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  • 8/23/2019 MusicHistory-AlessandroStriggio


    Ryan Little

    Music 214-0 Sec 20

    Recent Researches in Music of the Renaissance Alessandro Striggio

    The volume that I researched was R143. This volume contains music by Alessandro

    Striggio, one of the greatest Italian composers during the Renaissance. There are three

    main sections of music in this volume. The first and main section is Striggios Il primo libro

    de madrigal a cinque voci (First Book of Madrigals for Five Voices). This book contains

    twenty-seven of Striggios madrigals that have a wide variety of themes. This volume also

    contains the three additional madrigals that Striggio was able to add in one of the later

    editions ofPrimo libro a cinquethat was published in 1560. These madrigals are titled Voi,

    se col raggio di virtute ardent, Madonna, se non sete and Lavinia, se non sete. The later

    two madrigals have the same exact text, while only the first word of each change. David

    Butchart was able to find this music through microfilms of the eight editions ofPrimo libro

    a cinque voci with the help of libraries in Bologna, London, Munich, Naples, and Rome.

    Butchart also received printed editions from Ulrike Patow in Hamburg.1

    In the beginning of this volume, there is a copy of the alto part from the first page of

    Il primo libro de madrigal a cinque voci. It is interesting to compare this to the modern

    notated version afterwards, because it looks exactly like I would expect it to. As we were

    taught this formula of converting the renaissance notation to our modern notation, it is

    easy to decide whether or not the editor has changed anything. In this case, the editor has

    done very little and keeps the piece very much the same to the original. If I were to have

    done the editing, I would have done it the same way because you want to honor the

    intention of the composer. This editor has done a great job of keeping everything the same

    as the original, but simply changing the notation so that our modern eyes can understand

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    what is written. Many times an editor tries to put their own stamp on the music that they

    are editing, thus confusing the performer from the real interpretation that the composer

    would have liked to hear. The original transcription was made from the Gardano edition of

    1564. The order of the madrigals has been adopted from a single Alto partbook in the

    Biblioteca Nazionale in Naples. In the most recent edition, you can see the original

    partbook designation, the original clef, key, and time signature, and the first note of the

    piece for each voice part. The edition maintains the original note values. The last note of

    each piece is notated as equivalent in duration to a whole measure, with a fermata placed

    above it. Unlike the original score, this edition has barlines throughout. Barlines have been

    added in measures of four half-notes in cut time. In the works with common time (time)

    signatures, barlines have been added in measures with two half-notes. One of my favorite

    things about this edition is that all accidentals in the original have been reproduced. Our

    modern natural sign has replaced the sharp sign used in the print to show the cancellation

    of a flat sign. As for the poetry in this edition, all punctuation and accents are editorial.

    Every line begins with a capital letter except when repeated.2

    This edition is relatively easy to use. Trained musicians should be able to read this

    music fairly easily, but I would not expect a church congregation to understand how two

    whole notes fit into cut time. One way that the editor could have improved his edition was

    to change the time signature and fit the number of beats per measure into a more user-

    friendly format, so that when it is being sung the text is able to flow in a more steady sense

    of time. It is not so much that the edition looks confusing, but the note values do not click

    automatically with what I would look for in a cut time piece. This edition definitely could

    have been improved by taking the performers into consideration, although if this edition

  • 8/23/2019 MusicHistory-AlessandroStriggio


    were being made primarily for early music performers, they would love it the way it is

    written now.3

    Alessandro Striggio was one of the leading virtuoso performers and composers of

    his time. He was this highest paid of the ten musicians who served the Medici family in

    Florence, and he visited courts in Vienna, Munich, Paris and London to show off his mastery

    of composition and renaissance instruments. Unfortunately, the information available in

    Oxford Music Online is very much the same as the information provided by the editor.

    Striggio was connected to the Gonzaga court, where he probably first began developing his

    musical talent. Striggio was very well known as a virtuoso on the viol, the lira da braccio,

    and the lirone. Because of Striggios publishing success in the 1560s, he took over as the

    Medicis maestro di cappella, which meant he was mostly in charge of the Medici musical

    life. Striggio married Virginia Vagnoli of Siena and had three children. The third child,

    Alessandro the younger eventually became Monteverdis librettist. One of the most

    interesting things about Striggio is that in July 1584 he visited Alfonso Il deste in Ferrara.4

    Although he was invited, Striggio was actually being commissioned by the Grand Duke

    Francesco de Medici to set some madrigals in the Farrarese style. Although Alfonso was

    unaware of this, Striggio was really trying to steal this form of art for his own.

    I was able to find one recording ofO de la bella Etruria invitto Duce performed by

    the I Fagiolini ensemble with Robert Hollingsworth conducting. For the most part, the

    ensemble does follow the edition, but there are still a few discrepancies here and there that

    seem to be more of an artistic and ensemble choice. The must surprising thing about this

    recording is that the ensemble uses a trumpet and trombone, which I think is a relatively

    different interpretation of what Striggio would have wanted. Carlo Gesualdos Io parto e

  • 8/23/2019 MusicHistory-AlessandroStriggio


    non pi dissi is the madrigal that comes to mind from the Norton Anthology. It is mostly the

    length of notes that make me think that these two pieces are similar. The texture of the five

    voices is another thing that reminds me of Striggio. If I were to perform this music, I would

    really like to also program Beethovens Missa solemnis, Strauss Vier letzte Lieder, and

    Haydns Symphony No. 104 London. I think that this program would have an interesting

    connection to Striggios music, and it would give the audience a chance to hear the music of

    Vienna, Munich, and London, many years after Striggio would have visited these cities


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    Works Cited

    1. David Butchart, R143: Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci, in Recent Researches in

    the Music of the Renaissance (Middleton: A-R Editions, Inc., 2006), p. 7, 17.

    2. David Butchart, R143: Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci, in Recent Researches inthe Music of the Renaissance (Middleton: A-R Editions, Inc., 2006), p. 178.

    3. David Butchart, R143: Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci, in Recent Researches in

    the Music of the Renaissance (Middleton: A-R Editions, Inc., 2006), p. 2-3.

    4. Iain Fenlon. Striggio, Alessandro (i). Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford

    University Press, accessed December 3, 2012,



    Hanning, Barbara R. "Striggio, Alessandro (ii)." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online.

    Oxford University Press, accessed December 4, 2012,


    "Striggio, Alessandro." The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2nd ed. rev. Ed. Michael Kennedy.

    Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.


    Carter, Tim. "Striggio, Alessandro." The Oxford Companion to Music. Ed. Alison Latham.

    Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.


    Wikipedia contributors. "Alessandro Striggio." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia,

    The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Nov. 2012. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.