Music Video Script The Girl – City and Colour Music Video Script – First Draft Zara Yaffe

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Music Video Script

The Girl – City and Colour Music Video Script – First Draft Zara Yaffe

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Music Video Script

Video Title: City and Colour- The Girl




1. 0:00 – 0:30 – Fade in to MS of girl

sitting down on bed putting shoes

on (heels). Struggling to put shoes

on (until 6s) Cut to MS of man in

mirror putting a tie on and

spraying after shave on (until 9s)

CU of tightening of the tie. Cut to

girl putting mascara on CU shot. MS

of girl putting perfume on and

twirling in it feeling happy,

smiling with herself etc. (until

13s). Cut to ECU man doing his belt

up (until 15s). LS of man

practicing how he should greet

girl, waving in mirror, sighing,

smiling, sighing etc. (until 18s).

MS of man sitting on end of bed,

texting girl. ECU of mobile phone,

sends “can’t wait to see you later”

to girl. (until 22s) Cuts to MS of

girl receiving message, smiling,

happy etc. (until 24s). Cuts to LS

in synchronized split screen of

couple locking houses up, checking

themselves in the mirror, deep

breaths and leaving to meet up.

(until 28s) Jump cut to LS when

they meet up and see each other,

kiss each other. (Until 30s).

0-25s MUSIC

I wish I could do better by

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2. 0:30 – 1:00 – Cut to LS of man and

girl holding hands walking

together. (until 33s) CU of man

opening up umbrella for them to

share together. MS of looking onto

them from behind walking together

under the rain. (until 37s). ECU of

holding hands locked together

(until 39s). Panning upwards to see

the rain falling down next to a

street light so the droplets can be

clearly seen (until 43s). MS of man

holding door open to restaurant for

his girlfriend (until 45s). Panning

downwards to CU of girl’s feet

going through the door (until 46s).

Jump cut to LS of waitress taking

in the menus from the couple (until

48s). Cut to MS food already eaten

on the table, couple joking and

laughing about, having fun (until

51s) Cut to ECU of bill on table

with cash on the plate too. (Until

53s). Cut to MS/CU of door swinging

after couples have left (until

55s). Cut to back outside, OTS of

man, looking at him twirling her

under his arm, laughing and joking

about. (until 58s). Cut to CU,

twirls her in for a kiss. (until


You, cause that’s what you

deserve. You sacrifice so much

of your life in order for this

to work. While I’m off chasing

my own dreams, sailing around

the world, please know that I’m

yours to keep, my beautiful


3. 1:00 – 1:30 – MS of girl in living

room drinking alcohol in man’s arms

in house. (until 1.04) Cut to LA

watching onto man helping girl get

up the stairs whilst drunk and

stumbling (until 1.08) Cut to LS of

man and woman salsa-like dancing

together whilst drunk (until 1.13).

Cut to HA of girl getting brought

in by the man to kiss him (until

1.16) cut to CU of man putting

pearl necklace around her neck

(until 1.19) Cut to MS of man

getting mirror and showing the girl

herself and necklace in mirror

(until 1.23) Cut to LS of man

writing something onto a notepad

and scribbling it out and re-

writing it etc repeatedly (until 1.

27) Cut to MS man and girl fighting

over notepad, he doesn’t want to

show her but she wants to see

(until 1.30)

When you cry a piece of my heart

dies, knowing that I may have

been the cause. If you were to

leave and fulfill someone else’s

dreams, I think I might totally

be lost. You don’t ask for no

diamond rings,

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4. 1:30 – 2:00 – Cut to CU of man

singing it for her to the exact

same lyrics as what’s playing with

music (Until 1.38) Cut to MS of

them singing “ooooo” together sat

together on the floor(until 1.43).

Cut to LS of man and girl dancing

together, she’s in his arms (until

1.48) Cut back to MS singing “oooo”

together on the floor (until 1.55)

Cut to HA girl crying with

happiness over the song, he wipes

away her tears and kisses her

(until 2.00)

No delicate strings of pearls,

that’s why I wrote this song to

sing, my beautiful girl. OOOOOH

(repeated x 16)

5. 2:00 – 2:30 – Cut to standing up,

LS of girl slowing taking his t-

shirt off and him smiling and

laughing together (until 2.03). Cut

to MS of them smiling at each

other, nodding and comforting each

other (until 2.07) LS of him taking

her t-shirt off (until 2.10). Cut

to ECU of her skirt at her feet and

her stepping out of it (until 2.13)

Cut to ECU of belt being undone

(until 2.14) Cut to ECU his jeans

on the floor and him stepping out

of them (2.17) Cut to LS of them

in underwear kissing (Until 2.19)

Jump cut to OTS RS in bed over his

shoulder of girl just smiling at

him in awe (until 2.21) Cut to ECU

of his hand clenching onto bed

cover and squeezing it (until 2.22)

Cut to LS of bedroom with them

under the covers and her hair is

all over the pillows (until

2.23)Cut to ECU of clenching hands

onto his back and scratches (until

24) Strobe of all the last 4 shots

repeatedly over and over for 1

second each (until 2.30)

OOOOH (repeated x4) MUSIC from


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6. 2:30 – 3:00 – Jump cut LA to

outside where there’s rain,

watching it fall (until 2.33) Jump

cut MS back to bed where they both

take a deep breath and exhale and

smile (until 2.35) Jump cut to LS

of road where the couple are

running up it together holding

hands in the rain (until 2.39) Cut

to CU of man picking flowers from a

garden and giving them to her

(until 2.42) Cut to MS tracking

shot of girl sinning round with the

flowers in her hands (until 2.45)

Cut to HA shot panning of all the

flowers (until 2.46) Cut to MS of

girl looking down at the floor and

smiling and giggling, embarrassed

(until 2.49) Cut to CU of her face

looking down and the main’s hands

on it, pushing her chin up and

pulling her mouth out so that she

smiles (until 2.53) Cut to MS of

the couple, the man touching her

nose to make her laugh (until 2.55)

Cut to MS of man beckoning his girl

so that they can go home (until

2.57) Cut to LS of girl following

behind him (until 3.00)

MUSIC until 2.35 one, two, a

one, two, three, four. I wish I

could do better by you ‘cause

it’s what you deserve. You

sacrifice so much of your life

in order for this to work. While

I’m off chasing my own dreams

(my own dreams),

7. 3:00 – 3:30 – Cut to ECU of their

hands locked together and swinging

(until 3.03) Cut to MS tracking

shot of the couple walking up the

road, tracking shot turns and shows

other people walking up the road

too (until 3.06) Jump cut back to

bedroom, LS of them sat on the

floor with a laptop and they’re

watching the official video to this

song (until 3.09) Cut to CU of the

laptop screen with the main

vocalist actually singing it (3.14)

Cut back to them watching it, MS

with them singing along as well

(3.17) Jump cut to CU of him

kissing her forehead in bed where

she then falls asleep (until 3.21)

Jump cut to MS in kitchen in the

morning of the couple making

themselves breakfast (3.24) Cut to

MS of man opening the bin and

putting last night’s bottles of

alcohol into the bin and smiling,

shaking his head and looking at her

(until 3.28) Cut to ECU of the bin

closing (until 3.30)

Sailing around the world (round

the world), please know that I’m

yours to keep, my beautiful

girl. And when you cry, a piece

of my heart dies knowing that I

may have been the cause. If you

were to leave and fulfill

someone else’s dreams, I think I

might totally be lost.

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8. 3:30 – 4:00 – Cut to MS of the man

putting last night’s flowers he

picked for her into a vase (until

3.33) Cut to CU of the tap filling

the vase up with water (until 3.35)

Cut to LS of kitchen where the vase

with flowers is in the middle of

the table and is focused on them,

then it focuses onto the girl at

the end of the table and unfocussed

on the flowers (until 3.38) Focuses

back onto the flowers (until 3.40)

Cut to LA of man walking up the

stairs (until 3.43) Cut to CU of

kettle pouring water into a mug

(until 3.46) Flashbacks of

everything that’s happened

before/last night. Fade and cut to

MS of man in mirror putting a tie

on and spraying after shave on

(until 3.48) Fade and cut to back

outside, OTS of man, looking at him

twirling her under his arm,

laughing and joking about. (until

3.51s). Fade and cut to MS man and

girl fighting over notepad, he

doesn’t want to show her but she

wants to see (until 3.54) Fade and

cut to MS of them singing “ooooo”

together sat together on the floor.

Fade out(until 4.00).

But you don’t ask for no diamond

rings, no delicate string of

pearls, that’s why I wrote this

song to sing, my beautiful girl.

MUSIC from 3.45

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9. 4:00 – 4:30 - Jump cut to OTS CU of

girl in mirror taking off last

night’s make up (until 4.04) Cut to

MS of her spraying herself (until

4.06) Jump cut to CU of a bag with

wrapping paper in, man clearly

searching for something inside it

(until 4.09)Cut to LS of man making

the messy bed and fluffing the

pillows (until 4.13) Cut to CU of

man finding note pad with lyrics on

it from night before (until 4.15)

Cut to ECU of the notepad with

lyrics (until 4.17) Cut to MS of

man holding notepad and singing

along to it to the exact same

lyrics as too what are playing

(until 4.21) Jump cut to ECU back

to downstairs where she’s doing up

her dressing gown and tightening it

(until 4.23) Cut to MS of her

biting her nails nervously (until

4.25) Cut to ECU of her feet under

the table tapping from anxiety

(until 4.27) Jump cut to LS of the

man upstairs anxious and tapping

his feet (until 4.30)

MUSIC until 4.22 But you don’t

ask for no diamond rings

(diamond rings), no delicate

string of pearls (string of

pearls), that’s why

10. 4:30 – 5:00 – Jump cut to LA

tracking shot of the girl wandering

upstairs curiously (until 4.33) Cut

to MS of them both together smiling

at each other (until 4.35) Cut to

LS of him getting down on one knee

with a ring in hand (until 4.38)

Cut to RS CU where she can’t stop

smiling and is gob smacked (until

4.40) Cut to LS where she’s

shouting and jumping ‘yes’ (until

end – 4.43)

I wrote this song to sing my

beautiful girl (END AT 4.43)

Voice over where she’s shouting

yes continuously

11. 5:00 – 5:30 -

12. 5:30 – 6:00 -

13. 6:00 – 6:30 -

14. 6:30 – 7:00 -

15. 7:00 – 7:30 -