. i Sip If :T i .... it- - irr. f- -- US; FRIDAY-.- .. ..APRIL JO. 1875. ' BOTJt E. "Areata will, Vm hki MtlM that It la a great tax apoe u' to pay t'ipra charges upoa satsll an Ma aod Ihejr will roalrr s grl Javar s resalula lu iu tarub awwr art an ar rltard Mlm. , 0IE KOEE UirO&TUIATE.' The feeble wall of a new-bo- rn babe la J bora out upon ttia soft wings of April awpbyra. 'Surely Ibla la do uuusual Bound la thle lead where buaUrede af loyal wlrea end loving mother are aiaaiag valg tellable to th upoa tbir bosoms. But la Ola wall o llflTraat from tb others """that tba blot aouad brlog tears of plljr to J 01 yon lenaer-uearu- q mat- - whe ha welcomed balf a aeora af bar ova darting to bar motherly bosom wltb amlle of.jUaakaglviug tWhat eaa there balu tbe not unusual sound that causa tba nana of tbt young mother to be spokeu In whisper by wotueo opon wboaa brow erewhlle un-- : clouded ara now legibly writtaD I "Stand aelde; I am bollar than thou." What tbat eauaea tbt meu congregated at yon- der corner to associate her heretofore boaored paoia wltb coarse Jat aed ribald laughter , Alae, few word ufflc to toll tba story. On mart unfortunate" aoflly wbUpor a pitying voice, end readily supplies tba rlT2f Bead to fell how another fjdr you rig cra-tu- r baa been lured to ber destruction by tba vary power tbat at all haxarda abould have defended a ad kept bar from barm. -- Ko need to tall ibat he loved - sot wisely bat too well," ooa wbo wltb arrogant assumption of superiority aoJ damnable treachery left bar to atagger and fall beneath a load of ham that waeof hi planning. Na aod ta tall an, wbat tongu or pea mm tell af the harrowing day and leepleo Bight Ibat bav for waaVaibTmontLa bwn ber port Ion tba gloomy epprebeaeioae amouutlug at Uat to a dread eertaluty that ber ala would find ber out: tba jdeejunbeard groans, the bitUtanavall- - ing taara mora deep, more bltUr. ba- - eauaa uabaard and unavailing that BAVa'filgbtly waited upon ber pillow; tba final agony that cloaed aroaod ber paaatrabla blaekaeaa, tba auullgbt of earthly hope and peaea forever from ber aoul, aa tba baby wall smote upon ber tortured aenaea, aod stole aoftly out upon tba air of morning. ; Eager goaal pa give loud proeUmattou to 7 that which aba would bate died to take up tba atory, binting darkly at much that la not di- vulged.1 IUrely4ndeed, doea be whe .Wrought Jhla calamity reoehre either jHihllo or prlvata censure while bia vlt- -. Urn la bounded by both even It may be " - to ber death. Ob.ahame to men, Ibat With their boasted auperlorlty aud atreogtb of mjndjtnd wilt, they leave the weak and defenaaleaa to bear alooe the burdea of a mutual transgression. Shame, tbrlca vbamc to women wbo view with uuooDoern tba aoclal lojus- - rz ilea wblch.brands tboaa of their own aax t coodooeln the other. And again - shame to tbecn who, beholding these things, can fold their banda and, say, - "W hava all tba rlgbta wa want." - Women, sisters, bow dara-youTT- n view ofwhat tba aver uncertain future tsajr - hold for tba daughters wbo are dearer to you than your own souls, stand Idly by . while other mother hearts, aaonseieu aud loving as your -- own, are wrung with this cruel anguish,, are darkened by this flerca despair, nor lift avtn ao muuh as your voice la behalf of J; aoelalualltyt If ever again, wa con- - Jare yoa la tba same of tba passionate rTtn that dally reach tba pltylogeara oTth Most Ulgb, turn wltb oootempt and aeorakfrom aa erring sister to amlle upon ber companion In guilt. If moral Jty demands tba aoclal ostracism of the aoa, It olearly polntalavtbe aooial ban lahment of tba other.' And never aa you respect and honor womanhood "give friendly countenance to a man wbo baa Drought upou one or your aex.disitoDor. Ter ngalnb until aoclal efiuallty be eeUbllsbed. have tb anbtuablnc , hardihood to proclaim tbat you have all the rlgbta you want. ' - TbAcel of Prayer watting "at tba : outermost gatea of tba City Celestial," ' ; bears the agonised appeal tbatjuceods from another aoul, bears It to tba pity ing awfTn-areatAJafe- fiB Death. Angel Is cbargod wltlultk the raturolng meaaaga and "ooa mora un" fortauata," la forever beyond tba reach of malice, Injuetloe and tba eroeleat ar- rows of misfortune. .' 'i''.'-r'--'- , -- r "lisaviiia wlta smk Iter sins to frr Wavlor,' - remembering kindly tba many est I ma--; bla qualities tbat adorned ber ebaraoUr, let ua work with renewed energy and for'eqallty, for Justice, aodfbrrighW ; Ja War llooe ssjs thar the ywwaetma - um etre aiieiisa la battle U aotltlaf - aartaoa with tb poletlna wtma fire ma la babrbe. ttai, gentle Jnlla, while the ' eosxa are BrslaeMaf the babtM, aa not the pimw't the www an4 the bablo, tOnf a, the BnUpUe e.MhNi,JnlUiUida)e44 two to oa. Ia4peadraL 1" Perhaps, prother Luoa, geaila Julia baa known women wbo have, during this much-vaunt- ed period of "protec- tion," put In every moment of their time, aa well as all their strength, la the ser- vice of tba protector aad bis children, earning enough, If It were possible, to to blaea a money value upon their la-- bar, (a aam'nauaata taa tinea over for all they ever bar ftcetved; working fttt ; foot upoa the rocker at everything from . olah-waahl- to sticking type la tba of-a- o af a aoa atry editor, and ail for tba aake of being protected. We've heard af T aueb cases la and ara Inclined t ta believe tbat women do not soma bay Bearer their llvUg, bera than alsewbera. "So, oa tba protaotloa qaeo Uoa, Brother L.aae Is twa to i oaa.7 . ; ' "yrt iuirtiToi the uvul': Those of our readers w ho, like our- - self, bava long looked and listened lu vain for the opponents af Woman Suf frage to bring forward Dew propositions or argomeotu In support, af their prin- ciples, will doubtless be delighted by lb fresh (?) and original Ideas act furth by our Walla Walla coxreepoudeut in another column. - . Wbat exbllsrtlcg change I ' Kone of your old fugypropoaliioua that have been hundreds of times refuted.'Vut new and lively questions, such aa ballota and bullets, bread-winne- rs and protectors, denea crowds that congregate at polling placee, disreputable women that will luere mbie, etc., old., ara sprung. MMea do Hot opposa Womaa Suffrage because tbey reapaot woweu less, but because tbey love tbelr families mora." la thia wbar prompts them to sanction that, ware death to overtake tbam, would condemn tbelr daughters to- - labor for , balf-po- y, or to perpetu- ate laws that compel widows to bu mlllstlog conditions In control of what Is of right tbelr own? -- . -- "Wo ouoa board a soltool direeUr, wbo was known throughout Ida neighbor- hood aa a family tyrant, make a decla- ration aklo to the one above reoorded, shortly after be bad Informed a lady tbeanhool la hla district, tbat tbey would "give a tpoatan forty dol- lars per month to teach the school tbey eould procure a man for fifty. Sensi- ble women prefer leas of this kind of Justloa. . Women bave been too long accus- tomed to entertain "hungry offire-aeek- -,' and vartnus other tiresome ipect-men- a of the genua homo, to be very much terrified by the picture which the tortured Imagination of thle gallant champion of, propriety ' conjures up; aeltber arerihey so easily duped by "spiteful grass . widows," aa axe' aome mr o; M to the others, womett are slowly coming to realise the faetihattbey are norWomsTbairnieik of the lama otaat" wbo make them wbat tbey are; aod as women, good and pure, constantly meet aud asoelate WLb- - tbewewIlbourcoB-tamlnatio- n, Uiey would most likely be able to preserve their purity unsullied even If thrown la company wltb tbede-prave- d of ihalrowaeex for afsw min utes occasionally. To prove' tbat. "voting is i duty and a privilege tbat effects men only' our correspondent must prove tbat the laws effect men only, and tbat tbey alone are amenable to them. Rather a hercu- lean task, considering the precedent that ages have established. "It la the exclusive lot of men to earn the dally dread aooordlng to tba divine Injunctions, proclaims. our wiseacre. Perhaps ; but our experience trachea as that oa woman baa earned considera ble "daily bread," aud our observation assures us tbat bond reus or others do DJna1- -, while we never go down town, but we see numerous members of our voting population who do not sweat very copiously aooordlng to the "divine InJuoctlooJ' ; The exceptlona to the rule prove rather too much. I It really, now ? And what sort of a Jewel la that, prsyT Please to under; eland, however, that, the eg first, lets don't propose to thmtt Jewel of any sort upon - women, r Tbey - propose - to have It placed within tbelr reach, and are perfectly satisfied to trust to tbelr good sense to plok It up. r Both "univer- sal and private opinion," Is opinion merely, and theone referred to Is founded upoa the Idea tbat women are Irrenpoa-elble-a- ad unreasoning nonenllUte la-ste- ad of intelligent and Interested mem- bers of the body politic. ,L : As to the "grass widows," if we abould be rash enough to ventare our opinion la the presence of one wbo bus had such "aad experience" as our correspondent declares haa been bts portion, we would say " that we believe them to be neither angele nor demons but In com- mon with other human beings fallible creatures Just aa liable to errors of Ljudgmaal as a like number of any other class; and aa a class greatly iu need of klBdlyUamainympathy ; euUlled to Just ae many rights aud privileges as the mea whom tbey could not live with', or who eould not live with them. 'This opponent strikes quite too-muc- at ran- dom for hie "little batobet" to be a very formidable weapon, either Of flensed or defense. The bluster Ibat precedes the blows renders It easy to parry, or avoid tbem.- - Wa publish by hie particular re- quest hie letter aa aearly verbatim el literatim, as Is at all compatible with the com moo rules of orthography synUX. -- oaxuua fiuiu:i ibsooiitioi. We acknowtedge the receipt from the Secretary of the Oregon Pioneer Asso- ciation a copy of the constitution and other4 papers relating to the formation and Interests .of the Aasoclatloa.Tbe objecla of thle Association wo And from article second of the constitution to be "to collect from living wltnesseriuch facta relating to the pioneers aad history of tba Territory of Oregon, aa the Asso- ciation may deem worthy of preserva- tion, and ta promote social intercourse among IU members,"' The organisa- tion of the Association was effected Oc- tober 18th, 1873. The annual reunion for 58TS will be held at tbe Bute Fair grouode. near Salem, June 15th. All persons, male and female, wbo reside within the boundaries of the original Territory of Oregon, aad who jw-it- kd wrHbhs-aa- U Territory prior to January, IMS, are eligible to member- ship In the Association. Tbe pamphlet before aa contains much that ie of In terest aad value la tbe cltiseao of Ore- gon, and may be had at tba book stores la this dty or Salem, or upon applloa-tlo- ci la tbe; BecreUry at Bettevllle. Every effort Twill be made so nader the eomlog meeting one of Intereet and prafli.: i . a ' Ho-ny-f- r-tt whlclirit iuITTy1rTTie fraTW Oregon, earning defeated cuftoma ' ' EDlTOmL CqEEESTOJIESCE. lUiiKuma'orTniNH Korravmrt Webave a Jalnt recolleetlou of scrib- bling a long tetter foe your from tble place (Albany) on Monday last, but as tbe last copy of the Nxw Noktuwkst haa failed, by aome unaccountable blua-d-r f somebody, lo put ia aa appear-anc- c at the Albany post efflee to-da-y, we cannot recall our lea log-o-il place; so you needn't be su prised If there Is. a "bseaku - In this communication dr. rather between this one aod tbe imdftW!-!?!'!!?- ! for which the undersigned will refuse to bold herself strictly responsible. Our leetarce la Albany were not so largely atUuded aa ou former occasions. yet the audieueee were good consider- ing tbe fact that no notice of tbe meet- ings bad beea elrealeted until Saturday, and oo meulioa bad been made of tbem lu the uewsppersTIt la dueto the press to slate, however, tbat this failure waaD0t. attributable to anybody but a solemn-soule- d trustee of the church, who spent three or four days, (until too late to advertise), Ja working bis cour- age up to the sticking point, ao tbat be might declare blnteetf able to lock tbe church aud thereby protect God from tbe works of the womeo. But be "suc- ceeded at last, and no doubt the Omnipo- tent breathed more freely when lie dis- covered the bravery of His sags pro- tector, juat la the ulek of time to save Him from the Impending dangers of feminine audacity. So tbe Christian women of Albany Without wboee the churobea would ntt bate been bollded, found themselves banished to the Court-hous- e the worthy proprie- tor of tbe Opera House having that building otherwise engaged--arK- l ther, for two evenings, we met tbem, aud such gentlemeu aa eould leave tbelr business, making a goodly congrega- tion, despite all dlsadvanUgea. It Is worse iuan uieTeai for men to seek to louger Ignore this movement in high placee. . "Lt him tbat ' thinketb be slandetb take heed lest be fall." Were the good women of Albany urtld are en- gaged la this human r'ghU movement to withhold their patronage from such log to. Ignore their noble "efforts, these wortblee would soon see tbelr duty In Its proper light In tbeir-eearrtrf- bread and butter. Tbe leaven Is working, and will very soou leaven the whole lump... Albany bascaught theapelling mania. M. YV Brown and A. 8. Mercer, of tbe Democrat .and Orpnger, each have a fancy tbat a spelling akula. U any empty vanity; and we, of tbe Nw Nobth- - west, And oorself somewharseriouHly afflicted with the aamo Idea. Brother Brown graciously accorded ' us pore credit than we deserved In bie very In teresting and unique report of tbe ipell; but the thing over-averag- ed Itself In the Oregonian' characteristic attempt to give a uewalum from tbe Democrat as far removed ae possible from the least semblance of truth. So, there's uo daW ger of our orthographical vanity turn ing our thoughts away from our mis- sion.. ' - - . Mrs. J. H. FoaUr.oneof the leadlngsuf-fraglat- a of Albany, aod Claiborne Stew-arir- a" 'VSTJmotsratU awaywIihlLe cham pionahip oa the first evening, and Rcv.-f- i. O. Irvine aud daughUr on tbe second, There are majy good Spellers la Albany many more than were them selves aware of the not a week ago. We took tbe stage for Lebanon ou Wedoesdsy afternoon, a ride of fourteen miles Uklng ua through" one of the richest and most beautiful regione that ever rev el eJ In Spring-tim- e loveliness. Reached the Tillage a little before night, D4 aod soon comionaoiy cunvw-t- u . ia aink Mosahelder's hotel. Tbe day's fatigue Induced an attack of .something like paralysis, with whlchwe wrestled through tbe night, suffering much ap- prehension leet we should lose the power of speech. . What would a missionary do with a palsied tongue T The morning brought relief and an houra aleep; but wa were compelled to keep our room very closely during tbe moat of the day, our lagging powers of locomotion ad- monishing ua tbat. rest waa a' mailer that, like bumau-right- s, could not be Ignored with flnpunlty. Tbe evening brought out a pouring rain and a good audience, which we mean the audience Ilntened with rapt attention and evident faith and aympa-tbyt- o Jhe new goapeL ; ' Kfokersonrdw1fwa.reaHirTir f , - , t , ' gagea in teacuiug tue eatiam Acauemy, aud right royalty .do- - they perform tbelr dutyTbey are heartily com- - ml tied to e cause, and wo were Indebted to tbem for many .kind- nesses daring our brief edjoura la n. a, r ' Friday morning's stage eoaveyed-a- a back to Albany, where, good Mrs. Fob ter'ijexeelleat nursing did much to re store ear shstUred strength. Saturday oa able to resume our' Journey, and the afternoon found us at Eugene, where we lasily aoribble the closing lines of this prosy document, while enjoying the kindly boepluilty of our old-tim- e friends aod present-da- y co- workers, Mr. and MrvJ. W. Jackson. - - Our protracted meeting begins tbjs evening la tbe Christian Church, an other sanctuary where the worshipers la authority have faith enough la God to believe that He knew what He was about when He created woman with the gift of utUrance. . A. J. D. Eugene, April 85, 187&. - Mrs. Daulway leotursd at Eugene ao Sunday, Moaday Bad Wedoeaday even-- Inga, and at Springfield on Tueaday and Thursday evenings of thU week."-He- r further appointment for tba present are: Cresewell, Saturdayefenlng; Junction, Tuesday; Harrlsburg, Thursday, aod Salem, Saturday, the 8th proximo. Her lectures are everywhere well attended, aad aha la neetlag with much aocoar-- Particulars of Ibla week'a meetings Will doubtless be fcraieftcd la "Editorial Boxt week. : . . ' C0QITATI01T3.-- . woif ss Kumar raa iikX-i-orwr- -r rr-r- -i Au iAno-v..riui- . lu,i; ii km. a. ' a ai'SMii-L- . ' . lietgbo! Mondsy morulngl House- keepers n ail well-regulat- households know Just wbat that means. We bustle about, preparing the raorniag meal, glancing auilou.ly at Intervals at the lowering skies, aud If, perchance, they should be pouring, lusteed at. lower- - tng, aof appetlU fortbe aavory atealr n4dlMwln; 4lrt anil ararvl Ulna hard to ... caw, . , - - -- ,r - - J- - An4 Umlr4 line at oo .iprl hw1A And Har hone bj due thrown down, An4 all Ihe Htr Bilwt of llfef But there la no time foripretty, flights of fancy.. The breakfast Is hurriedly lifted aud- - silently diaTclled; The waali-boil- er Is placed upou' the stove. and the clotbcs-Uask- et Is emptied of Tts confeuU of soiled linen. By the way, the capacity of that basket s reoiarka-tfcao- d. bier-Wh- o would averauppose thai tbe mammoth pile of linen upoiitlie kitchen floor, was a few minutes ago snugly tucked away la (ts depths. We cannot stop now, however, to gauge Its capac- ity, for lu erewbile couteuls must be 'sorted" and placed In soak, the Uble mustJbcL cleared, dishee washed, kulvea rubbed, floors swept, dtauer planned, surcb made. Urea kept up but there I To those who liave experienced these tblnm. a rehearsal Is unnecessary; to those who bsve not, a volume upon tbe subject would fall to enlighten. Suffice standing panting, flushed, but triumph ant, with arms akimbo, regarding wltb complacency the full II nee of snowy tlften7nd wishing that the Ironing was done. But It will never do for tbe bu band to come home and flud the kitchen I n this muss. Tban ka to our forethought of the morningthe dinner Is planned aud.ia soou welf u nder yay. l ubs are quickly emptied, boiler dried and mop flourished we jrouderi ng, as.J he work I ' proceed n, wbetber husband will bring home a friend to dine, and whether we aha.ll have time to arranire our hair and rebate a lltti-3fwe- ..n f u l .lwl-- y. Well, dinner is on time, husband good' natured. . we well satisfied with our morning's work; Jfow, being In com bob with other women a reformer by nature, we are seised with a strong de- - slreVo work a reformation real or Imag inary In the arrangement of our rooms, ao we shift the .furniture from side to side, tug at this aud pull at that, until tbetranaformatioo la so complete tbat when the good man cornea from Work or office, lie pauses bewildered upon tbe threshold of bis own bed-roo- iThla species of reform, is Indulged ID at longer I or ahorter; lutervaby-HMHl- t eacbnir tide of furniture makes the circuit of tbe room, and the move that returns each place is termed re form also. The afternoon Is spent in thia way, and we returoto the kitchen to prepare tea, feeling that We have ac- complished wonders, aud wondering bow It ever happened that women, wltb out regard to their executive abilities, must all be assigned to a certalu sphere; without regsrd to their likes and dis like, must all perform a certain kind of labor; wby working In one's own kitchen Is regarded as eminently proper and lib ting employment, and working for wagea In another kitchen Is generally thought to be humiliating; Tf tltber is dlsreptiUble, It roust be the act of re- ceiving wagea, Inatead of performing tbe aamIaa Im whf la wnman rlin la servant la all but salary l.uded to the skies, while one wbo performs the same labor for a stipulated sum, so frequently Cer tain it -- is, that women poeeeaa abilities for various fields of labor and mauy-- af them, conscious of these abilities, long to try tbelr powers beyond the four walls thai ara supposed to enclose tbelr sphere. Was Ulent created to lie dor mant or run to waste? Why r But tbe gaU-latc- b clicka, a atep la on tba walk, and our unfinished cogitations ara sus pended, aa we allce tbe bread and pour tba tea. The peculiar aud beneficial results of the newpoatailaaTTelatlDg-Toiiewipa- y pen, printed matter, etc.. Is set forth lo tbe following paragraph In tbe New York Times.' "A person living la Han Francisco may mail $ newspaper or pamphlet from thia ctty.for Loudon for two cents, while fouroenU must be paid ...... l" -1 carried from New York to Brooklyn, and six cents when It happen' to be at . ... n .. .... T-- quaurupie aneei. i ue postal laws pro vide that such matter ahall not be for- warded unless fully prepaid. ' A wag In this elty euggeated that all newspapers Intended for the United Sutea ahould be niafkedHUvdrpool.'" , TT Brigham Young waa summoned to ap pear recently before Chief-Justic-e Lowe, to show cause why be should sot be held for contempt for falling to pay Ann FJlxa $5,500, or the monthly allowance of $000 alimony pendente The case waa argued for an appeal to tbe Supreme Court At the conclusion,- - the Judge called for tbe papers In tbe case, but no Taecislba was glvej). , I Tba Corvallia papers made the an- nouncement, noticed elsewhere, that Mr. C. B. McDooald would lecture I n tfcat city for tbe benefit of thq Library f on Saturday evening. It seema tbat tbe notice waa eomewbat prematura, as tbat gentleman announced that be la not pre pared to lecture at the time apeclfled, and haa requested aa extension of time. The Walla Walla Spirit of (AeFrf suspends publication with thia week'a Issue for a longer or snorter time, aa elr- - cumsUnoss may determine. h The editor proclaims tbat he baa a large amoant of to enable him to carry oa Ills business. We hope eollectlona may be brisk, and easpeuaaowef aha paper abort. fc0D4 m0 ,r,n,l wKrgmrbJd with pity contempt found agement la ber eboeea Held of Ubof,tt"tUn'f debuihat must UeoUeoted AK3TI23 TO C0EEI3?0BDE11T3. Mra.iE. A. W.j Oregon City t NoU received; aJdresa cbaiir'drnJ back Bombers forwarded aTilrected. Cay success altendyour efforts. . JC, Salem:. Second Installment received, but too' late for this weeks' s Is sue Will-appe- ar uextB-luJIapejwh-- - tbe good results-yo- u prouct may ue verified.;. ... . IF. U. XL, Peklo t We dj uot tUlnk your communication suited to our' col- umns." Don't aspire to get fifty yeare ahead of the tluiea. "ufflcleot ninto the day Is the evil thereof." Maauscrlpt field suLJeef lb your firder. ; M", FT 11, Monmouth : Will Insert the testimonial sent at aome future time --sooner or later as we fi nd apace. U lad floTtMow that ytu are mevUng with such euoourageraeui au nopa ma mw; wm coutiuue and Increase lu tetifcld ratio. Mrs. M. LafayetwrCird at Oiad--th- e seeds reached you. In eood shsue: hope to bcable tovlsltf Yantb.ill.wbeu the' flowere tbat spring from tbem are tabloom. Travelers will probably leave :Rn Fraoclsou i (Saturday). Sl'all expect to see you, eoou.,...i - . .;J:. : Mrs. H. P., Walla Walla: Baby car- riages, such as you desire, can be bad at any of the flntt-cla- ss stores, for pi Ices ranging from $13 60 to i Tbe latter sum will purchase a very nice ouc, dur- able as well as pretty, while ?13 will pay for one that is good enough for a "friend's baby," even If be be ar most charming Utile fellow Of course one Would; prefer to IruodT ber bWO'TO bu of tbe higher-price- d vehicle. The VUeaf Mutes," Salem: We highly appreciate the sentiments conveyed by your card of thaoks. It affords us great pleasure to be able to. add; even lu a slight degree, to the cotertalnmcut and Inatructlott'-o- f tbe meuibers bf your H puiisioeTTnaToar joaraat Is Indeed "valuable," Ifjt tails within Its province to do this. We feel tbat the divine" declaration, "it U more biassed to gl 1iittd-wtu- W tb)e Instance fully verified. , oglta- - itloni, concl uslons and queried are quIU too profound for tbe comprehension of the average reader. They take ua quite beyond our depth.' If we ever' catch breath again, we'll try to answer you byl letter. former la that he too often seeks to tear open the buds of promise, rather than suffer tbem to gradually unfold them- selves to tbe splendor of noonday light. Tbe more enduring a monument Is, th longer must you be In building It - . E08TIIJTIE3 KE8UMED. TO TUB EDITOB Of THB'BW SIOBTHWISV: ' Of course I eapitulatol, buried the batcbet and vowed to leave tbe women'a righU queatlon eeverely alone; but now eomee- - forth a certain Mrs. Job. na of Salem and exclaims In a lofty strain of well written eloquence t "Here, Mr. C B.7 another word before I am doner Well, I dug up tbe said little haUhet again for immediate action. It'a a little maty Just now, but will brigbUn up as I blsze.my wsy tlirough a friendly foe. 8ucb la life-Hti- r up a hornet's nest and of course one can't expect to escape without a stingy. However, your-ver-aal- tle lady correspondent shouldbear lu rotndtbat my eiposlulallonrwere aimed at tbt class of women wlid won better votera i87a ana mother, ir motnere at an. by will tbey protest when I not effect them, or scratch where It does not Itch ? -- - vJ .!!5EKhjj va)fu-- w Bu. w wshvii ev a f a, uvvm a uer uv cause tbey respect women leas, but he- - cause they leva tbelr families more clothe a lady ouoa wltb, tba franchise prerogatives, let her be Interviewed by every hungry office seeker, go to the polls amid a throng, which defies deesrlp-llo- a, bave her vote challenged by aome spiteful grass widow, cunning burdy or bold prostlLute for tbey all. would be there aad prominent on such occasion, Such lady would ever after ahrlnk from tue mere idea or voting or anaring a bone, gnawed by every dog, yet aha re ceived wbat aba desired, bat not needed. Tbe man that won the elephant supplies hTa moral eating las dnt y.nol a mere coveted privilege, and eflecta men only, It la tbelr exclusive lot to earnthe dally uread, according to the" divine injunc tion, aud defend. tbe ouutry and home agaiqst foreign and domeatle foe. Tb word and tbe ballot bra the weapooa here requisite to Insure peace and safety, aud are for men to wield, hot for Wohieu. Tbe franchise U a vituperated" Jewel, which few of the gentler aex would wear, even If thrust upon tbem. This Is a universal and not a private opinion and bard to refute or eradicate. If a womaa feela well, but wanU to feel better, tb ea she either elamoraibr. divorce or wanu to vote, a man afflicted la like manner usually delvee, headlong Into tb alough of politic or Is geU beastly drank. These are the frulU of discontentment undue ambi tion and gourmand epicurism. They are never satisfied unless la the midst of fermeaUlioO and doluaiv hope. Mr. J. aeema to take my stricture oa grass widow right to heart, but It also appears that she doe ao willfully, unless am mistaken In tb lady. Th class portrayed In rily previous communica- tion ear little, If airy thing, for ber de-- fens. Tbey may .giggle alter effort but never appreciate It It I throwing pearl . before , awln. . There . araSra mendoua xeptlouaTa, all cases, buaj while one grass widow lsntlt!d to pity and heartfelt sympathy a helping band, tea ought to b Ja Jail out of charity to themselves and. the welfare of the community. Few are aware of tbe venomouc Influence a crafty grass widow exercises over young wives and pur daughter. Tbey breed mischief, disguised la every conceivable form. make divorce a disease of tha heart . til It culminate In 9 venomous, eoota- - aious sou oeaaiy mama. JLw. ena oat porieAoe. . . IUapeotfuIiy roars. C. B. T Walla Waila, April 1ft, 187S, 7 '4-- ' - J1ICEHT EVE5T3.'- - Tlie itrike of the cotton operative at Blackburn, EnglauuV baa"edj,r- - Tbe miners at IlllUmta'a mines; Pa, on the SSd voted against gotug to work. - General Crook assumed 'command of the bepertmeot of tbe Platte, on tbe The Spanish government haa paid $tS,(00 on account of the "Vlrglnlus" afrslr..; : .The atilklng operative at Natlck and Arctic mills. Providence, It I., returovd to work oo Monday. -- ' ijirtrciil flre'lnsurince-wrapauTe- T have withdrawn froia tho National Board of L'uderwrtslUuceT&lurday: Later report of the condition of the tobacco plauta are more favorable, aud It Jsjiow believed the receut froata have doue no serious Injury. Moody and Hatikey'e revival meet ings In Iiondna are still wsll atteuded. Among the distlnguUhed parsous prea. ent last Sunday evening were Mr. Glad atone and Lord Klnuaird. A party of ni I uer attacked tbe house of J. Morrison, at Hasclton, Pa.; on the evening of the 23d, and F. Louderbau, wbo waa stopping tbere fired on the at- tacking party, killing oue lustantly, when the raiders dispersed. . PlapUr la Teunsesee are suffering great loss In horses, mules and cattle, frqni the ravagea of buflalo gnata. It la estimated thatwttbio tbe past tea daya $1V0,000 worth of stock have been killed byiuem 'wmin lbe radrus of a hundred mllea. r :r ;'; ' ,. ' I A fire broke out in Watertawn, N. Y- -, on the nttiat Ilermau ACc'ewblch barned lbs whole business portion of tbe town, except a boUj, boot and shoe store and grocery.' The loaa Is placed at $W8,-00- ", Insured for $o3,00u. ' Several per- son were erlooalylnJured.J II J" LTha President baa assigned Dr: IJn- - derman, director of' tbe mint to make tbe examination ordered by Congress as polul la tho Weslern Statca and Mississippi valtey possesses the best advanUgea for a mfut Tbe Investlga summer. - : . . ' : - -- - Three eUamboaU were burned at New Orleans on the SSd Inst The number nf.llvea lost la Tarlnualy rati mated at from twenty to one hundred. One of tbe boats bad on board aa excursion party from Cincinnati or PltUburg; many of whom are supposed to be lost Yl. m Imam An fcj.wtl w tm ..llm.lul i.l I Julius Duncan, tbe newspaper reporter who, it Is supposed, committed suicide, lu his letur tojtl employers, advUlng mem or nis intention, aaldt "i am wearied wltb the blasphemy and per- - Jury of theJ?eeeber JdaJV and poison J myaelf to get out of It" A body, sup- posed to be that of Duncan, was found at Great Point, L. I.-- , on the 23d. : ' Tb Treasury Department baa decided that where goods are Imported under the act of 1870 for transportation with- out appraisement to an luterlor port. they are liable to duty under too tariff In force at tbe time of tbelr flrst arrival In tbla country, aad not under an act passed aubaequent- - thereto, bat before their arrival at. ao Interior port This decision mav Involve a change In aome Important decisions heretofore made Williams retireasn the 15th of May. He denlertba Intention of coming to Oregon to compete for tba Seuatorshlp. tlldTeruaTuslu WashlBflon to praclloe law. Delano's early retirement la con ceded by some who stoutly deny that the resignation U forced or consequent upon any official Irregularity. The President emphatically eaye.,! he.liae ya considered Delano as an honest and efficient executive officer. Delano's Immediate frienda say the Prcaldsfil Jxaa told him that be bas.nevrr thought of asking him to resign, and tbat coneo-- queutly-Delan- o will remain lo the Cab ' inet - -- r1 - Tli .funeral of Mayor Barrett,' of St Louie, took place oo the 27th. It waa tbe largeetaver known. Tbe proceIon con slsted ofabouT3(X) policemen and military companies, a large nuniAer of carrlagea7 General Sherman and part of bis sUff, tbe city couucll, Catbollo aocletlea, Are department, engine arid hoee carriage heavily draped. The line of march wa held to the late residence of tbedeceaaed, where tbe body lay In eUte; brief aervl ess were bald, and tba body taken toStri John' Church, where mas waa cele brated. The church wa draped and decorated with Immortelle, whit rose bud. Tbe body waa taken to Calvary cemetery and Interred. " - Memorial Day waa observed at Au- - gnsta, Oa., on the 26th, with unusually Imposing ceremonies. - The corner stone of tbe CoofederaU monument waa laid. Oeneral Evans delivered tb oration, la which be took occasion to urge tbe cul tlvation of fraUrnal spirit, and: to do Unotblng to keep alive, tbe paaalone-o- f tb war. Th Confederacy waa dead, and they did not propose to exhume It Tbey bad jwrted aadly with tb dear old cross of stars, but the took with tba true baud of Southern honor the sUff that bore tbe star and alrlpea. Tbe ladle decorated with flower tb grave or the confederate and Federal dead lu tb Augusta cemetery. " v - r- - . e ae by the Statesman that tbe member of Capital Lodg I. O. CUT. and Salem Encampment I. C It C are making arrangemenU for aa excuraloa to Corvalli early In May. Wajoln our irienu or both organltatlon Ut the de tfetMr ucn""arrangemot may be aatlafactortly computed aawjll anabl tbem thue In a body-1- visit the buU. ful and boapiuble city of Corvalli; and w hop tbat wbll tb kindly feeling that xlst between numerous denlaena ar tha im ni. k w-- -. 1 that yt other may be Ubllshed Ibat ball be i ouii(4aaaar and profit la tb future, t ' politiclaoa and thad wlveatttude, u and v . I JEVSITEi'3. .. TAJ a vsuiirtwBrt' -- AsatujtiJa was tou truir L.r lh .f speller lu Ir'Mfuv.-- . - "- - Young Lausrhlin, whoUior ,Jt father not long since, lu Ni.rih ...!. in i. dead. . . - ' Several acre .ofjigim have lrontl beeu put out Uear ilelhel, In Poll couuly. - .- - . x Mrs. J.' II. Mvra wasHhe' victor at the grand speiTliig match la Salem vn last Fxlday aliigr " . The amount 'of taxable property In v Dallea City, a asuesK'd by Mr. riity man, isalwut lr.'ii),mi'k, Mr.D. W. Preftli'C, of .slero, recently aid bin residence iu that city to Mr. It. II. Tupper, tut the sum of ('. W. llauiiuoud, laU uf the Itemist'r, will Imub bia, new puer In ou or near thfJoLb of next month. Thai salmuti run ttan coin men wd 1 q tbe Columbia river, and the caniu?rie may to soon bo very buy. -- X vast amount of fivll.t U 'wW stored ' lu tba ware-houee- B at Ituoehur, and al- - "" must every train from below adds to the amount, . . . tThe Walla Walla' Valley. Railroad Company Invlle propokais from parties looking to the location of the deiwt la Walla Walla. ,. . . .. , ifr. Dunlap, who arrived In thia State some two weeks since, has purchased a -- farm of lai acres near Ituena Vista, for wtoich be paid eJ,4oo, coiu. Work ou tlieStaUCanitol Is lug rapidly, bluoe work was resumed, the partition walla at - the north end have been ' rallied home teii or twelve' feet,jiudare perceptibly rl-Ii- ig dally. A correapondent of tbe Victoria -- Standard, eatlmatee thst there are nearly seven hundred inealnlhcCaaBiar m Iocs,-a- nd - between thereaud the bouiHtary line. The weather was still cold on tbe 6th Inst ' t Tbe Maaoua of Walla Walla, Includ- ing the two Lodges and the Chapter, have decided to celebrate t Johu'a day, June Uh, in ; that city.IlUUia . intention to bavo a xrand and IrurxMiuir demonstration, pnewMCLwtll surpa. Bnj tun iiBBereroccurreuon ine.ortU-wea- t cooat . . jis. -. ortiicrn . couaUyrat preeonl. Tha Columbia, WlllainetUt, t'owliu, and atreama ruanliig into the Sound are 'bile ltlver. ln- - XI ng county, waa ao high that opera tion at tbe lleuton mine were stepped for several day. ; - a. On Friday "evening. Henry Hatle- - man, proprletnr of tlie Hiiyena lty Brewery-- , while euuased al work about one of bl large vata filled with acaldlng beer, stepped on a board, which tilted and threw blm Into tbe scalding liquid. He died ou tbe morning following, after Buffering intensely. -- Tbe name of the blind girl. who re- ceived such severe Injuries from the acc- ident tbat proved fatal to Mrs. Nesbitt, Is Miss H. Morgan. Her mother, Mrs. Crlsman, resides at Lafayella. She ad for Salem Immediately alter the disaster, where she still remain min istering to tbe wanU of the uufortunate girl, wboee InJorte are not ao serious aa" were at tint feared. W. B, Dunbar, O, W. C. T., orgahlxed a lodge of Good Templars on tbe Call- - pooia inst. .with tweniv-iou- r eiiarier lueui- - hers, nm .u H . . f I . li.... i flnt. W. C T.; Mattie Da via. W. V. T. Ilo- - art Stevens, W. S. J. If. My era, P. W. C, T. ; It L. Htevens, L. DJUsoono at nralu'a Ktatlou, with tweuty-a- v eharter members. Ofllcers are . W. Kfewson. W. C T. ; Mrs, K Fj.ta, W. V. T.J . A. M. Applegate, W, P. W. C.T.t Autln Mere. L. i. llaloiaorganlxdKxeUir Lotleo at Vorvallbv-witb- , ItevvJ W Yorky v. i.j r.imira carter, w. v. T.iV.- - rt: Carur7W:iS.TArTbompaou7T;AV. C. T.; W.B. Carter, L. D. "" J . . a ' . Calvin B.Mol)ouald, of the Statetman, baa been angagadto dlrr aasecood lecture" for tb benefit of the Corvalltr Llbraryr- - Subject, Tbe Bride of Lam-mermoo- r." Thia . lecture Je entirely .: new, and Wltl be delivered in the M. E. Church Ja Corvallia on Saturday even- ing, May let It will doubtleea and lustructlve. - ' - Preeldcnt (hitch, of Willamette. .Cul- ver! ty; mad hi appearance an the treeu of Salem last Friday afternoon for the flrst time In four month. He baa been confined to hla houa for that period with a severe attack of iaflamae- -' tory rheumatism- .- He haa resumed : work at the rnlverslty this week. -- . NEW THIS .WEEK. OTJH MAIUtinT, I MUliraTVEOQZl. tcai.kim t aix xixm or lot ru"k,'rt eonsiaiuli- ea ban4-4ouui- !. IEEF, - MUTT0IIF08Kr:YUL ITC' y Cawaaw Beat Always Hand.' ' 7-- - Hlaek boaebt aad aold." hrrf .... eounur sollcllwi. " 0RE60N TRARSflR COMPANY OQoe and H.avclr fitaVilM J, W, W.,rt-w- 4 imm Btarh a- - , ' CARRtAOE BATCTJ V ' CalllBt.U Brt hour j leaeh additional hoar iUdla. lepe, kourt ' , T or rrem Trains and BleamboaU, at eenu - Bob persoo; ... To sod rrora BMIa'and T"mril, 2 a eoupU; r.nmitjTll M . n - -- aa-A- ll Orrfr1 Hifft Ia Iti. Tadaaa. is. .a .om. "Ml MMnptl, Btwnded or Mhl. as 1C.1 COHIIETT'M UYERT, HACK AN 0 FEED STAIIES. .',',7 .'ff, (Hiut-rwipr- ), "' J.,'.,"""'" :i Ceraer Kaa4 aad .TaylAXJacswata.-- . - r ResBonakl Chanre fw Hlr. SWU.il ar aftoatloa JMLld to BrdlB4T Honrs. ; .OIWERVK PRICERi nidinr, .in.. ti mp - - hMtr: . ...... z, ) vi vwirwiiiiiinuai b Tt bui, w rule h smmuwi rnn-rm- U, at per Ha : ' - Te sad Vruot MUraad PBTtlayri a eaaple; aa- - Orders left al Btahle, or Ftahsi Jtoberta. ptvmpOf altsaded lo at an UiusT .. A ft V - ; - . , -- V p : KwL'"I 7' ..

Mvra aliigr It€¦ · .i Sip If:T i.... it--irr. f---US; FRIDAY-.-....APRIL JO. 1875. BOTJt E. ' "Areata will, Vm hki MtlM that It la a great tax apoe u' to pay t'ipracharges upoa

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Page 1: Mvra aliigr It€¦ · .i Sip If:T i.... it--irr. f---US; FRIDAY-.-....APRIL JO. 1875. BOTJt E. ' "Areata will, Vm hki MtlM that It la a great tax apoe u' to pay t'ipracharges upoa

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SipIf :T



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f- --


FRIDAY-.- .. ..APRIL JO. 1875.


"Areata will, Vm hki MtlM that It la agreat tax apoe u' to pay t'ipra charges upoasatsll an Ma aod Ihejr will roalrr s grl Javars resalula lu iu tarub awwr artan arrltard Mlm. ,

0IE KOEE UirO&TUIATE.'The feeble wall of a new-bo- rn babe la

J bora out upon ttia soft wings of Aprilawpbyra. 'Surely Ibla la do uuusualBound la thle lead where buaUrede afloyal wlrea end loving mother are

aiaaiag valg tellable to thupoa tbir bosoms. But la

Ola wall o llflTraat from tb others"""that tba blot aouad brlog tears of plljr

to J 01 yon lenaer-uearu- q mat--whe ha welcomed balf a aeora af

bar ova darting to bar motherly bosomwltb amlle of.jUaakaglviug tWhateaa there balu tbe not unusual soundthat causa tba nana of tbt youngmother to be spokeu In whisper bywotueo opon wboaa brow erewhlle un-- :clouded ara now legibly writtaD I "Standaelde; I am bollar than thou." Whattbat eauaea tbt meu congregated at yon-

der corner to associate her heretoforeboaored paoia wltb coarse Jat aed ribaldlaughter , Alae, few word ufflc totoll tba story. On mart unfortunate"aoflly wbUpor a pitying voice, end

readily supplies tba rlT2fBead to fell how another fjdr you rig cra-tu-r

baa been lured to ber destructionby tba vary power tbat at all haxardaabould have defended aad kept bar frombarm. -- Ko need to tall ibat he loved

- sot wisely bat too well," ooa wbo wltbarrogant assumption of superiority aoJdamnable treachery left bar to ataggerand fall beneath a load of ham thatwaeof hi planning. Na aod ta tallan, wbat tongu or pea mm tell af theharrowing day and leepleo Bight

Ibat bav for waaVaibTmontLa bwnber port Ion tba gloomy epprebeaeioaeamouutlug at Uat to a dread eertalutythat ber ala would find ber out: tba

jdeejunbeard groans, the bitUtanavall- -ing taara mora deep, more bltUr. ba- -eauaa uabaard and unavailing thatBAVa'filgbtly waited upon ber pillow;tba final agony that cloaed aroaod ber

paaatrabla blaekaeaa, tba auullgbt ofearthly hope and peaea forever from beraoul, aa tba baby wall smote upon bertortured aenaea, aod stole aoftly out upontba air of morning. ;

Eager goaal pagive loud proeUmattou to7 that which aba would bate died to

take up tba atory,binting darkly at much that la not di-

vulged.1 IUrely4ndeed, doea be whe.Wrought Jhla calamity reoehre eitherjHihllo or prlvata censure while bia vlt--.Urn la bounded by both even It may be

" - to ber death. Ob.ahame to men, IbatWith their boasted auperlorlty audatreogtb of mjndjtnd wilt, they leavethe weak and defenaaleaa to bear alooethe burdea of a mutual transgression.Shame, tbrlca vbamc to women wboview with uuooDoern tba aoclal lojus- -

rz ilea wblch.brands tboaa of their own aax

t coodooeln the other. And again- shame to tbecn who, beholding these

things, can fold their banda and, say,- "W hava all tba rlgbta wa want."

- Women, sisters, bow dara-youTT- n viewofwhat tba aver uncertain future tsajr

- hold for tba daughters wbo are dearer toyou than your own souls, stand Idly by

. while other mother hearts, aaonseieuaud loving as your --own, are

wrung with this cruel anguish,, aredarkened by this flerca despair, nor liftavtn ao muuh as your voice la behalf of

J; aoelalualltyt Ifever again, wa con- -

Jare yoa la tba same of tba passionaterTtn that dally reach tba pltylogeara

oTth Most Ulgb, turn wltb oootemptand aeorakfrom aa erring sister to amlleupon ber companion In guilt. If moralJty demands tba aoclal ostracism of theaoa, It olearly polntalavtbe aooial banlahment of tba other.' And never aa yourespect and honor womanhood "givefriendly countenance to a man wbo baaDrought upou one or your aex.disitoDor.

Ter ngalnb until aoclal efiualltybe eeUbllsbed. have tb anbtuablnc

, hardihood to proclaim tbat you have allthe rlgbta you want. ' -

TbAcel of Prayer watting "at tba: outermost gatea of tba CityCelestial,"' ; bears the agonised appeal tbatjuceods

from another aoul, bears It to tba pitying awfTn-areatAJafe- fiB

Death. Angel Is cbargod wltlultk theraturolng meaaaga and "ooa mora un"fortauata," la forever beyond tba reachof malice, Injuetloe and tba eroeleat ar-

rows of misfortune. .' 'i''.'-r'--'- ,--r "lisaviiia wlta smk

Iter sins to frr Wavlor,'- remembering kindly tba many est I ma--;

bla qualities tbat adorned ber ebaraoUr,let ua work with renewed energy and

for'eqallty, for Justice,aodfbrrighW ;

Ja War llooe ssjs thar the ywwaetma- um etre aiieiisa la battle U aotltlaf- aartaoa with tb poletlna wtma fire ma

la babrbe. ttai, gentle Jnlla, while the' eosxa are BrslaeMaf the babtM, aa not the

pimw't the www an4 the bablo, tOnfa, the BnUpUe e.MhNi,JnlUiUida)e44two to oa. Ia4peadraL

1" Perhaps, prother Luoa, geaila Juliabaa known women wbo have, duringthis much-vaunt- ed period of "protec-tion," put In every moment of their time,aa well as all their strength, la the ser-

vice of tba protector aad bis children,earning enough, If It were possible, toto blaea a money value upon their la--bar, (a aam'nauaata taa tinea over for allthey ever bar ftcetved; working fttt

; foot upoa the rocker at everything from.

olah-waahl- to sticking type la tba of-a- o

af a aoa atry editor, and ail for tbaaake of being protected. We've heard af

T aueb cases la and ara Inclinedt ta believe tbat women do not soma bay

Bearer their llvUg, bera thanalsewbera. "So, oa tba protaotloa qaeoUoa, Brother L.aae Is twa to

i oaa.7 . ;

' "yrt iuirtiToi the uvul':Those of our readers w ho, like our- -

self, bava long looked and listened luvain for the opponents af Woman Suffrage to bring forward Dew propositionsor argomeotu In support, af their prin-ciples, will doubtless be delighted bylb fresh (?) and original Ideas act furthby our Walla Walla coxreepoudeut inanother column. - .

Wbat exbllsrtlcg change I ' Kone ofyour old fugypropoaliioua that havebeen hundreds of times refuted.'Vut newand lively questions, such aa ballota andbullets, bread-winne- rs and protectors,denea crowds that congregate at pollingplacee, disreputable women that willluere mbie, etc., old., ara sprung.

MMea do Hot opposa Womaa Suffragebecause tbey reapaot woweu less, butbecause tbey love tbelr families mora."la thia wbar prompts them to sanction

that, ware death to overtaketbam, would condemn tbelr daughtersto- - labor for , balf-po- y, or to perpetu-ate laws that compel widows to bumlllstlog conditions In control of whatIs of right tbelr own? -- .


"Wo ouoa board a soltool direeUr, wbowas known throughout Ida neighbor-hood aa a family tyrant, make a decla-ration aklo to the one above reoorded,shortly after be bad Informed a lady

tbeanhool la hla district, tbattbey would "give a tpoatan forty dol-

lars per month to teach the school tbeyeould procure a man for fifty. Sensi-ble women prefer leas of this kind of

Justloa.. Women bave been too long accus-

tomed to entertain "hungry offire-aeek- -,'

and vartnus other tiresome ipect-men- a

of the genua homo, to be verymuch terrified by the picture which thetortured Imagination of thle gallantchampion of, propriety ' conjures up;aeltber arerihey so easily duped by"spiteful grass . widows," aa axe' aomemro; M to the others, womett are slowlycoming to realise the faetihattbey arenorWomsTbairnieik of the lama otaat"wbo make them wbat tbey are; aod aswomen, good and pure, constantly meetaud asoelate WLb-- tbewewIlbourcoB-tamlnatio- n,

Uiey would most likely beable to preserve their purity unsulliedeven If thrown la company wltb tbede-prave- d

of ihalrowaeex for afsw minutes occasionally.

To prove' tbat. "voting is i duty and aprivilege tbat effects men only' ourcorrespondent must prove tbat the lawseffect men only, and tbat tbey alone areamenable to them. Rather a hercu-lean task, considering the precedent thatages have established.

"It la the exclusive lot of men to earnthe dally dread aooordlng to tba divineInjunctions, proclaims. our wiseacre.Perhaps ; but our experience trachea asthat oa woman baa earned considerable "daily bread," aud our observationassures us tbat bond reus or others doDJna1- -, while we never go down town,but we see numerous members of ourvoting population who do not sweatvery copiously aooordlng to the "divineInJuoctlooJ' ; The exceptlona to the ruleprove rather too much.

I It really, now ? And what sort of aJewel la that, prsyT Please to under;eland, however, that, the eg first, letsdon't propose to thmtt Jewel of anysort upon - women, r Tbey - propose - tohave It placed within tbelr reach, andare perfectly satisfied to trust to tbelrgood sense to plok It up. r Both "univer-sal and private opinion," Is opinionmerely, and theone referred to Is foundedupoa the Idea tbat women are Irrenpoa-elble-a- ad

unreasoning nonenllUte la-ste- ad

of intelligent and Interested mem-bers of the body politic. ,L

: As to the "grass widows," if we abouldbe rash enough to ventare our opinionla the presence of one wbo bus had such"aad experience" as our correspondentdeclares haa been bts portion, we wouldsay " that we believe them to beneither angele nor demons but In com-

mon with other human beings falliblecreatures Just aa liable to errors of

Ljudgmaal as a like number of any otherclass; and aa a class greatly iu need ofklBdlyUamainympathy ; euUlled toJust ae many rights aud privileges asthe mea whom tbey could not live with',or who eould not live with them. 'Thisopponent strikes quite too-muc- at ran-

dom for hie "little batobet" to be a veryformidable weapon, either Of flensed ordefense. The bluster Ibat precedes theblows renders It easy to parry, or avoidtbem.-- Wa publish by hie particular re-

quest hie letter aa aearly verbatim elliteratim, as Is at all compatible withthe com moo rules of orthographysynUX.

--oaxuua fiuiu:i ibsooiitioi.We acknowtedge the receipt from the

Secretary of the Oregon Pioneer Asso-

ciation a copy of the constitution andother4 papers relating to the formationand Interests .of the Aasoclatloa.Tbeobjecla of thle Association wo And fromarticle second of the constitution to be"to collect from living wltnesseriuchfacta relating to the pioneers aad historyof tba Territory of Oregon, aa the Asso-

ciation may deem worthy of preserva-tion, and ta promote social intercourseamong IU members,"' The organisa-tion of the Association was effected Oc-

tober 18th, 1873. The annual reunionfor 58TS will be held at tbe Bute Fairgrouode. near Salem, June15th. All persons, male and female,wbo reside within the boundaries of theoriginal Territory of Oregon, aad who

jw-it-kd wrHbhs-aa- U Territory prior toJanuary, IMS, are eligible to member-ship In the Association. Tbe pamphletbefore aa contains much that ie of Interest aad value la tbe cltiseao of Ore-

gon, and may be had at tba book storesla this dty or Salem, or upon applloa-tlo-ci

la tbe; BecreUry at Bettevllle.Every effortTwill be made so nader theeomlog meeting one of Intereet andprafli.: i . a '

Ho-ny-f- r-tt whlclirit iuITTy1rTTie fraTW





'' EDlTOmL CqEEESTOJIESCE.lUiiKuma'orTniNH Korravmrt

Webave a Jalnt recolleetlou of scrib-bling a long tetter foe your from tbleplace (Albany) on Monday last, but astbe last copy of the Nxw Noktuwksthaa failed, by aome unaccountable blua-d-r

f somebody, lo put ia aa appear-anc- c

at the Albany post efflee to-da-y,

we cannot recall our lea log-o-il place;so you needn't be su prised If there Is. a"bseaku - In this communication dr.rather between this one aod tbe imdftW!-!?!'!!?- !for which the undersigned will refuse tobold herself strictly responsible.

Our leetarce la Albany were not solargely atUuded aa ou former occasions.yet the audieueee were good consider-ing tbe fact that no notice of tbe meet-ings bad beea elrealeted until Saturday,and oo meulioa bad been made of tbemlu the uewsppersTIt la dueto thepress to slate, however, tbat this failurewaaD0t. attributable to anybody but asolemn-soule- d trustee of the church,who spent three or four days, (until toolate to advertise), Ja working bis cour-age up to the sticking point, ao tbat bemight declare blnteetf able to lock tbechurch aud thereby protect God fromtbe works of the womeo. But be "suc-ceeded at last, and no doubt the Omnipo-tent breathed more freely when lie dis-covered the bravery of His sags pro-

tector, juat la the ulek of time to saveHim from the Impending dangers offeminine audacity. So tbe Christianwomen of Albany Without wboee

the churobea would ntt batebeen bollded, found themselves banishedto the Court-hous- e the worthy proprie-tor of tbe Opera House having thatbuilding otherwise engaged--arK- l ther,for two evenings, we met tbem, audsuch gentlemeu aa eould leave tbelrbusiness, making a goodly congrega-tion, despite all dlsadvanUgea. It Is

worse iuan uieTeai for men to seek tolouger Ignore this movement in highplacee. . "Lt him tbat ' thinketb beslandetb take heed lest be fall." Werethe good women of Albany urtld are en-

gaged la this human r'ghU movementto withhold their patronage from such

log to. Ignore their noble "efforts, thesewortblee would soon see tbelr duty InIts proper light In tbeir-eearrtrf- breadand butter. Tbe leaven Is working,and will very soou leaven the wholelump...

Albany bascaught theapelling mania.M. YV Brown and A. 8. Mercer, of tbeDemocrat .and Orpnger, each have afancy tbat a spelling akula. U any emptyvanity; and we, of tbe Nw Nobth- -west, And oorself somewharseriouHlyafflicted with the aamo Idea. BrotherBrown graciously accorded ' us porecredit than we deserved In bie very Interesting and unique report of tbe ipell;but the thing over-averag- ed Itself In theOregonian' characteristic attempt togive a uewalum from tbe Democrat asfar removed ae possible from the leastsemblance of truth. So, there's uo daWger of our orthographical vanity turning our thoughts away from our mis-sion..

' - -.

Mrs. J. H. FoaUr.oneof the leadlngsuf-fraglat- a

of Albany, aod Claiborne Stew-arir- a"

'VSTJmotsratU awaywIihlLecham pionahip oa the first evening, andRcv.-f- i. O. Irvine aud daughUr on tbesecond, There are majy good Spellersla Albany many more than were themselves aware of the not a week ago.

We took tbe stage for Lebanon ouWedoesdsy afternoon, a ride of fourteenmiles Uklng ua through" one of therichest and most beautiful regione thatever reveleJ In Spring-tim- e loveliness.Reached the Tillage a little before night,

D4 aodsoon comionaoiy cunvw-t- u . ia ainkMosahelder's hotel. Tbe day's fatigueInduced an attack of .something likeparalysis, with whlchwe wrestledthrough tbe night, suffering much ap-

prehension leet we should lose the powerof speech. .What would a missionary dowith a palsied tongue T The morningbrought relief and an houra aleep; butwa were compelled to keep our roomvery closely during tbe moat of the day,our lagging powers of locomotion ad-

monishing ua tbat. rest waa a' mailerthat, like bumau-right- s, could not beIgnored with flnpunlty.

Tbe evening brought out a pouringrain and a good audience, which wemean the audience Ilntened with raptattention and evident faith and aympa-tbyt- o

Jhe new goapeL ;'

Kfokersonrdw1fwa.reaHirTirf , - , t , 'gagea in teacuiug tue eatiam Acauemy,aud right royalty .do-- they performtbelr dutyTbey are heartily com- -ml tied to e cause, and wowere Indebted to tbem for many .kind-nesses daring our brief edjoura la n.

a, r '

Friday morning's stage eoaveyed-a- aback to Albany, where, good Mrs. Fobter'ijexeelleat nursing did much to restore ear shstUred strength.

Saturday oa able to resume our'Journey, and the afternoon found us atEugene, where we lasily aoribble theclosing lines of this prosy document,while enjoying the kindly boepluilty ofour old-tim- e friends aod present-da- y co-

workers, Mr. and MrvJ. W. Jackson. -

- Our protracted meeting begins tbjsevening la tbe Christian Church, another sanctuary where the worshipersla authority have faith enough la Godto believe that He knew what He wasabout when He created woman with thegift of utUrance. . A. J. D.

Eugene, April 85, 187&.

- Mrs. Daulway leotursd at Eugene aoSunday, Moaday Bad Wedoeaday even--Inga, and at Springfield on Tueaday andThursday evenings of thU week."-He- r

further appointment for tba present are:Cresewell, Saturdayefenlng; Junction,Tuesday; Harrlsburg, Thursday, aodSalem, Saturday, the 8th proximo. Herlectures are everywhere well attended,aad aha la neetlag with much aocoar--

Particulars of Ibla week'a meetings Willdoubtless be fcraieftcd la "Editorial

Boxt week. : . . '

C0QITATI01T3.-- .

woifss Kumar raa iikX-i-orwr- -r rr-r- -i

Au iAno-v..riui-. lu,i; ii km. a.

' a ai'SMii-L- . '.

lietgbo! Mondsy morulngl House-keepers n ail well-regulat- householdsknow Just wbat that means. We bustleabout, preparing the raorniag meal,glancing auilou.ly at Intervals at thelowering skies, aud If, perchance, theyshould be pouring, lusteed at. lower--

tng, aof appetlU fortbe aavory atealr

n4dlMwln; 4lrt anil ararvl Ulna hard to... caw, . ,- - --,r - - J- -

An4 Umlr4 line at oo .iprl hw1AAnd Har hone bj due thrown down,An4 all Ihe Htr Bilwt of llfef

But there la no time foripretty, flightsof fancy.. The breakfast Is hurriedlylifted aud-- silently diaTclled; Thewaali-boil- er Is placed upou' the stove.and the clotbcs-Uask- et Is emptied of Tts

confeuU of soiled linen. By the way,the capacity of that basket s reoiarka-tfcao- d.

bier-Wh- o would averauppose thai tbemammoth pile of linen upoiitlie kitchenfloor, was a few minutes ago snuglytucked away la (ts depths. We cannotstop now, however, to gauge Its capac-

ity, for lu erewbile couteuls must be'sorted" and placed In soak, the Uble

mustJbcL cleared, dishee washed, kulvearubbed, floors swept, dtauer planned,surcb made. Urea kept up but there I

To those who liave experienced thesetblnm. a rehearsal Is unnecessary; tothose who bsve not, a volume upon tbesubject would fall to enlighten. Suffice

standing panting, flushed, but triumphant, with arms akimbo, regarding wltbcomplacency the full II nee of snowytlften7nd wishing that the Ironing wasdone. But It will never do for tbe buband to come home and flud the kitchenI n this muss. Tban ka to our forethoughtof the morningthe dinner Is plannedaud.ia soou welf u nder yay. l ubs arequickly emptied, boiler dried and mopflourished we jrouderi ng, as.J he work I '

proceed n, wbetber husband will bringhome a friend to dine, and whether weaha.ll have time to arranire our hair andrebate a lltti-3fwe-

..n f u l .lwl-- y.

Well, dinner is on time, husband good'natured. . we well satisfied with ourmorning's work; Jfow, being In combob with other women a reformer bynature, we are seised with a strong de- -

slreVo work a reformation real or Imaginary In the arrangement of our rooms,ao we shift the .furniture from side toside, tug at this aud pull at that, untiltbetranaformatioo la so complete tbatwhen the good man cornea from Work oroffice, lie pauses bewildered upon tbethreshold of bis own bed-roo- iThlaspecies of reform, is Indulged ID at longer

Ior ahorter; lutervaby-HMHl- t eacbnirtide of furniture makes the circuit oftbe room, and the move that returnseach place is termed reform also. The afternoon Is spent inthia way, and we returoto the kitchento prepare tea, feeling that We have ac-

complished wonders, aud wonderingbow It ever happened that women, wltbout regard to their executive abilities,must all be assigned to a certalu sphere;without regsrd to their likes and dislike, must all perform a certain kind oflabor; wby working In one's own kitchenIs regarded as eminently proper and libting employment, and working forwagea In another kitchen Is generallythought to be humiliating; Tf tltber isdlsreptiUble, It roust be the act of re-

ceiving wagea, Inatead of performing tbeaamIaa Im whf la wnman rlin la

servant la all but salary l.uded to theskies, while one wbo performs the samelabor for a stipulated sum, so frequently

Certain it --is, that women poeeeaa abilitiesfor various fields of labor and mauy-- af

them, conscious of these abilities, longto try tbelr powers beyond the fourwalls thai ara supposed to enclose tbelrsphere. Was Ulent created to lie dormant or run to waste? Why r But tbegaU-latc- b clicka, a atep la on tba walk,and our unfinished cogitations ara suspended, aa we allce tbe bread and pourtba tea.

The peculiar aud beneficial results ofthe newpoatailaaTTelatlDg-Toiiewipa- y

pen, printed matter, etc.. Is set forth lotbe following paragraph In tbe NewYork Times.' "A person living la HanFrancisco may mail $ newspaper orpamphlet from thia ctty.for Loudon fortwo cents, while fouroenU must be paid

......l" -1carried from New York to Brooklyn,and six cents when It happen' to be at

. ... n .. .... T--

quaurupie aneei. i ue postal laws provide that such matter ahall not be for-

warded unless fully prepaid. ' A wag Inthis elty euggeated that all newspapersIntended for the United Sutea ahould beniafkedHUvdrpool.'" , TT

Brigham Young waa summoned to appear recently before Chief-Justic-e Lowe,to show cause why be should sot be heldfor contempt for falling to pay AnnFJlxa $5,500, or the monthly allowanceof $000 alimony pendente The casewaa argued for an appeal to tbe SupremeCourt At the conclusion,- - the Judgecalled for tbe papers In tbe case, but no

Taecislba was glvej). , I

Tba Corvallia papers made the an-

nouncement, noticed elsewhere, thatMr. C. B. McDooald would lectureI n tfcat city for tbe benefit of thq Library fon Saturday evening. It seema tbat tbenotice waa eomewbat prematura, as tbatgentleman announced that be la not prepared to lecture at the time apeclfled,and haa requested aa extension of time.

The Walla Walla Spirit of (AeFrfsuspends publication with thia week'aIssue for a longer or snorter time, aa elr--cumsUnoss may determine.

hThe editor

proclaims tbat he baa a large amoant of

to enable him to carry oa Ills business.We hope eollectlona may be brisk, andeaspeuaaowef aha paper abort.

fc0D4 m0 ,r,n,l wKrgmrbJd with pity contempt


agement la ber eboeea Held of Ubof,tt"tUn'f debuihat must UeoUeoted


Mra.iE. A. W.j Oregon City t NoUreceived; aJdresa cbaiir'drnJ backBombers forwarded aTilrected. Cay

success altendyour efforts.. JC, Salem:. Second Installment

received, but too' late for this weeks' s Is

sue Will-appe- ar uextB-luJIapejwh---

tbe good results-yo- u prouct may ueverified.;. ... .

IF. U. XL, Peklo t We dj uot tUlnkyour communication suited to our' col-

umns." Don't aspire to get fifty yeareahead of the tluiea. "ufflcleot nintothe day Is the evil thereof." Maauscrlptfield suLJeef lb your firder. ;

M", FT 11, Monmouth : Will Insertthe testimonial sent at aome future time--sooner or later as we fi nd apace. U lad

floTtMow that ytu are mevUng with sucheuoourageraeui au nopa ma mw; wmcoutiuue and Increase lu tetifcld ratio.

Mrs. M. LafayetwrCird atOiad--th-e seeds reached you. In

eood shsue: hope to bcable tovlsltfYantb.ill.wbeu the' flowere tbat springfrom tbem are tabloom. Travelers willprobably leave :Rn Fraoclsou i

(Saturday). Sl'all expect to see you,eoou.,...i - . .;J:. :

Mrs. H. P., Walla Walla: Baby car-

riages, such as you desire, can be bad atany of the flntt-cla- ss stores, for pi Ices

ranging from $13 60 to i Tbe lattersum will purchase a very nice ouc, dur-

able as well as pretty, while ?13 willpay for one that is good enough for a"friend's baby," even If be be ar mostcharming Utile fellow Of course oneWould; prefer to IruodT ber bWO'TO buof tbe higher-price-d vehicle.

The VUeaf Mutes," Salem: We highlyappreciate the sentiments conveyed byyour card of thaoks. It affords us greatpleasure to be able to. add; even lu aslight degree, to the cotertalnmcut andInatructlott'-o- f tbe meuibers bf your

H puiisioeTTnaToar joaraatIs Indeed "valuable," Ifjt tails withinIts province to do this. We feel tbatthe divine" declaration, "it U morebiassed to gl 1iittd-wtu-W

tb)e Instance fully verified. ,

oglta--itloni, concl uslons and queried are quIU

too profound for tbe comprehension ofthe average reader. They take ua quitebeyond our depth.' If we ever' catchbreath again, we'll try to answer you bylletter.former la that he too often seeks to tearopen the buds of promise, rather thansuffer tbem to gradually unfold them-selves to tbe splendor of noonday light.Tbe more enduring a monument Is, thlonger must you be In building It


Of course I eapitulatol, buried thebatcbet and vowed to leave tbe women'arighU queatlon eeverely alone; but noweomee- - forth a certain Mrs. Job. na ofSalem and exclaims In a lofty strain ofwell written eloquence t "Here, Mr. CB.7 another word before I am donerWell, I dug up tbe said little haUhetagain for immediate action. It'a a littlematy Just now, but will brigbUn up asI blsze.my wsy tlirough a friendly foe.8ucb la life-Hti- r up a hornet's nest andof course one can't expect to escapewithout a stingy. However, your-ver-aal- tle

lady correspondent shouldbear lurotndtbat my eiposlulallonrwere aimedat tbt class of women wlid wonbetter votera i87aana mother, ir motnere at an. bywill tbey protest when I not effect them,or scratch where It does not Itch ?

-- - vJ .!!5EKhjjva)fu-- w Bu. w wshvii ev a f a, uvvm a uer uvcause tbey respect women leas, but he--cause they leva tbelr families moreclothe a lady ouoa wltb, tba franchiseprerogatives, let her be Interviewed byevery hungry office seeker, go to thepolls amid a throng, which defies deesrlp-llo- a,

bave her vote challenged by aomespiteful grass widow, cunning burdy orbold prostlLute for tbey all. would bethere aad prominent on such occasion,Such lady would ever after ahrlnk fromtue mere idea or voting or anaring abone, gnawed by every dog, yet aha received wbat aba desired, bat not needed.Tbe man that won the elephant supplieshTa moral eating las dnt y.nol a merecoveted privilege, and eflecta men only,It la tbelr exclusive lot to earnthe dallyuread, according to the" divine injunction, aud defend. tbe ouutry and homeagaiqst foreign and domeatle foe. Tbword and tbe ballot bra the weapooa

here requisite to Insure peace and safety,aud are for men to wield, hot for Wohieu.Tbe franchise U a vituperated" Jewel,which few of the gentler aex would wear,even If thrust upon tbem. This Is auniversal and not a private opinion andbard to refute or eradicate.

If a womaa feela well, but wanU tofeel better, tb ea she either elamoraibr.

divorce or wanu to vote, a manafflicted la like manner usually delvee,headlong Into tb alough of politic orIs geU beastly drank. These are the

frulU of discontentment undue ambition and gourmand epicurism. Theyare never satisfied unless la the midstof fermeaUlioO and doluaiv hope.

Mr. J. aeema to take my stricture oagrass widow right to heart, but It alsoappears that she doe ao willfully, unless

am mistaken In tb lady. Th classportrayed In rily previous communica-tion ear little, If airy thing, for ber de--fens. Tbey may .giggle alter effortbut never appreciate It It I throwingpearl . before , awln. . There . araSramendoua xeptlouaTa, all cases, buajwhile one grass widow lsntlt!d to pityand heartfelt sympathy a helpingband, tea ought to b Ja Jail out ofcharity to themselves and. the welfareof the community. Few are aware oftbe venomouc Influence a crafty grasswidow exercises over young wives andpur daughter. Tbey breed mischief,disguised la every conceivable form.make divorce a disease of tha heart .til It culminate In 9 venomous, eoota- -aious sou oeaaiy mama. JLw. ena oat

porieAoe. . . IUapeotfuIiy roars.C. B. T

Walla Waila, April 1ft, 187S,

7'4-- '

- J1ICEHT EVE5T3.'- -

Tlie itrike of the cotton operative atBlackburn, EnglauuV baa"edj,r- -

Tbe miners at IlllUmta'a mines; Pa,on the SSd voted against gotug to work.- General Crook assumed 'command ofthe bepertmeot of tbe Platte, on tbe

The Spanish government haa paid$tS,(00 on account of the "Vlrglnlus"afrslr..; :.The atilklng operative at Natlck and

Arctic mills. Providence, It I., returovdto work oo Monday. -- '

ijirtrciil flre'lnsurince-wrapauTe- T

have withdrawn froia tho NationalBoard of L'uderwrtslUuceT&lurday:

Later report of the condition of thetobacco plauta are more favorable, audIt Jsjiow believed the receut froata havedoue no serious Injury.

Moody and Hatikey'e revival meetings In Iiondna are still wsll atteuded.Among the distlnguUhed parsous prea.ent last Sunday evening were Mr. Gladatone and Lord Klnuaird.

A party of ni I uer attacked tbe houseof J. Morrison, at Hasclton, Pa.; on theevening of the 23d, and F. Louderbau,wbo waa stopping tbere fired on the at-

tacking party, killing oue lustantly,when the raiders dispersed. .

PlapUr la Teunsesee are sufferinggreat loss In horses, mules and cattle,frqni the ravagea of buflalo gnata. It laestimated thatwttbio tbe past tea daya$1V0,000 worth of stock have been killedbyiuem 'wmin lbe radrus of a hundredmllea. r :r ;'; ' ,.

' I A fire broke out in Watertawn, N. Y- -,

on the nttiat Ilermau ACc'ewblchbarned lbs whole business portion of tbetown, except a boUj, boot and shoe storeand grocery.' The loaa Is placed at $W8,-00- ",

Insured for $o3,00u. ' Several per-

son were erlooalylnJured.J II J"

LTha President baa assigned Dr: IJn- -

derman, director of' tbe mint to maketbe examination ordered by Congress as

polul la tho Weslern Statcaand Mississippi valtey possesses the bestadvanUgea for a mfut Tbe Investlga

summer. - : . . ' : - --- Three eUamboaU were burned at NewOrleans on the SSd Inst The numbernf.llvea lost la Tarlnualy rati mated atfrom twenty to one hundred. One oftbe boats bad on board aa excursionparty from Cincinnati or PltUburg;many of whom are supposed to be lostYl. m Imam An fcj.wtl w tm ..llm.lul i.l

I Julius Duncan, tbe newspaper reporterwho, it Is supposed, committed suicide,lu his letur tojtl employers, advUlngmem or nis intention, aaldt "i amwearied wltb the blasphemy and per--Jury of theJ?eeeber JdaJV and poison J

myaelf to get out of It" A body, sup-posed to be that of Duncan, was foundat Great Point, L. I.--

, on the 23d. :

' Tb Treasury Department baa decidedthat where goods are Imported underthe act of 1870 for transportation with-out appraisement to an luterlor port.they are liable to duty under too tariffIn force at tbe time of tbelr flrst arrivalIn tbla country, aad not under an actpassed aubaequent- - thereto, bat beforetheir arrival at. ao Interior port Thisdecision mav Involve a change In aomeImportant decisions heretofore made

Williams retireasn the 15th of May.He denlertba Intention of coming toOregon to compete for tba Seuatorshlp.

tlldTeruaTuslu WashlBflon to praclloelaw. Delano's early retirement la conceded by some who stoutly deny thatthe resignation U forced or consequentupon any official Irregularity. ThePresident emphatically eaye.,!he.liae ya

considered Delano as an honestand efficient executive officer. Delano'sImmediate frienda say the Prcaldsfil Jxaatold him that be bas.nevrr thought ofasking him to resign, and tbat coneo--queutly-Delan- o will remain lo the Cab

'inet - --r1 -

Tli .funeral of Mayor Barrett,' of StLouie, took place oo the 27th. It waa tbelargeetaver known. Tbe proceIon conslsted ofabouT3(X) policemen and militarycompanies, a large nuniAer of carrlagea7General Sherman and part of bis sUff,tbe city couucll, Catbollo aocletlea, Aredepartment, engine arid hoee carriageheavily draped. The line of march waheld to the late residence of tbedeceaaed,where tbe body lay In eUte; brief aervless were bald, and tba body taken toStriJohn' Church, where mas waa celebrated. The church wa draped anddecorated with Immortelle, whit rosebud. Tbe body waa taken to Calvarycemetery and Interred. " -

Memorial Day waa observed at Au- -

gnsta, Oa., on the 26th, with unusuallyImposing ceremonies. - The corner stoneof tbe CoofederaU monument waa laid.Oeneral Evans delivered tb oration, lawhich be took occasion to urge tbe cultlvation of fraUrnal spirit, and: to do

Unotblng to keep alive, tbe paaalone-o-ftb war. Th Confederacy waa dead,and they did not propose to exhume ItTbey bad jwrted aadly with tb dearold cross of stars, but the took withtba true baud of Southern honor thesUff that bore tbe star and alrlpea. Tbeladle decorated with flower tb graveor the confederate and Federal dead lutb Augusta cemetery. " v - r- -

. e ae by the Statesman that tbemember of Capital Lodg I. O. CUT.and Salem Encampment I. C It C aremaking arrangemenU for aa excuraloato Corvalli early In May. Wajoln ouririenu or both organltatlon Ut the detfetMr ucn""arrangemot may be

aatlafactortly computed aawjll anabltbem thue In a body-1- visit the buU.ful and boapiuble city of Corvalli; andw hop tbat wbll tb kindly feelingthat xlst between numerous denlaenaar tha im ni. k w-- -.


that yt other may be Ubllshed Ibatball be i ouii(4aaaar and

profit la tb future, t '

politiclaoa and thad wlveatttude, u


v . I JEVSITEi'3... TAJ a vsuiirtwBrt'

-- AsatujtiJa was tou truir L.r lh .f

speller lu Ir'Mfuv.-- . - "- -

Young Lausrhlin, whoUior ,Jt fathernot long since, lu Ni.rih ...!. in i.dead. . . - '

Several acre .ofjigim have lrontlbeeu put out Uear ilelhel, In Pollcouuly. - .-

-. x

Mrs. J.' II. Mvra wasHhe' victor atthe grand speiTliig match la Salem vnlast Fxlday aliigr " .

The amount 'of taxable property In v

Dallea City, a asuesK'd by Mr. riityman, isalwut lr.'ii),mi'k,

Mr.D. W. Preftli'C, of .slero, recentlyaid bin residence iu that city to Mr. It.

II. Tupper, tut the sum of('. W. llauiiuoud, laU uf the Itemist'r,

will Imub bia, new puer Inou or near thfJoLb of next month.

Thai salmuti run ttan coin men wd 1 qtbe Columbia river, and the caniu?riemay to soon bo very buy.--X vast amount of fivll.t U 'wW stored '

lu tba ware-houee- B at Ituoehur, and al- - ""

must every train from below adds to theamount, . . .

tThe Walla Walla' Valley. RailroadCompany Invlle propokais from partieslooking to the location of the deiwt laWalla Walla. ,. . . .. ,

ifr. Dunlap, who arrived In thia Statesome two weeks since, has purchased a --

farm of lai acres near Ituena Vista, forwtoich be paid eJ,4oo, coiu.

Work ou tlieStaUCanitol Islug rapidly, bluoe work was resumed,the partition walla at - the north endhave been ' rallied home teii or twelve'feet,jiudare perceptibly rl-Ii- ig dally.

A correapondent of tbe Victoria --

Standard, eatlmatee thst there arenearly seven hundred inealnlhcCaaBiarm Iocs,-a- nd - between thereaud thebouiHtary line. The weather was stillcold on tbe 6th Inst '


Tbe Maaoua of Walla Walla, Includ-ing the two Lodges and the Chapter,have decided to celebrate t Johu'aday, June Uh, in ; that city.IlUUia .intention to bavo a xrand and IrurxMiuirdemonstration, pnewMCLwtll surpa.Bnj tun iiBBereroccurreuon ine.ortU-wea- t

cooat . . jis. -.

ortiicrn . couaUyrat preeonl. ThaColumbia, WlllainetUt, t'owliu, andatreama ruanliig into the Sound are

'bile ltlver. ln--XI ng county, waa ao high that operation at tbe lleuton mine were steppedfor several day. ; - a.

On Friday "evening. Henry Hatle- -man, proprletnr of tlie Hiiyena ltyBrewery--, while euuased al work aboutone of bl large vata filled with acaldlngbeer, stepped on a board, which tiltedand threw blm Into tbe scalding liquid.He died ou tbe morning following, afterBuffering intensely.-- Tbe name of the blind girl. who re-ceived such severe Injuries from the acc-ident tbat proved fatal to Mrs. Nesbitt,Is Miss H. Morgan. Her mother, Mrs.Crlsman, resides at Lafayella. She ad

for Salem Immediately alter thedisaster, where she still remain ministering to tbe wanU of the uufortunategirl, wboee InJorte are not ao serious aa"were at tint feared.

W. B, Dunbar, O, W. C. T., orgahlxeda lodge of Good Templars on tbe Call- -pooiainst. .with tweniv-iou- r eiiarier lueui- -hers, n m .uH . . f I . li.... i flnt.

W. C T.; Mattie Da via. W. V. T. Ilo- -art Stevens, W. S. J. If. My era, P. W.C, T. ; It L. Htevens, L. DJUsoonoat nralu'a Ktatlou, with tweuty-a- veharter members. Ofllcers are . W.Kfewson. W. C T. ; Mrs, K Fj.ta, W.V. T.J . A. M. Applegate, W,

P. W. C.T.t Autln Mere. L.i. llaloiaorganlxdKxeUir Lotleoat Vorvallbv-witb- , ItevvJ W Yorkyv. i.j r.imira carter, w. v. T.iV.-- rt:Carur7W:iS.TArTbompaou7T;AV.C. T.; W.B. Carter, L. D.

"" J . . a '

. Calvin B.Mol)ouald, of the Statetman,baa been angagadto dlrr aasecoodlecture" for tb benefit of the CorvalltrLlbraryr- - Subject, Tbe Bride of Lam-mermoo- r."

Thia . lecture Je entirely .:

new, and Wltl be delivered in the M. E.Church Ja Corvallia on Saturday even-ing, May let It will doubtleea

and lustructlve. - ' -

Preeldcnt (hitch, of Willamette. .Cul-ver! ty; mad hi appearance an thetreeu of Salem last Friday afternoon

for the flrst time In four month. Hebaa been confined to hla houa for thatperiod with a severe attack of iaflamae- -'tory rheumatism- .- He haa resumed :

work at the rnlverslty this week. --.



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