This image of Tyler the Creator was featured in NME magazine. I feel this illustrates not only The artists’ personality but also the personality of NME magazine. Nme magazine is almost infamous for their humorous approach towards artists and music. This is shown in this picture as the artist is wearing comical clothing and swearing at the reader/photographer. Music Magazine Photo Analysis

Music Magazine Photography Analysis

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Page 1: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This image of Tyler the Creator was featured in NME magazine. I feel this

illustrates not only The artists’ personality but also the personality of NME

magazine. Nme magazine is almost infamous for their humorous approach towards artists and music. This is shown in this picture as the

artist is wearing comical clothing and swearing at the


Music Magazine Photo Analysis

Page 2: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This image was also featured in NME Magazine. It further proves NME

know what their readers are interested in and are able to show the artist

in a way that suits them and how they are seen by their fans. This image

of M.I.A. shows a playful yet dangerous side to her to compliment her

controversial approach to her music- i.e. Born Free Music Video.

Page 3: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This image was shown in a later edition of Classic Rock Magazine. This

image of The Ramones playing on stage really shows the difference in

concerts in comparison to the present. It also shows Classic Rock know

how to appeal to their demographic as they include images their

audience could possibly relate to.

Page 4: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This image was taken from photographer Matt Richardson who was

voted Highly Commended in the NME Music Photography Awards 2010,

and is shortlisted to win the NME Music Photography Awards 2012. This

photo summarizes the life of a festival and I therefore think it’s very

important to include an image like this. It shows people having fun,

warm weather and enthusiasm from the crowd.

Page 5: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

Again a theme running throughout the images I have chosen is the

ability of the photographer to summarize or characterize the artists

through the one image. This can be said about the White Stripes as they are wearing their signature colours and show them in a ‘quirky’

condition, often unusual or abstract. This is something the band is

infamously well known for.

Page 6: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

These two images of Lana Del Rey

featured in Q magazine were released

during her debut as an artist. These

images helped to create her persona as a

damaged, innocent person, often related

to ‘the American dream.’ This is shown

mostly through the images to the right as

she is shown wearing a white night gown

and tiara to suggest maybe prom queen?

But with the addition of blood on her

forehead to promote this idea of having a

darker side. This is also done in the image

above as it uses dark lighting which makes

her seem seductive.

Page 7: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This is an image of Iggy Pop included in NME Magazine, photographer

by Andy Willsher. I feel this image summarizes Iggy Pop as it shows him doing what he does best, performing on stage in front of an audience. I

also think this image is particularly powerful as it uses monotone

colouring which makes it feel more simplistic.

Page 8: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

This image of David Grohl was featured on the Classic Rock Magazine Website. It

was included within the article: ‘Grohl returns to QOTSA for new album’ in realtion

to his previous role in Queens Of The Stone Age. It shows him holding his drum

sticks which is out of the ordinary as he is now best well known for his lead guitar

and vocals in Foo Fighters. With a plain background it allows the reader to focus

on the artist as apposed to being distracted by colourful backgrounds.

Page 9: Music Magazine Photography Analysis

Finally, this is a very famous

issue of NME magazine as it

was a front cover released

soon after the death of Amy

Whinehouse. This iconic

image is so powerful as it

shows Amy Whinehouse as

simplistic, honest and

innocent in relation to her

portrayal through the

media. It’s also such a

beautiful image as it shows

her with a smile on her face

and in black and white. The

black background also

adds drama to the image

as the cover is about her

and her only as an artist and

as an icon dearly missed. It

suggests nothing should

distract from the image of


Tamaki Flynn