MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY. EARLY LIFE March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born

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Page 1: MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY. EARLY LIFE  March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born


Page 2: MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY. EARLY LIFE  March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born


March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born.

Page 3: MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY. EARLY LIFE  March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born


I was born on a Thursday. March 27, 2003, was the date that day. I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was a great day. My mother was in the bath tub when labor started. After a while she went to the doctor. My father and god mother were with her. My mother said she was in labor for about a day. I was born 15 minutes into the twenty-seventh.

When I was born my god mother saw me and said I was a Lucy. My mother loved that name and decided to name me that. I weighed closed to nine pounds when I was born. I had some condition where I could not breath. The doctors had to take me away and put a mask on me. My parents said they were very nervous and had a lot of anxiety. But I ended up okay and today I’m very healthy and happy.

Page 4: MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY. EARLY LIFE  March 27, 2003, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That Thursday I, Lucy Stedman was born


I was a happy baby. As every baby does I cried and fussed but that is normal. I learned to walk and talk around that same time as average babies do. But one thing I did do that was different is get out of my crib. I was a smart infant.

When I was about six months old I learned how I could escape from my crib. I would crawl out of my crib and scoot down the stairs. My parents said it was funny to watch but they were more worried about my safety. So, in order to keep me safe they put a net over my crib. It worked for a while but I discovered that I could unzip it with my pinky. It was a problem for a while but eventually I grew out of it.

Even though I was a little more smart than usual I still learned how to walk and talk at the time regular babies do. My first word was daddy. I said my first word around nine months I think. I learned to walk around one year old. So, I was like any other baby but with my own little perks.

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When I was about one my little sister was born. My parents named her Josephine. Her nickname was Josie but I couldn’t say Josie so I called her Joey. And from there everyone now calls her Joey. Joey and I loved each others company. Through the ages one to about four we did practically everything together. This time period was probably the happiest of my life. My sister and I got along , my parents we’re happy and everything was great.

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When I was four my dad got a new job in Florida and ,that meant we were going to move. I remember hating the idea and crying over the fact that we’d leave. I loved where we lived and did NOT want to leave. But in the long run I knew I’d have to go. We moved that summer. We didn’t have a place to stay so we lived with my grandma and uncle for a while. At first it didn’t bother me but living out of suitcases gets old fast. Finally though, we found a house. We got settled and it was finally peaceful.

After the summer I had to finish my second year of pre-school. I really enjoyed pre-school. I thought it was very fun. I made new friends and I loved it! Pre-school got even better when my sister started it . It was much more fun when she was there.

After a year or two I had to start kindergarten. I remember being so excited to go to elementary school. I went to Carillon Elementary School. I loved kindergarten I felt so big and grown up. I met my best friend in kindergarten. Her name was Rebekah. We were best friends for all of elementary school. Kindergarten was great I loved my teacher, I had great friends , and I made good memories.

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After a few months kindergarten finally ended. I was sad about leaving. I loved kindergarten and didn’t want to leave. But I knew I had to so I went with it. After a while, I started to get over not wanting to leave kindergarten and I was really excited for first grade.

I was very excited when the summer ended because I really wanted to go to first grade. I was ecstatic when I found out that my best friend was in my class for first grade. I remember wanting to just scream because I was so happy. I was just so happy and excited.

After a while I finally got to start first grade. I was excited but kind of nervous, as well. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous but I got over it after a few minutes. When I got into the class room I had mixed emotions. I missed my parents, I was nervous but I was also very happy. A few hours went by and I started to get more comfortable with my surroundings and classmates. After a few days I was completely okay and comfortable in my classroom.

First grade was great and I was happy. I remember having a birthday party for my sixth birthday. I had a lot of fun turning six. It was a good year. Nothing to special happened that year but it was still a good year.

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I have a big family compared to others. Both of my grandparents had four children. So, both of my parents have 3 siblings. My family is very close. We all love each other.

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I see my mom’s family much more than my dad’s because they all live in Florida too. Since they live here I’m closer with her family than my dads. But I love each side equally, of course. My moms family is a little bigger than my dad’s I think . So, there’s a lot of ground to cover.

:moms siblings:

My mom’s oldest sisters name is Molly. She married my dad’s brother a long time ago. His name is Tony. They had two daughters named Kaylan and Kate. They’re 21 and 26 now. Kaylan is teaching English in China and Kate is a nurse and will graduate soon. My aunt got divorced though and know she is married to my uncle Jim.

My mom’s younger sisters name is Marla. She’s married to my uncle Bob. They have two sons named Jordan and Jacob. Jordan is in tenth grade and Jacob is 19.I don’t see my cousins that much but when I do it’s always fun.

My mom’s half brother is named Todd. He lives in Germany with his wife and my four cousins. I rarely ever see my cousins. There names are Maya, Connor, Isabella and Hannah. I miss them a lot ,for I haven’t seen them since 2010 I think. But I still love them all.

: My mom’s parents:

My mom’s parents are old but healthy. I love them very much. My granddad is a step-grandpa because I have no D.N.A shared with him. My real grandfather died way before I was born. But my grandma got remarried to my grandpa now. But I still love him the same as anyone else

And that is my moms family

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All of my dad’s family lives out of Florida. So, I don’t see them that much. I love my dad’s family as much as my moms. I try to keep in touch with them as much as possible. But I will be moving to Minnesota in the summer. So, I’ll get to see them much more than I do now.

:my dad’s siblings:

My dad’s oldest sibling is my aunt Anne. She lives in Minnesota on a farm. My aunt Anne has a son name Christopher and a daughter named Sophia. They are both much older than me. I don’t see them that much but I do love them.

My dad’s oldest brother’s name is Tim. He also lives in Minnesota. So, I don’t see him that much, either. He doesn’t have any kids but he does have a wife. They are very kind. But I do not see them very often. I see them once every year or two.

My dad’s other older brother is named Anthony. We call him Tony, though. He was once married to my moms sister but they got a divorce. He has two daughters named Kaylan and Kate. He did end up getting re-married to a woman named Catherine. We call her Cati. They ended up having a baby named Rocco. He is two now. I see them a few times a year because they live in Texas. I usually really miss them. But we keep in contact.

My dad’s parents also live in Minnesota. So, as you can probably guess I don’t see them to often. There really nice grandparents. I miss them from time to time but we talk over them phone sometimes. I see them many times in the year. It’s always fun when they come.

And that is my dad’s family

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I’ve met many people in this time of my life. Some people I’ve met are my good friends. I always love doing things with my friends. Going to the mall, hanging out, or just talking is always fun. They also mean a lot to me. So, it’ll be hard to leave them when I move.

I’ve met teachers and people who help me in many ways. I really appreciate what teachers do. I think there very helpful. But some are nice and some are mean. I might not like all of them but I respect them.

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I’ve done some cool things and I’ve been some cool places.

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One memory I have was on Christmas. It was a few years ago. My mom’s family was at my house. We were opening presents ,eating treats, and having a great time. But then the door bell rang. I ran and opened the door but to my surprise there was only a baby at the door. I called my dad and I was very confused. My dad came and called the whole family over. We were trying to figure out who’s baby it was and what to do with it. I stepped outside with my family looking to see if anyone else was here. We turned the car and my mom’s brother and family popped out. We were all so surprised and delighted. It ended up that the baby was their baby. No one knew it was theirs because no one had met the baby yet. That was definitely a Christmas I’ll never forget.

Another Christmas memory was when my sister and I were pretty little. My mom was cooking banana bread and something happened. The bread was burning really bad and the oven was to hot. There was smoke covering every inch of the house. My sister and I were freaking out a little. So, we decided to run outside. We all ended up laughing it was a funny memory .

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A few years ago I visited Minnesota for the summer. We stayed at my aunt’s house. She lived on a farm and had horses. So, we went horse back riding many times. One time when we were going out in the pasture to get the horses something bad happened. I got down to tie my shoes and my other leg was laying on the ground. There new horse had gotten spooked and stepped back. I was sitting a few feet behind the horse. I knew the horse was going to step on my leg but I couldn’t move. I was in shock and my brain couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Then bam, the horse stepped on my leg. It hurt but luckily it stepped on my muscle and not my bone. I ended up ok and I still have a strong love for horses.

A fun memory I have is going to The Mall of America. I’ve been there many times before. If you didn’t know The Mall of America is the biggest mall in America. It’s amazing of you don’t go there often or at all. It has roller coasters inside multiple movie the