is a perfect diet for each body.”


Chapter 3

Cell Membrane Physiology - (Anabolic / Catabolic)

Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte DeficiencyAnabolic / Catabolic

Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast OxidizerSympathetic / Parasympathetic

Alkaline / Acid

This point of balance in the body is second only to the Electrolyte Balance discussed in Chapter 2. You may wonder why we’ve ranked this balance above the others. As in each ranking in the hierarchy of points of stasis presented in the book, the higher ranking points of stasis hold greater sway and are more influential factors impacting the lower ranking points of stasis. For example, if someone is in either an anabolic or catabolic imbalance, cell walls are less able to properly regulate the flow of acid and alkaline elements throughout the body - as in a state of a cancerous tumor. It has been found that if an individual is in, for example, a catabolic imbalance and has an alkaline tumor, ingestion of an alkaline substance, such as baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) will exacerbate tumor related pain and symptomology - and can even contribute to tumor growth. Studies have show that, after ingestion of an alkaline agent, the blood temporarily shifts slightly more alkaline and the tumor pH rises significantly, while the healthy tissues of that individual stay in their normal pH range. It is only the tissue cells that have the imbalanced cell membranes that allow the pH to fly way out of whack. In this light, it becomes clear that it would be general quite ineffective to try to heal and individual with such an imbalance simply by playing around with their acid/alkaline imbalance. While such alterations to their pH could temporarily abate symptoms, they would not correct the more fundamental problem of cell membrane dysfunction, which does far more than just regulate pH. Therefore, we see the anabolic/catabolic imbalance as of more primary importance than pH regulation, so the anabolic/catabolic point of stasis is higher up on our priority scale. Similar such examples could be made to illustrate why each of the points of stasis are where they are, and inference can be made to understand this yourself as we continue our discussion, but to go into depth on all such distinctions here would be a digression from this chapter’s primary focus of explaining the anabolic/catabolic point of stasis. So, for now, let it suffice to be reminded of our hierarchy and then proceed to this chapter’s primary topic.

Summary of the Anabolic / Catabolic Distinction

Our bodies are designed to swing from a more catabolic state in the morning to a more anabolic state in the evening. During the catabolic state, cell walls are more permeable, allowing more energy exchange to happen and produce more metabolic waste in the process. Think of the catabolic state as one where an individual is burning the candle at both ends. As the day progresses into evening & night, our bodies ideally shift to a more anabolic state, where cell membranes become less permeable, in a sense, closing down shop for the evening to restock, regenerate internal supplies, rest, repair and grow. Think of the anabolic state as one where a person isn’t burning the candle at either end - they’re resting or even sleeping. That’s a natural ebb and flow that we should all go through each day. It helps us be energetic when it’s time for action and lets us rest up at night to prepare for the following day’s activity.

A brilliant physician named Emmanuel Revici, M.D., discovered that most seriously ill individuals were stuck in either catabolic or anabolic states. We just talked about the advantages of being in each state, but you may already be able to guess some of the problems with being stuck in either one state or the other. If we were stuck in the catabolic state, burning the candle at both ends, we may soon find ourselves exhausted. Energy stores would run thin and we’d be


generating excessive metabolic waste. Further, being stuck in this state makes cells less stable, age/die faster, and makes the body more prone to bacterial, yeast and fungal infection. We generate more oxidative stress and tend to be less able to sleep well or ever feel really rested and energetic. On the flip side, someone stuck in an anabolic state, not burning the candle at either end, has a really hard time tapping into the potential energy present in the body. The anabolic cells are also more closed off to oxygen and, as such, produce energy through what’s called anaerobic fermentation. This produces an intracellular (inside the cell) environment that is more hospitable to viral infection. Not cool. The cells also tend to last longer than they should and run into more problems with DNA replication, making the anabolic individual prone to certain types of tumor growth. Also way not cool. There are other issues that each state has with it and things we can do to restore balance in each scenario.

What determines if cell membranes are built right and healthfully swing from the catabolic state in the a.m. to the anabolic state in the p.m. and back again the next day? There are many factors including vitamin, mineral and amino acid balances that impact this swing, but one of the most important factors is a balance of the types of fats that make up the cell membrane.

Our cells are bi-lipid membranes (“bi” means two) - these two types of fats that make up our cell membranes are fatty acids and sterols. (sterols as in cholesterol) If a cell’s membrane has an imbalance of too many fatty acids and not enough sterols, as is often the case for someone who, due to pop culture and the FDA, has avoided saturated fats for a long time, then the cell wall will be too permeable and the person will likely fall into a catabolic imbalance. On the other end of the spectrum, if someone has too many sterols making up their cell membranes (as might be the case in someone with elevated cholesterol levels) then the cells will not be permeable enough and the person will likely be in an anabolic imbalance. Specific recommendations and further elaborations of each state follow, but first, a little bit about the genius whose insights most heavily inform the content of this chapter...

Dr. Emmanuel Revici, M.D.

What can you say about a man that continued to go into the office after his 100th birthday. Crazy? Or maybe it is dedication beyond the call to duty. This was Emanuel Revici, MD. A physician whose genius and dedication to research rocketed past his peers. In fact he was so far past his peers that the State of New York saw fit to take away his medical license when he was in his 90's for doing things they did not agree with. (He eventually got his license back.) 


With brilliant research in lipid/sterol mechanics and cancer, one culmination of Revici's work was his textbook titled "Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy, With Special Application to Cancer". It should be required reading for every medical and oncology student though it is basically an unknown work in those circles. (Probably due to the extreme academic, political and corporate influence in this area.)

What Revici did was nail the benchmarks for easily determining the anabolic/anaerobic or catabolic/dysaerobic condition of the body which is the ultimate reflection of the diphasic nature of human life. 

The elements largely responsible for the diphasic swing of anabolic and catabolic states is the lipid / sterol cellular balance. This directly relates to cell membrane permeability issues. If one were to be pushed into either extreme (typical of someone that is not well), cells would either be locked up and fail to communicate (that's one way of saying it), or would be so wishy washy they could easily give way to a loose structure and wreak havoc on the other extreme. These states are reflective in the numbers provided through urinary pH and surface tension results, and steadfastly correlated to suggested protocols gleaned through years of painstaking research by Dr. Revici.  The clinical power this holds for the physician willing to learn these concepts cannot be understated.


Assessing Yourself (Anabolic / Catabolic)

When we run a bio-terrain assessment on an individual, we look at many factors that give us insight as to whether an individual is in an anabolic or catabolic imbalance. These tests and the deductions drawn from them were formed by Dr. Revici. Some require special equipment and training to be able to perform, but others you can do at home to help you start to discern where your body’s chemistry is at in this respect. For a more complete assessment of your personal chemistry, a full bio-terrain assessment is recommended (visit www.biofitpro.com to make a bio-terrain assessment appointment). Whether or not you do have a bio-terrain test done, it is still important to monitor your physiology to track its state and progress. Having had a bio-terrain test done you’ll be able to make more sense of the numbers, but either way, the Self Tests can help you watch your body and make progress towards balance.

In this point of stasis, the main things you can watch through the Self Tests are:

Urine & Saliva pH Specific Gravity of Urine

Body TemperatureUrination FrequencyStool Consistency

Resting pulse

(See Self Tests in Appendix to learn how to monitor each of these elements)

Anabolic Catabolic

Urine pH > 6.3Saliva pH < 6.6

Body Temp consistently > 98.6Specific Gravity of Urine < 1.011

Urinates Frequently & high of volumeStool is Hard / Tends to ConstipatedSleeps Deeply / Hard to Wake Up

High Blood PressureResting Pulse > 77

Urine pH < 6.1Saliva pH > 6.9

Body Temperature consistently < 98.6Specific Gravity of Urine > 1.020Does not urinate much or often

Stool is soft / Tends towards diarrheaSleeps Lightly / Wakes easily

Low Blood PressureResting Pulse < 67


Catabolic Imbalance

If your tests gave some indications that you have a Catabolic Imbalance, you should know that this is a cellular permeability imbalance. During the day, our cell walls are intended to open up (much like a flower) so nutrients can get in and out more easily. At night, our cell walls are intended to become more closed (again like a flower) so nutrients cannot get in and out as easily. This "more open" state is called a catabolic state. Though it is very appropriate for the cells to be in a catabolic state during the day, some individuals will stay in a more catabolic state most of the time. These individuals are said to be experiencing a catabolic imbalance.Our cells are made up of different types of fats. (Fatty acids and sterols.) With too many fatty acids, in the cell membrane, and not enough sterols, we could be predisposed to get stuck in a catabolic state (As described above). If there are too many sterols and not enough fatty acids, our body can be predisposed to become stuck in an anabolic state (The opposite of a catabolic state).

To make the body operate correctly we need to oscillate back and forth from the anabolic state at night, while we sleep, and a catabolic state during the day, while we’re active. Without this natural oscillation, problems like insomnia or bacterial problems are are more likely.

Since an overly catabolic state can be described as a lack of sterols at the cellular level, increasing your intake of sterols, such as butter or coconut oil, can be one method to help improve this imbalance. However, we find that most individuals with this imbalance really need to use more nutrients like specific vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well in order to see lasting improvement, but increasing your sterol intake can be a great place to start.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point.

- Insomnia - Migraines - Chronic Diarrhea or Loose Stool - Hair Falling Out - Muscle Loss- Chronic Pain - Loss of Connective Tissue or difficulty in healing- Aging Quickly - Joint and muscle pain; arthritis (especially rheumatoid) - Bacterial Problems - Oliguria (Insufficient Urination, perhaps often but in small amounts) - Low Body Temperature

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include: - Eating fried food - Margarine or other imitation butters (Real butter and coconut oil, on the other hand, may be

very beneficial for you) - Eating too many sugars or starchy carbohydrates. - Consuming too many fatty acids, like fish oils or flax seed oil.

Step 2: Most individuals that show a catabolic imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. These products used need to target the imbalances that are indicated on your test. Many supplements available


today are basically a "shotgun" approach in that they try to use such a wide spectrum of nutrients in hopes that something will help instead of trying to hit a specific target. We are going to use products that are more targeted, therefore they do not offer the negative effects of wide-spectrum products.

Foods to Avoid if you’re too CatabolicFlax Seed Oil, Fish oils, DHEA, Fried Foods, Canned or processed meats and fish, Foods made with hydrogenated and polyunsaturated fatty acids: canola, corn and soy oils. If you eat fried or hard-boiled eggs, only eat them in the morning and limit them.

Foods to Implement if you’re too CatabolicPoached or soft-boiled eggs, especially at night. Non-starchy Vegetables, Clarified Butter (Ghee), Butter/Cream, Coconut Oil, New Cheeses such as Cottage, Mozzarella, Cream cheese (These are not aged cheeses)


Anabolic ImbalanceIf your tests gave some indications that you have an Anabolic Imbalance, you should know this is also a cellular permeability imbalance, but opposite of the catabolic imbalance. During the day, our cell walls are intended to open up (much like a flower) so nutrients can get in and out more easily. At night, our cell walls are intended to become more closed (again like a flower) so nutrients cannot get in and out as easily. This "more closed" state is called an anabolic state. Though it is very appropriate for the cells to be in an anabolic state at night, some individuals will stay in a more anabolic state most of the time. These individuals are said to be experiencing an anabolic imbalance. Weightlifters take anabolic steroids in order to be in the tissue-building, anabolic state when they are not playing fair with muscle building.

Our cells are made up of different types of fats. (Fatty acids and sterols.) If there are too many sterols, in the cell membrane, and not enough fatty acids, our body can be predisposed to become stuck in an anabolic state (as described above). With too many fatty acids and not enough sterols, we could be predisposed to get stuck in a catabolic state (The opposite of an anabolic state).

To make the body operate correctly we need to oscillate back and forth from the anabolic state at night, while we sleep, and a catabolic state during the day, while we’re active. Without this natural oscillation, problems like constipation or viral problems are are more likely.When the body shifts from anabolic to catabolic, that's when the endorphins in the brain are released, which can help people from becoming depressed.

Since an overly anabolic state can be described as a lack of fatty acids at the cellular level, increasing your fatty acid intake can be one method to help improve this imbalance. However, we find that most individuals with this imbalance really need to use more nutrients like specific vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well in order to see lasting improvement, but increasing your fatty acid intake can be a great place to start.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point.

- constipation/hard stool - tachycardia


- anxiety/panic attacks - frequent urination- difficulty awakening in the morning - viral problems - UTI or Bladder Infections

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include: - Using too much vitamin D3. - Consuming too much coconut oil or vinegar - Eating too many sugars or starchy carbohydrates. Step 2: Most individuals that show an Anabolic Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. These products used need to target the imbalances that are indicated on your test. Many supplements available today are basically a "shotgun" approach in that they try to use such a wide spectrum of nutrients in hopes that something will help instead of trying to hit a specific target. We are going to use products that are more targeted, therefore they do not offer the negative effects of wide-spectrum products.Foods to Avoid if you’re too AnabolicCanned or processed meats and fish. Foods made with hydrogenated and polyunsaturated fatty acids: canola, corn and soy oils. If you eat fried or hard-boiled eggs, only eat them in the morning and limit them. Also avoid Cream, Butter, Cream Cheese, Juices, Foods made with sugar, Coffee, Tea, Soda, Excessive Fruit, Vinegar, Poached or soft-boiled eggs.

Foods to Implement if you’re too AnabolicOlive oil, Non-Starchy Vegetables Fish (especially salmon), Cold Pressed Flax Seed Oil (Do not heat flax seed oil and in a pearl-type gelcap is best), Freshly Ground Flax Seed,Fried or omelet style eggs in the morning (Not Egg-Beaters), Lemon Juice, Citrus Fruit, Sardines,Tuna Fish


Chapter 4

Energy Production (Metabolic Tendency)

Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte DeficiencyAnabolic / Catabolic

Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast OxidizerSympathetic / Parasympathetic

Alkaline / AcidEvery wonder...

• What's the best diet to lose fat? • What does mental performance and emotional health have to do with burning

fat?• What is the underlying physiological cause of most depression/anxiety/&

mental illness?• How can I tap into the tens of thousands of calories of real energy  I carry

around with me everyday? • Why can't I burn this body fat no matter how hard workout or however strict I

diet?• What's the key to happiness? (Really though, at least part of the puzzle is

answered below in understanding the relationship of energy metabolism and brain function.)

• How can I have the body of my dreams AND my sanity at the same time?

Fortunately for us, burning fat, emotional health and mental performance all go together in a balanced body.  So while the full answer to the questions above is a bit complicated, the combine rewards are great enough to merit a little cognitive effort on our part - after all, where else could reading a single brief blogpost result in the stabilization of your emotional self, improved mental performance and a super boost in fat metabolism? With those goals in mind, let's get into the main subject of this chapter: Energy Production and your Metabolic Tendency.

The rate at which we burn through different energy sources, and which types of energy sources (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins) significantly impacts the amount of energy we have to think, move, exercise and also how we feel emotionally.  To simplify matters though, let us talk about the metabolic behavior in terms of one's Metabolic Tendency.  Your Metabolic Tendency refers to your body's tendency to burn through carbohydrates for energy quickly or slowly.  If your body burns through carbohydrates quickly, you may be classified as a "Fast Oxidizer".  If you burn through carbohydrates slowly, you could be classified a "Slow Oxidizer". Further, if you do not burn through any energy source efficiently, you could be classified as a "Sub Oxidizer".   

Sometimes this Slow/Fast /Sub oxidizer status has been referred to as a Metabolic Type, but "Tendency" is a more accurate and useful term to use because, whether you have a slow, fast, or sub oxidation rate you can correct your body's tendency through intelligent nutritional & dietary choices.  These intelligent choices can resolve imbalances in oxidation speed and optimize your metabolism.  Once your metabolism is optimized, are you still a  fast or slow or sub oxidizer? No. Once corrected you're not that type anymore.  So, to label yourself a "Type" is misleading and disempowering because it can make people assume they are stuck as that type when, in fact, remedy exists.  


For maximum energy production, we have a balanced oxidation rate - which would mean that our body has a steady stream of energy available to it at all times - which requires that we are 1.efficient at metabolizing all fuel sources (carbs, fat & protein) AND that our diet provides the right kinds and ratios of fuel sources and the cofactors necessary to process them.   

There are various reasons that our body may have a tendency to lean towards being a fast, slow, or sub oxidizer and they can all be corrected. Once they are corrected, you will experience a huge, huge, huge increase in your vitality, your ability to burn fat, be happy and to think effectively and with borderline superhuman endurance.  

Usual Causes of Undesirable Metabolic Tendencies

Slow Oxidizer Fast Oxidizer Sub Oxidizer

• Vitamin &/or Mineral Deficiencies

• Insufficient carbohydrates in diet

• Weak Insulin due to pH imbalance

• Hypoglycemia • Impaired glycolosis

due to allergy, poison, infectious disease, parasites, antibiotics and/or medication.

• Physical, mental and/or emotional stress

• Lack of sleep

• Vitamin &/or Mineral Deficiencies 

• Impaired ability to digest fats and protein

• Insufficient fat and protein in diet

• Overly powerful insulin due to pH imbalance.

• Hyperglycemia• Impaired liver

function due to liver damage or mineral deficiencies

• Impaired bile production &/or bile secretion

• Poor carbohydrate choices (high glycemic or processed/fiberless sugar or starch

• Impaired protein &/or fat metabolism due to allergy, poison, infectious disease, parasites, antibiotics and/or medication.

• Physical, mental and/or emotional stress

• Lack of sleep

• Vitamin &/or Mineral Deficiencies 

• Poor protein intake• Insufficient oxidation

due to pH imbalance or overabundance of anti-oxidants

• Lack of exercise• Lack of sleep


Scientifically Speaking...The fast oxidizer produces pyruvate and o-acetate faster than he does acetate, and is thus deplete of the most potentially bountiful source of energy in the body/diet: acetate.  The slow oxidizer is in essentially the same problem, but for opposite reasons: while he is not deplete of acetate as the fast oxidizer is, he cannot access it because he is not producing sufficient quantity of cofactors that are required to metabolize acetate:  pyruvate and o-acetate.

In either Metabolic Tendency, the same problem occurs: an insufficient breakdown of acetate in the citric acid cycle (impaired fat metabolism).   This is what generally causes and/or significantly contributes to low energy (i.e. chronic fatigue), mental and emotional  disease and obesity.  

Simply Speaking...If you burn thru carbohydrates too quickly (fast oxidizer) due to poor diet choices or ineffective digestion of proteins or fats, then you cannot tap into those most abundant sources of energy (protein and fat) that could come from your diet & body energy reserves. If you burn through carbohydrates too slowly (slow oxidizer) then your body lacks all the pieces of the metabolic puzzle needed to burn fat and protein for energy.

Metaphorically Speaking...Think of carbohydrates as the kindling needed to start a fire.  Your salivary enzymes are the match that initially lights the kindling.  The kindling provides some immediate warmth and light (energy), but its not the real fire.  Your body fat and dietary fats and proteins are the major fuel for the fire - they are the big logs that will give you abundant warmth and light (real metabolic energy).  The energy from the kindling literally dims in comparison to the potential fire from the big logs, BUT you can't get the fire going in the big logs if you didn't start with the kindling first.  Same so in our body - essential digestive intermediaries created as sugar is metabolized are necessary to start the metabolic utilization of energy from stored bodyfat and dietary fats and proteins.  

What is YOUR Metabolic Tendency?

There are questionnaires that can be used to help you gain a clue as to what your Metabolic Tendency might be, however, given that most people who would bother to complete such a survey are usually imbalanced, they usually cannot answer the questionnaire with sufficient physiological awareness to know what is truly good for them in the first place.  Therefore, it is far superior to turn to physiological measurements to more accurately assess your metabolic tendency. 

These measurements can serve not only to identify what your metabolic tendency is, but further, they can be used to identify specifically what physiological impediments & nutritional deficiencies are present that are causing the imbalance.  These measurements are chiefly blood pH plasma levels and blood carbon dioxide/carbonic acid levels.  Other additional physiological measurements include urine ph, urine surface tension, blood pressure, glucose tolerance testing, breath rate, ammonia and nitrate levels in urine, breath hold and sugar/mineral content of urine.  These measurements are included in Biofit Pro's Bioterrain Auditing process.   

In taking matters into your own hands, of course we want to look at the Self Tests you can perform at home to start to discern if you tend towards being a slow or fast oxidizer, so let’s look at those Self Test Ranges for this point of stasis.


Self Assessment: Metabolic Tendency (Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast Oxidizer)

In assessing your metabolic tendency, the self tests and measurements we are going to look are the following (see Self Tests in the Appendix for instructions for performing each test):

Breath RateBreath Hold TimeBlood Pressure

Urine & Saliva pHSpecific Gravity of Urine Fasting Blood Glucose

Beta Slow Oxidizers Tricarb Fast Oxidizers

• Breath rate less than 15 breaths per minute

• Breath hold ability greater than 50 seconds

• High mineral/sugar content of urine• Fasting blood sugar over 100• High blood pressure• Low urine pH (below 5.8)• High saliva pH (above 7.0)

• Blood plasma leans acids (lower than 7.365)

• Breath rate greater than 16 breaths per minute

• Breath hold capacity lower than 50 seconds

• Lower mineral/sugar content of urine• Fasting blood sugar under 70• Low blood pressure• High urine pH (above 6.2)• Low saliva pH (below 6.5)

Once you run the relevant Self Tests to check your body’s chemistry in this aspect, read on to learn what to do about either imbalance you may be in. If your test scores show a mix of some aspects on each side of the scale, there may not be a definite imbalance either way, but improvement of your health and experience of vitality, as well as your mental performance and emotional stability, can be achieved by getting your body chemistry into the midranges of all these parameters. To figure out what exactly that may take for you requires deeper understanding of the factors at play. To gain that deeper understanding, either have a bio-terrain assessment done by a qualified practitioner who can explain these nuances and/or look further into the work of Dr. George Watson, M.D. It is Dr. George Watson’s research and clinical success that has illuminated the majority of information presented in this chapter.


A Brief Overview of Dr. George Watson & His Literature

Dr. George Watson - Nutritional Psychiatry for Emotional Health & Cognitive Performance

As is often the case with research, George Watson made an unexpected and intriguing discovery that was completely unrelated to the purpose of his work. He was studying the effects of various vitamins on the sense of smell and found that many of his subjects were having significant psychological reactions to them. Deciding to pursue this further, Watson began to study the effects of vitamins on people diagnosed with mental illness.

Watson’s research with vitamins eventually led him to the discovery that the food we eat can also have a significant psychological impact. Through 10 years of thorough research, he was able to categorize his subjects into one of two groups based on test results such as blood pH, blood sugar, and carbon dioxide level and also their reactions to various foods and specific nutrients. All of these characteristics provided a strong indication of each subject’s metabolic tendencies. Of the approximately 300 subjects Watson worked with in this manner, approximately half of them were included in published and controlled trials.

The two groups that George Watson established were based on cellular metabolism and energy production. One group metabolized glucose quickly and was referred to as fast oxidizers while the other group metabolized glucose slowly and was referred to as slow oxidizers. The importance of this distinction is that it can have a significantly good or bad influence on a person’s mental wellness depending on the type of food they eat.

A Flawed Perspective on Psychiatry

At the time Nutrition and Your Mind was published, psychiatry was the undisputed choice of treatment for mental dysfunction. Suggesting nutrition or any other physical factor as the cause or solution would have been considered to be utter nonsense. Although to a lesser extent, the same is unfortunately still true today.

Such a strong faith in psychiatry is highly ironic. As Watson points out, the descendants of Sigmund Freud, such as Adler, Jung, and Rank, each had differences in opinion and would each be likely to identify a different cause for the same mental issue. Furthermore, the identified cause would likely be blamed on something outlandish such as repressed sexual feelings towards a parent during the patient’s childhood. How could something so subjective be accepted in such confidence while completely disregarding the actual evidence of nutritional influence?


Not Much Has Changed

Although it’s unlikely today for a psychiatrist to tell you that your problems are the result repressed sexual tension toward your mother or father, the dominance and subjectivity of psychiatry hasn’t changed much. The American Psychiatric Association has basically invented many of the hundreds of mental disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders which is currently the golden standard for psychiatric diagnosis.

New disorders are suggested by members of the APA and are then brought to life and added to the DSM through nothing more than a majority vote. In 2006, a study revealed that 56% of the APA members voting on the disorders to be added to the DSM were financially tied to the drug industry. Unfortunately, it’s become extremely common for an average person to complain about sadness or stress and be given a long term prescription and maybe even some kind of permanent diagnosis. This flawed approach is encouraging more and more people to become dependent on dangerous medications and is limiting the awareness of safer natural solutions that may be much more effective.

George Watson’s research along with the work of William Kelly who discovered the effects of nutrition on the autonomic nervous system represent the two primary aspects of individuality that Metabolic Typing is based on. Although Watson and Kelly were both able to help a majority of the people they worked with, they both encountered cases in which their approach was ineffective. Metabolic Typing greatly reduces this gap by incorporating both approaches and determining which one is best for each person. Furthermore, Metabolic Typing expands upon the mental focus of George Watson’s work and is designed to be a holistic nutritional approach that promotes optimal health both physically and mentally.

We All Experience Mental Dysfunction to Some Extent

We’ve all experienced unhealthy emotions such as anxiety or depression at one time or another. Although these emotions can sometimes be caused by a true genetic disorder or a traumatic event such as the death of a family member, they are much more likely to be completely unjustified.

What George Watson has shown is that the unwarranted occurrence of negative emotions can be prevented through nutritional measures. In fact, Watson’s work has shown that even clinically diagnosable cases of mental disorders such as schizophrenia and severe depression can be completely reversed. If nutrition alone can have such a dramatic influence on serious mental dysfunction, imagine what it can do for the more mild emotional disturbances that many of us experience on a regular basis!

What’s Your Type?

If nutrition alone can eliminate the symptoms of serious mental disorders, imagine how much impact it can have on the common and more mild forms of emotional dysfunction such as depression and anxiety? It’s truly amazing how much of an impact optimal nutrition can have on your physical and mental health.  The Bioterrain Audit process will help you discern your metabolic type, as well as other highly significant and interrelated factors influencing your physiology, to help you uncover what Your body's needs are and how you can make intelligent changes in your diet and supplementation to restore balance and tap into the massive amount of potential energy your body carries around with it everyday.


Once you’ve performed the Self Tests for this section, you may now be aware of your body’s chemistry being in a metabolic imbalance, either leaning towards being a Beta Slow Oxidizer, or a Tricarb Fast Oxidizer. Let’s look into more pertinent details of each imbalance and what to what to do about them.

Beta Slow Oxidizer Imbalance

If your tests gave some indications that you have a Beta Slow Oxidizer Imbalance you should know that it is an imbalance deals with energy production and how the body uses food for fuel. To create energy, for the most part, our body burns either fat or glucose (to keep this explanation simple). Your body is made to burn both types of fuel for different purposes. But changes can occur in our body or in our lives that will train the body to prefer one fuel over the other and it may stop burning the other type of fuel almost altogether.If your test showed that you have a Beta Oxidizer imbalance, then you most likely are burning much more fat than glucose. If you also have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and a high fasting glucose, any of these markers can be another indication that you are not processing glucose effectively.In order to process sugar or glucose, the body is having to take all sugar or glucose coming into a person and turn it into fat before it is able to be "burned" for energy.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:- Lack of energy; physical and mental fatigue - Type II diabetes - Metabolic syndrome (or insulin resistance) - High blood pressure or cardiovascular disease - Weight gain- Gall bladder trouble

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Forms of sugar like sugar, corn syrup and honey - Fruit juices or even large quantities of fruit - Drinking alcohol or soda - Polyunsaturated oils, like sald dressings, mayonnaise and margarine (Olive oil and coconut oil

are okay) - Meals consisting of predominantly sugars or starches. It could be beneficial for you to include

at least a small serving of protein and healthy fats in each meal.

Step 2: Most individuals that show a Beta Slow Oxidizer Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. See the Terrain Specific Supplements in the Appendix for a list of supplements that general help correct this imbalance. Also, see the Recommend Food Chart for Slow Oxidizers / Sympathetic in the Appendix.


Tri-Carb Fast Oxidizer Imbalance

If your tests gave some indications that you have a tri-carb fast oxidizer Imbalance you should know that a tricarb is a person who is predisposed to burn off all his glucose and does not like burning fat. Now, it's not that he won't burn fat, but he will always prefer to burn off all of his glucose first. This is what is commonly referred to as a hypoglycemic. But the hypoglycemic can also be a step away from becoming diabetic. But if he's hypoglycemic, how can he be a step away from becoming diabetic? Well, it's because many hypoglycemics have way too much insulin in the system and their system responds as though there were five furnaces in the house. And every time the house gets cold, instead of one furnace coming on and slowly warming the house up and then turning off, FIVE furnaces turn on and the house is hotter than a son of a gun before the furnaces shut down. And so that's how it goes with the insulin. These individuals have become insulin resistant but they have not been insulin resistant long enough that the cells have stopped responding to the insulin altogether. We're at that stage where we are still responsive enough to the insulin that when the pancreas produces up to 5 times the amount of insulin it normally would, it reaches a critical level and all the sugar goes into the cells at one time. This person can get very severe headaches in the front of his head. This person may also complain that the head feels full or he'll get fuzzy brained, and this is due to the blood sugar dropping far too rapidly. This can make a person extremely miserable.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:

- Lack of energy; physical and mental fatigue - High or low blood sugar - shortness of breath - high cholesterol- over weight or under weight - Irritable when hungry

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Forms of sugar like sugar, corn syrup and honey - Fruit juices or even large quantities of fruit - coffee, tea, alcohol - Polyunsaturated oils, like sald dressings, mayonnaise and margarine (Olive oil and coconut oil

are okay)- Meals consisting of predominantly sugars or starches. It could be beneficial for you to include at least a small serving of protein and healthy fats in each meal.

Step 2: Most individuals that show a Tricarb Fast Oxidizer Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. See the Terrain Specific Supplements in the appendix for recommendations that may help correct this imbalance and also reference the Recommended Food Chart for Fast Oxidizers / Parasympathetic. Food charts for both Slow and Fast Oxidizers are presented in the Appendix.


Chapter 5

Autonomic Nervous System Orientation

Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte DeficiencyAnabolic / Catabolic

Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast OxidizerSympathetic / Parasympathetic

Alkaline / Acid

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Most autonomous functions are involuntary but a number of ANS actions can work alongside some degree of conscious control. Everyday examples include breathing, swallowing, and sexual arousal, and in some cases functions such as heart rate.Our Autonomic Nervous System has two main modes of operation: Sympathetic Nervous System Activity and Parasympathetic Nervous System Activity. The Sympathetic Nervous System mode, is often referred to as the “fight or flight” mode, while Parasympathetic mode is usually referred to as the “rest and digest” mode. Each orientation of the nervous system has its usefulness, and a healthy body can and should easily oscillate between the two modes in response to the surrounding environment and life circumstances. In a healthy individual, when a threat arises or some intense physical activity must be performed, the ANS should shift into sympathetic mode, but when the activity/stress subsides and the person goes to do something more relaxing, like eat dinner, the nervous system should shift into parasympathetic mode. If the nervous system performs these shifts well then all the body organs, enzymes and internal processes follow suit just fine and all’s well, but if the ANS is out of whack due to nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances, excessively stressful circumstances, or even excessively sedating circumstances, then the body’s attempts to perform even basic metabolic functions such as digesting food or producing energy may falter. If the ANS is out of balance for an extended period of time, this can lead to major hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders.


Self Assessment: ANS Orientation (Sympathetic / Parasympathetic)During a bioterrain assessment we will look at various markers to determine an individuals ANS orientation. Fortunately, all of the markers that we look for during a bio-terrain assessment to determine ANS imbalances you can also perform with some basic equipment (pretty much just an automatic blood pressure cuff you can get at any decent pharmacy). However, ANS imbalances, being of lower status on our hierarchy of points of balance means that the more important points of balance (e.g. electrolyte balance, anabolic/catabolic cell physiology & oxidative type) are usually the factors that are really screwing with the ANS. As such, trying to fix the ANS as if it were an independently operating system will not always be a successful venture. That is not to say that we cannot effectively take direct action to help rebalance our ANS, but it does mean that this problem will usually take care of itself if we rebalance the points of stasis higher up on the hierarchy. That said, let’s look at our self test markers and see where you land...The prime marker that we look at to determine ANS orientation is blood pressure. Specifically, we subtract diastolic BP from the Systolic BP and the remaining value pretty much gives us our answer. If the value you get is less than 37, then you likely have a parasympathetic imbalance, if the value you get is greater than 46, then you likely have a sympathetic nervous system imbalance. Other Self Tests we use to further verify ANS orientation are as follows:

Blood Pressure Differentiation Derma-graphic Scratch Test

Vasomotor HeatPupil SizeGag Reflex

Specific Gravity of Urine

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

BP differential > 46Large Pupil Size / dilated pupilTriceps warmer than back of handSuppressed Gag Reflexsweaty, hands, cold handsdry mouthinfrequent urinationincreased pule & arrhythmiashigh specific gravity of urinehigh body temperaturewhite derma-graphic response to scratching

BP differential < 37Small Pupil Size / constricted pupilsHand warmer than tricepsActive/Hyperactive Gag Reflexwarm, dry handsincreased salivafrequent urinationlower pulselow specific gravity of urinelower body temperaturered derma-graphic response to scratch


Now once you’ve assessed yourself, let’s look at what to do about it...

Sympathetic ImbalanceIf your tests gave some indications that you have a Sympathetic Imbalance then it is helpful for you to know that Sympathetic Dominance refers to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is a mechanism in the body that happens without you consciously thinking about it. We don't have to think about whether our heart is beating, it just does. The other side of the nervous system is the Parasympathetic Dominance or the part of the nervous system that you can control.

The Sympathetic side is the speed side of flight or fight response. And the Parasympathetic side is the slow side- or rest and digest- side. These two systems are hardwired in a sense to the heart, the entire digestive system, and all the lower level glands, organs, and systems.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:

- Large Pupil Size - Low Levels of Urination - Increased Temperature - Sweaty Hands - Dry mouth/eyes/nose - Get chilled often - Extremities Cold - Unable to Relax - Strong Light Irritates

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Forms of sugar like sugar, corn syrup and honey - Xanthines, like coffee, tea, chocolate and cola - Any soft drinks containing phosphoric acid - Canned and processed meats- Polyunsaturated oils, like salad dressings, mayonnaise and margarine (Olive oil and coconut

oil are okay)

Step 2: Most individuals that show a Sympathetic Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. See Terrain Specific Supplements in the Appendix. In general in regards to this imbalance, you will want to decrease calcium and sodium intake, and emphasize magnesium and potassium. This will help to inhibit the Sympathetic Nervous System and activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Be sure though to reference the appendix for Terrain Specific Supplements because what forms of these minerals you use matters a lot - not all calciums are the same - not at all. The forms of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium you choose in your supplementation matter a lot, that’s why the Terrain Specific Supplements have been formulated the way they are.


Parasympathetic ImbalanceIf your tests gave some indications that you have a Parasympathetic Imbalance it will help to know that this imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:

- Allergies - Asthma - Small Pupils - Frequent Urination - Increased Saliva - Muscle Cramps at Night - Eyes or Nose Watery - Eyelids Swollen - Gag Easily - Poor Circulation

To improve this imbalance there are 2 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Poor or ineffective digestion that requires improvement.- Forms of sugar like sugar, corn syrup and honey- Fruit juices or even large quantities of fruit- Polyunsaturated oils, like salad dressings, mayonnaise and margarine (Olive oil and coconut oil are okay)- Meals consisting of predominantly sugars or starches. It could be beneficial for you to include at least a small serving of protein and healthy fats in each meal.

Step 2: Most individuals that show a Parasympathetic Imbalance on their test will need to use a very specific combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. In general, you will want to emphasize calcium and sodium, while deemphasizing magnesium and potassium - again, please see the Terrain Specific Supplements for the proper forms of these supplements and recommended formulas to correct this imbalance.


Chapter 6

Dynamic pH Balance

Electrolyte Excess / Electrolyte DeficiencyAnabolic / Catabolic

Beta Slow Oxidizer / Tricarb Fast OxidizerSympathetic / Parasympathetic

Alkaline / Acid

To start off this chapter, we’d like to first clear up some rapidly spreading misinformation regarding pH balance. It has become a popular health fad to promote the idea that alkalinity is somehow “better” than acidity. To this, we’d like to respond by siting the astute words of Dr. Guy Schenker, D.C.:

In truth excess alkalinity is just as harmful as excess acidity. To clear the confusion, all physiological systems are maintained through a negative feedback mechanism that operates in a dualistic manner. Dualistic means that for every normal condition, there are 2 abnormals-abnormally high and abnormally low. To say that there is only one abnormal with respect to pH balance is to display total ignorance of the most basic fundamentals of physiology.”-‘An Analytical System of Clinical Nutrition’, -Guy Schenker, DC, 1989-2010

When we talk about Dynamic pH Balance, its important for us to remember that the body is made up of many different fluid compartments and types of cells that are meant to have very different pH’s. To say that someone is simply too acidic or too alkaline is a gross and usually erroneous oversimplification of the situation. While this can get complicated, its important to understand the nuances of what’s going on here in order to really sort this out, after all, your health & vitality, and for some of you possibly even your life may depend on it.

The Reality is this:There are numerous kinds of acid/alkaline balances in the body:

• Respiratory alkalosis• Potassium depletion alkalosis• Metabolic alkalosis• Metabolic acidosis• Potassium excess acidosis• Respiratory acidosis

Your blood pH is reflected in your personality, or as I like to say your behavior range.

AcidiosisWhen in a state of metabolic acidosis, the enzyme systems of the body are running on high speed. This pushes the sympathetic nerves of the body, and forces the adrenal glands into overdrive. In this state a person will:

• Have Agitation• Feel Nervousness• Have Anxiety• Feel more like the 'hare', less like the 'tortoise'• Feel physically tired but mentally wired• Compensate by tending to take deeper inhalations• Have a low tolerance for carbon dioxide and can hold breath for less than 45 seconds in

metabolic acidosis


AlkalosisWhen in a state of metabolic alkalosis, the enzyme systems of the body are running sub-par. This pushes down pulse and blood pressure, inhibits sympathetic activity and can contribute to low thyroid activity. In this state a person will:

• Have a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning• Feel more like the 'tortoise', less like the 'hare'• Feel sluggish• Feel burned out and tired• Have a much higher tolerance for carbon dioxide, and should be able to hold breath for

60 seconds or more.• In metabolic alkalosis, and in potassium depletion alkalosis the saliva pH will be less

than 6.6 and the urine pH will be greater than 6.3. In respiratory alkalosis, the saliva pH will tend to be higher than 6.8.

Self Assessment: pH balance (acid / alkaline)

When we assess pH balance in an individual we are looking at multiple types of pH balance - one related to metabolic pH balance, and one related to respiratory pH balance. Metabolic pH balance is more closely tied to cell physiology and blood pH levels, where as respiratory pH balance is related to protein metabolism, potassium availability and the respiratory system’s back up efforts to compensate for impaired kidney function.

The tests we use to determine an individual’s dynamic pH balance are

Urine & Saliva pHBreath RateBreath Hold

Resting Pulse / Standing Pulse Differential


Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic Alkalosis

Pulse is > 75Breath Rate > 18, Breath Hold < 41Standing pulse is 10 > Resting pulseUrine pH low, Saliva pH high

Pulse is > 75Breath Rate < 14, Breath Hold > 64Urine pH high, Saliva pH low

Respiratory Acidosis Respiratory Alkalosis

Pulse is > 75Breath Rate > 18, Breath Hold < 41Standing pulse is 10 > Resting pulseUrine pH low, Saliva pH low

Urine pH high, Saliva pH highBreath Rate < 14, Breath Hold > 64Irregular breath rate presentUrine pH High, Saliva pH High

Potassium Excess Acidosis Potassium Deficient Alkalosis

Standing pulse is 10 > Resting pulseUrine pH high, Saliva pH highBreath Rate > 18, Breath Hold < 41

Pulse < 67Urine pH low, Saliva pH lowBreath Rate < 14, Breath Hold > 64

Pending on where you fall, if you fall into any of the above imbalances, there are different strategies to go about correcting the different types of alkalosis and acidosis.

The most important thing is to distinguish which kind of acidosis or alkalosis imbalance you are in and go about addressing those causes. Let’s look first at the acidosis imbalances...


Acid Imbalance

If your tests gave some indications that you have an Acid Imbalance (or Acidosis), you should know that there are multiple causes of acidosis. One cause can be an imbalance in potassium or an inability of the kidneys to properly excrete the acid and balance is lost. The breathing rate in these individuals becomes accelerated because the kidneys, being unable to easily control the acid levels in the blood stream, can be helped by the lungs huffing off C02, because C02 acidifies into the blood stream. These individuals will normally have a short breath-holding time and a rapid breathing rate, exposing the fact that the kidneys are not having an easy time controlling the pH of the blood. This can be remedied (depending on the cause) by assisting the system to buffer the acids more effectively and excrete them. But this is not just a failure to excrete acids, it's a failure to buffer them. An inability to properly digest protein digestion can often be an issue in these cases since the biggest buffer of acids in the body is protein.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:

- Shortness of breath - Rapid heart rate - Allergies - Poor retention of important mineral nutrients - Fluid retention- Poor function of your kidneys, lungs, adrenal glands and many other organs and glands- Digestive Issues

To improve this imbalance there are 3 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. You may need to: - Eat more green vegetables - Drink more water - Avoid Fruit juices or even large quantities of fruit - Avoid Polyunsaturated oils, like salad dressings, mayonnaise and margarine (Olive oil and

coconut oil are okay) - Avoid soft drinks

Step 2: If you are a sympathetic carb type, your blood tends towards acidosis. Your metabolism needs lots of vegetables and VERY LITTLE nucleo-proteins. (See the Recommended Foods for Slow Oxidizers / Sympathetics in the Appendix). Eating this way will create the necessary alkaline shift towards 7.46. If you are a slow-oxidizing carb type, your blood tends towards being too alkaline. Unlike the para-sympathetic-protein type, you need more vegetables and less purines. This will create the necessary Acidic shift in you blood pH, bringing it back to 7.46

Step 3: Individuals that show an Acid Imbalance on their tests will need to recognize what kind of acidosis imbalance they have - whether it be metabolic acidosis or respiratory acidosis. If it is metabolic alkalosis, then you will typically also have a anabolic imbalance and should see recommendations for correcting the Anabolic Imbalance in Chapter 3. If it is respiratory acidosis resulting in under utilization of potassium by the kidneys, then the primary corrective actions must be to improve protein metabolism by fixing digestion (see chapter 1 for recommendations on fixing digestion.)


Alkaline Imbalance

If your tests gave some indications that you have an Metabolic Alkalosis. “In a metabolic alkalosis, there are increasing levels of bicarbonate ion in relation to H+. There are 3 main causes of bicarbonate increase:1. Direct administration or production of alkaline-sodium bicarbonate, or other antacids, can lead to metabolic acidosis. Excess bicarbonate is absorbed ad the Co2 levels begin to rise.”2. Acid-Losing Alkalosis- The loss of H+ from stomach from chronic vomiting or pyloric stenosis is a major cause of acid-losing alkalosis.3. Potassium Deficient Alkalosis-This is most often caused by an excessive loss of potassium from the kidney. Intracellular potassium will move out of the cells to replace the potassium being lost in the plasma and urine. Sodium and H+ move into the cell to replace the potassium that has moved out. This leaves a deficit of H+ in the plasma.  Also, H+ is excreted from the kidneys along with potassium. The net result of renal excretion and extracellular H+ loss is an increased production of H+ to replace that which has been lost. This results in a concomitant rise in bicarbonate or Co2 levels.” (Guy Schenker).

The blood stream has a very narrow pH value that it must stay within in order for our body to function properly. If it moves too far acid or too far alkaline, we can literally die. The body doesn’t want this to happen so it does whatever it can to keep the blood stream at a balanced pH level. Alkalosis is an imbalance where the blood stream is too alkaline. When the blood leans alkaline, oxygen can’t leave the bloodstream and go to the tissue level where it needs to be to help your body create the energy it needs to run properly. In science, this is known as the "Bohr effect".

If a doctor checked your oxygen levels, he would put a pulse oximeter on you and say, your oxygen is great… you have plenty. But because the blood stream is too alkaline, the oxygen cannot be released from the blood stream and go into the tissues where it needs to be and we can often feel wiped out. So, when the blood stream is too alkaline, the body will slow the rate at which you breathe. Carbon dioxide(CO2) is acidic so the body tries to reduce the amount that you breathe so it can hold on to more CO2 allowing it to acidify the blood stream so that some oxygen can be released from the blood stream and make it to the tissue level.

This imbalance may show itself in the form of a number of different symptoms or "conditions". The outcome may be different depending on the individual, but you may have already found yourself experiencing one or more of the following issues at some point:

- Chronic fatigue- Sleep apnea- Joint and muscle pain; arthritis- Allergies; asthma- Muscle cramps- Fluid retention

To improve this imbalance there are 3 steps that often prove to be beneficial:

Step 1: Change the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are making this imbalance worse. These can include:- Drinking too much "alkalizing" water- Using some form of "alkalizing supplements"- Not using enough unrefined sea salt- Using antacids- Eating too many sugars or starches- Correct the Catabolic Imbalance if present (see chapter 3 for recommendations


- Not eating enough protein (not bigger servings of protein, but more frequent servings of poultry, eggs, fish, or meat.)

Step 2: Eat the foods that are most compatible for your type of metabolism.If you are a para-sympathetic protein type, your blood tends to be too alkaline. Adenine and purine-containing nucleo proteins are essential at every meal. (see the Recommended Foods for Fast Oxidizers / Parasympathetics in the Appendix). These types of proteins will create the necessary acidic pH shift towards the median, 7.46. If you are a fast-oxidizing protein type, your blood tends to be too acidic. You also need higher purine foods like the para-sympathetic types, but these foods produce the necessary alkaline effect on your blood, bringing it back to 7.46.

Step 3: Individuals that show an Alkaline Imbalance on their test will need to recognize what kind of alkalosis imbalance they have - whether it be metabolic alkalosis or respiratory alkalosis. If it is metabolic alkalosis, then you will typically also have a catabolic imbalance and should see recommendations for correcting the Catabolic Imbalance in Chapter 3. If it is respiratory alkalosis resulting in under utilization of potassium by the kidneys, then the primary corrective actions must be to improve protein metabolism by fixing digestion (see chapter 1 for recommendations on fixing digestion.)


Chapter 7

Blood Type Diet & Allergies

Since the hit book Eat Right for Your Blood Type, by Dr.Peter A’damo came out, there has been much attention paid to trying to eat foods that align with what is considered to be generally appropriate for one’s blood type. In light of the many nuances of an individual’s physiology, including all of the potential points of imbalance we have discussed in our hierarchy, it should be understood that, to determine what YOU as an individual with a biochemistry all your own need, we need to look at more than just your blood type to figure out what you should eat. That said, there still is valuable information to be gained from A’damo’s work in as far as knowing what you shouldn’t eat. His book has helped us discover common allergies to specific blood types.

Once you know your blood type, you’ll know what foods you should for sure avoid. As far as what you “should” eat, we are going to look at the full set of self test data to figure out where your body lands in respect to all the different points of homeostasis. If you already know your blood type, great. If not, don’t worry, you can either go to your doctor and ask them to test and tell you or you can order a Eldon Blood Type Test Kit online for less than $20 and test yourself.

Once you know your blood type, then look at the list below and see what foods are known allergies to your blood type and generally avoid those particular foods:

Allergy Testing

There is further refinement you can do to test for your body’s particular allergies, food intolerances and food sensitivities. Alcat Testing (www.alcat.com) provides extremely comprehensive allergy and food sensitivity testing. This information can be useful, especially when your body is in a weak, fragile or diseased state, but it is very important to remember that as your digestion improves your body will be able to use more of the foods that you may presently have a difficult time assimilating.

It is very helpful to consider this definition of a toxin: a toxin is anything your body consumes that it cannot overcome or utilize. In this sense of the word, it is understandable how a potentially healthy food, like raw vegetables, could occur to your body as a toxin if your digestion isn’t strong enough to breakdown the plant fibers. If you improve your digestive capacity, foods that maybe once occurred as a toxin, or allergy, will now occur as nutritious and energizing. In our approach, we don’t want to give too much long term weight to allergy testing like Alcat, because our holistic, optimistic view is to boost digestive capacity, thereby eliminating allergies. Nevertheless, we mention it here as a useful tool when first starting out and dealing with a compromised system that needs all the help it can get. Biofit Pro can provide massive discounts on ALCAT testing, so if you are interested in this service send a contact request email to [email protected] and mention you’re interested in ALCAT testing.


Chapter 8


By now I hope it is clear that, due to biological individualization, there can be no accurate hard and fast rule about how much water a person should have in a day, nor even what kind of water an individual should have. Truly, the only right answer is “just enough of the right kind.” - which is only helpful information in that it hopefully prevents people from trying to make a hard and fast rule for everyone and begs the questions “How much is enough for ME?” and “What kind is best for ME?”

Dr. T.C. McDaniel, in contrast to what we’re saying here, did suggest a general rule of thumb as to how much water and what kind of water an individual should drink. To be fair to Dr.McDaniel though, he certainly intimately understands how to assess an individual’s particular needs through sophisticated fluid analysis and, whenever needed by his patients, he tests his patients and makes personalized protocol based on individual needs.

Dr. McDaniel’s general rule of "Good" Water consumption states:

“As a rule you should drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water per day. If you weigh 150 lbs. you should be drinking 75 ounces of "good", purified water daily.     For best results, drink reverse osmosis or distilled water only as your "good" water.”

While that may serve as a general rule of thumb, there are important nuances of individual biochemistry that greatly alter the kind and amount of water that a given individual should drink. The most important factors to remember here are that we are trying to create balance for the individual and paying attention to the ideal ranges of our points of homeostasis is what matters most when choices as an individual. For example, if you’re electrolyte levels are really low, then drinking a bunch of reverse osmosis water would dilute your electrolyte balance even more, which is really dangerous. You’d have to first “qualify” to drink more water by raising your blood electrolyte content, which would mean drinking water with more mineral content and/or working to improve digestion so that you get more minerals (electrolytes) from the food you eat.

Through bio-terrain assessment, we can determine if an individual is drinking enough water by comparing the conductivity reading of the urine to the amount of total ureas present in the urine. This measurement, unfortunately, is generally inaccessible to the general public unless you have a bio-terrain assessment done or have the tools and training to test your urine conductivity and urea levels yourself. Fortunately, there are other ways to highlight whether or not your water intake is adequate, excessive or deficient.

When we try to answer that question, we must remember all the points of balance in our hierarchy and factor in our personal body’s needs in light thereof.


Specifically, when we look at the points of balance, these are the questions we want to ask ourselves and factors we want to consider:

Electrolyte BalanceDo you need to dilute your electrolyte levels by drinking more pure (distilled or reverse osmosis) water?OrDo you need higher concentrations of electrolytes, thus calling for less water and/or water with higher mineral content?

How do you know? By looking at blood pressure and pulse. We need to use our equation discussed in chapter 2 to determine whether or not an electrolyte imbalance is present. To refresh our memory, that equation goes like this:

Electrolyte Excess is present if:

1. Resting systolic blood pressure > 130 2. Standing Diastolic Pressure is > 87 3. The difference between resting and standing pulse is > 12

In this case, the recommendation is to drink more pure (reverse osmosis or distilled) water than you’ve been drinking until your blood pressure gets back down close to the healthy range of 120 / 80 and the difference in your resting pulse and your standing pulse is less than 12. That’s not to say that water alone will surely fix high blood pressure and excessive pulse differential - other dietary factors and points of balance need to be looked at here too - but drinking more pure water is probably the biggest single thing you can do to correct this imbalance.

Electrolyte Deficiency is present if:

1. Resting systolic blood pressure is < 1122. Standing diastolic blood pressure is < 733. Pulse is < 704. The difference between resting pulse to standing pulse is > 12

In the case of electrolyte deficiency, we can generally say that drinking more electrolyte rich water is a good idea, but in truth, that may or may not address the main problem. The real question to ask is: “why is this particular person’s blood pressure low?” It may be due to poor digestion that is preventing the individual from really extracting minerals/electrolytes from the food they are eating. Or they may be drinking too much pure water. Through bio-terrain testing, we can specify what is going on for each individual by looking at urine & saliva conductivity & urea levels. On your own though, if you have this issue you may want to start by drinking more electrolyte rich fluids and by working on improving your digestion, then upping the mineral content of the foods you eat.

When we look at the other points of stasis and their impact on water levels we need to know the following...

1. The anabolic imbalance will cause a person to urinate more, which will on one level, increase daily water needs, but on a deeper level, points to the need to correct the anabolic imbalance.


2. The catabolic imbalance can cause more water to go out through the bowel (e.g. diarrhea) which will on one level, increase daily water needs, but on a deeper level, points to the need to correct the catabolic imbalance.

3. The beta slow oxidizer imbalance usually causes high blood glucose levels (measure your fasting blood glucose to see if this is true in your case). Glucose, and sugar in general, attracts minerals (electrolytes), so electrolyte levels will generally be elevated in a beta slow oxidizer, which may cause higher blood pressure and the electrolyte excess imbalance, which would then lead us to our need to drink more pure water.

4. The tricarb, fast oxidizer imbalance generally causes lower blood glucose levels (again measure your fasting blood glucose levels to see if this is true in your case). Since there is less sugar to attract minerals to stay in the blood plasma, this can result in low blood pressure and lead us to a nuance of the electrolyte deficiency pattern, calling us to work on correcting the tricarb fast oxidizer imbalance as an indirect, but most effective way of raising and maintaining electrolyte balance and ideal hydration levels. In the tricarb, its not a simple no-brainer solution of just pouring in more electrolytes via high mineral content fluids. Just doing that wouldn’t fix the blood sugar stability. If we don’t address blood sugar stability then pouring in more electrolytes would be like trying to fill up a bucket with a big hole in the bottom of it - the minerals would just pour out of the system along with the sugars, or the high mineral content would accumulate in one fluid compartment (the kidneys and blood plasma) but would fail to be carried into the interstitial fluid and tissue cells due to lack of glucose needed to carry the minerals where they need to go.

5. The sympathetic nervous system imbalance restricts urination, which impairs the kidneys from filtering the blood plasma, so electrolytes start to build up in this imbalance. Do you need less water in this case? Sort of, temporarily. What you actually need is to correct the sympathetic imbalance so the blood starts to get filtered adequately again.

6. In the parasympathetic imbalance, excessive urination occurs, creating a need for more water & electrolytes.

7. And for the big, most complicated issue, pH. How does individual pH effect hydration needs? First off, let us be clear that alkaline water dilutes stomach acid and should never be consumed anywhere near meal time. Further, the body has many fallback strategies to compensate for excess acidity, but it has far less capacity to expel excess alkalinity from the body. Only in the case of metabolic acidosis (as opposed to potassium excess acidosis and respiratory acidosis (see chapter 7)) might alkaline water be temporarily useful away from meal times. Even here, in the case of metabolic acidosis, alkaline water (e.g. water with sodium bicarbonate or “treated” alkaline water) is really only going to provide symptomatic relief of “acid pain patterns” (see the work of Dr. Emmanuel Revici, M.D. for greater detail on acid and alkaline pain patterns.) What is ultimately going to correct metabolic acidosis and/or metabolic alkalosis is correcting the anabolic/catabolic imbalance. Fusing around with water pH is not going to provide a real, long term solution.

In cases of potassium excess acidosis and respiratory acidosis, as well as in potassium deficiency alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis, our solution to our pH problems resides in correcting digestion by improving protein metabolism. With potassium deficiency alkalosis, we can possibly benefit from drinking coconut water, or by adding black strap molasses to our water or to a smoothie, but the issue at hand is really about improving our body’s ability to use potassium - which requires nitrogen - which in turn requires better digestion of protein.

So, with all those qualifications that need to be made to accurately answer the question “how much water should I drink?” and “what kind of water is best?” We see that there is no single,


correct answer. That being said, there are ideal characteristics of drinking water and ideal water chemistry in the human body. Granted that we remember all the factors we just talked about that effect particular hydration needs of individuals, we can look to the work of master hydrologist, Dr. Louis-Claude Vincent, PhD., to see where we ultimately want our body fluids to be like and what kind of water will ultimately support that perfect balance.

B.E.V. Water & Dr. Louis-Claude Vincent, PhD.

Around the turn of the last century it was noted that certain villages in France had high rates of cancer while other towns and cites had none. The French hydrologist Professor Louis-Claude Vincent was hired for the French government to find out why. Prof Vincent found that it was the drinking water in the different localities in France that was the causative factor.

In so this work Professor Louis-Claude Vincent came up with the following conclusions which form the basis of BTA (Bio-Terrain Assessment) which is just recently becoming, once again, a popular and quite accurate means of assessing the milieu intérieur or internal environment of the human body. The internal milieu is the liquid environment that surrounds each and every cell of our bodies, the extracellular fluid in medical terminology.

A 19th century physiologist, Professor Claude Bernard, believed that the environment of the cell, which he termed the milieu intérieur, determined the cell's function and integrity.

In 1935 Professor Vincent became interested in measuring parameters reflective of human health. He invented la Méthode Bioélectronique Vincent now called BTA or Bio-Teraine Assessment. After much research in collaboration with Dr. Jeanne Rousseau, Vincent's first Bioélectronimètre became operational in 1948. Prof. Vincent correlated the electrical values of pH (potential hydrogen - acid/alkaline balance), rH2 (oxidation-reduction potential), and R (resistivity - level of electrically conductive ions) to the body fluids of blood, urine and saliva. The application of this correlation in classical biological terrain analysis yields nine numbers or parameters that are used in establishing the condition of the biological terrain of the body.

Professor Louis-Claude Vincent concluded at the second International Convention for Medical Electronics in 1959, that the key to understanding health was through monitoring and controlling the body's building blocks which are found in the body fluids.


"The biocellular environment determines the body's tendency toward developing various metabolic imbalances that can lead to disease."   ~ Prof. Louis-Claude Vincent

Prof. Vincent’s research revealed a set of optimal values at the intersection of pH, rH2, and resistivity that was determined to be the most biocompatible for the human organism...

B.E.V. (Bio-Electronic Vincent) WaterB.E.V. is an acronym for "Bio-Electronic Vincent," an instrument used to measure the three key values of biocompatible water as defined by Professor Louis-Claude Vincent. Professor Vincent was the chief hydrologist in France during the first half of the last century, where he had the unique opportunity to gather statistics showing disease tendencies and mortality rates in populations across Europe. He cross-correlated this information to the water quality those same populations were consuming. As an example, Prof. Vincent found populations with alkaline and oxidized tap water tended to have greater incidence of cancers and thrombosis.

(We want to emphasize that a cross-correlational study does not provide a proven cause-effect relationship, but instead suggests a connection, points towards tendencies, and/or increased risks.)

Prof. Vincent’s research revealed a set of optimal values at the intersection of pH, rH2, and resistivity that was determined to be the most biocompatible for the human organism. The Bio-Electronic Vincent (BEV) provides information never before available; it tells you not only if your water is pure, but whether or not it meets the optimum conditions for biocompatibility with the human body. At Pure Water Systems we are constantly testing the water from our systems to ensure it meets the rigorous BEV standards.

Professor Vincent’s research has evolved considerably since his initial work correlating water quality and disease, and is the foundation of the health-care modality we provide for our clients: our Bioterrain Audit; a.k.a. Bio-Electronic Terrain Analysis. This approach has yielded remarkable results in clinics throughout Europe.


Water & Your Body Chemistry

pHPH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, i.e. the hydrogen ion concentration. Assuming the rH2 and r values are within accepted values, the pH of bio-compatible water can range from 4.0 to 6.9. This range is allowed because in extremely pure water it is very easy to effect the pH value—there are no other dissolved substances to buffer the solution. Regrettably, many municipal systems add lime to raise the pH between 7.3 and 8.0 in order to protect pipes from corrosion. (In fact, many of the toxic compounds found in drinking water come from the distribution system itself. Some, like chlorine and fluoride, are intentionally added; others are acquired as water flows through aging and leaking underground pipes—picking up traces of any number of metals including copper, nickel, chromium, even lead.) 

Many visitors to our site wonder why BEV values call for slight acidity in drinking water, while many web sites promote alkaline drinking water. We find it fascinating that the very idea of the internal environment (terrain) being too acid was developed long before the Japanese and Korean alkalizing machines came to market.

We have carefully reviewed every publication available describing the supposed benefits of alkaline water, and in every case we've found there are significant gaps in the research. Describing pH is only one of the critical parameters for measuring the biocompatibility of drinking water, and is the value most easily influenced. For example, none of the literature accompanying alkaline water machines explains why you would need an alkalizing machine if your tap water is already alkaline (as it is for much of the western USA.)

Further, none of the literature discusses the concentration of the alkaline solution. Alkaline water from an ionizing machine will be significantly different if the source water comes from Seattle vs. Tulsa. These water supplies have vastly different levels of dissolved minerals, yet the literature never mentions how these differences will influence the strength of the alkaline solution. Omissions like these reflect poorly on the credibility of the promoters of alkaline water machines.


rH2 (a value derived via the Nernst Equation and a linear function of pH) provides an indication of oxidation/reduction potential, i.e. the amount of available electrons. This tells you the vitality or energy potential of the water. RH2 also has a scale (similar to pH) that measures from 0 to 42, with 28 representing the mid-point. Values above 28 are considered oxidizing, below 28 reducing. The best water for human consumption has an rH2 slightly on the reducing side of the scale (originally 25 - 29, now more commonly accepted at 20 - 24). Unfortunately, the majority of chlorinated water supplies have an rH2 value higher than 27. 



Resistivity   (the opposite of conductance) is used to measure the amount of dissolved inorganic solids, or TDS. The resistivity value should be as high as possible, indicating an exceptionally low concentration of dissolved contaminates. The higher the resistivity value, the cleaner your water and the better it is for you.

Pure Water Systems (PWS)™ BEV-Series systems typically reduce TDS by greater than 99.6%. Given a feed water supply with TDS of 500 ppm, our BEV systems will typically reduce that to ~2 ppm or less. Pure Water Systems are available at significant discount price at www.biofitpro.com/perfect-water

B.E.V. water systems filter and treat water to have ideal purity, pH, ORP and rH2 values that have been shown to promote and help sustain ideal biochemistry in the human body. While each individual may start out with particular hydration issues that make one water or another more appropriate initially, water with the properties and purity of B.E.V. water systems is ultimately the best water resource in the long run.


Chapter 9

Body Alignment

While up to now we have been only discussing body chemistry, it would be neglectful to fail to mention the significant of body alignment. If your body alignment is off - meaning you have poor posture, painful, damaging movement patterns, and joint instability, then chances are you are not moving around enough in your day to day life and your whole system suffers. Physical pain and lack of movement are common, major sources of harmful stress, anxiety and depression. Not only are those issues bad in themselves, but the lack of movement and negative impact of such factors also have negative impact on your body’s metabolism, digestion/elimination, toxicity levels, blood oxygen levels, lymphatic system and a whole bunch of other downers that just don’t need to be in your life.

As such, a little education about body alignment and how to use corrective exercises to improve your posture (body alignment) & movement patterns (biomechanics). Having good bio-mechanics (movement patterns) is possibly the most fundamental piece of the puzzle behind any successful fitness program. If you don’t have good biomechanics you are very likely to have to taper, delay and even possibly abandon your exercise program due to injury and physical pain. Good biomechanics are also a must if you are seeking to develop a proportional, well balanced physique. If your body alignment is off, you likely will not be able to develop musculature proportionately - causing some muscle groups to over develop while others remain underdeveloped simply due to the fact that faulty movement patterns cause you to over work certain muscle groups (and over burden certain joints) while preventing you from using all of your muscle groups in correct kinetic chains.

Biomechanic Optimization : Truly Yoga

Injury, poor flexibility, stiffness, musclo-skeletal pain, spinal degeneration, poor/imbalanced muscular development, nerve impingement and impaired athletic performance are all products of a inefficient movement patterns and deficient, learned postural patterns. 

Fortunately, your body is highly responsive to stimulus and can learn how to move and hold itself appropriately to relieve pain, increase flexibility, ease of movement, stimulate well proportioned, toned musculature and improve athleticism.  Correcting body alignment is a chief aim of many health/fitness disciplines including yoga, pilates, physical therapy and chiropractics. The approach to correcting your body alignment and movement patterns (biomechanic optimization) presented here is, essential, a form of yoga.

"Yoga" literally means "union, yoking" or "to join" together.  In this sense, what is presented here is a form of yoga, based on The Egoscue Method.  The primary principle of The Egoscue Method is that the body works as a unit.  Corrective exercise can be used to coordinate our limbs and core so that when an individual moves or stands or holds a pose, the individual's bodyparts move in synergy, such that weight, force, stress and work is distributed appropriately and joints stay within their functionally viable ranges of motion.  

In this section you will find the following:      *Corrective exercise routines to relieve pain and restore function,        specified by area of pain and/or postural imbalance      *Foundational information regarding your body's alignment and        your alignment's relation to pain, function & athleticism.

The goal of this information is to enable you to live a pain free, active life and to provide the information necessary to reach your full athletic potential.


Ideal Posture

When movement patterns are corrected through well chosen exercises there is a corresponding shift in the individual's standing posture.   Without thinking about it, an individual who just performed a series of well selected corrective exercises will automatically stand with "better" posture. 

But what is "better" posture? And what makes it "better"? Well, functionally, it moves in sustainable, pain free patterns so you can stay fit and active for a lifetime. Visually, it looks as below illustrated.

Ideal posture exhibits the following characteristics...

From the Front View:

-  The ears, shoulders and hips are horizontally level

-  The body can be divided precisely in half by a vertical plum line

-  The arms hang freely along the side of the body and the palms are perpendicular such     that only the thumb and index finger are visible from the front view

-  The weight is distributed evenly on both sides of the body and evenly throughout the     sole of the foot inside to out and heel to toe

From the Side View:

A vertical plum line runs through the center of the "load points" -

Load Points: Head, Shoulder, Hip, Knee & Ankle, or more specifically:        -  Slightly behind the crown of the head    (slightly posterior to the apex of the coronal structure)

-  Through the center of the ear    (through the external auditory meatus)

-  Midway through the shoulder

-  Through the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae

-  Through the tip of the sacrum  (through the sacral promontory)

-  Slightly behind (posterior to) the center of the hip joint

-  Slightly in front of (anterior to) the axis of the knee joint

-  Slightly anterior to the boney protrusion of the side of the ankle    (anterior to lateral malleolus)


Spine & Pelvis

-    The spine should have a gentle "S-curve", wherein the neck (cervical spine) and lower back (lumbar spine) are in a slight extension (arching), while the upper back (thoracic spine) and tailbone (sacrum) are in slight flexion (rounding)

-  The pelvis should be "level", which means the boney landmarks of the A.S.I.S. and the P.S.I.S. (the anterior superior iliac spine and the posterior superior iliac spine) should align level horizontally.

Neutral spine is the name for posture that maintains the three normal curves in your spine—one in your neck, one in your upper back, and one in your lower back. These three curves help absorb stress and impact on your body, while you are lying, sitting or standing still and when you move.

Common Postural Imbalances

The human body is designed to work with a specific alignment. Correct postural alignment allows optimal functioning of our bodies.

• Our bodies are designed to be aligned vertically with gravity, that is, not leaning or bending too far forward or backward.

• Our major joints are designed to be aligned one on top of the other - the shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, and feet should all line up.

• Our bodies are designed to be symmetrical. The right side equals the left. One hip or shoulder shouldn't be more forward or higher than the other. Our weight should be evenly centered on both feet.

• Our pelvis is designed to be upright and not tilted too far forward or back. • Our spine is designed to carry our weight with three gentle curves.

Alter any of these components and our alignment is off.


Correcting Body Alignment

Just as with individual bio-chemistry, individual biomechanics have case specific needs and require individualized programs to correct the various possible imbalances.

Such individualized attention is available. There are various resources available, but we most highly recommend you find the help of a certified and well experienced Egoscue Method Therapist. To find an Egoscue Clinic near you, visit www.egoscue.com, or contact me, Will Schmidt via e-mail: [email protected] or via phone (925) 719 5458 to set up an exercise therapy session in person or via Skype video conference.

Also, just as with bio-chemistry, after 7 years of professional experience using the Egoscue Method, I have discovered and recorded a routine that works greatly improve the mass majority of postural imbalances. I’m not saying that this routine will completely fix everyone’s posture problems, nor am I saying that it is appropriate for everyone. For example, if you are currently experiencing severe sciatica, i’d strongly advise you to not do the exercise video i’m about to recommend. Instead, get thyself to an Egoscue Clinic A.S.A.P.

I also highly advise you read any of Pete Egoscue’s books - the most popular of his writings being Pain Free, the most foundational/informative being The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion.

For those of you who seem to fall into one or the other of the above listed postural imbalances and are not experiencing any severe pain symptoms, feel encouraged to try The Foundation Routine (Warmup) on my site page: www.biofitpro.com/lean-warrior-workouts

That page also contains some workout programs that are currently under development and will soon contain more illustrations and video demonstrations, so stay tuned for more to come :)

Also, many more pain relief videos coming soon to www.vimeo.com/holisticfitnesstv



Self Tests

See video demonstrations of all the self tests, as well as information on how to use the Imbalance Guide Sheet & the Progress Charts on the Coalition by visiting:www.biofitpro.com/self-tests

Progress Tracking: Pending on the findings in your test, you’ve been assigned different self tests that we’d like you do to on yourself, ideally daily unless otherwise instructed, to help you and us to know how your program is working for you and to help you develop awareness of how changes in your physiology (created by changes in your diet, supplements, activities and environment) all effect your well being. This will help us monitor and refine your program and will help you gain a real understanding and empowered control over your health.

Blood Glucose TestWash your hands prior to testing so residue from lotions, etc. don’t affect the test results. Insert a new lancet into the lancing device (Never re-use lancets), prick your finger and allow the blood to make a small bubble. (You can squeeze your finger if needed.) Depending on your glucometer, either drip the blood on top of the test strip or place the test strip up against the drop of blood and it will sip the blood up into the strip like a straw. To get your fasting glucose, test before breakfast and before you drink anything other than water or before you brush your teeth (if possible). When you want to check your fasting glucose, it's best to leave the glucometer out where you will see it first thing in the morning so you won't forget.- test kits available at Natural Reference.com - item name: Ascensia Breeze 2 Test Discs

Blood Pressure TestsTo test your resting blood pressure, lie down and test on your left arm according to the directions for your blood pressure cuff. To test your standing blood pressure, lie down, push the button to start the inflation, then stand up and hold your arm still as not to disturb the machine from taking its reading. -automatic blood pressure test machine available at www.naturalreference.com: item name: Omron BP742 5 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor.To find resting and standing blood pressure and pulse differentials, first lay down flat and wait a few minutes, then take a blood pressure and pulse reading while still laying down. This is your resting blood pressure and resting pulse. Once that data is recorded, then begin to stand up. Start the blood pressure measurement again as you start to make your way to your feet, let the machine read your blood pressure and pulse as you stand. This data will be your standing blood pressure and pulse.

Breath Hold Time TestSit comfortably. Take 3 full, deep breaths in and out. On the 4th inhale, start your stopwatch or timer at the end of the inhale and hold your breath as long as you can. Don’t pass out or anything or make this like it's a contest you have to win. But do hold your breath as long as you comfortably can. It's best not to look at the stop watch while you're holding your breath. If you do, you may be inclined to turn it into a competition and hold your breath longer than you normally would.

Saliva & Urine pHsThe first morning urine test, while being a valid test, takes greater discretion to sort out the results because you are unloading the previous days "metabolic debt", or those acids you accumulated through the previous day. By testing your urine and saliva pH either just before lunch or just before dinner, ideally it will have been at least 2 hours since you have eaten any


food. This will be an easier test to discern what the numbers are showing. Urine: Simply hold the test strip in your urine stream for a second and read against the color chart. If the chart goes from 6 to 6.5 and it’s somewhere in between, make a guess and say 6.3 or wherever you think it lands. Saliva: Try not to drink or have anything in your mouth for 20 minutes before testing, and wait at least 2 hours after eating. Just bring up a little saliva between your lips and run the test strip through the saliva. Read against the chart right away. With urine, it is not as important to read against the chart right away. But with saliva, the Co2 in your saliva will out- gas and that reading will often rise the longer you wait to read it. - pH paper strips available at www.naturalreference.com

Spit TestBefore going to bed, place a clear glass full of water on your bathroom counter or wherever you go first thing in the morning when you wake up. This will help remind you to do this test when you see the glass so you don’t brush your teeth first. Make sure the glass is see-through so you can see what’s going on inside. Immediately upon waking, swallow the saliva in your mouth and bring up some new saliva. Let it drop gently into the glass on top of the water. Now watch what happens. You’re looking to see if the saliva floats on top of the water or if it starts to string down into the water. Watch for 30 seconds or so. If it strings down, notice how quickly it happened. If it strings a lot, this may be a sign of a bacterial infection

Urine Reagent Dip Stick Test (use to find Specific Gravity of Urine &/Or Saliva)The Urispec 11-way reagent test is used to detect the presence of various particulates in the urine as well as to assess particular qualities of the urine itself. If you have been assigned this self test it is recommended that you perform this test 2-3 times a week. To perform this test collect a urine sample in a disposable plastic cup and dip the test strip into the urine sample. Quickly remove the test strip from the sample and hold the strip horizontally with its side edge facing directly towards the floor such that urine does not run from one reagent square to the next. It is a very good idea to blot the side edge of the strip to a paper towel to absorb the extra urine from the strip so that the reagents do not mix together.After 30-60 seconds hold the strip up to the color code on the bottle the strips came in and record the findings of the strip into your food/daily journal here on the Coalition. You can purchase Urispec 11-Way test strips online at www.naturaleference.com: item name: RAPID RESPONSE ULTRA 11 PARAMETERS URINALYSIS REAGENT TEST STRIPS

Breath RateThis is hard to test on yourself when you’re conscious of what you’re doing because you might adjust your breathing. Anytime you can, get someone else to test this for you so you can let your mind wonder to other things and just breathe normally. It will probably be a more accurate reading. Lie down and relax. Try to think of other things so that you breath normally. Start your timer and count the number of times you inhale for 30 seconds. Double that number for the amount of breaths per minute. I like to continue for the entire minute to see if I get the same number the second 30 seconds as I did the first. If not, I may average the two.


Recommended Food Charts for Slow and Fast Oxidizers


Terrain Specific Supplements

Terrain Specific Products are available for purchase through Natural Reference. Simply go to www.naturalreference.com, click on Shop, then click on the text that reads “Health Coach Code Required”. The site will then ask you for a practitioner’s code. In the box provided type in 7771 and you will gain access to the full line of Terrain Specific Supplements.

For detailed description of what exactly is in each of the supplements recommended below, visit www.biofitpro.com/terrain-specific-formulas. To determine ideal dosages for your body, seek the help of a qualified bio-terrain auditor (www.biofitpro.com) and monitor changes in your body’s chemistry via the Self Tests. Always start with the lowest possible dosage and gradually build up to effective dose levels. Always consult with your doctor or otherwise licensed health care advisor before starting any health program. Please remember, none of these products are meant to treat or cure any disease. To claim that they do is illegal. The AMA and FDA have monopolies on “curing” and “treating” diseases so those that do not accord with their doctrine are not legally allowed to make such claims. As sovereign beings in control of our own thoughts and choices though, let us remember that we are all free to choose what resources we see as most appropriate to maintain and promote our health.

Digestive SupplementsDigesti-zymeBetaine HClBeet Flow

Electrolyte Balance To Correct Electrolyte Excess- Electro X- Flow E (good if also catabolic)- Auto S (good if also catabolic)- Phosphoric acid (good if also anabolic)- Magnesium Chloride (good if also beta slow oxidizer)- Potassium Bicarbonate (good if also tricarb fast oxidizer)

To Correct Electrolyte Deficiency- Electro D (use sparingly if also anabolic or tricarb fast oxidizer)- Flow E (good if also catabolic, high cholesterol, ulcers and/or insomnia)- Auto P (good if also anabolic and/or parasympathetic)- Tyrosine (good if also anabolic or fast oxidizer)

Anabolic / Catabolic Formulas To help correct an Anabolic Imbalance:-Anabolic-Flow A (don’t use if diarrhea is present)-Vitamin A-Cal Flow-Beet Flow-Magnesium Malate

To help correct a Catabolic Imbalance-Catabolic -Matrix Aminos-HMB


Energy Production / Metabolic Tendencies To help correct the Beta Slow Oxidizer Imbalance:-Mito-NRG-Banaba Chrome-Flow A-Beet Flow-Magnesium Malate

To help correct the Tricarb Fast Oxidizer Imbalance:-Flow E62-Gluco +-Digesti-zyme-Beet Flow

Autonomic Nervous System Formulas To help correct the Sympathetic Imbalance (do not use these products if you have asthma!)-Auto S-Digesti-zyme-Betaine HCl-Beet Flow-Magnesium Malate-Potassium Citrate

To help correct the Parasympathetic Imbalance (do not use these products if you are diabetic!)-Auto P-Ammonium Phosphate-Calcium Aspartate-Sodium Glycerophosphate-Betaine HCl-Digesti-zyme-Beet Flow-Mito NRG (good if also beta slow oxidizer or alkaline imbalance)

pH Balancing To help correct Metabolic Acidosis and/or Respiratory Acidosis-Magnesium Chloride-P & L Enzymes-Phenylalanine (for potassium excess acidosis and low pulse)-Di-sodium phosphate (good if also tricarb fast oxidizer)

To help correct Metabolic Alkalosis and/or Respiratory Alkalosis-Ammonium chloride (stop usage if breath rate > 16)-Magnesium chloride (good for potassium deficiency alkalosis)-Phosphoric Acid Drops (good if high urine pH and low pulse)-Vitamin C as ascorbic acid (good to correct high urine pH)-Vitamin b6 p5p (good if urine pH is higher than saliva pH)


HCL PROTOCOL - How to use Digesti-zyme and/or Betaine HCL

Digesti-zyme and Betaine HCL are hydrochloric acid containing supplements. Here are some important notes about using HCL:

Judicious use of hydrochloric acid (HCL) supplementation starts breaking down your food to release and ionize the minerals from the food. Your body starts to assimilate those minerals, adding to your mineral reserves, and the HCL production starts to naturally increase again. While you do this, the minerals you are now getting from the food will also help to balance your body.

In the middle of a meal with protein, take one HCL capsule. (It is important to chase HCL with at least one bite of food. If the capsule were to get stuck in your esophagus and dissolve there, it would feel a like heartburn.) The amount of HCL used is also measured against the amount of protein in the meal - more protein, more HCL; less protein less HCL.) If you do not feel a warming sensation in your tummy, take two at the next meal. If you do not then feel a warming sensation your tummy, take three at the next meal. This process continues until you feel a warming sensation in your stomach, up to a maximum of five 500 mg capsules. Hold at this dosage until you feel a warming sensation in your tummy. Once this happens, at the next meal, back off one capsule and stay at that dosage for all successive meals until you begin to feel a warming sensation again, then back off another capsule and stay at that dosage level for successive meals. When you begin to feel a warming sensation again, back off another capsule. Continue to do this until you are down to one HCL capsule with each meal. When you feel a warming sensation after taking the single capsule, stop taking HCL supplements as your body now appears to be producing enough HCL on its own.

(Keep in mind, whatever your normal dosage is (Say you are currently at 5 HCL), if you eat a meal with far less protein than you normally consume, you may only need 2 or 3 HCL with that meal, since it contains less protein.)

Some individuals need to hold at the 5 HCL dosage for some time before their body can begin producing more HCL on its own. So, if you're not feeling a warming sensation after meals with 5 HCL, it's likely that your body may not have the mineral resources to make its own HCL. You can continue to take the 5 HCL dose until you eventually feel the warming in your stomach. If you do not feel a warming sensation, another indicator is burping or bloating. When burping or bloating ceases, you may be ready to reduce your HCL dosage. You may try reducing your dosage by one capsule and monitor to see if any burping or bloating returns, indicating that you likely still need the higher dose of HCL.

What if I take too much?

If you misjudge the size of a meal and take too many HCL capsules, resulting in an upset stomach from too much acid, you can mix a 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of baking soda in some water and drink it. The baking soda will neutralize the acid. You will have eliminated proper digestion for that meal, but it may be a better option than the discomfort of having too much acid in your stomach. Then, at your next meal of the same protein content, adjust your HCL intake accordingly.

What if my stool becomes loose?

If you begin to use HCL supplements and your stool becomes very loose and/or you experience extreme urgency to use the restroom, you may now have more acid coming from the stomach than your bile can quench and cool off. So, the body moves this acid product through the


intestines quickly so as to not burn the intestinal lining. This doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have a need for that additional HCL, it may just mean that you don't have the proper bile flow to cool it off. To use an illustration; let's say that your stomach's HCL production was at a 3 out of 5 (so you would need additional HCL supplementation to fully break down your food), but your bile flow was only at a 1 out of 5. That low amount of bile flow may not be enough to quench that acid and your stool could become loose. You might need to temporarily reduce your HCL supplementation until you can correct the issues that are restricting your bile flow. Once bile flow is correctly restored, you may be able to increase your HCL supplementation until you feel the warming in your tummy without experiencing any loose stool issues.


Beet Flow Flush

Beet flow’s job is to give your bile the right consistency and to trigger it to flow from the liver and gall bladder through the biliary pathway when it should. For many people, bile flow is not up to par and we need to get it kick started.

The most effective way to do that is through a coffee enema. Most clinics that provide colon hydrotherapy also offer assistance performing coffee enemas, but they are easy to do on your own at home with simple, inexpensive home kits. If you’d like assistance, google search “coffee enema” and the name of the city you live in to find a local provider

If you are more comfortable doing it yourself and would like to be able to perform them whenever necessary, we recommend getting a home kit. Here is a link to a recommended coffee enema home kit: http://www.implantorama.com/coffee-enema-detox-home-enema-equipment.htm

A coffee enema is the most direct and potent way to trigger bile flow, but not everyone is comfortable with this process or needs to go to such extremes. Which is why, even though coffee enemas are so powerful, we usually start off recommended a process called the Beet Flow Flush, which is much easier to do.

Here are instructions for the Beet Flow Flush:

Day 1: Perform a coffee enema & Take 4 beet flow after each meal

Day 2: Perform the Beet Flow Flush The Beet Flow Flush: take 4 beet flow after breakfast, then 4 more every 30 minutes for a total of 4 doses (that’s a total of 16 capsules of beet flow, 4 taken every 30 minutes till a total of 16 have been consumed). Drink 1-2 liters of water during this time.

Day 3: Begin full supplement protocol 2-4 beet flow after each meal 2-5 digesti-zyme with each meal.

To recap, I take 4 beet flow capsules every 30 minutes for 4 doses. Drink 1-2 liters of filtered water during this time. And that’s it. You’re done. Then we can watch your saliva pH the next day and if it doesn’t come up, you can do the cleanse again if you don't get all the response you want to see.

Its a very easy cleanse. It’s all about the power of beets moving your bile and getting your liver to function better. It’s about getting that lymph flowing better so you can remove some garbage. It really works unbelievably for some people. Most people don’t really feel any different right away but when their numbers start to improve you can really see it worked. This is just like eating a bucket of organic beets without having to actually do that. Just an easy cleanse that can help your bile flow better, improve how your lymph is flowing. The Beet Flow thins the bile and the biliary pathway is the main route for liver detoxification. If your saliva pH begins to rise in the next day or so following this cleanse or your stool begins to get darker, we know it worked well.


Bio-­‐Terrain  Assessment      (a.k.a.  Flow  Systems  Audi9ng)


Dr.  T.C.  McDaniel  :  Zeta  Dietary  Laws  

One  must  make  the  sole  commitment  to  alter  their  self  destruc3ve  behavior.  This  doesn’t  mean  that  we  won’t   falter,  however  if   you  are  a<emp3ng   to   rid  your  body   of   toxins  and  disease,  we  must  stay   the  course.  ZesAul  Wellness  is  living  life  to  the  fullest.  “You  can’t  buy  your  health,  you  have  to  earn  it.”

1.   Learn  the  language:  In  order  to  understand  the  scien3fic  principles  behind  the  Wellness  process,  we  must  understand  (in  the  simplest  form)  the  language  of  science.  Our  blood  must  flow  freely  and  be  balanced  with   proper   ra3os   of   electrolytes.   Our   bodies   func3on   is  electrical  and  must  maintain   the  proper  internal  terrain  in  order  to  func3on.  This  is  known  as  Life  Force.2.   We  must  consume  only  fresh  organics  “food”  and  not  chemicals  or  what  is  known  as  “processed”  foods.3.   Avoid   consuming   all   canned   items.   All   canned   foods   can   be   high   in   heavy   metal   content.  4.   Do  not  cook  or  consume  foods  prepared  on  or  in  any  aluminum.  Stainless  steel  or  glasspreferred.  No  Teflon  or  non-­‐s3ck  surfaces  should  ever  be  used.  5.   Limit,   if   not   eliminate,   red   meat  including  pork  that  has  been  fed  soy  and  other  forms  ofsubstances.  The  animal  should  not  consume  meat  by-­‐products,  chemical  growth  s3mulants  (steroids),  hormones   or   an3bio3cs.   Processed   meats   or   “sandwich  meats”   especially   those   containing   nitrites  should  never  be  consumed.6.   Limit,   if   not   eliminate,   dairy   products   especially   cow’s  milk   and   processed   cheese   products.  7.   Increase  consump3on  of  fresh  fish.  Canned  tuna  should  be  avoided.  8.   Limit,   if   not   eliminate,  bread  products  made  from  processed  wheat  or  grains.  9.   Limit,  if  not  eliminate,  alcohol.10.  Do  not  use  ar3ficial  anything  such  as  ar3ficial  sweeteners  or  flavorings.  11.  Consume  only  Dis3lled  or  Reverse  Osmosis  water  ONLY.   The  average  person   should   consume  at  least  3  pints  to  1⁄2  your  body  weight  in  ounces  per  day  (150lb  =  75oz.).  Urine  should  be  observedand   be   colorless   and   orderless.   12.   No   sod   drinks   especially   “diet   soda’s”.   13.   Prepared   or   bo<led  dressings  and  condiments  should  be  avoided  or  eliminated  unlesshomemade  with   fresh  ingredients.   In   summa3on,  to  achieve  and  maintain  ZesAul  Wellness,  we  must  support   the   internal   terrain   of   the   human   body   by   sustaining   Electrophoresis   (life   force).   We  recommend  a  diet   that   is  not  only  fresh  from  the  garden,  but  is  high  in  vegetables,  fruits,  fish,  grains,  and  legumes  as  well  as  low  in  red  meats.

"Good" Water consumption, in accordance with Dr. McDaniel’s insights, has a general rule of how much and what kind of water to drink, which states:“As a rule you should drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water per day. If you weigh 150 lbs. you should be drinking 75 ounces of "good", purified water daily.     For best results, drink reverse osmosis or distilled water only as your "good" water.”

While that may serve as a general rule of thumb, there are important nuances of individual biochemistry that greatly alter the kind and amount of water that a given individual should drink. The most important factors to remember here are that we are trying to create balance for the individual and paying attention to the ideal ranges of our points of homeostasis is what matters most when choices as an individual. For example, if you’re electrolyte levels are really low, then drinking a bunch of reverse osmosis water would dilute your electrolyte balance even more, which is really dangerous. You’d have to first “qualify” to drink more water by raising your blood electrolyte content, which would mean drinking water with more mineral content and/or working to improve digestion so that you get more minerals (electrolytes) from the food you eat.


Ideal  Zones  for  Self  Test  Chemistry

Urine  pH    -­‐  generally  5.5-­‐6.0

Saliva  pH  -­‐  generally  6.5-­‐6.9

Blood  Pressure  -­‐  120  systolic  /  80  diastolic          Pulse  -­‐  75  to  85  beats  per  minute      The  difference  between  your  res3ng  and  standing  pulse  should  ideally  be  less  than  12

Breath  Rate  -­‐  15-­‐17  breaths  per  minute

Blood  Glucose  -­‐  80-­‐100

Urine  Specific  Gravity  -­‐  around  1.015  on  the  Uri-­‐Spec  test  strip


Self  Test  Tracking  Data  Sheet
















































































































































































Contact: Will Schmidt www.biofitpro.com [email protected] (925) 719-5458



The Coalition for Health Education

The Coalition is a private association for members whose mission is to help individuals learn more about health. In addition to providing very unique tools for education they also provide a venue for privacy wherein members can freely associate and share information relevant to health topics that are not readily available in the public sector.

As a "Health Coach", in the function of performing Bioterrain Audit, all our clients are required to working with our practitioners must become  members of the Coalition.  Your membership will allow us both to track your progress on the member site and will allow us to provide you with helpful information in an easy-to access manner.  Membership is by invitation only and we can provide you with that invitation.  The cost is only $20 dues per year and that can be charged to your credit card upon enrollment. Working with all of our clients in this fashion serves as a way to further health care privacy and to also access the special tools of the association.

For example, when we help you audit your health using various measures, we can transfer that information over to your own private section of the Coalition website so you'll have ready access to it. And if you had any reservations of someone else breaking our encryption and getting into your private area, you can rest assured that no medical information (which the government assumes control) is uploaded to the website.  From our practitioner access portal, we will be able to direct further information to you that is pertinent to your own health audit measures and is specific to your unique biological individuality.

You will also have access to input tools where you can chart your own progress. Within the framework of our work together, we will show you how to take specific measures of urine and saliva pH, certain blood pressure and pulse readings, glucose, and more.

You will be able to enter and track all of this on your Coalition website. This will not only be a way to measure yourself, but also a way to measure me.  We will be able to monitor your progress charts and know when corrective actions may need to be discussed, and so will you. You will know objectively if the coaching you are getting is doing what it is supposed to be doing - making you more healthy!

To join the Coalition, visit www.ourcoalition.org

Login using the guest username: guest1221

And password: guest1221

Once logged in, click on "Register Now"(Know that your account will not be activated until I have set up your website with information specific to you.)

2) Shortly thereafter look for an email from me with a link to a questionnaire. This needs to be filled out before our first meeting.

3) At our first meeting, you will be asked to sign a copy of my client agreement. This formality outlines the type of service you are requesting from us under our agreement together along with the pertinent disclosure and disclaimer information so there shall be no misunderstanding of our roles and responsibilities as we move forward.


Recommended Resources

Free Course on Correcting Digestion at:


& more courses coming very soon - e.g. online fat loss course

LOTS of helpful videos at:


also check out T.C. Hale’s videos on Vimeo

Bio-terrain Assessment & Advanced Nutrition Counseling

-Will Schmidt, Bio-terrain Technician & Advanced Nutritionist at Biofit Pro www.biofitpro.com : [email protected] : (925) 719 5458

Online Health Coaching & Advanced Nutrition Counseling

-The Coalition for Health Education www.ourcoalition.org -to attain a personal health coach on the Coalition register with username: guest1221 & password: guest1221

Terrain Specific Supplements

-Natural Reference www.naturalreference.com : (888) 239 2450 -to gain access to Terrain Specific Supplements 1. click on Shop 2. then click on the text that reads “Health Coach Required” and enter practitioner code 7771.

Recommended Viewing

-Documentary by Tony Hale: “Why Am I So Fat?” www.whyamisofatmovie.com

B.E.V. Water Systems



Recommended Reading

*”Done With That” series, Tony Hale - see: www.donewiththatbooks.com

*The Triad: Dr. Royal Lee and the Immune System (recorded lecture)

*The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, William Kelley Eidem

*Guy Schenker, DC, An Analytical System of Clinical Nutrition, 1989-2010

*The Nutrition Solution: A Guide to Your Metabolic Type, Harold Krystal, DDS

* George Watson, pHD, Nutrition and Your Mind, 1972

* The Metabolic Typing Diet, William Wolcott

* Feed Your Body Right, Lendon Smith, M.D.

* Pain Free, Pete Egoscue

* The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion, Pete Egoscue