Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of est Florida Pre-Collegiate Music I ompetition, 2018 When: Saturday, February 3, 2018, 10:00a1- 5:00pm Where: Music Halt University of West Florida, Building 82 Winners' Recital: Sunday, March 4, 2018, 3~00pm - Music Hall, University of West Florida, Building 82 Application Deadline: January 6, 2018 Important Guidelines Applicants must reside in Escambia County or Santa Rosa County, Florida, and/or be a current student of a music teacher WhJIteaches in one of those counties. The application must be filled out complete y. If you have any questions, please contact the Music Department (850) 474-2]47 or (850) 857-6295. Students who qualify for this competition will be assigned audition times about two weeks before the competition. Please note that previous scholarship winn rs MAY NOT compete in the same category again. They MAY compete in a dif erent category from that which they previously won. The cost of application is $25. Please make hecks payable to the Music Department, UWF. Mail the completed application form and a $25 check to the address below: Dr. Hedi Salanki-Rubardt, Competition Chai University of West Florida, Department of usic, Building 82 11000 University Parkway Pensacola, FL32514

Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

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Page 1: Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music,

University of est Florida

Pre-Collegiate Music I ompetition, 2018

When: Saturday, February 3, 2018, 10:00a1- 5:00pmWhere: Music Halt University of West Florida, Building 82Winners' Recital: Sunday, March 4, 2018, 3~00pm - Music Hall, University of WestFlorida, Building 82Application Deadline: January 6, 2018

Important Guidelines

Applicants must reside in Escambia County or Santa RosaCounty, Florida, and/orbe a current student of a music teacher WhJIteaches in one of those counties.

The application must be filled out complete y. If you have any questions, pleasecontact the Music Department (850) 474-2]47 or (850) 857-6295.

Students who qualify for this competition will be assigned audition times abouttwo weeks before the competition.

Please note that previous scholarship winn rs MAY NOT compete in the samecategory again. They MAY compete in a dif erent category from that which theypreviously won.

The cost of application is $25. Please make hecks payable to the MusicDepartment, UWF. Mail the completed application form and a $25 check to theaddress below:

Dr. Hedi Salanki-Rubardt, Competition ChaiUniversity of West Florida, Department of usic, Building 8211000 University ParkwayPensacola, FL32514

Page 2: Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

Each student is required to perform two c ntrasting selections, each from adifferent period of music (Renaissance,Bar que, Classical,Romantic, zo" or 21st


Contestants will have ten minutes total to ~erform both works. In caseof longercompositions, the jury will stop the contest

lnts at the appropriate time.

All instrumental and vocal works performed with piano must use liveaccompaniment. No recordings are permittFd. Teachers may accompany theirown students or another teacher's stUdent].

One original score is required for the judge. Scoresfor the remaining two judgesmay be photocopied. Pleasemark the mea ure numbers, as it will help the judgesreference their remarks. (Scoreswill be returned after the competition.)

Memorization is not required, but may be t ken into account by the judges.

Decision of the judges will be final and bind ng. Winners will be chosen on merit.If there isonly one contestant for a particul r scholarship, the applicant will beexpected to audition and demonstrate a hi h (winner) quality performance inorder to be declared the winner by the jud es.

Judgeswill complete critique sheets. Eachc ntestant will receive their critiquesheets after the competition.

Music teachers, students, parents and frien s should NOTspeak to any of thejudges.

Warm up time (10 minutes) will be provide in an assigned practice room.

The competition is open to the public.

Competition winners will be required to p rform at the Music Study Club /UWFPre-Collegiate Competition Winners' Recit I at the U\NF Center for Fine andPerforming Arts, Building 82, on Sunday M rch 4, 201.8 at 3:00pm.

The concert is free and open to the public.

Page 3: Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

Music Study Club of Pensacola UWF Department of MusicPre-Collegiate Music Comp tition Application Form

Date _

Scholarship applied for: -+ _

Instrument -+ _

yourName ~--------------

Address ~---------------

City 1 tate ZIP --------

Phone Email ---1i-- _

Name of Parents or Guardian -------

Address (if different from applicant) --+ _

School Attending ~--------------

Age Date of birth -----t--------------

Current Music Teacher +- Years Studied _

Phone Email __ ----i _

Repertoire Selection

First Selection: --+ Length: (min.)

Composer: -----------------'i----- Musical Period: _

Second Selection: --+ length: (min.)

Composer: Musical Period:-------------r---- --------

Page 4: Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

Briefly tell us about you!

What are your plans for future education? ---t------------------

Please indicate any special recognition, awards or nonors you received within the last year.

What does being a musician mean to you?

Page 5: Music Study Club of Pensacol Department of Music ... · Music Study Club of Pensacol & Department of Music, University of ... Thecompetition isopen to pre-collegiate violin ... Thisaward

Scholarships Offered

The Doris Jean Kahn Scholarship for Piano Senior (ages 17 to 19)The family of the late Doris Jean Kahn has establis ed a piano scholarship in her honor. Theamount is $1000. The competition is open to upper division high school students.

I make application for this scholarship.

Student's signature -----------t------- Date _

The Doris Jean Kahn Scholarship for Woodwind/ Irass (ages 14 to 19)The family of the late Doris Jean Kahn has establist ed a woodwind/brass scholarship in herhonor. The amount is $1000. The competition is Of en to pre-collegiate woodwind and brassplayers.

I make application for this scholarship.

Student's signature -+- Date _

The Ihns Family Scholarship for Piano Juniors (ages 14 to 16)The Ihns Family has established a scholarship to benefit young piano students. The amount is$1000. The competition is open to lower division h gh school students.

I make application for this scholarship.

Student's signature -+ Date _

The Ihns Family Scholarship for Strings (ages 14 tc 19)The Ihns Family has established a scholarship to benefit students playing string instruments.The amount is $1000. The competition is open to pre-collegiate violin, viola, cello and doublebass players.

I make application for this scholarship.

Student's signature -+ Date _

The Cannon/Knight Scholarship for Voice (ages 15 19)This award is sponsored by the Cannon and Knight amilies to benefit voice students. Theamount is $1000. The competition is open to high chool voice students.

I make application for this scholarship.

Student's signature -+ Date _