An Introduction to the Music Sheet - “Autumn Fog” (July 21, 2014) Ms. Wenyi: I had ever met a thick fog in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA in September 12, 1991. Objects beyond twenty meters become

Music Sheet of Song of Autumn Fog

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Music sheet with an introduction of both Chinese and English.

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An Introduction to the Music Sheet - “Autumn Fog”(July 21, 2014)

Ms. Wenyi:

I had ever met a thick fog in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA in September 12, 1991. Objects beyond twenty meters become very blurred. Not only the Great Smoky Mountain was completely blocked by the fog, which was clearly visible in the sunny days, but also neighbors’ brick houses, trees, bushes and flowers had become very hazy. However, perhaps due to the high humidity and density of the air, which

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helped the speed up acoustic conduction, the song of insects was clearly audible. Singing by crickets sounded particularly sweet. The beautiful visual and auditory effects caused by fog inspired me to write a short poem 'Autumn Fog', which has only 28 Chinese characters.

Twenty-three years later, aged 77, I found that poem again from old documents and I scanned it to produce an electronic version with reversed color (see attachment). I sent that piece of my calligraphy artwork of that poem to my old friend Prof. Kuo-Chen Chou, who is a well renowned authority in molecular configuration computation, and another Dallas acquaintance Mr. Yu Ying-Le. I had got good feedbacks from them with admirations. Those two persons are especially

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good at music appreciation. To express my thanks to them, I spend two days to have composed a song for my old poem as lyrics. Now, I am attaching that music sheet here thus my other relatives and friends could appreciate it, or, do some singing-practices.

Johnson Gao



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都变得非常模糊。不但那晴天清晰可见的大烟山(The Great Smoky Mountain) 完全被浓雾所遮断,邻居的砖房,树丛和花草也变得非常朦胧。但那目不能见的秋虫的鸣声却沥沥可闻。或许因高湿度的空气有利于加快传音,螅蟀的歌唱听起来格外悦耳。由浓雾

“ ”造成的优美的视觉与听觉效果,我写下了 秋雾 这首七绝,共二十八个中文字。

二十三年后,我七十七岁时,我在故文稿中重见此诗,并扫描加工成电子版(如附件)。我将该书法稿电传给老友周国城(World famous professor in molecular configuration computation Kuo-Chen Chou)及另 一位 Dallas 的熟人余应乐先生。受到他们的赞赏。他二位均在音乐方面有很高的造诣。故特花两天时间谱成此曲(如附件)以表谢意,并留其他亲朋鉴赏或试唱。


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