MUSIC AND THK DRAMA. ? DANIl'.Ia BO-CHAT. A nnmeroui »nd brilliant audienca wa* in tlie Union S-unre Theatre. Issi night, and il saw a re- UiiirkaMe play. I SB Sharai itel nf " Dame! Boehat" is intellectual, Bad it-* interest is of .1 very senna* kmd. In most ni ces, winch hSSSBSB popular, tuc attraction consist, in tho sentiment : 111 1 lu * one it resides mille idea. NV,- have he ird that "Ilaire! Roe hat " was t failure in Pans, and to us, accord- in tri v. it* twe-itivc, ghtiering merit ead lat power at Conquest, as reveille.' ni tin pS-fBSBSSneS bbs! Bight, flSSBS a *uirp.i.''. Ih- luy,, Mtorv m tlie plav is sirni'le, and. to apatite aceustmneti lo highly iiepiu'riTi analyses af soda! -rims sad i ss sshibition ss. sflUsous sporting sruaad a valesno ol dsstme* tmn.it might w.ii set-in vaatd. Un' ea sh bs i f rrliirinus scruples. SS n iim.ive of dramat >< Bise -Bight, ta *ucli a aabtte, app-ar trivial. Not so here, Tae tint-stion ol selig! m is, for Ameri¬ can audience.., woven inti) the setili- SBSntsI ni:.!mn ol' the characters erith BS* 41ll.nl skill ami Witt a very prac! ital nanrd-Bain Thi tani of "Daniel Boehat" has sheedy heea est bsfjsre the readers et this journal. In tha ateeantsssnts. lt tesl sight.*-altbengh tba lint ead second act* nats itbei this sud oold, snd though tiiroiiL'li th .ni the iictmii moved lan¬ guidly,.the sitasttoa la set third, whereia tho heieese n padiates heretvtl marruge ia conformity with ker raUstteen pri not pin, ms du it vital, modern, atiietly af to-day, aad essentially seeaethiag te ba seen sad cmisii'.. ie 1 by all tlnnkini* persona. To thia * ma ."T Ilise Jowett did not ur mg the requisite strength; but Mr. Thar no.though euee he let louse thal tigerish imuiaei win li is tue de¬ pravity af his Pty le.camed h-IBBBH through it with noble dignity sud splendid Cotes. Tue 1.alric comedy clement was BUSf-ied by Ifr. J. li. mo luart, wno gavs ¦ perferma eoe very irkahli tm thai perfect id-ntiflcatieu with tbe interim naiure, and that spoutaueoaa -xpteesi "i ot aatural oharaoteriatu s, wbi li uo to the buildius »p ot truh arr. .tic work, in tater scenes the piece i.e-Ti* to take on the old familiar hue af tbe con¬ ventional 1 >v nra:,a; there are lUodered beana, and there ta thc uattal som ire atmoapbere of au ap¬ parently bopelraa estrangement, ibi alemeu I !*t ("muli; Ps*, tue more pleasing lu the average audi- ence, bul it is h ss intellectual '.han the other. 'lin- *;. "an oi un id, principl .. ter, torn bi twi "ii love and thc p-i ,,. , 1- mmethine thal .! reqoir d bun ns to ire and tbat requires brui lo understand, lt **Daniel Hocbai"proven .. popular sue .-- 1 "iii fm [Join di< h.. Il ii n nv. managed vv;;ii ornmatic ;. um s comp iel it.\ le, and it hannie- ita tweiit . pe v 11* mi u le cl li'' mme* try ol rork ol art. lt was set iii -.v.-Iic.it *e.."..-. .¦! iieil; ami iii' ;.¦ a f,r 'tc' 1 . -. l'lie um ia .i* follow. : Darnel Bot bat, pfurimaa ind pbil «o|tlirr,Ciu_i 1:. r i.rnc.jr. .J ll. M u.i -; Julia i'ai-u-i.i' ,emull (Ti trie i II end - il ...Cha ..iiiu* na ... :. .. ii ai. . Ai: . A . J nc ic. un -M 11*1 Verio) uriel.J... At ;,'¦¦ ten nil .Mi .il'. in hell !.. tm ., M lot , - Mr*, ia .Iira. K. J _li_f i'll. 1. lil Oaatilt all V I Tl ll * J ..KN c.. 'KI.VN PBJLB tKMO Th" proapectut ot the Pb : Ive pablic ri end -x concerto will be given during the coining Thc rehearsals, ei ond cou ;; i'. ut, l lu dat .: 1 ll, toe m- hsr 8 (Wt diiosday) and 17, January 7 and _.!. Feb* raary d 18, Marah 4 and 1-. .md April 1 and 22. I" "l. be Saturday ev :.-'.¦¦ ber 20, D r 18. January 22, Febraai y IU, Uar b iril 23. i be pro* ri .*: Symoii iay Na 8, ... ... ll :. 'jw ready, aud mn, be iety. No. 172 Mou- t. i_mc. ., Brook Ij -**>- :.!... Ali BEATRE. The p.-- anani ul ol "''. d wa* preernted ia*i week, ay Ur. il. C. Janet' ; ic fore lai s at Booth's I boat re. Tbs pi't 1* the pealed om-.Tear lo ali children.and tn tbe new dre*., ia v. ii it sgi out of the pages, lt 1 .ario,1*. Much ol im .-ii.i's charming mu* bud inch ditlianll eonccrtod melo- by :i oomsany "l omediaus, M. Katharine Lewis bas _r .1* the en* amored Pr I .and been well reeeived; ami niT'-ii praise may bi b iflor.n debutaute, 1 r b ul Um a little ' ..11 cm- v will win a iii '"I place iu popular The : ii -il by Mis.* ¦- hua Delara and M. - -I ania I1 ti. ra sri inirv gueena 1 and young hui. m.; fanci! 1. dress-'-, losetber they formed refrushiBg pictures of Iii.: !. !. lor Snd Ill.iV'iiieniiTil, thOTOUgfa moutons it it'i tbe spirit of the tale. lir. Mark Smith mad a ";. and Mr. * t.otahh i ;' in mp ii* liuih thane gentlemen bave well-t rained and power- lul vm ¦; ,md dr. S vjooBBt .1 ei Largely to provide un r: i- Tuent throiigboBt the piece, tbers waa a cbornn, mm 1 lier-vu rc rata aud lizards and pumpkin, wuk all tbs other parapher- ual a.ic oniittius tbs (.'rand u Ideal ia.rv coach, with a tiuy team ol ponies, and tiny outriders, equerries and runner* ail to mat.-h. Mr. Hoyt, tne scenic art is*, i:.i- -tiiiji.n .a-UTii'iu'Tiis and atriking fairy ball, w ii iii deligbta trom itadetiuecy of color aa altv of desi en. Much dancing occurs wtbii ami lin- criorinaiii.; Mian 8una. of tne L iiieaiifs-*e'-ti bore rt el tat tune prod a es gen¬ eral enthusiasm. Altogether ''Ciiidorella" will, lievond doubt, «r.itily the lui I.-people ut New-York ior some lime ta ooma, ead, il wo uu-Uake not, ibe allier Luivs and -^11 is as well. LOCAL THEATBICAL UTAH'S. Mr. Wallaek will bring oat " Tbe Qnv'nor" next Iweeday evening. "Aa You Like lt," tba loveliest cometh' in tho lan_.uuj_e. although beautifully In..lintel at this tli.atie, ami well played, has failed la attract the public."Ilseel Kirke," bowever, ssaintalne li sell at t i.e Mallison Benara Theatre; "A Haili ti r-autv * gees mi .it the Park 1 beatie ; and * _\ 11 Ataarieaa Girl" is huh camel et tbe the Fifth Avenue Theatre."Tbs Snow Slower*.Mr. Baaa_eanltfa "Paavtetti ".has been brought eal at the Bijou Opera House Miss Claxton i.nl Mr. Bteveaaon act in it. witii neod diet 1, and its pretty avalanche Scene ie vt ry well managatl."Our Firs! Families" is doing nell ai 1 Iv* tre.".Mv I'artii.r " vvii be brought mit tin*. w.ek hy ih' Aldrich ead Pm say at Kib.o'n.Mr. Joseph Hattea'a iir..t reedtag in America v.iii murnext liiuisiav aftemoeaat tbs Mad-Saa Bejasie Theatre, ami sheald n-. ene the ai- t.Tin.ni ol the hterary nublb.Mr. Huck'sepers ot " I), sen t " asaintaine ita p eec al ll- e. ly's. Mr. I'tati 4'i-eta seeeea al tba Btaoderd ia di te a cittse. A piece a steed " Upper I Mr. Byron's wilt bs brangfal enl ii bis ito nat dy afterward, and later MeaeM, BobSBU SBd Crane wdi bogia sa aaganseeeal.Him Liliae Bpeneer tsahsstl] to appeal at tha Pifth Avaaai rheatreia % piece Batted .\ irali'. Vow.".Julin ...v.-ni al HM Fifth Avenue, * i <r NoVSSShSf Iff. will be Sijfiiaii/.il bj 1 u ...' ic ni revival ol \ ir_i'itus." a'di Mackaye u preparins a wnvenir. te bs ..tstiiiei.ee tu tbepubltc at the 300th performance ul"ll,,/i; Kirke,1 m the Madiaoa 8qnarc.A medley porformance mr the hem in ol m. Luke's '..ill ot nu at Lyne Hall October 20. Mlle. Paola Mani takes s benefit ai the Wtandsrl oa h. next. Mlle.Cecil. (.;.._.ar. appears lol' the brat time timi *-a* m in "Lea Clot In-- ne v.lle" m, n/edneeda Mr. Oliver M. h-iui*, |,i..i.ia| to tue Mar Iimiie-tt) ol Lome, » lom uf (be In ¦.I Canada, under the management ol Mr. C. A. ('rushy. nice* MSntlBS I'ariy 1.1 lin. wcok at iiavtiiy'a Hrooklyn Theatre.To-morrow nield "La Pille nu laiiihour Majur" is to be lepeodueed al tbe Si.indar.I Tbeetle, with Mlle, Marv Albert ss Claud- inc.Mr. Huck's wDeeeret"J is te be pcodneed OaBaaes 28 at Haverly's Hrooklyn 1 'heat re. A THEATRICAL SKY-ATION IN PHILADEL¬ PHIA. A drama entitled " One Hutulred Wi voa; or Mor¬ monism I.e vealed," will be produced in Philadelphia, al the Arch, to-morrow nnrli!, and it is gpeetad lo cause c_c;t'm.-nr. It treats ol .Mormon lt- -ti aaa l> alas laid la Ball Lake Citv, ann polygamy is ita topic Ihe elJort of ea elder of tha Morni'.n Church ta marry the wife ufa .vonni* F.n.'li-.iinaii forms tiie ina.n thread of serious Interest. The wife, bbb beea lured from inr homa in England, With her (Ililli and her mother. The mothal hus hess i.i-nii .it'll hy the bette! ia the Jee Btaitk ie* hfl-ion, ami ia striving te assist th. cid r's scheme* Liu. bewever, i* uaahta ts un tor- stand the leeeea el has linshead's ahesaee, and :* t"i aware that bs is bi receipt ot a dispatch signed by her s-tnoaneutg ber pro] uinoii vv,tli the Munn.m Church, lliis dispetcb proves te he a forgery, aad alter repeated escapee, parda ;|t' the banda of the Daaites, sad a Bamber of startling aad ede ttve rita are nettled, and t!:e old .v-'eni ef " One Love," " Ons liiuic," 'iml "One Wife" aeknowledged to beat, rho comedy sitnationa are repreai hv Mr. De Wu!' Hopper, Mi Ada Glisten and other.-. Mr. Hopper enacts Mcfrintey, an eccentric limier, vvlnisc vms (Ads (i'hn.m. IllhtStS UPOB Ins beeomtng s converted tuan and marrying s number ol wives m mtier thal shu may obtains bigb place in the Celestial K nadom. Mis. Ueorgic Dreu Barrymore sud Mr. William Harri, are tbe persecuted huaband arni wife. has i eon punted fat tins piece fruin correct photogr mba, and the dieases bave beea um ie from drawings turui-lit "i bj Mi*. Ann Kli/.a Young. I ie pi work of Mr. .1. H. Kunai m. of 1 Jribune, and mule Pearce, m lbs Mi ipi fatar* Uotau. METROPOLITAN CONCEBT HALL. Mr. Theodore Illina- save tbe iir.*t of bta Sym¬ phony Micfata at the Mctnipoiiiaii Coocert Hail 1 hursday evening. The se en the opening night, and filled every rles seal in the HalL The proearauune Inelnded a num¬ ber "i important works, among which were Beethoven's "Egmont" nv rtnre, tbe Bach-A bert Prelude, Chorale and Pogue, Maseenct's " > Napolitaines," tbe theme and venations by **ul- vayre, phony io P mator, op. 8, hy Her¬ man Qoetz, 't ¦¦! "il" ia mes ot ibe Mu-.* tv." v. luci bes not been beard before in thin cu uni ry, ii .:.. ii lr c. bright, frosh snd full of gracefal melodics, it is effectively scored, and it showa quite cl arly at tune.-lue mil.icnce of Wagner. ni -nt, aa Allegro Modi-rato. is vei I, anil the themes are adrairabl au [atermeaso, is 11k¦ 1 \ lo be ihe favorite ol the tour witb tbe pnbl <¦. tl i* tull of grace, and dainty au I delic tte enonuh to !¦.. i.y Mondelaeobu. Th A Ihi.it. more than ai i tbe I otber movements, shoe's Wagner*! ia the iccuiiiir aaa of st,me of the reed 1 stw m in the Ii ii;nc .! il ls singa be Pi n il .. like the iii t movi ment, is strong nnd »pi ited, snd tb worked up. BesiuV Mr, Thomaa brought out at Iii* Btat compueere. Tbe first and moat Important cl thea., M.l.-eiiet'- I" -1 \ and abound, in onginnl orclicstrul bot it i* withal vigorous sud hag ut movement, and is likely to v ry ii.iti* for -ii other band, !...- i, ._¦ in .ii* a il bon d noveitv m iii mod' in ci" by Mi lej. -iarijuia .uni Ala.ijT gaining aa encore oo ital THE WANDEBH-G ACTOB3. Mr. Baymond is in Decatur, and noes thence to a, Hann bal, and Q ni Chicago.McCullough sp* n '1 act, I!'!-- r 'V ld I).- -fe;,, tin* V. ities ol New-Hampeb-i -m MUSICAL MUK. Mii ES. inner will probably pla ai lie econ ow trd on ti.-- tra in .'.. hal returneil to Paris, " hil populai ase. M. Semi is nd M. Paul Fiardot, the young .rm Spain. Mr. Ado pe- Pu* b( r, the turtled from Eurone. A cen! ¦¦ ith. to | I ai d concert* wil in B '-tua ,ln* vt Mr. c will giri co icu r-s in Mau* ., .iel., tra, ii puted [he t" .-¦ in 1 _lai According rt stage Ucl - * l. , who ,.,.¦ . i tbe b ic !.. -i i "\ nt Umien ia ni Madrid tbe coming wini rbe concerts ol the New-York Philharmonic 8o- bis seasoo will take place on November 13, December ll. January 13, February 12, Mai an Apr.l 'A. bi isa stet's " I! Toiliaii- " will performance in Parin, as the 1 oped, bm ;.t ;.. -. ">'"im. i.i March next. be Metropolitan I I evening tbe principal mein bera of Mr. Grau'e Fi (Jom- atll appear, together witta Mr. Levy, thc emiic! plaj 1. Mr. ic ia He the baritone, will make Ins firat appearanc in this conntri altin firsi eoncert of tbe Symphony Society, on Novern bul <;. al .4 .iv Hall. Mini. met wi: li a ir,o*t But bm reception ob M...ul.tv night al tbe Philadelphia Academy of Mm - lt was ber firat appearauce In public since ber arrival from Europe. The minor tbat this would be tha last season of Steinway Hall, and ilia: rn future il would bede* Toted to busineaa purposes, ls prooonnced by Me. bri. Steinway A .-ons tu be entuelj without foundation. !; a, the composer of ** Mefistofelc," which toto be produced by .Mr. Mepleaos dunnghu coming seeeon, ia writing a life of Verdi. Ha is said to ba not lc**s clever as sn author ami librettist t: *er. li in possible thal Bioto°s ** Mefbtofole"'wil be gives in Paru thie winter, for Mau. Adelina Patti !- ..mi ii) ba anxious te ereate tha r ile of this nen Mingan ifs m Fnnon Tbe east will probably be, t',i,"'in.iu-. Mme, Patti: Faa Inij Mtmhia- uiphtdce, Maurel. I'm French veraion will be by M. Paul Milliet, tba collaborateur ol Ma__»uot ku bis " Herod indi tywillgiv Mandelasobn's "Eli¬ jah " on the afternoon of November 2d and tbe even- log of Novern rr 27. Mr. Ot irgeHeos bel,of London, will atag tbe baritone part. Tho"M * will be ak, and ;.t the bird and _.')., Ii " L'Allegro *' a ill be perform) d. 'I in- mil sc.imu, ut lt..ii tn open at Har Ma.rstv'i Theatre in London is announced to begin on tbe I- ii ins-. Of the prime donna, twe -ire ..¦¦.,Mme, (.1 ,\ u /., vu Mila Bee! ut buder. Ile i did i* .Minc, l r.i). lu. Baaein ie the leedins teaor, ami Ordtpas and Foll ate among the tm anrm The only 'l is ." Maria tn (.alni," 1.1 Tito 'n.. tei, v. .ci is best knowe 1b thia country a* a mer. Ai>oiittv..i reen BBjottM BasaBaa Qnvernment -eui two um .' snstoHiberie to eoilect and write daws tbe Natioaal .lodioa ii. ttaveiliag from to vitlaae, and atteediag the various I iii-a ut th- seaaaata. they have tntainail a Bumbec "1 luiies. lucludiBa shoat Lb were previously unknowu. the collection ut tobe ¦ ed dunns the omins i Inti r, mil li lur wit um ty in I TheCoaeerta Pepnialreeat the! rer ia wets to ieepea I . ay. M Paedai iioiiui aa in* btteeti .n ut tabb a. woik i "i the Bean!an sch ol o I ¦sen, mni Dhaka, Dai BansA Hbshaifcewakf aud l_ii_i_ki-Kor*;.koii v, di Banwan hh psegraannea Verdi, Betta, PoaeblelH and others vvill represent the Ifaltaii icboot.eod Wagner, Braham, R tr ami Ootdmnrk ari tmong the Germana A fur France, a ehronoteatieaJ review of the lr. ii, ii oomaaean, from Lull' te .**bihi ..».-i n-> iml Meeseaet, wttl complete tha peagra-S-M for the *e i-un. Ihe first Sn'ti'ld HiMai. ('inert will take place ai Bteiswav L ill aa Mend bj svssrksg; RevsssheB I. Mlle, de Beloees, Signor Campania! sad Herr Bafaol JoBsaTy will appear, Lier to the* other members of Mr. Mapleaoa'a eosBpaoj will sm¬ ut these concerts, as well ss a number ol other well known ai ir-, staoug wlimu Bl*a Madame Marie i. . Mim ihiirsT. the Swedlah Led tear* tftaartette, and W iii'iinj. Mr. Hugh Aagicr baa irrived bi tins eeaatry rn w coonany wbiob will * thia city in eoaseri miler Hm tania el tha "Le Munich Italian OpaSUtic Concert I'miipa-r.." .Vii of theainareta are new tu tins conn:ry, or at anv rat.- tIi*-:r BSSBSI .'nora de Mon'elm, the soprano, i* Italians Mila Chastel, tbe meaao-eo- |ir:).i". i*. Prencb, and ile nat iona Ht) ot (Signor rte Stantini. tlie tenor, and ol Hignor Oiorgio Castelli, the baas, is loft-in tbe dark, tbongb tbeir >' amen ai" not wholly free from au American twang Tbe manager predict.*) gt ea) things ot th'm. Tbe College of Mnsic of Cincinnati will nive an le festival in February, in conjunction with Mr. Mapleaoa'a oompany. The chorus will be _n- eraased to '.vad by t addition of local choral .'.iiious. and tm arcbeetrs will aambet 100 mst imu Tits. Tue operas to he given ara "Loher*- l'o-*i*ii's " >.i"*es tn Egypt," '.Fidelio.'' i ...ti.. -. '* Mefiatofelc," md " Tbe Nearie Flute." Ail the principal number! ot Mr. Mapleaon'a company will tak- part nilli- perfi n.i..ncc. ii, NEILSON vii LBEBST AT BT. LOUD. Tnt Uieewuri Etp Miraa, of St. Loots, of October 12, makes a record ol a theatrical cen mutual, ia honor of tbe late Adelaide Nribion, from wbl b tbe following aeeonnl "i tbe proi Bedings ls condensed I-)iiriiiK M.s* Neilson'-, l.i : % *,t ¦; Lout, lc u companied some friend* to Ii Park fer Ibe j in j, ti*.- ui *.!.-.-¦ -."¦.,-. ti titer a ern- ¦'uni.itimi -ic pro lanced ti iii Bneei mentoi ml tu be prince ut poets ...¦ promised tn jun un-, .:* poMlblc UT' itel c turn to Bngt-dd. a slip from tho sjicare mulberry tree at Stratford, ead Mad it tu Hr. Henry shaw, to be pmatetl ut" ¦t ,.nc. 1' .. | De *!. a it certain ipot . indlcsl ,v month- .'.i'm' nml ¦!. :"ii i' nbi il the world of Juliet, li wai ibeii ita -c woo knei) ic r o'" ... iten in ihe nate wt ii.i: i" tur toe Blink-speare slip. Mr. Sha* heartUrsympa iii ti.; ii :. in Mr. lt. '.! i and m in n i* ,, ed J ii Sue, li -i v.incrv, -ci un .ii ml ma le ur lt, aod tuen .. * [heir.' vvuii". si thu" ii..m. young r. ii. And mi tne t aaa Mi areal iit'tre«a... dead ere ber prime".fug- r-c;...ii a -un nf Italian mar ml twenty mein a tungi wei sail loni' lim k,bea iou : t. ll, 1--<». i'i It: Bl Planteti mi i : iij* wm m n.M).v, ¦.'".. 1-- '. T.i* ''.tone ".ill be inuit d lu inuit of the titi tu Ires -. ot wi n : ont inn n mu ii. ,. I c.'UM UTI- v lu Ul i ic- ii.-..- i.tut ic inti c. eon .... m.i i!. r. were fl 11.-11 .. i! ti.- wrote iii' tr.ii;' .: I ": " I'll 1 iel" '"ll are, lo You 1 . inn w lr li u .. An eh mr:'. .. .IT Ic Tl" _.' 'I c IT,,,., ,,r ere ited.lina tc.ii. 1L1JJMGH1 Vt LA 1 IEE BEi GOVERXM Wi . 17, 1 a. m..A -i"vni ol !. mow or ral :ti un tue J Caul iiiii" I.u limn titi itli .cl... I'la-IO.- ITui'.l SB I I". 1 a. '¦'¦' little ci'iiti.c in tie.' barometer resterday,exe pi ju*. I.- barometer fell pat tty eloody weather prevailed. Tha tem] raoged between 57 md 71 be iverag bclnc -. .-r t .aim nu the eorrBBpoadmg da] -Mt year aad my aod clondv weather, with lower temper item thc a.ty, mai be ly hut \ iciiiii v to-daj. CENTRAL PARK OBBBRVATI01I8. f Septet fut 'mg at 1 p. m. OetOter 18, IUKO. titl inch, ._ Dwrraa*. *_.<an . .exa Max. (0a.m.. O Min. -ii in '¦: ^m .iain., net. il _tl Ban*. ' !"«;_ :h- a*Viii.itui* i! - Uer. ht. 1 J. tun. lr.mi ¦'. .'." a. .ii to 7:20 an .- oe,in i,i). Tbs Rev. Dr. James J. Behn, sge _dity-nine, inni at Bing am 0 * i born In Pa tint un ft ..tu..: ' mu. .\. J. ii li la- been rector e -i. Paul's 1.,'c "i. .i Church al Sing Stag it ht i, ,i,.i "¦!'¦'! nv .ni Tell". -ii iii charity rum hm.ul Pi mtSBi iii.. Va., (i-t. 16.Captain Frank Marra, ot Byraciwe. > _*., di I at tai Hotel here i.i ¦¦ rh of r. Tue re tiitiu.. wit" h..ui ic Syn- nu.nt. --.. Oct li...Mr*. .lulu I>. 1'. [oo. 1 El A LL'.-. [I l, .; 11 ig ind :n i.mi. ot Bo. 211 baa lui i,,., proper.] i biscredit rs. Ifr. Dat is a \,,n,., ld O'liii'Ti. tha h nan.: ,1 other L'a Irtea. g_j- ada i a ai ut \, | ll,.,,-n, mn aboli i t No, 413 v .ir. ta, Baaed bj Judge I . arning got-tla, and for d iii*, mitta oi Ina i< up, rty u nb inti ul i" defraud U ii*_ d .I $5,000, which I bed, und tlie Brm of Moller _. bi kr*, .ii No. -I V) -ll -neild'om h nt 'I" J vic:,' ¦., !,.r ,.ii prooerty ol Mime* Leoeutbai. abo has hio...'iit sun l_r *, _i,i-co ...i.n Besn. I-I'ITALISM IN NEW-YQKK. TBI TBOUBLM of st. allay.. rnrRri Bl SMlaS THAT THK CIHRCH IN Tn*T PARISH IS lr lilli.AT FINANCIAI. IlIFFICI'LTIKa. B-AHON. AS TI.MD VDU ITH AI.I.KliKI) ('OMI'I.t (*ATIf >..'¦"-- I'I (T.lllATIOSS mOtt ( l.Hll.YM'**. Off VABIOI"! li'.ADK.S Off lilt Bill MANSHIP AH Tl) THK - ti Ks ny imp it.i-11< ideas. The *n cs- of what is commonly knowi l.'itiiali.sm in the Protest int EpiaOOfa riiureli lias Leen recently discussed, lie earOSS Bt- AHi.n.'.. Cinircli, in East Forty Bth-Bt_- which i.-i considered tn Lt :ili exponent of fidvaneed bsllnfs am rilmili*iie practice*, is siid to lui greatly ir d' in. It i* explained that tlie tmnbles mi due tn tim Lml situation of the church, am aie in nn wav arning to tim views ad van m i>.v its rector te the titus) fallo-tod in it serviei.-. Incitleiital express!ons of npininr from various clergymen upoa B-tnallsBi. i. ri aetnl, ;iic given herewith. TALKS WITH CLEBOTMBN. Stories hiive rc fatly .rep!, out. of laanehtl em¬ il irr.'s-tiuTi'* la Bt, Alban'. parish of the I'rotosfa.il Episcopal Church in thia etty, Tale boase of w<a> -h.a is rn Burty-seventb-sU, rear Lezinatoe-eva ll baa heen saul that main member, had vviiiuliaw Lom n, and in BoeneQuenee the par- lah waa heavily in debt, As Bt. aMbam ia considered liv many as one of t tie representative i. H. itii parishes el the city, tbe fact that a lack ot inteiael arni iocreasing f.cM tucs were b able there baa been takes ic some petsona to munn that extreme High Chureb praetleaa ire beeoming nn popular iu New-Tork and that Bi tua! Ism la dying Ol!'. lin* views of several clergy men proaainenl in the "Tal i burch were obtaiuedyeaterdayin regartl t" the cliliectloll lt I.llllill.slU Willi Si. Miran'* ty, ami in regard eepecially to tbe pn nie of Bitualiam in tbis country. ll trna unfortunately impossible to timi Father Morrill or hie ai itaolat *;. Albea'a. Thegeneral opinion se* med to be tii.it Sr. A. im t's. which is sit- nated it proximity to tba Hod on Biver and *. « i irk Central Ballway tracks, bad lost stein* ben aad diminished is Bise and raaaureee oo ae* count ol iiBaighborbood rather than from an] growing ilielike for ita observaucost Ant position thai Bitualiam bolds, u ws tenn " .,'¦.. ar ni i.-ii differ¬ ently understood hy d.ttercnt persona Thi i. ia laudtbose opposed to inelaborate bowel ci. .cl; cr ar j.j ¦.uni. I un. fte -ti.; demand ti thc Church ttiou .ami I think " s " :. 'mi' m.m* of th' i Ibe fact that 30,000 oopiee of Cburcb League leafleta aad - nave been ca led for throughout ino Union aiiuin the i r*_ la a tina in all great n .nm be it half of the re ment -\. hen taey encounter ina .' oe, and \ real iv and erv ire a eil, a* wiih abolitioni id. am! it usually ba ¦.iii..-. Brat come out. I en ( me a time when the cry ceases ami tbe movement mils auietlyou tu a tmal triumph, Bitnaliara i.s m.; au on. lt. ha* p md Hy through .-. ridicule and pnblic mi ion, an 'ii'- indii I int ii bas nearly pnsoed i.e- stage ol riolent argumem ami tbat il a ill soon uttain Lc- position "i' ',"i .'. Ritualism i-- w i ti ol ii ip, al prinoipl u well in* called churebmanabip, a id ch ip,or Bitnali rn, is growing hit! sj.;. rapid! quietly over the lu!'- ipni i ation I; m.. n is 1.1.u a j paper was to i.t the old bs iii again. Lin. paper nsed the old la'ugu ¦_, .''.. mt Lll-b rn. i everlasting be mbji cr. However peraoi party ia al tached the Church than i tbe da j .' ¦ til i. I hal ls the )k ic . trained a the 1 in ii Chnrch. .Now tho Roi ism, and i _. h-- .... un " In thia eily tl ot bt. Marj thi Viram "ll Tl"; ,i. cut the railway a< ak ml '.' mi i ie i-a ireh, lived lol.. ., tin; luci .!!_, Till! .. '.I- lt_« tlj) inil- mail ."¦ucl. '. ¦¦ ir I" Now that fi" p.ir. 11, ni.ie and i' Ti.- * ur .Hi ., _- \ it. Noa .-iii om and lind a lietter si tua be !.'¦ i Mn \ .1 _;ii. in \\ eal Lon -iii m-t.. wno was lound i" lu en What i '" he.iT-l.i d. " If know w ii: lu- ".',... [j d every Kit ial ir".ii the year the vmr 18H0. Lu; ii a boy cells mc a Kitualist he is n! certain ol i\ cm a lm u*e* a piav. r-boi li.- is using a ritual. a, ce certain tonus and obaervaneea taut arc ivn: rn lin bO , I hm... I tl... rei- .I is ihii here, sa ra Rngland, increasing culture and refinement temi to a i ..¦ uni. i". li il " 'I .in- mu .le, "i' .esthetic, hi tho Cuni ii. I is tbroogb, the e titnesHoi ihiuga bal lilia eouies a "ii. "Kui I.'" a ¦:-. -." '* Bi -i hard thing to define, t are si mani riifferent understandinga u .ci rea ly don'l koon ¦.. li a io -:.\. lim I ic en- a be (liaoanraff .!. mni anon nt no tm lui itu, \ ian's, I oulv kuow tbal ila people intend tu nild a near cburcb. < md I'd sbon you -I Ur-., er Ul imu ii i a lailui "'¦ not." tbe church, which is nexi the rec:.tv. r. I,,'i'.i u pointed "in si itne paintings co venns tue tte chance?. I lu v we e Amie \u Lon* .: ! Mr. Brown ; "ii "-. iii ,t lock as ii Ku itui sm v. ere .i failure V up OPINION <."-' th I ii! v. ni:. TTM Jil. The viewaof tbe Ker. Dr. Stephen H. ryog, jr., lined. .. I think tainan ira . -t -t- oi.lv mi the tarlton,* ba -aul. i.t! deep life. Kaw tak Kt laliatio Cburohea bore ny tbe Virgin, aa.I .*-(. Ignatius. I le -.null and count a com- trifling number nf worshippers, ¦.ii l pi di three int St, ten ' in -e Hii - i* a all lunns of tlioin_ht an l sh; T's ol !. I" represented here. Bo n i ii mun i.t T-ves and preachaa, and bow* preach it, be will find aotae to lie.ir mli bim. v\ hen ion a*i- wacii #i Uituulism ison thc incredRw I mm.sc a i. :. the form due io the i '*''. m. rea e u. ul lui ¦;. nominal io .* s c burch. late Pan-Fresh teri iu < ie Li turi el id (caiai.' nt retn ne ol tba H i ., he breail ano w me ni e aacrament. ¦:.'.' tory. On 1 he one lian.I im ta.ti tbe br rad and ar lue eui Ulai* " ; anti ( atholie ii wti ma "i in- I.' a.i.m ,: bolii i be¬ abea tbe prieal i. I,..- -a. i.ic in an actual ehauga takaa ptaes tm.' lc body ie l ">¦ accidents ot tbe I tsale reina:.. * changed. imprabeusi- B ii tiuiiii.iv between tha wo Li tb ul ii.e. Lutherans.BBSttBhatailtlBtlBll j that is, thai the bolly and bloofl nf Christ exist tngrthr-r w>tli the lu. -ni and wine. Now thu Kirualistie doctrine of the Real I'ri'.enco ia much like the Lutheran. Its ndvoeates carefully endenvor to make a distinction between this doc¬ trine and the Loman Cat Imli.*. but it is a distinetion without a difference. The sacrament ta either breed and nins or sea. They «av i? is pius *iiinetliing el*-'.-the hotly and blood of Christ..uni whee asked tn explain speak of tho -hyper phys-eel llic'f idle.' \uw III) ntl'* UTI lliu'i'.st and th-se eabl o- ties of langsana, sam tli.nkinii men ara unwilling to aseepi then. Pne doctrine must lal' ot itself. Dogmatie Bitualiam is like a weil. It grows comparatively iuiiioiie.nl, ami is iolemt**d, wisely I tliuik, hy Hie euiireh "tl .iccouliti'f significance and actual barmleaaoeaa Ko. Bit* ualuun eaanat he on tba hieresee, for very little ia -.ii".ii allom it. li |a ,|mif and makes r. Bishop Seymour bad Ih n claimed aai.i the Ritualists, an 11 oi flrm ttiou wa* reluaed bim on that aeeeaat until ha made a written atetseeent that In bad Doaympathy arith Kinmist u: beliefs. "In the present Council ol Bu hop. no n itk svet baa been taken "i Ritualism.al least not favorably, and the pastoral leUei ti) it will ba lead at tbe close at tbe nuucil will, a* 1 han; know, tniin s position thal will iii.ic- the church In uireet, opposition tn K cnal un.' A venerable clergyman, ob of tan host known lurch ia this city, laid! " 1 think!!here has hedi other muse, the iHU'Ii-.t operating un a; m. AI nan's. Ihe ettaatiuu bas b -en unfavorable, and a debt bas been in<*urred. li' re the intention bow is to anil the ehareh. The growl of a rev renti tl feeling, aad tha sreed- Ing out of coarse and vulgar abnaea ia the serri.-e, h.in- led to an increase "t eert lin obeerveaeeo am: forma m tha ebnreta \^! fi ara eo longer looked iil-oo BS startling novelties. At example ¦ t1, liesa hy a boy cboir. A. they ara eaga#ad in ; ii set of worship it is highly propel thal they should wear something different from the or¬ dinary dress. <>i tba whole I think Kitaaliam ia nol gaining, though the doctrine of tbe Real Presence, that ls to say, thal tbe bread and wine a.-'* Bometbing more thea me¬ morials. perliap_ finds more believers, rbi ami exciting talk abonl K'tnallsro has .lied away, and in the lani tweaty-llve veera 1 think there have i"1 n ew r cou yerta to Romanism from Ititua -tic chu..¦!' en than from ineb a ebareb, for example, aa the Church of tbe Boly Commaoioau* LAT EM SBIP REWS POBTOV NF. wyo'ti. .Ar.iltVT.i- orr. l'l. -tr ;:!.'.c., '.a ij'Tinr. cai-tiiir lt .Uv., wttii raSsa and aaa. l.v ..I'.' "f Len Inn l'T'n.irn. li nn. i-i r .-. pt H via ll i-lt I'apiti i"f ll a'T.il M vh!I, Nswrv .;.. ititi-* v .1 li. ia- ar, in ballast to Benham, Pickenug A Ca V IBEIU H T.i N"n Y t t. 1'!.- trrlT-Sl tl ii, front .**,. vr *rr Bennblie, Ironi Kew- .. IIB X i'W V uri- l.t. i' ul. _ Mechanical Orguinette on exhibition nii'i i" ... v. ,i;cni' tu-. Nc. -*:ii Broads * that it cannot pi .form, and thi or which th *j arc aol tbe lan tl a tn ny "f iweot koo * itrr.ll-1 I tirittor! I.rr.ur*. I US 'latin. 18 LBl j 1. .. pei treal .' t. i.i. tu fl p c. Is there a footl spcei.iliT ailnjiieit lo Beallah lbs . si a Biala itUatii If IR j.,, |: k ¦ ber i :. ti lei -tilt hell, i .un! '. [arti, cnn, nml h.nu !)_. i_r!.- l'.uk.-r. of u..:* BILIJMAN -"¦ by tha '.'_. ir, I" l.l O. J..I..O.I. I'll. WILLI " " 'i**r '.4. .. ri.. :¦' Jennie _*., da ;... 'Li-i'tiir. na: bt in Lirni w'Uh f*',i ml.ur UH i l idre. ^^^ riEEEEE \ ii; to ia W anea, ta ta . Ilrooklyu, I ii utter a "T 15, 1 -* *,.', elk j. m. .. tu. !'.. , ry E rt ;.,4- lll) lill ll. '."!'.l-l. Il m., ana n ' r lol. " ¦rc a-*. ' i> in ri in tb a.i ll. \. V. Br V Mi ll.'Il.'D Ul IIIIITI'. " lilli 'I, '. waa !:. ri.'iiini. 'llll'c'l. tl tl * c 'i ii .- nt tba ace, tm I., ireenwn il by tl.e i .. Cl I .i_..i.. faucet .. _..»»-Tiwi g. Kirby ttl Cu.. lactlsweers. - \.» lii.l'i.AV. >s1 ith -t ri ill rt*.. ll'Pl.Krt CLOCK mKTB nml . \ I'-n il I. . .l.'.-il -li \ I. ,. * v ;'. Vi-. !'*. t 1111.1.0 HA T A «,"!' -i'i'.l *.'. \M1 - lc.. Etc. honsekeeplnu On VI il umist noising ill i)li*__l rotuli, I. bran r a sta tu ic der i" u *. na _.... Sue carpets, mattressaa *io.,etc- * c rural.I lu *cv .'..I-.- in ,-via>u-4. ami on tlie ,. -nc- mai eil ...¦... _ lull Itt'titiri nt rapitrite.m's Lua-t *-ssrmou la -.iiailsy ¦ _. I ii-.. II** Ice I ..-ti.ii is I .o.TiL mu ,rt un .it > sr i .i.t. i ci-ci oi famines, t bnr -ii ia iuji- | ¦¦__m «..-n. ». Lea-Ill tl- Co., taietleaieerB. VVTT'M.-!'AV vs.. Hil i*|i',V.liT. ll nu.*, '.¦.ttl n.i .i it (LINTON HALL, now on eibibl OK1K.NTAL i.i"- ANH Ul lll.Y I M limn DKIli Ii Vs! cl" .1 i. V, c. -I. AMI t| li ¦' Ull MAI '. - Ul :. VI VAM .tloru til .n ii>" ll m. (Ired » Filly a otmuo nutl Mellera RU fg, gt | la ¦¦: ,11 c.ilnr. Henry A. iM.ii.-l* >l. lt.. 114 l.ei.a ",ni ito ii,.*, .".nu it .Tl ,' .vi;c inly. L'lliuure Unlit Til', (arel. Sarah'! ;r itmt Daly ortice. : Vesey iL, opp *'. t -i Paul'. hui eh. _ 'lin' llcl.io_r.ip-i in,- bn c Iel t ur ciTnur tn _l iii nile... itt'Knit fi" ii-c "i adi* "I iivilu- "-aiiuccs. -iola tia. IT. 1! EKTOQBAPH CO MFA WV, .ii inti _4 linn li -I.. Nv.-, ork. Th4- Dill". iJi-nnlne Vi-hy ;. linn the BpriOCa ll.n.l-riv,-, l cr.'Tl- allie 1.1 I. VleBy, ¦. th *;.. i HSttD Bra CaHBtWa '.r.iu.le t.rillo _ YTawtfS .poem 'lim * i-i" "n 'vi es i .... .mc* "'..rilli, -.int p.'tin-in- ii- .a., a*p, \,. c aa WILLIAM WINTICB FTUiaaa fceitgiotiB _\"o.u*c_. 1 niiii.il >lem..r!i:l 4 Inr'i . ni cl 1 j>. iii. tho lu/tii Iiev. ii- M nit ci... .-. 1" c. WW jr.-.it iu tu. linn lllliK Al Hnrisril Kooma *.. ive-Mn al ,1", ia,i,er 17. -¦. i i :i. et i.. >ui i. r o Pei Bu um." wi ap n 4'alTnry Chi ¦ -.ices at liam unii p. in im-it v i. a. vv ,ti ti k.n. j^. h.. ii.il ..Ul. i.i 4 im .el ul .*! t'hrynomtmm I h-st I li,- Kev lir. \. ii n ¦¦ "llt'lfe, ... lc .:.!"'!'...'¦ ".I. n of l.t.- il Ls.*. Hil. I tiurcu ul Ital V fha lu. Ban n ni :.¦ : '.lcji ot olilu. v*iii ni 4b:ir i* iii the Ile* vimy Utul. ll a. m.. ItJ-ilui' .irLis. i p. .ii I..; "\ I I burrb al .lin I!o)t 4p.i-.ti.- av .. il,.' lc i '."iiiu* a.-r- IA I'LT. II t.o in an ii"' t,t il, -. CTlAltl___.v Y. i.O.' -, Ui... liUhUp ol il) ' Religions Notices. 4 harrb sf Hie IHviae _"siemiiy 'uti ave., roraer 4_tb nt., tie Kev ..II HAIMV J. 1) I'nii!-.. rim IU.. I M. ATVV.i. ,D will I'-cvi'i Mofniac aervteSB. ll n't- .vi tren- lng at "i: surnlti .c,ei"i. t IO a m. All ara Hit!:.-I I burch al tte Helv T_.»lrv. Vt -.linne ave. an.l-.l_i.- I i' ..ir cf ..'rvtte. 1 .. nv. sod 1 l'l p.m. rh" Itc. Ker ll B. WHIPPLE, I' It)*ln>i.ef Vimne-flis. w.ll pr-ich ti the rn .ruin.-. The Bal l.r I Y..t..'r.. ile. tor ol thu i*aruh. wlU I'll'" il ||, til'' ll lill.ll ?'..iirth I ailinn f'-inrrli. irhariv ...r. If ! il. m. tb- I'v-lsr «i l praaeh. Knitted Th*. at anti t.'i» I'ermaasaa .11 11 .rit-ii Life " 'Iii" pntille .¦.'.ii.i. V Invited. _ New Jenmalrm ( b-rt-U '->«-. .lc.,'.¦>; _i ,n i rh it be¬ ti-' -.ti Psi v.. * - KW v Itu. i- Tel Lok- rte '.'«: in m fit- !¦» ".. ii. ti ire . ol eu- *ij|. Ilr'-Ttjiv Icu" - Tula-.-a. li.siJ si Mlia *.«n-tel» fee Rtbirul 1 allure 4' i. K lt ant ria a il-tVe ,10'l -I -t .11 -1 S T V : . ope ii .! a' .o ',, i.i .. it .ii ;, ,, ,¦,, it a latsreaUMl are la- be SM -.U'I Ti'lispesa- slile Ret i "¦_ The Kev l.etirge *4 Canaet.I st J ha's, I-mi.-b Ih Tit uno ii* t,.'ini:nt(. _.l ti c it uri |j ut .T._IIV ")' III *t.. .l*t "I .il 1 .. The Kev. Knn-Little, "f M im in-i. r . , s \ l> V Y 1. v I- *. n tu-rii er IT ri I'll'lsoil St, .'1.|H.*lt.' lir.V' I ,v- v. ll !. li, 1. i. V 'f ^^^ Tbe Kev tl I iKiitx-Liflle H t*r ut - e. M.tni le ut t.on i nie Cbnreb -. ..nh st.. in-... ..i larnaoratag at n T.i'i.. Political Xftttctf. -_.mp._iar- l.q-.pmriii. sf sii kluilt ii. I' percent r. las- no.i. _ li Tl'-' *- V. llslly. ronna s -"...KFM.l.l. AB xs (CCU i vv B~*T .'- -hay EV SUI 50, ni IMIF.U. l <H \ A N_W IN <,- .M.c )t IK wn.L vi D-UBSB m '. 'i I ri BU .; I. SKTMOUB, PraaSBBBa Ta Kt-p-bltt-.n (inls CAWrAlOrt ii MT ill Till" I.F.W Vi J BK rKlBC.NK lisa -si I in th* for-n sf Ita l-l iil.t; '.I ..I wlitc'i sit of ..¦¦: rsiilt Ona Na *>:i The Iliac I. at Bepudlati ¦ mowina rs el ttl... il - * 6 chu a.. n ii ii rei! +| n The I-niau.-.' i'runer. The A B O af e .Bra t .<. _lc-'!".c '.'ll III 111 ,. I'.j. 'io. -.> the I I.t. i r «eSy. Mrs. I mob. I'm bm-ttrsd. aa i-r tii.ui* So. UV The Life or ("jrBel I. t'uni limns -iii-t'i-.I arith. in IS- vv u. " Esrtl-r J -nm ry, a -kent rf - et te r<.,:. i (__ Ll 1 UlOUSSIllt. di. The Tern Parties. I Pot il hm II_v -it - s.. 09 ii <" "'i* ' 'c ri .oa tram ali No. ts-. BrlB-lSler* t ....ernsaat. . . -i I' | > ;r tli.ll*. NA li!-, t aa the Norlb A Bur I lt. ' - .i TUT. \», 7 I. i'l-oli-iT' t! Ill.i.l-ti v n.ii ii rum *i et l|i bv (.< lard , ¦. - **it>. J".. Hr 1.4.,:t.*. -peera. Tin Ail mil a . i.i- with tbe IT li t un ll ji ."tnt ,oti ol the (ires .T M. "i me ,t in.'- prom NEW D - ; SD \ KW EDITIONS | / .1 la-.-.. / C ' I .'. Ht I. 7 I 1 ll. tl Itv IT Tlirtinr'i Sat em Tbraa riu ¦ ll'_!.".- | . 1 '.ie \ .tem ot (lu* tilter u'i T. B . I'ji: 11 -io.is. .¦ii. A new A meriejo \ i~-«rt n :. :: -c cnaa ur: .ttl UOttT ¦-. . h.. i ¦.'.'. ¦'. Ot .ii i m.. SI ".J. I*ae ii. BiL 18 sm l.ei.an Trouble, ,t" : ia .i Tits '.i.iti! ia Papers, , -ior ol i.i J. il. L1.'P1V .,ii v < <l. i'.i: i lal ti i Caa **!:r* \l.iie f Ae Homictlc North neil KoBtl i \*> nutlrriiiv Tlionalits ..ntl IV.i.i.l.i-iiia **>lepT. S Tit i.i.:. 4>A I I-sf Twe WorSSi ure Our*. IX i>., i.i.:: ', .| .. .[| -. f Ot th T. II '.'.. ' all *- -. The .'Ii.ioc I .1, o! .vrl ll ¦17 t' ;. :.-t.i..c. v-wV-irlt. Itrirk- W'ifb.-.it -Haw I n:.i ilirihtr.l ami lou itu 4.(-deration, li. i ,i. ... '.cn c o'" JOH*-, WI LCI -.>*.- i.i \'ti»e-pl»ee Kii«Uiii» Seven Lu.nps ol Arc'.iiteciure .soar rauUicrla ,lt. i.askiri's llorl.-ri I'nTilers. '. i ">_. pille '.ITU Sll tic IC I till WOail .. «1 I II ii tiil.l Viiierii'.io lltaitc ( t ,,..,-'¦ '. . Btmaat sui -IK -tl sud a 4-Ktlft.l.l. I* Pl I * l 'I '*"* 1*4 ** I ii Vb.ive ll lim. lor H.iiitf Ceailins Form na Vol w iii'n fat- lad 'in i) '.ul'. i iou;.; r; m. BL Tue Mani liny th Ttiwi Ky J..hi Hal.1). rt. n. Wita P.trtauul. l)!t! unit **...». By Oswald 1 iwfarS, ucuva, ».ti :n .;i* Budina fa io. J l II..-> M. 4l«*4.l)OII J_ 4 (). \rvr and 4ll4i. '. Val.uiioo; Ver.i I.) Joan AtM.nj.tiM. _ivtni)uii». iiiroitte A ul hoi*. Itonaehtiid friend., (..cl Con*. pauv. .1.1. .1 ..V . alura lt. .l-.eljr i _llll>, fi e.'CU. __ I Iv Tl Mi A. ll) I ll Oe v-sf- JoTn IMouahiriTiii a 1'i.nires. Sf T-:"ir..-!,. :t <|ii_lal .-ma Stamnd trna Stwnmtt Rp BaeSaa SSeaasa Frou,Io laVOaSBB By mis.m. li. (calal. Tiie ilet mila Br KlaaaaS*) ISi nnnn nnan m. i <> ,\ Day ol'! nie B*fS_ I', ll"- t.j, UUaC illA.ti.I.** -4 itiCM-.r-i *.;»»4*4. 7 lil sail * I i It.-iiltviv The lirantli-.l'iic. v - ai ..irrs VV. Bilk " * "ll I' "II! Cl Ai-mit Llle io Kassia. I'A UsatSB-Bt l'.V. t.i u«. V. H. A. Its ... - A Jail v Krllow.hip. liv r_.i. li ."loeKton. sat.ur ,at iteiL i vol., li ino, txiiii c.oLii, *1 *>.'- _ l.t.liCI.K W.I \ltl.f.TON eV l'f|. Ha I: .ou--tiu_ri-. *4. Y The Lil';* ol **>arib I'-ershiirtll .n. 30 BsaaSM¦'. Triamnh. I >n |1 JO. j.tilt in the j .in/in- i.< i' Bapaaaa si .- *»ub l.ti-.-i " !.¦. I l.e«l tin-s "tVTi-tnu liv M iv a- ci t'temta*;. JoTu ssaiur, i - ..'!.. cntS. ii ism*, v M * T -I-. , ,: - While Wins*. IV William ila... :o,ci.,. (H>i t ii hv (he --ea Uv BU BBB* MM VV |..i. ,r *. v ceata '.- Tu Ho- I'niiera. UV Charlea Di, _.nv lilt.ula. Weinutiiii in* i.e.. *sidsey **ni'»lt (.nen- RBI irv ni he .*.n_li,h People. (onipleWta i \., * a ¦''¦. ';. ( Uairrh lim!'lm* ll latOl 0 .lui. is tin .tdd! i mem- Uv New Colorado uuJ ibe Mania Pe Trail. By A. A. Have*, jr..'. vi || miiai.-.l .it A tear ol Vi'reek. * trie al .rv lir s vi.tiru. Vimo, cl,tl li t! i'.i r "i .'eula. The lisliuu Principia. ITr: v Ir-iltillin I'miraa .1 alitalia!. D^ieilua ucl Kxerc «e ll't.i.. wltb \ ... .Ttii-ri. .' Itc Lau "' Dr. vv .iain siuiti, a IT ui.ipta LaS-M-" .-" ..".ii j ce ula. K()ll-.KI*-4 BKIH. B-saeaaj VI-asrieO'lrhlBv'', Diary nnd Letters. lit»T »y *_w*aS I \\ ., |C|T. ..1 1 VII" i.'lll'i. iTolll. SI. 1 l Ue title al l.ue. _i. Uia suUmr 4*4 ** l-xi aiyx .1 ¦.laisa." 1 .IUS, t 1-1.1, ia-

MUSIC NEW-YQKK. Religions Notices. · 2017. 12. 15. · MUSIC ANDTHK DRAMA. DANIl'.Ia BO-CHAT. A nnmeroui »nd brilliant audienca wa* in tlie Union S-unre Theatre. Issi night, and

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Page 1: MUSIC NEW-YQKK. Religions Notices. · 2017. 12. 15. · MUSIC ANDTHK DRAMA. DANIl'.Ia BO-CHAT. A nnmeroui »nd brilliant audienca wa* in tlie Union S-unre Theatre. Issi night, and


DANIl'.Ia BO-CHAT.A nnmeroui »nd brilliant audienca wa* in tlie

Union S-unre Theatre. Issi night, and il saw a re-

UiiirkaMe play. I SB Sharaiitel nf " Dame! Boehat"is intellectual, Bad it-* interest is of .1 very senna*

kmd. In most ni ces, winch hSSSBSB popular, tuc

attraction consist, in tho sentiment : 111 1 lu * one it

resides mille idea. NV,- have he ird that "Ilaire!Roe hat " was t failure in Pans, and to us, accord-in tri v. it* twe-itivc, ghtiering merit ead lat power atConquest, as reveille.' ni tin pS-fBSBSSneS bbs! Bight,flSSBS a *uirp.i.''. Ih- luy,, Mtorv m tlie

plav is sirni'le, and. to apatite aceustmneti lo highlyiiepiu'riTi analyses af soda! -rims sad i ss sshibitionss. sflUsous sporting sruaad a valesno ol dsstme*tmn.it might w.ii set-in vaatd. Un' ea sh bs i f

rrliirinus scruples. SS n iim.ive of dramat ><

Bise -Bight, ta *ucli a aabtte, app-ar trivial. Not so

here, Tae tint-stion ol selig! m is, for Ameri¬

can audience.., woven inti) the setili-

SBSntsI ni:.!mn ol' the characters erith BS*

41ll.nl skill ami Witt a very prac! ital

nanrd-Bain Thi tani of "Daniel Boehat" has

sheedy heea est bsfjsre the readers et this journal.In tha ateeantsssnts. lt tesl sight.*-altbengh tbalint ead second act* nats itbei this sud oold, sndthough tiiroiiL'li th .ni the iictmii moved lan¬

guidly,.the sitasttoa la set third, whereia thoheieese n padiates heretvtl marruge ia conformitywith ker raUstteen prinotpin, msdu it vital, modern,atiietly af to-day, aad essentially seeaethiag te baseen sad cmisii'.. ie 1 by all tlnnkini* persona.To thia * ma ."T Ilise Jowett did not urmg the

requisite strength; but Mr. Tharno.though euee

he let louse thal tigerish imuiaei win li is tue de¬pravity af his Pty le.camed h-IBBBH through it

with noble dignity sud splendid Cotes.Tue 1.alric comedy clement was BUSf-ied by

Ifr. J. li. mo luart, wno gavs ¦ perfermaeoe veryirkahli tm thai perfect id-ntiflcatieu with tbe

interim naiure, and that spoutaueoaa -xpteesi "i ot

aatural oharaoteriatu s, wbi li uo to the buildius »pot truh arr. .tic work, in tater scenes the piecei.e-Ti* to take on the old familiar hue af tbe con¬ventional 1 >v nra:,a; there are lUodered beana,and there ta thc uattal som ire atmoapbere ofau ap¬parently bopelraa estrangement, ibi alemeu I !*t("muli; Ps*, tue more pleasing lu the average audi-ence, bul it is h ss intellectual '.han the other.'lin- *;. "an oi un id, principl

.. ter, torn bi twi "ii love and thc p-i ,,.

, 1- mmethine thal .! reqoir d bun ns toire and tbat requires brui lo understand, lt

**Daniel Hocbai"proven .. popular sue .--

1 "iii fm [Join di< h.. Il iin nv. managed vv;;ii ornmatic ;.

um s comp iel it.\ le, and ithannie- ita tweiit . pe

v 11* mi u le cl li'' mme*

try ol rork ol art. lt was set iii -.v.-Iic.it *e.."..-.

.¦! iieil; ami iii' ;.¦ af,r 'tc' 1 . -. l'lie um ia .i* follow. :

Darnel Bot bat, pfurimaa ind pbil «o|tlirr,Ciu_i 1:. r i.rnc.jr..J ll. M

u.i-; Julia i'ai-u-i.i',emull

(Ti trie i IIend -

il...Cha ..iiiu*

na...:. .. ii ai.

. Ai:. A.

J ncic. un -M 11*1Verio) uriel.J...At ;,'¦¦ ten nil

.Mi .il'. in hell!..tm .,

M lot , -

Mr*, ia .Iira. K. J

_li_f i'll. 1. lil Oaatilt all V I Tl ll * J ..KN c..

'KI.VN PBJLB tKMOTh" proapectut ot the Pb :

Ive pablic ri

end -x concerto will be given during the coiningThc rehearsals, ei

ond cou;; i'. ut, l lu dat .: 1 ll, toe m-

hsr 8 (Wt diiosday) and 17, January 7 and _.!. Feb*raary d 18, Marah 4 and 1-. .md April 1 and22. I" "l. be Saturdayev :.-'.¦¦ ber 20, D r 18. January 22,Febraai y IU, Uar b iril 23. i be pro*

ri .*: Symoii iay Na 8,...


ll :.

'jw ready, aud mn, beiety. No. 172 Mou-

t.i_mc. ., Brook Ij-**>-

:.!... Ali BEATRE.The p.-- anani ul ol "''. d

wa* preernted ia*i week, ay Ur. il. C. Janet'; ic fore lai s at Booth's I boat re.

Tbs pi't 1* the pealed om-.Tear

lo ali children.and tn tbe new dre*., iav. ii it sgi out of thepages, lt 1 .ario,1*.

Much ol im .-ii.i's charming mu*

bud inch ditlianll eonccrtod melo-by :i oomsany "l omediaus, M.

Katharine Lewis bas _r .1* the en*

amored Pr I .and been well reeeived;ami niT'-ii praise may bi b iflor.ndebutaute, 1 r bul Um a little ' ..11 cm- v

will win a iii '"I place iu popularThe : ii -il by

Mis.* ¦- hua Delara and M. - -I ania I1ti. ra sri inirv gueena 1

and young hui. m.; fanci! 1.

dress-'-, losetber they formed refrushiBg picturesof Iii.: !. !. lor Snd Ill.iV'iiieniiTil, thOTOUgfamoutons it it'i tbe spirit of the tale.

lir. Mark Smith mad a ";. and Mr.* t.otahh i ;' in mp ii*

liuih thane gentlemen bave well-trained and power-lul vm ¦; ,md dr. SvjooBBt .1 ei Largely to provide un r: i-Tuent throiigboBt the piece, tbers waa a cbornn,mm 1 lier-vu rc rata aud lizards andpumpkin, wuk all tbs other parapher-ual a.ic oniittius tbs (.'rand u Idealia.rv coach, with a tiuy team olponies, and tiny outriders, equerries andrunner* ail to mat.-h. Mr. Hoyt, tne scenic art is*,i:.i- -tiiiji.n .a-UTii'iu'Tiis and atriking fairy ball,w ii iii deligbta trom itadetiuecy of color aaaltv of desien. Much dancing occurs wtbiiami lin- criorinaiii.; Mian 8una. of tne Liiieaiifs-*e'-ti bore rt el tat tune proda es gen¬eral enthusiasm. Altogether ''Ciiidorella" will,lievond doubt, «r.itily the lui I.-people ut New-Yorkior some lime ta ooma, ead, il wo uu-Uake not, ibeallier Luivs and -^11 is as well.

LOCAL THEATBICAL UTAH'S.Mr. Wallaek will bring oat " Tbe Qnv'nor" next

Iweeday evening. "Aa You Like lt," tba loveliestcometh' in tho lan_.uuj_e. although beautifullyIn..lintel at this tli.atie, ami well played, has failedla attract the public."Ilseel Kirke," bowever,ssaintalne li sell at t i.e Mallison Benara Theatre;"A Haili ti r-autv * gees mi .it the Park 1 beatie ;

and * _\ 11 Ataarieaa Girl" is huh camel et tbethe Fifth Avenue Theatre."Tbs SnowSlower*.Mr. Baaa_eanltfa "Paavtetti ".has beenbrought eal at the Bijou Opera House MissClaxton i.nl Mr. Bteveaaon act in it. witiineod diet 1, and its pretty avalancheScene ie vt ry well managatl."OurFirs! Families" is doing nell ai 1 Iv*tre.".Mv I'artii.r " vvii be brought mit tin*.w.ek hy ih' Aldrich ead Pm say at

Kib.o'n.Mr. Joseph Hattea'a iir..t reedtag in

America v.iii murnext liiuisiav aftemoeaat tbsMad-Saa Bejasie Theatre, ami sheald n-. ene the ai-

t.Tin.ni ol the hterarynublb.Mr. Huck'sepersot " I), sen t " asaintaine ita p eec al ll- e. ly's.Mr. I'tati 4'i-eta seeeea al tba Btaoderd ia dite a cittse. A piece asteed " Upper IMr. Byron's wilt bs brangfal enl ii bis ito nat dyafterward, and later MeaeM, BobSBU SBd Cranewdi bogia sa aaganseeeal.Him Liliae Bpeneertsahsstl] to appeal at tha Pifth Avaaai rheatreia% piece Batted .\ irali'. Vow.".Julin

...v.-ni al HM Fifth Avenue,* i <r NoVSSShSf Iff. will be

Sijfiiaii/.il bj 1 u ...' ic ni revival ol \ ir_i'itus."a'di Mackaye u preparins a wnvenir. te bs

..tstiiiei.ee tu tbepubltc at the 300th performanceul"ll,,/i; Kirke,1 m the Madiaoa 8qnarc.Amedley porformance mr the hem in ol m. Luke's

'..ill ot nu at Lyne Hall October20.Mlle. Paola Mani takes s benefit ai the Wtandsrl oa

h. next. Mlle.Cecil. (.;.._.ar. appears lol'the brat time timi *-a* m in "Lea Clot In-- nev.lle" m, n/edneeda Mr. Oliver M.h-iui*, |,i..i.ia| to tue Mar Iimiie-tt) ol Lome,» lom uf (be In ¦.I Canada,under the management ol Mr. C. A. ('rushy.nice* MSntlBS I'ariy 1.1 lin. wcok at iiavtiiy'a

Hrooklyn Theatre.To-morrow nield "La Pillenu laiiihour Majur" is to be lepeodueed al tbeSi.indar.I Tbeetle, with Mlle, Marv Albert ss Claud-inc.Mr. Huck's wDeeeret"J is te be pcodneedOaBaaes 28 at Haverly's Hrooklyn 1'heat re.


A drama entitled " One Hutulred Wi voa; or Mor¬monism I.e vealed," will be produced in Philadelphia,al the Arch, to-morrow nnrli!, and it is gpeetad locause c_c;t'm.-nr. It treats ol .Mormon lt--ti aaa l>alas laid la Ball Lake Citv, ann polygamyis ita topic Ihe elJort of ea elder of tha Morni'.nChurch ta marry the wife ufa .vonni* F.n.'li-.iinaiiforms tiie ina.n thread of serious Interest. The wife,

bbb beea lured from inr homa in England,With her (Ililli and her mother. The mothal hushess i.i-nii .it'll hy the bette! ia the Jee Btaitk ie*hfl-ion, ami ia striving te assist th. cid r'sscheme* Liu. bewever, i* uaahta ts un tor-stand the leeeea el has linshead's ahesaee,and :* t"i aware that bs is bi receipt ot a

dispatch signed by her s-tnoaneutg ber pro]uinoii vv,tli the Munn.m Church, lliis dispetcbproves te he a forgery, aad alter repeated escapee,parda ;|t' the banda of the Daaites, sad a Bamber ofstartling aad ede ttve ritaare nettled, and t!:e old .v-'eni ef " One Love,"" Ons liiuic," 'iml "One Wife" aeknowledged to

beat, rho comedysitnationa are repreaihv Mr. De Wu!' Hopper, Mi Ada Glisten andother.-. Mr. Hopper enacts Mcfrintey, an eccentriclimier, vvlnisc vms (Ads (i'hn.m. IllhtStS UPOBIns beeomtng s converted tuan and marrying snumber ol wives m mtier thal shu may obtainsbigb place in the Celestial K nadom. Mis. UeorgicDreu Barrymore sud Mr. William Harri, are tbepersecuted huaband arni wife. hasi eon punted fat tins piece fruin correct photogr mba,and the dieases bave beea um ie from drawingsturui-lit "i bj Mi*. Ann Kli/.a Young. I ie pi

work of Mr. .1. H. Kunai m. of 1Jribune, and mule Pearce, m lbs Mi ipi fatar*Uotau.

METROPOLITAN CONCEBT HALL.Mr. Theodore Illina- save tbe iir.*t of bta Sym¬

phony Micfata at the Mctnipoiiiaii Coocert Hail1 hursday evening. These en the opening night, and filled every rlesseal in the HalL The proearauune Inelnded a num¬

ber "i important works, among which were

Beethoven's "Egmont" nv rtnre, tbe Bach-AbertPrelude, Chorale and Pogue, Maseenct's " >

Napolitaines," tbe theme and venations by **ul-

vayre, phony io P mator, op. 8, hy Her¬man Qoetz, 't ¦¦! "il" ia mes ot ibeMu-.* tv." v. luci bes not been beard before in thincuuni ry, ii .:.. ii lr c.

bright, frosh snd full of gracefal melodics, it iseffectively scored, and it showa quite cl arly attune.-lue mil.icnce of Wagner.ni -nt, aa Allegro Modi-rato. is vei I, anilthe themes are adrairablau [atermeaso, is 11k¦ 1 \ lo be ihe favoriteol the tour witb tbe pnbl <¦. tl i* tull of grace, and

dainty au I delic tte enonuh to !¦..

i.y Mondelaeobu. Th A Ihi.it. more than ai i tbeI otbermovements, shoe's Wagner*!

ia the iccuiiiir aaa of st,me of the reed 1 stwm in the Ii ii;nc.! il lssinga be Pi n il .. like the iii t moviment, is strong nnd »pi ited, snd tb

worked up. BesiuVMr, Thomaa brought out at Iii* Btat

compueere. Tbe first and moat Important cl thea.,M.l.-eiiet'-

I" -1 \

and abound, in onginnl orclicstrulbot it i* withal vigorous sud hagut movement, and is likely tov ryii.iti* for -ii other band, !...-

i, ._¦

in .ii* a il bon d noveitv miii mod' in ci" by Mi lej. -iarijuia

.uni Ala.ijTgaining aa encore oo ital

THE WANDEBH-G ACTOB3.Mr. Baymond is in Decatur, and noes thence to

a, Hann bal, and Qni Chicago.McCullough sp*

n '1 act,I!'!--

r 'V ld I).- -fe;,, tin* V.

ities ol New-Hampeb-i-m


inner will probably pla ai lie econ

ow trd on ti.-- tra in .'..hal returneil to Paris, "

hil populai ase.

M. Semi .¦ is nd M. Paul Fiardot, the young.rm Spain.

Mr. Ado pe- Pu* b( r, theturtled from Eurone.A cen!

¦¦ ith.to | I

ai d concert* wil in B '-tua ,ln* vt

Mr.c will giri co icu r-s inMau*

., .iel., tra, ii puted [he t" .-¦ in 1 _laiAccording

rt stage Ucl - * l., who

,.,.¦ . i tbe bic!.. -i i "\ ntU mienia ni Madrid tbe coming wini

rbe concerts ol the New-York Philharmonic 8o-bis seasoo will take place on November 13,

December ll. January 13, February 12, Maian Apr.l 'A.

bi isa stet's " I! Toiliaii- " willperformance in Parin, as the 1 oped, bm ;.t;.. -. ">'"im. i.i March next.

be Metropolitan I I evening tbeprincipal meinbera of Mr. Grau'e Fi (Jom-

atll appear, together witta Mr. Levy, thcemiic! plaj 1.

Mr. ic ia He the baritone, will make Insfirat appearanc in this conntri altin firsi eoncertof tbe Symphony Society, on Novern bul <;. al.4 .iv Hall.Mini. met wi: li a ir,o*t Butbm

reception ob M...ul.tv night al tbe PhiladelphiaAcademy of Mm - lt was ber firat appearauce Inpublic since ber arrival from Europe.The minor tbat this would be tha last season of

Steinway Hall, and ilia: rn future il would bede*Toted to busineaa purposes, ls prooonnced byMe. bri. Steinway A .-ons tu be entuelj withoutfoundation.

!; a, the composer of ** Mefistofelc," which totobe produced by .Mr. Mepleaos dunnghu comingseeeon, ia writing a life of Verdi. Ha is said to banot lc**s clever as sn author ami librettist t:


li in possible thal Bioto°s ** Mefbtofole"'wil begives in Paru thie winter, for Mau. Adelina Patti!- ..mi ii) ba anxious te ereate tha r ile of this nen

Mingan ifs m Fnnon Tbe east will probably be,t',i,"'in.iu-. Mme, Patti: Faa Inij Mtmhia-uiphtdce, Maurel. I'm French veraion will be by M.Paul Milliet, tba collaborateur ol Ma__»uot ku bis" Herod indi

tywillgiv Mandelasobn's "Eli¬jah " on the afternoonofNovember 2d and tbe even-log of Novern rr 27. Mr. Ot irgeHeos bel,of London,will atag tbe baritone part. Tho"M * will be

ak, and ;.t the birdand _.')., Ii

" L'Allegro *' a ill be perform) d.'I in- mil sc.imu, ut lt..ii tn open at Har Ma.rstv'i

Theatre in London is announced to begin on tbeI- ii ins-. Of the prime donna, twe -ire ..¦¦.,Mme,(.1 ,\ u /., vu Mila Bee! ut buder. Ile i didi* .Minc, l r.i). lu. Baaein ie the leedins teaor, ami

Ordtpas and Foll ate among the tmanrm The only'l is

." Maria tn (.alni," 1.1Tito 'n.. tei, v. .ci is best knowe 1b thia country a* a


Ai>oiittv..i reen BBjottM BasaBaa Qnvernment-eui two um .' snstoHiberie to eoilect and writedaws tbe Natioaal .lodioa ii. ttaveiliag from

to vitlaae, and atteediag the various Iiii-a ut th- seaaaata. they have tntainail a

Bumbec "1 luiies. lucludiBa shoat Lbwere previously unknowu. the collection ut tobe

¦ ed dunns the omins i Inti r, mil lilur wit um ty in ITheCoaeerta Pepnialreeat the! rer ia

wets to ieepea I . ay. M Paedaiiioiiui aa in* btteeti .n ut tabb a.

woik i "i the Bean!an sch ol o I¦sen, mni Dhaka, Dai

BansA Hbshaifcewakf aud l_ii_i_ki-Kor*;.koii v, di

Banwan hh psegraannea Verdi, Betta, PoaeblelHand others vvill represent the Ifaltaii icboot.eodWagner, Braham, R tr ami Ootdmnrk ari tmong theGermana A fur France, a ehronoteatieaJ review ofthe lr. ii, ii oomaaean, from Lull' te .**bihi ..».-i n->

iml Meeseaet, wttl complete tha peagra-S-M for the*e i-un.

Ihe first Sn'ti'ld HiMai. ('inert will take placeai Bteiswav L ill aa Mendbj svssrksg; RevsssheB I.Mlle, de Beloees, Signor Campania! sad HerrBafaol JoBsaTy will appear, Lier to the*other members of Mr. Mapleaoa'a eosBpaoj will sm¬

ut these concerts, as well ss a number ol other wellknown ai ir-, staoug wlimu Bl*a Madame Mariei. . Mim ihiirsT. the Swedlah Ledtear* tftaartette,and W iii'iinj.

Mr. Hugh Aagicr baa irrived bi tins eeaatryrn w coonany wbiob will *

thia city in eoaseri miler Hm tania el tha "LeMunich Italian OpaSUtic Concert I'miipa-r.." .Viiof theainareta are new tu tins conn:ry, or at anv

rat.- tIi*-:r BSSBSI .'nora de Mon'elm, thesoprano, i* Italians Mila Chastel, tbe meaao-eo-|ir:).i". i*. Prencb, and ile nat ionaHt) ot (Signor

rte Stantini. tlie tenor, and ol Hignor OiorgioCastelli, the baas, is loft-in tbe dark, tbongb tbeir>' amen ai" not wholly free from au American twangTbe manager predict.*) gt ea) things ot th'm.Tbe College of Mnsic of Cincinnati will nive an

le festival in February, in conjunction withMr. Mapleaoa'a oompany. The chorus will be _n-

eraased to '.vad by t addition of local choral.'.iiious. and tm arcbeetrs will aambet 100

mst imu Tits. Tue operas to he given ara "Loher*-l'o-*i*ii's " >.i"*es tn Egypt," '.Fidelio.''

i ...ti.. -.'* Mefiatofelc," md " Tbe Nearie Flute." Ail

the principal number! ot Mr. Mapleaon'a companywill tak- part nilli- perfi n.i..ncc.

ii, NEILSON vii LBEBST AT BT. LOUD.Tnt Uieewuri Etp Miraa, of St. Loots, of October

12, makes a record ol a theatrical cen mutual, iahonor of tbe late Adelaide Nribion, from wbl b tbefollowing aeeonnl "i tbe proi Bedings ls condensed

I-)iiriiiK M.s* Neilson'-, l.i : % *,t ;¦ ¦; Lout, lc ucompanied some friend* to Ii Park fer Ibej in j, ti*.- ui *.!.-.-¦ -."¦.,-. ti titer a ern-

¦'uni.itimi -ic pro lanced ti iii Bneei mentoi mltu be prince ut poets ...¦ promisedtn jun un-, .:* poMlblc UT' itel c

turn to Bngt-dd. a slip from thosjicare mulberry tree at Stratford, ead Mad ittu Hr. Henry shaw, to be pmatetl ut"

¦t ,.nc. 1' .. | De *!.

a it certain ipot .indlcsl

,v month- .'.i'm' nml ¦!. :"ii i' nbi ilthe world of Juliet, li wai ibeii ita -c wooknei) ic r o'" ... iten in ihe

nate wtii.i: i"

tur toe Blink-speare slip. Mr. Sha* heartUrsympaiii ti.; ii :. in

Mr. lt. '.! i and m in n i*

,, ed Jii Sue,li -i v.incrv, -ci

un .ii ml ma le ur lt, aod tuen..


[heir.'vvuii". si thu" ii..m. young r. ii. And mi tne t aaa

Mi areal iit'tre«a... dead ere ber prime".fug-r-c;...ii a -un nf Italian mar

ml twenty mein a tungi weisail loni' lim k,bea iou :

t. ll, 1--<».i'i It: Bl

Planteti mi i : iij*wm m n.M).v,

¦.'".. 1-- '.

T.i* ''.tone ".ill be inuit d lu inuit of the titi

tuIres -. ot wi n :

ont inn n mu

ii. ,.

I c.'UM UTI- v lu Uli ic- ii.-..- i.tut ic inti c. eon

....m.i i!. r. were

fl 11.-11.. i! ti.- wrote iii'

tr.ii;' .: I ":" I'll

1 iel"'"ll

are, lol« You 1 .

inn wlr li u

.. An eh mr:'.

.. .IT IcTl" _.' 'I c

IT,,,., ,,r ere ited.lina




Wi . 17, 1 a. m..A -i"vni ol!.

mow or ral

:ti un tue J

Caul iiiii" I.u

limntiti itli .cl...


ITui'.l SB I I". 1 a. '¦'¦'

little ci'iiti.c in tie.' barometer resterday,exe pi ju*.I.- barometer fell

pat tty eloody weather prevailed. Tha tem]raoged between 57 md 71 be iverag bclnc

-. .-r t .aim nu the eorrBBpoadmg da] -Mt yearaad

my aod clondv weather, with lower temperitem thc a.ty, mai be

ly hut \ iciiiii v to-daj.

CENTRAL PARK OBBBRVATI01I8.f Septet fut 'mg at 1 p. m. OetOter 18,

IUKO.titl inch, ._ Dwrraa*.

*_.<an . .exaMax. (0a.m.. OMin. -ii in '¦: ^m .iain., net. il _tlBan*. '

!"«;_:h- a*Viii.itui* i! - Uer.

ht. 1 J. tun. lr.mi ¦'. .'." a. .ii to 7:20an .-

oe,in i,i).

Tbs Rev. Dr. James J. Behn, sge _dity-nine,inni at Bing am 0 * i born In Pa

tint un ft ..tu..: ' mu. .\. J. ii li la-

been rector e -i. Paul's 1.,'c "i. .i Church al Sing Stagit ht i,

,i,.i"¦!'¦'! nv .ni Tell".-ii iii charity rum hm.ul

Pi mtSBi iii.. Va., (i-t. 16.Captain FrankMarra, ot Byraciwe. > _*., di I at tai Hotelhere i.i

¦¦ rh ofr. Tue re tiitiu.. wit"

h..ui ic Syn- nu.nt.

--.. Oct li...Mr*. .lulu I>. 1'.[oo. 1

El A LL'.-.

[I l, .; 11 !¦ ig ind:n i.mi. ot Bo. 211 baa lui

i,,., proper.] i biscredit rs. Ifr. Dat is a\,,n,., ld O'liii'Ti. tha h nan.:

,1 other L'a Irtea.g_j- ada i a ai ut \, |

ll,.,,-n, mn aboli i t No, 413

v .ir. ta, Baaed bj Judge I. arning got-tla, and for

d iii*, mitta oi Ina i< up, rtyu nb inti ul i" defraud Uii*_ d .I $5,000, which I bed, und

tlie Brm of Moller _.

bi kr*, .ii No. -I V) -ll-neild'om h nt 'I" J vic:,' ¦., !,.r

,.ii prooerty ol Mime*Leoeutbai. abo has hio...'iit sun l_r *, _i,i-co ...i.n




I'I (T.lllATIOSS mOtt ( l.Hll.YM'**. Off VABIOI"!li'.ADK.S Off lilt Bill MANSHIP AH Tl) THK - ti Ks

ny imp it.i-11< ideas.

The *n cs- of what is commonly knowil.'itiiali.sm in the Protest int EpiaOOfa

riiureli lias Leen recently discussed, lieearOSS Bt- AHi.n.'.. Cinircli, in East Forty

Bth-Bt_- which i.-i considered tn Lt:ili exponent of fidvaneed bsllnfs am

rilmili*iie practice*, is siid to lui greatly ird' in. It i* explained that tlie tmnbles midue tn tim Lml situation of the church, am

aie in nn wav arning to tim views ad van m

i>.v its rector te the titus) fallo-tod in itserviei.-. Incitleiital express!ons of npininrfrom various clergymen upoa B-tnallsBi. i.ri aetnl, ;iic given herewith.

TALKS WITH CLEBOTMBN.Stories hiive rc fatly .rep!, out. of laanehtl em¬

il irr.'s-tiuTi'* la Bt, Alban'. parish of the I'rotosfa.ilEpiscopal Church in thia etty, Tale boase of w<a>-h.a is rn Burty-seventb-sU, rear Lezinatoe-evall baa heen saul that main member, had vviiiuliawLom n, and in BoeneQuenee the par-lah waa heavily in debt, As Bt. aMbamia considered liv many as one of t tie representativei. H. itii parishes el the city, tbe fact thata lackot inteiael arni iocreasing f.cM tucs were b

able there baa been takes ic some petsona to munnthat extreme High Chureb praetleaa ire beeomingnnpopular iu New-Tork and that Bitua!Ism la dyingOl!'.

lin* views of several clergymen proaainenl in the"Tal i burch were obtaiuedyeaterdayin regartl

t" the cliliectloll lt I.llllill.slU Willi Si. Miran'*ty, ami in regard eepecially to

tbe pn nie of Bitualiam in tbis country.ll trna unfortunately impossible to timi FatherMorrill or hie ai itaolat *;. Albea'a. Thegeneralopinion se* med to be tii.it Sr. A. im t's. which is sit-nated it proximity to tba Hod on Biver and*. « i irk Central Ballway tracks, bad lost stein*ben aad diminished is Bise and raaaureee oo ae*count ol iiBaighborbood rather than froman] growing ilielike for ita observaucost Antposition thai Bitualiam bolds, u ws

tenn " .,'¦.. ar ni i.-ii differ¬ently understood hy d.ttercnt persona Thi

i. ia laudtbose opposed to inelaboratebowel ci. .cl; cr ar j.j


un. fte -ti.;demand ti thc Church ttiou .ami I

think " s " :. 'mi' m.m* of th' i Ibe factthat 30,000 oopiee of Cburcb League leafleta aad

- nave been ca led for throughout ino Unionaiiuinthe i r*_ la a tinain all great n .nm be it half of the

rement -\. hen taey encounter ina.' oe, and \ real iv and erv ire a

eil, a* wiih abolitioni id. am! it usually ba¦.iii..-. Brat come out. I en ( me a time whenthe cry ceases ami tbe movement mils auietlyoutu a tmal triumph, Bitnaliara i.s m.; au

on. lt. ha* p md Hy through.-. ridicule and pnblic mi

ion, an 'ii'- indii I int ii

bas nearly pnsoed i.e- stage ol riolent argumemami tbat il a ill soon uttain Lc- position "i' ',"i

.'. Ritualism i-- <¦

w i ti ol ii ip, *¦ al prinoiplu well in* called churebmanabip, a id chip,or Bitnali rn, is growing hit! sj.;.

rapid!quietly over the lu!'- ipni i ation

I; m.. n is 1.1.u a jpaper was to i.t the

old bs iii again. Lin. papernsed the old la'ugu ¦_, .''.. mt

Lll-b rn. ieverlasting be mbji cr. Howeverperaoiparty ia al tached the Church than

i tbe daj.' ¦ til i. I hal ls

the )k ic . trained a

the1 in ii :¦ Chnrch. .Now tho

Roi ism, andi _. h--


un" In thia eily tl ot bt. Marj thi Viram

"ll Tl"; ,i.

cutthe railway a< ak ml '.'

mi i ie i-a ireh,lived lol.. ., tin;


.!!_, Till! .. '.I- lt_« tlj)inil- mail

."¦ucl. '. ¦¦ ir I" :¦

Now that fi" p.ir.11, ni.ie and i' Ti.- * ur

.Hi ., _- \it. Noa

.-iii om and lind a lietter si tuabe !.'¦ iMn \ .1 _;ii.

in \\ eal Lon -iii m-t.. wno was lound i" lu en

What i '" he.iT-l.i d. " Ifknow w ii: lu- ".',... [j

d every Kit ial ir".ii the yearthe vmr 18H0. Lu; ii a

boy cells mc a Kitualist he isn! certain ol

i\ cm a lm u*e* a piav. r-boi.¦ li.- is using a ritual. a,

ce certain tonus and obaervaneea taut arcivn: rn lin bO , I hm... I

tl... rei- .I is ihii here, sa ra Rngland,increasing culture and refinement temi to a i ..¦

uni. i". li il " 'I .in- mu .le, "i'.esthetic, hi tho Cuni ii. I is tbroogb, the etitnesHoi ihiuga bal lilia eouies a "ii."Kui I.'" a ¦:-. -." '* Bi -i hard thing to define,t are si mani riifferent understandinga u

.ci rea ly don'l koon ¦.. li a io -:.\. lim Iic en- a be (liaoanraff .!.

mni anon nt no tm lui itu, \ ian's,I oulv kuow tbal ila people intend tu nild a nearcburcb. < md I'd sbon you-I Ur-., er Ul imu ii i a lailui "'¦ not."

tbe church, which is nexi the rec:.tv.r. I,,'i'.i u pointed "in si itne paintings covenns tue

tte chance?. I lu v we e Amie \u Lon*.: ! Mr. Brown ; "ii "-. iii ,t

lock as ii Ku itui sm v. ere .i failure Vup OPINION <."-' th I ii! v. ni:. TTM Jil.

The viewaof tbe Ker. Dr. Stephen H. ryog, jr.,lined.

.. I think tainan ira . -t -t- oi.lv mi the tarlton,* ba-aul. i.t! deep life.

Kaw tak Kt laliatio Cburohea boreny tbe Virgin, aa.I .*-(.

Ignatius. I le -.null and count a com-trifling number nf worshippers,

¦.ii l pidi three int St,ten ' in -e Hii - i* a

all lunns of tlioin_htan l sh; T's ol !. I" represented here. Bo

n i ii mun i.t T-ves and preachaa, and bow*preach it, be will find aotae to lie.ir

mli bim. v\ hen ion a*i-wacii #i Uituulism ison thc incredRw I mm.sc a

i.:. the form

due iothe i '*''. m. rea e

u. ul lui ¦;. nominal io .* sc burch.

latePan-Fresh teri iu < ie Lituri

el id (caiai.' ntretnne ol tba H i

., he breail ano w me ni e aacrament.¦:.'.' tory. On 1 he one lian.Iim ta.ti tbe br rad and arlue

eui Ulai* " ; anti( atholie ii wti ma "i

in- I.' a.i.m ,: bolii i be¬abea tbe prieal i.

I,..- -a. i.ic in an actual ehauga takaa ptaestm.' lc body ie l ">¦ accidentsot tbe I tsalereina:.. * changed.

imprabeusi-B ii tiuiiii.iv between tha wo Li tb

ul ii.e. Lutherans.BBSttBhatailtlBtlBll j that is, thai

the bolly and bloofl nf Christ exist tngrthr-r w>tlithe lu. -ni and wine. Now thu Kirualistie doctrineof the Real I'ri'.enco ia much like theLutheran. Its ndvoeates carefully endenvorto make a distinction between this doc¬trine and the Loman Cat Imli.*. but it is adistinetion without a difference. The sacrament ta

either breed and nins or sea. They «av i? is pius*iiinetliing el*-'.-the hotly and blood of Christ..uniwhee asked tn explain speak of tho -hyper phys-eelllic'f idle.' \uw III) ntl'* UTI lliu'i'.st and th-se eabl o-

ties of langsana, sam tli.nkinii men ara unwillingto aseepi then. Pne doctrine must lal' otitself. Dogmatie Bitualiam is like a weil. Itgrows comparatively iuiiioiie.nl, ami is iolemt**d,wisely I tliuik, hy Hie euiireh "tl .iccouliti'fsignificance and actual barmleaaoeaa Ko. Bit*ualuun eaanat he on tba hieresee, for very little ia-.ii".ii allom it. li |a ,|mif and makes

r. Bishop Seymour bad Ih n claimed aai.ithe Ritualists, an 11 oi flrm ttiou wa* reluaed bim onthat aeeeaat until ha made a written atetseeentthat In bad Doaympathy arith Kinmist u: beliefs."In the present Council ol Bu hop. no n itk

svet baa been taken "i Ritualism.al least notfavorably, and the pastoral leUei ti) it will ba leadat tbe close at tbe nuucil will, a* 1 han;know, tniin s position thal will iii.ic- the church Inuireet, opposition tn K cnal un.'A venerable clergyman, ob of tan host known

lurch ia this city, laid!" 1 think!!here has hedi other muse, the iHU'Ii-.toperating un a; m. AI nan's. Ihe ettaatiuubas b -en unfavorable, and a debt bas been in<*urred.li' re the intention bow is to anil the ehareh.The growl of a rev renti tl feeling, aad tha sreed-Ing out of coarse and vulgar abnaea ia the serri.-e,h.in- led to an increase "t eert lin obeerveaeeo am:forma m tha ebnreta \^! fi ara eo longer lookediil-oo BS startling novelties. At example ¦ t1,

liesa hy a boy cboir. A. they ara eaga#ad in; ii set of worship it is highly propel thal theyshould wear something different from the or¬dinary dress. <>i tba whole I thinkKitaaliam ia nol gaining, though thedoctrine of tbe Real Presence, that ls to say, thaltbe bread and wine a.-'* Bometbing more thea me¬morials. perliap_ finds more believers, rbi

ami exciting talk abonl K'tnallsro has .liedaway, and in the lani tweaty-llve veera 1 thinkthere have i"1 n ew r couyerta to Romanism fromItitua -tic chu..¦!'en than from ineb a ebareb, forexample, aa the Church of tbe Boly Commaoioau*


POBTOV NF.wyo'ti. .Ar.iltVT.i- orr. l'l.-tr ;:!.'.c., '.a ij'Tinr. cai-tiiir lt .Uv., wttii raSsaand aaa.

l.v..I'.' "f Len Inn l'T'n.irn. li nn. i-i r .-. pt H via

ll i-lt I'apiti i"f ll a'T.il M vh!I, Nswrv .;.. ititi-* v .1 li. ia-ar, in ballast to Benham, PickenugACa

V IBEIU HT.i N"n Y t t. 1'!.- trrlT-Sl tl '¦ ii, front .**,. vr

*rr Bennblie, Ironi Kew-.. IIB X i'W V uri- l.t.

i' ul._

Mechanical Orguinette on exhibitionnii'i i" ... v. ,i;cni' tu-. Nc. -*:ii Broads *

that it cannot pi .form, and thi or which th *jarc aol tbe lan tl a

tn ny "f iweot koo *

itrr.ll-1 I tirittor! I.rr.ur*. I US 'latin. 18 LBlj 1. .. pei treal .' t. i.i. tu fl p c.

Is there a footl spcei.iliT ailnjiieit lo Beallah lbs. si a Biala


If IRj.,,|: k ¦ ber i :. ti

lei -tilt hell,i .un! '.

[arti, cnn, nml h.nu !)_. i_r!.- l'.uk.-r. of u..:*

BILIJMAN -"¦by tha

'.'_. ir, I" l.l O. J..I..O.I. I'll.

WILLI " " 'i**r '.4.

.. ri.. :¦' Jennie _*., da ;...

,¦ 'Li-i'tiir. na: bt inLirni w'Uh f*',iml.ur UH i l idre.


riEEEEE\ ii; to ia W anea, ta ta

. Ilrooklyu,I

ii utter a

"T 15, 1 -*

*,.', elk

j. m... tu.

!'.., ry E rt ;.,4-

lll) lill ll. '."!'.l-l. Il

m., ana n '

rlol. "


a-*.' i> in ri in tba.i ll. \. V.

Br V Mi ll.'Il.'D UlIIIIITI'.


lilli 'I,

'. waa !:. ri.'iiini.


tl tl *

c 'i ii .- nt tba

ace, tm

I., ireenwn il by tl.ei

.. Cl I

.i_..i.. faucet.. _..»»-Tiwi g. Kirby ttl Cu.. lactlsweers. - \.»

lii.l'i.AV.>s1 ith -t

ri ill rt*.. ll'Pl.Krt CLOCK mKTB nml. \ I'-n il I. . .l.'.-il

-li \ I. ,. * v ;'. Vi-. !'*.t 1111.1.0 HA T A «,"!' -i'i'.l *.'. \M1 - lc.. Etc.

honsekeeplnu On VI il umist noising ill i)li*__lrotuli, I. bran

r a sta tu ic der i" u *. na_.... Sue carpets, mattressaa *io.,etc-


c rural.I lu *cv .'..I-.- in ,-via>u-4. ami on tlie

,. -nc- mai eil ...¦..._

lull Itt'titiri nt rapitrite.m's Lua-t *-ssrmou la -.iiailsy¦


I ii-.. II** Ice I ..-ti.ii is I .o.TiL.¦ mu ,rt un .it > sr i .i.t. i ci-ci oi famines, t bnr -ii ia iuji-

| ¦¦__m«..-n. ». Lea-Ill tl- Co., taietleaieerB.

VVTT'M.-!'AV vs.. Hil i*|i',V.liT. ll nu.*, '.¦.ttln.i .i it (LINTON HALL, now on eibibl

OK1K.NTAL i.i"- ANH Ul lll.Y I M limn DKIli IiVs! cl" .1 i. V, c. -I. AMI t| li

¦' Ull MAI '. - Ul :. VI VAM.tloru til .n ii>" ll m. (Ired » Filly a otmuo nutl MelleraRU fg, gt | la ¦¦: ,11 c.ilnr.

Henry A. iM.ii.-l* >l. lt.. 114 l.ei.a ",ni ito ii,.*, .".nu it.Tl ,'

.vi;c inly.L'lliuure Unlit Til', (arel. Sarah'! ;r itmt

Dalyortice. : Vesey iL, opp *'. t -i Paul'. hui eh.


'lin' llcl.io_r.ip-iin,- bn c Iel t ur ciTnur tn

_l iii nile... itt'Knit fi" ii-c "i adi* "I iivilu-"-aiiuccs. -iola


.ii inti _4 linn li -I.. Nv.-, ork.

Th4- Dill". iJi-nnlne Vi-hy ;. linn the BpriOCa ll.n.l-riv,-,l cr.'Tl- '¦ allie 1.1 I.

VleBy, ¦. th *;.. i HSttD Bra CaHBtWa '.r.iu.le t.rillo_

YTawtfS .poem 'lim * i-i" "n 'vi esi .... .mc* "'..rilli, -.int p.'tin-in- ii- .a.,

a*p, \,. c aa WILLIAM WINTICB FTUiaaa

fceitgiotiB _\"o.u*c_.1 niiii.il >lem..r!i:l 4 Inr'i.

ni cl 1 j>. iii. tho lu/tii Iiev. !¦ ii- Mnit ci... .-. 1" c. WW jr.-.it iu tu.

linn lllliK

Al Hnrisril Kooma *.. ive-Mnal ,1", ia,i,er 17.

-¦. i i :i. et i.. >ui i. r oPei Bu um." wi ap n

4'alTnry Chi ¦ -.ices atliam unii p. in im-it v i. a. vv ,ti ti k.n. j^. h..ii.il ..Ul. i.i

4 im .el ul .*! t'hrynomtmmI h-stI li,- Kev lir. \. ii n ¦¦ "llt'lfe,

... lc

.:.!"'!'...'¦ ".I. n of l.t.-il Ls.*. Hil.

I tiurcu ul Ital V fhalu. Ban n ni :.¦: '.lcji ot olilu. v*iii


4b:ir i* iii the Ile* vimy Utul.

ll a. m.. ItJ-ilui' .irLis.i p. .ii I..; "\ I

I burrb al .lin I!o)t 4p.i-.ti.-av .. il,.' lc i '."iiiu* a.-r-

IA I'LT.II t. o in an ii"'

t,t il, -. CTlAltl___.v Y. i.O.' -, Ui...liUhUp ol il) '

Religions Notices.4 harrb sf Hie IHviae _"siemiiy 'uti ave., roraer 4_tb

nt., tie Kev ..II HAIMV J. 1) I'nii!-.. rim IU.. I M.ATVV.i. ,D will I'-cvi'i Mofniac aervteSB. ll n't- .vi tren-lng at "i: surnlti .c,ei"i. t IO a m. All ara Hit!:.-I

I burch al tte Helv T_.»lrv. Vt -.linne ave. an.l-.l_i.- Ii' ..ir cf ..'rvtte. 1 .. nv. sod 1 l'l p.m. rh" Itc. Ker ll B.WHIPPLE, I' l» It)*ln>i.ef Vimne-flis. w.ll pr-ich ti thern .ruin.-. The Bal l.r I Y..t..'r.. ile. tor ol thu i*aruh. wlUI'll'" il ||, til'' ll lill.ll

?'..iirth I ailinn f'-inrrli. irhariv...r. If ! il. m. tb- I'v-lsr

«i l praaeh. Knitted Th*. at anti t.'i» I'ermaasaa.11 11 .rit-ii Life " 'Iii" pntille .¦.'.ii.i. V Invited.


New Jenmalrm ( b-rt-U '->«-. .lc.,'.¦>; _i ,n i rh it be¬ti-' -.ti Psi v.. * - KW v Itu.

i- Tel Lok- rte '.'«:in m fit- !¦» ".. ii. ti ire . ol

eu- *ij|. Ilr'-Ttjiv Icu" - Tula-.-a. li.siJ si Mlia*.«n-tel» fee Rtbirul 1 allure 4' i. K lt ant ria


il-tVe ,10'l -I -t .11 -1 S T V : .

ope ii .! a' .o ',, i.i .. it .ii ;, ,, ,¦,, it a latsreaUMl are la-be SM -.U'I Ti'lispesa-

slile Ret i"¦_The Kev l.etirge *4 Canaet.I st J ha's, I-mi.-b

Ih Tit uno ii* t,.'ini:nt(. _.l ti c it uri |j ut.T._IIV ")' III *t.. .l*t "I .il 1 ..

The Kev. Knn-Little, "f M im in-i. r .,

s \ l> V Y 1. v I- *. n tu-rii er IT ri -¦

I'll'lsoil St, .'1.|H.*lt.' lir.V' I ,v- v.ll !. li, 1. i. V 'f


Tbe Kev tl I iKiitx-Liflle H t*r ut - e.

M.tni le ut t.on i nie Cbnreb-. ..nh st.. in-... ..i larnaoratag

at n T.i'i..

Political Xftttctf.-_.mp._iar- l.q-.pmriii. sf sii kluilt ii. I' percent r. las-


_li Tl'-' *- V.

llslly.ronna s

-"...KFM.l.l. AB xs (CCUi vv B~*T .'-

-hay EV SUI 50, ni IMIF.U. l

<H \ A N_W IN <,- .M.c )t IKwn.L vi D-UBSB m '. 'i I ri BU

.; I. SKTMOUB, PraaSBBBaTa Kt-p-bltt-.n (inls

CAWrAlOrt ii MT illTill" I.F.W Vi JBK rKlBC.NK lisa -si I in th* for-n sf

Ita l-l iil.t; '.I ..Iwlitc'i sit of ..¦¦: rsiilt Ona

Na *>:i The Iliac I. atBepudlati ¦ mowina rs el

ttl... il - *

6 chu a.. n ii ii rei! +| nThe I-niau.-.' i'runer.

The A B O af e .Bra t .<.

_lc-'!".c '.'ll III 111 ,.

I'.j.'io. -.> the I I.t. i r «eSy.

Mrs. Imob. I'm bm-ttrsd. aa i-r

tii.ui*So. UV The Life or ("jrBel I.

t'uni limns -iii-t'i-.I arith.in IS- vv u.

"Esrtl-r J -nm ry, a -kent rf- et te r<.,:.

i(__ Ll 1 UlOUSSIllt.

di. The Tern Parties.I Pot il hm

II_v -it -

s.. 09 ii <" "'i* ' 'c ri

.oatram ali

No. ts-. BrlB-lSler* t ....ernsaat.

. .

-i I' | > J» ;rtli.ll*.

NA li!-, t aa the Norlb A Bur I lt.

' - .iTUT.

\», 7 I. i'l-oli-iT' t! Ill.i.l-ti v

n.ii ii rum *i et l|i bv (.< lard ,¦.


**it>. J".. Hr 1.4.,:t.*. -peera.Tin Ailmil a. i.i- with tbe ITli t un ll ji ."tnt ,oti ol the (ires .T M.

"i me ,t in.'- prom

NEW D - ; SD \ KW EDITIONS| /.1 la-.-.. / C

' I .'.

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Tlirtinr'i Sat em

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Tits '.i.iti! ia Papers, , -ior oli.i

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Homictlc North neil KoBtl i

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JOH*-, WILCI -.>*.-i.i \'ti»e-pl»ee

Kii«Uiii» Seven Lu.nps ol Arc'.iiteciure .soar rauUicrla,lt.

i.askiri's llorl.-ri I'nTilers. '. i .« ">_.pille '.ITU Sll tic IC I till WOail ..«1 I

II ii tiil.l Viiierii'.io lltaitc ( t ,,..,-'¦ '. . Btmaatsui -IK -tl sud a

4-Ktlft.l.l. I* Pl I * l 'I '*"* 1*4 **

I ii Vb.ivell lim. lor H.iiitf Ceailins Form na Vol w iii'n fat-

lad 'in i) '.ul'. i iou;.;r; m. BLTue Mani liny th Ttiwi Ky J..hi Hal.1). rt. n. Wita

P.trtauul. l)!t! unit **...». By Oswald 1 iwfarS, ucuva,».ti :n .;i* Budina fa io.

J l II..-> M. 4l«*4.l)OII J_ 4 ().\rvr and 4ll4i. '. Val.uiioo; Ver.i I.) Joan AtM.nj.tiM.

_ivtni)uii».iiiroitte A ul hoi*. Itonaehtiid friend., (..cl Con*.

pauv. .1.1. .1 ..V . alura lt..l-.eljri _llll>, fi e.'CU.


I Iv Tl Mi A. ll)I ll Oe v-sf-

JoTn IMouahiriTiii a 1'i.nires. Sf T-:"ir..-!,. :t <|ii_lal.-ma

Stamnd trna Stwnmtt Rp BaeSaa SSeaasaFrou,Io laVOaSBB By mis.m. li. (calal.

Tiie ilet mila Br KlaaaaS*) ISi

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,\ Day ol'! nie B*fS_ I', ll"- t.j,UUaC

illA.ti.I.** -4 itiCM-.r-i *.;»»4*4.7 lil sail * I i It.-iiltviv

The lirantli-.l'iic. v - ai ..irrsVV. Bilk " * "ll I' "II! Cl

Ai-mit Llle io Kassia. I'A UsatSB-Bt l'.V. t.i u«. V. H. A.Its ... -

A Jail v Krllow.hip. liv r_.i. li ."loeKton. sat.ur ,atiteiL i vol., li ino, txiiii c.oLii,

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l.t.liCI.K W.I \ltl.f.TON eV l'f|.Ha I: .ou--tiu_ri-. *4. Y

The Lil';* ol **>arib I'-ershiirtll .n. 30

BsaaSM¦'. Triamnh. I >n |1 JO.j.tilt in the j .in/in- i.< i' Bapaaaa si .-

*»ub l.ti-.-i " !.¦. Il.e«l tin-s "tVTi-tnu liv M iv a- ci t'temta*;.JoTu ssaiur, i - ..'!.. cntS.

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While Wins*. IV William ila... :o,ci.,.

(H>i t ii hv (he --ea Uv BU BBB* MM VV |..i. ,r *. v ceata'.- Tu Ho- I'niiera. UV Charlea Di, _.nv lilt.ula.

Weinutiiii in* i.e.. *sidsey **ni'»lt(.nen- RBI irv ni he .*.n_li,h People. (onipleWta

i \., * a ¦''¦. ';.( Uairrh lim!'lm* ll latOl 0.lui. is

tin .tdd! i mem- Uv

New Colorado uuJ ibe Mania Pe Trail. By A. A.Have*, jr..'. vi || miiai.-.l .it

A tear ol Vi'reek. * trie al .rv lir s vi.tiru. Vimo,cl,tl li t! i'.i r "i .'eula.

The lisliuu Principia. ITr: v Ir-iltillin I'miraa.1 alitalia!. D^ieilua ucl Kxerc «e ll't.i.. wltb

\ ... .Ttii-ri. .' Itc Lau "' Dr. vv .iain siuiti, a IT ui.iptaLaS-M-" .-" ..".ii j ce ula.

K()ll-.KI*-4 BKIH.B-saeaaj

VI-asrieO'lrhlBv'', Diary nnd Letters. lit»T »y *_w*aSI \\ ., |C|T. ..1 1 VII" i.'lll'i. iTolll. SI. 1

l Ue title al l.ue. _i. Uia suUmr 4*4 ** l-xi aiyx .1 ¦.laisa."1 .IUS, t 1-1.1, ia-