My Audience

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Page 2: My Audience

Types of audience

Casual – These audience members select a product, but do not enjoy the whole experience like more passionate fans do.

Loyal – These audience members make an effort to keep up with the product and any other related products of their choice.

Cult Following – These are audience members who are passionate about the product, ensuring they are aware of the product and anything related as soon as it is announced.

Page 3: My Audience

Types of audience pleasure

Visceral – this is pleasure in the physical form. An example of this would be putting audience members on the edge of their seat through intense, suspenseful scenes.

Vicarious – This is emotional pleasure, such as feeling sorry for the character during a tragic moment in the movie.

Voyeuristic – This is the pleasure of a nice sight. This could be caused by an attractive actor or actress; connoting both the male and female gaze theories.

Page 4: My Audience

Active vs passive audience members

My audience members shall be active. As a result of this, I will apply the uses and gratifications theory to them, as they will actively absorb the media (engaging or ready to engage in pursuits). These audience members may get 4 things from the media: information, entertainment, personal identity and social interaction/integration. They may also connote Stuart Hall’s reception theory, as they understand messages encoded within the media. However if they were passive I would have to apply the hypodermic needle theory to them, as they passively absorb the media (with no active response or resistance). These passive audience members may be followers of trends, as apposed to original individuals. This may lead to them discovering things later than people who look for themselves. Passive individuals could be lead into believing in ‘bad world syndrome’ by the media, thinking the world is a horrible and dangerous place as a result in things and events portrayed in the media.