THE Pl,ATTSBrR<;H REPl'BLW 4X SATURDAY MOKNTNG, AI <.l JST 2J. .IH7Ji. \ -- Ul lie. l»Jr '.hi t sail, I'w ] .*>•- .; nii *#«?'- . f- . i. «•> t •• A f .1 - mi* :\i ui tint ,V)K<! it. c Works !:l •cessa: v XV IV A : ward. .]o*l. '?. '<l*l*. Itr.t '.'..•.ik »: tin )iEure TV.r ll Hi..'. .pa *- \- Tie Fireman's Hwter. « UITA1I \ M . MII.A7.E H'lTIt ••IXiHY A S i m H " Miu;T«!-HrM) riRRMFX I« l.f*lJ-OI.M> I *' t.-TAKr* THF IMll-T r-o.IJCK T-RI71C aht» f'ti.i r M Vtil. «n»'. »*.•«>»•>—oO KM KI \ « ' \ « v v wrrif THK KKSIW runic— 'Hi" r: frr-ir, r..ii "JJI.HT w«om-~ ix- I.o;;:o; ;i r i u v v rv A r » n XT ' "Z7t.I. ' W. t'»T -r > « i Tt Mi'' wa;.!-.,;. M •li.i.i .t: .: ^ the ! . f.'.m the banks, : -<k IT ore, lead- '.« _;r ..P.'.. Neai ; ::. i. < ... ... u.i' -..', ; , .1 i/"ar irivf ,it^ a lar'-;»* atca ..I d.'WT. ir-'i:'. the surface % p'li- ':•• i'W I: i> i.«> v'*c< for ;u.;.. «.r those that walk m dark- - hi'Ti-.ti'I Villi C.ll.tiot S" in a,1 >' -.O.i.'.'lt • • 'i•.; _• \. :\ -.„.;> !•> ••> t WVM,, til' N:i i. «:::i the ti."n ;),! ra::;r of •m . .»• .1 feet of b.««e. tTt** c.mjpiny doing this in tiie , least L a w to receive «r<n i The 4 N H was nicely shaded bat rcty ' rough frosh A c rain of tho pccvi-m* .1 »y. and . Uicfrsitc *gK!T "up" fliroHph*' ' Tbefoffewing is the reewk. i Vtr*.*»X; I—4» 1 .--. I-"*. 1- M ! i - :.i 1 i - ."-T ; 1- M j ni i. -... j ,ir.- a£- .1 earth . i- % v.,;.! i»u . ni.>!:. !.!i !• «y ev< b-.is* hatid>, in tifjci li...i:>o barking f.f big voiced (ore- •iu;h their speaking trumpets, tlic giily dcmratoii rnginos and hose cart?, nihigirtl wiil) llio sharp rlanging of '.h*ir bolt*, burdened the air. wbile huge vol- iitii«». of ciiiliiiMastic cl.o*rs. from ibe throat? oi the iusty defenders of our ftrrsklos, rout the welkin, whatever that is, and went xoar- m;; upwards belw.-eu tin- walls of rock which bom thr village in on citlier sia.-. au.l ocbooj ' ,,,n S "ft-r »b^ f.V> are tprm '. faJfpaMtnifc.nf. Ke-K-..«,|Uwdy Hit. ("aL.tract«;teiit Fill-. K.sriic, PUlUb»ir-li. II tthora, Sarab«: <. ii>-li. f, n.i(Ub«iruli. KinckoriMck.-r, Jiar;»!>sa IMIcvtK, St. AU.aot, The winning conip«ny, Iiwlappn^ciit of Salem, had Uictr pick out of the CMUCUHI Vermon: oiiipiiiv. .vcorlinc to the coufcs- sioij of their own men and it i« to be honed Ci ^! r! t*f o 'J f*r ll ( ...' i iQtmvftu* •««, 4 ^u. \ L-ir 1. al mtli l«'t>«kin e.i|> ,*- tra'kfng :n fmtu pr. • and fiourisliin; b,s .(;!,. el-, and their k>»e . :;• a- a M'.ur barral, I V a.« a tnrkev e»^V. etitipring wand in a ' bi^hlj scietilifie mai.ne-, it was t.v» mitch for ol.l Dave—W1M> mas pretty -full"—and niarrliiil in fwnt and oaiiennl about ihc a boy of ten. swinging his hat. •i^be 1.UI1' <r,«.l tji' i « * » • T»i « lh-> €*»*< < ! . 1 •• I '» ll.. Hand like they fe-'I pro;«l of fair play. Heller he ke.%Un with ft c l w nHjonl. boys, i dancing, gesticulating and singing, uni.l ti- lh:in win with a (.ml one. for that sticks ' »»»> he iMvame ». wrmight up Hat he -..t M- i>.r. ^4 ,!.. :u s : mm' !im i " T ' . , l l , . , .:r hov.-i - ot ia< ill.! .fllut.'- ii. a. i t I. |. \ r\ 1- W I Mill M ".IH.'T .: :>t. '• '• • : " ! , ;i;«, res*. -tx.t wJ.iTi'thchrs: i .- >iu'.,i*ford i> & %\a . ;.!!i: the rmrr . • • Lu;id;od dol- :t;:!:.. rr. ;«.r:y. Ton was iliscv jH.'.l.t. •! .•".'. tO Of lie nrne- [• I.NUT:. !;.V »"r .-.vcit. w -. V. a:e ...ca;,-J i." \\\\r Ti-.a.i.- I.' :b.i M ''" •: TVI .• •'. • |v .•.vert.,, > \ N,t;,oiis iv. ;i .. .. ITH : ' : JI;.I^*"-. >t '. i I'To^a. an ! "ha: "; •. , • - r- .; ' :> . .arkeU •-.- I H . I ; t , ., .. : ^»i.l(r.."..-.r i.*.'. T'.'.ii a punt «»l a eape." .v.-.. cirvw- j».,..l- *<j e,\:Kc:i>- u> tb<; app<iar.i.i.e«- vl < ruuii a ; .-.!:• "liat o t * titwH it \\\h\ to ?0t it OUt ill !, - li."in? •.!. V. s'.-;la across II u! wags a I5ay— . -.kir.s fi-.ir. the l.ea-i'. : t'i! v ; !!a£P of Port Mi'tity— irmti ''rowti l'oint—wiioiv t!i<' r-' •uaiiis <d the ur*t (or: otiii: on the ^akc are : »;.ii ji|*iti:y risible, -was tbo very »l»il, where . < lianHilalu inarched asliorc with Lis Indian ;:• 'V Mr.Ti'.Il. the o\erse< V> ..iietiice. >jlifima:. & (*\ At t... Chocve: Jied >>•;; lia.l l" ,r> n discov- •yc] \s n^r|y ss l^M. i)Ut not Bll'.ch JUOCTCSS L...1 :<c. '. uiiw'.o towards laUing li. until l?21, i*2:i". V'..j.:bf F>hcr olt.tiaevl a lease of it. pnin; ;ui annual rent of ten tons of U«iom .: ••!.. li.^. ri.utj not, bowover, baVC puskod ':. > .'!.:••*;>ri«e with much vigor lor a ijei.'ie- Ti.au now i.\jii.^ m I*o:l Henry, told .is that h.. i-.' :'..v'e.': .h !;35 iiii 1 sli.i'.'. Is.wl oi.ly 7' . . ~'ir.*rv .- • '.: >: Icot l.elow i'..c ^u:l:u:e. a;i.i tba: tbo oiv was rii4od by TUilaus of •iioib hew." b.K*«1 iluwn intft tit* shafi;. The ;irst Blast Fumaoe was erected at "Tort Henry .i: 1?J2 bT Major Jonas DalKba in company with lion. Jolm IX Dickonsou or Troy.- The Qie trotti this sa^9^ Clicever Ucil was used and also tliat from a m.ne in Vermont.— which was hauiod aci«is llrt iake on the ac, —as well .xs from the I*wt Ileiiry oro beil 1 e"\VC''! '. 1 r i!i.- u;- •".:).-e:i: ': -. : \e a :'IIH< and ., i ,,... i. i.ltlS. Mip|>ol'lllff i oiiiii'cliDj; roil.- ..' pumps, those '. torwanU .ui- llti*. a sTj;;i';l j.: 1 .. ; t these mines is :-.babiv :i'-t one! ^•r'.'. ';i .ii l!ic ore produced uult'-d in thin liciuity— '.venlietii jiart. AtFli'ich- •« Ii.-».i,., ..•,-; r'^Iouded a-he ,.ri'-:SMMn ' aU ' u: i l r i ! "' «ost of the**ecvor. ••w0» li.nr!«Uls,- and kii".,il ib r .-e ade.b at , Eat tLc ' " :: ' :u -"icrost. in conucctioii wi'.U '»«• very first shot" ' : tJlpsc works ' c(, » ter3 * l lh « viiiil S e of Minc_ T h i - ' w; pn.hal. y "'.. i:- \p!osioti ol I Vl),e - wLich h M spftiiigBp«bout the exteu- •i.i.p.»»AT. the Iro-imm lia.1 ever heard And j ^ " ^ ' s w5«>re spoken of seven miles west >: m-:-t have impre>-ed m.*t etTe. tual'v upon I ol t h c lak «'- !k[essrs - Sherman, Ulshop and i.e hundred ai: liii;bt!Jna"ion:y of ci'. iii/ati- HI ov-r barbarism. IJat wlietber th> wa--. tllO <cene ot that . .s.ttict oi not, we km.w thai atwitit the year '7.H at which .nr!y ;>rr;od i-oth the Frencli and Euititidi were striving to sain foothold* •. .kilvmice of oach other in the new world, 'Vv-srvri, suiiivorn (''•'"dibrd after their apcement to work tbc S.uidford Bed ou shares, seem to bare prose- cuted their design steadily, the bulk of tiie ore bein^ hanlcil to Ticonueroga where tberc was a bloom forge. In ls->i a quantity ol this ore. was Uicd iu Uic Blast Farnace at Tort Henry, litrt owing aid e<.peci.Uly upon Lake ("hatnpiain-the j tt> ""mismaMgtment prohaWy with the •» - --~ ' fluxes used, the result was unsatisfactory, hut uiportance of which it w evident was seen isom the first, from the name ?:veti it—*'rru- ei'lcre i/u«r«#ite i. t. Tkt dUre that i» Uu. oitte «•/ the country- -\ » ' The French eridently ciiiraed possesion by the right of discovery and in 1731 Deauhari^s \ two years later, some ore,-of a leaner quality from the aame loeriity was used with suc- cess, and it was soon found, that wix^d with tiie f beerer oiw ft mMa «xeeNent irwi. In ISM this £•*&*>! ore bed came iuto is ordereil to commence %hc etection of a l * 0 possession of John A. Let, Gf»rgc Sher- l.rt tipon Crown Touit. This, fort was com-j «>*«» *"* Eliphwliil HaM who p a * *1MK> for plet.i! in IT.jn and w;.« named St. Frederiek. | ; t- a m l a litOe. "iUtdt in the saiise year 3Tr. During the iinbr iglio which followed be- Ha " S"*? o u t t « A . J . R o « ( « l « o f TrO^r w h o •..veer, the French and the Kusi'tsh Colon- in 1S4» sohl »o itessrs. S. II. and J. (r. <fiUi- :-.- in M.tssaclms«tt<. Vermont and N'ew | erboe. ^ ..ii, .i man by tiie rami' v( Alexander ile- J I« ! * « I.o* retired and t-inrc that time the K "i/.i • w:is t.VK.-p. prisoner by the rVn.h • business has been conducted by the Wither- !• .d Indian!-, and brought to thi, lort. | hees, ahcrnian A- Co. Sincri flien Port Henry T!.U i> a family tradition Mi'i:'.; tiie dc- —jHJi'idMd MeKenzie hn". history inlornmis :' ;it < i: UiO i w e n t y - i o i t l i ol (>ct"W:- 17'"..">— !.ue.-n y.-ars i iter—ti:e -ame Alexander Mc- Keiizi.' ai'rtreant in the Koriietii je^iui.-ui :.-.-,• v..'. tr.'iu a-jratef.:! ^tatr, I'M: ..;- intlltary r-rvices t-ao patei.ti one oi one huiidrf-d a-res a:ij aii'.tii'r uf fifty. Th> Ur.d wa= j w.it.il ,n what ;.- now Die t.ovn ol Moriali. I i j^i Miuih of the -uhur'o ol l'oit Iletity known i- < .-dar 1'oitit. j •d att-r s.-rvii::: ios i-ouiitry | : 17^" I,:-, -a'te iii-ii- I oro company has been incorporated, consist- in;; of the above tinu together wilt, heavy iron nra :n Troy sn>l P.>n™W:eep«ie. The on»inal owner of litis tract Deacon handii'id ilieil in Moriah week beforv last. Mr. L. W. McKeiiT.ie, son ot Alexander Mc- KeiiziQ wlto lives with him, and grandson ot the original settler at Oeder Pohit told us that within his recollection this land, which e:-.ii!.', two miles uorth frotr. Mineville, there !•< a c l i a r c o a l Mast fmnaee, owned by the cotnp.ttiies operating the mines, but there a:v no hlcomur forges in the vicinity, and ivhei: tiie work ofminius '^ done the oro is seia away witliout Heing s<-paratoiL t'on- t:a-t:::- this with the. w jfk-= til' McSSrS. J. Ji J. Il'.^ei-. at Ati S.i'.'.e Forks, where the ore is all converted ;nt" .nm utn'L the siiot, and where one It'in'.red tons of ore daily, tho rroJuet ot tt.o It'.jers" share of the Palmer Iliil mine aflords ocet4«lioH to HOarly 2,0U0 meif'fclr W tHu co»par»tiw cnect* of the two systems upon the industrial pursuits and i/atertal prosperity of each lo- cality, and it is easy to calculate that were ih«4&t>Haory o u all separated ami con* verted into iron upon the. spot, by the bloomer process, it would all'ord occupation tor twenty or twenty-live thousand men, and form a solid basis of population ot from fitly to scveniy-fi»e thousand inhabitants of la- borers and their families aloud But as iu the future the bloomer process is bound to decline ou account of the growing scarcity of coal, and that consequently the work of separating the iron from the impuri- ties wlili which it is invariably found, must be done by anthracite coal instead of charcoal, it is probably unsafe to count so larjtc a pro- portion of laborers upon tho ore after it leaves the mines. Nevertheless, when the inexhaustibleness of the supply of iron m the mountains about Port Henry is considered, we cannot fail to see, in the «ot distant future, the proportions of a groat manufacturing town leaning up. The completion of the New York & Canada Eailroad will po doubt hasten tbte time. Already the first steps in tliis direction are being taken by the erection of a blast fur- nace—the immense proportions of which tire hartrty exceeded in this country. The furnace at Tort llenry belonging to the Bay State Iron Co. turns out about forty tons of pig iron daily, r.tid this new one at Cedar Point which the Cedar Point Iron Co. are building, will probably have a capa- city of at least one fourth more. The engine at the ibruicr furnace has a "stroke''of seven feet, 40 i.-icli steam cylinder, and 90 inch blowisjf cylinder, while of the new furnace at Cedar Point the steam cylinder will be 5 leet in diameter, S feet stroke, with a Wowing cylianer of one hovJreil inches in diameter. It is intended to Iiavc it running before neat .New Years, and a second one of similar di- meuifbns will also, it is said, bebniltioon by back- and forth U-twcen Skeene Mountain and "Death liock." inn ri,\i iMI; i;i«u . ..MI-AMI s. II.'i icon Kupuc and Il.>-e. ami keli.-f and lie-cue Hose, eiiib.iiki.l on ihe \'irm»nl the evening pre>iou-«, and arrived at the steam- lt.at landing at about •"> .v. \i.. Wednesday. ".here they wete met by the ("liicf Kupnecr of the Whit.-hali Fire Dejiartment. MK. ISAM K, whose kindnes.-, etlieiency and courtesy, in the discliaree of bis laborioii- duties "t the day. won for him guidon ••pinions li-uiii all parties. TIIK ritiHl.—ION was formed alwut half past eleven a. u., on the arrival of tlic train from the sooth— which was about an hour behind time—in the following order: t. St. Mary's liana or Whit.-Unit; ISplcees. 'J. HookaiidI.mWerr('.,orwiiltciiaii;u>men. ^ WUlU'hsill steiuuer lmleiH'udeiit No. 1; -II incn. 1. Voluntei'r Ho*e, Salem. K. Y.; J" men. If.re I.e ! i till'' '".> l iv,tl, a ".e pi' tir-t white •' .it- oi '!•(.• • tl lie; McK< I •hild in :• > .v l i iiti-1 him j :r; -,\ t b i i . : Moiiah. vet i-vinc ' w •I. L'O-.l'. IK .si.'id. ir.> .f I! ilwai. a..'i i!». \ .• i. .1 •-"• a* l.t--.:i_" . ... ti..i. 4ai::i\. . i.-i-.-j; !-•••; ;•<- n t J. The.' of til" naiii-, is completely nnderLiid by rich beds of iron, j u 1( . game Co. c.nl.l !:avo l^o,, i>nrchase<t for one sbiliing I x j ^ capacity of this furnace will probably :u. acre—not lieing rated as £»ruiius ' land oti j i^ d$ B-ards of o0 tous per day, and it would account ...f it-broken surface. i uk tll!rty h . ic j,._ co .mi,. g i a the neighbor- hoodoi lil\cen uiiUion d.dhirs—to work up the present product of the mines owned by th. .-.«.• t-.vo compaiiies; and tho supply of ore is apparently inexhaustible. ; that l.ee, Sherman ci in 'rt-, the t"tal >!. ..- . •-. I :«>n - I'Hxh Ua: !v.ir::i.---Rh .. 1 •'. v> i u . - >hi d i fc " . <" K .TU.-l-l •ea>i. >ii ai •«.> tlllH \I,d .'o-ii.'. r> the Mm : indiii. !.-:i.ter«. ot the bay. tiny i./.e"- .-..bin. I'olh -r- .i. ib .:..'.- Indian UMIUW i-narge •:i-T. a t >; :J . i;n:..i^ in CHI".- IU h - H.!I.t ..:.'. - - •:. o t . i v - : '.-. - doue ia.il wat. afe-j.it ; . .\ ..:i. .;. I'revio if ly to the tiie.' oi II ti! catue in p p-se^-.i :ITI... ;:.*. ••: l;.-i, v-hicu tii.'T" :ii":!:'-- liV (i «as oi ly six tln'iisalid tons. x.ii. il\i.r ts.o Witherboes canto in j'osses- -ior: i' ..->-!i.'-; J'mt dei":de«l .'"^[ifi w e n ; taken lo-.vaiila ibu .l.-veiwonie.iit of 'his plop. rty. Oil,- in-, wer" opened, and found to be ei.n.'.uV licit "vitii the tSaudford. Thc.-e bods -i :.•: : > cluste.- alx-jnt a tra-JI eniiuenre known a-i Barton Hi!', which rises abruptly to tiie Kotih.vatd ol MliiCviUe, the 'a'.tei IM-.:.^ -.'..ate .'. .'. ..U l-.e-.:i'.]otl of M'W) f.'Ot above Lake I uamjiiaiii. toriipuay bti.it tv pi.tiik road n:y to the mm..*, out the ra;>id I w ,, ;io U|0 sl )t v- . Uoi . .- hus.ness tii«d<*: the '.iyoroUi | j ( r '•t 'be proprie'er*. soon remb »-e*! Wliltehalt Hand; 1^' piee ... lK.ren Hose, Whitehall; 30men. 7. Steamer Xo. 3. x. Independent Hose, Whitoliall; 20 men. !•. Torrent Engine Co., wmtcaaii; as men. In. xieea lloae. WhUaball; 20 men. 11. l*ortng's ivuwl,Troy; 10 pieee«. v>. Kniekerboaker Lugine Co., Watcrtown, > Y.: 40 mea. 13. Slorrisey Hose,Saratoga; Hmen. n. Knickerbocker llose. Saratoga: 'M men. l.i. Kagte Engine Co.. Casticton; 40 men. Hi. Frontier Engine Co., St. Albans; OS men. 11. Belteviie Mosc, St. A.harui; 30 men. 1*. Horieon Engine Co., l'lattsbiirgb; 40 men. 19. Cliazy Cornet Baud. 3». riattsburgh Drum CXirps. -.'1. Rescue Hose, PlattsburRh; 20 men. •.£!. Keller Hose, Vlattsburijli; 20 men. (Sapplementary, bavinj; been left beliiml the main train, ami consequently not appearing with main procession): tz. Old Defiance Euginc Co., ulcus Kails; 79 men. li. Fort Ktlward Band; 11 pieces. -T.. lteliet Kugine Co., and llose, Fort Edward; C3 m e n . .1". Bcscue tuginc and Hose, .Sandy Hill; Ot uieii. 21. Hii'hanVs Independent Hugine Co.. Saiuly HU1; 46 men. '.&. Catarai* Engine Co. and Hose, Glen's Falls; 85 mca. 20. llatliom Hose, Sanvtoga; 20 men. These companies aH in nniform,witli siwjwy flags and banners and their Engines and IIosc carts gaily decorated, presented a gorge- ous appearance as they filed through the pleasant crowded streets of Whitehall, the line bands playing their best and the enthus- iastic spectators cheering Uieir favorites as they passed. These firemen were as line a looking set of fellows as cverviiarehed in a procession— their uniforms allowing oft* to good advan- tage their splendid phyxiqtte*, which gave a most emphatic lie to that contemptible the- ory of modern skim-milk philosophers of the degeneracy of the rac?. In a case like Uiis when all appeared so well it might seem invidious to parUclularize and yet we cannot refrain from mentioning our own favorite iionicosrs, the last of the Mohicans—representatives of the olden time in l'lattshiirgh Fire Depart- ment when wc used to be oblished to pump water to put out tires instead of—at now— simply turning a wrench and letting a flood come with a pressure of one hundred pounds to the inch in search of its own level! . Fourteen of these men loot up—good solid avoirdupois weight, 253$ lbs! Ana lien- we urn) :is well divulge a whisper that Uic llorieons propose to have, some tune Ufore timjra *'vr '.MAN'S BKAST ttAKK. which will'vittwefcrh .-inylliinv: in that line that North- ern Xeiv York has ever seen. K-pecially noticable in the midst of this mas;) of muscle and adipose tissue were the two :*.»* a. At!) " 1«S « 102-S 191-U 101 ldl liKl-3 1S.V3 2*W-2 182 lSli 1<IS ITS I:i ic I', the .'r >m i''-tt He .1 .<•..;.. ,fth it tnt'e'iicnt If any one doubts what we have so olten asserted in tlu-Mj pajres, that this and the Coi;tiir-.ious region comprises the richest Jior- tion, iu natural proi'.tictions, of any of the Km;>!re Hthte, he has only to visit these im- meiisewajka, fr>r tlw most graphic descrip- tion cTwHAit'leeliiy set forth their in9gnituiK» and importance. It requires no extravagant stretch of the im.iir nation to forec.-i.'st the time tvlien these I sl.uccs .u*iiaio.. i. ? : "•^*Ii>»4n.^i< : J •' irt't*. a. ic i*. ->;..' d; :'? ' o f " . t* <W. .s -IO'.V maiisu! iraus.poruuioii iuadeipiate • '.'...!: i:rowi:r^ wa'ilv. and. a f.-'.v \e.u-. : '.•:. a railroad teas proiocted— | i n - >.,:i I'UAMI'I.AIX AN;I jmiiiAii K.vr:.- !:• J A "> i' : ".. 1*^ i., liipieteu ill ISO'-*. Tills !»ad sever: rt.:e«. in l.-nwfli, v i d it< wMti^n ter- ; IUUB .it M.nevUl.: is lido i'eet ab"vc it* i .=tc.:. " . rn:;:.".- a". IV.:'. Henry. j Person* who aie iliiaectlStOtneil to ro;Vl» I .'.ii a ^ : a i e i n . edi'.g SO feet t'_ i b e ruHc, ; '". lit!.: it dit v !—.;it '.'> 'lni'.crstari.l how a I will ho <ined v,-;tfi blast furnaces, the beautiful and rap- inep'tusiiig village of port Henry now li'-s, and the magnificent natural terraces alwve, will be covered by one of tiie thriftiest and most populous cities of Xorthcrn^New i'ork. Urapeaa Joins & Fire Company! ,i-H)>i ofis vni.scn nHiith*roxo>r»T , >IOX s IEI'K TEE ElMTOU: SMiieetli^; short time I have domestifate niyseil In tii:.-> country I have assist at many ilres, more as i can tell. T h e w a y I have introduce tnyseif first to this Department was this: I v.as promenade with Alicia in the Hue Broad one afternoon.* Alicia she M. . j her h.ttr wa» «n cr/i.e, and he;- ehrtpeau, bleu, .:..:.!ty witli | 2; :l! „i»Ued with bleu giroilles and topin am- st ate.-,.n I •i. I' ti :»• JTAXIIMS-*}: ira.:.- .t i<»' fee! t ; the u.iic is surmounted, j wore a '"^ ,t " e '" *' >tVe ' «'- Ut n0 eiie nUHle > V.d It .\j-.lj ll..b:ed b: ai: impOSiib onl:r!.'iry loeomotive-. Here tiie'engine- are ' ber«. 1 was much dress myself—attire as v:y lieavy—the lar.-v, weuihing about l) ! wheii I was walk at home iu Hue Montaigne •" •.'• d'tv'n'. wlice', a-e von" i a^l the fashiouablees they pay me much at- ' - .... "•' j t e n d ami say, (iuo.: voilal A s w e have .n-iv an: three "is u. Ute •• pi rS! if; our promenade, we hear a noise, a .. ct.u lie aa:t: VJ.iol the ! moai^BiiiMal.AKeerable noise, and a bell,, , n ... ,.„ ™„, . A:o- it amile or so tip the side > more-i*o»i«;-many, and then we hear the ' US and reflect high Credit upon Plattsburgh i evclaim, "it is a lire!"—and then the engines j good living, wholesome water and pure air. they comf tear along and there is much of • Tlieir tM:ea wcrc gent i y w r e a thcd with smiles ...ie Vii. r FAT JOU.Y INTAXTS who marched "on Uic tongue" at Uic head of the company—460 lbs solid weight. The ground £»iriy quaked beneath tlieir ! tread as they received upon that triumphal { march the profound homage of tiie leaner spectators together with the gratulatious, cheers and waving of handkerchiefs from the fairest of the fair, who lent their charming presences in sneli immense quantities to as- sist in erowuuag with triumphant auceeat this grand occasion. This noble pair of boys, or pair of noble boys arc yet comparatively in theiwtnfancy there being just the faintest dew ot adolescence upon their fair cheeks iu the shape of downy beards, and when they arrive at manhood, if nothing occurs to check their growth, they will indeed be an honor to a... s*: lap t. li. J. al •ici'/v i.1 t'i t!l , . n e •,!ie:-. 1 tO il.u li. a mile or so tip the side t'oi..ng".t '•> tii<: left, r inning '!>, Tn.iri., !jn 1-eiarj «h:ft.'d, p'.i'is '.hi. train tip. siabhiuti swltcU, tucn . VvhlC n..\ ._' 5 r : ,.ir .*. 41 ^•crttT 1, thi l>."':!"" '!" *o '!:e left t .at the ias". a-*enl i; tUc hea-.le-t of tL. fi-.:i ." >) a.:r..-> >• »:r.l.,MuhjaUii: . I..SCX- ;:.-!:trpe train ott.c. to anotln r. an.l from i reached. Of co j i l t i n g i-: 'lifji. rather un up. but large quantities ol supplies and coai have to be transporteil to the mines (mm the dock. There are sit enrines be- ardor and furor, and !a Capataiue lie roar, ... , . . , , » f nr nr r>~^. t —... I he roar more ai louder as any French steam | "'roi^hout, but wlicn Mrs. W. W.Cook sent I wl*»th.. and I«ky to A.licia. "I go, glory call j each of theni a Magnificent Boquet the size ' ot a small lia.ystack,Uieir countenances broke Thou ibe catch herself hold of ine and _ •»"". I \' 1: !, " :1 ° 'VT mys . Plf ' t W " l say .4 T U r I i»i« such sugsestions of fun am! good hum- •use I t'jrn:..t, and down she drops, and before II , . ,.^T . . . . know 1 liud I catch myself hold of the rope, 1 or u,4t lt •««»»»• °»° uro » d B"" owr tUo utld I am " / along wUb the reat. Tout-a- entire crowd of spectators. coups, I fee! somebody kick myself, and 1 go ' down, 0'tx, and instantly I am run over, and ran over incessantly, until In VapitaUie he imsin- to the seven miics oi road, aaid the J knocks me up with his trumpet and say, i „ r— a . .... , .„ ii.,,. «,„. ••!.. I i.'i'/ii.', i/iuiWt*'! go ahead! cite! and more , done in the yeai ending Aug. Mt, \ ^ fm( .;., ^ lcb ^j, TinWj an(1 g0 ou> W e J liud >.be,!|t7ayas4/#n ltu« Pont, at 4 talon, w.'ilS : wnd :t burn./oio when we have arrive, but 47,>>27 i v»hen I have worked long and hard, voiln ! ;'/s,r,i-i I j am u ;one! I was very much astonish to ."-.'.<ii' ' I'mi! no one ejae ns me working at tiie engine. '•!'- Th'-y had ail ^"Ue down into the cellar to l»: iii-; the wliisky up, au-1 now here, I had a .uvev-:d bllt.l.l. v..«« as !oil»^«rs: No ol trii>s made, N<>. ol cars transport.ib, N 1 "-.•:.- ! ::e.^h'. No. id JL.IJIU ''lill'.Oj' ... Wb'»«- pay roll uiiu b. .~ r **< a'lt'iua.'.'y- l',i-,i':,;o > 1:1.it.^s it.'ne la t •> \."U>!y t . vb.cii 'W) paSMMiyei '!:• •tf.plr oil .f Un »e . ••! th eh nolo- Ir. I' sMiJ»»i ; •', ;«•••- tn..ns wire ••s..ii'.i:,jSl r.v;!'.o;ul tiie b.-t 1 d;»i.:- c r T • r '^.-.'Hh. . ; . •• ) . •-,.-• . -•. M •-.'..i. *.oiu "s .ttli M dv.i. i 1. .1 part •. J . '. .; I. ••: '.Hi- '".Vtisll.;. "..'!". *'< : .,•, : :..;. !...l..lled -iUM'- ll!.'.- -. . .: -t :„-i. "«, tht-sb.ie fj»n 'J '.naum- . . ; • . 1 ( .' / ..... and the sea",.-:.; g , ...-.- j . - : t i e -jo'-kirt- wcr> obi £• d ., i.-j ],..!'-. toitlcii.t < oUl!" a'. 1 ... • •- .:,--.et. .11- !«-:U.n.ng to county "*«.» aiaf.rtdLie.t «SV. lie . d m i t t W#> w«.-'-.'-<l . .«» ••<<(«*WX«J *-4i- JU»}t'-«fJ ' .'illlit*. - . ik,iV>fys%m««mW»'dAi<-v .,:: ... r.;A^.iat _ -..;,' :.+:\ ute. T!»! n: :r * :.re ;i!l «i!uat««l closely .-Mljouuug each 'lie:, uroun.l ilart-n Hill, except what i^ M,...u. a-. : h - "'.S'cw l i e d P . i r e , " h a l f a J11R0 -.v«-t •! '.h" old bed, and Kishe: Hill mine, ' an iiiilea nortii Tl. ..<• ar<.ai..l Pa.-t. ,: II?!; a:- probably all j.art-ol the saine lutnr. which will c>i*iitti. .ilv r.rm one • \cavat:.jn umh r ^roui.d, as -.voii- .-j" now b«><liv<itiriiy lieard from w.tw 1 ,,' •;. tv.ti'.'is to tie- .uliarelit olios. •;'!.. ..• ' .••••11 "Tv-i bfd-- ;r.crages !•. :i<-t,-,<«- .,..'. ."» per Olli'-. «vlli'.e th it 1...1I. ''•• V.-.v :i.o;i^i* myself. 1 precipitate myself, I run, , 1 : uti loitei as any iocouiotive till I have. : retch a m'ii.v//i round the corner where I 1 1. .-..' i n n :etit before. Here I have refresh 1 t'rjMPV 1 "^V 1 ! & m<: cock»Uil«, some eobbtairia am!a IKvVif that line boiiwim called Adtron- l...-'iv bilt:»ires. Aniencaine I have much u..ude: i! Aliila 1«'tvhere she drop. When ! 1 have these imbibe, I commence t o feel I I have not been enough polite to leave so ab- ' nipt the scene of the lire, so I dispatch my- 1 self to return. Th'-y wre just coming out of the cellar, and they bring with them two or three of ibe firemen very iimp, luehv so limp,—mor i.len, they have not try to hold on to tiie ttioiuid when they lie down. Then la (V/p<- 1'i'm le- collie Mid hu/ru/tpe me verjr frieud- :> on the shouidaire with his trumpet and lie -ay. I must Join. 1 must elect, I have pluck nut so i go and am army and rV-ii shirt, and^lheb I it'C! i"ill ( I'lJ.e..- ( ,. owu »' what '»•• known m!ii'-« th. L'oit . th.rtl: situated ':. ;•••: .-• i ' .'I- .ut "shot" >.re. lleiiiy Iroi. i»re •ipoi. lots 2^.-*.; Mid the e*»t half of ^4, wbiiu Witlierbee, M.i-iu^n. A Co. own tin- rtmaiudcr, with the i-%c«-p'i'in of a few nm»R- h«A.i hekiiiging to d.:l. tei.t parties. Each t«f tfies* t*o cofilpa- nies ha-.e at Mint-TWc a stationary engine of l.V) t«jr*epfjWor,^s»th which tlieir lioiating, pumi»aig,dtc.,J«;c;iie w»|iipH»hnd,t0f«rh^r vwth ie;.jjr lsbf>J>*- ~ From t»»lw k> taWlWll litnidu-d iiiineia are ctnploye<l hereeonataiuiy, aud th« rock ' unaerneath i» hocwyeasnbed attdiraetiaM .tow* am* c«f w»«»0H m K* * Pf •. :•, ...1, v. b'.t oi»e other settler in :.•«..: .; tf: .h of Moriali. Vyon the j ctMcnow of *Matod^ro^rtsy w»f***>*7 *b.cb u*w t-wjittB* ii.to the iako near ; jndkated, as wmA11 SsVy be otherw&e, VIM !e \-r ¥'.rna'.-r a prist mill bad b«n \ 1 fa COnfUWrt* **t the net daily e*n»«»f of *m id away to the gailairo d'Howanl, and have my picture lake, aud la Capitaine be send one of his to Alicia and she own it be very handsome. And so it was I became connect with this ! >epartitiont. Since I have add mywlf, there have boon wot more an few lire*, but we have many runs and much amuse. The "boy»" who Ond to know that they have not more as enough of respire to go on the run, soon fall out aud stop themselves, and w»j very seldom ran oveisaora aaesiaja a time, and the same one, a aeeood time, nrvairi. Our motto is "Though danger wait, gtery call." At first, Alicia she •cream, ijae JOB, hair, but T reassura bcr, and ate cease W TnB KI'XNISO I was done on William street, which winds to I the eastward around the baae of gfeeene 1 Mountain. This is a line, shaded street and ! gives a most emphatic lie to the oft-repeated j calumny that Whitehall is a "Sunken Uoie." Now there probably never was an affair j of tliis kind gotten up where you would not . find about nine out of ten of the lookers-on who had an Idea that they could have man- aged it better, and while we admit that per- * fectioii iu tlic arrangements is not to be ex- pected where so much is to he done in so lit- tle time, yet we claim that great injustice was done to our Itelief Uoys, in calling them on, second iuateatl of fourth according to the t regular order. About half of the men were half way up tiie course when called,—sappoaiug they had . plenty of time and were obliged to run JO rods j or so iu order to get to tiie spot, aud no time j was given thesa 10 recover their breaths. We do not know the name of that elderly gBSjtlwf who sjiled a* nagmaw, MV ihf surtlng end of the course, hut we trust lie utsmmaandathalhis arbrrttas; afltmn wpsm that ocriMhm.wnieh wu wlmmjaatlf pratest- by *4«sda«r Surpl^rs. T»t; Titrvi. <>r I;M;IM:S. Here Uic arraugeweuts were all complete, and we believe tolerably salisfaeloiy. The 'attract Engine Co.. which was lirst on the list, undertook to play a little ?mart at the lirst st-\rt. by "^ttini their engine all ready and suction le.-e -.1, !1 tilled and machine laslened down bel'T" time wits call.-,!—each con panv hav.iit, according to the regula- tions, a elated tinu lot th.s wotk. Hut the judges nadc them do lhc;r work over, and business v.ctli 0:1 villi the following resti.ts, the cmnlitior.s !xiu_' that the coiupai.'.CS throwing the Is', 2d and •"*! largest distances vvcii to receive the 1 -.".<-•! an 1 :kl prizes, $200, • 1 0 0 a n d «VK>, r e s p e c t i v e l y . There were two separate trials only, it getting so dark that the third one was impossible, so there was no third prize awarded. 1st trial. M trial. Old Deliance, Glen's Falls, 2(18 ft-t> in Relief, of Kort Kdward. Independent,Sandy Hill Cataract, (.len's Falls, Frontier, St. Albans, lloricon, l'latulxargh. Rescue, Sandy Hill, Kaglo. Castlelon, This record it a most extraordinary one, aild due, WC presume, to the "patent ring nozzlc"ju-st introduced, which keeps a stream together much better than the old style smooth bore. Our own company not hav- ing had occasion for any practice the last year or two, since our water works came iuto operation, arc a Bttle behind the age in these modern improvements, and were consequent- ly beaten in spite of the fact, that—as we be- lieve—the oldHorieon was the most powerful machine on the ground. And she was worked to her full capacity, too, but the stream was thrown into a hue spray, at a point of press- ure at which, with the improved nozzles, the water still fell compactly in big drops. The crowd, which could not have number- ed less than five or six thousand, swayed back wauls and forwards between the two points of interest in this great squirting match, these points being where the engine stood and the roll of wide wall paper upon which the stream was di- rected. At the former end there was much excitement and interest centered on the louc rows of red skirted niusclemeu who manned the brakes; the foreman standing upon the top of the engine aud directing their movements, aa the grand musical director waves the baton and brings out the harmonies rrom his orchestra or chorus. His motions are gentle a t first, a n d h i s body, arms and head, moves harmoniously with the long brakes, hut, presently, he urges them forward—"a fceMte faster—one—two— one—two—*' increasing .the tempo from ad- agio up through andante, allegretto aud allegro moderato to allegro axtai, when lie yells like a demon, "ATwow come doitm w«ft 'ur boys! take it out of ur!" and the brakes fairly jump, and the old tub trembles and shakes with tlic excitement, while the men shut their teeth and strain themselves, ea- gerly glancing, mean while, at the inouutaiu of white spray over at the goal, until not an- other feather's weight of muscular force can be evolved from their powerful bodies, wheu the long agony dies out, the spray vanishes, and the crowd yell. Over at the other end of the line the excitement is equally great, while the mud is much greater. The crowd press tip rio.-ely to the coune, willing and anxious to bo spattered, a»d to stand ankle deep ill the mud if they can only behold those blessed drops, more precious to them j ! than pearls, which their friends over yon- j 1 der arc almost bursting t'lemselves to squirt an inch farther than their rivals have done. TIMS omnipresent iiremen are there also iu force, acting as ring nt.vters, yelling aud swearing, and jumping about like fallen an- gels, clothed with the red tin s of the bottom- less pit, brandishing their clubs aud scowling malignantly at those who are obliged to wear citizens clothes on sucli a day as tliis. ltut in spite of all tlieir efforts the crowd will infringe upon the line, and occasionally some one possessed of an appalling amount of cheek will jump over and spatter the pa- per, while Uic others—firemen and ail—(air- ly screech their soul blackening curses at him. and their strong desires and aspirations for his immediate and eternal punishment in this world and the next, so tnat the show- er of water which has all the while been (ailing copiously, is like a thunder shower, accompanied, as it is, by the lightnings of wrath and the thunders of oaths and male- dictions! But now the shower subsides—tiie thun- der dies away, and they crowd with silent awe, shrink back to their places, as the judges, three of them—of venerable appear- ance and evidently men of weight and respectability—get down upon their knees and, with their noses close to the paper, fol- low up carefully in search of the very utter- most and farthermost drop which has been projected upon its surface. Finally it is found—sometimes only after searching care- fully with tears as it were—the paper is cut off with a sharp knife—the board underneath upon which is marked the feet and inches tells the story—the chief judge announces the result, and the crowd begin to yell again and throw up their hats, and run in all di- rections to "carry the news to Mary,*' or whoever else is holding their breath In re- ceive it, the stfcceatfiil companies wing the telegraph (reply to dissemniinate the news to the dear oiics at home ? The music was very fine, our Chazy Band in particular atlracliuc great attenliea, by their neat uniforms, and brilliant execution of their line selections. The SL Mary's Band of Whitehall also made a splendid appearance and played well. A fierce looking individual whose devp manner and impressive biin-s forcibly indi- cated the importance of his business, triul auxioindy for awhile to sell "poohf at auc- tion, but desisted, disgusted, pretty soon, findkig that there was a woeful ignorance on the part of nearly all his audience upou the nature of the machine. Oue honest looking lellow, with a critical eye, called out to him to put up the thing so that it could besn-u what he was selling, as he didn't propose to bid upon a **pi£ in a bag," aud another was heard to express strong double »s to the up on the high "change hridRt and held forth forth ft* a an incipient ' of the canal WillrilllALL POLIi'LUAN exercised the little brief authority with which he had been clothed, aud suppressed the orator, much to the disgust <<l bis au- merous audience. '. bllllill.-ilji'.i, lu ,H Ul'liu-ri' i •! ill • s Mxm>i*mitr)£.w. in.l ru'.'- :t fr t.i Jl.i 'f'.roi.e in H- i. < The ".l,ver«itie« of sftt-" S T the pr^wi ;>. • form iiyv at the »! IM WW of Uie-c office*.«fr> in "the same Spirt*. - f;..| '.!,.•.Tl.-H m > . « l \r. 1 "the manifrstati«n of tin- S»p>- ' - j i w u u. ev.-rv m m f.. pro:"' nuhal." ••• » - o - - i. •: geoera''j fully •ttderatoud- It does a-t meat, for the in.Ii»(,j!,i! profit of tlj.-' .no- tverim.,; the 'gin." IU M*WsSSJ*6s«mtM»B.' that - the evident pi>s>. *s,i.m. of «.Miie *peci.il gift <»' ^SW»X«T»ttlE "?!• ^elf, but for the cum,,,,, profit or l-«ent of the whole bodV. it i* lor •s>her*tr*oi for rum •eif. TUcre i« ti > r.»>m leit. ll.er.-f. re '--r ! -e!l. Self is I,.,' t! r ,j.. n ..f (he g,f t ; ,1, ,» •» fi.nl. Self is not tb hu.-ttio'ri ,f l I.. R-li " K..i tl.e l»s!y i- not «•]•» uuvniher. IMU m in v." Mid \et •'.,!! ,re „„•• body." j In the even,112. >t. I.nVe X IX • 44. '• I'l. .4 j inoir, „/ „,^ tite 'i«n «f »/iy r.»»l«/#o„" Th- .leu» "knew not-(he time../ lb.ii visitation. IH-CAIIO.- their minds and Iwart- wr.- -., t.. j Ui'lv preorcupii'd hy earthlv th-u^s l b . re j was tirst the individual ^n>e,l ol tiioiiev.wbi.il i is the sauh' now that It was then, and'i«.-..in j tiioiily known anion.' us as "devotion tobu« j in.-ss." Ik^idtfs thi* there was the strung na- tional fiviingof the Jews, whose nati<>iiaht) was indeed stnww.UisykttkaS W «n> .tb.-'r ntv or r*^|ilev WWCTn* Tim tlfitpni'C.es en ceniii^; the exaltation <>f tin-it nation under their kin£ Messiah, they interpreted them all in a secular or carnal M-HSC. and expected to be the jirinces and' niler* over a tribiffaiv world. When tliey found that f ^inst pn.piie- siol the passius of the sceptre of power uvfr >• . • ' .M y '^ 1/' *!^l » I * •« 4H . ' ItoeiOSJ I .f f>* ^n I «l^»r IHehdts* ^twnc k !•»«» :. t 1? *• -«oin. «tKv>-> I aff w-MfX ,u TV.. ••! " ^ , •V •'I' T in., M»o»l 'ii difl cv»t,t '••'«*ior» .fif. iim ' \ - ' V m. '.-_*.' v » ",»r V "••>! - » ' •1 ••• , .... no- *.-j. v. :.•« iissstWy conrvrned. ""> "id danevi »'"«|e. ^ 1 . ' '!,. !• 4 1 j , ,,..-. •In .-• 1 M pas'. an.4!i. r. u. *l" . Il-'IU thr sill . 1 .1 ,,, ; \ .1-' .^lt< !'•>•' TTit* Vrofifert , ! f>» ' > -t. »If>'lli 4 ' I : •' • i . ..f m....1 « l » r s - . n , Wi'iH-rlor.-.- If-, lVoll.!!> ll|<','- 1 I ., 1.0 111 b f Aiie.'al ' _ »... . , i was ws'tlnf f».r - »t i th e Ill •>! 111.II al, .. ... .ntis'iiic* m viol. .»] 1»: Wide V»..| id t . • I,' - .i.. I.. lii C- I Do ed.lratio^lwsftwe, noes T*i*t .s'.h.il*. I t a l v i I. 11 'e.1 ' .' 1 ai ti! a«s- I..' (- m e t. Tlic day passed off very pleasantly, there j sl<> , ,,„, passj,^ ,,r t he sceptre of power ovfr being much less drunkenness and rowdyism j to the Gentiles, the whole weight of their than is common upon such rjceasfMS. , }T* io " " f n * li(n ^«7 «- amvy-d ^ . . . - i The I'-illailbim of our ITlMTties was amnlv ! I,,m " 1 his ranse of leelm^s and passiolis 1110 1 allaoium ol our IIIK rties was amply am0Hg s w p c a J , ..p, >mjcSt -_ a u-ruiwliicli represented upon tho OCtasiosvby several ' ••ti. v a t help With .' i i'. i-- .- .-• - f worthy men who have earned an honorable reputation m their cltoseu calling. ( W e <!o ImiM it is not necessary to explain Uiat by Palladium wc mean the incorruptible aatt unisKizaled press of Amerlca^^kc had iad pleasure of mceline tiie editor of the White- hall ZVMC*, who reports that t^atlosw,alMaJv4sfrJ lu.rrid.Uiodod-h^j'dlWn.l^l tffcsc£)e)t %\ neath tlic placid waters of Lake Cbampiain. " We owe an apology to these knights of the quill, one and all, for not including hj£ our illustrations their portraits, hut really, senile- men, there are so many things of so much mora importance—and one must driwalhiiy somewhere. embraces all that coaeenis the peeaervaUuu and reuniting of "die Ife of the Mation." Tliis is the other great ticld of the activlti.* of ini-n iii our .Lays alao. Itiiiiiiinn aud poli- tics absorb men** passions and actiiitli's to : .the exclusion of Christ, just as much now, as . '-•• , '>' lia*»»4) 1 'then. Ami Christt. •visitation'' is going on , .*"•' dau^r. now to cacti individual, as long as lie lives ami brcaliies jier.', jpst a» reallv and ju>t as IsleLaMotte. SII.VEB WEUDIXII.—Tiie celebration of the 25th anniversary of the wedding day of the Hon. Ira Hill and la.lv, and \V. U ill's 80 birthday, came off on the 14th inst- It proved a grand and successful allair. The assenvbly, nambering one htmdreil or more of the numerous friends of the parties from Vermont and New York, was called to order by Nathan Hill, Esq., of Iturliugton, opeuiug with instrumental music by Miss Annette Hill, accompanied in singing by, Uipjcoffar pany.' A brief and appropriate prayer wss offered by Itov.1tr.<7bristie,of Isle La Molte, after which the gaeata were invited to the mtresh- ntent roocn. The table waa iprtad the en- liretaillhofUMf^fouabadltb Ufully with ehoiee viands of every variaif tise palate. Attbetngs - - " - j£r>. •^dy sS of oM in Jnilea: and spusliihil- ly and the piiiiisliiiient oC'imt kuowing" this 'time of our visitation" will certainly- not be less than of the ancient Jews.but vastly greater since the aiciimul tliiii: evidence of lmsi years has been mtldal to all thattlMti etiated, ITOV- iilfr, that Christ is the Messias the Son »1 the living (ion. MKTliooisr K. I'lll'lti'll The CongregatiotVwifrshipiiing iu the M. E. Church, were highly favored tmMtalh mor- ti'iui, m secius and, hearing tlic Kev. Scy- .lii'Wr Landou, o( Uunistoad, L. I.. Mr. Lau- don is at present, a member of the New York East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal f l u n c h , a n d U 7 0 y e a i s o f aj>e. He entered the iu ncrantroinkstfyoftirectfureli in is-22, in what was then kuowu *s the Kesr York Cimferenco, eiubracteg nM Sue tsxvilory in what is now known as the Jfew York East, New York, Troy, and part of Veruioul Gun- fercuces. ITc was statfoncsl ou Use Chazy -fJSrcuit, which embmaed jet .that Ujetc the followinc sUtioaw: Cbazy, Weat. Cnazv. fliamplain, Mooers, Scfota, Bcekmaulosm, IMfoM.WcMVsattdsargh awd.llatuburgh vilhsje.' Mr. Lfswdon (ass essmeclifag tmit in in fne fmain that unitas Use pi—a* with Use past gerteration. , IDs face worthy of carefiu steady: Use SiDtimf nbappy Spot, or wrinkle or any su<aithit»g,"tii»lsAler 'perfect iu its fart* attd tfcpsessy isV its move >sKM;-a-r^>n41ewuui«f aneoW tiaaa as' Uis early preparaUou for Ww minifflry upon horseback, readui; his serlnoiis ai he wi WUuiv tbn Coufcreiio] . , . , _ ^ . _ TroyCetifenHicoforuied,he wa$ taken into V. Y. E. Conference, wbem Wisas lived and labored fof many years liolding the moat im- IM.rUiit positions in the gift Of the fouler ence, until witiiiu the last year he vwas foiced to take> a superanuaied n latioii baeasjse of failing health- It is iinisissiiile to^ r i vtj ahyUiiiip),]'*:*' a report of liis sermon, or w«iii ».l»«ri«aTt uulline; we _ ._ ... _^. shall only attempt to give a brief sketch. The j iw mirst and r.-.i upmdir test was chosen fruni Uouiaus, 13: 10; "f'« ij( kiii'lhj tifftdvmatt one to amMJier, with hri'thrrl'j h,v, in limuor {unfitir'ufj .>«.- uu- j iiitelisili.-.l cia»mj;s l,,i Hl,at le other:" One moral prii<ciple which lias to a j and the ie.o||e.tioij ..i p 4 -t pi,-,.., great extent governed nations, aud more j haunt loin like a sp-etre, with tl largely the flreeks and Romans in the da>» : what haul been ami 1 ouid urvi r l« o f t h e Ap*"* 1 ** I*-»«I. waa "render- evil nv»- i usr-j.i.r.-ii,-», v,*•..., tli . , lit . evil. - ' Thus the "law of retaliation "entered I world is gain.-d and the >,, .1 ; '.. very largely into thelaw and ia«nao4XUe r.lig ' fiom this putui.- .« i r,.-., , , ions syst'-ms, of that ilay. 'i1»c Apostle pre-1 senls by way of contrast the Christian law or j /„,-,—or the Christian reJigi-'U. The speak ' ev-n zcaoy a. uivc 'Ihe 4<it •-r tlii-11 proc«"<-ded to the ffbistiation ol t».. genei'.il thoughts, bein^ the motive and ne- tes.ity of this principle. 1st—It lea'ln its t.i make suitable allowanc- es for errors in judgment. 2.\—Enables o- to put a. crlaiitahle e..n re'uee .was qtxiue.1 aa|d the Ufully th^tCOUaf ed a blmsits* was invoked by theJmr."b."W. Sharts, of Owasaa, Mich., when aA^artdok of the repast with a relish. The densest, ripe pears and sweet ice cream wen iksditiaua. The bridew cake was voted superb, and many a youthful guest was seen slyly to take a piece to place beneath their nilfosn,. that, their dreams might lie pleasant, and nnfojd to them the hour of their nuptials, which all arc anxiously expecting and wishing for. Why shouldn't they? . Hey. Mr. Cady, of Albiirgh Springs, was Called upon to present to the host and host- ess the many beautiful and costly present*, which he followed l»y a neat, happy und spicy speech, iu which he alluded to the sa- credueas of the marriage institution, aud the long union of Mr. and Mrs. Ilill, advising the young to go and do likewise, and fulfill the Scriptures. Tliis called from the happy bridegroom a very fine and appropriate re- sponse. A few enlivening airs were played ou tin- piano by Miss Hill, iu her usual happy style, and sacred vocal music was sung by the company, after which all returned to tlieir homes, well pleased, and wjsuiu<; the happy- groom and blusbim; and elegantly dressed briCc many happy days in the future. Especial thanks ai«» due to H. If. Hill, Esq., for kind aud gentlemanly attention to tiie guests of his father. (JI'K-T. Ansablt- Forks. ~-ti'iJCUoll lil"'t: the Words and actions "I The annual pie-uie of ihe St. Patrick's and l.i„;b.-i-. .St. Josei-U's ."x-ietici,ol Ausaule iorks, was I :l.| It wilt pt.vi-i.t om doiii^ aiivthiu'^ •held in that village on Saturday, the loth j vvher.-by a l.iotb-r is t.un.-d aside hoiu the instant. Notwithstanding the threatening \ X\MS\\. way. br.jjl.tii. «««4 iseav* • « H | «i,d tin- »njrb-« sllOiel*. "Man ri.jii.'r.s-l).. in-;,i-,.,|, .,. , "(lo-.ih|i— t nt.H. a^nid.iWu. l..pi<av«Vsire.a. asfod (W ... Ill himself »*<|,.i remedy II not 1 dforaw that wn.rid ««IMet*Bv.. ,.„ or a sutc tlmt vmnM ys-IM «. Urn.. ,»,.l l^lMM^but (H,« wlHCh liolhHis le,t IIH- nigOfC%r*rcnnM after \ mm Hi* belav himself is mad.' uvaser l.v Imi, iil.nut man »liis.i| by mi, caniioi h.!| witliout th.. helping liai,.l wl.,. 1, *•},,,, lends. X.i (Mie is so mulid that tl... I.. . 1 - not extended. 110 o n e *., ..If. n , . . . . . mly to chrisiiau* wlio ar<- so inrlu.-,-1, u.ai haeboavwefona all sin and U-n.i.Lii.1, s.. as to u-.juire 1.0 h. Ij. a^«...-i l'uutsss^r«*sWstisst;Tdilv4AUase> is It of no ,iv*il. Itut to jinn, r ,, j , 1^,, «,,,„!. ,,„ ( „, twlvatioii a ne<y-ssity anj a help. t.. ebodi. 1. w h o a i * ^rcv SO fceomic acHnrv fi, tie- . v e n : - ..fa Ufo •rloeh p Sts,th.«Al., c ^, Uf. t.. Uu yotinfc, »Jte|iitnB.ll4s %•*) and th,. % Z r.\ i. it H fuithlul v i v o . . / .Oi.< ,r.,rlh,, ••$ .,,, ,. t'llifrt th'lt fhrixf ./. 1.0 , ,|,„, i„f., »/,, ,, . 1 J o *«jr» .iiiflfn. In the evening the *erm..u » i . Iroiu M i't Iii;3i;:"f'«- ir/„tti*,t ,„ Ul j ,.,ii,.(,r fl, ,., , 'jaiathi wWfir.rtUu.il,,, /„,.,. ,: • v-h<lt*h<\ll 11 Heoi ./ic in . /,-/nini/, t.H '.M «• If there 1* a Waul ..wake 111 lb. 10 o.I «. „. not at rest until that want is .itnh, .1 11, , wc hare avert(hini; els.- 11 is as n..tl,o..; ,. Comparison to the thiii; w , n,..st d.-su. " \ Inii.l.r »'I.»J > , l « , r l n |.i.,v,.l..l <%,ii. ,. that his joiirui-v ie.imi,. s . b.it >»ai. 1 i, IhirsL-, and would jjive *|| il.^i 1 , . .. . for lb.- ..in- thing he »*i,Ls. A home i...„i,.f voyager from a distant U i . d . 11. d a n , . 1 ..1 sbipwrei-k Mould give all lb. ti.a-ui. 1. has aiiiasseil, the ^..ld fr win. b b-- I, .- delved, for his hie. A* in lb- mind -.. 1( , th. soul. What is tin- *.ui. I he .-«,n. ..1 ...„ being, the sum of our t-sisU-n.e. th.- ,,«.' whkh came from li.-l. wlncl. lues its hi- here, is purified, if purified, and r. Line. t.. ti<i.l. It begins iu «J.id and ends u. 1...! This is tiie soul It is greater than its. II It holds ail things and yet desires more, its wants are never *au»li<-d. To s»m tb.- w. M..| a mail loses hims.ll, as a wander, r it, iia. » less foresU, be se«s not the sun or -k». I. is ti. Si I... 1, . lli.mtiitioii ,,r t he. k |l IS • ,1, A - .... , I , ,,, '. •• b'S , U,41i-- K.l^j-, --. ! <•.. than to alii* I I , . 11: ., - s f . N IS If " so . .t,£ * . .... ,.• ft.,It,'...,./I, - ,. , l„ Mi Ki:v v tl,. .if.-u. ..I .(..!,,, J( u afn-iiio ,ii an,I. v. 1. 1 • 1,1 ai" ill the in «tT. r >•! f l . lar «up. 1 ..r !.. ti ..!, I l.s I. '...1, .1,* /. Ills. .1 »., . .-Is s^-. :. .'. ( 11.. —^^ ..... ^i», w s»»= UIK me sun or -iv». lie 1. , ' ,. I.*L lie miy surround h.ifr«il>di,w.aili4 b .i''*V,I 'J'.*•',»'• , .' ' "* and all the luxuries „l weahfi. all that .1.2*l" 1 "" ,r * \ " " ! ' * * *gbutheeye aud the ta.sU . and w.lh the ' "T"''*' : ' , ' ' k . v ' ', •uiil of bumaii alfei-tiiuis and all kie-wl-d •-. •nay .01,.pi,r u..rids, oil bivid.' t - m , . .1 .1 this he will sijb lot mor.-. bit be all 1 . ... - gaifi.-d all. 1 1 , Having gained the world. ub«t . 1 ' - . t . fose, bis-011I. A iiitn eaniiot !..-• b. ... 1 he cau his jack kinl.- ||,- s,,„| „ 1, .„„ (( , is bis being, the sum, tb.- .0,,1 ,.f all 'h.-1-... ei-s HJlhiii him, to j..s,. 11 ,. i,, ,' bin,., jf Tjie soul cannot ji.e up.n ,,^1. , 14l tl.,1,^- ft vsvli «•«••< vrant, IT .1 t»-c.-(re ,«a> wtoaf Uu> world aid i»i,*( itl»-»lvs-», *»lt wne r fV„ t Alld HI.at d - - it pr..nt a man ll he ^am the wbol.- n..i,f. aild lose his soul? What doe- l„. ^.i,,i ' i.tn-' .!.- :b <t .» . I^bts ot r.,: ; 1 M IblWI, sb.l*. til. |« r .HIS- l|..|,| * j., ; 11.. live .•'••*•,- mi' •• -Iv . in :i-,jh 1 .1 ( 1.1; *b • .t t',.-u, \l 1. .. *.l .-...p. f .. A'O .'ll ' , >l .• - , /. / . i ' . V Sphinx D« paituieht I IU." ti M 1. *-•.!. ; .tl ll: .1 .1 an ati ey '•11 It •41 v 111; 1 liebold ll 11 .spb.-r- b 11 r e a d y ti> iwak. •• W,,l.s I',. ••- ll.Illlltl C-v r.iiii.- lit I ." ll"III , .. j' . ^'IV I!. \ !-. 1 M tl.- .11 r c •11 ^ l.'s. ',. t •lh 1 1.. ,' . -;.. i . .' V .. -. '1 1 - -»! asjieel of the weather in the morning, at au early hour the people from the hills and the valleys of the country lying in the vicinity of A usable Forks, began to pour into the village, until about 12 o'clock a large concourse of people had assembled. The grounds near the church, where the picnic was held, were tastefully arranged for the comfort and con- venience of those iu attendance. Tables were spread, reachinc the whole length of ••••li 4Ui—It will lead.- lis hi use tiie best mean* 10 restore and m-laiin a brother. f,lh—Keeps us Ironi spr.sad.iikr, winch k-s-s elilari;in^ upon tin*, failings and faults ol others. The Xtfrjixilif for the e\erci-.»!of Uiisprin- ciple was ur?. d. Eir-t: Ik-cause it la 1 duty: by our relation to Christ j, aniMiy the ndation we sustain Ui eai'l if urisltantl "V tiie relation we susuain ui . Lber: it is compared also to the body iemlM-r dejH-mleiit UJM111 some other. Secondly: ll is tor our ii.t.-n-st l»«.tl 'Tl!Rr^>isgrKvlwl»! eiaai-ly a tiie grounds, filled with a great variety of | i lt,i food. A large number ol people had dinner \ „tiier: it is eompared also u. the body, cadi '' at these tables during the day—the tables I m.-mlx-r .lei«-mleiit IIJIOII some other, being filled almost constantly from 12 o'clock ' Secondly: It is tor our im.-r.-st lx.tb 11. until late in the afternoon. '.,.!, The crowd, though large, was one of the. -f\ most orderly and quiet we have seen ; 110th- el.wjueutly illustrateil. The iar;;.- coiigte^a- ing occurred during the entire day to-mar ' timi manife-tim; the decp.^st ititeresl in all tins pleasure of tiie occasion. , .i llt . ttas AA„\ by thi- venerable and.-vc-il.-i.t The Committee having the mana^euieiii preaeher of d«-'fH«pel. May be he kept ia of the festival in charge deserve great credit' jii> a ,„l health many \ear-* to come. for the admirable manner in which the ar- • 1,1 Hie .-vemm; :b-ieiljet was IMVIIJ 1 by rangemeuu were carried out. ' j{,. T. jp. |^. flraot, ol «Uoha. s. Text. iOelu- Tlie music for the occasion wis furnished , v ]u : -t'm• *-fe> ':<th •(• •» ""' "" -i--••>' by the Whitney Cornet Hand, of Kecscville.' I<M'„H thin-i*:' Of this band we have spoken before. Our i There is a ela-s of m. n who main'mi people have heard them play and can judjje i tl.at i. i/l«.«;>t4«rv W> 1.«H| to s:sj.|»ise M>m j -in their merits. They are good musicians, ! c/.tiei^iieil in the idiitirfer *.mw "ol life 'and I and up to the times iu their music—availing ei,. (l t, of history; and >••! there is a IM lei themselves of all the new pieces of music , y i:tt ^.c^tiizes tli«r l»iv"m» saipc-riiio.-iid.i.,-.- publishcxl, they cannot fjul to give most es.-.i.,, v ,. r ij,,. "^..ri.l - pt.il("s.-ili^ I" »•*" ''•"' •" tl<- ceilcnt salasfaction wherever they &*• ' fcrises of kingdoms and in the revolution- "I Prominent among those who were present 1 worlds, but deaiyiuit that l»- has any couuec aiid took part iu the testivities of the day ; y., u w l ' t i, w hat th'-y consider the small, r, .,r were Itev. Father Smith, of A usable Forks, j lum hler parts ol' creation. There are a va Itev. Kaiher Ulyuii, ol the Irish Cilliolic j r ; -ty of ways of t-\nosiii<r the absurdity of Church, lseest:vili«, aud Itev, Kalher Bar- ( t i lis vl ,. w . The little and tie: (?••'" »••• '"' l liabe, of the French t'hurch, Kecseville, M. : oll |.. jiiseparable parts »l a whole, and tln-ie llesmoud, Esij., and Thomas Dcl.un-y, ol ; (, r<. | Ui,.,t iufbu-n.-e .-ach other, but, morr rialt&burgtl. ' t i, aM this, what i- called th«- bill.- sometime* The festival was broken up at an early ) CI eatcs and •"••-n destroy*. th>- gi'-at. hour, and the people repaired to UM-'U homes, ' The .lewNn Ue-ocra«-y -Lands ol-.i«» in tb.- higlily plciised witii the festivities of the day. ijishjry ol UH: World, a* one ol lb* Br*i.d«.t, r.iaiities in the autials uf the race. IIoW did , tlliS majestic p«/»er ariso? ttsai s liufo thiii". A babe is discovered on the hanks of the Nile, coucitaM by in poor Hebrew mother n»" avoid, the threatened destruetaust . of au Egyptian despd, I'rov ideiic: Uk.-s care "1 ihe cliild—he grow* to manhood is tialn.-d iu all the wisdom ol the ruling la>«; *lhe fear of tiie I » n r tlk*-i possession ft |j m —he becomes the instrument ol drlivrf ( iugnhe childreri of Afjcahasu Oosa bandage tl VV« i.iiisl l» luiml.l<- i„ »».,, please II.KI We si I,| f !!-. I Wortbui.-s. «.o.l i,.i- .-s|» . ,, tint w must piay pi..iii|.t.-l bv . .• faith—in order to U 0,-,,;.,,,....% ,,, ..... a . •and liei cssllles l(e d.«-s led ali-.i'-i I prayers that sawing Sr.iu e.U.er fear, |«i.l- ' selfishness. V. Ill lll.-l hoi* H..1...1 !.,. S I... , ll h a t e l e d . o i ho* ..Ken they ha I tin- i.l.a that a H.~l exists, vvb. 1 la,,.. death they will pia> lot Ii,,,i„- a. I. .1.. 1 seech the Almighty I., ,b ,,•, r lb. m I then ilniH-ndiiig ifoolll. Kot Uistai ... . V iM-lius of'old, w h e n h e I..111,.1 h o i , - .1 Th- Jr-iikilii I:.. ii ! I if bis kingdom, prayed tint < -bue bun to bis former p..*. alluded to the w ..kedo, ., ,.t |, piol.-s>e.| to reloriu tor lb-- 1. his pray.-M went \,n ius». i.,| wri-o-bofa Hoiii.ii. Matv M tpploa. b,-.l (1... |e. ; ..( ;,,, - , , alid c.'litiiti..ii, A i- p.u 1,.],. ! 1- . - I II. » pa»t ll.lle ll'I' " J" i A leiv iiioial. Hit in all d.i. .11 a - j . sl-l l.-,| .-..li,,.!, 1 till- dn 1 lln Uli a d . i . ti. .-d v the lb that a piv.i..: tU 1 to i'.l- 1 -••ats 0 hi- , le o'.b.I-. tin .... '. stoA.d doll lol •1 11, r. : .. 1 .1.0.1 i.' .-i 'i. .- -lie Hi •.! 1. 'v. ll.. . - -ll lit' ._' ' 1. U.r.t. flolll ' 1,., ,il... : ,-t (.••.. v. si, ..fl.l U 1 pi 1,. 1 1 I oil,-, .1.1, 1(11 lOOIl'iej (.- atl.-i .in. ., tt. .1 Mi» the ll. . I.I V !l. uisi.-ad <li ol !b. op-.l. II tli. 1 -. le. . -ll. •l^ti "1 tioll l..t. but t . ..1 .1 .|. tin 1 . ii. ,. -iid t. - : 11. - 1.. ,,.-. ' -'.ei, . -p. t *l. e-1 1 the '-•• th !:a. »• ;•• i.h.il ... : : Anasvble Forks Leeala. —If. II. Sherburne has sold his hotel ; property to Patrick H"gan, who fakes po» , scssiou Sept. 10th. Mr. Uugan b a live man ' and wilt endeavor to do everything in his : power to make his house a desirable stop- ' puag place. i —Always look before you leap. Hail our friend Frank folfow.-d tliis a'tse saying our ' -"^u^'iucm"iiibi"a" commonw.altb; aiid I..'!""! .••Hix* ..'..akljl .u.M. ll«^.. « «MIM.L» ttlrwl«al.C . . . . * . 1 . . > WOl- Aas i. . l.s. > HIS. \! 'l*.l.en.. 1, I .11 Vl 1. lie S.l.l.aih Noll, e ..1 the eV.'l.rsi-dl I-1 h, r^i-1 XXere^T.l lliAt Oi .... 1-J, >lllU*) s .!».'•••..V- b.-le to !• !..» fa.he, BoMriogai,, , ogam tin- cut, d,0C« te .--. « ' f .... l ...ire.-!, i., » e | e • All .liate.1 to ,o|,»ev a »•- se.li •.! the .1 * 'i.i.. a.- '.. , : ' . I.UeHl, Alld »- ^Udlj artist would uow have a whole skylight- —There were from fifteen hundred b> two thousand persons present at the Cek-bralioii .Saturday last. Everything passed off in a very pleasant manner, indeed. Thr net pro- ceeds of the day amount to 4000. —Robert Miller, Esq., lias returned from Iturliugton, Vl.. where 1M- has been during the "huckleberry"xasofi, selling berries on commission. —The Rogers' Iron Co. aie iw jarinj; t«> rebuild their works at 1'aliuer Hilt —The forge at this place is laying .Ull- the r.-ceut tire ).-si-eijii,g tin Supply of ore. Pern Items. —The ttcv. Mr. Cook, of K.-esewlle. preached iu the stone eburr-h last ..abhatii ai '.', 1*. M. lie wilt be here agaiu iu two wevks from that date. —rem Sabbath School celebration TOWN .ft* n e x t T u e s d a y . The place of resort is aj liivea tbeiu a code ot laws, a system of the olo-y, aform of worshiji. by abicli ibcy U- cam.: the gre.t!e«l ;»•••pi'' • n '-at til. Tie- i-i.ate-t p..».-r iu The m.xleni world i- f hrisilAiutj. VSIiei.c-did this oeit and 1 {;r..wi!< sy-t.-ui ai.se? ' pwatd- ..|< i,t.t. • n ceiitui.es a^o a • I.ild is l-.rn ot obscur.- pa rent,; tli.it> \ears ..| b,- hi.- ue »jie..l oleeoiity. !••i! yl.-Al |»-A. i- ••! ih.i^l.l purp.sv-a.lTvm <-o<l ale ui lota. He elti' r^cs flOUl -otMCUrit)' -»»-jjj!IS tO WWllJ o,* : U.O»4 thoughts. H' .M it. s lh. la^e of the |»J»U lac-. kind%s.«i.i vrrnthr<d the gn.-Uy*! M length he is .•ru.-o.e.l Fr-m thi* -p.».r .l.-*cJi peasant," this .Naaju.-ue, sprang Uie rich harvest lields .d human cultui.-, c.nli/a lion and Mi-ion that wave ahnUst ou ev.-ly ' /niic, ! T h * | f mciuji * a- 1 dbsstrated in fh.- bi#- I v.ry' ..f th.- <di<in-h 'fr.^O' tb*- day* *>f the ! an<slles until n-'W. Iter- •««- tb.- k-ss-.i.s u. b.- learned : 1. llesjilse i»..(. fhbtgs of humble asport. Ages A lie corn-, i MIS' ., ,i ...-• »." i: I. i u. 1.1.- p il.l- 1. |...s. ,. • - Vl... V 111 x - H » -I * a ay.» . C.J Olaiioli ..I ll. oil I 1. i t s d a ) !•.-'. j;r .v<- v.. -I "f I... A'.w.--1 . Le ami A...: .. value of the "aool" which hail heon hid ...> V. " . , . ^"^ y .". i r! t P i r .. . . . . It •«• h»«n Urn tendnucy <>l man in *.l ., value oi tue pool, wmen had been but up, uaggs' Wand, ou tin: left bank of the Ureal.J j JM. ..„„. ,, . „/ M ., ..,„„.,. as high as tlin* dollars, saying ihat he conk! I A usable, witiiiu aWnit a mile Slid a half of I t .^ (1 „. ^ b j a c L l •_ y f w » l r i l bx a Uuor man isk.-d, "Have any of the rulers IM-Iiev. <I go right Into any of the store* of Salem buy just as good a one for "tew." S h e h a v e s n j S m s i s i l swani ea»aas> Belt atinragssHrt trspMl MH BWfMVWfV she can constantly tSShoM n. Votsm, vralment, J truss CaswssAsT. •swftttthm ra^M, Bttsdsatia T^Hr af4pww vMWJWwaflWMBPw^iwsw/ ^^w w^s^wsw swiw^w^p sw^ifwawsw/w srwawm ^^^ wipe to aw ftnfjnf and law MO ad srmiawd, dnUveted the asstw sat h«tw m w the wwsjpn, Whtwj Porm(ii "'I'f.**' tm«b'-'"» «•»»* «»*y. tdsviatc illfisitHlj.tliili its inoutb. Lettiei e be a good ajiun. —AiK-ther sarplnt! 1 Ji«t Friday, as Hhe l^iwcr I'ond was bi in-; drawn off,an eel was caught that weighed 5 1-2 lbs. <Juila a lot j tit.- M of small pickerel, hoi ne.i iioiiis and sti< ki-rw hoiior were also talseu. i • r » .j —A string ssf fish and a*fi»h p^l«*««V* seen moving along the street last Sunday. —#ls» Knight* of the iqiortive lad and reel lolt ben this morning—Aug. «VJtii—for Valeour Island. The party consisted of J. \V.Thtssspsoa.ottr ssdsdater 4* Bbiini, Mr. ft. White, of Chimma, and Mr. Ihiwtdj. of St. Mr. ari'Mlll veflwi IBM MV. vtWSWJsY aswMssWJh JiMhjB Watson Walsoontossatlrtmegicas 1 - KifiO. T l t a l i M iWwp»yw)tviM w^daatfojr the Aita\y schooL sau: it is true to-day, as in the tisaeef lioul it.try in.! in i l.J.het •l Willi. The sidtrVntt ia wMsiMstswldsj dsvA cnA. thaaa la awdsfo sjss> hi lbs saiadls Ug lofUaefo tea is gi» still as; in himf * "a i'l SllVill •J. Mark luUe n o . n . It h'as done Won ders U-lore now. H a s t s t t ts} a s t W*>|.l<- in fol.ie.1 the true theory of the material inn Verse. The rnshlhf* of a lltU.- steam hoiu a kaSSSV l u d to 4MB uilr.iducUoii ol su-aui power. Mark hltle lebdeuckw ol character iu children. Has pact fit lie statuea. 3. Ufcugmi— UAMI> aa wen aa In the vast «»M»wSsVtr4dy ptwsss glow-worm as in Ibe taps gentle lwealt>inp> .^ a ealtu uuuoMr SHUAUAC uiuUiecnuhoftliethiinikr and the rawr, Wi \t till. • li 1.M10I! IliSilloWI. s. ll.s.l I' •• It- baniK-r '^i »b.. lb.-.- u :!!.•', a- : p . a«a- at lit.' bu:« ll hotl, - ..-Ml I -• VA . < d. ;..'. •'. •• j ...... ! '.'..- 1' W , '• - a . . !>.; it t;. Ik „.. .1.1. >:. ' on' ', *'id vt« *d l i . t?v tl'..n :mn, 1 dti.u^d'.ai.. I':!!., V. .'J. In- i,. woniei. i ii-l Vi«. •I- - » » I . lb- i r, l.-l. .p.-1 .1 million! Vtlel it.ey till,, •' tbeiu Aiid the crowd foul..bur the stand. 1 % Uoii to tiie must.-. I-' the . p.-i..n; jia,' i a;. : the Words of t»fksi«iie said rC'«»ti«..- rx tbc represrutativr* of tl-- .1 '!< . Tlic roceutiuU was a aim »i.d wtth UAisusi vf hwatt atul tuutiae. and suuu all wern actively eugagnl afoosid t w o iottis£ twbfco* gw«|passaa Star tsv« srfw •— .... After dinner vat ctitwkJ Ihe asarmbi) isrvfu atttaaw.- - i , ^rtm/i/tm*— Seh—d f u . U^t-uiu. ! to«t? TimtM 1 rrMBttasiawStssa PIMltttwMI Bc%t My Utpmmt* T* t "V*fy, li " ot^up**** ' 4Cbuuts were then rrp Ip.ltttiSIMniHiarl.lISM I a.ta. 1.. I - 1 . . . Wi.li. ., v. *i. sp.-i I j. I'urt fr. si . An. a « i . Uii. > Mil..k,.l II s«. .n -»:.- 1 •»•! a,. l\.AaAoa • Ha, W i » » i . -*v-i> l^oJ J *^*»**' , ""«* •mummsmmmmMtum ^tef^^^^^^^Mss^Aj iissMssM a!«w,ac.sS?3ssn

Mxm>i*mitr)£.w. - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1873-08-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · rough frosh Ac rain of tho pccvi-m* .1 »y. and . Uicfrsitc *gK!T "up"

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Page 1: Mxm>i*mitr)£.w. - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1873-08-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · rough frosh Ac rain of tho pccvi-m* .1 »y. and . Uicfrsitc *gK!T "up"


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l i e . l »Jr '.hi t sail, I'w

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: ward.

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»: tin )iEure TV.r

ll Hi..'.

.pa *-

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T i e Fireman's Hwter .

« UITA1I \ M . MII.A7.E H'lTIt ••IXiHY A S i m H "

Miu;T«!-HrM) riRRMFX I « l . f * l J - O I . M >

I *' t . -TAKr* THF IMll-T r-o.IJCK T-RI71C

aht» f ' t i . i r M Vtil. «n»'. »*.•«>»•>—oO KM

KI \« ' \«vv wrrif THK K K S I W runic— 'Hi" r : f r r - i r , r . . i i " J J I . H T w « o m - ~ i x -

I.o;;:o; ; i r i u v v r v A r » n XT

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W. t'»T

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wa; . ! - . , ; .


• l i . i . i . t :

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. f.'.m the banks ,

: -<k I T ore, lead-

'.« _;r . .P.' . . Neai

; : : . i. <. . . ... u.i'

-..', ;, .1 i /"ar irivf

,it^ a lar'-;»* a tca ..I

d.'WT. ir-'i:'. the surface

% p'li- ':•• i'W I: i> i.«> v'*c< for

; u . ; . . «.r those that walk m dark-

- hi'Ti-.ti'I Villi C.ll.tiot S" i n a,1>'

-.O.i.'.'lt • • 'i•.; _• \ . : \ -.„.;> !•> ••> t

WVM,, til' N:i i.

«::: i the

ti."n ;) ,!

ra::;r of

•m . .»• .1

feet of b.««e. tTt** c .mjpiny do ing this in tiie , least L a w to receive «r<n i

T h e 4 N H w a s nicely shaded b a t rcty '

rough frosh A c rain of tho pccvi-m* .1 »y. and .

Uicfrsitc *gK!T "up" fliroHph*' ' T b e f o f f e w i n g is t h e reewk. i

Vtr*.*»X; I—4» 1 .--. I - " * . 1- M ! i - :.i 1 i - ."-T ; 1 - M j


i . - . . . j

,ir.- a £ -

.1 earth

. i- % v.,;.! i » u

. ni.>!:. !.!i • !• « y ev<

b-.is* hatid>, in t i fjci li...i:>o barking f.f big voiced (ore-

•iu;h their speaking trumpets , tlic

g i i l y dcmratoii rnginos and hose

cart?, nihigirtl wiil) llio sharp rlanging of

'.h*ir bolt*, burdened the air. wbi le h u g e vol-

iitii«». of ciiiliiiMastic cl.o*rs. from ibe throat?

oi the iusty defenders of our ftrrsklos, rout

the welkin , whatever that i s , and w e n t xoar-

m;; upwards belw.-eu tin- walls of rock which

bom thr village in on citlier sia.-. au.l o c b o o j ' , , , n S "ft-r »b^ f.V> are tprm '.

faJfpaMtnifc.nf. Ke-K-..«, |Uwdy H i t . ("aL.tract«;teiit Fill-. K.sri ic , PUlUb»ir- l i . II tthora, Sarab«: <. ii>-li. f, n.i(Ub«iruli . KinckoriMck.-r, Jiar;»!>sa IMIcvtK, S t . AU.aot ,

T h e w i n n i n g con ip«ny , Iiwlappn^ciit of

Salem, had Uictr pick out of the C M U C U H I

V e r m o n : o i i i p i i i v . . v c o r l i n c to the coufcs-

sioij of their own m e n and it i« to be honed

Ci ^!r!t*f o

'J f*r l l ( . . . ' i

iQtmvftu* •««, 4 ^u.


L-ir 1.


mt l i l«'t>«kin e.i|> ,*-

tra'kfng :n fmtu pr. •

and fiourisliin; b,s

.(;!,. el- , and their k>»e

. :;• a- a M'.ur barral, I V a.« a tnrkev e»^V.

etitipring wand in a '

b i^hlj scietilifie mai .ne - , it was t.v» mitch for

ol.l Dave—W1M> mas pretty -ful l"—and b«

niarrliiil in fwnt and oaiiennl about ihc

a boy of ten . swinging his hat .

•i^be 1.UI1' <r,«.l t j i ' i« * » • T » i « lh-> €*»*< <

! . 1 •• I '» ll..

Hand like

they fe-'I pro;«l

of fair play.

Hel ler he ke.%Un with ft c l w nHjonl. boys , i danc ing , gest iculat ing and s inging , uni. l ti-

lh:in win with a (.ml one . for that sticks ' »»»> he iMvame » . wrmight u p H a t he - . . t

M- i>.r. ^4

,!.. : u s : mm' !im i

" T ' . , l l , .

, .:r hov.-i - ot


i l l . !

.fllut.'- i i . a. i

t I.

|. \ r\ 1- W I Mill



.: :>t.

'• '• • : " ! , ;i;«, res*.

-tx.t wJ.iTi'thchrs: i .- >iu'.,i*ford i> & %\a

. ;.!!i: the rmrr .

• • Lu;id;od dol-

:t;:!:.. rr. ;«.r:y.

Ton was i l i s c v

jH.'.l.t. •! .•".'. tO

Of lie n r n e -

[• •

I .NUT:.

!;.V »"r .-.vcit.


-. V.


...ca;,-J i." \\\\r • T i - . a . i . -

I . '

:b.iM''" •: TVI

.• •'. • |v .•.vert.,, > \ N,t;,oiis iv.

;i.. ..ITH : ' : JI; .I^*"- . >t '.

i I'To^a. an ! "ha: ";

•. , • - r- .; ' :> . .arkeU •-.- IH.I

; t , ., . . :^»i.l(r. ."..- .r i.*.'. • T ' . ' . i i a p u n t «»l a eape." .v.-.. c i r v w -

j».,..l- *<j e,\:Kc:i>- u> tb<; app<iar.i.i.e«- vl < ruuii a

; .-.!:• "liat o t * titwH it \\\h\ to ?0t it OUt i l l

!, - li."in? •.!. V. s'.-;la across II u! w a g s a I5ay— .

- .kir.s fi-.ir. the l.ea-i'.:t'i! v;!!a£P of Port

Mi'tity— irmti ''rowti l 'o int—wiio iv t!i<' r-'

•uaiiis <d the ur*t (or: otiii: on the ^akc are :

»;.ii ji|*iti:y risible, -was tbo very »l»il, where .

< lianHilalu inarched asliorc with Lis Ind ian

;:• 'V Mr.Ti'.Il . the o\erse<

V> . . i iet i ice. >jlifima:. & (*\

At t... Chocve: Jied >>•;; lia.l l",r>n discov-

•yc] \s n^r|y s s l^M. i)Ut not Bll'.ch JUOCTCSS

L...1 :<c. '. uiiw'.o towards laUing li. until l?21,

i*2:i". V'..j.:bf F > h c r olt.tiaevl a lease of it.

p n i n ; ;ui annua l rent o f ten t o n s of U«iom

.: ••!.. li.^. r i .ut j not , bowover , baVC puskod

':. > .'!.:••*;>ri«e with m u c h vigor lor a ijei.'ie-

Ti.au now i.\jii.^ m I*o:l Henry , told .is that

h.. i-.' :'..v'e.': .h ! ; 3 5 iiii1 sli.i'.'. Is.wl oi . ly

7' . . ~'ir.*rv .- • '.: >: Icot l .elow i'..c ^u:l:u:e.

a;i.i tba: tbo o iv was r i i4od by TUilaus of

•iioib hew." b.K*«1 iluwn intft tit* shafi;. The ;irst Blast F u m a o e was erected at "Tort H e n r y

.i: 1?J2 bT Major J o n a s DalKba in c o m p a n y

with lion. Jolm IX Dickonsou or Troy.- The Qie trotti this sa^9^ Clicever Ucil was used

and also tl iat from a m . n e in V e r m o n t . —

which was hauiod aci«is llrt iake on the ac, —as well .xs from the I*wt Ileiiry oro beil

1 e"\VC''! '.

1 r i! i.- u ; -

• • " . : ) . - e : i :

': -. : \ e a

:'IIH< and

. , i , , . . . i .

i . l t lS. Mip|>ol ' l l l f f

i oiiiii'cliDj; roil.-

..' pumps , those

'. torwanU .ui-

llti*. a sTj;;i';l j . : 1 . . ;

t t h e s e m i n e s is

:-.babiv :i'-t o n e !

^•r'.'. ';i .ii l!ic ore produced

uult'-d in thin l i c iu i ty—

'.venlietii jiart. A t F l i ' i c h -

•« Ii.-».i,., ..•,-; r ' ^ I o u d e d a - h e ,.ri'-:SMMn ' a U ' u : i l r i ! " ' « o s t of t h e * * e c v o r .

• •w0» l i .nr!«Uls , - and kii".,il ibr .-e a d e . b at , E a t t L c ' " : : ' : u -"icrost. in conucct io i i wi'.U

'»«• very first shot" ': t J l p s c w o r k s ' c ( , » t e r 3 * l l h « v i i i i l S e o f M i n c _

T h i - ' w ; pn.hal . y "'.. i : - \p!osioti o l I V l ) , e - w L i c h h M s p f t i i i g B p « b o u t t h e e x t e u -

•i . i .p.»»AT. the Iro-imm lia.1 ever heard And j ^ " ^ ' s w5«>re spoken of s e v e n mi les west

>: m-:-t have impre>-ed m.* t etTe. tual'v upon I o l t h c l a k«'- ! k [ e s s r s - S h e r m a n , U l shop a n d

• i.e hundred ai:

liii;bt!Jna"ion:y of ci'. iii/ati- HI o v - r barbarism.

IJat wl ietber t h > wa--. tllO <cene ot that

. .s.ttict oi not, we km.w thai atwitit the year '7.H at which .nr!y ;>rr;od i-oth the Frencli

and Euititidi were striving to s a i n foothold*

•. .kilvmice of oach other in the new world,

'Vv-srvri , su i i i vorn (''•'"dibrd after their a p c e m e n t to work tbc

S.uidford B e d o u shares , s e e m to b a r e prose ­

cuted their des ign steadi ly , the bulk of tiie

ore be in^ hanlcil to Ticonueroga w h e r e tberc

was a bloom forge.

In ls->i a quantity ol this ore. was Uicd iu Uic Blast Farnace at Tort Henry, litrt owing

aid e<.peci.Uly upon Lake ("hatnpiain-the j tt>""mismaMgtment prohaWy with the •» - --~ ' fluxes used, the result was unsatisfactory, hut uiportance of w h i c h it w ev ident w a s seen

isom t h e first, from the n a m e ?:veti it—*'rru-

ei'lcre i/u«r«#ite i. t. Tkt dUre that i» Uu.

oitte «•/ the country- -\ » '

The French eridently ciiiraed possesion by the right of discovery and in 1731 Deauhari^s \

two years later, some ore,-of a leaner quality from the aame loeriity was used with suc­cess, and it was soon found, that wix^d with tiie f beerer oiw ft mMa «xeeNent irwi.

I n ISM th is £ • * & * > ! ore bed c a m e iu to

i s ordereil to c o m m e n c e %hc e tec t ion of a l * 0 possess ion of J o h n A . L e t , Gf»rgc Sher-

l . r t t ipon Crown T o u i t . This, fort w a s c o m - j «>*«» * " * Eliphwliil HaM w h o p a * *1MK> for

plet . i ! in IT.jn and w;.« n a m e d St. Frederiek. | ;t- a m l a litOe. "iUtdt in the saiise y e a r 3Tr.

Dur ing the iinbr iglio which fol lowed be- H a " S"*? o u t t « A . J . R o « ( « l « o f TrO^r w h o

•..veer, the French and the Kusi'tsh Colon- in 1S4» sohl »o i t e s srs . S. II . and J . (r. <fiUi-

:- . - in M.tssaclms«tt<. V e r m o n t and N'ew | erboe.

^ . . i i , .i m a n by tiie rami ' v( A l e x a n d e r i l e - J I « ! * « I .o* retired and t-inrc that t i m e the

K "i/.i • w:is t.VK.-p. prisoner by the r V n . h • business has been conducted by the Wither-

!• .d Indian!-, and brought to t h i , lort. | hees , ahcrnian A- Co. Sincri f l ien Port H e n r y

T!.U i> a family tradition Mi'i:'.; tiie dc-

—jHJi'idMd MeKenzie hn". history inlornmis :' ;it < i: UiO i w e n t y - i o i t l i ol (>ct"W:- 17'"..">—

!.ue.-n y.-ars i iter—ti:e - a m e Alexander Mc-

Keiizi.' ai'rtreant in the Koriietii je^iui.-ui :.-.-,• v..'. tr.'iu a-jratef.:! ^tatr, I'M: . .;- intlltary

r-rvices t-ao patei.ti one oi one huiidrf-d a-res a:ij aii'.tii'r uf fifty. Th> Ur.d wa= j w.it.il ,n what ;.- now Die t.ovn ol Moriali. I

i j^i Miuih of the -uhur'o ol l 'o i t Iletity k n o w n

i- < .-dar 1'oitit. j

•d att-r s.-rvii::: ios i-ouiitry |

: 17^" I,:-, -a'te iii-ii-

I oro c o m p a n y has been incorporated, cons i s t -

in;; of t h e above t inu together wi l t , h e a v y

iron n r a :n Troy sn>l P.>n™W:eep«ie. T h e

on»inal owner of litis tract Deacon handii'id ilieil in Moriah week beforv last.

Mr. L . W . McKeiiT.ie, son ot A l e x a n d e r Mc-

KeiiziQ wlto l ives wi th h i m , and grandson

ot the original sett ler at Oeder P o h i t told us

that w i th in his recollection this land, w h i c h

e:-.ii!.', two miles uorth frotr. Minevil le , there

!•< a cliarcoal Mast f m n a e e , owned by the

cotnp.ttiies operating the m i n e s , but there

a:v no hlcomur forges in the vicinity, and

ivhei: tiie work o f m i n i u s '^ d o n e the oro is

s e i a a w a y wit l iout Heing s<-paratoiL t ' on -

t:a-t:::- this with the. w jfk-= til' McSSrS. J. Ji

J. Il'.^ei-. at Ati S.i'.'.e Forks, where the ore

is all converted ;nt" . n m utn'L the siiot, and

where one It'in'.red tons of ore daily, tho rroJuet ot tt.o It'.jers" share of t h e Pa lmer

Il i i l m i n e aflords ocet4«l ioH to HOarly 2,0U0

meif'fclr W tHu co»par»tiw cnect* of the t w o sys tems upon the industrial

pursuits a n d i /aterta l prosperity o f each lo­

cality, and it is e a s y to calculate that were

i h « 4 & t > H a o r y o u a l l separated a m i con*

verted into iron upon the. spot, by the

bloomer process, it would all'ord occupat ion

tor t w e n t y or twenty- l ive thousand m e n , and

form a solid basis of populat ion ot from fitly

to scveniy-f i»e thousand inhabitants o f la­

borers and their families a l o u d

B u t as iu the future the b loomer process

is bound to decl ine ou account of the growing

scarcity of coal , and that consequent ly t h e

work of separating the iron from t h e impuri­

ties wli l i which it is invariably found, m u s t be

done by anthracite coal instead of charcoal, it is probably unsafe to count so larjtc a pro­

portion of laborers upon tho ore after it

leaves the mines. Never the l e s s , w h e n the inexhaust ib leness

of the supply o f iron m t h e m o u n t a i n s a b o u t

Port H e n r y is considered, we c a n n o t fail to

see , i n t h e « o t d i s tant future, t h e proportions

of a groat manufacturing t o w n l ean ing up .

T h e complet ion of the N e w Y o r k & C a n a d a

Eailroad will p o doubt has t en tbte t ime .

Already t h e first s teps in tli is direct ion are

being taken by the erect ion of a blast fur­

nace—the i m m e n s e proportions o f w h i c h

tire hartrty e x c e e d e d in th i s country.

T h e furnace a t Tort l l e n r y be longing t o

the B a y State Iron Co. turns out about forty

tons of p ig iron daily, r.tid this n e w o n e at

Cedar P o i n t w h i c h the Cedar P o i n t Iron

Co. are bui lding, will probably h a v e a capa­

city of a t least o n e fourth more . T h e e n g i n e

at the ibruicr furnace has a "stroke''of seven feet, 40 i.-icli s team cyl inder, and 9 0 inch

blowisjf cyl inder, whi l e o f the n e w furnace

at Cedar Point the s team cyl inder will be 5

leet in diameter, S feet stroke, wi th a Wowing

cylianer of one hovJreil inches in diameter. It is in tended t o Iiavc it runn ing before n e a t

.New Years , and a s econd o n e o f s imilar di-

meuifbns will also, it is said, bebniltioon by

back- and forth U-twcen S k e e n e Mounta in

and "Death l iock."

i n n r i , \ i iMI; i;i«u . . . M I - A M I s.

II.'i icon K u p u c and Il.>-e. ami keli.-f and

l i e -cue H o s e , ei i ib. i iki . l on ihe \'irm»nl the

even ing pre>iou-«, and arrived at the s t eam-

lt .at landing at about •"> .v. \ i . . Wednesday .

".here they wete met by the ("liicf K u p n e c r

of the Whit.-hali Fire Dejiartment.

M K . I S A M K ,

whose kindnes.-, etlieiency and courtesy ,

in the discliaree of b is laborioii- duties "t

the day . won for h im guidon ••pinions li-uiii

all parties.

TIIK ritiHl.—ION

was formed a lwut half past e leven a . u., on

the arrival o f t l ic train from t h e s o o t h —

which w a s about an hour behind t ime—in

the fol lowing order: t. St. Mary's l iana or Whit.-Unit; ISplcees .

'J. HookaiidI.mWerr('.,orwiiltciiaii;u>men. ^ WUlU'hsill steiuuer lmleiH'udeiit No. 1; -II

incn. 1. Voluntei'r Ho*e, Salem. K. Y.; J" men.

I f . re I.e

! i till'' '".> l

iv,tl, a ".e


tir-t whi te •'

.it- oi '!•(.• •

tl lie; McK< I

•hild in

:• > .v l i

iiti-1 h i m j

:r; -,\ tbii.

: Moi iah .

vet i-vinc '

w • I . L'O-.l'. IK

.s i . ' id. ir.>

• .f I! ilwai.

a..'i i!». \

.• i. .1 •-"• a*

l.t--.:i_" .

. . . t i . . i .

4 a i : : i \ .

. i.-i-.-j; !-•••; ;•<- n t J.

T h e . '

of til"

nai i i - ,

is completely nnderLiid by rich beds of iron, j u1(. game Co. c .nl . l !:avo l^o , , i>nrchase<t for o n e sbil i ing I x j ^ capacity of this furnace wil l probably

:u. acre—not l ie ing rated as £»ruiius' land oti j i ^ d$B-ards of o0 tous per day, and it would

account ...f i t - b r o k e n surface. i u k „ t l l ! r t y h . i c j , . _ c o . m i , . g i a the neighbor-

h o o d o i l i l \cen uiiUion d.dhirs—to work up

the present product of the mines o w n e d by

th. .-.«.• t-.vo compai i i es ; and tho supply of ore

is apparently inexhaust ib le .

; that l . ee , Sherman

ci in ' r t - , the t"tal


..- . •-. I :«>n •

- I'Hxh Ua:

!v.ir::i.---Rh ..

1 •'. v> i u . -

>hi d i fc ".<"


• .TU.-l-l

•ea>i. >ii ai

• • « . > t l l l H

\I,d .'o-ii.'.

r> the M m

: i n d i i i . !.-:i.ter«.

ot the bay. t i n y

i./.e"- .-..bin. I 'olh

-r- .i. ib .:..'.-

Indian U M I U W


•:i-T. a

t > ; : J .


in CHI".- IU

h - H.!I.t

. . : . ' . - - •:. o t . i v - : '.-. -

doue ia.il wat. afe-j.it ; . .\ . . : i . .; .

I'revio if ly to the tiie.'

oi II ti! catue in p p-se^-.i

:ITI... ;:.*. ••: l;.-i, v-hicu tii.'T" :ii":!:'-- liV

• (i « a s oi ly six tln'iisalid tons .

x . i i . il\i.r ts.o Witherboes canto in j 'osses-

-ior: i' ..->-!i.'-; J'mt dei":de«l .'"^[ifi wen; taken

lo-.vaiila ibu .l.-veiwonie.iit of 'his p lop. rty.

O i l , - i n - , wer" opened, and found to be

ei.n.'.uV licit "vitii the tSaudford. Thc.-e bods

-i :.•: : > cluste.- alx-jnt a tra-JI en i iuenre

known a-i Barton Hi!', w h i c h rises abruptly

to tiie Kotih.vatd ol MliiCviUe, the 'a'.tei

IM-.:.^ -.'..ate.'. .'. ..U l-.e-.:i'.]otl of M'W) f.'Ot

above Lake I uamjiiaiii.

toriipuay bti.it tv pi.tiik road n : y to the mm..*, out the ra;>id I w , , ; i o U | 0 s l „ ) t v - .U o i .

.- hus .ness tii«d<*: the '.iyoroUi | j (r

'•t 'be proprie'er*. soon remb »-e*!

Wliltehalt Hand; 1 ' piee ... lK.ren Hose, Whitehal l ; 30men.

7. Steamer Xo. 3. x. Independent Hose, Whitol ial l ; 20 men. !•. Torrent Engine Co., wmtcaaii; as men.

In. x i e e a l loae. WhUaball ; 20 men. 11. l*ortng's ivuwl,Troy; 10 pieee«.

v>. Kniekerboaker Lugine Co., Watcrtown, > Y.: 40 mea .

13. Slorrisey Hose,Saratoga; Hmen. n . Knickerbocker l l o s e . Saratoga: 'M men. l.i. Kagte Engine Co.. Cast icton; 40 men.

Hi. Frontier Engine Co., St. Albans; OS men. 11. Belteviie Mosc, St. A.harui; 30 men. 1*. Horieon Engine Co., l ' lattsbiirgb; 40 men. 19. Cliazy Cornet Baud. 3». r ia t t sburgh Drum CXirps. -.'1. Rescue Hose, PlattsburRh; 20 men. •.£!. Keller Hose, Vlattsburijli; 20 men.

(Sapplementary, bavinj; been left beliiml the main train, ami consequent ly no t appearing with main procession): tz. Old Defiance Euginc Co., u l c u s Kails; 79

men. li. Fort Ktlward Band; 11 p i eces . -T.. l tel iet Kugine Co., a n d l l o s e , Fort Edward;

C3 men. .1". Bcscue t u g i n c and Hose, .Sandy Hi l l ; Ot

u i e i i . 21. Hii'hanVs Independent Hugine Co.. Saiuly

HU1; 46 men. '.&. Catarai* Engine Co. and Hose, Glen's Fa l l s ;

85 m c a . 20. l l a t l i o m Hose, Sanvtoga; 20 m e n .

These companies aH in nniform,witli siwjwy flags and banners and their Engines and IIosc carts gaily decorated, presented a gorge­ous appearance as they filed through the pleasant crowded streets of Whitehall, the line bands playing their best and the enthus­iastic spectators cheering Uieir favorites as they passed.

T h e s e firemen were as l ine a look ing s e t

of fellows as cvervi iarehed in a process ion—

their uniforms al lowing oft* t o g o o d a d v a n ­

tage their splendid phyxiqtte*, w h i c h g a v e a

mos t emphat ic lie t o that contempt ib le t h e ­

ory of modern skim-milk phi losophers of the

degeneracy of t h e rac?.

I n a case l ike Uiis w h e n all appeared s o

well i t m i g h t s e e m invidious to parUclularize

and yet w e c a n n o t refrain from m e n t i o n i n g

our o w n favorite

i i on icosrs ,

the last o f t h e Mohicans—representat ives o f

t h e o l d e n t i m e in l ' lattshi irgh F ire Depart ­

m e n t w h e n w c used to be ob l i shed t o p u m p

water to put o u t tires instead of—at n o w —

simply turning a wrench and letting a flood c o m e wi th a pressure of one hundred pounds

to the inch in search of its own level! . Fourteen of these men loot up—good solid avoirdupois we ight , 253$ l b s !

Ana l ien- we urn) :is well d ivulge a whisper that Uic l lor ieons propose t o h a v e , some t u n e U f o r e timjra *'vr '.MAN'S BKAST ttAKK. which will'vittwefcrh .-inylliinv: in that l ine that North­ern Xeiv York has ever seen .

K-pecially noticable in the midst of this mas;) of muscle and adipose t i ssue were the t w o

:*.»* a. At!) " 1«S « 102-S 191-U 1 0 1


liKl-3 1S.V3 2*W-2 182 lSli 1 < I S


I:i ic I' ,


.'r >m i''-tt He

.1 .<•..;.. , f t h

it t n t ' e ' i i c n t

If any one doubts what w e have so o l ten

asserted in tlu-Mj pajres, that th is and the

Coi;tiir-.ious region comprises the richest Jior-

t ion, iu natural proi'.tictions, of any of the

Km;>!re Hthte, h e has on ly to vis i t these im-

m e i i s e w a j k a , fr>r t l w mos t graphic descrip­

tion cTwHAit'leeliiy set forth the ir in9gnituiK»

and importance.

It requires n o extravagant stretch of the

im.iir nation to forec.-i.'st the t ime tvlien these

I sl .uccs

. u * i i a i o . . i.?: "•^*Ii>»4n.^i<:J •'

irt't*. a. i c i*.

->;..' d;

:'? 'o f" .

t* <W.

.s -IO'.V m a i i s u ! iraus.poruuioii iuadeipiate •

'.'...!: i:rowi:r^ wa'ilv. and. a f.-'.v \e .u- . :

'.•:. a railroad teas proiocted— | i

n - >.,:i I ' U A M I ' I . A I X A N ; I jmi i iAi i K.vr:.-!:• J A ">

i' : ".. 1*^ i., liipieteu ill ISO'-*. Ti l ls !»ad sever: rt.:e«. in l.-nwfli, v i d it< wMti^n ter- ;

IUUB .it M.nevUl.: is l i d o i'eet ab"vc it* i

.=tc.:. ". rn:;:.".- a". IV.:'. Henry . j

Person* w h o a i e iliiaectlStOtneil to ro;Vl» I

.'.ii a ^ : a i e i n . edi' .g SO feet t'_ ibe ruHc, ;

'". lit!.: it ditv!—.;it '.'> 'lni'.crstari.l how a I

will h o <ined v,-;tfi blast furnaces ,

the beautiful and rap-

inep'tusiiig village of p o r t H e n r y n o w

li'-s, a n d t h e magnif icent natural terraces

a lwve , will be covered by o n e of t i ie thriftiest

and most populous cities of X o r t h c r n ^ N e w


Urapeaa Joins & Fire Company! ,i-H)>i o f i s v n i . s c n nHiith*roxo>r»T ,


SMiieetli^; short t ime I have domes t i fa t e niyseil In tii:.-> country I have assist at m a n y ilres, more a s i c a n tell . T h e w a y I h a v e introduce tnyseif first to this Department was t h i s : I v.as promenade wi th Al ic ia i n

the Hue Broad one afternoon.* Alicia she

M. . j her h.ttr wa» « n cr/i .e, and he;- ehrtpeau, b leu , .:..:.!ty wit l i | 2;: l!„i»Ued wi th bleu giroilles and topin a m -

st a t e . - , .n • I •i. I' t i :»• JTAXIIMS-*} :

ira.:.- .t i<»' fee! t ; the u.iic is surmounted , j w o r e a ' " ^ ,t"e '" *'> t V e ' «'- Ut n0™eiie nUHle>

V.d It . \ j - . l j ll..b:ed b : ai: impOSiib

onl:r!.'iry loeomotive- . Here t i ie 'engine- are ' ber«. 1 was m u c h dress myself—attire a s

v : y l ieavy—the l a r . - v , weuihing about l) ! wheii I was walk at h o m e iu Hue M o n t a i g n e • " •.'• d'tv'n'. w l i ce ' , a-e von" i a ^ l the fashiouablees they pay m e m u c h a t -

' - . . . . "•' j tend ami s a y , ( iuo . : vo i la l A s w e have .n-iv an: three " i s u. Ute •• pi r S ! i f; our promenade , w e hear a no i se , a

.. ct.u lie aa:t: VJ.iol the ! moai^BiiiMal.AKeerable noise, and a bell,, , n . . . ,.„ ™ „ , . A:o- it a m i l e or so tip the side > m o r e - i * o » i « ; - m a n y , a n d t h e n we hear t h e ' US a n d reflect h igh Credit upon Plattsburgh

i evc la im, "it is a lire!"—and then the eng ines j good l iving, wholesome water and pure air. they comf tear along and there is m u c h of • T l i e i r tM:ea w c r c g e n t i y w r e a t h c d w i t h smi les


Vii. r


w h o marched "on Uic t o n g u e " a t Uic h e a d

of the c o m p a n y — 4 6 0 lbs solid weight .

T h e ground £»iriy quaked b e n e a t h tl ieir

! tread as they received u p o n that tr iumphal

{ march the profound h o m a g e of t i ie l eaner

spectators together w i t h t h e gratu lat ious ,

cheers and wav ing o f handkerchiefs from t h e

fairest o f t h e fair, w h o l e n t the ir c h a r m i n g

presences in sneli i m m e n s e quant i t i e s t o as ­

s ist in erowuuag w i t h t r i u m p h a n t auceeat

this grand occas ion . T h i s nob le pair o f boys ,

or pair of noble boys arc yet comparat ive ly

in theiwtnfancy there b e i n g j u s t t h e faintest

dew ot adolescence upon their fair c h e e k s iu

the shape of d o w n y beards, and when they

arrive at m a n h o o d , if no th ing occurs to check

their g r o w t h , t h e y will indeed be a n h o n o r t o

a... s*: lap t. li. J. al • i c i ' / v i . 1 t'i t!l

, . n e •,!ie:-. 1 tO il.u li.

a mile or so tip the side

t'oi..ng".t '•> tii<: left, r inning

' ! > , Tn.iri., !jn 1-eiarj «h:ft.'d,

p'.i'is '.hi. train tip. siabhiuti swltcU, tucn

. VvhlC n . . \

._' 5

r : ,.ir .*. 41

^ • c r t t T 1 , thi

l>." ' : ! "" ' ! " *o '!:e left t .at the ias". a-*enl i;

tUc hea-.le-t of tL. fi-.:i

." >) a.:r..-> >• »:r.l.,MuhjaUii:

. I . .SCX-;:.-!:trpe



to anotln r. an.l from i

reached. Of co j i l t ing i-: 'lifji. rather

un up. but large quantities ol supplies and coai have t o be transporteil to the mines

(mm the dock. T h e r e are s i t e n r i n e s be-

ardor a n d furor, and !a Capata iue lie roar, . . . , . . , , » f nr nr r>~^. t—... I he roar more ai louder as any French steam | "'roi^hout, but wlicn Mrs. W. W.Cook sent I wl*»th.. and I«ky to A.licia. "I go, glory call j each of theni a Magnificent Boquet the size

' ot a small lia.ystack,Uieir c o u n t e n a n c e s broke T h o u i b e ca tch herself hold of ine and _

•»"". I \'1: !,":1° 'VT mys.Plf' t W " l s a y . 4 T Ur I i»i« such sugsestions of fun am! good hum-•use I t'jrn:..t, and d o w n s h e drops, and before I I , . ,.^T . . . .

know 1 liud I catch myself hold of the rope, 1or u , 4 t l t •««»»»• °»° u r o » d B"" o w r tUo

utld I a m " / a l o n g wUb t h e reat. Tout -a - ent ire crowd of spectators. coups, I fee! somebody kick myself, and 1 go ' d o w n , 0'tx, and instant ly I a m run over , and ran over incessant ly , unti l In VapitaUie h e imsin- to the seven miics oi road, aaid the J knocks me up with his trumpet and say,

i „ r— a . . . . . , . „ ii . , , . « , „ . • • ! . . I i.'i'/ii.', i/iuiWt*'! go a h e a d ! cite! and more

, done in the yeai ending Aug. Mt, \ fm(.;., ^ l c b ^ j , T i n W j an(1 g 0 ou> W e J liud > .be , ! | t7ayas4 /#n l tu« P o n t , at 4 talon,

w.'ilS : wnd :t burn . /o io w h e n we h a v e arrive, but 47,>>27 i v»hen I have worked long and hard, voiln ! ;'/s,r,i-i I j a m u ; o n e ! I was very m u c h astonish to ."-.'.<ii' ' I'mi! no one ejae ns m e working at t i ie e n g i n e .

'•!'- Th'-y had ail ^"Ue d o w n into the cellar to l»: iii-; the wliisky u p , au-1 n o w here , I had a


bllt.l.l. v..«« as !oil»^«rs:

N o ol trii>s made , N<>. ol cars transport.ib, N 1 "-.•:.- ! ::e .^h'.

N o . id JL.IJIU ''lill'.Oj' . . .

Wb'»«- pay roll u i iu b. .~r**< a'lt'iua.'.'y-l ' , i - , i ' : , ;o > 1:1.it.^s it.'ne la t •>

\."U>!y t . vb.cii 'W) paSMMiyei

' ! : • •tf.plr oil .f Un »e .

••! th eh n o l o -

Ir. I' sMiJ»»i ;

•', ;«•••-tn . .ns w i r e


r.v;!'.o;ul tiie b.-t

1 d;»i . : -

• c • r T • r • ' ^ . - . ' H h .

. ; . •• ) . •-,.-• . - • . • M • - . ' . . i .

* . o i u "s .ttli M dv. i . i 1. .1 part • .

J . ' . . ; I . ••: '.Hi- '" .Vt i s l l . ; . " . . ' ! " . *'<

: . ,• , : : . . ; . ! . . . l . . l l e d -iUM'- ll!.'.- - .

. .: - t :„-i. " « , t h t - s b . i e f j » n 'J ' .naum-. . ; • . 1 ( .' / . . . . . and the sea",.-:.; g

, ...-.- j . - : t ie -jo'-kirt- wcr> obi £• d

. , i .-j ],..!'-. t o i t l c i i . t < oUl!" a'. 1

... • •- .:,--.et. .11- !«- :U.n.ng to county

" * « . » a i a f . r t d L i e . t «SV. lie . d m i t t W#> w«.-'-.'-<l

. .«» ••<<(«*WX«J *-4i-JU»}t'-«fJ ' . ' i l l l it*.

- . ik, iV>fys%m««mW»'dAi<-v

. , : : . . . r . ; A ^ . i a t _ - . . ; , ' :.+:\ u t e . T!»!

n: :r * :.re ;i!l «i!uat««l closely .-Mljouuug each

• ' l i e : , uroun.l i l a r t - n Hil l , e x c e p t what i

M , . . . u . a-. : h - "'.S'cw l i ed P. ire ," half a J11R0

-.v«-t •! '.h" old bed, and Kishe: Hill mine ,

' a n iiiilea nortii

Tl. ..<• ar<.ai..l Pa.-t. ,: II?!; a:- probably all

j .ar t -o l the saine lutnr. which will c>i*iitti.

. i lv r.rm one • \cavat: . jn umh r ^roui.d, as

-.voii- . - j" now b«><liv<itiriiy lieard from w.tw1

,,' •;. tv . t i ' . ' i s to tie- .uliarelit olios.

•;'!.. ..• ' .••••11 "Tv-i bfd-- ;r.crages !•. :i<-t,-,<«-

. , . . ' . ."» per Olli'-. «vlli'.e th it 1...1I. ''•• V.-.v

: i .o; i^i* myself. 1 precipitate myself, I run, , 1 : uti loitei as any iocouiotive till I have. : re tch a m'ii.v//i round the corner where I 1 1. .-..' i n n :etit before. Here I have refresh 1 t'rjMPV1 "^V1! &m<: cock»Uil«, s o m e eobbtairia • a m ! a IKvVif that l ine boiiwim called Adtron-

• l...-'iv bilt:»ires. Anienca ine I h a v e m u c h • u . .ude: i! A l i i l a 1«'tvhere she drop. W h e n ! 1 have these imbibe , I c o m m e n c e t o feel I I have not been e n o u g h polite to leave so ab-' n ipt the scene of the lire, so I dispatch my-1 self to return.

Th'-y w r e jus t coming out of the cellar, and they bring with t h e m t w o or three o f ibe firemen very i imp, luehv s o l imp,—mor i.len, t h e y have not try t o hold o n t o t i ie ttioiuid when they l ie d o w n . T h e n la (V/p<-1'i'm le- collie Mid hu/ru/tpe m e verjr frieud-:> on the shouidaire with his trumpet and lie -ay. I must Join. 1 m u s t e lect , I have pluck

nut so i go and am army and rV-ii shirt, and^lheb I

it'C! i"ill ( I'lJ.e..-

( ,. owu »'

• what '»•• known

m!ii'-« th. L'oit

. th.rtl: situated

' : . ;•••: .-• i ' .'I-

.ut "shot" >.re.

l l e i i i y Iroi. i»re

•ipoi. lots 2^.-* . ;

Mid the e*»t half o f ^4, wbiiu Witl ierbee,

M.i-iu^n. A Co. o w n tin- r tmaiudcr , with the

i-%c«-p'i'in of a few nm»R- h«A.i hekii iging to

d.:l. tei.t parties. Each t«f tfies* t * o cofilpa-

nies ha-.e at Mint-TWc a stationary engine of l.V) t«jr*epfjWor,^s»th w h i c h tl ieir l ioiating,

pumi»aig,dtc.,J«;c;iie w»|iipH»hnd,t0f«rh^r v w t h i e ; . j j r lsbf>J>*- ~

From t»»lw k> taWlWll litnidu-d iiiineia are ctnploye<l hereeonataiuiy, aud th« rock

' unaerneath i» hocwyeasnbed h» attdiraetiaM

. tow * am* c«f w»«»0H m K* * Pf •. :•, • . . .1 , v. a» b'.t oi»e other settler in :.•«..: .;tf:.h of Moriali. Vyon the j ctMcnow of *Matod^ro^rtsy w»f***>*7 *b .cb u*w t-wjittB* i i . to the iako near ; j n d k a t e d , a s wmA11 • SsVy b e otherw&e, V I M

!e • \ - r ¥'.rna'.-r a prist mill bad b«n \ 1 fa COnfUWrt* **t the net daily e*n»«»f of

*m i d away to the gailairo d'Howanl, and have m y picture lake, a u d la Capitaine b e send one of his to Al ic ia and s h e o w n i t be very handsome.

And so it was I became c o n n e c t with this ! >epartitiont. S ince I have add mywlf , there have boon wot more an few lire*, b u t w e h a v e many runs and m u c h amuse .

T h e "boy»" w h o Ond t o k n o w that they have not more as e n o u g h of respire to g o o n the run , soon fall out aud s top themse lves , and w»j very se ldom r a n o v e i s a o r a a a e s i a j a a t ime , and the s a m e o n e , a aeeood t i m e , nrvair i .

Our m o t t o is " T h o u g h danger w a i t , g tery call." A t first, Al ic ia s h e • cream, ijae JOB,

hair, but T reassura bcr , a n d a t e cease W


I w a s done o n Wil l iam street , which w inds to

I the eastward around the baae of gfeeene 1 M o u n t a i n . T h i s is a l ine , shaded street and

! g ives a mos t emphat ic lie to the oft-repeated

j c a l u m n y t h a t Whi teha l l i s a "Sunken Uoie."

N o w there probably never w a s a n affair

j o f tl i is k ind go t ten up where you would no t

. find about n ine o u t o f ten o f the lookers-on

w h o had a n Idea t h a t t h e y could h a v e m a n ­

aged it better, and whi le w e a d m i t t h a t per-

* fectioii iu t l ic arrangements is n o t t o be e x ­

pected where s o m u c h is to he d o n e in s o l it­

t l e t ime , yet w e claim t h a t great injustice

was d o n e to our Itelief Uoys, in cal l ing t h e m

o n , second iuateatl o f fourth according t o t h e

t regular order.

A b o u t half o f t h e m e n were half way up

t i ie course w h e n cal led,—sappoaiug they had

. p lenty of t ime and were obliged to run JO rods j

or s o iu order t o g e t t o tiie spot , aud n o t i m e j

w a s g iven thesa 10 recover the ir breaths.

We do not know the name of that elderly gBSjtlwf who sjiled a* nagmaw, MV ihf surtlng end of the course, hut we trust lie utsmmaandathalhis arbrrttas; afltmn wpsm that ocriMhm.wnieh wu wlmmjaatlf pratest-

by * 4 « s d a « r S u r p l ^ r s .

T»t; Titrvi. <>r I ; M ; I M : S .

Here Uic arraugeweuts were all comple te ,

and we believe tolerably sal i s faelo iy . T h e

• 'attract E n g i n e Co. . which was lirst on the

list, undertook to play a little ?mart at the

lirst st-\rt. by "^t t in i their eng ine all ready

and suction le . -e -.1, !1 tilled and m a c h i n e

las lened d o w n bel'T" t ime wits call.-,!—each

con panv hav . i i t , according to the regula­

t ions , a elated t i n u lot th . s wotk . Hut the

judges n a d c t h e m do lhc;r work over, and

business v.ctli 0:1 v i l l i the following resti.ts,

the cmnlitior.s !xiu_' that the coiupai.'.CS

throwing the I s ' , 2d and •"*! largest d is tances

vvcii to receive the 1 -.".<-•! an 1 :kl prizes, $200,

• 1 0 0 and «VK>, respectively. There were t w o

separate trials on ly , it get t ing so dark that

the third one was impossible, so there was no third prize a w a r d e d .

1st trial. M trial.

Old Deliance, Glen's Falls, 2(18 ft-t> in Relief, o f Kort Kdward. I n d e p e n d e n t , S a n d y Hill Cataract, ( . l en's Fal l s , Frontier, St . A l b a n s , l l o r i c o n , l ' latulxargh. Rescue , S a n d y Hil l , Kaglo. Cast l e lon ,

This record it a most extraordinary one, aild due , WC presume , t o the "patent ring

nozzlc"ju-st introduced, which keeps a stream

together much better than the old style smooth bore. O u r o w n c o m p a n y n o t hav­

ing had occasion for a n y practice t h e last

year or two, since our water works came iuto operation, arc a Bttle behind the age in these modern improvements, and were consequent­ly beaten in spite of the fact, that—as we be­lieve—the oldHorieon was the most powerful machine on the ground. And she was worked to her full capacity, too, but the stream was thrown into a hue spray, at a point of press­ure at which, with the improved nozzles, the water still fell compact ly i n big drops .

The crowd, which could not have number­ed less than five or six thousand, swayed back waul s and forwards b e t w e e n t h e t w o

points o f interest in th i s great squirt ing

m a t c h , these po ints be ing where t h e

e n g i n e s tood a n d the roll o f wide wall

paper upon w h i c h t h e s tream w a s di­

rected. A t t h e former e n d there w a s m u c h

e x c i t e m e n t a n d interest centered o n t h e

l o u c r o w s o f red skirted n iusc l emeu w h o

manned the brakes; the foreman standing upon t h e t o p o f t h e e n g i n e a u d direct ing

t h e i r m o v e m e n t s , aa t h e grand musica l

d irector w a v e s t h e baton a n d br ings o u t t h e

harmonies rrom his orchestra or c h o r u s .

H i s m o t i o n s are gent l e a t first, and h i s

body, a r m s a n d h e a d , m o v e s harmonious ly

with the long brakes, hut , present ly , h e urges

t h e m forward—"a fceMte fas ter—one—two—

one—two—*' increasing .the t e m p o from ad­

agio u p through a n d a n t e , al legretto aud

al legro moderato t o allegro axtai, w h e n l ie

yells like a demon, "ATwow come doitm w«ft 'ur b o y s ! take it out of ur!" and the brakes

fairly j u m p , and t h e old t u b trembles and shakes wi th tl ic e x c i t e m e n t , whi le t h e m e n

s h u t their t e e t h and s train themse lves , ea ­

gerly g lanc ing , m e a n whi le , a t the inouuta iu

o f whi te spray over at t h e goal , unti l no t a n ­

other feather's we ight o f muscu lar force c a n

be e v o l v e d from their powerful bodies , w h e u

the long agony dies o u t , t h e spray vanishes ,

and the crowd yel l . Over a t the other e n d

of the l ine t h e e x c i t e m e n t is equal ly great ,

whi le the m u d is m u c h greater. T h e crowd

press tip rio.-ely to the c o u n e , wil l ing and

anx ious to bo spattered, a » d to s tand ankle

deep ill the m u d if they can only behold

those blessed drops, more precious t o t h e m j

! than pearls, which their friends over yon- j 1 der arc a lmost burst ing t ' lemselves t o squirt

an inch farther t h a n their rivals h a v e d o n e .

TIMS omnipresent i iremen are there also iu

force, act ing as ring nt .v ters , ye l l ing aud

swear ing , and j u m p i n g about l ike fallen a n ­

gels , c lothed w i t h the red tin s of the bot tom­

less pit, brandishing their c lubs aud scowl ing

mal ignant ly a t those w h o are obliged to wear

c i t izens c lo thes o n sucli a day as t l i is .

l t u t in spite of all tlieir efforts the crowd

will infringe u p o n t h e l ine , a n d occasional ly

s o m e o n e possessed of a n appal l ing a m o u n t

of c h e e k will j u m p over and spatter t h e pa­

per, whi le Uic others—firemen and ail—(air­

ly screech the ir soul b lackening curses at

h i m . a n d their s trong desires and aspirations

for h i s immediate and eternal p u n i s h m e n t

in t h i s world and t h e n e x t , s o tnat the s h o w ­

er of water which has all t h e whi le been

(ail ing copious ly , i s l ike a t h u n d e r s h o w e r ,

accompanied , as it i s , by t h e l ightn ings o f

wrath and t h e thunders o f o a t h s and male ­

d i c t i o n s !

B u t n o w t h e shower subsides—ti ie t h u n ­

der d i e s a w a y , and t h e y crowd with s i l ent

a w e , shr ink back t o their places , as t h e

j u d g e s , three o f t h e m — o f venerable appear­

ance and evident ly m e n o f we ight and

respectabil i ty—get d o w n upon their k n e e s

a n d , wi th the ir noses c lose t o t h e paper, fol­

l o w u p carefully in search of t h e very utter­

m o s t a n d farthermost drop w h i c h has been

projected upon its surface. F inal ly i t is

found—somet imes o n l y after searching care­

fully w i t h tears a s it were—the paper is c u t

off with a sharp knife—the board underneath u p o n w h i c h is marked t h e feet and i n c h e s

tells the story—the chief judge announces the result, and the crowd begin to yell again a n d throw u p the ir h a t s , and run in all d i ­

rect ions to "carry t h e n e w s t o Mary,*' or

whoever else is holding their breath In re­ceive it, the stfcceatfiil companies wing the telegraph (reply t o d issemni inate the n e w s

to t h e dear o i ics at h o m e ?

T h e mus ic was very fine, our Chazy B a n d

in particular a t l r a c l i u c great a t t e n l i e a , b y

their neat uniforms, and bri l l iant execut ion

o f their l ine se lect ions . T h e SL Mary's B a n d

of Whitehal l also made a splendid appearance

and played well.

A fierce looking individual w h o s e devp

m a n n e r and impressive biin-s forcibly indi­

cated t h e importance of h i s bus iness , tr iu l

auxioindy for awhi le to sell " p o o h f a t auc­

t ion , but desisted, disgusted, pretty soon ,

f indkig t h a t there was a woeful ignorance

o n the part of nearly all h is audience upou

t h e nature of the m a c h i n e . O u e hones t

looking lellow, with a critical e y e , cal led o u t to

h i m to put up the th ing so that it could b e s n - u

what he was selling, as he didn't propose to bid upon a **pi£ in a bag," aud another was

heard t o express strong double » s t o the

up on the high "change hridRt

and held forth forth ft* a

an incipient

' of the canal

Wil lr i l l lALL POLIi'LUAN

exercised the little brief authority with

which h e had been c lothed, aud suppressed

the orator, m u c h to t h e d isgust <<l bis a u -

merous audience .

'. b l l l l i l l . - i l j i ' . i , l u ,H U l ' l i u - r i ' i •! ill • s

Mxm>i*mitr)£.w. in.l ru'.'- :t fr t.i J l . i 'f' .roi.e in H- i . < T h e ".l,ver«itie« of sftt-" S T the pr^wi ;>. • form i i y v at t h e »! IM WW of Uie-c office*.«fr> i n "the same Spirt*. - f;..| '.!,.•.Tl.-H m>.« l \ r . 1 "the manifrstat i«n of tin- S»p>- ' - j i w u u. ev.-rv m m f.. pro:"' nuhal ." ••• » - o - - i. •: geoera' ' j fully •ttderatoud- It does a - t meat, for the in.Ii»(,j!,i! profit of tlj.-' .no- tver im. , ; the ' g i n . " I U M*WsSSJ*6s«mtM»B.' t h a t -the evident pi>s>. *s,i.m. of «.Miie *peci.il gift <»'

^SW»X«T»t t lE " ? ! • ^ e l f , but for the c u m , , , , , profit or l - « e n t of

the whole bodV. it i* lor •s>her*tr*oi for rum •eif. TUcre i« ti > r.»>m leit. ll.er.-f. re '--r

! - e ! l . S e l f is I , . , ' t! r , j . . n . .f ( h e g,f t ; ,1, ,» • •» fi.nl. Self is not tb hu.-ttio'ri ,f l I.. R - l i " K..i tl .e l»s!y i- no t «•]•» uuvniher. IMU m in v." Mid \ e t •'.,!! ,re „„•• body."

j In the even,112. >t. I.nVe X IX • 44. '• I'l. .4 j ino ir , „/ „,^ tite ' i«n «f »/iy r.»»l«/#o„" T h -

. l eu» "knew n o t - ( h e t i m e . . / l b . i i visitation. • IH-CAIIO.- their minds and Iwart- w r . - - . , t.. j Ui'lv preorcupii'd hy earthlv th-u^s l b . re j was tirst the individual ^n>e,l ol t i ioi iev.wbi. i l i is the sauh' n o w that It was then , and'i«.-..in j tiioiily k n o w n anion.' us as "devotion t o b u « j in.-ss." Ik^idtfs thi* there was the strung na­

tional fiviingof the J e w s , whose nati<>iiaht) was indeed s t n w w . U i s y k t t k a S W « n > .tb.-'r ntv or r*^|ilev WWCTn* Tim tlfitpni'C.es e n ceni i i^; the exal tat ion <>f tin-it nation under their k in£ Messiah, they interpreted t h e m all in a secular or carnal M-HSC. and expected to be the jirinces and' n i l e r * over a tribiffaiv world. W h e n tliey found that f ^ inst pn.pi ie-s i o l the p a s s i u s of the sceptre o f power u v f r

>• . • ' .M y '^ 1/' * ! ^ l » I * • « 4H .

' ItoeiOSJ I .f f>* ^n I «l^»r

I H e h d t s * ^twnc k

!•»«» :. t


*• - « o i n .

«tKv>-> I aff w-MfX ,u TV..

• • ! " ^ ,

•V • ' I ' T i n . , M»o»l 'ii difl cv»t,t

'••'«*ior» .f if . i i m ' \ - ' V m. ' . - _ * . '

v » ",»r V "••>! - » ' •1 ••• , . . . . n o - * . - j . v. : .•«

iissstWy conrvrned.

""> "id danevi »'"«|e. ^ 1 . ' ' ! , . !• 4 1 j , , , . . - .

•In .-• 1 M pas' . an.4!i . r. u. * l " . I l - ' I U t h r s i l l . 1 . 1 ,, , ;

\ .1-' .^lt<


TTit* Vrofifert ,! f>» ' > • - t . »If>' l l i 4

' I : • ' • i . ..f m....1 « l » r s - . n , Wi'iH-rlor.-.- If-, lVoll.!!> ll |<','- 1 I .,

1.0 111 b f A i i e . ' a l ' _ »... . , i was ws't lnf f».r - »t i t h e Ill •>! 111.II al, . . ...

.ntis'iiic* m viol. .»] 1»: Wide V»..| id t . • I,' -

. i . . I.. lii C-

I Do

ed.lratio^lwsftwe, noes T*i*t .s'.h.il*.

I ta lv i I. 11 'e.1 ' . ' 1 ai ti! a«s-I..' (- m e t.

T l i c day passed off very pleasantly , there j s l < > , , , „ , p a s s j , ^ , , r t h e sceptre of power o v f r being m u c h less drunkenness and rowdyism j to the Gent i les , the who le weight of their

than is common upon such rjceasfMS. , }T* i o" "f n*li(n^«7 « - amvy-d ^ . . . - i T h e I'-illailbim of our ITlMTties was amnlv ! I , , m " 1 his ranse of leelm^s and passiolis 1110 1 al laoium ol our IIIK rties was amply a m 0 H g „ s w p c a J , . . p , > m j c S t - _ a u - r u i w l i i c l i

represented upon t h o OCtasiosvby several '

• • t i .

v a t he lp With

.' i i ' . i - - .-.-• - f

worthy m e n w h o have earned an honorable

reputation m their c l toseu cal l ing. ( W e <!o

ImiM it is not necessary to explain Uiat by Pal ladium w c m e a n t h e incorruptible a a t t

unisKizaled press o f Amerlca^^kc had iad pleasure of m c e l i n e ti ie editor of the Whi te ­

hall ZVMC*, w h o reports tha t t^atlosw,alMaJv4sfrJ

l u . r r i d . U i o d o d - h ^ j ' d l W n . l ^ l tffcsc£)e)t %\

neath tl ic placid waters o f L a k e Cbampiain . "

W e o w e a n apology to these kn ights o f the

quill , o n e a n d al l , for not including hj£ our

il lustrations their portraits, hut really, s en i l e -

m e n , there are s o m a n y th ings of s o m u c h

mora importance—and o n e m u s t d r i w a l h i i y

somewhere .

embraces all that c o a e e n i s the peeaervaUuu and r e u n i t i n g o f "d ie I f e of t h e Mation." Tliis is the other great ticld of the activlti.* of ini-n iii our .Lays alao. Itiiiiiiinn aud poli­tics absorb men** passions and actiiitli's to

: . the exclusion of Christ , just as m u c h n o w , as . '-••,'>' lia*»»4) 1 'then. Ami Christt. •visitation'' is going on , .*"•' dau^r.

n o w t o cacti individual , a s long as lie lives

ami brcaliies jier.', jpst a» reallv and ju>t as

Is leLaMotte .

S I I . V E B W E U D I X I I . — T i i e celebration o f

the 25th anniversary of the wedding day of t h e H o n . I ra Hil l and la.lv, and \V. U ill's

80 birthday, came off on the 14th inst- It proved a grand a n d successful allair. T h e assenvbly, nambering one htmdreil or more o f the n u m e r o u s friends o f t h e parties from V e r m o n t and N e w York , w a s cal led t o order by N a t h a n Hi l l , Esq. , o f Iturl iugton, o p e u i u g with instrumental m u s i c by Miss A n n e t t e Hil l , accompanied in s ing ing by, Uipjcoffar pany.'

A brief and appropriate prayer w s s offered b y I tov .1 tr .<7br i s t i e ,o f Is le L a Mol t e , after which t h e gaeata were invited to t h e mtresh-ntent roocn. T h e table waa ipr tad t h e e n -

liretaillhofUMf^fouabadltb Ufully w i t h e h o i e e v iands o f every varia i f

tise palate. Attbetngs - - " - j£r>.

•^dy s S of o M in J n i l e a : a n d spusliihil-

ly and the piiiiisliiiient oC'imt kuowing" this ' t ime of our visitation" will certainly- no t be

less than of the ancient Jews .but vastly greater s ince the a ic i imul tliiii: ev idence of lms i years h a s been mtldal to all thattlMti e t ia ted , ITOV-iilfr, that Christ is the M e s s i a s the Son »1 the l iving ( i o n .

MKTliooisr K. I'lll'lti'll

T h e CongregatiotVwifrshipiiing iu the M. E. Church , were highly favored tmMtalh mor-ti'iui, m s e c i u s a n d , hear ing t l ic Kev. Scy-

.lii'Wr L a n d o u , o ( Uunis toad , L . I . . Mr. Lau-d o n is a t present , a m e m b e r o f t h e N e w York East Conference o f t h e Methodis t Episcopal f l u n c h , and U 70 y e a i s o f aj>e. H e entered the iu ncrant roinkstfy of tire ctfureli in is-22, in w h a t was t h e n k u o w u * s t h e Kesr York Cimferenco, eiubracteg nM Sue tsxvilory in w h a t is n o w k n o w n as the J few York East , New York, Troy, and part of Veruioul Gun-fercuces. ITc w a s statfoncsl o u Use C h a z y

-fJSrcuit, w h i c h e m b m a e d je t . tha t Ujetc the followinc sUt ioaw: C b a z y , W e a t . C n a z v . f l i a m p l a i n , Mooers , Scfota, B c e k m a u l o s m , I M f o M . W c M V s a t t d s a r g h a w d . l l a t u b u r g h v i lhsje . ' Mr. Lfswdon (ass essmeclifag tmit i n in f n e fmain t h a t uni tas Use p i — a * wi th Use p a s t gerteration. , I D s face worthy of carefiu steady: Use SiDtimf n b a p p y Spot, or wrinkle or a n y su<aithit»g,"tii»lsAler

' p e r f e c t i u i t s fart* attd tfcpsessy isV i ts m o v e >sKM;-a-r^>n41ewuui«f a n e o W tiaaa as ' U i s early preparaUou for Ww minifflry u p o n horseback, readui; h i s serlnoiis a i h e w i

WUuiv tbn Coufcrei io] . , . , _ ^ . _ T r o y C e t i f e n H i c o f o r u i e d , h e wa$ taken into V . Y . E . Conference, w b e m W i s a s lived a n d labored fof m a n y years l iolding t h e moat im-IM.rUiit pos i t ions in t h e gift Of t h e f o u l e r e n c e , unti l wit i i iu t h e last year h e vwas foiced to take> a superanuaied n latioii baeasjse o f fail ing heal th-

It is iinisissiiile to^ri vtj ahyUiiiip),]'*:*' a report of liis s ermon, or w«iii ».l»«ri«aTt u u l l i n e ; w e _ ._ ... _ .

shall only attempt to give a brief sketch. The j iw mirst and r.-.i upmdir t e s t w a s chosen fruni Uouiaus , 1 3 : 1 0 ; "f'«

ij( kiii'lhj tifftdvmatt one to amMJier, with hri'thrrl'j h,v, in limuor {unfitir'ufj .>«.- uu- j iiitelisili.-.l c ia»mj;s l,,i Hl,at le

other:" One moral prii<ciple which lias to a j and the ie.o||e.tioij ..i p4-t pi,-,.., great ex tent governed nat ions , aud more j haunt loin like a sp-etre , with tl largely the f lreeks and R o m a n s in the da>» : what haul been ami 1 ouid urvi r l« of t h e Ap*"*1** I*-»«I. waa "render- evil nv»- i usr-j. i .r.-i i ,-», v,*•. . . , t l i . , l i t . evil. -' T h u s the "law of retaliation "entered I world is gain.-d and the >,, .1 ; '.. very largely in to t h e l a w a n d ia«nao4XUe r . l ig ' f iom this putu i . - . « ir,.-., , , ions syst'-ms, o f that ilay. 'i1»c Apost le pre-1 sen l s by way of contrast the Christ ian law or j /„,-,—or the Christian reJigi-'U. T h e speak ' e v - n zcaoy a. uivc 'Ihe 4 < i t •-r tlii-11 proc«"<-ded to the ffbistiation ol t » . . genei'.il thoughts , bein^ the mot ive and ne-tes.ity of th is principle.

1st—It lea'ln its t.i make suitable al lowanc­e s for errors in judgment .

2.\—Enables o- to put a. crlaiitahle e..n

re'uee .was qtxiue.1 aa|d the

Ufully th^tCOUaf e d a blmsi ts* w a s invoked b y theJmr."b ."W. Sharts , of Owasaa, Mich. , w h e n aA^artdok o f t h e repast w i t h a relish. T h e densest , r ipe pears and s w e e t ice cream w e n iksditiaua. T h e bridew c a k e w a s voted superb, a n d m a n y a youthful gues t w a s s e e n slyly t o take a piece to place beneath their nilfosn, . that, their dreams m i g h t lie pleasant , and nnfojd to t h e m t h e hour o f their nupt ia ls , which al l arc anxious ly expec t ing and wishing for. W h y shouldn't t h e y ? .

Hey. Mr. Cady, o f Albiirgh Springs , was Called u p o n t o present t o t h e h o s t and host­e s s the m a n y beautiful and cost ly present*, which h e fol lowed l»y a nea t , happy und

spicy speech, iu which he alluded to the sa-credueas of t h e marriage inst i tut ion, aud t h e long union of Mr. and Mrs. Ilill, advising the y o u n g to g o and do l ikewise , and fulfill the Scriptures. Tliis called from the happy bridegroom a very fine and appropriate re­sponse .

A few enl ivening airs were played o u tin-piano by Miss Hil l , iu her usual happy style , and sacred vocal m u s i c w a s s u n g by t h e c o m p a n y , after which all returned to tlieir h o m e s , well pleased, and wjsuiu<; the happy-groom and blusbim; and e legantly dressed briCc m a n y happy days in the future.

Especial thanks ai«» due to H. If. Hil l , Esq., for k ind aud gent lemanly at tent ion to tiie guests of h is father. ( J I ' K - T .

Ansablt- Forks. ~— -ti'iJCUoll lil"'t: the Words and act ions "I

T h e annual pie-uie of i h e St . Patrick's and l.i„;b.-i-. .St. Josei-U's ."x- ie t i c i ,o l Ausau le i o r k s , was I :l.| It wilt pt.vi- i . t o m doi i i^ aiivthiu'^ •held in that village o n Saturday, the l o t h j vvher.-by a l . iotb-r is t.un.-d aside h o i u the instant . Notwi ths tanding the threatening \ X\MS\\. way.

br.jjl.tii. «««4 iseav* • « H | «i,d tin- »njrb-« s l l O i e l * .

"Man ri.jii.'r.s-l).. in-;,i- , . , | , .,. , " ( l o - . i h | i — t n t . H . a ^ n i d . i W u . l..pi<av«Vsire.a. asfod (W ... Ill himself »*< | , . i remedy II not 1 dforaw that wn.rid ««IMet*Bv.. ,.„

or a sutc tlmt vmnM ys-IM «. Urn.. ,»,.l l^ lMM^but (H,« wlHCh l io lhHis le , t IIH-n i g O f C % r * r c n n M after \ m m Hi* belav himself is mad.' u v a s e r l.v Imi,

iil.nut man »liis.i| by mi, caniioi h.!| witl iout th.. helping liai,.l wl., . 1, * • } , , , , l ends . X.i (Mie is so mulid that t l . . . I . . . 1 -not ex tended . 110 o n e *., ..If. n , . . . . .

• mly t o chris i iau* wl io ar<- so inrlu.- ,-1, u.ai haeboavwefona all s in a n d U-n. i .Li i .1 ,

s.. as to u-.juire 1.0 h. I j . a^«...-i

l'uutsss^r«*sWstisst;Tdilv4AUase> is It of no ,iv*il. Itut to jinn, r,, j , 1^,, «,,,„!. ,,„ („ „, twlvatioii a ne<y-ssity a n j a help. t.. ebod i . 1. w h o a i * ^rcv SO fceomic acHnrv fi, tie- . ven: -

..fa Ufo •rloehpSts,th.«Al.,c^, Uf. t.. Uu yotinfc, »Jte|iitnB.ll4s %•*) and th,. %Zr.\ i. it H fuithlul v ivo . . / .Oi.< ,r.,rlh,, ••$ .,,, ,. t'llifrt th'lt fhrixf ./. 1.0 , , | ,„, i„f., »/,, ,, . 1 Jo *«jr» . i i i f l f n .

In the even ing the *erm..u » i . Iroiu M i't I i i ;3 i ; :" f '« - ir/„tti*,t ,„ Ul j ,.,ii,.(,r fl, ,., , 'jaiathi w W f i r . r t U u . i l , , , / „ , . , . ,: • v-h<lt*h<\ll 11 Heoi . / i c in . /,-/nini/, t.H '.M «• If there 1* a Waul . .wake 111 lb. 10 o.I « . „ . not at rest until that want is . i t n h , .1 11, , wc hare avert (h in i ; els.- 11 is as n..tl ,o. .; ,. Comparison to the t h i i i ; w , n,..st d.-su. " \ I n i i . l . r » ' I . » J > , l « , r l n | . i . ,v, . l . . l <%,ii. ,. tha t his joiirui-v i e . imi , . s . b.it >»ai. 1 i, IhirsL-, and would jjive * | | il.^i 1 , j«. .. . for lb.- ..in- thing he »*i,Ls. A home i...„i,.f voyager from a distant Ui .d . 11. d a n , . 1 ..1 sbipwrei-k Mould give all lb . t i . a - u i . 1. has aiiiasseil, the ^..ld fr win. b b-- I, . -delved, for his hie. A* in l b - mind - . . 1(, th. soul. What is tin- * . u i . I he . - « , n . ..1 . . .„ be ing , the sum of our t-sisU-n.e. th.- , , « . ' w h k h c a m e from l i . - l . wlncl . l u e s its hi-here, is purified, if purified, and r. L ine . t.. ti<i.l. It begins iu «J.id and ends u. 1 . . . ! T h i s is tiie soul It is greater than its. II It h o l d s ail th ings and yet desires more , its w a n t s are never *au»li<-d. T o s » m tb.- w.M . . |

a mail loses hims.ll, as a wander, r it, iia. » less foresU, b e se«s not the sun or -k» . I.

i s

t i . Si


1, .

l l i . m t i i t i o i i ,,r t h e . k

| l IS • ,1, A - . . . . , I , , , , '. •• b'S , U,41i-- K . l ^ j - , - - . !

<•.. than to ali i* II, . 11: ., - s f . N IS If " s o . .t,£ * . . . . . , . • ft.,It,'...,./I, - , . , l „

Mi Ki:v v tl,. . i f . -u . ..I .(..!,,, J( u afn-iiio ,ii an , I . v. 1. 1 • 1,1 ai" ill the in «tT. r >•! f l . lar «up. 1 ..r !.. t i . . ! ,

I l . s I. ' . . . 1 , . 1 , * / . I l l s . .1 ». , .

.-Is s^-. :. .'. (

11. .

—^^ . . . . . ^i», w s»»= UIK m e sun or -iv». lie 1. , ' ,.

I.*L lie miy surround h.ifr«il>di,w.aili4b.i''* V,I 'J'.*•',»'• , .' ' "* a n d all the luxuries „ l weahfi. all that .1.2*l"1 " " , r * \ " " ! ' * * * g b u t h e e y e aud the ta.sU . and w. lh the ' "T"''*' : ' , ' ' k . v ' ' , •uii l of bumaii alfei-tiiuis and all k ie -wl-d •-. •nay .01, .pi ,r u..rids, o i l b i v i d . ' t - m , . .1 . 1 th is h e will s i j b lot mor.-. b i t be a l l 1. . . . -gaifi.-d all. 1 1 ,

H a v i n g ga ined the world. ub« t . 1 ' - . t . fose, bis-011I. A i i i tn eaniiot ! . . - • b. ... 1 h e cau his jack kinl.- | | , - s , ,„ | „ 1, . „ „ (( , i s bis being, the s u m , tb.- .0,,1 ,.f all ' h . - 1 - . . . ei-s HJlhiii h im, to j..s,. 11 , . i,, ,' b in, . , jf

Tj ie soul c a n n o t j i . e u p . n , , ^ 1 . , 1 4 l tl.,1,^-f t vsvli «•«••< vrant, IT .1 t»-c.-(re ,«a> wtoaf Uu> world a i d i»i,*( i t l»-»lvs-», *»lt w n e r fV„

t A l l d HI.at d - -i t pr..nt a m a n ll he ^am the wbol.- n.. i ,f . aild lose his s o u l ? What doe - l„. ^.i,,i ' i .tn-'

.!.- : b <t .» .

I^bts ot

r.,: ;

1 •


Ib lWI, s b . l * . til. |« r .HIS- l | . . | , | * j . , ; 11.. live .•'••*•,- m i ' •• -Iv . in : i - , jh 1 .1 ( • 1.1; *b • .t t',.-u, \l 1. .. * . l . - . . .p. f . . A'O . ' l l ' , >l .• - ,

/ . / . i ' . V

Sphinx D« paituieht

I I U . " ti M 1.

*-•.!. ; . t l


. 1 . 1

an a t i e y

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1 liebold ll 11 .spb.-r- b 11 ready ti> • iwak. •• W , , l . s I ' , .

••- l l . I l l l l t l

C-v r . i i i i . -

lit I ." ll"III

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'IV I! . \



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asjieel o f the weather in the m o r n i n g , a t a u early hour t h e people from t h e hil ls a n d the valleys o f the country ly ing in t h e vicinity of A usable Forks , began t o pour into the village, until about 12 o'clock a large concourse o f people had assembled. T h e grounds near t h e church , where t h e p i c n i c w a s he ld , were tastefully arranged for the comfort and con­venience o f those iu a t tendance . Tab le s were spread, reach inc t h e whole length of

• • • • l i

4Ui—It will lead.- lis hi use tiie best m e a n *

10 restore and m-laiin a brother. f , lh—Keeps us Ironi spr.sad.iikr, winch k-s-s

elilari;in^ upon tin*, failings and faults ol o thers .

T h e Xtfrjixilif for the e\erci-.»!of Ui isprin-ciple was ur?. d.

Eir-t : Ik-cause it la 1 duty: by our relation to Christ j, aniMiy the ndation we susta in Ui eai'l

i f ur i s l tan t l "V ti ie relation we susuain ui .

Lber: it is compared also to the body iemlM-r dejH-mleiit UJM111 s o m e other. S e c o n d l y : l l is tor our ii.t.-n-st l»«.tl

' T l ! R r ^ > i s g r K v l w l » ! eiaai-ly a

tiie grounds , filled wi th a great variety of | ilt,i food. A large number ol people had d inner \ „ t i ier: it is eompared also u . the b o d y , c a d i ' ' at these tables dur ing t h e day—the tables I m.-mlx-r .lei«-mleiit IIJIOII s o m e other, being filled a lmos t constant ly from 12 o'clock ' S e c o n d l y : It is tor our im.-r.-st lx . tb 11. unti l late in the afternoon. '.,.!,

T h e crowd, t h o u g h large, was o n e of the. -f\ most orderly and quiet w e have seen ; 110th- el.wjueutly illustrateil. T h e iar;;.- coiigte^a-ing occurred during the entire day t o - m a r ' timi manife-t im; the decp.^st ititeresl in all tins pleasure o f tiie occas ion . , . i l l t . ttas AA„\ by thi - venerable and.-vc-il .- i .t

T h e Commit tee hav ing the mana^euie i i i preaeher o f d«- ' fH«pel . May b e he kept ia of the festival in charge deserve great c r e d i t ' jii> a , „ l heal th m a n y \ear-* t o c o m e . for t h e admirable m a n n e r in w h i c h the ar- • 1,1 Hie . -vemm; : b - i e i l j e t was IMVIIJ 1 by r a n g e m e u u were carried o u t . ' j{, .T . jp . |^. f l rao t , o l «Uoha. s. T e x t . iOelu-

Tlie music for the occasion wis furnished ,v ]u: -t'm• *-fe> ':<th •(• •» ""' "" -i--••>' by the W h i t n e y Cornet Hand, o f Kecscv i l l e . ' I < M '„H thin-i*:' Of this band we have spoken before. Our i There is a e la-s of m. n who m a i n ' m i people h a v e heard t h e m play a n d c a n judjje i t l .at i . i / l « .« ;>t4«rv W> 1 .«H| to s:sj.|»ise M>m j -in their merits . T h e y are good mus ic ians , ! c/.tiei^iieil in the idiitirfer * . m w "ol life 'and I and u p t o t h e t imes iu their music—avai l ing e i , . ( l t , of h i s tory; and >••! there is a IM l e i themse lves o f all the n e w pieces of mus ic , y i : t t ^ . c ^ t i i z e s tli«r l»iv"m» saipc-riiio.-iid.i.,-.-publishcxl, they c a n n o t fjul to g ive most es . - . i . , , v , . r i j , , . "^..ri.l - pt.il("s.-ili^ I" »•*" ' '•"' •" tl<-ce i lcnt salasfaction wherever they &*• ' f c r i s e s of k ingdoms and in t h e revolution- "I

P r o m i n e n t a m o n g those w h o were present 1 worlds, b u t deaiyiuit tha t l»- has any couuec aiid took part iu t h e testivities o f t h e day ; y . , u w l ' t i , w h a t th'-y consider the small, r, .,r were Itev. Father S m i t h , o f A usable Forks, j l u m h l e r parts ol' creation. There are a va Itev. Kaiher Ulyui i , o l the Irish C i l l i o l i c j r

; - t y o f ways of t-\nosiii<r t h e absurdity of C h u r c h , lseest:vili«, a u d Itev, Kalher Bar- ( t i l i s v l , . w . T h e little and tie: (?•• '" »••• '" ' l

l iabe, o f the F r e n c h t 'hurch, Kecsevi l le , M. : o l l | . . jiiseparable parts »l a whole , and tln-ie l l e s m o u d , Esij . , and T h o m a s Dcl.un-y, ol ; (,r<. |U i , . , t iufbu-n.-e .-ach other , but, morr rialt&burgtl. ' t i , a M th is , what i- called th«- bill.- somet ime*

T h e festival w a s broken up a t a n early ) C I e a t c s and •"••-n destroy*. th>- gi'-at. hour, and the people repaired t o UM-'U homes , ' T h e . lewNn Ue-ocra«-y -Lands ol-.i«» in tb.-

higlily plciised witii the festivities of the day. ijishjry ol UH: World, a* one ol lb* Br*i.d«.t, r.iaiities in t h e autials uf t h e race. IIoW did , tlliS majest ic p«/»er ar iso? ttsai s l iufo thiii". A babe is discovered on t h e hanks of the Nile, coucitaM by in poor Hebrew mother n»" avoid, t h e threatened destruetaust . of au Egyptian d e s p d , I'rov idei ic: Uk.-s care "1 i h e c l i i ld—he grow* t o manhood is tialn.-d i u all the wisdom ol the ruling la>«; * l h e fear o f tiie I » n r tlk*-i possession ft | j m — h e becomes the instrument ol drlivrf

( i u g n h e childreri o f Afjcahasu O o s a bandage

tl VV« i.ii isl l » luiml.l<- i„ »»., ,

p l e a s e I I . K I W e s i I,| f !!- .

I Wortbui . -s . «.o.l i,.i- .-s|» . ,, t i n t w must piay pi..iii | .t.-l bv . .• •

• faith—in order to U 0,-,,;.,,,....% , , , . . . . . a . • a n d liei cssl l les l ( e d.«-s l e d ali-.i'-i I

prayers that sawing Sr.iu e.U.er fear, | « i . l -

' selfishness. V . Ill l l l . - l h o i * H . . 1 . . . 1 ! . , . S I... , ll

h a t e l e d . o i h o * . . K e n t h e y h a I

tin- i . l .a that a H.~l exists , vvb. 1 l a , , . . death they will pia> lot I i , , , i„ - a. I. .1.. 1 s e e c h the Almighty I., ,b , , • , r lb . m I t h e n ilniH-ndiiig ifoolll. Kot Uistai. . . . V iM-lius of'old, when h e I..111,.1 h o i , - .1

T h - J r - i i k i l i i I : . .

i i

! I

if bis k ingdom, prayed tint < - b u e bun to bis former p . . * . alluded to the w . . k e d o , . , ,.t |, piol.-s>e.| to reloriu tor lb-- 1. h is pray.-M went \,n i u s » . i . , | w r i - o - b o f a Hoii i . i i . Matv M tpploa. b,-.l (1... |e. ; ..( ;,,, - , , alid c.'litiiti..ii, A i- p.u 1,.],. !

1-. - I II .

» pa»t l l . l l e

ll'I' " J "

i A leiv i i ioial . Hit in all d . i . .11 a - j .

s l - l l . - , | . - . . l i , , . ! ,

1 till- dn 1 lln Uli

a d . i . ti. .-d v the l b that a piv. i . . : tU

1 to i'.l- 1 - • •ats 0 hi- , le o' .b.I- . t in. . . . ' . s t o A . d

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Anasvble Forks Leeala.

—If. II . Sherburne has sold h i s hotel ; property t o Patrick H " g a n , w h o fakes po» , scss iou Sept . 10th. Mr. U u g a n b a live m a n ' and wilt endeavor t o d o everything in his : power t o m a k e his house a desirable stop- ' puag place . i

— A l w a y s look before you leap. Hail our friend Frank folfow.-d t l i is a'tse saying our ' - " ^ u ^ ' i u c m " i i i b i " a " c o m m o n w . a l t b ; aiid I . . ' !""! . • • H i x * . . ' . .akl j l . u . M . l l « ^ . . « « M I M . L » ttlrwl«al.C • . . . . * . 1 . . > W O l -

Aas i. . l .s. > HIS.

\! ' l * . l . e n . . 1,

I .11 Vl 1.

l i e S . l . l .a ih

Noll , e ..1 the eV.'l.rsi-dl I-1 h, r ^ i - 1 X X e r e ^ T . l l l i A t O i . . . . 1-J,

>l l lU*) s .!».'•••..V- b.-le to !• !..» f a . h e , BoMriogai,, , ogam tin- cut, d,0C« te .--. « ' f ....l . . . i r e . - ! , i . , » e | e • All .liate.1 to ,o | ,»ev a »•-s e . l i •.! t h e .1 * ' i . i . . a.- ' . . , : ' .

I .UeHl , Al ld » - ^ U d l j

artist would u o w have a whole skylight-— T h e r e were from fifteen hundred b> t w o

thousand persons present at t h e Cek-bralioii .Saturday last. Everyth ing passed off in a very pleasant m a n n e r , indeed. T h r net pro­ceeds of the day a m o u n t t o 4000.

—Robert Miller, Esq., l ias returned from Iturl iugton, V l . . where 1M- has been during the " h u c k l e b e r r y " x a s o f i , se l l ing berries on commiss ion .

— T h e Rogers' Iron Co. a ie i w jar inj ; t«> rebuild their works at 1'aliuer Hilt

— T h e forge at th is place is laying . U l l -the r.-ceut tire ).-si-eijii,g tin Supply of ore.

Pern Items.

— T h e ttcv. Mr. Cook, of K.-esewlle. preached iu the s tone eburr-h last . .abhatii a i '.', 1*. M. l i e wilt be here agaiu iu t w o wevks from that date .

— r e m Sabbath School celebration TOWN .ft* n e x t Tuesday . T h e place o f resort is

a j

liivea tbeiu a code ot l aws , a system of the o lo -y , a f o r m of worshiji. by ab ic l i ibcy U-cam.: the gre.t!e«l ;»•••pi'' • n '-at til.

Tie- i - i .ate-t p..».-r iu The m.xleni world i- f hrisi lAiutj . VSIiei .c-did this o e i t and

1 {;r..wi!< sy-t.-ui a i . s e ? ' pwatd- ..|< i , t . t . • n ce i i tu i . es a^o a • I.ild is l - .rn ot obscur.- pa r e n t , ; tli.it> \ ears . . | b , - hi.- u e »jie..l o l e e o i i t y . !••i! yl.-Al | » - A . i- ••! i h . i ^ l . l purp.sv-a.lTvm <-o<l a l e ui lota. H e elti' r^cs flOUl -otMCUrit)' -»»-jjj!IS tO WWllJ o , * : U . O » 4 thoughts . H' . M it. s lh. la^e o f the |»J»U lac - . kind%s.«i. i vrrnthr<d t h e gn.-Uy*! M l ength h e is .•ru.-o.e.l F r - m thi* -p.».r . l . -*cJi peasant," this .Naaju.-ue, sprang Uie rich harvest lields .d h u m a n cultui.- , c . n l i / a l ion and M i - i o n that wave ahnUst o u ev.-ly

' /n i i c , ! T h * | f mc iuj i * a-1 dbsstrated in fh.- bi#-I v .ry ' ..f th.- <di<in-h 'fr.^O' tb*- d a y * *>f the ! an<slles until n-'W. I ter - •««- tb.- k-ss-.i.s u.

b.- learned : 1. l lesjilse i»..(. fhbtgs of humble asport.

Ages A

l i e corn-, i MIS' . , , i . . . - • •



I. i u. 1.1.- • p i l . l - 1. | . . . s . ,. •

- V l . . . V 111 x -H » - I * a ay.» . C.J O l a i i o l i ..I l l .

o i l I 1. i t s d a ) !•.-'.

j;r .v<- v.. -I "f I... A'.w.--1

. Le a m i

A . . . : . .

value of the " a o o l " w h i c h hail heon hid ...> V. " . , . ^ " ^ y.". i r! tP i r . . . . . . I t • « • h»«n Urn tendnucy <>l man in *.l ., value oi tue pool, w m e n had been but u p , uaggs ' W a n d , o u tin: left bank of the Ureal.J j JM. . . „ „ . ,, . „ / M „ ., . . , „ „ . , . as h igh as t l i n * dollars, say ing i h a t h e conk! I A usable, wi t i i iu aWnit a mile Slid a half o f I t .^ ( 1 „ . ^ b j a c L l •_ y f w » l r i l bx a Uuor m a n

isk.-d, " H a v e any of the rulers IM-Iiev. <I go right Into a n y o f the store* of Sa lem buy just as good a one for "tew."

S h e h a v e s n j S m s i s i l s w a n i e a » a a s >

Belt atin rag ssHrt trspMl MH BWfMVWfV she can constant ly tSShoM n .

Votsm, vralment, J truss CaswssAsT.

•swftttthm ra^M, Bttsdsatia


af4pww vMWJWwaflWMBPw iwsw/ ^^w w s wsw swiw w p sw ifwawsw/w srwawm ^^^

wipe to aw ftnfjnf and law MO

ad srmiawd, dnUveted the asstw sat h«tw m w the wwsjpn, Whtwj Porm(ii "'I'f.**' tm«b'-'"» «•»»* «»*y. tdsviatc illfisitHlj.tliili

its inoutb. Let tie i e be a good ajiun. —AiK-ther sarplnt ! 1 Ji«t Friday, as Hhe

l^iwcr I'ond was bi in-; drawn off ,an eel was caught that weighed 5 1-2 lbs. <Juila a lo t j tit.- M of small pickerel, hoi ne.i iioiiis and sti< ki-rw hoiior were a l s o talseu. i • r » . j

— A str ing ssf fish a n d a*fi»h p^l«*««V* seen mov ing along the street last Sunday .

— # l s » Knight* o f t h e iqiortive l a d a n d reel lolt ben this morning—Aug. «VJtii—for Valeour Is land. T h e party consisted o f J . \V .Thts s spsoa .o t t r ssdsdater 4 * B b i i n i , Mr. ft. White, of Chimma, and Mr. Ihiwtdj. of St.

Mr. ari'Mlll veflwi IBM MV. vtWSWJsY aswMssWJh JiMhjB W a t s o n W a l s o o n t o s s a t l r t m e g i c a s 1 -

KifiO. Tltal iM iWwp»yw)tviM w^daatfojr the Aita\y schooL


i t is t rue to-day, as in the t i s a e e f l ioul

it.try in.! in i

l.J.het •l Willi .

The sidtrVntt ia wMsiMstswldsj dsvA cnA. thaaa la awdsfo sjss> h i l b s saiadls

Ug l o f U a e f o t e a

is g i» still as; in h i m f *

"a i'l S l l V i l l

•J. Mark luUe n o . n . It h'as d o n e Won ders U-lore now. H a s tstt ts} a s t W*>|.l<- in fol.ie.1 the true theory of the material inn Verse. T h e rnshlhf* of a lltU.- s team h o i u a kaSSSV lud t o 4MB uilr.iducUoii ol su-aui power . Mark hl t le l ebdeuckw ol character iu chi ldren. Has pact fit l i e statuea.

3 . Ufcugmi— UAMI> aa w e n aa In t h e vast «»M»wSsVtr4dy ptwsss g low-worm as in Ibe taps g e n t l e lwealt>inp> . ^ a ealtu uuuoMr SHUAUAC

uiuUiecnuhoftliethiinikr and the rawr,

W i \ t t i l l . • li 1.M10I! —

I l iS i l loWI. s. l l . s . l I' •• It - baniK-r '^i » b . .

lb.-.- u :!! . • ' , a - : p . a«a- a t l i t . ' • bu:« ll hotl, - ..-Ml I -• VA . < d. ;..'. • ' . •• j . . . . . . ! '.'..- 1 ' W , '• - a . . !>.; it t;. Ik „.. .1.1. >:. ' on ' ' , *' id vt« *d l i . t?v tl' . .n :mn,

1 d t i . u ^ d ' . a i . . I':!!., V. .'J. In- i,. woniei. i

i i - l


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» » I .

l b - i r , l . - l .

.p.-1 .1

m i l l i o n ! V t l e l i t . e y t i l l , , •'

tbeiu Aiid the crowd foul . .bur the stand. 1

% Uoii to tiie must.-. I-' the . p . - i . .n; j i a , ' i a;. : the Words of t»fksi«iie said rC'«»ti«..- rx

tbc represrutativr* of tl-- .1 '!< . Tl ic roceutiuU was a a i m »i.d

wtth UAisusi vf hwatt atul tuutiae. and suuu all wern actively e u g a g n l afoosid t w o iottis£ twbfco* gw«|passaa Star tsv« srfw •— ....

After dinner vat ctitwkJ Ihe asarmbi)

isrvfu a t t t a a w . - - i , ^rtm/i/tm*— Seh—d f u . U ^ t - u i u . !

to«t? TimtM 1 rrMBttasiawStssa

PIMltttwMI Bc%t My Utpmmt* T* t"V*fy, l i" ot up**** '

4Cbuuts were then rrp Ip.ltttiSIMniHiarl.lISM I a.ta.

1.. I - 1 . . . Wi . l i . . , v . * i . s p . - i I j . I'urt fr. si . An. a « i . U i i . > Mil..k,.l II s«. .n -»:.-1 •»•! a , . l\.AaAoa • H a , Wi»» i . -*v-i> l ^ o J

J*^*»**',""«* •mummsmmmmMtum ^tef^^^^^^^Mss^Aj iissMssM a!«w,ac.sS?3ssn