Community Services Report 2007 MusiCares Foundation ®

MusiCares Foundation

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Established in 1989 by

The Recording Academy®,

MusiCares® provides a safety

net of critical assistance for

music people in times of

need. MusiCares’ services

and resources cover a wide

range of financial, medical

and personal emergencies,

and each case is treated with

integrity and confidentiality.

Our MissionMusiCares also focuses the

resources and attention of

the music industry on human

service issues that directly

impact the health and welfare

of the music community.



“Twenty-eight days ago I was in the darkest place anyone could ever imagine. You gave me a chance to find the thing I so desperately needed to find and that was hope!” – MusiCares client

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“My wife and I are so deeply grateful for the grant you gave us to help with the medical expenses incurred since my diagnosis with leukemia. One of the many gifts that has come out of my illness has been that I found MusiCares. You are providing an incredible service and support when artists need it the most. Everyone I spoke with at MusiCares was very loving and understanding. I want to pay it forward; please accept my donation to help another struggling artist.” – MusiCares client

Emergency Financial AssistanceThe MusiCares Emergency

Financial Assistance Program

provides funds for basic living and

medical expenses to music people in

crisis. In addition to direct financial

aid, MusiCares routinely negotiates

clients’ medical bills and often

reduces them by as much as 50

percent, thereby lessening financial

and emotional burdens on clients.

This fiscal year, MusiCares has

provided hope and relief for

approximately 1,000 music people

through our financial assistance

and addiction recovery services.

This includes nearly 700 financial

assistance clients and 241 addiction

recovery clients.

The statistics comparing dollars

disbursed for the same period

tell a similar story. During fiscal

year 2007, MusiCares’ totals

again reflected an increase in

assistance distributed for emergency

financial assistance and addiction

recovery services. Totals included $1,527,194 for financial

assistance, $881,061 for addiction

recovery, in addition to $369,398

for hurricane relief, resulting in a

distribution total of $2,777,653.

The program is open to individuals

who are able to document at least five

years of employment in the music

industry and/or credited contribu-

tion to six commercially released

recordings or videos, and those who

can demonstrate proof of need. In

addition to financial assistance,

MusiCares provides hundreds of

referrals to other cooperative organi-

zations and agencies. MusiCares’

Health and Human Services staff

collaborates regularly with entertain-

ment assistance organizations

throughout the country in order to

more thoroughly meet the emergency

financial needs of our clients.

Partnering and referral organizations

include the Actors’ Fund of America,

the Jazz Foundation of America, the

Musicians’ Foundation, the Rhythm

& Blues Foundation, the Society of

Singers, Sweet Relief, and many others.



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MusiCares covered living expenses for several months for the client above. This assistance allowed him to focus on recovering rather than how he would pay his rent and electricity bills. As an independent contractor, his income stopped abruptly after his accident, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to pay any of his bills. His employer moved on and hired another engineer to finish the current projects. This client had no idea what he was going to do until a friend told him about MusiCares’ services. After several months of rehabilitation and physical therapy, he is now working again and doing what he loves to do. He is also a wonderful advocate and referral source for MusiCares.

Tracy is an upright bass player living in the South, who was in a serious car accident. Lucky for her, she was wearing her seatbelt and was not seriously injured. Not so lucky was her beloved $4,000 upright bass which was destroyed in the crash, leaving her without an instrument or a way to make a living; and, her car insurance did not cover damage to the contents of the car. She applied to MusiCares for assistance and received partial support, along with a referral to a partner organization for a grant that combined to replace her lost instrument.

We are on target for another

landmark year at MusiCares in

fiscal 2008. If the current trend

continues, we will again serve a

record number of clients and

distribute a record number of

grant funds through our programs.

MusiCares continuously evaluates

clients’ needs for relevant health and

wellness information and services.

In the past five years, this has led to

the development of workshops on

topics such as hepatitis C and vocal

health, as well as the cultivation

of relationships with medical and

dental clinics willing to provide

services for free or on a sliding-

scale basis. At industry health fairs

– typically hosted in partnership

with large music conferences across

the country – MusiCares provides

information to promote well-being

and brings together health care

providers to offer onsite services

such as flu shots, hearing tests and

medical screenings.



“I don’t know what I would have done without the help from MusiCares. It has literally saved my life. My employer of five years dropped my name from his rolodex after my accident. However, friends I have made over the years as a recording engineer came forward in ways I never expected, especially, everyone at MusiCares. I am honored to be a member of the music community, and I can think of no other profession that would have acted with the kind of compassion and generosity that you did. Once again, I say thank you!”

– MusiCares client

Emergency Financial Assistance

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MusiCares realizes that it is

rare for anyone to not be touched

in some way by addiction. Some

may not struggle themselves, but

they may have a family member

who suffers from the disease, a

close friend, a colleague, an artist

they manage, or perhaps even an

employee. Acknowledging this fact,

MusiCares has taken a much more

proactive approach to marketing

and providing services to music

industry individuals interested in

addiction recovery services.

The MusiCares MAP FundSM has

become a leading force in the effort

to address the problems of addiction

in the music industry. This pool

of resources provides members

of the music community access to

addiction recovery treatment and

sober living resources. Numerous

MusiCares MAP FundSM

“This client had grown up around the music industry. Her father was a songwriter and her mother was an instrumentalist. She loved music and singing from a very young age. One day she had surgery that caused a tremendous amount of pain. She was prescribed pain medications and soon found that she was taking more than the prescribed dose. Her use increased to the point where she was trying to get pills from friends and family and going from doctor to doctor for more prescriptions. Her family had confronted her several times without success. They then reached out to MusiCares and we were able to connect them with an interventionist and a treatment facility. The client has been clean and sober for more than a year now and states that without our help, she would not be alive today.”

Addiction recovery specialist—

high-quality addiction treatment

facilities across the country, skilled

in dealing with addicted music

professionals, help MusiCares assist

clients nationwide.

For members of the music industry,

MusiCares provides addiction

recovery resources that include

detoxification, rehabilitation, sober

living, psychiatric evaluation and

other services necessary to support

recovery efforts. We continuously

evaluate and develop relationships

with local treatment providers in

order to ensure that our clients are

benefiting from the best available

treatment. With an increased focus

on addiction in society, MusiCares

is experiencing an increased demand

for its recovery resources and is

continuing to provide access to its

programs for music people regardless

of their financial situation.



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Web Site ExpansionThe disease of addiction is one

of secrets, shame and hiding. In

order to connect with those seeking

confidential help or information

about addiction issues, MusiCares

has substantially expanded our Web

information about addiction and

recovery. A feature entitled “In

Their Own Words” provides video

clips of prominent members of the

music industry speaking honestly

about addiction and recovery.

The new Web site information

also features a “Warning Signs Of

Addiction” section, which provides

a checklist of common addictive

behaviors and symptoms. Two

other sections, “Addiction Recovery

Programs” and “Addiction Recovery

Resources,” discuss other aspects of

MusiCares’ outreach and list useful

recovery resources. The launch

of these new efforts occurred in

September 2007 in conjunction

with National Addiction Recovery


Addiction Recovery ResourcesSafe Harbor RoomsMusiCares also provides addiction

recovery support through its

MusiCares Safe Harbor Room®.

MusiCares established its first Safe

Harbor Room backstage at the 39th

Annual GRAMMY® Awards telecast

to provide a support system to artists

and crew members facing addiction

issues. Staffed by qualified chemical

dependency and intervention

specialists, MusiCares Safe Harbor

Rooms offer a support network

to those in recovery while they are

participating in the production of

televised music shows and other major

music industry events.



Dave Kushner (above right), Ozzy Osbourne (above left) and Slash (left) participated in a series of informational videos created by the MusiCares MAP Fund™ to recognize September as National Addiction Recovery Month and to address issues around addiction and recovery.

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Aftercare Group Jam SessionsA new component to our group

services is an upcoming initiative

in partnership with Gibson in

Austin, Texas. Gibson Foundation

has generously hosted our groups

at its facility since the group began

approximately two years ago. One

group session per month is dedicated

to an informal jam session for group

members and their friends. One

of the many fears that music people

express after they get sober is the

concern about how they will perform

or work as a musician while they are

clean, as opposed to performing and

being creative while in an altered state.

This new opportunity will provide a

safe place for musicians to “test the

waters” and build the confidence

they need to perform in front of

an audience again. MusiCares has

made a commitment to explore this

new concept for three months to

determine its overall effectiveness and

gauge the response from participating

group members.


Addiction Recovery ResourcesAftercare GroupsOne of MusiCares MAP Fund’s

vital components has been the

ongoing availability of our support

groups and aftercare services.

Research has shown that group

support is an essential element to

successful recovery and MusiCares

acknowledges that need. MusiCares

offers one group per week in New

York, Nashville and Austin, Texas.

Three groups per week are offered

at our Hollywood, Calif., office.

Groups are facilitated by qualified

addiction recovery specialists who

provide a safe environment in which

clients can address recovery issues.

The groups are 60-90 minutes in

length, free of charge and current

MAP Fund clients, alumni, and

other music industry professionals

can take advantage of this important

supportive service.

One group session per month is dedicated to an informal jam session for group members and their friends.

Research has shown that group support is an essential element to successful recovery and MusiCares acknowledges that need.

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Substance Abuse PanelsIn the past year MusiCares presented

a series of panels on addiction and

the music industry. The panels were

held at music industry conferences

throughout the country, including

South by Southwest, the Southeast

Conference on Alcohol & Drug

Addiction (SECAD), and

Foundations, Inc.

The South by Southwest conference

panel was titled “Doing Service...

Giving Back.” The focus was on

addiction and recovery with a

particular emphasis on service work

and the 12-step notion of giving back

to those who are still suffering from

the disease.

MusiCares moderated a panel at the

SECAD conference that was intended

for clinicians working in the field

of chemical dependency. The panel

addressed the occupational hazards

music people face, particularly with

addiction-related issues.

A similar panel was held this year

at the annual Foundations, Inc.,

conference. The presentation

was titled “Treating The Addicted

Musician,” and it focused on

providing insight to addiction

recovery professionals who treat

members of the music industry.

In October 2006, MusiCares

presented its third legal panel on

substance abuse at the Annual

Conference of the American Bar

Association’s Entertainment and

Sports Industry Forum. “Substance

Abuse Prevention… What To Do

When A Colleague Or Family

Member Is In Trouble?” featured a

noted attorney discussing the loss of

his son last year to substance abuse.

The panel discussed what families

can do to prevent and/or help a

family member who has problems

with drugs and alcohol.


Addiction Recovery Resources


In the past year MusiCares presented a series of panels on addiction and the music industry.

Above: A distinguished group of panelists participates in “Ethical Dilemmas Representing High Profile Celebrity Clients,” a panel presented by MusiCares in collaboration with the American Bar Association’s Forum On The Entertainment And Sports Industries.

Top Row (left to right): Panelists Harold Owens, Anthony Brooklier and Michael J. Plonsker

Bottom Row (left to right): Gary A. Watson, Dr. Sheila Balkan and Stephen D. Barnes

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“It is so nice to know that there is an organization like this out there for artists when we need it. Because of MusiCares I have a roof over my head this month, which has given me the opportunity to get a job and focus on getting back on track. Thank you so much; your help has been most appreciated.” – MusiCares client

MusiCares also offers a range of

nationwide educational workshops

that cover a variety of subjects

including financial, legal and

addiction recovery issues.

Medical and Dental Clinics

MusiCares’ broad goal is to address the

health and human service needs of the

music community. One of the main

issues that music people bring to our

attention on a regular basis is the need

for more affordable and accessible

health care. In an effort to address this

specific need, MusiCares is working

with several entities to expand the

health care availability for our clients

and the music industry as a whole.

The first official effort is a partnership

with the Venice Family Clinic in Los

Angeles. MusiCares and the Actors

Fund of America, in partnership with

the Venice Family Clinic, are offering

a performing arts health clinic one

or two days a month. This clinic is

open to any performing artist whose

income falls within 200 percent of

the federal poverty guidelines and

who does not currently have health

insurance. Comprehensive primary

MusiCares Congressional BriefingMusiCares became actively involved

in The Recording Academy’s political

advocacy activities in conjunction with

Recording Arts Day on Capitol Hill

this past year. In early September,

MusiCares representatives met with

select members of Congress to discuss

political and legislative issues affecting

music people. Issues discussed included

access to affordable health insurance,

and discrepancies in insurance coverage

for addiction and mental health

disorders versus other diseases.

health care, mental health services,

health education, child development,

prescriptions and lab services are

offered free of charge. The clinic and

MusiCares also help assist eligible

applicants with public insurance

enrollment. In the New York and

Nashville communities, MusiCares is

exploring methods of offering similar

low cost services to music people.

MusiCares has also identified an

ongoing need for low cost dental

services and is piloting mobile dental

clinics in Los Angeles and New York, as

well as working toward partnerships in

several other cities. Above: Rep. Jim Ramstad (R–Minn.), left, and Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D–R.I.) discuss the insurance parity legislation they are presenting before Congress at the MusiCares Congressional Briefing. The bill seeks to secure equality of insurance coverage for mental healthtreatment, which includes treatment for addiction and recovery.


Community Outreach

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Health FairsUsually structured around an

existing conference or other large

music industry events, MusiCares’

Health Fairs provide basic

screenings such as blood pressure

testing, stroke risk assessments,

dietary consultations, cardiac risk

review, bone density screenings,

diabetes and cholesterol testing,

HIV and hepatitis C testing, hearing

tests, and other basic services.

Through these services we are able

to give attendees important baseline

information about their health risks

and direct their attention to self-care,

which is often overlooked by our


Hepatitis C TestingHepatitis C is the most serious form

of hepatitis and given that the disease

is often symptom free for years,

many infected with the virus don’t

know they have it. MusiCares has

found that an increasing number

of clients are seeking our services

Community Outreach

“I wanted to take an opportunity to go ‘on the record’ to thank and commend MusiCares, whose intervention, concern and professionalism helped one of my clients who was facing eviction [within seven days], and now who has the comfort of knowing he will have a roof over his head. In this case, the situation was dire because [unbeknownst to your staff member] my client was considering suicide due to his financial distress. The staff at MusiCares should know that they are doing an incredible job assisting those in need at some of the most crucial times in their lives. Again, thank you.” — MusiCares partner

for issues surrounding hepatitis C.

In an effort to inform and educate

people about the disease, it needs

to be detected so we can help stop

the infection from spreading and

begin appropriate treatment. For

the first time this year, MusiCares

partnered with the Caring

Ambassadors Hepatitis C Program

to provide testing to musicians at

the Waterfront Blues Festival. Over

the course of the four-day event,

approximately 200 musicians

were tested with 7 percent testing


Those who tested positive were

given referral information for

medical care, treatment options

and counseling services. They

also were encouraged to reach

out to MusiCares for assistance

and information. The testing is

conducted through a bar code

system so clients could be reassured

that their insurance companies

would not be informed and their

confidentiality would be protected.

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“Making a Living While Making Music”As the music industry has

changed, many musicians are

finding it difficult to find work.

Opportunities for live performances

have decreased, and musicians

often find themselves at a loss for

how to use their experience, talent

and creativity in a way that affords

them an income. The presentation

“Making A Living While Making

Music,” presented in conjunction

with the Actors’ Work Program

of the Actors’ Fund of America,

provides a panel of established

music professionals who have

managed to successfully transfer

their experience as performing

musicians, songwriters, vocalists,

producers and other related

professions into money-making

opportunities. In addition to being

informative and entertaining,

this panel encourages attendees to

envision their skills, experiences

and careers in more creative and

lucrative ways.

“Taking Care of Business: Mind, Body and Soul”For the second consecutive year,

MusiCares has participated in a

health and wellness panel at the

International Association for

Jazz Education (IAJE). The 2007

panel identified holistic tips and

techniques that music professionals

can incorporate in order to ensure

good health and maintain peak

performance and career longevity.

Workshops and Seminars

The presentation…provides a panel of established music professionals who have managed to successfully transfer their experience as performing musicians, songwriters, vocalists, producers and other related professions into money-making opportunities.

Financial Wellness SeminarsFor a professional in the music

business, managing money often

presents many challenges. The

subject of earning money, saving

money, and investing money is

often avoided and can be seen as a

distraction from the creativity needed

to make music. In most cases, the

issue at hand is a lack of knowledge.

For that reason, MusiCares continues

to provide Financial Wellness

Seminars in order to help music

industry professionals maximize their

earnings, minimize their tax debt,

and make wise choices with money-

related matters. These country-

wide seminars are among the most

popular and most well-attended,

especially as they are scheduled prior

to April 15. Topics covered include

budgeting, saving and investing;

cleaning up credit problems, tax

and estate planning; and saving for

temporary setbacks.


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Above: John Mayer performs Eagles’ hit “Dirty Laundry” at the 2007 Person of the Year tribute concert honoring Don Henley.

Right: Internationally acclaimed concert pianist and GRAMMY winner Dr. Angelin Chang took time out to visit the McIntire-Munson Elementary school in Zanesville, Ohio, on May 23. Chang answered questions and played for students to thank them for the money they raised through a bake sale for MusiCares’ Hurricane Relief efforts.

Developing SupportThe stories of MusiCares’ clients

are a testament to the power of

compassion. That power is fueled

by the sponsors and donors who

make MusiCares’ work possible and

whose support provides leadership

and generosity. The Foundation

has initiated groundbreaking

beneficiary and cause marketing

activities. Together with individual

donor campaigns and signature

fundraising events such as the

MusiCares MAP Fund Benefit

Concert and Person of the Year

tribute, MusiCares will continue to

meet the needs of its constituents.

Individual supporters will play an

ever increasing role in our future

development plans and our story is

incomplete without you. Please visit

musicares.com to learn more about how

you can help.


Musicians are always the first to volunteer their talent to raise money and awareness for important causes. MusiCares® benefits from the remarkable support of our own community that is so quick to be moved to generosity. In 2007, MusiCares partnered with the music community to raise more than $4.6 million at fundraising events to support its programs.


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Each year during GRAMMY Week

the MusiCares Foundation® hosts

its largest annual fundraiser with the

Person of the Year tribute dinner

and silent auction. The 2007 Don

Henley tribute celebrated the 17th

anniversary of the MusiCares Person

of the Year event. In 2008, Aretha

Franklin was honored.

For the second consecutive year,

the Person of the Year gala was held

at the Los Angeles Convention

Center to accommodate the

growing attendance and popularity

of the event.

Generating more than $4.7

million, the Person of the Year

tribute to Don Henley was the

largest revenue generating event

in the history of MusiCares.

Person of the YearIn the 17 years that Person of the

Year has been held in support of

MusiCares, the event has raised more

than $40 million to support programs

for MusiCares clients.

The 16th Annual Person of the Year

event honoring James Taylor was the

first ever Emmy-nominated tribute.

Past honorees include: Tony Bennett,

Bono, Natalie Cole, Phil Collins,

David Crosby, Gloria Estefan, Billy

Joel, Elton John, Quincy Jones,

Luciano Pavarotti, Bonnie Raitt, Paul

Simon, Sting, James Taylor, Brian

Wilson and Stevie Wonder.


Above: Don Henley performs at his 2007 MusiCares Person of the Year tribute. 13

…the Person of the Year tribute to Don Henley was the largest revenue generating event in the history of MusiCares.

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The MusiCares MAP Fund hosted

its third annual benefit concert

in May 2007 at the Music Box @

Fonda in Hollywood, Calif. This

event provides significant funding

support for MusiCares’ addiction

recovery programs.

The concert honored two-time

GRAMMY winner Chris Cornell

and independent music promoter

Above: Above: Stevie Ray Vaughan Award recipient Chris Cornell performing one of his many hits at the third annual MusiCares MAP Fund benefit concert.

Left: In a once in a lifetime appearance, the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John Frusciante performs with Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode.

Jeff McClusky and sold out for the

first time. It brought together well-

known artists such as Dave Gahan

of Depeche Mode performing with

the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John

Frusciante; and Kenny Wayne

Shepherd performing with Noah

Hunt, and Double Trouble’s Chris

Layton and Tommy Shannon.

Continuing with the format of the

evening, the event offered a “living

room” atmosphere on the floor of the

venue and the concert raised more

than $250,000 for the MusiCares

MAP Fund.



MusiCares MAP Fund™ Benefit Concert

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In fiscal year 2007, MusiCares

continued its GRAMMY

Charity Online Auctions with an

ongoing series of eight auctions

of varying sizes and themes. The

development of a solid storefront

located at ebay.com/grammy has

expanded our presence in the

online bidding community and

generated increased revenues for

the Foundation. We are grateful to

all of our auction donors for their

support. View our current auction

activities at ebay.com/grammy.

The GRAMMY Charity Online

Auctions program enjoyed a banner

year in 2007. This fundraising tool

raised record high revenues of more

than $500,000. Both the GRAMMY

Charity Online Auctions and the

live and silent auctions featured at

MusiCares fundraising events are

significant sources of support. An

enhanced eBay presence and the

credibility of GRAMMY Charity

Online Auctions helped earn a

special donation of a Mercedes-Benz

s600 sedan from the Rolling Stones

for use in a MusiCares/Rolling Stones

co-branded auction which raised an

additional $120,350.

Over the past seven years, earnings

from GRAMMY Charity Online

Auctions have increased a total of 978

percent, with an average increase of

140 percent per year.



Above: Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson signs a guitar in the “Red Room” backstage at the 49th Annual GRAMMY Awards. Left: Hip-hop star and multi-GRAMMY nominee Chris Brown’s signed shoes worn in the filming of his music video “Run It!”

GRAMMY Charity Online Auctions

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The success of MusiCares is

dependent on the generosity of

both corporate and individual

donors. Our work is not possible

without these gifts and we are

deeply appreciative of all those

who include MusiCares in their

philanthropy. In addition to the

extraordinary list of financial

supporters below, MusiCares also

receives generous in-kind support

from numerous benefactors.

Funders and Partners$50,000 and AboveAEG


Barrett Burke Wilson Castle Daffin Frappier, LLP

Best Buy


Capitol Records Group

Gibson Foundation

Greater Houston Community Foundation

L.A. Sports & Entertainment Commission

National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc.

Celebrity Vault

Rounder Records

Sony BMG Music Entertainment

Time, Inc.

Gary and Nancy Veloric


W.A.C. International, Inc.

Warner Music Group Services

$10,000 to $49,999 The Abe and Frances Lastfogel Foundation

Action Investors

Agua Fund, Inc.

Scott A. Anderson

Aramark Sports & Entertainment Services


Laurie J. Ashmore

BCD Travel West Division

Danny Bennett

Beverage Concepts

BMG Columbia House

BMG Music Publishing

J.P. Bommel

Bounce Event Marketing

Brownstein Hyatt Farber

Coran Capshaw

Caron Foundation

CBS Televison Network

Columbia Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Sandra A. Crawshaw-Sparks

Creative Artists Agency

Dain Rauscher, Inc.

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.

William Dorfman

Driven Communications

William Edwards

EMI Music Publishing

Evil Shenanigans, Inc.

Todd M. Ficeto

The Firm, Inc.

Frontline Management Companies, Inc.

Patrick Gawrysiak

Gaylord Entertainment Co.

Gelfand, Rennert & Feldman, LLP

Grammy Foundation

Michael S. Gudinski

Gary Haber

The Harry Fox Agency, Inc.


Timothy Headington

Helping Hands Foundation

Hunter World Markets, Inc.

The IAC Foundation


Impact Creative Services, Inc.

International Merchandising Corporation

JDCO, Inc./Java Detour

The Jonathan M. Tisch Foundation

Michael King

Lester B. Knight

Jerry Kohl

Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.

Lawrence Levy


(continued on next page)

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Funders and Partners$10,000 to $49,999 (continued)Loeb & Loeb, LLP

Lynn and Les Bider Family Foundation

Madison Square Garden, L.P.

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Marsh Risk & Insurance Services

Roger B. McNamee

Microsoft Corporation

Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.

Moss Foundation

MTV Networks

Nederlander of California, Inc.

Nixon, Inc.

David Porges

ProElite, Inc.

Recording Industry Association of America

Denise Rich

David Saltz


Diane T. Shinmoto

Bill Silva

Sony Corporation of America

Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.


Steerpike, Inc.

Howard M. Steinberg

StubHub, Inc.


Christopher Tayback

John Tesh

Universal Music Group, Inc.

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc.

Wasserman Foundation

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Western Financial Bank

Westwood One

John C. White

Nancy E. Williams

D.S. Wright

Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.

Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca, Fischer, Gilbert-Lurie, Stiffelman & Cook, LLP

$5,000 to $9,999Audio Video Labs

Audio-Technica US, Inc.

Leslie E. Bider

Celine Dion Foundation

Centerstaging/John Caswell

Cumberland Heights Treatment Center

The David Geffen Foundation

Fred Davis

Kristine Durr

Andy Fischer

Elli Fordyce

John T. Frankenheimer

Gang, Tyre, Ramer and Brown Charitable Foundation

Fred Goldring

Greater Philadelphia Radio

Eric Greenspan

Allen J. Grubman

Victor Guajardo Jr.

Huerta Law Firm, LLP

Paul Katz

Lester Knispel

Robert Lanier

Ken Lombard

Kenneth MacPherson

Corrina Miller

Mission Fish

David and Lorraine Paich

Wayne Patchin

Rupert Perry

Bonnie Raitt

Joe Shapira Family Trust

Todd S. Shapiro

Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, Inc.

Sober Musicians Fundraiser

Taishoff Family Foundation

Christina Tancredi

Wenner Media, LLC

Wicker Family Foundation/ John Platt

William A. Bong Limited

$1,000 to $4,999324 Foundation


The Actors’ Fund of America


Artists, Content, Entertainment, LLC

Edwina Barbis

Renee Bell

Bendheim Enterprises, Inc.

Jonathan Blaufarb

The Bluebird Café/Amy Kurland

Waits Brennan

Brentwood School

Bridges Academy

Troyal G. Brooks

Jackson Browne

Chris K. Brudzinski

Mike Carden

Carnival Music Co.

Carroll, Guido & Groffman, LLP

Cherry Lane Music Publishing, Inc.

Chicago Music Inc.

Chris Christian

Cirque Lodge, Inc.

City National Bank

Bryan and Dawn Coleman

Phil Collins


Page 18: MusiCares Foundation


$1,000 to $4,999 (continued) Cornerstone Recording Arts Society, Inc.

Pierre and Mary Cossette

Brian P. and Jennifer Coulter

Crossroads Incorporated

Sheryl S. Crow

D. Foster Chartmaker

D’Addario & Co

Susan J. Daley

Steven D. Devick

Girard Digney

Douglas and Barbara Frank Living Trust

Timothy W. Downey


Rod Essig

Erica Farber

David L. and Emi Fehrman

Fitness for Women Management, LLC

Arthur Fogel

Justin Fontaine

Ron D. Ford

Fletcher Foster

Bruce Freud

Fund Management Services, LLC

Garth Fundis

Adolfo Galli

Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown, Inc.

Gary Gersh

Gary Goldberg

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Gerald Goldstein

Howard Grossman

Alice Gucwa

M.S. Gummer

Pamela J. Haan

Elaine Harar

Bill Hearn

Douglas J. Howard

James M. Hudak

Robert F. Hunka

Julie A. Ingram

Inshallah Trust

Interior Music Corporation

Ira Jaffe

William M. Joel

John Cossette Productions, Inc.

Cynthia M. Johnson

Kevin Kane

Chris Jay Keaton

Wayne and Fran Kirkpatrick

Kiley C. Kmiec

Barry Knittel

Gary A. Krantz


Ellyn Kusmin

LaPolt Law, P.C.

Law Offices of David A. Helfant

Ivor F. Lewis

Steven Lillywhite

John Lippman

Lithographix. Inc.

Live Nation

Logistical Support, LLC

Bruce Lundvall

Kristen Madsen

Joseph Maher

Jeff McClusky

John Powell Melinda Lerner

Micki Blackburn Realty

Michael P. Moran

Edward Mumford

Music Asset Management/ Mary Jo Mennella

Music Express, Inc.

Jack Mycka

Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation

Neighbors 4 Neighbors, Inc.

Newsted Revocable Trust

Norman & Mary Pattiz Foundation

North Mississippi Hill Country Picnic, Inc.

Roberta L. Nowling

Lynn Orman

Lori Packard

Scott Pascucci

Pedal Brake, Inc.

Mindi Pelletier

Donna Louise Pendarvis

Jill Perry

James L. Phelan

Michael Poppo

Neil Portnow

Albert Z. and Heidi R. Praw

Proskauer Rose, LLP

Q Prime Inc.

Ramirez Canyon Association

Randall S. Newman Trust

Robert W. Reams

Simon Renshaw

RNS Productions, LLC

Dennis A. Roach

Richard Rogg

Round About Midnight, Inc.

John Rudolph


Robert Schacter

Abby Schroeder

Jordan Schur

Criseeda J. Seals

Mark Shimmel

Martin Shore


Funders and Partners

Page 19: MusiCares Foundation


Funders and Partners$1,000 to $4,999 (continued)Lori Silfen

Kathy Spanberger

Arthur and Jillian Spivak

Taryn L. Stine

Structured Asset Sales, LLC

Nakomi Tanaka

Steven Taslitz

Texans for Bob Deuell

There Might be Cake, Inc./ Greg Behrendt

Gentle Thunder

Tiffany & Co.

Townsway Entertainment/ Barry Manilow

Rhonda R. Trammell

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Vector One, Inc.

Jimmy Walker

Westside Sober Living/ Richard Rogg

William Morris Agency, LLC

Willingway Hospital/ James W. Mooney

Richard Wolfe

Jeffrey Young

Up to $99960 Psycho Hum Productions, LLC

A Schroeder International, LLC

Tala Abbasi

Abkco Music & Records, Inc.

Alan Abrahams

Samuel Adams

Patrick Addison

Andrew and Deborah Adler

Kelly Agopian

Ruben Agosto

Jo Ann Ahaffey

Jeff Albert

Eddie Lee Albright

Linda Albright

Erin Alden

Theodore and Susan Alevizos

Mari A. Alex

Ryan Alice

Sam Allison

Carlos Alvarez

Sandra Amari

J. Andelin

Monte and Angelina Lipman

Lorri Angelloz

Sebastian A. Anzaldo Jr.

Harold Aranda

Valerie Arena

Eric Arenz

Richard and Ikuko Armandi

Jim Armstrong

Kenneth L. Ascher

Fahir Atakoglu

Aurora Las Encinas, LLC

Avedis Zildjian Co.

Stacy Avena

Anthony Avery

Debra Azemar

Roggie Lynn Baer Elm

Ron and Deborah Bailey

Cary S. Baker

Marilyn H. Baker

Jerome Baldassari

Dawn Balk

David Ball

Baltimore Blues Society

Sacha Bambadji

Thomas and Cheryl Banner

Edwina P. Barbis

Anthony Barlo

Bev Barnett

Steve Barri

Bars We Like, Inc./Sunset Tavern

Andrew Bart

Lionel Barton

Clara and Neil Bass

Don Bassey

Baton Rouge Blues Foundation

Mark Batson

Stacey Bauer

Michelle Bayer

Lillian Beegle

Maya Beiser

Pedro Benard

Cesar Benito

Dae Bennett

Leslie Berman

Maria Bernard

L. and M.D. Bernstein

Vic Bersok

John Berthelot

Biman Bharadwaj

Anand Bhatt

Katarina Bibova

Jason Birke

Audrey Birnbaum

Kelly A. Blackwood

Vincent Blackwood and Veronica Freeman

Alan Blanchard

Kent and Sharon Blazy

The Blind Boys of Alabama

The Blues Foundation

BMK Music & Publishing Inc.

Renee Bodie

Lisa Bodnar


Page 20: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Shirley Bolton

Kevin Bond

Deni Bonet

Rose Boniello

Damon Booth

Tracey R. Borenzweig

Elizabeth Boston

Perry Botkin

Denise L. Boudreau

Brian Boyd

Xiomara and Lauren Bradley

Louis M. Bradley

Vance Brawley

Edward Brekenfeld and Linda Akins

Beverly Bremers

Truman and Claudia Brewer

Justin Briggs

Barbara Brighton, M.A.

Jeff Brissette

Cary Brock

Matthew C. Brodtman

Bruce Brody

Karen Brown

Donna Brown

Norman C. Brown

Ben Brubaker

Dick and Bonnie Brundige

Bernard “Bunny” Brunel

Constance Brunner

Gail H. Bruno

Dane B. Bryant

Annetta Bryant

Russell Buckley

David Buckner

Craig Burbidge

Perry Burch

Kelly Burgos

Kate Burgun

Boyd and Mary Lee Burley

Burtwood School

BWI Airport Club

Amanda Cagan

Greg Calbi

Kristina Calvello

Jossel Calviero

Michael Camilo

Arthur Campbell

Stephen R. Canessa

Jerry Cantrell

Jacob Capricciuolo

James Caran

Alsion Cardoso

Mark Cargill

I.L. Cariste

Daniel Carlin

Carlin America, Inc.

Mike L. Carolus

Tom Carr

Robert Carranza

Esperanza Carrejo

Robert T. Carroll

Barbara J. Carson

Rodrique Carter

Andres Casanova

Alex Case

Stephanie M. Castello

A.Victoria Castillo

Jose R. Castro

Centennial Tile Co. Inc.

Center for Southern Folklore

Charles Cermele

Christina Chandler

John Chase

Nadine Chase

Vivian Cherry

Chris Harris Productions

A. Chua

Greg Chun

R.J. Cicero

Judi Clare

Macquarie Clark

Emmett D. Clark II

Alf Clausen

Tamara E. Clements

Robert Clyne

Gregg Cobarr

James and Kathleen Coffin

Beth Cohen

Jean L. Collins

Jamie Collom

Cliff Colnot

Brenda E. Colon

Michelle Conceison

Jay Condiotti

Condor Records

Tom and Laurel Conger

Congregation Rodeph Sholom

Chadd Connally

Hector Contreras

George W. Cook

Michelle D. Cook

Calvin Coolidge

Joan M. Cooney

Richard Cooper

Clare Cooper

Les Cooper

Christa Coppin

Dawn Coppola

Deniz Corcoran

Loretta R. Cormier

Alejandra B. Corona

Eddie Corral

Julie Correia


Funders and Partners

Page 21: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Christopher Cortez

Jennifer A Cote

J. Coulter

Timothy Counihan

William Covington

Barry Cown

Creative Restaurants, Inc.

Jeff Crerie

Melodie Crittenden

Michael Croswell

Crystal Clear Sound

Rolando Cuellar

Gary and Dana Cunningham

Mark Cunningham

Curt Cuomo

Dave Curtis

Maria L. Daggett

Steve Dancz

Lloyd Daniel

Brian Darnell

John Daugherty

Heather D’Augustine

Varian David

Roger C. Davidson

Barbara A. Davies

Jean Davis-Barger

Biff Dawes

Mark Dawson

Regina De Fatima Leme Dos Santos

Eddie and Susan De Garmo

Monica De La Torre

Sebastian De Peyrecave

Deaton Flanigen Productions

Edward A. Debes, II

Jennifer Deirmendjian

Mike Delledera

Dionne Delone

Carole Demas

Theodore and Leslie Demos

Lou Frank Dennis

William Derella

Klaus Derendorf

Antone DeSantis

John Desmarteau, MD and Alvin E. Thompson

Stefano Di Blasio

Steven Diamond

John Diaz

Jose Diaz

Raul DiBlasio

Theresa Digregorio

Ding Dong, Inc.

Parker Dinkins

Lane Dinkins

David Dionne

Kim DiVincenzo

Paul Domsalla

Scarlet Dooman

Mark Doornbosch

Stephen Dorsey

Jenny Douglass

Cathy Downey


Mrs. Joyce Downs

Jody Dreher

Dylan Dresdow

Mark Drury

Tracy Ducksworth

Ryanne Duffie

Corine Duke

Laura Dunn

Tanya Duran

Stanley Durbin

WM H. Dwyer

Steve Earle

The Ebay Foundation

David Ehrlich

Gregory Eisenman

Valari Elardo

Liberty Ellman

Mark Eman

Nicolas Emiliani

Ronald Satish Emrit

Stephen Endelman

Eric Enjem

Durawa Ernie

Monica S. Espinosa

Hector Espinoza

Sharyl and Alana Essig

Robert E. Evanoff

David Evans

Margaret Faith Evans

Nik Everett

Expression College for Digital Arts

Judith L. Eychner

Ray Fabi

Roberta K. Falkowski

Trey Fanjoy

Phylicia Fant

Sheila D. Farina

Beryl Farris

Donna Fein

Ardennia Fentress

Judith and James Ferguson

Katherine Ferguson

James L. Ferman, Jr.

Elisa Ferrarotti

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Robin Fielding

April S. Fifield

Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund


Funders and Partners

Page 22: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Robert Fink

Daryl B. Fischer

Arlene Fishbach

Raymond Fisher

Charles Fishman and Stephanie Jo Peters

Janice Fitzgerald

Carl Fleischhauer

Stephanie Flemming

Dennis Focas

James and Toni Foglesong

Michael Folkert

George Folkes

Follett Higher Education Group

Dick Forrest

Marcus Foster

Laura Foti Cohen

Rob Fraboni

Judith Franklin

Taylor Frazier

Janice Freeman

Peter Fremlin

Shirley E. Friedman

Future Man & the Black Mozart Ensemble

Gloria Gabriel

Robert I. Ansell and Gabrielle Roth

Nicholas Gadler

Donald Gallent

Melody Gamblin-Bullock

Jennifer Ganda

Patrick Gandy

Ed Gans

David Gans

Ester Garcia

Josh Garcia

Rachel Gardner

Adam Gaynor

Cynthia Anne Geary

Joel F. Gelderman

Jon Gentile

Roselyn Gerson and Irvin Harris

Bruce Gertz

Diana S. Getchell

Amelia Gewirtz

Talia Ghaffari

Greg Giancola

Gift Giving in Faith Together

James Ginsburg

Felix Girard

Gary Gladding

Helene Glassman

Peggy Glenn

GM North American Operations

Sarah Godfrey

John P. Godges

Priscilla Godoy

Jeff Gold

Scott Goldman

Henry Golis

Don R. Gomez

Maria Gonzales

Good Search

David and Annlouise Goodermuth

Karen Goodman

L. Stuart Gordon

Sevak Gorgyan

Russell Graham

Charles Graham

Gary Grainger

Micki Grant

David Greely

Adam Green

Green Hills Music/Woody Bomar

Andrew Greenwald

Brian Greenwood

Gary Greg Horn

Ralph and Caroline Grierson

Mark Griffin

Rayford Griffin

Tumara Grijalba

Elliot Gross

Gregory Gulia

Rachel Gutek

J. Javier Gutierrez

Joel Haas

Haber Corporation

Stephen Hall

Michelle Hall

Jake Halloran

Alina Hambarchian

Elizabet Hamid

Hard Rock Café - Myrtle Beach

Sef Harding

Eiko Hareyama

Licia Harper

Joshua Harrell

Jesse Harris

Stan Harrison

Mya Harrison

Harrison Music Group

Stephen Hart

Blake Hastings

Bonita Hatchett

Jerry Hayes

Hunter Hayes

Doug Hayman

Hearing Care Associates

Dave Heatherton

Sara and Mark Heller

Jim Hendershot

E. Randall Henderson Jr.


Funders and Partners

Page 23: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Rashidi Hendrix

Kathleen Ann Henkel

Kathy Henkel

Maureen Herman

Brandon Hernandez

Edie Herrold

Lee Herschberg

Ryan Hewitt

Nick Hexum

Benita Hill

Paul Hipp

Bette Hisiger

Ronald Hogan

Dennis Holden

Elizabeth Holloway

David Holman

Christopher Holmes

Linda Honnoll

Maria Hoppe

Charles Hopper

Jon Hornyak

Hoshino, Inc.

LeeAnn Houck

David Hough

Howdy Skies Music/Tim O’Brien

Holly S. Hoxeng

Stephen Hoyle

Gwen Hughes

Kathleen Hughes-Diaz

Mandy Hull

Emily Hurdelbrink

Kathleen A. Hutchinson

Icka-Delick Music & Records Corp.

Jason Ienner

Curtis Frank Ingram Jr.

Markos Iordanopoulos

Ironwood Foundation, Inc.

Robert J. Isaac

Jabez Entertainment Group

Frances C. Jackson

Jerome Jackson

Paul M. Jackson

Chris Jackson

Steven G. Jacobs

Gary Jaffe

Ronald Jagger

The Janet Williams On Music Agency

Jennifer Janney

Andrea Jarrett

John N. and Judith Cataldo Jaszcz

Daniel Jeffers

Jonathan Jellen

Patty Jencks

Aleisha Jenkins

Pete and Mandy Johnson

Maryann Johnson

Jacob Johnson

Loren Johnson

Nick Johnson

Purvis Johnson

Mark Johnstone

Howard Joines

Robert Jones

Mike Jones

Genevieve Jones

Ronda Jones

Gerald and Martina Jones

Sam Jones

Steven Lee Jones

Omar Jones

Gina Juliano

Jeremy Kahn

Jeff Kaplan

Tim Kappel

Casey Kasem

Deborah Katz Knowles

Donald Kaulia

Orrin Keepnews

Audrey Keesing

Eric Kellermann

Michael Kelly

Peter R. Kelsey

Ray Kennedy

Ronald and Haidy Kerber

Key Club/Adam and Carrie Spriggs

Robert E. Kief

Sonja Kiel

Kevin Killen

Edward Kim

Angelo Kim

Thomas Kiminski

Christina Kimpton

John King

Renee King

Bob Kirsch

Cynthia Klenk

Eric Knight

Robert Knox

Michael Kobus

Miriam Korman

Martin P. Kossoff

Ron Kramer

Marilyn and Frederick E. Kreiss

Klaudia Kroboth

Paul J. Kuhn

David Kunian

K.E. Kuykendall

Ladanyi Productions, Inc.

Todd Lamonte Chisolm

Tim Landers

Grant Larkin

Jeanette Larue


Funders and Partners

Page 24: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Brian Laush

Anne-Marie Lavelle

Amy Lavere

Law Office of Edythe L. Bronston

Forrest Lawson

CJ Lazenby

Jay Leach

Maysa Leak

Eugene and Helen Learn

Robert Lee

Morgan Leeb

Richard C. Leigh

Bruce Leitl

Sandra Lemonds

Susan Lenihan

Richard Lennox

Mark Leonard

Christian Leone

Donald Lerman

Jason M. Levy

Lakecha Lewis

Ann Lewis

Jeff Lisenby

Andrew Litton

Arietha Lockhart

J.L. Lockwald

Heath Loden

Raageshwari Loomba

Noel Lorica

B. James Lowry

Brenda Lowry

Fernanda Lozano

Jeremy Lubbock

Gregg Luckman

John Lugo

Karen Lyle

Shelby Lynne

Tracy Lyons

Budd M. Harris

Lynn Maas

Meg MacDonald

Emilia Macek

Tommy and Tally Mack

Carol Maillard

Gary Malkin

James Mallinson

Richard Malone

Joseph A. Mancino

Becky Mancuso-Winding

Chris Maners

Cat Manning

Walter M. Manning

Phillip Manuel

Joe Marchione

Dean Marcus

Yusuf M. Mardin

Jeffrey Markham

Melissa Marse

James W. Marshall

Charles Martel

Julie Martin

Barbara Ann Martin

Mghnon Martin

Stuart B. Martin and Nina V. Weissberg

Teena Marty

Marty Stuart Tours, Inc.

John J. Martyn

Curt Marvis

Vivien Mason

Brent Mason

David J. Mattacks

Wendy S. Matthews

Pricilla Mattison

MC Promotions/Michael Carlson

Chuck McAuley

Michael McCabe

Dan McCarroll

Cecilia McClendon

Bryan and Jill McConville

Jenni McCray

Joanna McGibbon

Elizabeth McKenna

Bart and Paige P. McKenzie

Rajma McKenzie

James McKinney

Adam L. McKnight

Alisa Inez McLaughlin

Carol Lynn McLean

David McMahon

Patrick A. McMakin Sr.

Naim Ali McNair


Elizabeth McQueen

Lee T. McQuillan

Thomasina Meeks-Owens

Vincent Melamed

Kevin Melchor

Jorge Melendez

Annie B. Mendiola

Gina Mendoza

Richard Leigh Mensh

Douglas Merrick

Erica Merritt

Jane Meryll

Richard Messenger

Scott Messina

A. Michelle


Microsoft Giving Campaign

Midwest Studio Consultants, Inc.

Patricia Miele

Nancy Mikhail


Funders and Partners

Page 25: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Marcus Miller

Nancy Miller

Calvin Miller

Tara Miller

Pete Mills

Chris and Julie Mills

Michael Milom

Sara J. Milonovich

Jeanne Mingin

Shelly Moeller

Peter Mokran

Donald Moniot

Brian Monroney

Kim Montalvo

Patrick Montoya

Mooe Management & Production

Martha Moore

Larry Moore

Dorothy Moore

J.B. Moore

Luis Morales

Paul Morehead

James Morgan

Eric Morgeson

Giorgio Moroder

Tom Morrone

Jay Moscowitz

Guillaume Sanje Mpacko

MRA Charities, Inc.

Cynthia L. Mrozinski

Benjamin Mumphrey

Joseph Murphy

Julia E. Murray

Joseph Nachison

R. Carlos Nakai

Nashville Assoc. of Talent Directors

John E. Nathan

NationLink Wireless

Robert A. Navarro

Patricia Neal

Natalie G. Neilson

Steve Nelson

Dawn Nepp

Network For Good

Network Productions

George and Virginia Newhart

Wendy Newton

Mark Nicholas

Dino Nierlosi

Richard Nikol

Dr. J. Elmer Nix

Brian Noone

Denice Nossett

Marilu Nunez

Callista Nurimba

Kelly O’Brian

Michael P. O’Brien

Larry Offsey

Deirdre O’Hara

Ward Olmsted

Shari Olshansky

John O’Neil, Jr.

Larry Oppenheimer

Fane W. and Corie A. Opperman

Chris O’Ryan

Tony Otero

Andrew Overton

Tom Pabich

Elizabeth A. Pagliarini

Richard D. and Lane Palmese

Palmyra Studios

Paradox Productions, LLC

Clark Pardee

Ekundayo Paris

G. and J. Parker

Dean Parks

Ambrosia Parsley

Michael Patterson

Kal Paviolo

Larry Paxton

Costie Payne

Mike Peak

Erwin O. Perez

Johnnie Perkins

Christopher Perkins

Linda Perry

Margery Peters

Mitchell Peters

Steven and Paula Peterson

David Petrou

Michael S. Pettersen

Peter Pfiefer

PFM-North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie

Judson and Jodi Phelps

Wendy Pierce

Shawn Pierce

Gregory Piere

The Pig on Beale, Inc.

William V. Pippin

Lloyd Polite

James Polley

Jonathan Pond

Louis Pontarelli

Po’okela Hawaiian & Variety Music

Paul Porzio

Jonathan Potter

Jake Potter

Judson Pratt

Tiffany Price

Gail Pritikin

Margaret Pruitt

Gary Pruitt(continuedonnextpage)

Funders and Partners

Page 26: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Punk Rock Social/Corrine Gadbury

Pattie and Tim Pupo

Puryear, Hamilton, Hausman, Wood, PLC

Alan Ramer

George Ramirez

Darci Ratliff

William and Norma Ray

David and Diane Rees

Tonya Reeves

Charles Reider

Victor L. Reilly

Michael Reilly

John Rekevics

Tess Remy-Schumacher

Faye Renardson

Glen Rewal

Rene Reyes-Brewster

Cathy Rice

Dawn Richard

Frank Richard

Claude Richardson

Randall Richmand

Russell and Susie Ries

Gwen B. Riley

Alexander Riley

Rick Rinaldi

Rick Ringhausen

David Ritchie

Julia Riva

Roberto L. Rivera

Frank Rivera

Cynthia Roberge

Eric and Marcella Roberts

Donald Robertson

Irwin Z. Robinson

Donell Rocha

Rock Community Church/ Dr. Leonard Scott

John Roderick

Stephanie Rodriguez

Stephanie Rogers

Robert A. Rohm

Arizona Rolle

Kathie Rollins

Joyce K. Romio

Ronette Declerck and Assoc. Inc.

Anne G. Roos

Alfredo Rosano

Elizabeth Rose

David and Judy Rosen

Bradford G. Rosenberger

Margo G. Rosner

Jennifer Ross

Laura Ross

Tammy L. Rossa

Roger P. Rot

Marcy and Arnold Roth

W. James and Beth Ann Roth

Daniel Roy

Alfredo R. Rubalcava

Daniel Rudolph

J.S. Rudsenske, PLLC

Douglas L. Ruffin

Robert Ruiz

Patrick Russ

Pamela Russell

Joseph Rust

Kevin Ryan

B.J. Rymut

Leo K. Sacks

Shantasa Saling

Roger Salloom

Sam Ash Music Corporation

Ruwanga Samath

Claudia and Jim Sandberg-Larsen

Bunny Sandefur

Dennis S. Sands

Sansoft, Inc.

Stephanie Saraco

Gregory Sardinha

Paul Sarli

Scott Savich

Sal Scamardo

Robert Irwin and Judith E. Schachner

Will Schillinger

Alfred W. Schlesinger

Jeff Schmidtke

Stanley Schneider

Shari Schneider

Colin Schofield

Mark Schultz

Susan Sommer Schweitzman

Frank Scibilia

Jon Secada

Mitchell and Juanita Seidel

Wesley Seidman

Courtney M. Selan

Sellersville Theater

Justina Serlin

Mark Sessions

T.I. Sexton

Robin Shafer

Frank and Marian Shaffer

Robert L. Shames

Ken Shane

Sharon M. Labovitz Enterprises

Tonya Sharpe

Dennis and Evelyn Shaw

Nyanza Shaw

John C. Sheffield

Matthew Shell

Joshua Shepherd(continuedonnextpage)

Funders and Partners

Page 27: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)John Scott Sherrill

Ellen Shipley

David Shire


Hanson Shrout

Suzanne Shull

Rosalie Sida

Levon Siekertzian

Dorothy Sikora

Gregory Sill

Jack E. Silver

Marietta Simpson

Joyce E. Sims

Michael Sistad

Cynthia Sivak

Brian Slagel

James Slaughter

Mark Sloss

Elisabeth K. Small

Stanley Smith

Blake Aaron Smith

Nathaniel Ellbert Smith

Smith/Braverman Family

Michael Smyth

Paul and Elizabeth Snider

Dawn Snyder

Christine Snyder

So Much Moore/Martha E. Moore

John S. Sobczak

Sones De Mexico Ensemble/ Juan A. Dies

Susanne F. Spain

Christopher Sparks

Joel Spector

Kathryn Spence

David Spilker

William D. Spoke

Amber Spradlin

Karen Sprinkle

Tami Stanko

Nancy K. Starr

Julia Steinberg

Judith Steinmeyer

Harold Stephan

Stacey Stephens

Ricky Stevens

Barry and Susan Stock

Vaughan and Nora Stone McRae

Larisa Stow-Norman

Peter Strand

Vickie Strate

Strathmore Hall Foundation

Barry Strutt

Nelda Sturgeon

Tyler Suard

Jeff Sudakin

Monnette Sudler

Katie Sullivan

Laura Sullivan

Jarrod Sumpter

Sun Entertainment Corp

William Susman

Daniel Swain

Richard and Amy Swanson

Julia T. Sweazy

Deborah Sweet, M.A.

Burt C. Szerlip

Jennifer Tabor

Andres Taborda

Tadpole Parade/William Hale

Taillight TV

Randy Talmadge

Freddie Tane

Bill or Becky Tann

Helen I. Tasulis

Yumi Tateishi

Adam Taylor

Scott Taylor

Larry Taylor Hill

Terence Camp

Tom Terrell

John A. Terry

Sue Terry

Jerry and Cynthia Thichava

Irma Thomas

Milton Thomas

Lynda Aguirre Thomas

Frazier Thompson

Chester Thompson

Richard Thompson

Peter Thompson

Terrell Thompson

Paul Tinnirello

TNA Tour M3 (USA), Inc.

Richard M. Todd

Emerson O. Toledo

John Van Tongeren

Touch Associates, LLC

Pamela A. Trancygier

William R. and Margaret T. Traut

Mark E. Travaglini

Gregory Trense

Ken Tribolini

Serge Tsai

Cheryl Tudor

Scott Turchin

Vicky Tyler

Scott Underwood

United Way of NYC

Eha Urbsalu

Briana Valadez(continuedonnextpage)

Funders and Partners

Page 28: MusiCares Foundation


Up to $999 (continued)Riaz Valani

John and Elissa Valentino

Value Music Concepts Inc.

Silvina Valverde

Javier Valverde

Eric Van Aro

D. Alexander Vance

Jyn Vanputten

Emmanuel Vasilomanolakis

Gerardo Vazquez

Mark Veligor

Eric Vetro

Michele Vice

Ross Vick

Kurt Victer

Brian and Judie Victor

A. Sona Virdi

Kurt Vitolo

Sharon Vitro

Dominique Vouk

Anita Vultaggio

John G. and

Theresa D. Wallingford

Robert Wallis

Chris Washington

Cindy Wasserman

David Weeks

Chuck Weiss

Robert B. Weiss

Weissberg Foundation

Mathew and Lora Welbes

Susan J. Wells

Edwin Wendler

Karl Wexler

Mary Wharton

Charlotte Whild

Janene White

Jody Whitesides

Charles R Wick, Jr.

John and Rosalie Wider

Ray Wiencek

Holly A. Wilds

Charmaine Williams

Larry Williams

Eric L. Williams

Brian David Willis

David and Paula Wilson

Nancy Wilson

Michael Winger

Yvonne Wish

Betty and Joseph Witty

Laura Wolf

Frank Wolf

Leonard Wolf

Joseph Wolfe

Gernot Wolfgang

Judy Wong

Tony Wood

Christopher Wood

Patrick Wood

Elisha Woods

Joseph Wray

Bertha K. Wrenn

Miriamm Wright

David Wright

Alex Wright

Bryan W. Wyckoff

John Yeh

Marc M. and Linda Yelnick

Brigette Young

Sarah Young

Harold Young III

Yvette Zambrano

Paul Zarzyski

Funders and Partners

Page 29: MusiCares Foundation


Financials MusiCares Foundation Statement of Financial Position 2006 & 2007 2007 2006

Assets Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $4,965,132 $3,509,284 Board Designated Investments – 515,046 Accounts Receivable 180,324 262,919 Receivables from Affiliates 257,060 27,090 Prepaids and Deposits 114,124 119,517 Merchandise and Barter – 27,397

Total Current Assets 5,516,640 4,461,253

Non Current Assets: Property and Equipment, Net 18,002 25,908 Restricted Cash 593,574 978,117

Deferred Compensation Asset 2,912 –

Total Noncurrent Assets 614,488 1,004,025

Total Assets $6,131,128 $5,465,278

Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities: Accounts Payables and Accrued Liabilities $233,771 $195,442 Deferred Revenue 119,323 4,000 Payable to Affiliate – 156,610

Total Current Liabilities 353,094 356,052

Pension Liability 114,459 177,070 Deferred Compensation Liability 2,912 –

Total Liabilities 470,465 533,122

Net Assets: Unrestricted 5,067,089 3,954,039 Temporarily Restricted 593,574 978,117

Total Net Assets 5,660,663 4,932,156

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $6,131,128 $5,465,278



Revenues 2007

Revenues 2006


Hurricane Relief

The Recording Academy

Project Income

Investment Income











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Financials MusiCares Foundation Statement of Activities 2006 & 2007 2007 2006

Revenues Contributions/Sponsorships $3,894,641 $ 2,920,016 Support from The Recording Academy 2,537,782 2,004,140 Grants 10,000 15,000 Project Income 1,347,884 1,608,314 Investment Income 296,819 192,951 Hurricane Relief/Music Rising 415,143 3,988,795 Support from The Recording Academy - Hurricane Relief 5,289 365,720 In-Kind Donations 1,391,928 1,140,357

Total Revenues $9,899,486 $12,235,293

Expenses Program Services – Direct Client Assistance $2,408,255 $ 2,143,378 Hurricane Relief/Music Rising 707,020 4,504,102 Program Services – Other 1,500,767 1,247,747 Management and General 552,184 614,092 Fundraising and Special Events 2,680,103 2,752,665 In-Kind Expenses 1,322,650 1,027,107

Total Expenses 9,170,979 12,289,091

Net Income (Loss) $ 728,507

FinancialinformationisexcerptedfromtheMusiCaresFoundationauditedreports.FunctionalExpensesinformationisasreportedontheIRS990filings.Functional Expenses 2006

Functional Expenses 2007

Management & General Services


Program Services







$ (53,797)

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MusiCares Foundation®

MusiCares FoundationBoard of Directors2006-2007

Howard StringerHonoraryChair

Les BiderChair

Sidney Miller Jr.ViceChair

Miller LondonSecretary/Treasurer

Joe Benincasa John BrancaPaul CaineSteve CanepaFletcher FosterDoug FrankGarth FundisTim LeiwekeKen LevitanMike MelvoinLinda MoranScott PascucciMary PattizPhil Ramone

MusiCares Offices MusiCares MAP Fund817 Vine St., #219Hollywood, CA 90038Tel: 323.993.3197Fax: 323.993.3198TollFree:1.888.627.6271

North Region156 West 56th St., #1701New York, NY 10019Tel: 212.245.7840Fax: 212.245.8130TollFree: 1.877.303.6962

South Region1904 Wedgewood Ave.Nashville, TN 37212Tel: 615.327.0050Fax: 615.327.0876TollFree: 1.877.626.2748

West Region/ National Office3402 Pico Blvd.Santa Monica, CA 90405Tel: 310.392.3777Fax: 310.392.2187TollFree: 1.800.687.4227






Design and Production

Bloch+CoulterDesignGroup Prepress and Printing


Executive Staff

Neil PortnowPresident

Kristen MadsenSeniorVicePresident

Scott GoldmanVicePresident

Dana TomarkenVicePresident


Mohsin Adam

Andrea AdelmanDee Dee Acquisto, MSDanielle Bowker, MABrett BryngelsonDebbie Carroll, LCSWChristina CassidyHilary FeldsteinCharity FeltonLoren FishbeinKarisha HarveyMarisela HuertaShireen Janti, CADC IIDorit KalevErica Krusen, MSAnanda Moss, LCSW, LCCAKristin MurphyHarold OwensChristine ShannonWynnie WynnJudy Wong